Business Notices.Xo- Uccs Penbrook- . under this heading 5 , . , . | ijjj , Insertion. Among reading matter , 10 centsper line each insertion- . TALK OF THE TOWN Oats are still being sown- . .John Hittle lost a cow Friday.- . The wheat fields are faintly green- . .All kinds of Flower , Vegetable.Wonder if Porcupine's mule is aaLouis Nollett is in town today.- . John Lord and Haskel Davis- lame as his rhymes ? and Field seeds for sale by the EedW. . S. Jackson has purchased- came up from Simeon yesterda3r.- . Front Mercantile Co. 8Mrs. C. P. Hamar is visiting1 herthe Fike dwelling.- . TV. . P. Taber and wife were in- sons , David and C. W. , this week.- . A full supply of fresh newMr. . and Mrs. Ed Searby were- the city last Saturday from Rose- ¬ Mrs. . Ivy went to Valentine Wed- ¬ garden seeds have just been re- - down from Crookston yesterday.- . bud. . Mrs. Taber was formerly- nesday to get some dental work done.- . c > d by the Eed Front Merc. Co- . Miss Nettie Kalbringer , well knownTheo. . Tillson had a cow get fast inCapt. . Howell returned from the- to Valentine people. Mr. Taberyesterday for a visit.- . is day school teacher at Lower Cut- the quicksand in the river. With the.Just received a new line of- Soldiers Home help of David Hamar he got her out F. . H. Higrgin called on us Tues- ¬ Meat and was just recently mar- ¬ alive.- . Combs and Belts at Mrs. Elmore's.- . day to pay his subscription in ad ¬ ried to Miss Kalbringer. THEMiss Winona Ra/ey is visiting Mrs- . DEMOCRAT extends congratulat- ¬ Foil SALE : 7 room house. Acrel- vance.- . .John Hittle and other old friendsions. . ot. . Nice lawn and fine trees. Wm. . R. McGeer is building aaround the old homestead , that Mr- . theThe decorations hisEaster for at addition of on frame the rear .and Mis. Razey located some twenty- 9 P. F. SIMONS- . M. . E. church drew a large crowd- five years ago. saloon. . Sunday evening , the building.I have buyer for Nebraska farms.- . EAGL- . W. A. Pettycrew has put down- last ¬ Many being filled. expresswell If you want to sell , list with me or- a new sidewalk in front of his ions were heard of admiration 'ofE.Bailey Itriefc.- . 47- residence.- . write for particulars. the decorations which were underBailey had a 2 inch rain Monday- . HORACE GRANT, Chas. . Brinda has started a tailor- the supervision of Fred Gumbow.- . .Cattle have wintered well in thisHeist Bldg. Kansas City , Mo- . shop in the old First National- A fence , a double gate ajar , in. ech The Wonderful Growth. o- lCalumet - bank building.- . white with green wreaths around.Buster Brown Belt for childrenGeo. . Hershey has purchased the- the posts upon the top of which12saloon building he occupies from- with outspreading wings , sat dovesat Mrs. Elraore's. trained toward the word HOPE onFrank Fischer.- . a dark back ground and above , theNow is the time to build thatMrs. . Margaret Davenport re- ¬ words HE IS RISEN.- . fence around your farm. If you- turned last Thursday from herThe U. S. weather bureau re- ¬ want the best Glidden & Baker barb- visit to Ft. Collins , Colorado.- . port for the week ending Apr. 20 , wire or good field fencing call onGeo. . "W. Miller , Sr. , returned- shows that the highest tempeartureEed Front Merc. Co. They can- from Iowa last Thursday and is- was 67 on the 26th and the low- ¬ furnish you what you want for the- visiting his sons and daughters.- . est 22 on the 21st , giving a mean40 . The departure from theof same and less money than youGeo. . W. Berge has purchasedwould have to pay for cheaper- the Nebraska Independent and will- normal was 4 below. The precipitation was .7tt of an inch , anbrands of wire fence- . change it to a democratic paper.- . excess of .Oi above the normal- . Mrs. . Brown , wife of Dr.Brown , .For the month to date it was 2.69.High class photos at the newarrived in this city last Thursday- inches , for the season , March 1 , tophoto gallery by Halldorson & after several months visit in Cal. date , 3.87 inches. The winds haveBarnett , the expert portrait mak- ¬ been generally below the average , Taylor has been sick the- the highest velocity occurring onA. W. ers of O'Neill. Studio will be open- past two weeks , but at present ismiles per hourthe 1 , 2 , 3 , 4: and 5 of each month- . able to be up and walking around.- . the 20th , being 39Crop prospectsfrom the north. .Every photo guaranteed fadelessdate. A. . M. Morrissey returned from- excellent to and up to date. Call and inspectAinsworth yesterday where he had.Fred M. Hans , charged with thesamples. . been in attendance at district court.- . murder of David Luse in BrownA full line of Pipe , Pumps , CylinMr. . and Mrs. TV. E. Efnor went- county some time ago , appealedders , Pipe Fitting , etc. are sold by- up to Chadron today for a couple- and at a preliminary hearing heof weeks visit with their son Dean- . was held without bail to answerthe Eed Front Merc. Co- . the charge of murder in the firsthashe us .John Stetter tells that degree on the 8th day of May at.Lund For Sale.- . Hothis saloon business sold out at Ainsworth. . Co. Atty. Ely , ofI have the followinR land for sale in Cherry¬ county on easy terms ValSprings and has come back to Brown Co. ; C. E. Lear , of Spring- stay.j . to entine m NW view , and M. F. Harrington , of± - 25NWNW > , will appear for the state.- . O'Neill E. . S. Eves and J. S. Harringtonj NWNE came up Tuesday in the interest of- The defense has secured the ser- ¬ 293527SE their mining stock and are circu- ¬ vices of W. F. Gurley , of Omaha ; ) Ni SE V L. T. Genung , of Glen wood , la. ; lating about town.- . 323328SW NE F. G. Hamer , of Kearney and A.- . ) spentP. . Sullivan , of Merriman , SE NW W. . Scattergood , of Ainsworth.- . For prices , terms , etc. . on above land and other- several days in town the past weekThe case will be watched with con- ¬ Nebraska lands address E. S. ELLSWORTH , . Iowa Falls , Io- visiting friends and attending to- siderable interest as it involves thebusiness matters.- . question of human liberty andwhether or not a so-called railroadN. . B. Johnson , of Tackner , Mo. , Cards.Twa.Professional . writes us this week enclosing a- detective and spotter can by hisrequest assume the duties ofdollar for another years subscrip- own deputy sheriff for the purpose ofTHE DEMOCRAT- . to tion Ranch.. Valley Ilereford arresting an objectionable personhe Loup Brownlee.Nebr , .Lee Anderson has the founda- ¬ and kill without allowing any wit- ¬ Prince Boabdel tion laid for a dwelling south of- ness to the transaction , under the131893 and Curlyef- ¬ Coat 1122GI at head- Mrs. . Wilson's new house and is- guise of self defense. A strong bloodThe of herd. fort is being made to acquit Hansahead with the work.- . of Fowler. Anxiety , going of the crime charged.- . Lord Wilton and SirTV. . A. Pettycrew lastGladstone predomireturned nates 10 my herd- . The U. S. weather bulletin forweek from a visit to Omaha , Coun- ¬ cil Bluffs and Lincoln on business- Nebr. . , issued April 25th , shows.I can fill orders for bulls of all apes at anyBrowntime. . Ranch feur miles north-west of and pleasure. He was absent four the past week has been cold , thelee , Nebr. mean daily temperature averaging C.H. FAULIIABEK days.Mr. 4 below the normal. Frost oc. and Mrs. Will Donoher decurred on several days with theparted yesterday for their home at- minimum temperature between , Park City , Utah , after spending a- 20 and 25 in western countiesfew weeks visiting relatives and- and between 30 and 35 in eastDentist.O- . friends in this city.- . ern counties. The rainfall wasffice over the grocery deparmentof T. C. Hornby's store- . A new building is being built- above the normal in nearly all.Will be in Eosebud agency July- north of Mrs. Elmore's millinery- parts of the state. It exceeded in3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1901- . store by Halldorson & Barnett , of- central counties and decreased toO'Neill , which they will use for a- about inch in the counties alongboth the northern and southernphotograph gallery.- . .C. . M. SAGESERborders of the state. The lowWm. . Allen was up from his- temperature of the past week hashome on the Niobrara east of the- been unfavorable for the growthlast Friday. He has been sick- of vegetation. Winter wheat con- ¬ First-class Shop in Every Respect- fort past winter with grip and is- tinues in excellent condition. Oatsthe Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Bairyet- . were frozen to the ground in someTonic , Herplcide and Coko's Dandruff Cure- . not looking real well western counties. Generally , how- ¬ .Try Pompeian Face Massage Crea.August Epke and Bert Gamber , ever , oats and spring wheat arc upfrom near Crookston were in town- nicely and the damage from lowMonday , trading with our mer- ¬ temperature is slight. Grass hasmH.M. . , chants. . Mr. Epke paid another- grown very slowly. Plowing for, dollar in advance for THE DEMO- corn has progressed nicely but itTrunks , valises and packages hauled to and- CRAT. . has been too cold for planting.- . froni the depot and all parts of the Ci- . Ed Satterlee , Joseph Nollette , The frost injured plums and otherH. H. Morgan , of Nenxel , were- early fruit somewhat.- . in town last Saturday attendingty.JOHN PORATHR- the sale of land belonging to the- Notice- to Non-Resident Defendants.I- . , Mebr.- . estate of Julia Anna Nenzel. Mr- . saac M. Bice. Plaintiff .Morgan bought the land for $500va L A. llrst ana real Mrs. I'urrot. . windmillstown got and the wells and Mr. Satterlee Tubular name unknown , E. S. Ormsfoy , ° ° ° ° ¬ * ¬ : j- 33 ¬ ¬ ° , ¬ ¬ H. DAILEY \ ° ° ° ° ¬ i Barber CRAMER City Deliyeryman ¬ F. icge 1- ( , I ! property.- . trustee , 0. F. Rllven , trustee , f j and Charles F. Bliven and Lilla | C. Bliyen. husband and wife , Defendants. J Yon , and each of yon. are hereby notillod thaton the itith day of April , 190. , the plaintiff herein 1'ued hi * petition in the District Point nfCherry county , Nebraska , against.yon. and eachof you. and all persons chiiininc under yon. thobject and prayer of winch are to foreclose acertain tax lien founded upon a certificate tax sale issued by the county treasurer of Cherry county , Nebraska. onilielTth d y of April.l- . i)0i.: . for the payment of delinquent'taxes uponthe XW * of * PO. 21. To. : . If. 26. for theears f- Monday morning of this week , A. H. Stees , member of the Erick- son Cattle Co. , filed a petition withclerk of the district court askingffice at Quigley & Chapman's that a receiver be appointed to takeDrug Store. Nights The Don- charge of the property and to windoher residence , Cherry Street- . up its affairs , alleging that thecompany is insolvent and that themoney of the company has been.G. . appropriated by the other mem- ¬ , M. D.- . bers of the company and that hePhysician and Surgeon.- . has been denied a voice in the man- ¬ dayAll calls promptly attended to agement of its affairs. The com- ¬ ¬ PharDrugs night. and or pany has been in the cattle busi- ¬ maceuticals furnished- . ness at Kennedy for the past four. , Xeliraska.years and is one of the large cat.Wood JLake tle companies of the county. ItsFor feed or livery call on the- membership is composed of Wm- . Eagle Livery. Commercial trade- .Erickson , Oscar Swanson , A. H- . Floyd Ferlin. Judgea specialty. We have some good- .Stees and E. . M. Bartlett , of Omaha , and Co- . second hand buggies and harness- .Atty. . Tucker represent Mr. Stees- . for sale. Call and see us- . .Walcott & Morrissey represent the.SiiEi'iiARD BKOS. , Prop. other members of the company. N. COMPTONPhysician and SurgeonO- .A. . ¬ H. Hall ¬ J- > ¬ <> f¬ ) 1SOT. laiM. 18 ! > .7 , ! 1897 , 1SW. 1SUS , 18SI1I. ' , iMOOaild ll'Ol inclusive , and for the oayineut of tne subsequent taxes upon said real e > tat for ih years 11)02 and 1903. for the tax-s assessed and leviedthereon for either state , county or school IH- trict purposes , and there is'now dueplaintiffupon ihe said tax lien the sum or SIGO 10. io- yether with interest thereon from the 2Gtli dayof April. 1005 , at the rate of ten per cent perannum and costs of this suit an-i ten per cvntattorney's fees as provided i y statute , for whichsum plaintiff prays judgment and decree offoreclosure. . To have said premises sold forthe payment and satisfaction of ti ; amount dimfor such taxes , interest penalties and costs , amithe costs of suit and the costs of sale , to bar , foreclose and exclude the said nefendams , andeach of them , from having or elaiminjr any tie'i , title , interest or equity of redemption ni or tothe same , or any part thereof , and for general¬ > ) < ! relief. . You , and each of yon , 15 4 & Morrissoy , his altorueys.4 sPerfect Quality an- dModerate PriceUMillionssedof inHomes vicinity. . It's got to rain 7 Sundays , for ! it- rained on Easter Sunday- . .Several parties anticipate dippingcattle in Bailey this week- . .Walter Goodin made a business- trip to Merriman last week- . .Ralph Goodfellow will put a phonein soon and talk biz at home.- . Mrs. . George Heyne is getting along- My stock of Easter Hats and Spring Millinery is Now on Display , fine in Cody since she went to see thedoctor. . W. H. Sellers built a house on hisclaim this week and put a windmill- OOME : AND SEZEII- and tank.- . P. . Sullivan surveyed for Walker , Probasco , Sellers , Seager and Nelson- last E , Martin.- . week- . .Marie Nelson's school closed lastweek. . They had some good exerciseson Sunday.- . Fred Walker was down with therheumatism a few days ago but is on- deck J. J. . AUSTIN. ( ITCCEdSOliS AV. THOMPSON.S- . IJKEl'KI.ANDEK. ) TO K. HLACKSXlTHKXft AMD & / oefma S- now- . .Holland Poland built a dipping vaton his place , and has set out a number- of trees this spring.- . Dr. . Duncan was called to A. D. Brooks' last week to atten-1 their ba- ¬ by who had pleurisy.- . Chas. . Cooper is working for Win- . .Finalyson. . Wm. anticipates puttingin a phone at his place soon.- . . . Dunbar will trail the doublebar Brichen cattle 90 miles east andoverseer them in a pasture.- . Chas. . Cooper contested Pa Sears' claim ; its time something was done tothe house , it's getting hump backed.- . E. . L. Sellers and Miss Cora went toCody last week. E. L. liled on fourmiles of land. Harry Heath filed ona section the same day- . .Churn ranch will seed down 100acres to alfalfa this spring. Theyaveraged 100 acres of alfalfa the lastfour years and always have had goodThey back-set the firstsuccess. . Wm. . breaking. . Full Line of Samples on HandYou can be elegantly dressed for- little money by buying your suits o- fTHE TAILOR.- . Fit Guaranteed. First Class Work Cleaning , Pressing and Impairing neatly GUE = S WHO I AM- . First .Door to , done- . NationalJ- K .The Keel Front Merc. Co. hasjust entered into a contract withMr. . Olson , representing the Mid- and Glass and Paint Co. of Oma- - AMES WA la , whereby they will now become- he sole agents of Pattens' SunProof Paint , of this place. Aftermving put forth considerable ef- ¬ ; fort and study ia their search forthe- the best , they have come to conclusion that Pattens' Sun Proofready mixed Paint possesses moremerits of paint value than any- ¬ thing else that could be found- . .They found it possessed greaterspreading qualities , lasted longerand held its color better. They willissue a written guarantee with evcry can of paint sold by them and- , B. HULL- TAYLOR- - Sole Agents for- HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY- Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER- Choicest Wines and Cigars , x VALENTINE ADO NEBRASK- YOU WANT IT ? if it is not entirely satistactory The most complete , the most practical , the most convenient Cook Book everevery way , return the certificate- published. . of guarantee and they will furnishTHE WHITE HOUSE COOK BOOK , you new paint , if your complaintBv Hugo Ziemann , Steward of the White House , and Mrs. P. L Gillette ( is a just one. They feel confident- contains over 1(5UO choice recipes. Nothing relating to Practical House keeping has been omitted. Tnere are of the merits of Pattens Sun Proof590IPaint and if you will call at theRed Front Hardware Dept. theywill be glad to explain the special11features which it possesses. Soimd Oil OlotJi.- . This identical book has been soUl at $2 .10 out arrangements itwill in- ¬ 590PAGES iuVliitc Public Xotice.- I hereby declare that be sent ABSOLUTELY . whereas- , FREE , with a sdMonths subscription to- Send this advertisement with Post Office or Express Money Order for Three Dollars to ( ashie- rST'sS aXTCTT YORK V3my wife , Dora Quisenbery , has left, New City York and receive America's Greatest Newspaper daily for my bed and board , I will not bemonths and a copy of theVHITE HOUSE C responsible for any accounts ordebts contracted by her- . "THE SHINING MARK AND.Signed this 20th clay of April , THE MINING SHARK"ROHKllT QuiSEX1905. Portrayal of the Great Difference- = ix- J. L. ASHBUEN , Between a "SHAKE FAKE AXD AFAIR SHAKE " A book of over 100pages neatly bound containing fifThose owing me on account will- teen half-tones trom the highest pricfind my books at my former place- ed naotos taken from life in the stateof Colorado. One of the interof business , L. N. Lay port & Son's esting publications of theisost vear. Asas Law on's "Frenziedharness shop , for the next 60 days.- . rich to read Finance. . " You can get it ABSOAll accounts not paid by that time- LUTELY FREE by addressing will be placed in the hands of a. V. JORDAN , AY. E. EFXEII. , o. Dakota. collector. . To Whom It US ay Concern.- . ¬ ¬ ¬ Contractor and Builder in Brick or Stone ¬ "Work- . ¬ are required to answersaid petition on or before the r t" daj of.lune , 1903. I. M.JtlCK. Walcott Is due to it- Plaintiff.- . .Valentine , - Nebr.