INFORMATION FOR EXT EXTERNAL CANDIDATES IGCSE SUBJECTS AVAILABLE Business Studies Biology Chemistry Physics English Literature English Second Language First Language English French Geography History Mathematics Spanish as a Foreign Language IMPORTANT NOTES * Other subjects may be available on request * A-LEVEL SUBJECTS AVAILABLE No coursework components may be submitted as an external candidate, please choose the alternative to coursework option Oral Tests are now compulsory in Foreign Language exams with Edexcel At IGCSE level you may have to decide to enter for either CORE or EXTENDED papers in some subjects with CIE and FOUNDATION or HIGHER levels with Edexcel. Core/Foundation papers restrict the achievable grades to C-G whereas Extended/Higher papers allow access to all grades from A*. INFORMATION ON EXAM SESSION AS EXAMINATIONS A2 EXAMINATIONS MAY/JUNE 2015 Biology Business Studies Chemistry Economics English Language & Literature French Geography History Mathematics Physics Psychology Spanish Biology Business Studies Chemistry Economics English Language & Literature French Geography History Mathematics Physics Spanish EDEXCEL IGCSE / A-LEVEL CIE IGCSE / A-LEVEL ENTRY DEADLINE 30/01/2015 RESULTS mid August * Other subjects may be available on request * FEES AND PAYMENT IDENTIFICATION AND EXAM DAYS Please see our current fees sheet for details of the cost of our exams. All candidates are required to pay a registration fee and a fee per examination. LA CAIXA Avenida Viñuelas, 41, 28760 Tres Cantos Madrid Fees cover all administration and invigilation costs, postage, access to past papers, mark schemes, examiner’s reports, recommended texts and certificates. IBAN ES02 2100 3816 50 0200077468 We are only able to accept payment by bank transfer. Our account details can be seen to the right. Entries can only be made once payment has been received. Remember that most written examinations will take place in May and June. Speaking tests (e.g. Spanish/French) will be held in March or April. A copy of the candidate’s ID/passport is required in advance of any examination. This same document must also be brought to every examination as proof of identity. We will provide the statement of entry, the exam timetable and the notice to candidates sent by the examination boards. It is very important that the candidate knows the days, times and rooms of his/her exams and arrives at least 20 minutes in advance for each exam. We remind you that if a candidate misses an exam without good reason he/she will not normally be awarded a result for that subject SWIFT CAIXESBBXXX once transferred please send proof of transfer to the office by fax on 965 108 096 or by email to: a medical certificate is needed in case of illness GETTING TO OUR CENTRE We will provide instructions on how to get to our centre when we confirm your entries with you. Please ensure you leave plenty of time to get here so that you arrive at least 20 minutes before the start of your examination. If you arrive too late you may not be able to sit the examination. FURTHER INFORMATION Should you require any additional information, or have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me directly by email on Alternatively, the examination board websites have a lot of information, including syllabi, past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports, their addresses can be seen here: PRIVATE CANDIDATE REGISTRATION FORM CANDIDATE NUMBERS SESSION YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR if you have already have a candidate number indicate them, along with the centre at which they were assigned one form must be completed for each session you wish to enter examinations CIE CAND Nº AND CENTRE Nº EDEXCEL CAND Nº AND CENTRE Nº SUMMER 20 CANDIDATE’S FIRST NAME CANDIDATE’S SURNAME(S) DATE OF BIRTH / PARENT’S NAME CONTACT ADDRESS If candidate is under 18 a parental contact must be provided all correspondence, certificates etc will be sent here /19 GENDER MALE CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER 1 FIRST LANGUAGE ENGLISH CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER 2 FEMALE OTHER EMAIL ADDRESS EXAMINATION ENTRIES LEVEL SUBJECT, COMPONENT & PAPERS ENTRY CODE CHARGE IGCSE/AS/A2 please see list of available subjects on the current price list and indicate core/extended or any other notes FOR OFFICE USE ONLY FOR OFFICE USE DECLARATION AND CANDIDATE / PARENTAL AGREEMENT TOTAL PAYABLE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY The deadline for payment of all fees is clearly stated on the notice to external candidates accompanying this form. Late entries and/or amendments after the final entry date attract various fees, depending on how late the examination board receives the entries. Please note that the examination board is not obliged to accept any late entries and does so at its discretion. As an external candidate it is your responsibility to organise private tuition and/or schooling as necessary in preparation for your examination. King´s College does not prepare private or resit candidates for external examinations and is unable to offer tuition, revision lessons or provide any marking of work. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY UCI AND ENTRY CONFIRMATION SIGNATURE CANDIDATE OR PARENT IF CANDIDATE IS UNER 18 DATE EXTERNAL EXAMINATIONS PRICE LIST 2014/15 EXTERNAL CANDIDATES CANDIDATE REGISTRATION FEE (for first time applicants only) €50 INTERNATIONAL GENERAL CERTIFICATION OF SECONDARY EDUCATION (IGCSE) PRICE IN EUROS LEVEL DESCRIPTION IGCSE SINGLE SUBJECT FEE covers entry fees and all associated costs IGCSE LANGUAGE EXAMS INCLUDING COMPULSORY ORAL €190 €190 + €50 = €240 GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION (GCE AS, A2 & A-level) 2 Unit AS/A2 or 4 Unit full A-level €130 per Unit Business Studies Economics English Language & Literature French (+ €50 Oral Test) Geography History Psychology Spanish (+ €50 Oral Test) Resit Fees €130 per Unit 3 Unit AS/A2 or 6 Unit full A-level €88 per Unit Biology Chemistry Mathematics Physics Resit Fees €88 per Unit * Units 1 & 3 of Language Exams will incur a €50 additional charge for the Oral Test * * Other subjects may be available on request * ADDITIONAL AND LATE ENTRY FEES Additional charges apply where these are levied by the exam board or involve a substantial amount of administration. Late entry fees are applied by Exam Boards after the deadline for entries have closed. These fees, including late entry fees, are detailed in the tables below. ADDITIONAL FEES DESCRIPTION Post-Result Services Remarking or return of scripts etc LATE ENTRY FEES COST (€) POA DESCRIPTION Late Entries or Amendments 20/03/2015 (May/June Session) Very Late Entries or Amendments 24/04/2015 (May/June Session) COST (€) DOUBLE the standard fee TRIPLE the standard fee THESE CHARGES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. AVAILABILITY OF EXAMINATIONS IS DEPENDENT UPON SUFFICIENT NUMBERS REGISTERING TO SIT EACH SUBJECT IN ANY SESSION.