RECORD OF ANALYSIS – Mechanic Motor Vehicle (4 semester) Learning outcome Comment Level-3 Level-4 Level-5 GENERIC OUTCOME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Recognize & comply safe working environment regulation and housekeeping. practices, Trainees will acquire knowledge of the safe working practices, environment regulation and housekeeping and will be responsible for implementation in his own work. Work in a team, understand and practice soft skills, Trainee will acquire the knowledge of languages and will be technical English to communicate with required able to communicate written or oral with required clarity clarity. and practice in day to day work. Demonstrate knowledge of concept and principles of Trainee will be able to do basic mathematical calculations basic arithmetic, algebraic, trigonometric, and statistics viz., arithmetic, algebraic, trigonometric and statistical and and apply knowledge of specific area to perform apply in practical applications. practical operations. Understand and explain basic science in the field of Trainees will have understanding of factual knowledge on study including friction, simple machine and heat and basic science in the related field and apply in day to day temperature. work. Read and apply engineering drawing for different application in the field of work. Understand and explain the concept in productivity, quality tools, and labour welfare legislation and apply such in day to day work to improve productivity & quality. Explain energy conservation, global warming and pollution and contribute in day to day work by optimally using available resources. Explain personnel finance, entrepreneurship and manage/organize related task in day to day work for Trainees will gain factual knowledge of engineering drawing and apply in different application. i) Trainees will have understanding of factual knowledge of productivity, quality tools and labour welfare legislation and apply to enhance productivity. ii) The trainees will have basic understanding of social, political & natural environment. iii) The trainees will have responsibility for own work and learning. i) Trainees will have understanding of concept of energy conservation, global warming and pollution. ii) The trainees will have basic understanding of social, political & natural environment. iii) The trainees will have responsibility for own work and learning. i) Trainees will have understanding of factual knowledge of personal finance, entrepreneurship. Learning outcome personal & societal growth. 9. Understand and apply basic computer working, basic operating system and uses internet services to get accustomed & take benefit of IT developments in the industry. Comment ii) The trainees will have understanding to manage personal finance and further growth to be an entrepreneur. i) Trainees will have understanding of concept of computer working & internet application and apply in day to day work. ii) The trainees will have responsibility for own work and learning. Level-3 Level-4 Level-5 SPCIFIC OUTCOME 10. Ascertain and select measuring instrument and measure dimension of components and evaluate for accuracy. 11. 12. Identify and use proper fasteners. Perform sheet metal operations and pipe joints. Trainees will be to state the working principle of Measuring Instruments and special tools required for auto workshop Trainees will able to select. Care and use of measuring instrument Trainees will refer the measured value with workshop manual with quality concepts and proper safety without help. Take decision on whether to replace or not. Trainees will able to describe the purpose, use of auto hand tools list the safety rules for hand tools Select the correct tool for the job. Trainees will able to apply cognitive and practical skills to complete the task of sheet metal operation and pie joints which involves different skill level from simple to complex state the uses of straight and bent snips state the features and use of lever shears State the uses of circle cutting machines. Calculate the required length of metal for bending. use hand shear to cut sheet use hammer to straighten the job Learning outcome 13. 14. Comment use crimping tool to make a circuit joint use a chisel for cutting a component. Trace /troubleshoot different wiring circuits in vehicle Trainees will able to do as per procedure and safety and prepare different electrical joints. methods in electrical circuit connection State the method of soldering the cable ends using an electric soldering iron. explain the connection of an ammeter, voltmeter, ohmmeter in a circuit trouble shooting explain the maintenance of meters state open & short electric circuit state series circuits & parallel circuits Trainees will able to take corrective action based on the trouble shooting of electrical wiring circuits as form DC series circuits and verify its characteristics form DC parallel circuits and verify its characteristics. find out the open and short circuits in the lighting circuit measure resistance using rheostat verify Ohm's law experimentally Test the voltage drop test in the auto electrical system by using multimeter. Trace the auto electrical components by using vehicle wiring circuits. Check the condition of the solenoid switch in the starting system. determine the forward to reverse resistance ratio of diodes Identify good/bad diodes. Service and test battery for proper functioning. Trainees will able to apply cognitive and practical skills to complete the task of battery testing and maintenance explain the principle construction of a lead acid battery Level-3 Level-4 Level-5 Learning outcome Comment 15. Demonstrate practical skill involved in producing different weld joints. 16. Demonstrate practical skill by using appropriate tools for different metal cutting operation to produce finished components and check for accuracy without any assistance. explain the chemical action during discharging and charging explain the procedure of maintenance of a battery explain testing of a battery. Trainees will be able to solve problems by selecting and applying basic methods, tools, materials and information to test the battery with a hydrometer test the battery with a volt meter check the causes of parasitic draw of battery rectify the parasitic draw start the engine by using jumper wires. Trainees will be state the principles, process of different welding process applicable to automobile industry State the effects of different arc lengths. Describe the edge preparation for butt and fillet welds. state the principle of acetylene gas generation Trainees will able to apply cognitive and practical skills to complete the task of Weld straight line beads on MS plate in flat position Fillet weld ‘T’ joint Fillet weld lap joint on MS plate in flat position Butt weld in open square butt joint MS plate 5mm in flat position Fusion run without and with filler rod Trainees will be able to follow the procedure of different cutting angles of a chisel State the effect of rake and clearance angles. Trainees will able to apply cognitive and practical skills to complete the task To develop a rectangular tray by the parallel line method Level-3 Level-4 Level-5 Learning outcome Comment 17. 18. 19. Level-3 Level-4 Level-5 To file surfaces flat and parallel within +/- 2 mm Plan and organize the work in familiar predictable / Trainees will able to routine environment for different maintenance of demonstrate safe handling of lifting equipments vehicle parts and accessories. do the periodic testing of lifting equipments dispose the used engine oil carryout the safety measures in disposal. calculate the amount of energy that is required in the ITI premises on day to day basis. perform different way of energy conservation. Dismantle and assemble of engine components of MPFI Trainees will be to acquire the knowledge and CRDI System and check for performance. (Petrol of facts, principles, process and general concepts, in a field and Diesel) of Engine components and to apply cognitive and practical skills to complete the task of remove accessories fitted to the engine prior to the engine removal align the left hook of the crane with engine lifting bracket remove the engine mountings Remove the engine from the vehicle. mount the engine on the vehicle align and fit the gearbox to the engine refit the accessories to the engine Overhaul of Light Vehicle /Heavy vehicle chassis Trainees will be to acquire the knowledge system include wheels and tyres of facts, principles, process and general concepts, in Overhaul of Light Vehicle /Heavy vehicle chassis system including steering, suspension and braking system wheels and tyres and to apply cognitive and practical skills to complete the task of adhering to the specifications and tolerances for the vehicle and following: a. the manufacturer’s approved overhauling methods b. Standard repair methods c. health and safety requirements. d. workplace procedures Learning outcome Comment Range: Transmission system & wheel, Tyre a. Gear box b. Single plate clutch assembly c. Diaphragm clutch assembly d. Constant mesh Gear box e. synchromesh gear box f. Gear linkages g. Propeller shaft h. Universal Slip Joint i. Rear axle assembly j. Differential assembly k. Wheel balancing l. Wheel allignment 20. Level-3 Level-4 Level-5 Steering/Brake a) b) c) d) Shackle Leaf spring Front axle Front and rear suspension e) Steering Gearboxworm and roller type f) Steering GearboxReticulating ball type g) Master cylinder h) Tandem Master cylinder i) Front and rear brake j) Wheel cylinder k) Vacuum booster l) Air servo unit m) Air tank (reservoir) n) Brake valve o) Hand/parking brake p) Single brake chamber q) Slack adjuster r) Disc brake Identify parts of cooling and lubrication system of Trainees will be to acquire the knowledge of facts, engine and execute required servicing. principles, process and general concepts, in different type of cooling and lubrication system of engine and to apply cognitive and practical skills to complete the task of overhauling of Radiator, water pump, oil pump, air cleaner Check the engine oil pressure at different Checking &Top up coolant, Draining & Learning outcome Comment refilling coolant, Testing cooling system pressure Testing of thermostat. Cleaning & reverse flushing. Overhauling water pump and refitting. repairs to oil flow pipe lines and unions if necessary. Understand the constructional features and working Trainees will be to acquire the knowledge principles of intake and exhaust systems of vehicle and of facts, principles, process and general concepts, in intake related troubleshooting. and exhaust systems of vehicle and related troubleshooting. and to apply cognitive and practical skills to complete the task of overhauling of manifolds, silencer and tail pipe, air compressor, air exhauster inspect parts of air exhauster, turbo charger from vehicle overhauling of air filter, clean & refit air cooler fuel filter assembly replace filter elements Overhauling of Fuel Injection Pump (F.I.P) Testing of injectors check the injection timing by the spill cut off method Set the fuel injection pump timing. Retrieve, record and clear stored OBD I & II diagnostic trouble codes using a scan tool. Remove and replace EGR valve Use of 4/5 gas analyser and • measure CO, HC, CO2, O2, AFR/NOx. Apply appropriate rule and tools for starting and Trainees will be to acquire the knowledge charging system and diagnose & rectify faults. of facts, principles, process and general concepts, in starting and charging system of Working principle and constructional feature of starter Level-3 Level-4 Level-5 21. 22. Learning outcome 23. 24. 25. Comment motor and alternator Trainees will be to o apply cognitive and practical skills to complete the task of locate the circuit from the alternator to the battery servicing of the starter motor Servicing of e the alternator. test the alternator’s performance Recognize and apply factual knowledge of emission Trainees will be to acquire the knowledge of facts, control system and Bhart/Euro standards as per norms. principles, process and general concepts of Evaporation emission control system(EVAP), Positive crank case ventilation(PCV) Trainees will be to o apply cognitive and practical skills to complete the task of check for vacuum measure the resistance of EVAP canister purge valve By use of scan tool. Disconnect EVAP Canister Inspect EVAP Canister Remove and Replace EVAP Canister. inspect PCV hose inspect PCV Valve check for vacuum clean the PCV valve replace PCV valve. State the importance of Motor vehicle act and rules Trainee will acquire the Knowledge of facts of Motor vehicle act and rules Understand the constructional features and working Trainees will be to o apply cognitive and practical skills to principles of vehicle comfort & safety systems and complete the task to Carryout the diagnostic procedure for diagnose and rectify related faults. the following troubles a) No cooling b) Intermittent cooling c) Insufficient cooling Level-3 Level-4 Level-5 Learning outcome 26. 27. 28. Comment d) Abnormal noise from compressor, magnetic clutch, condenser, evaporator and blower motor e) High pressure gauge-pressure High and low f) Low pressure gauge-pressure High and low g) Wiper and washer no operation, continuous operation, Intermittent operation h) Power window no operation i) Power Door lock no operation j) Immobilizer system and keyless entry no operation k) Trouble(Error indication) in Automatic seat belt system l) Trouble(Error indication) in Air bag system Understand the knowledge of automotive lighting Trainees will be to o apply cognitive and practical skills to system and their troubleshooting. complete the task to Operate and check the function of combination switch and other light switches Read the wiring circuit of lighting of the given vehicle Aligning of Head light Repair/Rectify any other fault Replace the defective bulbs/fuse/faulty wire/electrical or electronic component Diagnose and Troubleshoot MPFI and CRDI Engines Trainees will be to o apply cognitive and practical skills to complete the task to Carryout the diagnostic procedure by reviewing engine technical workshop manual, following the standard diagnostic procedure for. a) Engine Not Starting. b) High Fuel Consumption c) Engine Overheating d) Low Power Generation e) Excessive Oil Consumption f) Low/High Engine Oil Pressure g) Abnormal Engine Noise. Safe Driving practice Trainees will be to o apply cognitive and practical skills to complete the task to Level-3 Level-4 Level-5 Learning outcome Comment Follow the Road safety measures, Traffic rules and statutory regulations Practice in straight Driving Practice in Driving through lanes and curves Practice in Reverse Driving Practice in Overtaking of another vehicle Practice in Driving through sand and wet surface Practice in Parking and Diagonal parking Level-3 Level-4 Level-5