A seminary friend, the Rev. Jason Emerson, answers this question

August 2015
The Episcopal Mission of St. Andrew’s By The Lake
So What Happens at Worship?
A seminary friend, the Rev. Jason Emerson, answers this
question for his church in Omaha. I couldn’t have said it
better about our Sunday mornings at St. Andrew’s.
Earlier this morning faithful people full of wonder and doubt,
hope and fear gathered around this altar and were fed the
spiritual food of Christ's body and blood. Now we all venture
out to live in a world in great need of God's Love. When we
leave the Lord's table we carry that love within us. We carry
it to share it with all that we meet through our acts of love,
kindness, service to others, and through our striving for
justice. This is not my table. It is not the Church of the
Resurrection's either. It is God's, and it is a humble but
profound blessing to share the sacred feast around it every
‪#‪GodIsAtWork — at Church of the Resurrection, Omaha.
Coming This September –
The Story of God and God’s people
… as told in Scripture
(also known as “The Narrative Lectionary”)
This fall we are embarking on a journey together through the story of God. We will be telling the stories
of God at work in the chaos of creation, the calling and forming of the Hebrew people, the life of Jesus
and the work of the Spirit in among the first Christians. We will be telling the stories in the Bible,
beginning with “The Beginning” in Genesis and continuing through the stories of the early church in
Acts. This is a great opportunity to experience the broad sweep of biblical narrative. “ The stories tell of
hope and disappointment, suffering and redemption. In all these varied contexts, we find God dealing
with the complexities of human life.”
Why? There are many reasons why. Perhaps the most important is for us to get a better handle on
the breadth and depth of the active love of God as described in scripture, in a cohesive manner. Our
Wisdom series is an example of a four week summer Narrative Lectionary.
Who? Luther Seminary responded to congregation requests to develop an alternate lectionary that
would increase scriptural literacy, and give a better overall sense of the activity of God in the world.
Over the years, the use of the NarLec has grown. There are currently 3,400 members of the Facebook
group, and they come from many different denominations. There are excellent resources for preaching,
education, and worship planning on-line. http://www.workingpreacher.org/?lectionary=nl
Can we really do this? The Bishop’s Committee voted in June to try a provisional nine months
(September—May), and evaluate whether or not to continue. The Narrative Lectionary is not the
approved Revised Common Lectionary. It is a departure from the norm, and because it is, the Bishop’s
permission is required, and we have received it.
Psalm 23, John August Swanson
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Events for August and September:
August 4
Table of Contents:
Neighborhood Night Out at St. Andrew’s
Page 1
So What Happens at Worship?
Reader’s Choice Book Club
Page 2
The Narrative Lectionary
Good News Retreat
Page 3
Neighborhood Night Out
Bishop’s Committee Meeting
Reader’s Choice Book Club
Worship Planning Forum
CHUM Food Shelf
Ladies’ Night Out
Page 4
Good News Retreat
September 4
Reader’s Choice Book Club
Bishop Committee Meeting
Sunday School Begins
Adopt a Table
Welcome Back Picnic, Memorial Fund Discussion
New Members; Directory Update
ECM Convention
Creative Hands Meeting
Worship Planning Forum
Page 5
Page 6
Ladies’ Night Out
CHUM —Backpacks for School Children
Neighborhood Night Out at St. Andrew’s
August 4
We hope you can attend this great opportunity to meet many of your neighbors on Park Point. Join us
on August 4 from 5 to 7 p.m. for an evening of fellowship, music and food.
Some highlights from the evening:
 The Park Point Community Police Officer(s) will either be coming
on horseback or pulling a trailer carrying horses. Kids and adults are
encouraged to pet them.
 Mayor Don Ness will be stopping by.
 Brian Lundberg will be running the popcorn machine.
 Lots of good food provide by St. Andrew’s.
 Coral, from the Edible Garden group, will bring a tray of assorted vegetables.
 Entertainment via the piano and …
Reader’s Choice Book Club of St. Andrew’s
August 7
Join us as we celebrate the fourth anniversary of our book club. You will find out what
books your friends from St. Andrew’s are reading, eat a good lunch and top it off with
dessert. We will meet at Porter’s Restaurant at noon on Friday, August 7. As we have done
in the past at our anniversary meetings, bring a book you liked reading to share with
others. For more information contact Sandy Carlson at 723-1181 or carlzimm@msn.com.
CHUM Food Shelf
The big green bucket in the hallway is looking rather lonely (empty). When doing your weekly grocery
shopping, please remember to purchase a few items for the Food Shelf. The need is great all months of
the year! And...cash donations are welcome too! Thank you!
Submitted by Jean Laundergan
Page 3
Did You Hear the Good News?
August 8 Retreat
Saturday, August 8th, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. until Noon
St. Scholastica Monastery
1001 Kenwood Ave. Duluth, MN 55811
Facilitator: Sister Sarah O'Malley, 0SB
Free Will Offering
This retreat will consider four Women Doctors of the Church and how they lived and preached the Good
News by their lives. Each of these women lived out of a strong, vital faith, which empowered them to be
pioneers in their day.
Hildegard of Bingen—Benedictine
St. Caherine of Sienns—Dominican
St. Teresa of Avila—Carmelite
St. Theresa of Lisieux—Carmelite
To register: call 723-6555 or e-mail: Pauline.m@duluthosb.org
Submitted by Pauline Micke, OSB
Artist: Olukayode Babalola; on the cover of “The Episcopal Way”
August 16, Following our Sunday Eucharist Service
All are welcome!
How do we shape the liturgy at St. Andrew’s? What creeds, hymns, prayers? Liturgy is the work of the
people. Who is the worship for? Be a part of our planning process after church on the 16th.
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Ladies’ Night Out
August 20
We will have a Ladies' Night Out on Thursday, August 20th at 6 p.m. at “The Lighthouse at Emily's”
Restaurant, 218 Scenic Drive, Knife River, MN. If you would like to join us, please contact Elena
Knezevich at 724-2939 or eknezevich@hotmail.com.
Adopt a Table
With school starting soon, let's have a visual homework assignment: adopt a table in the
Mission Hall to display photos and memories of an event you undertook this summer, i.e.
a family trip or reunion, bucket list occasion, boating excursion, a prize winning vegetable,
your beautiful garden or artwork you have created, your dog (or other animal) at play or rest,;
use your imagination! This will be for September's table decor.
Display the bounty from your garden.
Display all for which you are thankful.
Your collections or hobbies.
I think this could be a great way to share part of yourself within our St. Andrew’s community and reach
out to those around you! I would be happy to help you decorate all the tables or just one, as you wish.
Submitted by J C Curtis
New Member Directory Update
Nancy Olson, wife of Gary Glass
1140 Minnesota Avenue
Duluth, MN 55802
Cell: 218-260-7602
Trudy Nodgaard, daughter of Glen and Gloria Nodgaard,
currently living with them while looking for an apartment.
Kathi and Frank Berdan, summer residents of Park Point
2818 Minnesota Avenue, Duluth, MN 55802
Cell: 651-356-1280
Kathi’s email: kwberdan@visi.com
Please make these changes
to your paper copy of the
Church Directory. If you
are using the online Instant
Church Directory these changes
have automatically been updated
on your devices.
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The Episcopal Mission
of St. Andrew’s
By The Lake
2802 Minnesota Avenue
Duluth, MN 55802
The Rev. Marta T. Maddy
C: 341-4195
H: 218-724-7559
Office: 218-727-1262
Editor: Sandra Carlson
The Reverend Shannon Preston
Sunday, August 26, 2015, St. Andrew’s By The Lake
Suggestion and comments
are appreciated.
Religion is the art of learning to live in amazement.
—Abraham Heschel
A People
on the Way
We’re on Facebook
and the Web!
Backpacks for School Children
CHUM is working with Duluth School District 709 to ensure that school
supplies and backpacks are provided for children with limited resources.
CHUM is collecting donations through August 25. Last year almost 900
backpacks were distributed.
Donate $15 for a backpack.
Donate $18 to fill a backpack for kindergarten to fifth grade.
Donate $20 to fill a backpack for sixth to 12th grade.
Cash donations can be made online at:
If you purchase a backpack and/or supplies, they can be brought to the
CHUM Food Shelf by August 19, at 120 North First Avenue West, between
the hours of 9 and 1 p.m. on weekdays. (Items most in need are backpacks,
three-ring binders and pocket folders.)
The Deadline for the September
Grains of Sand is Tuesday, August 25.