National Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering (RACE 2016) March 18, 2016 ABOUT THE UNIVERS ITY St. Peter’s University established in the year 2008 is sponsored by St.Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research Trust. St.Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research continuously strives to focus on imparting quality technical education and introducing innovative programmes leading to Research and Development for sustainable growth. Thirteen branches of Engineering Courses at the Graduation level and Ten master level programmes along with Management and Computer Science disciplines are offered. Further the University also offers M.Phil and Ph.D programmes in Science and Engineering. The University is located in a serene environment in Avadi. There are many industries in and around our university including one of the largest industrial estates in Ambattur. The university is easily commutable by bus and train. Annanur railway station, on the Chennai Central – Tiruvallur broad gauge section is just 1½ km from our university. The university also runs buses for different parts of the city for the benefit of the students. Separate hostel facilities are available for boys and girls. Limited accommodation is also available for guests. The university aims to develop into a top class professional institution providing training to students to take up challenging assignments and contribute to national and international development. Department of Civil Engineering S t. Peter’s Institute of Higher Education & Research ST. PETER’S UNIVERSITY (ISO Certified & NAAC Accredited) AVADI, CHENNAI 600054 www.stpetersuni, E-mail: ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT Our department offers B.E. (Civil Engg.) and M.E.(Structural Engg) and M.E. (Building Technology & Construction Management.). The department possesses highly qualified faculties with different specializations in Civil Engineering. Apart from teaching, faculty members are involved in extensive research and development. Thrust areas of research include geopolymer concrete, concrete with waste materials , air pollution monitoring and road traffic noise pollution monitoring. Structural Engineering, Strength of Materials, Survey, Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, Soil Mechanics, Environmental laboratories are available. Engineering ABOUT THE CONFERENCE The advances in civil engineering can best be appraised by considering the visual results of the profession, through a comparison of the engineering structures of the past with those of the present. Introduction of many new materials, improvements in construction technology and design methods, have taken place in recent years and they should be incorporated into design methodologies for better performance of structures. As with any new technology and advancement it is imperative to share the acquired knowledge among the professionals of that field. This conference provides a forum in this direction. The discussions will provide opportunity to highlight recent developments and identify solutions to thrust areas for potential growth and research. THEMES OF THE CONFERENCE Academia, research and industry professionals, students are invited to present their papers dealing with the state of art research and future development. Theoretical, analytical and experimental research on the following topics are invited for submission. Disaster resistant structures Materials for sustainable construction Advances in steel structures Project management Green materials and green building Structural retrofitting Waste management Flood management Analysis and design of structures Smart materials Ground water modeling Remote sensing and GIS Soil stabilization and machine foundation Advances in transportation engineering Advances in geotechnical engineering Pollution monitoring Nanotechnology GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION The paper should be submitted by email to as Microsoft Word document, Times New Roman, 12 font size. Details to be included are authors names and affiliation with contact address, email ID and contact number. ADVISORY COMMITTEE Dr.T.Bhanumathi, Chancellor, St. Peter’s University. National Conference on ORGANISING COMMITTEE Recent Advances in Civil Engineering C Convenor Co-ordinators Dr.V.B.M.Sayana, HOD, Department of Civil Engineering, St.Peter’s University. Dr. P. Asha, Professor/Civil Mr.P.Sampath, Asst.Prof essor/Civil Mr.C.S.Lakshmikanthan,Asst.Prof essor/Civil REGISTRATION FEES March 18, 2016 REGISTRATION FORM Name: ……………………………………… Designation : ………………………………… Organisation : ………………………………….. Address : ……………………………………….. Dr.S.Ravichandran, Vice Chancellor, St. Peter’s University Participants Type Registration Fees Industry and R&D organisations Rs.750 Dr.L.M ahesh Kumar Registrar, St.Peter’s University Faculty M embers and Research Scholars UG & PG Students Rs.500 ……………........... Mobile No.…………............ Rs.300 E-mail ID:………................................................. Dr.D.S.Ramachandra M urthy, Director (R&D), St. Peter’s University. Dr.S.Gunasekaran, Dean (R&D), St.Peter’s University. Dr.P.Partheeban, Dean & HOD, St.Peter’s College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai. Dr.M .Neelamegam, Professor, Easwari Engineering College, Chennai. Dr.E.B.Perumal Pillai, Principal, RM K College of Engg. and Technology, Chennai. Dr.S.Kothandaraman, Professor, Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry. The registration fee will cover cost of conference kit, refreshments and lunch during the conference. IMPORTANT DATES Last date for sending the paper :11-03- 2016 (soft copy by email to Intimation of acceptance by e-mail : 14-03-2016 Last date for registration : 16-03-2016 FOR FURTHER DETAILS CONTACT Dr. P. Asha, Professor / Dept. of Civil Engineering, St. Peter’s University, College Road, Avadi, Chennai 600 054 Ph. 044-26558080-84, Mobile No.: 9841612770 Email:ashap1905@g m .............................................................................. Experience: .Teaching……..Industry…..R&D…… Details of Registration Fee Name of the Bank:…………………………….. DD No………..……………..Date………....…. Amount …………..Bank………………………. Signature of the participant ……………………. We agree for sponsoring Mr/Ms/Dr……………. to attend the Conference. Date: Dr.S.Justin, Chief Engineering M anager, L&T ECC Division, Chennai. Dr.R.Vidjeapriya, Structural Engineering Division, Anna University, Chennai. Dr.V.Lenin Kalyana Sundaram, Centre for Water Resources, Anna University, Chennai. Signature of the Sponsor:.… Name:………………………. Seal: Designation: ……………… The registration form along with Demand Draft (in favour of St. Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research) has to be sent to : Dr.P.Asha, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, St. Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research, St. Peter’s University, Avadi, Chennai 600054.