OCS Study MMS 93/0031 A Review of the Physical Oceanography of the Cape Hatteras, North Carolina Region Volume I Literature Synthesis Science Applications International Corporation MMS Contract 14-35-0001-30594 Prepared for U .S . Department of the Interior Minerals Management Service Atlantic OCS Region OCS Study MMS 93/0031 A Review of the Physical Oceanography of the Cape Hatteras, North Carolina Region Volume I Literature Synthesis Charles E . Adams Jr., Louisiana State University Thomas J . Berger, SAIC Willilam C . Boicourt, University of Maryland James H. Churchill, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Marshall D . Earle, Neptune Sciences Inc. Peter Hamilton, SAIC Fred M . Vukovich, SAIC Robert J . Wayland, SAIC D. Randolph Watts, University of Rhode Island October 1993 Science Applications International Corporation MMS Contract 14-35-0001-30594 Prepared for : U .S . Department of the Interior Minerals Management Service Atlantic OCS Region DISCIAIMER This report has been reviewed by the Minerals Management Service and approved for publication . Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Service, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use . iii TABLE OF CONTENTS e o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii xii xiii xiv . xv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 .1 1 .2 1 .3 Ob j ectives . . . . . . Scope of the Study . . Methods and Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 1 . 5 1 .4 Report Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2 .1 .1 B a thyme t ry . . . . . . . 2 .1 .2 Basic Current Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 9 2 .1 .3 Basic Stratification . . . . . . . 2 .1 .4 Counterflow, Deep Western Boundary . . . . . . . . . . 15 List of Figures . List of Tables . List of Acronyms Glossary . . . . Acknowledgements I. II . . . . . . INTRODUCTI ON . THE GULF STREAM NEAR CAPE HATTERAS 2 .1 Introduc t ion . . . . 2 .3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2 . 2 .1 Ove rvi ew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 .2 .2 Path Envelope/Statistical Summary . . . . 2 .2 .3 Seasonal and Interannual Path Variability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 . 17 . 17 Meanders, Frontal Eddies, and Filaments . . . . . . . 21 2 .3 .1 Meanders, Eddies and Filaments Upstream of Cape Hatteras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Current 2 .2 . . Gulf Stream Path Variability . . . . . 2 .3 .2 Meanders, Eddies, and Filaments at and Downstream of Cape Hatteras . . . . . . 2 .3 .3 Gulf Stream Related Shelf Features from Satel lite Observations . . . . . . . . . 2 .4 III . . . . . . . . 27 . . . . . . . 28 Gulf Stream Rings and their Interaction with the Gulf Stream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2 .4 .1 Warm Core Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2 .4 .2 Cold Core Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 THE SLOPE SEA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . 3 .1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 3 .2 Near-Surface Slope Sea Waters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 3 .2 .1 Influence of Gulf Stream Warm-Core Rings . . . . 3 .2 .2 Effect of Locally Discharged Gulf Stream Water . . . . 41 . . . 41 v TABLE OF CONTENTS ect'on 3 .3 3 .4 Page No . Gulf Stream Related Current Variability . . . . . . . . . . . 44 3 .3 .1 Gulf Stream Entrainment of Middle Atlantic Bight Shelf Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Deep Circulation off Cape Hatteras . . . . . . . . . . 45 . . . . . 45 . . . . . 3 .4 .1 Overview of the Deep Currents and Processes 3 .4 .2 The Deep Western Boundary Current near Cape Hatteras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 .4 .3 Topographic Rossby Waves . . . . . . . . 3 .4 .4 Other Processes of Deep Variability near Cape Hatteras IV . THE CONTINENTAL SHELF . 4 .1 . . . . 46 . . . . . . 52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 4 .1 .1 Meteorological Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 4 .1 .1 .2 Regional Patterns . . . . . . 4 .1 .1 .3 Synoptic Scale Disturbances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 . 69 Introduction . . 4 .1 .1 .1 Basin Scale Patterns 4 .1 .2 Oceanographic Setting 4 .1 .3 Mean Circulation . . . 4 .2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 . 72 . . . . . . . . . . . 80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 . 81 4 .2 .3 Atmospheric and Boundary-Current Forcing . 4 .2 .4 Seasonal Variability . Shelf Variability and Forcing Mechanisms 4 . 2 .1 Tides . . . . . . 4 .2 .2 Buoyancy Forcing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 4 .3 Virginia Coastal Water Intrusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 4 .4 Surface Wave Climatology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 4 .4 .1 Introduction . . . . . . 4 .4 .2 Typical Wave Conditions 4 .4 .3 Extreme Wave Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 . 93 . 98 . . . . . . . . . . 102 4 . 5 .1 Introduc t ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 .5 .2 Synthesis and Interpretation of Observations . . . . . . . 102 . 102 Sediment Transport 4 .5 4 .6 . . . Regional Bottom Boundary Layer Processes . . . . 4 .6 .1 Bathymetric Setting vi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section PaEe No . 4 .6 .2 Sedimentological Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 . . . . . . . 107 . . . . . . . . . . . . Stream . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 . 108 . 114 4 .6 .3 Processes Affecting Sediment Movement 4 .6 .3 4 .6 .3 4 .6 .3 4 .6 .3 .1 .2 .3 .4 S torms . . . . Internal Waves Tidal Currents The Gulf Stream . . . . . . and . . . . . . Gulf . . . Frontal Eddies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Bottom Fishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 4 .6 .4 Offshelf vs Onshelf Transport . . . . . 4 .6 .5 The Influence of Physiographic Features . . . . . . . . . . . 119 . 121 4 .6 .3 .5 V . NEARSHORE PROCESSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 5 .1 Introduction . . . . . 5 .2 Shelf-Estuary Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 . 139 5 .3 Sediment Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 5 .3 .1 Basic Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 .3 .2 Research Within the Cape Hatteras Region . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 . 141 . . . . . . 149 V I . S UMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF FIGURES Figure No . Page No . Ca t on Figure 1 .1-1 North Carolina - Virginia Coast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . 10 Figure 2 .1-2 The Gulf Stream current velocity structure on a vertical section off Cape Fear, NC (from Richardson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . et al . 1969) . . . . . 11 Figure 1 .1-2 U .S . East Coast Oceanographic Areas Figure 2 .1-1 The bathymetry of the continental slope near Cape Hatteras Figure 2 .1-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Gulf Stream (a) velocity structure, and (b) temperature structure on a vertical section off Cape Hatteras, NC (from Richardson 1977) Figure 2 .1-4 Figure 2 .1-5 Figure 2 .2-1 . . . . . . . . 12 . . . . . . 13 . . . . . . 14 inset in ( b) (from Watts 1983) . ( b) The mean bathymetric depth over which the Gulf Stream flows as a function of distance ( km) along its mean path, as indicated in inset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 The Gulf Stream (a) velocity structure, and (b) temperature structure on a vertical section off Cape Hatteras, NC (from Joyce et al . 1986) The Gulf Stream ( a) temperature structure, and (b) velocity structure on a vertical section about 150 km downstream of Cape Hatteras (from Halkin and Rossby 1985) . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) The standard deviation ( km) of lateral displacements of the Gulf Stream as a function of distance along the mean path as shown in the Figure 2 .2-2 (a) The mean path and +/-1 and 2 standard deviation envelopes of the Gulf Stream path, from Florida to Cape Hatteras (from Tracey and Watts 1986) . . . . . . . . 19 Figure 2 .3-1 A schematic view of a Gulf Stream Meander (from Bane et al . 1981) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Figure 2 .3-2 Types of perturbations observed on the western boundary in vicinity of and downstream from the Charleston Bump (from Legeckis 1979) . . . . . . . . . . . 24 . . . . . . 26 Figure 2 .3-3 Structure of meanders, eddies and filaments along the Carolina Capes (a) thermal structure (from Bane et al . 1981), (b) schematic of thermal and velocity structure (from Lee et al . 1981) viii . . . LIST OF FIGURES Figure No . tion Page No . Figure 2 .4-1 Idealized views of the formation of a cold core ring (top) and a warm core ring (bottom) (from SAIC 1991) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 2 .4-2 AVHRR images of CCR event in January 1990 (from SAIC 1991) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 . . . . . . . 33 Figure 3 .1-1 Schematic Slope Sea Circulation (from Csanady and Hamilton 1988) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 . . . . . . . . 43 . . . . . . . . 47 Figure 3 .4-2 Mean equatorward alongshore current speed classified according to mean potential temperature . . . . . . . . . . 48 Figure 3 .2-1 MARMAP study ( a) hydrographic stations, and (b) stations at which Gulf Stream water was detected and the percentage of casts taken at these stations which intercepted Gulf Stream water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 3 .4-1 Mean current vectors 50-300 m above the ocean bottom ( from Watts 1991) . . . . . . . . . Figure 3 .4-3 Structure of the Deep Western Boundary Current, constructed by projecting mean equatorward speeds onto a single section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 . . . . . 51 . . . . . 53 Figure 4 .1-1 North Atlantic atmospheric pressure for January (a) mean ( in mb relative to 1000 mb), (b) standard deviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Figure 4 .1-2 North Atlantic atmospheric pressure for July (a) mean (in mb relative to 1000 mb), (b) standard deviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Figure 3 .4-4 . . . . . Mean deep current vectors 100 m above the bottom on a line off Cape Hatteras ( from Pickart and Watts 1990) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 3 .4-5 Current variance ellipses associated with Topographic Rossby Waves (TRWs) on a line of deep current meters 100 m above the bottom off Cape Hatteras . . Figure 4 .1-3 North Atlantic temperature for January (a) SST (°C), (b) air temperature-SST difference (°C) Figure 4 .1-3c North Atlantic wind speed for January ( m s-1) Figure 4 .1-4 North Atlantic temperature for April (a) SST (°C), (b) air temperature-SST difference (°C) ix . . . . . . . . . 63 . . . . . . . 64 . . . . . . . 65 LIST OF FIGURES Figure No . Caption Figure 4 .1-4c North Atlantic wind speed for April ( m s-1) . Figure 4 .1-5 North Atlantic temperature fo r July (a) SST Figure 4 .1-5c North Atlantic wind speed for July ( m s-1) . Figure 4 .1-6 Mean Eulerian currents in the Middle Atlantic Figure 4 .1-7 Page No . . . . . . . . 66 . . . . . . . 67 . . . . . . . . 68 . . . . . . . , 74 Map of minimum temperature in the water column below 20 m for July 1971 ( from Boicourt 1973) . . . . . . . 75 . . . . . . 76 . . . . . . 78 . . . . . . 79 (°C), . (b) air temperature-SST difference (°C) Bight (from Be ardsley et al . 1976) . . . . Figure 4 .1-8 Map of minimum temperature in the water column below 20 m for August 1971 (from Boicourt 1973) Figure 4 .1-9 Inferred surface drift from drift bottle returns (a) July and (b) August 1960-1970 (from Bumpus 1973) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 4 .1-10 Inferred surface drift from drift bottle returns (a) September and (b) October 1960-1970 (from Bumpus 1973) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 4 .2-1 Chapman and Beardsley's (1989) schematic circulation diagram for the coastal water from the West Greenland Current to the Middle Atlantic Bight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Figure 4 .2-2 Schematic summer cross-shelf velocity profile for surface currents in the Middle Atlantic Bight (from Boicourt 1982) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 . . . . . . 87 shoreward intrusion of warm Gulf Stream water during winter on the South Atlantic Bight, and the development of the continental shelf front . . . . . . . . 90 temperature (minimum the cold band, from Nantucket Point (MP), Hudson Canyon (HC), Charles (CC) (from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Figure 4 .2-3 Schematic diagram of the small and large meander modes observed during the FRED experiment . . . Figure 4 .2-4 Oey et al .'s (1987) schematic diagram of the Figure 4 .2-5 Progression of cold-band temperature measured in Shoals (NS), to Montauk Cape May (CM), and Cape Houghton et al . 1982) . Figure 4 .6-1 Bathymetry of Cape Lookout Shoals showing ridge and swale features transverse to the shoal's axis (from Swift et al . 1972) . . . . . . . . . . . . x . . . . 106 LIST OF FIGURES Figure No . Caption Page No . Figure 4 .6-2 Locations of bottle samples taken offshore of Cape Lookout during September 1969 and the sediment concentrations found in the samples against bottom depth (adapted from Rodolfo et al . 1971) . . . . Figure 4 .6-3 Total variance of velocities measured within 100 m of the bottom at locations in the Middle Atlantic Bight ( from Csanady et al . 1988) Figure 4 .6-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . distance seaward of the Middle Atlantic Bight . . FRED expe r iment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Same as Figure 4 .6-6 except showing tidal current ellipses from deeper current meter records . 109 . . . . 111 . . . . . . 112 . . . . . . . . 113 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 . . . . . . . . 116 Figure 4 .6-8 Low-passed ( 40 h half-power period) filtered records of currents measured at the 75 m isobath east of North Carolina as part of the FRED experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Same as Figure 4 .6-8 except showing currents measured at the 400 m isobath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 . . . . . . 120 Sea-bed drifter release locations in Onslow Bay (dots) and two regions of low drifter return at the beaches ( shaded) ( from Schumacher 1974) . . . . . . . . . 122 . . . 142 Figure 4 .6-10 Low-passed (32 h half-power period) filtered records of current speed measured over the continental slope northeast of Cape Hatteras "Up" is north Figure 4 .6-11 . . Figure 4 .6-6 Semidiurnal M2 tidal current ellipses from the records of the shallower current meters of the Figure 4 .6-9 . . Near-bottom current speeds measured a short shelf - edge Figure 4 .6-7 . The top plot is a record of beam attenuation (roughly proportional to suspended solids concentration) measured by a transmissometer located 3 m above bottom at a site on the 131 m isobath off the Delmarva Peninsula (from Churchill et al . 1992) Figure 4 .6-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 5 .3-1 Conceptual diagram illustrating the notion of sediment resuspension and seaward transport by the combination of gravity and bound infragravity waves (taken from Wright et al . 1991 and based on the theory of Shi and Larsen 1984) xi . . . . . . . . LIST OF FIGURES Figure No . Caption No . Page Figure 5 .3-2 Sites of shoreface sediment dynamics studies within the Carolina Capes region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 LIST OF TABLES Table No . Caption Page 4 .4-1 Mean wave height (m) by month and year (after Hubertz et al . 1992) . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 .4-2 Occurrences of wave height (m) by month for all years (after Hubertz et al . 1992) . . No . . . . . . . . 94 . . . . . . . . . 95 . . . . . . . . . 96 . . . . . . . . . 97 . . . . . . . . 99 4 .4-6 Wave height (m) as a function of return period (after Hubertz et al . 1992) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 4 .4-3 Occurrences of peak wave period(s) by month for all years (after Hubertz et al . 1982) 4 .4-4 Occurrences of peak wave direction (deg) by month for all years (after Hubertz et al . 1982) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 .4-5 Maximum wave heights (m*10) with associated peak period(s) and directions (deg/10) by month and year (after Hubertz et al . 1992) xii LIST OF ACRONYMS AABW AntArctic Bottom Water AMS American Meteorological Society AVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer AXBT Airborne ELtpendable Bathythermograph CAO CCR DIALOG _Cold Air Outbreak C_old C_ore Ring Dialog Information Services, Inc . (Reg . Servicemark) FRED GABEX Frontal Eddy Dynamics (Experiment) _Georgip Bight ZAperiment genesis of Atlantic Lows Experiment DWBC EPA GALE GEOREF GOES INSPEC IR K, LSW M= _Deep Western B_oundary _Current Environmental Protection Agency Geovhysical et~erences _Geostationary Qperational Environmental Satellite Tnformation Services for the _Physics and _Engineering C ommunities Database Tnfra_red Lunisolar Diurnal Tide Component - 23 .93 hr period Labrador Sea Water Principal Lunar Tide Component - 12 .42 hr period MABL M_arine Atmospheric Boundary Itayer MASAR MECCAS Middle Atlantic Slope #nd Rise (Experiment) Microbial Exchange and Coupling in Coastal Atlantic Systems MARMAP MMS NADW NCDC NDBC Mar ine t~,pa ping (Program) Minerals Management Service North Atlantic Deep Water N_ational Climatic Data Center National Data Buoy Center NHC National Blurricane Center NODC NTIS NWS 0, OCS P, psu RAFOS _National Qceanographic Data _Center National Technical Tnformation Service N ational Weather S ervice Principal Lunar Diurnal Tide Component - 25 .82 hr period _uter Continental Shelf Principal Solar Diurnal Tide Component - 24 .07 hr period Practical Salinity Unit SOFAR spelled backwards - refers to an isopycnal following NOAA SAIC National _Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency float developed after the SOFAR float Science Applications Tnternational Corporation SAIW Sub-A_rctic Tntermediate Water SPMW SST about 700m depth) Sub-Polar Mode Water Sea S_urface _Temperature TRW USC VHRR WCR Topographic Rossby Wave Llnited States C_ode Very l~igh _Resolution Radiometer Warm _Core _Ring SEEP SOFAR STACS Shelf _Edge Exchange Program S,_o und Pixing &nd Ranging - refers to an isobaric float tracked acoustically in the 'SOFAR' channel (nominally at Subtropical Atlantic Climate Studies xiii GLOSSARY B-induced motion - Planetary waves in which the restoring force results from the variation of the Coriolis parameter with latitude . Barotropic - Motions which are uniform (no variation) with depth . Baroclinic - Motions which are not baratropic (vary with depth) usually resulting from stratification and geostrophy . Cold Dome - A propagating meander trough causes the uplifting of deeper colder water into near surface water of the trough . Front - A narrow, horizontal transition zone between two water masses of differing density . Geostroyhy - Horizontal motions in which the Coriolis force balances the horizontal pressure gradient that results from horizontal and vertical variations in sea water density . Gulf Stream Western Wall or Northern Wall - front separating lighter Gulf Stream and Sargasso Sea surface layer waters from denser shelf and slope surface layer waters . Western Wall is usually used for locations south of Cape Hatteras and Northern Wall is used north of Cape Hatteras . Gulf Stream Meander - A large scale (-100 km or longer) horizontal wave on the GS front propagating in the direction of the current . Gulf Stream Crest - That part of the meander that displaces GS water closest to the shelf . Overwash - The extension of GS/Sargasso Sea water into the surface waters of the MAB Slope Sea . Planetary Wave - A wave in which motions occur in the horizontal plane on the scales of l00s-1000's km . The restoring force results from the conservation of planetary vorticity or the stretching of Taylor columns . Trough - The part of the meander that displaces GS water farthest away from the shelf . Zone of Maximum Baroclinity - The part of the water column that has maximum shear and the strongest horizontal density gradients . xiv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The continuing cooperative interaction between the Program Manger and Dr . Robert Miller (MMS/COTR) contributed to the project's success . His support and suggestions throughout the study are gratefully acknowledged . xv I . INTRODUCTION 1 .1 Objectives Since 1973, the Minerals Management Service (MMS) of the Department of the Interior has funded projects which provide data and information necessary to support the MMS's statutory requirement to understand and describe the "environmental impacts on the human, marine, and coastal environments of the outer continental shelf (OCS) and the coastal areas which may be affected by oil and gas development" (43 U .S .C . 1346) . It is in this context that the hIlKS contracted with Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) to conduct "A Review of the Physical Oceanography of the Cape Hatteras, North Carolina Region ." During the early 1980's, the MMS leased the oil and gas rights for various blocks offshore of Virginia and North Carolina . Mobil Oil and their partners acquired some of these lease blocks and submitted a Plan of Exploration for an area located 44 .8 miles northeast of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina . This area of proposed drilling is near one of the most oceanographically complex coastal regions around the US . The present study is part of a sequence of programs designed to provide the MMS with a basis for evaluating the potential environmental impacts of oil and gas production off of the Cape Hatteras region . Mobil has conducted some preliminary studies, primarily engineering in nature, of the proposed drill site ; however, these were identified by a review panel of oceanographers to be insufficient for the more comprehensive characterization required for impact assessment . As a consequence, and in keeping with the legislative requirements established by Congress, two studies have been identified as necessary to provide the needed oceanographic understanding of conditions in the proposed development area . These two -studies are : (1) a thorough literature and data review, and (2) a detailed field measurement program . The present project addresses the first of these . The primary objective of this review is to summarize and critique the present state of knowledge of the physical oceanography of the complex region offshore of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, within the context of understanding the regional circulation and its relation to the fate of any discharges resulting from offshore oil and gas activity . The two other related objectives are to produce an annotated bibliography of the pertinent literature, primarily from 1970 to the present, and to identify relevant oceanographic data sets which can provide a basis for an improved understanding of circulation patterns and physical oceanographic conditions in the study area . The intended audience for this review includes trained oceanographers and government decision makers with some knowledge of oceanography gained through their work . It is hoped that our educated public will also benefit from this study . 1 .2 Scope of the Study A review was conducted of all published scientific literature covering physical oceanographic processes in the region between 34°30'N and 37°N, westward from 1 73'W to the North Carolina-Virginia coast but excluding the Chesapeake Bay . The topics addressed, and hence the literature surveyed, included the following : • Atmospheric forcing, • Warm and cold core ring effects, • Gulf Stream path variability, • Regional bottom boundary layer processes, • Shelf break exchange processes, • Shelf current variability, • Shelf/estuary exchange processes, • Slope Sea circulation, and • Tides and tidally induced mixing and particle transport . The the and for study area, shown in Figure 1 .1-1, is centrally located on the east coast at convergence of a number of bathymetric provinces . To the north is the shelf slope region of the Middle Atlantic Bight and to the south the same features the South Atlantic Bight . Figure 1 .1-2 shows the various regions which may be discussed during this report . George's Bank is to the far north and east and southeast of Cape Cod . The shelf just to the south, offshore of southern New England and Long Island, is broad, on the order of 120-150 km, and narrows gradually to the south until the region between the Chesapeake Bay and Cape Hatteras, where the shelf width decreases relatively rapidly with southward distance . In the southern half of the Middle Atlantic Bight, Chesapeake Bay and Delaware Bay contribute regionally important quantities of freshwater to the shelf system . Offshore of the shelf is the Slope Sea, which overlies the Middle Atlantic slope and rise . These descend fairly continuously to depths of 3500 to 4500 m . Still further seaward is the Gulf Stream, which has a fundamental influence on many aspects of the oceanography of the region . To the south of Cape Hatteras, the coastline changes to a regional orientation of northeast to southwest, which is maintained until Georgia . The shelf tends to widen with increasing distance south of Cape Hatteras until approximately South Carolina and Georgia . From northern Florida to the Florida Straits, the shelf narrows, and its orientation is more north-south . Seaward of the shelf break in the South Atlantic Bight, the local continental slope descends to approximately 800-1200 m on the Blake Plateau . The relatively gently sloping bottom feature, which is the Blake Plateau, widens with increasing distance south of Cape Hatteras . The offshore edge and the upper portion of the Blake Escarpment is reasonably defined by the 2000 m isobath . On the inner portion of the Blake Plateau, and just seaward of the shelf break, is the mean position of the Gulf Stream thermal front (largest gradient in surface temperature typically measured by satellite infrared sensors) . This front is variously called the Gulf Stream front, the "North Wall" or the "western wall ." Several bathymetric conditions converge at or near Cape Hatteras . The southern extension of the deeper portion (depths greater than approximately 2000 m) of the Middle Atlantic Bight slope trends offshore to form the Blake Escarpment, which tends to direct any southward directed deep flows offshore . Also at Cape Hatteras, the Gulf Stream tends to continue to flow to the northeast, while the continental slope changes from SW-NE to S-N, as one proceeds generally northward . As a consequence, the Gulf Stream changes from a western boundary current that is laterally constrained by the South Atlantic Bight shelf and vertically by the 2 I 78 38 N W 77 W 76 W 75 W 74 W 73 W 4P le 1 37 N 72 ~ W 38 N 37 N / 1 36 N 36 N 1 35 N 35 N 1 34 N 33 N cP"'~ y ~ 34 N C.P. 78 W 77 W 76 W 75 W 74 W 73 W 72 33 N W Figure 1 .1-1 North Carolina - Virginia Coast . Study area is outlined by solid lines . Locations of the Carolina Capes and offshore shoals are labelled . Long dashed lines with arrowheads indicates approximate Gulf Stream axis . 3 43 N 83 W 81 W 79 W 77 W 75 W 73 W 71 W 69 W 67 W 43 N NY MA CT 41 N OH ~ MD , .2 39 N VA . . ... .... ....... .•. :::... 200 m . . .. . .. .::::: : . .. .. . . ::: . . . :. . : \0~zr~r- ~~ Hudson Canyon 106-Miie Site NJ Cape May ~ sea s \oPeco~~~ ~ a Charles Chesapeake Bay 37 N Cape Cod P~~a~ vvv ~ .. .. .......: - `.. VG PA Delaware Bay Gulf~ of Maine '. . . ... ... . . . Gu~1\ Stceam 41 N I 39 N I ~~ . 37 N I NC e Hatteras 35 N Cape Lookout :: Cape Fear F SC 33 N - ape Romain 0 c GA Sar~sso Sea oo° o. ~ o, F .. . 4P . ti Qr : 31 N 35 N I 31 N I Charleston Bump ' . .. :: :.. ~~--,.. . 29 N Blake-Bahama Escarpment FL Blake Plateau :/ a • . . .. . . ... . . ... . . .. . ... .. ... .. 27 N 33 N I 29 N I 27 N I . ..~ . . . : : . . .. . .. . . .. . . ..:.. .... . ;~~:~.~ . • ~~ I 25 N ~ 83 W 81 Figure 1 .1-2 25 N W 79 W 77 W 75 W 73 W 71 W 69 W 67 W U .S . East Coast Oceanographic Areas . Study area is shaded . Major features mentioned in the report are labelled . 4 Blake Plateau, to an open ocean current which is comparatively unconstrained by bathymetry as it passes Cape Hatteras . The Carolina Capes, which define a series of crescentic bays, extend offshore as shoals, which tend to isolate the circulation within the bays . Of particular importance is Diamond Shoals offshore of Cape Hatteras (Figure 1 .1-1) . 1 .3 Methods and Approach Identifying literature relevant to physical oceanographic conditions and processes in the study area involved use of existing bibliographies, searches of a number of literature databases, and reviews of more recent and particularly relevant journals . It was recognized that incorporation of these data into a computer-based bibliographic program would facilitate the compilation of citations in several standard, user-defined formats, integration of differing sources of information, and identification and elimination of duplicate citations . Thus, one of the first project tasks was to identify and structure a commercially available citation software package . Initial project activities were directed toward using existing standard and annotated bibliographies (e .g . Imamura 1989) to build the present literature database . These were supplemented by bibliographies from the various program principal investigators . The fairly extensive, centralized bibliography maintained in Raleigh was also incorporated . Separate electronic searches were made of Dissertation Abstracts, Geophysical References (GEOREF), and Water Resources using the Information Services for the Physics and Engineering Communities Database (INSPEC) search facilities at North Carolina State University . SAIC's on-line Dialogue Information Services, Inc . (DIALOG) facilities in McLean, Virginia were used to search the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) database . Finally, a manual search was made of the Journal of Geophysical Research, Journal of Physical Oceanography, DeepSea Research, and other common oceanographic journals for papers published from the end of 1991 through July 1992 . Not all bibliographic sources provided data in a standard form, nor contained all the elements required by the citation structures being used for this study . When possible, additional material was added to individual citations so that the resulting compilation would be as complete as possible . This often involved locating the original articles and entering an appropriate abstract . For each entry, it was necessary to establish and enter a series of key words so that topical and geographic searches could be made . When most citations had been incorporated in the computer-based bibliography, a key word search was made to identify those which were particularly germane to the present study area . While this relevance was a primary basis for inclusion in the overall literature search, some existing bibliographies contained citations which were not relevant to the present program objectives . The key word search identified approximately 1300 entries which were specific to the topical and geographic area of interest . This listing was provided to the program principal investigators for review and comment . The net effect of their additions and deletions resulted in a bibliography of about 1100 entries covering the period from 1970-July 1992 . 5 During a July 1992 meeting of the program staff and the principal investigators, a draft report outline covering the topics listed above was discussed, and writing assignments were made . Each of the principal investigators, who had been chosen because of their expertise and interest in a particular aspect of the program, had assignments to write a specific section or to collaborate with another principal investigator on a section . In the case of collaboration, one person was assigned to have the lead role . 1 .4 Regort Organization The remainder of this report provides reviews of processes generally associated with the Gulf Stream (Chapter 2) ; The Slope Sea and the Deep Western Boundary Current (Chapter 3) ; The Continental Shelf (Chapter 4) ; and the Nearshore region (Chapter 5) . A summary of the processes as related to potential oil and gas activities is presented in Chapter 6 . The annotated Bibliography is in Appendix A, which is bound separately because of its bulk . 6 Imamura, E . (ed .) 1989 . Summary of the physical oceanographic processes for the U .S . Atlantic and Southeastern Gulf of Mexico . Battelle Memorial Institute . Ventura . 199 pp . 7 II . THE GULF STREAM NEAR CAPE HATTERAS 2 .1 Introduction The continental shelf at Cape Hatteras is much narrower than to the north or south (20-30 km compared to nearly 200 km wide off New Jersey and Georgia), and the strong currents of the Gulf Stream flow relatively close to shore . The Gulf Stream plays a leading role in determining the currents and the sources and fates of water parcels near the outer shelf and the shelf break . Moreover, the Gulf Stream path shifts on- and offshore from year to year, season to season, and with meandering periods from months to as short as a few days . The meanders introduce variations in the strength and structure of the current, and they produce frontal eddies as well on its inshore edge that can cause upwelling and important crossshelf exchanges . Consequently a large degree of variability is introduced to the currents and water properties on the shelf itself near Cape Hatteras by the proximity of the Gulf Stream and by several processes associated with the stream's energetic eddy variability . In order to understand the currents and variability near Cape Hatteras, it is essential not only to understand the basic structure of the Gulf Stream velocity and water property fields (such as temperature, salinity and density fields), but also to understand its variability . The basic structure of the Gulf Stream and its physical setting are summarized in this introduction, while major processes contributing to its variability are the subjects of later sections . 2 .1 .1 . Bathymetry From the Gulf Stream's beginning in the Florida Straits up to just south of Cape Hatteras, it flows offshore of the continental shelf and over the broad Blake Plateau in bathymetric depths of approximately 800-1200 m . However, the Blake Plateau narrows northward from about 31°N, to a small remaining wedge at the latitude of Cape Fear . It narrows further to become non-existent by 34°30'N (about 50 km south of Cape Hatteras) . Figure 2 .1-1 (from Newton et al . 1971) illustrates the topography of the continental slope near Cape Hatteras . The continental slope falls off extremely steeply at Cape Hatteras, such that the distance from the 100 m or 200 m isobath to the 2000 m isobath is only about 20 km . North of Cape Hatteras the Gulf Stream continues to flow to the northeast, while the bathymetric contours turn more northward ; the Gulf Stream thus leaves the continental margin and, within 200 km downstream of Cape Hatteras, flows in water over 3000 m deep . To the north of Cape Hatteras also, in the wedge of waters between the Gulf Stream and the continental shelf are the waters of the Slope Sea, whose circulation and characteristic processes are the subject of Chapter III . 2 .1 .2 . Basic Current Structure The mean current strength, width, and structure of the Gulf Stream and its associated temperature and density structure are conveniently illustrated by vertical sections crossing approximately normal to the current and front (a region with a large horizontal gradient in properties, especially density) . Figures 2 .1-2 through 2 .1-5 show representative vertical sections just upstream, at, and just downstream of Cape Hatteras . 9 10 a; ~a d ~ u ~ x ~a 14 U 10 d r. N a 0 r4 In b ~~ w r4 Id '.4 41 a ,4 rl~ .a ct 0 41 4 9: d , ~ dri ,a 0 0 ~z ~d II a ~ ws+ o a d 41 "4 ~ d .a ~d 4) m a ~ ~ ~ ~ N h0 .vl k. km 0 0 . 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 . 400 600 800 ~ 120 200 . . •r. 100 . . . .. . . . .: . • . •. .. . . . • ~ 80 60 :. . . -•...... : .... ~ 4 0 .. , . Cape Fear, NC Jun-Ju I 1968 . .. \ I 20/ / , Figure 2 .1-2 The Gulf Stream current velocity structure on a vertical section off Cape Fear, NC (from Richardson et al . 1969) . Average isotach contours (in cm s-1) are plotted from a repeated section, where the velocity profiles were obtained by dropping transport floats to several depths . 11 (a) STATION NUMBER 0 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ~' A \ \/ r \\\ STATION NUMBER 12 11109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 _. 0 8 -40 / -20 1000- (b) -/ o/ 1000 . . -5 E 2000 _ I- -/O `- Q. ~ N W 0 O 3000 . , • E 2000 5 • . , . W O . . . . ~ • NITY ANQMAL~(~4 SALI . . , . a. _5 ' • ~ 3000 . ' ' , SILICATE . • 4000 4000 VELOCITY lcm/sec) TEMPERATURE (•C) • 5000 5000 0 100 • 200 DISTANCE (km) 300 0 100 200 300 DISTANCE (km) Figure 2 .1-3 The Gulf Stream (a) velocity structure, and (b) temperature structure on a vertical section off Cape Hatteras, NC (from Richardson 1977) . Geostrophic velocities calculated relative to currents directly measured by near-bcttom current meters . Station 2, furthest offshore, was thought to be in a Gulf Stream cold-co :'e ring . (a ) f40r 45 42 ~ PO T ENT/AL TEMPERATURE 49 (b) 42 45 49 0 20 swim f0 r f00 ~ 20 ~ 1000 / 5~ f0 ~ ` 2000 5 j ~ w ~ h ~ ~ 1000 5 / ---f0 ~ ' -- `-'------Z 2000 - - - - - ~ _ '------ ~ 3000 . f5 - 3000 , 4000 ,- 4000 20km . ------ ------------ .~.•. - -__''-; ._ -_ • ---_, . -p . 20km Figure 2 .1-4 The Gulf Stream (a) velocity structure, and (b) temperature structure on a vertical section off Cape Hatteras, NC (from Joyce et al . 1986) . The velocities were calculated geostrophically relative to shipborne acoustic doppler current profiler measurements averaged at the 60 m level between stations . (a) (b) 6 11 13 151616 16 1413 9 7 6 11 13 15 1616 16 1413 9 7 0 ~ ' 20 ~. a.. D 00 <O vpp gp /5-- ... ~ ' , 800 40 W ~~~ ~~ 20 D /0 ~ 1200 W ~ a. 1600 a) 2000 T(°C) b) V (cm/s) <0 -80 -40 0 40 80 120 =80 -40 0 40 80 120 CROSS STREAM DISTANCE ( km ) Figure 2 .1-5 The Gulf Stream (a) temperature structure, and (b) velocity structure on a vertical section about 150 km downstream of Cape Hatteras (from Halkin and Rossby 1985) . The velocity profiles were measured directly using an acoustically tracked profiling float, called Pegasus . The transect was repeated 18 times during three years, and the results were translated into "stream coordinates" before averaging . 14 This discussion begins with the upstream section . Richardson et al . (1969) made direct measurements of velocity at Cape Fear ; their measurement program repeated a transect during two months in which they dropped transport floats to several intermediate depth intervals, separated by 100-200 m, at each station . The Cape Fear section current speed (in cm s-1, where 1 knot - 52 cm s-1) is contoured in Figure 2 .1-2 . The current has a width of about 120 km near the surface and depth of 800-1000 m, and the core speed is over 140 cm s-1 . Because these results present an average of several sections, during which the current is likely to have meandered, the width shown may be wider and the core speed is likely to be slower than would be observed in an instantaneous section . Figures 2 .1-3a,b and 2 .1-4a,b show two instantaneous vertical sections of velocity and temperature, on a transect directly off Cape Hatteras . The current width near the surface is about 100 km . The current speed typically increases rapidly as one moves seaward across the onshore side, "left" of the current looking downstream, to a core velocity of 140-180 cm s-1 at about 30-40 km beyond the current's shoreward edge . With increasing depth the center of the velocity core characteristically tilts offshore 20-40 km from the surface velocity core . In some sections the subsurface velocity core exceeds the surface velocity slightly on the offshore side of the Gulf Stream . In each case, the current exceeds 20 cm s-1 down to about 1000 m depth, and a deep core of current about 5-10 cm s-1 extends deeper . In one of the examples shown (Figure 2 .1-4) the northeastward flow extends to the ocean bottom, more than 3000 m deep, whereas in the other example (Figure 2 .1-3) there is counterflow of 5-10 cm s-1 at the bottom . Further introduction to the deep flow is presented in Section 2 .1 .4 . Halkin and Rossby (1985) report on the most representative mean section of the Gulf Stream, taken on a transect about 150 km downstream of Cape Hatteras near 73°W longitude . The transect was repeated at two-month intervals for three years, and the velocity profiles were measured directly using Pegasus, an acoustically tracked, free falling profiling instrument . In Figure 2 .1-5 their measurements are shown averaged in "stream coordinates", i .e ., with the origin of the transect shifted to follow the "north wall" of the Gulf Stream with each survey . By averaging the results in "stream coordinates" the main effects of apparent broadening and slowing of the current due to meandering are avoided . In this section the current width is about 140-160 km, the velocity core is over 150 cm s-1 at the surface and tilts offshore with increasing depth, the 20 cm s-1 isotach extends to 1000 m, and a 10 cm s-1 core extends below 2000 m . 2 .1 .3 . Basic Stratification . The Gulf Stream water temperature and density are vertically stratified, with density increasing and temperature decreasing downward in accord with buoyancy constraints . The density and temperature surfaces (isopycnals and isotherms) are strongly inclined (baroclinic) throughout the water column across the Gulf Stream ; i .e ., they deepen at all levels by about 800 m from the shoreward side to the Sargasso Sea side . This stratification and its inclination across the Gulf Stream are illustrated in the temperature sections accompanying Figures 2 .1-3, -4, and -5 . Temperature decreases with depth from above 20°C near the surface to below 5°C in roughly the upper 1000 m, and it continues to decrease more slowly with depth down to below 2°C in abyssal depths around 4000 m . The main thermocline (where the temperature changes sharply from about 17° to 6°C) rises shoreward across the Gulf Stream, 15 and many of the isotherms intersect the sea surface . Consequently the Gulf Stream represents a "front" of relatively sharp horizontal changes in temperature . The surface expression of this front gives rise to the now-familiar means of viewing the Gulf Stream using satellite infrared (IR) imagery of the sea-surface temperature (SST) . The sharp "north wall" or surface SST front, provides a convenient means of tracking the path of the Gulf Stream, as described in Section 2 .2 . In the upper 100-200 m there is also seasonal modulation in the temperatures of as much as 3-4°C warmer or cooler than any one of these three figures . The high velocity core nevertheless always brings from lower latitudes a core of warmer waters that is also visible on satellite IR imagery . On the offshore side of the Gulf Stream in depths around 300-400 m is a relatively thick lens of "Eighteen Degree Water" that is seen in all three temperature sections (Figures 2 .1-3, -4, and -5) and is common throughout the Sargasso Sea . Water properties such as temperature, salinity, oxygen, silicate, and other chemical tracers tend to be relatively constant along density surfaces and to change more rapidly with density . In this sense, the Gulf Stream represents a "front" of sharp horizontal change in many water properties . For a more complete summary of water mass properties, Worthington's (1976) monograph on the North Atlantic circulation has summarized watermass properties in the entire Gulf Stream system, and Watts (1983) has reviewed additional details regarding water masses in the Gulf Stream from the Florida Straits to south of New England . Additional details of water masses are given in Stefansson et al . (1971) and in Stefansson and Atkinson (1971) . 2 .1 .4 . Counterflow, Deep Western Boundary Current Lastly, we note on one or both lateral edges of the Gulf Stream that counterflowing currents often exist, such as illustrated in an instantaneous transect (e .g ., Figure 2 .1-3) or in the mean transect (Figure 2 .1-5) . In instantaneous transects the counterflows astride the core can vary from less than 10 cm s-1 to over 80 cm s-1, depending upon the existence and distribution of rings, eddies, and filaments ; these processes are treated in Section 2 .3 . In the Cape Hatteras region, the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) flows south-westward along the continental slope under the Gulf Stream . Evidence of the DWBC can be seen in both of the instantaneous transects shown earlier (Figures 2 .1-3 and -4) . Its mean flow is typically only 5 cm s-1 to 10 cm s-l ; however, the deep currents in this region are highly variable, with peak speeds of 20 to 30 cm s-1 commonly observed . The DWBC is treated in Section 3 .2 . Pickart and Watts (1990) have shown that the details of the deep velocity structure are often substantially altered from one instantaneous transect*to another by the presence of Topographic Rossby Waves (TRWs) . Hence, in different transects off Cape Hatteras, whether the Gulf Stream appears to reach the bottom or not, such as exemplified in Figures 2 .1-3 and 2 .1-4, is likely to depend upon the amplitude and phase of the TRWs propagating at that time through the transect . TRWs are summarized in Section 3 .2 . 16 2 .2 Gulf Stream Path Variabilit 2 .2 .1 Overview The Gulf Stream exhibits wave-like lateral displacements that vary with time all along its path, from the Straits of Florida to the Grand Banks . These lateral shifts affect the entire current and its baroclinic structure throughout the water column . Moreover, the predominant wavelengths and the propagation and growth characteristics of the path fluctuations change from region to region along the Gulf Stream, with changes being particularly distinct between south and north of Cape Hatteras due to topographic differences . Seasonal and interannual changes are summarized in this section, while shorter period shifts, denoted meanders, are summarized in Section 2 .3 along with their important associated frontal eddies and filaments . This description begins with an overall summary of the envelope through which the Gulf Stream path shifts due to combined long- and short-period processes . 2 .2 .2 Path Envelope/Statistical Summary A summary of Gulf Stream path variability and meanders is given in Watts (1983) . In particular, Figure 2 .2-1 draws together information from three previous studies on the r .m .s . lateral displacement amplitudes of the Gulf Stream path from Florida to south of New England (Bane and Brooks 1979 ; Watts and Johns 1982 ; and Halliwell and Mooers 1979) . The inset of the lower panel in Figure 2 .2-1 indicates the mean path of the Gulf Stream . Along this path is shown the mean depth over which the Gulf Stream flows ; the abrupt dropoff is evident in the lower panel, as the Blake Plateau ends near Raleigh Bay and Cape Hatteras (described in Section 2 .1 .1) . Several features are evident in the standard deviation envelope for the path, as shown in the upper panel of Figure 2 .2-1 : From the Florida Straits to about Savannah (32°N) the r .m .s . displacements are only about 5 to 12 km, associated mainly with shelf waves and small amplitude meanders . From Charleston to about Cape Fear (34°N), the displacements have grown to 20-25 km r .m .s ., associated with a topographic feature known as the "Charleston Bump," as discussed further in Section 2 .3 .1 . The displacement amplitudes decay downstream of Cape Fear to a minimum of less than 10 km r .m .s . near Cape Hatteras . This broadening of the path envelope off Charleston and subsequent narrowing along the Carolina Capes is also well illustrated in Figure 2 .2-2a, from Olson, et al . (1983) . North of Cape Hatteras, as the current enters deep water, meanders grow rapidly downstream, and the path contains increasing interannual variability ; Figure 2 .2-1 shows the corresponding rapid downstream growth of the r .m .s . path displacement . Histograms of the path displacement, for 3-4 year periods both upstream and downstream of Cape Hatteras, are also shown in Figure 2 .2-2(a), and 2 .2-2(b) from Tracey and Watts (1986) . 2 .2 .3 Seasonal and Interannual Path Variability The Gulf Stream path varies on seasonal and interannual time scales . Simple theoretical ideas have suggested that changes in current strength should be accompanied by north-south shifts of the current with some expectation that the 17 ^ 80 E Y `~ Z 60 _ O ~ > 40 W ~ ~ Bane and Brooks (1979) : 100-1•200 Km Watts and Johns (1982) ~ 1200- 14 00 Km Hal liwel I and Mooers (1979) : 1400-2300 Km (a) Q 20 C Z ~ U) O 40• 2000 0 35• 1000 30• ~. 2 _ H- w 0 O (b) 80• 25• 75• 70• 65• 4 6 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 km Figure 2 .2-1 (a) The standard deviation (km) of lateral displacements of the Gulf Stream as a function of distance along the mean path as shown in the inset in (b) (from Watts 1983) . (b) The mean bathymetric depth over which the Gulf Stream flows as a function of distance (km) along its mean path, as indicated in inset . 18 (b) ~- °~- .,~ 9• GULF STREAM NORTH WALL DISPLACEMENT HISTOGRAMS V r~~ NO~ o~ ~ N~\StOPOS`~~ON OLpN 7• P i ~ C 0 56• a `Y CAPE HATTERAS / 0 ! s 76• 7S• ~ 74• 1 72• 3S• Figure 2 .2-2 (a) The mean path and +/-l and 2 standard deviation envelopes of the Gulf Stream path, from Florida to Cape Hatteras ; at the right are shown histograms of probability distribution of the Gulf Stream position across the five transects indicated (from Olson et al . 1983) . (b) Probability histograms of the Gulf Stream position across four transects just downstream of Cape Hatteras (from Tracey and Watts 1986) . current might be stronger in spring after stronger wind-forcing and thermohalineforcing in winter, and weaker in fall after correspondingly weaker summertime forcing . Iselin (1940) noted seasonal changes in the Gulf Stream transport at 68°W with a winter maximum accompanied by a southward shift of the axis of the Gulf Stream, and with a fall minimum accompanied by a northward shift of the axis . In contrast, however, the seasonal cycle in Gulf Stream transport in the Florida Straits (the only place where a seasonal cycle has been consistently and accurately observed) is shifted several months from this simple conceptualization regarding the forcing . Multi-year Sub Tropical Atlantic Climate Studies (STACS) in the Florida Straits have found an average transport of about 30 Sv (1 Sv - 106 m3 s-1) and a peak-to-peak range of about 8 Sv (i .e ., 26-34 Sv) ; however, the annual cycle has a range of only about 2 Sv, with maximum transport in summer . Near Cape Hatteras the story becomes confused regarding whether there is a seasonal cycle in transport at all . Worthington (1976) had indicated an annual cycle from hydrographic sections and baroclinic transport estimates far downstream of Cape Hatteras . Blaha (1984), Tracey and Watts (1986), and Kelly (1991) discuss various indicators of transport and surface-transport (mean surface current, from sea surface height differences across the Gulf Stream) . In their three-year set of Pegasus transects of velocity and temperature just downstream of Cape Hatteras, Halkin and Rossby (1985) found only very weak evidence of an annual cycle in either baroclinic or total transport ; their results showed large interannual variability, with a tendency (possibly resulting from just three years of data) for the transport averaged in February-July to exceed that averaged in August-January . To some extent, the more thorough the study, the less certain is the existence of an annual cycle in transport . It may be that, in the presence of relatively large long-period and interannual changes in transport, any study covering only several years will simply project some portion of the variability onto an annual cycle . Regardless of the weak state of evidence of seasonal cycle in transport near Cape Hatteras, the evidence for a seasonal cycle in position appears to be more consistent . Auer (1987), using five years (May 1980-May 1985) of satellite IR frontal analyses, found an annual cycle for the Gulf Stream's landward edge in the longitudinal band 70° to 44°W . (In this region, the Gulf Stream's landward edge is usually called the "north wall" .) The September mean position was farthest to the north, and the March position was farthest to the south . Similar studies for an annual cycle were made in smaller longitudinal bands . In the band 74°-70°W, which is just east of Cape Hatteras, Auer (1987) found no significant annual shift . SAIC (1990) found no clear annual cycle in 62 months of satellite IR imagery from Cape Hatteras to 73°W . Vukovich (1990) used 10 years of monthly average north wall positions from satellite IR data and found an annual cycle at 74°W, 70°W, and 65°W . The amplitude of the annual cycle at 74°W was 7 km, at 70°W, 12 km, and at 65°W, 15 km, which are considerably smaller than Auer (1987) found further east . At 74°W and 65°W, the maximum northward shift occurred*in October and the maximum southward shift in March and April, and at 70°W, the maximum northward and southward shifts were in January and June, respectively . The annual cycle for the Gulf Stream north wall in the 74°W-65°W band shows an amplitude of 10 km with maximum northward and southward shifts in October and April, respectively . Tracey and Watts (1986) used four years of Inverted Echo Sounder data in the Gulf Stream at 73°-74°W (about 150 km downstream of Cape Hatteras) to calculate monthly averages of Gulf Stream position and to look for an annual cycle . On 20 average, superimposed upon relatively larger interannual variability, they found shifts from its mean path to a maximum in September of about 10 km shoreward, and about 10 km offshore in April . In contrast, the interannual range in position is over 60 km even this close to Cape Hatteras . Vukovich (1990) found a linear correlation coefficient between the annual cycle of the north wall in the band 74°W-65°W and the Straits of Florida transport (i .e ., cable data) of 0 .99 with a four month phase lag . The Straits of Florida transport reached maximum and minimum values about four months prior to the maximum northward and southward shifts of the north wall . Besides an annual variation, Vukovich (1990) also showed that there were long-term trends in the north wall position variations and that these were about twice as large as the annual variations in the longitude band 74°W-65°W . The maximum northward shift of the north wall occurred in 1985 when the Straits of Florida transport was a maximum . The maximum southward shift of the north wall took place in 1981 . It is not known if the Straits of Florida transport was a minimum at that time because cable transport data were not available before 1982 . The linear correlation coefficient for the two data sets was 0 .75 with no phase lag . The amplitude of the interannual variations in position between 74°W - 65°W was about 30 km . 2 .3 Meanders . Frontal Eddies, and Filaments This section treats wave-like lateral shifts (meanders) of the Gulf Stream path, which have time periods shorter than a year, and their associated frontal eddies and filaments . A schematic of a Gulf Stream meander is shown in Figure 2 .3-1 . The important distinguishing feature of meanders of shorter periods, and particularly of shorter wavelengths, is that eddy circulations are intrinsically associated with them . They perturb the velocity and temperature structure of the main Gulf Stream front and they may induce eddy-like circulations on either side of the current within the crests and troughs . Filaments of warmer Gulf Stream waters often extend back from the crests on the shoreward side of the main front . The characteristic wavelengths, periods, and propagation speeds of meanders change considerably from upstream to downstream of Cape Hatteras, due in part to changes in bottom topography under the Gulf Stream (as summarized in Section 2 .1) . The Blake Plateau ends just south of Cape Hatteras, and the Gulf Stream leaves the continental margin as it flows to the north over abyssal depths . The depth and steepness of the bathymetry also affect the growth and decay characteristics of meanders . Because of these topographic/geographic distinctions, the properties of meanders south and north of Cape Hatteras are summarized in the following two subsections . 2 .3 .1 Meanders, Eddies and Filaments Upstream of Cape Hatteras Upstream (south) of Cape Hatteras, meanders typically have periods between 2 and 10 days, and wavelengths between 50 and 300 km . The propagation speeds can range from zero for stationary waves, to 60 km day-1 in the downstream (northward) direction . The r .m .s . amplitudes of path-deflection range from 10-30 km, accounting for most of the variability that was shown in Figure 2 .2-1 . Brooks and Bane (1981) report two dominant bands of meandering, near 3 days and 7-8 21 SCHEMATIC MEANDER WITH WARM FILAMENT . PHASE PROPAGATION TEMPERATURE SECTION WARM COOL WARM 0- OOe ©O® © N t V O t U 0 oor TIME HII T LOL--~ X,U 1 LBACK IN MAIN STREAM ~- CROSSING LEADING FRONT (_) IN COLD TONGUE IN MAIN STREAM, CROSSING TRAILINI FRONT(--) IN WARM FILAM Figure 2 .3-1 A schematic view of a Gulf Stream meander . The cyclonic flow of a frontal eddy in the meander trough may be seen . The time series of velocity components and temperature measured by an instrument at a fixed point as the meander passes by are shown . The distance between crests at A and F is the meander wavelength . Distance (at A or F) from the mean position to the instantaneous position is the amplitude . Trough is indicated at C . Arrows indicate direction of flow and suggest cyclonic circulations in troughs (from Bane et al . 1981) . 22 days, with the most energetic wavelengths between 100-250 km, and a central value of propagation speeds of 30-40 km day-1 . Cyclonic frontal eddies (Lee 1975) are commonly found on the Gulf Stream's western boundary from 27°N to the Charleston Bump, a bathymetric feature at about 31°30'N seen in the 500-800m isobath . These eddies are generally smaller in amplitude than those found north of the Charleston Bump, having an average wavelength and amplitude of about 200 km and 20 km, respectively . They have an average downstream phase speed of 30 km day-1, and period of about nine days (Vukovich et al . 1979) . These eddies decay and may become very small before they reach the Charleston Bump . Often only remnants of these perturbations are observed to reach the Charleston Bump region ; however, studies summarized below suggest some continuity between eddies up- and downstream of the Charleston Bump . Moreover, the frontal eddies and filaments along the Carolina Capes appear to have similar structure to those observed further south . Brooks and Bane (1978) note a persistent seaward deflection of the Gulf Stream path at the latitude of the Charleston Bump . A study by Legeckis (1979) focused on the wavelike perturbations and used National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) satellite IR SST data for the period 1974 through 1977 . Legeckis (1979) suggested the deflection was a product of bottom steering by the ridge and trough nature of the Charleston Bump . See also Bane and Brooks (1979), Olson et al . (1983), and Auer (1987) . Legeckis (1979) noted the lateral meanders of the Gulf Stream increased by a factor of three on a seasonal time scale (see also Bane and Brooks 1979 and Olson et al . 1983) . Bane and Dewar (1988) have further indicated, from combined current meter mooring and satellite observations, that the Gulf Stream path downstream of the Bump has a bimodal nature, switching between strong and weak deflection in a matter of a few days . They reported that, depending on the state of deflection, the low-frequency variability from the Charleston Bump to Cape Hatteras is affected . The strongly deflected state is accompanied by larger amplitude, slower propagating (20-25 km day-1, as compared to 35-60 km day-1), longer period (16 days, compared to one week) meanders . The Geos-3 altimetry data showed a persistent center of negative sea-surface height-anomalies over and downstream from the Charleston Bump (Huang et al . 1978 ; Robinson et al . 1983), suggesting that the Gulf Stream deflection results in a quasi-stationary cyclonic gyre (i .e ., the Charleston gyre) . Upwelling detected in association with this gyre produced an enhancement of surface layer primary production of sufficient strength to be detected using the Nimbus-7 Coastal Zone Color Scanner (McClain and Atkinson, 1985) . Legeckis (1979) grouped his satellite IR observations into five typical perturbations found in the region (see Figure 2 .3-2) . T,ype 1-Pure deflection . The western boundary of the Gulf Stream, which was defined by a strong SST gradient on the western side of the Gulf Stream, was deflected seaward at the Bump and then landward downstream from the Bump with no apparent wavelike activity on the boundary from the Bump to Cape Hatteras . Type 2-Deflection with apparent cyclonic rotation . The western boundary is deflected seaward of the Bump and then appears to rotate in a cyclonic sense . The cyclonic rotation is inferred through the intrusion of Gulf Stream water onto the shelf . Waves were not detected downstream in this case either . 23 N ~ in the vicinity Figure 2 .3-2 Types of perturbations observed on the western boundary of the Gulf Stream of and downstream from the Charleston Bump (from Legeckis 1979) . Type 3-Similar to case 2 type except the perturbation moved downstream . The intrusion of warm Gulf Stream water on the shoreward side of the perturbation extended for a considerable distance over the shelf (i .e ., as much as 200 km) parallel to the Gulf Stream . This warm feature was later referred to as a warm filament . The fourth and fifth types of perturbation in the schemes of Legeckis (1979) are the more common forms of these perturbations found along the western boundary of the Gulf Stream . Legeckis Type 4-Wavetrain of stable waves extending downstream from the Bump . called these waves stable because they resembled a series of sinusoids and did not display any apparent cyclonic rotation . These Type 5-Wavetrain of unstable waves extending downstream from the Bumy . waves were called unstable because they had large peak-to-peak amplitudes and had cyclonic rotation patterns associated with them, i .e, the intrusion of Gulf Stream water onto the shelf on the shoreward side of the perturbations . It was subsequently shown that these warm filaments (i .e ., the intrusions of Gulf Stream water) are trapped at the shelf break, but at times they separate from the perturbation and are left behind on the shelf (Vukovich and Crissman 1975) . In either type four or five perturbations, it was often possible to detect a cold core center in the trough of the wave . Satellite SST analyses have shown that cold core centers or cold domes can be found in both stable and unstable waves (Vukovich and Crissman 1980 ; Vukovich and Maul 1983) . Some of the Legeckis (1979) data indicated that a mixture of stable and unstable waves existed at times . For the stable or unstable wavetrains, Legeckis (1979) found that there were from two to six wave crests present at any one time and these appeared to move down stream at speeds that varied from 20 to 60 km day-1 with an average speed of 40 km day-1 . These waves had periods from 4 to 5 days . Wavelengths ranged from 90 km to 260 km with an average wavelength of 150 km . The wave amplitudes were as large as 100 km, though the unstable waves had large amplitudes . Similar statistics for these perturbations were found by Vukovich and Crissman (1980) using NOAA-5 Very High Resolution Radiometer (VHRR) data for the period January through May 1977 . Maul et al . (1978) used about three years (1976-1978) of Gulf Stream frontal analyses from Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) IR data in a randomly spaced time series to study Gulf Stream meanders . Using least squares spectral analysis, they found that the dominant periods were 30 and 6 days in the offing of Onslow Bay . They gave no explanation for the 30 day period, but did note that the 6 day period, and a weaker response at periods of 8-9 days and at 4-5 days, were probably associated with the Gulf Stream western boundary features observed by Legeckis (1975), Rao et al .(1971) , Maul and Hansen (1972), DeRycke and Rao (1973), Stumpf and Rao (1975), and Vukovich and Crissman (1975) . The surface and subsurface temperature and velocity of meanders, eddies and filaments along the Carolina Cape is well illustrated in Figure 2 .3-3a, from Bane et al . (1981) . On the basis of several airborne expendable bathythermograph (AXBT) surveys and simultaneous moored current meter observations, they were able to produce this extensive, oblique view of the thermal structure . It resembles 25 2 x no 00 .~ ro 4 N O% NO . . . . . . . . . .~ r f 1 ~ . . . . .. °~D,~~1~ 50 so r +q.r VY zoo :dF1Y* ''TT p i. t0 40 {O \ Ko asTANt[ (km) J . . ® , W }. it . . 100 o M• 2M 22• t Z0 • fso U 10o so ao iso KKAN[TCK S Figure 2 .3-3 Structure of meanders, eddies and filaments along the Carolina Capes (a) thermal structure (from Bane et al . 1981), (b) schematic of thermal and velocity structure (from Lee et al . 1981) . the structure of Gulf Stream "frontal eddies" that Lee et al . (1981) summarized off Georgia, as shown schematically in Figure 2 .3-3b . The Frontal Eddy Dynamics (FRED) study (FRED Group 1989) showed that frontal eddies often decay near Cape Hatteras to the point where the cold dome is not visible in the imagery or in drifter tracks . However, a drifter in one of these cold dome features showed that the eddy can reform north of Cape Hatteras and distinct cyclonic circulations reappear . The FRED study also showed that the decay of frontal eddies in Raleigh Bay was closely related to the mean distance of the Gulf Stream front to the shelf break . With the mean front displaced seaward of the shelf break in Raleigh Bay, larger meanders and frontal eddies were present and able to propagate past Hatteras with little decrease in amplitude . In one case, a large meander crest and filament came within a few kilometers of the shore at Cape Hatteras (FRED Group 1989) . The perturbations that develop on the western boundary of the Gulf Stream just downstream (north) of the Charleston Bump have an average wavelength of about 150 km, amplitude of about 30 km, phase speed of about 30 km day-1, and periods in the band from 4 to 10 days . However, as the perturbations move further downstream and approach Cape Hatteras, average wavelength decreases to about 115 km and amplitude decreases to about 20 to 10 km while average phase speed increases to about 40 km day-1 and period of 2 to 6 days) . 2 .3 .2 Meanders, Eddies, and Filaments at and Downstream of Cape Hatteras Eddies and filaments of the Gulf Stream front have similar forms in Raleigh Bay and just northeast of Cape Hatteras . However, Gulf Stream path displacements are at a minimum at the latitude of Cape Hatteras, and a statistical study (SAIC 1990) of the Gulf Stream front in the vicinity of Cape Hatteras showed little correlation between the direction of the path and meander characteristics upstream and downstream of this position . Studies of Gulf Stream current structure near Cape Hatteras from the Middle Atlantic Slope and Rise Experiment (MASAR) (SAIC 1987 ; Churchill et al . 1989) and Mobil studies (SAIC 1990) showed that vertical shear of the current in the cyclonic side of the front was closely related to degree of eastward deflection of front from Cape Hatteras . Meanders grow again rapidly to the northeast of Cape Hatteras as the current leaves the continental margin as a free jet and flows into deep water . These meanders tend to have considerably longer wavelengths, slower propagation speeds, longer periods, and can grow to much larger amplitudes than those found upstream of Cape Hatteras . Early surveys, such as Fuglister and Worthington (1951), examined large deep troughs that formed to the east of 65°W and discovered that they could break off into Gulf Stream rings which persisted and propagated separately from the Gulf Stream itself . While ring formation occurs well east of the study area, the process is summarized because the rings can translate westward back into the Cape Hatteras region and cause major perturbations in the currents and fronts there . Hansen (1970) reported on a year-long sequence of monthly surveys of the Gulf Stream path from about 100 km northeast of Cape Hatteras to about 55°W . These surveys tracked the location of the 15°C isotherm at 200 m depth . This position was called the "north wall," and chosen for relative convenience of surveying and because it corresponded to a sharp temperature front at a depth below most of the seasonal cycle of warming and cooling . Hansen (1970) estimated that the 27 perturbations on the Gulf Stream's boundary downstream from Cape Hatteras had wave lengths of about 200-400 km and propagated eastward with wave speeds of about 5-10 km day-1 . It was characteristic of the several path-surveys to find elongated loops, particularly in the neighborhood of the New England Seamount Chain, near 60°-65°W . As was illustrated earlier in Figure 2 .2-1, from a combination of more recent satellite remote sensing imagery and in situ observations, the lateral displacement amplitude grows rapidly downstream from Cape Hatteras . Most of the variance shown there is due to meandering (although long-period shifts in Gulf Stream position may also play an important role, as treated in Section 2 .2) . Watts and Johns (1982) used moored inverted echo sounders to track the path of the Gulf Stream thermal front in the region 100 to 200 km beyond Cape Hatteras, where the water depth under the Gulf Stream is approximately 3000 m . They found the variance doubled in each 50 km step downstream, as the r .m .s . amplitude increased 15 to 20 to 30 km . They found periodicities from 2-60 days, wavelengths of 150-600 km, and propagation speeds of 18-36 km day"1 to the northeast . Halliwell and Mooers (1979) analyzed satellite imagery for three years, mainly focused on this large-meander region further northeast of Cape Hatteras . Their observations showed the path lateral-shift variance to continue increasing to an r .m .s . value of over 80 km near 65°W . The meander envelope (twice the local amplitude) became 200-300 km wide, and the waves in this downstream region became very steep, i .e ., the amplitude was frequently greater than the wavelength . Halliwell and Mooers (1979) also provided a statistical summary of ring motion . Watts (1983) summarized the results of several earlier studies of meanders, both upstream and downstream of Cape Hatteras, regarding characteristic wavelengths, periods, propagation speeds, and amplitudes . The tendency is clear that a new mode of instability grows in the deep water downstream of Cape Hatteras, with longer wavelengths, slower phase speeds, and larger amplitudes, as just described . These meanders eventually either mask or may be triggered by fluctuations that propagate into the region from upstream of Cape Hatteras . However, near Cape Hatteras itself, the meanders have not yet had much time or space to grow, and consequently, the variability there has a wider range of wavelengths and periods and still has much in common with the variability seen upstream off the South Atlantic Bight . Tracey and Watts (1986) refined and extended the information on Gulf Stream propagation and growth characteristics just downstream of Cape Hatteras . They used three years of moored inverted echo sounder data to show that downstream propagation rates increase smoothly from about 14 km day-1 for meanders with periods and wavelengths of 33 days and 460 km, to speeds exceeding 45 km day-1 for 4 day, 180 km meanders . The most rapid growth of meanders occurred in two bands, one near 4-5 days and 180-230 km, and the other near 10-33 days and 300500 km wavelengths . 2 .3 .3 Gulf Stream Related Shelf Features from Satellite Observations Many of the Gulf Stream frontal eddies have warm filaments associated with them as shown schematically in Figure 2 .3-1 . These warm filaments are usually found on the shoreward side of the meander near the shelf break . However, very often 28 these filaments penetrate onto the shelf and affect the shelf circulation and transport shoreward of mass across the shelf . Three years (1984-1987) of NOAA IR imagery were used to document the depth of penetration of these filaments on the shelf in Onslow and Raleigh Bays (FRED Group 1989) . The data showed that warm water associated with the filaments normally penetrated to the 20 m isobath in both bays . In Onslow Bay, the 20 m isobath is located about 30 km from the coast . In Raleigh Bay, it is about 10 km from the coast . On a monthly basis, warm water intrusions into Onslow Bay only occurred in April, September, October, November, and December ; whereas in Raleigh Bay, significant intrusions occurred each month . Occasionally these intrusions detached from the Gulf Stream meander and were left on the shelf, particularly in Raleigh Bay (Vukovich and Crissman 1975 ; FRED Group 1989) . Vukovich and Crissman (1975) found that the circulation associated with a remnant warm filament enhanced entrainment of cold, low salinity water from the shelf into the Gulf Stream . These studies suggest that the life span of these features was from three to six days . However, Tester et al . (1991) tracked a similar warm water intrusion on the shelf in Raleigh Bay for a period of more than 19 days (in late October early November 1987) . They estimated that this feature was responsible for a "red tide" outbreak on the North Carolina shelf as the result of Loop Current/Florida Current/Gulf Stream system transport of the toxic donoglagellate (Gymnodinium breve) to the North Carolina region . 2 .4 Gulf Stream Rings and their Interaction with the Gulf Stream 2 .4 .1 Warm Core Rings Brown et al . (1986) provide a historical review of ring processes which is not repeated here . Warm-core rings (WCRs) form in the Gulf Stream system well downstream of Cape Hatteras when an extended anticyclonic meander of the Gulf Stream traps a mass of Sargasso Sea water and separates from the Gulf Stream . This process, shown schematically in Figure 2 .4-1, injects an anticyclonic eddy of warmer Sargasso Sea water into the Slope Sea waters north of the Gulf Stream . Gulf Stream ring formation processes are shown schematically in Figure 2 .4-1 . Auer (1987) found that 94 percent of the WCRs during a five year period were formed north of the mean position of the Gulf Stream Landward Surface Edge, while six percent (4 rings) were south of the mean position . WCRs form most often in the portion of the Gulf Stream between 65°W and 62°W, the area of the New England Seamounts (Auer 1987 ; Brown et al . 1986) . No rings were observed in a five year period to form west of 70°W (Auer 1987) . After formation, WCRs move westward or southwestward (Richardson et al . 1978) in the Slope Sea at average speeds of 7 km day-' (Auer 1987) to 56 km day-' (Brown et al . 1986) ; however, their westward motion may be disrupted by interaction with bottom canyons (Evans et al . 1985), other rings or the Gulf Stream . When the rings near the southern end of the Slope Sea, they accelerate as their path is progressively pinched between the 200 m isobath and the north wall of the Gulf Stream (Evans et al . 1985) . Other factors that will influence the motion of the rings are B-induced motion (motion induced by change of the Coriolis parameter with latitude), advection of the rings by the larger-scale Slope Sea circulation (e .g ., the Slope Sea gyre), interaction with the Gulf Stream, and interaction with other rings . Brown et al . (1986) found that the range of the speeds for the WCRs they investigated was from about 2 km day'1 to 14 km day-' with those WCRs that were long-lived having a range of about 5 km day'1 to 10 km day'1 . The short-lived WCRs had larger variations for speed of motion than the long-lived 29 Cool Slope Water as-1, w0 `l lo~ T i me Figure 2 .4-1 Idealized views of the formation of a cold core ring (top) and a warm core ring (bottom) . As the Gulf Stream loops well to the south (north), a region of cyclonic (anticyclonic) flow is established, which oftentimes detaches from the jet to become a cold core (warm core) ring (from SAIC 1991) . WCRs (i .e ., the standard deviation of the speed of motion for the short-lived WCR was about 2 .5 km day-1, and that for the long-lived WCR, about 1 .2 km day-1) . Auer (1987) suggested that about 22 WCRs are formed and 22 are absorbed each year ; whereas Brown et al . (1986) found that the mean number of rings existing in any year was eight . Vukovich's (1990) data suggest that at least 16 to 18 separate rings were found each year west of 65°W in the period 1980-1988 . No explanation for the differences during the three surveys can be given at this time . The diameter of a typical WCR at formation is, on the average, about 150 km . For 71 WCRs investigated by Auer (1987), the diameter of the ring decayed at a rate of about -0 .0037 day-1 in the period between formation and absorption by the Gulf Stream . Brown et al . (1986) found that the decay rate was about -0 .0043 day-1 over the same period . Auer found that the decay rate was much larger during the first ten weeks of the existence of the ring ; i .e ., -0 .021 day-1 . The mean diameter of the ring at the time of absorption was about 70 km . The distributions of the WCR lifespans is bi-modal (Brown et al . 1986) with a mean of about 130 days . Most WCR lifespans are less than 90 days . The highest frequency of WCR lifespans were from the 7 to 30 day band with a secondary frequency peak in the 160 to 195 day band . Auer (1987) found that the maximum lifespan for a WCR was about 450 days, whereas Brown et al . (1986) found a maximum of about 400 days . Just over 80 percent of the WCRs in the Slope Sea were absorbed directly by the Gulf Stream while the remainder were absorbed by other WCRs (Auer 1987) . Thus ultimately all were absorbed by the Gulf Stream . The highest frequency of WCR absorptions by the Gulf Stream was found in the longitude band 75°W to 72 .6°W (i .e ., just northeast of Cape Hatteras), with a secondary maximum in the band 60°W to 57 .6°W . The spatial frequency of ring absorptions in between the primary and secondary maximum bands (i .e ., the major portion of the Slope Sea) was uniform except for a minimum in the band 71°W to 67°W . The short-lived WCRs were absorbed by the Gulf Stream in the band 58°W to 65°W, which is the same region in which they were most frequently formed . The longer-lived WCRs, on the other hand, were absorbed primarily in the band 72°W to 75°W . The data showed that the track of the short-lived WCRs was most often located near the climatological mean position of the Gulf Stream's north wall east of 66°W, making them more available for immediate absorption . The longer-lived WCRs tended to be located further away from the climatological north wall position (Brown et al . 1986) . Though absorption by the Gulf Stream is the principal means for the removal of a WCR from the Slope Sea region, some rings merge, producing one larger ring . Ring absorbing ring occurred in 18 percent of the cases studied by Auer (1987) . Evans et al . (1985), reported some interesting interactions that occurred in the Slope Sea region involving rings, Gulf Stream water, slope water, and shelf water . When a WCR is situated close to another small, usually cyclonic, eddy, the strong horizontal shear that exists due to the juxtaposition of the two eddies enhances lateral fluid transport . Streamers of colder water from the shelf or slope were observed in association with, and sandwiched between, the two rings . With a cyclonic vortex to the northeast of a WCR, the advection of cold, fresh shelf water into the slope was enhanced . When a cyclonic vortex was located in the southwest quadrant, there was intense advection of Gulf Stream water into the slope . It was also observed that as WCRs moved toward shallower topography, cyclonic eddies were formed in the lee of the WCR . These cyclonic eddies very often formed to the northeast of the WCRs as they encountered canyons 31 or approached Cape Hatteras, increasing the likelihood of advection of shelf water into the slope . 2 .4 .2 Cold Core Rings Cold-core rings (CCR) also form most often in the vicinity of the New England Sea Mounts . After formation (see Figure 2 .4-1), CCRs are normally injected into the Sargasso Sea, south of the Gulf Stream in the region east of 73°W . Richardson (1980), for example, offers a schematic of ring formation . No CCRs that were formed as a result of a Gulf Stream meander were observed to form north of the Gulf Stream in the Slope Sea (Auer 1987) . They consist of a cold central core of low salinity slope water surrounded by a ring of warm, high salinity Gulf Stream water . Auer (1987) indicated that about 35 CCRs are found, on the average, in the Sargasso Sea on a yearly basis . Since the lifespan of some CCRs can exceed one year (The Ring Group 1981), the 35 CCRs do not necessarily reflect the number of new rings that form each year . Furthermore, CCRs are difficult to detect using satellite imagery because the SST gradients associated with CCRs are weak (Vukovich 1976 ; Vukovich and Crissman 1978) . The cold dense water associated with the core of the ring, at times, sinks, wiping out the SST anomaly (Auer 1987) . CCRs are best detected in satellite IR imagery in the fall through spring when the SST contrasts are greater and when an interaction between a CCR and the Gulf Stream may produce a tongue of warm water that encircles the ring around its eastern and southern sides (Vukovich 1976 ; Vukovich and Crissman 1978) . Because CCRs are sometimes hard to detect in the satellite SST imagery, the yearly average of 35 CCRs in the Sargasso Sea suggested by Auer (1987) may have included the effect of counting a particular ring more than once in a year during that ring's life history . After formation, the rings move in a westward and/or southwestward direction (Richardson and Knauss 1972, Richardson 1980, Auer 1987) . Richardson (1980) reported on a CCR which became attached to the Gulf Stream off Florida and was advected to the northeast . This ring collided just southeast of Cape Hatteras with another CCR, which subsequently coalesced with the Gulf Stream . Auer (1987) found that the mean CCR diameter was 105 km, which is smaller than the 250 km estimate of Lai and Richardson (1977) . Auer attributed the difference to measurement methods . Vukovich (1976) found that the rings were elliptically shaped, having a semi-major axis which ranged from 60 km to 90 km and a semi-minor axis which ranged from 50 km to 60 km . The rings move erratically with translation speeds of the order of 7 km day-1 . However, over longer periods (of the order of ring lifetimes) the translation velocity averaged 1 km day-1 in a southwesterly direction (Auer 1987) . The Mobil study (SAIC 1991) reported a case of a cold core ring impacting the eastern side of the Gulf Stream just southeast of Cape Hatteras in January 1990 (Figure 2 .4-2) . The eddy caused a large amplitude meander to form and the CCR propagated with Gulf Stream toward the northeast past Cape Hatteras, causing the Gulf Stream to penetrate to greater than 400 m depth over the slope at the Manteo site . Richardson (1980) provides a schematic of a similar Gulf Stream-CCR interaction . There is some evidence (Bane et al . 1988 ; SAIC, 1991) that interaction of a CCR with the Gulf Stream just north of Cape Hatteras can cause shifts in the mean position of the Gulf Stream front in the Middle Atlantic Bight that persist for many months . 32 Figure 2 .4-2 AVHRR images of CCR event in January 1990 . (a) January 16, (b) January 17, (c) January 22, and (d) January 27 (from SAIC 1991) . - 33 Vukovich (1976) reports satellite observations of cases when a Gulf Stream frontal eddy was located at the same latitude as a CCR on the eastern side of the Gulf Stream . In this case the amplitude of the Gulf Stream frontal eddy increased in the seaward direction . It would appear that the interaction of the CCR with the Gulf Stream locally deflected the Gulf Stream seaward . 34 Auer, S .J . 1987 . Five-year climatological survey of the Gulf Stream System and its associated rings . J . Geophys . Res . 92(11) :11709-11726 . Bane, J .M . and W .K . Dewar . 1988 . Gulf Stream bimodality and variability downstream of the Charleston Bump . J . Geophys . Res . 93(C6) :6695-6710 . Bane, J .M ., Jr . and D .A . Brooks . 1979 . Gulf Stream meanders along the continental margin from the Florida Straits to Cape Hatteras . Geophys . Res . Lett . 6(4) :280-282 . Bane, J .M ., Jr ., D .A . Brooks and K .R . Lorenson . 1981 . Synoptic observations of the three-dimensional structure and propagation of Gulf Stream meanders along the Carolina continental margin . J . Geophys . Res . 86(C7) :6411-6425 . Bane, J .M ., Jr ., O .B . Brown, R .H . Evans and P . Hamilton . 1988 . Gulf Stream Remote Forcing of Shelf Break Currents in the Mid-Atlantic Bight . Geophys . Res . Lett . 15(5) :405-407 . Blaha, J .P . 1984 . Fluctuations of monthly sea level as related to the intensity of the Gulf Stream from Key West to Norfolk . J . Geophys . Res . 89(C5) :80338042 . Brooks, D .A . and J .M . Bane Jr . 1978 . Gulf Stream deflection by a bottom feature off Charleston, South Carolina . Science . 201(4362) :1225-1226 . Brooks, D .A . and J .M . Bane Jr . 1981 . Gulf Stream fluctuations and meanders over the Onslow Bay upper continental slope . J . Phys . Oceanogr . 11(2) :247-256 . Brown, O .B ., P .C . Cornillon, S .R . Emmerson and H .M . Carle . 1986 . Gulf Stream warm rings : A statistical study of their behavior . Deep-Sea Res . 33(11/12) :1459-1473 . Churchill, J .H ., P .D . Cornillon and P . Hamilton . 1989 . Velocity and Hydrographic Structure of Subsurface Shelf Water at the Gulf Stream's Edge . J . Geophys . Res . 94(C8) :10791-10800, 11009-11010 . DeRycke, R .J . and P .K . Rao . 1973 . 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When the Gulf Stream is close to the slope at Cape Hatteras and separates from the slope farther north, Slope Sea water and circulations in the upper part of the water column, with origins to the northeast, may not reach the Cape Hatteras region . Also in the southern part of the Middle Atlantic Bight where the Gulf Stream is close to the shelf break, Gulf Stream water and Gulf Stream related flows can impinge directly on the upper slope and outer shelf and thus "short-circuit" the Slope Sea circulation . This is quite different from the Slope Sea further to the east where the Gulf Stream is often several hundred kilometers from the shelf break . In winter, the northern boundary of the Slope Sea at the shelf break is the location of the shelf-slope front . This front divides the distinctly different water masses of the shelf and slope . In summer, the shelf-slope front is restricted to the lower half of the water column . Waters above the seasonal thermocline (-20 m depth) show little contrast between slope and shelf, unless a warm core ring is present in the Slope Sea . The general circulation of the whole water column of much of the Slope Sea is a southwestward drift . In the upper several hundred meters, this flow returns along the outer edge of the Gulf Stream front, forming a gyre (Csanady and Hamilton, 1988) . The return flow includes water entrained from the Middle Atlantic Bight shelf, the so called "Ford water" (Ford et al . 1952) . In the lower part of the water column, below about 1000 m, is the southwestward flow of the various components of the DWBC . The deepest portions descend and cross beneath the Gulf Stream at Cape Hatteras and then continue southward along the Blake Escarpment (Pickart and Watts 1990 ; Richardson 1977) . The upper water column is often disturbed by warm core rings, which also propagate to the southwest in the Slope Sea before being reabsorbed by the Gulf Stream, often in the band 72 .6° to 75°W (Auer 1987) . Warm core rings can induce exchanges with both the Gulf Stream and the shelf as they move southwestward along slope . In the lower part of the water column, below 1000 m, energetic disturbances are found with periods of a week or longer . These waves, known as topographic Rossby waves (TRWs) (Thompson 1977, Rhines 1970), are thought to be generated by meanderings of the deep Gulf Stream or during the formation of warm core rings . These waves propagate westward along the isobaths and towards the slope, where they are refracted by the steep topography (Hogg 1981 ; Shaw and Csanady 1988) . The following sections discuss Gulf Stream related exchange processes in the vicinity of Cape Hatteras, followed by the upper layer Slope Sea circulations, and conclude with deep circulations . 39 . / ,~... / SHELF EOGE ~ ._ .J ~ / _.,----_---,-: / Figure 3 .1-1 Schematic Slope Sea Circulation (redrawn from Csanady and Hamilton 1988) . 40 3 .2 Near-Su rface Slove Sea Waters Drawing from previously published studies and available data, Csanady and Hamilton (1988) offered the most complete description to date of properties and motions within the Slope Sea . Their analysis indicated that the surface few hundred meters of the Slope Sea is occupied mostly by a distinct 'slope water' mass, which McLellan (1957) found to be a mix of roughly 20% Coastal Labrador Sea Water and 80% North Atlantic Central Water . They further noted slope water is often intruded upon by other water masses, the largest being Gulf Stream warmcore rings . Based on current meter and hydrographic data, Csanady and Hamilton (1988) proposed a circulation scheme of slope water which includes a cyclonic gyre within the Middle Atlantic Bight (see Figure 3 .1-1) . The essential features of the gyre were later observed by drifter tracks (Battelle, 1991) . Recent studies have shown that the portion of the Slope Sea in our region of interest, south of 37°N, differs in many ways from the view offered by Csanady and Hamilton (1988) . As discussed below, the upper Slope Sea is unique in this region due to the influence of water locally discharged from the Gulf Stream and the diminished effect of warm-core rings . 3 .2 .1 Influence of Gulf Stream Warm-Core Rings As noted in Chapter 2, warm-core rings tend to migrate along the continental margin in the direction of Cape Hatteras . Rings have been shown to have a tremendous influence on the shelf-edge and upper slope environment . They can produce strong near-bottom currents over the upper slope (Butman 1987), initiate exchange of shelf and slope water (Morgan and Bishop 1977 ; Bisagni 1983 ; Churchill et al . 1986 ; Garfield and Evans 1987 ; Joyce et al ., 1992), and generate wave motions at the shelf-edge (Ramp 1989) . Although rings have not been extensively surveyed in the study area, available information suggests that their direct impact here should be much less than over areas to the north . Brown et al . (1986) used SST images derived from satellite radiometers to examine ring behavior over a 10-year period . Their findings indicate that a large fraction of rings become assimilated by the Gulf Stream before reaching the vicinity of Cape Hatteras . Their analysis also reveals that those rings which do enter this region tend to be relatively "old" . Auer (1987) noted that 12 of 60 WCRs absorbed by the Gulf Stream over a five year period were absorbed in the band 72 .6° to 75°W . Case studies of ring 82B (Joyce and Kennelly 1985 ; Olson et al . 1985) indicate that older rings have considerably smaller velocities and dimensions than their younger counterparts . 3 .2 .2 Effect of Locally Discharged Gulf Stream Water . Churchill and Cornillon (1991a) found that water properties measured over a two and a half year-period in the Slope Sea offshore of the Chesapeake Bay mouth were dominated by fluid locally discharged from the Gulf Stream . From examination of SST images, they determined that this water was typically ejected from the trailing edge of a Gulf Stream meander . The discharged water seen in the images took on two forms, both markedly different from a warm core ring . One form closely resembled that of the warm filaments associated with Gulf Stream frontal eddies commonly seen south of Cape Hatteras . It was distinguished by elongated shape, strong currents (order 60 cm s-1) directed to the southwest and . a cyclonically curling tail enclosing relatively cool water . The other form was markedly different in that it covered a relatively broad area (sometimes filling the entire Slope Sea south of 38°N), and had relatively weak currents (generally 41 <40 cm s-1) . Parcels taking on the latter form were more frequently observed . These did not appear to propagate northward, as frontal eddies customarily do, and were remarkably long-lived, sometimes remaining visible in the SST field for several weeks . Continuity of potential temperature-salinity properties and nutrient concentrations along density surfaces indicate that these near•surface parcels originated within deeper, nutrient-rich layers of the Gulf Stream and had upwelled before crossing the Gulf Stream front . Their appearance tended to enhance nutrient concentrations over the upper slope, significantly so near the base of the euphotic zone . Hydrographic data and moored current meter measurements reveal that a baroclinic eastward current, with a magnitude of roughly 30 cm s-i, typically flows at the northern margin of the large-area parcels of discharged Gulf Stream water described above (Churchill and Cornillon 1991a,b) . When the parcel extends from the edge of the Gulf Stream to the shelfbreak (as is common), this current essentially becomes the southern terminus of the cyclonic slope water gyre described by Csanady and Hamilton (1988), connecting the southwestward slope water flow over the slope with the return northeastward flow adjacent to the Gulf Stream . This current also frequently carries shelf water seaward of the shelfslope front, as evidenced by numerous SST distributions showing a band of surface shelf water at the northern margin of a discharged Gulf Stream water mass (e .g . Plate 1 of Churchill et al . 1989 and Figures 1 and 6 of Churchill and Cornillon 1991b) . The transport of shelf water in such bands is poorly resolved by the data examined thus far . A pair of rough estimates, obtained from hydrographic and current meter data, put it at approximately 0 .1 Sv (Churchill and Cornillon 1991b ; Churchill et al . 1992), comparable with the estimated rate at which warm core rings entrain shelf water (Morgan and Bishop 1977 ; Bisagni 1983 ; Churchill et al . 1986 ; Garfield and Evans 1987 ; Joyce et al . 1992) . The rate at which discharged Gulf Stream water reaches the continental margin and potentially causes shelf water export was estimated by Churchill and Cornillon (1991b) using SST images and data from 51 hydrographic surveys carried out over a 12-year period as part of the U .S . National Marine Fisheries Service Marine Mapping Program (MARMAP) project . They found that locally expelled Gulf Stream water impinged on the continental margin between 36° and 37°N roughly 25% of the time during the MARMAP project (Figure 3 .2-1) . Gulf Stream water incursions onto the Middle Atlantic Bight shelf were also observed . They were most frequently seen, 25% of the time, at a MARMAP station east of Pamlico Sound and were observed 3-9% of the time at outer shelf stations further north . Intrusions of discharged Gulf Stream water onto the southern Middle Atlantic Bight shelf have been examined by Gawarkiewicz et al . (1990) and Churchill and Cornillon (1991b) . Gawarkiewicz et al . (1990) described an intrusion which appeared over the shelf east of Virginia . It extended as far shoreward as the 35 m isobath and was mostly confined within the seasonal pycnocline . Churchill and Cornillon (1991b) also observed Gulf Stream water intrusions within the shelf pycnocline as well as ones which extended over the entire water column and were confined to surface and bottom layers . They found that the intruding water did not significantly influence local currents or the alongshelf density field over the shelf . Its subtidal flow was largely driven by the alongshelf wind stress component, and its vertical density profile nearly matched the density profile of adjacent shelf water (indicating negligible adjustment of the alongshelf density field in response to the intrusion of Gulf Stream water) . In spite of 42 (a) 39°N +41 aa 4-29 +45 +40 +30 -f• 31 39 +28 +23 J+22 ~-21 37°N I., w 20 12 13 ~ .14 + 11 +10 +3 +6 T+ +32 +27 +33 (b) 3 47 +3 + 46 3+ + 38 +3 3T 34 2a + 28 33 3+ 25 +9 13 6+ +3 + 9+ 9 A 3 ~P MARMAP Stations ~ 76°W 8 8+ 22 17 +4 35°N 8 + 8+ -~9 ~18 8 5 74°W 72°W 76°W + 27 25 % of Casts op ~ Gulf Stream Water Showing 74°W 72°W Figure 3 .2-1 MARMAP study (a) hydrographic stations, and (b) stations at which Gulf Stream water was detected and the percentage of casts taken at these stations which intercepted Gulf Stream water (from Churchill and Cornillon 1991) . this, it is unclear whether wind-induced circulation played a major role in transporting the observed Gulf Stream water intrusions onto the shelf . 3 .3 Gulf Stream Related Current Variability The upper few hundred meters of the Slope Sea have distinct water properties derived from mixtures of sub-thermocline Sargasso Sea water advecting along isopycnals from under the Gulf Stream and Labrador Sea Water input west of the Grand Banks . There is also a strong seasonal signal resulting from intense cooling in winter, which results in the formation by overturning of a 200 m deep mixed layer in January (Csanady and Hamilton 1988) . This characteristic, wellmixed pycnostad (-12°C and -35 .4 psu), becomes capped with a seasonal thermocline and is eroded from below as spring and summer progress . Slope water can also be overrun by extrusions or overwashes of warm water from the Gulf Stream and extrusions of shelf water . Some of these types of events can be caused by interactions of warm core rings with the Gulf Stream and the shelf-slope front . Csanady and Hamilton (1988) postulated a cyclonic gyre between the Gulf Stream front and the shelf break in the southern part of the Slope Sea between Nantucket and Cape Hatteras . The strongest southwestward part of the flows along the slope occur off New Jersey in the vicinity of the Middle Atlantic Slope and Rise (MASAR) study northern transect and the 106-Mile Site . The southern extent of the gyre appears to be highly variable depending on the configuration of the Gulf Stream front and the presence of overwashes of Gulf Stream water in the narrow region between the front and the shelf break south of the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay . The return flow of the gyre along the Gulf Stream front has been shown to occur from satellite tracked drifters released at the 106-Mile Site at approximately weekly intervals over an eighteen month period (Battelle 1991) . The 106-Mile Site is a 36 .7 kms by 7 .2 km rectangle oriented north-south with its northeast corner at 39°N, 72°W . The majority of these drifters initially moved southwestward, turning somewhat north of Cape Hatteras and returning along the Gulf Stream front but not crossing over the front and becoming part of the Gulf Stream flow proper . About 21% of the drifters recirculated, indicating that the eastern end of the gyre is somewhat diffuse and perhaps intermittent . Bane et al . (1988) showed that the strength of the southwestward flow through the northern MASAR transect was closely related to the distance of the Gulf Stream front from the shelf break such that, on a monthly basis, the closer the front to the shelf the stronger the southwestward flow over the continental slope . This could be attributed to either an increase in the intensity of the gyre with a reduction of surface area of the Slope Sea or a shifting of the position of maximum flow towards the slope . The MASAR study also showed that for periods with no rings present and characteristic slope water present off Virginia and New Jersey, the currents at both transects were quite coherent over a distance of about 200 km (Csanady and Hamilton 1988) . Upper layer flows were also quite slab-like when warm core rings were absent . This was confirmed later by EPA measurements higher in the water column (Battelle 1987) . Warm core rings disrupt this basic gyre flow, destroying the longshore coherence of the flows as well as inducing exchanges with the Gulf Stream and the shelf . 44 3 .3 .1 Gulf Stream Entrainment of Middle Atlantic Bight Shelf Water Shelf water in the Middle Atlantic Bight drifts along isobaths toward Cape Hatteras at roughly 5 cm s-1 (Boicourt 1973 ; Beardsley et al . 1977 ; Beardsley and Boicourt 1981) . Shelf water which does not fall victim to export while in transit to Cape Hatteras ultimately becomes entrained into the Gulf Stream current . Ford et al . (1952) were the first to recognize the presence of shelf water adjacent to the Gulf Stream . They found filaments of this water stretching more than 2000 km along the Gulf Stream's northern edge . These were not continuous, suggesting that the Gulf Stream draws water from the Middle Atlantic Bight shelf intermittently . Later studies (Kupferman and Garfield 1977 ; Churchill et al . 1989 ; Lillibridge et al . 1990) have revealed that the entrainment of shelf water by the Gulf Stream is a highly variable phenomenon . Using airborne radiometer measurements, Fisher (1972) confirmed that Gulf Stream entrainment of surface shelf water is intermittent . Images of SST from satellite radiometers further show that the location of this entrainment varies significantly, occurring as far north as 38°N (Churchill et al . 1989) . Hydrographic and moored instrument data reveal appreciable variation in the dimensions of shelf water filaments at the Gulf Stream's edge (Fisher 1972 ; Kupferman and Garfield 1977 ; Churchill et al . 1989 ; Lillibridge et al . 1990) . The velocities measured within these span a wide range, roughly from 20 to 100 cm s'1 (Ford et al . 1952 ; Kupferman and Garfield 1977 ; Churchill et al . 1989 ; Lillibridge et al . 1990) . Consequently, estimates of shelf water transport within individual filaments also vary greatly, from 10 to 500 x 103 m3 s'1 (Kupferman and Garfield 1977 ; Churchill et al . 1989 ; Lillibridge et al . 1990) . 3 .4 Deep Circulation off Cape Hatteras 3 .4 .1 Overview of the Deep Currents and Processes In contrast to the Slope Sea to the north of Cape Hatteras, where the mean southwestward flow along the continental margin typically extends throughout the water column, an important crossing of currents occurs at Cape Hatteras . While the near-surface waters above about 800 m turn northeastward along the northern edge of the Gulf Stream as part of the Slope Sea circulation (Csanady and Hamilton 1988), a major component of the deeper flow crosses under the Gulf Stream as part of the DWBC . The DWBC descends and turns offshore as it encounters the main baroclinic front of the Gulf Stream ; south of the crossover it roughly follows the 1400 m isobath along the outer edge of the Blake Plateau (Pickart and Watts 1990 ; Richardson 1977) . Offshore of Cape Hatteras, the deep currents on the continental slope and rise flow nearly along the bathymetric contours, with much weaker and variable current components crossing up- or downslope . Stratification in the deep currents tends to constrain strong vertical motion . The mean DWBC is southwestward at typically 5 cm s'1 (ranging from 0 to about 10 cm s'1) . There are several sources of variability which can produce currents up to 25 cm s-1 . These can accentuate the mean currents or can be strong enough to reverse the deep currents, causing northeastward flow for the periods of several days . The principal processes of variability are TRWs, and there have been some observations of deep coupling to upper water column fluctuations associated with Gulf Stream meanders or Warm Core Rings (Hamilton 1987) . The DWBC transport (-5-14 Sv) has also been observed to 45 vary . The mean deep currents and processes causing their fluctuations are reviewed in the following subsections . 3 .4 .2 The Deep Western Boundary Current near Cape Hatteras The mean DWBC consists of several components at different temperatures flowing equatorward along bathymetric contours . It is typically found within the bottom 300 m to 10000 m of the water column over bathymetric contours ranging from about 800 m to over 4000 m off Cape Hatteras ( Pickart and Watts 1990) . Hence it is representative to picture the DWBC as a thin ribbon hugging the continental slope and rise, since its sloping width may be over 200 km whereas its vertical thickness may be less than 1000 m . The DWBC is formed mainly from northern waters that are traditionally envisioned to include North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) and Labrador Sea Water ( LSW) . The Stommel and Arons ( 1960) model of thermohaline circulation suggests that these northern source waters flow equatorward in a continuous ribbon along the western margin of the North Atlantic . This traditional idealization of the DWBC constituents and flow must be modified in several details to conform to recent observational studies (Watts 1991 ; Pickart and Watts 1990) . A recent evaluation of a large number of deep current and temperature measurements in the Middle Atlantic Bight by Watts (1991) has shown that the DWBC carries a number of different water masses, that the current structure is banded into higher and lower speeds associated with different water masses and strata of potential temperature, and that the counterflow beneath the Gulf Stream is as shallow as 800 m(hugging the continental slope) in the water column . The mean near-bottom currents within 50-300 m above the bottom along the continental slope and rise approaching the Cape Hatteras region in the Middle Atlantic Bight are shown in Figure 3 .4-1 from Watts (1991) . The uncertainty of the mean component is indicated by the boxes around the arrowheads . It reveals a very consistent southwestward current pattern along the bottom contours throughout the bathymetry range 800-4000 m . For reference on this chart, the surface path of the "north wall" of the Gulf Stream and its meander envelope are indicated respectively as the solid and two dashed lines arcing eastnortheastward from Cape Hatteras . The mean deep currents at sites that are more than about 30 km offshore of the Gulf Stream mean path and in water deeper than about 3600 m appear to be more variable in direction, probably due to eddy variability driven by the overlying Gulf Stream meanders . The manner of this coupling is, however, not yet well understood . The deep currents were also shown in Watts (1991) to be banded in structure when categorized by potential temperature, as in Figure 3 .4-2, and when categorized according to their height above bathymetric contours, as in Figure 3 .4-3 . The alongshore speed structure in each depiction has three peaks around 6-7 cro s-l, separated by broader low-speed bands around 3 cm s-1 . In particular, the DWBC transports waters with a range of potential temperatures that span from 6 .0°C to 1 .8°C . The water types within the 6 .0°C to 4 .0°C range (found at depths in the Middle Atlantic Bight between about 800 m to 1100 m) are found to be Sub-Polar Mode Waters (SPMW) or Sub-Arctic Intermediate Water (SAIW), probably originating in the southern Labrador Basin or Newfoundland Basin, and they exhibit relatively swift equatorward flow (6 to 10 cm s-1) . Potential 46 770 750 730 71° 69° 200 40° ° a a ~, p 3pp ~ ~ . . . 36° .Q . , . ~ ~ ~ , , - .~- AOpp . . 38° r-I c° 670 ~ r - L_J CURRENTS 50-300m OFF BOTTOM d l 0 I 10cm/s 34° Figure = a(from Watts 1991) . Speed key is given ie mean in the u, v directions . 11 , I 10 .. : E v 0 W 9 8 ' z ' W a 6 N 0 ¢ , 3 5 ¢ 0 ~ ~ 0 w 41. ao 4 I ¢ p _ 3 . Co (7 ZO 2 J 41 . ~ . J, Q 1 jAABW 2 .0 2 .0 -lSW 2 -NADW 1 SAI 2-S PMW/ - 2 .5 3 .0 3 .5 POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE (° C) 2 .5 3.0 3 .5 MEAN IN SITU TEMPERATURE (°C) 4 .0 4 .0 4 .5 Figure 3 .4-2 Mean equatorward alongshore current speed classified according to mean potential temperature, which is approximately adjusted from mean in-situ temperature for each record according to its depth . Error bars are standard error of the mean (from Watts 1991) . DWBC MEAN EQUATORWARD SPEEDS PROJECTED ONTO ONE SECTION z (m) 0 i -.*typical -= i I Gulf Stream north wall ~ I . ~ 15 cm/s i 1 000 5-10 cm /s . . . ~ 2-5 cm/s ., 7 • 2000 N ~ > 5 .. • . : 2 -4 . ~ highly variable • I under Gulf Stream 3000 • j >5 ~ 0-4 cm /s . ~ ' 4000 0 100 200 300 X (km) Figure 3 .4-3 Structure of the Deep Western Boundary Current, constructed by proj ecting mean equatorward speeds onto a single section, preserving potential temperature and position relative to bathymetry (from Watts 1991) . 49 temperatures from 3 .9°C to 3 .1°C (found at depths in the Middle Atlantic Bight between approximately 1200 m to 2100 m) would commonly be associated with LSW . However, this stratum exhibited weak equatorward flow (3 cm s-1) ; and, based on Freon tracer profiles, Pickart (1990) shows that there is a predominance of NADW even in this temperature stratum, which is at least a decade old . LSW seems to remain east of the tail of the Grand Banks and mainly flow into the eastern North Atlantic (McCartney and Talley 1982) . However, small LSW anomalies may also be observed sporadically in this region (SAIC/Battelle 1988) . Deeper and colder in the NADW (down to potential temperatures of 2 .0°C) are a swifter stratum (6 cm s-1 near 2 .9°C to 3 .1°C in depths of 2100 m to 2400 m) and a slower stratum (3 cm s-1 near 2 .0°C to 2 .8°C in depths of about 2400 m to 3100 m) . The coldest waters (2 .0°C to 1 .8°C) are associated with Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW), which also flows southwestward, having joined the DWBC somewhere to the northeast . AABW appears in a relatively swift thin band (5 cm s-1) just at the juncture of the continental slope and rise in depths around 3300 m . Separate hydrographic evidence (not shown) suggests that this AABW lens within the DWBC is closed on the offshore side as shown in Figure 3 .4-3 and separated from other AABW that may be found in considerably greater depths farther offshore . Pickart and Watts (1990) show that, as the DWBC crosses under the Gulf Stream at Cape Hatteras, it shifts offshore to depths about 600 m deeper than it followed before encountering the Gulf Stream . Figure 3 .4-4 shows the mean current vectors 100 m above the bottom on a line of current meters just off Cape Hatteras ; the pattern of flow was parallel to bottom contours except for the middle site at 2800 m that was located just under the steepest mean position of the sloping density front of the Gulf Stream . This result is dynamically consistent with the conservation of potential vorticity within the lower layer . To summarize these deep current measurements briefly, there are three depth ranges in the Middle Atlantic Bight where higher mean speeds (>6 cros-1) are found : above approximately 1000 m, between about 2000 and 2400 m, and below 3000 m . In the intervening depth ranges, speeds were more typically 2-4 cm s-1 . Because the depths of the bands are more precisely related to potential temperature and water mass structure, the alongshore mean speed structure that was summarized above for the Middle Atlantic Bight may be shifted about 600 m deeper in the DWBC south of Cape Hatteras . These arguments also imply that there is little recirculation of the DWBC flow back along the path of the Gulf Stream . The limited measurements under the Gulf Stream in Figure 3 .4-1 do not show evidence of any organized flow . A recent analysis of the high oxygen core of the DWBC by Pickart (1992) does indicate that a small portion is recirculated to the north by the deep Gulf Stream at Cape Hatteras . The high oxygen water is around 2 .3°C, and there is no quantitative estimate of the amount of recirculation other than that it is probably "small" . Altogether, Watts (1991) estimates the total transport of the DWBC in the Middle Atlantic Bight to be 5-14 Sv . While the depth ranges and speeds of the DWBC are relatively well established, the main uncertainty in estimating transports is the range of estimated widths of the current . Watts (1991) estimates widths from historical maps of water properties to be between 40 and 120 km . Numerical models of the Gulf Stream, e .g ., Thompson and Schmitz (1989), have suggested that the location where the Gulf Stream separates from the western boundary may be sensitive to the transport of the DWBC . 50 3 8° ~r 3 6° :, ., . .; . ~ ~.. . . :. ••... . : : . y •r . .. ;. s ® X ~ x .3°C 2 .4° c, 34° 76° ~ 2 .8 ° C 5 2.2 °C 740 c m /s 72° Figure 3 .4-4 Mean deep current vectors 100 m above the bottom on a line off Cape Hatteras (from Pickart and Watts 1990) . The bathymetric contours and the Gulf Stream thermocline depth topography (as measured by Inverted Echo Sounders deployed during the same interval) are also indicated . 3 .4 .3 Topographic Rossby Waves The TRW is another important process that dominates the current fields below 1000 m . These are planetary waves with dominant periods of 10 to 100 days that are characterized by columnar motions that are bottom intensified . The low frequency currents have higher speeds by about 5% to 10% near the bottom than at 1000 m (Luyten 1977 ; Hogg 1981 ; Hamilton 1984) . The waves tend to propagate westward and southwestward along the isobaths and show evidence of refraction by the steep continental slope (Hogg 1981 ; Shaw and Peng 1987 ; Pickart and Watts 1990a) . TRWs are transverse waves with wavelengths of order 100 to 200 km . Since these are linear waves, they do not generate a flux of solutes ; however, for settling particles, the currents associated with TRWs will produce an effective dispersion by displacing particle paths across the isobaths . TRWs are thought to be generated by meanders of the deep Gulf Stream . Louis et al . (1982) successfully explained bursts of TRW energy observed on the Scotian Rise as resulting from an isolated vortex which was a model representation of a newly formed WCR . Previous studies have documented energetic wave motions at 16 days (Thompson 1977), 32 days (Schultz 1987), 40 days (Pickart and Watts 1990a) and 25-40 days (Hogg 1981) . Figure 3 .4-5 shows current principal axis variance ellipses for TRWs of 40 day period off Cape Hatteras, from Pickart and Watts (1990) . There is a sharp drop in energy at periods shorter than 10 days as a consequence of TRW motions not being supported at these periods (the Rossby wave cut-off frequency Rhines 1970) . The major axes of the variance ellipses are at more of an inclination to the isobaths, which is consistent with TRW theory in that current fluctuations become perpendicular to the isobath direction as the wave frequency approaches the cut-off (Rhines 1970) . Analysis of current fluctuations at deep moorings shows that the currents are highly coherent with depth at periods longer than 10 days . However, in the cross-slope and along-slope directions, motions are not strongly coherent . This is typical of TRWs and a consequence of the short length scales of the motions (Hogg 1981 ; Hamilton 1984) . 3 .4 .4 Other Processes of Deep Variability near Cape Hatteras Johns and Watts (1985, 1986) observed deep current variability off Cape Hatteras that is coupled to lateral translations of the Gulf Stream, in addition to the TRW variability summarized above . This vertically coherent coupling below 2000 m is only apparent at periods shorter than about 16 days (the longer periodicities having sufficient TRW variability to mask this effect) . At periods shorter than about 16 days, and just near the northern edge of the Gulf Stream, the deep temperature front displacements and cross-stream velocity fluctuations are coherent with the path displacements of the Gulf Stream . This verticallycoherent organized motion is found only under the northern edge of the current, near the zone of maximum baroclinicity . Pickart and Watts (1990) show this result to be dynamically consistent with water columns exhibiting rotational resistance to vertical stretching, and find that the deep current cross-slope angle of flow is influenced by the angle at which the Gulf Stream crosses the bathymetry . Pickart and Watts (1990) have also attempted to spatially filter out TRWs from an array of deep current measurements across the continental slope off Cape 52 3 8° ~ • . • r ., . ., . : . t . . • . . • » . . Ln w 0 O 0 .!. .~ . 36° ' ....... . . . .. .: ,• 0 1 .~ . .. ~ ~ t , ;t . • . .. • . 20cm2/s2 • . . -. ~ . , ~ 34° J Figure 3 .4-5 Current variance ellipses associated with Topographic Rossby Waves (TRWs) on a line of deep current meters 100 m above the bottom off Cape Hatteras . This example is for TRWs of periodicity centered on about 40 days . Hatteras . Interestingly, this lateral "average" DWBC velocity still has significant variability, particularly at periods longer than about 100 days . There is evidence from Sound Fixing and Ranging (SOFAR) and RAFOS floats as deep as 1500-2000 m (Shaw and Rossby 1984) that beneath the Gulf Stream there occurs intermittent strong flow in the direction of the Gulf Stream flow . These intermittent deep Gulf Stream flows are possibly associated with large meanders or displacements of the surface Gulf Stream (Hamilton 1987) . Mean near-bottom flows deeper than 4000 m are observed to be much more variable with slight northward trend (Watts 1991), which may be a reflection of these deep northeastward flows . WCR can produce perceptible warming down to 2000 m, but ring currents are generally negligible below 1000 m except perhaps during formation or interaction with a Gulf Stream meander (Joyce 1984) . 54 Auer, S .J . 1987 . Five-year climatological survey of the Gulf Stream System and its associated rings . J . Geophys . Res . 92 (11) : 11709-11726 . Bane, J .M ., Jr ., O .B . Brown, R .H . Evans and P . Hamilton . 1988 . 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Submitted to the U .S . Environmental Protection Agency under Contract No . 68-03-3319 . Work Assignment 46 . 75p . Shaw, P .-T . and C .Y . Peng . 1987 . A numerical study of the propagation of topographic Rossby waves . J . Phys . Oceanogr . 17 :358-366 . Shaw, P .-T . and H .T . Rossby . 1984 . Towards a Lagrangian description of the Gulf Stream . J . Phys . Oceanogr . 14(3) :528-540 . Stommel, H . and A .B . Arons . 1960 . On the abyssal circulation of the world ocean-II . An idealized model of the circulation pattern and amplitude in oceanic basins . Deep-Sea Res . 6 :217-233 . Thompson, J .D . and W .J . Schmitz Jr . 1989 . A limited-area model of the Gulf Stream : design, initial experiments, and model-data intercomparison . J . Phys . Oceanogr . 19(6) :791-814 . Thompson, R . 1977 . Observations of Rossby waves near Site D . Prog . Oceanogr . 7 :128 . Watts, D .R . 1991 . 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Subsequent sections cover sources of shelf variability, Virginia Coastal Water intrusions past Cape Hatteras, bottom boundary layer processes, and sediment transport . 4 .1 .1 Meteorological Setting Surface winds are the primary driving force for the currents over the continental shelf . The sun provides the energy source to drive the atmospheric and oceanic circulation patterns by differentially heating the earth's surface, so that low latitudes (i .e . the tropics) receive a larger amount of solar insolation than do the polar latitudes . It is through complex three-dimensional convective circulation patterns and energy exchanges that the atmosphere-ocean system redistributes and transports this solar energy to maintain a stable global climate . The oceans, because of their higher specific heat capacity, are an important climatic element as a reservoir of heat energy . This allows for air-sea interactions to occur whereby the overlying atmosphere may be cooled or warmed, while the oceans maintain a relatively constant thermal structure . To maintain a global energy balance, heat is transferred from low latitudes to polar regions by ocean currents and the atmospheric winds . Thus, the prevailing general circulation of the atmosphere provides the primary driving mechanism for the surface ocean circulation and subsequent transport of heat energy . These prevailing atmospheric motions contribute to the generation of such oceanic circulation features as eastern (e .g . Canaries Current) and western (e .g . Gulf Stream) boundary currents and equatorial currents . 4 .1 .1 .1 Basin Scale Patterns The oceanic currents associated with the continental shelf offshore of North Carolina are a portion of the overall North Atlantic basin ocean-atmosphere circulation regime . Figure 4 .1-la shows the mean climatological sea level atmospheric pressure field for January . The dominant North Atlantic region feature this time of year is the Icelandic Low . This low pressure system (996-998 mb surface pressure) just west of Iceland provides a strong counterclockwise gyre circulation in the higher latitudes of the North Atlantic basin . This system is most intense during winter, weakens during the summer months and actually splits into two separate systems . Figure 4 .1-lb shows the standard deviation of the climatological sea level pressure field, indicating that this region is also subject to large variations in the intensity and position of these cyclonic 59 ^ do~ _ n ~ . ~ (a) .•_ A •B - . . (b) .• r . .! Figure 4 .1-1 North Atlantic atmospheric pressure for January (a) mean (in mb relative to 1000 mb), (b) standard deviation . Azores indicated by A and Bermuda by B (U .S . Navy 1992) . 60 systems . This area is a region where migratory lows tend to stall and deepen (AMS 1959) . The summer season is characterized in the North Atlantic basin by the weakening of the Icelandic Low and the subsequent growth of the North Atlantic subtropical anticyclone, more commonly referred to as the Bermuda or Azores High, because of its geographical proximity to these two regions (Figure 4 .1-2a) . Variability of the Bermuda/Azores High (Figure 4 .1-2b) is approximately 50% less than the winter regime, the feature influences a considerably larger geographic area and generally has weaker pressure gradients and hence less vigorous winds than in winter . This large pressure system directly influences both the wind and current systems offshore of North Carolina during summer (AMS 1959) . The transition seasons (i .e . spring and fall) in the North Atlantic basin are characterized by intense thermal contrasts as the general atmospheric circulation pattern shifts from more stable, cold, dry continental air masses traversing the region (winter) to more unstable warm, moist tropical air masses (summer) . The transition periods are marked by intense atmospheric storms . 4 .1 .1 .2 Regional Patterns The winter season for the region offshore of North Carolina generally runs between November and March, and is characterized by north-northwesterly wind flows with mean speeds of about 8-10 m s-1) over the continental shelf areas consistent with the cyclonic circulation associated with the Icelandic Low (Figure 4 .1-1) . Figure 4 .1-3 shows the climatological mean sea surface temperature , air temperature-SST difference and wind fields during January for this region . The Gulf Stream influence during winter is noticeable in the air temperature-SST difference diagram (Figure 4 .1-3b), which shows the 4-6°C difference between cold, dry continental air masses flowing out over the warmer Gulf Stream waters offshore . These conditions have long been recognized as important for atmospheric cyclogenesis (generation of cyclonic storm systems) and ocean-atmosphere energy exchanges . During April, the general circulation of this region begins to shift towards the summer circulation regime . The influence of the Bermuda/Azores High begins to dominate the region south of Cape Hatteras, while the Icelandic Low continues to persist for the areas north of Cape Hatteras . Near Cape Hatteras the transition is marked by a change from a north-northwesterly winds to a more southerlysouthwesterly pattern, and the wind speeds decrease to about 7-8 m s-l . As the subtropical, anticyclonic central pressure builds, its areal extent also increases until it becomes the dominant summer circulation feature for the North Atlantic basin . The summer flow regime (between May and August) is characterized by small thermal contrasts between the ocean and the atmosphere over the continental shelf region offshore of North Carolina (Figure 4 .1-4a,b) . The regional wind pattern, dominated by the anticyclonic circulation around the Bermuda High, produces generally south-southwesterly winds with speeds averaging less than 6 m s-i (Figure 4 .1-5c) . The warm, tropical waters in the southern North Atlantic Ocean during summer are favorable to formation and development of tropical cyclone systems . These systems provide a very efficient transport of latent heat energy from both the ocean to the atmosphere and from tropical to polar latitudes . The 61 (a) -40 ` e . 6 0 ~ ~ (b) .• A . . IB ~ Figure 4 .1-2 North Atlantic atmospheric pressure for July (a) mean (in mb relative to 1000 mb), (b) standard deviation . Azores indicated by A and Bermuda by B (U .S . Navy 1992) . 62 \ . (a) ~ .B \ 1 1 ca : .. .n: ..cc> ~ (b) - ~ / B ~ . U ~ > :~o.° s . ./, ., <c> Figure 4 .1-3 North Atlantic temperature for January ( a) SST (°C), (b) air temperature-SST difference ( °C) . Bermuda indicated by B (U .S . Navy 1992) . 63 ~ . l\ ~' )i q~niYl~ ) Figure 4 .1-3c North Atlantic wind speed for January ( m s'1) . Bermuda indicated by B (U .S . Navy 1992) . 64 Figure 4 .1-4 North Atlantic temperature for April ( a) SST (°C), (b) air temperature-SST difference (°C) . Bermuda indicated by B (U .S . Navy 1992) . 65 -.o J ~ .~ .,, ., . Figure 4 .1-4c North Atlantic wind speed for April ( m s-1) . Bermuda indicated by B (U .S . Navy 1992) . 66 ~ . (a) ~ AB . ~ \ . Id '1 , <s, :m.. wwsr °°.c 'r (b) B ~ a.~ -.e Figure 4 .1-5 ao ' , ,1 • ao -oo North Atlantic temperature for July ( a) SST (°C), (b) air temperature-SST difference ( °C) . Bermuda indicated by B (U .S . Navy 1992) . 67 Figure 4 .1-5c North Atlantic wind speed for July ( m s'1) . Bermuda indicated by B (U .S . Navy 1992) . 68 North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Season officially runs between June and November (U .S . Navy 1989) . During September, the Bermuda/Azores High begins to weaken and the Icelandic Low begins to once again impart a degree of influence on the general circulation features of the North Atlantic basin . Fall season (September and October) winds near Cape Hatteras are generally north-northeasterly with speeds similar to the spring season (=7-8 m s-1) . This circulation tends to bring cooler air over the region, and in conjunction with the reduction in solar insolation, the air temperature-SST difference again becomes an important mechanism for transferring heat from the ocean surface to the atmosphere through both latent and sensible heat fluxes . During fall, partially in response to the increasing baroclinicity of the atmosphere, extratropical cyclone activity increases in the region offshore of North Carolina . The ocean-atmosphere system is a complex entity controlled ultimately by the influx of solar radiation . However, it is the complex, turbulent interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere which provide the characteristic patterns associated with ocean currents and atmospheric wind systems . Through these interactions a stable, but dynamic global climate is maintained . 4 .1 .1 .3 . SvnoQtic Scale Disturbances The amount of heat and moisture available to the atmosphere from the open sea surface is generally large in regions adjacent to eastern continental margins due to the presence of warm western boundary currents such as the Gulf Stream . The conditions are optimized geographically along the east coast of the United States (e .g . offshore of North Carolina) and seasonally during winter months when the water-land temperature contrast is maximized . The relatively cold continent is bounded by relatively warmer shelf/slope water and by the consistently warmer Gulf Stream to the east . The prevailing meteorological conditions in this area generate a synoptic wind flow from west to east, with winter weather disturbances propagating from the land eastward out over waters of the shelf and slope . (Wayland 1991 ; Wayland and Raman 1989) . During the winter months four distinct SST regions occur offshore of North Carolina : (1) Inner Shelf (=10-12°C) ; (2) Outer Shelf (=16-18'C) ; (3) Gulf Stream Core (=22-24°C) ; and (4) Sargasso Sea ( - 18-20'C) . As synoptic scale atmospheric flow traverses these changing ocean thermal surfaces, the rapidly developing Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer (MABL) may become strongly baroclinic . During Cold Air Outbreaks (CAOs) these baroclinic conditions are maximized, and extremely large fluxes of momentum, heat and moisture occur with momentum going from the atmosphere to the ocean and with heat and moisture from the ocean to the atmosphere . In terms of energy exchange, the cold air outbreak is one of the most dynamic air-sea interaction events (Wayland and Raman 1989 ; Wayland 1991) . In strict terminology, a cold air outbreak occurs when a cold, dry continental air mass (generally of Polar origin) pushes out over the warmer oceanic waters offshore of eastern continental margins . These events occur approximately 15-20 times a year along the Middle Atlantic coast and generally have a duration of less than two days . Approximately one third of these systems are classified as intense or extreme cold air outbreaks, where the air temperature is less than 0'C and the core Gulf Stream surface temperature is greater than 20°C (Konrad and Colucci 1989 ; Grossman and Betts 1990) . 69 During the recent Genesis of Atmospheric Lows Experiment (GALE) detailed observations were made of the evolution and influence of air-sea interaction during CAOs . Several CAO episodes illustrated that both sensible and latent heat fluxes increased dramatically as the colder, drier air moved out over the comparatively warm shelf waters . The lower atmosphere warmed and moistened as heat and moisture were extracted from the coastal ocean . The presence of the Gulf Stream just off the North Carolina shelf provides a continually replenished source of warmer water, which helps maintain the observed cross-shelf SST gradient seen during winter . The examination of several CAOs during GALE also showed that the heat flux tended to increase with distance offshore . This may have been because the MABL was seen to respond quite rapidly to the underlying pattern of sea surface temperatures, which increased with distance from the coast (Wayland and Raman 1989 ; Grossman and Betts 1990 ; Wayland 1991) . No current measurements were made in the study during GALE so the response of the coastal circulation pattern near Cape Hatteras could not be determined ; however, water temperatures showed that a single CAO resulted in a substantial deepening of the surface mixed layer in the Gulf Stream and a heat loss corresponding to a decrease in the average mixed layer temperature of approximately 0 .62°C (Bane and Osgood 1989) . Frontal systems associated with CAOs and migrating cyclonic disturbances have been identified as important factors influencing the overall winter circulation patterns in the South Atlantic Bight (Lee 1989) . The periodicity of meteorological frontal passage is often seen in surface and near surface currents as the wind stress field drives a corresponding current pattern (Hamilton 1987) . Cold air outbreaks and the passage of atmospheric frontal systems are recognized as important contributors to the observed coastal circulation patterns offshore of North Carolina . However, strong extratropical and tropical cyclones provide periodic strong and sometimes sustained wind events, which can substantially affect oceanographic conditions ranging from circulation patterns and wave climatology to bottom boundary layer processes and sediment transport . The location of the present study area relative to the jet stream and cyclone trajectories, combined with the unique SST structure provided by the presence of the Gulf Stream just offshore, helps insure that episodic storms have an important role in defining the varied oceanographic patterns which occur in the present study area . The eastern United States coast has long been recognized for the occurrence of strong extratropical and tropical cyclones : Hurricane Hazel, 1954 ; Ash Wednesday Storm, 1962 ; President's Day Storm, 1978 ; Hurricane Hugo, 1990 ; Halloween Storm, 1991 . Hayden (1981) generated an extratropical cyclone climatology based on the frequency of occurrence for storms traversing the eastern two-thirds of the United States for the period 1885-1978 . The mean results delineated an active cyclone corridor aligned just offshore of the eastern United States . This axis shifted offshore and eastward when the standard deviations of the climatology were analyzed, revealing the prominence of these regions for atmospheric cyclogenesis . The variance in cyclone frequency was attributed to changes in the east coast baroclinic zone (e .g . cold air outbreaks, etc .) and to shifts in the North American long-wave trough/ridge locations and to blocking patterns in the high latitudes . Additionally, a decline in the frequency of low pressure systems in 70 the Colorado Rockies was linked to an increase in Atlantic cyclone frequency, while a general downtrend in cyclone activity resulted in a decrease in midAtlantic coastal cyclogenesis . Results from GALE show the importance of subsynoptic scale features and thermal advection in explosive cyclogenesis events (Wash et al . 1990) . Tropical cyclones, which are driven primarily by latent heat input from the ocean, originate in summertime tropical waters where the SST is on average > 26°C . These systems, at mature stages, can have winds exceeding 90 m s-1, torrential rains and destructive, deadly tornadic systems during landfall . The "official" North Atlantic Hurricane Season begins on June 1 and continues through the summer until November 30 (US Navy, 1989) . The National Hurricane Center (NHC) has compiled statistics for storms originating in the North Atlantic Basin for the period 1871-1980 . The average duration of these systems is eight days, but ranges from two to 30 days for the period studied . The most frequently occurring duration (e .g . mode) is six days . Over this period, 21 storms have made a direct hit on North Carolina coastal regions, while countless others have tracked through this area (Neumann et al . 1981) . Winds from storms tracking further offshore have little direct influence other than to create larger and more vigorous waves, which can affect beach erosion and bottom sediment transport . However, decaying storms tracking further inland can cause heavy amounts of precipitation across the state . September is the month of highest storm frequency (=338 of all storms), while August (24%) and October (22%) follow closely . The remaining months of the year show a marked decrease (typically < 10%) in tropical cyclone probability (Neumann et al . 1981) . A U .S . Navy climatology atlas (1989) reported only April had no reported tropical cyclones during a 101-year period . 4 .1 .2 Oceanographic Setting For the eastern continental shelf of the United States, Cape Hatteras and its offshore extension, Diamond Shoals, have been traditionally viewed as an oceanographic "barrier," separating the waters of the Middle Atlantic Bight, with their distinct flora and fauna, from the South Atlantic Bight waters (see Figures 1 .1-1 and 1 .1-2) . Although wind-driven breaches, movement of Middle Atlantic Bight shelf waters into Raleigh Bay in response to northeasterly winds, of this barrier were well documented prior to the advent of moored instrumentation and satellite perspectives (Bumpus and Pierce 1955 ; Stefannson et al . 1971), mean hydrographic and faunal differences across Diamond Shoals are clearly sufficient to warrant consideration of these bodies as two separate oceanographic provinces . However, local effects of these exchanges, especially in Raleigh Bay, can be significant . One primary characteristic that these two provinces share is a strong influence from the nearby Gulf Stream . In general, the mode of interaction with the Gulf Stream differs between the Middle Atlantic Bight and the South Atlantic Bight (see Chapters 2 and 3) . To the south, lateral variations in the Gulf Stream position are constrained to a considerably narrower domain than in the Slope Sea north of Cape Hatteras . Thus, in the Middle Atlantic Bight the influence of the Gulf Stream is often indirect, for example through the detached anticyclonic rings and through the Gulf Stream's effect on the Slope Sea gyre . In the South Atlantic Bight, the influence is usually direct, through filaments and frontal 71 eddies along to the western wall of the Gulf Stream . Satellite imagery has shown that the north-south differences between these modes of interaction decrease in the approaches to Cape Hatteras . The primary reason for this merging process is the decreasing width of the Slope Sea in the southern Middle Atlantic Bight . To the north of Cape Hatteras, the Middle Atlantic Bight stretches more than 800 km to Cape Cod as shown in Figure 1 .1-2 . As the shelf width expands gradually toward the north, the depths of both the shelf and shelf break decrease to a minimum along the broad ridge extending seaward off the mouth of Chesapeake Bay . Typical mid-shelf depths immediately north of Cape Hatteras are 40 m, while off Chesapeake Bay, mid-shelf depths are 25 m . To the north of Chesapeake Bay, the shelf maintains its roughly 100 km width while deepening to the more typical 40 m mid-shelf depths of the remainder of the Middle Atlantic Bight . Southward from the narrow continental shelf off Diamond Shoals at Cape Hatteras, the South Atlantic Bight does not expand uniformly to the 200 km width off Georgia, but undergoes three large oscillations marked by the Carolina Capes and their offshore shoal extensions (Figures 1 .1-1 and 1 .1-2) . The regularity of the Capes and the embayments they define--from north to south, Raleigh Bay, Onslow Bay, and Long Bay--has led to speculation as to their origin . Abbe (1895 ; see Bumpus 1955, 1973 ; Brooks and Bane 1981) inferred a series of counterclockwise "back eddies" from the Gulf Stream (reported from ship drifts) that coincided with the Carolina bays . While the giant cusps continue to fascinate geologists and physical oceanographers, they also provide a regional demarcation between the circulation processes of the Carolina Bays and the circulation of the smoother shelf to the south . These regions differ in the amount of circulation control exerted by the topography and in the degree and mode of Gulf Stream interactions (Atkinson and Menzel 1985 ; Pietrafesa et al . 1985b) . An unusual aspect of this difference between northern and southern regions of the South Atlantic Bight is that offshore topography plays a crucial role in the separation . At about 31°30'N, a submarine ridge, the Charleston Bump, extends seaward from the continental slope . This feature produces an offshore deflection in the Gulf Stream and a series of recirculation eddies or frontal deformations in its lee . Although these larger eddies appear frequently offshore of the Carolina Capes, similar frontal filaments on the western wall of the Gulf Stream can occur throughout the South Atlantic Bight (Atkinson and Menzel 1985) . In the southern portion of the South Atlantic Bight, as the shelf narrows off the east coast of Florida, the proximity of the Gulf Stream ensures that these cold-core frontal eddies are an important contributor to the shelf circulation . 4 .1 .3 Mean Circulation By the time Henry Bryant Bigelow began his pioneering hydrographic work on the Middle Atlantic Bight, there was a solid body of evidence indicating a southwest drift of water from Georges Bank to Cape Hatteras (Beardsley and Boicourt 1981) . Bigelow (1915, 1922, 1933) described the seasonal change in the Middle Atlantic Bight, from a cold, well-mixed water column in the winter to one of strong stratification in summer . He noted the cold band of water along the bottom over the outer shelf and concluded that it was produced locally and not replenished during the summer from the north . With the insight provided by 10 years of drift-bottle and seabed drifter releases (Bumpus 1973), and from moored currentmeter arrays (Beardsley et al . 1976 ; Beardsley and Boicourt 1981) on the Middle Atlantic Bight, the southward mean flow on the order of 5 cm s-1 has been established for all depths, including the summer cold band of water . Information 72 from the moored arrays also confirmed Iselin's (1939, 1940) inference of a crossshelf shear in the mean flow, with maximum velocities occurring near the shelf break . Beardsley et al . (1976) found that the alongshelf volume transport (2 .0 x lOs m3 s'1) through three cross shelf current-meter arrays was remarkably similar (Figure 4 .1-6), in spite of the spatial and temporal (including seasonal) differences in measurements . This uniformity encouraged them to postulate little net loss of water across the shelf-slope front . Their advective shelf-water residence time of 0 .75 years was less than Ketchum and Keen's (1955) value of 1 .3 years, which was based on an assumption that the primary transport occurred only in the cross shelf direction . Beardsley et al . (1976) also speculated that most of the shelf water observed flowing westward south of New England must be part of a continuous flow originating on the southern flank of Georges Bank and in the Gulf of Maine . Bigelow noted the influence of low-salinity water discharged from the large estuaries on the east coast of the United States--Narragansett Bay, Long Island Sound, the Hudson River, Delaware Bay, and the largest, Chesapeake Bay . Although these estuaries discharge on the order of 4000 m3 s-i of fresh water to the shelf, the primary inflow of water arrives from Georges Bank, south of Nantucket Shoals (Figure 1 .1-2) . Despite the addition of fresh water along the coast, mean salinity of a cross-shelf section increases as the Georges Bank water traverses the 800 km from Nantucket Shoals to Cape Hatteras . The salt to supply this increase in salinity is transported from the slope water across the sharp front, which extends continuously along the shelf break from Georges Bank to near Cape Hatteras . As southward-flowing shelf water approaches Cape Hatteras, bathymetry steers the flow offshore . The traditional view of the fate of this water is that, while there are occasional southward flows over Diamond Shoals into Raleigh Bay, the majority moves offshore and becomes entrained in the Gulf Stream, producing narrow, discontinuous filaments of cold, fresher water stretching for hundreds of kilometers along the north wall of the Gulf Stream . This process was first described by Ford and Miller (1952) and Ford et al . (1952) and has been examined more recently by Fisher (1972), Kupferman and Garfield (1977), Csanady and Hamilton (1988), and Churchill et al . (1989) . The Gulf Stream can, in turn, send intrusions of warm, salty water onto the shelf in this region (Churchill and Cornillon 1991b ; Gawarkiewicz et al . 1992) . An unanswered question with regard to the onshore-offshore exchange in this region is where the cold-water band over the outer shelf exits the continental shelf and becomes entrained in the Gulf Stream . This band is a common component of the "Ford Water" observed in discrete, elongated filaments on the north wall of the Stream . Hydrographic measurements (Figures 4 .1-7 and 4 .1-8) suggest that the cold band moves offshore in the vicinity of 35°40'N, but this position is expected to vary substantially with Gulf Stream position and with changes in wind forcing . The enhanced temporal and spatial perspective provided by satellite thermal imagery suggests that both overflow of Diamond Shoals ("breaching the barrier") and Gulf Stream entrainment will require a significant amount of study in order to provide a quantitative measure of these complex and highly time-dependent processes . As is the case for other shelf regions with strong alongshelf flow, accurate detection of the cross shelf component of flow has proven difficult in the Middle Atlantic Bight . Iselin's (1939, 1940) inference, from the salinity structure, 73 oc oE f L00,6ND I L SOl/ND S p ~ t NANfl/CKE7 s SHOALS 4) 1 28 42 = ~ 20'~ q 2` K 24 30 is 23 N 15 y 2s ~ 716 23 2 ~ ~ 17 21 a I 1 09 • 100 . 200M _A _40 100 ~ p ~ u . 10 500-20 / 39 '~ o 2 4 6 e IOems- ' ~ c~ F P* 21 . . ,y_ c/I ~ .w n 9 . . . ~ ~ 37• , 7 ~104 I i• a / 1 , 38 Q tiC„OW ••.i.1s n `„ III ~,~t.~Y - . 74 • 1 ~j .'/ 36• / . i . HAn ~ / 76• ~ 75• 74• 73' 72• 71• 7p• Figure 4 .1-6 Mean Eulerian currents in the Middle Atlantic Bight (from Beardsley et al . 1976) . Winter measurements are indicated by solid arrows and summer measurements are indicated by dashed arrows . Depth of measurement is indicated by number at tip of arrow . 74 ~ . ~ ; . Jt2 t0 8 . . . . . . . 6 . . +. . . . . . . . 6 ; . ~~r ~ -4 , ~ . * I '? ~ «~ ~ . 14e ~ . ; r r ~ • -}, r ~ 1 • . i I I/ . ~ /1 v A? v// 7/ v 7n ,/ 7Y v N'r 7/ + / i ~ . , , •ll va 71 ~ 1 / / T + T vez0-t/ va 7/ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ R • . ~ 16 II • Figure 4 .1-7 . •i •io va7/ 1 / 1 . +~ i ~ . f.HYaA' . 14 . . + ~ ~ ~/ Map of minimum temperature in the water column below 20 m for July 1971 (from Boicourt 1973) . 75 ~ ~ ; . .,~ ,.~ : s . . i : • l. . , : / I1 i 12 30 V/I/ s/ ~ . V +2svm Y/ O ~ ., . . " • • 20-2/ vu/ 71 • e va 1'i ~ ~ ... ~~ . ~i ~ , `~• • ~ ,. . . . ~ ~ + • • • 111025 vUl 7J' • • / + 16 /~ . '~• ° • . N . '' NN71 ' • ( 14 12 Figure 4 .1-8 , . I I2S YN/ 1/ 10 / i / ~ i ~ l ~ 76° I • // . ;- . ; ~ . + + . + 75° I Map of minimum temperature in the water column below 20 m for August 1971 (for Boicourt 1973) . 76 of mean offshore flow at the surface and onshore flow along the bottom has been corroborated by both drifter (Bumpus 1973) and moored current measurements (Beardsley and Boicourt 1981) . Bumpus (1965, 1973) suggested a "line of divergence" for the near bottom flow, which was located one-half to two-thirds the distance from the coast to the shelf break . Offshore of this line, the near bottom flow was directed offshore . Subsequent support for this inference came from Csanady's (1976) modeling study which showed that, over the outer shelf, the offshelf drift in the bottom Ekman layer can overcome the density-driven onshore flow . Further support has come from current-meter observations (Beardsley and Boicourt 1981 ; Butman et al . 1982 ; Beardsley et al . 1985 ; Butman et al . 1987) . In contrast to the shelf regions to the north, the South Atlantic Bight does not have a clearly defined mean circulation, except perhaps for the buoyancy-driven flow along the inner shelf (Atkinson et al . 1983) . Observed mean currents are more a climatological average of the highly variable currents driven by the atmosphere and by offshore fluctuations of the Gulf Stream than they are a product of a consistent, large-scale pressure gradient . In this sense, the South Atlantic Bight is more of an event-dominated system than is the Middle Atlantic Bight to the north . In the cross-shelf direction, the South Atlantic Bight can be separated into three circulation provinces, each with a primary driving mechanism . When freshwater discharge from rivers and estuaries is high, a buoyancy-driven current flows southward in a narrow nearshore band . The broad, shallow (30 m) middle shelf is driven primarily by the winds . Over the outer regions of the South Atlantic Bight, the flow and variations of the shelf waters are dictated by the nearby Gulf Stream . In spite of the weakness of the mean flows in the South Atlantic Bight, at least directional tendencies have been suggested on the basis of information from both drifters and moored current meters (Atkinson et al . 1983) . Bumpus (1955, 1973) deduced that the southward flowing coastal current was narrower and more transient than the coastal current in the Middle Atlantic Bight . Over the middle shelf, he inferred a slow, broad northward flow . Bumpus' (1973) drifter diagrams indicate that, except for Raleigh Bay and Onslow Bay in the northern portion of the South Atlantic Bight, this flow reverses into a comparatively pronounced southward drift during late summer and early fall (Figures 4 .1-9 and 4 .1-10) . Although this flow appears persistent during this interval, it is apparently not sufficient to reverse the weak annual mean flow to the north . In recent years, research programs sponsored by the Minerals Management Service, the National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research, and the Department of Energy have substantially improved the coverage and resolution of current measurements in the South Atlantic Bight . For the most part, the new measurements are consistent with the earlier drifter studies, with mean velocities at the detection limits of the temporal sampling and the accuracy of the measurement . In the Carolina Capes region, Pietrafesa et al . (1985b) reported northeastward mean flows in Onslow Bay and off Cape Romain, but southwestward means in Long Bay . As Bumpus' (1955, 1973) drifters indicated, these direct measurements showed a seasonal reversal in the middle shelf off Cape Romain, but a persistent northeastward drift in Onslow Bay . Observations of a persistent southward flow during the Georgia Bight Experiments (GABEX I and II ; Lee and Atkinson 1983 ; Lee et al . 1985 ; Lee and Pietrafesa, 77 . ~ ' .~ ~~ R .z • 07 t•: Cm/ows 1 .10 .20 . 50 .~ .i, SO% .KO.e .S oen• Innl (Wr bOn 01 Ihe Shel MCbted D/ tMe Cenrh.1 ' ' b SpetO in nouhcol mdfS := ` e ' Dtr Aoy • Iro, 6h' e~ 'Ps 4 1 kk,ld 70. 6ya Figure 4 .1-9 Inferred surface drift from drift bottle returns (a) July and (b) August 1960-1970 ( from Bumpus 1973) . sq a +,:,; .~.~, • , ..•~Y ;•,, w• Conlovs •/,10, 20, 30 .40, SO%eetevNy Irom Ihel • ' tbted by Ihe porlqn ol Ihe shell entonl0u•s . f . --~f~ _A ~ ,l e 1Fj t~ ro a~e -j %0 SO ed in mde per ` TtOO 6~e 0.,° . .. ~ . cbsed by Ihe . GxNdwf-I,10,20,st1,4A,, :v1Y• ret .vNy 6em u.o/ •pplWn ol Ihe Shell conl;u.t • L \ r4 ~ _yep ° ~~(S \J\/ ~ SDed tn noulrcol nwles D'~r doy lkla ~0° 6ye Figure 4 .1-10 Inferred surface drift from drift bottle returns (a) September and (b) October 1960-1970 (from Bumpus 1973) . 1987) over the outer shelf (especially in the lower layer) at 32°N were originally thought to be anomalous, yet similar southward flows appeared at depth in winter 1986 during the Genesis of Atlantic Lows Experiment (GALE) (Lee et al . 1989) . Lee et al . (1985) suggested that this flow was not anomalous, but rather a manifestation of the semipermanent recirculation eddy downstream from the Charleston Bump ( Brooks and Bane 1978 ; Pietrafesa et al . 1978 ; Rooney et al . 1978 ; Chao and Janowitz 1979 ; Legeckis 1979 ; Bane 1983 ; Olson et al . 1983 ; Singer et al . 1983) . This cyclonic feature is consistent with the observed doming of isotherms downstream from the Charleston Bump (Bane 1983 ; Singer et al . 1983) . The continental shelf near Cape Hatteras constitutes a boundary region between two large provinces with distinctly different water masses and mean circulations . The combined presence of an occasionally leaky physical obstacle- -Diamond Shoals-and a strong, often dominant oceanographic forcing- -the Gulf Stream- -renders the definition of a mean circulation in this zone difficult . The evidence points to a large-scale convergence in the mean circulation at Cape Hatteras, although the southward and eastward mean flow in the region north of Cape Hatteras appears to be more established than is the northward mean in the region immediately to the south of the Cape . Establishment of these mean circulations and the major modes of variability about the mean is important, not only for understanding the circulations on the Middle Atlantic and South Atlantic continental shelves, but also for estimating the offshore flux of water-borne materials . To provide an assessment of the transport and mixing processes with adequate confidence, significantly more observational information will be necessary from this spatially complex and highly time-dependent region . The most glaring uncertainties are the statistical details of the Gulf Stream entrainment processes and quantitative measures of the frequency and transport of shelf-toshelf exchanges across Diamond Shoals . 4 .2 Shelf Variability and Forcing Mechanisms 4 .2 .1 Tides Tidal currents at semidiurnal and diurnal periods are important high frequency motions on the continental shelf around Cape Hatteras . Maximum tidal flows may be as large as 20 to 30 cm s-1 in the middle of the shelf . Large tidal currents have important effects on vertical and horizontal mixing processes on the middle and inner shelf . The width of the shelf is an important influence on the magnitude of tidal currents, and in this region it varies from about 100 km of the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay to about 20 km off Cape Hatteras and to about 60 km at the center of Onslow Bay . The coastline makes almost a right-angled turn between the Middle Atlantic and South Atlantic Bight at Cape Hatteras, which may be important for continental shelf waves at diurnal tidal frequencies . Tidal currents have been measured and analyzed in this region by Pietrafesa et al . (1985a) for Onslow and Long Bays, the FRED group for Raleigh and Onslow Bays (FRED Group 1989) and Mobil, along a transect just north of Diamond Shoals (SAIC 1991) . Further north, there are extensive measurements around the mouth of the Chesapeake and offshore of Cape Henry (Beardsley and Boicourt 1981) . The tidal characteristics are quite well described by the analytical theories of Battisti and Clarke (1982) which have been recently reviewed and summarized by Clarke (1991) . The major assumptions in the theory are that the longshore scales of the topography are much larger than the cross shore scales so the coast can be 80 considered quasi-straight, and the shelf tides are forced by the offshore, deep ocean tide . The semidiurnal (MZ) tides are characterized as an inertial-gravity wave response, where the major axes of the tidal ellipses are approximately perpendicular to the isobaths and the largest amplitudes occur in the center of the shelf where the shelf width is largest . The M2 current amplitudes vary from 5 cm s'1 off Cape Hatteras to about 15 cm s-1 in the center of Onslow Bay . The currents rotate clockwise through the tidal period . The M2 elevations with amplitudes of about 45 cm are approximately in phase all along the coast between Duck and Southport (FRED Group 1989) so the inertial gravity wave can be considered to have the form of a standing wave between the shelf break and the coast (Clarke 1991) . Thus, M2 tidal current amplitudes tend to be small over the steep continental slope and near the coast . Coastal elevation amplitudes for the diurnal tides (K1, P1 and 01) are about one fifth that of the M2 (K1, which dominates, has an amplitude of =9 cm), but show distinct north to south phase propagation . Duck leads Southport by about 1 .8 hours . The external, deep ocean equilibrium K1 tide also shows southward propagation along the U .S . east coast (Daifuku and Beardsley 1983 ; Redfield 1958) . However, diurnal motions are supported by southward propagating continental shelf waves at these latitudes (w<f) . Daifuku and Beardsley (1983) attribute part of the Middle Atlantic Bight, K1 tidal current signal to southward propagating continental shelf waves . A similar kind of response seems to occur south of Cape Hatteras (FRED Group 1989) . Diurnal current ellipses are aligned approximately along the isobaths with the largest amplitudes near the shelf break . Smaller amplitudes occur nearer the coast on the wider parts of the shelf but not where the shelf is narrow as at Cape Hatteras (FRED Group 1989 ; SAIC 1991) . Current vectors rotate clockwise as would be expected (Clarke 1991) . The region near Cape Hatteras, with its narrow shelf, is the only region of this coast where the diurnal and semidiurnal tidal current amplitudes have similar magnitudes of about 5-7 cm s-1 . This makes the tidal current signal more complicated, with large diurnal inequalities and spring-neap cycles, than regions to the north or south, which are dominated by M2 tidal currents . Internal M2 tides are probably generated along some parts of the shelf break in this region because of the steep continental slope and the generally strong stratified conditions which prevail throughout the year . However, there has been little investigation of internal tides for this region . The FRED group (1989) found evidence of enhanced near bottom M2 tidal currents over the outer shelf offshore of Frying Pan Shoals (Cape Fear) which is consistent with active generation of internal tidal waves (Wunsch 1969) . Further north near Baltimore Canyon, Burrage and Garvine (1988) reported large vertical excursions, at semidiurnal periods, of order 15 to 30 m of isopycnals in the lower part of the water column in the region of the summer shelf-break front . This again suggests active internal wave generation . 4 .2 .2 Buoyancy Forcing Although a broad understanding of the mean southward flow over the continental shelf in the Middle Atlantic Bight has been established for decades, the driving mechanism for such motion has continued to be a matter of speculation . Until 81 recently, the establishment of such a mechanism has proved frustratingly intractable . Huntsman (1924), Bigelow, (1927) and Iselin (1955) cite "rules" of coastal circulation, among which is the dictum that, in the northern hemisphere, flow is parallel to the coast and with the land on the right-hand side of an observer facing downstream . Although some early investigators inferred a buoyancy flow driven by the discharge of fresh water along the coast, the "rules" were only consistent with geostrophy, and did not reveal the driving force . Beardsley and Boicourt (1981), Csanady (1982), and Butman et al . (1987) reviewed the attempts to explain this motion, which is in the opposite direction to the mean wind stress . Although there was a consensus that an alongshore pressure gradient must exist to drive the flow, its origin was uncertain . External forcing from the Slope Sea gyre north of the Gulf Stream was a suggestion by Sverdrup, et al . (1942), Csanady (1978, 1979), and Beardsley and Winant (1979) . Shaw (1982) and Wang (1982) have cast doubt on this possibility by showing that vorticity constraints restrict steady cross-slope motion and thereby isolate the shelf and slope barotropic motions . Csanady (1979) examined the earlier suggestion that outflow from the St . Lawrence River could provide the alongshore pressure gradient sufficient to drive the mean flow from the Gulf of Maine to the Middle Atlantic Bight . He found that the influence of the St . Lawrence could be detected in stearic heights over the Scotian Shelf and the Gulf of Maine, but not further south . Recently, Chapman et al . (1986) established from oxygen-isotope measurements and modeling analyses that the alongshelf flow was continuous from the Scotian Shelf through the Gulf of Maine, around Georges Bank, and through the Middle Atlantic Bight (see Figure 4 .2-1) . In addition, they concluded that the regional largescale circulation did not create the alongshelf pressure gradient in the Middle Atlantic Bight, but that it helped keep the shelf water on the shelf . Oxygenisotope data indicated that the origin of the Scotian Shelf water was not the St . Lawrence River, but some unidentified source to the north . Subsequently, Chapman and Beardsley (1989) suggested that the origin of the Middle Atlantic Bight water is located in the northern Labrador Sea . The Middle Atlantic Bight would therefore be the end of a 5000 km, buoyancy-driven, coastal current originating along the southern coast of Greenland . Although the flow dynamics are as yet not proven, Chapman and Beardsley's (1989) hypothesis provides a satisfying explanation for many of the known features of the alongshelf coastal current and serves as a valuable framework to structure future observational and modeling studies . The southward increase in the sectional mean salinity on the shelf in the Middle Atlantic Bight, from Nantucket Shoals to Cape Hatteras, despite the discharge of 4000 m3 s-1 of fresh water from rivers and estuaries along the coast, might suggest that the local buoyancy input is not a strong contribution to the shelfscale, buoyancy-driven flow . Whether or not this is the case, discharges from these estuaries can drive buoyancy flows that, in the absence of strong wind driving, are rotationally trapped along the coast (Boicourt 1982 ; Chao and Boicourt 1986 ; Boicourt et al . 1987 ; see section V .) . When upwelling favorable (southwest) winds force these estuarine plumes offshore, the Ekman circulation broadens the low-salinity tongue and detaches the plume from the coast in the far field . The plume can reach mid-shelf during these events . In spite of the opposing wind stress, the broad plume moves southward, reversing only under conditions of unusually strong southeasterly winds . The dynamics of buoyancy driving under these conditions and the degree of coupling between the plume and the ambient shelf circulation is presently uncertain . 82 Mr Ar 6o adffl* scP , DQ ~ ~ . S~~~ . ~o ~ ~ . .( i.l p ~ r ~ -: ..~ ~ • GREENLANO - e . ~ . i gr ..weea. G CANADA ww~"~'aa~stk~ . O p,~l ~ ,i ~~- : ._° r ®e ,v I~Y10 TIINBOR~ ESTIYAIES • L .r M ~I I~N • Ci .AO.r~IONI s h.i .lw~rl~Kf ~ 6rww. w r UlAI . ~ (rN71 / Il1" w d (MS) ~ S.wwq M M (/N6) Pt MM" Figure 4 .2-1 Chapman and Beardsley's (1989) schematic circulation diagram for the coastal water from the West Greenland Current to the Middle Atlantic Bight . 83 Bumpus (1955) offered reasons for the lack of a "dynamically driven" (buoyancy driven) coastal current in the South Atlantic Bight . In light of more recent work (especially Chapman and Beardsley's (1989) findings for the Middle Atlantic Bight), most of these reasons appear to have substantial merit . The primary missing ingredient is a strong buoyancy input from the Middle Atlantic Bight, around Cape Hatteras . In addition, local buoyancy input along the coast is less than half that of the Middle Atlantic Bight (Bue 1970) . Bumpus argued that the southwest winds blow parallel to the coastline, countering any southward tendency for the coastal current . With the observed strong coupling of the mid-shelf flows to the wind (Lee, et al . 1985) and the mean winds having an alongshore component from the southwest (Blanton et al . 1985), this process would contribute to the prevention of a mean southward flow on the shelf . Over the outer portion of the shelf, the direct influence of the Gulf Stream counters any tendency for mean southerly flow, although the details of the "frictional drag" (Bumpus 1955) process are uncertain in light of the myriad forms of Gulf Stream interactions revealed in satellite SST imagery . As is the case for the Middle Atlantic Bight, discharges from estuaries and rivers along the South Atlantic Bight coast create buoyancy-driven coastal currents in the nearshore region (Blanton 1981 ; Blanton and Atkinson 1983 ; see section V .) . In the northern region of the South Atlantic Bight, the exchanges through Hatteras and Ocracoke Inlets into Raleigh and Onslow Bays appear sufficiently small to create only minor perturbations of the shelf circulation . 4 .2 .3 Atmospheric and Boundary-Current Forcing In the Middle Atlantic, moored current observations in the 1970's revealed that atmospheric forcing could easily dominate the 5 cm s-1 mean flow to the south . Beardsley and Butman (1974) and Boicourt and Hacker (1976) showed that strong winter storms could produce alongshore currents on the order of 50 cm s-i over the mid-shelf . A general description of the response of the Middle Atlantic Bight to atmospheric forcing has been presented by Beardsley and Boicourt (1981), Csanady (1982), and Allen et al . (1983) . Beardsley et al . '(1985) found that the efficiency of wind driving varied seasonally, with summer allowing a relatively strong current response to weak wind fluctuations during that season . Ou et al . (1981) used current records to demonstrate the existence of free, coastal-trapped waves, implying that the currents were at least partially responding to remote forcing . Noble et al . (1983) used statistics and an analytical model to suggest that most of this remotely forced variability originated no farther away than the eastern tip of Georges Bank . Monthly mean velocities from long-term moorings placed on the outer shelf in the New York Bight and offshore of the Chesapeake Bay suggest a strong low-frequency variability, but the records are not sufficiently continuous to document a seasonality (Mayer et al . 1979 ; Beardsley and Boicourt 1981) . The only evident seasonality is in the deeper currents in the southern Middle Atlantic Bight, where the currents tend to reverse during one or more winter months while the near surface currents remain southwestward . Beardsley et al . (1985) were also unable to confirm any strong seasonality of the volume flux past Nantucket Shoals . This lack of seasonal change in the volume flux leads to the question of what happens in the Georges Bank and Gulf of Maine region to filter out the strong seasonal variation of inflow to the Middle Atlantic Bight . As Brown and Irish (1992) point out, the reasons for this filtering are poorly understood . 84 Although the inner portions of the Middle Atlantic Bight were known to undergo summer "reversals" of the alongshore flow in years of persistent southerly winds and low freshwater runoff (Bumpus 1969), these reversals were thought to be relatively rare events . Boicourt (1982) suggested that these reversals were more the rule than the exception . An analysis of Haight's (1942) current measurements from lightships shows that the July monthly mean flows (taken over a variety of years) are consistently to the north, counter to the long-term mean, except at Nantucket Shoals and in estuarine outflow plumes . If near surface flow over the inner shelf undergoes an annual reversal while the outer shelf reverses only occasionally, then the summertime upper-layer alongshelf flow should be banded into two or three counterflows (see Figure 4 .2-2, from Boicourt 1982) . Williams and Godshall's (1977) analysis of Bumpus' (1973) drifter results support this idea and suggest that this banded structure may exist northward to New England . Pettigrew (1981) and Churchill (1985) demonstrated that the inner-shelf current fluctuations on time scales of several days are strongly influenced by wind forcing . While it may differ somewhat in scale and mode, atmospherically forced variability of the South Atlantic Bight is typical of other shelf regions . However, the myriad modes and the frequency and strength of interactions with the adjacent Gulf Stream represent a singularly dominant influence, especially over the outer shelf . Although the importance of these interactions has been known for a long time (Bumpus 1955, 1973 ; Von Arx et al . 1955 ; Webster 1961), their highly episodic and rapidly evolving nature has not lent itself easily to definitive observation and analysis . The recent combination of moored instrumentation and remote sensing from satellites has provided an observational technique with sufficient coverage and resolution to capture these events in progress . The FRED Group (1989) examined eddies off North Carolina south of Cape Hatteras and found that there were two distinct modes associated with the two Gulf Stream positions (Figure 4 .2-3) as noted previously by Bane and Dewar (1988) . During the small meander mode, the Gulf Stream front was along the shelf break and frontal meanders had a smaller amplitude . When the Gulf Stream front moved offshore, the amplitude of the frontal eddies and associated warm-water filaments were larger . Although the Gulf Stream front was farther from shore during this large meander mode, the eddies and filaments reached closer to shore than during the small meander mode . The cyclonic circulations associated with the largemeander filaments were occasionally observed drawing Middle Atlantic Bight water around Cape Hatteras and into the South Atlantic Bight (FRED Group 1989) . These observations of the breach of the "oceanographic barrier" at Cape Hatteras provide an additional transport mechanism to the earlier observations of winddriven events (Bumpus and Pierce 1955 ; Stefansson et al . 1971) . When these meander crests move across the shelf south of Cape Hatteras, the wind seems to have little effect on the shelf-water motions . During the FRED experiment, the alternation between the large- and small-meander modes occurred on time scales of the order three months . The six-month record was not sufficient to determine if these alternations were associated with a seasonal progression . As a Gulf Stream frontal eddy propagates northward, it appears to produce a front over the continental shelf . Although the wind does not appear a dominant force over the mid-shelf in Raleigh Bay during the large-meander mode of the Gulf Stream, it is the dominant driving mechanism of the mid-shelf for the remainder of the South Atlantic Bight . The 85 N ~ I I 1 ~ . Estuary ---~ %% Shelf Break 1 , ~ ~ ; , ; , ~ , 1 lnner Outer Coastal Jet Figure 4 .2-2 She/f Shelf I ~ ~ Schematic summer cross-shelf velocity profile for surface currents in the Middle Atlantic Bight ( from Boicourt 1982) . 86 36 :: .. NOR T H CAROLINA , 00 v • .• : 34° N : ' : BREAK ..• :. 'cD C HATTERAS :: '. SHELF oo4 C. LOOKOUT C. FEAR A~ ...;.•;;; ..' . •. ;,.. • ,. .~ ._ . • . • . .:•: :,.; . '' D CD ;;a ;;• ~'i . ; ~• . .••• .•: : :S i /, . .. SMALL MEANDER MO DE 32° " 78° D 760 78° ,, . b) LARGE MEANDER MODE 76°W 74° Figure 4 .2-3 Schematic diagram of the small and large meander modes observed during the FRED experiment . Shown are the Gulf Stream front and associated frontal eddy and filament structures . F indicates warm-water filaments ; CD, cold dome (from FRED Group 1989) . primary response to alongshelf winds is a nearly barotropic arrested topographic wave (Csanady 1978), as in the Middle Atlantic Bight (Lee and Atkinson 1983 ; Lee et al . 1985 ; Lee and Pietrafesa 1987) . This barotropic response led Lee et al . (1984) to apply a two-dimensional model, which produced a simulation of winddriven flow that agreed well with observations . Alongshelf, sea-surface slopes determined from the momentum balance are of the order 10- 1 for both winter-spring (Lee et al . 1984) and summer-fall (Lee and Atkinson 1983) . This value matches the slope determined from stearic leveling by Sturges (1974) . The tendency for offshore effects to dominate variability at the shelf break, but for the wind to dominate at midshelf was corroborated statistically by Li and Wimbush (1985) . Over the inner shelf, wind stress can augment or oppose the development of a buoyancy driven coastal current (Blanton 1981 ; Schwing et al . 1983 ; Blanton and Atkinson 1983) . The Ekman drift driven by southward wind events steepens the nearshore front and accelerates the low-salinity coastal current . Atkinson et al . (1983) found apparently anomalous low-salinity water off Florida in October . They attributed this water to southward wind stress, which retained the fresh water within the coastal band and advected it from the high-runoff region of the Georgia and South Carolina coast . Under northward stress, the inner shelf front flattens, and freshwater is forced offshore (Blanton and Atkinson 1983) . During the spring runoff, sufficient amounts of fresh water are ejected offshore via this process to be noticeable at the 40 m isobath (Atkinson et al . 1983) . However, the transient nature of this process has hampered definitive synoptic description and a quantitative estimate of the transport . Cross-shelf transport of Gulf Stream water can profoundly affect the temperature, salinity, and stratification of the middle and outer shelf . The first recognition of such Gulf Stream influence was Bumpus and Pierce's (1955) observation of cold, high-salinity water along the bottom of the outer shelf off North Carolina . This process has been examined further by Webster (1961), Stefansson et al . (1971), Blanton (1971), Blanton and Pietrafesa (1978), Atkinson and Pietrafesa (1980), Atkinson, et al . (1980), and Hofmann et al . (1981) . Hofmann et al . (1980) concluded that these intrusions were two-part processes . Both an eastward movement of the Gulf Stream (creating upwelling of cold water on the inshore edge of the Stream) and upwelling-favorable winds were necessary to drive cold water onto the shelf . These intrusions can transport greater than 20% of the volume of Onslow Bay and have lifetimes that range from 14 to 60 days (Atkinson et al . 1980) . Blanton et al . (1981) hypothesized that the divergent isobaths along the shelf north of Cape Canaveral and north of the Carolina Capes help induce upwelling as the Gulf Stream flows along the outer shelf . The summer 1981 intrusion processes appeared similar to those observed earlier off North Carolina in that both Gulf Stream fluctuations and wind-forced circulations played crucial roles . However, Lee and Pietrafesa (1987) and Hamilton (1987) show that upwelling can depend not only on Gulf Stream position and upwelling favorable winds, but also on the presence or absence of Gulf Stream frontal eddies . The cold, high-salinity water of these summer intrusions rapidly increased the stratification over the middle shelf region . Wind and tidal mixing were inadequate to mix these intrusions, so the stratification persisted for three to six weeks (Atkinson et al . 1987) . In winter, Gulf Stream intrusions can also rapidly change the outer shelf stratification . In contrast to the summer case, winter intrusions occur primarily via the surface layer, as an Ekman drift driven by northerly winds 88 (Atkinson et al . 1989) . Oey (1986) and Oey et al . (1987) presented a model of this process (Figure 4 .2-4) that incorporated advection, mixing, and thermodynamic effects . Oey hypothesized that in winter strong southward winds or Gulf Stream meanders break down the shelf-break front and that these winds drive a shoreward intrusion of warm water in the upper Ekman layer . These winter storms then cool the shelf water and vertically mix the intruded warm Gulf Stream water . With sufficient storm activity, a mid-shelf front appears . As might be expected from the forcing mechanism, the mid-shelf front is highly timedependent . Atkinson et al . (1989) found occasional thermal fronts over the middle shelf during the GALE experiment . These fronts were not dynamic, in the sense that the salinity distribution compensated for the thermal gradient . On the contrary, they constituted a local minimum in horizontal density gradient . Atkinson et al . (1989) concluded that, over the outer shelf, the advective supply of buoyancy from the warm Gulf Stream intrusions was four times greater than the buoyancy flux from atmospheric cooling and mixing . Over the inner shelf, they were of the same order . 4 .2 .4 Seasonal Variability The Middle Atlantic Bight undergoes a marked seasonal change in stratification . In winter, the water column is often vertically homogeneous over much of the shelf, with the coldest temperatures and freshest water occurring nearshore in February and March . The shelf-slope front separates the cooler, fresher shelf water from the warmer, saltier slope water . In summer, the water column is strongly vertically stratified over most of the shelf due to vernal warming and increased freshwater runoff (Bigelow 1933 ; Bigelow and Sears 1935) . During this season, vertical profiles on the outer shelf show large gradients in both temperature and salinity . Temperatures decline rapidly with depth, from 25-26°C at the surface to less than 10°C in the near-bottom cold-water band . Salinity profiles often show a subsurface maximum (Boicourt and Hacker 1976 ; Beardsley et al . 1976 ; Gordon and Aikman 1981) above this cold band . Beardsley et al . (1976) concluded that this cold-water band (called the "cold pool" by Ketchum and Corwin 1964) was not stationary, as suggested by Bigelow (1933), but was moving southward with the mean flow . Ou and Houghton (1982) provided a model for the cold band that explained the southward progression (Figure 4 .2-5) of the temperature minimum described by Houghton et al . (1982) . They found that an upstream cold-water source was necessary at the onset of the heating season . This cold water is supplied by the alongshelf flow from the Gulf of Maine, around Georges Bank (Butman and Beardsley 1987) . As is the case for the currents, the seasonal progression of stratification on the South Atlantic Bight is more a variation of event climatology than the regular progression of the Middle Atlantic Bight (Atkinson et al . 1983) . Over the inner shelf, runoff is sufficient to maintain a salinity-controlled stratification for most of the year, with peak stratification in spring (Blanton 1981 ; Blanton and Atkinson 1983) . The middle shelf develops a more predictable seasonal progression, with vertically homogeneous conditions during winter and a stratified, two-layer system during July-September (Atkinson 1985) . However, both the middle and outer portions of the shelf are prone to rapid stratification changes induced by Gulf Stream interactions . In addition, the stratification of the mid-shelf can be affected by southerly wind events forcing coastal, low salinity water offshore (Blanton and Atkinson 1983) . 89 Cooling Wind mixing -Mixed-Layer depth x 100m ; COOL ~ Shelf break front--4 I -7 A i ~ WARM ~ rong Southward Wind COOL . P, ..-m Ekman . Intrusion---, .- % '** ~ ~ Flux ; WARM ~, B DownwelUng cool water= COOL T Downward turbulent diffusion ~ ~ WARM ~ -i Continental Shelf C Front ~ Figure 4 .2-4 Oey et al .'s (1987) schematic diagram of the shoreward intrusion of warm Gulf Stream water during winter on the South Atlantic Bight, and the development of the continental shelf front . 90 -1 SEP AUG 0 10 2 ~ ~ / 8 JUL JUN 6 ~ MAY APR MAR 4 / ~ ~ ~ ~ / 4 / 8 ~ 4 00 KM 2 Z 8 I 4-- ~ Figure 4 .2-5 Progression of cold-band temperature ( minimum temperature measured in the cold band, from Nantucket Shoals ( NS) ; to Montauk Point ( MP), Hudson Canyon ( HC), Cape May (CM), and Cape Charles (CC) (from Houghton et al . 1982) . 91 4 .3 VirAz in ia Coastal Water Intrusio Temperature and salinity distributions led Parr (1933), Bigelow (1933), and Bigelow and Sears (1935) to refer to the oceanographic "barrier" of Diamond Shoals, restricting exchange between the southern Middle Atlantic Bight and Raleigh Bay of the South Atlantic Bight . Bumpus and Pierce (1955), employing not only hydrographic but also planktonic-indicator tracers (chaetognaths), witnessed a breaching of this barrier during strong northeast winds . Cold, low-salinity water devoid of chaetognath indicators was driven into Raleigh Bay from the Middle Atlantic Bight . Stefannson, et al . (1971) also detected wind-driven intrusions of Virginia Coastal Water into Raleigh Bay . These intrusions tended to move inshore and form a narrow (20 km) southwestward current along the coast . Stefansson et al . (1971) concluded that these low-salinity intrusions have a much greater influence on the circulation of Raleigh Bay than do the rivers entering south of Cape Hatteras . The implied magnitudes of the intrusions observed by Bumpus and Pierce (1955) and Stefannson et al . (1971) were not inconsequential to the circulation of Raleigh and Onslow Bays . Although a quantitative estimate of the intrusions would be beneficial for an assessment of their role in the circulation north of the Carolina Capes, at present even an estimate of frequency of occurrence is lacking . Vukovich (1974) noted the occurrence of one of these events in April 1971 . The data published by the FRED Group (1989) indicated the presence of a similar intrusion in May 1987 . The 1971 event was detected immediately after an atmospheric cold front had passed through the coastal region and was located off the coast . The winds at the coast were from the north at about 3 m s'1, whereas the winds off the coast were from the northeast with speeds as large as 15 m s'1 . At this time, the western boundary of the Gulf Stream at Cape Hatteras had moved seaward, allowing the cold Virginia Coastal Water to flow around Diamond Shoals into Raleigh Bay . Lenses of cooler water were also noted in Onslow Bay at the same time, and it was suggested that these cold lenses were relics of earlier intrusions of Virginia Coastal Water that had previously passed through Raleigh Bay . 4 .4 Surface Wave Climato 4 .4 .1 Introduction Ocean surface waves off Cape Hatteras vary seasonally in a manner typical of midlatitude regions and exhibit spatial and temporal variations that are related to meteorological conditions, local coastal effects, and the effects of the nearby Gulf Stream . Because of different meteorological conditions which generate winddriven waves in the region, as well as needs for wave information in both scientific investigations and practical applications such as offshore oil and gas activities, wave climatology is best described in terms of typical and extreme wave conditions . Typical wave conditions are those that usually occur as a result of prevailing meteorological conditions (see section 4 .1 .1) . Monthly, seasonal, or annual wave statistics are generally used to quantify typical wave conditions . Additional information, such as characteristics of waves generated by the comparatively infrequent severe extratropical storms, tropical storms, and hurricanes, is 92 The severity and needed to describe extreme wave conditions quantitatively . recurrence of these strong, wave-forcing meteorological conditions in and adjacent to the Cape Hatteras area make them important considerations for the local wave climate . Climatological summaries of meteorological and oceanographic data, including waves, from buoy stations with approximately three or more years of data are available ( U .S . Department of Commerce and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 1990) . Data are archived at the NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center ( NODC) . Selected parameters are archived in formats similar to ship observation formats at the NOAA National Climatic Data Center ( NCDC) . 4 .4 .2 Typical Wave Conditions Typical or commonly occurring wave fields are generated by prevailing winds driven by seasonally varying atmospheric pressure systems . Off the coast near Cape Hatteras, waves with directions from the coast are usually fetch-limited and are unlikely to have large heights . During summer, waves are most often from the east through southeast due to prevailing clockwise wind flow around the Bermuda atmospheric high pressure region . During winter, waves are most often from the northeastern quadrant due both to counterclockwise wind flow around the Iceland atmospheric low pressure region and to storms, which are not necessarily extreme, in the northern Atlantic Ocean . Toward the eastern ( seaward) side of the region, which is far enough from the coast so that fetch limitations are less important, waves have substantial probabilities of being from south to southwest during summer and from west to northwest during winter . As at most mid-latitude locations, spring and fall are transition seasons for atmospheric conditions which control the large-scale wind field and hence wave fields . Because of coastal fetch limitations and shallow water effects, prevailing wave heights and periods increase with distance offshore . The recent Corps of Engineers wave hindcast ( Hubertz et al . 1992) provides a good quantitative summary of typical wave conditions which are consistent with seasonal wave patterns from ship observations and seasonal climatological statistics from available measurements, (U . S . Department of Commerce NDBC 1991) . Mean hindcast wave heights by month and year are listed in Table 4 .4-1 for the outermost location ( 36°N, 75°15'W) with the deepest water depth ( 37 m) near the north-south midpoint of the Cape Hatteras offshore region . Except in very shallow water, wave conditions at this location should be reasonably representative of those over the continental shelf within the region . The total number of occurrences equals the total number of output times ( every three hours) during the twenty year hindcast . Each wave height on which these and other hindcast results are based was calculated from the total variance in a wave spectrum and closely approximates the value that would be obtained from the definition : significant wave height is the average of the highest one-third waves in a wave record ( Longuet-Higgins 1952) . Tables 4 .4-2, 4 .4-3, and 4 .4-4 provide monthly occurrences of wave height, peak wave period, and peak wave direction, respectively, at the same location . Peak wave period is the period with the most wave variance in a hindcast wave spectrum and represents the periods of the larger waves that would occur in a wave record . Similarly, peak wave direction is the direction with the most wave variance in a hindcast directional wave spectrum and represents the directions of the larger waves that would occur in a wave record . Expected winter, summer, and transition 93 Table 4 .4-1 Mean Wave Height (m) by Month and Year (after Hubertz et al ., 1992) ~ Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 2 .36 1 .44 1 .82 1 .69 1 .58 1 .52 1 .68 1 .67 1 .88 1 .76 2 .06 1 .40 1 .91 1 .93 1 .58 1 .76 1 .39 1 .67 1 .10 1 .56 1 .23 1 .47 1 .93 1 .46 2 .02 1 .59 1 .56 1 .80 1 .65 1 .65 1 .47 1 .75 1 .83 2 .70 1 .62 1 .41 1 .68 1 .75 1 .50 1 .25 1 .41 1 .40 1 .60 1 .46 1 .86 1 .27 2 .06 1 .38 1 .44 1 .17 1 .30 1 .38 1 .48 1 .74 1 .26 1 .69 1 .34 1 .65 1 .28 1 .77 1 .33 1 .22 1 .74 1 .27 1 .21 1 .32 1 .29 1 .21 1 .18 1 .18 1 .00 1 .48 1 .21 1 .28 1 .53 1 .17 1 .19 1 .26 1 .12 1 .49 1 .00 0 .94 1 .13 0 .83 1 .28 1 .17 1 .01 1 .14 1 .29 0 .82 1 .07 1 .24 0 .92 1 .20 1 .12 1 .10 1 .65 1 .08 0 .92 0 .89 ` 1 .11 1 .08 0 .99 0 .75 1 .16 1 .07 1 .00 0 .90 0 .86 0 .98 1 .09 1 .06 0 .71 0 .85 1 .05 0 .76 1 .04 0 .89 0 .76 0 .94 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Mean 1 .69 1 .67 1 .50 1 .28 1 .09 0 .95 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Mean .93 .82 .86 .01 .91 .75 .92 .77 .97 .90 .94 .95 .56 .79 .90 .97 .84 .76 .59 .13 0 .93 0 .99 1 .04 0 .85 0 .92 0 .94 0 .96 0 .72 0 .95 0 .75 0 .83 0 .85 0 .61 0 .93 0 .94 1 .00 0 .87 0 .72 0 .66 0 .58 1 .26 1 .03 1 .01 1 .10 1 .24 1 .33 1 .12 1 .33 1 .48 1 .07 1 .08 1 .45 0 .83 1 .22 0 .90 1 .28 1 .33 0 .89 1 .04 1 .12 2 .03 1 .46 1 .86 1 .30 1 .22 1 .48 1 .29 1 .68 1 .31 1 .38 1 .34 1 .11 1 .11 1 .67 1 .73 1 .44 1 .56 1 .16 1 .18 1 .25 1 .42 1 .45 1 .18 1 .66 1 .24 1 .48 2 .65 1 .46 1 .22 1 .29 1 .68 1 .31 1 .26 1 .68 1 .61 1 .42 1 .52 1 .23 1 .41 1 .43 1 .21 1 .64 1 .70 1 .60 1 .54 1 .23 2 .18 1 .42 1 .66 1 .19 1 .63 1 .62 1 .76 1 .96 1 .49 1 .76 1 .41 1 .70 1 .53 1 .77 1 .35 1 .25 1 .40 1 .25 1 .35 1 .26 1 .48 1 .29 1 .32 1 .18 1 .29 1 .30 1 .18 1 .49 1 .31 1 .32 1 .32 1 .23 1 .09 1 .26 0 .86 0 .85 1 .16 1 .43 1 .48 1 .60 Table 4 .4-2 Occurrences of Wave Height (m) by Month for all Years (after Hubertz et al ., 1992) Height (m) ko Ln Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total 0 .00-0 .49 45 0 .50-0 .99 1070 1 .00-1 .49 1517 1 .50-1 .99 900 486 2 .00-2 .49 2 .50-2 .99 365 3 .00-3 .49 268 3 .50-3 .99 142 4 .00-4 .49 75 4 .50-4 .99 31 5 .00-5 .49 26 5 .50-5 .99 11 6 .00-6 .49 10 6 .50-6 .99 9 5 7 .00-7 .49 7 .50-7 .99 8 .00-8 .49 8 .50-8 .99 9 .00-9 .49 9 .50-9 .99 10 .00-Greater 57 1019 1236 858 573 358 180 93 51 19 24 23 20 5 2 2 103 1313 1462 961 531 284 158 80 31 13 6 5 3 3 2 1 2 2 154 1538 1725 750 325 129 77 55 31 12 3 1 97 2275 1755 513 165 89 39 12 7 3 4 1 170 2831 1357 268 91 31 20 15 12 2 1 222 3195 1341 143 27 13 4 3 4 2 1 2 275 3227 1138 232 71 10 3 2 2 2 3 78 2373 1302 476 300 140 74 33 11 7 4 1 1 93 1495 1631 727 450 247 137 109 34 17 15 4 1 114 1297 1470 901 501 236 133 62 29 14 11 7 3 3 4 4 7 4 91 1177 1425 950 554 302 208 124 58 34 15 13 7 2 1499 22810 17359 7679 4074 2204 1301 730 345 154 110 68 45 27 13 7 9 6 0 0 0 Total 4960 4520 4960 4800 4960 4800 4960 4960 4800 4960 4800 4960 58440 Table 4 .4-3 Occurrences of Peak Wave Period (s) by Month for all Years (after Hubertz et al ., 1982) %0 oh Period (s) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 3 .0- 3 .9 4 .0- 4 .9 5 .0- 5 .9 6 .0- 6 .9 7 .0- 7 .9 8 .0- 8 .9 9 .0- 9 .9 10 .0-10 .9 11 .0-11 .9 12 .0-12 .9 13 .0-13 .9 14 .0-14 .9 15 .0-15 .9 16 .0-16 .9 17 .0-17 .9 18 .0-18 .9 19 .0-19 .9 20 .0-longer 85 654 795 801 775 533 342 313 314 199 70 47 10 12 2 3 2 120 618 745 796 689 419 297 276 211 185 110 34 13 6 169 771 914 834 727 479 335 214 231 129 86 37 15 14 4 1 193 994 859 692 521 411 357 323 198 127 81 41 3 153 966 821 644 660 800 516 210 105 43 20 16 4 2 174 1003 761 906 944 597 244 137 31 3 4960 4520 4960 4800 4960 4800 Total 1 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total 236 188 1330 956 707 737 551 925 973 1101 703 570 340 300 82 85 15 56 4 25 7 10 9 4 3 3 67 501 661 690 1099 703 518 298 201 39 13 118 497 719 817 929 790 496 268 167 97 46 16 101 638 803 749 648 540 315 313 263 208 134 62 17 2 3 2 2 113 705 721 741 666 515 485 396 282 176 93 42 16 7 2 1717 9633 9243 9146 9732 7060 4545 2915 2074 1235 670 308 90 47 14 6 5 0 4960 4960 4800 4960 4800 4960 58440 6 4 Table 4 .4-4 Occurrences of Peak Wave Direction (deg) by Month for all Years (after Hubertz et al ., 1982) Direction (deg) Jan ~ 348 .75- 11 .24 11 .25- 33 .74 33 .75- 56 .24 56 .25- 78 .74 78 .75-101 .24 101 .25-123 .74 123 .75-146 .24 146 .25-168 .74 168 .75-191 .24 191 .25-213 .74 213 .75-236 .24 236 .25-258 .74 258 .75-281 .24 281 .25-303 .74 303 .75-326 .24 326 .25-348 .74 698 317 283 623 320 563 139 187 190 141 175 129 172 134 293 596 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total 449 268 359 607 306 240 281 267 222 124 138 132 187 153 331 456 436 216 290 676 279 351 290 295 373 243 210 104 185 165 359 488 353 142 262 596 344 369 301 353 430 274 301 213 193 156 265 248 145 196 277 574 593 840 455 452 393 285 267 131 125 63 90 74 88 95 156 296 346 1026 708 515 558 355 289 152 72 50 40 54 108 80 98 144 261 1630 429 236 514 524 462 185 104 55 52 78 136 146 259 280 308 1519 675 286 475 262 284 107 71 41 45 66 239 362 401 887 745 1162 309 194 92 90 90 41 30 29 40 89 393 403 386 877 810 665 347 169 140 73 80 65 96 63 157 236 482 229 331 845 526 400 215 204 221 157 142 112 127 138 293 378 511 253 294 627 541 403 211 216 289 155 149 138 204 163 334 472 4038 2707 3396 7032 5379 9168 4360 3374 3897 2683 2587 1509 1566 1210 2299 3235 Total 4960 4520 4960 4800 4960 4800 4960 4960 4800 4960 4800 4960 58440 season behavior is clearly seen in these tables . Larger occurrences of waves from the northeast quadrant during October through March and the higher winter wave heights indicate the importance of extratropical storms which often develop and intensify off the U .S . east coast particularly from Cape Hatteras northward . A significant gradient of more severe wave conditions with increasing distance from the coast occurs between November and March when extratropical storms produce the higher waves . Wave heights near 75°15'W are roughly 20% higher than wave heights near 75°45'W, a location about 44 km closer to the coast . Except very near the coast, offshore variations are smaller during other months, especially summer months . Additional typical wave information from this hindcast at several locations in the region of interest includes joint occurrences of wave height and peak period by direction intervals and for all directions, occurrences of wind speeds by month, and occurrences of wind direction by month (Hubertz et al . 1992) . Hindcast information pertaining to extremes is described in the following section . 4 .4 .3 Extreme Wave Conditions Extreme waves are generated by severe extratropical storms as well as by tropical storms and hurricanes . The region is well-known as an area where rapid extratropical storm intensification occurs, especially near the Gulf Stream during the cool season . These storms, which often develop into so-called northeasters, may generate high waves that persist for relatively long time periods, sometimes several days . Such persistent high waves may cause substantial beach erosion along the coast and are usually a primary concern in the design of offshore structures . The wave hindcast of Hubertz et al . (1992), which provides quantitative information about typical wave conditions, also provides useful information about extratropical, storm-generated extreme waves . Table 4 .4-5 lists the maximum wave heights, associated peak wave periods, and associated peak wave directions for each month during the twenty year hindcast at the same location (36°N, 75°15'W) used for the typical wave condition tables . Highest waves occur during November through March . The highest single wave height (8 .8 m) during this hindcast was generated by the very severe and well-studied March 1962 northeaster that caused major damage along the U .S . east coast . Return periods, or recurrence intervals, are often used to describe extreme waves . The return period corresponding to a given wave height is the average time between wave height occurrences (which are quasi-random) equal to or greater than this wave height . For all Corps of Engineers hindcast output locations in the region, Table 4 .4-6 lists wave heights for return periods between two and fifty years that were obtained by fitting a Fisher-Tippett Type II extremal probability distribution to hindcast wave heights (Hubertz et al . 1992) . A Type I distribution provided somewhat lower (less conservative) wave heights at the longer return periods . Due to coastal fetch limitations for waves from the north, refraction effects, and further intensification of storms moving offshore, extreme waves are higher further offshore in the eastern part of the region than near the coast . 98 Table 4 .4-5 Maximum Wave Heights (m*10) with Associated Peak Periods (s) and Directions (deg/10) by Month and Year (after Hubertz et al ., 1992) Year 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 Jan 7211 2 36 835 40 814 411018 6413 8 38 836 5411 4 45 833 5210 9 48 935 7413 4 34 832 6912 5 5210 .4 46 933 45 831 39 9 2 34 9 3 26 8 1 5310 3 Feb 29 819 4510 3 41 831 29 734 6514 7 441012 5910 3 5410 2 4910 2 461014 44 936 38 8 1 7913 5 6412 .6 49 918 431016 35 815 56 9 1 37 818 33 910 Mar 41 9 1 35 833 37 836 501116 43 832 32 732 8814 5 47 917 39 835 30 735 46 9 4 39 834 48 919 56 935 33 917 7112 3 27 718 421018 28 810 591113 Apr 51 9 2 36 833 5611 8 37 8 5 35 836 34 815 381018 37 818 30 819 30 718 22 631 41 835 33 917 35 818 42 9 1 47 911 42 9 0 35 819 32 819 48 936 May Jun Jul 30 8 3 19 7 2 28 8 0 17 719 3212 9 32 732 18 618 27 820 4010 8 17 636 26 7 0 34 818 33 9 8 23 720 23 717 29 819 5711 5 35 818 26 817 17 636 26 8 7 4310 5 22 6 3 24 631 31 8 1 20 718 33 912 39 814 18 5 3 26 9 7 44 9 1 19 6 3 13 422 20 717 22 7 4 13 6 4 391013 16 618 17 616 6912 4 16 611 16 6 1 14 423 29 717 37 819 13 519 28 813 15 618 23 720 20 719 23 635 18 618 12 514 17 618 19 718 28 7 7 19 614 16 910 12 536 6914 5 Aug 21 25 28 22 24 19 25 15 23 18 21 22 19 23 32 44 22 18 19 10 633 813 7 8 633 7 4 617 814 521 718 634 7 8 719 7 3 735 8 7 914 7 3 619 636 5 5 Sep 44 9 9 33 9 9 30 734 29 712 25 8 4 3811 9 6011 3 33 8 1 5111 3 28 8 6 33 8 3 36 9 3 1611 7 36 8 1 26 720 39 9 7 35 8 1 33 816 33 9 3 22 7 4 Oct 46 9 8 5512 9 6212 4 29 716 39 9 1 5410 1 4110 6 4510 7 391011 42 915 36 8 1 23 619 26 732 35 8 1 5212 6 40 912 31 8 1 33 8 1 44 9 3 45 9 2 Nov 31 733 36 918 33 8 1 38 8 1 28 732 36 835 8714 7 42 913 50 9 2 36 834 35 814 33 836 43 831 541212 421010 37 9 2 35 835 31 8 0 43 834 6011 4 Dec 41 831 46 936 6512 6 50 9 2 5310 1 32 732 6612 9 42 9 8 6010 1 42 9 0 75 833 47 918 521018 44 832 41 833 42 833 32 731 411017 491011 5210 1 Max 7413 4 7913 5 8814 5 5611 8 5711 5 6912 4 6914 5 44 914 6011 3 6212 4 8714 7 6612 9 Example : 7211 2 - 7 .2 m, 11 s, direction from 20 deg . Max 7211 2 5512 9 6512 6 50 9 2 6514 9 5410 1 8814 5 5410 2 6010 1 48 935 7413 4 47 918 7913 5 6412 9 5212 6 7112 3 5711 5 56 9 1 491011 6914 5 Table 4 .4-6 Wave H eight (m) as a Function of Return Per iod' (after Hubertz et al ., 1992) hocation Deuth (m) Ret urn Period (y ears) 2 34 .50° W, 76 .75° N 34 .50° W, 76 .50° N r 0 20 9+ 5 10 20 25 50 4 .87 5 .33 5 .68 6 .04 6 .16 6 .55 4 .56 5 .13 5 .57 6 .03 6 .19 6 .70 34 .75° W, 76 .25° N 22 4 .93 5 .28 5 .53 5 .80 5 .89 6 .17 34 .75° W, 76 .00° N 35 5 .42 5 .81 6 .10 6 .39 6 .49 6 .79 35 .00° W, 75 .75° N 18 4 .74 5 .35 5 .82 6 .32 6 .49 7 .03 75 .50° N 35 5 .80 6 .50 7 .05 7 .63 7 .83 8 .46 35 .25° W, 75 .25° N 22 5 .81 6 .49 7 .02 7 .56 7 .75 8 .34 35 .50° W, 75 .25° N 27 6 .38 7 .23 7 .90 8 .60 8 .84 9 .61 35 .75° W, 75 .25° N 29 6 .47 7 .34 8 .01 8 .72 8 .96 9 .75 36 .00° W, 75 .25° N 37 6 .69 7 .56 8 .23 8 .93 9 .17 9 .94 36 .25° W, 75 .50° N 27 6 .01 6 .70 7 .23 7 .78 7 .96 8 .55 36 .50° W, 75 .75° N 18 5 .19 5 .85 6 .36 6 .90 7 .08 7 .67 36 .75° W, 75 .75° N 11+ 4 .92 5 .71 6 .33 7 .00 7 .23 7 .98 37 .00° W, 75 .75° N 14 4 .88 5 .49 ------ -----------+ wave heights possibly depth-limited . 5 .95 6 .44 6 .61 7 .14 35 .00° W, Few available studies provide extreme wave or wave return period information based on hurricane-generated waves . Earle (1975) employed (now outdated) numerical wave directional spectra and wave refraction models to hindcast wave conditions in 16m of water during fifteen hurricanes and thirty extratropical storms between 1944 and 1973 for engineering evaluations of the Diamond Shoals Light Tower off Cape Hatteras . Earle and Burns (1975) used the same techniques to determine design criteria for similar evaluations of the Chesapeake Light Tower off Cape Henry, Virginia, in water 12 m deep at mean low water . Extreme significant wave heights (using the same definition as the Corps of Engineers wave hindcast) and their corresponding return periods were 9 .8 m (10 years), 11 .4 m (25 years), 12 .5 m (50 years), and 13 .6 m (100 years) at Diamond Shoals Light Tower . Corresponding results at Chesapeake Light Tower were 10 .7 m (10 years), 11 .4 m (25 years), 11 .6 m (50 years), and 11 .7 m (100 years) . Although windgenerated storm surges were considered in these extreme waves, the results may be highly location dependent due to substantial shallow water effects . These results indicate considerably higher extreme waves than the Corps of Engineers hindcast partly because of the higher wind speeds that occur during severe hurricanes compared to severe extratropical storms . However, durations of higher waves during hurricanes are shorter than durations during severe extratropical storms . Approximately half of the highest hindcast heights at each location were due to hurricanes and half to severe extratropical storms . Ward et al . (1978) used a significant wave height model to hindcast waves during fourteen hurricanes between 1900 and 1975 that affected the Georgia Embayment south of the study region and Baltimore Canyon north of the study region . While these results are not directly applicable to the study region, averaging these results for locations near the seaward edge of the continental shelf provides the following "rough" estimates of hurricane-generated deep water extreme significant wave heights for the region : 11 .0 m (25 years), 12 .2 m (50 years), and 13 .4 m (100 years) . The . U . S . Army Corps of Engineers performed a twenty year, 1956-1975, hindcast of hurricane-generated waves for the United States Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts (Abel et al . 1989) . Extreme waves were estimated at three locations where waves could be affected by bottom depths (e .g . wave refraction effects) and two deep water locations within the Cape Hatteras region . Extreme wave results at several locations where wave heights were not depth-limited, including off Cape Hatteras, were unrealistically large . A report addendum provides results using an improved statistical analysis technique . Averaged extreme significant wave heights and their corresponding return periods from the addendum at the three non-deep locations (average depth 44m) were 7 .6m (5 years), 8 .9m (10 years), 10 .2m (20 years), and 11 .8m (50 years) . Results at the two deep water locations were 9 .3m (5 years), 11 .0m (10 years), 12 .6m (20 years), and 14 .9m (50 years) . There are concerns about the accuracies and implications of the statistical analysis techniques that have been used with the Corps of Engineers hurricanegenerated wave hindcast . Consideration of the available extreme wave information shows that a major wave information shortcoming is the lack of information about hurricane generated waves using state-of-the-art numerical wave models . Hurricanes clearly generate the very highest waves in the region . Long-term measurements at buoy station 41001 (located between 34°54' - 35°N and between 72° - 73°W) since 1976 are approaching a long enough time period to provide useful extreme wave information (although not for return periods as long as 100 years) . The highest significant wave height measured through 1988 was 101 10 .0 m during a March, 1983, extratropical storm . Several extreme wave heights during other storm events have exceeded 9 m illustrating the severity of waves in the region . 4 .5 Regional Bottom Boundary Layer Processes 4 .5 .1 Introduction Continental shelf currents are coupled frictionally to the seabed through a bottom boundary layer that allows the flow to adjust to the underlying stationary surface . Because the bottom boundary layer is essentially always turbulent, it is a dynamic region in which flow energy is dissipated and heat, mass, and momentum are vigorously mixed . Moreover, processes endemic to the bottom boundary layer result in the exchange of sediments, organisms, and chemical species across the fluid-sediment interface . Bottom boundary layer structure and dynamics reflect the complex interactions among the dominant processes . Sediment transport is a boundary layer process of great practical significance . It plays an important role in the dispersal of pollutants and in engineering applications such as water quality maintenance and the design of stable offshore structures . A fundamental aspect of the sediment transport problem, and one to which much theoretical and practical effort has been devoted, is the determitiation of bottom shear stress, a quantity controlled by the intensity of turbulence within the bottom boundary layer . The turbulence level, of course, is a function both of unidirectional and wave orbital motions, which combine in a nonlinear manner to create the near-bottom turbulence field . On continental shelves, circulation is driven by various mechanisms, two of the most important of which are surface winds and tides . Bottom boundary layers associated with tidal currents are unique in that their dynamics and structure are strongly influenced by tidally induced, rhythmic changes in flow direction and the accelerations and decelerations associated with those changes . On many continental shelves, however, mean circulation is relatively independent of tidal motions, and flow is driven, primarily, by the alongshore stress of the wind at the sea surface . The resulting bottom boundary layer flow may be unidirectional and quasi-steady for time periods characteristic of the forcing time scale and long in comparison to the tidal period . Recent oceanographic studies suggest that the bottom boundary layer on the Cape Hatteras shelf is of the latter category during a significant part of the year . Storms with their associated strong unidirectional currents and large surface waves are especially effective for transporting sediments and other particulate materials . This section presents the significant aspects of boundary layer structure and dynamics as they relate, specifically, to the wind-driven bottom boundary layer on the Cape Hatteras continental shelf . 4 .5 .2 Synthesis and Interpretation of Observations Fluid motions with a wide range of frequencies complicate the acquisition and interpretation of bottom boundary layer dynamical data . Because of that and other difficulties associated with making measurements in a harsh environment and in proximity to a boundary, bottom boundary layer field studies have been undertaken only recently, with the earliest systematic studies of boundary layer turbulence going back little more than a decade . Unfortunately, none of these 102 earlier boundary layer studies were conducted on the continental shelf off Cape Hatteras . It is possible, however, to gain a reasonable understanding of the bottom boundary layer of this region by a judicious use of theory, observations from bottom boundary layers of other geographic regions, and near bottom oceanographic measurements on the Cape Hatteras continental shelf . The oceanography of the continental shelf near Cape Hatteras is complex, being influenced by intense, seasonably variable atmospheric phenomena and by excursions of the Gulf Stream onto the continental shelf . In winter, extratropical cyclones and cold fronts spawn northerly winds that create energetic shelf currents and surface waves ranging in height from 6 m inshore to 10 m offshore (NOAA, NWS 1990) . Clearly, the effects of the largest waves reach to the bottom at all shelf depths . Moreover, vigorous wave activity thoroughly mixes inner shelf waters, thereby allowing wind-generated currents to penetrate to the bottom . Both onshore (Pilkey and Field 1972) and offshore (Milliman et al . 1972) motion of sandy shelf sediments and silty continental slope sediments have been attributed to current and wave-related motions associated with local and regional weather patterns . The study by Lee et al . (1989) indicates that subtidal current variability over the continental shelf in the vicinity of Cape Hatteras and southward is a direct response to synoptic scale alongshore winds that recur at periods of 2-10 days . The winds are coherent over an alongshore scale of greater than 800 km, thus the alongshore wind-forced responses are nearly in-phase over the same scale . A bottom boundary layer associated with wind forced currents should be coherent at the same scale as the current . Lee et al . (1989) have shown that the cross-shelf response to coherent alongshore forcing is Ekman-like in the surface layer with oppositely directed return flow in the bottom boundary layer . The nature of this type of flow has been described by a number of investigators as Ekman frictional equilibrium response to local, alongshore wind forcing (e .g ., Winant et al . 1987) . It is well-known that the current vector in a bottom boundary layer in the northern hemisphere turns to the .left as the bottom is approached . The result of this veering for the problem at hand is onshore transport during periods of northward mean current flow and offshore transport during periods of southward mean current flow . A number of investigators have shown that onshore movement of the Gulf Stream can enhance northward wind-driven flow . With sufficiently intense Gulf Stream flow, outer shelf waters may move in opposition to those of the inner and middle shelf driven by northerly winds . When this situation arises, principally in winter, bottom boundary layer flow may be onshore near the shelf edge and offshore farther inshore . The result would be the development of a zone of convergence in the vicinity of the outer shelf . Conditions for such a situation to develop apparently are not uncommon during winter . Based on previous studies (Atkinson et al . 1983 ; Lee and Atkinson 1983 ; Lee et al . 1984), the shelf south of Cape Hatteras has been partitioned into three cross-shelf zones--inner, middle and outer--each zone characterized by a distinctive set of controls governing the subtidal flow . The inner shelf, occupying the depth range from 0-20 m, exhibits relatively weak flows . The inner shelf receives fresh water from rivers and surface runoff and supports a general baroclinic southward flow . The addition of fresh water enhances stratification in summer and may induce weak stratification in winter . 103 The middle shelf lies between water depths of 21-40 m . The region may be stratified in summer, but during winter periods of strong wind forcing, the water column is well mixed from surface to bottom . Alongshore wind stress is the dominant forcing mechanism for subtidal flow . Mid-shelf currents are somewhat more energetic than those of the inner shelf . The outer shelf, represented by water depths >40 m, is distinguished from the inner and middle shelf by the frequent presence of northward propagating Gulf Stream meanders and eddies . The water column in winter normally is well mixed ; however, onshore motion of the Gulf Stream may result in near-surface stratification . The most energetic currents are found in this region of the shelf . Bottom shear stress and boundary layer thickness exert strong controls on near bottom transport and, as such, are parameters of great interest . Bottom stress frequently is written as ro - p CD U2, where CD is a bottom drag coefficient and U is near bottom vector velocity . Using this expression together with values of U and CD presented by Lee et al . (1989, Table 10), yields bottom shear stress values of 1 .3, 1 .2, and 1 .8 dynes/cmz for the inner, middle, and outer shelves, respectively . It is important to note that these estimates do not incorporate the important effect of waves . Using the data cited above, shelf steady-state boundary layer thickness for the shelf as a whole is estimated to be about 13 m . It should be noted that the velocities upon which this estimate is based were measured at heights of 3 m above the bed and, thus, may not be representative of flow in the logarithmic layer whose thickness is only about 1/10 of the bottom boundary layer thickness (Weatherly, 1972) . The intensity of bottom boundary layer turbulence, generally, is mirrored in the bottom sediments over which the boundary layer flows . Early studies of Cape Hatteras continental shelf sediment distribution reveal the shelf in the region to be blanketed largely by noncohesive sediments of sand-size and coarser (e .g ., Milliman et al 1972) . The sediments in this region, like shelf sediments in general, have been classified as relict, i .e ., sediments deposited during an earlier and lower sea-level stage . The implication is that modern river-derived sediments do not remain on the shelf but are returned to estuaries or transported across the shelf to the continental slope and beyond (Milliman et al . 1972) . Estimates of bottom shear stress of greater than 1 dyne cm -2 across the shelf are characteristic of environments where coarse sediment is the dominant component . Recent work by Weston (1988, Figure 2) has shown a sediment distribution on the middle to outer shelf seaward of Cape Hatteras characterized by a diversity of sediment types ranging from coarse to very fine sands . Cohesive components (silt and clay) were absent over much of the area sampled and were never more than 27% at any location . The data of Weston also indicate an alongshelf gradation of sediment size with particle size generally increasing to the north . Cross-shelf gradation exists as well, but is much less obvious . The presence of a zone of silt and clay in an area dominated by much coarser sediments suggests significantly different depositional environments in close juxtaposition in an alongshelf direction . The reason for this difference is not obvious but may be related to the presence of a convergence zone due to aperiodic current reversals along the outer shelf . Sediment stratification of the boundary layer may be 104 important in that area during energetic resuspension events but is probably unimportant in those areas where sand is the dominant size component . 4 .6 Sediment Transport Prior to the mid-1970s most field investigations of marine sediments were conducted from aboard ship using mechanical devices to collect bottom sediment and/or water samples . Analysis of these samples typically focussed on the composition of the bottom sediments and the extent to which they were relic or recently deposited . Inferences regarding contemporary sediment dynamics were generally deduced from clues found in the bottom sediment . Advances in underwater instrument technology during the 1970s greatly expanded the capabilities of those studying marine sediments, principally by allowing them to measure continuously both water velocity and turbidity near the sea floor . This occurred at a time when government agencies took an interest in the motion of fine-grained marine particles, due largely to their importance as carriers of contaminants introduced into the coastal ocean . The "funding atmosphere" and advances in instrumentation combined to shape several intensive field studies of fine-grain sediment motion over the shelf and slope off the U .S . east coast during the late 1970s and the 1980s . Unfortunately for the purposes of this report, sediments of the Cape Hatteras region were largely ignored during this period . Nevertheless, using the limited number of measurements from this region (collected mostly during the "strictly shipboard sampling" stage of marine sediment research), together with findings from studies in adjacent areas, a reasonably coherent, though somewhat tenuous, picture of marine sediment dynamics near Cape Hatteras has been constructed . In this section processes which act to mobilize fine sediments in the Cape Hatteras region are considered, and how they are influenced by the physiographic characteristics of the area will be described . Both shelf and slope sediments will be dealt with . Also to be considered is transport of sediment across the shelf . As a necessary prerequisite, the bathymetry and bottom sediment properties of the Cape Hatteras region will first be described briefly . 4 .6 .1 Bathymetric Setting The most prominent bathymetric features of the North Carolina shelf are large-scale shoals extending from the barrier island capes (Figure 1 .1-1) . Each of these shoals stretches across most of the shelf and rises above the surrounding seafloor by a height of 20 m or more (Swift et al . 1972) . Embedded in the shoals are numerous ridge and swale features . The largest of these have a vertical, crest-to-trough, relief of 10-20 m and are oriented transverse to the shoal's main axis (Figure 4 .6-1) . Ridge and swale bathymetry is by no means peculiar to the cape shoals . It dominates the relief of most of the shelf off the U .S . east coast and occurs on a variety of scales (Duane et al . 1972 ; Swift et al . 1973 ; McKinney et al . 1974 ; Stubblefield et al . 1975) . The most prominent ridge and swale features of the North Carolina shelf have crest-to-crest spacings of 1-10 km and crest-to-trough vertical extents of 1-10 m (Macintyre and Milliman 1970 ; Duane et al . 1972 ; Swift et al . 1973) . The character of the bottom relief changes abruptly seaward of the shelf off of Cape Lookout Shoals . To the north of the shoals, the shelf is connected with a 105 !~ 0 40' e '_ CAPE LOOKOUT SHOAL C 1: 2 M.ters `` = ~,~, ; ~'y w~ rQ 34° 30' ~ \ \ % NO\~ ~ ~Oc~ ,,r~ Z 011 O l ` F.~ ' ~* !a . O . .~`~`' pATA \l/ } . ' , . .. 20' O . ~ ~ . O e O°"'\\\M/// 9 ~ _ O 0 p A a~ ~Jv 10 0 76° ~ e Qo 0 A 20 30' 20' A' VERTICAL p~ ~ 10' B EXAGGERATION=312X W H Wc ' 40 0 10 20 30 KILOMETERS 40 Figure 4 .6-1 Bathymetry of Cape Lookout Shoals showing ridge and swale features transverse to the shoal's axis (from Swift et al . 1972) . 106 steeply inclined continental slope . This is incised by numerous submarine canyons and smaller gullies, as revealed in detail by long-range sidescan sonar surveys (Twichell and Roberts 1982 ; Scanlon 1984) . Extending seaward of the shelf-edge south of Cape Lookout Shoals is the Blake Plateau . Compared with the continental slope to the north, the Blake Plateau is gently inclined, and its depth contours are smooth and noticeably without evidence of canyons . The plateau extends to a depth of 1500 m before giving way to the steeply inclined Blake-Bahama Escarpment . 4 .6 .2 Sedimentological Setting Like many other properties, the chemical composition of shelf sediments undergoes a transition in the Cape Hatteras region . Shelf sediments south of Cape Hatteras tend to be rich in calcium carbonate and have a low mineral content, while the reverse is true to the north (Milliman et al . 1972) . In spite of this trend, the textural character of shelf sediments shows no noticeable north-to-south variation in the Cape Hatteras region . Rather, shelf sediments from Florida to the Hudson Canyon are predominately well sorted sand (Stetson 1938 ; Hollister 1973) . Except in a few isolated areas, the silt-plus-clay (particle diameter <0 .0625 mm) fraction of these sediments is small, typically less than 10% (Hathaway 1971) . Nonetheless, significant small-scale variations in this fraction are prevalent over the entire shelf (Hathaway 1971 ; Stubblefield et al . 1975 ; Stanley and Wear 1978 ; Boesch 1979) . There is a fairly convincing body of evidence which indicates that these variations are related to the ridge and swale bathymetry of the shelf . Evidence from the Cape Hatteras region consists of bottom photographs which show an abundance of rock fragments mixed with very little fine material on ridges, and a sand-mud bottom within swales (Macintyre and Milliman 1970) . More quantitative evidence has been obtained further to the north . In separate studies, Stubblefield et al . (1975) and Boesch (1979) examined bottom samples collected from densely spaced sites over the shelf offshore of New Jersey and Virginia . They found sediment silt-plus-clay contents to be highest (up to 17%) within the swales and lowest (generally less than 2%) near the ridge crests . Unlike shelf sediments, the textural character of surface sediments seaward of the shelf-edge changes dramatically in the Cape Hatteras region (Hathaway 1971 ; Hollister 1973) . Sediments over the slope north of Cape Lookout Shoals generally contain very little sand and have a high silt-plus-clay content, exceeding 80% in many areas . By contrast, sediments over the northern Blake Plateau closely resemble shelf sediments in that they are primarily well-sorted sand mixed with a small fraction of silt-plus clay . 4 .6 .3 Processes Affecting Sediment Movement Examination of field measurements has identified several mechanisms which contribute to sediment resuspension off the U .S . east coast . Those likely to be prominent in the Cape Hatteras region are storm-induced motions, tides, internal waves, Gulf Stream currents and the action of towed fishing gear . As discussed below, the relative importance of each of these is expected to vary as a function of time, water depth and geographic location . 107 4 .6 .3 .1 Storms Storm-related winds generate both large-scale ocean currents and the oscillating motions of surface gravity waves . These two types of currents combine on continental shelves to exert stress on bottom sediments . The potential importance of wave-current interaction in generating stress at the seafloor was first recognized by theoretical studies, notably those of Smith (1977) and Grant and Madsen (1979) . The basic idea put forth by Grant and Madsen (1979) is that when considering current-induced stress, the benthic zone can be divided into nested boundary layers . In a layer extending a few centimeters above the bottom, surface gravity wave and large-scale currents combine nonlinearly to generate stress . Later observational studies supported this concept and showed that surface-wave currents often dominate bottom stress production in shallow continental shelf waters during storms (Cacchione and Drake 1982 ; Clark et al . 1982 ; Young et al . 1982 ; Grant et al . 1984 ; Cacchione et al . 1987 ; Churchill et al . 1988, 1992 ; Lyne et al . 1990a,b) . The effect of storm-induced currents on sediments in the Cape Hatteras region was examined by Rodolfo et al . (1971) using water samples collected at various sites going across the shelf near Cape Lookout Shoals . The samples were acquired on three occasions : one during a period of strong winds and rough seas in the wake of Hurricane Gerda (which passed the area roughly one day before) and the others during times of relatively light breezes and calm seas roughly one week before and one week after the hurricane's passage . During the storm, sediment concentrations found in the samples (Figure 4 .6-2) show an increase in suspended mass on the middle and inner shelf . Over the outer shelf, suspended sediment concentrations found during the storm did not differ appreciably from pre- and post-storm concentrations . Limits of the seaward extent of storm-induced sediment resuspension off the U .S . east coast were revealed in two later studies carried out using current meters and optical turbidity sensors (transmissometers) moored near the seafloor (Churchill et al . 1988, 1992) . One study was located south of Cape Cod in a region of fine-grained bottom sediment, known locally as the Mud Patch . The other was conducted over the shelf east of the Delmarva Peninsula, where the bathymetric features and sediment grain size characteristics are similar to those of the Cape Hatteras shelf region . Data from this study showed frequent episodes of storm-induced sediment resuspension, occurring at a rate of roughly once per week, at a site on the 42 m isobath . By contrast, only three such episodes were observed over a seven month period at a site directly seaward on the 90 m isobath . The suspended solids concentrations detected at the 90 m site during these episodes, which were particularly vigorous storms, were several times less than the suspended solids concentrations typically observed at the 42 m site during storms . The seaward decline in the frequency and intensity of storm-induced resuspension in this study and at the Mud Patch was found to be primarily a result of the attenuation in surface gravity wave current magnitude with increasing water depth . 4 .6 .3 .2 Internal Waves Displacements of the internal density surfaces of a stratified fluid may propagate as free waves . These are called internal waves and are prevalent throughout the world's oceans . They are confined to a well-defined frequency band . Its lower limit equals or is close to the Coriolis frequency, which varies 108 ere ..nr wrura .a. O .'nstl+ • ' • . . ' ~ .~ ' .Nr MOMf M Nf[, Wt t~.rf Yy L. . , '`• _•M'r Nt1.M• af ftY .A /rr t 11• Kuq• tytN f nl//ft Y.K•Q fYt-4 OY% wN .~.~~ 1fY p r w 11A7rFfLIIJ/Mwv fI•r f•A ~,, .. ~ 9 ~~ ~, ` Min:mNn distonce (rom Gerdas. ctnter dm) too eo so 0 Phase I • Phase 1I QPhaselll •ns ~. . un 1 Nww ts . .k•~ 120 ;••J M AP E "' 1 ~ 2 o ~ 0 %0 ,.e ~ ' q IO l!!Q 8-0 1 .. . . ..« ... -- f•• 0 0 20 I!I 40 10 .. ~ 0~ Distance from shore (kn ) N !t1 s0 ~. Figure 4 .6-2 Locations of bottle samples taken offshore of Cape Lookout during September 1969 and the sediment concentrations found in the samples versus bottom depth . Approximate times of sampling phases I, II and III are, respectively, one week before, one day after and one week after Hurricane Gerda made its closest approach to the sampling area . Note that concentrations during Phase II are exceptionally high over the middle and inner shelf except at station 750 which is believed to have been in the lee of the cape (adapted from Rodolfo et al . 1971) . with latitude and is 0 .048 cycles per hour (cph) at Cape Hatteras . Its upper limit is the Brunt-Vaisala frequency, which depends upon the vertical density gradient . Brunt-Vaisala frequencies found over the U .S . east coast continental shelf during the summer months typically peak at values on the order of 10 cph (Flagg 1988) . Internal waves may be generated by a host of mechanisms including variations in surface wind stress and flow over abrupt topography (Briscoe 1975) . Their propagation is strongly influenced by bottom slope and water column stratification (Wunsch 1969) . Recent evidence indicates that motions within the internal wave band contribute to strong near-bottom flows and sediment resuspension over the shelf-edge and upper slope north of Cape Hatteras . The potential importance of internal wave currents at the outer shelf was demonstrated by Csanady et al . (1988) who examined near-bottom velocity records taken at numerous locations over the Middle Atlantic Bight shelf and slope . As part of their analysis, total velocity variances were separated into a number of frequency bands and plotted against bottom depth . The plots (Figure 4 .6-3) suggest that internal waves may be generated and/or intensified near the Middle Atlantic shelf edge . Variance in the two highest bands, which contain frequencies greater than 0 .066 cph and encompass most of the internal wave band, is greatest over the outer shelf and upper slope . (It should be noted that the range of these bands includes the frequency of the semidiurnal tide, which may propagate as a surface or an internal wave) . Detailed analyses of high frequency currents and their influence on bottom sediments over the outer shelf were undertaken by Flagg (1988) and Churchill et al . (1992) using measurements collected south of Long Island and east of Virginia . Taken together, their findings reveal a factor of two increase in near-bottom supratidal (periods less than 10 hr) current strength going seaward across the outer shelf (roughly from the 80 to the 130 m isobath) . The magnitude of this increase does not appear to vary significantly with season or with location along the shelf . Flagg (1988) offered convincing arguments that this cross-shelf change in supratidal kinetic energy results from dissipation of internal waves propagating onto the shelf . Churchill et al . (1992) found that vigorous supratidal motions at the outer shelf contributed to several events of sediment resuspension at a site on the 131 m isobath (Figure 4 .6-4) . They also noted that these currents were not, by themselves, of sufficient vigor to initiate sediment motion at this site ; modestly strong subtidal currents were also required . However, the data examined by Csanady et al . (1988) shows that the intensity of high frequency motions continues to increase going seaward across the Middle Atlantic Bight outer shelf and reaches a maximum just beyond the shelf edge (Figure 4 .6-3) . The possibility that high frequency motions alone may be sufficient to resuspend sediments just seaward of the Middle Atlantic Bight shelf edge is suggested by near-bottom speed records taken close to the 200 m isobath at sites off Cape Cod and New Jersey (Figure 4 .6-5) . These exhibit numerous spikes due to high frequency currents, many of which exceed 30 cm s-1 . It is thus clear that high-frequency motions, presumably due to internal waves, can have an important role in mobilizing shelf sediments of the Middle Atlantic Bight . At this time we can make no statement of this type regarding the South Atlantic Bight because little is known about its internal wave climate . 110 TOP06RAPHIC WAVE 90 60 so 50 70 40 60 30 50 20 40 10 30 Eel 14 50 w ~ 101 W lo 101 U Q 0 ~ • [+~ [+J [ Al .30 WIND DRIVEN 30 20 E•l ? 20 1o io [+' +r 00 [ •[+ 0 +~~ [ l 30 [+~ 20 HISH FREQUENCY [+~ 40 U Z > SEMI - DIURNAL 0 N NN (77.2) .t. . ~ + o • [+] •,[~+ a, , S e 1000 2000 BOTTOM DEPTH(M) ~ 3000 INERTIAL - DIURNAL • SEEP Winter 0 SEEP Summer [•] 10 [*) [ +l • ~~~ 00 * + + ~ • MASAR North Line V MASAR South Line + NASACS • 0 0 [ ] s lom From 8ottom # 1000 2000 3000 BOTTOM DEPTH(M) Figure 4 .6-3 Total variance of velocities measured within 100 m of the bottom at locations in the Middle Atlantic Bight . The variances are broken into frequency bands with period ranges as follows : topographic wave (5 .4 - 29 days), wind driven (30 h - 5 .4 days), inertial-diurnal (15 - 30 h), semidiurnal (11 - 15 h) and high frequency (<11 h)(from Csanady et al . 1988) . 111 ::: ~ 1 . 00 I ~ d ~ d GO MOORING 5, 131m ISOBATH . . 0 .25 0 . 25 50 50 SPEED i r r N ::: 1 . o0 BEAM ATTENUATION 40 40 y ~ 30 30 I q 20 20 U W a U> 10 10 0 10 15 0 20 Dec 1988 25 30 Figure 4 .6-4 The top plot is a record of beam attenuation (roughly proportional to suspended solids concentration) measured by a transmissometer located 3 m above bottom at a site on the 131 m isobath off the Delmarva Peninsula . The bottom plot shows unfiltered (thin curve) and lowpassed filtered (thick curve) versions of a near-bottom speed record measured near the transmissometer . Note that events of local sediment resuspension, identified by correspondence of strong current and high beam attenuation, often occur when pulses of high frequency motion coincide with a maximum of the lower frequency signal (from Churchill et al . 1992) . CURRENT SPEED 5 mab so s0 50 \ U 40 50 ~ 30 0 w 20 a N 10 30 0 ~ ~ W MMS MOORING A 40 20 10 1 20 1 I1 21 ~e b 1984 M ar 311 CURRENT SPEED 5 mab 60 11 Apr 21 1 11 May 21 311 USGS MOORING SF 0 60 ~, s0 \ so U 40 40 ~ 30 ~ W 20 30 20 a N 10 0 10 10 20 30 Oct 1983 1 11 Nov 21 1 ll Dec 21 311 11 21 Jan 1984 311 0 Figure 4 .6-5 Near-bottom current speeds measured a short distance seaward of the Middle Atlantic Bight shelfedge . The top record is from a current meter deployed 5 m above bottom at a location east of Virginia with a bottom depth of 225 m . The bottom record is from a current meter set 5 m above bottom at a location east of New Jersey with a water depth of 202 m . 4 .6 .3 .3 Tidal Currents Tidal currents, due to both internal and surface waves, strongly influence the fluid and sediment dynamics of many shallow water regions . To our knowledge, the only study which has dealt in any significant way with tidal currents in the Cape Hatteras region is the FRED experiment . As part of this experiment, eight current-meter moorings were deployed within and offshore of Raleigh and Onslow Bays . The semidiurnal ( M2) tidal current ellipses derived from the current-meter records ( Figures 4 .6-6 and 4 .6-7) reveal that vigorous near-bottom tidal currents, of order 15 cm s-1 in magnitude, occur over the shelf within Onslow Bay . They also show a significant increase with depth of semidiurnal tidal current strength at the shelf edge (roughly the 75 m isobath) near Frying Pan Shoals . The FRED Group ( 1989) took this as evidence that internal tides are generated and/or intensified in the vicinity of this particular shoals . The semidiurnal tidal currents measured in Raleigh Bay had relatively small amplitudes, roughly 5 cm s-1 . It thus appears that the impact of semidiurnal tidal currents on shelf-sediment motion is potentially significant in Onslow Bay but likely to be minor in Raleigh Bay . The diurnal tidal signal observed at all FRED current meters was small, order 3 cm s-1, so that the diurnal tide is not expected to appreciably influence sediment dynamics over the North Carolina shelf south of Cape Hatteras . 4 .6 .3 .4 The Gulf Stream and Gulf Stream Frontal Eddies As discussed in Chapter 2, flow variability at the shelf edge south of Cape Hatteras is often dominated by Gulf Stream currents and frontal eddies . The effect of these currents on bottom sediments has not been explicitly studied ; however, considerable insight as to their influence on sediments in the Cape Hatteras region can be gained by examining measurements from the FRED current meter array together with data from moorings placed over the slope near Cape Hatteras as part of the Middle Atlantic Slope and Rise ( MASAR) study ( SAIC 1987) . Velocity records from four FRED moorings that were placed at the shelf edge (75 m isobath) show frequent pulses of strong north-westward flow, marking a shoreward excursion of the Gulf Stream . Additionally, there were numerous episodes of strong southward flow due to the passages of frontal eddies ( Figure 4 .6-8) . The near-bottom speeds recorded at the shelf-edge moorings during all such occasions are much lower than the speeds measured directly above . They are, nonetheless, often in excess of 30 cm s-1 and likely strong enough to mobilize bottom sediments . The FRED array included two moorings at the 400 m isobath : one on the Blake Plateau seaward of Onslow Bay, and the other on the continental slope offshore of Raleigh Bay . Both had a current meter within 200 m of the surface and another at 100 m above bottom . Records from the slope mooring (Figure 4 .6-9a,b) contain numerous pulses of strong northward flow due to the presence of the Gulf Stream . Pulses of the deeper current meter record peak at roughly 50 cm s-1, while those of the shallower record are roughly twice as strong . From the Blake Plateau mooring northward, relatively weak flows due to the Gulf Stream are also seen in the records, seldom exceeding 30 cm s-1 at 100 m above bottom (Figure 4 .6-9c,d) . Because these measurements were not taken close to the bottom, they do not lend themselves to firm conclusions regarding sediment transport . Nevertheless, they suggest that Gulf Stream currents at the 400 m isobath are unlikely to resuspend sediments over the Blake Plateau but could be strong enough to mobilize sediments 114 M2 Surface Tidal Current Ellipses 36 ° 78° 77°u 76° 75° - 1 36° udc Amplitude : 47.0 cm Phase : 359 .5' ~•-~~~~_ Hatteras ~ Amplitude : 44 .4 cm ~ Phase : 353 .' ~ 1 35°N Amplitude : 442 cm Phase : 7.4' s~ 15 r ,0 L = m O.~ 1 34° 2 i 35°N I 20 m E V N ~ N Ci t0 m 4 5 15 m 'o E r CO aa 34° 6 3S ' 30 .m. ~~ m F o F O `v N ~ O~ F 0 0 ~0 z ~ 10 cm/s ~ \m y~o 33° 78° 77° u 76° J ~30 75 Figure 4 .6-6 Semidiurnal M2 tidal current ellipses from the records of the shallower current meters of the FRED experiment . The bold-faced number of the ellipse label is the mooring number and the other number gives the current meter depth . Arrows on ellipses indicate the Greenwich phase angle and the rotation direction of the current vector . Velocity scale is given by the arrow at the lower right ( adapted from the FRED Group 1989) . 115 M2 Bottom Tidal Current Ellipses 78° 36° 77°u 76° I 35°N 36° ~ I , . r :..y. .. 75° `j Y t . 35°N 25 yrv~ t•'•~~!! .~• 70 m 'X 70m .u m 34° ~, 34° 6 ! ! 70m oo~ 1 gm 33° 3 ~100 m 8 .,50% 78° Figure 4 .6-7 7 u o o ~ F o f , 0 m /3 ~ ~ 76° 75 Same as Figure 4 .6-6 except showing tidal current ellipses from deeper current meter records . 116 100 0 •pp 100 o _100 _~ h x 0 ~ z 35m ~ `) 1 e) 4 3Sm 1 _ _ A l . lli e ~ ~~ .11 V 1 1 ~ f)4 70m w ~ ~ b)2 ••L ` 1 „ -' 7 ~~~ d) 4 20m ~ u ~ a12 20m ~ L u1 ~~ 40 /o0 ~ 9 16 20 m _,~o ~~ ~ h) 6 3sm W _ 09 100 ~ U se] i) 6 70m ipp ~ A 8 20 m •1pp 108 _tpp k) 8 35m TIME (days) 1987 Figure 4 .6-8 Low-passed (40 h half-power period) filtered records of currents measured at the 75 m isobath east of North Carolina as part of the FRED experiment . The records are labeled by mooring number (see Figure 4 .6-7 for locations) and current meter depth (adapted from the FRED Group 1989) . "Up" is directed along the general trend of the isobaths at each station ; 53°T for 8, 45°T for 6, 42°T for 4 and 2 . 117 a) 3 100m ^ y 100 ~ -10 `-' 8 F-r r-r 00 b) 3 300 m W •00 1 a ~ C) 7 138m w d) 7 100 300m ~ -100 U t 0 140 O 160 2 2 0 240 260 2 0 300 320 TIME (days) 1987 Figure 4 .6-9 Same as Figure 4 .6-8 except showing currents measured at the 400 m isobath . "Up" is directed along the general trend of the isobaths at each station ; 45°T for 7 and 42'T for 3 . over the slope east of Raleigh Bay . This must be viewed with suspicion because it is at odds with the sediment texture observations of the area . As noted in Section 4 .6 .2, these observations indicate predominately coarse sediment over the Blake Plateau and mostly fine sediment over the slope to the north . The MASAR study moorings mentioned above were located over the continental slope roughly 30 km northeast of Cape Hatteras . They were at water depths of 350 and 710 m . Strong northeastward flows of the Gulf Stream appear in the near-surface and mid-water velocity records from both moorings (Figure 4 .6-10) . Such flows are noticeably absent in the moorings' deepest records, which show currents of no greater than 20 cm s-1 in magnitude . A similar pattern has been seen in other current meter records taken from the same area (SAIC 1982) . The obvious implication- -that the Gulf Stream does not appreciably affect sediments over the slope north of Cape Hatteras--is consistent with the predominance of fine-grains in these sediments . 4 .6 .3 .5 Bottom Fishing Over the last few decades the continental shelf off the U .S . east coast has been subject to intensive bottom fishing with the most commonly used bottom gear being an otter trawl . Its basic components are a net and two plates, commonly called the trawl doors, which are towed forward of the net and serve to spread it horizontally . Underwater observers have noted that turbulence generated in the wake of trawl doors acts to create plumes of highly turbid water (Main and Sangster 1981) . Evidence of turbid water behind trawls has also come from the records of transmissometers moored within Long Island Sound (Bohlen and Winnick 1984) and in the Middle Atlantic Bight (Butman and Noble 1979 ; Churchill et al . 1988) . These observations prompted a study, reported by Churchill (1989), considering the effect of trawling on sediment transport over the Mud Patch and Nantucket Shoals . Using records of trawling activity compiled by the U .S . National Marine Fisheries Service and a simple mathematical model, Churchill determined that trawl-induced sediment resuspension may account for a large portion of the time-averaged suspended load over these regions, particularly at the outer shelf . His calculations also indicated that trawling should initiate a significant net seaward migration of sediment from these areas . Churchill et al . (1992) found that sediment movement over the shelf east of the Delmarva Peninsula is also significantly impacted by trawling . Using probability analysis, they showed that sediment resuspended by trawls could be responsible for a number of the turbid water parcels detected during quiescent conditions by transmissometers moored in this area . The North Carolina shelf region supports a productive fishery and, like the rest of the shelf off the U .S . east coast, is heavily trawled . In view of the findings presented above, it seems certain that bottom fishing should significantly influence the movement of sediment in this region . 4 .6 .4 Offshelf vs Onshelf Transport An issue rather hotly debated during the early 1970s was the fate of the solid material which makes its way into coastal waters . One view was that most of this material eventually becomes trapped within estuaries and coastal lagoons . An alternate opinion was that it tends to migrate seaward, "bypass" the shelf and accumulate in deep water (Meade 1972 ; Drake 1976) . Evidence cited as indicating onshore transport of sediment in the Cape Hatteras region include the 119 MOORING Q- 350 m WATER DEPTH (n 150 40m U 100 ~ 50 U 0 O W -50 > 50 300 m 0 -50 MOORING R- 700 m WATER DEPTH 1S0 1 12m 100 50 0 -50 N U 100 274 m ~ SO A4 ~ 0 'IF U A .4 O -50 -AC W > 50 374 m 0 -50 50 695 m 0 -50 10 20 30 Dec 1985 1 11 Jan 21 1986 3l1 11 Feb 21 1 Figure 4 .6-10 Low-passed (32 h half-power period) filtered records of current speed measured over the continental slope northeast of Cape Hatteras . "Up" is north . 120 distribution in bottom sediment of garnet (Duane 1962) and phosphorite grains (Luternauer and Pilkey 1967) . Evidence offered in support of the opposite view includes turbid plumes seen issuing from the barrier island inlets in satellite photographs (Mairs 1970) and by suspended sediment surveys (Buss and Rodolfo 1972) . When considered together, these sets of evidence suggest that exchange of shelf and coastal sediments occurs . Neither set is in any way conclusive with regard to the long term net transport of sediment from the North Carolina shelf . A type of data employed by proponents on both sides of the cross-shelf transport debate is bottom drifter tracks . There have been a number of bottom drifter studies encompassing the North Carolina shelf (Harrison et al . 1965 ; Bumpus 1973 ; Schumacher 1974) . Taken together, they indicate that near-bottom flow tends to be directed offshore at points seaward of the mid-shelf and onshore at locations shoreward of the mid-shelf . An exception to this occurs in the areas of the Carolina Capes where offshore, near-bottom flow appears to be the rule across most of the shelf (Figure 4 .6-11) . While these results are interesting, they cannot be taken as definite indicators of sediment transport . Because suspended sediment concentrations undergo significant temporal variations, net water and sediment transports are unlikely to be the same . Detailed knowledge of cross-shelf sediment transport in the Cape Hatteras region must therefore await field investigations in which suspended sediment flux is directly measured . 4 .6 .5 The Influence of Physiographic Features Though vague on details, the information presently available indicates that sediment motion over the North Carolina shelf is significantly influenced by the physiographic character of the region . With regard to sediment transport, the most important bathymetric features of the North Carolina shelf may be the cape shoals . As noted above, persistent offshore flow appears to be the rule near the seafloor in the vicinity of the shoals . In addition, the tidal signal seen in the FRED current meter data (FRED Group 1989) suggests that strong internal tides are generated at the shoals (Section 4 .6 .3 .3) . Sediment transport is also likely to be affected by the ridge and swale bathymetry of the North Carolina shelf . The tendency for sediment silt-plus-clay content to be higher in the swales than in the ridges (Section 4 .6 .2) suggests that the swales may be temporary deposit centers for fine material . Other bathymetric features of the Cape Hatteras region that may influence sediment transport are submarine canyons . Major canyons further to the north have been shown to be robust environments, characterized by strong internal wave motions and relatively large mean flows directed along the canyon axis (Keller et al . 1973 ; Hotchkiss and Wunsch 1982 ; Mayer et al . 1982 ; Bothner et al . 1983 ; Hunkins 1988 ; Gardner 1989a,b) . Evidence also indicates that these canyons serve as conduits for the seaward transport of fine-grained material (Bothner et al . 1983 ; Gardner 1989b) . Very little is known about the canyons of the Cape Hatteras region . Field measurements of their flow conditions are limited to photographs of dye motions (Jenkins 1980) and a few single velocity measurements taken by a current meter lowered from a drifting ship (Rowe 1971) . Based solely on their physical characteristics, these canyons seem unlikely to affect shelf sediment transport to the extent that the major canyons further to the north do . The latter extend well shoreward of the shelf break, whereas canyons of the Cape Hatteras region are essentially confined to the continental slope . 121 ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~0 7 \ ~ Cape Lookout . 1, ~ . • ~ fl ~ ~ . • ONSLOW B AY . ~ ~ / 1 1. • • ~ 1 ~ ~. ~ . Cape Fear ~ T Figure 4 .6-11 Sea-bed drifter release locations in Onslow Bay (dots) and two regions of low drifter return at the beaches ( shaded) . Only 2 of the 985 drifters released in the southern low-return region were recovered on beaches . Corresponding numbers for the northern region are 7 and 545, respectively ( from Schumacher 1974) . 122 Fluid and sediment dynamics over the inner shelf south of Cape Hatteras are undoubtedly influenced by the region's cuspate shoreline, peculiar to the North Carolina coast . An obvious effect of this is the sheltering of near-shore areas in the lee of the capes . Rodolfo et al . (1971) called upon this to explain a relatively low suspended sediment concentration found in the lee of Cape Lookout during hurricane Gerda (see Figure 4 .6-2) . 123 Abbe, C ., Jr . 1895 . Remarks on the cuspate capes of the Carolina coast . Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History . 26 :489-497 . Abel, C .E ., B .A . Tracy, C .L . Vincent and R .E . Jensen . 1989 . Hurricane hindcast methodology and wave statistics for atlantic and gulf hurricanes from 1956-1975 . Army Eng . WES Final Rep . WIS Report 19 . Allen, J .S ., R .C . Beardsley, J .O . Blanton, W .C . Boicourt, B . Butman, L .K . 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Acoustic profiling of suspended sediments in the marine bottom boundary layer . Geophys . Res . Lett . 9(3) :175-178 . 137 V . NEARSHORE PROCESSES 5 .1 Introduction In the southern Middle Atlantic Bight, the nearshore circulation comprises five primary modes of motion . The two wind-driven modes are the coastal jet, parallel to shore (Scott and Csanady 1976), and upwelling and downwelling, which are shore normal (Wells and Gray 1960 ; Boicourt 1973 ; Singer and Knowles, 1975) . The large-scale, annual-mean flow to the south in this region is now thought to be buoyancy driven (Chapman and Beardsley 1989), and part of a 5000 km long coastal current originating off the coast of Greenland . This component of the flow is of the order 3-5 cm s-1 over the inner shelf of the Middle Atlantic Bight (Bumpus 1973 ; Boicourt 1993) . An additional, highly episodic buoyancy-driven current results from the Chesapeake Bay outflow (Boicourt 1973, 1982 ; Boicourt et al . 1987) . The Bay outflow initially forms a plume with a large anticyclonic turning region off the Bay entrance . If the plume is not interrupted by strong upwelling-favorable (southerly) winds, a high-velocity coastally trapped jet is formed in the far field . Low-salinity water emanating from Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds via Oregon Inlet can create buoyancy driven plumes that are often detected in the visible and IR bands of satellite sensors, but the volume fluxes are inadequate to develop a significant coastal jet . The fifth primary mode of nearshore motion is the-tides, which drive currents typically of order 20 cm s-1 or less, except in the vicinity of estuaries or inlets (see Section 4 .2 .1) . In the vicinity of Chesapeake Bay, the tidal currents can reach velocities of 120 cm s-l . Ebb tidal currents (which are a combination of the astronomical tide and the mean gravitational-circulation outflow) can be substantially greater in magnitude, especially when a quarterwave seiche of Chesapeake Bay produces an outflow surge (Chuang and Boicourt 1989) . 5 .2 Shelf-Estuary Exchange Bigelow (1915, 1933) and Bigelow and Sears (1935) recognized the influence of rivers and estuaries on the nearshore currents and salinity distributions in the Middle Atlantic Bight . Ketchum, et al . (1951) noted the tendency of the Hudson River outflow to turn and form a plume parallel to the New Jersey coast during the spring runoff . As river flow diminished, the plume of the Hudson was less obvious in the surface salinity . During winter when shelf waters were not strongly vertically stratified, the Hudson plume was confined to a narrow band along the New Jersey coast . The Chesapeake Bay outflow plume, which was recently examined by a large multidisciplinary program called MECCAS (Microbial Exchange and Coupling in Coastal Atlantic Systems ; Boicourt et al . 1987), has a similar tendency to expand upon discharge onto the continental shelf, and then turn to the south to form a narrow coastal jet (Boicourt 1973, 1980, 1982) . The withdrawal of shelf water by estuarine inflows can influence bottom currents in the Mid Atlantic Bight as far as 30 km seaward of the estuary entrance (Bumpus 1965, 1973 ; Bowman and Wunderlich 1976 ; Beardsley and Hart 1978 ; Boicourt 1980, 1982 ; Chao and Boicourt 1986 ; Masse 1990) . If the outflow from the Chesapeake Bay is strong and the resulting coastal jet is undisturbed by opposing (southerly or easterly) winds, low-salinity water originating from the Bay can be tracked 170 km from the Bay entrance to Diamond Shoals off Cape Hatteras (Boicourt 1973, 1982 ; Boicourt et al . 1987) . This jet 139 is a narrow, (10 km) relatively steady flow behind the nose of a bore intrusion propagating down the North Carolina coast (Chao and Boicourt 1986) . Typical mean velocities in the jet are 50-100 cro s"1 . When this buoyancy-driven jet is combined with a (northerly) wind-driven coastal jet, the velocities can reach 200 cm s"1 . During large outflow surges from Chesapeake Bay (Chuang and Boicourt 1990), the coastal jet can be detected southward of Oregon Inlet on the North Carolina coast . Presumably, this water becomes entrained into the Gulf Stream, or on occasion, passes around Diamond Shoals to Raleigh Bay (Bumpus and Pierce 1955) . Upwelling-favorable winds between Cape Hatteras and the Chesapeake Bay entrance can force the low-salinity plume water offshore or block the development of a jet altogether . Although freshwater discharge along the coast of the South Atlantic Bight may not produce a consistent southward coastal current in the presence of adverse northward directed winds (Bumpus 1973), the discharge is sufficient to produce a narrow (10 km) band of low-salinity water that is often bounded on the offshore by a front (Blanton 1981) . This discharge occurs, not only via the distributaries of the larger rivers, but also through the many inlets and sounds of the "perforated barrier" coastline of the South Atlantic Bight between Cape Fear, North Carolina, and Jacksonville, Florida (Blanton and Atkinson 1978) . When downwelling favorable winds (from the north) augment the buoyancy driven flow, a narrow, southward coastal current develops that appears continuous to Cape Canaveral (Blanton and Atkinson 1983) . Upwelling favorable winds force the surface Ekman layer offshore and oppose the development of a southward coastal current (Blanton 1981) . Under these conditions, parcels of low-salinity water are found over the middle and outer shelf (Blanton and Atkinson 1983) . 5 ..3 Sediment Transport 5 .3 .1 Basic Concepts In the study of marine sediments, the nearshore zone is often taken to coincide with the shoreface, a steeply sloped transitional region connecting the beach with the gently inclined inner shelf . The shoreface off the U . S . east coast has maximum slopes in the range of 0 .05-0 .005 . It typically merges with the inner shelf, which has inclinations as low as 5x10-1, at depths of 10-15 m and at distances of 5-10 km from shore . From a dynamic viewpoint, the shoreface can be divided into two zones . The more shoreward of these is the surf zone, where circulation and energy dissipation are dominated by breaking surface waves . The wave energy to this zone is supplied primarily by incident gravity waves . However, as these waves propagate into shallow water, their energy is transferred to lower frequency infra-gravity waves (e .g . Holman 1981 ; Guza and Thornton 1982, 1985a) . Within the inner surf zone, the energy level of infragravity waves can exceed that of gravity waves by a factor of four or more (Guza and Thornton 1982 ; Wright et al . 1982) . The effects of infragravity waves on sediment movement have only recently come under scrutiny . Results of field studies presented by Guza and Thornton (1985b) and Huntley and Hanes (1987) indicate that while incident gravity waves tend to move sediment shoreward, the interaction of gravity and infragravity waves results in seaward sediment movement within the surf zone . Other types of flow likely to affect cross-shore sediment transport in the surf zone include rip currents and near-bed seaward currents compensating for wave140 induced near-surface flow (Mei and Liu 1977 ; Holman and Bowen 1982 ; Roelvick and Stive 1989) . Sediment and fluid dynamics in the shoreface region seaward of the surf zone are affected both by surface wave currents and more slowly varying flows (as those due to tides and wind forcing) . Bottom stress production in this region arises primarily from the nonlinear interaction between these two types of currents (Smith 1977 ; Grant and Madsen 1979) . Wave related processes affecting the cross-shore advection of sediment in this region include orbital asymmetries (Wells 1967) and the interaction between gravity and infragravity waves (Shi and Larsen 1984 ; Dean and Perlin 1986) . Shi and Larsen (1984) demonstrated that the latter process can result in seaward sediment transport for the case where infragravity waves are bound to gravity wave groups (see Figure 5 .3-1) . Cross-shore sediment movement across the shoreface outside the surf zone is also affected by wind-induced upwelling and downwelling circulation and by tidal residual flows (Geyer and Signell 1991) . 5 .3 .2 Research Within the Cape Hatteras Region The object of much of the research conducted in shoreface areas is the transfer of sediment to and from the intertidal zone . It is well established that this zone tends to gain sediment during fairweather conditions, resulting in beach accretion, and to lose sediment during storms . Over the past decade this phenomenon has been the focus of a number of field investigations within the Carolina Capes region, most sited at the U . S . Army Corp of Engineers Field Research Facility in Duck, North Carolina (Figure 5 .3-2) . Two of the studies carried out at the Duck site, during 1982 and 1985, have been extensively documented in the literature (see Mason et al . 1984 and 1987 for overviews of these studies) . The 1982 Duck study was the first to document detailed changes of nearshore morphology during a storm and subsequent fairweather period . Bathymetric profile measurements of this study, presented by Mason et al . (1984), show the formation of two sand bars during a storm that passed the Duck site in mid-October 1982 . Both bars grew in amplitude and migrated offshore during the course of the storm . Over a four-day period after the storm, the more onshore bar progressed shoreward and shrank to an indistinguishable amplitude while the offshore bar remained relatively stable . Mason et al . (1984) noted that both bars took shape well within the surf zone and thus could not have resulted from breaker-induced scouring of a trough . Sallenger et al . (1985) put forth the hypothesis that the formation and movement of the inner bar were caused by a standing infragravity wave . As noted by Sallenger and Holman (1984) infragravity waves produced r .m .s . cross-shore currents in excess of 0 .5 m s-1 over the bar crest during the height of the storm . Other analyses revealed a complex pattern of sediment transport during and after the storm . Jaffe et al . (1984) found that coupling between suspended material concentration and onshore wave motion produced a net onshore sediment flux even though the net fluid transport was offshore . The movement of different sediment sizes was examined by Richman and Sallenger (1984) who concluded that fine and coarse material likely moved in opposite directions during the storm . The 1985 Duck Study featured a larger suite of instruments and more rapid sampling than the 1982 experiment and was expanded to include the middle shoreface . Changes in nearshore morphology observed in this study were similar 141 SHOREWARD SEAWARD HIGH WAVES LOW WAVES sWl ~ ~ N FORCEO -.. -r LONG PERIOD ~ WAVE LOW A . .. . . Figure 5 .3-1 Conceptual diagram illustrating the notion of sediment resuspension and seaward transport by the combination of gravity and bound infragravity waves (taken from Wright et al . 1991 and based on the theory of Shi and Larsen 1984) . ~ ~` . < ~ • . y C,pe~ ~. ss:• 46 'J • _ Sandbndge , ~ , v ,1 Site' ~ . Duck C~ ~ . : ~~: • . ~ Nstl~ S.Ke .{ . 0 KIIAMETElK ]00 Figure 5 .3-2 Sites of shoreface sediment dynamics studies within the Carolina Capes region . 143 to those seen in 1982 . Howd and Birkemeier (1987) reported that the passage of a storm in mid-September 1985 coincided with the formation and seaward migration of a nearshore sand bar . This took on a crescentic shape as the storm abated . The long-shore transport of surf zone sediment was estimated by Kraus and Dean (1987) using current meter records and material collected in an array of sediment traps . They concluded that sediment movement during the storm was primarily the result of suspended load (and not bedload) transport . Green et al . (1989) found that suspended load transport also dominated sediment movement over the middle shoreface during the storm . This transport apparently produced dramatic changes in shoreface morphology . As reported by Wright et al . (1986), bed level at a site at the middle shoreface experienced a 5 cm drop during the first phase of the storm followed by a 15 cm rise as the storm abated . The most in-depth examination of sediment movement over the middle and lower shoreface off the Carolina Capes was carried out by Wright et al . (1991) . Employed in their study were data collected at Duck during 1985-1987 and from a site 65 km to the north of Duck during 1988 (the Sandbridge site in Figure 5 .3-2) . Using these measurements Wright et al . (1991) estimated sediment fluxes and attempted to deduce the primary causes of sediment transport during various sets of conditions . They concluded that wind-driven downwelling circulation should dominate the offshore flux of sediment seaward of the surf zone during northeasterly storms . According to their calculations, "a fairly commonplace northeasterly storm is capable of transporting more sand offshore in an hour than fairweather processes can move onshore in two or more days" . They found that cross-shore sediment fluxes during fairweather conditions resulted primarily from tidal flows . Their analysis also demonstrated that infragravity wave motions should have a measurable, but not dominant, effect on cross-shore sediment movement at the middle shoreface . However, they found no compelling evidence in support of the transport mechanism proposed by Shi and Larsen (1984) . Another model for which their data lent little support is that in which incident wave asymmetries are considered to be the principal cause of onshore sediment flux over the middle shoreface (e .g . Wells 1967 ; Swift et al . 1985) . This was found to be true only during one experiment conducted during swell-dominated conditions . 144 Beardsley, R .C . and J . Hart . 1978 . A simple theoretical model for the flow of an estuary onto a continental shelf . J . Geophys . Res . 83 :873-883 . Bigelow, H .B . 1915 . Exploration of the coast water between Nova Scotia and Chesapeake Bay, July and August, 1913, by the U .S . Fisheries Schooner GRAMPUS . Oceanography and plankton . Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology . 59 :152-359 . Bigelow, H .B . 1933 . Studies of the waters on the continental shelf, Cape Cod to Chesapeake Bay . I : The cycle of temperature . Pap . Phys . Oceanogr . Meteorol . 2 :135 . Bigelow, H . and H . Sears . 1935 . Studies of the waters on the continental shelf, Cape Cod to Chesapeake Bay, II, Salinity . Pap . Phys . Oceanogr . Meteorol . 4(1) :1-94 . Blanton, J .O . 1981 . Ocean currents along a nearshore frontal zone on the continental shelf of the southeastern United States . J . Phys . Oceanogr . 11(12) :1627-1637 . Blanton, J .O . and L .P . Atkinson . 1978 . Physical transfer processes between Georgia tidal inlets and nearshore waters . pp . 514-532 . In M . Wiley, ed . Estuarine Interactions . Academic, Orlando . Blanton, J .O . and L .P . Atkinson . 1983 . Transport and fate of river discharge on the continental shelf of the southeastern United States . J . Geophys . Res . 88(C8) :4730-4738 . Boicourt, W .C . 1973 . The circulation of water on the continental shelf from Chesapeake Bay to Cape Hatteras . Ph .D . Thesis . The Johns Hopkins University . 197 pp . (DAI 34/O1B, p .332 ; AAC7316636) Boicourt, W .C . 1980 . Circulation in the Chesapeake Bay entrance region : estuaryshelf interaction . pp . 61-78 . In J .W . Campbell and J .P . Thomas, eds . Chesapeake Bay Plume Study : Superflux 1980 . NASA Publication 2188, Boicourt, W .C . 1982 . Estuarine larval retention mechanisms on two scales . pp . 445-457 . In V .S . Kennedy, ed . Estuarine Comparisons . Academic Press, Boicourt, W .C . 1993 . Circulation on the continental shelf of the eastern United States . pp . In Press . In J . Milliman, ed . Physical Oceanography of the Eastern United States . Oxford University Press, Boicourt, W .C ., S .-Y . Chao, H .W . Ducklow, P .M . Gilbert, T .C . Malone, M .R . Roman, L .P . Sanford, J .A . Fuhrman, C . Garside and R .W . Garvine . 1987 . Physics and microbial ecology of a buoyant estuarine plume on the continental shelf . EOS, Trans . AGU . 68(31) :666-668 . Bowman, M .J . and L .D . Wunderlich . 1976 . The distribution of hydrographic properties of the New York Bight apex . Marine Sciences Research Center Technical Report, State University of New York . Stony Brook . Bumpus, D .F . 1965 . Residual drift along the bottom on the continental shelf in the Middle Atlantic Bight area . Limnol . Oceanogr . Suppl . 10 :50-53 . 145 Bumpus, D .F . 1973 . A description of the circulation on the continental shelf of the East Coast of the United States . Prog . Oceanogr . 6 :111-157 . Bumpus, D .F . and E .L . Pierce . 1955 . The hydrography and the distribution of chaetognaths over the continental shelf off North Carolina . Deep-Sea Res . Suppl . 3 :92-109 . Chao, S .-Y . and W .C . Boicourt . 1986 . Onset of Estuarine Plumes . J . Phys . Oceanogr . 16(12) :2137-2149 . Chapman, D .C . and R .C . Beardsley . 1989 . On the origin of Shelf Water in the Middle Atlantic Bight . J . Phys . Oceanogr . 19(3) :384-391 . Chuang, W .-S . and W .C . Boicourt . 1989 . Resonant seiche motion in the Chesapeake Bay . J . Geophys . Res . 94(C2) :2105-2110 . Dean, R .C . and M . Perlin . 1986 . Intercomparison of near-bottom kinematics of several wave theories and field and laboratory data . Coastal Engineering . 9 :339-437 . Geyer, W .R . and R . Signell . 1991 . Measurement and modeling of the spacial structure of nonlinear tidal flow around a headland . pp . 403-418 . In D .B . Parker, ed . Tidal Hydrodynamics . John Wiley and Sons, Inc, New York . Grant, W .D . and O .S . Madsen . 1979 . Combined wave and current interaction with a rough bottom . Journal of Geophysical Research . 84(C4) :1797-1808 . Green, M .O ., J .D . Boon, J .H . List and L .D . Wright . 1989 . Bed response to fairweather and storm flow on the shoreface . Proceedings of the 21st International Coastal Engineering Conference . Chapter 112 :1508-1521 . Guza, R .T . and E .B . Thornton . 1982 . Swash oscillations on a natural beach . J . Geophys . Res . 87(C1) :483-491 . Guza, R .T . and E .B . Thornton . 1985a . Observations of Surf Beat . J . Geophys . Res . 90(C2) :3161-3172 . Guza, R .T . and E .B . Thornton . 1985b . Velocity moments in nearshore . American Society of Civil Engineers Journal of Waterway, Port and Coastal Ocean Engineering . 111 :235-256 . Holman, R .A . 1981 . Infragravity Energy in the Surf Zone . J . Geophys . Res . 86(C7) :6442-6450 . Holman, R .A . and A .J . Bowen . 1982 . Bars, bumps, and holes : Models for the generation of complex beach topography . J . Geophys . Res . 87(Cl) :457-468 . Howd, P .A . and W .A . Birkemeier . 1987 . Storm-induced morphology changes during DUCK85 . pp . 834-847 . In N .C . Kraus, ed . Coastal Sediments '87 . American Society of Civil Engineers, New York . Huntley, D .A . and D .M . Hanes . 1987 . Direct measurement of suspended sediment transport . pp . 723-737 . In N .C . Kraus, ed . Coastal Sediments '87 . American Society of Civil Engineers, New York . 146 Jaffe, B .E ., R .W . Sternberg and A .H . Sallenger . 1984 . The role of suspended sediment in shore-normal beach profile changes . Proceedings of the 19th International Coastal Engineering Conference . :1983-1996 . Ketchum, B .H ., A .C . Redfield and J .C . Ayers . 1951 . The oceanography of the New York Bight . Pap . Phys . Oceanogr . Meteorol . 12(l) :46 . Kraus, N .C . and J .L . Dean . 1987 . Longshore sediment transport rate distributions measured by trap . pp . 881-896 . In N .C . Kraus, ed . Coastal Sediments '87 . American Society of Civil Engineers, New York . Mason, C ., A .H . Sallenger, R .A . Holman and W .A . Birkemeier . 1984 . DUCK82 - A Coastal Storm Processes Experiment . pp . 1913-1927 . In Proceedings of the 19th Coastal Engineering Conference . American Society of Civil Engineers, Mason, C ., W .A . Birkemeier and P .A . Howd . 1987 . Overview of DUCK85 nearshore processes experiment . pp . 818-833 . In N .C . Kraus, ed . Coastal Sediments '87 . American Society of Civil Engineers, New York . Masse, A .K . 1990 . Withdrawal of shelf water into an estuary : A barotropic model . J . Geophys . Res . 95(C9) :16085-16096 . Mei, C .C . and P .L .-F . Liu . 1977 . Effects of Topography on the Circulation in and Near the Surf Zone--Linear Theory . Estuar . Coastal Mar . Sci . 5(l) :25-37 . Richmond, B .M . and A .H . Sallenger Jr . 1984 . Cross-shore transport of bimodal sands . Proceedings of the 19th International Coastal Engineering Conference . :1997-2008 . Roelvink, J .A . and J .F . Stive . 1989 . Bar-generating cross-shore flow mechanisms on a beach . J . Geophys . Res . 94(C4) :4785-4800 . Sallenger, A .H . and R .A . Holman . 1984 . On predicting infragravity energy in the surf zone . Proceedings of the 19th International Coastal Engineering Conference . :1940-1951 . Sallenger, A .H ., Jr ., R .A . Holman and W .A . Birkemeier . 1985 . Storm-induced response of a nearshore-bar system . Mar . Geol . 64 :237-257 . Scott, J .T . and G .T . Csanady . 1976 . Nearshore currents off Long Island . J . Geophys . Res . 81(30) :5401-5409 . Shi, N .C . and L .H . Larsen . 1984 . Reverse sediment transport induced by amplitudemodulated waves . Mar . Geol . 54 :181-200 . Singer, J .J . and C .E . Knowles . 1975 . Hydrology and Circulation Patterns in the Vicinity of Oregon Inlet and Roanoke Island, North Carolina . UNC Sea Grant Program . UNC-SG-75-15 :171 . Smith, J .D . 1977 . Modelling of sediment transport on continental shelves . pp . 539-577 . In E .D . Goldberg, I .N . McCave, J .J . O'Brien and J .H . Steele, eds . The Sea . Vol . 6 . Wiley-Interscience, New York . 147 Swift, D .J .P ., A .W . Niederoda, C .E . Vincent and T .S . Hopkins . 1985 . Barrier island evolution, middle Atlantic shelf, U .S .A . Part I : Shoreface dynamics . Mar . Geol . 63 :331-361 . Wells, D .R . 1967 . Beach equilibrium and second-order wave theory . J . Geophys . Res . 72(2) :497-504 . Wells, K .W . and I .E . Gray . 1960 . Summer upwelling off the northeast coast of North Carolina . Limnol . Oceanogr . 5 :108-109 . Wright, L .D ., R .T . Guza and A .D . Short . 1982 . Dynamics of a high-energy dissipative surf zone . Mar . Geol . 45 :41-62 . Wright, L .D ., J .D . Boon III, M .O . Green and J .H . List . 1986 . Response of the mid shoreface of the southern Mid-Atlantic Bight to a "northeaster" . GeoMarine Letters . 6 :153-160 . Wright, L .D ., J .D . Boon, S .C . Kim and J .H . List . 1991 . Modes of cross-shore sediment transport on the shoreface of the Middle Atlantic Bight . Mar . Geol . 96(1/2) :19-51 . 148 VI . SUMMARY Reviews of the major oceanographic systems and processes that affect circulation in the study area have been given in the preceding chapters . The study region encompasses coastal, shelf and offshore waters from Cape Lookout, North Carolina to the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay on the eastern seaboard of the United States . This region around Cape Hatteras is one in which the convergence and interaction of widely different water masses and processes, operating over a range of space and time scales, makes for one of the most complex oceanographic systems in coastal U .S . waters . The organization of the reviews is such that processes are grouped from offshore to onshore, starting with the Gulf Stream over the deep waters of the continental slope and rise, and concluding with nearshore waters (excluding the surf zone) with shallow depths of order 10 m or less . Roughly speaking, the degree of knowledge and the amount of field data concerning these systems also proceeds in the same direction, in that the basic structure of the Gulf Stream and the modes of its variability have been extensively studied in this region and all along the eastern seaboard, but shelf and nearshore circulation processes have had little systematic study on the Cape Hatteras shelf . The Gulf Stream review concentrated on path variability, meanders and frontal eddies, and interactions with warm and cold-core rings . Since the Gulf Stream transitions from a slope current, in the South Atlantic Bight, to a free flowing jet over water depths of 3000 m and greater, in the vicinity of Cape Hatteras, the behavior of the Gulf Stream path in both large subregions is relevant to local variability . The complex motions of the Gulf Stream have been monitored extensively in the last 1-1/2 decades . Much has been revealed from both South Atlantic Bight and Middle Atlantic Bight studies on meanders, the growth, decay and propagation characteristics of frontal eddies, seasonal and interannual shifts in position of the north wall, and changes in transport . However, it would be fair to say that we do not have a good idea why it behaves as it does . For example, the factors controlling the position where the Stream separates from the slope, which can vary from Cape Hatteras to as far north as the eastern shores of Virginia, are not well understood . The Gulf Stream provides major impacts on the outer shelf and upper slope including filaments and frontal eddies over Raleigh Bay, overwashes of Gulf Stream derived water north of Cape Hatteras, and the entrainment of Middle Atlantic Bight shelf (Ford water) and upper Slope Sea water along the north wall as it turns eastward away from the slope . These interactions have been much less studied and thus are less understood than the structure and variability of the Gulf Stream proper . Between the shelf-slope front and the north wall of the Gulf Stream in the Middle Atlantic Bight, there is a wedge-shaped region with distinct water masses and circulation processes known as the Slope Sea . In the vicinity of Cape Hatteras, the presence of Slope Sea water in the narrow region between the shelf and the Gulf Stream is only intermittent depending upon the configuration of the Gulf Stream . The southward drift of slope waters along the general trend of the isobaths is present throughout the water column in the Middle Atlantic Bight . The drift in the upper layers is short-circuited by the Gulf Stream, or by extrusions of Gulf Stream derived water, with a return flow of slope water along the north wall of the stream, thereby forming the southern limb of the cyclonic Slope Sea gyre . The various water masses below 800-1000 m form the different components of the Deep Western Boundary Current system . The deeper components 149 of the DWBC descend under the Gulf Stream, move offshore in the vicinity of the Hatteras Corner and continue southward along the Blake Escarpment . This is another example of interactions between current systems, which are only just beginning to be explored . The variability in the upper layers is complex and is influenced by the Gulf Stream, warm core rings, smaller eddies, and shelf-slope exchanges . The latter may be forced by both wind and eddy induced circulations . In the lower layers of the DWBC, the variability is primarily from topographic Rossby waves, probably generated by large Gulf Stream meanders occurring well to the east . TRWs have characteristic periods of weeks to months with energy propagating westward and southwestward along the isobaths and with a small component towards the slope . These Slope Sea topics were reviewed indicating that considerable current data are available for the Slope Sea and DWBC systems . In the vicinity of Cape Hatteras, most of the upper layer measurements over the continental slope are from the MASAR, Chevron and Mobil studies . However, apart from long term measurements of the Gulf Stream by current meter and Inverted Echo Sounder arrays and statistical studies of AVHRR imagery, most of the time series in-situ measurements are for a year or less . An exception is the two-year long current measurements of the MASAR study . Thus, our knowledge of long term variability of circulation processes, particularly related to influences of the interannual changes in the Gulf Stream path, is quite limited . Similarly, exchanges between the Gulf Stream and Slope Sea with the Cape Hatteras shelf have not been directly measured, though much can be derived from the slope and shelf studies in both the Middle Atlantic Bight (SEEP) and the South Atlantic Bight (FRED and GABEX ; most notably) . One of the major characteristics defining Cape Hatteras oceanography is the rapid changes in water mass characteristics and circulation processes in both the along-shore and cross-shore directions . Changes in topography, Gulf Stream characteristics, and the presence of the Slope Sea north, but not south, of the Hatteras Corner are immediately apparent . Besides these offshore influences on the shelf, Middle Atlantic Bight and South Atlantic Bight shelf waters differ considerably, and these two water masses meet and interact at Diamond Shoals . It is necessary to review shelf circulation for both the Middle Atlantic Bight and the Carolina Capes to gain an appreciation of their contributions to the Hatteras shelf . Shelf current measurements are very limited between Diamond Shoals and the Chesapeake mouth, though there is a reasonable data base of water mass properties . In the Carolina Capes, the available current measurements (primarily from FRED and GALE) are of short duration (six months or less) . On continental shelves, a set of shorter time scale processes become much more important including synoptic (two days to two weeks) meteorological forcing, tides and surface waves . The seasonal changes in the basic atmospheric circulations and synoptic systems are reviewed because of their importance to wind-forcing and seasonal changes in both stratification and current characteristics over the shelf . The Carolina Capes region is a primary region for winter storm cyclogenesis . These ocean-atmospheric interactions were studied in GALE . To date, synoptic wind events have not been shown to be an important influence on the Gulf Stream or Slope Sea surface circulations . On the shelf, however, wind forcing, both direct and indirect (via the mechanism of continental shelf waves), generate the major source of subtidal variability and are of primary importance in generating longshore and cross-shore transports . Tides make large contributions to current variability with the semidiurnal component 150 dominating, except near Cape Hatteras . There is some evidence of internal tide generation at the shelf break at Frying Plan Shoals and associated with the shelf-slope front in the Middle Atlantic Bight . Both tides and surface waves are important for bottom boundary layer dynamics over the shallow shelf and, along with meteorological forcing, determine the intensity of vertical mixing . Sediment characteristics are reviewed and an attempt made to determine the intensity of sediment resuspension and transport from all the above processes with the addition of trawling activity . Buoyancy inputs to the shelf also differ north and south of Diamond Shoals . The Middle Atlantic Bight north of Hatteras is now thought to be the terminus of a 5,000 km coastal current that originates in the Greenland and Labrador Seas and has contributions from major estuaries along the eastern seaboard from the St . Lawrence to the Chesapeake . On the Middle Atlantic Bight shelf, this coastal current has a southward drift of 3 to 5 cm s-1 and includes such notable features as the ribbon of cold bottom water known as the "cold pool" . The salinity of the shelf increases from north to south reflecting exchange with Slope Sea waters across the shelf-slope front . However, the salinity and temperatures of the shelf just north of Diamond Shoals are still less than are characteristic of Raleigh and Onslow Bays, which have only small brackish water inputs from the coast and are frequently partially flushed by warm Gulf Stream filaments . The mean drift of the South Atlantic Bight is a few cm s-1 to the north, though it is a much less persistent feature of the circulation than in the Middle Atlantic Bight, being more influenced apparently by seasonal wind patterns . Since there is virtually no evidence of South Atlantic Bight water on the Hatteras shelf, it is speculated that some South Atlantic Bight water is entrained into the Gulf Stream front through frontal eddy exchange in Raleigh Bay . Some portion of the southward coastal drift in the Middle Atlantic Bight is also expected to cross the shelf-slope front north of Hatteras and be entrained along the north wall, where it is often visible in AVHRR imagery many hundreds of kilometers downstream . This is known as Ford water, and characteristics and positions of this major shelf water export are not presently known with any certainty, though it is likely to be strongly influenced by Gulf Stream behavior . The shelf-slope front is present along the shelf break from Georges Bank to Cape Hatteras . It surfaces in winter but is capped by a seasonal thermocline in summer . Exchange processes across this thermohaline front are complex and include intrusions of slope water at thermocline depth, frontal instabilities, wind-forced cross front flows and entrainment by slope eddies . Little is known about the characteristics of the shelf-slope front and its interactions with the Gulf Stream south of the mouth of the Chesapeake . On occasion, part of the cooler, fresher Middle Atlantic Bight shelf water rounds Cape Hatteras and flows into Raleigh and sometimes Onslow Bays . These events are known as Virginia Coastal Water intrusions, and their frequency of occurrence, causes, and importance to the ecology of Raleigh and Onslow Bays are not well known at the present . Most of our quantitative data comes from imagery and the FRED and Mobil experiments, which were restricted to spring and summer conditions . These studies showed that both strong northerlies and the occurrence of Gulf Stream frontal eddies could be possible causes of Virginia Coastal Water intrusions . 151 In the northern part of the study area, the outflow from the Chesapeake Bay (the Chesapeake plume) is an important local buoyancy input to the shelf . Depending on the strength of the outflow and the prevailing wind conditions, the plume can form a nearshore jet along the coast, which may reach as far south as Oregon Inlet during the peak of spring runoff, or it can diffusively spread across the width of the shelf, with a consequent influence on the stratification, when winds are from the south or southwest . Apart from the Chesapeake plume studies, nearshore circulation studies along the North Carolina coast have generally been surfzone studies (at Duck, for example) or inlet studies (such as Oregon Inlet) . The importance of the limited windforced and tidal exchanges with Pamlico Sound, through the inlets of the Outer Banks, to the nearshore circulation has not yet been established . Indeed most of the basic information on the coastal boundary layer is unknown for this region . In summary, the wide variety of processes, ranging from the Gulf Stream to nearshore dynamics, coupled with rapidly changing oceanographic characteristics between Cape Lookout and Cape Henry, make the Hatteras shelf and slope complex and subject to time and space scales that range from internal waves and frontal instabilities, through wind and eddy events, to intra- and inter-annual changes in the Gulf Stream path and its characteristics . The lack of long-term time series measurements on the shelf indicates that many of the basic shelf circulation processes, including cross-shelf exchange, have not been quantified . 152