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The U.S. Civil War — Q&A
The U.S. Civil War
Q&A — March 3, 2016
Atchafalaya Bay Box: This box represents the base that would be necessary to invade Brashear City (Brashear City is not an Ocean Port
and cannot be attacked via an Ocean Transport Amphibious Assault).
The CSA player could invade that island but any CSA SPs there would
be OOS because the Union player always has Naval Control over the
space (20.1.3). See also page 38 of the Living Rules.
• Can a force Rally AND activate for movement in the same Action
Phase? --No.
• Can a general Transfer AND activate for movement in the same Action Phase? --No.
Chesapeake Bay Box: Union Generals that have an “E” code may be
placed here when they arrive. Also, any Union General can be Transferred to this box.
5.4 Railroad Gaps: Can you use the reduced rate of Railroad Gaps
during Normal Movement? Even if you don’t control the rail line? -Yes, and yes.
Ft. Monroe: Fort Monroe does not block Naval Control between the
Atlantic Ocean and the Coastal Hexes on the east coast located north
of Hampton and Fort Monroe including the north side of the Hampton hex. Therefore, the Union player can enter and exit Chesapeake
Bay even if he does not control Ft. Monroe. See also page 38 of the
Living Rules.
Forts Philip/Jackson: This Coastal Fort is it in the Western Theater
and is not associated with New Orleans. Movement in an out of the
fort from hex 5015 cost 1 MP, but combat and retreat between these
two locations is considered across an unbridged Navigable River.
Hampton (1349): Due to the very close physical presence of Fort
Monroe to the Virginia Peninsula, for naval purposes treat the east
side of the Hampton hex as a north to south Navigable River between
that hex and Fort Monroe rather than as a Coastal Hex. In both directions, movement along it is considered to be down river. The port of
Hampton only has access to the Coastal areas in the southern part of
the hex. See also page 38 of the living rules.
Hatteras Inlet and Roanoke Island: These start in CSA control in
1861. Provided the normal requirement to build them are met, the
CSA player can build Entrenchments and Forts on the islands. Union
Naval Control is blocked by these Island spaces even if void of CSA
Mobile Bay: Assume Mobile Bay extends into the Swamp hex of 4519.
This allows both Mobile and Blakeley access to the Mobile River without the other interfering.
Pamlico Sound: The only entrance to this area is via Hatteras Inlet.
Ship Island: Starts in CSA control in 1861. The CSA player can transfer SPs to the island via an Amphibious Assault but supply to the Island is blocked by Union Naval Control (20.1.3).
4.1.4 On to Richmond!:
• Does the Union lose the Action Point and SP if they fail to activate
the force or if the force fails to capture a hex as required? --If they fail
to activate the force. Success does not matter.
• Does 1 Union SP attacking a CSA force (in Virginia, Maryland or
Pennsylvania) meet this requirement? --Yes.
5.1 Movement and Stacking: Besides Coastal Forts are there any
stacking limits? -- No.
5.1.2 One Action Per Phase:
• CLARIFICATION: Since there are four Action Phases per turn, the
most any SP, Naval Unit, or General can be activated in a single turn
is four times—once per Action Phase.
• Can a Special Action card be used to activate a stack a second time
in an Action Phase? -- No.
• Can a force Rally and Entrench in the same Action Phase? --Yes. An
entrenchment Action (as opposed to spending 2 MPs to build one) is
spent on the hex, not the units there. See 1st bullet point of 10.1.2.
5.4.2 Rail Movement Bonus: Can SPs moving via rail (10 MPs) use
two of those MPs to entrench? --No.
6.3 Hex Control:
• Do SPs really control a hex if there is no control marker there? --Yes
but once they leave, the hex returns to enemy control.
• Since Entrenchments and Forts can be replaced by Control markers
do they destroy the BP value of a Resource Hex when built? --Yes.
• Is a Fort under construction enough to control a hex? --Yes.
• In a successful attack, when exactly does control of the hex change?
--After the defender’s retreat is completed.
7.3 Command Limit: Can a General defend with more units then the
General would be allowed to move? --Yes.
7.5.3 At Least 1 SP: Can I intentionally leave a General with just a
Militia unit? --No.
7.6 Generals Without SPs:
• Can a general that starts stacked with at least 1 SP be moved without
SPs? --Yes, but make sure he ends his move with at least 1 SP.
• Does a general by himself have a ZOI that affects an enemy LOS or
LOC? --No, it is used only to Avoid Battle and Intercept.
7.7 Cautious Generals: CLARIFICATION: They can be activated
with 2 APs or one Special Action Card.
8.1 Cavalry Generals: Can a Cavalry General use his +2 rating if he is
the only general with a stack of 7+ SPs? --Yes
8.2 Benefits of Cavalry Generals:
• If a cavalry general is stacked with a force that is intercepted, does
the whole force gain the ability to back up a space or does the Cavalry leave the force with its SP? --The entire stack has that ability.
• If the phasing player’s force backs up one hex, what happens to the
intercepting force? Does it stay in the new space or can it back up
too? Does it make any difference if the intercepting side already had
a unit in the hex? --The force that intercepted stays in the hex it moved
to. It does not matter if it already contained friendly units.
• If the phasing player’s force backs up one hex, how much of the intercepting stack actually has to move into the hex? --Any amount,
but the phasing player is allowed to know how many SPs are intercepting before he decides to back up and stop.
• Can a force Avoid Battle while another force intercepts into the
space being entered? --Yes.
• Can a force Avoid Battle after expected reinforcements fail to show
up? --Yes.
• Must all interceptions be conducted before Avoid Battles? --No.
• What happens if a force Intercepts into a hex containing other friendly units, would those units be prohibited from Avoid Battle since
TUSCW Q&A — March 3rd, 2016
The U.S. Civil War — Q&A
you cannot split a stack in an Avoid Battle? --Correct. In this case you
should conduct the Avoid Battle first.
• Can a land force roll to avoid a battle if the attacker is launching an
amphibious assault (after the naval battle is resolved)? --Yes.
9.3 Avoid Battle:
• What happens to Militia if they were in a stack that Avoids Battle?
--They are immediately Displaced.
• What happens to a Fort if the mobile forces in the hex Avoids Battle?
--The attacker has to fight the Fort with its intrinsic 0 SP garrison.
10.1.2 Entrenchments: You may only build an Entrenchment with the
1 Action Point method in a Friendly controlled state. Building with the
2 MP method can be done in any state.
--No. However, Union control of Beaufort also makes the Confederate
controlled Ft. Macon Isolated.
13.5 Lines of Communications:
• Is an SP required to make a Town hex a depot? --No.
• CLARIFICATION: Once a LOC reaches a depot on a railroad or
Navigable River it can be traced like a Supply Line.
• CLARIFICATION: A LOC can be traced to an SP in Full Supply. In
the example below Grant has a LOC to the SP on the Yazoo River.
The SP is acting as a depot there. Grant is in Limited Supply while
the SP on the Yazoo River is in Full Supply (it has River Supply).
10.2.2 Building Forts:
• Is Full Supply necessary to complete a fort? -- No, only to start it.
• If a fort is started in Action Phase 4, is it automatically completed at
the end of action phase 1 of next turn? --Yes.
10.2.5 Captured Forts: If you want to keep a fort after capture, it must
be replaced with one of your own Fort markers.
10.3 Coastal Forts: If a force of 6 SPs in Wilmington were attacked,
could 3 SPs Avoid Battle into the Coastal Fort? --No, you may not split
a stack in an Avoid Battle.
11.2 Battle Resolution: Are SPs that are eliminated in regular combat
Displaced to the theater box? --No, they are eliminated.
11.5.4 Post Battle Movement:
• If I win a battle with less than a 2-1 advantage in SPs, can I still use
my unused MPs to place a control marker or build an Entrenchment
in the battle hex? --No.
• If I win a battle against a force that intercepted me, can I keep moving? --Only if you had a 2-1 advantage in SPs.
11.6.4 Retreats:
• If a Union stack of 6 SPs are defeated in a port with a Coastal Fort,
may they retreat 3 SPs into the fort and have the others surrender?
--No, all retreats across unbridged major rivers or into or out of a
Coastal Fort is prohibited.
• Can you zig-zag during a retreat to end only 1 hex away from the
battle hex? --Only if it is the only way to prevent elimination.
12.2 Demoralized: What if normal SP’s end their move in a demoralized unit’s hex, are they infected? --Yes. Under no circumstances can
some SPs in the hex (or space) be Demoralized and others are not.
13.2.2 Attrition: Does an isolated stack in New Orleans use the +2
DRM for Marsh? --No. The terrain modifiers do not apply to City hexes.
13.2.1 Foraging Markers: Does it still cost +1 MP if I only pick up a
general from a stack with a Foraging marker? --Yes.
13.3.1 Primary Union Supply: Is a Union SP on Roanoke Island able
to trace an LOC if the Hatteras Inlet Box is held by the CSA? --No,
Ocean Supply from Roanoke Island must go out to sea via Hatteras Inlet.
13.3.4 River Supply:
• There are hexes that look like they may be on rivers but we are not
sure. Is a Union force in full supply in hexes 2849 and 4037? --Hexes
2849 and 4037 are eligible for River Supply. Actually, just about every
coastal hex in the Southern States has either a tidal river or anchorage that would justify River Supply, so allow the Union player to use
River Supply along any coastal hex that can trace along the coast to a
friendly port—it may not trace a River Supply Path through the ocean
area that is void of hexes.
• Can Union SPs in Beaufort (3148) get River Supply off the Atlantic
Coast side of the hex if Hatteras and Ft. Macon are CSA controlled?
13.6 Isolation: If a force is not adjacent to any enemy units, can it still
be Isolated? --Yes.
14.2.1 Union Reinforcements: If St. Louis, Missouri is controlled by
the Confederates, is the reinforcement SP that is placed there each GT
(except winter) lost? --Yes.
14.3 Confederate Reinforcements: Can the Confederate player place
reinforcements in Resource Hexes it controls in West Virginia as part
of its up to 2 SP reinforcement placement in Virginia? --Yes.
14.4.5 Inflation: Do you apply the die roll modifiers or use the raw
die roll when determining if inflation hits? —Always use the modified
die roll.
14.5 Confederate War Industry: Can CSA arsenals be placed in the
off map CSA resource hexes? --No.
14.6 The Displaced Box:
• If all Resource hexes within a theater are enemy controlled or not in
full supply, can displaced SPs return to the map? --No.
• When are SPs placed in the Displaced Box? —By Attrition (13.2.2),
Overrun (11.1.2), Militia, and Voluntary removal.
16.2 Theater Codes on Generals: Can generals with a theater code on
their counter move, rail, sail, or transfer to a different theater? —Yes.
The code is just their starting location.
16.3.1 Promotions and Demotions:
• If a leader is in the Displaced Box when promoted, does he still get
promoted at that time? —Yes.
• What happens to McDowell when McClellan gets promoted? --He
remains in play for the rest of the game at his 2-star rank.
16.6 Leader Transfer: When Pemberton is promoted and has a free
transfer on Turn 8, is he limited to moving to Holmes’ location? --No,
he gets a Free Transfer anywhere.
17.1.3 Kentucky: Is Union river movement through the interior of
Kentucky considered an invasion of Kentucky? --Yes.
17.2.2 Border State Militia: How does the USA WV Militia leave the
holding box? --When displaced Militia units return to play. Step C.
TUSCW Q&A — March 3rd, 2016
The U.S. Civil War — Q&A
17.2.3 Eliminated Militia: The 4th bullet of this rule implies that Militia may not be removed to satisfy a step loss, is this true? --Only if
stacked with other friendly SPs, if alone they are removed if they suffer
a step loss.
17.2.4 Union Intrinsic Garrisons:
• 17.2.4 and 17.2.5 seem to contradict each other. --17.2.4 applies only
to Objective Hexes; 17.2.5 applies to any hex in the North.
• If CSA occupies Baltimore at the end of the turn, but is OOS, does
the control marker stay in the hex? --Yes. 17.2.4 and 17.2.5 applies
only to hexes without SPs.
• Can a Special Action Card be used to add a +2 DRM to a land battle
involving an attacker that only has an Intrinsic General (i.e., a leaderless stack)? --Yes.
• Can a Naval Action Card be used to Rally Naval or Land units? -Only Naval Units.
• When using a card for a +2 DRM in battle, do you use the theater
the stack was activated in or in the theater the battle takes place?
--The theater where the battle takes place.
• If a player plays a Special Action Card to take an additional action
during his half of the action round, can he indefinitely do this until
he is out of cards? --Yes. But no SP, Naval Battery, Naval Unit, or
General can move more than once per friendly Action Phase.
20.1 Naval Control
• The CSA has a fort in Columbus KY and a the fort in FT P-J. Does
this makes all of the Mississippi from Columbus to FT P-J controlled by the CSA. --Yes.
• The CSA has a fort at Memphis. Fort PJ is Union controlled. Can
the Union use the Mississippi River below Memphis for full supply?
--Yes, it sounds like the entire Mississippi is a Union river except the
Memphis hex.
20.3.4 Naval Transport: What is the limit of where an Amphibious
Assault originating from DC can reach? --From the River Port of Washington DC, a River Transport or River Amphibious Assault could go as
far south as Norfolk. It can also go up the James River if not blocked.
20.4: Tidal River Paths:
• Can Ocean Transport or an Ocean Amphibious Assault use the Tidal River Paths? --Yes, but the action must still both start and end in an
Ocean Port.
• Can Strategic River Movement be used on a Tidal River Path? --Yes.
• Can Strategic Ocean Movement be used on a Tidal River Path?
--Yes, but it still must both start and end in an Ocean Port.
• Can River Transport be used directly between Proctorville and Pascagoula, or must there be a stop over at Ship Island? Same situation
with River Transport between New Bern and Roanoke Island, must
there be a stop over at Hatteras Inlet? --River Transport is allowed
between those locations and no stop is required at the intermediate
• Can Ocean Transport be used into or out of Biloxi, Pascagoula,
Blakely, or Washington DC? -- No, Ocean Transport is only allowed
between Ocean Ports. These are all River Ports.
• Why are Biloxi, Pascagoula, and Blakeley river ports but are connected by solid Tidal River Paths? To indicate that, in the Advanced
Game, Union Oceangoing Naval Units can reach these ports.
• Can the Confederate player can use River Transport on the Tidal
River Paths that are linked to the Chesapeake Bay Box? --No, see
20.4 and 20.5.5. However, Confederate Naval Units that are not transporting SPs can travel those paths.
20.5 Amphibious Assaults Basic Game
• Do you spend 1 Action Point for Naval Transport plus 1 Special Action Card to conduct an Amphibious Assault? -- No, the card covers
the cost for both.
• Can you explain the difference between an Ocean and a River Amphibious Assault? --An Ocean Amphibious Assault can use the area
of the ocean without hexes, coastal hexes and Tidal River Paths but
must start and end at an Ocean port. You can round Florida in an
Ocean Amphibious Assault. River Amphibious Assaults must start
at a port and may not use the hex-less Ocean area. They may travel
through Tidal River Paths. It may even travel along the coast as long
as there are contiguous coastal hexes to enter.
• Can you conduct an Amphibious Assault between Biloxi and Blakeley (hex 4620)? --No.
• If I make an Amphibious Assault down a river against a non-fortified hex, does the defender get the +1 DRM for river crossing? --No.
21.1 The Free Naval Action:
• Does this mean that both sides get an extra point in addition to the
dice differential rolled, EACH action phase? --Yes, one extra Action
Point per Action Phase (4 per turn) that can ONLY be used for Naval
• May the Confederate player use his Free Naval Action to move a
Naval Battery by Rail Movement or Naval Transport? --No.
21.2.4 Naval Movement:
• Can Naval Units be activated more than once per friendly Action
Phase? --No.
• Can the attacker fight his way through enemy Naval Units on the
way to an Amphibious Assault destination? --Yes, but you cannot bypass ANY enemy Naval Units, Naval Batteries, Forts, Coastal Forts,
Entrenchments or ports that block Naval Control when conducting
an Amphibious Assault even if they have had their Naval Control
trumped (20.1.5).
• If the attacker wins a Naval Battle but did not have a 2-1 advantage,
does he just pick the side of the river that the Naval Units (and SPs
being carried) to park his stack? --The stack of Naval Units (and SPs)
can either stop on one side of the river or the other, or conduct a Naval
• Is Coastal Movement allowed between hex 4717 and Pascagoula?
--Yes, and this type of coastal movement does not have to pass through
Ship Island.
• Does control of Fort Pickens impact any coastal moves? --Fort Pickens is considered inside hex 4722 (Pensacola). Union control of this
Coastal Fort prevents any Confederate naval movement into and out
of the Pensacola hex.
21.4 Naval ZOI and Naval Reactions:
• Are damaged Naval Units allowed to roll for interception? --No, but
they may intercept if stacked with non-damaged NSPs
• Suppose a Naval Unit is in hex 3610 (Columbia). Will its ZOI cover
all 3 river hexsides of 3610, plus hexsides 3510/3511 and 3710/3711?
--Normally YES, since you are allowed to determine which hexside
your ships point to only when necessary. Once an enemy NSP moves
adjacent you will have to decide the precise hexside.
• Can a Naval ZOI trump Naval Control from an enemy Fort or Entrenchment? --No, a ZOI never trumps anything, it only blocks.
21.5 Union Oceangoing Ironclads: Can the Oceangoing Ironclad
strength bonus absorb hits in a Naval Battle? —No
21.6.1 Naval Battles: What happens if a fort is built in a hex containing
a Naval unit, does a naval battle occur immediately? --No, Forts cannot
TUSCW Q&A — March 3rd, 2016
The U.S. Civil War — Q&A
attack. The Naval unit must conduct Mandatory Post Battle Movement
(21.6.9) at the end of the current Player Action Phase. See 21.2.3.
21.6.9 Mandatory Post Battle Movement: If the Union captures a
CSA port by land and a CSA NSP is there, what happens to the NSP after the battle? --It can stay in the hexside. Once the Union player builds
a Fort it will be required to conduct Mandatory Post Battle Movement.
See 21.2.3 and 21.6.9.
21.7 Amphibious Assaults Advanced Game:
• Is a Naval Unit needed to perform an Amphibious attack using the
advanced rules? --No, a Naval Unit is not required for an Amphibious
Assault. If a Naval Battle occurs the Union player can use Gunboats (0NSP).
• How many Amphibious Assaults can that 1 Naval Unit perform in
a single turn? --A Naval Unit can only be activated once per friendly
Action Phase so if the turn has four Action Phases, it can conceivably
conduct four Amphibious Assaults during the turn.
• Can you give me some examples of an Amphibious Assault using no
Naval Units?
--EXAMPLE 1: The Union player has 2 SPs in the Chesapeake Bay
Box. He uses an Action Point (Advanced Game) and moves these 2
SPs by sea to Galveston where they land unopposed. No naval battle
took place, and no land battle took place.
--EXAMPLE 2: Same situation except the Texas Militia is guarding
Galveston in an Entrenchment (0 NSP). First conduct the Naval Battle
where both sides use the 0 column. If the Union player wins the naval
battle he can land the troops and fight a land battle where his 2 Union
SPs use the 2 column, while the CSA player uses the 0 column with a
+2 DRM for the Entrenchment. Since the Union player did not have
at least 1 NSP of Naval Units (he only had 0-NSP Gunboats), he does
not receive the +1 DRM for Naval Support.
• From the Chesapeake Bay Box, could the Union declare a River
Transport Amphibious Assault into say hex 1947 (east of Fredericksburg) yet still support it with ocean-going NSPs? --Yes, that
would be a River Amphibious Assault. Oceangoing NSPs are allowed
all along the coast except into those areas with dashed Tidal Paths.
• Can I activate naval units, move to the target, win the combat, and
then activate a stack of SPs to move to the target for land combat or
Amphibious Assault? —Yes, but it would cost 1 Action Point for each
stack activated.
• If I make an amphibious assault against an EMPTY hex, do I have
to resolve combat against a defense of 0 SP? —No, you are automatically successful. A land battle only takes place if SPs, a Fort or Coastal
Fort is present.
21.11 Gunboats:
• Can an Amphibious Assault led by 0-SP Gunboats/Cottonclads be
*intercepted* by enemy Naval Units? --Yes.
• Can Gunboats be used to conduct an Amphibious Invasion of an
Ocean Port? --Yes.
• Does the Confederate player spend 1 Action Point for Naval Transport plus one “Any” Special Action Card for the Cottonclads? -- No,
the “Any” card covers the cost of both the Amphibious Assault and the
• Can you tell me more about the use of Gunboats and Cottonclads?
--Among other things, Gunboats allow the Union player to sail up
Navigable Rivers like the Sabine, Alabama, and Apalachicola with up
to 3 SPs and even conduct a naval battle (with 0-NSPs). Remember,
you can’t bypass Confederate controlled ports that block Union Naval Control (20.1.4) even if those ports have had their Naval Control
trumped (20.1.5). Cottonclads are a way to surprise the Union player with an invasion at places like Galveston, Ship Island or Roanoke
Island. Remember, Union Control markers in Ocean Ports have an
intrinsic 0-NSP value.
21.12 Special Action Cards in the Advanced Game
• Can a Theatre Special Action Card be used to reposition a Naval
Battery? --Yes.
• Can theater-based special action cards (East, West, TM) be used for
the +2 DRM in a Naval Battle? --No.
22.4 Army Markers: When can the marker be placed? Is it a “free
action” whenever the phasing player decides to “create” an army? Also,
once formed, can the army marker be removed at any time? --The
Army marker can be placed and removed at ANY time--it is a free action. Getting it to the High Morale level has to be earned per 22.5.
22.5.4 Losing High Morale Status: If a demoralized force joins an
army with high morale does it lose its high morale? -- No.
--------------------------------------------------1861 Scenario: At the start of the action phase of turn one, how many
arsenals should the confederate player have? 1 or 2? ANSWER: 1
Campaign Game: Are the 1/2 VPs for each blockade runner point
controlled by the North and 1 VP for each border state resource hex
controlled by the South used in the Campaign Game? --No, those are
for the short scenarios only.
TUSCW Q&A — March 3rd, 2016