C ' Name of Scheme P Modified R E 2014.15 9nf d-1T -5 Rev Modern17-"ion of DTTE (earlier named as Directorate arid ,Community Polytechnic upto March 1 1 1.00 111.00 273-00 273.00 190.22 190.22 1200.00 1200.00 927.54 927.54 204.00 204.00 70.47 70.47 45.44 1.OO 3.55 3.55 6.70 a 1 2 1 Board of Tec!lnicd Education (earlier named as Stg. Of Board of Technical Education upto March 201 2) ***Reorganization & Restructuringof Existing Facilities in Polmhnics Replacement and Modernization of Machinen, and Equipments, continuing education and Centre of Excellence . Facilities to Students of SC /ST/OBC/ Minority Communities 1 .OO ** Setting up of new Polytechnics and ~enovation/Addl./hlterationin the ?xisting Institutional 400.00 Buildings earlier named as ?enovation/Addl./AIteration in the %sting institutional Buildings upto ularch, 2012. Further, the scheme lamed as Setting up of New ;overnment Polytechnics merged vith t h e scheme w.e.f. April, 2012) Total Rev Cap Loan 90.82 156.22 400.00 Total 90.82 7.22 7.22 79.36 79.36 ,- 156.10 269.58 269.58 156.10 1083.64 1083.64 45.44 6.70 239.48 156.22 - 115.91 li5.91 10.25 10.25 395.70 239.48 395.70 I / p 147.00 lxpansion of existing facilities in 3hai Parmanand Institute of 3usiness Studies 2.00 ltaff Development 15.00 'akniki Shiksha Sansthan Kalyan Lamiti 'ethnical Education Community 6.00 jutreach scheme 6.00 itroduction of New Courses State Project Facilitation Unit for 0.00 echnical Education Qual~ty nprovement hogramme-TEQIP: S S ) State Share Total Polytechnics 1965.00 400.00 - Loan Cap kc in rdrhs Expenditure upto March, 2015 Rev Loan Total Cap 98.04 98.04 Expenditure during the month Rev Loan Total Cap 5 - ~ ~ ~ 147.00 110.20 110.20 2.00 15.00 0.00 5.48 0.00 5.48 6.00 3.04 3.04 6.00 2.70 0.00 0 .00 36.59- p p ~ 36.59 146.79 0.00, 6.53 0.00 6.53 12.01 12.01 2.00 2.00 5.04 5.04 2.70 2.27 0.00 2.27 0.00 4.97 0.00 0.00 4.97 0.00 146.79 0.00 0.00 p p p - 2365.00 1404.02 156.22 1560.24 342.21 239.48 0.00 3 . 6 9 1746.23 395.70 0.2 2141.93 Professiond S e r ~ -- GBPP ABP- AMP GHD PUSA DWA KPW MBP TotaI BPIBS DTE BTE Polytechnic Salaries O.T.A. Domestic Travel Expenses 2658785 0 3488 31808519 0 73578 0 79544 0 0 49525 120800 99100 ____ - - ggZ76g 2014600 0- 0 26609 1 281427 2918@23 0 9%44 3452745 I I 5Cm430 4 i 4873 1 0 0 0 4676 - - ~ 7 7 ~ 1 ,--,.-IJ ~ ~ 5 b 1987571 l - ~ 103650 3521 18 I020 82543 -24731 58916 199 1 1288 0 22829 89985 355.--1x1 1337g8 ' 0 4 3 1 -1 . ~.""& 1 3 99530 8 9 o 7 K m 0 - 12000 341 13g " 1 12360 0 ---- ~: : - Xl>E 97G331 8C - 01 10422 - --6~9~--- - 269644 Services Other Charges Facilities for Polytechnics students of 4294206 3488 OKce Expenses ,Scholarships 20574951 Total 4 I 331602 357463 4705194 9289721 15359770