Back TRY THIS VERSATILE CROSSOVER JANUARY 2007 US $7.00 • Canada $10.00 The Audio Technology Authority BUILD a Coax Horn for better sound How Do Cathode Followers Stack Up? A Switching System for guitarists Sub Amp Design project begins Expert Tips on Grounding & System Interfacing Cover-107.indd 1 11/21/2006 3:04:41 PM Industry News H IFICRITIC is a new bimont h l y s tere o aud io magazine entirely funded by subscribers. Delivering definitive, well-researched reporting, HIFICRITIC is headed by Editor Paul Messenger and Technical Editor Martin Colloms. Covering a generous mix of features and equipment and music reviews, the first issue was published on December 1. For more information, visit Acoupower has dropped the price for the 15 Bully Subwoofer, to $299 in quantities of two, including US shipping. The 12 Bully Driver is now being developed, and will soon be available. The Acoupower website now has a page devoted to amplifier recommendations for the company’s subwoofer drivers. See for more. Design Build Listen recently released an assortment of solid brass knobs, available in 30mm or 50mm diameters and designed to complement the company ’s ezChassis pre-punched cabinets. For more information, visit www. DH Labs has moved to their new headquarters. The new address is DH Labs, Inc., 9638 NW 153rd Terrace, Alachua, FL 35615. The TM400, f rom Lectrosonics, simplifies the measurement process by eliminating long cable runs between the calibrated microphone and the test equipment. Now, however, some are using the system for recording ambient sounds at concerts. Due to its Digital Hybrid Wireless technology, the TM400 offers higher dynamic range than wireless systems with comparators. To learn more about Lectrosonics, go to 8 audioXpress 1/07 AX-IndNews107-3.indd 8 After significantly simplifying the creation of electronic circuits for hobbyists, SchmartBoard has been nominated for a 2006 World Technology Award in the category of IT Hardware. Honoring individuals from 20 technology-related sectors viewed by their peers as being the most innovative and doing the work of the greatest likely long-term significance, the World Technology Awards are presented by the World Technology Network, in association with the New York Stock Exchange, Dow Chemical, TIME Magazine, and CNN. The IDS-25, from Haig Audio, based on a design by Roger Russell, is a singleline array, full range system, requiring minimal power. The original design was one that Russell originated during his career at McIntosh Labs, and was built under two of his patents. For more information, visit New product literature is now available for illbruck acoustic, inc.’s SONEXvalueline Panels. The Panels, effective at absorbing excess sound at middle frequencies where unwanted noise and reverberation can interfere with communication, have noise reduction coefficients from 0.75 to 1.05. Visit www. to obtain the product literature. Aperion Audio has released the Intimus 533-T Tower Speaker, featuring beautiful midrange in a compact package. Also from the company is the 634VAC, the first speaker to use VoiceRight technology, which compensates for the effects of reflected sound off large screen TVs and cabinets. To see the company’s products and more, visit the newly redesigned website at Digi-Key Corporation received Pelco’s “Supplier of the Year, New Product Support” award, and the President’s Corporate Award for 2005, from Murata Manufacturing Company, based on sales expansion and Digi-Key’s overall contribution to Murata. The company has also signed a global distribution agreement with semiconductor brand SMSC, providing application specific solutions. Matrix Orbital, a manufacturer of LCD solutions, transducer manufacturer CR Magnetics, antenna solutions developer Antenova, Fox Electronics, Future Designs, Inc., Quatech, Amphenol Connex, Delta Products Corporation, Ember, and Conec have all inked global agreements with Digi-Key as well. Model 465, from TDL Technology, is a six-channel volume controller, featuring an all analog circuit, master vol- ume control, individual channel volume controls, and IR remote control. Also from TDL, the Model 444A Stereo Headphone Amplifier features a noninverting output, low noise, wide bandwidth, and works with virtually all types of headphones including low sensitivity and low impedance models. For more information, visit Mouser Electronics, Inc. has signed a global agreement with SchmartBoard, manufacturer of electronic prototyping system products. Mouser has also penned an agreement with SMSC to distribute the company’s embedded I/O controllers, USB transceivers, Ethernet products, and more. The company released its third catalog of 2006, featuring 1,808 pages of the newest products and latest technologies. To find more information, go to Consumer electronics manufacturer ARCHOS, Inc. introduced the Generation 4 line of portable media players, which hold up to 700 hours of TV content. Products include the ARCHOS www.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:16:33 PM 404 and 404 Camcorder, the 160GB ARCHOS 504, and the ARCHOS 604 and 604 Wi-Fi. Featuring full DVD resolution, the products can play all standard video formats, and offer TV recording with the DVR Station accessory. For more information, please visit New from OPPO Digital, the DV-970-HD Universal DVD Player with HDMI, with DivX certification, can playback various media, and converts video to high definition resolutions from standard definition for HD compatibility. To learn more, visit Klipsch introduced the new iGroove HG, an MP3 shelf system now available in high-gloss black, as well as the KL7800-THX in-wall LCR and KS-7800-THX in-wall surround, versions of the THX Ultra2 custom home theater system. In other company news, was re-launched to better serve goal-oriented visitors, while the brand is partnered with LivingHomes, LLC, a developer of prefabricated homes, which will feature Klipsch speakers. Visit for more. The MPX1000 HD Multipoint Extender, from Avocent, provides connectivity for moving high-definition content from one source to multiple destinations. Extending video and audio over standard 10/1000 Ethernet wiring up to 3000´ and wirelessly through walls up to 150´, the MPX1000 HD has interchangeable modules for input of analog VGA signals or digital HDMI/DVI signals. Also from Avocent, the ECMS2000U is a digital workstation extender, providing hardware-based extension for digital/analog video, USB keyboard and mouse, USB media, and audio signals. Consisting of a computer node and user node interconnected in a point-to-point manner at Gigabit Ethernet rates using IP protocols over a single UTP cable, the ECMS2000U removes the requirement for conditioned power in the edit suite and greatly reduces ambient noise. For more information, please go to aX CONTRIBUTORS Ed Simon (“A Combination Horn You Can Build,” p. 10) received his B.S.E.E. at Carnegie-Mellon University, and has installed over 500 sound systems at venues including Jacob’s Field, Cleveland, Ohio; Museum of Modern Art Restaurants, New York; The Forum, Los Angeles; and Fisher Cats Stadium, Manchester, N.H. Christopher Paul (“The Cathode Follower and Its Weaker Siblings,” p. 22) has written a number of tube-circuit articles for audioXpress. Gary Galo (“Grounding and System Interfacing,” p. 26), Audio Engineer at The Crane School of Music, SUNY Potsdam, has authored over 230 articles and reviews on audio technology, music, and recordings. Rudy Godmaire (“A Flexible Subwoofer Amp Pt. 1,” p. 34), a sales consultant for Bell Canada, has been interested in DIY audio since 1998. Steve Stokes (“A Unique Crossover Design With Waveform Fidelity,” p. 42) is a former member of the AES and co-inventor of a Dipole Speaker System for Surround Sound. This is his first article for audioXpress. Dennis Hoffman (“Low-Level Analog Switching,” p. 51) is an associate engineer in the Controls and Power Electronics Department of The Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. This is his first article for audioXpress. Dennis Colin (“Book Review: The Art of Linear Electronics,” p. 62) has demonstrated the audibility of phase distortion at Boston Audio Society, and has designed the “Omni–Focus” speaker (bipolar coincidental with phase–linear first–order crossover), ARP 2600 analog music synthesizer, 1kW biamp and PWM supply at A/D/S, and Class D amps. audioXpress January 2007 AX-IndNews107-3.indd 9 9 11/21/2006 3:16:37 PM speakers A Combination Horn You Can Build In designing this coax horn speaker, the author gives much consideration to wide coverage in the unit’s application. I magine going to a concert and finding out that your seat had a great sight line, but the sound system covered only one person in the audience. Would you join the line of people asking for their money back? Many loudspeakers intended for home use have a very narrow sweet spot. Is there an implicit assumption that people who listen to music have no friends? Maybe these speaker designers have never been moved enough by the music that they wanted to get up and dance? Do these people really sit in a chair and just listen to music? The reason to design loudspeakers with a narrow coverage angle is to reduce the effect of the room’s acoustic character on the reproduced sound. A difficulty is keeping the coverage angle uniform over the entire audio frequency range, due to the large variation in wavelengths. rooms. Some folks even prefer directional control in otherwise good rooms. This is one of those areas of audio open to enlightened debate. Because I like to listen to music while working at my desk, in the shop, or pretty much everywhere, sometimes other people listen with me, which requires a different set of conditions. My preference for music reproduction is for the room acoustics to enhance the sound. To me this requires a room with less absorption and rising reverb at low frequencies, no hard focused echoes, and a smooth short reverb tail. For those who think the room should add nothing to what is coming out of the reproducer loudspeakers, I suggest you visit an anechoic chamber. Many recording studios approach that level of absorption; this is one of those audio points on which opinions may differ, and the other guys are just wrong. CONTROLLING DIFFICULT ROOMS BOOKSHELF EFFECTS The simplest method to produce pattern control is the sound column, in which multiple drivers all reproduce the same range. Due to the length of the column, the resulting interference and reinforcement pattern reduces the long axis coverage angle. A 20Hz tone has a wavelength about 56´. This would require your sound column to be 28´ tall to limit the dispersion on a single axis to about 45°. At 20kHz the same column would need to be just under ⅜˝. One advantage is that by confining the energy to a smaller area, more energy is delivered there, thus the on-axis sensitivity is higher. There are other pattern control devices besides a sound column, such as a horn system or a phased array. Controlling the coverage angle or dispersion is certainly a valid approach for difficult 10 audioXpress 1/07 Simon2701-2.indd 10 To achieve a rising reverb time at low frequencies requires solid walls, floor, and ceiling. If the surfaces are flimsy, some low-frequency energy will flow right out of the room, be lost moving the wall materials, and to a minor extent reradiate back in, sometimes even at a different frequency! This is different than noise control where the goal is to keep sound from annoying others. The methods for isolation differ from enhancing reverberation. For isolation it is possible to use diaphragmatic absorbers, add mass, or (my favorite) loose particle-filled floors. Imagine a normal hollow floor filled with perlited gypsum (kitty liter); as the low frequencies move the particles, they rub against each other and thus absorb the energy. Normal room furnishings such as carpet, drapes, and furniture absorb the By Ed Simon PHOTO 1: The completed coax horn speaker. midrange energy and more so the highs. It is possible to have too much absorption if there is good low-end containment; the unbalanced combination will produce a muddy-sounding room. The treatment is either less absorption or special bass absorbers. The other end is not enough high-frequency absorption. You can improve this with rugs, furniture, or, for tweaks, foam or other products from advertisers in this very magazine. Obtaining a uniform sound field—if that is your goal—requires the basics: no parallel surfaces that are untreated and objects in the room that refract or scatter the sound field. Think of the sound field as a balloon. As you add air, it becomes bigger, just as a sound wave would propagate. If you press it against a flat wall, it will give you a single reflection. Press it against a wall of furniture, and it will show you the multiple small surface imprints which will model the smaller and smoother reverb. www.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:05:22 PM A while back a friend with a TV studio asked me about the acoustics of his control room. I did a quick survey: a large room with enough volume to have a true reverberant field for most of the frequency ranges of concern, two speakers on the front wall, equipment racks to the side, carpet on the floor, mediumquality acoustic tile for the ceiling and drywall on the back wall. The reverb time was good for a room this size; almost all of the sound hitting the mix position was well behaved except for a little too much echo from the back wall. The solution was “some bookshelves on the back wall.” Someone had suggested that it was more fitting to install some specialty panels on the back wall, add diffusers to the ceiling, and cover many of the walls with closed cell foam. Shortly thereafter I had the opportunity to meet with many of the major manufacturers of audio test gear, so I scheduled a measurement session in his space with five or six of the equipment manufacturers to demonstrate their gear. After the measurements (T.E.F., T.D.S., S.T.I., and so on), my friend asked the group for their suggestions. One of the invited engineers said in his impeccable English (with just enough of his native Danish showing), “Oh, some bookshelves on the back wall are all you need.” The rest of the group agreed. The friend was sure I put them up to it, but he installed three bookshelf units and saved a small fortune. In most small rooms, bookshelves or other large furniture will provide enough short diffuse reverb to complement the music. If the length-to-width-to-height ratio and sizes in the listening room are wrong—causing buildup of specific frequencies—lots of padding will help, but not fix the problem. If the walls or ceiling is not substantial, low frequencies will just flow right out of the room. The simplest fix is to avoid bad rooms for your listening area. SPEAKER REQUIREMENTS Now what you need is a loudspeaker that sounds good off-axis as well as dead center. It would also be nice if it was efficient (or sensitive), went smoothly low and high, had great transient response and low distortion, and was small, cheap, and easy to build. 12 audioXpress 1/07 Simon2701-2.indd 12 A symphony orchestra plays a Forte at I want the tweeter to be about ear 95dBa (slow weighting) in rehearsal and height to allow the sound not to be somehow manages to get this to 105dBa blocked by furniture. I could build a tall (slow weighting) in a performance. The narrow version of a two- or three-way players will tell you a Forte is a Forte no sealed box or perhaps bass reflex speaker matter when they play it. So my meter to meet these parameters, but I suspect must be wrong. using a horn-type loudspeaker will give A rock concert contract rider fre- me the increased sensitivity the smaller quently asks for 102dB at 100´. A sym- amplifiers I prefer require. A well-dephony requires about 30dB of headroom signed horn can also decrease the distorwith a Class AB amplifier to prevent my tion of the driver. hearing clipping in the sound system. To get a match to the high-frequency Rock music needs only about 20. horn requires a low-frequency horn of So if I want to play music at concert enormous size or attenuating the highlevel, my loudspeakers must be capable frequency driver. One of the early highof 135dB peak level for a performance efficiency loudspeaker designs placed but only 125dB for a more relaxed lis- the loudspeaker in a corner as part of tening session. Allowing for two speak- the horn design using the three planes ers, room reflections, the 10dB advan- to extend the horn size. This should give tage of a Class A amplifier, and listening great bass response. position, 115-120dB peaks from each Unfortunately, bending the midrange loudspeaker should be fine. This is quite around corners is not a good idea. So a bit more than is available from many for a first try I will use a direct radiathome loudspeakers. ing midbass to midrange, a horn on the If you put a 500W Class A amplifier on an 88dB per watt loudspeaker, the power compression will probably leave you 4 or 5dB short. Try a 2000W amp, which will get you there very quickly. It might also not sound as good at lower volumes. Most folks understand it is easier to build a goodsounding (or more precisely, a not bad-sounding) small amp than a PHOTO 2: JBL driver and crossover. large one. Engineering is knowing how to cal- mid to highs, and a horn off the back of culate and adjust each parameter of the the low-frequency driver to get the very design to get the desired overall result. lows. That way I can use a fairly stanArt knows which trades to make and dard two-way driver system. still achieve pleasing results. For a matching three-way horn sysI am willing to give up size for a loud- tem, I probably would want the midspeaker, but not floor space. In a listen- range horn to be at least 64˝ in length. ing room bookshelves should be on the I could go a bit shorter and buy a comopposite wall from the loudspeakers. A mercial horn. There are three strikes to floor-standing loudspeaker is a reason- that approach: one, it would make the able first try for a design. speaker bigger than can be unobtrusive; www.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:05:31 PM two, there would be midrange to high crossover issues; and three, it’s more fun to build it all. A CLASSIC DESIGN To keep the crossover region smooth and coverage uniform, the high-frequency driver should be close to the midrange source. One of the classic designs is the coaxial loudspeaker, in which the tweeter is mounted centered inside the woofer. The problem with many coaxes is that the tweeter blocks the higher midrange frequencies. One design that avoids this is a through-the-magnet horn design, in which the magnet structure for the woofer is hollow and shaped to form a horn section for the tweeter’s output to pass through the woofer. In addition, the woofer cone forms the rest of the horn. This usually results in a wide dispersion driver system. There are, of course, times when you would want a different horn for better pattern control, but that is not the goal here. This idea has been around since at least 1930. Advantages are that there is complete symmetry of coverage at all angles around the loudspeaker because there is no offset between drivers. This allows the room to add its sound without being colored by a single wall, the ceiling, or the floor. The tweeter does not block the midrange, and it is also easier to get a good crossover match. The disadvantage usually cited is that the voice coils of the woofer and tweeter are not in the same plane. One of the terms that is often used and not well defined is acoustic center, so I will avoid using that term. (I get lots of folks telling me the definition, all different, but Rudy Bozak’s is the earliest I know of.) In a dynamic loudspeaker a voice coil is suspended inside a magnet structure. (Except those in which the magnet moves and the coil is fixed!) A current applied to the voice coil causes it to move. The coil is firmly attached to a piston, which moves the air and you hear the sound. The assumption is then made that for time coincidence of two drivers covering the same frequency region (think crossover overlap), the voice coils should be even (in the same plane) with each other. One big problem with this idea is 14 audioXpress 1/07 Simon2701-2.indd 14 when you attach the voice coil to a long light a woofer cone as possible. This will very low mass pipe and then connect allow faster propagation at the crossover the pipe to the cone. The movement of frequency (smoother midrange), and a the cone is not changed by the length of low mass cone is more efficient in a lowthe pipe! The time at which the sound frequency horn. comes from the cone is not changed. The maximum interface with the air in WOOFER SELECTION a typical cone occurs near the forward One of the limitations of cone loudedges of the cone! With a horn this oc- speakers is the “mass break frequency.” curs at the outer edges. Many loudspeakers show wonderfully I have performed experiments to dem- flat frequency response curves on-axis. onstrate this. If you build a loudspeaker When you look off-axis you see they out of two drivers, the coverage narrows start rolling off at a much lower freas though the center of propagation of quency. That’s because as the frequency the wave front is closer to the edge of increases the cone is large enough to the cone, not the center. It doesn’t make begin to control directivity all by itself. it all the way to the edge at higher freA 15˝ rigid piston would be almost quencies because of cone breakup or something yet to be determined. If the tweeter is smaller and lighter than the woofer, there will be some time delay to get from the voice coil to the edge of the horn, but it will be different from the same motion PHOTO 3: The speaker glued and clamped with every piece except propagating to the the last side. edge of a more massive cone. I would need to measure 6dB lower in output at an angle 45° the result to properly design a time delay from dead center when producing a freand align these wave fronts to ensure a quency of only 450Hz. If the piston were smooth crossover region. This is one of to move the same distance at 450Hz as the reasons some folks prefer a single it did at 225Hz, the SPL on-axis would driver system. This is an area where phi- need to rise by about 5dB. The energy losophy must meet finite element analy- must go somewhere, and if not off-axis, sis or actual measurements to yield truth. then on. So most models of direct radiThe tweeter requires a horn to get ating loudspeakers have the design pathe desired control, loading for efficien- rameters adjusted to yield a flat on-axis cy, and wide dispersion. The through- response. the-magnet coaxial loudspeakers under Most real loudspeakers have a limit consideration use the woofer cone as that as you move them faster and fastthe horn, so there is not a large horn to er the mass of the cone will cause the block the midrange. The concern raised motor, the cone, or connection to the then is Doppler shift distortion caused motor to run out of capacity. Rememby the interaction between horn walls ber the equation is ½ × Mass × Velocity (the cone) moving and the waveform squared! It is the V squared component (high frequencies) being shaped. Be- that rises rapidly. cause the cone will be loaded by a very The point at which the loudspeaker large horn at low frequencies and will cone can no longer act as a rigid piston not move much, and with Doppler dis- is called the mass break point. Of course, tortion not being very distracting, this is there is some flopping around as to the not an area to really worry about. exact point. It would also seem that you want as The larger the loudspeaker, the lower www.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:05:38 PM the mass break frequency. A larger woofer requires a larger tweeter to reach the frequency where the crossover must be placed. The larger tweeter does not go as high. The question then becomes what frequency range is desired? Or the other version is how loud? You could use a 5˝ woofer, which would allow a very good high-end tweeter, but you would not have much low-end energy. There is not enough piston area to move the air at low frequencies. Even if you could get a long excursion 5˝ woofer, you need to worry about power dissipation, breakup under horn load, and just plain small piston area. As you use a loudspeaker, some of the energy causes the voice coil to heat up. In a well-designed loudspeaker, the voice coil can double in impedance before it is damaged. The problem is that when the impedance doubles, the current draw for the same amp voltage is cut by one half. Thus the speaker has 3dB less output than it should. The heat also more slowly changes the magnet. This loss of output is called power compression. As the loudspeaker cools, it gets back most of what it lost, but in some loudspeakers the magnet slowly weakens from use. A good compromise for this design is an 8˝ woofer. You can get a big enough voice coil to not only handle the power but also keep its cool. It has enough piston area to give 115dB output at the low end. To get a light and stiff cone requires some sort of reinforced material. Obviously I am not the first person to try this design philosophy. The idea of an 8˝ woofer with a through-the-magnet compression driver without any horn blocking the cone has existed for at least 60 years. It meets the criterion of a wide coverage angle and is efficient in the right enclosure. The transient response is somewhat inherent in the design of a light woofer with a compression driver if it is a good crossover choice. Picking one that is low cost and low distortion should allow me to reach my design goals. Although the trend today is for small bookshelf speakers or perhaps towers, I can buy ready-made drivers from at least six manufacturers. Looking at websites for reasonable engineering data helps narrow the choices. ENCLOSURE DESIGN For a first cut at design I need to choose a moderate-cost loudspeaker that meets these requirements. Keep in mind this includes a crossover with decent-quality capacitors and inductors, a compression driver, a horn, and a woofer. I picked the JBL Professional (not JBL Consumer) Control 328C (Photo 2), which comes in either a 70V or 8Ω version. Be sure to get the 8Ω version. This loudspeaker is designed to be a wide-coverage ceiling unit rated at 93 to 98dB/W at 1m. Power handling is 1kW peak. It really won’t do a peak of 128dB, but then I won’t be using a 1kW amp. It has a Kevlar-reinforced woofer cone, a real compression driver, and comes with a crossover, which even uses plastic film capacitors that are glued to the PC card. It is produced in reasonable quantity, and as such is less costly. The 328C comes attached to a ported baffle that also doubles as part of the audioXpress January 2007 Simon2701-2.indd 15 15 11/21/2006 3:05:45 PM horn. I will recycle the baffle, keeping the amp’s output. The curves they pubin mind the new enclosure must act as a lished were predicted by home-grown horn extension. These units even come software and never confirmed! with serial numbers—mine were 10403 Part of the design process is to be sure and 10405. It is unusual for a ceiling you can actually make what you design. speaker to have serial numbers! If you I had some 1˝ particleboard left over prefer you can try a different speaker, but from making counter tops, so I made a because this is not a common design you 3ft3 enclosure to try out the loudspeaker will need to look around a bit. List price driver. My program showed that with for the JBL is $320. Try not to pay that. a 3˝ diameter port 2˝ long the low-freThe hard way to design an enclo- quency driver/box combo should be dead sure (or a listening room) is with finite flat to 30Hz and then smoothly roll off. element analysis (FEA). With this sys- My measurements showed a 40Hz tem the air surrounding the loudspeaker rolloff with a slight bump. This means system is divided into small blocks (fi- that either I can’t measure very well, the nite elements), and each block is given loudspeaker parameters are wrong, my a model value of resistance, capacitance, prediction software is not perfect, or any and inductance. A stimulus is applied of several other causes. (the speaker cone moves) and the comThere were also big bumps in the mid puter then calculates how each block in- frequencies. One dip was caused by the teracts with its neighbors. The best way wavefront coming off the back of the to figure out how big each block should cone hitting the enclosure back wall, be is to try a size and then do the same then bouncing forward to cancel some problem again with a smaller size block. of the outgoing wave. Two inches of Quit making the blocks smaller when fiberglass on the back was not enough. you can no longer see the difference in Six inches fixed that. There were also bounces caused by locating the speaker outcome. An easier way is to use one of a number of classical equations that you can figure out with a pocket calculator. Be sure to measure the result to see whether the equation you used worked. Mine never do, which is why I use an FEA program. It is really imPHOTO 4: The box just before final glue-up. portant to measure after you build to see how accurate your on my workbench. Moving the microdesign was. It may seem silly, but after phone and loudspeaker showed which you measure enough, eventually some- bumps they were. thing you never saw pops out at you. Now I could try some horn designs, I once did a job using a specific loud- having a feel for the limit of my despeaker, whose published f requency sign method. I was able to almost preresponse curves did not match what I dict the low-frequency response and its measured. I measured the amps provid- smoothness. The program was able to ing in excess of 100V to the tweeters, show several design options based on yet there was inadequate output and no my design goals of size, speaker position, tweeters were blowing up! An examina- ease of construction, and low-frequency tion of the loudspeaker showed that the response. crossover passed no signal above 8kHz I saw that using a good corner load to the tweeter. The actual power making with a reasonable length horn would get it into the tweeter was less than 3% of me close to what I wanted. I had a mid16 audioXpress 1/07 Simon2701-2.indd 16 www.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:05:48 PM bass dip I didn’t like, so I tried placing a filter before the horn mouth to limit the horn to the lowest frequencies. Because the programs’ limit seemed to be 20%, or about 2dB, going much more refined without testing seemed pointless. CONSTRUCTION CONCERNS Being cheap, I wanted to use as little wood as possible in the design. Wood comes in either 48 × 96 (sometimes 49 × 97)˝ sheets or in 60 × 60˝ sheets. Most of the lower-cost wood products are stocked in 48 × 96˝ sheets. I figured setting the cabinets about 60˝ high at ear level would allow use of either size of wood. I do not like harmonically related dimensions for acoustic enclosures. Ratios such as 1:√2:√3 are good. Using one sheet of wood would require getting eight sides out of the 48˝ width. That would make the small side 4.75˝ and the big side 7˝. An 8˝ woofer would not fit in the box. With two sheets you could get 9.5˝ × 13.25˝, including overlap at the sides. That would give an internal volume of over 4ft3. Allowing half that for the woofer chamber and the other half for the horn would allow you to have a low-frequency speaker contribution down to about 38Hz, or so the prediction program tells me. That is almost low enough. But I was almost wrong before, so caution is in order. Spring for one more sheet. You now have enough to allow for mistakes. If the box internal dimensions are 12.75˝ × 18.25˝ × 60˝, there should be adequate volume without any overlapping resonances. You have a good size. It should be able to go down to the 20Hz range and still fit nicely in the corner of the room. Being lazy, I designed the box with a straight horn. At the low frequencies this seems to have very little effect on the horn. A simple low-pass filter was predicted, so I used the simplest filter I thought I could get away with. This amounts to a single piece of wood. I placed a small thin piece of fiberglass in the filter passage just in case there were any side wall problems. For ease of construction you can make the design of 1˝ MDF, HDF, particleboard, or plywood. The preparation of the material requires only straight cuts. To make the speaker “furniture,” either paint or veneer it. If you use ¾˝ material, you might choose a slightly fancier edge, either a dado or a miter. Be sure to double-up the front baffle if you use thinner material to allow for recessing the driver into the baffle. No matter how you decide to build it, this is a two-person job. The finished speaker should be heavy. If you use ¾˝ material, you can keep the same external dimensions—it will not make much difference. There is enough extra material to make the extra baffle backer pieces. The first step after obtaining the parts is to disassemble the loudspeaker. Carefully unplug the woofer and tweeter connectors. JBL has cleverly used different size connectors for each terminal. It requires real imagination to reassemble them incorrectly. I know. Next remove the screws that come with the baffle. Remove the crossover from the baffle. Keep the rubber crossover mounts, which will help decouple the crossover from the enclosure. Be careful not to get dust into the drivers. The dust audioXpress January 2007 Simon2701-2.indd 17 17 11/21/2006 3:05:53 PM cap on the woofer is really just a grille for the tweeter and will allow small stuff in, so be careful. The cutting pattern is shown in Fig. 1. If you use ¾˝ material, don’t forget the baffle backers, which should be 12.75˝ × about 14˝. When using any power tool try to end FIGURE 1: The cutting pattern. the job with the same number of fingers you started with. Long, straight cuts may seem simple, but saws kick, people place their digits in the strangest places, and rip cuts with power tools account for most of the lost fingers in small shops. Of course, you will wear eye protection. As someone interested in audio, you will also use hearing protection. And because breathing seems to be a hard habit to break, you will also don a dust mask. You can set up the wood on four sawhorses or some other support system. If you have a tablesaw, you can cut to rough size and finish on it. The pieces 18 audioXpress 1/07 Simon2701-2.indd 18 will fit better if you cut all of the same dimensions at the same time without resetting the fence. If you don’t have a tablesaw, just be careful, clamp a straightedge to the board, and follow it with the saw to get a finish cut. If you don’t have a straightedge, cut one from the third board. Then use it to cut the rest. I prefer to start with the shorter cut across the material on each piece. Then I do the longer straight cuts. That way my material is balanced better on the sawhorses and I am not trying to move many heavy pieces. You c an use square cuts at the edges of the two boards that form the “Z ” of the horn—a small gap will have no effect. However, be sure they are securely glued, or a buzz could occur if the pieces rub. If you prefer, you can bevel the edges about 17° to form a tighter fit. You can cut the bottom of the “Z” last. Trim it flush with the back or recess it a bit if you want to place a grille on the horn mouth. After you’ve cut all the pieces, rout the driver cutout. If you use two pieces of ¾˝ wood, you can probably get away with cutting two circles. The one in the front piece needs to clear the entire driver basket. The rear hole should be smaller to allow you to screw the driver into the baffle. The driver hole should be 6½˝ down from the top of the baffle board and 1˝ off center. I just don’t like symmetry in resonant locations. I used a template to rout the hole. Using collars and a template allows me to use a big collar to rout all the way through the baffle. I can then use a smaller collar to rout the recess or I can use a bit with a guide bearing to follow the outline of the hole and cut the recess. I did one speaker each way. On the first try I did not recess the driver. After listening to it, I used a panel cutting bit with a bearing guide to simulate the horn flare that came with the speaker. Try to get the speaker lip about 1/8˝ inside the baffle board with a smooth curve to the surface. The goal is to copy as close as possible the baffle that came with the driver. If you do not own a router, just cut a round hole and surface-mount the driver. There will be a small difference in the final sound. If you use ¾˝ wood, mount it to the backer and clear through the baffle. You might want to round the edge with a file, a surform, sandpaper, a dremel tool, or scrape it with a knife. If these directions seem to lack more detail, it is because you can use just about any method to make the opening: a reciprocating saw, a router, or even a handsaw (HDF cuts very easily). Just make a round hole about where it should be. It is better if you make a super precise recess mount that copies the original, but it is not that big a deal. ASSEMBLY The horn seems to form a classic “Z” shaped folded horn, but it doesn’t. The top board of the “Z” is parallel to the top of the speaker. It is spaced to form a chamber with exactly 2 × 12.75˝ of cross-section area. It is long enough (14˝) to form a resonant chamber. This is the low-pass filter to keep low mids out of the horn. It seems way too simple, but I tried it both ways and the filter is a big improvement. The middle board of the “Z” fits tightly into the bottom front corner of the box. It is the same size as the front baffle. It should end about 2˝ from the top and back. The exact placement should be close. It is more important for the filter board to mate cleanly and stay parallel to the top. The board at the bottom of the “Z” is part of the horn. Its exact placement is not critical. It should touch the middle “Z” board about 6˝ from the bottom and go to the back bottom. You can test-fit it and trim to length. www.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:05:54 PM Be sure to place all the pieces together before gluing to be sure they fit. If it is a small piece that is being disagreeable, you should have enough scrap to make another piece. If it is one of the bigger pieces, try trimming all the affected pieces. A ¼˝ change in any dimension is not radioactive. If you are as sloppy at cuts as I can be, you will really appreciate the modern urethane glues, which foam up as they set. This seals all those annoying gaps you get when your saw cuts are not perfect. I prefer Elmer’s ultimate highperformance glue. The cap closes tighter than the other well-known brand so the glue stays good longer. The downside is you should wear gloves when using this glue and be sure to put a drop cloth under the workpiece. Of course, ordinary wood glue or the improved yellow stuff is also a good choice. You can just glue and clamp the pieces, or, as in the more classic home-built method, use glue and screws every 6 to 8˝. You don’t need to clamp it if you use screws, but it can’t hurt. You didn’t hear this from me, but nails and glue will work also. I started with the side down and fitted the bottom piece, then the front baffle, followed by the top. The long diagonal of the horn fits into the front bottom corner. It does not need to be tapered; a small leak here is unimportant. At this time, mark two lines about 6 and 7˝ up from the bottom end, and then put it in place. The top of the horn “Z” is next. Be sure you have a uniform 2˝ channel from the top. The bottom of the “Z” should fit between the two lines you made on the long horn diagonal. Check it for fit and trim the length. Finally, fit the back. Check the other side fit. Glue everything except the second side. FINISHING TOUCHES As you can see in Photo 3, the speaker is glued and clamped with every piece except the last side. This allows placing the crossover and fiberglass into the box when it is easy. Photo 4 shows the box just before final glue-up. The crossover and fiberglass are installed. A very small thin peeling of fiberglass is placed in the passage that forms the low-pass filter. This should be about ½˝ thick and about 10˝ long. Five screws hold in the crossover. I kept the factory mounting grommets and just used drywall screws to mount it. Be careful so that it will come out later if needed. You can put a cup for the terminals anywhere in the back of the loudspeaker. The crossover has a well-marked removable connector for the wire. It is designed for 12-gauge or smaller wire. I had no trouble using 10-gauge wires. The connector has four terminals to make it possible to daisychain the speakers in ceiling use. If you want to be a tweak, rebraid your speaker wire and use all the terminals to reduce the resistance of the connection. If you use solid wire, you can use either just one cup or a jumper. I simply ran a piece of West Penn Wire /CDT 25210 10 Ga. wire from the speaker connector out the back of the horn. When the innards are done you can glue on the remaining side. Use screws, clamps, or both. After the glue sets you can finish the box. Carpet or fabric is good if you want the ’80s band look. I AROUND the DCX-2496... A DCX-2496 is THE affordable high performance audio DAC coupled with a powerful loudspeaker management processor. It is the ultimate tool for those seeking the audio perfection. To improve on the audio performance of the DCX, Selectronic offers a range of high end kits for the DIYer. Very easy to assemble (no SMD) and minimally invasive on your DCX. The results are outstanding ! And MORE... • 6-channel R/C volume control I/O board �� • Upgrade your DCX-2496 with this I/O board. Completely transparent, just Plug & Play. Uses top of the line circuitry. �� Precision analog power supply • Decrease noise and improve stability with this supply designed for DSP circuits. • Highly transparent Technology uses pure "Class A" I/O audio J-FET buffers and special ALPS motorized pot • ±3dB level adjustment on each channel • Infrared R/C • Zin : 47kΩ • Zout : 600Ω • Easy assembly • Compatible with any DSP or 5.1 system • Sequential mains switch Ultra-low jitter clock �� • This clock circuit uses a high performance TCXO with less than 10ps jitter resulting in extremely detailed sound. by Outstanding kits for the DIYer More information : / Pub AUDIOXPRESS - Simon2701-2.indd 19 • Switch your audio installation on or off without noise, thumps, or spikes • Turns on the various parts of your system in a safe order • Avoids dangerous transients in your speakers Selectronic - File AXP 01-2007 - Mechanicals :audioXpress 181 x 120January mm 2007 19 11/21/2006 3:05:56 PM suggest painting it the same color as the room where the loudspeaker will live. I recommend veneer and a grille frame. The crossover has quick connects for the driver and a plug for the speaker wire. The driver mounts with drywall screws. I did not use a gasket because my routed edge was reasonably smooth. There is not a great pressure differential as in a sealed box speaker, which is why the seal is not very important. If you prefer, run a light bead of silicone sealant to seal the driver to the box. It will take two humans to place the speaker, which should be at a 45° angle, tight to the corner of the room, but ½˝ from the walls. If the box is out too far you will get bumps in the bass response. You may wish to jiggle the placement to get the low-frequency response to suit your taste. The first loudspeaker I tried had the mounted driver protruding from the baffle by a small bit. I also did not put in the horn’s low-pass filter. When I first turned it on, the results were not pleasing. Using an old Ashly PQ-66 parametric notch filter, I swept the speaker. As you probably know, when there is a bump up in the frequency response of a speaker, it sounds bad. When it’s a dip, you must listen for what is missing. The sweep immediately showed that there was not enough fiberglass in the box (resonance around 400Hz), there was a harshness around 3200Hz (impedance dip), and I needed the bass horn’s filter. I assembled the second speaker with a routed recess approximating the original baffle, used way more fiberglass, and added the filter. This speaker was much better, so it was time to modify the first one. I broke in the speakers for three days. TESTING I tried three different amps with the loudspeakers. One was a typical massproduced 60W class AB amp that produced quite pleasing results. I also used the solid-state single-ended power amplifier from the April 2006 issue of audioXpress. It was more detailed than the first amp. I used my improved “butterfly” amplifier for most of the listening. The loudspeaker proved quite disappointing. I know this is where the author is supposed to list some recordings 20 audioXpress 1/07 Simon2701-2.indd 20 he/she used to evaluate the loudspeaker The plots (Fig. 2) show the speakers’ and pretend that most folks know the performance on-axis and as far off-axis recordings intimately and can share the as I could get in the room. I used white experience through common knowledge. noise with an FFT analysis plotted on a This loudspeaker had the audacity log scale. This is unsmoothed data with to make many of what had been satis- a 10Hz resolution. The low end is flat to factory recordings of musical perfor- the limits of the measurement. I placed mances sound like pale studio imitations the speakers on the narrow 20´ wall of of music. I could identify that some of my office; the length of 45´ allows a the choruses on the recordings were re- low-frequency resonance of 12 to 13Hz. ally just sampled and replayed, not done The limit on perceived low-frequency live as I had previously thought. There performance was, to my surprise, afwas one song in which I used to think fected by the amp. I previously did not the singer was tapping her foot to keep worry about low-frequency performance time; it was actually the bass drum in the in amps, which used to be one of those background keeping the singer on track. it-does-not-matter issues. Now for the One of the CDs of a popular singer now first time I got almost unbelievable lows. sounded so bad it could pass for a spoof I don’t yet have a feel for what I can and of a performance. cannot hear, but I will play with what I am slowly learning that I prefer live I send to the speaker to see what are recordings. Studio recordings are ad- my limits of audibility. The engineering justed to the producers’/engineers’ tastes, process allows you to design a system, while they are spending large amounts build it, test it, and see what you have of time in a small padded room. I have learned. better speakers, amps, and a more realThe problem with such low-frequency istic listening environment. Somewhere response is twofold. First, some amps rebetween 4% and 20% of the recordings I listened to with this loudspeaker could be mistaken for an actual live performance, depending on the type of music and the recording methods. Worse yet, a recording that really did not impress me now sounded FIGURE 2: Speaker measurements. wonderful. The drums that could be heard before now ally do not have the frequency response match the piano and balanced the piece to get the full response out of the loudto where it was downright nice (Edward speaker. Second, many recordings are Simon 1995 KOKOPELI Records). “engineered” on loudspeakers that do The low-frequency response of this not go this low. If the bass is boosted to system is far better than any loudspeak- sound good on the studio monitors, it is er I have ever heard. The folks I have overpowering on this loudspeaker. played it for all find that the low freBecause a loudspeaker is also supquencies are quite different than what posed to produce more than just bass, they heard. The first thought is that I must admit that the design has some there must be some obscene boost in low weaknesses. There is an impedance dip frequencies. My measurements show the about 1.6kHz, which shows up as a low frequencies are flat to the limit of slight harshness in the midrange that is my test setup. I expected it flat only to amplifier-dependent. The upper mid25Hz. This time it is possible my model range seems a bit suppressed. The highs erred by predicting too high a rolloff. roll off around 18kHz. www.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:05:57 PM I put two loudspeakers on a single amp with a monaural source to judge imaging and driver match. There was one range of mid to highs and one mid bass region where the image moved left. This indicates the loudspeaker or the room is not perfect. The movement was about one-quarter of the soundstage. This is not that bad for unmatched speakers. I do not hear the crossover between the woofer and tweeter. I can look at my measured curve to see where it is, but the timbre difference you sometimes get with horn-loaded compression drivers does not jump out at me. Neither driver strains to reproduce its range at normal listening levels. LET’S PARTY! One demonstration I like to do is play 30kHz through a small loudspeaker that has a sharp output resonance and ask people whether they can hear it. Everyone says no. I then turn it off. Everyone then agrees that it has gone off. I switch it on and off a few times so that the subjects realize that they are hearing it, but do not perceive it as a tone, just a pres- ence. It is simply a matter of level as to what you can sense. This loudspeaker does not go that high. I can still hear an amazing amount of detail through the speaker, so I suspect much of the openness is not due to frequency response on the high end but rather good transient response in the midrange. But this is something I will need to play with to be able to quantify it better. This is not the be-all, end-all loudspeaker. It covers a whole room, plays loud even with small amps, and goes way low. It’s OK going high. It is reasonably smooth, but a few details may be missing. Of course, this speaker driver is designed for distributed ceiling use. It does, however, make several of my older high-end loudspeakers sound broken by comparison. The loudspeaker is great for three particular applications. One is for aerobics—loud music, great bass, fits out of the way in a corner, and is modest in cost for a professional loudspeaker. The second application is home theater. You will have guests jump out of their seats the first time they hear what is really on some of the soundtracks. The third great use is for music at a party. With its good low-end uniform coverage, I recommend mixed drinks or microbrews—this is not a loudspeaker for cheap beer. There are still things to play with. First, I will try substituting air-core inductors for the two iron-core ones. This is not a big issue, because of the low level of power used with the loudspeaker. Second, I will try it bi-amplified. I will use this loudspeaker with a digital processor such as a BSS Soundweb or Ashly Protea. My CD will typically send an AES data stream to the processor, which will be programmed to act as source selector, volume control, equalizer, and, if needed, noise gate. With only the D/A converter and clock in what is now my “preamp,” there are far fewer parts to get in the way of the sound. Oh, yes, I don’t mind using tone controls. . . how do you think the recordings got made? If you think that perhaps this design could be adapted into just a monstrously good subwoofer/speaker stand for existing speakers, you are right. But then that is a different loudspeaker. aX audioXpress January 2007 Simon2701-2.indd 21 21 11/21/2006 3:06:00 PM tubes The Cathode Follower and Its Weaker Siblings This author’s results confirm that cathode followers are even more capable of driving capacitive loads than equivalent common-cathode amplifiers. I n a recent article (“Rehabilitating Cathode Followers,” aX 5/06), I compared the abilities of the Cathode Follower (CF) and the Common Cathode Amplifier (CCA) to drive capacitive loads. I showed that CFs and CCAs made from identical triodes biased to identical plate voltages and currents and driving identical loads “disconnected” from their loads at the same peak currents and voltages—one on the load voltage downswing, and the other on the upswing. The article also discussed that the higher output impedance of the CCA left it at a disadvantage when it came to driving capacitive loads—that is, attenuation occurred more readily at higher frequencies for the CCA. In a subsequent exchange of private letters, it was pointed out that the CCA could address this deficit by paralleling resistances across a capacitive load (thus extending bandwidth) and then increasing drive to reestablish the original level. However, it also became clear that these higher drive levels would increase distortion at the mid and low frequencies and limit the peak voltage across the load. It seemed that the CF still retained the advantage. If the CF is the preferred driver for capacitive loads, it makes sense to more fully explore and understand its characteristics, which you should consider in comparison to those of CF-like circuits that nevertheless operate distinctly differently from a CF. Over the years, I have noticed that some people attribute CF-like characteristics to many CF-like circuits, apparently mainly because their outputs are cathodes. Recently, I found a manufacturer selling a preamp with an SRPP output stage that claimed to have a CF-like output impedance. The manufacturer subsequently confirmed by mea22 audioXpress 1/07 Paul-2727-4.indd 22 surement, to his surprise, that the SRPP does not have the output impedance of a CF, and changed the specification accordingly. A similar assertion regarding an SRPP with a “low output impedance” was made even more recently in the pages of audioXpress (p. 10, 10/06.) I’d like to explore this and other differ- By Christopher Paul ences between the CF and its variants in the rest of this article. THE CIRCUITS UNDER INVESTIGATION There’s value both in performing circuit derivations and in building and measuring the circuit on the bench. There’s no FIGURE 1: Circuit for testing a CF, and SRPP or an MF. www.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:07:31 PM denying bench results, but a validated derivation is priceless when it comes to getting a feel for how a circuit works and for applying and optimizing it. So I’ll start with a general-purpose schematic (Fig. 1) that illustrates the CF and its variants and how to test them. I’ll present measurements and calculations I made from them in Tables 1 and 2 to determine certain circuit parameters of interest. I’ll also provide calculations (Table 3) of the same parameters using the equations I derived in the sidebar. If you’re not interested in the derivations, you can skip the sidebar, although I think you’ll gain some insight if you review it. I’ll compare and discuss the results of the measurements and the derived equations later. In Fig. 1, 1100Ω resistors R2-R19 are strung together with 402Ω R1. You can conveniently connect each point between a connected pair of resistors to Tap_? (one side of C1), affording a means to test different cathode follower (CF) variants. A connection of Tap_? to Tap_V2 produces a cathode follower. A connection to Tap_1 yields the top of an SRPP (although in this case, C1 is not really needed). Connections to Taps 219 yield the top of a Mu Follower (MF), while a connection to Tap_0 provides a convenient means of measuring the rp (plate resistance) of the 6DJ8, as I’ll show. For the SRPP and MF, think of V3 and the resistors between it and the connection to Tap_? as the controlled source and the resistance seen at the plate of the bottom triode in those two-triode configurations. With the CF, V3 is uniformly 0 (V2 is the active source), and the resistors from R1-R19 are simply cathode resistors. Note that the DC bias of the triode is fixed for all variants at a 5mA plate current and a 100V plate voltage with the 6DJ8 I used. Only one of the very low impedance (under 10Ω) sources V1-V4 supplies a signal at any time; consider the remainder to be short circuits. These 1kHz signal sources are used to support the measurement of three important parameters of the circuits I’m examining. GAIN, OUTPUT IMPEDANCE, AND POWER-SUPPLY REJECTION RATIO (PSRR) These three parameters represent excellent figures of merit for a circuit. Consider the equations (derived in the sidebar) which determine them in the Fig. 1 circuit. Capacitors are assumed to be AC shorts and the 1M resistors are AC open circuits. RT is defined as the sum of R1 + R2 +. . . R19. For SRPPs and MFs, Rk is the value of that portion of RT between Tap_0 and the selected connection (Tap_0, Tap_1,. . . Tap_19) to Tap_?. For CFs, Rk = RT. rp and gm are the plate resistance and transconductance, respectively, of the 6DJ8. Measure output impedance (Z0) by first activating V4 and setting R22 to a finite, non-zero value (I used 1100Ω in my measurements, but its value is unimportant in the derivation). Other sources are off and Ep is shorted to +200V. De- TABLE 1: MEASUREMENTS AND THE CALCULATIONS OF GAIN, ZO, AND PSRR FROM THEM. Rk Ω 0 402 1502 2602 3702 4802 5902 7002 8102 9202 10302 11402 12502 13602 14702 15802 16902 18002 19102 20202 RT = 20202 Ek, mV RMS IR22, mA RMS Z0 = Ek/iR22Ω (Z0 test) (Z0 test) (Z0 test) 398.0 364.0 287.0 240.0 204.6 180.9 161.6 145.7 132.3 124.7 114.4 106.3 100.8 95.0 89.0 84.8 79.7 73.8 69.9 68.1 0.093 0.124 0.194 0.236 0.268 0.290 0.307 0.322 0.334 0.341 0.350 0.358 0.363 0.368 0.373 0.377 0.382 0.387 0.391 0.392 4292 2943 1483 1018 762 624 526 453 396 366 326 297 278 258 238 225 209 191 179 174 Ek/V3 for MF Ep/Ek & SRPP: Ek/V2 for CF (gain test) (PSRR test) 0.217 0.483 0.727 0.812 0.858 0.886 0.906 0.922 0.934 0.942 0.946 0.950 0.952 0.958 0.962 0.966 0.966 0.968 0.970 0.972 V2 = V3 = 500mV RMS Comments 1.3 test for rp 1.9 SRPP 3.5 MF 5.1 MF 6.7 MF 8.3 MF 9.9 MF 11.5 MF 13.1 MF 14.6 MF 16.3 MF 17.8 MF 19.4 MF 21.0 MF 22.6 MF 24.1 MF 25.8 MF 27.5 MF 29.1 MF 30.8 CF and gm test Ep = 1V RMS TABLE 2: CALCULATIONS OF RP AND GM FROM MEASUREMENTS USING AUDIO TRANSFORMERS �������������� ����������� ���������� ������������������ ������������ �������������������� �������������� ������������� �������������� ����������������� ����������������� ����������������� ��������������������� POWER TRANSFORMERS �������������� ���������� ��������������� ������������������������������������������������ Z0 = 1/(1/RP + (1 +GM×RK)/RT)) ��������������������������������������� RTΩ RkΩ Ek, mV RMS (Z0 test) iR22, mA RMS (Z0 test) Z0 = Ek/iR22 Ω (Z0 test) rp Ω 20202 20202 0 20202 398 68.1 0.093 0.392 4292 174 5450 gm 1/Ω ��������������� ELECTRA-PRINT AUDIO COMPANY 0.00553 4117 Roxanne Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89108 702-396-4909 Fax 702-396-4910 audioXpress January 2007 Paul-2727-4.indd 23 23 11/21/2006 3:07:32 PM termine Z 0 by the ratio of the cathode voltage to the cathode current fed through R22 and C2, as was derived in the sidebar: PSRR is determined by the ratio of Ep/ Ek (which is always greater than 1 and improves as it increases in value). I also derived PSRR in the sidebar: Z0 (measured) = Ek/IR22 Z0 (derived) = 1/(1/rp + (1 +gm×Rk)/RT) PSRR (measured) = Ep/Ek PSRR (derived) = rp/Z0 The Power-Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR) specifies how well power-supply noise is rejected at the circuit output. Measure it by first activating V1. Other sources are off and R22 is removed. Measure gain by first activating source V2 for a CF or V3 for an SRPP or an MF. Other sources are set to 0, Ep is shorted to +200V, and R22 is removed. Gain is determined by the ratio of Ek to the level of the active source (V2 or V3) and was derived in the sidebar: GainM,S (measured) = Ek/V2 GainM,S (derived) = ((1 + gm× Rk)/RT) × Z0 for the MF and SRPP and GainCF (measured) = Ek/V3 GainCF (derived) = gm × Z0 for the CF. TABLE 3: CALCULATIONS OF GAIN, ZO, AND PSRR FROM THE SIDEBAR DERIVATIONS, USING TABLE 2 VALUES OF RP AND GM. RkΩ Z0Ω gain PSRR Comments 0 402 1502 2602 3702 4802 5902 7002 8102 9202 10302 11402 12502 13602 14702 15802 16902 18002 19102 20202 RT = 20202 4292 2916 1553 1059 803 647 541 466 408 364 328 298 274 253 235 220 206 194 183 174 0.212 0.465 0.715 0.806 0.853 0.881 0.901 0.915 0.925 0.933 0.940 0.945 0.950 0.954 0.957 0.960 0.962 0.964 0.966 0.968 1.3 1.9 3.5 5.1 6.8 8.4 10.1 11.7 13.3 15.0 16.6 18.3 19.9 21.5 23.2 24.8 26.5 28.1 29.7 31.4 SRPP MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF CF FIGURE 3: Measured and derived values of gain vs. Rk/RT. FIGURE 2: Measured and derived values of output impedance vs. Rk/RT. 24 audioXpress 1/07 Paul-2727-4.indd 24 FIGURE 4: Measured and derived values of PSRR vs. Rk/RT. www.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:07:35 PM MEASUREMENTS AND CALCULATIONS A summary of the measurements I made is given in Table 1, which also contains the values of the parameters Gain, Zo, and PSRR calculated from those measurements. You can also calculate those same parameters (Table 3) from their derivations if you first calculate gm and rp (Table 2) from certain measurements listed in Table 1. (You could read gm and rp from a chart of plate curves, but it is better to use the values of the tube under test to properly compare measured and derived results.) Comparing calculations from the measurements and the derivations validates both, and can be done graphically (Figs. 2, 3, and 4), or more tediously and precisely from Tables 1 and 3. ANALYSIS A glance at the three graphs tells the story. The gold standard for performance is the CF with the highest gain and PSRR and the lowest Z0. The SRPP top is the worst, quite a bit poorer than the CF. The MF top occupies a range between the two. Why is the SRPP so poor? Two words: positive feedback (from the cathode to the grid). The grid is so close to the cathode electrically that very little AC voltage develops between the two terminals to drive DERIVATIONS OF GAIN, Z0, AND PSRR Refer to Fig. 1 . Capacitors are assumed to be AC shorts and 1M resistors are AC opens. RT is defined as the sum of R1 + R2 +. . . R19. Rk is the value of that portion of RT between Tap_0 and the connection to Tap_? for SRPPs and MFs, or simply RT for CFs. rp and gm are the plate resistance and transconductance, respectively, of the 6DJ8. All derivations start from the knowledge that the sum of all currents flowing out of a node is zero (else there would be net accumulation of charge). Determine the equation for output impedance Z0. Here, Ep is shorted to +200V, and V1, V2, and V3 are set to 0. IR22 is the current through R22. The sum of the currents out of node Ek are: –IR22 + Ek/rp + Ek/RT – gm×Ek×((RT – Rk)/RT – 1) the transconductance, so Z0 suffers. The desired source for the grid, V3, is not that much closer electrically than the plate, so the PSRR suffers. And the triode acts more like a simple resistive load than a controlled source, so the gain suffers. The MF is an attempt to win back some of the CF’s stellar AC performance by reducing the amount of positive feedback from the cathode to the grid. It does this by maximizing the ratio of Rk to RT. The ratio can’t get all that close to 1 because of the “plate resistance” (the part of RT which is not Rk) of the “triode” (whose other part is V3). Practical factors limiting the ratio include 1) the voltage drop across Rk, which must be made up by the plate supply if the MF bias is to be maintained, and 2) heater-cathode voltage ratings if the entire MF is made from one dual triode. Fortunately, even modest voltage drops across Rk can make a big difference. Consider the case where another 6DJ8 and R1 form the bottom part of an MF by replacing V3 and the portion of RT which is not Rk. The resistance seen at the plate would be R1 × (1 + gm × rp) + rp = 18K (see Table 2 for values of gm and rp). This would be similar to an MF where Tap_? was connected to Tap_3, increasing Rk/RT to about .13 from the .02 of the SRPP. The drop across R2 + R3 adds only 11V, Ek×(1/rp + 1/RT + gm×Rk/RT) = IR22 Ek / IR22 = 1/(1/rp + 1/RT + gm×Rk/RT) but the MF’s Z0 improves over that of the SRPP by a factor of about 3, the PSRR improves by a factor of about 2.5, and the Gain almost doubles (see Tables 1 or 3 or Figs. 2–4). It’s easy to achieve even greater improvement by further modest increases in the value of Rk. You can see this yourself by substituting larger values for Rk into the derived equations. But why not use the CF in place of the MF top? Because the MF provides a much higher impedance load to the plate of the “bottom” triode than would a plate resistor that would need to be used in its place along with a CF. And common cathode triode gain stages love high impedance plate loads for maximizing gain and PSRR and minimizing distortion. Also, the excellent PSRR of the CF is rendered useless by the poor PSRR of the resistively plate-loaded stage driving it. To make full use of the CF PSRR, you need to drive it from a low PSRR circuit such as cascade feedback pair with a good amount of open loop gain. CONCLUSION I believe this kind of result should make you think twice about using an SRPP. But if you still decide to use one, now you can calculate exactly what you’re losing by doing so! aX the MF and SRPP. Here V1, V2, and V4 are set to 0, and R22 is open (not used). Ep is shorted to +200V. The sum of the currents out of node Ek are: Z0 = Voltage across the output/Current into output = Ek/IR22 = 1/(1/rp + (1 +gm×Rk)/RT)) Ek/rp + (Ek – V3)/RT – gm×((Ek×(RT - Rk)/RT + V3×Rk/RT) - Ek) Z0 = 1/(1/rp + (1 +gm×Rk)/RT)) Ek×(1/rp + 1/RT + gm×Rk/Rp) = V3×(1 + gm× Rk)/RT Determine the equation for the PSRR. Here V2, V3, and V4 are set to 0V and R22 is open (not used). The sum of the currents out of node Ek are: (Ek – Ep)/rp + Ek/RT – gm×Ek×((RT-Rk)/RT – 1) Ek×(1/rp + 1/RT + gm×Rk/RT) – Ep/rp = 0; GainM,S = Ek/V3 = ((1 + gm× Rk)/RT) × Z0 Determine the equation for gain for the CF. Tap_? is connected to Tap_V3, V1, V3, and V4 are set to 0, and R22 is not used. Ep is shorted to +200V. The sum of the currents out of node Ek are: Ek/Z0 – Ep/rp = 0 Ek/rp + Ek/RT – gm×(V2 – Ek) PSRR = Ep/Ek = rp/Z0 Ek/rp + Ek/RT + gm×Ek = gm×V2 Determine the equation for gain for GainCF = Ek/V2 = gm/Z0 = gm/(gm + 1/rp + 1/RT) audioXpress January 2007 Paul-2727-4.indd 25 25 11/21/2006 3:07:36 PM solid state Grounding and System Interfacing It's time to clear up some misconceptions regarding grounding and audio gear. By Gary Galo T he annual conventions of the Audio Engineering Society are packed with technical papers, tutorials, seminars, and exhibits. Press coverage of the convention has become increasingly difficult due to the sheer size of the event. This year, rather than attempting an overview of the convention’s proceedings, I decided to highlight one session that stood out as being particularly outstanding. On October 7, 2005, at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York City, Bill Whitlock, President of Jensen Transformers, Inc., gave a three-hour tutorial seminar titled Audio System Grounding and Shielding: An Overview. (Whitlock became President of Jensen following the untimely death of company founder Deane Jensen in 1989.) Whitlock sought to dispel many of the myths surrounding grounding and system interfacing, noting that the subject abounds in black art and myths. Basic rules of physics are routinely ignored, and even many manufacturers “don’t know ground loops from Froot Loops” (the last comment was typical of the touches of humor that Whitlock brought to his presentation, though there was serious intent behind each of them). If a system contains two or more pieces of grounded equipment, a ground loop may be formed if the chassis of the connected equipment are at different potentials. This will typically happen if the various pieces of equipment are powered by different AC branch circuits. The most common approach to solving hum problems due to ground loops is by lifting safety grounds with “ground lifters” sold in any hardware store. Whitlock warned against this approach, noting that safety grounding keeps AC line voltages between equipment safe even if equipment fails. His view is that you 26 audioXpress 1/07 Galo-2713-2.indd 26 should never use ground lifters even if a manufacturer’s instructions tell you that it’s OK to do so. Whitlock noted that the ground adapters sold in hardware stores, while superficially appearing as ground lifters, are actually intended to provide a safety ground when grounded (3-pin) power cords are used with 2-prong receptacles. They are designed to add a ground, not remove one, by putting the outlet plate screw through the ground tab on the adapter! If ungrounded equipment suffers an internal failure of insulation or components at the AC line input, the equipment chassis can turn live with 120V AC if the safety ground is not connected (Fig. 1; I thank Bill Whitlock for granting permission to use slides from his Power Point presentation for these illustrations). Whitlock also recommends GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) outlets for safety. These outlets sense differences between line current and neutral current (fault currents). Any difference between line and neutral current may be current flowing through a human, which can be a deadly problem. GFCI outlets trip at 4 to 7mA of current, protecting the individual in contact with the “live” equipment. He also dispelled some of the myths FIGURE 1: Internal equipment failure can render a chassis live with 120V AC. The safety ground ensures that the chassis surrounding earth grounds, noting that earth grounds are for lightning protection. The safety ground in a modern electrical system is tied to neutral at the entrance panel, and earth ground plays no role in protecting people from electrocution. Earth grounds are invariably not at 0V, and two earth grounds will rarely be at the same potential. Earth ground rods are useless for protection against fault currents, and are equally useless for reducing noise. HUM CAUSES Myths abound regarding the causes of hum in audio systems, and hum is rarely caused by bad audio cable shielding or AC distribution. You can trace the vast majority of hum problems to faulty system interfacing. Pro sound engineers routinely engage in dangerous practices in the field—adding ground lifters to AC power cords—in order to quickly eliminate hum problems. Defeating safety grounds is dangerous and illegal, and makes the person who did it legally liable. Whitlock emphasized that such practices have resulted in people being killed and companies forced out of business because of lawsuits. The only safe way to solve hum prob- remains at 0V potential, tripping the breaker in the panel for that branch circuit, and protecting the user from potentially lethal voltages. Earth ground is for lightning protection, and plays no role in fault protection. (Illustration courtesy of Bill Whitlock) www.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:14:02 PM lems is through proper system interfacing. Whitlock provided a great deal of useful background on the causes of hum in unbalanced interfaces, and gave an excellent overview of the requirements for balanced interfaces. Balanced lines are not balanced because they carry audio signals of equal level but opposite polarity (though they normally do). They are balanced because of careful impedance matching of the two signal carriers with respect to ground, especially the source (driving) impedances. If the impedances of balanced lines are not carefully matched, by definition they are not truly balanced. Common-mode rejection will be compromised, which reduces the system’s ability to reject noise coupled to the signal carriers. In unbalanced interfaces, leakage currents flowing in signal cables are the root cause of most hum problems (Fig. 2). Leakage currents are normally carried by the grounded conductor—the shield—which does not have a zero ohm impedance. Ohm’s law tells us that the resistance of the shield generates noise voltage over the length of the cable. This FIGURE 2: When two grounded chassis are at different AC potentials, circulating interference current will be carried by the interconnecting shield. Noise voltage will be generated over the length of the shield due to the shield’s resistance. This noise voltage is added to the signal arriving at the receiver due to common-impedance coupling. (Illustration courtesy of Bill Whitlock) FIGURE 3: Ground isolators eliminate the electrical connection between the driver and the receiver. No noise current flows in the cable shielding. With properly designed Faraday-shielded input transformers, noise coupling is effectively eliminated. (Illustration courtesy of Bill Whitlock) audioXpress January 2007 Galo-2713-2.indd 27 27 11/21/2006 3:14:04 PM noise, in turn, is added to the signal at the receiver. The correct way to eliminate hum problems in audio interfacing is with transformer isolation ( Fig. 3 ). Transformers transfer the signal voltage from the primary to the secondary windings without any electrical connection between them. So, there are no noise currents flowing between the connected devices. With a properly designed transformer, hum is eliminated while safety grounds remain intact. Reducing ground noise in a transformer-coupled interface depends on the type of transformer used. Output transformers typically have closely spaced primary and secondary windings. This increases the capacitance between the windings allowing efficient high-frequency noise coupling between the windings, which is undesirable. Input transformers typically employ a Faraday shield between the windings, which virtually eliminates capacitive coupling. This, in turn, greatly improves noise rejection of a transformer-coupled interface, including RF and ultrasonic interference. Many transformer-based “black boxes” sold to eliminate noise caused by ground loop problems employ output transformers. Their low output Z allows these devices to be placed anywhere in the signal path, because their outputs are not sensitive to the capacitive loading caused by long cable runs. Input transformers, on the other hand, offer a 30dB improvement in noise rejection over output types. But, their relatively high output Z requires that they be placed within 2 or 3´ of the receiver in order to prevent degradation of their high-frequency response by the output cabling. Whitlock noted that normally an unbalanced interface using a single isolation transformer close to the load will solve the noise problem. Only in unusual circumstances is a balanced interface necessary. Converting the entire interface to balanced is necessarily more complicated because it requires an unbalanced to balanced conversion at the source, and a balanced to unbalanced conversion at the load. In other words, two transformers rather than one. One pet peeve of mine is the notion that professional audio systems should be designed to operate at matched impedances of 600Ω. Naturally, I was delighted when Whitlock dispelled this nonsense. He correctly noted that 600Ω impedances are holdovers from early telephone practice, but are not applicable to modern audio systems that are driven by signal voltage. Modern audio circuitry is designed with low output impedances and high input impedances. This way, audio circuits are not subject to unnecessarily low Z loads. He also correctly noted that signal level, impedance, and line balance are three independent parameters. Impedance has nothing to do with level, and only its matching in the two signal conductors has anything to do with whether the line is balanced or unbalanced. FIGURE 4: Conventional instrumentation-style active differential amplifier. The bias return resistors R1 and R2 lower the common-mode input impedance when compared to transformers. Raising the values of R1 and R2 would compromise the noise performance. (Illustration courtesy of Bill Whitlock) 28 audioXpress 1/07 Galo-2713-2.indd 28 INGENIUS ICS The near-infinite common-mode input impedance of a transformer-coupled line receiver gives it a huge noise-rejection advantage in real-world systems, but transformers have fallen out of favor in some pro audio circles. Transformer-less, actively-balanced circuitry has become increasingly popular over the past 20 years. Figure 4 shows a typical op-amp based, instrumentation-type of active differential input. This type of circuit has a disadvantage over transformers because the bias return resistors for A1 and A2 also lower the common-mode input impedance. You could raise the values of R1 and R2, but this would compromise the noise performance. Bill Whitlock has designed an elegant solution to this problem (Fig. 5). The common-mode voltage is extracted at the junction of R3 and R4. A4 buffers the common-mode voltage and bootstraps R1 and R2 via capacitor C. This patented technique is being used in the InGenius® line integrated circuit differential line receivers manufactured by THAT Corporation (Photo 1). Common-mode input impedance for this circuit is 10MΩ at 60Hz and 3.2MΩ at 20kHz, without the noise penalty that raising the resistor values would produce. Whitlock noted a number of features of the InGenius chips: • Thin-film silicon-chromium resistors are used, which yield better stability over time and temperature compared to nickel-chromium or tantalum-nitride types. FIGURE 5: THAT Corporation’s InGenius line of differential line receiver ICs uses a bootstrapping technique patented by Bill Whitlock. The circuit raises the common-mode input impedance into the megohm region without compromising noise performance. InGenius is a registered trademark of THAT Corporation. (Illustration courtesy of Bill Whitlock) www.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:14:05 PM • 90dB common-mode rejection ratio and gain accuracy are achieved by careful resistor matching, typically 0.005%. Laser trimming is used in the manufacturing, which keeps cost reasonable. • Chips are manufactured using a 40V complementary bipolar Dielectric Isolation (DI) process, which allows NPN and PNP transistors with performance as good as discrete circuits. Isolation between transistors is high, with no substrate connection. Stray capacitances are low, yielding high bandwidth and slew rates. • Front ends use a folded-cascode, PNP design, yielding superior noise performance, high gain with simple stability compensation, and greater input voltage range. Whitlock also highlighted key performance specifications for the InGenius chips: • High CMRR maintained with real-world sources: • 90dB at 60Hz, 85dB at 20kHz with zero imbalance source • 90dB at 60Hz, 85dB at 20kHz with IEC ±10Ω imbalances • 70dB at 60Hz, 65dB at 20kHz with 600Ω unbalanced source! • THD 0.0005% typical at 1kHz and +10dBu input • Slew rate 12V/µs typical with 2kΩ + 300pF load • Small signal bandwidth 27MHz typical • Gain error ±0.05dB maximum • Maximum output +21.5dBu typical with ±15V rails • Output short-circuit current ±25mA typical • 0dB, -3dB, -6dB gain versions = THAT 1200, 1203, 1206 PHOTO 1: THAT Corporation’s InGenius line of integrated circuit differential line receivers. The 1200, 1203, and 1206 have gains of 0dB, -3dB, and -6dB, respectively. He also summarized the performance advantages: • Conventional ac- • • • • • • tive receivers are far cheaper, smaller, and lighter than a quality transformer, but Transformers consistently outperform them for reasons that need to be widely understood and appreciated. The main transformer advantage stems from its inherently very high commonmode impedances. The InGenius IC exhibits the very high CM impedances previously associated only with transformers. Excellent noise rejection even with unbalanced sources! Its bootstrap feature lends itself to novel and very effective RF interference suppression. Its high-quality internal op amps give it great sound. For further information on the InGenius chips, visit THAT Corporation’s website at Whitlock highlighted his seminar with a lengthy Power Point presentation of over 150 slides, which he offered to e-mail to any interested parties. He will also send his 40-page seminar handout Understanding, Finding and Eliminating Ground Loops in Audio and Video Systems on request. The preceding highlights only scratch the surface of audioXpress January 2007 Galo-2713-2.indd 29 29 11/21/2006 3:14:08 PM his presentation, so these documents are required reading for anyone interested in this subject. Both are in PDF format, and encompass virtually everything discussed at the AES seminar. E-mail him at, and kindly mention this article. ISO-MAX PRODUCTS Jensen manufactures a multitude of transformers for every possible application, including microphone preamplification, moving coil phono cartridges, as well as balanced and unbalanced line-level usage ( They also make a variety of transformer-based devices for audio interfacing. Perhaps the most useful for consumer applications is the CI-2RR Dual Ground Audio Isolator (Photo 2). You can download the .PDF datasheet for the CI-2RR at This stereo device consists of a pair of their JT-11P-1HPC Line Input Transformers. You can download the .PDF datasheet for this transformer at www. Install the CI-2RR close to the load. In an audio/video application, a stereo RCA cable would be run from the video system’s main audio output to the CI2RR. The output of the CI-2RR is then fed to the preamp, integrated amplifier, or AV amplifier line input. Jensen notes that to avoid excessive high-frequency losses, the output cable lengths should be no more than 3´. There may be cases where it is desirable to connect an audio/video system for both record and playback (Fig. 6). One possible application might be to use the audio recording capability of a Digital Video Recorder, DVD recorder, or VHS Hi-Fi recorder to capture an FM broadcast for delayed listening. For this application, use a pair of CI-2RR isolators, one in the record signal path, and one for playback. To keep output cabling as short as possible, place the CI-2RR used for the record signal path close to the video system’s audio record inputs. Place the playback isolator close to the audio pre- PHOTO 2: Jensen’s Iso-Max CI-2RR transformer-coupled stereo audio ground isolator is ideal for interfacing audio and video systems. The transformers are among the world’s finest, with very transparent sonics. FIGURE 6: A typical audio/video application for recording and playback. A pair of Jensen CI-2RR stereo isolators are used in both the recording and playback signal path, providing ground isolation in both directions. 30 audioXpress 1/07 Galo-2713-2.indd 30 www.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:14:10 PM amp, amplifier, or A/V receiver. In his review of the ISO-Max (Oct. ’06 aX), Charles Hansen notes the highfrequency phase shift of the CI-2RR— about 35° at 20kHz—appears to be considerably higher than specified by Jensen. I made this measurement myself and got the same results. The graph in Jensen’s datasheets for the CI-2RR and the JT11P-1HPC shows essentially 0° deviation from linear phase at 20kHz. It seems strange to me that Jensen would use the same graph for the transformer and the CI-2RR, because the CI2RR has a series R/C damping network at its output, consisting of 13k in series with 680pF. The R/C network should introduce phase shift of its own, beyond that of the transformer. I disconnected the R/C network in one channel of one of the CI-2RR devices supplied by Jensen. This reduced the phase shift to around 10° at 20kHz. The datasheet for the JT-11P-1HPC shows a schematic of a typical application for this transformer, with a series R/C network of 13k and 620pF (the capacitor is a slightly different value than the 680pF used in the CI-2RR). You would assume that the phase graph on this datasheet would be for the transformer as a standalone device, and not with the series R/C network, but Jensen doesn’t really specify. None of the test circuits on page 2 of the datasheet show the series R/C network. However, conventional phase measurements may not tell the whole story. Whitlock offered the following comments on the phase measurement: “Regarding phase measurements on the Jensen samples, let me emphasize that ‘phase shift’ is not necessarily phase distortion! A totally benign time delay is represented in the phase domain as a phase shift that increases linearly with frequency. . . this is not distortion. Phase distortion occurs when there is a nonlinear relationship between frequency and phase—in other words, a time delay that changes with frequency. The widespread confusion about this subject is why Deane Jensen published a 1986 AES paper, HighFrequency Phase Specifications—Useful or Misleading, and why Jensen always specifies Deviation from Linear Phase, or DLP, for our parts—not phase shift! DLP is the true measure of phase distortion. The secondary R-C networks specified for Jensen input transformers are chosen to provide two-pole Bessel high-frequency rolloff, which guarantees minimal DLP as evidenced by zero-overshoot and zero-ringing in square-wave response. This timedomain behavior is the hallmark of Jensen designs and a very important contributor to the sonic transparency of our products.” You can purchase the AES paper mentioned by Whitlock as a PDF download f rom the AES website publications/preprints/search.cfm. Enter 2398 in the box labeled “Preprint/Paper Number.” Cost is $5 for AES members and $20 for non-members. This paper is well worth reading. Jensen uses standard PC-mount RCA jacks for the CI-2RR. The parts in the output R/C network appear to be Panasonic P-series polypropylene capacitors and 1% metal film resistors that look like audioXpress January 2007 Galo-2713-2.indd 31 31 11/21/2006 3:14:11 PM Time-Saving easy-to-use Solutions! Signal Wizard LCD Handheld Scope N EW ! Signal Wizard - easy-use realtime DSP-based filter board for audio bandwidth signals. Design filters in seconds without any DSP knowledge! Signal Wizard II $399 L Co ow st ! HDS1022M - 20MHz 2-ch standalone scope with USB connection and 3.8” color LCD. Built-in meter - great for your tool kit. Volts, Amps, Resistance, Capacitance, Diode. Video Triggering. 100MS/s HDS1022M $599 LCD Bench Scope PDS5022 - 25MHz 2-ch + trig. 100MS/s standalone bench scope with USB connection and 7.8” color LCD. Built-in meter - great for your service kit. Lowest cost available! PDS5022 $399 PicoScope 3224 PS3224 - new 2-ch PC adapter with 12bit resolution, 20MS/s sampling 512KS buffer. USB 2.0-powered, eliminates external power supply. Small enough to carry anywhere you need. PS3424 is 4-ch version with the same performance. PP300/PP298 $626/$1128 RF - Tight Testing RF Testing - Economical benchtop RF test enclosure for troubleshooting, tuning, testing electronic devices in an RF-free environment. 8"H x 17"W x 10½"D inside. Built-in illumination (RF-filtered supply). STE3000B $1095 But Wait...There’s More USB to 24 I/O lines............................$69 USB to 8 Thermocouples............................$475 USB to 11 x A/D ch............................$181 USB 2ch 100MHz scope........................$1139 CANbus, VME, cPCI, etc.........................$300+ easyRadio modules......................................$40 USB-Serial adapters....................................$35 USB-RS422 1/2/4ch...................................$48+ USB Temperature Logger............................$60 Stepper Motor Controller..................................$89 If you don’t see what you need maybe we can find it for you? - Ask for sales! 1.888.7.SAELIG 32 audioXpress 1/07 Galo-2713-2.indd 32 the Yageo types sold by Digi-Key. SUBJECTIVE TESTS I evaluated the CI-2RR by inserting it in the signal path between my outboard D/A converter and my preamplifier. I use D.H. Labs’ Air Matrix cables fitted with their Ultimate RCA Connector for all of my system interconnects, so I used an additional 1/2-meter pair of these cables to connect the CI-2RR to my preamp inputs. My procedure was to listen to a reference CD recording without the CI-2RR, then insert it in the signal path and listen to the same selection again. I compensated for the insertion loss of the CI-2RR when the device was in the signal path. Sonic evaluation of the CI-2RR proved difficult, because the device is incredibly transparent. Sonic anomalies I normally associate with transformers simply didn’t appear when I auditioned the CI-2RR. The important virtues of my audio system were left unscathed, including soundstage size and localization, ability to resolve subtle inner details, low-level resolution including hall ambience, and the overall clarity and purity of the sonic presentation. There were times when I thought that the CI-2RR softened the treble slightly, but I could not verify this consistently. I did find that the CI-2RR seemed to make difficult CDs more listenable by softening the edge on these discs. The CI-2RR also maintained the weight and impact in the bass region. The only time I thought that the bass may have been degraded was on discs that have substantial energy below 20Hz, and this was more a matter of “feel” than audibility. But, the effect was very subtle. Overall, the CI-2RR acquitted itself impressively in my listening tests, and it is no wonder that so many manufacturers of high-end consumer and professional audio equipment choose Jensen transformers for their designs. As examples, The Jeff Rowland Design group uses Jensen transformers for moving coil inputs, as well as for balanced line inputs and output on their multi-thousand dollar audiophile preamplifiers. The John Hardie Company, maker of some of the world’s finest microphone preamplifiers, uses Jensen transformers for both microphone inputs and balanced line outputs. The CI-2RR retails for $177.95, but transformers of this quality are expensive to manufacture. Like all Jensen products, the CI-2RR is made in the USA, and is heartily recommended in any application requiring isolation of unbalanced lines. Jensen manufactures a sizable assortment of Iso-Max products for a wide variety of balanced and unbalanced applications, and you can purchase all of their transformers separately. Check their website for details. Iso-Max products are also available from Old Colony Sound Lab ( VIDEO ISOLATION Many audio/video installers have encountered hum when interfacing video and audio systems. The hum usually appears when the cable TV coax is connected to the video system. Remove the CATV line and the hum disappears. I first ran into this problem around 20 years ago, before CATV isolators were readily available. My solution was to connect the 300Ω ends of a pair of 75Ω to 300Ω balun transformers back-to-back. Garden-variety balun transformers typically have an insertion loss of around 3dB, so the total loss of this solution was around 6dB. But, it did cure the hum problem. Anyone opting for this “cob job” approach should beware of certain devices being passed off as balun transformers. I have seen cheap ones that were actually nothing more than feed-through adapters—no transformer, no impedance matching, and no ground isolation. Some devices labeled “matching transformers” use an autotransformer. They are not baluns, and do not provide ground isolation. When in doubt, use an ohmmeter to check for continuity between the 300Ω and 75Ω sides, both signal and ground—resistance should be infinite. A more elegant solution to CATV ground isolation is Xantech’s model 63400 Ground Breaker. This 75Ω to 75Ω isolation transformer costs less than $10 from attn.html or Parts Express sells a similar device, the Dayton VIT-1, part no. 180-075, for also less than $10. Subjectively, I find the picture a bit sharper with the Xantech Ground Breaker. The Jensen VRD-1FF CATV isolator is unusual in that it is the only Jensen www.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:14:12 PM product that does not use a transformer (Photo 3). The VRD-1FF is a capacitive isolator. According to my measurements, the device consists simply of two series capacitors, one in the signal path and one in the ground path. Both capacitors measure 2nF. At the power line frequency of 60Hz the device has extremely high isolation impedance, 1.3MΩ, but the impedance is very low in the RF region. Jensen claims a bandwidth of 1MHz to 1.3GHz ±3dB. The VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio) is specified as 1.08:1 from 50MHz to 866MHz. One advantage of the capacitive isolator is extremely low insertion loss in the operating range. Jensen specifies the 50MHz insertion loss at 0.01dB typical and 0.1dB maximum. The device is compatible with analog, digital, and HD systems, as well as modems. You can download the VRD-1FF datasheet at pdf. According to the datasheet, the capacitors in the VRD-1FF are rated at 200V DC. However, Jensen notes that the VRD1FF should not be used in situations where the DC or peak AC voltage between input and output exceeds 34V. Check the voltage ter conductor. potential between your CATV line and the Subjectively, the VRD-1FF yields the RF input to your video system. If it exceeds clearest, sharpest picture of all of the iso34V DC or peak AC, you have a grounding lation devices I have tried. The capaciproblem that must be corrected before using tive isolation approach is superior to the cheaper transformer alternative, and is well this or any other isolation device! Retailing at $60, the VRD-1FF is not worth the extra expense. I recommend cheap, but it boasts the high-quality con- using the VRD-1FF along with one or struction and performance I have come more CI-2RR isolators to provide comto expect of Jensen products. Because the plete effective ground isolation between VRD-1FF has female F-connectors on video and audio systems. Note that you each end, Jensen also supplies the short can’t use the VRD-1FF between a DSS jumper cable shown in Photo 3. No cor- dish and receiver, because the capacitors ners have been cut here either—the jumper can’t pass the DC power that the receiver uses Canare LV61S cable and Canare FP- supplies to the dish. aX C4 F-connectors. The LV61S is a flexible, high-quality RG-59 replacement, and the Canare F-connectors are the finest made. These connectors incorporate a goldPHOTO 3: The Iso-Max VRD-1FF is the only product made by Jensen that plated, crimped doesn’t use a transformer. This CATV isolator is capacitive, resulting in center pin, rather extremely low losses over a wide bandwidth. Picture quality is visibly superior to transformer-coupled CATV isolators. The supplied pigtail than relying on the cable uses high-quality Canare F-connectors and Canare LV61S cable. cable’s flimsy cen- audioXpress January 2007 Galo-2713-2.indd 33 33 11/21/2006 3:14:14 PM solid state A Flexible Subwoofer Amplifier, Pt.1 This four-part series explains how to build a full-featured subwoofer amp that will enhance your audiophile experience. Part 1 focuses on By Rudy Godmaire theoretical aspects. T his journey started four years ago when I needed a new amplifier to power my passive subwoofer. At first, I intended to integrate an amplifier module to the three-channel home theater amplifier I was building at that time. Though the idea of a 3.1 channel amplifier was seductive, my chassis was lacking space to accommodate this fourth channel. Building a separate unit then became the only option. At the same time, I was reading about op amps and active filters. I was eager to learn about their various uses in audio applications. As I was learning quickly, I soon realized that my amplifier could greatly benefit from a custom low-pass active filter and an all-pass active filter. This led me to design the full-featured subwoofer amplifier I describe here. Most of the theoretical background behind my design comes from the study of three books. The first one is called The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits1 and provided me with all the fundamentals I needed to know about op amps and simple active filters. Though seemingly academic, most of the book is quite easy to understand due to the pedagogical approach. The second one, National Semiconductor Audio/Radio Handbook2, contains a wealth of interesting information. Most notably, chapter 5 titled “Floobydust” is of special interest for the DIYer. This is where I picked up the schematic of my third-order Butterworth low-pass active filter that I will describe later. The title of the third book speaks for itself: Op 34 audioXpress 1/07 Godmaire2689-4.indd 34 PHOTO 1: The subwoofer amplifier. Amp Applications3. I believe that this reference book, edited by Walter G. Jung, is a must have for any DIYer using op amps in his projects. DESIGN OBJECTIVES Adjustments: Here is a key word you must consider if you want to achieve harmonious integration between the subwoofer and the main loudspeakers. Among the parameters to consider, cutoff frequency, phase alignment, and sound level are certainly the most important. These features are all part of the design illustrated in the block diagram (Fig. 1). I explain each of these blocks from a theoretical perspective in Part 1. In the following parts, I will discuss the practical aspects of the project, namely, the making of the PCBs (Part 2) and the construction of the subwoofer amplifier (Part 3). The fourth and last part will address the performance of the subwoofer amplifier, including some measurements and listening results. As a “bonus feature,” I will also explain how to build two preamplifiers derived from the same circuitry. NON-INVERTING BUFFERS & INVERTING SUMMER This stage of the circuitry deals with the input signals. As shown in Fig. 2, you can connect three sources to the amplifier. In my case, I wanted to use my subwoofer amplifier for both a home theater system and a stereo system. Be- FIGURE 1: Block diagram of the subwoofer amplifier. www.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:12:58 PM cause I neither intended nor had the room to install two subwoofers for stereo operation, I needed to be able to convert the stereo signal to a monophonic one. Hence the two non-inverting buffers and the inverting summer. Should you need only a single input for whatever reason, then this part of the circuitry could be greatly simplified by keeping only one buffer and skipping the rest of the components. It is well known that switching both signal and ground helps preserve the integrity of the signal coming from the source. When all the grounds of the RCA connectors are tied together, the common ground of the selected source and of the amplifier is now shared by all other sources connected to the amplifier. The network therefore produced may introduce distortion. This issue seems to be especially sensitive for preamplifiers in which you generally connect multiple sources. For this reason, I chose a four-pole three-position rotary switch (S1). This enables me to switch the signals and grounds of all my sources. The first position receives the stereo signals coming from my preamplifier. The next position is dedicated to my DVD player. Note that in this case, only two poles are connected. I left the last position free for future use. Following the source selector S1 are the input capacitors C1/C2, which contribute to the isolation of the amplifier by blocking unwanted DC voltages that might come from the source. These capacitors form a first-order high-pass filter with the input resistors R1/R2. The cutoff frequency of this filter is determined by: fcHP = 1/2πRC It is possible that your application requires more gain. In this case, you could replace the non-inverting buffers with non-inverting AC amplifiers as shown in Fig. 3. In this diagram, C0 should remain at 0.47µF and R2 at 100k in order to maintain the 4Hz high-pass filter. Select the value of R1 to obtain the ap- propriate gain. Finally, adjust C1 so that R2C0 = R1C1. The signals emerging from the noninverting buffers converge toward the inverting summer. The gain of the inverting summer is given by the following equation: FIGURE 2: Input buffer and inverting summer stages. (1) This filter provides a low cutoff frequency of 4Hz so that maximum gain is obtained at frequencies around 20Hz. The two input buffers, whose main function is to isolate the amplifier from the source, provide unity gain as it should be by definition. IC1 as well as IC2 and IC3 are OPA-2604 dual op amps4. I selected these devices throughout my project because they benefit from an excellent reputation in audio applications while being reasonably priced. audioXpress January 2007 Godmaire2689-4.indd 35 35 11/21/2006 3:13:01 PM FIGURE 3: Non-inverting AC amplifier. FIGURE 4: General fourth-order Butterworth low-pass active filter. K = K1 + K2 where K1 = - R7/R5 and K2 = - R7/R6 (2) Note that the gain of the inverting summer will vary depending on the source selected. When the stereo inputs are selected the gain is –2, while it is –1 for the DVD player. THIRD-ORDER BUTTERWORTH LOW-PASS ACTIVE FILTER Designing this stage has been the most challenging activity of the project. My first thought was to build a fourth-order Butterworth low-pass active filter with a cascade of two op amps as in Fig. 4. The topology had the advantage of a very steep attenuation slope of –24dB per octave. Replacing the four resistors R with a four-ganged potentiometer would enable the adjustment of the cutoff frequency. However, I was not enthusiastic about the idea of using multiple cermet potentiometers in the signal path because I thought that it would degrade the signal too much. In fact, I had another idea in mind. I wanted to produce a variable low-pass active filter that would use precision resistors instead of cermet potentiometers. A switching system would enable the simultaneous connection of the resistors and provide a few positions to change the cutoff frequency. Easier said than done; this idea quickly became very complex to implement on a PCB due to the cascaded op amps. National Semiconductor Audio/Radio Handbook provided me with an elegant solution. The “Floobydust” chapter contains an example of a third-order Butterworth low-pass active filter that is based on a single op-amp design. Figure 5 shows the general presentation of this filter with its equations. This was the 36 audioXpress 1/07 Godmaire2689-4.indd 36 key element I needed to design an audiophile-grade switching network. A few sketches and days later, I found a way to implement a four-pole threeposition rotary switch that would enable the selection of three different cutoff frequencies. The final circuit is depicted in Fig. 6. I have selected three cutoff frequencies based on my particular needs: • 48Hz, a custom value that was selected empirically; • 80Hz, the THX standard; • 100Hz, the Dolby ProLogic standard. The first frequency is specially tuned for stereo music in conjunction with my own system. I determined this cutoff f requency following a process of trial and error, which you would think would be painful. But the experimentation has been made easy thanks to the use of exchangeable “chips” of resistors, which I will describe in Part 2. The last two frequencies are dedicated to home theater and should fit your needs, too. But you may also want to consider a cutoff frequency of 120Hz, the upper limit of the Dolby Digital and DTS standards. These formats offer a low-frequency effect channel (LFE) that FIGURE 5: General third-order Butterworth low-pass active filter. FIGURE 6: Final design of the third-order Butterworth low-pass active filter. www.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:13:05 PM reproduces low bass sounds from 3 to 120Hz. The values of the components of Fig. 6 were established with the formulas appearing within Fig. 5. For your convenience, Table 1 provides pre-calculated values for different cutoff frequencies. I recommend that you stick with the values suggested for C A , CB, and CC (C3, 4 , C5, and C6 in Fig. 6) because they meet very closely the theoretical values calculated with these formulas. However, you can calculate other custom values of R and 2R using the following formula: R = 2.4553/2πfcLPC1 = 710 497/fcLP where fcLP is the cutoff frequency (3) VARIABLE 180° ALL-PASS FILTER Phase alignment is an important aspect of a successful implementation of a subwoofer. You can do this mechanically or electronically. In my opinion the best placement for a single subwoofer is right in the middle of the main loudspeakers, which enables physical alignment of the cones. However, in most home installations this choice is not an option. The subwoofer will lie generally somewhere else in the room, which makes mechanical phase alignment impossible to achieve. This is where the variable all-pass filter finds its use. Figure 7 shows the general presentation of a first-order all-pass active filter. Theoretically, this circuit enables a phase shifting that goes from –180° at DC to 0° at high frequencies, all without changing the amplitude of the signal. In other words, an all-pass filter provides unity gain at all frequencies. The cutoff frequency fcAP is determined by the high-pass function of C1R1 and is calculated using equation 1. At fcAP, the phase shift of this first-order all-pass filter will be –90°. As mentioned in a technical brief available on the website of Maxim/Dallas Semiconductors5, the phase shift realized by this circuit at any given frequency can be found by: (4) where ω is the frequency in rad/s, or 2πf, when f is in Hertz. You can draw some conclusions from this equation. Changing the value of R, C, or ω (2πf ) will have an impact on the phase shift. You can definitely take advantage of this. Replacing R1 of Fig. 7 with a potentiometer will provide you with a very simple solution to control and adjust the phase shift. Another conclusion is that when the frequency f of the musical signal changes, the phase shift changes as well. This tells you that perfect alignment will be reached only for a specific frequency. I analyze the effect of this in Part 4. For now, it is important to know that FIGURE 7: General first-order all-pass active filter. audioXpress January 2007 Godmaire2689-4.indd 37 37 11/27/2006 2:43:25 PM TABLE 1 Pre-calculated values of R and 2R as functions of fcLP Theoretical values Fixed real values S2 fcLP (Hz) R (Ω) 2R (Ω) CA (µF) CB (µF) CC (µF) 25 25k3 56k6 0.55 0.47 0.044 Switch Position Ratings 120W into 4Ω 30 23k6 47k2 0.55 0.47 0.044 35 20k2 40k4 0.55 0.47 0.044 40 17k7 35k4 0.55 0.47 0.044 -3dB frequency range 5Hz to 40kHz 45 15k7 31k4 0.55 0.47 0.044 THD at 2W into 4Ω 0.08% THD at 90% Pmax. into 4Ω 0.09% Intermodulation distortion at 90% Pmax. 0.09% Signal to noise ratio 107 dBA 48 14k5 29k0 0.55 0.47 0.044 50 14k1 28k2 0.55 0.47 0.044 55 12k9 25k8 0.55 0.47 0.044 60 11k8 23k6 0.55 0.47 0.044 Output power, RMS 1 100W into 8Ω 70 10k1 20k2 0.55 0.47 0.044 Input voltage for Pmax. into 4Ω 1V 80 8k9 17k8 0.55 0.47 0.044 2 Input impedance 22kΩ 100 7k1 14k2 0.55 0.47 0.044 3 120 5k9 11k8 0.55 0.47 0.044 as a practical matter, a first-order allpass active filter will generally provide an overall shifting of about 120°. This is why I decided to cascade two firstorder all-pass filters in order to get at least 180°. Figure 8 shows the circuit I developed for my amplifier. By carefully selecting the values of the components, I was able to produce a circuit that provides a means to modify the phase—within the subwoofer’s frequency range—by over 180°. Because you have two cascaded first-order all-pass filters, fcAP will now be at –180°. As mentioned earlier, I replaced R1 of Fig. 7 with a stereo potentiometer (P 1 / P 2 ) to enable easy adjustment of the phase. I placed the additional resistors R20 / R23 in series to prevent the signal from being shunted to ground when P 1 / P 2 is positioned at 0Ω. Finally, the all-pass filter is followed by a 10k log potentiometer (P3) that acts as a volume control. I have decided to introduce the volume control at this stage of the circuitry because it enables the use of a mono potentiometer. You could also install it right at the beginning of the first stage in place of R 1 / R 2 in Fig. 2. Should you prefer this configuration, you simply select a 100k stereo potentiometer. 100W POWER AMPLIFIER This was the easiest part of the project. Instead of building an amplifier from scratch, I decided to purchase a readyto-use power amplifier module, the FIGURE 8: Dual first-order all-pass active filter. 38 TABLE 2 Some ratings of the Amplimo A120 power amplifier module audioXpress 1/07 Godmaire2689-4.indd 38 Amplimo A120, a nice solid-state amp. These modules are available either from Amplimo in the Netherlands or Plitron in Toronto. Table 2 gathers some information available on their websites. You might consider other solutions here. For instance, you could build an amplifier based on the well-known LM3875 power amplifier manufactured by National Semiconductor. Mike Gustafson published an interesting article6 (GA 2-3-4/00) in which he compared a tube-based subwoofer amplifier to a LM3875 based solid-state amplifier. More recently, I have seen a very powerful subwoofer amplifier built around the same LM3886 in the French magazine Led 7 . The circuit described in the article contained eight of these ICs mounted in a push-pull configuration and produced 280W into 8Ω! The choice is up to you whether you prefer to build a unit or to use a power amplifier module such as those manufactured by Amplimo. Figure 9 provides a schematic view of the A120 power module and its surrounding network. The amplifier is designed to operate with a relay, which performs several protection functions. One of these is to provide a one-second delay after the application of mains voltage so that the subwoofer is protected from the switch-on noise. The A120 will function without the relay, but neither the subwoofer nor the module will be protected under fault conditions. There is also an automatic volume control feature that prevents the amplifier from clipping. Connecting the LIM www.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:13:11 PM pin to ground will disable this automatic volume control, and then the amplifier will clip on overload. You can install a switch between the LIM pin and the ground to activate or deactivate the feature. I chose to permanently enable this feature by leaving the LIM pin unconnected. Note that the purpose of the LED feature is to indicate when the automatic volume control is in operation. It does not indicate when the amplifier is on or off, as you might imagine. I have decided not to connect this LED. Following the relay is a double-pole double-throw switch (S3), which acts as a phase inverter and combines with the phase shifter to provide a 360° adjustment capability. UNREGULATED POWER SUPPLY As you can see in Fig. 10, this circuit is pretty straightforward. Nevertheless, I will give some explanations. I selected Z1 in a time-delay version due to the high inrush current at power on. The 160 VA power transformer provides two secondary taps of 33V at 2.42A. This model is recommended by Amplimo and Plitron to complement the Amplimo A120. Should you use another type of power amplifier, then you will need to choose the right power transformer to fit your needs. The full-wave bridge rectifier uses Schottky diodes (D1 to D4) paralleled with small value polypropylene capacitors (C10 to C13). I selected these diodes for their low noise characteristics. You could use another type depending on your personal preferences. Make sure, however, they can pass at least 3A. Following the full-wave rectifier, you find two power resistors (R26/R27), whose main purpose is to limit the inrush cur- FIGURE 9: Amplimo A120, relay, phase inverter switch, and binding posts. audioXpress January 2007 Godmaire2689-4.indd 39 39 11/21/2006 3:13:17 PM REGULATED POWER SUPPLY FIGURE 10: Unregulated power supply circuit. rent at power on. They also form a lowpass filter with capacitors C14–17 / C18–21. The cutoff frequency of 17Hz contributes to the reduction of the 120Hz ripple voltage. Note that the 4700µF capacitors need not have 80V tolerance; 63V would be perfect. I used 4700µF/80V simply because I had these on hand. It is also important to mention that C16 / C20 and C 17 / C 21 are bypass capacitors that are meant to reduce ripple voltages, and also note the ESR of the large electrolytic capacitors C14, 15 /C18, 19. The red LED D5 indicates whether the amplifier is on or off. The zener diodes ZD5, 6 simply decrease the voltage to around 2V, within the operating range of the LED. This power-supply circuit generates DC voltages of ±48V that directly power the Amplimo A120. These voltages are too high for the regulated power-supply circuit that follows (Fig. 11). This is why each rail finds two 16V/5W zener diodes (ZD1, 2 / ZD3, 4) in series to bring these voltages down to ±16V. Beware that these zener diodes will become quite hot when the amplifier is in operation. On my first prototype, I had them installed on the regulated power-supply board. Their leads conducted considerable heat to the input capacitors C22 / C23, which was really not a good thing. This is why I moved the zener diodes to the unregulated power-supply circuit, where the components are quite rugged. The wires between ZD2 / ZD4 and the regulated power-supply board are long enough to alleviate this heat transfer problem. FIGURE 11: Regulated power supply. 40 audioXpress 1/07 Godmaire2689-4.indd 40 This is the last circuit of the subwoofer amplifier. Its purpose is to provide a very clean voltage source to the op amps. To fulfill this task, I selected two adjustable voltage regulators manufactured by Linear Technology: the LT1085CT (IC 4 ) and the LT1033CT (IC5 ) . Both regulators will deliver up to 3A output current. Figure 11 depicts the circuit of my regulated power-supply board. As mentioned in the datasheets8, the input capacitors C 22 / C 23 are required because the regulators are more than 4˝ from the filter capacitors C14–17 / C18–21 located on the unregulated power-supply board. The output voltages are controlled by resistors R28 / R29 and potentiometers P4 / P5. The following simplified formulas enable their calculation within 1% of accuracy: VOUT+ = 1.25V (1 + P4 / R28 ) = V3+ (5) VOUT- = 1.25V (1 + P5 / R29 ) = V3(6) C 24 / C 25 are optional components. Bypassing the adjustment pin with a capacitor reduces the output ripple, noise, and impedance. The output capacitors C26 / C27 are required to ensure frequency compensation and stability. Note, however, that in the case of the LT1033CT (IC5), this capacitor will necessitate the use of an external protection diode D6. Without this diode, the voltage regulator might be damaged by the discharge of C27 should the input voltage become shorted. The LT1085CT’s (IC4) internal protection is sufficient to avoid such damage as long as C26 is smaller than 1000µF. You will notice in Fig. 11 an unusual orientation for R28 / R29. Following the recommendations of Linear Technology, I soldered these resistors very close to the output pin of the regulators. The drawing also reveals that the ground leads of P4 / P5 are connected to the ground leads of C26 / C27 instead of being connected directly to the star ground point. These subtleties are recommended by Linear Technology to ensure the best load regulation. One last word about the power-supply circuits: All op amps have been bypassed www.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:13:20 PM with 10µF/16V electrolytic capacitors and 0.01µF/63V polypropylene capacitors in order to shunt to ground any remaining ripple voltages. If you wish to learn more about this topic, I encourage you to read an interesting article9 by Kevin Ross about bypass capacitors. CONCLUSION This first article in this series has explained all the theoretical aspects of my project. Part 2 will focus on making the PCBs and will support the circuits I have just described. aX REFERENCES 1. Roland E. Thomas and Albert J. Rosa, The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 1998. 2. Martin Gilres, editor and contributor, Audio/Radio Handbook, National Semiconductor Corporation, 1980. 3. Walter G. Jung, editor and contributor, Op Amp Applications, Analog Devices, 2002. 4. OPA2604 Datasheet, available at 5. Maxim Dallas Semiconductors, Tech Brief 3: Digitally Control Phase Shift, Application Note 559, available at, 1996. 6. Mike Gustafson, “A Basic 50W Stereo System Part 3: A Solid-State Amplifier,” 4/00 Glass Audio. 7. Bernard Duval, “Un bloc mono de forte puissance,” Led No. 168, Nov./Dec. 2001. 8. LT1033 and LT1085 Datasheets, available at 9. Kevin Ross, “Basic Circuits-Bypass Capacitors,” available at www. html. Rudy Godmaire works as a sales consultant for Bell Canada in Quebec City. DIY audio has become a passion ever since his first attempt in 1998. He deeply enjoys sharing his passion with other DIYers and especially with friends Francois and Pierre. Above all, listening to music and attending classical concerts and opera with his beloved wife Elaine remains among the most fulfilling activities he cherishes. Readers may visit his personal website at www. audioXpress January 2007 Godmaire2689-4.indd 41 41 11/21/2006 3:13:23 PM speakers A Unique Crossover Design with Waveform Fidelity This author uncovers a heretofore virtually unknown crossover design that offers both linear phase and flat frequency response. A s you know, a single loudspeaker driver is simply incapable of reproducing the entire 20 to 20kHz frequency range. The physical qualities needed at one frequency extreme are the exact opposites of those needed for success at the other extreme. So you are left with basically two choices: either use a single (so-called) full-range driver and accept some loss of response at both the highand low-frequency extremes along with a loss of dispersion in the higher frequencies, or choose to “divide and conquer” with crossover filters and multiple drivers, which will allow you to cover a much wider frequency range with better overall dispersion. However, almost all crossover networks introduce their own problems either in the form of frequency and/or phase aberrations, or have rolloff slopes that are much too shallow to be very useful. Fortunately, there is one type of crossover that you can use to produce a multi-way system with flat frequency response, linear phase response, and useful crossover slopes. First look at the full-range driver option. This choice is appealing not only because of its simplicity, but because a good full-range driver has the ability to sound smooth and very cohesive. This cohesiveness is likely due to the very fact that the full-range speaker system has no crossover. With no crossover network to disturb its phase characteristics, the driver’s phase curve, while it isn’t flat, is continuous, smoothly changing throughout the driver’s bandwidth from a phase lead at the low frequency end, moving through 0° somewhere in the midband, and finally ending with a phase lag in the higher frequencies. As the late Richard Heyser, one of the deepest thinkers on the subject of loudspeaker phase, stated in a December 42 audioXpress 1/07 Stokes-2697-1.indd 42 1974 article on Speaker Phase Measurements for Audio Magazine, “Even if you do not subscribe to the philosophy that all sound should recombine as though from one source, you should note the behavior of the transitions between (loudspeaker) drivers. The transition in phase should be uniform without severe discontinuities (breaks or abrupt changes).” Among conventional crossovers, there are many choices, and each type has its problems. While first-order crossovers have linear frequency and phase response, they are difficult to implement in a system because their shallow -6dB/octave slopes require the tweeter to withstand significant power below the crossover frequency, and they need smooth response from both the woofer and the tweeter well beyond the crossover frequency to maintain a flat summed response. Depending on the phasing, 2ndorder filters result in frequency response with either a sharp null at the crossover frequency or a +3dB rise. A 3rd-order filter can give you flat frequency response, but not linear phase. Likewise with both 2nd and 4th-order Linkwitz-Riley crossovers. The unique and little-known crossover presented here is alternately known as a Kido-Yamanaka, or “Filler Driver” crossover. It exhibits both flat frequency and phase response giving the speaker system the potential for real waveform fidelity, limited only by the characteristics of the individual loudspeaker drivers used in the system. It is a three-way network that uses 2nd-order slopes for the woofer and the tweeter plus first-order slopes for the midrange. The outputs of the Yamanaka crossover’s low, mid, and high frequency bands can recombine electrically to form a perfect replica of the input signal and can pass perfect square waves (Fig. 1). By Steve Stokes Some would argue that you don’t listen to square waves, and speaker phase response is irrelevant. I’m certainly not interested in listening to square waves either, but would you consider buying an amp that was incapable of reproducing a decent-looking square wave? Why should you give your speaker systems a free pass when it comes to waveform accuracy? Both frequency response deviations and phase shift are linear distortions of the input signal, and all else being equal, a speaker system that minimizes these errors is more accurate than the one that does not. With the Yamanaka crossover and good drivers, other parameters are not sacrificed and the result is simply better sound. I hope you will be encouraged by the knowledge of this crossover design to take up the noble goal of full speaker waveform fidelity. FIGURE 1: A square wave signal (D) input to the Yamanaka crossover network is split into three passbands: low (A), band (B), and high (C). Because this type of crossover has perfectly linear phase and frequency response, the three bands have the ability to recombine into an exact replica of the original square wave input signal (D). www.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:04:09 PM ENTER THE YAMANAKA I first became aware of the Kido-Yamanaka linear phase crossover network in 1975 while managing a stereo store when one of the store’s buyers brought back a brochure from the Consumer Electronics Show about a new line of speakers that had been introduced by Technics. The flagship model was the SB-7000, a large three-way system with staggered driver spacing that claimed to have a linear system phase response. The brochure showed good acoustic square waves reproduced by the speaker system, along with oscilloscope photos of actual music waveforms into and out of the speaker: a trumpet blast, drum beats, and piano chords. It was practically impossible to tell the difference between the input signals and the speaker’s output. I requested a pair of SB-7000s for audition, evaluation, and a little reverse engineering. When they arrived I found that the Technics SB-7000s—though far from perfect—had very good resolution and a solid cohesive sound much like a crossover-less full-range system. I was intrigued enough that I disassembled one of the speakers, removed its crossover, snuck it into the business office, and photocopied the circuit board so I could trace out the crossover circuit. The PCB held well over 16 components—six for the three filter sections, ten zobel elements to flatten the driver impedances so the filters would work correctly into resistive loads—plus an assortment of other parts for level adjustments. From the complexity of the crossover, I could tell that there was much more to this “Linear Phase” thing than just marketing hype, and the speaker left a lasting impression on me as I later went on to design speakers professionally. print No. 1059 “Design of Linear Phase Multi-Way Loudspeaker System” by Ishii and Takahashi 2. US Patent No. 4,015,089, Ishii et al. “Design Method for a Linear Phase Multi-way Loudspeaker System,” US Patent and Trademark Office website (The US Patent Office website is a fantastic free resource on anything that’s ever been patented and is probably the best free knowledge-base available anywhere.) 3. Engineering Brief, Eric Baekgaard, “A Novel Approach to Linear Phase Loudspeakers,” May 1977 issue of the AES Journal. Bunkichi Yamanaka realized that subtractive crossovers could theoretically produce all manner of perfect crossover functions, but they require active implementation and multi-amplifier systems that were considered too expensive to have the mass-market appeal desired by a corporate giant like MatsushitaPanasonic. As mentioned before, a conventional 2nd-order crossover with the high- and low-pass sections summed in phase results in a response with a deep notch, or null, at the crossover frequency. Yamanaka used the subtractive crossover method to restore the response lost to this cancellation. Yamanaka’s associates, Ishii and Takahashi, replaced the active subtractor with a simple passive circuit and added it to a conventional 2nd-order crossover, eliminating the requirement for multiple amplifiers (Fig. 2). The complex math in Fig. 3 shows the bandpass function that is required to restore flat response after the low-pass and high-pass functions are subtracted from the input signal (Vin). Simply stated, a Yamanaka dividing network is a conventional two-way 2ndorder crossover network connected with both drivers in electrical and acoustic phase, which causes a cancellation in the overlapping range of the woofer and tweeter outputs. To this is added a midrange driver, also connected in phase, fed by a bandpass filter centered on the same frequency, which fills in the void (Fig. 4). When the combined acoustic outputs of all three drivers are positioned so that they are time adjusted and each of their signals blend together arriving at the YAMANAKA EVOLUTION AND OPERATION The Kido-Yamanaka crossover was first described by Bunkichi Yamanaka of Matsushita Corp. (Panasonic) in 1967. The following references give a full mathematical treatment of the Yamanaka crossover network and design method. (Note that this crossover is patented and its commercial use is restricted.) The first reference is by far the most thorough and informative. 1. Audio Engineering Society Pre- audioXpress January 2007 Stokes-2697-1.indd 43 43 11/21/2006 3:04:15 PM listener’s ear at exactly the same time, the resulting acoustic waveform will be flat in frequency and phase response, limited only by the imperfections of the individual drivers. Eric Baekgaard of Bang and Olufsen Co. published an Engineering Brief in the May 1977 issue of the AES Journal showing an identical circuit, with the only difference being a scaling of the filter Qs from .5 in the Yamanaka design to .707. Because the level at the crossover point is given by the formula 20Log(Q), in the Yamanaka version the electrical crossover between the woofer and tweeter is at 20Log(.5) = -6.02dB, and -3.01dB in the Q = .707 Baekgaard version. Baekgaard coined the very appropriate term “Filler Driver” for the midrange speaker used with this type of crossover network. He also showed that an alternate version was possible using 3rd-order filters for the low and high passbands. However, Baekgaard’s 3rd-order version requires the midrange level to be +6dB greater than the woofer and tweeter lev- els in order to achieve flat response. The circuit and formulas for Baekgaard’s 3rdorder filler driver crossover are included at the end of this article. DESIGNING A YAMANAKA LINEAR PHASE SPEAKER SYSTEM The design of a perfect linear phase loudspeaker system requires three things: 1. A crossover with perfect frequency and phase response 2. Perfect individual loudspeaker drivers, each with A. a constant and purely resistive impedance B. equal sensitivity C. flat frequency response D. flat phase response 3. Each driver must be positioned in space so that all frequencies in each driver’s passband arrive simultaneously at the listening position. Fortunately, the Yamanaka crossover meets criterion No. 1. Criterion No. 2 need only be approximated, and No. 3 can be approximated over a relatively FIGURE 2: Sample Yamanaka three-way crossover network based on a Design Center Frequency (see text) of 2kHz, 6Ω impedance equalized speakers (nominal 8Ω), and filter Qs of 0.500. 44 audioXpress 1/07 Stokes-2697-1.indd 44 wide range of frequencies with proper driver positioning. While the phase shift inherent in all loudspeaker drivers prevents you from ever achieving perfection, Fig. 5 shows that the actual phase response of one system designed using the Yamanaka method was able to achieve linear phase within ±10° from 400 to 5400Hz and ±25° from 225 to 15kHz. This is better performance than even most full-range drivers are able to attain. SELECTING THE DRIVERS AND DESIGN CENTER FREQUENCY The system design begins with the simultaneous selection of the drivers and a design center/crossover frequency, which I will call the Design Center Frequency (DCF, Fig. 6). The woofer and tweeter FIGURE 3: Equation for the bandpass filter required to restore the missing response in a conventional two-way 2nd-order crossover. FIGURE 4: The top group of curves shows the electrical response of the Yamanaka three-way crossover’s individual frequency bands: lowpass, bandpass, and highpass. Note that 2kHz is both the crossover frequency between the woofer and tweeter and also the center frequency of the midrange bandpass filter. The lower group of curves shows the output of the speakers driven through the crossover. The woofer and tweeter operating together causes an acoustic cancellation at 2kHz which is filled in by the midrange speaker driven through its bandpass filter. With all three drivers operating through the crossover, the system has the ability to sum to flat frequency response and linear phase within the limitations of the loudspeaker drivers. www.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:04:17 PM are chosen as you would if designing a -6dB (.25X system input power) at the conventional two-way system, and their DCF, -14dB (.04X system input power) crossover frequency is also the DCF, at .5DCF, and -24dB (.004X system chosen to be in the center of the mid- input power) at .25DCF, so the tweeter range driver’s linear operating range. The is not going to be taxed terribly hard if DCF is therefore the center frequency the crossover is properly terminated and of the midrange bandpass filter, and is allowed to attenuate as intended. The the only frequency used in any of the DCF can be shifted higher (or lower) as calculations of filter values. Those for- long as the woofer’s dispersion extends mulas are included in Fig. 2. to match the higher DCF. The example The chosen DCF must simultane- (Fig. 2) has the actual crossover compoously meet several requirements: nent values that were used in the Tech1. The DCF must be high enough nics SB-7000 speaker system for a DCF above the resonant frequency of the of 2kHz, Q of .500, and drivers that had tweeter to prevent excessive acoustic their impedance curves flattened with phase shift in the tweeter from making impedance equalization networks to apsystem alignment difficult or impossible. proximate 6Ω resistors. An octave is adequate. It is optimal that each of the speak2. The DCF must be high enough to ers have smooth, extended response as a prevent the likelihood of tweeter dam- starting point, without any serious peaks age from low frequencies not sufficiently or dips in the range to be left unattenuattenuated by the crossover network. ated; however, this design is no more, or 3. The DCF must be high enough less, critical than any other design in this that the tweeter’s unfiltered response is regard. The midrange driver should be a not excessively rolled off in the desired good-quality wide range unit in its own passband and transition to the stopband. sub-enclosure large enough to keep its 4. The DCF must be in the central resonance low, as the midrange will be range of the midrange driver’s linear operating range. 5. The DCF must be low enough that the woofer’s unfiltered response is not excessively rolled off in the desired passband and transition FIGURE 5: Actual measured acoustic phase response of three-way to the stopband. speaker system using Yamanaka linear phase crossover network. That may seem like a tough list at first, but the criteria are not really that hard to satisfy with good quality drivers, and the results are well worth the effort and expense. The most str ingent requirements are for the tweeter, where the example’s DCF of 2kHz requires a tweeter with a resonance of about 1kHz. With filter Qs of .500 the tweeter crossover is Note that individual chart divisions are 10° and that the phase response is actually ±10° the critical middle range from 400-5400Hz. FIGURE 6: The system is designed on a Design Center Frequency which is chosen to be in a range that is overlapped by the unfiltered response of both the woofer and the tweeter and is also in the approximate center of the midrange speaker’s unfiltered response in the enclosure or subenclosure in which it will be used. In the chart the relative levels of each band have been separated vertically to make them easier to visualize. audioXpress January 2007 Stokes-2697-1.indd 45 45 11/21/2006 3:04:19 PM responsible for an important part of the system output and you want its response to be reasonably flat. Its phase response will probably be reasonably close to 0° through that range and the system phase will be, too. SOLVING THE CONSTANT IMPEDANCE PROBLEM— ZOBEL, ET AL. Crossover networks work properly only when they are properly loaded with an impedance that matches the one for which they were designed. So unless the crossover sees the proper impedance load, at least in the important frequency ranges where the crossover is required to attenuate, the crossover will not perform as required. A loudspeaker’s true impedance is a combination of resistance and reactance that varies widely with frequency, matching its nominal value at only one or two spot frequencies. A dynamic speaker in free air, in a closed box, or a closed back tweeter, will display a single large peak in the lower frequency end of its impedance curve due to its resonant frequency, and an increasingly rising impedance in its higher frequency range Third-Order Filler Driver Crossover Network E rik Baekgaard of Bang and Olufsen showed that a 3rd-order filler driver system is also possible. The same methods and requirements go into its design with one very important difference. In order for the 3rd-order filler system to sum to flat frequency and phase response, the output of the midrange driver must be +6dB higher in level than the woofer and the tweeter. If this condition is not met, the frequency response will droop in the midrange. Figure 9 is the schematic for the 3rd-order version of the crossover and formulas for the passive components. FIGURE 9: Linear Phase “Filler Driver” crossover using 3rd-order filters for lowpass and highpass filtering. This alternate circuit was described by Eric Baekgaard of Bang and Olufsen and requires that the midrange driver be operated at a level +6dB higher than the woofer and tweeter for flat response. Otherwise the design process for this crossover is the same as for the Yamanaka 2nd-order network described in the text. 46 audioXpress 1/07 Stokes-2697-1.indd 46 due to the inductance of its voice coil. Wherever the impedance is higher than the crossover design value, the crossover will attenuate less than desired. The driver impedance variations that concern us most here are: 1. the impedance rise in the woofer’s impedance curve caused by its voice coil inductance, LE 2. the midrange impedance peak caused by its closed box resonant frequency 3. the midrange impedance rise due to voice coil inductance 4. the tweeter’s impedance peak caused by its resonant frequency. The impedance rise due to resonant frequency of the woofer and the rise due to the inductance of the tweeter’s voice coil do not affect the crossover’s operation and can be safely ignored. If the tweeter resonance (4.) is highly damped, you might ignore it, too. When fixed resistive pads, or continuously variable L-pads, are used to balance the sensitivity of the midrange and tweeter drivers to equal out and match their volume levels to the sensitivity of the woofer, the effect of the impedance variations of the midrange and tweeter on the crossover network will be lessened to some extent. It is worthwhile to make this level adjustment first and then measure the impedance curve and see whether zobel networks are still needed to produce a nearly constant resistive load for the crossover network allowing it to attenuate as required. In my passive implementation of the Yamanaka system, I use Radian compression drivers for the midrange and tweeter, and installed fixed resistor L-pads to bring down their levels. Because the compression drivers are so much more efficient than the woofers, the resistive L-pads are completely effective in isolating the crossover from the actual impedance variations of the drivers. If the woofer or midrange voice coil inductance is unknown, you can determine it by measuring the impedance at a high frequency between 10kHz and 20kHz with a sine wave generator and an AC volt-ohmmeter. The formula in Fig. 7 gives the value for the voice coil inductance, LE, in henries, where FM = the frequency at which the measurement of impedance is taken, M is the www.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:04:21 PM measured Magnitude of the impedance at that frequency in ohms, and RE is the speaker’s voice coil DC resistance in ohms. With knowledge of the inductance value of the woofer and midrange voice coils and Thiele/Small parameters of the midrange driver measured in the enclosure in which it will be used, the formulas and circuit in Fig. 8 adapted from Robert M. Bullock III’s January 1985 Speaker Builder article on passive crossovers will give reasonably accurate values for your zobel impedance equalizing components. The value RE should be equal to the voice coil’s DC resistance value. (See back issues of Speaker Builder for more information on measuring a speaker’s Thiele/Small parameters and on impedance compensation networks.) The most effective way to avoid the problem of driver impedance variations and sensitivity differences that complicate the design of passive crossover networks is to make the crossover an active one instead. This allows the use of filters containing precision resistors and capacitors working into close tolerance, resistive loads, without the need for large, expensive, power-robbing inductors. FIGURE 7: You can calculate LE, the inductance of a driver’s voice coil, from this formula by measuring the value of its impedance in ohms at any high frequency in the 10kHz to 20kHz range. In the formula, M is the magnitude of the impedance in ohms, RE is the voice coil DC resistance in ohms, and FM is the frequency at which the impedance value was measured. In the next installment I will present an active vacuum tube version of the Yamanaka crossover circuit, and conclude with an article describing proper setup and alignment of both passive and active systems using the Yamanaka crossover network. aX Steve Stokes caught the hi-fi bug while in college when he encountered a friend’s system of four JBL LE-15 woofers, LE375 midrange, and LE-85 treble compression drivers driven by a 200W amplifier and fed by professional Ampex recording gear.* After college he took a part-time job selling stereo components, soon became the store manager, and decided to stay in the audio f ield. He soon left sales and began designing home speaker systems as the Chief Engineer of Lancer Electronics (orginally part of Soundcraftsmen) for the following 20+ years. He also served as the Director of Technical Information for Trusonic Corp. when it was relocated to Fountain Valley, Calif. in 1978. He is a former member of the AES and the co-inventor of US Patent No. 5,212,732 for a Dipole Speaker System for Surround Sound. He enjoys designing and building vacuum tube electronics and digital SLR photography. *As an interesting side note, the friend’s 15ft3 speaker cabinets were built for him by Warner Bros. recording engineer Donn Landee (Doobie Bros., Van Morrison, Van Halen, etc.) and Dennis Dragon, who was an occasional tour and studio drummer for the Beach Boys and the Byrds, the recording engineer for his brother, Daryl Dragon of the Captain and Tenille, and the son of famous Hollywood Symphony Conductor Carmen Dragon. FIGURE 8: Circuit and formulas for driver impedance equalization, after Robert M. Bullock III, Speaker Builder 1/85. You can use this circuit to flatten the driver’s impedance curve to closer resemble a resistive load and allow for proper crossover operation. Component RE models the voice coil’s DC resistance and CE nulls the voice coil inductance LE. Components RM, CM, and LM null the single resonant peak like that of a speaker in a closed back tweeter. audioXpress January 2007 Stokes-2697-1.indd 47 47 11/21/2006 3:04:22 PM XPRESS MAIL CORRECTIONS In my article “The Venue Loudspeaker” (Nov. aX), there are two errors: on p. 17, top: “3. 1.1kHz dip (L3, R3, C3)” should be (L3, R2, C3); and on p. 18, right: “0.34g/15µS = 23kHz” should be 0.349. Dennis Colin, Gilmanton I.W., NH The graphs in Figure 3 and Figure 4 of my article “Build a Flat Panel Speaker” (aX 11/06) are switched. The graph with the title “Radiator ‘A’ ” should be with the Figure 3 caption: Traditional loudspeaker in free space and with boundary. The graph with the title “Radiator ‘B’” should be with the Figure 4 caption: DML in free space and with boundary. Daisuke Koya 48 audioXpress 1/07 XPressMail-107-3.indd 48 Figure 1. I’ve long enjoyed Joseph Norwood Still’s QUICK CHECK excellent and practical tube amp articles, I enjoyed reading Charles Hansen’s arincluding “Two SE Power Amps. . .” (aX ticle on a phase-meter tester (aX 11/06). Nov. ’06). However, the power supply In fact, I have enjoyed all the articles he (Fig. 2, p. 31) has an error: the junction has written. of C1/C2 will charge to the negative I thought readers might appreciate peak of half the transformer secondary this circuit (Fig. 2) used by Hewlettvoltage, destroying C2. He describes it Packard for checking the accuracy of the as a FW bridge voltage doubler; T1 is HP3575A Phase-Gain Meter. It prolisted as 200V AC output. If this is for vides a very accurate 90° phase shift at each half, then there’d be 565V DC (less 10kHz. Of course, matched silver mica diode drops) across C1, if the center top weren’t grounded. Also, the heater transformer is listed as 12.6V AC, but the schematic shows 6.3V heaters—the tubes would light FIGURE 2: up like a Christmas Phase calculator. tree, for two seconds! Regardless, I commend you for prov- capacitors and high-quality resistors will ing that you can have your cake (SE ensure a high degree of accuracy. amp) and eat it too (low distortion)! Thanks for the excellent articles. Jack Walton Short Hills, NJ Dennis Colin INVERTER DESIGN My thanks to Robert Bennett for his Joseph Norwood Still responds: response (aX 10/06) to my questions reThank you for your comments. Although garding his article “An Improved Splitthe heater voltage in the parts list states it Load Phase Inverter” (aX 7/06). His is 12.6V, it is actually 6.3V—per Hammond comments were well thought out and P.N. P-T 16656A. So if you order P.N.P.-T clearly presented. 166 S6, you will have a 6.3V transformer While the actual drive “connection” and not a 12.6V transformer and all is well. into his inverter stage from the precedThe C.T. of high voltage transformer T1 ing pentode stage can be debated, we is shown as grounded. This is incorrect. The both agree on the outcome of the design: center-top should be shown as ungrounded The effect of the bootstrap connection (see Fig. 1). I should have caught these does increase the gain of the preceding errors when I reviewed the page. Unfortu- pentode stage rather dramatically, as I nately, I didn’t! Again thank you, Mr. Colin, originally suggested. Furthermore, as Mr. for doing my job for me. Bennett has now shown, this gain inwww.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:17:38 PM crease can be “modified” by the bootstrap connection to help reduce the splitter’s ill effects if the cathode channel should become momentarily shorted. Taken as a whole then, it does, in fact, represent an “improved” phase splitter design. Robert’s reminder to consider the circuit as a whole is right on target. My original “red flag” centered on his statement that the pentode’s gain is unaffected by the bootstrap connection, when in fact it is. However, I did not take my analysis further to consider the circuit in total under shorted cathode channel operation as he did. I will explain why in a moment, but for now, I thank Mr. Bennett for his reminder and analysis of his circuit under that condition. When the total circuit is considered, then a relative value can be placed on the improvement the bootstrap connection makes in splitter operation under adverse conditions. Using his own figures (with which I generally agree), Robert’s complete circuit without the bootstrap connection has a total gain of about 207 from input to either splitter output. If the cathode channel becomes shorted in this configuration, the total gain from input to splitter plate output rises over 16 times to nearly 3500, because the splitter stage is now providing active gain rather than a loss. With the bootstrap in place, the total gain starts at nearly 1100. When the cathode channel is shorted in this condition, the total gain to the splitter plate output rises to nearly the same 3500 as before, but in this case, it is only an increase of about three times as opposed to that of over 16 times before. Hence the improvement, all as Mr. Bennett suggests. While the improvement is significant, it is still well short of eliminating the effect as suggested. But the question is, can the improvement really help? It’s understood that this discussion deals with a phase splitter that is directly driving a class AB1 push-pull output stage, which is the most likely configuration in which an overload of the following (output) stage can cause a shorted cathode channel condition at the splitter stage in the first place. So assuming an overload signal of sufficient length and the splitter stage itself does not overload, let’s see what happens in this configuration when the output stage does. On the first positive going cycle pre- sented to the phase splitter that’s capable of overloading the output stage, the cathode channel will drive its output tube to a zero bias condition, and basically clamp the splitter’s cathode signal at that point to prevent any further increase during this cycle—although the setup for R/C “blocking” in this channel is already beginning. As the overload signal continues to increase beyond this point at the splitter’s input, the splitter’s plate channel will continue to drive its output tube further negative, but now multiplied (in Mr. Bennett’s design) by a factor of three because of the splitter’s cathode clamp. But so what? This tube was already cut off when the cathode channel’s output tube reached its zero bias point by definition. Then the overload cycle to the splitter goes negative, and problems start to develop real quickly. This time, the cathode channel output tube’s operating point will start to drift negatively because the blocking effect previously set up in this channel has started to kick in, cutting the tube off earlier. The channel will continue to drive this output tube further negative, but again at this point, so what? The tube was already cut off when the plate channel’s output tube reached its zero bias point, so what does a little more cutoff matter? The plate channel has driven its output tube to a zero bias condition during this cycle, but this time without the aid of any extra amplification by the splitter stage because its cathode was not clamped during this cycle—although the setup for blocking in this channel is now beginning as well. Therefore, on the second consecutive positive overload cycle into the splitter, the plate channel output tube’s operating point also starts to drift negatively, with the process repeating itself on each cycle until the overload is removed. So once again, blocking is the main culprit in this configuration at overload (it usually is when R/C coupling is used into the output stage), as realistic shorted cathode channel operation at the splitter causes it to misbehave in a sort of half wave benign way per say, and is the reason I did not consider it in my original letter. However, the bootstrap connection in Mr. Bennett’s splitter does help to control overload in the splitter itself when its cathode does become clamped. This minimizes needless excessive cur- audioXpress January 2007 XPressMail-107-3.indd 49 49 11/21/2006 3:17:44 PM rent flow through the stage during positive going overload cycles presented to it, and therefore works to contain (but hardly eliminate) the overload blocking effect in the cathode channel, were it not in place. I would add that using cathode bias in the output stage and minimizing any global feedback will help to soften the overall blocking effect if this configuration is used. Ultimately for me, the beauty of Mr. Bennett’s design is the increased gain it provides under normal operating conditions, without the necessity of an additional gain stage to achieve it. As for the phase splitter itself, I choose to all but eliminate its potential misbehaviors through its location and design, in relation to the associated circuits it interacts with. You can then decide for yourself how to best apply the merits of Mr. Bennett’s design to your own projects. I thank Mr. Bennett for putting his idea forth, the time to prepare it into article form, and for his thoughtful response to me. Robert Bennett responds: Mr. Gillespie again raises some interesting points in his latest letter. With the bootstrap circuit, there is a tradeoff between the gain and the symmetry of output impedances. By making the pentode’s load resistor very small in comparison to its anode resistance, the output impedances approach the same value, but the gain is less. The values given in my article are a compromise, but lean more toward high gain. It might be possible to get both features by running the pentode at very low screen voltage, but I suspect that attempts to get much higher gain from the circuit would result in hum and distortion problems. The second point of Mr. Gillespie’s is one that I had not considered. I think he is correct that cutoff of the output valves reduces the effects of an overload. It is an interesting thought that a Class AB1 amplifier could have a smoother overload or less distortion than a Class A one. Once again, I would like to thank Mr. Gillespie for his very interesting analysis and comments. aX David Gillespie Atlanta, GA aX Online Review SONY CD/DVD PLAYER MODEL DVP-NS55P By Jesse W. Knight Many months ago I took a few DVDs to Radio Shack and Tweeter to test them on better equipment. My Toshiba 19˝ TV with built-in DVD player was giving poor performance (via the headphone jack) on discs that had received good reviews for sound quality. Many critics who review DVD are picture-oriented, and to put it mildly, are not audiophiles. I wanted to perform my own tests using studio monitor headphones. I was not surprised to find that a Cinevision 1000 player costing $300 sounded much better than the TV. Better still was using a Rotel home theater amplifier costing $1200 to do the sound decoding, rather than depending on the DVD player’s two-channel analog output. Needless to say, I was overjoyed to find a Sony player for only $70 that delivers excellent sound from both Dolby 2.0 and LPCM formats with any good stereo amplifier. For DTS or Dolby 5.1 you will need a home theater amp. Better still, it performed well on every disc in my collection, including two that I thought were hopeless. ■ To Continue Chesky Contest Winners Grand Prize winner of the five CDs: Michael F of Arden, NC Runners-Up (Winner of one of the five CDs of their choice): Bert B of Brooklyn VIC, Australia Terrence F. of Portland, OR Kevin F. of Apalachin, NY Donald T. of APO, AE Luut S. of Vriezenveen, The Netherlands Congratulations to our winners and thank you to all who participated! Visit 50 audioXpress 1/07 XPressMail-107-3.indd 50 www.audioXpress .com 11/27/2006 2:31:20 PM solid state Low-Level Analog Switching Various support gadgets can distort your electric guitar sound. Here’s how you can keep that sound clean. U sing effects between an electric guitar and amp can be a superb and inspiring way to produce new sounds. However, the interconnections and bypass switching systems that control the effects can also blur and distort the original sound. In an attempt to minimize the destruction of tone, I have experimented with ways to retain as much of the guitar’s fundamental character as possible. There are few things worse than bad tone. You can accomplish switching lowlevel analog signals such as the voltage and current generated by an electric guitar pickup with an electronic relay if you consider specific details. By using self-latching low thermal emf relays, you can best preserve the analog components inside the electronic device. Control signals sent from the outside world must be optically coupled. SELF-LATCHING RELAYS As a first approximation, an electric guitar pickup generates a full-scale signal of 2V peak-to-peak, or 0.707V RMS. This is usually terminated into a 1Meg impedance at the guitar preamp, and the power is 500nW. Signals transmitted between effects devices in front of the guitar amp also run at this level. A Pa n a s o n i c Electric Works DS2E-S-DC12V 12V signal relay uses a holding current to pull in the contacts. Its coil By Dennis Hoffman resistance is 720Ω, and this is a power of 0.2W. Relay power is 400,000 times greater than the power in a guitar signal. The magnetic field is theoretically constant, but any power-supply ripple or noise components can electromagnetically couple into the analog signal. There is a very good chance that part of the control circuit power will be fed into the guitar signal. This is what led me to use self-latching relays that have zero holding current. Self-latching relays have a small permanent magnet attached to the end of the coil’s armature. A brief pulse will cause the coil to move to one of its two positions. There will be an iron post or another magnet that holds the armature in position. Reversing the polarity of the control pulse will send the armature to the other of its two positions. Again, it will use the permanent magnet to latch itself in position after you remove the control pulse. The armature pushes against the contacts in one position and releases them in the other. These self-latching relays can also have two separate control coils that generate opposite magnetic control fields to pull the armature one way or the other. Be- PHOTO 1: Complete switching system with battery powered effects. Photo by Jeanne Hoffman. audioXpress January 2007 Hoffman-2719-2.indd 51 51 11/21/2006 3:11:34 PM cause there is zero holding current, there is virtually no leakage. To be specific, the solid-state circuit that drives the control coil will be in its cutoff condition, yet the transistor will have a small leakage current typically in the nanoamps. Also, by running the control circuit from a battery, you can further eliminate the usual electronic power-supply noise. At this point control current is infinitesimally small. As an additional note, any effect powered by AC runs the risk of picking up pollution from the power line. Some devices may run on AC with a wall wart PHOTO 2: Switching system inputs and outputs. Photo by Jeanne Hoffman. that outputs a low voltage DC to the effect, so you can substitute a rechargeable sealed lead acid battery with a high amp hour rating. I use a 12V/7AH battery with the Moog MF-104Z Analog Delay, and for me there is no question that the battery is the superior power source. LOW THERMAL EMF CONTACTS Any time current passes through two dissimilar metals, the connection generates a voltage. The voltage depends on the type of metal and the temperature of the junction. This is called the thermoelectric voltage, or thermal electromotive force. Either inside the relay or when the relay is connected to a wire (or printed circuit board), there will be a change from one metal composition to another. A relay designed to keep this voltage generation to a minimum will have a thermal �������������� ��������������������������� ������� ������� ������������� OPTICALLY COUPLED CONTROL SIGNALS ������������������������� ���������������������� ���������������� ������������������������� ������������� ����������������������� ���������������� ����������������������������� ������������������� ������������������������������� ������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� FIND THE ENTIRE PRODUCT SELECTION ON-LINE AT ������������������� 52 audioXpress 1/07 Hoffman-2719-2.indd 52 emf of less than 10µV. A normal switch or relay can have a generated thermal emf several times greater. While this thermal emf is mostly a DC offset error, it is dynamic because it will change with temperature and relay contact force. The error is a voltage artifact produced by the circuit, and this voltage is not a part of the information in the signal. The offset becomes one more flaw in the system. Perhaps I am being overly analytical, and the imperfection is rather small in the larger scheme of things. Think about how many connections there are in a switching system and add all those errors together. You can minimize this problem by using a low thermal emf relay, such as the Panasonic Electric Works SX series. The only limitation is the signal must be less than 10V and 10mA. A positive thermal emf offset will raise the signal above its normal 0V reference. You can reduce an A/D converter’s input gain to keep it from being overdriven in the positive direction because of the offset. Due to the reduced gain, the negative excursion of the signal will never get to full-scale negative. As a result, one or more least significant bits of accuracy are removed. You only get those low-order bits and your maximum signal-to-noise ratio if the signal can travel from 0V to full scale. A 20-bit digital converter will resolve a 674nV signal (.707V/2 exp 20), but that accuracy is now lost. When you connect a copper wire control cable carrying electricity to a system, this can be an antenna for unwanted noise. A simple way to solve this problem is to use light to connect signals from one system to another. The use of optocouplers—an idea that has been around a long time—is a cheap and excellent solution. Current from the control circuit forward-biases a light emitting diode, and the photons from the LED turn on a photo transistor. Light does not pick up EMI. And the optocouplers can hold off high voltages. The possibility of a ground loop also disappears. These details apply to the control systems of channel switching amplifiers as well as www.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:11:38 PM FIGURE 1: Self-latching relay and remote control circuits. effects switching systems. The remote control unit will have a battery to provide the pulses to temporarily turn on the optocouplers, which then turn on a transistor that momentarily energizes the self-latching relay’s coil. Under normal operation there is no current flowing in either the remote control unit or the switching system. Only during switching pulses does current flow (Fig. 1). The battery return and chassis of the remote control unit are connected together. This common point should be connected to the chassis of the switching unit, which may or may not have its signal ground connected to its own chassis at one single point, but this is a connection independent of the remote control unit. Do not connect the remote control unit ground directly to the switching unit’s signal ground. Inside the switching unit all of the control circuit relays and transistors are wired to the battery return. A single wire runs from the control circuit battery return to the signal ground, which helps to isolate control circuit leakage current from signal current. Finally, the typical ¼˝ phone jack at the output is connected to the chassis, while the other jacks are isolated with shoulder washers. Continues on p. 59 audioXpress January 2007 Hoffman-2719-2.indd 53 53 11/21/2006 3:11:46 PM From p. 53 TABLE 1: LOW LEVEL ANALOG SWITCHING CIRCUIT PARTS LIST. Part # Part Vendor Vendor Number BT1-3 SW1, 2 9V battery momentary switch (pushbutton) switch cap amp footswitch plug plug sockets plug cable clamp amp control signals receptacle receptacle pins ¼˝ phone jack long bushing ⅜˝ shoulder washer ASX22012 relay 1k ¼W 5% resistor 12k ¼W 5% resistor 510R ¼W 5% resistor 240R ¼W 5% resistor 1N4003 diode TLP372 optoisolator 2N2907/PN2907 PNP Digi-Key Digi-Key Digi-Key Digi-Key Digi-Key Digi-Key Digi-Key Digi-Key Mouser Mouser Digi-Key Digi-Key Digi-Key Digi-Key Digi-Key Digi-Key Digi-Key Digi-Key N145-ND 450-1094-ND 450-1054-ND A1304-ND A25137-ND A1332-ND A1305-ND A25136-ND 502-L-12A 534-3069 255-1589-5-ND 1.OKQBK-ND 12KQBK-ND 510QBK-ND 240QBK-ND 1N4003/4GICT-ND TLP372-ND PN2907-ND Carling heavy duty stomp switch (expensive, long lead time) Mouser 691-216-PM-OFF P1 J1 J2-5 K1 R1, R3 R2, R4 R6, R7 R5 D1, D2 U1, U2 Q1, Q2 Optional SW1, SW2 � � �� Note that an effects device that radiates an electric disturbance into a guitar and amp system by itself will still emit this interference when connected to a switching system. Sometimes using the bypass on the device itself will help. For me, The Analogman Tube Screamer is a remarkable distortion pedal, yet the noise it radiates when not in use is r ubbish. Conse quently, you must switch this device using its own true bypass switch. In a live performance situation many of these things might not be a problem, but they can become evident when playing solo or recording. SUBJECTIVE TONE One last consideration is my subjective opinion of the effect on the sound. When playing an electric guitar, you should listen to the sound directly into the amp. Become comfortable with your direct tone. With switching units and effects connected, a distortion or blurring of the signal may sound like a damper has been placed on the string, which can’t vibrate to its full excursion—it sounds flat and two-dimensional. The bass might sound muddy, or fat and bloated. Often the treble will be hard and brittle. The rhythmic flow of the boogie is just not there. Ultimately, if you and I can keep playing and listen to the music, then all is well. But if the equipment is distracting and keeps calling attention to itself, we will know something needs tweaking. All of the errors in a system obscure and distort the details of the music. While one error in itself may be small, the addition of many errors can present serious disturbances. 500nW of guitar signal is a very small quantity. aX Installer ���������������������� ��������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������� ����� �� ������ ������ ������� ���� �������� ����������� ���� ������� ���������� ��������� ������������ ��������� ��������� ���� ��� ������� �������� �������� ��� ������ �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ������������� ����������������������������������������������������� ������ ��������������������������� ������������������� ������������������� ������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������ ����������������������� ��������� �� ���� ���� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������� audioXpress January 2007 Hoffman-2719-2.indd 59 59 11/21/2006 3:10:53 PM Audio Marketplace DLC is your first source 15” HEAVY DUTY WOOFER • 50 oz magnet • 2” alum. 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We have never heard a single-cabinet audio system that 30 Day Home Trial Factory-Direct: sounds as good as the new ZVOX 325. Created by 99 renowned speaker designer Winslow Burhoe (founder of $ EPI), it uses a sophisticated amplifier, our PhaseCue™ virtual surround system and an incredible built-in powered subwoofer to create remarkable, room-filling sound. All from a single cabinet as wide as a typical DVD player. With only one connecting wire, and a one-page “owner’s manual,” the 325 is a miracle of simplicity. It’s the ideal way to add great sound to a flat-panel TV. No other audio company has gotten more rave reviews in the last two years. Find out why–try a ZVOX 325 in your own home for 30 days, with virtually no risk. You will–we guarantee–be amazed. 349 59 Thomas Road • Swampscott, Massachusetts • 01907 • 866-367-9869 Reno Hi-Fi & Limited edition amplifiers by Nelson Pass Single stage Class A Voltage sources, Current sources, Power JFETs for more information: 775.829.7332 - audioXpress January 2007 AudioMarketplace107.indd 57 57 11/21/2006 3:11:59 PM Audio Marketplace ������� �������������� ��������������������������� ������� ������������ ������������������������� ���������������������� ���������������� ������������������������� ������������� ����������������������� ���������������� ���������������������������� ������������������� ������������������������������ ������������������������ ����������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� FIND THE ENTIRE PRODUCT SELECTION ON-LINE AT ������������������� �������������������� ������������������������ ������������������ ������������������������������ ����������������������� �������������������������������� ���������������������������������� ����������� ������������������������������� �������������������������� 58 audioXpress 1/07 AudioMarketplace107.indd 58 www.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:12:50 PM CLASSIFIED VENDORS WANTED Pro audio: Mic preamps, Mixers, Buffers, Crossovers, Power amps, power supplies, Regulators Custom designs for OEM customers Selected BORBELY AUDIO kits in Japan: Low cost custom power and output transformers made by Trafomatic. Lots of audio information on our website. Please visit WHAT’S NEW on our homepage, (505-382-3173) stereo gear old/new/quality, speakers, amps, preamps, turntables, reel to reels, vacuum tubes, tube testers, guitars, parts, etc. 850-314-0321 Email: Tube Pre-amp to Transistor Power-amp there are ezChassis® models to help you. 50x57 23/8/06 11:17 AM Page 1 20 years experience! LOUDSPEAKER PARTS SPK380 FOR THE SPEAKER REPAIR TRADES Foam, cloth and rubber surrounds. Cones, dustcaps, horn diaphragms. World’s best voice coils and braid wire. Genuine foam surrounds for Dynaudio, Tannoy, Scan-Speak and more! Trade welcome – email for your user ID. Yard Sale Yard Sale WANTED Sound Practices issues #3, #5, #9, #10, any issues of Glass Audio and/or any other tube related popular literature, Pioneer Elite PL-90 turntable Sony Elite TAN-90ES 100W per channel power amp Pioneer CS-907 home stereo speaker system JVC SEA-2012 digital equalizer Kenwood KD-122R turntable JVC Integrated AXZ-911BK amplifier Onkyo Integra DX-7500 compact disc player Onkyo Integra CTX-7500 cassette tape player Pioneer 60˝ big screen television SD-P6091k Onkyo Grand Integra T-9090 tuner Luther Wright 16901 Parkdale Road Petersburg, VA 23805 “Yard Sale” is published in each issue of aX. For guidelines on how subscribers can publish their free ad, see our website. 60 audioXpress 1/07 Classified-Ad Index107.indd 60 www.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:14:44 PM Book Review The Art of Linear Electronics by John Linsley Hood Audio Amateur Press., 339 pages, $39.95 Reviewed by Dennis Colin T his book is highly recommended for all who are interested in highly detailed (but clearly explained) descriptions of analog components, circuits, and systems. Particular emphasis is focused on audio systems, but RF circuits are also covered. All that is required is a basic understanding of math relationships used in analog circuits; i.e., Ohm’s law, reactive impedance concepts, dB (log/exponential) versus linear, and so on. But this is not a design “cookbook.” While a wealth of practical circuits are shown (power supplies, audio preamps and power amps, both tube and solid-state; radio receivers, audio and RF oscillators, and more), the emphasis is on understanding the role of analog components (linear and nonlinear, contrary to the title) in providing the desired function. Chapter 1 is titled “Electronic Component Symbols and Circuit Drawing,” while Chapter 2 discusses “Passive Components.” After this introductory material, Chapters 3-5 explain, in great and well-illustrated detail, the internal workings and applications of tube and transistor devices and circuits. Following are chapters 6-8 on DC and low-f requency (LF) amplifiers, feedback, and passive and active filters. INSIGHTFUL CHAPTER Chapter 9, “Audio Amplifiers,” begins with the basic requirements of power, bandwidth, response flatness, influence of acoustics and music type, and distortion audibility and its subjective effects. Circuits described begin with classic antique radio valve (British for “tube”) amps, the (D.T.N.) Williamson amp, triode/pentode/UL and Class A or AB configurations, and so on. Then follows a discussion of the evolution of solid-state power amps, with a comprehensive description of how (especially the earlier) transistor amps can produce 62 audioXpress 1/07 Colin-book-2758-2.indd 62 “listener fatigue” due to low-level nonlinearities (not just crossover distortion). While the failure of rigorous comparisons between very good power amps to show conclusive sonic differences is mentioned, the author states, “For myself, I think that there are still some small remaining differences in sound quality between different power amp circuit designs. . .” I personally believe this to be the most balanced, observant, and common-sense attitude to the highly-charged “golden ear versus meter reader” debate. This chapter (of greatest interest to aX readers) concludes with descriptions of preamps, EQ/tone controls, and low-noise circuitry for phono preamps (five circuits shown). The 34 comprehensive pages of this chapter are, I would say, of greater value to the serious audio enthusiast than some complete books on amp design that I’ve read! I consider myself a very proficient audio designer, yet I’ve learned some valuable insights from this material. The remaining chapters (10-17) cover non-audio material, except for Chapter 15 (Power Supplies), 16 (Noise and Hum), and 17 (Test Equipment). However, the material is presented with the same clarity, comprehensiveness, and illustration as in the audio material. The topics are oscillators (audio and RF), radio receivers, tuned circuits, waveform generators, and noise sources. Also included are two appendices, “Component Manufacturing Conventions” and “Circuit Impedance and Phase Angle Calculations.” If you are getting the impression that The Art of Linear Electronics is an absolutely first-rate book that superbly fills the present “digital age” vacuum of needed analog circuit coverage, you would be correct! aX (Available from Old Colony Sound Lab, PO Box 876, Peterborough, NH 03458, 888924-9465, www.audioXpress .com 11/21/2006 3:01:33 PM