qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwerty uiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasd fghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzx cvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq School health and safety inspection checklist wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyui The areas identified in the attached document are intended to be representative of possible opasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfg areas for consideration during termly inspections of the school environment. They should be adapted to suit each school’s hjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxc individual requirements vbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyui opasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfg hjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxc vbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyui opasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfg hjklzxcvbnmrtyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbn mqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwert yuioasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasd School Health and Safety Inspection Checklist School:_______________________________________ Area inspected:_____________________________ Date inspected:_______________________________ Inspected by: _______________________________ Fire Precautions Fire alarm points tested weekly (call points numbered, different call point each week in rotation) and recorded Manual call points are unobstructed and conspicuous Alarm panel inspected daily Termly fire drill conducted and recorded (occupants able to evacuate to place of safety in a reasonable time <3mins) Fire alarm audible in all areas? Emergency lighting tested monthly (in house) and recorded Emergency lighting inspected daily to ensure indicator light is lit All final exit doors operational, immediately available and unobstructed Doors with electromagnetic locks release on operation of fire alarm or loss of power Areas outside final exit doors to be kept clear Key internal fire doors e.g. cross corridor and stairwell in place and fully closing Current evacuation notices posted in each classroom and fire action notices adjacent to call points Regular checks to ensure that signs are clearly visible Emergency exits/routes clearly signed and unobstructed? Appropriate fire extinguishers in place? Regular monthly inspection of extinguishers to ensure that they Y N N/A Comments/action needed 1 School Health and Safety Inspection Checklist unobstructed, operating instructions are legible, extinguisher faces outwards, not discharged, no obvious damage, seals intact and pressure gauges/indicators intact Boiler room and electrical intakes free of combustible material Fire log book completed First-aid/medication Accident reports checked for trends this term? First-aid boxes in appropriate places and contents maintained, no unapproved content (medicines, etc)? Medicines stored appropriately and in original containers? Expiry dates checked on pupil medication? Prescribed medicines labelled with name of child, dose and frequency of administration? Emergency medication (asthma inhalers, epi-pens, etc) readily available and not locked away? Asbestos Asbestos permit to work system used on every occasion before work is conducted on building fabric All permit to work signed by environmental hazards officer and person undertaking work Any visible damage to the fabric of the building? If yes asbestos log to be checked to establish if it is asbestos containing material Housekeeping Work areas and walkways free from rubbish and obstructions Flooring in good condition and free of slip/trip hazards e.g. no ripped carpets, broken tiles Items stored at height e.g. files, etc are accessible, secure and Y N N/A Comments/actions needed Y N N/A Comments/actions needed Y N N/A Comments/actions needed 2 School Health and Safety Inspection Checklist safe Sufficient storage space available and reasonably tidy, no accumulation of materials in working areas Electrical/Gas Y N N/A Comments/actions needed Tools/equipment Y N N/A Comments/actions needed Are all emergency shut offs accessible, clearly identified and functioning? Have all portable electrical appliances been tested by an EA approved contractor according to relevant timescales Have any personal items of electrical equipment brought into school by staff also been PAT tested? Plugs, switches, sockets, etc in good condition (not broken, cracked or loose, etc) and checked pre-use by staff Leads and cables are not strained or causing trip hazards Fixed electrical equipment e.g. cookers, etc hard wired rather than using plug and socket The use of extension leads is kept to a minimum, not over loaded and not “daisy chained” (note only double insulated/fused extension leads should be used) LPG tanks Clear of weeds, long grass, shrubs, etc for area of 3M around tank Fencing/barriers in place to ensure tank protected and3M separation area maintained Emergency control valves checked for accessibility and operation Are tools and equipment, including ladders, stored securely and out of reach of unauthorised persons? Have power tools e.g. angle grinder, leaf blower, etc been identified on an equipment list which identifies that the 3 School Health and Safety Inspection Checklist manufacturers handbook is available and if there is a significant risk? Handbook provides all information regarding noise and vibration levels, servicing requirements, PPE, guarding required, etc Ladder register and checklist in place and reviewed termly? Is there sufficient access equipment to allow staff members reach high areas safely? Weekly and pre-use minibus checks conducted? Hazardous substances Y N N/A Comments/actions needed Welfare Y N N/A Comments/actions needed Inventory of all chemicals including cleaning and maintenance products in place and safety data sheets available for each product identified? From the information on the safety data sheets are there any substances which have a significant risk and which require a COSHH risk assessment? All substances stored out of reach of children or kept secured? All containers clearly marked with label to identify the contents? Drinking water available and taps labelled? Seldom used water outlets identified and flushed through weekly to prevent build up of legionella bacteria? Showers Are all showers being flushed through weekly? Are all shower heads descaled quarterly? 4 School Health and Safety Inspection Checklist Hot water temperatures are controlled (max 43 deg C) in areas where vulnerable pupils may come into contact Water system flushed through after holiday periods? Adequate toilet provision with liquid soap, towels, driers and hot water available? General work environment Y N N/A Comments/actions needed Outdoor areas Y N N/A Comments/actions needed Security/safeguarding Y N N/A Comments/actions needed Adequate space for size of class and activities conducted? Hazard areas (kitchen, labs, and workshops) locked when unsupervised? Lighting adequate for activities taking place? Windows opening onto external walkways, play areas are restricted or barriers in place to prevent pupils running into them? Glazed filmed, safety glazing in vulnerable areas? Is there sufficient equipment to assist with manual handling tasks e.g. trolleys, sack trucks, hoists? Are there adequate storage facilities? Are floors in practical subject areas non-slip and easy to clean? Are doors in good repair? Are floors level and in good repair? Are pathways, walkways stable underfoot and without significant trip hazards e.g. no potholes, no raised or sunken slabs? Has the outdoor play equipment been checked and is it in good condition? Clear signage directing visitors to reception? Gates and perimeter fencing of adequate height and well maintained? 5 School Health and Safety Inspection Checklist Gates locked when school not in use? Clearly defined route between site entrance(s) and reception with access to children avoided where practicable? Are there any unsecured doors which allow immediate access to pupils? Is external lighting adequate? Access to low roofs restricted? Where anti-climb paint is used is this signed? Have fragile roofs been identified, for example, canopies with corrugated plastic sheets or flat roof with Georgian wired skylights? If there are fragile roofs are Caution Fragile Roof signs displayed? Are external storage, waste bins secured and located away from buildings? Any other items Y N N/A Comments/actions needed 6