ANNEX II: TERMS OF REFERENCE Increasing Public Awareness

Increasing Public Awareness on Energy Efficiency in Buildings for the
General Directorate of Electrical Power Resources Survey and
Development Administration
1.1. Beneficiary country 1
1.2. Contracting Authority 1
1.3. Relevant country background 1
1.4. Current state of affairs in the relevant sector 1
1.5. Related programs and other donor activities: 1
2.1. Overall objective 1
2.2. Project purpose 1
2.3. Results to be achieved by the Consultant 1
3.1. Assumptions underlying the project intervention 1
3.2. Risks 1
4.1. General 1
4.2. Specific activities 1
4.3. Project management 1
5.1. Location 1
5.2. Commencement date & Period of execution 1
6.1. Personnel 1
6.2. Office accommodation 1
6.3. Facilities to be provided by the Consultant 1
6.4. Equipment 1
7.1. Reporting requirements 1
7.2. Submission & approval of progress reports 1
8.1. Definition of indicators 1
8.2. Special requirements 1
1.1. Beneficiary country
1.2. ContractingAuthority
Central Finance and Contracts Unit - CFCU
1.3. Relevant country background
The Helsinki European Council at the end of 1999 concluded that "Turkey is a
candidate State destined to join the Union on the basis of the same criteria as
applied to the other candidate States. Building on the existing European
Strategy, Turkey, like other candidate States, will benefit from a preaccession strategy to stimulate and support its reforms".
"Energy Efficiency Strategy for Turkey" has already been adopted. In this
strategy, objective (ii) states that "technical/financial assistance to final
consumers through effective instruments- information, consulting, soft loans assisting final consumers in implementing the proper measures to achieve
better efficiency". Therefore, for achieving the above-indicated objective,
realization and support of these kinds of awareness projects are rather vital.
The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (MENR) is the main
organization, which is responsible for formulation and implementation of
general energy policies in Turkey. The General Directorate of Electrical Power
Resources Survey andDevelopment Administration (EIE), which is one of the
major organizations under the auspices of The Ministry of Energy and Natural
Resources (MENR), has been involved in energy conservation policies and
programs since early 1980's.
Energy Resources Survey Department (ERSD) within EIE was established in
1981 to conduct studies on energy efficiency and new and renewable energy
EIE has playing rather critical role in the field of energy conservation. In
addition to legislative studies, another important aspect is increasing the
awareness of end-users about the subject of energy efficiency. In this
respect, reviewing some facts will be rather helpful.
Turkey's energy density is 0.38; hence, it is above the average density of
OECD countries,
which implies that Turkish energy consumption needs to be decreased without
any decrease in standard of living or services provided.
Currently, a person in Turkey is consuming two or three times more energy
(per square meter) than people in other countries such as Germany, France
or others for space heating. This situation is yielding negative financial and
environmental impacts.
In 2003 Turkey total energy supply was realized as 83.804 kTOE and in 2004
this was realized as 87.523 kTOE and about 72% of this energy was
imported. Furthermore, energy consumption is increasing at a rate of more
than 4% every year in Turkey.
Enforcing the implementation of existing standards and regulations and also
revising some standards and implementing some new regulations according
to EU standards may yield; 300 million US dollars of savings of energy per
year in newly built housing units by decreasing energy requirement about 50
% (keeping in mind that, every year approximately 75 million square meter of
new housing units being built in Turkey). In addition to this, about a billion US
dollars (which corresponds to approximately 60.000 GWh) of savings in
existing buildings (there are about 16 million existing housing units in Turkey)
is possible.
The above-mentioned figures are forcing the government to take the
necessary legal steps. Nevertheless, capacity building of technical and nontechnical personnel and obtaining know-how from EU countries as well as
increasing public awareness by generating and implementing new programs
and methods regarding the subject of energy efficiency also require serious
Turkey, being a rather big country with a population of approximately seventy
million people and 20.722 kTOE energy consumption in building sector for the
year 2004 does require special attention; hence, a new and very effective
project for "Public Awareness" is urgently needed.
1.4. Current state of affairs in the relevant sector
Currently, EIE new built training center is given into service in April 2006 and
first training program is finalized at the beginning of 2006. The purpose of
this center is to enforce `'Certified Energy Manager Program'' for engineers
and implement "Public Awareness Programs" for different target groups and
contains the best insulation systems available at the market and solar and
geothermal heat pump systems.
In addition to these, this center is opened both to the general public and
students to visit and the staff of EIE is available to provide information to
visitors. Also, various items such as insulation materials, thermal expansion
valves, control valves, window systems with low-e factor, testing and
measuring devices, energy efficient household appliances etc. are all
exhibited. The lay out will allow some of measurements to be observed
directly by trainees and visitors.
In summary, this center will be one of the main instruments for the
implementation of "Public Awareness" programmes, hence, it will contribute
sustainability over the years.
In summary, EIE is the responsible directorate in this field. In spite of the fact
that there are some projects, which have already been implemented, there is
still some more room for further projects on the way to harmonization with
EU acquis. In this respect, the project regarding "Public Awareness" proposed
by EIE will fill an important gap regarding the issue of energy efficiency in
buildings. In addition, benefit obtained from employment of the EU
acquis will be clearly shown, contributions to the implementation of National
Program and to the realization of the second objective of the strategy, which
has been adopted in June 2004, will be achieved. The subject of "Public
Awareness" is also one of the main components of "Energy Efficiency Law"
which has been in the state of under process of office of the Prime Minister
and it is expected to be sent to Parliament and become a law in the year
The unit, which is responsible from the carry out the activities related to
building sector, is contains 9 person who works under a manager. It is
expected from the project to reach different social groups mainly target
groups such as students, candidate of teachers, engineers working in public
sector responsible from facilities, chambers, municipalities, etc.
Within this context, EIE has been conducting various kinds of awareness and
promotional studies, which have been listed below:
· Every year, the second week of January is celebrated as Energy Efficiency
Week and conferences and exhibitions are organized during the week. Also
successful energy conservation projects receive awards from the minister.
· Concept of energy saving has been promoted through television, radio, and
press media.
· In cooperation with the Ministry of National Education and The Scientific &
Technological Research Council of Turkey, the Energy Efficiency Week has
been incorporated among the weeks celebrated in schools. Each year
painting, composition and project competitions on energy conservation are
arranged between primary and high schools and awards are presented by EIE.
· Seminar programs on the efficient use of energy sources and also their
environmental impacts have been initiated by EIE for primary and high
schools as well as for the public.
· Furthermore, videos, brochures and posters have been prepared and
distributed nationwide free of charge. Moreover, various national and
international seminars, conferences, and workshops have been organized,
also mainly under the coordination of EIE.
1.5. Related programs and other donor activities:
One of the important missions of EIE is focusing on increasing energy
efficiency concept nationwide. In the past, EIE conducted several energy
conservation projects, which were financed by foreign sources such as
UNIDO, World Bank, EU and JICA. The JICA activities can be reached from the
web address of The Twinning Project
composed of three main end use sector namely industry, transport and
building; within this project interviews, meetings about collaboration have
been made with professional organizations, associations of municipalities and
related ministries so that EIE would carry out activities more effectively in the
field of energy efficiency. For this purpose especially it has been realized
many workshops and seminars in building sector such as thermal
rehabilitation program for buildings, data collection study in defining energy
efficiency potential, simulation modeling on energy efficiency in buildings etc.
The information about Twinning Project can be reached from EIE web site:
EIE has finalized implementing a project within the scope of technical
cooperation agreement between Turkish and German Governments where at
the end of 2005 the project
on- "Promotion of Energy Efficiency in the Buildings" is completed. The
awareness activities was closely followed by and finished under the three year
GTZ Project (Promotion of Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Erzurum-Turkey)
and also ongoing Twinning Project, entitled as "Improvement of Energy
Efficiency in Turkey - TR03-EY01" under the 2003 Pre-Accession Assistance
Program) but these are limited activities.
The activities regarding public awareness are also part of the mentioned GTZ
project to certain extent. Nevertheless, GTZ project was covering many other
activities, which had priorities over public awareness activity, as a result of
the fact that demand was in that direction and lack of financial support.
General Directorate of EIE is following up this issue closely and has finished
the three year GTZ Project (Promotion of Energy Efficiency in Buildings,
Erzurum-Turkey) and also ongoing Twinning Project, entitled as
"Improvement of Energy Efficiency in Turkey - TR03-EY01" under the 2003
Pre-Accession Assistance Program) but these are limited activities.
The issue is also spelled out briefly in Twinning Contract, of the
"Improvement of Energy Efficiency in Turkey - TR03-EY01" project (2003
PRE-ACCESSION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM), which was started at the third
quarter of 2005. Although the project is widespread, public awareness
activities on energy efficiency in building sector is covered in a certain extent.
2.1. Overall objective
The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be as follows:
To increase energy efficiency in building sector in Turkey.
2.2. Project purpose
Development and implementation of educationprograms for specified target
groups in order to increase energy efficiency consciousness of the public in
the building sector.
2.3. Results to be achieved by the Consultant
The activities, which shall be carried out under this project, are expected to
lead to the following results:
1. Capacity building of EIE personnel in developing and implementing
education programs achieved.
2. New techniques and other relevant instruments for disseminating this
subject to all target groups more effectively learned and employed.
3. Public attention attracted by publishing well prepared materials and
4. Students informed about importance of the subject of energy efficiency
3.1. Assumptions underlying the project intervention
All stakeholders and energy consumers continue to be committed to the
execution of energy efficiency measures.
EIE authority will increase in the co-ordination energy efficiency issues
between all relevant Ministries and administrations as a result of enforcement
of Energy Efficiency Law.
Knowledge and contribution of EU experts
Adequate staffing of EIE to run the program
Trained EIE staff remains within the organization
Increasing cooperation with municipalities, private companies and
governmental and non-governmental organization.
Contribution of Ministry of National Education such that will give permission to
the school activities for the primary and secondary/high school students and
take care recommendations given at the end of the project by project group/
EIE about their curriculums.
3.2. Risks
The unwillingness of organizations to collaboration
4.1. General
4.1.1. Project description
This Awareness project is composed of two parts which are Supply and
Technical Assistance. The equipment which is purchased under supply
contract will be used in the project activities. (Thermal camera and software,
data projector, electronic writing board, flue gas analyzer, thermal
anemometer, thermal resistance measuring meter, ultrasonic flow meter,
heat flux plate, thermocouple, infrared thermometer)
Providing energy efficiency training with prepared modules for different target
groups and raising energy efficiency awareness of each group is expected to
cause a behavior change in the target groups.
One of the major aim of this project is to increase the administrative capacity
of EIE staff so that it will be possible to disseminate the energy efficiency
awareness activities more effectively to the public. For this purpose EIE
related staff is expected to be trained in
energy efficiency and to get the awareness experience in the EU countries
and see the activities in this area in place. At least 15 EIE staff will be trained
on specific subjects related to increasing energy efficiency so that they can
act as a trainer and they will be involved in carrying out the awareness
activities effectively.
Education modules, relevant programmes and implementations of at least 3
EU countries will be analyzed in detail and then the applicable ones will be
transferred before generating specific programs which are most suitable to
In the project it is expected to reach 1500 750 elementary and 1500 750
secondary school and 1000 500 university students and 500 250housewives
and 1000 500 general public. To reach these target groups minimum 5000
documents including fliers, booklets, bulletins will be published and
disseminated and also about 5 short films will be prepared and one of them
will be broadcasted during the energy efficiency week in at least 3 popular
channels on prime time. Also 2 seminars, one conference and 2 workshops
with the participation of at least 200 people from target groups will be
realized. At least 10 posters prepared and printed and will be placed in
billboards during the energy efficiency week. Also at least one kind of
training material will be developed and implemented for each target groups;
this may include interactive educational CD's for pupils.
4.1.2. Geographical area to be covered
Project will be implemented and centered in Ankara, but all the geographic
areas of Turkey will be covered because of the affect of TV programs and
results of the project. Pilot establishments will address organizations,
universities, schools etc. in the basis of target groups so that at least 6 pilot
implementations will be realized in at least one university, a woman branch of
one NGO's or a woman association. Training programs for technical personnel
such as technicians of inspection and maintenance of boiler will be developed
with the cooperation of Ministry of National Education and Ankara
Metropolitan Municipality. Pilot implementations which address primary
schools and high schools will be realized in at least selected 3 schools. Further
energy saving seminars for the public will be organized as part of training
4.1.3. Target groups
Target groups shall include; public officials (including those responsible for
local planning and those responsible for maintenance of public housing),
technical university staff, housewives and women's associations, end users,
associations of owners and especially tenants of residential buildings,
consumer associations etc. We can clarify the target groups definitely as
1- Minimum 1500 750 primary and 1500 750 high school students
2- At least 1000 500 university students preferably from civil, environmental,
mechanical and electrical engineering, and architecture departments
3- 500 250 housewives from women associations / woman branch of NGO's
4- At least 1000 500 person from general public who will be reached by
advertisements and consumer associations and end users and others
4.2. Specific activities
Within the scope of this project, the aim is to increase the effectiveness of
public awareness raising efforts, which is being conducted by EIE for buildings
on small scale at present, to a higher degree. In this respect, following
activities are planned:
Activities for Result 1:
1.1 Determination of current capacity of EIE/NECC personnel regarding the
subject of `public awareness education programs' and also inspection of
existing facilities,
The available capacity of EIE staff will be analyzed and the requirements
related to awareness will be determined.
1.2 Generation and implementation of Education Programs (EP) for capacity
building of EIE/NECC personnel including study tours within Turkey as well as
four study tours for a total of 15 personnel for one week to EU countries.
To develop the capacity, training courses will be arranged and also
workshops, seminars will be attended and four study tours for a total of 15
persons from EIE staff for one week to EU countries will be arranged which
includes two people from Ministry of National Education and Ministry of
Energy and Natural Resources and one from Hacettepe University. EIE staff
and other three participants will be informed about the experience of EU
countries in the field of strategy and application of energy efficiency in
buildings. Also EIE cooperation in the awareness activities with stakeholders
and organizations will be increased. A general strategy will be developed
about awareness, which will be strictly followed by EIE. After this project is
ended to continue to the activities a guidebook and a general documentation
related to this energy efficiency matters will be required by EIE and also a
general awareness documentation for EIE staff is requested.
Activities for Result 2:
2.1 Determination of current techniques and instruments used in EU
Current techniques and instruments used in at least three EU countries will be
determined and their applicability to our target groups will be searched.
2.2 Transferring know-how as required,
The applicable materials, programs, software or interactive programs, pilot
implementations, short TV films at least one for each target group will be
transferred as know-how from the EU countries,
2.3 Identifying programs which are applicable in Turkey,
The identified and specified applications in EU countries will be adapted to
Turkey conditions, system, preferences, behaviors etc.
2.4 Generating and implementing programs for each target groups separately
The generated programs, materials, etc will be implemented for each target
group separately such as if cartoons or interesting short, funny child films
about awareness in an EU country is transferred freely in Turkey, they will be
translated in Turkish and will be shown in primary schools as an education
material or experience sets, promotional materials or booklets, etc. Education
materials for the primary and secondary school teachers' candidates can be
provided in this context.
Activities for Result 3:
3.1 Identification of instruments which will have acceptable impacts,
determination of
organizations, municipalities and private companies for cooperation as well as
contributions and donations,
The organizations, municipalities, women associations, universities, primary
schools, etc will be determined for the cooperation. Awareness applications
will be made according to the developed strategy and private companies'
interest will be increased.
The contributors and collaborators of the project may be Ministry of National
Education, Ankara Metropolitan Municipality and other district Ankara
municipalities, Hacettepe University, General Directorate of Women Statue etc
and also some private donator companies etc. The consultant will make
interviews with these and possible additional organizations and will provide
their contribution and also make them involved in the project.
Some cooperation and contribution can be obtained from some private
companies including donations and hence they provide for example a
volunteer group to learn about awareness or a medium to reach some
primary schools, etc.
3.2 Preparations and translations of instruments for each target group,
The applicable materials, programs, pilot projects, etc provided by know-how
will be translated into Turkish and all documentation, materials etc. will be
prepared for each target group so that well prepared documentation and
materials will be ready for training.
Minimum 5000 documents including fliers, booklets, and bulletins will be
published. 5 spot films will be prepared.
At least 10 posters will be prepared and printed for energy efficiency week.
Also at least one kind of training materials will be developed and implemented
for each target group; this may include interactive educational CD's for pupils.
3.3 Implementation with respect to developed strategy, conducting energy
efficiency training programs to the different target groups in cooperation with
municipalities, private companies, governmental and non-governmental
organizations by an integrated approach on assessment, dissemination along
with appropriate consultancy and support mechanisms. Target groups shall
include; public officials (including those responsible for local planning and
those responsible for maintenance of public housing), technical university
staff, housewives and women's associations, end users, associations of
owners and especially tenants of residential buildings, consumer associations
The training works shall be supported with municipalities, private companies,
governmental and non-governmental organizations so that it gets public
In the traditional energy efficiency week realized in Turkey at least 10 posters
shall be placed in billboards in at least two big cities. Furthermore studies,
seminars, etc directed to our target groups shall be realized so that these
groups also included in that week.
Prepared spot/short films will be broadcasted on 3 TV channels in energy
efficiency week during prime time and about 5 radio programs both
concerning efficient use of energy will be organized.
At least 1500 750 general public, where 500 250of them housewives, will be
addressed within these activities.
Also about 2 seminars, 1 conference and 2 workshops with the participation
of at least 200 people from target groups will be realized.
Prepared posters will be placed in billboards during the energy efficiency
3.4 Some training of technical personnel, such as for technicians about
inspection and
maintenance of boilers, shall be implemented along with responsible
organizations and municipalities
Some specialized training, such as the training of technicians about inspection
and maintenance of boilers, in the field of awareness will be provided by
responsible organization and/or municipalities and these trainings will be
supported with the necessary awareness materials and documentation.
Activities for Result 4:
4.1 Identification of instruments, which will have acceptable impacts on
students as well as on school system, shall be determined together with
Ministry of National Education,
Identification of instruments, which will have acceptable impacts on students
and on education system and application of these instruments to students,
shall be determined together with the Ministry of National Education
Developed and implemented training materials shall include interactive
educational CD's for pupils. At least one short/spot film from the total 5 films
mentioned above will be addressed to students.
The Consultant shall prepare at least 5000 documents of fliers; booklets will
also include documents for students. An energy efficiency guidebook shall
also be prepared for the teachers and candidates.
4.2 Determination of target student groups among the large existing student
population in Turkey.
Target student groups among the large existing student population in Turkey
shall be determined at 3 primary and high schools in Ankara. In these pilot
implementations as explained before 1500 750 primary and 1500 750 high
school students and 1000 500 university students will be addressed.
4.3 Implementation of education modules, which will be supported by various
materials and instruments, for each selected target group
Training modules with the support of films, interactive CD's will be
implemented through prepared various materials and instruments for
students and teachers. Seminars and workshops in the context of pilot
implementations in selected schools of Ankara will be arranged.
4.4 Determination of potential contributions and donations of other
governmental and non -governmental organizations, municipalities and
private companies as well as identification of cooperation methodologies with
these institutions,
Donor activities with the collaboration of private companies and organizations
in schools will be promoted. The Consultant will try to promote donations
from the private companies and organizations for student activities such as
energy saving lamps for schools.
4.5 In cooperation with Ministry of National Education, implementation of
identified activities all over Turkey, hence, yielding to reach sustainability
over the period of time.
In cooperation with Ministry of National Education, implementation of
identified activities will provide to reach sustainability over the period of time.
Activities are planned to be realized in Ankara but as a result of prepared
guides, materials for teachers and also prepared films/CD's its effect will
cover all over Turkey. It will be planned in the activities to be a cause of
behavior change on the students and pupils. According to the result of the
project, some recommendations shall be submitted to Ministry of National
placing a section in the curriculum program for the sustainability of the
energy efficiency awareness in buildings.
To facilitate the start of the program, the Consultant shall, within 4 weeks
after the commencement of the contract, submit an inception report to EIE
for approval and to CFCU and EC Delegation for information and inform the
Project Steering Committee.
This report will provide a plan covering the whole duration of the project. The
plan should focus on the actual situation found on the ground and adaptations
required to the ToR to implement a successful project. This report will asses
the state of preparation for the implementation of the project by EIE, identify
weakness and provide operational plans with reference among other things,
to preconditions, assumptions and risks identified.
If needed, justified modifications to the working plan may be introduced
during the implementation of the project upon written consent of the EC
Delegation, the Beneficiary and the Contracting Authorityand also the Project
Steering Committee views/recommendations are reflected. Such modifications
must be relevant to the objectives, actions, tasks, outputs, deliverables and
benchmarks as agreed in the inception reports.
Special reports should be submitted by the Consultant at any time when there
is a request of information on the implementation of the project or when a
significant problem arises during the implementation of the program, which
could affect final outcome or may require the modification of the work plan.
The approval procedure of such reports shall follow the procedure defined
under article 7.2 of the Terms of Reference.
4.3. Project management
4.3.1. Responsible body
Central Finance and Contracts Unit - CFCU will be responsible for the
tendering, contracting, administration, accounting and payments of the
The Beneficiary Institution is EIE in this project.
4.3.2. Management structure
The Project Team will be established as Project Management Team by the
approval of this ToR. The heads of units (managers) will have close contacts
with the Consultant during implementation of the project and will participate
in the Project Management Team. Therefore the project management team
will be composed of;
Head of the team (SPO) Deputy General Director of EIE
Member Project Evaluation Manager
Head of Energy Department
Manager of Energy Promotion and Awareness Division
If there will be any expansion in the composition of the team or change of any
person in the above mentioned posts or structural changes in EIE affecting
the composition of the Project Management Team, the CFCU and other related
authorities, as well as the Consultant will
be informed.
The Project Management Team shall be in continuous contact with the experts
of the Consultant. Approval and/or evaluation of the activities performed by
the Consultant shall be done by the Project Team on behalf of EIE. The
Project Management Team shall be responsible for the actual implementation
of the project on behalf of EIE, including undertaking and assigning various
tasks and analyses.
In this context, the Project Management Team will conduct;
-Implementation and follow up of the project,
-Coordinating the activities with other departments of EIE for development
and proper implementation of the project if necessary,
-Coordinating with other relevant public administrations with in the context of
the project,
-Review of all reports, which are prepared by the Technical Assistance Team
during the project implementation and propose recommendations to this
-Participation in quarterly program implementation and monitoring meetings
with the CFCU and the EC Delegation and the other related authorities,
-Informing the Project Steering Committee about the implementations in the
A Project Steering Committee, which consists of representatives of Secretariat
General for the EU Affairs, the EC Delegation, the Central Finance and
Contracts Unit-CFCU, Department of Coordination of EU Affairs of the Ministry
of Energy and Natural Resources, Ministry of National Education and EIE shall
be established. The Deputy Director General of EIE will chair the Project
Steering Committee. The Project Steering Committee will review the overall
Work Plan and reports, and provide recommendations concerning the
effective implementation of the project.
The Project Steering Committee will monitor the implementation of the
activities through regular review of progress of the Project activities, deliver
recommendations concerning any problems that may arise during the project
implementation and give support in the promotion and dissemination of the
Project. Decisions will be taken by simply majority.
The Project Steering Committee will meet at the end of each three months
and at each important phase of the work when necessary. In this context, the
first meeting will be held after the presentation of the inception report.
Technical Assistance Team will be composed of consultant's long and shortterm experts and support staff. This team will conduct the activities, which
will be provided in short term mainly on the basis of recommendations of
Project Management Team. This team also suggests recommendations in their
report for further progress. This team meets whenever requested by both
party or any other committee or team. This team will report to Project
Management Team in monthly periods but in the case PMT or any other
establishment such as CFCU, EIE, EC Delegation etc requested, more frequent
reports will be provided. The preparation of reports will be in the
responsibility of Consultant. The content of the reports will be realization of
and planning of activities for the previous and next months respectively.
4.3.3. Facilities to be provided by the Beneficiary and/or other parties
Beneficiary will allocate office space without any equipment. The Beneficiary
will provide logistical support in form of space, telephone line where its
invoices will be paid by its user and usual EIE internet user account and
connection to his/her own PC's of the team of experts and support staff which
are provided by the Consultant. Beneficiary will provide necessary facsimile
line for machine and invoices will be belonging to users.
4.3.4. Co-operation between the Contracting Authority and the
CFCU will make sure that all procedures are performed in accordance with the
requirements of the decentralised implementation system and with the
applicable EC Regulations and procedures. The Consultant shall be responsible
to the Contracting Authority and shall ensure that adequate staffing and
administrative procedures are in place at all times to permit the efficient
implementation of this project. The consultant undertakes to ensure that
necessary funds are transferred to the field in a timely fashion to support the
activities of the project.
5.1. Location
The operational base for the project shall be at EIE facilities located in
Ankara, where necessary the Consultant may travel to other cities for
organizing events defined in the activities.
5.2. Commencement date & Period of execution
The date for commencing performance shall not be later than 15 days after
the signature of the contract by both parties and shall be determined by an
administrative order issued by the Contracting Authority. The intended period
of execution of the contract will be 16 13months from this date.
The Consultant shall provide adequate staff (in terms of expertise and time
allocation), as well as any necessary equipment in order to efficiently
complete all the activities required under the scope of work and to finally
achieve the specific and overall objectives of the project.
6.1. Personnel
For performance of the work defined within the scope of this project the
Consultant shall allocate the experts who meet the requirements specified
Experts of the Consultant are to work closely with their counterparts at EIE
and systematically try to accomplish the transfer of know-how, thus
contributing to the programme's sustainability. The Consultant shall provide a
Technical Assistance Team (TAT). The TAT will be composed of key experts,
other experts and support staff.
The Consultant is free to determine the number of experts for the
implementation of the
project according to his/her work plan. However, the Consultant must offer
the key experts 1 and 2 meeting the profiles set out in 6.1.1 of these Terms
of Reference.
The Consultant must specify the work plan, organisation and methodology
used in order to achieve the required results.
The proposed experts shall have the professional qualifications and
experience required to successfully cover all the activities indicated in this
The consultant must specify the qualifications and experience of each expert
to be assigned to the activities. For each expert proposed, curriculum vitae
must be provided of no more than three pages setting out the relevant
Civil servants and other agents of the public administration of the
beneficiary country, regardless of their administrative situation,
cannot be recruited as experts unless prior written approval has been
obtained from the Contracting Authority in this contract except for
universities which are not directly involved in this project. Where the
staff of university is employed, the Consultant will have to
demonstrate their exclusive availability for the contract at the periods
when their precise inputs are delivered.
6.1.1. Key experts
All experts who have a crucial role in implementing the contract are referred
to as key experts. The profiles of the key experts for this contract are as
Key Expert 1: Project Leader
Qualifications and skills
· University degree in a related field of engineering preferably in mechanical,
electrical, energy engineering, having masters degree in Business
Administration is an asset.
· Having excellent communication and leadership skills
· Having successful and demonstrated human and project management skills
· Full computer literacy and have good command of written and spoken
General Professional Experience
· 10 years professional working experience in a related area
· 5 years experience as manager in international projects
· Experience in managing a team composed of international and local
specialists; supervising and coordinating all technical and administrative
aspects of a contract.
Specific Professional Experience
· Having experience in energy efficiency projects, preferably in the building
· Having a track record of successful human and project management and
encouragement skills especially in negotiations and/or in convincing of
municipalities, ministries, non-governmental organizations and public.
Key Expert 2: Deputy Project Leader / Senior Training Expert
Qualifications and skills
· University degree in education and/or engineering preferably in mechanical,
electrical, energy engineering, having a masters degree is an asset.
· Full computer literacy and have good command of written and spoken
· Turkish would be an asset
General Professional Experience
· 5 years professional working experience in a related area
· 3 years project management experience or similar
Specific Professional Experience
· Having experience in workshop facilitator preferably at schools for public
administration or equivalent;
· Having experience in the preparation, development and implementation of
training modules
Key expert list envisaged within the project is:
Project Leader
Deputy Project Leader / Senior Training Expert
The indicative number of man/days for each key expert is 330 220 man/days.
The key experts are required to spend at least 80% of their inputs at the base
of operations. A detailed analysis of the division of labour among the key
experts on the basis of the work schedule and the work load shall be included
in the methodology section.
6.1.2. Other experts
CVs for experts other than the key experts are not examined prior to the
signature of the contract. They should not have been included in tenders.
The Consultant may select and hire other experts according to its technical
proposal. The Consultant, taking into account the scope, schedule and the
outcome of the project shall propose its own working methodology and job
organisation and shall employ short-term
experts. These requirements shall be described and the field of expertise shall
be specified in the technical offer.
It is estimated for the Short Term Experts that minimum 400 330 man-day
s will be needed to complete the project activities and achieve the results. In
this respect, all tenderers shall present their STE mobilisation plans for the
implementation of the project including but not limited to the the following
· type of STE specialisation together with international or local expert
· indicative man-days distribution among STE specilisation and type (local or
· indicative STE man-days distribution among proposed activities
· time planning (gantt chart) for the STE mobilisation (days and specilisation)
The profiles of the STEs shall fulfil the following criteria:
Qualifications / Skills /Experience
· University degree in engineering, business administration, economics or an
equivalent academic degree relevant to the assignment,
· A minimum of 5 years of professional and/or academic experience (of which
at least half spent in relevant area in line with the proposed assignment)
· A minimum 2 years experience in technical assistance (TA) projects,
· Full computer literacy
· Good command of written and spoken English, knowledge of Turkish will be
an asset
A full time project team assistant (dedicated to the key experts) shall be
employed to support the translation, interpretation and all coordination
activities related with these services. The project team assistant shall be in
conformity with the above mentioned criteria.
6.1.3 Support Staff& backstopping
Additional support staff of one full-time secretary will be provided by the
Consultant. All costs related to provision of such staff are deemed to be
included as an integral part of the global price.
6.2. Office accommodation
EIE will provide the consultant team an office place of 10 m² per expert
including telephone line and internet access for the period of their stay in
Ankara, which is considered as base of operations.
6.3. Facilities to be provided by the Consultant
The Consultant shall ensure that experts are adequately supported and
equipped. In particular it shall ensure that there is sufficient administrative,
secretarial and interpreting provision to enable experts to concentrate on
their primary responsibilities. It must also transfer funds as necessary to
support its activities under the contract and to ensure that its employees are
paid regularly and in a timely fashion.
The consultant will be responsible for the following:
· Office Supplies
· Providing suitable living accommodation for its staff.
· Arranging international and local transportation for its staff.
· Provision of office equipment, office supplies, hardware and software, for its
· Any communication expenses (telephone/fax, e-mail).
· Provision of translation and secretarial services.
· Any cost incurred in document translation, reproduction, printing and
reproduction of study reports.
· The preparation and cost of workshop/training materials.
· The transportation and accommodation for both base location and missions
All such costs, including running expenses should be included in the global
If the Consultant is a consortium, the arrangements should allow for the
maximum flexibility in project implementation. Arrangements offering each
consortium partner a fixed percentage of the work to be undertaken under
the contract should be avoided.
6.4. Equipment
No equipment is to be purchased on behalf of the Contracting Authority/
Beneficiary Country as part of this Service Contract or transferred to the
Contracting Authority/Beneficiary Country at the end of this contract. Any
equipment related to this contract which is to be acquired by the Beneficiary
Country must be purchased by means of a separate supply tender procedure.
7.1. Reporting requirements
Please refer to Article 26 of the General Conditions. Interim reports must be
prepared every six months during the period of execution of the contract.
They must be provided along with the corresponding invoice, the financial
report and an expenditure verification report defined in Article 28 of the
General Conditions. There must be a final report, a final invoice and the
financial report accompanied by an expenditure verification report at the
end of the period of execution. The draft final report must be submitted at
least one month before the end of the period of execution of the contract.
Note that these interim and final reports are additional to any required in
Section 4.2 of these Terms of Reference.
Each report shall consist of a narrative section and a financial section. The
financial section must contain details of the time inputs of the experts, of the
incidental expenditure and of the provision for expenditure verification. The
final report must be accompanied by the final invoice, the financial report and
an expenditure verification report.
7.1.1. Progress Report
Progress reports must be prepaid in every six months during the period of
execution of the contract. The Progress Reports shall contain but not be
limited to sections on progress achieved during the last reporting periods,
cumulative progress achieved, progress planned for the next reporting period
and any problems encountered and proposed solutions. They must also
consist of the minutes of any meetings (management meeting, weekly
meetings between the Beneficiary and the Consultant, any steering/advisory /
ad-hoc committee meetings, any other special activity such that missions
outside the project location, workshops, training seminars, press conferences,
etc.) held regarding to the project. In addition any press clippings published
on this project should be attached to these reports. These progress reports
are to be submitted to EIE (in two copies), the EC Delegation and CFCU within
the first two weeks of the months following the reporting period and Project
Steering Committee will be informed.
These reports will also make direct reference to the timetables and
benchmarks as set out in the Inception Report and highlight any previously
unforeseen activities or activities that have been cancelled. These reports will
also evaluate the progress achieved, tasks already finished and give a picture
of progress of activities still underway and reflect the remaining project to the
remaining timetables and budgetso that the project implementation can be
monitored and evaluated.They also contain a recommendation section.
7.1.2. Final Report
There must be a final progress report at the end of the period of execution
reviewing the overall process of implementation of the project and leading to
an evaluation of the results obtained in both qualitative and quantitative
terms. The draft of final report must be submitted at least one month before
the end of the period of execution of the contract.
Final report will include executive summary, background information,
information about the development stage in country and abroad, project
developments, implementation process, results of applications, information
about the reached target groups and people, analysis of the acquis of the
project, analyses of feedbacks, conclusions, recommendations, transfer of
ownership, identification of sustainable results, etc.
Note that these progress and final reports are additional to any reports
required in other parts of the contract.
All reports to be prepared under this contract should take into account the
principles laid down in the "EU Visibility Guidelines", (see section 9) and the
"EU's Project Cycle Management Handbook", which can be reached at,
7.2. Submission & approval of progress reports
All reports defined at above will be submitted both in English and in Turkish to
EIE for approval in two copies and to CFCU and EC Delegation for information
in one copy each.
The reporting pattern is summarised in the following table
Author Nature and Content Frequency Recipients
TAT Inception Report Within four weeks after commencement EC Delegation
TAT Progress Reports Every six months EC Delegation
TAT Activity Reports After completion of the each activity EC Delegation
TAT Draft Final Report One month before contract expiration period EC
TAT Final Report One month after contract execution period EC Delegation
8.1. Definition of indicators
To achieve the expected results at 2.3 in these Terms of Reference
documentation, the indicators are as follows:
· At least of 15 EIE staff will be trained through training programs, study
tours, workshops, etc.
· A general awareness strategy will be developed for EIE
· The to be applied programs/techniques/know-how to each target groups will
be developed, transferred and decided separately.
· At least 10pilot implementations will be realized so that the developed
materials and techniques etc will be used and applied.
· Minimum 5000 document addressed to all target groups will be prepared
and distributed to the target groups.
· At least one kind of training materials will be developed and implemented
for each target group.
· About 2 seminars, 1 conference and 2 workshops about energy efficiency
will be organized.
· At least 5 spot TV films and 5radio programs for the energy efficiency will be
prepared and one spot TV film and radio programs will be broadcasted.
· At least 10 posters prepared and printed by Consultant in billboards of a few
big cities will be placed in traditional Energy Efficiency Week
· With the cooperation of Ministry of National Education, the pilot
implementation at least 3 primary schools will be decided and the prepared
training materials/modules will be submitted and applied.
· The target groups in a big university mainly civil, environmental, energy,
electrical, mechanical engineering and architecture and educational
departments will be chosen and developed modules will be applied with
· In the school and university applications at least 1500 750 elementary and
1500 750 high school students and 1000 500 university students will be
· To achieve and provide sustainability of programs for future periods, some
permanent applications will be got into voluntary basis such as educational
branch activities in primary school.
· At least 1500 750 people from the general public, including 500 250
housewives, will be informed and trained within the duration of the project
· A questionnaire for the participants to the activities of general public and
housewives of at least 150 persons will be applied before and after the
activity so that result of the activity can be measured.
8.2. Special requirements
The Consultant shall take all necessary measures to publicise the fact
that the Community has financed the Programme. To that end, the
Consultant shall refer to the Programme and Community financial
contribution in information given to the final recipients of the Project,
in internal and final reports and in any dealings with the media. In
addition, the Consultant shall display the EU logo, wherever possible.
Any such dealings related to publicity/visibility of this Project should
follow the principles laid down in the “EU Visibility Guidelines for
External Actions” which can be reached at the following address:
Any publication by the Consultant, in whatever form and by whatever
medium, including the Internet, shall carry the following or a similar
warning: “This document has been produced with the financial
assistance of the European Community”. In addition, the back cover
of any such publications by the Consultant should also contain the
following disclaimer: “The contents of this publication is the sole
responsibility of
-name of the author/Consultant/implementing
partner- and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the
European Union”.
A publicity and visibility plan must be developed by the Consultant
during the inception phase and be incorporated into the Inception
Specifically, to publicise the project, the Consultant will produce a 15
to 20 pages brochure in English and in Turkish in at least 100 copies
that summarises the most successful aspects of the project (“success
story”). Costs of reproduction, copying, binding, translation etc. will be
covered under the incidentals, provided that the prior consent of the
Contracting Authority is obtained. Brochure will include the most
relevant activities of the project, ensuring photographic presentation
material. The Consultant may select a Consultant for designing, editing
and printing the brochure; and will co-ordinate with the Beneficiary for
the distribution of the brochure. The explicit approval of the EC
Delegation and Beneficiary should be obtained prior to finalisation of
this brochure.
Appendix 1 Information and Publicity for the Phare Programme of
the European Communities
1. Objective and scope
Information and publicity measures concerning assistance from the European
Community Phare Programme are intended to increase public awareness
and transparency of EU action and to create a consistent image of the
measures concerned in all applicant countries. Information and publicity
shall concern measures receiving a contribution from the Phare
2. General principles
The appropriate Programme Authorising Officer in charge of the
implementation of Financing Memoranda, and other forms of assistance
shall be responsible for publicity on the spot. Publicity shall be carried
out in co-operation with the EC Delegations, which shall be informed of
measures taken for this purpose.
The competent national and regional authorities shall take all the appropriate
administrative steps to ensure the effective application of these
arrangements and to collaborate with the EC Delegations on the spot.
The information and publicity measures described below are based on the
provisions of the regulations and decisions applicable to the Structural
Funds. They are :
- Art. 32 of Regulation (EEC) No 4253/88, as amended by Regulation
(EEC) No 2082/93, Official Journal of the European Communities No
L193/20, 31 July 1993;
- Commission Decision of 31 May 1994; Official Journal of the European
Communities No L 152/39, 18 June 1994.
Information and publicity measures must comply with the provisions of
above mentioned regulation and decision. A manual on
compliance is available to national, regional and local authorities
from the EC Delegation in the country concerned.
3. Information and publicity concerning Phare programmes
Information and publicity shall be the subject of a coherent set of measures
defined by the competent national, regional and local authorities in
collaboration with the EC Delegations for the duration of the Financing
Agreement and shall concern both programmes and other forms of
The costs of information and publicity relating to individual projects shall be
met from the budget for those projects.
When Phare programmes are implemented, the measures set out at (a) and
(b) below shall apply:
(a) The competent authorities of the applicant countries shall publish
the content of programmes and other forms of assistance in the most
appropriate form. They shall ensure that such documents are
appropriately disseminated and shall hold them available for
interested parties. They shall ensure the consistent presentation
throughout the territory of the applicant country of information and
publicity material produced.
(b) Information and publicity measures on the spot shall include the
(i) In the case of infrastructure investments with a cost exceeding EUR
1 million:
- billboards erected on the sites, to be installed in accordance with
the provisions of the regulation and decision mentioned in
paragraph 2 above, and the technical specifications of the
manual to be provided by the EC Delegation in the country
- permanent commemorative plaques for infrastructures accessible
to the general public, to be installed in accordance with the
provisions of the regulation and decision mentioned in
paragraph 2 above, and the technical specifications of the
manual to be provided by the EC Delegation in the country
(ii) In the case of productive investments, measures to develop local
potential and all other measures receiving financial assistance from
- measures to make potential beneficiaries and the general public
aware of Phare assistance, in accordance with the provisions
cited at paragraph 3(b)(i) above.
measures targeting applicants for public aids part-financed by
Phare through an indication on the forms to be filled out by
such applications, that part of the aid comes from the EU, and
specifically, the Phare Programmes in accordance with the
provisions outlined above.
4. Visibility of EU assistance in business circles and among potential
beneficiaries and the general public
4.1 Business circles
Business circles must be involved as closely as possible with the assistance
which concerns them most directly.
The authorities responsible for implementing assistance shall ensure the
existence of appropriate channels for disseminating information to
potential beneficiaries, particularly SMEs. These should include an
indication of the administrative procedures to be followed.
4.2 Other potential beneficiaries
The authorities responsible for implementing assistance shall ensure the
existence of appropriate channels for disseminating information to all
persons who benefit or could benefit from measures concerning training,
employment or the development of human resources. To this end, they
shall secure the co-operation of vocational training bodies involved in
employment, business and groups of business, training centres and
non-governmental organisations.
Forms issued by national, regional or local authorities concerning the
announcement of, application for and grant of assistance intended for
final beneficiaries or any other person eligible for such assistance shall
indicate that the EU, and specifically the Phare Programme, is providing
financial support. The notification of aid sent to beneficiaries shall
mention the amount or percentage of the assistance financed by the
Phare Programme. If such documents bear the national or regional
emblem, they shall also bear the EU logo of the same size.
4.3 The general public
The media
The competent authorities shall inform the media in the most appropriate
manner about actions co-financed by the EU, and Phare in particular.
Such participation shall be fairly reflected in this information.
To this end, the launch of operations (once they have been adopted by the
Commission) and important phases in their implementation shall be the
subject of information measures, particularly in respect of regional
media (press, radio and television). Appropriate collaboration must be
ensured with the EC Delegation in the applicant country.
The principles laid down in the two preceding paragraphs shall apply to
advertisements such as press releases or publicity communiqués.
Information events
The organisers of information events such as conferences, seminars, fairs
and exhibitions in connection with the implementation of operations
part-financed by the Phare Programme shall undertake to make explicit
the participation of the EU. The opportunity could be taken of displaying
the European flags in meeting rooms and the EU logo upon documents
depending on the circumstances. The EC Delegation in the applicant
country shall assist, as necessary, in the preparation and
implementation of such events.
Information material
Publications (such as brochures and pamphlets) about programmes or similar
measures financed or co-financed by Phare should, on the title page,
contain a clear indication of the EU participation as well as the EU logo
where the national or regional emblem is used.
Where such publications include a preface, it should be signed by both the
person responsible in the applicant country and, for the Commission,
the Delegate of the Commission to ensure that EU participation is made
Such publications shall refer to the national and regional bodies responsible
for informing interested parties.
The above-mentioned principles shall also apply to audio-visual material.
5. Special arrangements concerning billboards, commemorative plaques and
In order to ensure the visibility of measures part-financed by the Phare
Programme, applicant countries shall ensure that the following
information and publicity measures are complied with:
Billboards providing information on EU participation in the financing of the
investment should be erected on the sites of all projects in which EU
participation amounts to EUR 1 million or more. Even where the
competent national or regional authorities do not erect a billboard
announcing their own involvement in financing the EU assistance must
nevertheless be announced on a special billboard. Billboards must be of
a size which is appreciable to the scale of operation (taking into account
the amount of co-financing from the EU) and should be prepared
according to the instructions contained in the technical manual
obtainable from EC Delegations, referred to above.
Billboards shall be removed not earlier than six months after completion of
the work and replaced, wherever possible, by a commemorative plaque
in accordance with the specifications outlined in the technical manual
referred to above.
Commemorative plaques
Permanent commemorative plaques should be placed at sites accessible to
the general public (congress centres, airports, stations, etc.). In addition
to the EU logo, such plaques must mention the EU part-financing
together with a mention of the Phare Programme .
Where a national, regional or local authority or another final beneficiary
decides to erect a billboard, place a commemorative plaque, display a
poster or take any other step to provide information about projects with
a cost of less than EUR 1 million, the EU participation must also be
6. Final provisions
The national, regional or local authorities concerned may, in any event, carry
out additional measures if they deem this appropriate. They shall
consult the EC Delegation and inform it of the initiatives they take so
that the Delegation may participate appropriately in their realisation.
In order to facilitate the implementation of these provisions, the
Commission, through its Delegations on the spot, shall provide technical
assistance in the form of guidance on design requirements, where
necessary. A manual will be prepared in the relevant national language,
which will contain detailed design guidelines in electronic form and this
will be available upon request