BULL. AUSTRAL. MATH. SOC. VOL. 29 ( 1 9 8 4 ) , 05C38, O5C45 I-1 I . CYCLABILITY OF /--REGULAR r-CONNECTED GRAPHS W.D. McCUAIG AND M. ROSENFELD For each value of r-regular, than r > U, r even, we construct infinitely many reconnected graphs whose cyclability i s not greater 6r - k if r = 0 (mod h) 1. and 8r - 5 if r = 2 (mod U) . Introduction We use the terminology and notation in Bondy and Murty [ I ] . ayalability of a graph vertices of G l i e on a common cycle. studied by Chvatal [2]. that any k G i s the largest integer We denote by vertices in an a common cycle. k such that any k This notion was introduced and f{r) r-regular, the largest integer r-connected graph Various authors investigated the function r = 3 , the Petersen graph shows that and Thomassen [4], proved that The f(3) 5 9 . /(3) = 9 k such (r > 3) f(r) . l i e on For Ho I ton, McKay, Plummer and constructed an infinite family of cubic graphs (based on the Petersen graph) with cyclability Holton [ 3 ] , proved that f(r) Kelmans and Lomonosov [7].) Hamiltonian r-regular, >r +h . (This result was also obtained by Meredith [S], described a construction of non- r-connected graphs for a l l that Nash-Williams' conjecture, that all are Hamiltonian is false). 9 • r > U (thus showing U-regular, U-connected graphs Meredith's construction is based on the Petersen graph, and yields the upper bound f{r) 5 lOr - 11 . I t i s not obvious how one can obtain from Meredith's construction, for each value of Received 29 August 1983. Support from NSERC and SFU Department of Mathematics i s gratefully acknowledged. Copyright Clearance Centre, Inc. Serial-fee code: $A2.00 + 0.00. OOOU-9T27/8U I Downloaded from http:/www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 02 Oct 2016 at 18:41:48, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/www.cambridge.org/core/terms. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0004972700021213 2 W.D. McCuaig and M. Rosenfeld i» , infinitely many graphs with cyclabllity not greater than lOr - 11 . In this paper we modify Meredith's construction, and obtain, for each r , infinitely many 6r - k 2>-regular [r 5 o (mod k)) and reconnected graphs with cyclabilities 8r - 5 us to construct non-Hamiltonian, (such a graph on 8k r-regular, v e r t i c e s , for 2. (r = 2 (mod k)) . Our method enables reconnected bipartite graphs, r = k is described.) Meredith's construction Meredith's construction of r-regular reconnected non-Hamiltonian graphs is based on the following two steps: (i) in a graph G , add edges parallel to existing edges, so that the resulting multigraph is r-regular and r-edge connected; (ii) replace each vertex of the multigraph obtained above by a copy of of K , connecting the K , r,r-l with the r r (r-l)-valant vertices edges incident with the substituted vertex. Let steps. G denote the graph obtained from a graph Meredith proved that Hamiltonian, i f and only i f applicable is called r-good for a l l J°-regular G G is. r*-good. r >k . is r-regular, A graph G , to which step (i) is I t is easy to obtain, in each of these graphs, a set of vertices that do not l i e on a common cycle. [5], [ 6 ] , in t h e i r study of longest cycles in graphs, modified Meredith's construction. Hamiltonian graph G , that i s 3-connected graphs are r-good for reconnected graph H\{h] K Jackson and Parsons r-regular, reconnected They pointed out that any non- r»-good may be used. that one i s not restricted to use such that is Since the Petersen graph is not Hamiltonian, a l l - 10 N{h) (7 Meredith showed that the Petersen graph is lOr r-regular, reconnected. r-connected graphs obtained by the above construction are not Hamiltonian. cubic G by the above r > U. They proved that a l l They also point out, in step ( i i ) . Actually any H , for which there is a vertex h € V(H) cannot be covered by two disjoint paths with endpoints in can be used in step ( i i ) . All these constructions arc based on non- Downloaded from http:/www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 02 Oct 2016 at 18:41:48, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/www.cambridge.org/core/terms. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0004972700021213 r-regular r-connected graphs Hamiltonian graphs, and they do not necessarily yield, infinitely many r-regular r-connected graphs with cyclability lOr - 11 . 3. Construction of r-regular r-connected graphs In this section, we describe a modification of Meredith's construction. This modification allows a much greater flexibility in choosing the underlying graph (we do not have to start with a nonHamiltonian graph). We assume that r = 0 (mod 2) . Let G be an r - r e g u l a r , r-connected graph. i = 1, . . . , r / 2 , be d i s j o i n t edges of r-connected graph, G r> Hp = 0 . be the neighbors of y F = [G\[elt G. Let e. = [a . Let H be any Let N(y) = {y^, ... , yj . . . , er/2}) (Observe that many graphs e . } and ordering by the from » {Hp\{y}) " {{g., Vj) \ 0 = 1, . . . , r} e /p} ^ ^p ' F can be produced by a fixed choice of and H , we s t i l l have the freedom of choosing Let G be an r-regular, G by replacing r-regular r-connected , y € V(# r ) y € N(y) .) LEMMA 1. obtained r-regular, in H . W e say t h a t the graph {e-,> •••> \e , ..., , g.) , r-connected the r-conneeted r / 2 disjoint graph H . Then edges graph. Let F be { e , , . . . , e ,_} F is an r-regular, graph. Proof. The proof i s e s s e n t i a l l y s i m i l a r t o the proof of Lemma •* ' in Rosenfeld [ 9 ] ; we omit the d e t a i l s . To obtain our construction, we add t o Meredith's construction the following s t e p : (iii) Let let G 1-factor replace { e ^ • • •, %/g} b y H r • G and G' be the graphs in Figure 1 (see p. k). be the multigraph obtained from If r = km , G by replacing the edges of the A.B. , £ = 0 , 1 , 2 , by 2m parallel edges each and all other edges by m parallel edges each. If r = km + 2 , let G be the Downloaded from http:/www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 02 Oct 2016 at 18:41:48, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/www.cambridge.org/core/terms. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0004972700021213 W.D. M c C u a i g and M. R o s e n f e l d FIGURE 1 multigraph obtained from by G' by replacing A D Q 0 m p a r a l l e l edges each, each, BnBn by A C , A CQ, CD A D i i 2m parallel edges and A .B. bjr m + ^ , and C DQ Vaxallel and CD. , edges i = 0, 1 by 2m + 1 parallel edges each. LEMMA 2. Proof. G C is The lemma is proved by showing that any pair of vertices of are connected by CASE 1. (1) (3) r-edge-connected. r r = 4m . A.B. edge-disjoint paths. The pairs of vertices are: , i = 0, 1, 2 , , i * 3 , i-y 5 = 0 , 1 , 2 . A.A.,B.B.\ By symmetry, i t suffices to consider one example from each case. Downloaded from http:/www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 02 Oct 2016 at 18:41:48, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/www.cambridge.org/core/terms. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0004972700021213 r-regular Case Edge r-connected graphs types of Paths Number of Paths 1 Vo,. Vo- ViVo- VaVo 2 V l VoV Vo¥l' Wl* VzVl 3 Vl W l V VoVlV W l ' Vl CASE 2. r = 4m + 2 . (1) Aft , (2) A.C.+1 (3) A.D , (U) V (5) B.C. , (6) CiD.+1 (T) CiD. (8) ASU1 » >m m> m m m ' ' The pairs of vertices a r e : (9) V l ' , (10) (11) A.D. , l 2m m , i = 0 , 1 (mod 2) , (12) S. (13) B.D , , , s (Ik) B.D.+1 (15) CQCI , , (16) DQD± . Again, by symmetry, it suffices to consider one example from each case. Case 1 Edge Types of Paths Vo Vo- VoWiV ViWi s o Number of Paths 2m+1 m m ' - Vo c o s o > m> 3 m > Vo Vo' ' Wo°o Downloaded from http:/www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 02 Oct 2016 at 18:41:48, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/www.cambridge.org/core/terms. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0004972700021213 W.D. Case Edge k Vi 5 McCuaig and M. K o s e n f e l d Types of Paths s oV V o W i - VoWA V0V1V W1V1 V o Vo^o^o' W i c o ' Voci°oco ViWc Vo Number of Paths 2/77, m , m 1, 1 m + 1 , m, m m, 1 m + 1 , tn, rn m-1, 1, 1 W i W o - Woflo 2m+l , m , m , 1 2m, m, m Vi VA- 1, 1 Vi 2m, m , m WiV WoV 1, 1 10 11 Vo W o ' VoViV W i W o ' Voco w + 1 , m, m ^o°i V o W r m+1, m - 1 , 1 m, 1 w, m , 1 12 B QCI B ^ ^ ^ . VA C O C 1 C 1' WO 13 C I- B c D c VOC1 o o i i' V o W i B i c i Vo W o - VoVo- Vo°o m+1, m-1, m m, 1 , 1 m + 1 , m, 1 m, m m+1, m - 1 , m m, 1 , 1 m, m , m m, 1 , 1 Downloaded from http:/www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 02 Oct 2016 at 18:41:48, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/www.cambridge.org/core/terms. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0004972700021213 r-regular Case 16 Edge r-connected graphs types of Paths Number of Paths Vi W r W r VoW WA By the terminology of the previous section, G is r-good for a l l v = 0 (mod 4) and G' is r-good for a l l r = 2 (mod 4) . THEOREM 1. For r i 4 , r-regular r = 0 (mod 4) there are infinitely r-connected graphs with cyclability not greater than many 6r - 4 . Proof. For each value of r we f i r s t construct an infinite family of r-regular, r-connected graphs as follows: l e t G be the multigraph described in Lemma 2 , Case 1. Let G' be the graph obtained from G after applying step ( i i ) of Meredith's construction. theorem, G' is an r-regular obtained from with A.B. , £ = 0 , 1 , 2 , in G , by an arbitrary r-connected graph H . 54 vertices, obtained from indicated edges.) Let By Meredith's Let G" be a graph G' by replacing the r / 2 disjoint edges in G' , corresponding to the edges r-regular, r-connected graph. (Figure 2, p. 8, shows a graph G! by using K Gf , for replacing the By Lemma 1, G* i s r-regular and r-connected. 5 c y(G*) contain the r - 1 vertices of the smaller color class of each copy of the six K 's used in step ( i i ) and also contain one vertex from each of the three replacement graphs H CLAIM. No cycle in G* contains does exist. Since S . Assume that such a cycle C contains a l l the vertices in {S , . . . , S C , } (Figure 3» P- 9 ) , i t must contain a l l vertices of the corresponding K r—l ,r Therefore, C can use exactly two edges from the set {e , ..., e,, f , ..., fy) . Similarly, C uses exactly two edges from the set [e^, ...,«£,/.[, ..., f[) . Downloaded from http:/www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 02 Oct 2016 at 18:41:48, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/www.cambridge.org/core/terms. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0004972700021213 W.D. McCuaig and M. Rosenfeld FIGURE Since a vertex of two edges from H 2 is contained in C , C {e , ..., e, , e', ..., e'\ . If {e , •••> £,} > it cannot contain any edge from C has either zero or two edges from and connot contain any K {/', ...,/'} . But then 1 has two edges from {f , ..., f1} . Therefore {e', ..., ej} 1 edge from the set C must contain at least C cannot contain any L vertices outside the configuration in Figure 3have to contain one edge from each of It follows that will f e', ..., ej} , {e , ..., e,} , X C rt -L K, {f, ,...,/,} and \f< ..., /'} . Contraction of each copy of K , to a single vertex would yield a J°-l ,2° cycle in G that contains the three edges easy to see that such a cycle does not exist. Since > and This proves our claim. \S \ = 6(r>-l) + 3 , the cyclabilxty of each graph G* thus obtained Downloaded from http:/www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 02 Oct 2016 at 18:41:48, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/www.cambridge.org/core/terms. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0004972700021213 r-regular r-connected graphs r-1 G* r G(G') FIGURE is at most 3 6r - h as claimed. THEOREM 2. For r > 6 , r = 2 (mod U) there are infinitely many r-regular r-connected graphs with ayclability not greater than &r - 5 • Proof. Let G be the multigraph described in Lemma 2, case 2. Let G' be obtained from to it, and let G by applying step (ii) of Meredith's construction G* be obtained from G' by replacing the edges of G' , corresponding to the edges G' by arbitrary copies of r-regular, set S c Vic*) , containing the class of each B , CD r-connected graphs 8(r-l) r/2 disjoint , and C' D in H . For the vertices of the smaller color K and a single vertex from each of the four graphs r—l ,r H , an identical argument to the proof of Theorem 1, shows that any cycle in G* containing A B , A B , CD S , and , will yield a cycle in G' containing the edges CD . Since such a cycle does not exist, S not contained in a cycle. Hence the cyclability of G* is at most is 8r - 5 as claimed. Downloaded from http:/www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 02 Oct 2016 at 18:41:48, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at http:/www.cambridge.org/core/terms. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0004972700021213 10 W . D . McCuaig and M. Rosenfeld 4. Concluding remarks The modification of Meredith's construction enables us to construct many r-regular, r-connected graphs with prescribed properties. idea is to start with an contained in a cycle. The basic r-good graph in which some edges are not In Figure k a li-connected, Hamiltonian bipartite graph with l*-regular non- 8k vertices, is described. This graph, based on the Mobius ladder, uses the fact that no cycle of the Mobius itladder uses the four "vertical edges". We believe that the upper bound for the cyclability of r-regular ^-connected graphs can be further improved by other choices of graphs. It seems though that another idea for odd FIGURE r is needed. 4 References [J] J.A. Bondy and U.S.R. Murty, Graph theory with applications (American Elsevier, New York, 1976). [2] Vaclav Chvatal, "New directions in Hamiltonian graph theory", New directions in the theory of graphs, 65-95 (Proc. Third Ann Arbor Conf. on Graph Theory, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1971. 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