WATER CENTRIC SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES WATER CENTRIC SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES Planning, Retrofitting, and Building the Next Urban Environment Vladimir Novotny, Jack Ahern, and Paul Brown JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. Cover picture credit Malena Karlsson, GlashusETT, Stockholm (Sweden) ∞ This book is printed on acid-free paper. C 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 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Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books. For more information about Wiley products, visit our web site at www.wiley.com. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Novotny, Vladimir, 1938Water centric sustainable communities: planning, retrofitting,and building the next urban environment / Vladimir Novotny, John Ahern, Paul Brown. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 978-0-470-47608-6 (cloth); ISBN 978-0-470-64282-5 (ebk); ISBN 978-0-470-64283-2 (ebk); ISBN 978-0-470-64284-9 (ebk); ISBN 978-0-470-94996-2 (ebk); ISBN 978-0-470-95169-9 (ebk); ISBN 978-0-470-95193-4 (ebk) 1. Municipal water supply. 2. Water resources development. 3. Sustainable development. 4. Urban runoff – Management. 5. Watershed management. I. Ahern, John, 1949– II. Brown, Paul, 1944– III. Title. TD346.N68 2010 628.109173 2 – dc22 2010005121 Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CONTENTS PREFACE I xii HISTORIC PARADIGMS OF URBAN WATER/STORMWATER/ WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT AND DRIVERS FOR CHANGE 1 I.1 Introduction / 1 I.2 Historic Paradigms: From Ancient Cities to the 20th Century / 5 I.2.1 First Paradigm / 8 I.2.2 Second Paradigm / 9 I.2.3 Third Paradigm / 15 I.2.4 Fourth Paradigm / 25 I.2.5 The Impact of Automobile Use / 32 I.2.6 Urban Sprawl / 38 I.2.7 The Rise of New Great Powers Competing for Resources / 40 I.3 Drivers for Change towards Sustainability / 42 I.3.1 Population Increases and Pressures / 44 I.3.2 Water Scarcity Problems and Flooding Challenges of Large Cities / 49 I.3.3 Greenhouse Emissions and Global Warming Effects / 51 I.3.4 Aging Infrastructure and the Need to Rebuild and Retrofit / 59 I.3.5 The Impossibility of Maintaining the Status Quo and Business as Usual / 60 I.4 The 21st Century and Beyond / 65 References / 68 II URBAN SUSTAINABILITY CONCEPTS 72 II.1 The Vision of Sustainability / 72 II.2 The Sustainability Concept and Definitions / 73 II.2.1 A New (Fifth) Paradigm Is Needed / 73 II.2.2 Definition of Pollution / 76 II.2.3 Sustainability Definitions / 80 II.2.4 Economic versus Resources Preservation Sustainability / 82 v vi CONTENTS II.2.5 Sustainability Components / 85 II.2.6 The Environment and Ecology / 87 II.2.7 Living within the Limits in the Urban Landscape / 90 II.2.8 The Economy / 94 II.3 Towards the Fifth Paradigm of Sustainability / 97 II.3.1 Emerging Sustainable Urban Water/Stormwater/Used Water Systems / 99 II.3.2 Triple Bottom Line—Life Cycle Assessment (TBL—LCA) / 104 II.3.3 Water Reclamation and Reuse / 106 II.3.4 Restoring Urban Streams / 108 II.3.5 Stormwater Pollution and Flood Abatement / 110 II.3.6 Urban Landscape / 113 II.4 Cities of the Future—Water Centric Ecocities / 114 II.4.1 Drainage and Water Management / 114 II.4.2 Microscale Measures and Macroscale Watershed Goals / 116 II.4.3 Integrated Resource Management Clusters—Ecoblocks of the Cities of the Future / 120 II.4.4 Interconnectivity of Clusters—Spatial Integration / 123 II.5 Ecocity/Ecovillage Concepts / 124 References / 129 III PLANNING AND DESIGN FOR SUSTAINABLE AND RESILIENT CITIES: THEORIES, STRATEGIES, AND BEST PRACTICES FOR GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE III.1 Introduction / 135 III.1.1 Achieving Sustainability / 135 III.1.2 Sustainability through Urban Planning and Design / 137 III.2 Ecosystem Services / 138 III.2.1 Concepts / 138 III.2.2 The Non-Equilibrium Paradigm / 141 III.3 Planning for Resilient and Sustainable Cities / 143 III.3.1 Ecosystem Service Goals and Assessments / 143 III.3.2 Resilience Strategies / 144 III.3.3 Scenario Planning / 155 III.3.4 Transdisciplinary Process / 157 III.3.5 Adaptive Planning / 157 III.4 Best Practices for Green Infrastructure / 158 III.4.1 SEA Street Seattle / 159 III.4.2 Westergasfabriek Park, Amsterdam / 162 III.4.3 Staten Island Blue Belt, New York / 162 135 CONTENTS vii III.4.4 Ecostaden (Ecocities): Augustenborg Neighborhood and Western Harbor, Malmö, Sweden / 164 III.5 Discussion / 170 References / 171 IV STORMWATER POLLUTION ABATEMENT AND FLOOD CONTROL—STORMWATER AS A RESOURCE 177 IV.1 Urban Stormwater—A Problem or an Asset? / 177 IV.1.1 Problems with Urban Stormwater / 177 IV.1.2 Current Urban Drainage / 182 IV.1.3 Urban Stormwater Is an Asset and a Resource / 184 IV.1.4 Low Impact Development (LID) / 186 IV.2 Best Management Practices to Control Urban Runoff for Reuse / 189 IV.2.1 Soft Surface Approaches / 190 IV.2.2 Ponds and Wetlands / 201 IV.2.3 Winter Limitations on Stormwater Management and Use / 212 IV.2.4 Hard Infrastructure / 216 IV.2.5 ID Urban Drainage—A Step to the Cities of the Future / 218 References / 222 V WATER DEMAND AND CONSERVATION 228 V.1 Water Use / 228 V.1.1 Water on Earth / 228 V.1.2 Water Use Fundamentals / 232 V.1.3 Municipal Water Use in the U.S. and Worldwide / 235 V.1.4 Components of Municipal Water Use / 239 V.1.5 Virtual Water / 240 V.2 Water Conservation / 241 V.2.1 Definition of Water Conservation / 241 V.2.2 Residential Water Use / 241 V.2.3 Commercial and Public Water Use and Conservation / 249 V.2.4 Leaks and Other Losses / 251 V.3 Substitute and Supplemental Water Sources / 252 V.3.1 Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) / 252 V.3.2 Gray Water Reclamation and Reuse as a Source of New Water / 256 V.3.3 Desalination of Seawater and Brackish Water / 260 V.3.4 Urban Stormwater and Other Freshwater Flows as Sources of Water / 266 References / 268 viii VI CONTENTS WATER RECLAMATION AND REUSE 272 VI.1 Introduction / 272 VI.2 Water Reclamation and Reuse / 274 VI.2.1 The Concept / 274 VI.2.2 Reclaiming Rainwater and Stormwater / 279 VI.2.3 Water-Sewage-Water Cycle—Unintended Reuse / 280 VI.2.4 Centralized versus Decentralized Reclamation / 281 VI.2.5 Cluster Water Reclamation Units / 282 VI.3 Water Quality Goals and Limits for Selecting Technologies / 286 VI.3.1 Concepts / 286 VI.3.2 Landscape and Agricultural Irrigation / 289 VI.3.3 Urban Uses Other Than Irrigation and Potable Water Supply / 293 VI.3.4 Potable Reuse / 297 VI.3.5 Groundwater Recharge / 300 VI.3.6 Integrated Reclamation and Reuse—Singapore / 304 References / 308 VII TREATMENT AND RESOURCE RECOVERY UNIT PROCESSES VII.1 Brief Description of Traditional Water and Resource Reclamation Technologies / 311 VII.1.1 Basic Requirements / 311 VII.1.2 Considering Source Separation / 312 VII.1.3 Low-Energy Secondary Treatment / 315 VII.1.4 New Developments in Biological Treatment / 324 VII.2 Sludge Handling and Resource Recovery / 329 VII.2.1 Types of Solids Produced in the Water Reclamation Process / 331 VII.2.2 A New Look at Residual Solids (Sludge) as a Resource / 334 VII.3 Nutrient Recovery / 336 VII.4 Membrane Filtration and Reverse Osmosis / 339 VII.5 Disinfection / 340 VII.6 Energy and GHG Emission Issues in Water Reclamation Plants / 346 VII.7 Evaluation and Selection of Decentralized Water Reclamation Technologies / 348 VII.7.1 Closed Cycle Water Reclamation / 348 References / 354 311 CONTENTS VIII ENERGY AND URBAN WATER SYSTEMS—TOWARDS NET ZERO CARBON FOOTPRINT ix 358 VIII.1 Interconnection of Water and Energy / 358 VIII.1.1 Use of Water and Disposal of Used Water Require Energy and Emit GHGs / 358 VIII.1.2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Urban Areas / 360 VIII.1.3 The Water-Energy Nexus on the Regional and Cluster Scale / 362 VIII.1.4 Net Zero Carbon Footprint Goal for High-Performance Buildings and Developments / 365 VIII.2 Energy Conservation in Buildings and Ecoblocks / 371 VIII.2.1 Energy Considerations Related to Water / 371 VIII.2.2 Heat Recovery from Used Water / 379 VIII.3 Energy from Renewable Sources / 380 VIII.3.1 Solar Energy / 380 VIII.3.2 Wind Power / 387 VIII.4 Energy from Used Water and Waste Organic Solids / 392 VIII.4.1 Fundamentals / 392 VIII.4.2 Biogas Production, Composition, and Energy Content / 394 VIII.4.3 Small and Medium Biogas Production Operations / 397 VIII.4.4 Anaerobic Upflow Reactor / 398 VIII.5 Direct Electric Energy Production from Biogas and Used Water / 399 VIII.5.1 Hydrogen Fuel Cells / 400 VIII.5.2 Microbial Fuel Cells (MFC) / 403 VIII.5.3 Harnessing the Hydraulic Energy of Water/Used Water Systems / 406 VIII.6 Summary and a Look into the Future / 408 VIII.6.1 A New Look at the Used Water Reclamation Processes / 408 VIII.6.2 Integrated Resource Recovery Facilities / 411 VIII.7 Overall Energy Outlook—Anticipating the Future / 416 VIII.7.1 A Look into the Future 20 or More Years Ahead / 416 VIII.7.2 Is Storage a Problem? / 421 References / 422 IX RESTORING URBAN STREAMS IX.1 Introduction / 427 IX.1.1 Rediscovering Urban Streams / 427 IX.1.2 Definitions / 437 427 x CONTENTS IX.2 Adverse Impacts of Urbanization to Be Remedied / 438 IX.2.1 Types of Pollution / 438 IX.2.2 Determining Main Impact Stressors to Be Fixed by Restoration / 443 IX.2.3 Effluent Dominated and Effluent Dependent Urban Water Bodies / 447 IX.3 Water Body Restoration in the Context of Future Water Centric (Eco)Cities / 453 IX.3.1 Goals / 453 IX.3.2 Regionalized versus Cluster-Based Distributed Systems / 455 IX.3.3 New Developments and Retrofitting Older Cities / 457 IX.4 Summary and Conclusions / 476 References / 479 X PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT OF SUSTAINABLE FUTURE COMMUNITIES X.1 Integrated Planning and Management / 482 X.1.1 Introduction / 482 X.1.2 Footprints / 484 X.2 Urban Planning / 487 X.2.1 Ecocity Parameters and Demographics—Population Density Matters / 488 X.3 Integrated Resources Management (IRM) / 493 X.3.1 Sustainability / 493 X.4 Clusters and Ecoblocks—Distributed Systems / 497 X.4.1 The Need to Decentralize Urban Water/Stormwater/Used Water Management / 497 X.4.2 Distribution of Resource Recovery, Reclamation and Management Tasks / 499 X.4.3 Cluster Creation and Size / 503 X.4.4 Types of Water/Energy Reclamations and Creation of a Sustainable Urban Area / 505 X.5 System Analysis and Modeling of Sustainable Cities / 514 X.5.1 Complexity of the System and Modeling / 514 X.5.2 Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Assessment / 518 X.6 Institutions / 525 X.6.1 Institutions for Integrated Resource Management / 526 X.6.2 Enhanced Private Sector / 532 X.6.3 Achieving Multibenefit System Objectives / 533 References / 535 482 CONTENTS XI ECOCITIES: EVALUATION AND SYNTHESIS xi 539 XI.1 Introduction / 539 XI.2 Case Studies / 542 XI.2.1 Hammarby Sjöstad, Sweden / 542 XI.2.2 Dongtan, China / 549 XI.2.3 Qingdao (China) Ecoblock and Ecocity / 556 XI.2.4 Tianjin (China) / 560 XI.2.5 Masdar (UAE) / 566 XI.2.6 Treasure Island (California, U.S.) / 573 XI.2.7 Sonoma Mountain Village (California, U.S.) / 579 XI.2.8 Dockside Green / 585 XI.3 Brief Summary / 588 References / 590 APPENDIX 595 INDEX 597 PREFACE There is a growing belief among engineers, planners, and scientists that the function and purpose of our urban water infrastructure needs a radical redefinition. The conceptual models employed in most cities have not changed much since Roman times. They comprise rapid-conveyance piped systems that keep land relatively dry most of the time, provide a supply of potable water, and use water to carry away human and industrial wastes for disposal. Managing water quality, both for potable and disposal purposes, is generally accomplished by removing contaminants at the beginning or end of the pipe. Periodic flooding is controlled with additional structural barriers that rapidly drain urbanized areas towards downstream locations. Importantly, these systems have always been integrated into the built environment of buildings and streets—and largely taken for granted in terms of their functional role. The calls for “Water centric sustainable communities,” “Cities of the Future,” “Sustainable Future Communities” may sound today more like futuristic dreams than a potential reality. But the future is always an extension of history and change is forced, and guided, by new incremental discoveries and stresses. Now is the time when serious stresses such as population increase and migration into cities and global climatic changes have emerged as serious issues of global concern. Infrastructure in old cities has deteriorated, and the U.S. is beginning to understand, and confront, the consequences of suburban sprawl in terms of infrastructure requirements, energy costs and pollution. The time has come to look for and implement new concepts for urban planning and design. Historically, cities started as walled villages or settlements on or near a water source. Without water, life in the cities could not be sustained. Water also provides for cleaning and hygiene, transportation, irrigation of crops and gardens, defense, and transportation. In the “Cities of the Future” context, one has to look to, and learn from, the past about the importance of water in cities. Past successes can provide inspiration and continuity for the future and also can reveal what happens when water management is abused and/or water is lost. The first integrated, modern water/used water and stormwater management system can be dated to the second millennium B.C. in the Minoan civilization on the Mediterranean island of Crete. The Minoan cities had stone paved roads and offered water and sewage disposal to the upper-class. Water was brought to the cities from wells and clean mountain waters by aqueducts, rainwater was collected and stored in underground cisterns, and water was xii PREFACE xiii distributed to the fountains and upper class villas by advanced water systems using clay pipes. There is archeological evidence of Minoan use of flushed bathrooms. Wastewater and storm water were collected in sanitary and storm sewers. Many of these technologies were then adopted by Greek and Roman civilizations (see Chapter I) who improved the systems. One could call this a semi-sustainable linear system with rain water reclamation and reuse. Water was stored in underground cisterns and flowed by gravity to the users. The achievements in water collection, transport, distribution, public health aspects (flushing toilets, public baths) of these ancient civilizations were so advanced that they can only be compared to the water management systems in the developed countries at the end of the nineteenth century. Hence, the future builds on the past and, as will be shown throughout this book, many “new” and proposed technologies of the future such as rainwater and stormwater recycling are technologies of the distant past that were forgotten. The fast-conveyance drainage infrastructure conceived by Minoans and Romans and reintroduced into the growing cities of Europe during the industrial revolution and into the U.S. cities in the second half of the nineteen century has produced great gains in protecting public health and safety—by “eliminating” unwanted, highlypolluted runoff and sewage. However, the acceptance of fast drainage conveyance systems caused disruption of urban hydrology and polluted most surface waters. Many urban surface waters such as lakes and wetlands were drained or filled for urban uses. In the middle of the twentieth century, surface water quality in cities became unbearable, magnified by introduction of industrial chemicals and fertilizers into the environment. The pollution and disappearance of urban water bodies eliminated all possibilities of on-site reuse but uncontrolled reuse of untreated and later partially treated wastewater continued in cities located downstream. Deteriorating water quality, diminishing flows and population increase led most cities to rely on long transfers of water and regional linear wastewater disposal without reuse. Even after passing groundbreaking water pollution control regulations in the developed countries such as the Clean Water Act in the U.S. and the Water Framework Directive in the European Community countries at the end of the last millennium and billions spent on costly “hard” solutions like sewers and treatment plants, water supplies and water quality remain a major concern in most urbanized areas worldwide. A large portion of the pollution is caused by the predominant elements of the built urban landscape: a preference for impervious over porous surfaces; fast “hard” conveyance infrastructure rather than “softer” approaches like ponds and vegetation; and rigid stream channelization instead of natural stream courses, buffers and floodplains. Because the hard conveyance and treatment infrastructure were designed to provide protection for a five to ten year storm, these systems are often unable to safely deal with the extreme events and sometimes fail with serious or catastrophic consequences. In the second half of the last century, the world witnessed a rapid emergence and growth of megacities. According to the United Nations, in 1950 there were eight cities in the world that had population of more than 5 million and the terms “megapolis” or “megalopolis” were added to the dictionary. In 2000 the number of megalopoli increased to thirty three and soon (in 2015) we may count close to fifty megalopoli, xiv PREFACE most of them in the developing world. And this trend will continue. Many of the large urban areas in developing countries lack adequate infrastructure for providing clean potable water and safe disposal of waste. Water and food safety and shortages are major problems which, if the current trends continue, will magnify in the future. China alone will build urban habitats for 300 million people in the next twenty five to thirty years! The Twenty-first century will see the most extensive building and rebuilding of urban settlements driven by population increase and in-migration from rural areas to the cities. At the same time, in developed countries, the water infrastructure, mostly underground, is crumbling, leaking, and being overloaded by undesirable inflows of polluted and “clean” water. Cities are running out of landfill space for solid waste and disposal sites for sludge from treatment plants. At the beginning of this century, in Naples (Italy) garbage and solid waste stayed on the streets for months because no landfills were suitable for the disposal! People in large cities in the developing world have to rely on bottled or boiled water because of insufficient and contaminated water supply. Awareness of the effects of the excessive atmospheric emissions of green house gases (GHG) (carbon dioxide, methane, nitric oxides, and other gases) on global climatic changes has became a major concern. The consequences of the expected global climatic changes have been scientifically proven. The global community must both reduce GHG emissions and adapt to the changes that cannot be avoided. The expected global climatic changes include increased global warming that will cause more extreme weather, terrestrial glacier and polar ice melting, and melting of permafrost in arctic (tundra) forests. Melting of terrestrial glaciers will increase sea levels and impact coastal communities. Providing water, electric energy, and fuel for transportation and heating has a major impact on global climatic change. The water-energy nexus and its impact on water availability and global climatic change is considered as a major footprint of urbanization along with water and food security, hydrological and ecological effects, nutrient (phosphate) management and future availability for growing crops safely and without severe impacts on water quality. Excessive nutrient losses into receiving waters cause eutrophication and hypertrophy exemplified by massive algal bloom rendering surface water supplies unusable. The microorganisms forming the massive algal blooms prefer warmer temperatures; hence, the emergence of algal blooms may increase with global warming. Today, the demands of rapid urbanization and depleted or degraded resources drive us to look for totally new systems where used water is recycled, rainwater is harvested, peak stormwater flows slowed down, and discharges of pollutants to remote receiving waters from both pipes and land use are significantly reduced or eliminated entirely. These objectives alter the fundamental functions of the system. This system is intertwined with built environment, transporation, urban landscape, ecology, and living. Broadly stated, the natural and built environment within urban watersheds is being reconfigured to restore hydrological and ecological functions, provide for the water needs of the community, and maintain the health of people and habitat—with less reliance on energy-intensive, ecologically damaging imported supplies or exported surpluses and waste products that use water for carriage. These system-level changes, PREFACE xv which entail significantly greater levels of integration, are emerging in various forms throughout the world. This book documents the wide spectrum of technological advances that will contribute to that new paradigm. It calls for the integration of technological advances with a radically reformed vision of what constitutes a healthy urban environment. It is premised on the notion that a city’s relationship with the natural world is more complex than simply importing needed resources and disposing of its waste, while accomplishing the multiple transformations, both economic and social, that constitute a city’s primary functions. The concepts of the new paradigm of sustainable water centric ecocities have been emerging for the last fifteen years in environmental research and landscape design laboratories in several countries of Europe (Sweden, Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands), Asia (Singapore, Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan and Korea), Australia, USA (Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Philadelphia, San Francisco) and Canada (British Columbia, Great Lakes). This paradigm is based on the premise that urban waters are both the lifeline of cities and the focus of the sustainable cities movement. The evolution of the new paradigm of urbanization ranges from the microscale “green” buildings, subdivisions or “ecoblock” to macroscale ecocities and ecologically reengineered urban watersheds, incorporating transportation, food production and consumption and neighborhood urban living. Defining an urban ecoregion concept, focusing on the entire sustainable water cycle, starting with the water supply sources and ending with the wastewater and solid waste recycle and reuse, is becoming a necessity since a city and its water and waste management cannot be separated from its potable water sources and cannot have an unsustainable adverse impact on downstream users, and cities. Under the new paradigm, used water and discarded solids become a resource that can provide energy in a form of electricity, biogas, hydrogen, fertilizer, raw materials for reuse, and heat. Under this new paradigm, the terms “wastewater” or “waste” become misnomers and are replaced with “used water,” “reclaimed water,” and “resource recovery.” This change can be accomplished by a hybrid (partially decentralized) or even fully decentralized water/storm water/used water system leading to on-site water reclamation and reuse, energy and nutrient recovery and other benefits. The future of sustainable urbanization, arguably, is to switch from heavy energy use and large GHG emissions to “carbon neutrality” or “net zero” carbon effects. The integrated systems do not just include water and used water, integration also includes urban and suburban transportation, heating and cooling, ecology, protection and rediscovery of urban surface and ground water systems, leisure, culture and recreation of citizens. The core concepts of integration of urban water, resources, and energy management are: (a) there are no wastes—only resources, and (b) optimization of resource value requires an integration of water and energy in addition to ecological and social resilience. This change will lead to revitalization of older cities and retrofitting them with sustainable energy, frugal water infrastructure and developing ecologically-healthy water systems. Integrated designs should be based upon maximizing economic, ecological and social equity value and also restoring and protecting ecosystem function damaged by past economic development. Public xvi PREFACE health benefits would also be considerable. Changing the city environment by laying sidewalks connecting residential areas to schools and shopping, building recreational paths along clean streams and impoundments, making surface water suitable for canoeing, kayaking and swimming, and providing plots for community gardens could change urban life styles to more healthy living. When sidewalks are built and roads are made narrower, people start walking. In one community in Minnesota which implemented such changes people increased their life expectancy by several years (Newsweek, February 15, 2010). At one level this book attempts to pull together and document all of the component parts and approaches that can contribute to the new paradigm. Ultimately, to be successful however, the authors believe readers must be moved to see the new potential and possibilities that fundamentally different design objectives offer. It is intended for professionals and practitioners in all of the institutions and communities that influence the slow transformation of urban form and function. Because engineers, scientists, and planners are always constrained by the expectations and requirements imposed by legal, economic, and social institutions, it is important that any new model of urban water management be widely understood and embraced by the citizens, elected officials, local authorities, regulators, developers, businesses, and many others who influence the urban process in every community. When those of us who have a hand on the controls of urban development agree upon and work towards the achievement of new fundamental objectives, it will allow the next generation of practitioners to apply the creative energy, innovation, and integrated solutions needed for a sustainable future. We hope this book contributes to a better understanding of tomorrow’s design objectives, as well as providing insights into the emerging tools available to accomplish them. These topics are both complex and difficult. They take us out of our professional comfort zone and sit us down with new faces from new communities. But as Thomas Kuhn wrote in his groundbreaking book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (The University of Chicago Press, 1996), the change will not be easy. He defined the concept of “paradigm shifts” as Because it demands large-scale paradigm destruction . . . the emergence of new theories is generally preceded by a period of pronounced professional insecurity . . . Failure of existing rules is the prelude to a search for new ones. (Kuhn 1996, pp. 67–68) Our mission is to promote and foster that search for new approaches and new rules. If this book contributes to the understanding of what exists, what is being explored, and what can be achieved in the future, the authors will have achieved their objectives. This book is interdisciplinary, covering the water:energy nexus with its effects on urban development, water supply, drainage, ecology, GHG emissions and system integration. It presents an analysis of the comprehensive problem of unsustainable past urbanization practices and offers hopeful solutions for the sustainable cities of the future. It covers the history of water/stormwater/used water paradigms and driving forces for change (Chapter I) followed by the development of the new (fifth) PREFACE xvii sustainable ecocity paradigm in Chapter II. Chapters III and IV deal with the old/new urban drainage and best management practices in the context of urban planning and design. The “old/new” term refers to the fact that some drainage concepts call for change from the underground piping infrastructure and impervious urban surfaces, to systems resembling the historic surface drainage and previous hydrology. They are based on switching from fast conveyance drainage employing underground sewers and surface concrete lined channels to storage and infiltration-oriented naturallylooking drainage systems. Chapters V and VI present water conservation, reclamation and reuse systems. In the U.S., the key is to significantly reduce wasting water which in large portions of the country leads to water shortages, and implementing costly and environmentally unsustainable water transfers or high cost desalination. The switch from traditional energy demanding used water and management of residual solids to energy producing and less water demanding new concepts are described in Chapters VII and VIII. Chapter VIII covers energy saving technologies and producing alternate/renewable energy that complement integrated water/resources management. It also presents a proposal for integrated resource recovery facilities converting used water and solids into reclaimed water, biogas, hydrogen, heat and electric energy and recovers nutrients and residual organic solids that can be reused. Stream restoration and daylighting are highlighted in Chapter IX. Clean urban streams and lakes, even small ones, are a dominant part of the urban landscape to which people seem to gravitate, to live on or near, and to use for recreation and enjoyment. They are the backbone of the integrated urban water systems, recipients of clean and highly treated water flows and sources of water for reuse. In the future, clean urban streams could even become a source of energy. Chapter X integrates all the pieces and defines the ecocity, i.e., a water centric sustainable carbon neutral community that balances social, and economical aspects, and at the same time restores or recreates healthy terrestrial and aquatic urban ecology. The ecocity is a place where it is good to live, work and walk around, and to enjoy culture and recreation. Chapter XI presents the goals, unifying concepts and parameters of several built or planned ecocity developments in Sweden, China, United Arab Emirates, and the U.S. Acknowledgments This book was conceived as a follow-up of the proceedings of the Wingspread Workshop on the Cities of the Future held in 2006 at “Wingspread” the Frank L. Wright-designed conference center operated by The Johnson Foundation (Cities of the Future, Novotny and Brown, IWA publishing, 2007). This was one of the first instances where the notion of Cities of the Future was discussed extensively by a group of international experts. The discussion continued and COF has now become the major international initiative sponsored by UNESCO and several international professional organizations and associations. At the beginning of this century, several ecocity projects were conceived and some are now being realized. The idea of producing a textbook that could be used in classrooms and as a manual for landscape architects, urban planners, ecologists, civil and environmental engineers and xviii PREFACE graduate students in these specializations became a logical outcome of this fast spreading worldwide initiative. A grant provided by CDM (Cambridge, Massachusetts) to the primary author which enabled the bulk of writing and collecting the materials for the book is acknowledged and appreciated. CDM also provided materials and photos of their project sites in the U.S. and Singapore. The authors are also in debt to many contributors to the book who provided materials for the book and permission to use and quote their figures, photos and writing. Dr. Glen Daigger, Senior Vice-president and Chief technology officer of CH2M-Hill Corporation (Denver, Colorado) provided comments, text and graphic materials for the book. Extensive writing and graphic materials were also provided by Patrick Lucey and Cori Baraclough of the Aqua-Tex Scientific Consulting in Victoria (British Columbia) and Herbert Dreiseitl, Principal of Atelier Dreiseitl in Uberlingen (Germany). Numerous other companies and agencies such as Siemens, Arup, Public Utility Board (Singapore), Masdar Development Co. (UAE), Sonoma Mountain Village, City of San Francisco, Sunwize Technologies, GlashusEtt and City of Stockholm (Sweden), Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District and UNESCO’s SWITCH project provided graphic art and information on their ideas, projects and products. The authors also greatly appreciate the international cooperation with many colleagues interested and involved in COF research and implementation who are now working together in the International COF Steering Committee established and appointed by the leadership of the International Water Association (Paul Reiter, Executive Director and Dr. Glen Daigger, IWA President). The committee leaders are Paul Brown (CDM) and Professor Kala Vairavamoorthy (University of Birmingham, UK) who also directs the UNESCO sponsored SWITCH project on the Cities of the Future.