This is to attest that UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES OF CANADA INC. 7 UNDERWRITERS ROAD TORONTO, ONTARIO M1R 3A9 CANADA Testing Laboratory TL-213 has met the requirements of the IAS Accreditation Criteria for Testing Laboratories (AC89), has demonstrated compliance with ISO/IEC Standard 17025:2005, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories, and has been accredited, commencing August 5, 2016, for the test methods listed in the approved scope of accreditation. (See laboratory’s scope of accreditation for fields of testing and accredited test methods.) This accreditation certificate supersedes any IAS accreditation bearing an earlier effective date. The certificate becomes invalid upon suspension, cancellation or revocation of accreditation. See for current accreditation information, or contact IAS at 562-364-8201. C.P. Ramani, P.E., C.B.O President IAS Accreditation Number Accredited Entity Address Contact Name Telephone Effective Date of Scope FIELDS OF TESTING Fire Testing Mechanical Testing Heating/Cooling TL-213 Underwriters Laboratories of Canada Inc. 7 Underwriters Rd. Toronto, Ontario M1R 3A9 Canada Gunsimar Paintal Regional Manager – Accreditation & Quality International Certification Manager (416) 288-2217 August 5, 2016 METHOD REFERENCE ASTM Standards E84, E119, E152 and E814; 1997 UBC Standards 7-1, 7-2, 7-5 and 8.1; UL Standards 10B, 263, 723, 1479; CAN/ULC-S104, CAN/ULC-S102, CAN/ULC-S102.2, CAN/ULCS109(Except for: Accelerated Weathering, Dry Cleaning Test, Laundering), CAN/ULC-S114), CAN/ULC-S132, CAN/ULC-S508, CAN/ULC-S704(Except Thermal Properties including LTTR), CANULC-S705.1(Except for Thermal Properties (including LTTR) and Gas Emissions, Air Permeability, Open Cell Content, VOC); ULC-S102.3, ULC-S102.4, ULC-S120, ULC-S127, ULC S701(Except Thermal Resistance Measurements and ASTM D2863) and ULCS702(Except Thermal Properties, corrosion resistance, fungi resistance and ASTM D3275) ANSI Z21.47/CSA 2.3, CSA CGA 3.2, CSA CGA-3.4, CGA 3.2 and CSA CGA 5.2 CSA/AM ANSI Z21.47/CSA 2.3, CSA/AM ANSI Z83.8/CSA 2.6, CSA/AM ANSI Z21.17/CSA 2.7, CSA/AM ANSI Z21.11.2, CSA/AM ANSI Z21.84, CSA/AM ANSI Z21.86/CSA 2.32 and CSA/AM ANSI Z21.91; UL 295, UL 307A and UL 307B, UL 795, UL Subject 1370 and ULC/ORD-C627.1; CSA International Requirement 7.94 U.S. CSA International Requirement 4.96 U.S. CSA International Requirement 5.90 U.S., CSA/AM ANSI Z21.50/CSA 2.22, CSA/AM ANSI Z21.60/CSA 2.26 and CSA/AM ANSI Z21.88/CSA 2.33 ULC-S610 CSA 3.8 CSA/AM ANSI Z21.56/CSA 4.7, CSA/AM ANSI Z21.61CSA/AM ANSI Z21.1, CSA/AM ANSI Z21.63/CSA 11.3, CSA/AM ANSI Z21.72/CSA 11.2, CSA/AM ANSI Z21.73/CSA 11.1, CSA/AM ANSI Z83.4/CSA 3.7 and CSA/AM ANSI Z83.7/CSA 2.14, CSA/AM ANSI Z83.19/CSA 2.35, and CSA/AM ANSI Z83.20/CSA 2.34 CSA B140.9.2-10 and CSA B140.9.4-10, CSA CAN1-2.15, CSA CAN1-1.16 and CSA International Requirement 3.90 U.S; Page 2 of 4 TL-213, Underwriters Laboratories of Canada Inc. FIELDS OF TESTING METHOD REFERENCE Heating/Cooling (continued) CSA/AM ANSI Z21.5.1/CSA 7.1, CSA/AM ANSI Z21.10.1/CSA 4.1, CSA/AM ANSI Z21.10.3/CSA 4.3, CSA/AM ANSI Z21.19/CSA 1.4, CSA/AM ANSI Z21.5.2/CSA 7.2, CSA/AM ANSI Z21.42, CSA/AM ANSI Z83.11/CSA 1.8, CSA/AM ANSI Z21.13/CSA 4.9, CSA/AM ANZI Z21.40.1/CGA 2.91, CSA/AM ANSI Z21.57, CSA/AM ANSI Z21.58/CSA 1.6, CSA/AM ANSI Z83.26/CSA 2.37 and CSA/AM ANSI Z21.89/CSA 1.18 - CSA CAN1-3.1 and CGA 2.17; - Physical Tests ULC/ORD-C125 (Except for: Safety Relief), ULC/ORDC144, ULC/ORD-C180 and ULC/ORDC536; CAN/CGA-8.1(Except 1.4.7 and 1.4.9), CAN/ULC-S602, CAN1-8.3 and CGA 6.19 (Except Clause 7.7.2); UL 104, UL 203, UL 228, UL 746A, UL 746E, UL 2034 and UL-2166 CAN/CSA-B 137.0 (Excluding Sections 6.2, 6.5 and 6.6.7), CAN/CSAZ245.1, CAN/CGSB-37.54-95 and CAN4-S543; CAN/ULC-S133, CAN/ULC-S518, CAN/ULC-S519, CAN/ULC-S520, CAN/ULC-S522, CAN/ULC-S532; ULC-C47, ULC-C213 (Except Flexural Test for greater than 4-inch diameter), ULC-C312 (Except Friction Loss for greater than 6-inch diameter), ULC-S511, ULC-S513, ULC-S551, ULC-S631, ULC-C668 ULC 701 (Excluding Sections 6.5 and 6.7) and ULC-C789; ULC/ORD--C228; NFPA 11 (Only Pressure Test, Operating Test, Discharge Test) and NFPA 17A; Analytical tests ASTM C1178M, C1396M, D93, D3350 D3418, D3850, D4066, D4419, D4565, D4591 and D5028; Electrical and Electronic Tests CSA C22.2 No. 110, CSA C22.2 No. 236 CSA 22.2 No. 60950/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1/ IEC 60950-1/UL 60950-1 (Except 2.10.4, 10.4 4.3.13, 4.2.8), CAN/CSA-C22.2 No/60065 IEC60065 (Except Clauses 5.1h, 6.1, 6.2, 7, 8.18, 12.1.2, 12.3, 13.4, 18, CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 601.1 - Supplement No. 1/CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 601.1S1-94 (IEC 601-1, Amendment 1:1991)/Amendment 2:1998/ CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 601.1-M90/IEC 601-1, Amendment 2:1995)/Update No. 2 - CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 601.1-M90 (Except Clauses,, 9.1.7, 9.5.2, 9.6.3, 10.1, 10.4, 11.2, 11.3, 11.6.5, 11.6.7, 15.4.2,, 9.5, G4.3, G4.4, G5.5, Annex G and Annex L) Annex A - Additional for Apparatus with Protection against Splashing Water namely: above IPX4 Annex H - Insulated Winding Wires for Use with interleaved Insulation CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 0.4 Bonding and Grounding of Electrical Equipment (Protective Grounding) Only for: Ground fault integrity up to 30A AC CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 0.5 Threaded Conduit Entries, Only for: Conduit diameters up to 3-inch Nominal Trade Size Page 3 of 4 TL-213, Underwriters Laboratories of Canada Inc. FIELDS OF TESTING Electrical and Electronic Tests (continued) METHOD REFERENCE CSA 22.2 No. 14 (Except Clauses 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.10, 6.11, 6.12, 6.13, 6.14, 6.19, 6.20, 39 and 41) CAN/ULC S533 Egress Door Securing and Releasing Devices UL 38, UL 217, UL 174, UL 268, UL 294, UL 464, UL 521, UL 634, UL 639, UL 603, UL 753, UL 858, UL 864, UL 985, UL 1023, UL 1058 (Restricted to Maintenance portion of the Standard), UL1076, UL 1285, UL 1453,UL 1468, UL 1474, UL 1480, UL 1481, UL 1486, UL1610, UL 1638, UL 1971 and UL 1995; ULC/ORD-C1076, CAN/ULC-S60839-11-1, ULC-S318, ULC/ORD-C529A, ULC/ORD-C539; EN 50131-1, EN 50131-2-2, EN 50131-2-3, EN 50131-2-4, EN 50131-2-5, EN 50131-2-6, EN 50131-2-7-1, EN 50131-2-7-2, EN 50131-2-7-3, EN 50131-2-7-2, EN 50131-2-7-3, EN 50131-2-8, EN 50131-2-8, EN 501313, EN 50131-4 (EN 50131-4, EN 50131-5-3, EN 50131-6 (Excluding Clauses 2, 19, 22,23, 24 and 25) and EN 50131-10 IEC 62599-1, IEC 62642-1, IEC 62642-2-2, IEC 62642-2-3, IEC 62642-24, IEC 62642-2-5, IEC 62642-2-6, IEC 62642-3, IEC 62642-4, IEC 626425-3, IEC 62642-6, IEC 60839-11-1/ EN 60839-11-1; Electrical including Electronics EN 54-2, EN 54-3, EN 54-4, EN 54-11, EN 54-16, EN 54-17, EN 54-18, EN 54-21, EN 54-21, EN 54-23, EN 54-24, EN 50136-1, EN 50136-2 (Excluding Clauses 2, 19, 22,23, 24 and 25), EN 50136-3, EN 14604, EN 50130-5; ISO 7240-2, ISO 7240-3, ISO 7240-4, ISO 7240-4, ISO 7240-16, ISO 7240-17, ISO 7240-18, ISO 7240-21, ISO 7240-23, ISO 7240-24 TS 50136-4, TS 50136-7, TS 50136-9 IEC 61010-031, IEC 60601-1 Part II, IEC 61010-1 and II, 60601-2-26, 61010-2-30, 61010-2-31, 61010-2-32 and 61010-2-33; CAN/CSA C22.2 No. C22.2 No. 61010-1-04/IEC 61010/UL 61010-1; ISA 82.02.01(Except, 9.2.1, 10.5.3, 11.6, 12.2.1, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5.2, 12.6 and 13.3; CAN/ULC S301, CAN/ULC S303 (except Clause 6.25.2), CAN/ULC S304, CAN/ULC S306, N/ULC-319 (except Clauses 7.21.5 and 7.27.2) CAN/ULC-S503, CAN/ULC-S504, CAN/ULC-S524, CAN/ULC-S528, CAN/ULC-S530, CAN/ULC-S531, CAN/ULC-S536, CAN/ULC-S537, CAN/ULC-S540, CAN/ULC-S541, CAN/ULC-S553, CAN/ULC-S559, ULC S561, ULC-C100, ULC-C193, ULC-C386, ULC-S525, ULC-S526, ULCS527(except Causes 9.2.1, 9.2.2 and 9.26.1), ULC-S545, ULC/ORD-C603, ULC/ORD-C634 and ULC/ORD-C1023 NFPA 12, NFPA 17, NFPA 20 ANSI S1.13 Page 4 of 4 TL-213, Underwriters Laboratories of Canada Inc.