Pastor: Rev. Joaquim Dias - Our Lady of Mercy Parish

Tel: 604.522.5733
Fax: 604.517.1618
Web site:
2nd Sunday of Easter
April 15, 2012
Pastor: Rev. Joaquim Dias
This Weeks Mass Schedules
Dear Parishioners,
I was over whelmed a very happy to see
Monday to
you come in large numbers for Good Friday and
Easter Service.
Wednesday: Novena to Mother of perpetual
Help after morning Mass.
Easter is the central event in the life of
8:15 am Holy Mass
Novena prayers at 6:30 pm
Mass at 9:00 am
the church. There is nothing as significant as
the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus
Christ, the Son of God!. Without suffering and
►Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
from 9.45 am to 6:15 pm.
dying for us and then rising from the dead our
►Divine Mercy Novena at 3:00 pm
religion has no meaning. Christ died and suf-
►Benediction at 6:40 pm
fered to save us from mortal sin. Many saints
and martyr’s have died before Him, but no one
►Holy Mass at 7:00 pm
has had the power to save us. This is what our
Saturday: 9:00 am Mass
religion is all about. Jesus has conquered death.
5:00pm Anticipated Mass
Sunday: 9:00 am & 11:00am Holy Mass
Because He lives, we live and believe that we
and those who have gone before us will rise
again from the dead on the last day.
Let us continue to have faith in the risen
Lord, and believe that our religion is unique because He has risen from the dead!!
Let us make every Sunday an Easter Sunday.
As always my prayers and blessings
are with you.
Fr Jack
The CWL (Catholic Women’s League) Ladies of
Our Lady of Mercy Parish invites you to join them:
■ Membership Drive: we invite
all our ladies to join the Catholic
Women’s League. Kindly pick up a registration
form in the foyer of the church. If you would
like to know more about the League, contact
Elaine at 604.790.1992
Please remember and pray for those among our families and friends who are in pain and sick
John Wee, Blanca Arevalo, Bridget Delaney, Ester Gilera, Sheila Kinahan, Regina Lim, Anne, John McCarthy,
Rory Walker, Kristin Kerr, Dalima Ngui, Linus Ngui, Parviz, Maura/Richard Walshe, Maria C.
Baudour, Jose Escobar, George Quek, Mari Spencer, Olivera Lambert, Ruiqiu Zhang, Severina Alvarez, Sonia Burrow, Shu Yang, Linda Walker, Conico Wee, Samuel Kajubi, Wee L. Imm, Amy
T.C.Tee, Eugina Malapitan, Urania Paz, Fernando Barrera, Brian W. Bro Christian Vollmer, Felicity Kasozi, Alfred DeSouza, Rosa Ven , Ruby Fernandes, Mely Sia.
Holy Communion: Any one who is shut-in and wishes to receive the Eucharist please let us know. If you
have a loved one who is sick and needs our prayers, and would like to insert their name in the bulletin, kindly contact the office.
Mass Intentions for the Week
Sat. Apr 14, 9:00 am
5:00 pm †
Sun. Apr 15, 9:00 am †
11:00 am †
Romeo Sombilon
Luis Machado
Zamperoni Giovanni Yolanda
& Basso Anna Fly
Fernanda Medeiros
Dailey & Rufino Gapuz-Sr
Mon. Apr 16, 8:15 am †
Joao Anjos
Tue. Apr 17, 8:15 am †
Joao Anjos
Wed. Apr 18, 8:15 am †
Joao Anjos
Thu. Apr 19, 8:15 am † Pablito Trinadad
Fri. Apr 20, 9:00 am
Valdez Fly—Thksg
7:00 pm †
Joseph & Gerald Mayanja
Sat. Apr 21, 9:00 am
Emilio Cosme Cayanan
5:00 pm
Giuseppe Sebellin
For admission or more information on Our Lady of Mercy
School please visit:
Web site at : , E-Mail:
Telephone: 604.526.7121
Administration Office—Contact :Jean Lopez
Office Hours: Mon to Fri 8:30 to 3:30
(12:00 to1:00 lunch break)
It is important that you contact the
Pastor at least four months prior to the date
of your marriage, for instructions and preparation. It is mandatory that you are a registered, active parishioner at any given parish,
one year prior.
► Saturday: 9:30 to 10 am and 4:15 to 4:45pm
► Weekdays: 15 minutes before mass, or on
request. No confession on Monday.
Baptisms are held on the 2nd Sunday of
every month at 2 p.m.
To prepare for this sacrament parents and
God parents must attend baptism instructions, held on the last Thursday of every
month at 7pm.
Parents must be registered/active parishioners. If you are not a registered parishioner at
OLM, you must obtain a letter from your respective parish, stating that you are registered with them, signed by the Pastor.
God parents must be practicing Roman Catholics. If you have any concerns regarding the
above, please talk with the pastor.
Next Baptism: May 13 2012
Next Baptism Instruction:
April 26th , 2012 at 7pm in the
Parish News
Parish Activities & Group Meeting
Apr 16, Mon
7:00 pm
Mustard Seed Prayer Group
Apr 17, Tue
6:30 pm
Bible Study
Our Lady of Mercy Legionary group are inviting adults , women and men to join us. We
hold our prayers and meeting every Saturday
in the green room at 12:30 pm.
Apr 18, Wed
6:30 pm
Apr 19, Wed
7:00 pm
Apr 21, Sat
9:30 am
Mustard Seed (basement)
Also available is a weekly home visitation of
the pilgrim statue of Blessed Virgin Mary.
Anyone who wishes to welcome Mother Mary
in their home, please contact Terri at
604.526.1431. For any other queries please
call Remy Valdez at 604.540.1539
Apr 21, Sat
12:30 pm Legion of Mary (church)
Legion Of Mary
(except 1st Sat at 10 am)
Apr 21, Sat
1:30 am
Youth for Christ
Catholic Women’s League
Help Feed the Poor and Homeless
The ladies of the Catholic Women’s League have made a one year commitment to The Burnaby Task Force on Homelessness to help feed the poor and
homeless in our neighborhood. This commitment is to make 60 bagged
lunches one day per month to be distributed at the Southside Community Church in Burnaby for the benefit of the poor and homeless. There will be a collection jar by the coffee
trolley at the back of the church after the 9am mass on the third Sunday of each month.
If you would like to help support this endeavor please drop a loonie or toonie or
even a fiver in the jar to help feed the poor and the homeless. Or, put your donation in an envelope marked CWL Homeless and drop it in the collection plate.
As always, your support is greatly appreciated.
Youth Choir is Looking for a Leader
Our 5:00 pm Mass on Saturday is looking for a person to lead their choir on
two Saturday’s a month. If you are interested and would like to help our
youth and church please speak with
Maireen before the 5pm Mass on Saturday.
Legion of Mary—Spanish Group
The ladies of Our Legion of Mary—Spanish
group are happy to visit you in your homes,
hospitals or hospice. They will bring with
them prayer, cheer and comfort. If you or a
loved one would like them to stopover,
please call Maria Chavez at 778.398.0549
► Social Dance sponsored by St. Paul's
Visit our Archdiocese web site at
Catholic Singles Club -The Dance will be
held at the Sunrise Community Hall, 1950
► Donations of items to Men's Hostel—The
Catholic Charities Men's Hostel is attempting to
make our guests' stay with us in our Emergency
Homeless shelter (for 100 men open 365 days a
year) a little more comfortable. We are seeking
the following for donation: Coffee mugs, books,
or men's XL clothing. Please bring your donation
to 150 Robson St., downtown Vancouver, or
contact us 604-443-3292 or
► Searching in the Spirit—Our annual post-
Windermere St.Vancouver on Apr. 21. Doors
open at 7:30 p.m. Tickets Members $12,
Guests $15. Details call Lina: 604.433.0055.
► ESL Catholics— Learn to understand and
celebrate Mass in English. Free Drop-in sessions on Wednesdays, 5 - 6 p.m. from May 16
to June 13 at the Holy Rosary Cathedral
Hall, 650 Richards St. This program is sponsored by the HRC Catholic Women's League.
For more information call 604-602-0139.
confirmation training event, will take place from
July 3 - 7, Tuesday through Saturday, at Camp
Jubilee at the base of Mt. Seymour. This event
is for youth ages 12 & 13 who will have been
confirmed by this summer. Searching in the
Spirit provides youth and adults with formation
in discipleship, and challenges participants to live
out their faith values in everyday, real-life
situations. For more info visit
Today's reading from Acts is a
classic stewardship reading. None
of the Apostles claimed that their
possessions were their own. The
►Birthright is a non-profit, non-political, in-
truth is we don't own anything, it
terdenominational emergency pregnancy service
all belongs to God. Good stewards
offering alternatives to abortion. Birthright
Vancouver will be holding a Walk/Run fundraiser
to support its ongoing services for pregnant
women. The event is a walk or run to be held on
May 26, around Queen Elizabeth Park. We cor-
share everything they have. Sharing is a response of both the head
and the heart. In believing that
everything we possess is a gift
dially invite you and all other supporters to reg-
from God, we make a conscious de-
ister and begin collecting donations on behalf of
cision to share it. Thus, our grate-
Birthright Vancouver. More information e-mail<mailto:birthrightvancouver@gmai> ; visit:<http:
ful hearts lead us to joyful generosity, not out of obligation or duty,
but out of gratitude to God and
love for one another.