Bay Meadows Elementary Student /Parent Handbook 2012-2013 “A Five Star School” “Winner of The Little Red School Award” “Winner of the Florida School Recognition” “National PTA School of Excellence” 9150 S. Apopka Vineland Road Orlando, FL 32836 Phone: 407-876-7500 FAX: 407-876-7509 OCPS EEO Non-Discrimination Statement The School Board of Orange County, Florida, does not discriminate in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, marital status, disability or any other reason prohibited by law. The Equal Employment Opportunity Supervisor responsible for compliance is Carianne Reggio; the Section 504 Supervisor responsible for compliance is Harriet Brown, Esq.; and the Title IX Supervisor responsible for compliance is Kevin Demer. Each may be contacted at the Educational Leadership Center, 445 W. Amelia Street, Orlando, Florida 32801 (407.317.3200). BAY MEADOWS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1 VISION: Bay Meadows Elementary is a school where all are involved, inspired to learn and encouraged to reach their full potential. MISSION STATEMENT: The MISSION of Bay Meadows Elementary School is to provide a positive cooperative learning environment which stresses academic excellence and high self-esteem by developing each student’s potential, utilizing a curriculum emphasizing problem solving through real life experiences and active parent participation. OCPS STRATEGIC PLAN VISION: To be the top producer of successful students in the nation. MISSION: To lead our students to success with the support and involvement of families and the community. MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Parents, It is my honor to serve as your child’s principal here at Bay Meadows Elementary. I look forward to working closely with you as we support the State, District and Superintendent’s goals for your child’s academic success. I encourage you to become an active member of your child’s education by becoming an ADDitions volunteer. It is my goal to bring my varied years of experiences along with the support of the community to strengthen and continue Bay Meadows academic success and acknowledgement from different organizations as a school of excellence and service. The policies and procedures outlined in this Parent-Student Handbook are designed to ensure the safety of the children and allow for continuous, uninterrupted learning time for all students. I look forward to assisting your family in any way I can to make this a successful year. Sincerely, Pamela Angelo Principal 2 ADDITIONS PROGRAM ADDition volunteers are active at Bay Meadows. Every year we earn the ADDitions Golden School Award for outstanding service. Parents and community members are invited to volunteer their time and talents at our school. Because of liability, children not enrolled at Bay Meadows are not allowed to be in classrooms while parents volunteer with students. Our Additions coordinator would love to help you get involved. Our doors are always open to welcome parent/community involvement. BIRTHDAYS We would like to acknowledge your child’s special day, but district policy does not allow for birthday parties at school. If you would like to send a simple treat to your child’s class on his/her birthday (e.g., cookies, cupcakes, or individual snacks), please leave them at the front office. The treat will be delivered to your child's classroom by a staff member. Your child's teacher will distribute the treat at an appropriate time during the day. Please do not send anything more elaborate than what is listed above as it would be disruptive to the learning environment. Please note that in consultation with the Orange County Health Department and Orange County Public School District's Risk Management Department, we have revised the rules related to students or parents bringing food to school, especially in the classroom. District Policy states: 1. All foods given to students during normal school hours must come from an identifiable source and be presented in a sealed, original container with the manufacturer and all ingredients clearly identified. This OCPS policy establishes a responsible party for the preparation, handling, and transportation of food items. 2. Food prepared in homes may only be given by the parent/guardian to their own son, daughter or dependent and not shared with other students. CLASS PARTIES By Orange County School Board Policy, all classes are permitted to have two (2) parties each year. These are scheduled right before the winter break and at the end of the school year. Also, to protect the feelings of all students, we request that invitations to private parties not be distributed at school. Please note that in consultation with the Orange County Health Department and Orange County Public School District's Risk Management Department, we have revised the rules related to students or parents bringing food to school, especially in the classroom. District Policy states: 1. All foods given to students during normal school hours must come from an identifiable source and be presented in a sealed, original container with the manufacturer and all ingredients clearly identified. This OCPS policy establishes a responsible party for the preparation, handling, and transportation of food items. 2. Food prepared in homes may only be given by the parent/guardian to their own son, daughter or dependent and not shared with other students. 3 CLINIC The school clinic is maintained in order to provide minor first aid. (The PTA provides first aid items for the clinic.) Please do not send your child to school if he/she is sick. Students who become ill at school will be sent to the clinic. If the nature of the illness is such that a student should go home, parents will be notified. Parents will be called to pick up children in case of injury, high temperature or evidence of head lice or other communicable diseases. Students will not be released to anyone except parents or their designated representatives. If your child is to be left in the care of another adult when ill, please leave the phone number with the clinic. In the event of a serious injury, school officials will notify the parents or the family physician. In the event you cannot be reached, your child will be transported to an emergency room if deemed appropriate. Please note: It is important that we have current contact information, such as home, business and emergency phone numbers! COMMUNICATION At Bay Meadows we strive to insure that all parents/students are well informed: Communication includes emails, phone calls, newsletters, weblogs, etc. Each student should print a copy of the OCPS Code of Student Conduct from the OCPS district website. Parents and students will receive a Notice Regarding Code of Student Conduct to sign and return to the school. Notices and reminders will come home with your child as needed. Lunch menus available at KoalaGram Newsletters will be published every nine weeks and available in the front office and can be accessed via the school’s website. The KoalaGram Newsletter contains current information on school activities, including PTA, SAC and PLC information. To access staff/faculty voice mail, dial 407-876-7500 and enter extension. Teacher email and websites will be checked and updated regularly. The KOALA NEWS is broadcast live each morning from the media center. Connect Orange Phone System from the Principal regarding school and district information. For more information, refer to the Bay Meadows website: Arrival Procedures For students’ safety, a new security system has been installed ensuring the perimeter doors are locked during the school day. An electronic sensor on the interior door leading from the front office to the main hallways will allow entrance. Please see Mrs. Joffe or Mrs. Prior in the front office for your name tag and any questions. Kindergarten-3rd grade car riders are to enter in the 500 building. Adults and Safety Patrols will assist the younger students from the car, assist them to class, and have them seated outside their classroom to be supervised until the school day begins. 4th and 5th grade students should be dropped off at the 700 building. If you prefer to walk your child to school, please use crosswalks and park only in designated areas. To sign in as a visitor, an Additions volunteer or for a parent conference, first drop your child off at regular arrival area, then sign in at the office and pick up a badge or visitor sticker. 4 CURRICULUM Reading, math, writing, language arts, social studies and science are the core of our curriculum, but that is just the beginning of our well rounded learning experience. We are a cooperative learning school where individuals share, help, encourage and support each other’s efforts to achieve and be productive. Each child also participates in a well-organized and highly motivating program of art, music and physical education. Our media center is always available for students to check out books or do research. Our computer laboratory, publishing center, science and math labs all help bring learning alive for our students. DISMISSAL The close of the school day is an important part of your student’s academic experience. At this time children receive homework, reminders and important instructions from the teacher. Therefore, students will not be called to the office for dismissal after 2:55 p.m. (1:55 p.m. on Wednesdays.) If a student needs to leave school before dismissal at 3:15 (2:15 on Wednesdays) for an appointment, please make arrangements to pick them up prior to 2:55 p.m. (1:55 p.m. on Wednesday) Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Bus Transportation: All K-1 bus riders will be escorted to the buses. Students will be tagged with how they go home on the first day of school to ensure they get on the correct bus at dismissal. Please help your child memorize his/her bus number. Students are expected to have appropriate behavior on the bus. For more information about your child’s bus route and stop, go to “Find a Bus” on Car Riders: Car riders will be picked up in front of Building 5. Please line cars up in a single file. Print your last name in big letters on the paper provided and place on dash on passenger side. Any changes in the way your child normally goes home MUST be in the form of a written request addressed to your child’s teacher. If it is an emergency change, please contact the front office before 2:00, if possible. Extended Day: All students enrolled in the Extended Day Program will be escorted to a supervised extended day room after school. For more information about Bay Meadows Extended Day program, contact Shirley Sellers, Extended Day Coordinator, at 407-876-7504. Walkers/Bike Riders: You must have a rainy day plan for your child if he/she is a walker or bike rider. *Transportation changes will not be taken over the phone – only in written form. **Please make sure your child and your child’s teacher understand where he/she should go after school on the first day for a smooth and safe dismissal. 5 DRESS CODE The dress and appearance of Bay Meadows Elementary students contributes to the health and safety of the individual, promotes a positive educational environment, and will not disrupt the educational activities and processes. Note: The principal/designee has the authority to make the final determination as to the appropriate dress of any student. According to Orange County Public School policy, clothes shall be worn as they are designed – suspenders over the shoulders, pants secured at the waist, belts buckled, undergarments covered, etc. Although not all inclusive, some of the OCPS guidelines for dress code at Bay Meadows Elementary are listed below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Always wear appropriate footwear for safety. All shoes must have a backstrap. Cleated shoes, flip flops and Heeleys are not acceptable. Bare midriffs and bare sides shall not be shown. This includes midriffs, tank tops, strapless tops, spaghetti straps, muscle shirts or other revealing shirts. Clothing that is too tight or too revealing, such as bike/exercise shorts, are not considered appropriate attire for school and are not allowed. Hemlines of shorts, dresses and skirts shall be no shorter than mid-thigh. Shoulders must be covered and garments must have sleeves. Use the four finger rule. Garments worn under see through material must meet dress code requirements. Clothing should not display offensive pictures, words, or phrases. This includes any references to drug or alcohol use, acts of a violent nature, racial slurs, sexual innuendoes or gang membership. Visors, hats, caps and sunglasses may only be worn for PE, recess, and other principal approved activities, such as Field Day, World Bazaar, etc. ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Students in grades 1 - 5 who have qualified for the enrichment program, will attend a one day a week pull-out program at Bay Meadows. The enrichment program is designed to help students discover their interests and strengths, promote higher order thinking through critical and creative problem solving activities, and help students become productive and responsible leaders of the future. Please contact Lisa Murray, Staffing Specialist, at 407-876-7500, ext. 2225, for questions about the screening process. For questions about the enrichment program, Mandy Cason, Enrichment, can be reached at ext. 4242. EXTENDED DAY PROGRAM For students enrolled in the program, morning drop-off begins at 7:00 a.m. Evening pickup is no later than 6:00 p.m. A snack will be provided, however your child may bring extra snacks from home. We will have a homework room for all grades, outdoor playtime, games, and computer time. Fees are approved by the School Board of Orange County. All fees are weekly whether the child attends full time or part time. Tuition is due each Wednesday by 6:00 p.m. or can be paid monthly in advance. Cash, checks, and money orders are accepted. Parents can also pay Extended Day fees on School Pay Online (SPO). For further questions, please contact Shirley Sellers in the Extended Day office at 407-876-7504. 6 FIELD TRIPS Field trips are planned at intervals during the school year to enrich and augment studies. Each child will bring home a permission slip to be signed by a parent before the child may participate. Please sign permission slips and return to the child’s teacher. On many field trips, we will need chaperones to help provide assistance. Chaperones MUST have completed the OCPS ADDitions Volunteer Application and the Field Trip Chaperone application at least nine weeks prior to the trip. FIRST DAYS OF SCHOOL It is very important that your child’s teacher know how he/she will go home every day. All Bay Meadows students will receive a backpack tag that indicates their dismissal routine. If your child is a bus rider, it is best if he/she rides the bus the first day so that he/she will be involved in the correct routine. Leave your child cheerfully at the bus door. Remember your own reactions and attitudes will go a long way toward determining how your child feels about school. If you drive your child to school, please drop your child off at the front of the school. Students are not permitted on campus before 8:30 A.M. since there is no supervision (see Supervision of Students), unless he/she is enrolled in the morning Extended Day Program. Extended Day: Children enrolled in the morning Extended Day Program must be taken to the designated area through Building 5 by the car loop area and signed in by the parent. A child must be pre-registered in the Extended Day Program to be able to participate in the program. GUIDANCE AND SOCIAL WORK SERVICES School social workers, school leadership members and personnel work with the school staff in providing families assistance in the prevention or remediation of problems with attendance, behavior, health, adjustment and learning. If a need arises, please contact the staffing specialist, Lisa Murray, ext. 2225. HEAD LICE Please follow these recommendations if you suspect your child might have head lice. 1. Check your child’s head for lice and nits. Nits are small silvery eggs, which are attached to individual hairs close to the scalp. They resemble dandruff, but are very difficult to remove. 2. If you find anything suspicious, check with your family physician or the school clinic attendant. Ordinary shampoo will not kill lice or nits. 3. You should check your child’s head at least once a week. 4. Discourage your children from sharing combs, brushes, hats or other articles that may come in contact with the head or shoulders. If your child is found to have head lice, the school nurse will notify you to pick up your child. Your child must be checked by the nurse prior to being returned to class. 7 HONOR ROLL AND CITIZENSHIP Honor Roll: Students in grades 3, 4 and 5 who meet all the following criteria on their report card: A’s or B’s in Reading, Language, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies; Satisfactory in the four social development areas and in PE, Art, Music and Strings will receive an Honor Roll sticker. Citizenship: Students in grades 3, 4 and 5 who earned “satisfactory” in the four social development areas and who have not received an Honor Roll sticker will receive a Citizenship sticker. OCPS Grading Scale A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 F = 59 & below INTERNET ACCESS Internet access has been established for educational purposes and shall be consistent with the OCPS curriculum and the Sunshine State Standards. Students in intermediate grades are encouraged to purchase a flash drive for internet research projects. Students are expected to follow the rules set forth in the Code of Student Conduct and the law in the use of the Internet. Students who do not comply with the rules will lose their internet access privileges for the remainder of the school year. LOST AND FOUND Please remember to label all backpacks, jackets, and sweaters with your child’s first and last names. If unlabeled property is lost and found on school campus, the item(s) will be taken to a designated lost and found table in the cafeteria. All lost and found items will need to be picked up as soon as possible. LUNCHES A well balanced plate lunch including milk is offered daily beginning the first day of school. If a child brings his/her lunch, he/she may purchase milk. Students are encouraged to make advance payment for lunch. We strongly encourage you to visit: where meals can be prepaid and accounts can be managed online. If paying at school, please send check or money for your child in a sealed envelope clearly marked on the outside with the following information: Child’s First and Last Name, Teacher, Grade, Date, and Amount Enclosed. (Breakfast $1.25, Lunch $1.80) If you enclose cash, please send the correct amount, as making change is a problem. Students are allowed one emergency charge which must be paid back immediately. After the second charge students will be given an alternate lunch. Applications forms for free and reduced lunches can be obtained through the school office. Credit will be given for days missed when paid by the week. Students will not be able to charge for lunch the last three weeks of school. 8 LUNCHROOM RULES AND MANNERS We would like for all students to have an enjoyable time at lunch while being considerate to others. The lunchroom should be a calm, orderly setting. Children are able talk softly to their neighbors and clean up after themselves. Students are expected to follow the instruction of the lunchroom monitors. The following rules apply during lunch and will be posted in the cafeteria: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Follow all directions the first time given. Walk at all times in designated areas only. Talk softly only to people near you at your table. Do not play with or share food with other students. Eat nicely using good manners. Help clean up when finished. Parents are welcome to have lunch with their child either in the garden or the parent patio outside the cafeteria. To alleviate hurt feelings of other children, friends will not be allowed to go to the parent patio with your child. If you bring restaurant/fast food to your child, please plan to stay and eat with him/her. Please note: Restaurant/fast foods may not be taken into the cafeteria. Kindergarten parents wishing to have lunch with their child may do so beginning the second nine weeks. This will give children an opportunity to learn the lunch routine and to adjust to a full day of school. MEDICATION OCPS policy concerning administration of medication by school personnel states: For each prescribed medication, the student’s parent or guardian shall provide to the principal a written statement which shall grant the principal or designee the permission to assist in the administration of each prescribed medication and which shall explain the necessity for the prescribed medication. When there is a change in medication or dosage from that on the original container, the principal or designee shall require new directions from the doctor in addition to the parent authorization. Please read: Students are not permitted to carry or dispense any kind of prescription or nonprescription drugs on campus or at a school related function. If medication is to be given at school, it is the parent’s responsibility to stop by the clinic or office to complete the necessary form when bringing in the medication. A written note must be given by the parent/guardian stating they give permission for the student to take the drug, the dosage and the time(s) it is to be taken. Medication cannot be sent to school with children. All prescribed medication to be administered by school personnel shall be received and stored in the ORIGINAL container, with the original label from the pharmacy showing the student’s name, name of medicine and directions for administration. Release of personal liability: There shall be no liability for civil damages as the result of the administration of such medication where the person administering such medication acts as an ordinary, reasonably, prudent person would have acted under the same/similar circumstances. 9 OFFICE PROCEDURES Attendance: Please notify the office in writing when your child is going to be absent. In order for a student to be counted present, the student would have to be at school for at least half a day. Perfect attendance includes absences and tardies. Students need to attend classes daily and be on time. State law requires that a written excuse is given whenever a student is absent or tardy, not just telling the teacher. Students must check in at the office when arriving late for school to pick up a tardy slip. *Please see additional information in the TARDIES section. The following reasons are excused absences: Illness, injury or other insurmountable condition Illness or death of a member of the student’s immediate family Recognized (or established) religious holidays and/or religious instruction Medical appointments Participation in an approved activity or class of instruction held at another school site Prearranged absences of educational value with the principal’s prior approval Head lice infestation (up to four (4) days during the school year) Catastrophic disasters that significantly impact the life of the student Florida Statute 232.17 requires the school to notify you when your child has accumulated five (5) unexcused absences. If a pattern of unexcused absences should continue, your child will be referred to the school social worker at ten (10) days of unexcused absences for appropriate action. Telephone: The office telephone is for business and emergency calls. Please do not ask your child to call home during the school day. Students are permitted to have a cellphone, however, they must be turned off on school property and must be kept all day in the child’s back pack. This policy also applies to cell phones on the school bus being turned off and kept in the child’s back pack at all times. Please have a clear understanding with your child regarding: His/Her transportation on rainy or inclement days. What to do if lunch money is forgotten. Your policy on him/her going home with playmates. His/Her responsibility to bring needed materials to school. Emergency Information Form: This form will be filled out upon registration. It is important that we have current phone numbers so you can be reached if there is an emergency at school. You must also list all persons who have permission to pick up your child at school. You must supply us with the legal documents that restrict another person from having access to your child. Address Changes: It is important that you notify us immediately of any change of address or telephone number. This will be held confidential at your request. We must have an emergency number to call if you cannot be reached. If you change your place of employment let us know as soon as possible. Written Notes: The teacher cannot accept verbal messages from your child, nor can transportation changes be made over the phone. Please send a note with the message, especially if there is a change 10 in the way your child is to go home. If a written notification is not received, your child will be dismissed per regular dismissal indicated at the time of registration. PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION (PTA) Bay Meadows’ PTA is active and would love your participation. Membership dues are $5.00 a year per family. Three membership levels are also available (bronze, silver and gold) with benefits at each level. The PTA supports many worthwhile projects and activities, such as Donuts with Dad, Muffins with Mom, Fall Festival, Gooey Gooey Story Night, and Movie Night just to name a few. A true partnership exists between our parents and teachers making our PTA a strong and active one. We boast 100% parent and faculty membership. We have been designated a Red Carpet School by the Florida Department of Education for being responsive, accessible and accommodating to families. We are also proud to be a Five Star School, winner of the Florida School Recognition Award and have received the National PTA School of Excellence Award. Teressa Haymaker is our PTA President for 2010-2011. PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES We encourage you to conference with your child’s teacher at least once during the school year. If possible, both parents should attend all conferences. This will keep you informed about your child’s progress and enable you to be more closely involved in classroom activities. Our teachers are involved in classroom planning before school begins and after students leave. If you need to see a teacher, please contact the teacher by leaving a message on their voicemail. You may also contact them via e-mail. We will not interrupt the classroom in order to protect the instruction time unless there is an emergency. When you arrive at the school for a conference, please remember to first stop by the office to obtain a visitor’s pass. There are no exceptions to this policy. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. PARTNERS IN EDUCATION We are partners with a number of area businesses. Our partners support a variety of school and PTA events by providing food, services and financial assistance. Please contact Amy Gael, CRT, at extension 2224 for more information. NOTIFICATION OF STUDENT PROGRESS Report cards are sent home four times a year. Between reporting periods you will receive a mid-quin progress report from the teacher notifying you of areas needing attention. The purpose of the report card is to indicate the instructional level, achievement, work habits and conduct for the grading period. Kindergarten and first grade children do not receive letter grades. Students working below grade level will be given extra assistance and will have their curriculum modified to meet their needs. Modified curriculum will be indicated on the report card. As no written report is all-inclusive, conferences are strongly recommended. Parents may schedule appointments by contacting the student’s teacher. Parents will have access to the online tool ProgressBook that will further enrich home-school communication and notification of student progress throughout the year. 11 SCHOOL BUS TRANSPORTATION School bus transportation will be provided for eligible students. A list of the safety rules and a bus contract will be sent home with every bus rider. Please review the bus contract with your child and return signed bus contract to school dean. Encourage your child to follow directions and respect the bus driver at all times. Using the bus is a privilege. Students who disobey the rules may be suspended from the bus. The OCPS Code of Student Conduct will be strictly enforced to ensure student safety. Neither the bus driver nor the principal may change a bus route or bus stop. The telephone number for transportation is 407-317-3800. SCHOOL HOURS School hours will be from 9:00 A.M. to 3:15 P.M. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Wednesday hours are 9:00 A.M. to 2:15 P.M. It is very important to be on time. If your child is tardy, a tardy slip is required from the office. (If a bus is late, a tardy slip is not required). Unless your child is enrolled in the morning Extended Day Program, please do not drop your child off before 8:30 A.M. Late pick-ups must be signed out at the front office. Please note: The school office opens at 8:00 A.M. and closes at 4:00 P.M. SEVERE WEATHER/RAINY DAY During severe weather situations, Orange County Public Schools must adhere to emergency management procedures. One of these procedures is the implementation of the "30-30 Rule" during dismissal to determine the threat of lightning. Parents must sign the “Parent Pick-Up Letter” at the beginning of the school year indicating they assume responsibility for their child’s safety during severe weather dismissal. The "30-30 Rule" states: 30 Seconds: Count the seconds between seeing lightning and hearing thunder. If this time is less than 30 seconds, lightning is still a potential threat. Seek shelter immediately. 30 Minutes: After hearing the last thunder, wait 30 minutes before leaving shelter. Half of all lightning deaths occur after the storm passes. Stay in a safe area until you are sure the threat has passed. The Principal/designee will determine when the 30/30 Rule or Rainy Day Procedure will be applied. Parents may enter the building and sign out the students under their supervision. SUPERVISION OF STUDENTS Pursuant to Fl. Statute Section 232.25: Orange County Public School Employees are not responsible for supervising students not in attendance at school or students not authorized to participate in school sponsored activities. Orange County Public School Employees are not responsible for supervising students arriving on these premises more than thirty minutes before school sponsored activities begin or students remaining on these premises more than thirty minutes after the end of school sponsored activities. 12 Under no circumstances should parents or guardians rely upon Orange County Public School Employees to supervise students outside the scope of the statute. SCHOOL SAFETY PATROLS School patrols consist of eligible 5th grade students. The function of the patrols is to promote a safe climate on the school walkways and buses during morning and afternoon dismissal. Encourage your child to respect and listen to our school patrols. The school patrol coordinator is Brent Wilmot and can be reached at extension 4228. STANDARDS OF CONDUCT Bay Meadows adheres to the Orange County Code of Student Conduct to help students, parents, and school personnel understand the guidelines for maintaining a safe and orderly learning environment. We have adopted a multi-layer approach to discipline using CHAMPS to provide structure by reinforcing school-wide rules and expectations and Conscious Discipline to provide nurture using brain-based methods to help students be a STAR (Stop, Take a breath, And Relax). Parent workshops will be offered throughout the year to provide information and support with CHAMPS and Conscious Discipline. Staff and students at Bay Meadows will work together to help all students reach their fullest potential. Staff will help students focus on our school-wide Guidelines for Success, which are stated below: Guidelines for Success: Keep a positive attitude Organize and be prepared Appreciate our differences Learn together Aim for success Show your best effort Bay Meadows Elementary students are expected to represent our school well during the school day in the cafeteria, hallways, media center, office, etc., during school assemblies and on school field trips. Assembly Rules and Expectations: 1. 2. 3. 4. Enter quietly prior to performance beginning time. Safely and quickly take a seat. Wait patiently and quietly for the assembly to begin. Applaud at appropriate times with your hands only. Children will not jeer, laugh at a speaker (unless it’s a comedy), or disgrace the school by barking, booing, etc. 5. Leave the assembly safely and quietly. 13 Additions Volunteer Expectations/Chaperone Expectations: VOLUNTEER GUIDELINES VOLUNTEERS MUST MAINTAIN STRICT CONFIDENTIALITY concerning information they see and hear concerning students and staff, including students’ grades, records, and abilities. Volunteers DO NOT discipline students. Please report discipline problems to the teacher. Volunteers must always be supervised when working with students. They may not supervise a classroom or give permission for a student to leave a classroom. These are the teachers’ responsibilities. Volunteers may not give any medication to students. Volunteers do not diagnose student weaknesses and strengths, prescribe activities for students, or evaluate student progress. Volunteers’ discussions with teachers should not interrupt class time. Volunteers are not to bring preschool children into the classroom during instruction time. Volunteers’ comments should not be written on student papers that are to be sent home. Volunteers should not laugh at or belittle student answers, or efforts. Volunteers should contact ONLY school staff members with any concerns regarding students. Volunteers are assigned only to staff members who request their services. Volunteers should set a good example for students by their manner, appearance, and behavior, and should be well-groomed and appropriately dressed. Comparing and criticizing teachers and students is not acceptable volunteer behavior. Volunteers should be in good physical and mental health. Volunteers may not hold informal parent/teacher conferences or leisure conversations with staff members or other volunteers during volunteer time. Volunteers may not conduct personal business at school Volunteers should never touch students in any way that is aggressive, disciplinary or sexual in nature. ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS CHAPERONE GUIDELINES FOR FIELD TRIPS The field trip supervisor must be a faculty member of the institution taking the trip. All chaperones must be at least 21 years of age and a member of the school faculty/staff or a district registered volunteer. Overnight chaperones must assume a 24-hour day responsibility for students from the time they leave until the time they return. The level of student supervision of students while on a field trip is no less than the level of supervision of students required when students are on campus, participating in class, or participating in other school or school board activities. Chaperones are expected to be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct and Discipline, the Civility Policy and shall report all suspected violations to the field trip supervisor immediately. Chaperones may not discipline a student, staff member and another chaperone. Drinking of alcoholic beverages by a chaperone at any time during a field trip is prohibited. Chaperones must actively supervise and keep an accurate check on members assigned to them. Overnight chaperones may not retire until all students are in their rooms, all visiting between rooms has stopped, and the chaperones are sure the students are secure. Gender of the group members shall be considered when assigning chaperones and floor assignments. 14 Chaperones will not be permitted to bring siblings of participating students or other persons on a field trip. Parents or student relatives who are not chaperones or student participants in a field trip will not be permitted to join a field trip at its destination unless they are approved volunteers by OCPS. Such individuals will be assigned a specific group of students in addition to their child/relative to supervise. Chaperones must wear appropriate clothing at all times. Appropriate clothing is defined as being dressed from neck/shoulder area to mid-thigh or knee area. Medical release waivers for each student shall be carried on all field trips. In case of an accident, the medical release waivers shall be presented to the treating physician. A student’s permission slip shall be attached to the student injury incident report which is required with an accident. Chaperones are required to report any illness of students to the field trip supervisor/sponsor immediately. STUDENT RECOGNITION We are proud of our students and their accomplishments. Recognition of student achievement is a high priority at Bay Meadows. We strive to give each child a positive feeling of accomplishment. Principal Awards are given every week and all children earn at least one each year. Every week the names of the Principal Award winners are announced on our Koala News. The Principal then meets the students to present the awards. TARDIES Students arriving at school later than the announced starting time will report to the office to obtain a tardy slip before reporting to class. Students who are often tardy miss the daily directions, morning announcements, and cause classroom interruptions. The Orange County School Board has approved changes regarding Attendance Policy for our school. These changes include receiving tardies for being late. Students will be marked tardy if they are not sitting at their desk and ready to start school when the second bell rings at 9:00 a.m. A tardy will no longer be marked as excused or unexcused. It will simply be a tardy and will appear in the student record as such. Please be advised of this change and keep it in mind when you are making plans for appointments, etc. for your student early in the morning. A parent letter will go home after three tardies in a grading period. After five tardies in a grading period there will be a child study meeting at school with the student’s parents and school personnel. For truancy purposes, five tardies will equal one unexcused absence. 15 TEXTBOOKS All textbooks are on loan to students free of charge. However students/parents will be expected to pay for lost and/or damaged textbooks. Bay Meadows Elementary School-Wide Discipline Plan Rules for All Students 1. Follow directions the first time they are given. 2. Respect all adults and other students by listening, being polite & using good manners. 3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself and respect others’ property. 4. Take pride in our school by keeping it clean inside and out. 5. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Cafeteria Rules 1. Follow all directions the first time given. 2. Walk at all times in designated areas only. 3. Talk softly only to people near you at your table. 4. All food must remain on your plate, not shared with other students. 5. Eat nicely using good manners. 6. Help clean up when finished. Hallway Rules 1. Always walk on the right hand side of the hallways with your hands by your side. 2. Remain quiet at all times in the hallways. 3. If you are walking in the hall without your class, use the buddy system AND a Hall Pass. 4. Always walk in the hallways for your safety. 5. If you are going to the restroom, be sure to wash your hands and throw away trash in the provided trash can before returning to class. Playground Rules 1. Safety comes first. Contact sports, pushing or pulling others off the playground equipment, or playing too rough on the playground are not allowed. 2. Only play in designated areas where proper supervision can occur. 3. Never climb, sit, jump off or stand on top of the playground structure. 4. Always slide down the slide one at a time; never walk or run up the slide. 5. No throwing mulch, rocks, sand, or other objects on the playground. 16 17