l (, EST CABLED SUGAR QUOTATIONS c r y y v VOiJ. j vii r, )i l. 1 1 Koi s 26," , TUESDAY? "MARCIt '30,' I91S.1- - CentrjTugal TT .v Last Previous tion i Lost Submarine ILLUSTRATING Salving'of Operttiont to Recovcf n Half Way Between Suspended Chain (Upper Left) and String of Small Boats in Dis- Submarinei Crane To Be Used in Hoisting Undersea Cfaff: Henry O." Plummer Superintendeat Hawaiian Dredfinir Comoanv. and (Below) LieuU Charles E, Smith, U. S, Navy, Commanding First Subrrrine..Diyi8ioni..Upper Middle Drawing Shows Longitudinal Section of Diving Bell and Lower Middle Drawing a Cross Section Xf Cylinder: Drawing at Right Showa Exterior of Diving Bell, Hea4 Protruding Prom Manhole Being That of Naval Diver Aeraa, Who Will Go Down Into Sea in Contrivance rH yJ J :; J :,: i Jt & 4 '"" I , 5 ;. - ; . r;- -. .V.-.- - M ;rwH ' ' '". 'v 1 ';-,?'':- : 4 . OF BURDEN ,. Sensational 'Catch Is Moved Forty Feet After Midnight r - Struggling to Escape Vessel 'vv'r'r;i.;o - iVv-- , y : WARNING GIVEN BUT " i ;: Lieutenant C. E. Smith LM(T IGNORED Another Ship Torpedoed nd Killed After They Had BeenlTold They Might Leave. But Before They , Had Time ; . en , - ' BULLETIN . ' v '' ' TlBBA - XTPON-,.- - Trawlara rescued a-- number after tha boata had baanarunk, but nlnataen mam- ' oera f t rn crew ' ana on passenger I vera drowned. ... tow leacfWJa louowea oj mu mhu poa tha paaaeneer ataamar rawo. honnd tmni' iaierra. Imhl to UTeroooL The paasenf er boat waa liven fire mlnnt tn k liar niMMiin and craw Into tho boata, but almost aaaoon aa tha warning waa gtvan and before tha five had aznirad. a tornado waa "" . rued, oetaae ma atnunf tue .aiao angina room. Tha ataamar,' filled and ' aank within ten mlnntaa, . Many of tha crew were killed tna ., explosion, while font of tha paaaengera were killed at tha same time. of tha Trawlera nicked', no flftr-tw- o second-clas-s a ; and thirty-fou- r paaaengera and f ortr-nln- e membera of of tha total '' tha craw. .Tha remainder of 151 paeaengera are mlaalng, aa wall aa fortT-thra- a mambara of the craw. Amonr tha miaslna ia tha'eantain. CHILDKEN UEFT TO DBOWN Whtn tha ralaba wont down and mora than a hundred man, woman and WARNING ALLIES' children' were struggling In tha water, tha submarine offered vo assistance and tho drowning persona went down, one by ona..'-' ... Vassal of SOU Tho Palaba waa FLEET tons. Tho AgulU was only of 1204 v... r.. tona. Tho Dutch steamer t Amatal, a small craft, bound from Botterdam to Goole, AoclU4 Prrn by Fdrl Wlnjlne.) LONDON, arch 30.The Chronicle suihiwhi, ikohi a Buna) u vim wi 11144 and foundered. A Yorkshire today publishes a dispatch from Its cor, field trawler rescued the craw and brought respondent In the Balkans which state . them ashore. that the Turkish government has posted a proclamation In Constantlnoole. notU fylng the populace of an, expected VTbat" from the British, and rrench CHINESE fleets. This visit 'the proclamation states, haa "no political aignlllcance." RUSSIAN FLEET AOTIVB , Bumors that tho defense of tha DarBE RECALLED danelles waa is desperate plights and could not hold out much longer- - have bean current for some time, though always emphatically denied from Berlin. President Yuan Thinks That , Last week same word that the Turkish fleet had determined to sally forth Change Should Be Made at Into the Black Sea and give battle to the BuasUa fleet, That determination Embassy Jn Washington must have been reconsidered, for the Russian fleet yeaterday began a bombardment of the fortifications guarding ' (Special Cable to the Chinese Liberty the entrance from the Black Sea to the Boephorua, without a challenge from Wfws, PEXXNO, March 29 (rla San Jhran- - the Turkish warships. ' toes on both tmefi clsco) -- President Yuan Bhlh kal has Tha fleet of three nations are now determined on tba removal of Har , Kaf Poh, Chinese minister to tha Unit blasting their way toward Constantinoad States, and in his place will send ple from opposite direction from the to Washington either Leong Dun Yin, Agean, the great allied float of England former minister of foreign affairs under nd France, and from the Black Sea tha Manchu draattr and minister of fl the Balkans. Tn the Dadranellea, the Allies are , nanos last year under Yuan Shlh kal, or still resting on their oars folding the wong uol Mun. .. x , advance already made whllo waiting for reinforcements of men and ships to ' Chinese In Honolulu had na knowl. replace those already lost, and keeping edge yesterday of what the transfer of up a long ranee bombardment of the i ministers at Washlnrton mlsht for Turkish fortlncatlona, beyond the ; ahadow, except as the record of Leong reach of the Turks' guns, but not yet Bhih-ks- i waa seeking mora pliable pressing forward In the massed attack repreaantauvas' sDroaa. Wong Hoi which it haa bees said they contem' Mun, tho other candidate, was unknown plate. Swooning for mines continues v so them, uninterruptedly. (...'. u absolutely .. . would require drag of about 'A one thousand feet, and added: ' "I am positive If we can drag her that far we can drag her : clear intp the drydock.' v V ? This statement was made Just - v after the lieutenant had given or ders to the Alert to raise anchor and get out of the way, as she was directly In the route of the - I.. dredge and tugs, y 'a'' IN MESH OF LINES The diving craft was In the mesh of lines held both by the ; c SUBMARINE IIS PICKED UP AND SECURED BY CABLES , . FOli DIVING-BEL- L . ' DRYDOCK a' v . TO F-- 4 Lieutenant Smith stated this . in secure. DRAG MAY firat-claa- ' "; ; ' WILL ;. ? F-- 4 Aftar , tba ,boata were lowered, tie Germaa flr waa directed upon tha - . the tugs Navajo and Makaala v were dragging the submarine r frtri its former resting place on the bQttortMit th ?cean 4ov?ard - j ' v ' .; shallow water;--yH";' Ueut.' Charles E. Smith said he had secure lines around both the ' : bow and stern of the craft and that only the breaking! of .the hauling cables would prevent the dragging of the submarine "by j i some time this morning to such ; ; shallow water that divers could descend, and, working ; freely, make certain that the fines were -- SMALX SOATS ; ' o'clock this morning AT 2:30 dredge California and the iu . . ADMIRAL MOORE ADVISED THH ADVERTISER AT THREE O'CLOCK THIS MORNING THAT THB SUBMARINE HAD BEEN MOVED 800 FEET INSHORE. . V ' V. '.. .' . . . . Ik a moouna jrrem or nurti wmmi .. 30. March Flrtaf vpon LONDON, women and chlldxan boatj foUavlnc tha dnkinc of tbelr Maamar. tha Axuila. ty a torpedo, a Oanaan aubmartna T.laV Ou vlMita. jNHtuy,' Amu . wa en rouw from Madarla to lAwaroaci whan aba waa attacked. Tha rubnrtna opaned Br upon nar witn ita flacn gnu na- mng aoma or tna. atnaa iioart oarora thT mhU fca Lti.Hrluul and k'UlnC a woman, paaaenser, tha cblaf cnglaan and two mambara of jtba erow on. tba . i - .' , Expects To Keep Hold of Wasp :, r"-'".''-Six-te- ..deck.-. ' ''.'. -- Submarinr Opens bun Fire On SmH Boats. Killing Defenseless . Passengers 'and ; Crew. - t..1 FEEL SURE '5 , . THIS 1 1 LIE 150-To- SlIJIIOGilP . WHOLE NUMBER -- 4119 1 r TIME '' '' 197.80 ;' 4.80 towards- wmm. D DH v.; Quota- - ,. . SEMI-WEEKL- Y 9 y S!.;,'5 ; to. - WW ;ja, w x HONOLULU; HAWAII TERRITORY, . GEHffl UlISP - vents doners N. Y. Per lb. Per 488 t97.fl0 Price, HSweiiaabasis. 66 I Tugs Navajo and; Makaala Snare' F4V With Steel Ropes While Sweeping Fairway AGRAZMADEr" AID M CABLES ENCIRCLE ENDS OF THE Daring; i Son of Neptune May DesaaicLTo of Three Hundred Fee- t. Depth ACS AORAZ wttl know Just what to expect when he enters tha bis black diving ball to go almost 900 tl into the waters of the sea. Ha haa been 210 feet under water with only a helmet to protect bia head sad to give him sir, and with nothing whatever to protect his sheet and ease the enormous pressure on his lungs. Since the bell will be able to withstand the terrlfle force ef the ocean, ordinary atmosphere pressure will be maintained within. Except for the eerie feeling and the confinement within his little cage, seven feet high and fifty four Inches wide, Agras will be under no extraordinary oondittons whatever. Standing la his bell, he will peer out his four glsas portholes Into the green sea water. Beyond him, shining through the depths , and flickering, probably, amid coral branches and the age-ol- d accumulations ef the ocean floor, will bo powerful electrlo llghta, which will ulumlnate the bottom and show the gray ahape of the stricken T-- shrouded in Its gree,.; ; ' WORK ON BELL RUSHED Work waa rushed all day yeaterday on the belt at the Honolulu Iron work. ' i. A ... .... and the men were prepared to work at top speed until It waa completed. , Der splte the rush, however, everything was done with exquisite care for example, glass plates for the pthole- - were) subjected to pressures of between four ., ana nve tons. The bell la seven feet long Inside and fifty four inches wide, weighs six tons and haa 113 cubic feet" of space. It e Is of cast iron, one and inches thick. 'There are flanges on each end of the pipe, which waa brought fronvf earl Harbor Sunday evening and taken to the iron works. Circular iron plates were Netted, firmly to top and bottom, great bolts being placed every three inches or so all around the bell.' Canvas gasket "and white lead were used to seal the plates 'firmly, and all bolt were white-leadeFour Circular "Portholes" Five feet from th bottom four; circular holes, five inches in diameter, ware cut at equal distances in the pipe. Holes were bored about them and curved srasa fittings made.. These were, put into place carefully and bolted on, 'being made water tight. . . . (Continued oa Page Three) -- first-grad- nine-sixteent- .. To Be Ready Diving-Be- ll night at For Use Today o'clock, Liert Charlee E,-- Smith, the first "' submarine division of the - Pacific fleet, and in charge of the salving of the lost submarine F-- announced that he now had a cable around each end of the and that the work of securing the sunken craft waa prog ressing in a most aatisfactory manner. C. W. Parka, civil engineer, in charge of the construction of the diving bell to be used In connection with the raising of he lost craft, at the Honolulu1 Iron Works, late last night predicted that the diving bell would be completed, tested and used in the aalving operations some time today, but would chance no guess as to the hour. LAST ten-thirt- y, 4, sea-wa- sp ':(' dredge and the Navajo. The Navajo did the dragging, while the dredge supported the sunken-bo- at with its crane and kept its nose off the bottom as the dragging continued. About midnight a great gush of . oil swept over the surface of the water, which was undoubtedly from the submarnle, and was thought to have been released by the sawing of the chains or cables Into the oil tanks. v v . ; CAUGHT UP WHERE LOCATED All on board the varoius crafts this morning were certain they had the TCARLY this morning the dredge California and attendant tugs JL4 were holding tightly onto drag chains which held In their clutch some object of great resistance. ..f- Officer in charge, would not express the belief that they had the missing submarine They would only say that they held in detention a great weight on the spot where the lost F-- 4 is supposed to. lie with its complement of twenty-on-e men. The "catch" was made late in the afternoon .after ceaseless "sweeping" of the ocean bottom from shortly after dawn. After many disappointments, officers and men had not lost confidence, - (Continued 'as Page Nine) ' F-- 4 and Would have tt in ' a'j .i snaiiow waier loaay, ...',.. The submarine was caught in -- i ii a the spot where it had be?.i known to lie and which was again proven yesterday morning when the Navajo made a "strike and when it pulled in the oable found it smeared with red paint, such as is used on, the hulls of sub marines. : . rA2ttfi HXWAItAN ' ' ' TUC3T3AV, 5dARCH Jt.l 1915. 30, 4. -- j UNEWTtL?:. SECRETARY V Hi r tO COME 5' HAWAII in mmtope mo mt Against Ships UT THE PRESENT SUMMER ' t. ri Be Cornered I'' Rattier Than iriAimitrSnVa tvr and Deslroyed imSJ tU POSSIBJLITYTO Discusses One Germans. Repulsed. In; North .WniJ Ausfrians , Oalm Suot 11 FIolqrrj Dtnef WhCc Convention .iXrreAjri I. II I. : l'..'.:f-.:- ?M . That's the Trouble With the Pres- -' ent Administrationi Says Richard- Ivors, Witnest r Before House Investigating Committee I rt ,i (Assoclstsd Fress br Vadsrst Wireless.) (Aasnclsted Press r ltnrl Waretms,) ttsr Kf PAcHX Mare. fweorte h pETrtrXmAT); 'Msrelr .'J9 fdada AaOj'ina IfjiaiiA. tost of Bf "ntr'tmperf fat-attf battW betwwa the tiona o the letair'lW eohta hlsd V' iteuMceaieat tbatHa fart of rribniyiM uWt r theVoaressf of the ptelflea-tlo- fcrtmgblf 11 Tfiiaftoj'; "'eiile twenty pre ' pl4n ef tH delcgatea the' eonv prls- Germ Atc1afc ' stittitional eonvontloW, in' aesie la At matter bl fait, koffi 'the , ttaa 7 (Awiated Peer h t'e4tal WVrelet) LONDON. March 28. I ft forlorn hope, in the kftowledga that to rmai in.' the Se 6f Marmot" will rnean extermination ai throigW the liardanellet, a matter t toon At the Allied fleet. of only a few nore dayi now, the Turkkh fleet ts to tail Out through the Boapftorv Into. the Black Sear w glw battW tcrthe fleT ttm-blc- d ntr City of Tri1ro.i" r w ,e Thfc;.rerirjrt. from "Mitamora Wtate cornea in Turkish watr by the'Rtfisianiv'ThU' inidfmatlon v that the aitawk' m the ttrfi w Xjr VeAr ,tw Ie r"w!f will fleet Turkiafr leave fett 'WTh ttag the dispatch aanouncea that the entire by OenerM RxTejBr.. the bcon. 0 the,;Turkah Janil (forts thi morning. In one (reat clash end eea,7er'rhrw Vavr ministry ,hadecidi tha only' dah ag(rtVKe fty?ia,n,,'yh Waek tSi Wse'a;.''Whllck'','ea ra'er.e a' ieatf Ruisjarit it'efeatiriir wav be otierietl fof the escaOe of the tfhit 'rmOk' tVia in 'of' tlefVfllaistia and took brt' ! HAVE .,,. " NO REAL COMPLAINT ' ; yn i'. .. i.'l' ....J.I V .1. rt. m 1 Since they have been in gunerally. power they have done nothing but in Mr.tigato business, and it has raised - Heir generally." Tbl statement wan made by Richard Ivers of Brewer k Co. before the hoasc i nnmftittea oft tcrieultur at the hear ing dealing with the relations between the plantationa and the small grdw-cTK- , which waa rontinned in the hoose of representative yesterday afternoon. Mr. Ivers had read a lengthy and f , the conditions Hear etatetaeaf betwee the mill growers and t!ie aye Xtention.repreeented ,by ' Co. the Hilo, Hakalau, Brewer Onomra, Honomu and Pepeekeo Sugar t l Xllli companies. Would Rid ' i tie . I ' federer iirveetgation ef the relations between the plantations and small Mf." Ivert pointed oot that growers. certainly wotirrf hot oppose aneh a . , rdUr4 provided it ebuld be Ihown that ' ' a grievance really exists, adding that h fact that out of the' hundreds of and smalt planters en-- . Homesteader gaged in raising came, few had eome Forward to present their grievances to the eommittee. The fart- that so few persons had faile ia this iadastry, he stated, ia in itself suBeient proof that those en gOMd In the basineae have prospered. la the ease of John E. Oamatielson of Kaumana, who claims to have lost fifty thousand dollar ia eaae raising, Mr. Iwrrn showed that this man also 'en' 'pajtedr 4a the snereanfile bnaiaes in connection with him farming veattire ftmf it was id this enterprise that he rl 'loftt moat of h monev. Tallnres In Every BuElnesa ' .!: BeY;a of the fart that a few per Win' complain against the increased rost of living, the committee would have iuet a much right to' call for an lflvestigatiod into the affairs of every line of business that entered1 into the advance as to pick out the augar in fUrtry at the behest of a few wbe- have made a feimre. Me added' that ia all lines of business, no matter the num-- , lier who succeed, there rt alwatf tome u'.io fail. While admitting that the panics represented by Brewer ft Co I nve been operated at a profit, he said at if thcHB properties were placed in 'huriie of those who now complain, it would not be long before' they would H the hands of a receiver". V lUtum Tor Fear ' 'The mt!tr companiea represented I v Brewer Co. have no reason to f rte ah investigation of the Rrewe said Mr. Ivers, "for the " I Ko on behalf of small planters' waa questioning Mr. Ivers in relation to whether or not he opposed the adoption of Hi prepoSed etrienrrent 'resolution1 calling for a i " " Jri. f Vi 'I t ( - (rtf urn urkilsh," fcy 1f?d-- 'erafWireless.) jeofTCii7i, held jnert . r W n W 1 itK efof ta rereased an' fMAfUMi-- .'n1t.' erben u : Probably K Tour tha Itiandi Durino the f Simimer To-- , Secura Firsthand i Information of Hawairt Needs Secretary i i i;.: j, HW'e-eiiatili- prteoa t'y .' f er -- ar-le- tiabefre' h'Sh'rt,'-'VvW'rh -ielBnoay" p dett, o ' CBBAVHI- IKHURISFIVEmm WW Death Strikes In Rapid Succes sion and. Caqscs: Injuries In -- .Most lnusual - Manner Tcdcral Wirrleaa.) LOS ANOKLES, ilareh 29. Death tttruck three iersons in rapid succes- - VlllVWlUI tlnoctatH rr-- r. ; hr T.ift1 .pjf. .. !.!' A., w .V.'t-L- "WHOt JPRZEMTSL FELL PRZEMtSL. tl Wlratrai J 'II V Galicia. hfarch 27. it a4 j&t J .of.-ihir- y . wker ion anif( fi.V. others were J,adljj hurt in a mprt unusual wny.hpre yestemay. Cornelius ValKbofy iu,, order to get hare to lie cooked as the special IV i n'7F XEW YORK, March 2!fc Civilian. aelI The-atortank eta srf made to . well an army and 'tiavyi;irviatot h 1 L J tlite ktreaghoid. iosd eomlng out Jney Aero Club of America ha decide,' The heevleat idea batJaVof the siege, compete for th oVerin Cilrtiss Sftefl eMIre'war, cam on lerliapU (Aawielsted by Prcaa, eivMeaa redaral Wtlea.) annual trophy, provided the 4.nvi-itPrcas hj llalation. Fir the HtM UreedlBr ItiraUaO elu6, frflfn the have pilots' certificates CHR'AGOi March avMJfrinf JJWlfe'ir tfft the fort and ideeia U)NDON, March f AmatrV the it Tea in which it the governing bodjr ia IouobenUhe -ion is to whether it will enter tlehwertl y m '"'V fired1 1 fw hour. lrll' IiUofia erf dol- - .An' - ArnnAlltl.a. ' ... ii I )V I on the side of the Allies ia believed saiatyireurv tradcvnd ,ia ettka their i.'At 'daW" the 'Rfiseika here to be imminent That it wilr be Lfufa'af capital wlllia tied ap, if aa SrHippiNO-BiLiijNQufiiaiaekedeii and hs''rrtiibS'The"rtiltefi x . for war is little doubted. KotSe agreemear,! m not reitraea nerore May f hr Ro4Mtkn'-n'laaei- ' do ' th-- Austrian say every preparatory action 1 between eontrt'liirJ Wnd'Tlibor org-iBENDS 'tnir t' WelftM'tiia')efcWng. 'v;. taken by the' government indicate n aep'oneV. the Ailstrian n,MntinuMfl"jri''tt' factional - I that It will tntn th Alliaa. Wlreti eegirn- - dyttafttrtiof erf an aetting spb- Preaa by ittfHaVft jurisflier rnm in nn nana enmm irnift w ln March 87. Tha' WASHINGTON. Of tefrBeewe'.' mine to atop tee ucrvader. ahip Ar 'eighth' eVioch- - the 'white' porta, uispatcuea toaay aay itnigana ...v. Wd.r... eruV Tr..i. VeatliffltiStr mBATe XST fha seaat lobby ig wa flThei;, ajkOl w.uv Unu. will I01JOW Mumania IBQ J. l. urn nte? 'the aefead pI car bill committee into the jw i tU I nrwi kit o naii a ii wuaii 7 ITtalV Li... ia nrnaa of e British tha thai viar - influence working to block th tll,liMUi.t-.'.i-fc-.i,iItkitora In ...lU." llr' .iM.wi 6 W bheiiUeiithaiw i , and the Balkan naUons hav AWnOpiy. nethind tw-- y itt f virtually ended. While ike tiarley maining on the fenea to aee howtli if out M lUl yi.V' ; 0f any consequene' has Ut the Mftendef ey oH h Austrian struggle for the DardanOllea ia deelded IMtFPKIMPMT ui-iI a1'' eenaior Butnenanu, "ldetfroyattheeiBaInder ef 'tkeir nRFtfrilTM OP --I ,UP ' Now they will jump ia with the Victor. 1".. UntoWfl .committee 'a findings. J I " W." tv"'-Ts: Prince George of Oreece ha lef for ! CAUSE 'A'JL.-s Condtnn-tine'Italy to seek support for King ANOTHER VlCPRESIDl-in'iA- i neutral policy. ted Trr V- - Fed --rat Wrw. It is said here Holland is s ho Whig ACCIDENT IS NOT'DUE m r f SANTIAGO.. ChUe, March SOUTH an tincreatied resentment over tha Oermad legation ha pretewted" again! v Hit f "1. to Dutch shipping.. pVctS t the internment of the crew of 'the ,. .,:. ., -- a. named Bxadshaw, who ayt.be i. SAN FRANCISCO. Mareh 27. Viee- is Claimed1 they sbulJ is A man a was licensed aviator, a t be treated a castaway, Marshall; AswisUOt LAST RUSSIAN OUT OF lant night ao ua:,vea Prsiont .. Kraftklia ,v,i... Hoowvtlt a ad r to of the UvymeiM-btsaraire. lie POtpol PRUSSIA, SAYS BERLIN the - other f rJia wvtnmeut. PERSIA WILL PROTECT ,' k tTy to fly over the place where th IM( ; . a jre aAmaiAtisBiBiA lying. The michine- - never (AatuctataiT Pras k rederal Wiralsa.) the air. Parte ef it were pithed up Ki: BKRLIN, Germany, Mareh 27y The at a sale. ' last Hussian soldier hat. beeff eapelled " fAKaiiiiM Prraa hy laa. The probably will go from San i from nortbeia EsT Prussia, i the Pedrot te Bar Diego' a navy'destroyer. .EV roUK, March 2 TheOiWd FAIR ATTENDANCE LARGE claim hare. The- Cea V aw) aa V i . r Virlcr of Persia, according te a Jtkte- iihiiii . PolanL-cnbefore and ment made at the Pertiae oosntate' Staff officer (A,aoclatc Preas by Federal Vireleaa.) GREATS Ndrtf ROW.! DISABLED military experts are of tha opinion here "yesterday, has instnrrted the ?6m BAN FftAMClSCO.' Marelf - 29. Th that Kueftia is rehaBUKa.tlilff'lie army roundei-- of th PerataA divlaiosHi that record attendance which Inaugurated Vr WlMtaa.i from ita recent defeat ia theMaarian e erv efrort mnst be) .made to prowct tlie Brat week of the efpotiition i be- ' AK rSiNClftCO. Wareh' lakes region d Wilt oo l ready to the lives ef all foreirtrter on" Perslah ing well maintalnad. 'The total 'of Si a.f frresfv Korthera, which aailed at resume the effeuAeef soil. paid admissions up to' Saturday night, noea "eir Brtorday'dn her'flret etrulr ,.,1. . uiarkinir the first tve weeks of th trip to Portland, wa t return te pet at four e'elook, 'reperting minor fair, ia 2,ZrS,2iZ,s.. ' JONES BIUJOME REASONABLE ENFORCEMENT ' oreaaaown iv aer engta room. COMING TO HAWAII i i MOF NEW SHIPPING LAW t f. GENERAL DEAD ( (Aamiattd Praas 1 ; JIsHanflrilioeev.''rT k i . id ! w4 lheiM H dia-pate- WITHQiKtSyial' ' .ill ,r ' " . iroill nis liacR um.r inwuni a roui ii. , hiitih in hie' yard', hi foot going into He fell a small pitddfe oa tin" pnth. being lead instantly,' the water harged WitM electricity 'from a brok en cattle, carrying joo volts, whicn had short 'etrrufittil 'on the wire fence. When VaHikorT fell, bia wife rushed to help hlirr and feil iload across his A l.odv the instant she touched him. nrii'hlior, who saw the tuble fatality ami who slo rushed to aktsist, likewise ' fell, clectrocoted. The three itmid bodies 'a ttrncted the two daughtm-fl- , Anna and Agues, both children, wild rnn t1 the) tcene and who were only aaTd from the same inctnnt death t? a polieemaa, who witnn ftl tSU.iiM'l''r,,Pldent ta.i irt fj Bit t 0Pr.QT$T 'jirinngi, it,' eoe , -B '&ri Y :. ' LlTSHdPT : By raT8X..O). WAXKE& (Mall Special te The Advertiser.) WASinNGTON; Mareh 18. Presi- Uarotl a pujled , in, the wel-dn com ma(;' at the Whit House office fof three wVa. Ea wfJt devote him. elf in that tlm it studying ta prob lems of foreign' relation. dent and Mr. Marshall ara touring th Paelfle Coast., , Ppeahef Clark ta been into New Kngland on a lecture tour. bnf will r'eiurn to Washington anon, ; starting forth toon for mor lectures. Tha presidential -- candidate U'twoV Or three Instance are .tkking to rail-rea-d trains.' Kcnator John W. Week af WaieHttettf likely to be the bosl- ness ma a candidate for tha high- - office lly forth aooa to tb PaeiS will Coast. II i going nominally for plea- ore, will tarry" af Seattle, where a brother reekloe, hat wiij travel the length tha Paclfl Coast and will half her and ther both going and coming. Soma eaa see la this an effort t encourage that .bnddinf boom fe th presidency.- Bartett Coming Here Theodore E. Burton of ooo; to travel toward South. Ohio i Amene after which be will journey Hawaii, Australia and New Zealand. Uit presidential boom ia very vigdroo ' Just now and seems ta be higher than all th rrt. But, of eonrse, it ia early yet, Burton ha atae bee& traveling into th ,West, and ha'a 're-cehtlj' returned, from Iowa, where ha to attend coHege and' where a brother i lives, ,. He made ad address ' . there, Which suggest that tha abl b not unmindful of the adrant-which might come by and. bye from having political- - friend in the . battle-erato'-Pnlta- TnrliUlv-aeet-.lnelodea'.- iiX ? Viee-Preal- - V tin ; i ' o ' ' ; VVill - 15 d Lane ' . tW-'DMKMin- , CHOICE held tha I t fdttres'e-l- l tvht flefmani'AtUcU'Eeimlae A termlee ef 'at heavy Germatt? atUcK TrattMlrasj between ne HitnARti'eiT' Slrwe-ieaV.'Jit W- - iLr..i.-- j I . . r...u..ul L. general IbeJ headirVvr.af,th WrkfUJriviec th. Ar tlfe REPUBLICAN AS1 ' , , "KV-Srnat- tr " V u,l g Middl West tana Probably Th -- Coming disposition of member of th cabiaet to ltp away from Washington it apparent SeereUrr ef the interior Lne( who i only a few Week bct iXrVlrU,...) K' - ertry hydro-aeroplan- e llainm-Vonnc- o l- I.?. a - kTeci' ' ' -- . ; SWtUJ0S 27.-r-T- ae y ofli-eia- 1 ii aire ae large eneetitt of tVbefS0 tebTe rlMgar. th water pmuitiiit the r'ardanefle fort fre both the eerr made thU tm! sbeVecVela beeupy Ijetweefc, U ta M Wftie fty i sr- - ettltat aw h' tfote rnor'ninif aaT fba.jrjlla rtrart irivenbunk' aai strait and the Onlt ef thaf Wig vtha IM cii leader f HHItot& The tift an4 'h.fW':Une.ariflIiae4j Wr ihi tMae BecrWtarV j ;,f tha V interior; tanJ; fckirlf wtlt K'd' ib"pWtslo: of ihe' elty'bej Baselarm easae ap;hr a eeriaMt iattack, j.v. j,'.,, if .ti rvuV'UMcewr arm, gs) "fat we.:-rHi r,fc piaaV ewetrrie-th'trefth"jlattet1' atateti thai he waa ed dtove thf '"trlj to Hawaii late 'nine tv trtzai MarieDtfie' Alexander III anl the :ith. Oemarae keek wit heavy foesea. T8e' 'coWveaVitfhla i'Aiie ft Ta tvWhe-t"peaitwaa were retaken it FkewTina II were te have been com capital report that. In tie umrnr,f,la oroet that. ;' 8ve battleehipg pert ape tew ptaa has beeil wae dieeeered Chatf ih GefmWna had - ! noreoord l rwMrty-twpfetithot destroyert, yeatr ifre there ftm-han'itwrtra information KlgOb 'er11iri rohhee the RnHia dead 'ef herr ever elevei torpw bodta ad; elrveti' tuK a their having beea.itat irnonwts presented wfieTeby Vth a refardlEg 'ftawatt and "the maritree frm the yriaCipal efftite ot Mote. Tk. flnepe b ronrllere4 teo- - Hd e'vrnehVn'WeBittaW', eni" a oatv,'rhi'h'ith."eet'm"eee4' t ifrom tia iawtii taa .rritnrir twiifT Tarui sale the et af ightyHsvea KassrHir wttr-- M'lid tt'ldrxuM H);i-ti- H IghtUf, e'oaYi'tiott g6v,erhmVntstkbnshel.,;itrh better awe mvereoat' epp!iM t ' te ttfaVjr watahipa la thie woii)r redeee- the Rtrseiatt ffeel- Wpa against tbiDty-thre- e job aicosaanjf .fee ' s4TwUri t narenaea httefhted 'to -- t;" entel' battietihipe We ef ao'a waltf h TavkMk aetf.' hf cbagreesiowil prnttf, tut "e'aptrirex kat but rrenj their poab no Br e evn rutntsi noriawa. si rnier f etgrry-Bnssifta warehipw Th ten tiafttleeilpe of the i ia a t6f Wa bt4k,'hl later, alona, whett le .Coald jrwaain , Black OswHj r BAverhMeiifj whfte'l.i 0ifeu UbWH of ton' 8ea fleet, i i sneMi J bwiathC offwn1'' In the Xolfale for sotie tim,.,SM-retar- y straetioa-,- ' thirty a tetal at' 187; the kee;r guns, h're ana ha a f wve to San IMejo warshipai' with 28 Turkisb Georgt Tifafi(rttoft?i9Ki IneTria denae,' wiiF takee' 'Cntd1 Ch eb'atitfo otBdial aa- v.VlE.NXA'Marell ti.'-- An Sviatitelia,. 103;. the .RosUslat.. lfM; Tbe. .. ftttani . tti rrnnia-(?aJIfflrn- I wV,0 aa;'- - t'ehtpor ity ioriiaeambwe ItHta 'tfight state that the the1 the levrtnA, Beliov wblah wae the " Kosirfan effenxtve le the" nrbhthian battle-eruise- r Goebeat and the1 Prcaldeati Cafisi wnj ' preiride, " lrtlt. the otr Zlatonnt.'lSHHI, and fne (Terniani haM 'TtilererTfedt andt heeH back , rlePaeparlor MnK-llnwHWh waa the tferkia Inrperatnia MaTHr 'tle AlexarBlei lit whU ,.M eamdiek. red the Rkateriae il."Tne two eruler l?rr1. 'The ; force eadine JUikoVtna 4i'e also met completed in lOiWand dtr datriageir Ul. the PatdAnellea.br af'm Kagftnl,Merkooria, darVet htOrk acrOn with in 190J. 'r Of , a 'Btitieft aybmarine. Is not ieeluded the Pamist h btrrdef; 'irrke Astyian r?deenpied warsiiipavine Kusaian DaitiesDips, tne jmpera- - is. ue im oi iniriy-wireeeTM' Sllsre.ttd' (feette : e tttonsa'nd w4 1 IT r ' K gathered1 logetiMf a 1 fjgh,ting " terlna through the Efardaneila Vn! th'eus'siaq'necf toicnb'ard(rig' r I' ilji..'.. Che Itntrarjie fort f the Boephortii .,,; 'eViitoV'ttiJ'iir4 "j.'cr nc force ever k iK. frbm th' Paeifl Coast, i now en' hi way tuer again a a member of Vic. , rreaiddnt Marshall 's party. President Wilson it Haying close to Washington ,i4 lresen.iJtt and has no other immediate 'plana That wifl deter official from leaving town, but a very large exodu on on errand ahd another ia expected during ..i', spring ani early summer. It is hot unlikely Secretary Lane Will go as iiii'Kht Mi cm liv Hie ;brirb t their ,r' away far Hawaii before be return hair and jerked them away to safetv. s fuial gi ts Washington. Thf iilii ciiiun, In reaeuiug the chil dren, mine into contact with the ravorit Sana' Bootta fence and was hnrlert" 'fweTiry feft Presidential politic are rapidlr ecu- nway, imronacioiiu and ttadty burned. taring upon tb eholres of a few of the Two other women, neighbors, who large State for favoriu son. That Uriata came hurrying to th Voikhoff prem meaaa, of eouree, Republic preidea-Ua- l ali-wenises, Shocked seriously and ('lire show thKt they. will Compare burned. politi. In that regard' Ohio prom "' '' riivemfifv isee to be very much in the limelight, sin the prleea paid Dy One of the most remarkable features Arl'ntinnn in oMicr sections of the foe ther are three Republican 'who ia ford the of the tragedy that the fact vrM. Hn this retolutioa' doe an in may seek th support of th Buckeye ;iivtice to the migar imlnstry of Hawaii hares, loose in their hutch' and running delegate at tha next Republican naon not the wet were about ground, ic earyj; with- it the inttatian that tional canvantion. As Ohio ha a priin ground i..S anv although' war, htirt the SHALER v 'hi nuail planter are not gettinp mary for th (election of delegate, -i. electric (liaised with the . UNFIT FOOD SEIZED "Jrie dvm. V nlcs yoif caB hOW that fluid. some en of the thro will atand forth Associated Praaa bf Faderal Wlralaaa m..-i.i.(Anriatd Praaa I Mini Wlreleaa.) Preas bv Vaderal lret '" rtiall planters are eomirtaininu V. AHHINOTO.V, about a year from now a Ohio' (Aaaovlat fcji Vadanl Wlrelaai ) ac March 27. - The WAMH1NOTON, Mareh 27. Because 83, Brig. March. INDIANAPOLIS. '('f;nst. the condltioiiH or have jlint on, and prewmablv will have lirge congreMlonal party Wkirh is to shipping men Bay fhey will be Unable Hen. Chnrlea ghaler. retired, en of the March 8EATTLR. tan rwitf for romi.lftlnt, 1 am Oppoeed t tn ..t i he trparatna re few raaminiag army of cold storag fish aad chick n were the bulk of th delegates. aahl thnt he estimated that between iuf Hawaii ( beintf assembled. ee wke crr t"" eeoluoii. These are bf "Vi- quired by"the Representative Wi. A. arnou' bill of Jaly 1, from the rank in the Civil' War dlej I seized her tetter day by municipal ia Burton, Govcevcnly five ami eighty per cent of If wan at this point tHnt Mr, Ivers thine en paired in tha work f raising rginia, antbor of' tha Jone' Philippine i ia prohabl'tMf rajrretary Ttettnew heY yerterdgy white Walb- iectOT'unHf for human coniumptlou ernor Frank Willi and orapoplety hie ol.ectioii agaiant the pres cane on u rinull icale are Orientals, and Nil; Representative F. J. Jarrett ot will remit the ines for faiiae fro- - pro-vl- d ink downtewa. Herriek. Just at present President-makeri and 'dereyM in the eir cinerato. ' ariwtinlRtration, us nuoted at th that not more than twenty or twenty-livi'I II i ti t.tt.... rA .14? think CX Senator Surton has soeh apparatus whn eetikfacfory lit BIlll JVlinVUViHq ' .. t tb sail i a Ohio.- - II ia not a much it Ssi, , jilaantag- to- - ton itiat- - H waa iMpoibh per cent of the work ia prfrBed Teweer of lwav !,'.! vffv , hoAtf !' ' Jrwtai. OaJlod to Hilo' of a budnesa man a Mvron T. citizen labor: In the past ten Hawaii at their own axyensxr and later to get the equipment. NAVY. DEPARTMENT The hearing was shortened to eon lr yram, he adiled. he believo that there go to uuntn ana tea rhnippine.i but ha hl th confldehe of bual-H- e oinWe 'extent by reason Of the f act has (a th numnam lecu it alight increaa te aiiarkabl degree. It HARVARD WINS DEBATE i.nt Attorney Irwin was compelled to ber of citi.ens engaged iu th work, ha beeni noted for months that the' CAMINO RESUMES VOYAGE i for Hilo, where legal buerneas though in nearly every lnatattce these set the West on (Aaaoelstcd Preas I rcfrI WlraJ.) r Tcfiittre Ills attention this" week Bnadredk Mora In ItdtiOlultt in Ue Metrick boon has are homesteader wner, or HnalA tire, notwithstanding the splendid rec (Aoxxiaud PniltiOBTN, . J. Marob El Harbf ;lrJsi.) 'hclrmaa I. V. B. Isetiberg did not r.ho in turn have leaned their holdings rd of achievement to Mr.' Herriek 's HALIFAX, Kova fccoeia, March 20. vard T'nfveraity"'deCaters1 'supporting ("est ion the witneas, but it is poseibl to Oriental k, ami are therefore only credit a ambassador at Paris. SimiThe relief ship Gamine; Which" Li ear the aftirpiativ Tired" aU thetimei ' that Mr. Ivers will be recalled at th ruiminntly enfjnEeJ proporttloil of the - eot-i the Work. been believed tha t i v ing a careo donated bv th rekidents WeTy aad worn ent night and dayi larly it hafiet hearing, to 'be hM) Wednesday Rardahip To Be Endured' "ShuH tb Araiemient of Asaeriea B Governor Willis i yet sufficiently well of California te the- - relief1 'of, th 'B .. mjm i WASHINGTON, March oTrninff. mmm' te th Ameriran people to loom SitaJM acrcuBeiH',',' ejefputed tha debating' little hope her that "To tll the truth, there"U no in ian, resumed fcv- vyaga Sift 9 Turn Beturas Tear kidney' are' probably weakened. known men ia the' for th Whit House. for citizen labor to engage ''ay. The Cammo brok down on tne team of Princeton University la ' tnetr utmaririe F-- Will.be i.t Mr. (Ivers eubii:itteil flifurcH show aaouiii oeip' merfl at their-- . or k. conspicuously ved- - The pov lov r Burton ' a SamaaJaa ' ( injr the small planters had received a ciallv in relation to th apparent dif-- Newfoundland Batik' and" had" to"1 b aaauur dbat here. Let on, who kmowe toll yon hoW. Uon taken is that tha' length of time cane trowinj.',1'' added Mr. Ivers. towed Into thl pert for repair. vea of 17 promt pef acre for th ndi the ' Mr. Jdhn IX Whttakar. 4(13 ti: Raat Ex BenaUir , Burton served sixteen the rfaft has been' submerge htm- - twined on their laud. "The ini.lition are such that it U The aveh-ayGERMANY, LACKS KEROSENE lack of ant sign from it indicate the Bi,f Midto1i, tvi.f hay : "1 u ffered year in th house and six years in th eople. to this lass of un vield the holiliiius of the small are lost. "It Will B' little abort f retn' pain aero rrty ' back,' toaeer senate, ilia Mepuoncaniura is unquesBRITISH DEFEAT REPORTED (Aaanclald Praaa ba WiJa.) men mud up to our tieCk, lwrter bas been forty tons of enrie Poor road, of a miracle if them are an v ilirtrVrWltbr fl occasional headache and I tioned, bnt he i independent and gen28-i aceonnt V f Wlvalkll.l March BERLIN, failattl Pfc.. lun.l.t.i conatant rain aud general hard ier acre). Thexe rrturtis, be aiada elea is the statement of one oflloial. I tedllv' trew WOtsd, Circle appeared erally progressive.' It is to b develoti." Itieial HKHLIN, March TutkUh kerosenej 28. th th growiBg' ef crcitor were based on the caae of tbe small Hbiis are enough to discourage citi I beneath my" eye, my ankle .,. a wol oped whether be would be particularly wt BritdiKpati'hes of the claim city defeat Lnfken. the f the ef to administration ' I leq whrt dispexed lf their crops to .'iu enii.iiic in this work. And you ' fmtd nd I was aH crippled d With" pain. objectionable to the Progressive cloa) lea ef three waUU- - hae devcide to aupply electricity PUBLIC. OBJECT TO the sompaaies retresented by Brewer wuM not engage in th business, ish at Caaoreh, with, My back' ached entautlj;r and I r nic ot.' to which toth- Democrat and - householders; .. .i hiinnrd. ftc 'to A " 0. They showed that the small either. Mr. Irwin, ii yoil had been there Republican will eater, probably, in th ..; ,4 Mi'Htfer'ha made a aet pro (It of $2fl.7.T Mid Knew the hardship that must be campaign in the hop of largo nett have during the past THE FORTY TEAK TEST. pr annum per aere of his holding and endured, ON, EASTER. SUlVOAY FiaaHr t took' ftoaaV rV4e-te-f Kd- aOessioiis. REBELS; ATTACK DURAZZO ' nitf this 'retiresetitK a riet anntlal re- twenty rcri. '' ' mniiteiit at laevPilla'and they werVed" Irohder. "th ik . Tor Burton si WlraUaa.) by Federal "in Aaanciateit e;orrrtienl udo art niusb hare Mr. Ivcrrt briefly denied several ol per turn of altotit si teen and V" ami end Justice Hughes are the most favor;f RUM R, Maaeh The paiegana ache front Comerit to survive for a perirtd' ot forty ' "t on thi inventiaent of the small the eliiiniN iriide liv A- O, Curtis, cmc U J i my auey ably mentioned on the Republican list. Tnrkeyi y my health improved. HAVANA, Cube, March 87. y ' venr. t hambertaiu's fTowgH. Herofedy rrespondent ' in relation to the' apparent dif planter. 1 elng (Associated Pra by rederU I te teir ef y vperteflee for th Dene- - Bet, a ha rifle u pointed out with 1H72, attahKl by eti.OiMT rebel. ' C'onfinuihu. Mr. Ivera, .wfcd showed ference in the price of labor in siifiar waa nrat offered t th tidblm ia Ii " "3 Wfrl)-A- t of ether kidney tirlei'T. My tor reference to Jurtice Hughes, it might hh request- of th .'.'I " ''" " It Kroin a small IcxinningMt has grcWrj he nnKHetieH a thorough hnoWl-"t- t rcilueric in the I'hilippinea and sMafjfk aBllHaslajtflalfl not-lipopular to take a presidential Prealdent of Omba, th Jack John. the fixed charge for milling and in favor and popularity- - ntii it has of the tupar business' in all iti PUI A IN are DAY nomine Doan1 ONE from the I'aUed Htatoa suBackach TO COLD Kldne CURE heavyversus sea Jeaa Wlllard Von a wnrbt wide'rawtftetloa. ' mmh, vre,t out that it 4sta the market injr and the ttmenat of earnings nttniued old try all flragglstl and storekeepers premo bench. weight boxing coat His decision and tb ha , been will fin.l mithia better for ir Take Laxative; Brotnot Quinine prauUtloue $00 .85 for' every ton of fif the I'epeekeo coainatry. er: at 60 eentr Oer box. (shr bo decision of th court woulif b draggo-- l jpotpond from Sunday, ApVU A. W. T. HottomUvT . served notice cold. Try, it mid you wi'l understand uyar ' produced. With augar selling AU rlniRjrisM refund to Monday, April 5. Thla we or will b mailed1 o reaeipt of prleaj into politic. Furthermore, it is some. Co., id behalf of the whv it la a favorite after a MoM 'M of Tablet. AtMr wr tl.i Would that nUlmp rrti)r' Co., no8olul,l thing ef a'question whether tb Hu dona owing to the strong objoov the money if ir, fails to cttre. bf th nolllter havw a rmt profit of 13.15 per tea rompunicx for whldi they are agentti, more than forty year.' ChnaibetfaieV agent fo th, Uawauan i preui ( ourt i partieulaily popular wholesale tlona to holding th prlaeflght t Fy ' W, Grove's signature' is on from whliB the coitipaniea must hop will submit a statement at a future I ohkIi Hemeiy eot only gvvoa. rellr-. Italahda,-"1'.' i f Barter Bandar. . ,twltb th voter, and one of it jtistli;. Tor al by all datri, Elt it cures i i r.nv a tun) return oa thi immeuse meeting of the committee. each box, .;'e. . v....-.,;.-'. o- - rtewiembettha .a a presidential candidate might be , Adjournment waa then taken until son. Mmith d., Ltd., kgenfe foi Ha i '";tal invested. I ' y at y 4 rKM XKPIOIKK CO., hi.. tenia. B.U i iriouIy handicapped by that fact, l..,liilriltwi4,'! wii. Ju answer to a questidrt, Mr. I vera nest Wednesday evening. ' vv 'j "v. ;.''. V :'. :. ' V: V ':.;'; i :; ,'..," ".: ' - Mi LANE-- hat-eM- Tact Attorney Harry Irwin '. , CciVf t'ltXdVertier ..a "That'll the" only objection I have n?aint the present administration - K. IHOIkV-FftXVXLI- M (weayav issiwnu- LOOMS LARGE JUST NOW am- ana aonareo' a ia,frmmyl a Va . ai bnf. ' ? '' a tUty lh(s,d ili'lH eJ-'i- Conditions Are Such That Cane Planting Is Not. a Thing That Citizens Can Engage In With Prospects of Pleasant Life Lf, 1. Seilatof J ,thepdore ' C., Burton ''itllyorliotiotf j ofr 0hid,? Will"--J Drop;ln On' HliCWay To y ' Australia Oti Educatian Trip . fl 87-W- i -- SMALL FARMERS 'r EOTIIL III ol Russia lrf . V 4 -- II V ..... "2 ta t.t tl ( lif-avt- Je '(? s' t e '!4t. ill M'tl. M "fit t TJrcd Out Ili-ric- sMORS I ; I 4 . l - at . - - - a' 27,-r-T- . . i r4rt Oa . '' It 1- ,'. MVI' t .(-.- ' ) ItHfrt-esirtr- P' lf 111. ,4.;-- VI I , '. ' 1 wre-reHeve- d ' 't Ua-nal- 1 - ii ' ' ', li '" 4 .: - ' .'. :y h; fhh tl lk -- . "..;.'.".''. ' ft r - . t f- II T r ii I if,w:;.:it .., -- ;,,- j - ... u L I L In II U ALL I ii r n i j u i uiimL.ii fi :ii - ..:.- 11 1 1 1 MY SALVAGE PARTY LABORS uni n ni? SUBMARINE nm.' ; . . .HAWAIIAN GAZETTE,' TUESDAY, CAnEFIRE ATOLAA To riT uii H nnnil rr i i mi i ..... iliJ! n' H' iiiii ii Dredges ii ii11r l i II Tugs; Sweep Bottom of Occaft apdcc nc DIP PDflO rl and il llllllli W I UllllaW IIWUIIi Rl n rn i npnn ;To Pick Up Craft With Its Entombed Men mmu) ui urn uivur lis 'm m n-rnn- rft 1 1 1 1 1 -- ... -- j-- ' . ' -, i ... V ' S i v i '' MARCH HUU&NMNU W TELLS 30, 1915.' t " SEMI-WEEKL- v;i Honolulu Stock Exchange Mvn.1.7, H,r.k S, ttt Lt KIHEI NAME rKilnn nK 111 III nil ' ... n L Mill. :.,. rvnn 111 II IkIP - 'It' 9 3C0 Passengers, Mostly Women ana uiiidrcn .un( uccucsion, Hcscicd From Sinking 'Vessel ,MvView'o-Crbwtfs;at,:FaI- r J a W Parks, engineer Aterv. It was a number of hours (inwflittd Tnmt bf ffdaral Wlralc,) - rUAKCIBOO. March 80. la nAl('' the .rape- Xet of thousaadsnm on nay nevaer iiudo Hinu, Ptnurtl FV1ail "MmV m mVm.jI rock yesterday afternoon, one hundred , yirls off the seawall, and went down with three hundred asMngera, meet . . AU were rescued and . bom was in jured, bnt here was a panla la the expoaitlon crowds en shorer .' woodon,'ecrew steamer, plying between Bin' rranrlace .snd Valleje on San Pablo Bay. ' On her retam trip, late yesterday, she carried three hundred PMierigers, among taem forty-flv- e ana, whe had made an excursion to njtcess the eeremoniee of the Good Titian' Orphans Homo at Valleje. TTKNINO TOLL ePEEO j . To give the paasengerS a bettor sight of the beautiful exposition facade, the iitmure, cioee w um hihui , seawall. ' . The vessel wae aklnuning along at fuU Stfeed, when she brought uj Mj a crah on the rock and stopped dead. ' :i ,t, Women and children were thrown ecreanlng with, fright to the decks In &t-(- rf - ,ug MAvmwt list and began to fill rafcdly. IMHI As the throngs of promenaders on the marina reaJlae) that a Uagedv might be enacted before their eyei and and them powerlesa to be of aid, they began to run aileea!y back sad forth, women wnu&iu mmr nanaa ana crying VOSI can't something be donel'j , BLUj:TACJCBT8 EJTIOIEKT life naving station, but before the crew cool reah the spot where the ship struck lifeboats put off from the ' at anchor In the bay. Tint the children were taken ashore and then the women,- aU fa good order rnd wltaout a mishap. ' From banie the mood. of. tts crowdai swiftly changed 'to tense Jntereet, ss they saw the work of rescue enacted before them with smooth efficiency. V ether ahtpwreck, It can be safely, said, ever had ' such a setting.. war-tY.t- iulysp urne win. Be. Kot until some time after the last JfVsentrer had bean a&faW l&nd&a aia the Geners) rriatl heel ever and slip fc'neMh Ua water. J The hull lies U rrmvaratlvcly (OulUjw soundings sod v.ia to salvsd. , ,, , 11 CENSORSHIP ESTABLISHED (Ai.irl.led Pru by ROME. Msrch eo. lrJ Wlrl..) i . Italy has carried preparations to the point' ef a censorship. A royal decree a censorship on aU military po into effect March si and her war declaring sets such news, to lJat until July 30. rt ITALY BUYS CAVALRY MOUNTS ' Aaivinti.4 Prnii by Pndiiral WiiwUw.) ' J!.ST 8T. LOTIS, UJlnola, March 30. The Italian government has jost eotv i 'uded a : contract with local dealers for the Turehase , of 18,000 head of tone for cavalry remounts. ' ' . r be-ut- prac-tit.aL- " l. ' , v v..' heart-feelin- g , ' -- out-tak- sen-was- s' h 4. e, AGREEMENT REPORTED A(vritKl rT by Frdoral Wlrlm.) PAUrS, March 29 Austria and Italy nv-- i tpcf. to senoa, secoroing to .avert fled newspaper report. . The terms rr 'te agreement are that Austria cede r-or Trent te Italy after the war In ' , muni lor Iiailin neutrality. . s - - i sea-was- p. - , -- . I HAS CONTRIVANCE . j 10 LOCATE 'VASP . . '... , Vork Rushed By Honolulu Iron looked very small for big Jack Agras, sred to soo feet snd permitted to re4 but ae eeweesed lata it in trying It out. main long enough for the pressure to Works For Aid. In' 'Recover This manhole baa a cover, which will be setixek put any unexpected flaw. Then , ing the 4 fitted on when Agras Is Inside.. - A bar, tt will be draw to tat surface snd s running between two eye bolts, will hold examination made beforj it it it down, and the bar will be screwed to v ut down with a man within. . AUSTRIA'STEADERS ARE URGING PEACE F-- (Coutinueil From Page One) w, On these fittings rubber gaskets were Jut. Cn the gaskots were tbe straight I'laas slates. Then came otiiw rubber Vjcti and the final fitting above, vtiih will hold the glass firmly In Tact, The sea pressure will be so great that tbe glaas a ill be pressed with nd force against the gasket brass, so that the principal need will be p length la the glass. It will have to 1' Intend about 180 pound to the r ;uiri inch; perhaps more. There is one hole for the telephone t lie end one. 'or the Inlet e and me for the outlet ' MANHOLE UT TOP Tn the center of the bell, running tbe ton te the bottom, is a strut ef ten inch pipe. This Is planned to re-- 1 jforco the fiat surf sees against the Treasure, since they srs exposed more tlin the cylindrical tube, In the top a manhole was cut. ' It the oever. .The telephone aad will enter at the top, ' From the bottom flange three air-llae- s big rods run through tbe top, on the outside ef the bell, bad their upper ends are eyed." In these eyes, which will be about several feet above the top-o-f the bel, the books to the crane will be run. The rods extend well above the bell so the transverse strain may be. reduced, '"'WILL BE BOLTED IN BELL Agras will enter tbe bell and the top will be Closed down and bolted shot. The dredge California or the big float. Ing erane. will lower him Into the ass. air-lin- sir-lin- f-- I;' der ef the submarine flotilla, will have the telephone receiver at bis ear. lie will be stationed on the crabs or dredge. Before. Agra is permitted to enter the bell it will be tested thoroughly under actual eondlUona. This will supplement the careful tests made at tl'-- Ho nolulMron i works,, which showed - It theoretically perfect.,, ft will be kw- e (Aiwiilf.1 PrM bjr P4rl,.WIriuiM.) AIA 8TJPPLT AND LIGHTS OENEVA,' Swltserlsnd, March 30. Agras will be lowered away while bis That the Auatriaa administration is mates above supply bint with air st or- being urged by a number Of the poliU-c- l leaders to abandon the cause of dinary atmospheric, pressure. Bo will be able te breathe as Germany and- open f negotiations for peace, making what terms for Austria though on top of the water.. ! without further ref1 Jack in tks bell will go down until can bete obtained, Berlin, Is the saeertlon made be flad tbe kubmarlne. He will have a erence compass with him and, since the pipe la a number ef Swiss newspapers, based i on information from Austrian corre ai K li cast Iron, the compass will be affected only by tbe small amount of spondents. The German Chancellor,' von Beth wrought Iron the beU will have. Thas la determined that Ausbs aitl be able to give explicit dlreo-Uan- v tria shall cede te Italy whatever ter, ; '..;,'',.ritory the latter power may ask aa tbs One hundred-sndte- a candle power Jprtoe of her neutrality, rand this fact globes, ' lneaaed In other te netng urges to snow that Austria glsss globes that' wiU protect them owe nothing further to Germany. against the sea pressure, will be lowered r ). at considerable distances from tks bell, so that Agras will be able to see the WANTED. submarine between " himself and the l.ADV with daughters will take school Uybts. The lights, 4f plsced near at i hiidreii to board; howV en re; refband, would dassle tbe obaerver. Witherences exchanged.' Address "Moth out the rid of the lights, Agras would er." Advertiser office. i 117 1 , maan-Hoiwe- , t iw.ui mo' Hw. d COMPANY FOR 5,mo.O' Hsw. AirsiiUiii.il. Hsw.Com Su. 0. gug. Co Honnks Honoimi Hutchinson Snirir Plsmatio Co . . . Kahuku Keksht Suf v Co . KoiM McBodtS-CLtd Mis bus ar Co. la Suiar Cn. Lid CONTRACT CALLS 'MuhsuSLrSai't. EXPEDITIOUS' TRIPS I Legislators Fail, However o Make Recommendations and L 'cifa: kto By Merchante' Exchange Mondsv, March 29. 19l!. Hailed, March 2S, schr. Report Is 'Filed' Melrose, for Kahulut. Hilo Sailed, March 27, 2 p. m., S. 8. Enterprise, for Sun Francisco. San Francisco Arrived, March 29, 1 The inter Inlan I HUiam Navigation p. m., 8. rl. I'ersia, hence March 22. company xi.le of the . Taeoma Kihei McArrived, Mareh 29, 8. S. Gregor' Ittiidiiij; iliHpute wan given in Lowther Castle, hence March 18. ' Port Townsend Arrived, March 29, the houe yesterday in the report by the public lands and inter- 8. 8. Werribee, hence March 19. Panama March 28, 8. 8. nal improvement committee, to which Kentuckian, Arrived, from Ililo Mareh 0. n nnn.oe 3. niooo 2.0 tw mum 100 tlH UH 14a S)"Si' tau toe tn.oo iMinn ISH 15 l i.jonoo 7H1.0 3WI kOUO.'Ji n2 i. t, ccrMiN Cn .. . Waialua Ai. Co.. Wsiluko Sugar Co.. Waimenalo . . . . ... WauaeaSticarMIU. ' Mukilteo I.IM 2,iiiill C.. IE j)i(j!MAR.tNE TIDINGS . tt I lono.orii UdAk Rw....i Hsilni; Steamers Would Be Endangered Unless Proper Lighting Is Installed kt the r ex VAi. MteCAMTH Inter-Islan- DAMAGED YIELD WILL later whea BE WORKED PROMPTLY pUui n4 Ukn to the Mftrch grounda. the two tugs " snagged" the aeavy GREAT OONTIDENCB REPOSED object to which they are now holding By thla contrivance tt U believed onto. Lieutenant Smith and Engineer D. Manager. Eckart that Diver. Afru ,cen be lowered to Advises Honobottom ef the ocean, where the Alfred Base were both In their positil sunken submarine is supposed to lie. tions of command again yesterday and lulu Office of Company That If the contrivance provta prat able, as antirtng la their efforts as oa pre'. Loss Appears Small , ; tbe diver will not only be able to de- ceding days. If the submarine la lifttermine if the "muni" Object Is the ed ftom its great depth, experienced submarine but will be able to 'direct engineers declare that tt will be one of operatione on tb dredf es - sad tugi thj most herculean salvage feats ever J.,Harrl Mackenzie received S'wirb-losabove how. to play their cables to performed. Little belief la held by from Manager K. V. Kckart yester, wing bridles to make a secare cradle anyone that the sunken Suboiarlns has day etating that two hundred acre - 'v atutk resene buoyant y, i for bolstiar parpene. the general .f ef ', Olak eane burncil. y being that the diving trait la Kavy officers place (reat eoafldeace is the one adjoining the tr not entirely full ef water in millTheaadfield Late the dlvinc-bel- l. vtmtt it la thought the fire may have reweraey afternoon - the light crane. at least one if not mere compartments. Started from sparks b)oru from the HMiOONS TO BB VsCOV which broaght ap the old anchor frem crane and dredge smokestack,' or from one ot the locomothe sea bottom Sunday morning and tt the big naval exploded the belief that the submarine California are ' anable te raise the tives, Tbe field surrounding the mljl bad been found, was towed te the navy weight the alternative will be to sink are very dry," The mil! was is danger a while. wharf and the raised anchor and chaia and pump out pontoons, alternately for ' Mr.' Erkart said that at thS rate tbe deposited on the wharf. This was for taking up the alak of each submergmill is grinding it will take seven or ; ' the double purpose of tightening the ence. ' crane and making room for the opera Commander of the F 1 aad T & took eight days to work off the burned area i .Plenty For Grinding tions or the diving-belAs soon ss their craft out to the search grounds Water Mr. Mackeaaie said that while Olaa the cylinder Is In readiness tt will be yettardsy morning for a short period transported to the searching grounds and "listened in" with their undersea has been griailiDK only one hundred by the. crane. Though It was uncer- apparatua but detected absolutely no tons a dsy beesuse of nhortage of flume water for transporting cane from tbe tain If the bell could be completed to- sound which might possibly have come eutaide'fteMa tbe mill has its own ' ' day Engineer Parks was much pleased from the lost slstershlp. with the despatch of the work at the - Around tae city snd among the small water snriply170-to-anil can be speeded .up rapacity whenever throng along the waterfront yesterday to it full Iron works. Be said late yesterday L "They have been working day .and there was state of resignment to the eaouph ease to run full capacity eaa night.. They worked Sunday night and expressed belief of naval officers that do delivered. Arteaiaq well were sunk at the mill men la the tost all day today and are ready to keep aU of the twenty-on- e several veers apo so that Olaa is well on tonight. See what they have ac- diving boat have perished. Qulet!y and with respect to those provided with sa abundance of pure complished," pointing to the big bell, ,' on which a large force of men were who may still believe that the men water for boiling house purposes; ' " busy, some patting the canvas gaskets may be found alive, Honolulans yester- Will Be Borne Loss g "If the fire bad been wav oft down day, out of in place; some the in the tragefittings and ether work-bi- g dy,'' unostentatiously began ; laying in Puna there, wonlit undoubtedly have Inside. "They are doing the very tentative plana for paying their tribute been heavy loss," Mr. Mackenzie said. to the memories of the victims Of the "Fortunately the burned cane is right best they can." ' where the best ve ean be made of it. , i '!1JO DEFINITE TTMB f accident. There, wtty bp; some. lo, of course beThose plant bell at commerce chamber prpoe said The of the the that is i might be completed some time today, lag a lu custer memorial meeting te be cause It Will take eifiht days to harvest cutbut whether morning or afternoon was bold at the Armory the Sunday follow- 4 rtekl ef that eir.e but the entire Indefinite. After the big work has ing Easter. It is proposed that all ting force of1 the plantation ' will be been done there will remain fitting the churches win forego their Services on nnwntrited; at this point wnd most if.) , e that, day and a great union, Xneetlng be of it wUT:a(e1.,, telephone wires and air inlet and and Inspecting It carefully. Then held. Cot J. W. Jones has' offered the Burning crrten practised neae' Home of the irrigated plantation tt will have to be transported to the ne of the Armory for the occasion. scene and given a severe actual test While funeral arrangements must be n this Island and Maul practise burning Mill their cane, at harvest time. there, so that no one can say definiate-lywhe- n held In abeyance, business men are adVane eaa be tt will be placed In use for the vocating suspension of all business on Tien here state that burnedride, several days, a a without that day and subsequently tbe .oration held flrtimV Hons deterleirtitieh V ft thre' juices. Jist Though all nope of early raising of of a monument to the men wbe went r it will nlaS'l without souring the submarine or that there is now any to their death In the line of theft duty. p Navy officials annooaeed yesterday will epen) Qn the weather largely., Bfe aboard the unfortunate has been abandoned, work did ' net that whea the submarine aad the bodies men were recovered the twenty-on- e deft . In tie least yesterdt y Ma! tbe search for the lest craft.: all Investigations would be oonducted Officers andmen ' ceased work late by the nrtry department.: The leanest Sunday afternoon to - take absolutely board would consist of eight,; papers, necessary rest after their trying work Arrangements for the funerals, e tfe which began Thursday and continued men if they are found dead have not unceasingly day and night without Tt been made except .they ,wt( ,be FIVE DAYS' GRACE sleep or relaxUon for approzlmataly quickly enclosed In hermetically sealed Of eighty hours. . metal casketa. Disposition of remains But at six o'clock yesterday morn- will be at the request of nee: ing tbe omng again became a scene ef WIVES BEAB UP tbe (bin cup Liberty activity, Under direction ef LieutenWives of the lost men are beariati their (8ecisl t'aulo to -News.) ant Saaita the fleet ef dredges and tugs 'grief with silent heroism. All have went te work with a will and at seven Iukuciui iTn up nvyvm ui seeiua BHANQIIAI, March 30, As the reo'clock the systematic sweeping of the their husbands alive ' again but are sult ef conferences held between Preri ocean bottom wae commenced. bearing up with remarkable fortitude tent Yuan Shit k4 aad Minister Hlokl ' Back and forth and across and back Mrs. Alfred L Eds, wife of the com- of Japan lu Peking, en. tbe twenty-firthe . tugs ' and the dredge California manding officer on the r-ef the month, the min who col and twenty-nftdragged their heavy chains in search lapsed after the first shock of the news istry ef foreign affair has. notified the men. of tits submarine being lost, has now goveracr of all the provlacee that for the ' tomb of twenty-on- e Hour after hear the quest continued. rallied. Mrs. Archie Lunger, Mrs, Fran Japan has, given China five day In There was not the feverish lntenaeneas Plersrd and Mrs, Frederick Oilman, all which te accete te lec desianda for and anxiety when it was still 'believed brides of a few months, are-- bearing ap a virtual protectorate over Southern that-thermight be life aboard the wjtn the fortitude of women whoee bus M.uchurla and the peninsula of, Shan-tunsubmarine, but a dogged tenacity to bands lead lives of risk. ' and for control of the railway ' and and raise the While congreee nasi made no provis between Fuklen and , Kwangtung. Officers and men toiled as grftn'y.at ion for the pension of fate ill ea or de In spite of the requests of Yuan, the their tasks sa when they believed lives pendent of men wbe lese their lives boycott cf Japanese goods continue were at stake. JKen it was a Case ef la the submarine, service It la generally and has been made absolute. Chinese recovering twenty-on- e bodies at the believed that the accident here wlU merchants and. banks refuse to nave earliest possible-momen- t It was said lead to such legislation sod that pen nny dealings with the Tokohema Spethat It' may take weeks and again it sion will be provided. At the present cie Bank. They refuse to deal la tbe time the only provision la that the bank's paper and have withdrawn all .It was late in the afternoon when a nearest kin of- all officers and men on their deposits. definite t'atok" was made by the the submarine, if they are lost, will retugs Navaje aad Intrepid, dragging a ceive an amount etnal to six months' CHINA NOT SATISFIED heavy cable and chain. Falling tests salary In a lump sum. were made cm the cables and it was LBOISLATUBJB TO ACT Though waiting until the last sdn- established the) a heavy load had been PEKING, March . SO.y The Cbineee caught. Every f aatoeaa possible waa V Ha cf hope is. gone, Cbalrman J. L. ministry la not satlsfled with ths reply made and security an certain as possi- Oeke of the senate military committee made to ita representations by the ble Insured that the object "snagged" ana J. H- - coney, chairman ef the house Jspsnese foreign office, and has ad could be held uata the diving-bel- l committee are preparing to Introduce dressed another note on Jbe subject ' t could be given a test. ' a joint resolution In' the legislature ex. tbe contents of which have not been v NAVAJO BXFOJITB CATCH' pressing the sympathy and condolence divulged. Early In the morning after opera- of the Territory to bereaved families, Poking newspapers , stete that The tions had been resumed the Navajo re, friends sad the navy department. Japanese troops have been placed In ported a "catch'1 but it proved a Aviater Bradskaw, who kas been as- possession of a number of strategic alight one ' and was at some diatancS sembling an aeroplane ea a lot adjoin- position at Mukden and Tainan. from the spot whore the F-- e has been ing the navy dock, with the latent ef definitely located. ' syiag ever tbe eeHon where the F-- 4 is '? About the same time the "sweeper' saak, was yesterday enable to get into of the two tugs carried away the buoy me air. m win make another attempt which bad been dropped where con- - luaay. direction of. SAID US Air I 4 BtlUwin i.iu C. Brewer Co.. LANDING NOT USED .'is bttfcwer foathe to falsa hop that they had found the object of their Area' Swept Lies Closr to Mil), searcn until positive proof was evident Which Was.Threatened With-- , Thla ' may be established to--1 Destruction day when a specially Constructed tlntlm dM of bubble indicaud the V.: diving , bell being made" at the The toss was not disastrous, however, Honolulu Iron Works, under the as the spot ad been plotted aboard cmt or STtK 750.X, ). V" 4,noo.oi 4.5U.0O. : 100 idin.im f i'4" KVV MlSCSLLMfBOUS IM( SslkuPPCo.Ud. : Co. . . Raw. Ettctric Irr. CaLld... nsw. rirwspoit Co. HiloR. R. Ca. ptd.. io.oo Tvi.ou 1. 4 Kft.OM Hilo R R. Co. Com iM.se MMinCo. Lid sno.nn H.R.T.LCo.Com. Ttt.na l.2m.s ' : Honolulu BrrwKif Hoa.UMCn. Ptd... Hon. Oa C 0m. N.Co Mutual Trt. Co i. K. U Co ham Rnh Cn. iv m iwt.oioJ mi lim 100 wVhio wo ro lUUfS UK had been referred Koproaentattve &tt'.0Hi 10 an".!" Talon(Olok R.Co. resolution No. 68, entitled "To 3UU,uu. PORT OF HONOLULU. requeat the com mitten on public leads Bono Ann. Oir sUuvtiny and internal improvements to coafor A RIVED. Haauku D. Co. auu.oui 8tr. Nippon Maru from San Fran- naw. com. 4 ! u. with the Inter Inland Hteaiu Navigaeis.oni p. 0:20 cisco, in. tion Company, relative to the wbarf Hw. Irr. Ce."'!. eou. C'taudinc, from Pearl Harbor. Haw. Tcr. 4pc (Rt at Kihei, Maui." The report, which' 12 8tr. nv reone in hh follow; ia I.&M.0U1 8tr. Mikahala, from Pearl Harbor, Hw.Ttr.4pePim naw. itr.4pcK.iia. Kr "That your committee ha had same 3:50 a. m. i.w.oH Str. W. G. Hall, from Kauai, 5:40 Bw.frt.4,pt:; i.oiu.on under careful consideration and after nsw. ier. iHpc., I.OUO.IW ra. a. L44.UU meetings with the officers, and a numfiw.ttr.Spe.. 8tr. Mauna Kea, from Hilo, 0:10 M lJll ber of the captains of the Inter-Islan5J a. ra. HUoR. R. C. Ret Steam Navigation company' steam-era- , ' Bchr. Ida May, from Island porta, l.5n8,efJ ExrcCmn... Hnnoksa b.Co. t pc p. tn. ej.wi . submits portions of the testimony Men. To Ltd S75.0. 8tr. Manoa, from Hilo, 8 p. m. HoaR.TaUCe.6pc SOI.OtK) herewith, and your committee 'a find, una fUr. Mikahala, from Maui and Molo-kat- , fcfka. Br W ii ing I Koh.li Ditcb Co. 6t ' SUXOnil 2:15 a. m. Co. S tono.om 100 . . Str. Kiaau, from KauaJ ports, S:2Q mcuryat. Excerpts From Correspondence Mutual tel. Sa.. .. Z(Mt tea ' 'During the period between De- I- Natnmaa Cn. Sa , U.OtMxio Igsn.iMi ins I03K cember 11, 1913, and October 21, 1914, Str. Maui from Hawaii, 11:20 a. m. aiLaLCxiec i.Trcouo the officials of our company first learnStr. Dakotan, from Seattle, l:3u a.m. lnu su.sr Co. 6oc 1300,000 ed of the existence of a dangerous '. Str Korea from. Uilna and Japan, PsciiicQT FcrtUixei extern 10 shoal located in about three fourths of 11:45 a. m. Pscitic S. M l) Co'-'-, ' Str,- - Citv of Newcastle from New of a mile southwesterly of Kihei, and sm nm M BO the master of fur'eteaiaers called out York, 2:55 p. m. KO Co.rc HO einoi attention to the fact that it would be 8c hr. Columbia from Sydney, N. K Stn Crto.M Co. Us) W4in. pc r&ami extremely dangerous for our steamers, W., 4:30 p. m. Mauna Kea, Kilauea and Mauna Loa, Str. Seiyo Maru from dalle, 4:40 p.m. Between Boar is to attempt to enter Kihei at night DEPAUTBQ time unless this shoal was properly 8tr. Claudine, for Pearl Harbor (to Uahu Sug Ce, '2J. 21J50; Honokas, marked by a lighted gas buoy. . get erane), 0:10 p. m.; for Maul and 70, 30, 3.50j HUo Com., K .00. " 'In this letter we were also in- way ports, midnight. ' . 8esios 8alos formed that the board of harbor 8tr. Nippon Maru for Yokohama, MrRryde, 25. i 2 C.tZ; Olaa, 20. had received a communica- midnight. , e.23) Ewa, B, 21.23. tion from the lighthouse iiiHpec.tor Str.. Claudine, for Maui. 1 :20 p. m. ' ;f,;, statin); that in hi opinion the only Str. (laudiue for Maul, 5:10 p. m. Notices aid to navigatiou nboetutary at Kiaei 8U. W. Q. Hall for Kauai, 5:15 p. W- '; Mareh 23, 1913. . would be the establishment of a first-eStr. Ltikelike for Kauai, 0:4j p. m. By vote of th 4lrct.re f PepeeVee ass horizontal striped sun buoy to Oas 8c.hr. J A.: Cuuimlu from Oabu ' jDugar Company, this dale, the regular mark the three fathom shoal! At the; . . a.,K mommy (iiriner.d was 1. eresd from time this communication was written fABUJaNaER. ft to S1.50, ebmmeming April 15, 1013, by the li. hthouso inspector, he was ARlveO. by naware of the fact that our steamers, Per str. Mauna Kea, froia Hilo am sod continuing uutil (urlbcr action ' .; .' running on regular mail schedules, Hawaii ports, March 27. W. A. Km the board of direc tor. Hy voto of tho bourd of directors would lie expected to enter Kihei at ney, Geo. F. Bush, W. Mackey, C. A. night time, and be has since stated Marshall, W. N. Johnson, W. M. John- of Ilonomu Supar Company,' this date, M. Thomp the' regular monthly, dividend was in. to the harlxr eommissioHera In our son, Jr., O. V. Merrill, 1 from ft'lc ;,t eomaaencinff ,reituce that either a gas lighted buoy ion, W. T. Froet, lit. W. O. Whitennr. creased to mark the shoal, or proper range Mrs. J. Dicker, Miss K. Mdfcate. A. April 5, 191.1, arl continuing until lights on the landing, would be neces Weill. Col. Blanch Cox, Miss M. Dun further action by Uio loarj of direct-,or- . eaa, D J. Brandt, Chang Lnm, W. 11. iary for the eafety of for steamers. My vote of Uie tosrd of dkeetore Lighthouse Service on Question Bromley; D. F. Mvvorrision, (eo. '. ' 'On January 8, 1913, we received Watt. Geo. Bustard! 8. W. Nahiwn, C. ef Wailuku Hiigur onij.nnv, tkia date, a communication from the lighthouse Brennao, Mrs. Lam Nui, Miss rUdl, C. tbe regular hMinthly dividend was la. inspector stating that he had visited Crowell, L. K. Amobl, Dr. 4. II. Uay creased from 60e to SI pcu- - share, April 1(1, I9I", and continuing the Kihei wharf, bad inspected the moad, II. B. Weller, Wm. Wal.b, C wbarf aud landing and had sounded B. Hall, P. Eapinda. 1. 8- - hniidt, M until further,: action by the board of the shoal and that a flratrlass tall type Korakl, P. Akl, Ahml, Lau Ping, A directors, v can buoy bad been established over it. Waal. i Sugar Quotations Mo further stated that after studying Per str. Claudine, from Maui, March 88 Deg. Analysis Bets . I.'. (No the various elements that entered into 28. Mrs. E. Smitb, Miss Smith, Miss H l..g. Centrif,i. . .. the matter including the importance A. Houxa, H. 8. Takaama, U A. rair ugal (forParity Hawaiian sugars), 4.89. .' of traffic that would go te Kihei land s. Masaki, E. C. Moere, Miss V. Pares ing, ho was unable to recommend to Mrs. A. J. Paresa, Geo. C. Humphrey, 'he roinmixeioners of navigation any II. Kana, Mra. C. Lono, Mosos Kauwe, (ightod aids, and believed that the Mrs. Moses Kauwe, Miss Wilcox, I.. W. marking of the reef with a Arstclas Wilcox, Mrs. W. II. Field, Miss Field tall type ran buoy as bad already been Miss II. Perry, Tam See, .1. N. S. Wil done, was aU that the lighthouse ser liams. vice could do at this time.' Per str. Mikahala, from Moloksi "Mr. McLean, vice president of tbe March 28. Mrs. R. W. Meyer am) ARGENTINE'S GUEST Inter Island Steam Navigation eom eleven deck. pany, limited, stated further thnt Inf Per str. Kinau, from Kauai, March Company does not refuse to go to Ki 2S. Mrs. K. Nauraa, Mis K. Malama, (AuoflUtrS fmi l,v t, Ar.t WImIm. bei, but is willing to do so a soon b Mr. Wong, Hattie Poo, Sam Ban, I.ee conditions are made safe, namely, the Toii.a, Mrs. 8. Caetano, Miss I. Kaosa, ANNAPOLIS, March 29. President lor at ion of the light buoy on the exist J. O. l.utted, R. Y. Vick. wuson, necretary (lautois ana aides Ion Ouinson, in; shoal, instead of range lights on ers, Mr. E. Punl,' M. Jndd, M. A were guests st luncheon of Admiral U the wharf aud shore4 which would W Nicoll, He Fat, Naoa on tbs Argen'.lo MoreJudse Dickey, Voslii no, ;,, obscure ou etormy nights. Weekly kawa, K. Fujimoto, K. Hone, II. Mr. trips to and from Kihei are now be II. J. Kby. N. Ieiafujl, Mr. R. h. Wil"We are rapid y aerToacbing thi ' ing muile by one of the company cox, A. Ewart, O. E. Kwart Hr.. V. day," said President Wilson "when ths other than the Kilauea, Ma Crawford, D. Byrnes, Chun Sang. Mas- Americans will draw tcgethrr as ne.ver una Kea and Mauna Loa. The Inter Thy will be bound not by ter Silva, J. F. Duras, E. A. Hanne. before. poUtlcal ilea, but by tie of mutual Island Bteam Navigation company has stcud, Mis Gallagher, F. C. lv, Chong a mail contract with the United (States government which does net expire un Kee, L. W.E. HUdreKs, Mrs. L. K. Hi) On to Annapolis, ths Free- -' A. Harria, Mrs. W. A. Ut ident his return til July 1st, 191H, and must niaintuii; dreith, made reference ts the fact that a regular mail schedule, and by mak ris, Misa If, I Harris, Mrs. Wee Yip, he had gone ouUude of the three-miling the landing at Kihei under tlx Mrs. F. Sing, Mr. J. Kula, L. P. Scott, unut ana naa conreontntiy . violated lirexmit conditions, much time would It. I.. Ilaliey, M. 11. Side. Chuck Hoy, the rule that ths Fret ldent should not Mr. (', ,AkaU, W. If. Hice Sr., Kev. go outside of ths United States during be lost." Hans Isenberg, C. H. 8pit. , his term of office. ' Per P. M. str. Korea, from Manila Is a "There that the HoiiKkone: and Japan vorts. For Ho- President must no do that," be said. nolulu, Mrs. B. Bucklin, Lin Hsin CONTEST PROVES do not know wb ether this la Ling, P. A. Palmer, T. H. Fon, H. O. "I the President might cf s fear Withers, Hon. It. B. Wolcott, Van; not behave outcido of the lurisdictlon Wen l'eug, J. Jchikawa. of American law, or wbnber hie con-FATAL TO YOUNG BOXER YANKEE HEAVYWEIGHT country...! do njt believe that I misDROPS ENGLAND'S BEST behaved on thl e,cfin, however, sn1 i aa am duo7 vnas in country wui STl ' KHKN V I LLK, Ohio, March :u- i-( LONDON. England. March 30. teavm a men, res" wa ghd Associated I'ress by Federal Wire Press by Federal Wireless) to virtt a vessel whlrt "I less) "Special Delivery" Tully, h Frank Moran, of Pittsburgh, Pennsyl- represent the reciprocity connection nineteen year old boxer, died here last vania, laat night knocked Bombadler between this country mi Argentine." night, following a glove contest with Welle of England in tbe tenth round. Clyde Hharp. ' Tully was struck s Both men are heavyweights and the Mow over the heart shortly after the contest wae ; scheduled to go twenty CHARLEY WHITEMMS oMuing of the first round anil keeled ounds. ANOTHER CHAMPIONSHIP over ou the floor of tbe ring union PHILADELPHIA," Mart h scions. When pocked up and carried Press by Feivral Wirelosal to his corner Tully was dead. Sharp THEIMA PARKER CASE ii ml the other principals, iu the contest UP IN COURT TODAY t hurley White outpointed Charley were jailed. .cn. ii u);ninnijni VIIMI'I- Judge Whltsey'a court caleiiilar for i'i iiuiiia., on, here last night ia a slj roun I today contain tbe following matters: contest, afteVwurda clainiinu; the. cliaui- SNOWSTORM PREVENTS Honolulu Athletic' ' Park, Limited, r rauce, H. O. Lowry, hearing on mo Ipionslup of susiMst BEGINNING OF SEASON tion to set ease' for trial; estute of THE FRUIT S3AS0N. V- SALT LAKE, March 30-- ( Assooiat Tlielma Parker Smart, probate of will e I I'ress by Federal Wlrelos) Snow and sii)(estion of disqualiflcntinn. I.i.tli Uowel eotnplt tut Is ni're to be prevaIm'KUu falling here this morning and of which are likely to go over for lent duriug the fruit seuhon. Be sure ill indicatioli point to it 1elng ueces another week. The same action tiinv to keen a iott'erf ChevwbjrlHie's Colie, urv to cull off tin- opening game of he taken tomorrow in renrl to lie. rholei'i nnil :urrhi li II "i e lv on hard; It iiiiiv nine h li1'". l'nr i'e I v all deal-v- . the 'ai-- lie Const Lengue hsselinll ten petition fur administration o! nun in which the Venice and Suit Luke lieiiKon, Kn i.h t in ouestjoii, which it set " ln :ii 1, l.til'., ageuta : ing ut nine o'clock iu the morning. tenia were to bu participants. lor Hawaii. Iai9-l6t- ? . a . - ; , l . ' a , ' . e supe-stHutl- on bt d -- j 1 I i tin-lat- I HAWAIIAN TUESDAY,; IIAIXII GAZETTE, THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE ii0' m An Japan and the Open Door a recent statement regarding the Japanese side of the Japanese-Chines- e ques tion, Count Okuma, the Japanese premier, strikes the same note as that reported in a" recent address made in Chicago" by Dr. Shailer Mathews, The Japanese premier Is less abrupt in his charge 'that interested Powers are ). seeking to involve Japan and the United States but the meaning of his diplomatic phrases is none the less clear. ' The Sage of Waseda.' as the Veteran politician of Japan is effectioriateljr called ' throughout tb IN " ADVERTISER'S Y able desire and the most comprehensible excess of feeling can do us the utmost harm if given way to at an unsuitable, moment." ', ? - Touching on the future, Herr Heine declares that in these portentous times courage and determination must not be weakened, r "The. party, without hesitation" chose its rightful place at the outbreak of the war,"1 he says. Now, in the middle of the war, while .dangers increase and the ability of every man Is needed, th party must not vacillate thereby'causing confusion in the ranks of Germany's defenders. This might cause the most serious consequences for the whole German people," including the' Working . . ., " ' . " self-decepti- . s, to-ta-ke '- ifl-,- ; well-ground- ed pre-ttod- ed . it-w- : ScMI-WEEKL- NcutjralitypfcShfo TUeLcssQp Ijnited States PUBLIC sentiment n the cool under he rather startling international incidents that have been coming, so thick and fast of late, There .'seems not the Slightest .disposition ta et !'iiet up" and rush'for a musket. For the moment the troubles Oyer neutral vessels in the North Sea hive been lost sight of. Two ships, flying the 'stars' and stripes, recently have' been sent tdhe bottom'-bGerman mines; two or three tnpre,' Including- the": Dacia, have been towed into French and. British ports for ' trial before prirecotirts.V Exceedingly; important international law- questions are at issue and the effect iipori tfie'rights of neutral nations "' ; 7 will be far reaching.;.;' ; eat! in, its" The state department has gr problem' working; out Hhes- - matters.'; The,, proclamations of Germany and Great "Britain regarding neutral shipping'in the North1 Sea and the British' .Channel have been Obscured kf' Britain' 'more recent decision o hold up ail ships to German ports .and ' to prohibit 'ships arfd cWgoe1 trorri cfman ports'. Great Britain is extending-'jthlist of contraband goods beyond all previous precedents andfthere is room tq doubt, whether proper regard has been shown for th neutral commerce of the United is the first of its kind m the history of the modern American navy, but it was bound to come. WherHAS GRADUATED , tiske-d.' pjTlater. ever life is ife is lost sodflcr Men are killed" learning to 'fly, ftatnlng towira, learning to 6kate, riding" to hounds, even playing Bicycle Bandit Believes In Busl- baseball. ' Those who go down to' the sea in sjiips ness Methods, So Installs ' know from old "the temper of their ''Jderoarsand ; An'AddinQ Machine ' exacting" mistress. ' : ' r j, Nevertheless, there is a lesson to learn fiom this ofegslon; accident. Seafaring is a dangerous. pf but,, jar the government does what it can to iiitigaite he, ..JerestiCpyerina HappenjnQS ;:, m s'taupnf risks by establishing On Bia Island 'V' mers are sometimes seized with cramps o'caugft? in the undertow, so we, statiori liteguaxd4'jQWl beaches. No autpmpbile race is run without amThose joshers la Honolulu who aro . bulances and a hospital corps in attendance. Railalways telling the fifteen year ago THE ' Empireis explidt concerning the' intention ,'of -v rV, J Japan 'not to, ttrterferetiduJy.j.'Withi American Classes,.; ; '.V'' '. he closing tbtf7omadei.'t calls atop In disclaimer a while in bpw complete the Orient, rights is made of the allegation that Japan desires any their attempts to disrupt the. party, ' with, conse' quent danger to the Fatherland v j ; 1"i suzerainty over China, ; V ,v w not says, is oppottune,' ."The time hi "to efforts resort been made to "Too often, of late,' have and to hope '', that eventually invent some plausible '..' cause for disruption of to Japanese-America- n relations," Count Okuma said. things will not bt so bad.; Every ..day now may failing. in this do much damagi. ' ltUs the;custom of those in '"The would-b- e ' mischief-makerno notice of confused' and attempt, now look upon China as the field .where the majorUy' ' the two Powers may be made to clash, j As for untrtie attacks pn the defense ofthe Fatherland. V "It, to be true, neither easy nor comfortable myself, I see no reason for any such conflict to oppose those who, with the, authority of ' "Both England arid Japan have a superior learning and intelligence spread understanding in; regard to the principles of ' equal for example, as opportunity (th, 'pen door') and the ter-- abroad a. mass of untruths-suc- h, ritorial integrity of China, and America is in real- tha.t'tha..war is a war of conquest; by Germany; begun in order to suppress the yvork-ihity a good ally, though she is tiot 'a format sigria tjiat i :? movement ; that the borders of the Fa'ther-fan- d tory to any alliance. ,';; v ; ,.'. are j)b longer menaced, and the like".'And There have naturally been cases where the inLyet necessary. that' the party's com- it terests of individual' American merchants have ecenrn fht ltnfi1acanf Atit'ir Vclashed with those of individual Japanese mer."Tbe homeliesand most unassuming, comrade chants, just as there Jhaye, been unpleasant rela ' tiom among Japanese merchants themselves ; but ii in a position to askof the' intriguers this quVes-- i this is the inevitable result of ah open door policy, tioni-1-.- ' ".'Do yogi,. want your party,' in the eyes of the and I believe that equal opportunity, which means competition, means also rivalry, which in turn world, to assume the responsibility. in case Ger" V many should be beaten, cut to pieces and robbed means hostility of private interests. "Now commercial rivalry should be fought out of iti jjo'diisry and commerce, or do. you want to y "in competition. . Our protect the German workingman from' this? on the ground of . ."Hffwhbse eyes are not open by this is surely government does not help our" merchants ta d with foreign merchants in China, beyond the beyond help, and may 'before all the world," be general encouragement which - all governments chargedwith indifference yes, with enmity togive to their subjects to further foreign trade.V-- ward his people and .hU cduntry.'Vi ): i: "The? German 'social A democracy has- lived "Some time ago an American commission came to ,the far East to investigate why.'American cot- through a great hour, and, as was tOyhave'been ton goods are being- superseded by the Japanese expected, has proved worthy. v'May it continue to article. It was suspected that we wert resortmg discard the half true and thV.luntrue, and dare : I 'ffi;$tf to unfair me; ns. The1 commission visited .the'cot to bettf large calibre."? ton mills in Osaka and other, places, andj saw for themselves, that the Japanese cost of prddiictiori is slightly below the, American and hence be ' goods could be. sold more. cheaply, with the", result ytITIES have no heart except a business one, that they will aelf'n spite of inferior quality. fj V is the cenerallv accehtcrti i&e. hut nnm In 4! believe thLa Amencaij tnartufactufcecA pAy. a'.wtnle. something bobs jid t show that, the big V ' more attendort. ttWrexp6rt;trde IKryTUI tAttiWpalityirjnx t study .foreign markets and, accommodate their , xMakine the saloon men x&v of pivfric products to foreign demands. They will' readily tfie liquor cure'tfTtoo-lib'era- l customers'is the latfind the Chinese market is an open one, and that ent achievement in this 1in and also the splendid Japan is not resorting-tunfair means to control work done for women ly the Woman's Protecit, v I feel like advising American to tive Bureau, of Oakland,' which has more than come to the East and study our commercial meth-- , made good since its establishment as an experipds as well as the China market ment a year or so ago. , , V i "As regards questions now pending between A tearful little woman qalled on Miss Beatrice China and Japan, our demands in no way trespass McCall, head of the Bureau, and told a sad' tale upon the principles of the open door, and China's of an erring husband, who unheadful of the warnacceptance will not hurt in the least the right of ings of his spouse, had insisted on treading trie any third Power. The strpng desire of Japan is primrose path untiHs job was gone and his famthat China should attain rea dignity and inde- ily destitute.' He was a good man, the little pendence, and should not fall a prey to any nation. woman said, and treated the family well except Her integrity and prosperity are not only an ad- when he was drinking. ' vantage to us, but the solo guarantee of peace in So Miss McCall got busy and had the husband the far East. To secure this peace is the unde- take the liquor cure at the expense of the BuTeau. Then, her sense of poetic justice being stirred, rlying motive of Japanese diplomacy." she decided that it was up to someone else to t pay the bills instead of the city. So she wrote a number of letters not threats, of course, but cabled report that Karl Liebknecht, the suggestions. The men to whom these suggestions were sent Socialist leaden 'has been sent to evidently believed as did the head of the Bureau, the Alsatian front to join his regiment, in order for a few days later five of them, all saloon men that he may not be able to lead any movement in the Reichstag in opposition to the war, is a of whom the little, woman's husband had been a ' further indication of dissension in the, ranks of customer, filed into the office of Miss McCall and the Social Democratic party, evidence of which came through with a big check, sufficient to cover has been cropping out for the past three or four all the expenses of the "drunk" cure and to give weeks. In a pamphlet issued two weeks ago by the family .enough to get along with until the Herr Wolfgang Heine, who heads' the war party husband cpuld start again. amongst the Socialists, Doctor Liebknecht was taken to task severely for his attitude. The pamphlet was entitled ''Against the Intriguers" ' AN application for relief for a family in di and is notable for its frankness about the V tress always opens up opportunities to do position of Germany as well as many kinds of service. The immediate relief of for its attack upon the great Socialist leader. the acute distress receives the first attentiqn, but ,. Herr Heine alleges that the socialist organ has been guilty of deception and of caus- this relief leads only to pauperism if nothing more ing "disruption of the inner unity of the party is done. The Associated Charities endeavors to and the promotion, on Jbe othcrhand, of the in- discover and, Uo remove the underlying causes terests of those who In the "time of the country's that compel a fa'inily or individual to seek food, shelter or, clothing. need condemn the position of the", party." , t t At the present time four skilled workers are ; "The social democracy," he sayst,''couJd act no differently than it has done; it had, to align itself required to d,o this work in Honolulu. From in the morning to half-paon the side of the Fatherland in this war." He eight-thirt- y four each refutes indignantly the ' assertion of the "intri- afternoon these' workers are visiting in the homes guers" that the social' democrats' are "hurrah pa- of the poor or talking to them in the office, 'or triots," chauvinists and jingoes, and denies that communicating with their friends or relatives Once' a week a group of about fifteen people the war.fron Germany's viewpoint is' an imper' "' '' '"''' who are " interested in philanthropic endeavor ialistic undertaking. "As long," he continues, "'as trje enemies can- meet at the office of the Associated Charities and not contemplate any peart that "does' not' presup- formulate plans for each family which will if that is pospose dictating to prostrate Germany, just so long restore it to a state of is it worse than madness, a betrayal of the inter- sible, or to give them the wisest kind of continuests of our people, in fact, to talk of peace to ous relief. These plans are executed daily by tlje four workers employed, or by members of the them. "To stick it out to the end! That above all Rehabilitation' Committee, or by other friends who things is, pur duty to ourselves. Our longing and are giving volunteer service, our hopes, cur sympathy' and our concern, must This is the kind of practical charity that shouid not be allowed to overpower us, at least not until receive support Aid tiven to it is aid irivpn to everything is dark ahead, Even the most pardon- - the deserving poor ami aid given in the best way." , 1913.- 30,--' g- ; . IrtS ' r. : rj loss of the Submarine 4' g Hi'C tUifeif to-he- - a - wonder-Presiden- ; - . -- HbnolutU 'Wholesale Produced 'Market - x&ffigf Only.v Wholes - ; r the-cos- mill-owne- rs . i Socialistic Discord " THE The Best Giving Vor-waer- ts . ; st t,' , ; - t' Quotations ' ; xsstren BT THH TBS&ItOKIAX. ,,. .KAXKETIKa SmSION V 1 i - March 2ii 1915. ; ' r . GeneratKt I t ;' for-about Hilo's en-Crescent Cjty Jia the that Jetting, than tho tob;bottr. J Den gopd for fat yooog jwultry. Broiler! Ut, I to 1 lbs., . Iilaxt wrrt plentiful. PriM low. Island tab. batter,, lb,.rt'...28 t JO Young4oter, lb.....; .33 to .40 Hena. tdoi eoadition. lb., .25 to .2714 r.a. ' ' S.1 BOO. Tnrkmilh. . kL?''it-'- - Duekal MnneoTr. lb...... .24 to,, Afh freah' IiUutfRga, ;los. .'X.T.to JO .Dueka, Peking, Ih...'...,; U ,80 Duckt, Hawaiian,, doi. , , i ...... 8.40 ' Ink . eggfL do . . t & .'iT.: Denuuid good for O may prepare 10 Tccrivu unovpcr niv;.'. sav a mi paper. ;rBtoriee,or. county yi and visit- prisoner t Cahu ing the moving picture snows arenot in the aame'class at Hawaii's own star Joy-ridin- g buwlar.' i. perform That . individual ance deserve a paragraph all to them-.- , selves. o here aoe. . . . v .' A MllpliTOi .Imilmeio,- not content ardinanr burglar, has : With being dnrliled' to institute businesslike moth- and Je la eds ia bis adopted-ealllng- , oow carrj-lBaround an adding ma- hi stolen' rash- Shin 40 ,orajut The last: entry made-on- ' th.mchlno' h Manuel BoVI'm' Wa that of HI..1. '. ,'lrW Krkk w,ir-- la ttianirhl. in ' have been frgarding the- transaction at . '.' J ' on,-5i- -' Japanese hotel, in' llonokaa, where gathered ia . by Imsmio. Jleside the adding macfaln.' thft terprising burglar- ha, a stolen blcMeV' Id his possession,' and ' he has nit a clever contrivance by whVh the , adding machine, ia .. atUeheLrto the 50 wa ' , handlebar. 'iv j : '? 7 'vvf WsU Known Potty "TMe'fX' ; ;' Irnsmclo is said by thT police petty ,thi7. Ho used to S (onflae hi attentiony6 chickens, cloth- to'1'' well-know- ing and '.eggs. Lately ho ' graduated, and is now a rptfular practitioner in tho burglary lloev His maiden efforts in his new lis of endeavor are said WHO GOES THERE? to have beeytarted at Honomn, where gone through with, several stom were much suctes.. - From that'vllUge ho Jw Paaullo, where he decided AMIGOS B I RAMI jumped to par1 a few nocturnal visits to one '. or twb plaees. v' V Manager Patten of the plantation , store waa paid a visit la his borne, at (AuoelsUd PrJ br Fedrsl Wireless.)'. asout midnight. ', Tho genial manager. was, sound asleep and dreaming about DOTJOLAa, . Axisona, Maxcit . 80.- Mistaking tho friendly force, of OmA what will happen when WO' haro f ro oral Bamaniegoa iot uie too, a guajra sugat. Ho ..was aroueed br hi rife,- I of. honor sent oat from Agua Prieta Wbo, announced that ah beard soma to escort him Into tbo city fired at hit intruder In tho room.' . Patten jumped r advaaea guard, whoa it wa oaoonntorod out of bed and saw making at twenty - mile distant. Nobody, wae top speed for a window.. .The chase ; hurt, but th rotnforconienta, Aot ttking that ensued was Interesting and exeiW-lng- , th character of tbslr reception, broke and for a time it looked a if tho and fled aero ta , Ajawrlcaa border Luralar-'woulbe captured, f However.': . . i-- ' ,i.Ai in the darkness.: the aBrtfi'rwas 'mg(e to 'see K BORDER 'yf : WABHTtfQTON," March ' more field batter! osrhAve Mn ordered declare that their old friend ,'JmameiO say that nit fb Filipino to Brownavlllo, Xexs, oa. Cien. Fan did thetl-ick- l - to ths heeds to steal now Is an b(0ce .build- ton' recommendation,border.,, : An lnfautry rciiii..ine At ing, llo bos everything else neeessary an selling business, if Texas. CltF sjjto ha v ordered, to - M riunaem umc or casu -- '.v .v hold Itself tnAeadlnes.,-,- . ....l Finding : Paaullo aroused, tho' F5 ', With theW .addition nia - u ar. do- oartmeiit lsoonfldeiit- - cWr XjnertcMi pino started off on hi bicycle, wbie force In Brownavllle,' Texas, aro Anv be bad stolen in Honomo, for Hon pi to protoct th town frees the- - fight kaa. Ho' did not court any attention ing Just across th border. ' The United ia that famous village, so slipped in State forces now consist of on quad. quietly after dark.. lie evidently knew ron, of the Srd Cavalry, two squadron the lay of the country well, for the of the 12th Cavalry, machine gun same evening Manuel Bbtbelp's.offio r platoon and a battery of. the etn Field was, broken into, ' 130 in task Was ; v ... ,V ; ,i Artillory. taken and also an ' a (fding .machine. Qenersl Funston ha Wired fhit VlUa The next place visited was a 'Japanese "1: has if field gnna- and' many nWalne hotel, and that yielded another acceptguns; Oarransa, If field gun and. SO able sum, which waa duly recorded on y-';'". v tho adding machine. Then machino gnna, . few small ' l OBEEOON houses were broken Into and rams of SBTtntKINO ' Diploma tl adviceaar. that : Obre-go- n money stolen. ' la returning' to XMaxloo City fend Some time in ' th early hours of that the Zapatista are witAdrawlnx-Becrttar- Wednesday morning the wheelman de- -' Bryan said that Provisional parted for Kukuihaele, where he President. Oars had promised to give dropped in to pay hia respect sev Immediate consideration to th problem eral stores. '. Host Bylva of th to Kukuiof the food supply la Mexico Xtyty. haele emporium delighted to The British tmhaseadpr has Inquired find thirsthis stock of was wet 'mods wss of Becretary Bryan what arrangementr Intactthat' next morning wen he heacdof wlU' b made for th protection of trouble of others foreigner if th Zapatista evacuate. theTho Waimea police are on th lookCoL O'Connor notifies th war out for a Filipino who rides a bicycle that ho warned th warring with an adding machine atteabed to the violating the Kaco faction against agreement to protoct th - American handlebars. The cops think they will ' Mow him if he passes their way out? aid of th line. , ';'.' r fitted ns described, but "what some, of ' them-wan- t to know is how the will be able to tell the right man If a Filipino riding a bicycle and carrying SHIP BUILDERS WANT a plantation store on his back wends j his wajr through Waimea. 8houfd they arrest the man on suspicion, is' the question that Is disturbing the rural LIQUOR - '.' . . '-- vtatftAxxsk aito PEOprma muuu, araau, (mo, i nyt o ienL avrio , Beans, lima, in pod. lb f Maul Afdf WCi I .; ,4r, .... . ; - 10 Bermada, Jb. . 03 .na .M''- in- ms bunch'. t '..'... M . . .'I,vi;,..r.,1.00 . Cabbatu, bag ... - Ua, '(cn-r- rt' . ''': j , Good demaa:d for SUea.' .".', v1 Ite'ef, lb Veal, lb. 1, 2, ; ' lb. . ...t to .la ...:'.lt ,'to" ''' ' M r 1 .0 14.00 to to ' MAT Mutton, lb. Pork, lb. TBEX ? The following are quotations on feed, f.o.b. Honolulu. Corn, small yellow, ton, 41.00 to 42.00 Corn, large, yellow, tonll.M to 41.0 Corn, tracked, ton... 4XM to 4tJSQ ...is., lb. ..... Sheep Skins, each.... MM tloat Skins, white, each A. 4. .'.fa ;'.;','';;V XSSS8E0 ':.-'- ' Barley, ton Bran,' ton Kipe, ,lb.i5,w.,.,WM.,13 '' JS-O- 16.00 ' , .1314 .10 to .20 to .30 .11 to .11 .10 .10 to .17 ' Scratch Food, ton. . . .40.00 OkU, ton . 49.00. ton . ; . Wheat, Middlings, ton , 40.00 Hay, wheat, ton.,. .. ,. 28.00 Hsr, alfalfa, ton ...23.00 'Alfalfa meal, ton ', ...23.00 . to 47.00 4.00 to 50.00 to 42.00 to 24.00' to 28,00 to 23.50 . ' k--- t - '?; Steers, No. Steers, No.' start , Alligator pears, dos.'i,'. j.' .TB to 1.00 iLiihe,i 100 . .90 to 1.00 . .80 to .00 Bananas, Chinese,, bunfjl, J? to .80. Pinampples, ewt, .. 17 to .20 Bananas, cooking, booch, .79 to 1.00 . (Uiwbefries, lb. .. . .23 to .6J .80 to .40 Watermelons, eaeb. Breadfruit, dos. Figs, 100 .10 .tU'.i'M to LOO Pohaa, lb. .01 Orapea,- - Isabella, lh.. ,4.0 to .11 to ' .02 Papalas, lb. ....... .. , u ranges, uawn. inope in maraei;. ItyBStOCOC' i'.;.A ' 'Beef,1 cattle" and sleep arc sot. ed and paid for by dressed weight bought at live weights, They aro J Hogs, up to' 150 lbe., lb., .10tf to .11 taken by tbe meat eompaaies, flresa-- . , ; Hogs, 150 lbs and over, lb. .08' to 10 ",'''. , The Territorial Marketing dviaien under supervision of the U. tL Any Station la at tbo servlor of all eitUen of the Territory. produqo which farmera may send to the Marketing Division Is sola at the f I per. cent Is made, tt is best obtainable priee. A ma'ketiPir tharg Marketing Division w( t aLd how highly 'desirable the t farmers notify atacn produeo they har for sale and about when it will bo ready to (Asfnrt.td Pru 1r rdarl Wirlua.t ship. .The shipping mark of thl Division Is U. &. E. B. Letter .; ddreaa LONDON, March 30. A deputation Honolulu. P. O. Bos 1J87. Salesroom Ewa corner- Nuuann and Queen 8U, from tho . Ship Builders' Employers i ; ddrosa. rj8ES ' Telephone 1840. Wirelesa conferred yesterday, with , A. T. LONQLEY.,suBerUtenoes. s l Federation , v T v David Lloyd Qoorg, chancellor of tho exchequer, snsnlmonaly urging that WEEKLY. MARKER, LETTER , th government two anwrder prohibiting tbo further saU of In toxicants the reM thronghont Great Britain for Durlug the past week there has been 20 eenta in case lots. Due to large shipment of mainland mainder of th period of tho wa. Onl. a decline in the prices of several prodby such a move will th national ucts. Hogs axe just little, cheaper and New Zealand onions of very Kood Inhe met, the employei the quality Island onions Bermuda are formed tho chancellor. than last week wiri A good supply la getting good as not year. sale as last ' ; ... . the market. So far as can be learned wuippen iv me mamianu there has been no cut in the. retail fiTaa costly watch has In been a that made bringing not aro as good a price, as price. Island beef took a drop today. for oxhibitioa purposes there is a This is caused by the large aupply com- waa received last year. Word has been wheel that make a revolution ' only few received the small that shipments ing in from the large ranches. Small In four years? oparating, a ;li uawati naa exceeded the demand onr shipment of dressed. t?et .e,onthu to rrom Shows the years, months and days. that spit of the fact that our onions in arrive from Molokal an Hawaii. Island ergs are more plentiful than art the first of the new crop to reach ever and It Is reported, that fresh egg that market. This is probably caused tiful from now on and the prjee 4 are being offered as low as 3. cents by large quantities of good onions still likely to drop a little. la storage rrom last year's crop. . market. many- more cooking bana- . A great a doaea to- - dealers in Twenty flve1 cents 'la: the Jowest ..eggs ' Strawberrke. are getting more plon uas could be used than are now being havs brought i,UiMlul fo' A good tiful and th demand is keeping pace, received, umei have been very scares many years., Last year the lowest price I'otias are in greut demand but prsc for sfeveral weeks and are commanding .. ,' reported jraa 28 cants,, So.ar th"Wvl-sio- n tically none are being received. Alli- cood prices... The prices of feeds, have dropped has sold no nrat'dasa eggs lower gator pear aro getting more plentiful than 87 eenta. Latest report from and a few mangoes have appeared ta during the week. .'This gives some tbo market.. A large shipment of vi relief to producers of ours and stock San Francisco ahow that Ejtra-FresRanch Eggs are being sold in Urge termelona waa received during the but the prices are yet abov normal. A. T. LONOLKV, qiianHties t 20' tent a doren.1 They week and sold at good prices. From Marketing Superintendent ,, are being sold la Honolulu p low. as 1 11 reports inelous will be more' pirn . . V ' . vw . , . - the-Jfit- h . Jkrf . 29.-rT- hro JOea, bucha..,i; ... Carrots," doa. .40 Corn,xflweet, 100 eart. h2.00 to ' 2.23 Corn, JHaw., amall yello (none). Corn, large yellow. (neat).. d rrf troops . Greet KPeppera, BoH, lb. . .06 to J07p. '.',..' ',.01'', G roe iH peppe, Chin, lb new, .01 V4. to .oa PoUtott, Jl. Irish, PoUti,' Ial ' aweet, ewt. .... Taro, Iwet land, ewt. .. .V. Taro, IfchBch,',-.2 to .02 Vt lb .06 to .01 pers, aoz. .35 to .40 '4.0 ,... i' . . ,' ,;.. 3.00 4.00 CalicA', m wfc". i , ;Mrl . BmaQ 'white, twt.. viHed,- - wtr:.,.l',v:'. Pt, Ueetatoa. hMbjyid&ii, - ' , , - ' ' noV. ' '' .capital Jfa-wnU- .. ' BBt.-p-vv;;':!-. . ,' stoHc - , :'- -' l . 1 . emsaissssisjsj . ng ' roads maintain wrecking trains. But'when the F-sank and failed to rise, the Uni.t.ed..StattsVg;O.Ye'r.n-'..-; menthad no apparatuH tqual to the tatf-goinpromptly , - No criticism is made. of- the twicers And Jnen,. They did all that lay Sir humandvoipn capacity ; diving-beland ingenuity; but the act remams. that-TU being .built now vvhichf ithad. been 'avail; lives., able pronptly, might haVe Saved twenty-on- e States;;VThe questions involved art, too complicated, for ; AVherever there is a submarine base there, ought, the average mind! 2Th'e, internationar'" lawyers tabe diving apparatus capable of use at the depth ' have something of real Importance t? ,Vrestl with to which submarines are likely to sink in practise.. t VViison has anvolutions.1 Submarines seldom go down 200 feetv ' and it is little nounced tliat he'WilrsenbJvisitorsor th next There is in use for commercial salvage operations' ' three weeks that he fniy haVe, ample time "In which a collapsible tube which can be lowered to a depth1.' to Inform himself about these matters It will be- of 400 feet. Provided with powerful searchlight$r-;- ' come known eyentuaUy whether the President has and free from the terrific pressure which cripples; done all that reasonably can be expected of hiirAo divers in suits and helmets, the operator can Vvprk preserve- the nght&olt American ship owners. and Lin freedom for unlimited peribds, with light.to Bee ' American, exporters. ;Tbe state ' departmeht lias Iwhat he is doing.' wv't' f service' Veal opportunity for hefe. New principles of international la are likely to be established as shall be the status of neutral shipping in time of a result of the European war and, unless there is war.; If. the Allies win England presumably will great caution, , the United States' 7 will., suffer in dominate in these conventions. Important matters prestige because, of, the willingness" of Europead of damages also will remain to be adjusted. The belligerents' to gnort"6urtig1its'. ... United States hardly will permit ships under her After the, war there probaWy will be activity to flag to be sunk by German submarines without establish certain .conventions', prescribing1 .what demanding that full reparation .be made..' - Oakland's New, Example ' pudaf life-savi- , r';-,- '. , y y;'v'? ;' - , BUU HAWAII ;. - con-ten- ' ; F-- 4 fair-pla- , V f; : policemen. , , , .. FEDERAL, BUILDING .' ' ' ... WORK RESUMED , Work ha already been - resumed en the liiio federal funding and no time ijbewgi9tji rushingth.Job ahesd.. . Daily boasts can be heard as charges of powder-- ar1 ' seV v off In orvler ' to excavate the foundation site, The plans for the- foundation have been changed somewhat, but only for the . good, as the new building, when complete, will be in no ganger of becoming cracked or. in. auy way, becoming dam. aged through any cause. Contractor 'Will la delighted to be able to go ahead, with the work that help up for ao long a time, ami lbe o.bsf already, .during .th past few days, jnad an impression en th oiulorxround 'work. ' Inspector Cohen is Itbkt itrh underway V agaia, and h predicts that everything will now go ahead without interruption, of any' kind. ..'' ., 7 The new that a cable has been received from Washington, ha already been published, and it only remains to say that inspector Coheu Is still of tb opinion that when the H)lo federal building I completed tbo town 0 will have a structue of which rvery oue ran be justly proud, ' - , - has'-ibee- '. , - - ',. AAA- 'TUESDAY.' MARCH -- U'l JW IJIJM - Is SepWdiit of !VItT :F--4' Sea-vu- sp HAWAIIAN GAZETTE.- 1 301915. S'lcMl-WESiCL- Y. g ' .'i'i1.. ..J.' "' Officers and Nineteen Men WO 1 ' ."ii Hop g of Saving .. Men Fades .' Catch Proves to Be Rust EdieWSAncho 1 A' . t - ,'''.'.'..;'.,'. ILLUSTRATIONS OF SCENES AND PERSONAGES CONCERNED IN ALERT J ' Lieut. Alfred Li Ede ncl? Member of Lost NAVAL TENDER' lit Foreground: Navajo Towing Crane Into Harbors Aeroplane tor; and Electro-Magne- t; Barge and Donkey Engine' an d Anchor and Chain ' . ' 1 1 ' ;::-a V ,v fA'A1- f r!frr AAV..rir'-i.j- l a;.'"'' '"$ " AND WORK OF RECOVERING LITTLE WASP SINKING OF. SUBMARINE "Location,' Drag of Dredge Marking F-:' Buoy Crew Ensign Timothy A. Parker i J. A. Fruer, Naval ConstrucReady Tor Assist In Rescue Work ' Lieutenant-CommandeRecovered From, Water t Jack Agra and B. O. Evans, Naval Divers' 'F-- 4' 4' r, f 1 V"CT - -- V' liinUi V" I . . -- 1 v. . ! 1 . s "1 ; ,Xy:' iu. 7 1 I nr. .. V-- . '. ' ' ffrj.u:'. ' if - :':;f 0. N 1 V t into .otiT I i4 Loss of DMDGECiffiiMIA Sea-Was- p, and CrewGrjeves; President Wiisoii is- (Atoelt Pma by Federal Wlrlnu. H BOARD U. S. S. MAYr4 V ADSOMLv MOORE xMNDONS, HOPE , A4vrtler l C. TMtarday axiemboii, that the ctch of th drdn OaU- Btunl7 night, haa boan foundH11 to ba rlifrK V pirn. IVa notinv litui iVm frmH Una forking uotU w rals tha aubmarlna, but v have given up hopa for the 0vaa of the man. VWhethar they died through suffocation or by drowning when water penetrated the hull, If the latter haa given way, we do not ' know, of course." "" ." '," " I" '.III! '.J I llll'U !.J! ' viA 'V'A,:;;:,-v- to! T& ' hi' 'Vi t d and Jatk Agrai is, big. burlyk BECAUSE he' makes a good diver. If he lacked these physical broad-cheste- a : " " TWO NEW DEMANDS '' - (Aworlala4 Pnu hf FMcrl Wirlu.) PEKINQ, March 89. China 'a parleying haa brought no abatement in the eevailty of the teraa lmpoaed by Japan. On the contrary, It waa reported here today that two additional daman ds have been submitted, both of them atrlklng aerloualy at tha lnteg '.fathoms of water.'1 of the national life. Buoys .mark the spot About it .tugs will thread their way rlty The flrat of the new demands is said todays trying to catch her in the nets of cable." When they to be for a aubatantlal there la th they will w6rk until they the great float- administration of the euatomi; the second for partldoatlon la the governing crane fronx Pead Hartjor will bow itself to the task of dragging ment monopoly of ealt, a lucrative the steel frame from the sea ooxe. But there is no hope that the source of revenue. Chinese officials admitted today that men will be alive when this has been acciornplished. now reached i What was believed to be the submarincV iaught by the dredge the negotiations have rrounda. , Nevertheless Yuan California Saturday night, was an anchorVff was pulled up yes- perilous Shlh-ka- i la doing his beat to keep sea. When deeply dissatlsnsd populace la contrit terday morning. Jack Agra descended 21 jf feet into the ' At the request of Japan, be nou, he was drawn to the surface he said threex words: ',. " newspapers tcdav that thev afbst the n I .A !"rf ot her Anchor tamper the tone of tbslr. comnMnis, (Men threw up their hands and turneayfray. and be urged again that the WJyc&it ; (Conthiued o Paga of Japanese goods be relaxed. y.i r.J ; ,: I Aooilfd Frwt ay rcdersl WtrtleM.) LONDON, March 28. A Beuter mes- sage from Ktocltholtn - eonnnna the of a double disaster to the csrly German merchant marine in the Ualtic. The steamer Havafia went asboro in m proDawy a S"JW 'tu total wreck. The steamer Koenigsberg ( k rirt j llou The steamer the ( onfeilerfJun had played durlug and in destroyed. rciiorted lost, is claimed by a r atrugRle? 'Former the areat p i.t.nt. Tuft. wan one of the sneak umttU ii i(om rjwlnemunde to be prob f', m a Uerman port. All ers. Th msnrialt f'yVi1'"- - ably were carrying cargoea of three lii iron ore to Germany. m 3ERMAM74VIATORS . RAID IN FRANCE BRITISH SHIP WRECKED er-mania, f(r4r-yea- io.V ' OFF MOROCCO! 18 DEAD . - nd d ' ', Bli. V,' '. .. ' ' PAKii aviators March droppWU bombs yesteMiV aWUlor. kf and Uunkim. in tne zormer city childspn ' iilaymtf I d .the street thr killed. There were no father essu- - i (," f rV,,. s.iM' BRITISH N TO 1 4 DAYS. PAZO OlMTMYSNt' wMguarnteed 0 jure anv.' caaaiof Itohlni? Bfinrl Dwing or TDtruauig t4daysormoneyrefund0d-Madab- rus in t PARIS MEDICINE CO., Saint Lout U,S(l( ' ' '" "t Pr Kdi-r- l Wirln. V EMBASSY DENIES LADY PAGET IS DEAD March tl. The has isue.l an official tlcniul of the report that Lady l'aget fcuibia oi typhus fever. dii'd WASHINGTON, ' ' . ti LONDON, March 27. The British stoauicr Trotliurk Iism been wrecked Kighteon of (i IT Oiu Morocco coast. tlit crew arc dead. : :.v"! ,Vr.-,- i P1LE& CURED A x . characteristics, he would be unable to do what he does. '215 Yesterday, he dived feet into the sea. This was the third time, since the F-- f wetit down, that he had been in the neighborhood of 200 feet from' the ttm and air. Hia pal, G. B. Evanshas been down four times. His greatest depth was 186 feet. Yesterday he went 11Q to ascertain Wrhethef 4ne cable of the dredge California waa hold V. ing anything. ; ; AGRAZ MAftK; BREAKS ALL RECORDS Agraz' mark of yesterday is believed to be a world's record. He had, but not until he had advised his took all the line the motor-bomates emphatically' that he' wanted it. They feared to let him go . Tdl t WWle.) ' (Auorlaled eor- WASHINOTONi Marb iflJ-Tk- e eerstone of the oiaKuiftcen memorial B(l tha America bping erected Crovs in honoi'of the WQmea of the by , ,HaUrday ';ivil War waa dald glowiug President Wilson, wiOo l'aa in'bU(tdress to the part the ana tn women or Women of the. V iij i . - JAPAN ADVANCES km a ... FOR GttEAT MEMORIAL men of the F- - are mourned HERE is, no hope. Twenty-on- e " i as dead. Rescue operations have fallen back to the point where,' they began Thursday, with this single exception; Tle exact location of the submarine is knowru She lies in forty-seve-n T Jack Agraz, Wearing Only Helmet arid Without Weights, reaches Depth of 215 Feet Xear-Adinirs- (From"MonA4veiUaiwl);',uTO,'-.r'- ' ' V ' 28.. FLOWER, March flower. ' Is Sepulchrej: For ; Men te. T. Moor said: 4X regrrt to (octU, vhch wt took for the 7-- 4 ' f the presidential yacht May- p4 a sUtnimt i Informed by wireless last nighty tl that the ' submarine. F-- 4 lay on the bottom of the Honolulu fairway and that almost no hope was felt that any of the crew still lived, President Wilson expressed deep grief and was visibly, distressed. The President is on his way to Annapolis for a brief outing on Fdr Reco - r. I 'v . ( ." s' " A Utrtt A'jiuY - , ' .1 Z . Vi A . . "!H : ,. .; A , at A:;t:;'-too far. He laughed about it. 'He also laughed when told that "old- -' timers" on the waterfront did not believe that he had gone to the i, ?. Vf rh depths given.' "toe' said. right,1 "And I went straight down, too. I "I did, all California, which was holding the big cable of the by the went down ; A ; p A anchor and chain, and it was straight." WONDERFUL; DiyER LEARNS A LESSON f But Jack has Ifarned one.' lesson. Thursday he descended too abruptly, attaining about 200 feet in five or six minutes, and the too sudden change closed, the incredible weight of the water about rum like a monstrous vise, so that" he must have looked death in the face. He was in a collapse when he regained. the surface. ,t Yecterday he crawled d6wn, literally by inches. took alrnost,, a full hour to descend and .to ascend, for it would be almost as dangerous to emerge from the deep too quickly as to enter it too quickly. USE NO WEIGHT ON THEIR FEET Evana use no weights on their feet. They are clad and Agraz only in trunks and light shirt They slip into the water and the helmet is placed over' th" bcd. A weighted rope hangs below. e and They crawl down this, while the men above give out if line, signal on the tug the mar. order. A sudden signal-lin- e at should meet with mishap, would warn those above. t ." t , : J.U ; vn'i AA U : . ' . , .e , . m'v; ,i ';.,' air-lin- iOI " ;, ..iiawattan nAzrrrrr:. tuesg ay, march MONSTER PONTOON CRANE Ignited btates Submarine,. Lost Off ' ,. WILL HOIST SUBMARINE e. '"It -- ,of " ', (Continued , 1 CABLE LOOPED ABOUT CRAFT MOVES IT In the afternoon, drama rose to its climax, The anchor cable of the. California was taut. Suddenly it slackened. A man in an open; boat cried out and pointed. A awirl of white bubbles broke . from below and spread on the swclL iooped the' becri submarine and had twistabOut .The cable had ' ed it about i is the latest plan to guide dragging operations. A diving-beIt is being built at the Honolulu Iron Works and may be completcast-iro- n ed today. Glass portholes will be placed ia.a pipe; its lower end will be scaled; a man will enter and the top will be closed. He will be lowered tQ the submarine and he will be able to direct the placing of chains and cables. also was tried out yesterday for the first An electro-magn..v,.v'...-.i;w!.tim MERE CONJECTURE ARE DEATH CAUSES OF if they are dead, as appears What has killed, the twenty-on- e F-U. recovered. Her hull is bethe be until told certain cannot seams; but there probably are lieved to be intact, without any great minor openings which would flood some, compartments. Her air eupply was large enough to maintain life for a long time if there were no complicating factors, but there might have been many,, Sea water may have reached the batteries and generated chlorine gas. Death may have been by suffocation or drowning; slow or mercifully quick. The men may have died when the boat first met 'i with her mishap. Two luhg strike. hqd her California fast to long the All night drags had swept the floor of the sea and were held by the dredge. Those, on the ship became incredulous wben they observed 'the slight strain on the steel cables leading over the boom, and the en:. !': gines began hoisting. y to the surface. Then Agraz They raised the weight down his descent slipped into the water and disappeared. Half-wa- y anchor, with, fathom after fathom he found the., of chain trailing from her into the dim depths below. He went on. 215 feet. This was shown pj the gauge of the )t, He reached i, which registers pressure and depth accurately. It is held to be a ' " '.J "new world's record, DIVER SEES ,NO SIGN OF. CRAFT There was no sign of the submarimcj j A gra climbed back iuto d been in the water al inc air. icsccnaing ana asccnumg, most an hour, he said, . , V J fva donkey-engin- e The California surrenderedron a barge, which drew up the anchor 'and grct mass of chain, estimated to.be ninety fathoms. Evans dived 110 feet to the second drag to see whether ft had ijuiything. He found nothing. '.. ... Thus the whole, fabric of hope, woven. about the strikes of the ''California, was destroyed? It is evident that no line had been twin-''- " ed about the submarine since' the Navajo lost her hold Saturday, after one end of her drag "had parted the night before. Soundings yesterday showed, a comparatively smooth surface cf the ocean floor and indications were that the submarine was on aa even keel. The depth was taken accurately at forty-seve- n t v , flit.- Hopes that refuse to'diej; And woeful women weeping Under the midnight skyi .tA , ''s .. i.. - sea-ooz- fifty-fatho- . . ; ' , m r fifty-four-in- V . t - . IU- V.':V '" et ' - - ,i,M,.,r nr l ' it ! i i 4- - . '' '. ... ' I, t ' i .! .. - ' .III It . 1' fl. . '' lUli, . vn, n '. I ; 1 ww; nn( half-wa- wmi : -- ch '-- - .1.. fc.f -' . f... . rust-grim- " , ed air-pum- p, 'h "' .' '" .-' "' . . . iM. t4 . . '.-- JU , tbe-tatht- , l. 't. I A ajf.," v b '.-- C i:. fathoms. , half-ligh- ,, inai-tiv- ' it-fc- wine-eweepln- i, . hae-wo- - : ''..!.,. L "the-ilia- - DIVING-BEL- L ll ' , glass-bottom- iftt'v ed . stood Lieut the province cnmpslil in the open fields, Suddenly the man in the boat cried shrilly to the lieutenant and afrni.l to atay ' in the viciuity of any building. cast out his arm. Heads jerked to attention, and bodies stiffened. .- v -: . ''fiJ a HfMI .1 J wiusy on uit green water, greati gwin oi puDOies arose ana aancea . in the sun. They must have come from the submarine.GREEK MINISTRY Slowly they died away. Each eye watched their passing. The explanation given. byH. G. Plummer of the Hawaiian Dredging Company, assisting in the work of the dredge, was that his cable PLACATES PUBUG had made a loop about the submarine and had whirled it about when the strain of the moving dredge became too great "'An hour before this time, the gaunt, black' lines of the crane had moved1 into the harbor to be anchored untilit should be needed Denies Statements Thajt By for drawing the stricken submarine from its bed, 7 A sea almost as Maintaining Neutrality Greece smooth as a mirror made it possible for the Navajo to tow the crane Will Lose Opportunities from Pearl Harbor. Crowds everywhere on the waterfront had, watched its'tlow progress for five hours, from the time it was a l're li) JVdnrnl Wlrrlmc.1 ' ATll F,H, March 29. Th nrw uiihblack patch against the green of the hll .,,1, liKtry intuoij an olficial statement CRANE COULD HANDLE INTACT r SUBMARINE rjfBr)ing the attituiie of the i. ireeli foviTDinfat towards the war, This crane has a capacity for 150 tons of dead weight. Admiral. Mtrtinn ttst it conniilfr necessary Moore said he had seen it lift that much. i$ .was designed to lift lur th infoinmtios of theit Greek t ilory the Htatoments that hare the heaviest gun. If the F-- 4 retains her compartments intact, the vill lack only a little of buoyancy, and the crane could handle her. b.'.'ii mi.lc that should 0 recce contlnse mtinuifi its attitmle of easily, lifting only the. water in her submerging tanks. If she is it. wwil i line its eiiportuaity neutralHr to reallae completely water-filleher weight will be 350. or 400 tons, and that the nutional aspirations. Tf.c ilivcrjjcnt views I etween " the will require the best efforts of both crane and dredge. Recurrence I'lcscrt minitrv anil its predecessor A air bubbles shows that she has not lost all her air. tbv Ktutcmcnt suys, arose over the different oririoiu . hold regarding the There was 125.23 cubic feet of air in the tanks of the F-iravity ef the' dangers tha threatened to 2200 pounds, or about 150 atmospheres. This would be thintegrity of 0,epce ; iu.Ticient for many days, but undoubtedly some, was exhausted by Ike inscnt government,- t he sta tempi t in com ( Ki the crew, if they lived after the last dive, in trying to free their luiin, is doing ever', thing tbet U pnssiUle: to avoid those tanks of water and restore buoyancy. How much 'was used no one dangers withtnit preeipitatiag tao nat knows; it would be difficult to hazard a guess, . tion agalu into 'wa.' ; ' . . ; T There was plenty of water, but no food. 'There were two tanks f 135 gallons each, which would supply pure watr for a long time! There probably was a little coffee. ' I Lieutenant-CommandJ.. A. Furer, naval constructor at Pearl Harbor, tested the four submarines for stability, in February. He received no orders to do this, but wiched to satisfy himself .that they vere all right. His findings showed they, were. 'method was. o place known weights in different points throughdijt the tubma-- , Press hv -- Mwsl Wlrricst) incs and then to observe the result on a delicate pendulum. By LONDON, Mrch Ornnan aibi sriaw-rrigtU acti- - n th TrUli ntricate calculations, the exact condition of the chips could be ea, icoutla for bound ound. '. , i or Ilrerpool. English c9t'lui tbera and at Qvaitows revon RESCUERS TQIL WEARILY AND SLEEP'lY ifcr MiBeopM of Sleepless nights and days filled with wearing toil and suspense ivini sighted on serqral occsi loni. ,By have worn down the strength of the officers and men it charge, teairio7 fvll sneed on ilgzaj course Lieut. Charles E. Smith, commander of the flotilla, waa ort the hey were abls to escape tnHouchsd. iredge yesterday with three days' beard on his face and weisring a IESERTERs'TrOM VILU jlue iumper quite unlike a natty navy officer. Although, lib 'gave TO JOIN CARRANZISTAS 10 sign in his bearing, his eyes and lined face thawed . us weariness. He had rested only three hours since Friday, aid, Uv Tr Wtrflimii. ) IHntJI.Ari, AiUona, Msi.-bout three o'clock, he left the California to get some sleep.' .RJ e of four hundred and 'fifty ieu, iJlu:nincr alto had been tt work night and day since Friday and hi ho hnd ili HcrtCil the Villn etui 8 iu nich r- .- ? 1 - n -r-T- r- 'hi yoa-4Hn- y i . : na-tM- p. IU.w . ' :.:': 'I I t- et 4, il. . ... 4, ' J 4 1 rV'l t "1 iMtaili f '' ' :tttif;-- - d, ' com-presr- ed - ;. sea-war- - , . . 4, r--M ' , ' If er .Wil . . 'If I, r '. 'j m:mmm ,Te i. 150-to- a HI 'I.l4 Ml , r. merch-.nt-e- ' V , n . - T rust-eate- red-rimm- ed PrJi-rn- l SH.-r-- o- - big-chest- ed -i , : F-- 4 electro-magne- p . li ' ' - i , ''(, , o l '', WASHINGTON, March 29. . X08 ANGELES, March 28. Typhus V newed.precaaUons to preserve ths nen an 4 ' smallpox art ; acmirjlng Mexico . trallty of the Atlantic porta art being City and famine stalks the streets, says Bado by tha nsvy dsprtrnentr In rim a dlflpauh to the Tiraw from 3 Faao. ' of U fact that the Oefma autUisry " InformaUon 'filed with the state derraiser Trltm ltel rrledricn,' now at partment at WashlnCt jn, says the same Newport News, most leavo port within mrrewalrnt. bte it that the outbreak PTrtxtmtely a few hours. The exact of pestilence was not merely an after Ume has not been aawoonced, but the math of the Tart out tides of Invasion boor when the ship's coiemander Bust that have swept throtish the capital slthcfchooss between Internlag bis vss- - within, the past few months,, hut that ssl for the rest of tho vu or saQng Ut was deliberately s;read by 'inocula ont to snoot tho .cralaors known to bo tions. " ... k. waitlnf for her on told e tho throo-mll- s L INo pereot! ehargea are made. The limit Is known to bo dose... reader is left la ihfer that one of the UT sail retreatlrg factions Tho battleship Alabama scattered infection " goo Hampton Lea Boads frcra Island to from laboratory cultures wherever It today oa neutrality duty, Philadelphia might be expected to come In contact pollcO wero busy overnight rounding up with the victorious Invaders. .. all tho btaejaekets scattered through Notwithstanding the plague. It Is out tho tlty on shore loavov'v This was that dead dog eats, rats and necessary because of the suddenness of horses found in the streets are eagerly tho erters received by Bear. AdmixU eaten by the Starving populace. Helm, whoso fiatshlp the Alabama la, ' to dear for Hampton Roads. BULLETS ''WOUND AMERICANS . The orders wore sent ont by fcecre- prtM W tfdsral WlrslMS.) tiry Daniels, his lastracUons being to 'A.-oltBBOWNSV1 LL.B TOTport tho wont of tho ttbmarlnes and March 29. Already stray hulleta from the battle den'.ioyeis which 'have been on duty, Xrro:ilng the nentral American water which has been bSder way before Mats-- , erer since the Frins Eltol made port moras, just across the tine, have wound, a report for revslrs. On Baturdsy armed Am art ed two Americans. here,-aneMi I'sards wre stationed aboart the which reached this city last sight that ' piee a;prov:hes to where the Mas the defenses of the. Carraasa garrison Eitel lay. WhUe other armed guards ere to be" shelled has created a feeling , were stationed aboard the craft.'' Ar-- of great anxiety, lest some of the ' i . i ttlcrymeQ of the Fortress Monroe gar- shrapnel falls here. The rcrort states iftat the Villa offrison were all recalled front leave. The Print Eltol Hill not be allowed icers have decided to bring their field to leave within twonty-fon- r hours of pieces into action this mornisg,' and the aslllng of any ef the steamship or grave apprehension exists ' that poor other craft of the AUiee, while a close aiming may result In American cas". Is to ' be preservsd to ' guard ualties", '': .;f Detpito the oat of Oenoral Itod- against any reproach to the Qersan limit by rignes the1; yilla' co'mmaader,4 that ho traft Within the three-mil-e wsnld be n,. possessipn of Matamoras ,' any warship of the Allies.' ' THBXK-MUdi before noon of yesterday, the l arrun-sisiaXXEWATJ : r Tor twenty-fou- r still.' bold the town, yesterday hours after sailing decided , defeat upon bo aho wl:i have the liberty of the terrl- - ittfltctlog totlal waters of the United SUtes with. attackers; 1 The' first 'assault (o a; the tronclnes re-- , the three-wil-e international Untlt. ,i If warships ef the Allies are Minted disastrous failure fOr the with ' ooteide. It wul be, the duty of the Ala, V!.lita.v'who 'werey driven-back- ' )ofs o'P hundred, killed and four brja to see that they do not trespass v h.)rK.rod wounded, wlle the defenders on American Jurisdiction, v The federal attorney at Ban Juan' has lost only tcq . killed and forty five nouflcd Becreury Bryan he has begun wounded., ; proceollnra againat the Interned Cd'n m i attempt to escape' wi W for-l- ta .YORK BANKERS tTe- port of Ban Juan. ahl baa beta formally llbeUed.' EASE eVlXIES' CREDIT '' i- . ci -- ,: h a S 1 rtl - . frn i:V - r rvii; y AHnriUl Prtss hy Prdetsi Wlrekts.) NEW YOKK, March gO.-- T.be leading baakers have arranged for- exten- - - r..j.. it: i. I' ; . sive eretiita to le exteniM to the governments of tlreat Itritain, France and Italy, in order to facilitate payment DIVE for the lanmense order's for war supplies . ; being filled. Leo-F.JWelc- ' v - ? - , It . one-wa- EXPECTED TO HELP is expected to be of great assistance to the tugs, The diving-bealthough, of course, the man within will be able to do nothing ex- cept to report progress to those above. It will be sin or seven feet long, according to the tentative plans of C. W. Parks, engineer at Tearl Harbor, and will be of cast iron pipe sufficiently strong to withstand the 200 pounds pressure to the square inch that it will encounter. Holes will be drilled in the iron, and glass portholes, probably four in number, will be placed at the height, of a man's head from the lower end, which will be sealed fast. Air lines and signal linc6, besides the slings to raise and lower the bell, will be fitted to the bell. Mr. Parks was uncertain last night as to when he would complete it, but he said he hoped it would be today. Material was ruthed from Pearl Harbor. Use of an electro-magnalso will aid in determining the position of the F-especially of her bow and stern, so that the tugs may approach her from the proper directions with their cables dragv ging underneath. OLD METAL WILL ATTRACT MAGNET But there probably are masses of old metal scattered over the coral and sand anchors, discarded boilers and a miscellaneous assortment of odds and ends of everything, so that both the magnet a:id microphone do not give positive indications of the submarine. They would be needed only for minute observations, since buoys fhat above the F-- showing her location. p With information as to where the bow and stern of the He, the tugs will drop their cables and move until they catch under the hull. This js infinitely slow and patient work, even though the tugs know where to drag.. All Saturday's endeavor went for ' noUiing, and it may be days before the cables finally catc'lT. i When they do, bridles will be dropped to bind each about the of lines will be drawn into one hull, and the whole spider-wor- k n pontoon crane will drag the boat from ttrand. Then the her grave. If the crane is unable to do the work, it will be assisted by the California, "I looked at the' line in the boom," Eaid one of the California's crew yesterday. "It was almost clack, and I said then to myself that they couldn't have the submarine; that whatever they had rr.uu be much lighter' , RUST-EASN ANCHOR AND CHAIN n A little pull tore the, anchor and chain from where it was twined about in the coral branches. It hung in the loop 150 feet below the surface. Net wi&hing to endanger the hold on the catch, the California ceired heaving" and Jack Agraz was called on.- He "o'tlicr-- i Honors ami killed, their . was tired out. arrived at Agua Piieta etorluy, a; he has done many times since the reeled through the The tug Helen, owned by Young Bros., appeared, in. the middle tjth their wumen nd rbildrop, huh' dim waters. t, of the afternoon with the been on made which had ited ami worn out. They have two Down his line he climbed, slowly and carefully. He had diced the mother-shiSriitfred lirne and two inuclilne gnus, Alert, and it was tested and put a shape fof us. hieh'-'ty noni' e turning over to the w'th !ejth before by dercending 200 feet in five or six minutes. The morgue will remain open continuously until the cubmarinr ii'rniwl.lu, ttitli whom, they will re He reached 150 feet- There hung the anchor with its chain sway- found. Jnlist. ,. ,.,. . ' , OnOM . . . ing below.. It was bitten 'deep by. tea water. Agrax signalled for more line and inched his way down into the primeval eternal twi- RUSSIA PUSHES light He crawled down and down, while the stupendous pressure of the undrseas closed about him; and, c till he descended. I He requested more line. There was hesitation, but finally the BACK ANS men. above gave him all they had, and hewent farther into the bosom of the sea than any man, exposed to the titanic weight, had gone. He reached 215 feet This, statement is verified by all conRussia Defeats" Turkish Armiss nected with the work, from officers down. t '. .Peering about in the green t, Agraz could not see the On .Shores of Black Sea: submarine, and he crawled his way up the line. ' Aflted Fleet Idle .' He reached the surface after being in the water almost an hour, he estimated, but most of this time was consumed in ascending and i ATef From iy rrOoral Wirl.) ' descending. i'r "" : vLONDON, Vitcny 29.WhU awaiting reinfnrramtnU bf,, ships nd ma, "Not her f Anchor!" Agrax gasped v' the allied flget is, renting V A mate thrust out an army to help him.' Agraz spurned it aside. merely holding that portion ftf the .' 0ania4lk He wished no' assistance. already won and preparing for a farther" advance by .HOPE! SPLUTTERS LOW, AND FADES r ,: dil'gent On the shores of the BlaA Bel, j .. A heavy silence settled on the heels of his words., Low excla- Tetrofrnid aonoiinrM that the Kuwait mations sounded like prayers in the stillness. Agraz clambered army, of the Oancaana another into the boat with salt water dripping from his black trunks. The victory, and, following bp it surceng, ptiRhiDg the Torka boXi from the helmet clattered on the wood. The weight of the blow forced itself te Violnitv At TfihsiMik into the tired minds of the men who had been without sleep through Bulgaria, aaya Berlia .''W net yet long nights,' They turned wearily back to their tasks and hope ready to abandon her neutrality, which he it reaolved to maintain ontil her was as a candle spluttering low in its wax before it dies.' ; entry into the great conflict of the And so the California drew away and the puffing donkey engine nations is certain .to be to her inter.. wrestled with the anchor and chain. It was drawn on a barge. The ests. '. The weight was not more than three tons, it was estimated, so it :ould not have been the anchor of the Oregon, which' would Tiave PROVINCE QFJTALY been much heavier. Moreover, the flukes were rigid, while jtlwas ' i ' reported that the Oregon has a "patent" anchor. It may have been the anchor of the Hongkong Maru, lor near the fairway several years ago, and for which various effortiBt reA) ,. )..;. Wwi cover have been made. ( wUt,d Pm by Pcitrrsl Wlrvlou.) btooys were .The California was dragged1 back; to., where thsj-eMarch 20. The province of ROMB, in tossing the easy swell. Her anchor cable groaned .under a strain. Peioeiit was shaken on Saturday by 4a lu.tn sprang backjfxom its creaking. It eased andtlwldredge swayed. i "arlonuako. the force of which, waaelt ;Ji'piacticaHy every part ot, GREAT SWIRL OF BUBBLES ARISES J.. iticv. Aimouga mere wa a nikrui The buoys moved on the starboard hoV.'L'fttle boats were damage, tlie opnlation was' terrified, a man gazing into tjhe sea with a fearing a recurrence of the disaster of dancing about them. In s a few weeks ago.-Saturday night box. Near him was a motor, boat, in' of the groater part of tile population of . , PESTILENCE ,. Of fadingless renown. , 0 if 0 . v -- e, OF MEXICO Commerce i ' Destroyer Typhus' and VSnialtpqx. Deliber-- : r Leaver, Intern With- - v " ate Spread By Inoculation, : : ; ; In Next Few Hours i,Rage and Famine Stalks . . . :;....:. J". .... t v. : ... . -- ' . :..., . t ' t AMirirltUil Press hf F4rkl Wlrslesi.S ' rpins YVcdsrsI Wlrlos. ' "'fAiwoctst . German Must .' Stars through the warden waters Their radiance sending down A nd soft winds ever crooning ; W nun out A fUm on thesmiling surface. .' v l ll V flMOST the bottom i A sense of doom impending, , A frantic rush to save . iA,t , A crumpled hull in the rave., A - ft , i y , , JHW,' Tlfl coralforests lie: A ghostly form in & setting Of lapis lazuli. ' , ' ; 5.) from EITEL' Vy low-sun- t ' A long, gray shape on Sunlight, blithe hearts, a banner .Blazoned wlth'ihajiy iv tar: k rover steaUn A Over the harbpr bar. ' ' v. t j. .'. Work, in the dumb, .dark spaces Shiut from the common eye, , Where the dolphin iridiices, ; ( And the long, lean shark drift! by. , Bubbles Arises From 'Ff4' When Loopc3 Cable.Movcs Sunken Craft MGrcaf Swirl IIIIM'tl PI1IIIZ Honolulu. March 25. 1915.) By H. M. AYRES. t MM t wff.kt.y. i?i5. -- semi 30 ; NAVY TAKES v ;l Uuoflilnl Krns'br Wirvlcus.) HAN HE0O, Majrch by Uie accide to the Fraukliii Dt iKoosovelt, STRIKES HAMPER Honolulu, isslstant secre- BRlTAIfl'S tary ttt the navy, explored-thottoni PLAN ef &n I'edro harbor yestfilay in the . su,binarine The undefwster craft reached a de4b of siaty ,1et during the cruise end'etayed buieath the nr- - Governnvent May ChargaTreasan fae.f Twith Mr. Booevc!t for thirty Against nose wno Tie up 1 e minntOH. ; k After the submarine trip Mr. Roosevelt hoarded tho destroyer 1'aul Jones ml returned to Han Diego to join the party of Vice President Marshall, which arrived here yesterday morning from San I'rsneisco. Tho declined all invitation, pleading a desire to observe the Huliiiatb. Today he will review a naval and military parade, take luncheon with the officials of. the Exposition and deliver an 4ilress at the exposition grounds. ' War Contracts (Atotatfil Prc LONDON, 1)f Msrch VirIM. ) l Desjfito tlm the' trade vnioan 2J). agreements whieh have with the governrannt that there ahall be no strikes authorised which will, interfere with tno wur I'11"1 of a auml or of strike a is being maintained, ami some government orders for matoriul are !' liv ttelayed In delivery. ..In addition, there have beeti . strikes' on the docks inxl rumors, of; dissatisfaction in some of the shipyards. .'.. The doekmen at IlirkcuhcsJ walked but on Saturday over a auction of pay, bnt returned to work the same after-soon- , while the Liverpool dock workers now tack after; partial'y tying ut are ENTWI the- tratlic for a week. The epgineers on the Clyde are talking seriously of striking. It i feared that the novornmeat niay ( Pni br Vulersl Wirtleu.) have to adopt aome drastie nieasures I'resi-den- t WARUINUTOX, March 2!, to' increase the industrial production, Wilson left the White House for and workmen who-- take part in holding a vacation yesterduy, and will spend up any government operation may bo today' and tomorrow away from his charged with treasou. 'deea." He'wHr kX'Ve eloae touch with Washington by telegraph ami wireless, however, and will hold himself ready lERRiFIC FIGHTING to return here iu the event pf any emerPanama-CaJlforui- " a - t mm - in-lat.- 1 ' gency. Today bo will visit Annapolis, aboard the presidential yacht Mayflower. At noon today he will be the luncheon IN THE CARPATHIANS guest of Admiral Naou-othe Argentine navy aboard the new dreadnought (Amiariatcd Pmss by Fe4r WlrcUu.) Moreno. He will to accompanied on LONDON, March C9. Only artillery this trip by Kccretary , Tumultys and engagemsnte nd miner tactical sucof tho Navy Dauicls und, cesses, of no weight in thei great aides. scales of battle, marked Sunday, eithThe M,uruu6 collided, while' en route er aa the western or as a tarn fronts, from I'bilRielplia, with a burgu, but except la the Ospsthians. There (i as' perate fighting continues on a huge received no ditnitige. scale, but there are no recent oa the progress of tho A FAHENT'B ptTti. ' battle. , ; . Yoilr boy is alwivi geftTn( s6iatciied or cut or bruised, Hitcausfrlhtse wound RAID GERMAN AERO CAMP have healed all right is ho. Men they nlwavs will, (iet a bottle of ChamberLONDON, March S9. A foes of luin'o Pain lUlin and seejthat every the AUles aeroplanes raided the aviainjury is cared for immediately. You tion camp ef the Oennsns at Cblstel ran get nothing better, and bUxii liai- tea,' in landers, yesterday, tud dropson is too iluuifcroua a disease to r k. ped a nutpber of bombs. No Vbt sale by nil dealers, Kensou, Hniilh statement of the dsr.ge donj was Co.,. ltl.j agents for Iiawull, given out. , ' - t oil'l ' i y'i--- . ( - .1 I .. anMaT1btjiji iii - . ... ' vV ' Y. Christains uouoiry,; Are wueq anq Otherwise Maltreated tidiriG PUBLICITY . i - ii r - A.--i ", -- - r ISpi idlWlRij Chinese Statesman BIWTklH TO GLEAR IIP 4 nntmr DLWUt FOR THE ISLANDS I , '' Or . " PRESIDENT YUAN IS In Moslen Refugee? ,1 Jhat SfeMI-WEEKL- arSr, HER E Federal Mills Says Witness; Wifl 'diye Utile , f v' Only ldlS. iO. r (RD , ' ,:. MARCH Y, a .ASK GOVERNMENT SSI GAZETTEk-TUESDA- IIOVIiiEd"1 GATEWAY INTO 4 COM t HAWAIIAN V If. 'SMALLFLAIITERS :; - ' ni !i ' . ' t Waihee Statesman Introduces Joint Resolution Providing For ' Course In Normal School' Contributes Claus Looks More Santa Prsss y Fsdotst Wirslsss.) ( Vssoclslcl rr if Fi lfrsl Vir)s. ) Fund To LONDON, Financing 27. March of Tour of Tba Than Yankee Dewey With WAflHINi; TON, .March 27. -- - The (isWfstrA' Press by Fnlenil' Wireless.) , Representative Robert .1. K. Nwa Pres- - tba great strngg! ia whirl tile nations '!" American note in reply to the notca of NBY TORK, March 86-Team Whom He Was Confused hine, the statesnisn from Waihee, Maui, hvterian forolun board wa advised to- ar locked ha again shifted to the (ireat llrltain and France, declaring the hal returned to the charge, again and day 'that alt tha nsa the district l!ajafhlans, where a aerie of battle intention of countries to isolate yesterday entered the lists as tba of JtnpBahan, near Urnmiab, bad been 1 Doing waged for possession of .the Wrrnuny. Austiia and Turkey from all BONE OF CONTEMTKJN.1S ; hni.se chsmpion of thing Haws WILla RECEIVE BOX , khot bythe Knrda and two' women viatrnde with the world, was completed iian. , His latest pet niheir.s ) to an HAS LITTLE TO SAY ' ALLOTMENT OF PROFITS laud.' Sixty ttv refugee! were taken gateway to Hungary. The news from 1U yesterday. subfinished was draft v " OF OUR PINEAPPLES mitted to the thorite the appointment of a special ON A GREAT DEAL . American from the French-anmi' the .astern front Indicate that tbo 'reidcnt and hi ad- tencbor io H'twsuan history and kia siona hdd hanged,, Aa American mis-- Germans ar pouring tremeadoua rein visers, who took furth matter under who shall giv tntrb dred eiilte stonilrV wa beaten.''' foreements through Cracow lata Ua ther consideration ,nt a session last tisn of this nature In, the Honolulu Maesarf lieia, to assist their ally- - to bold the flnlpashan t destroy ; Hearing Before House Cotro! ttee nlghf. Carpathian positions, while; diverting King Tong Ho, Young Financier" ...The reply to the blockading order of Normal School. The joint resolution 'Relations of Japan and U. S. V ' Resolves itself Into Book- -' ' imminent," tn message introduced by Nawnhine yesterday on large lorce to the Italian frontier anu - Growing ; and Diplomat, Delights Pro- Kritam sn.l is expected tnis sunject is ss Tollows: More Cordial,' atInto any. Bnkowlna, to withstand to a momentous bearing have inter keeper's' Analysis Uawrjlsn History st",t Tanght Be to ' '. BRYAN APPEALED TO tack" from the rtulkatia. The Oermu motion Committee nationally, will be dispRtched this Declares Naval Hero "Be it resolved by tha house of rep aggre'ssiv against Poland from East morning. resentative Territory of the of Ha ihwHsM riws (f 94enri WMm.) Pruasia appears to r.e wholly abannecretarv Ilrvan refuseil to intimate wail; that' the department of public The doned, Hue to the necessity for men . WA8HlNaTOK.Marear ' ;.' What the small cane planter want li what the nature of the note Is. SKili Yu.m instruction, is hereby authorleed and Chi'.. ' : President' kni of (From Saturday Advertiser.) of the Presbyteriaa board have to hold bark the Russian armlo driv the J Nature of Inquiry either a federal commission to regulate heads to to sdd instructed , ITe its of staff in nese). anitealed to 8ecretarv Brvaa to is vcill Republic may not know It, but iias a merry fac, f.amsd a''. sad west In Oalieia. It has been expected that the United the division,' of pro6ta between the gate the reported outrages in Turkey, ingThsouth diversion Of the Herman .troops nevertheless he has cm jmt to work States will ask f.'rent Britain and rial Hr'aebers cne who shall glva in wnire ueara. us tines sre merry nun grower '. and the sugar mill,, or ela The nearest American eoiisul in atruction the Honolulu to ta Is cxpectod to hiwo a marked effect Normal good humored; the eyes twinkle. If ;' France for an explanation of the man mi n i ant in such government owned mills, aurh aa have center other scaools as ha were not aa admiral and a baron of of the eutrsgOo have--' btH a the near future results of the light- for tha .Hawaii proinntion romititteo. ner in vhich they propose to carry out tha oodepartment been established in Queensland. UnHo King Tong i of Hishop public Co. of at l': Instruction Japaa be would resemble Santa Claus. investigate, v, , ; ing in both tbo eastern and. western their declaration 'to st"ii all trde with may designate, (n Hawaiian der present conditions, saUt A. D. wired to history, tended to. that- detail, along with a and from That is Admiral Haroa Shigetoo ' campaigns. the enemy's countries and pronunciation, cuttoms Cortia at Olaa, Hawaii, Certifying ' Dew other niat and and the way to proVIOLENT. YURKtSH Berlin, Report "little TROOPS number of other victoria thing's.' explanation an In'fsct, for ef the letal nrin- ter relating thereto, such a shall lm nounce inhisbrief last night before the bouse: committee ; 7 name ' ia "Da-waBer-las he down v laid his report Rus ' statm program the that clples yesterday jA nndor which they justify their r' on' agriculture, ''he- cannot; possibly tb those who are tclng trained (e He 1 a passenger, homeward bonsd, Part Wireless.) f b Press 'been for slant have T the in lastrfiction measures. defeated battle ami a entertainment a living. r make teachers and to pup! a in general in xne Meamor Nippon juara, wnu-' TIFU8, Persia, March' E6.Tlrrkisli east of Augustowo, on the Kest Prus Of th promotion comtnitfee, they we're Tha declared hlnrlade of nerativ. la "Then or. twelve yeare ago," said troop WhA.tnSV K it i a n ..& tn'MtMM A docked hera shortly before sia o'clock'1, outrage visiting t are to further very ' dispatch a border, while able discover from sian little Turkey had ihnt and Austria by Great Hritairt more Mr. Curtis, "when I- first began rata Intimate and correct knowledge yesterday evening ahd sailed for Yoko-hsm- e bat Vienna states that in the violent fight- escaped the attention of tS. dilUrent andFrnnce is said fo be un"reeodented, lug rane at Olaa. I had twenty white onlr on th Christiana of Assyria wen, of Hawaiian race than they have the aboat midnight. ( hinese base-l-aa mumonane on manager young Austfo-UerAll Amenean of the .Carpathians in iag the tlie the Inasmuch as the evident intention' ef neighbor. 'Now they are .ail gone. ' Tba. admiral anderstaads Eng'idi . team " which short Iv will tour th the blorxailera is to seise cTpoo mahs have" rerestcdlv rcpiilknil the K.ia They could a ot make a living, and their according- to a message to the Amerifairly well, but be doesn't speak it to ' orient, sian attscks. bound for neutral ports l' a snspieion Scholar Wanted for Teacher Molding are being Worked by Orientals. can consul from Umrauih. The Turk Hticb instrnctor shall be a Person advantage. That ia why Commander 8. ; ish, soldier are declared to have, beatIn the operstions in Rnssian Poland Didn't Mira a Trick exists that these supplies may ulti- of ".The contract the plantation biter en rccognixed ability aa a Hawaiian Kobayashi sat by his side aad trans-hkta- d and insulted Americana at the mfcv and West t)alic;a. the fighting has been Before he hod got through with the mately reai'b the enemy. a I way ' give the the araall .grower scholar. The salary paid for och BCrr of ih- mainly witb artillery. tha admiral ' replies to rpiestioes. committeemen, he had obtained their power , to the" plantations. :They ran sinn. who are In irrava ilanuer Lleutshant-Commaade- r Ottoma!ti shall Ice Y. ITyadsi, aisi be paid out regular' th from the fnriated official of. outbursts .endorsement of teamthe and some severe fighting There has teen make or break him. The powers oC in troops.. teacners sa'ary fund, the amount there- of th admiral' party, speak English ; i la the west, with both sides claiming the tour, thoir promise to ' attend the terpretation given the plantation man of, to be determined by tha board, of extraordinarily' well, and he spoke for tha advantage. At Rcirhs Ackerkoiil, next two benefit games, before the . auer are enormous. romn Tuloners of public' instruction1.' tb admiral in explaining 'Adaccording to a Paris dispatch, the tier team sails, a set of xtereopticon slide ., "The Kokart contract Which . th Buffalo. ' ,' 'Ibis reoliltkin passed first reading miral Dewey incident" at maaa sprayed the r rem-t reaches witb withthe"which to' make illustrated lectures when my old flljhrntftiqti .offers-' and was Place on the order of the day- 'Jnddant All Groundless bdnuttes'of the Islands,' And the a- - bamrng hnuid. which, however, did on contract run "oui," as it will when' the i aU an groniHe,M ho ssid. for third roatling today. ..." ; y only alight damage. The French main promise or nrty boxes of eannod pine ,.rop on the groand has been harvested. "W do not know how it began. We aggraanive took the shape of an air pple. And. ha did it All so smoothly. is a coolie contract. Not even a Scotch had nothing except courtesy (from tbo FEAR FOR STEAMER CLARK man would . have the conrage to raid againat Metz an Freseaty. At so suavely, so logically, so tactfully and New York Central Railroad. Mr. Bur-- , ine conimiiie v was . , . Mctt the railroad station waa bombard so siounuj vsuimingled' tackle It.". sueroa Autnrmi yffwi-thlaughter vt bniveriag and Associated with . ss f Wtrvlsi) Psstersl Pri. Lindsay ad By six- aviators, while the object of u4 of Mr. Vanderbilt'a private, as it saw itself led on. SAN FRANCISCO, March 27.--om Only Floating' Mines Prevent Qn cross attack at Freseaty was the hangars. pleasure examination, Alexander To revert to inan Hhih kai, he has "pprthensicn is rammeneing t h felt ear from New York to Duffalo and Chi- A Berlin report of this raid says that IJniluy, representing the Ola cool' Fleet From Forcing En here over the non arrival rt tha sMam. cago. At New York, ths police platoon ; pany, made it plain what the- defense were killed at Metx sent hi eheck to the Fsr Kastera Ath .soldier three (Associated Prsss br Federal Wireless.) er O, M. .Clark, whh-- atiled for this escorted Admiral .DeWa to hia train; The Frentik airmen were Intnbarded by letic Association for $500. In return, of the: great plantation will be. The trance To Dardanelles will' raeeivo one box ef Hawaiian Official PETBOGRAD, March Cert from Ililo snd which is now eon- - iney anew so was going oa me can trend of his questions all went to show guns, but returned to their be He was th guest ot Mr. Burnrtt and pineapples) ds'will also Governor liar y nulersbly overdue. that he . will contend that the small annanncement was made vtsterday of line ia safety. Major-Ganer1 recite t Buffalo. From (Assoristcit Press by Fc(lerl Wirctus.) risoh of the Philippines, Wit Ting frng, sgrower often occupies inferior land, a decided success for Ruseian arms 5a Buffalo wa wont to JS'iagara, Falla and chairman' of the association: $un Pao LONDON, Maieh 25. Dispatches that his management is bad, and that th' Carpathians, in the region of Iop-; (TbUago: '. Chi, the Chinese' premier; Suing ;'8hi from Romo indicate that the Uermaa Hera the hi lack of business training make it kpw Pass, south of Sanok. ., "Secretary Bryan aent Admiral Dew a Ling,' fftrtlier Tiremler; the mhttirtern of s have been badly deambassndor, von Bu'ow, iiimcuu zor mm to understand the art' has Prince long telegram af edncatroaji' finance, wnr, the navy,' the at tha 'in-- . ot overhead expenses feated., with a heavy casualty 'Iwt and poriionmeni abandoned hia attempt to adjust the idant'-anAdmiral oWa knew noth interior, .and, lonir list of other dig- difficulties which it is necessnrv for scientific man the kss of a hundred officer and. Hay letwecn and Austria ing aa au aoout tti nitaries who are natrons of the asso agement to charge up against the cost men' taksri prisoner. Th Russiafa over territorial questions, which are ciation. V;' hav also taken dozens of field pieces of lugar. Causing much friction. day. gblng from . Saa Francisco to All American Oltixana Correspondence ' was read Into the ana rapitl-nrerA Renter's dispatch from Athens Waahiagtan,,. PhiladelphU , and . New It ia under their ausuices that the say's The battling in the Carpathlaas, record to show that in one instance a D.lVal that British officera declure ieal'JwirtJtoorkf York and returning through , Chicago to ' Orient small plantation, abandoned after two where Austria is making a ' desperata that only the floating miues have pregne will Batf Diego, whara, w .ware-- guest of plug rt for : lean years,: waa in V deplorable eondl stand against the Kussians is absorb vented them from forcing an entrance freaideat. Davidson of tha xjosition liaMaiRn i.. ... tion" by reason of neglected eultiva-th- e ing the- .interest in - the eastern earn I, -- Fourteen Chinese boys, all of them tbrosgh tha Dardanelles, ..Th 'mine there.. Ha entertained aa at dinner and ' orPrwmyrf Ui 4A company undertook to rnhrnVe sine.-thsaid to be less dangerous An,l fk teesdvAil US snlmtfiillv nA. tWifim. Hawaii, all of tbem Amerlran field rccotat work it, add that what' was possible abled the Slav to reinforce their fixat storm. 7 :titSdhewhrlii not ho. large aa Baa Fran- - ' fLtiaonii,,,!! roake..tih trip,, They sail HOd, j 'to make ft pay had been done, though ing front by close to two hundred thou It is reported that t'te fall ot . from .Honolulu on ihe Mongolia a week 'a th, groands are eplcndidl M. v 'V v ,., . : A) Ulaso the wisest 'thing would have been to do sand men, who are being thrown into : . . iv AA ... r -- J sr A. iv. .i a yesterday for. Hongkong, via Prxcmysl before the Rusiaa attack " -i vrr-".ivo.i r, 7.. ... Makes lmppr(n( fTtnm icoiubiii nothing at all, where the company had tne baianoe to torn, .the tide in the tn Committee has influenced Rumania, which hss re M Yokohama. ' fcnen getting forty tone an acre from Vasloa'of nunitarv. miarred leads, itinerary to said, neutral, to participation en favor Thence the Manila of MainlanV'feople Japanese the' More: officer the An ef Move For Better Feeling its owa lands it had been able to get In Western Oalieia the Ruas'ans a1 re where the Manchuria does not happen ia the war on the1 Vide of tha Allies. him) "you eaanot only little lew than' twenty-fiv- e tons forging; ahead;; with Cracow as an ob '"f- ftMp,'io."dribiag Vjslt Isfe tn touch rfD her next outbound trip: Thrnimhnnt Arrhinplannw; Fie'd Marshal von dor Ooltz, the is him. Tba. only. Japaueso with a iron toe small rurtner' holdings. jectiy t.'W, thence back to Hongkong, to.&hanghni German general who haa been in high ' white beard." r i , . 4 t "Do you think, aske,r Mr. AindsaV. i .iJtbt: to Peking, to Tien tsin, to Hanhow, the command in' the "Turkish army, has ,' He was aarroaaded by a group of " that asy attention ought to be paid gone to Sofia, Ba'gnria. General von great industrial center of l.ninft. Japaaeee, aeme of SAN FRANCISCO, March V (8e- ! in matters of dollars and cents to the (Ttom Saturday Advertiser. Their stay in the Philippines will Panders is In charge of the erection oi cisl tn Tha Ailvurliuntii whom .were Honolulu . Japanese news- fa.lu.1 W... color of a man skin" Resolved, That tha Urn kaa arrived last throe weoks, in which they will defenses at ' AdrianOple, where au at- leaa)-f-( ', .V- ' Hawaii building wa honor-- i ' H think,' answered the witness In Shanghai the tack by Bulgaria Is feared. baa enjoyed himself when) tba promotion committee should plav eiirht games. ed 'from ye.ter.lay Vice"that a man who put capital into his, wl'.l be part of th Olympic l ypu eouhtry," aaid Presi.lcat 'hlArshall. who m..nl a eota. lTfef actively, aa an Integral' part of lu du series rana ana, my a Htae something by championship of the Far East. Y. M j- suieraoi tune watching and admiring' atwt cornea to have an interest ia the tlea, take np the matte of car and C, A., Japanese, FHiptiio, and Army frow rtary ih in tha aquarium, list" the painted u neighborhood is a very much more antaatainotent of traralara, in the aacar and Navy ten ma will 'compete. Tweii wyan thanking him for one aent from ening to tha Hawaii orchestra protiUble- euetomer for the mill than a ,. imt.ii,,, mit.. ng what tnara If t be seen in the ty thousand tlollnr ha been appro iraneisco before we sailed." talnl l tranAita barefooted coolie, who comes Into the priated. Admiral Dewa "'"g1" - I nves cqst lalanda, bow to Xt s l'reji ot Yice the. the island,' Tha H and. jln Sfisc Tnnw ouatry without a dollar tn hi band. Ki.ior is nfiHdnt thni. European 9M,rftin evinced; dent WM's unbsnai. in tbc1interest 1 think the responsible promot thereof, organlxlng by footiiold and and for hnM will be sure to win a man deserves Thus Wrote Electrician Deeth of war. . couueru taany asking exiuut, qu4tiona among ing travel anl thaough th itsa'f in Chinu, where it never has een mor.' .There waa aa-- Interchange of Japaing the various points of iaterest as Submarine F-- 4 To-- Friend Tslqhdy, Took Up Homestead la 1901 ..... seen, once the nationa ha been shown nese. ,.:'..'... shown in 'a Boaiu aad' .photograph . trader., direct examination Curtis teshow proficient is the younger centrn-tion"Thsi admiral balieve there will be ' In Portland t movin; picture. ? ' .... ' Tennis and soccer football arc tified that he had taken up a homeResolved, That tha time 'has arrived of . , interest In . two development Praises HawaU Bnilding ' '', stead In 1901 and that, under the when the promotion fomntittee should already popular. Remonth or o," Four Troops Thousand tha-- eom- Await Following hia insjiaetion of th (AssocUUd ay Wiralsss.) Prtss rstftrSI At Pekln(.', the team wilt be received "McStocker contract, given him actively, a an integral part of it du; , J, t , maadea.; Buibliug, tha said: PORTLAND, Ortgoa, . March 27. in by the Olaa company, he had inforcement pefore Attack- ties, take up the niatter of care and by the American minister and many ' Th Hawaiian Building is charm-ing- , . 'On land or aea.V ' is "She the uuluckiest boat In the l been able to make money." ;! From a entertainment of traveler, in the ascer- Sromlrent educators, 'On.Und.V interesting and. peounique. The. Ing Carranza1 Oalif orals In." handred acres, he had cleaned, up net taining what there is1 to. be seed in tha which theater of warf" '.'Aad U of ple Hawaii, deserve great credit, for KUch is the description of the Tha playing schedule haa not been profit )i good year of a little lees Itlands, how to see U' and the Qt Perhapa , ,bUI f pmUed. th ad.he enterprise-show- n V-iu. this ajdeudld miral. now al the bottom of the thereof, and by arganising and pro- worked ont In detalT as yet, but it is Press by Fed'snil Wlrslrsa.) thaa ;4,000,. on a dtvWoa which gave ' ",. v exhibit. I1ROWNSVILLR, March 27. the mill sixty per teat, of the net and sea off Honolulu harbor, written by moting travel among and' through the probubla rbat th All ChlneHe also will V Pa jfou anticipate any naval bat-U- a my is what mind, "To exhibit this L, George meet a visiting team from the TToivers Death, electrtcUn, one of the Islands. The first army of Villaistas to ar Hawaii loty p cent to him: of rpagnltud in th North atauda for progress sad somewhere in their " lie was not ready to say that he eon twenty on men iaiptaoned wltthln th . "Ua. does, not,; except perhapa be This reolutio7 was unanimously ity of California, '.'t,.'-four, rive, consisting of men. beauty. i thousand sMee .that. division altogether fatf, sunken hull of tha atibuiartne, whose adopted yesterday by tha Hawaii pro- travels. Possibly the California loyx has gone into ramp near Matamoias, r battlecruiaers. that muocrely hope that as a result of tweea.crwbara almost certainly the Filipino tentn hut out ia .flew'. V fact that in. the Philip-pirte- twenty one men imprisoned within the motion eonlmitte and will be brought and of range of fhe garrison's gun your enterprise mora of the people of probably, will ba all. for it will bo ) will journey to Peking for a ehstor ' falrchild made mohey March 7, has been made public here. much to tha attention of. the commercial better of tha German nation for. This force is awaiting the arrival of the mainland State will, vjsit the serins. operntlng hi mill on a division of pro-'it- s' F--. describing the axplosioa about the of the other Islands. in order that they may get a tlia fleet to. remain U tb Klo caaaL reinforcement, Hhih kai will learn a lot when "oiiio throe thowtand Yuan which took place on tha sixth, axavtly tevfsed, but he would be By editorial utteraae arid ia wide"Uules .land - fortinration about cxiiected today, when the- combined better knowledge Of them, so that wa jilting to tha old eontract if th Deeth wrote: canal fall, as they aid with tho spread private discussion it has been he first bears the umpire ahout "l'lav iorce will attack th Carranaa garrison can all work,- for betterathor'a ' "Tbo explosion wrecked the inside abuadantly shown that there is dissatis- ball!" ohtiAdy1 would all6w him to. Russian at Port Arthur" and at ths ' ment. ' don't Know any more civilizing of 4200. It wouldn't.. Under the terms of the of tha boat and buried ap many of as. faction with t present distribution, of influo'ico mention of PoTt Arthur white beard The Carranxalstas have taken up Zxtsnda Oansmtulattemai " Chairthan said ljaseball," Wa wer Ki kart contract .now offered in come in oua to Jack out htm, mustach showed gleams of travel. Hawt li and the" other sls$er extend-- ' .nay congratulation ta their positions in breastworks built to figured that hi sugar would be yield- piece instead Of i aectiouc We go to isle feel that Oahu ia absorbing more man Hermit, summing up the whole sitthe south and west. of the town, the HawaU oa th ' enterprise her people wbita teeth as. tba Japanese smiled ing Mm 23.65 a ton, without reckoning i'oarl Harbor tomorrow to instal a aw than her share, and has not put for- uation. tha Bra Ian fleet waa forced to trench? being in a aerie, fifteen deep. have shown in 'presenting thia inter - i snv charges for taxes, .rent, superin-tendanc- mala motor tor replace tha burned one," ward as vigorously aa might be the attb Uerman probably will remain The Villa fore ha at least two aero- estin add nnlqu exhibit of th Fair. t '. : book keeping, or insurance, ' tractions elsewhere. roan. This committee, formerly the planes, aud Villa is said to be person- The ash. ara saarrallona nod r . flad and that tb profit h had, been able VDo yoa not think that tha fleet hard to believf' tbab thby ar reaL "This i not tba first time that such Outdoor committee, will take up the ally in command. , b of great advauUga to tier-ma- p to siiowt under the old eontract would' a conuitloa ha come to our attention," entertainment and instrnctlon of tour"Hawaii Is one spot an tha. wdrld "a. --fhe converted into losses. ' said L. A. Tburstdn to hi fellow coin ists and its membership will include that X bar alwaya had a yearaing. pany when, it comes to a peace eon- ' ' Witaeas Is Satisfied v ne neei lntactT V to visit. Jh pros oi business dur - niittcemen. is bound to ari.se representatives of the other islands. The witness was conducted through Commanded Koliayashi appealed ' ing the past two years baa. precluded 'w Territorial and County Benjamin F. wherever you have any association or reporter. a long' explanation of the basis on nuy possibility- - of wyl going tbat fat,. set of individuals putting up monfcy Hollinger, chairman. ' which the eane la paid for the method L. A; Thurston, chairou a mu without a, vote On how it shall be onrs a i'(crc(i io ueueve T" swwwwwr sell lUaKii nw. 10. 30 it. appeared to he a irnul thlni man. , ef harvesting ;ar1 '(leaning the deduo' 1Wa.Is spent. BUY GERTIAN NOTES tharefore,. tious for tare, tlje for sucrose and Where only a chairman waa named, sibility that I maj be abl to, make th "Last yar there were muttering ' other technicalities, f -? trip next yea, among the supervisor, but as soon an ha iras given authority to round 'out ' (AMorlstsd Fmh by federal Wirslsss.) On the whole, he wa fairly satisfied "To the neopt bf Hawaii 1 sead Admiral Dawi had not heard of the' one of them wa given a seat on the his committee to. hit, OWQ liking, with 86.-ST. Hv THOMAS, OaUrio, March M. par cent Immigration plan of Dr. with the treatment he received. aloha." The the understanding, however, that the board and Mr, Hoflinger ' Yada, Japaaesa consul general ju all frietioa wa removed.here' joined us membership of the publication and f(Ansnclsted Press hy FWsl Wlralsss. Sidney, Oulvr, xpnnnded hera a few ' cane was sampled fairly, he had found,, Other Prominent Visitor am) be had absolute confidence ia the Canada, ia a speech today outlined Other viaitors tb th Hawaii Building daVIatfn' "T( Was nnlslas.! tn h'n. In "Tad committee ia a subsidiary of inance committee' should be confined to NKWl YOKK, Mareh .87. It' is re nurrle.1 analysis of the chemist. To" be sure, japan s policy toward CTiina. Japan th chamber of commerce, and the by those already members of tha ch timber ported that the . German government were Assistant Secretary .of the Navy iHtalf. anri thee i ' always ha,d stood for the open door Ju has rntifled tbo sale to bn "American Prim klin I). Roosevelt,, tuerubers of the ilece. What (tba Jana-n- s he had been overcharged for fertiliser, '. of commerce. tboughf it law of the chamber do provide not oL, A. Thurston wai named vice chair banking syudicate of treasury, botes to national fair comniissioa, Justice Joseph at tunes,- he, believed, ed eight pet China, ha said. Germany alone had for seating any memlers on its comccrit Interest lu advance, roni)KundeJ iected and for this reason Japan had mittees, who are pot flrsi'mbnibors.of ri' So of the promotion committee as a tho amount' of teq million dollar. The U. Lamar of 'the U., 8. aupreme court, ; "Perhan tha admiral, having Ward compelled to act. y ' whole, to net ia th atseuce of the syudicte is made up of New York an. Capt. J. K. tttAf, niile to Secre- of the plan only( now, does not feel month v, vwa a pretty stiff rata for ! r Prompt actioa had been necessary, the parent organisation; I. ankers and the bankers of a uumlie:-o' m familiar snoiiuH with If t K. A. Ilerndt. choir-naIn tary Roosevelt. loom, h thought, but What being r case, the am avor "That in he said, because Oermauy was la Western cities. The treasury note : ouKht," said Chairman Bern.lt. At the reception Which waa ten lered in reporter tuggeated. "We , . his crop, wis thJ apportionment of of ubmitting an to tltc amendment triguing in China a it had in Turkey. iri announcing his appointments "tn to lie issued will mature in January of the Vies President, lets were distribut'.'yVyea; is better," aaid eharge1 chamber. There: no reason Hawhy lEqlial onportuulty io China for all na ll'lti and pay five per cent interest. , a rode of ethics or All the ,'fmall planters felt, he said, ed and some special mubje was render-id- . Commander Kobayashi. waii r Kauai or Maui should sot each draw up o'f Japan's fixed 'policy, be our defln for each The diatiiigullhoil. guests were re Ana in" reiprions or the United that they wet being assessor! for costs tions wasThis hav representation on this epmmittea, wai the foundation of to guide those who AEROPLANE VI0UTES Wood and States' and Japaa V..' cc' ved by Commissioner which might well enough enter into the , either by ome oii resident in Hono- in if their duties, alliainse. will succeed us, so that they may take Admiral Down answered as one a Rivculiiirgb and by J. Walter Doyle, eupeiintendaut's charges againat his the he said, baa. no-.- territorial lulu, or, a I believe to better advant- Up their work with understanding. 'Japan, AT CANAL RULES ZONE aa SWS'S ami couiitiiasion, old of threadtmre the the nitMtLr.a' own aeres, t ot ought not to be levied a;i'iit arid does not intend to in- age, soma on of their own residents." that we ehange the name .. ,,, "Th relation of the United Btatea oa the outside farmer. Why should ambitions' Yesterday 'a meeting heing the first of tha''suggest With the rights of the Powers. terfere Home Committee Outdoor to Wireless Press the br Fedsrsl be, io iustanee, be charged with upgrowing mora cordial of. the new committee appointed siuue Work Committee. " ' ", PANAMA, March 27. Governor EOWEL COMTLAJlirr LN CHILDREN at all time," ha replied. Outdoors suggests keep of the company's railway system, the annual meeting of 'the chamber of trails and mountains Hritiirdier-OenQrDuring and I'M summer cbildrvu Ini'thuls the months As exclusively. when hi sugar wa delivered by flumef the' indepehdont grower and $18.08 to commerce, new' .. ... . . . ., - .wer wards have sent ou) details of troops are subject to disorder of the boe' Miniver 01 iki l, l. wora or me comAnother deep grievance waa the fact the plantation. named by Chairman E. A. IWrudt, as iin.ittee will be of iuo NtW UtSI KOTtR SWIFT . scene. to Hcureh for an aeroplane which was and should receive th most curefi.l atmuch broader that, the small planter could pot aeeru The argument became one of book follow! a i iksi4V4iirair4As soon aa any unuatural Tho name means nothing now and both seen and hoard on Thursday ni' lit tention. w law rad..l wt irici, to pre lit proportionately by market ad- keeping, and whea adjournment wta "f a mini utui. Finance K. A. .'Ilerndt (chairman) suits miluxlv It has been a bugaboo. living over the Pedro Mi mi el and Mira looseness of the bowels is noticed PHILADELPHIA. March TTL- vances. If sugar were to bring $100 taken to next Tuesday at half-pas- t one, and H. Gooiilnir Field. liaml ci lain 'a .'ollc, Cholera and Disc destroyer Niehoaen a vern.-ethirty a ton .instead of iKO, th increase Of counsel anil witness wer still uuable ' Publication lu A. Thurston (chair What real out of doors work has been lion's locks. The regulations avaiust done will u continued by a committee tinauthorizod aviation (lights across any rim, a Remedy should m jiiven. Fo aad a. half y, In trial ran 20 would be divided under the Kckart to meet on any cominou ground of niau) and' Kd Towse. ' ii ( unal i lnb, which can care for it ull rtmith A n i ut of tho mu-i- l ly '.one tho Ad dealers, which are is a knot and l.uun, a half contract, a he interpreted It, I1.U8 to agreement. A.'. Hum Work L. Thurston, chuir much better tbuu we," ktrict. faster thaa hvr contract calk for, ' iu, LU., (jout for Hawaii. ' . . ' , ' ' '.i fsswhfe ' Like cter The - . )i ' s th-s- f. -" ,.,... : t, ' sy. " t of ' ' : I - ; i , - F4n Astat4 a - lf . ' ' PRINCE VON DULOW ' ' tkt , ; ' "H ' "If! Oroaa-Sxamlne- d ' , .' fcav-iw- ' Al-li- anti-airshi- p ' 1 4-- .,' Austro-Oerman- fi0 m 'to Th--fa- GIVE VOTES htnA'l-hAl.th- oitnrrrv lor riff ait"berevr 020ILI I0LL0 ,. it . iii'K hnnriiiirnm ... ' ':.: - 1 , ' - ' -' oiiav muiia 'Should f . , UNLUCKIEST BOA black-muataeb- I PLB' Mit "Ill THE'FEOIIA ILAISTAS - ARE 'J1 aJ t? '' - " "r?m . ePd, - READY TO STRIKE 1 ,'' ,,tralate ',. . Ila-.va- . Viea-Preiide- - ' no-ti- , (nclstd ' ; '; Txa. 6at": . 'f three-rornare- Il-aud- rew th, - . ah "I h' blk "I 'bea e, ' ' nl.' I ". "ll"rfw "It ta-tth-a wn Inter-Tslan- : ? tet tf. b"r: ' : ' . - I I iin.. it'k over-Jjead- - tht I Anglo-Japanes- . e "I 111,11 r i . 1 - " - V v - I at d hr GAZETTE, HAWAIIAN ' ILLINOIS EDITOR mm ms paper OF HAWAII UFE 'BotifordVHat found ' FOREIGN , " At Fort - . mm iio;;olulu on SENT YET u;;e Fi,nii;:G ill UCEuLOiES Elaborate Note' of Protest Held Letter Come ' From Casualty Clearing Station Five Miles ; i .BapkBy. President ' Behind Nev Zealandert 'No neason wven, v WTio Broke )aH Ruger Rounded, Op v' Byfost Detail , SEMI-WEEKL- r.iAY : mm. i; 111,1 8 TACTSS, SHIPPTNO AltT, BTJGAE COMMISSIOK MERCHAKTi ( " IKSTJKANCE AGENTS.- - ' PuiVATE PPuGTISE ' V!' wa Plantation Company. Walhlna Arrtmltnrl f! . t.td ' Apokaa Buitar Lf4 ; ; ' ' Kohala Sugar Company, ; Wablawa Water Company, Lot., of House u, :, .(?) rr-- . Craw -- Fnlton Iron worta of St. "Lenin.: v . . . Recommcnidatioiii On ... Heaven m,Honoruiu ana ; Taken Cottage There THIS fS JUST UKE '."Belnfl Discussed II HEAR IIUUAIIU DAM (i Three Prisoners Troop of Cavalry At Makawao Included Among P&ns -- E.M. .r 0 llll Mill IHUI GUARD MARCH 30, 191!. MK EfCGO SOLDIERS CAUGHT WILL DOUBLE TUr.oDAY, If the ; COUNTRIES plane army and of the regular National Guard Offleem ' are realised, Xlaui will soon have a complete battalion of civilian soldiers' lucludisg a truop of cavalry at Xakawao, reports the Mani News. , This wUl meaa that tnxtead of the two companies on-tInland as at Ceaent,' tkera will beHve, Iacluifing'.'tballravatry troopy " . H .Uf..W. :.C.' ,wJrttwVj&&-X,,spwtor of National Guard in tke Territory, who made the annual inspeotion of Companies I and,, L last ' Bundsy, also took occasion to go Into tka matter of the new' eompaalea in some deBefore ha' left ha declared himtail. self extremely 'pleased at the outlook and by the manner la which the Idea had been received by prominent men ke Carnival Was Hilaicus, Music Is J;; Charming, Volcano Wonderful and f Everything Delightful .rx by rdrral;WircbMS.) The WASHINdtOX, March 28. elaborate reply prepared by the atatd uepsnnteni in answer io ine erauargw proclamations- - bf .France aad - Great JfeUala J ot, yatbeea djspateed. The Ajnerieaa'.iroto was taken . ooor further advisement by the, President on Friday tight and it was ex pee ted that it would be banded.to tka Britlsk andFrench Ambaaaadora 4 yeeterday mora- Tbre'e 'general prisoners who escaped early Tburlay morning from the temporary g a Ed house at Fort Ruger ware rounded up yesterday afternoon by a detail, of soldier sent ant to hunt foe them t th neighborhood ot the Han- ana dam. ' Their liberty lsstet a nttio less thaa forty bourn, . . Being without money, or provisions they bad; ur a C'klneae and fobbed bim bf aevaral dollarai as ke waa plod- ag along theNuwaaik-drive- . laac'inrao prisoaerf are rem raw more, William li. Harding and Albert 'hoVincials are alVnneommoaieattva, Di .ta. . Tkhv otrered no resistance when cither as to the tenor of .the drafted they knew they bad been siuhtoA aodt Vc'pTy' br'aa lo the reasons why It haa ! were Severed by the soldiers' rifles, not bcoa dmpatcbed. " " haa-- ' beea ' received e Anaotmnemeot from th Briliah admiralty that two lieht ships are to ba moored of Folk- CHEST OF SILVER atone Itetween, which all ahipplag must Judiciary Committee : forcTi. Bill J'U Tabled , From an advaaca hospital, known aa No.-Casualty. Clearing Station, Iva miles 'behind tha .British t reaches oo V :'V:' ' tha Belgian border, close in the tear of the New Eealnndera, aad from tbe ONLY TWO STATES KNOWN : atately homo Of Lord Onslow, Claadoa TO HAVE UW ON SU3JECT now a hospital for Park, ia Surrey, wounded ' men, - coma letters to Hone, tola with newe of tha four Bed Cross nurses who went from thla city to the Would Inure TV-Det: J ''' d,, '.' . Measure froat. are Miss Jordan and Mlae Craig er 6a the Continent, in tha thick of the firt nid work behind, tha Aring line, aus uroy is at tha- - tomaorary hospital at thtndou Patk, Surrey, wher there were, when aha wrote, oae hundred and twelve patients. Miss Hunter la on duty at Brighton, wher tha Sikh ,.,. . wounded are taken; , '?, ? Cloaa to Tronchoa la letter to a Honolulu friend, Miss Craig writewii "' ::'"'".; i '..' r'"Just a line jo let you know Mine Jordan and 1 are kere. verv At aad knppy to ba sent o for np. Ws km bean told wo are about Are mite from the treochea. 4 la aay case, get mea direct from the trenchea. Poor fellows, they are pretty uncomfortable.. The weather haa been bad. Wt and cold. Thia haa teea a wonderful eirperlenee. aad l would hot . have .missed 'thene months arer korai f6r' naTthlnif.'':" .V ', Cold bat Happy Mlsa Jordan wirttea: '. .v; V Picture me in. a tiny . room la convent, a atone floor 'and no Are, alt- tinir in mv snreatcoat v nt feet npon a cbntr to'keeV them off tha floor:- which ia much 'Colder than cbaritrOr knything a'ae'T aver.hedrd f. t Thl little room iaBeta wa mens, and truly It the table is a meaa. ' Wa are quit : V fortunate ta fcave it. .; f We are.Mlleted oa the townspeople aad have ur Wale together In thla ' .' "' ' :. room..,,'..,?' "We ara at No. 3 Casualtv CTearing Station. , These atatlona ara at intervale all along tha Una, and ara where the men are brought direct, from tka field ambulance wbich attends to tbem ' t. aa they ara wounded, v. "Nobody who baa aot aeea tke Door fellowalraa wa aee them. wet. cold bo- yon d aU our previous' eonceptloA! bf wnat cflio eonid be( aba with anea tarr riblo wounds some'af .course "aro Hot baT, thahk goodnes can baveany idea. of what modern warfara really la. It ia.,tadeecribab)y fHghtXuL" ; Jf 1 . oraya. lommy Atauns f.Th men are, cheerful beyond bH hpM, and I take off ay hat to Tommy Atkins with .respect aad admiration. They, af a,' always so anxious to point oas one wnp a lt worfte than' them eejvaa. One nun. who had been wtfund cdkia both arms, one leg, chin, eat aad Mad, said quite cheerfully to tbe doc VtU.!.I 410 ink I tried to atop too .man tuma, air,' and. rhea the aezt nai i ffroaned he aald: 'Buck int. oM lypiwa aro pretty Jolly lucky to be , nknl!WrRJ.ci.MMervlc' ln. , the Several Department! : . 4: Ecor oniixar Oonrpany. .....OreClhaa. Fuel fl nfnora a, r. " ' ens , -- Mataon KaviraUon Ooropany ,' a' ot Dunic ' "' "! navau limited. 0 1 n mm m ,i i cncorporateo, Uadsr- - the Lawa af .tne - .'.' Territory af Hawaii.. I, t CAPITAL. SURPLUS ANT TTHnrurnvn vdnvTTa resources ....... ". til ajrui fian . ?,ooqiooa Tha Attorney general of. tba Terri tory aad hla depafiaa, tha city attor- r-- r w. . . , . . : ney of Honolulu and bin depotlea, tbe A. Lewis. Jr... "...... ,i i county .attorneys of Hawaii, Maul and '.'.... ..Vice Preatdentv ,and, . Mqriager ; of Maui with whom he. dieeusned It.-- ' ' 4, 'ashi.-tand their reapectlve deputiea, f. B. Demon Kauai If companies, One of the lafaetry f G. O. lo. as Fnller. Aeatntsat POPULAR COUPLE Fl OR tha oisVaheritr and hie depotlea, the R. MeCorristnnr. . . , Aariataat through, will haTheat- tbe plaa fn ' city and 'reepeetivo eonnty attorneya quartera at Pnuaeae or Kaknlnl, and DIREgTOKH:' C. H. looks, B. JT BATTLING aad their depotlea, provided they are Tenney, A. Lewis, Jr.; K. F, Bishoi, The cavalry contbe other at Pain, aoma ara aad eome Maka-wo- , afo And lawyers. with nt headquarters tingent, r. w. Macfsrlana. J A. .Mrtaaleas CoHk Ac.Tnnaa. who haa'beca man aot, may spend their itme prnciimng C H. Athertoa, Geo. R, Carter, will be made op of young men of F. HI, for Com Sugar law Laopahoeboe ager aa'cooaaellors at tha acting of had' supply .who,: and Kola, M.ikawao eaa Damon, F. BEATE1IBYM' Atherton. if .A,' 4oa"j.T the expense twenty mora ytra, of thaa tka and at baa, proAt for their .,' owa horses,, Pty '. COMMERCIAL AND potH la aay aril eanaea institnted ,. .'.;.) TJEPARTMENTS.SAVINGS Iocal officers of the National Guard ia coasaqueac of failing eyesight, de ' ;, U -, , cidx( to leave Hawaii aad settle ia la any court within tha Territory,' express the eeuvietloa that there-Strict attention given to. all I rnBc,ha t : Tha bouse commutes oa tna jnaicmry ample material available for the pro-- ; TtrltUh folulnltlli " .'Of Banking.,! . I lAaaecisiea rceas or reaersi v.,lr.. y''t 1m. aa Saturday when it recommended said loed increase) ef the local militia, devoted g HEW-TOB; VarenXB.-rrWatumto tbe Interest of tka-co- m n.' B.' 143,' inttodueed by KU J. and there will be no difficulty in that them, ; ee(MWulty - so since naay ke managed, which la situated Uf Ivinsky, tke- - heavyweight, ran ' up Crawford and entitled "Aa Act the rainy belt of Hawaii, Mr. an Mra.1 against Tartar In McCarthy here last prohibiting. certain orueiaia there will probnbly be Caraeat ai tna gov I McLennan' have ' gained an enviable ! .Saturday evening, aad .waa outfought on the part of moat of the ernment 'from practising- - nr acting as hospitality ia every one of tha tea rounds tha two of the young' men to be re- reputation for attorneys or bopnaellors ah law in civil cruited. ' engnged la. eanaea during their terms of office," I TT'Xf tD tOaJ t rkTfM AM Aiw a aaieia. .;. at tkelr beautiful homo at Papaaloa XiaVl AJBsA Oompanv twenty-thirlaiit Mi JW D aUJak ana by InsUntQ Mr.mnd Eocord Attandaac the .I ba tabledv .Tba recommendation 0f tha a Uentenaat - Whitener would Mrs. McLtnnaa were tka recipients of , FROM QUERBO TO XI VEkPuoL ."; Committee, which la bended by that unlkm f.l!. nrtWhile k.a a, -- J - a.. . .i comment on the relative efficiency a very handsome ekeat of table silver William T. Rawlins, .waa. fevua waa about aa near paradiaa aa of the Maui companion, - as AVr, ' compared ware, which was supplied by Wichmaa PRESIDENT PUTS TRUST OAKAnTAitf wood "bill went tha tha to invrr and adopted Sa It , , get on this globe. Hat, bleaa with . i S ana . . A J i others or the guard, pending the ' Dears me 101pile. ; Efforts have beea made every "" ar KBUVMB A VUIS MUUVa4) V V"" ie. ei iiOHoiuiu, 9WI it ia 811)0 mile from it, aad over appearance tii, afllclal report, it Is lowing taacrlptioa: of his' , two" years, almost ' ainea tbe first tera rough, restKae and ofttimee' retching believe.) snowvery creditable Preeonted by tha JSmpIoyea ox MM CODlfCUOB "wTlEam ID ritorial legislature met, In 1901, to pro' V"4" ean.' ' But ova here aad all the mis-- ing waa tbat made. ,rln matter of attka Laupaboehoo Sugar Company, hibit these salaried employe of tba that have assailed the pit of your tendance, Company the Wailoku, I, of Papaaloa, to Mr. and Mrs. C, Mo, Bovernment from engaging ia private "STfjmach for Ave daya are fully atoaed deapite tke fact tbat her men eome Lennan, on tka occasloa of kls reUfomjuiai For tieku practise. These efforts' have been, how, Jfor.Vy tbe Inexpressible auperbaeaa ot from all over central Maul, broke the ; nVi,a''.''.., ,,': 'A tiring from tbe position of Maa- t vain. The report of tha all ' U aver, thin ideal spot. . " with ialnnds, attendance record of the '(AaMMilaUd Press bf retUral WUrslaas.) , of tha ' Company, March judiciary committee rejada aa follows! aire lark Twaia'a Praise M out of fl utrengtk Of 100 answering v'.;f ., i TdEO. H. OAVIES & COi.HTiK 86, ;'15. WA8HTNGTON,-,- . March- Tba Commlttea't Keport ia what Mark, Twain eaid of tke roll call. '"Here ), ", The committee, who kad. charge of ; v , Object of tbia bill ia tO pre,; The lli-members addreseiag tha Rifle Butta Boob fa...Mlsbj navaafl A.A., " S ..tt--i" vwiaawi the arrangemeata consisted of MrsK. vent the' Attorney- - general of tba Ter Hawaii, the loveliest fleet of lal- A Aeeordina to Captala Kaak, ot Com Hntcbiaonl W. U. Crotier, Jaa. Thomp of tbe Methodist Churci South conferCo. t PtUtflf'Bly. CadlB attorney ritory and his deputiea4,, tba atwie. that lies. anchored m any. ocean, pany I, the long hoped for target sange ence' yesterday, said that ka Aad .conansAwaananninnmawawajm aannnwaawana.nnnnnsanwaanim ana f of 'tha "inky4 and county" of Honolulu, alien Jaijfjjia, aU the world has any for hie eompaav vs likely, soon to do son, TJ. Yamamoto aad A. Dubcsa,' sec fidence in tke calm and thinking people retary Tha preeentatWn was mads by aC k A nkIiai, '. wh minA . iii ul deep, strong fchapn for me but that on and. his deputiea, tba eoukty attorneys & Cooke Co an actuality. ; Tha aurteT of the site - -- - -- - -- - i as atabiuaera avnen ne excisaoie por. or each or me aeverat 'ooaniiea' ana her.lunJ fpuld so longingly ' aad haa, recently been made . by .Cotinty .. "i . ' . Honolnln T. B. an their dcutie." the blob sheriff, sberW beseechingly haunt me Bleeping and Ensloeer Howell, and the lease ie now 8 the population started ia to rock ".Ta?7 "'itiona tlt'Voat;C'--.V-4knd deputy sheriffs tbroiigbout the Tar waking, through Ban wetime, as mat being prepared by 'County. Attorney Mr.. Mtlethaan .'ifv apeak Ing ia yoor aame, r ltory. jrom practising, ana acting an mavhaa done. Other things leave me, Case. vAa aooa a this ''Wberf Commission nbUlaej other things change, ,but the lease from . thaK wallnka ; Puar attorneys or counsellors at law. tw any net it..U-.I wm yowattm, but wbaa) jay. words do .... . '' J IV ar mv tym tjmuuj L. mm ' Instituted . g - court aay eouneausea samv.. "Abe la eivil not voire the best of feelings witkin will ComDanv be' executed, and ll rraiinw alxi artf always blowing, its summer a week or two at most the bptta-wi- ll withiVha Territory. i (flashing pulsing of F2ciars iv ;v sua; your committee haa mAda a carethe in aeaa ia MsiTpVln . the Continnln4, rJt he U plafe and ready ae use. c ' con ioVedtfgation ful of people matter, with it sarf best iA my aar; I can aee Its impartial bo this iittBoro lo t TO DEATH AS A SPY:s ot esrlaAdxt ernira. Its Mnninff enKadea. of a quarter wbik tba ""'rosult that After4 aa exntainaUon Iwa PlanUtloa CnV" "' Y' V :? its .plumy palma drowsing by the shore; GUNBOAT SMITH GETS own!'4' Wa eannnt exp,f1-t"'irf tbe alarntea of, thirty out of rthe waialua Agricaltaral Ce lt--- f ; eedsejfa ' v ita remote summits floatiac like islands rf REED at end Uaion, tha OVER Biae the tba tnarBlr forty nntilinta THE SHADE ' T AA annkaa flnni above, the cloud. nek; l can feel the remaining of Afteea hate eac cMf aaVaiJ.'UrA' th. Btatcs tb iUtutes Works af W, Loa Is Iron Fultaa '. spirit ef ita woodland solitudes; I eaa ejf' ' reality, broth being of aur the feelingk,'or the eIy, partially4 available ia (AssorlaM Press b Fedarsl Wireless.) (AuoriiM Prvss kf Ttitn Wirslasa.) , ' Blake Steam Pampa. r ? "'. a . a hear, tbe plana or its Drooas; in my supreme court library, and tba statutes hood 6Cdbj.'' v ' .N.f! ' . NEW . YORK, Mareb- 28. Gunboat LUNEVILLB, Fraaee. March . Can trlfngala. Western i still Uvea the breath of flowera of two df tha States, to Wit, Mississippi e heavyweight wgite Marguerite fkhmitt, a woman of Trench Smith, " J3abcock A.Wiloa Boiler., tka.t uoriaknt'twcatv veara aval' CarpUna. being entirely miss " And South bopo, got hack. some of bis last repa birth, was ycatcr4ay sentenced to death NAvFdEFEATS PEIINSY Greea'a Fss) Bcononida,-4',- . rJ.. J.,'-,- ...J4. 4'3. ' V'' r,Vlar,yia4a.baa expressed my ing, find that; oat or the thirty mates tatlon here Haturday night by otpoint- - aa a apy. She waa taken from tha trial Marsb Steam Pnmpa. ao aa could gratefully of .tnuch. I 'tplrlt, y'Xbr'-l,aa tkat almost examined .only, twa have' adopted pro, ing Joe Reed after tea rounds of in-- and immediately executed, .being abot BASKETBAU-.CONTESMataoa Navigation Co.. - ' : ';' ..with the amall amount4 6f "breath visions limiting In any degree tha right T have done. But hi eaat beat my . Before milling. her , sne ' dinerent esenutioa confessed , that '. ' ;.' ... 4SVcT,have no Una Shippiag Oa. I'M .Planters' v they wUl tip it. , I bottle ait aad aad rani amokt to engage, ta civil practise oA.tbo part she had accepted a brlhe of ..forty dol. 1 ntaUelsted 'i. '. Kobald Sugar C or piay a monta organ. - r, of such fliclala, and; these proviaione Wiralssa.) Z4k roiatgn Zuid Prase (Mwl cipmn br lars-tenter tha Francb lines to secure "; , 'Jlriefl speaking, this is just like unusual doing all the time, with the PHIUADELPHIAV28.Thc attorneya Mareh only1 general of tha affect V I do. bopo the wr will nooa fod; ; .":. ; V BUSINESS CARDS. fc foreign land. One does aot hare to Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and nawa: information for the .Germaoa. Xavy acorect a decislvo victory aver Aha two Stataa, the Statea of "New f It la rtoo terrible ' for words. .Blaoo we too, H Jo, Chin or Japan, or l'ortugal, or liaas ia tbe foreground wltb.pageanta - being Pennsylvania basketball University Wyoming andof llampshrre: tha ' liflUk. ... We kara all the atmosphera and parades and floral proceabioaa and ARMY INCREASE INVV, team hero Saturday night, winning by eamo to Franca we have aot board two above mentioned. ' Tba atajntes HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.rr-M- a much newe and do aot aea many4 papers, or ebinary af every description made ta ", and, envirtnunents and people right exhibits. ecore ' to 3 pf a 0. tn otner tweniy-picKOREA GROWS NEAR niaiea cov v Though we aee tha man from tha front, oHer. kerer They kare tkelr quartera, but '."And musicl I never knew what It ;this." In vest igatiod either conby red they dQo't know aa much aa wa do, '.'they swarm the city all dressed mcaat to have the entire atmoaphere proviaiona limiting no rights the . HOPPE DEFEATS, MAYER. who accasioaally vaa fHnecial to Kirta JUL1 aewspaper, tain sue A offlelala'to engage in eivil in their native aad aaiqua cue- impregnated with harmony aad melody; They know what hsppeas ia their own of , iumoa (sea any encyclopedia). jJut There are a dozen big army paada, oaa TOKIO. MataT'ST-r- r FVom. what "in practise, or (aa la mora commonly tba HAWAIIAN AT HANOICAP, corner, aad no more, .'. thank bearen, they are all under tna af them plnying nearly all tka ; time, known of the ejection rctoma, tha next ease) affirmatively provide that such mora ia bitterly cold. Wa had quite officials may.' not engage in any . eivil Issued Tuesdays aad itara and stripes, Of the 70,000 or "it some times altogether In a .vast Japanese parliament will ba almoat'ea. ' residenta only about 8000 are white. and rridaya..-.- . nuowrau two oars ago and bad to sult.'depeadiag ,,;.!', 'tAssoaiaUd Prssa by Psdnrab'WiraUsa.) oesa and mammotbaeao of melody tbat tlrely of the governmental prty;1 Pre upon substantially the Bat. besides this number 12,000 of Un almost shakes the coral at the bottom tnier Okuma and hU cabinet will bo M PHILADELPHIA, M ircb PostofficV fidn'olulo, Willie wenr guhi boots on duty J' The Jnqd I same facts' as in- - pending criminal at tha of . cle Bam 'a soldiers seep things uveiy of this Island ef Oahu. Thea tha 1U rataiaed. n , j Hohoe. .BatnrdaV avenluirLBefeated Jo awfnL "we 'a re billeted id th mlddla prdeecutiona, tkns inf rcntial)y author-Uin- g H. T, SacoooVOlaaa llattar. ' of a - mtc street:' nieM the Morn . nieht aad day, aad I fear we are wbilOkuma billiard champion diaeolvad aeph Premier amateur thau MaW, last walians are all natural mumeiaaa, and aald offlclale td nngnge-i- n civil SXTBSCTRIPTIOK . RATES?,, ' end aad ths' hospital it tha out : the blood of these Mongo-ttea- a wherever yon go aHu orchestra a af parliameat December 5. 1914. because player of tha worlds 2000 to 1394. The Wevhava solti aot depending npon facta Involved Par Montlt ,.,,;.,v:;,.ii.-4.- V M( fWv M knd Orlontala and other ' shady stringed iristritmeots,their ' do.1" walking little was Hoppc by t controlled party it. the people match was an balk line, and v .. some novel to.ua, in', a erimi naL trial. 00 A , '. H . J Per Tear comgtezione at f speed which in aa- - are heard, and their voices blending a and opposed bus policy of army exten handicapped May he. to play 2000 Vary Uttla Prohiblttoa EUawbara Par Month, Toratgna .Vivi .M aw nave generatMM 'Wui inrgery aioa Korea. in Ua tka tieturesqueneaa of the pas the weird native son as. , 'Tha result of this iavestiwtlon. aa Par Tear, roreiga It is understood that points while Mayer played loop, '. X' . . , Ii. W.00 ' eUoved we took a auto Okuma 'a plan to station 30,000 mere data is at handv baa beea to 'ai far DEAD OF PNEUJWN1A ' Payable iav v XdThneAT ZnvarUNr inr thronffs. . troops in Korea will ba supported by ride around the Island and were glvaa affirmatively disclose tha fact that bo rrwPT.i? a v . . v .', SECOND ROUND ENOUGH J .'. - ar. . Than tkera are a doaaa big German a Hawaiian luau, or lunchoa, ander the new parliament. . i mtina statutory proviaiona coun limiting exist News 'of I 'Jaeksonville, nawls in refuge, dismantled and dia-- a bower roofed with palm leaves aad '. ::y f FOR BRUISER OELANEY Florida, on Marcfr 131 innt Ura. from aeceptkag civil am- a raced and stuck in tke Honolulu knr sugar Mrk ty attorneys V a while cane, Hawaiiaa' orchestra . ..n.AM. v .u.u. J W. V iiiiiil T Dyai Andrws, 'wldow "of tka lata Dr., f '.V ' bor watll tka war ia over. Tka hua-- played continually new and delicloualy Hmo ' AaucUUl Press bv reiarsl WirSlsss.) "limiting tbem " from . beinnf em. sioal Qeorge P. Andrtwrbf Honolulu, .was dreda f German sailors aad mariaes unique airs. HAS BIQ CALENDAR j.;. NEW YORK,. Martk ', 8.rAIl " the recjeived ta tha ' Tnall yeaterday by ployed ia cases contrary to tba public ; add to the variegated tkrong and have vY .f About Big Tenet flulitlujf aspirations were 'tak of George P. Castle." from the aulvivinir (otoresfj only emphasises their right to . - ..1., w t nothina to 'do but enjoy themselves and Telia .Nineteen criminal and sixty two eivll husky Joe Delnney tere Vwatnrday daughter, Mlsa Winifred: Andrewa. She engage in civil practise ia matters aot Cipiha fereeeeaea of the island. One "The, feast we could aot stomach, caeca on the calendar of tha fourth night, when Dan Coffev knocked him 0-- 21 TOLD qunnermw but wa had the rare experience of raw eirealtarecourt vfroto that,her mothbr had: died after contrary to the public interest. - Tha ' rOM4 fallow, one sooaiag, which open will March ita ' ten- an illness of only two dara.- af wnen- - two axee'ptidns are New Hampehlre and despon- - Ash, greasy piu roasted and wrapped "in second of out rQond himself, their 'the Oeler. abot the imm hot being able to see his wife in native leaves dipped ia oil aad tied aessioa of tbe January term ia 11 "o round content. ,K hionla, to avoid the danger of contracts Wyoming, which prohibit tba attorneys r: dent at at ten o'clock to morrow morning. The '. s '' ' "'i ing which aha bad left her', horn in gaocraL from accepting civil aaaee, but antf'chlld, born since he has been tied with Jiva plant atoms, chickea raveling court will BERLIN, March lfl. (Correspondnear presided by Circuit be Detroit to spend, the- winter ia the neither of tba Statea ia any wny limits ence in tha greasiest gravy that ever 00 red up aere. - a FAMILT. BEEVES THE WHOLE . of . The Judge Charlea F. Parsons. The terri , any right the , of public South.-attorney, .;. ,Tba or .; . . . Associated ... preaa,) from a fat fowl, witk cooked taro root torial grand jury at Baacli T&kaa Cottaa-.t The fame of Chamberlain's Cough secona oi who von uoiiDerg-will East Hawaii of Doctor, pToeecy tor attorney gea other tka make Mra. merely thaa aad Andrewa to oa aide ry (a oat 'txpected were the native araia like " Wa bad meet in II Ho at tea o'clock tomorrow Bemedy is world evidt - It Is good far wen navy is accounta of eral la engaaingr in private civil prae nnoa in Honolulu, Poctor two weeks' trip, coining from Los meal), aud Anally tbe exeat Hawaiian morning. devoted to tba exploits of submarine The criminal calendar con the deep nested cough of the adnJt or attorney At tisa. aa tha far cenernl having Great poi. ia new been a steamer physK This a big bawl of starchy tains three murder caaes Pedro Sanap, the croup- and whooping cough ot the practising dish, AncvAlea on the bis Hewritea; t T Tarthern, which had Just eome, tke su butanes that tastea like glue aad charged with manslaughter; Jose Mar-tine- children. The same bottle aervea the ciana bore for many years to tha tima and.! Via. deputiea ara concerned, your finds hU anof emmlttee they In death ara 1003. not through that the Mra. worse. Andrews, looks The whole meal waa 4 Vrtf 'blg passenger boat, family. dealers, by all Through a whole sale For shot inscriptions degree,; and murder la the first tba and her ouly chlM,. Mlsa Winifred, left gard l private .practise, their time it bowthio; Canal, Oae day of this air eaten with the Angers, no anting im folia Garcia tttbo, on August 9t 1914, thf from Gontales, murder, in ' the Renaon, Smith k Co., Ltd., agents for aenoiuin a snort time arter being .almost entirely taken up with aavvral ajaimea and coamopolitaa delights set piementa being on the table. - v: the JiriiLaMi hu. s katw Vncvliaik Vat k . aanb degree. vea avan. u first musj sajnaa vonwn ; , 'a, baad : and, trpaks ' father 'a death. "Friday night there waa a "water f . .. f i tle4 na, W hastily packedour engagement Llautea-an- t finder.' thia Of h .Wttage fat Beaalde carniya) and .&nUsUkjt. y lwQoU4 (oumandeff, a i.Jlersing (Iron COMMITTEES FOR vV.H f9rm .Vw, . HK iwultii ta enter tha lloial for a month. Tho eottago has uifipiny in win uaroor. waa ODiaae wiia B ctieves, td tha Firth of Forth, but I lay acrosrW m.a.wv.a'MaAn'iR"5!'' 1nfbeen built two weeks, and has eiectrie lights and Japaneaa and CW rnuiyiu W&tr eonvaniaaee. ai modern aad com nec lanterns passinir ' around aad PUWI aotrlmaat1 of efficient serf' Wa- ilJ the course aad sank bar. An English deoffices' of the attorneys of the aeverai nL,ta aa ana could cet at home. - We around the big bay, while beads played pursued me, but I naturally took Tkenrw.staniline ammUImi af the aeuatlee aad would prevfnt tha voters stroyer aavetep right out note the beach and aad 50,000 on the piers applauded to under tha wator, apd wa es the Hawaii Promotion Committee, as. : apA from obtain lag tha eerriees of man aa caped- - safely.', billowy waters that keep aa aven the echo. And then, we had a vlaW 'f ' ,f . ? In 'upertare pointed by Chalrmaa B. A. Beradt, ara county attorneys who ere capable and lrl tba the year of the eruption of a volcaae ed the of . eoventy-elOf tha recent work Of ' , follows:-whom . i voters would tha ia j, All edge aeventy-foorwbh the of to tha rnalletie, city. was Wont It under around, t Never von Gottberg ,aayaV ' "Soon Sea, Irish . A. Finaneo-E- .4 i : . Bfradt, halrman. positions. .. Thf'thennometer Inland here never whs and beautiful. after January 20 tha' bat put to aea. . voomns? jrieid... .., "Jfour Judiciary ' romralttea tnera- It or above Nawa of World Boceivad : .;. ikova ' to go below flfty-flr- e beaded for tha vicinity of Liverpool, , Piiblloationa and Literature 1$, fore, After due and careful considera- and sank tha Ben Grain-ban- , Houolulu there ar. tw.;daijy loaded with eigbty flve,, while day la and day-otowee, chairman; L..A. TboratoaV T tion of CW matter,, racommends that general cargo. . While-- tbe Ren .Craurb-apapers published in English, ona mora-inUs rang Is nilty-Av- s ta seventy-eigh- t QENOK iE. ONLY OfliGlNAL . Th . , Islaad U. biU inter Yoraanizatioat ba tabled. t the oue aud evcninir. There are acv to . leave 'a boata were at ill in sisht'the Linda Qoodiog Field, chalrmaa; Ed. Tawsa. s, "., was t' 'MY Chocks and rraata wccklios ia Hawaiian. note like a Charm in sunk. Tkea a coat steamer appeared tThlp aere. The' neat day, b the oral Heme Work L. "halrA. Tkurstea, and Lieutenant, uersing waited for her, 1 trip to visit the active volcano In the Thererare foar Japanese dailies, a Cbk CENSOR CENSORS CEN.SOR AGUE. CnOUP, mwt . DIARRHOEA, EVE3, , : , but try tuis timovtba wirajsainbad aent Island of Hawaii at IWo, two ladies nese daily, besides dinTercpt weekly ad Territorial and County AIJalra-'9e- a v Tha tott Bamadf kaow fbfHl the ana. pecine In weekly Chinese and Portuguese an echo of tha thunderous explosion oa Koa4 baea fritb a all tka way were semi PARIS, 22 March (Correspondence 7 lamia tyolHager, , chairman, v ,. v the Bea Crauchaa into every office of overturning auto pu np papers.. ' kUlt'd by and COUCnS. COLD J, wHULLKA jf Aasoclated.'. . Preaa). latest The ftha British shipowners, and Horsing waited "The news of the world ia received the, moiiBtald.'; TUa . bodiea war am- ITALY CALLS MORE MEN asthma, "Biokcbitii; saprica of tha oAlclal censor c'dmes to in vain for aeverai dava for new baoty. DYSENTERY. by cable and wireless ia Honolulu' for , balihad and taken back to Loa Angeles. light i the Est Republican. This pa. But John Bull was eleverj he bad orv ' W rwal WlrsUss 't lAMMlaua Tr rW.( Jt must have cast pall aver tka both morning ami evening papers, as Pallhattv tw NtULCl, wwt, The imm CiVlpMi aaia TsMimsaj asrpm ROME, March SO. Tha expected or per thought it waa fully justified ia dered the etoppa.e of all. shipping in Ixa dsyi' retura trip, and from a pleaa-- f forwarded to the other; Islands by ' all Clwml is . L Iriak) Sea. to'ii in b.Hitr "ie ';' means ot wirlldor of aeneral oiobUisatioa baa ' sot piibllsblag tka official communication tba comnuialeenoti. ure voyage It waa, oaerted into Muuon. i . I J- - Pavaaroat. KaaLad, t li. 3v. Liverpaol Heralna 'a regarding president Alaaea Bat trip "From tha . la Italy leeued vyct. reta with these few "Aad bat scattering eentlnues rnnerai ship. marks from tkcae Isles of tha blessed 'all mora troopa to the colors. ' Yea teitnauy, The eenaor at Teaey, aow cruised off iato the Irish He, bombard, llliariona ' OarntTal Waak , . .en . a a j r . A aa passea. onj. aa as ; airanip ta tna I terday tUplne lag diaravared aei Udtaerettoaa troosa all tba '. . . our to neigbbore tha beloved tLit-v.rt- -l af aad friends I. ... I Mln a w.'.'Ihls his. been bilarioua aad glo aial aecount of thla interesting; event neighboring port shelled tha liatle - at first tlaas were aed for fortr-fl2000 milira over the sea aad 3000 ml'es 7A" 3&Ml'!!J rious week la Honolulu. I pffleaga : . all ,ercllesly ecaisered, $ha paria cen- - tacke, which dived unharmed and pro artillery tbahad of Jaad lava aver the, land, we send oiir love iv t"The entire week has beea daotd mora . , , " m ' nmw. 1 i i ? ioOLe Mil Jfaciflrt myvj arnlval. Something and greetings and f TlMi.TJi 7' i if f il ..S. MBotaford f the editorial Uff nerald.writ- paper, Honolulu till haa the to rom. t inf fdtltfwing jt aay about Hawaii and kit sojourn in the Paradise ef the Pacific; have found heaven and Ukcn a cottage there. Roma of my carping eoe- . V..1- .A iruijivraric ami ivwvu J KJ h K 1 Vfv neata may mi( a snorting eneer at the fpaof my having uallfled by morals aad virtues for any sort of celestial Moriee. Whatever may hereafter, that here and aow 1 am la heaven. .While It la coming to ba renl-lzethat th aplritual heaven ia within "wkn and ha tan make it or break It !i utnaelf, etill 1 must maintain that in u tie marvelous material delighta of rllrakte and aeenery aad mouataiuaad flea'and flower and foliage and balmy preitie and tonle osoue, tbia region kat very other aeetioa of Ood 'a footstool wepnased. , of "fAe "Qulaey .(III.) Dally 11 Ikenr . " tlM-l- ' - 1 d . ' ..,lltn. p '. , d 1 . -. ViifiioirssTABiiiif , -- -- r-- ' 4 fm 1 rjr. aos-iril- . ' . .'; - one-tim- . HIM 1DI if Wa LP 1 TL. BfcCS A Repra-sontstiv- . mm m m mm m m tm vw , ' Mrt . - Castle Ltd Mctenls ,"..:; nan onui . ......... . n open-hearte- 'V- "'f ' . ". - - ougar . . , . r K'-- 'In' , , a ' "".--- id o - 'r.-- v . - . . at , com-'pletJl- T - ; GAZETTE BtL-LIARD- v - Semi-Week- t- ly nth?, V MRSk'P:NDWs nioety-flve-mli- e V . 1 ' ' . ; - :'V v ; tha"-deat- nlt circuit court;, , r.f t -- uil. Tl' em-ou- BKOFFip - . - . . ':. m . . . e aemi-oi-Ael- Aa-dre- - U-8- a, ' an. BrJ.CsBfcvmol5 (:'. ut ZtF'? y'r Crtt ffl mWXmf init n,u - WmM, -- U-5- and hish-claH- A a. n , . , f ' a, . , 7 nwsiMirr - " MmmA-aua- - 7 . M good-bye,- tm.mm i n- Jl5 "imi4 n '''"" v ' , ...