The Fox Bay News - My Fox Bay Home Page

The Fox Bay News
Summer 2008
New Fox Bay Board of Directors
Thank You to the Past Board
And Committee Chairpersons
As spring was wrapping up, so too was the
business for the Fox Bay Board of Directors.
Charles Dixon as President, John Coe as Vice
President, Don Frigon as Violations Officer,
Traci Belt as Secretary, and Cathy Pawlowski as
Treasurer and Welcoming Committee, all were
finishing up board business in preparation to
hand over the responsibilities to the new Board
of Directors. On behalf of the entire Fox Bay
community, thank you for your hard work,
time, and effort.
Dick Mudge
(248) 698-2336
Vice President:
Scott Frizzle
(248) 698-4758
Traci Belt
(989) 714-6870
Mindy Ritter
(248) 698-0031
Violations/ Welcoming Committee:
Trina Frizzle
(248) 698-4758
Building Committee Chairperson:
Bill Eggenberger
(248) 698-3587
Lake Committee Chairperson:
Cathy Pawlowski
(248) 698-3614
Important Dates to Remember
Contact Mindy Ritter by phone or email to
update your information in the Fox Bay
Directory by August 5th. See page 4 for details.
Contact Bill Eggenberger by phone or email to
register your boat at the Beach Lot by August
5th. See page 4 for details.
Contact Traci Belt by phone or email to
volunteer to help with children’s events by
August 5th. See page 3 for details.
Beach Lot play dates in August………………..
New Board of Directors, Thank You, Dates to Remember
New Fox Bay Board of Directors
May Meeting, Parties, Volunteers and Play Dates
Boats, Neighborhood Improvements and Future Plans
Article from Cathy Pawlowski and Reminders
Construction Specifications- by request
Fox Bay Association Newsletter
Every Wed. @ 7pm & Sat. @ 11am
End of Summer Party……Sat., Sept 13 @ 5pm
Fall Beach Lot Clean Up…Sat., Oct. 18 @10am
Halloween Party…………..Sat., Oct. 25 @ TBA
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New Board Elected in May
Meeting to elect new officers for Fox Bay Residents
There were many residents present at the May
meeting for the neighborhood. At this meeting,
a new Board of Directors was elected.
Members elected to serve were Dick Mudge as
President, Scott Frizzle as Vice President,
Mindy Ritter as Secretary, and Trina Frizzle as
Violations/Welcoming Committee. Still on the
board from the last election is Traci Belt, who
will continue on the board as the Treasurer.
In order to get to know the board members
better, as they work to serve the entire Fox Bay
neighborhood, board members wrote a short
bio about themselves.
Dick Mudge (Pres.) has lived in Fox Bay with
his wife Pat for 35 years. He is self-employed in
window fashions. Dick was concerned when
he read the last newsletter, which stated that
new board members were being elected, and
that if people did not step forward, an outside
company would need to be hired to handle the
subdivision’s business. Feeling that was not in
the best interests of Fox Bay residents, and
further concerned about the increase in yearly
dues to cover the hiring of the company, Dick
volunteered to step-up and become a board
member. Please feel free to call Dick with any
concerns, ideas, etc. that you may have.
Scott (V.P.) and Trina Frizzle (V./W.C.) have
lived in their home on Allen Lake since 1997.
They have been married for 20 years. They
previously lived in Chicago and Seattle before
returning to their home state of Michigan to
settle down and buy a home. The wellestablished neighborhood of Fox Bay appealed
to them because of the fact that it is deed
restricted. The size and quality of the homes,
the many mature trees and the overall great
care that the neighbors put into their homes and
Fox Bay Association Newsletter
property were the selling points for them. They
are both busy professionals who love to travel.
In their free time they enjoy kayaking,
bicycling, hiking, RVing and traveling on their
Mindy Ritter (Sec.) and her husband, Rob,
have lived in Fox Bay for two years. Both are
teachers in the area and love the quiet beauty
that the neighborhood and its landscapes offer.
One of the major reasons they settled in Fox
Bay was that there was a private park only a
few lots down from their home, and although
they don’t have children yet, they knew that
Fox Bay was the neighborhood where they
would enjoy raising their family. Mindy grew
up just down the road and her family still lives
only a few minutes away. Fond of relaxing
with a good book, scrapbooking, watching
movies, and walking with her husband, she
keeps herself busy when she is not working with
her students as an English teacher, Yearbook
Advisor, and Forensics Coach.
Traci Belt (Treas.) and her family moved to
Fox Bay in April 2005. She is originally from
Saginaw, Michigan. Traci and her husband
Derk have an 18-month old son Tyler, and they
are expecting a baby girl in August. Traci is a
2004 graduate of Northwood University in
Midland, Michigan and received her Masters’
in Accountancy from Oakland University in
Rochester, Michigan in 2006. She is certified
public accountant and works as a bank auditor
for Andrews Hooper & Pavlik P.L.C. (a CPA
firm) in Auburn Hills. Traci is also involved in
the Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce.
Page 2
Many Topics Discussed at
May Meeting
Volunteers Needed
Historically, the children of Fox Bay have had
Halloween, Christmas, and Easter parties.
These celebrations are one of the best ways that
we build a community in which we all know
each other. Many of us made the choice to
move to Fox Bay because of the quiet streets,
the community atmosphere, the Beach Lot park
area, and the faith that this was where we could
be members of an established community.
Proposed budget for the year
Answered general questions
Lien placement
Maintaining vacant lots (foreclosures)
Beach lot upgrades throughout the year
Lake deweeding
Board election
Updating the Directory
Road conditions
We need people in Fox Bay interested in
Stricter enforcement on violations
participating in helping to organize these parties
for the children in the community to call or
email Traci Belt by August 5th. Whether you
are a parent, a retiree, a grandparent, or just
someone who thinks this would be a fun way to
get to know some of the neighbors, please help
make Fox Bay a community where children
grow up with a distinct sense of community and
End of Summer Party
On Saturday, September 13th at 5pm, the
annual end of summer party will be held at the
Beach Lot. Everyone is invited. For adults the
cost is $3 and for children the cost is $1.
Barbequed chicken and hotdogs will be served,
but pop will be available also. We ask that
everyone who comes bring either a side or a
dessert to share. When you RSVP, please let us
know whether you want chicken or hotdogs,
and whether you will be bringing a side or a
dessert. The party is BYOB for adult beverages,
and you should bring your own chairs. S’mores
and a movie will be provided for the kids, and
there will be a bon fire for the adults. We can’t
wait to see you there. Please RSVP by calling
or emailing Mindy Ritter by September 5th so
that we know how many people to plan for.
Fox Bay Association Newsletter
Play Dates for Fox Bay
With many young children and families in the
neighborhood, it has been expressed that it
would be nice for families with younger
children to meet and get to know each other.
To those ends, in August, every Wednesday at
7pm and every Saturday at 11am, there will be
play date times at the Beach Lot for children
and their parents. If you are interested in
coming, there will be some snacks and drinks
available for the kids while they are playing.
Page 3
What’s Been Happening
Around Here…
What’s Being Worked On…
 The Fox Bay Association meeting was
held at Houghton Elementary School
 Sand was added to the beach lot’s beach
 New swings were purchased and put up
at the beach lot
 The annual beach lot clean-up was held
 The subdivision’s annual garage sale
 Lake deweeding occurred
 Tree clean-up in the beach lot and the
Hurondale entrance of Fox Bay from
 Don Frigon is scheduled to put up a
boat rack before the end of August for
boats to be placed throughout the year.
Please tell him thanks when you see
him. He did a GREAT job on the gate.
 A new Fox Bay Directory is in the
works. Please contact Mindy Ritter by
phone or email to update your
information by August 5th.
 A committee of volunteers is being
formed to help plan children’s events.
Please contact Traci Belt by phone or
email by August 5th.
 The “End of Summer Party” at the
Beach Lot on September 13th. Please
RSVP by September 5th.
 Boulders were placed at the Hurondale
entrance and the beach lot
 The Halloween Party is on October 25th.
 Eight violations have been rectified in
Fox Bay since May.
 Registering boats on the Beach Lot to
ensure they are owned by Fox Bay
A special thanks to Fox Bay community
members who have volunteered their time to
make these improvements in our community.
Please contact a board member if you are
interested in helping out with any of these
Boats at the Beach Lot
Fox Bay boat stickers will be provided for free,
but you must contact Bill Eggenberger by
August 5th to let him know you have a boat at
the Beach Lot.
Fox Bay Association Newsletter
Page 4
An Article from Cathy Pawlowski
As I, Cathy Pawlowski, step down from the board, I
would like to pass on a few thoughts to fellow past board
members and my neighbors of Fox Bay.
Reminders continued…
 Fencing, dog runs, or in-ground pools must be
approved by the board (and/or building
committee) PRIOR to the start of any building.
Serving as a board member may seem like a thankless job.
If it is viewed as a way to make a positive impact on our
neighborhood by maintaining its appearances and keeping
it safe then any former board member can feel as though
they made a difference. Besides those on the board, there
are several other people behind the scenes who quietly
volunteer time and energy but may never be recognized. I
have always attempted to name these people in
newsletters but I would like to thank them again for all
their efforts in keeping our aging neighborhood a beautiful
place to live by giving a helping hand; this includes the
people who have organized children’s activities such as
the bike parade and Halloween parties along with those
who clean the park, repair playground equipment, or clear
fallen trees.
 Please remember to pick up after your dog, keep
it on a leash, and keep its tags up-to-date. There
have been concerns about dogs roaming the
neighborhood that are not on a leash and are not
with their owner.
 If you become aware of any new members to our
community, please call Trina Frizzle so she can
welcome them.
 If you are aware of members of our community
The past several years a new challenge arose that required
a lot of time by volunteers to watch over the activity at the
park. The numbers of outsiders grew to number in the
dozens sometimes and the police had to be called many
times. Now that we have the gates installed which make
it impossible for people to park side by side to party the
undesirable activity is almost non-existent. We can feel
secure that our children riding their bikes to the park will
remain safe from strangers.
Now that we have a new and dedicated board in place I
will concentrate my efforts on the lake by remaining the
lake chairperson. The lake will be tested yearly for
bacteria; I will oversee the deweeding, and also send out
regular newsletters to lakefront owners and others who
are interested in the lake and its health.
Thank you to everyone who helped me and other board
members during our time serving on the board.
 If you notice violations, we ask that you speak
with the neighbor and then contact the board.
Violations get discussed at monthly meetings.
 No vehicles are to be parked on property while
inoperable or undergoing repairs. (i.e. up on
jacks, covered with tarps, on blocks, etc.)
who have moved in the last year, please contact
Mindy Ritter so she can update the directory.
 There have been repeated concerns about some
of the drivers in Fox Bay going too fast down the
roads. With no sidewalks, it is important to
drive slowly to ensure the safety of our children
as they ride their bikes, our neighbors as they
walk their dogs, and those of us who are out for
an evening stroll.
 If you need the gates open at the Beach Lot,
please contact one of the board members to have
them unlocked.
 To reserve the Beach Lot for an event, contact
Mindy Ritter.
 All vehicles on property must have valid
license or they will be reported to White Lake
Twp. and a citation will be issued.
 Please remember that we are a deed- restricted
Vehicles in this condition must be stored entirely
within the garage.
Fox Bay Association Newsletter
Page 5
Request From Residents
Due to many questions from Fox Bay residents, below is a copy of the F.B.C.A. Construction
Specifications. Hopefully, it will help answer questions that you may have. Feel free to contact any
board members with questions.
Construction Specifications for Fox Bay Civic Association
1. Ranch constructions shall have a minimum of 1200 Sq/Ft. excluding the garage with a minimum ceiling height of 8
Tri-level and Colonial house construction shall have a minimum of 750 Sq/Ft on the first level.
3. Exterior finish shall consist of a minimum of 75% brick for ranch construction and 100% for Tri-level and Colonial
house construction.
Home additions should match with the existing exterior structural material.
No log, wood panel, composite finish exterior home construction permitted.
No above ground swimming pools allowed; in-ground pools of gunnite or vinyl liner only.
7. No fences allowed except as required by state and township requirements for swimming pool safety. The minimum
of 4 ft. chain link is recommended and to be placed around the immediate pool area and not to exceed the length of the
existing home.
8. No metal sheds, barns, pole barns to be constructed except for approved permanent construction with standard
construction footing that is permanently attached to the existing home structure and conforms to paragraph #4 of this
9. Dog runs are allowed but must be placed behind and next to the owner’s home with decorative shrubs to conceal
the structure from surrounding neighbors view. The base should be of concrete material so that animal waste can be
easily removed to prevent offensive odors to surrounding neighbors.
10. The (3) three part Fox Bay approval form will be completed for the submitted building plan or plans. When they
are approved, they shall be stamped with the F.B.C.A. Approval Stamp and signed and dated by the building committee
chairman and (1) one board member. The top (2) two copies of the approval form and the approved stamped drawing
will be returned to the homeowner or builder. One copy of the approval form and the approved building plan or
structure shall be kept by the building committee to monitor the construction activity. The resident or builder will
submit (1) one copy of the approval form with the approved building plan to the White Lake Township Building
Department to obtain their building permit. No building plan will be approved without the proper approval stamp or
Fox Bay Civic Association
425 Hurondale Drive
White Lake, Mi 48386-2532
Fox Bay Association Newsletter
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