/LED Lighting 2012 Designed & Produced in the UK /version 3 Innovation, Design & Environmental Responsibility PhotonStar The Future of Sustainable Lighting PhotonStar LED Ltd, the UK-based designer and manufacturer of high quality performance ecolighting, The lighting market is in transition and LEDs are emerging as the most viable alternative to the majority is committed to producing world class LED lighting products for use in commercial, residential and RILQFDQGHVFHQWKDORJHQDQGÁXRUHVFHQWVRXUFHVIRUDVXVWDLQDEOHIXWXUH/('VKDYHDWKHRUHWLFDO retail environments. PD[LPXPHIÀFLHQF\RIOP:DQGDUHFXUUHQWO\DYDLODEOHLQH[FHVVRIOP:LQFUHDVLQJDW PhotonStar LED Ltd. is part of PhotonStar LED Group PLC (stock ticker PSL.L) a British designer and manufacturer of smart LED lighting solutions. Its products seamlessly integrate LEDs, sensors and controls WRSURYLGHLQWHOOLJHQWOLJKWLQJIRUFRPPHUFLDODQGDUFKLWHFWXUDODSSOLFDWLRQVZKLFKEHQHÀWIURPJUHDWHU&22 reduction, lower cost of ownership & improved functionality compared to other available light sources. 3KRWRQ6WDU/('*URXS3/&DOVRGHYHORSV/('DUUD\VDQGOLJKWHQJLQHVIRUÀOPWHOHYLVLRQSURGXFWLRQOLJKWLQJ UV curing and medical applications. PhotonStar is also a full member of Zhaga – an industry-wide cooperation DLPHGDWWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIVWDQGDUGVSHFLÀFDWLRQVIRUWKHLQWHUIDFHVRI/('OLJKWHQJLQHVZLWKLQOXPLQDLUHV PhotonStar is a member of the UK LA and LIF. SHU\HDU7RGD\/('VDUHPRUHHQHUJ\HIÀFLHQWDQGUREXVWWKDQPDQ\H[LVWLQJOLJKWVRXUFHV DQGRIIHUD´ÀWDQGIRUJHWµVROXWLRQSUHYLRXVO\XQWKLQNDEOHZLWKRWKHUW\SHVRIOLJKWLQJGXHWRDQ RSHUDWLRQDOOLIHWLPHLQH[FHVVRIKRXUVLIVXLWDEO\HQJLQHHUHGKRXUVLV\HDUVLIRSHUDWHG KUVSHUGD\GD\VSHUZHHNRURYHU\HDUVIRUDKRXUSHUGD\RSHUDWLRQGD\VSHUZHHN0DLQWHQDQFH free design eliminates the need for regular maintenance and lamp changing will become a thing of the past. PhotonStar™ products are made of recycled materials, designed to be refurbished and DUHUHF\FODEOH,QDGGLWLRQWKHUHDUHQRHQYLURQPHQWDOO\KDUPIXOVXEVWDQFHVLQ/('V 5HDVVXULQJO\DOORI3KRWRQ6WDU·V/('OLJKWLQJSURGXFWVDUHEDFNHGE\XSWRD\HDUZDUUDQW\ VR\RXFDQFRQÀGHQWO\H[SHFWDKLJKSHUIRUPDQFHDQGORQJSURGXFWOLIH The PhotonStar™ philosophy unites innovation, design and environmental responsibility within each product in its LED range. With the promise of excellent performance, simple installation and low maintenance for the installer, PhotonStar™ is leading the way in providing workable low energy solutions. Based in the UK, 3KRWRQ6WDU/('/WGKDVGHYHORSHGDUHVSHFWHGUHSXWDWLRQZRUOGZLGHIRUHQHUJ\HIÀFLHQWDQGVXVWDLQDEOH /('OLJKWLQJ2XU5'WHDPXQGHUVWDQGVWKDWHIÀFLHQF\FRQWUROIXQFWLRQDOLW\DQGORFDOLQWHOOLJHQFHDUHNH\ to developing the lowest lifecycle cost, solid state lighting solutions available today. T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 1 page page 4 8 page page Award Winning Solutions Independent Viewpoint The Future of Lighting What is an Equivalent Output? PhotonStar70 won more than half of the most Lux magazine recommended a PhotonStar70 /('VDUHUDSLGO\EHFRPLQJWKHPRVWHIÀFLHQWOLJKW 7KHSKDVLQJRXWRILQHIÀFLHQWODPSVZLWKLQWKH(8DQG recent Lighting Industry Awards and has OXPLQDLUHDV´%HVW+DORJHQ5HSODFHPHQWµIROORZLQJ source available. What are the projections and fast paced technology improvements requires a new been recognised by the UKTI, CIBSE, Lighting independent tests. The Lux report is consistent OLPLWVIRUERWKFRVWDQGHIÀFLHQF\" approach to comparing lighting solutions. Association & Lighting Industry Federation. ZLWKSRVLWLYHWHVWLPRQLDOVIURPVSHFLÀHUV installers and clients. 2 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Ultra EfÀcient Lighting & LE1I European and industry standards for measuring energy consumption for lighting in buildings 34 PhotonStar Design & Manufacture Luminaire Design Philosophy 'HVLJQHGVSHFLÀFDOO\IRU/('V8OWLPDWHHIÀFLHQF\VLPSOH LQVWDOODWLRQÁH[LEOHPRGXODUVROXWLRQZLWKH[FHOOHQFHLQ control & dimming 22 39 Cool3RTM: Maximising Lifetime & Improving EfÀciency PhotonStarTM Luminaires & Micro Renewables 0LFURUHQHZDEOHSRZHUVRXUFHVVXFKDVSKRWRYROWDLF panels as well as their battery backup systems operate at low voltages, making them a natural partner for the inherently low voltage LED solutions .HHSLQJ/('VFRROLVWKHNH\WRORQJOLIHDQGHIÀFLHQF\ 24 Cool3RTM: Advanced Passive Thermal Management Appendices Design choices & excellence in thermal management DOORZIRUDKLJKHUOXPLQRXVÁX[ZLWKDORZHUHQYLURQPHQWDO impact Product Guides LEDsmart Controls 20 How to select & order PhotonStar70 Luminaires & Light Engines Comparison Guide 0DNLQJFRPSDULVRQVXVLQJ 3KRWRQ6WDU·VLQGHSWKWHVWGDWD Downlights Spotlights 171 Compliance to Standard 26 174 Glossary of Terms Cool3R : Reducing Embodied CO2 TM Amenity 176 UK Regulations 7KHDPRXQWRIHQHUJ\&22 emissions relating to the manufacture of a luminaire is as important to PhotonStar70 as the amount of energy saved in use 178 Maximum Operating Temperatures 180 Technology Partners Conventional Light Engines 181 Special Projects Contents Smart Light Engines $*&-6/ (embedded intelligence) page page 45&1 45&1 page Evolution of Light Specifying LEDs Advanced Solutions Humans evolved to see with the light of the 7KH´*XLGHIRU6SHFLI\LQJ/('/LJKWLQJµZDV Award winning LED luminaires with sun. The evolution of light has brought us to produced by the Lighting Industry Liason Group. embedded intelligence and colour tuning for ´6PDUW:KLWHµDWHFKQRORJ\WKDWPRUHFORVHO\ PhotonStar70 supports and provides complete test RSWLPXPHQHUJ\VDYLQJDQGÁH[LELOLW\ matches the sun than ever before. data in accordance with this guide. T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 SmartWhite Light Engines (white colour tuneable) Driver Tables and Controls 40-41 16 PhotonStar ensure the quality of products by careful design and rigorous testing in accordance with the LILG Guide Selection Guide Quality, Traceability & Lifetime Testing 42-43 28 161-167 157-160 153-156 137-152 121-136 107-120 46-105 Features www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 3 Proven, Trusted & Quality Products Awards LIF Awards LIF Awards 2010 .LQJ·V&ROOHJH/RQGRQ'RXEOH$ZDUG &DWKD\3DFLÀF+HDWKURZ$LUSRUW The Lighting Industry Highly Commended “Indoor Lighting” Finalist “Indoor Lighting” Federation presented The PhotonStar70LQVWDOODWLRQDW.LQJ·V&ROOHJH/RQGRQ*X\·V 7KHDLUVLGHLQVWDOODWLRQDW&DWKD\3DFLÀF·V)LUVWDQG%XVLQHVV&ODVV WKHLU(QHUJ\0DQDJHPHQW +RVSLWDOVLWHIHDWXUHGKLJKHIÀFLHQF\/('OXPLQDLUHVDQGLQWHOOLJHQW /RXQJHDW+HDWKURZDFKLHYHGDHIÀFLHQF\LPSURYHPHQWIURP and Innovation in Lighting luminaires with a LEDsmart control system to maximise energy :P2O[WR:P2O[ Award Scheme. VDYLQJV7RWDOHQHUJ\VDYLQJVKDYHEHHQPHDVXUHGDW Highly Commended “Excellence in recycling” $OOOXPLQDLUHVLQVWDOOHGIRUWKHSURMHFWDW.LQJ·V&ROOHJHZHUH PDQXIDFWXUHGIURP!UHF\FOHGPDWHULDOVDQGDUHIXOO\ recyclable with no harmful substances. 4 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Proven, Trusted & Quality Products Awards Lighting Design Awards & UKTI Awards UKTI Business Innovation Lighting Design Awards Business Innovation Award Night &DWKD\3DFLÀF+HDWKURZ Commended Light Source of the Year - SmartWhite, 2010 Finalist for Low Carbon, 2011 7KHDLUVLGHLQVWDOODWLRQDW&DWKD\3DFLÀF·V)LUVWDQG%XVLQHVV&ODVV Winner (Smart1emesis) Energy & Environment SmartWhite intelligent biodynamic LED downlight boasts ultra low /RXQJHDW+HDWKURZDFKLHYHGDHIÀFLHQF\LPSURYHPHQWIURP 7KHSUHVWLJLRXV8.7,%XVLQHVV,QQRYDWLRQ$ZDUGVZKLFK energy combined with excellent colour quality. :P O[WR:P O[ showcases the very best of UK innovation in science and Colour tuneable between 6500K 0K 5000K .DQG.5D! across the tuning range. 2 4000K SmartWhite Tuning Range page 2 technology, shortlisted nine companies for its three award FDWHJRULHVLQ(PHUJLQJ1DQR7HFKQRORJ\(QHUJ\ Environment, and Digital Connected World. 3000K In the Energy & Environment shortlist were organic waste recycling specialist GENeco, Perceptive Engineering - a provider of intelligent monitoring and control systems for the process industries - and PhotonStar70 for the SmartNemesis. T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 5 Proven, Trusted & Quality Products Awards Lighting Industry Awards Lighting Industry Awards /LJKWLQJ,QGXVWU\$ZDUGV SmartWhite SmartNemesis $PRQJVWJOREDOQDPHVVXFKDV2VUDPDQG6\OYDQLD3KRWRQ6WDU70 was nominated for and won more awards than any other lighting Best Light Source - SmartWhite Sponsored by E.O1 Winner for Innovation - Smart1emesis Sponsored by Osram company. SmartWhite intelligent biodynamic LED downlight boasts ultra low SmartNemesis is a range of innovative high power LED Downlights, energy combined with excellent colour quality. Colour tuneable ZLWKHPEHGGHGLQWHOOLJHQFHKLJKHIÀFLHQF\DQGGD\OLJKWOLQNLQJ Finalist - Commercial Product of the year - 1emesis EHWZHHQ.DQG. 6500K 5000K Commercial Commercial Product Product of of the theYear Year 6 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk Lighting Industry Awards 2010 3000K winner Lighting Lighting Industry Industry Awards Awards 2010 2010 finalist finalist Light Source Product of theYear SmartWhite Tuning Range page pages 47-48 Lighting Industry Awards 2010 4000K winner pages Innovation Award T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Proven, Trusted & Quality Products Awards CIBSE Awards and Innovation Future Zone CIBSE Awards Innovation Future Zone pages 47-48 pages 47-48 SmartNemesis EcoStar 1ominated for two products, PhotonStar were the only lighting manufacture to be recognised in the 2011 nominations Finalist, Energy Using Product - Smart1emesis Finalist Innovation Future Zone Smart1emesis SmartNemesis is a range of innovative high power LED downlights, 7KH.7176%,QQRYDWLRQ)XWXUH=RQHIHDWXUHGWKHPRVWVLJQLÀFDQW RIIHULQJKLJKHIÀFLHQF\DQGFRQWUROOHGOLJKWGHOLYHU\ EXLOGLQJSURGXFWVRIDW(FR%XLOG7KH6PDUW1HPHVLVE\ The CIBSE Building Performance Awards recognise, reward and Finalist, Energy Using Product - EcoStar TM celebrate the best performance, innovation and practice in EXLOGLQJVHUYLFHV:LWKHQHUJ\HIÀFLHQF\VXVWDLQDELOLW\DQGORZ carbon now mainstream, the Awards recognised the best (FR6WDUDFKLHYHVDUHGXFWLRQLQHPERGLHG&22 when compared to all other lighting technologies. PhotonStar70 was the only lighting product to make the showcase ÀQDO7KHZLQQLQJSURGXFWVZHUHHDFKGLVSOD\HGZLWKLQWKH Innovation Future Zone at the biggest gathering of architects in the ZRUOG(FR%XLOGZKHUHRYHUGHOHJDWHVYLVLWHGWKHVKRZ examples of actual low carbon performance in practice, allied to excellence in the design, construction, commissioning and operation of buildings of all types, as well as the development of people, products and processes in the building services sector. T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 7 Independent Viewpoint Independent Viewpoints Independent Bench Tests “Best Halogen Downlight Replacement” in third party tests against competitors. Lux Magazine /HDGLQJLQGXVWU\PDJD]LQH´/X[µVHOHFWHGWKHPDUNHWOHDGLQJ/('UHSODFHPHQWV IRU:05KDORJHQDQGVXEPLWWHGWKHPWR3DUWQHUVLQ:ROYHUKDPSWRQIRU thorough independent tests. 7HVWVZHUHFDUULHGRXWLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK(1LQDQLQWHJUDWLQJVSKHUHDWD VWDEOH& Following the results, Lux recommended the PhotonStar70/DVHUZLWK0HUFXU\ OLJKWHQJLQHDW.DVWKHEHVWKDORJHQGRZQOLJKWUHSODFHPHQW “ 7KHOXPLQDLUHOXPHQSHUZDWWPHWULFRISDUW/LVQRWDQHDV\EDUWRUHDFK “ especially in a warmer colour temperature but the [PhotonStar70] Laser with the new &UHH;3*HQJLQHDWLW·VKHDUWKLWVLWFRPIRUWDEO\ “ “ A lot of product for the price. 8 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk ,Q0D\/X[OLVWHG3KRWRQ6WDU/('/WGDVRQH RI%ULWDLQ·VKRWWHVWPDQXIDFWXUHUVDVSDUWRI ¶7KH3RZHU/LVW· 5HDGERWKDUWLFOHVDQGDQDO\VLVRQRXUZHEVLWH T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Independent Viewpoint Independent Viewpoint Testimonials Testimonials ExCeL Exhibition Centre, London Elite Electrical “ To complete the LED lighting upgrade to the central boulevard [at ExCeL] and match with the /('KLJKED\VDOUHDG\LQVWDOOHGLQZHUHTXLUHGDWZLQ&)/HTXLYDOHQW2XUFOLHQWKDGWULDOOHG “ an LED luminaire from Philips and another which we had offered. However, the Nemesis from PhotonStar70 was considered the best match in terms of aesthetics, quality of light and warranty. )ROORZLQJWKHLQVWDOODWLRQRXUFOLHQWKDVH[SHULHQFHG ,PSURYHPHQWLQOLJKWLQJ %HWWHUYLVLWRUH[SHULHQFH UHGXFWLRQLQHQHUJ\XVDJH 1RPDLQWHQDQFH T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 “Great products. We have researched this field extensively and PhotonStar LED luminaires are consistent in performance and quality. Good output, excellent efficacy, dim well with good build quality. I will certainly continue to use them on appropriate projects.” Graham Festenstein, PLDA www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 9 Independent Viewpoint Independent Viewpoint Testimonials “The trimless PhotonStarTM fittings look excellent - we like them a lot. They are a great find as we tend to stick to other big brands but the PhotonStar trimless seem to be an unbeatable product and we would like to start using them on other commercial and residential projects” George Evennett, Greenway and Lee Architects BDP Architects “ 2XURIÀFHVLQ/RQGRQXVHGDFRPELQDWLRQRILQGLUHFWOLQHDUÁXRUHVFHQWGHVNPRXQWHGWDVN OLJKWLQJDQGWUDFNPRXQWHGVSRWOLJKWV7KHVHWKUHHOLJKWLQJHOHPHQWVDGGXSWRFUHDWHDÁH[LEOH DQGHIÀFLHQWOLJKWLQJVFKHPH+RZHYHUZLWKDURXQG:KDORJHQVSRWOLJKWVWKHUHZDV FOHDUO\RSSRUWXQLW\IRUEHWWHUHIÀFLHQF\ 7KHGHFLVLRQZDVWDNHQWRLQYHVWLJDWHUHSODFLQJWKHWHQ\HDUROG:KDORJHQVSRWOLJKWVLQWKH JURXQGÁRRUKXEDUHDDQGUHVHDUFKTXLFNO\VKRZHGWKDWWKH3KRWRQ6WDU70 LED spotlight offered a very good combination of light quality, lumen package and price. &DOFXODWLRQVVKRZ%'3LVVDYLQJMXVWRYHU D\HDURQHOHFWULFLW\DQGPDLQWHQDQFHGXH WRUHSODFLQJKDORJHQVSRWOLJKWVZLWKWKHQHZ/('VSRWOLJKWV$IWHUPRQWKVRIVXFFHVVIXO RSHUDWLRQ%'3KDVGHFLGHGWRSXUFKDVHDIXUWKHU/('VSRWOLJKWVVRWKDWDOOKDORJHQDQG FRPSDFWÁXRUHVFHQWWUDFNOXPLQDLUHVLQWKHEXLOGLQJFDQEHUHPRYHG7KLVZLOOJLYHDQDQQXDO VDYLQJRIDURXQG RQHOHFWULFLW\DQGPDLQWHQDQFHDQGZLOOPHDQOLJKWLQJFRQGLWLRQVDUH LPSURYHGLQWKHRIÀFHDUHDV “ This exercise has shown that investment in quality lighting equipment will substantially reduce future costs and improve lighting conditions. 10 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Independent Viewpoint Independent Viewpoint Chevin Housing Association “ 7KHUHIXUELVKPHQWRIÁDWVLQ'RQFDVWHULVSDUWRIRXU'HFHQW+RPHV,PSURYHPHQW:RUNV and includes a range of additional measures to combat fuel poverty. Although currently the Code IRU6XVWDLQDEOH+RPHVGRHVQRWDSSO\WRUHWURÀWZHDQWLFLSDWHVRPHJXLGDQFHRQWKLVZLWKLQWKH next year or so and wanted to be one step ahead of the game. We had already assessed a range of generic LED and other low energy solutions as part of our ´5HWURÀWIRUWKH)XWXUHµVROXWLRQDQGWKH3KRWRQ6WDU70ÀWWLQJVRIIHUHGWKHEHVWFRPELQDWLRQRI genuine performance, lifetime potential, excellent light quality, product quality and legislative compliance. Their high level of recyclability & UK manufacture is key to our sustainability agenda. Following the inclusion of PhotonStar in our proposals, we assessed the feasibility of using the PhotonStar70OLJKWÀWWLQJVDWRXU'DQHVWKRUSHVLWH:HDUHFRQVWDQWO\ORRNLQJWRUHGXFHWKH carbon footprint of our housing stock, and invest in innovative ways of achieving this based RQORQJHUWHUPEHQHÀWVDQGSD\EDFN$OWKRXJKLQLWLDOO\WKH3KRWRQ6WDU70 products were more expensive, our assessment of the long term maintenance savings for us, and operational savings for the tenant was the primary deciding factor. :HKDGKLVWRULFDOO\VSHQWDFRQVLGHUDEOHDPRXQWRQPDLQWDLQLQJGDPDJHGÀ[WXUHVDQGÀWWLQJV DQGZLWKVXFKDQH[FHOOHQWTXDOLW\SURGXFWDQGWKH\HDUZDUUDQW\ZHDQWLFLSDWHKXJHVDYLQJV “ RQFDOORXWVWRUHSODFHÀ[WXUHVDQGÀWWLQJV7KHWHQDQWVVKRXOGVHHHOHFWULFLW\VDYLQJVLQH[FHVVRI IRUWKHLUOLJKWLQJDVZHOODVWKHVDYLQJVIURPQRWKDYLQJWRUHSODFHWKHEXOEV T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 “We have found PhotonStarTM very helpful in providing samples, quotations and photometric data for their luminaire range and have been very impressed with the quality and light output of the luminaires. To date we have not found any other products meeting the PhotonStar standard and quality.” -eff 1aman, BSEC Design (Consulting Engineers) www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 11 The Future of Lighting No other lighting technology offers as much potential to save energy and enhance the quality of building environments, contributing to energy and climate change solutions White Light LED HIÀFDF\WDUJHWV laboratory and commercial – US DOE 7KH86'HSDUWPHQWRI(QHUJ\86'2(DQGLWVSDUWQHUVDUHZRUNLQJWRDFFHOHUDWHDGYDQFHVLQ solid-state lighting – a pivotal emerging technology that promises to fundamentally alter lighting in the future. 7KH86'2(KDVEHHQWUDFNLQJDQGGULYLQJ5'LQWRVROLGVWDWHOLJKWLQJIRURYHU\HDUV ZZZHHUHHQHUJ\JRYEXLOGLQJVVVOLQGH[KWPO /('VKDYHDWKHRUHWLFDOPD[LPXPHIÀFLHQF\RIEHWZHHQOP:DQGOP:GHSHQGLQJRQ colour temperature and colour quality. LEDs rapidly becoming the most efÀcient light source available :LWKLPSURYHPHQWVLQ/('HIÀFLHQF\GUDPDWLFVDYLQJVLQOXPLQDLUHDQGODPSPDQXIDFWXUHFRVWFDQEH DFKLHYHG7KLVLVWKURXJKWKHXVHRIOHVVEXWPRUHHIÀFLHQW/('VWRFUHDWHWKHOXPHQRXWSXWQHHGHGIRUDQ application with overall lower power consumption and therefore lower cost drivers and smaller heat sinks. $V/('VLPSURYHLQGHVLJQDQGHIÀFLHQF\LWZLOOEHSRVVLEOHWRGULYHWKHPKDUGHUWKXVHYHQOHVV/('V will be needed further reducing the cost of the system. 12 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 The Future of Lighting The Future of Lighting 0QUJDT Relative Manufacturing Cost "TTFNCMZ 1PXFS4VQQMJFT 5IFSNBM.FUBM#FOEJOH -&%%FWJDFT Product (OHFWULFDO Power (Circuit Watt) Lumens /XPHQVSHU Circuit Watt (IÀFLHQF\ Change Year on Year &61,&*HQ *HQ &6(' 3URGXFW Delivered (lm/cW) &61,&*HQ &61,&*HQ Watts or lumens? Improving efÀciency and reducing power year on year 7UDGLWLRQDOOLJKWVRXUFHVVXFKDVWKH,QFDQGHVFHQWODPSVKDYHQRWFKDQJHGLQHIÀFLHQF\IRUPDQ\\HDUV As can be seen above, Watts is an increasingly ineffective method of specifying optical performance. WKXVWKHHOHFWULFDOSRZHUFRQVXPSWLRQLQ:DWWV:LVDWUDGLWLRQDOZD\RIGHÀQLQJRXWSXW 7KH&HLOLQJ6WDUUDQJHKDVLPSURYHGLQHIÀFLHQF\IURPOPF:WROPF:RYHUWKHODVW\HDUV $V/('PRGXOHVDQGSURGXFWVDUHLQFUHDVLQJLQHIÀFLHQF\VRTXLFNO\WKH:DWWLVEHFRPLQJDQLQFUHDVLQJO\ inaccurate way of determining light output. Whilst Watts are still important for overall load and energy saving 7KLVLVDQLQFUHDVHLQHIÀFLHQF\RIEHWZHHQSHU\HDU7KHHOHFWULFDOSRZHUFRQVXPSWLRQKDV IDOOHQIURP:WR:ZKLOVWOXPLQDLUHRXWSXWKDVLQFUHDVHGIURPOPWROP calculations, lumens are the only way of determining light output and suitability for purpose. T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 13 What is an Equivalent Output? International environment and climate protection goals :LWKLQWKHIUDPHZRUNRI.\RWRFOLPDWHSURWHFWLRQREMHFWLYHVWKH(8GHÀQHGDVHULHVRIPHDVXUHVIRUWKH EU commission are removing inefÀcient lighting from the market HFRQRPLFDODQGVXVWDLQDEOHXVHRIUHVRXUFHV7KHFRUHREMHFWLYHRIWKHVHDPELWLRXVJRDOVLVWRUHGXFH&22 8QGHUWKHVHUHJXODWLRQVWKHIROORZLQJWLPHWDEOHLVLQSODFHIRULQFDQGHVFHQWDQGKDORJHQOLJKWVRXUFHV HPLVVLRQVLQWKH(8E\E\,QWKHSURIHVVLRQDOOLJKWLQJVHFWRUUHGXFWLRQVRIMXVWRYHU PLOOLRQPHWULFWRQVRI&22 are being targeted and another 24 million metric tons in consumer lighting. Key EU directives ,Q$SULOEDVHGRQ$UWLFOHRIWKH(83'LUHFWLYHE\WKH(XURSHDQ&RPPLVVLRQWZRUHJXODWLRQVZHUH HQDFWHGDVLPSOHPHQWLQJPHDVXUHVZKLFKHVWDEOLVKVSHFLÀFUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUVXEDUHDVLQHOHFWULFDOOLJKWLQJ 5HJXODWLRQ(&IRU'RPHVWLF/LJKWLQJSDUWPRGLÀHGE\5HJXODWLRQ(&VHWV requirements for acceptable eco-design of consumer-sector lamps with diffuse light. It covers technologies that 6HSWHPEHU :RUDERYHLQFDQGHVFHQWOLJKWEXOEV 6HSWHPEHU :FOHDULQFDQGHVFHQWODPSV 6HSWHPEHU :FOHDULQFDQGHVFHQWODPSV 6HSWHPEHU $OOUHPDLQLQJFOHDULQFDQGHVFHQWODPSV:DQG: 6HSWHPEHU 3KDVHRXWRI&FODVVUHWURÀWKDORJHQODPSV After these dates, manufacturers will no longer be able to distribute certain types of light bulbs, DQGUHWDLOHUVZRQ·WEHDEOHWRRUGHUQHZVWRFNVRIWKHP ,QDGGLWLRQWKHUHDUHRWKHUEDQVLQSODFHIRUÁXRUHVFHQWDQGPHWDOKDOLGHVRXUFHV FDQJHQHUDOO\EHXVHGLQSULYDWHKRXVHKROGVQDPHO\LQFDQGHVFHQWODPSVKDORJHQODPSVFRPSDFWÁXRUHVFHQW 3KDVHRXWRIKLJKSUHVVXUHVRGLXPODPSV+36+36VWDQGDUGHIÀFLHQF\ lamps with integrated ballasts, and LED products. 3KDVHRXWRIPHWDOKDOLGHODPSODPSV0+OHVVHIÀFLHQW0+ODPSV 5HYLHZRIWKHUHJXODWLRQVE\WKH(8&RPPLVVLRQ 3KDVHRXWRIKLJKSUHVVXUHPHUFXU\ODPSV+30 3KDVHRXWRISOXJLQUHWURÀWKLJKSUHVVXUHVRGLXPODPSVRIKLJKHUZDWWDJHV 3KDVHRXWRIPHGLXPHIÀFLHQWPHWDOKDOLGHODPSV0+ 5HJXODWLRQ(&IRU3URIHVVLRQDO/LJKWLQJVHWVUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUHFRORJLFDOGHVLJQRISURGXFWVXVHG SULPDULO\LQKLJKZD\LQGXVWULDODQGRIÀFHOLJKWLQJZKLFKLQFOXGHVÁXRUHVFHQWODPSVFRPSDFWÁXRUHVFHQW lamps without integrated ballasts, and high-pressure discharge lamps and LED products. The regulations include clear marking on all lamps with the introduction of the Lumen as a way of assessing OLJKWRXWSXWDV:DWWDJHDVVRFLDWHGZLWKGHÀQLQJLQFDQGHVFHQWVRXUFHVQRORQJHUPDNHVVHQVHLQDZRUOG GULYLQJWRZDUGVHIÀFLHQF\/XPHQV&LUFXLW:DWWZLOOEHDNH\PHDVXUHRIHIÀFLHQF\ /LJKW6RXUFHRQO\ 14 14 The Future of Lighting (IÀFLHQF\ Lumens/Circuit Watt )XUWKHUGHWDLOVFDQEHIRXQGLQWKH*XLGHRIWKH(XURSHDQ/LJKWLQJ,QGXVWU\&(/0$(/&IRUWKHDSSOLFDWLRQ RIWKH&RPPLVVLRQ5HJXODWLRQ(&1RDPHQGHGE\WKH5HJXODWLRQ1RVHWWLQJ (FR'HVLJQUHTXLUHPHQWVIRU´7HUWLDU\VHFWRUOLJKWLQJSURGXFWVµQG(GLWLRQ'HFWKLVGHÀQHVPLQLPXP (VWLPDWHG(IÀFLHQF\ Lumens/Circuit Watt HIÀFLHQF\OHYHOVIRUODPSVWKDWUHPDLQRQWKHPDUNHWDQGWKXVUHSUHVHQWVDJRRGLQGLFDWLRQRIFXUUHQW performance for equivalent performance. ,QFDQGHVFHQW W\SLFDO²EHVW +DORJHQ W\SLFDO²EHVW 'LUHFWLRQDO+DORJHQ W\SLFDO²EHVW &(/0$)HGHUDWLRQRI1DWLRQDO0DQXIDFWXUHU$VVRFLDWLRQIRU/XPLQDLUHVLQ(XURSHDQG(/&(XURSHDQ/DPS &RPSDFW)OXRUHVFHQW W\SLFDO²EHVW &RPSDQLHV)HGHUDWLRQKDYHFRPHXSZLWKHTXLYDOHQWOLJKWOHYHOVODPSVRQWKHPDUNHW&(/0$UHSUHVHQWV 0HWDO+DOLGH W\SLFDO²EHVW 0DQXIDFWXUHUV$VVRFLDWLRQVIURP(8FRXQWULHV2YHUFRPSDQLHVPDMRULW\RI60(V 'ÁXRUHVFHQW W\SLFDO²EHVW 2YHUSHRSOHHPSOR\HGLQ(XURSHELOOLRQ(85DQQXDOWXUQRYHULQ(XURSH(/&UHSUHVHQWV ODPSPDQXIDFWXUHUVZKRVHPHPEHUVHPSOR\SHRSOHDQGKDYHELOOLRQ(85DQQXDOWXUQRYHU /LQHDU)OXRUHVFHQW W\SLFDO²EHVW /(' W\SLFDO²EHVW W\SLFDO²!EHVW www.photonstarlighting.co.uk ZZZFHOPDRUJKRPHLQGH[SKS"PRGXOH SXEOLFDWLRQ T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 What is an Equivalent Output? The Future of Lighting Equivalent light output is key :LWK/('OLJKWLQJLPSURYLQJLQHIÀFLHQF\VRUDSLGO\LWLVLPSRUWDQWWRSLFNWKHULJKWHTXLYDOHQFHOHYHOV 3ODFLQJDODPSLQDOXPLQDLUHRUÀ[WXUHUHVXOWVLQORVVHVEHWZHHQWRGHSHQGLQJRQWKHÀWWLQJ &RPSDULQJ:DWWVZLOODOORZ\RXWRPHDVXUHVDYLQJEXWWKHOXPHQRXWSXWDQGEHDPSURÀOHVVKRXOGEH 7KLVLVNQRZQDVWKH/LJKW2XWSXW5DWLRRU/25DQGLVH[SUHVVHGDVDUDWLRHJ²ZKLFKZRXOGLQGLFDWHWKH used to decide equivalence. ÀWWLQJLVHIÀFLHQW )RUGRZQOLJKWLQJGLUHFWLRQDOUHÁHFWRUODPSVDUHRIWHQXVHG7KH(/&KDYHSURGXFHGDQ HTXLYDOHQFHWDEOHIRUUHWURÀWODPSVEHORZ %FMJWFSFE&GGJDBDZ /RZ9ROWDJH95HÁHFWRU7\SH Type Lamp Wattage Flux 90º Cone (Lumens) 05*8 ² 05*8 ² ² $5 ² ² ² MN8 %FMJWFSFE&GGJDBDZ MN8 0DLQV9ROWDJH9%ORZQ*ODVV5HÁHFWRU7\SH Type Wattage Flux 90º Cone 515 ² 515 ² 515 ² ² 0DLQV9ROWDJH93UHVVHG*ODVV5HÁHFWRU7\SH Type Wattage 3$5 ² ² ² T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Flux 90º Cone %FMJWFSFE&GGJDBDZ MN8 Source numbers can be misleading All the PhotonStar™ equivalences are derived from the appropriate lamp data when placed in an appropriate KLJKTXDOLW\ÀWWLQJ7KLVXQGHUVWDWHVWKLQJVVOLJKWO\LQVRPHFDVHVEXWLWHQVXUHVWKDWLI\RXVSHFLI\D PhotonStar™ luminaire with a given equivalence, you are unlikely to be disappointed by the light levels achieved in the application. www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 15 Ultra EfÀcient Lighting & LE1I The recognised industry measurement for the overall system efficiency of an installation is W/m2/100 lux. PhotonStar LED luminaires are uniquely designed from chip level up for optimum light extraction, with each component being specifically designed for this purpose. This results in improved photometric performance (utilisation coefficient), meaning fewer fittings per application and optimum overall system efficiency (W/m2/100 lux) The Future of Lighting DeÀnition of Ultra EfÀcient Lighting (UEL) ,WLVZHOONQRZQWKDWIRUXOWLPDWHHQHUJ\HIÀFLHQWOLJKWLQJZHQHHGWKHULJKWOLJKWLQWKHULJKWSODFH at the right time, by the right lighting system. This means having the right lighting scheme design for the place, installed and operated by the right lighting system. $FFHSWLQJWKLVOHDGVWRWKHIROORZLQJGHÀQLWLRQV 8OWUDHIÀFLHQWOLJKWLQJ8(/ PHDQVWKHOLJKWLQJVFKHPHGHVLJQQHHGHGWRIXOÀOWKHOLJKWLQJUHTXLUHPHQWV VSHFLÀHGLQWKHUHOHYDQWOLJKWLQJDSSOLFDWLRQVWDQGDUGDQGWKHUHVXOWLQJLQVWDOOHGVFKHPHWRXVHDQHQHUJ\ HIÀFLHQWOLJKWLQJV\VWHPFRQVLVWLQJRIODPSVOLJKWVRXUFHVEDOODVWVOXPLQDLUHVDQGOLJKWLQJFRQWUROVWRGHOLYHU the scheme lighting requirements without increasing the environmental impact. 7RTXDOLI\DV8(/WKHHQHUJ\HIÀFLHQF\RIWKHV\VWHPVKDOOEHLQWKHWRSRIWKHUDQJHRIWKH OLJKWLQJHQHUJ\HIÀFLHQF\UDWLQJVRILQVWDOODWLRQVPDGHLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK%6(1/(1,HVWLPDWLRQ PHDVXUHGLQXQLWVRIN:KP2\HDUIRULQGRRUOLJKWLQJRU%6(1IRURXWGRRUOLJKWLQJ Lighting scheme design means a design process in which the lighting designer selects the lighting criteria for the task, chooses the lighting solution (including the use e.g. of day-lighting where appropriate), PDNHVOLJKWLQJFDOFXODWLRQVFRQÀJXUHVWKHOD\RXWSURGXFHVGUDZLQJVRIWKHOLJKWLQJVFKHPHDQGVSHFLÀHV the operating functions of the lighting system, ensuring it is fully compliant with all regulations and standards FXUUHQWDWDQ\WLPHZLWKSDUWLFXODUUHIHUHQFHWRWKH6RFLHW\RI/LJKWDQG/LJKWLQJ·V&RGHIRU/LJKWLQJ Lighting system PHDQVWKHOLJKWLQJHTXLSPHQWRUOLJKWLQJVROXWLRQODPSVOLJKWVRXUFHVEDOODVWVOXPLQDLUHV and lighting controls) required for the lighting scheme, its installation and operation during the life of the scheme. Supplied by the Society of Light and Lighting Society of Light & Lighting 16 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 LE1I The Future of Lighting Energy consumptions for lighting kWh / (m2 year) LENI = Square metre per year E1 113 Lighting Energy 1umeric Indicator (LE1I) Energy performance of buildings – Energy requirements for lighting. 7KLV(XURSHDQVWDQGDUGVSHFLÀHVWKHFDOFXODWLRQPHWKRGRORJ\IRUWKHHYDOXDWLRQRIWKHDPRXQWRIHQHUJ\ used for lighting in the building and provides the numeric indicator for lighting energy requirements used for FHUWLÀFDWLRQSXUSRVHV,WDOVRSURYLGHVDPHWKRGRORJ\IRUWKHFDOFXODWLRQRIG\QDPLFOLJKWLQJHQHUJ\XVHIRUWKH estimation of the total energy performance of the building. T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 EN 15193 specifies the calculation methodology and introduces a Lighting Energy Numeric Indicator (LENI) for certification purposes www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 17 The Evolution of Light The Future of Lighting SmartWhite Luminaires – Intelligent Dynamic LED Luminaires by PhotonStar™ The Sun Candle Light Incandescent Halogen Energy from the sun, in the form of sunlight, sup- The Egyptians and Cretans made the ,Q+XPSKU\'DY\FUHDWHGWKHÀUVW A halogen lamp is the ultimate evolution of ports almost all life on earth via photosynthesis, candle from beeswax. As early as LQFDQGHVFHQWOLJKWEXWLWZDVQRWXQWLOWKDW the incandescent lamp. The earliest commercial DQGGULYHVWKHHDUWK·VFOLPDWHDQGZHDWKHU %&7KHHDUO\FDQGOHZDVPDGH 7KRPDV(GLVRQFUHDWHGWKHÀUVW lamps were called Quartz Iodine Lamps, launched from various forms of natural fat, tallow commercially practical incandescent lamp. E\*(LQ$WXQJVWHQÀODPHQWLVVHDOHGLQ and wax. 7RGD\LWSURYLGHVWKHKLJKHVWTXDOLW\À[HG with an inert gas and a halogen gas. This gives colour illumination, but sadly, it is not very LWDKLJKHUHIÀFDF\OP:,WDOVRJLYHV HIÀFLHQWDSUREOHPLQWRGD\·VHQHUJ\ light of a higher temperature compared to a conscious world. non-halogen incandescent lamp. Lifetime: Positives: 1egatives: Lifetime: KRXUV Positives: Cheap 1egatives: Emitted heat, UV Lifetime: %Q\HDUV Positives: Free, we evolved with it 1egatives: 2QO\RQGXULQJWKHGD\89 non dimmable 18 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk Lifetime: Hours Positives: Warm feel 1egatives: 1RWPXFKOLJKWÀUHULVN KRXUV Cheap, familiar, VDIHUWKDQQDNHGÁDPH Emitted heat, UV T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 The Evolution of Light The Future of Lighting Compact Fluorescent LED Source SmartWhite LED Source $FRPSDFWÁXRUHVFHQWODPS&)/LVDOVRNQRZQDVD 7KHÀUVWEOXH/('VZHUHPDGHLQE\-DFTXHV3DQNRYH SmartWhite provides the illumination quality of the sun FRPSDFWÁXRUHVFHQWOLJKWRUHQHUJ\VDYLQJOLJKW LQYHQWRURIWKHJDOOLXPQLWULGH/('DW5&$/DERUDWRULHV DQGLQFDQGHVFHQWOLJKWLQJZLWKWKHHQHUJ\HIÀFLHQF\DQGOLIHWLPHRI The modern CFL was invented by Ed Hammer, an engineer with %XLOGLQJXSRQWKHVHIRXQGDWLRQVLQKLJKEULJKWQHVVEOXH/('V *HQHUDO(OHFWULFLQUHVSRQVHWRWKHRLOFULVLV7RGD\V&)/VDUH were demonstrated through the work of Shuji Nakamura at Nichia HQHUJ\HIÀFLHQWEXWWKHUHDUHLQFUHDVLQJHQYLURQPHQWDOFRQFHUQVGXH Corporation. White LEDs for lighting are usually made from blue LEDs to their mercury content. and phosphors. 'UDPDWLFLPSURYHPHQWVLQHIÀFLHQF\KDYHEHHQPDGH:LWKD WKHRUHWLFDOHIÀFLHQF\RIOP:DW.DQGKRXU white LEDs. SmartWhite is dynamic, colour tuneable and controllable to simulate the qualities of daylight. It represents DUHYROXWLRQIURPWKH´RQRIIµÀ[HGFRORXUODPSVRIWRGD\ SmartWhite represents the ultimate evolution towards truly intelligent and dynamic lighting, able to create better, more natural and healthy living or working environments. lifetimes, plus, no environmental concerns, LEDs represent the future of lighting. 6500K 5000K 4000K 3000K 2400K Lifetime: KRXUV Positives: Cheap 1egatives: Lots of UV Contains mercury Disposal issues Colour quality poor T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Lifetime: Positives: KRXUV The Eco friendly light source Dimmable, switchable, compatible with lighting control systems No UV and no radiated heat KUVIRUZHOOHQJLQHHUHGSURGXFWVUDWHGOLIH LVRIRULJLQDOEULJKWQHVV 5REXVW²QRIUDJLOHÀODPHQWV (QHUJ\VDYLQJ²VDYLQJFRPSDUHGWR&)/ORZHQHUJ\ODPSV (QYLURQPHQWDOO\IULHQGO\²QRPHUFXU\5R+VFRPSOLDQW 1egatives: Fixed colours Lifetime: Positives: SmartWhite Tuning Range KRXUV The Intelligent Eco friendly light source $OOWKHEHQHÀWVRI/('V²HQHUJ\HIÀFLHQF\DQGHQYLURQPHQWDOHWF High quality light &RORXUPRRGFRQWURO Colour temperature locked, local intelligence Plug and play No environmentally harmful materials )XOO\UHF\FODEOHPDGHIURPUHF\FOHGPDWHULDOV www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 19 PhotonStar™ Design & Manufacture PhotonStar™ Design & Manufacture PhotonStar™ Design Philosophy EfÀciency & Control EfÀciency & Control 'ULYHWRZDUGVXOWLPDWHHIÀFLHQF\²/('VKDYHWKHSRWHQWLDOWRUHDFKOP: 6PDUWELRG\QDPLFIXQFWLRQDOLW\VXFKDV&&7DQG&5,FRQWURO $XWRQRPRXVLQWHOOLJHQFHSUHVHQFHGLPPLQJDQGDSSURSULDWHOLJKWXWLOLVDWLRQVDYHVVLJQLÀFDQWHQHUJ\ Full Solutions Emergency lighting and a broad collection of LED drivers to suit a range of applications Compatibility with existing and future lighting control and building management systems 20 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 PhotonStar™ Design & Manufacture PhotonStar™ Design & Manufacture PhotonStar™ Design Philosophy Aesthetics & Design Sustainability & Longevity Product Design Longest Lifetime Bespoke solutions developed rapidly using quality components and latest computer aided design tools Excellence in thermal management Full in house optical testing referenced back to NPL and LA Luminaires are engineered to highest ambient temperatures to increase overall lifetime Full in house testing of optical and thermal performance Full in house reliability testing & quality control codes of practice Designed for Lighting Sustainability /('SURGXFWOLIHWLPHVDUHLQH[FHVVRI.KUVPDNLQJDHVWKHWLFVLPSRUWDQWDVOXPLQDLUHVZLOOODVWDOLIHWLPH $YRLGDQFHRIHQYLURQPHQWDOO\KDUPIXOPDWHULDOV²5R+6FRPSOLDQFH *HQXLQHSHUIRUPDQFHDQGSKRWRPHWULFÀOHVIRUXVHZLWKOLJKWLQJGHVLJQVRIWZDUH Designed for the longest lifetimes and reuse to minimise life cycle costs Designed for simple & easy replacement of traditional lighting Use of recycled materials where possible in all products T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 21 Cool3R™ PhotonStar™ Design & Manufacture Maximising Lifetime & Improving EfÀciency Cool3R™ ensures that the junction temperature is maintained within an optimum range for both performance and reliable lifetime to L70 IFBUTJOL UFNQ IVNBO CPEZ UFNQ -&% KVODUJPO UFNQ Keeping LEDs cool is key to long life and efÀciency /RZ/('MXQFWLRQWHPSHUDWXUHVHQVXUH/('HIÀFLHQF\ORQJ/('OLIHDQGFRQVLVWHQW colour temperature over lifetime. :/(' Competitor PhotonStar™ Laser :/(' :/(' PhotonStar™ Venturi :/(' 7\SLFDOO\IRUHYHU\&LQFUHDVHLQMXQFWLRQWHPSHUDWXUHRYHU&WKH/(' HIÀFLHQF\ZLOOGURSE\WKHFRORXUWHPSHUDWXUHSRLQWZLOOVKLIWE\DQG OP OP OP OP WKHOLIHWLPHZLOOGURSE\KRXUV&RRO5WKHUPDOPDQDJHPHQWWHFKQRORJ\ 7KHDWVLQN& 7KHDWVLQN& 7KHDWVLQN& 7KHDWVLQN& HQVXUHVVLJQLÀFDQWO\ORZHUMXQFWLRQWHPSHUDWXUHVFDQEHDFFRPSOLVKHGLQWKH Tb&DSSUR[ 7b&DSSUR[ Tb&DSSUR[ 7b&DSSUR[ most sustainable way to maximise product life in Tj&DSSUR[ 7j&DSSUR[ Tj&DSSUR[ 7j&DSSUR[ real world environments and applications. 22 Competitor www.photonstarlighting.co.uk &RRO5GHOLYHULQJORZHU7b in above example &RRO5GHOLYHULQJORZHU7b in above example T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Cool3R™ PhotonStar™ Design & Manufacture Maximising lifetime & Improving EfÀciency Cree XLamp XR - E White L 70 Lifetime Prediction - I F = 350mA 150,000 140,000 130,000 TA Ambient Air Temp 120,000 Mean L70 Lifetime (hours) 110,000 Lens Encapsulant 100,000 90,000 TAIR = 45ºC 80,000 TAIR = 55ºC 70,000 TAIR = 65ºC TAIR = 75ºC 60,000 TAIR = 85ºC 50,000 TJ LED Junction Temp LED Chip Ceramic Substrate 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 Junction Temperature (ºC) Data from Cree shows that both the ambient air and junction temperatures impact LED life T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 150 160 T Board TSP Solder-Point Temp Schematic of an LED module package showing key temperature points www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 23 Cool3R™ PhotonStar™ Design & Manufacture Advanced Passive Thermal Management Integrated design and excellence in thermal management allows for higher luminous flux whilst maintaining maximum lifetime Thermal interfaces minimised 24 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk High performance design The heatsinks are cast with integral heat spreader and high capacity thermal pathways to ensure LED junction temperatures are minimised during start up DQGVXVWDLQHGRSHUDWLRQ7KHRSHQÀQGHVLJQSURPRWHVFRQVLVWHQWFRQYHFWLYH cooling in any orientation. Engineered as a single die-cast to keep LEDs cool by minimising thermal interfaces. Passive technology requires no additional power. 3URSULHWDU\VXUIDFHWUHDWPHQWVDQGÀQLVKHVLPSURYHFRROLQJSHUIRUPDQFHE\ over regular die-cast parts. 5REXVWRSHQÀQGHVLJQ Consistent performance T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Cool3R™ PhotonStar™ Design & Manufacture Sustainable Thermal Management &RRO5LVSHUKDSVWKHPRVWFRPSOHWHVXVWDLQDELOLW\VXFFHVVVWRU\LQOLJKWLQJ² developed to reduce demand on environmental resources – both materials and energy, it supports the philosophy of REDUCE, REUSE & RECYCLE. Key to the design of ultra ORQJOLIHOXPLQDLUHVDQGFRPELQHGZLWKWKH5SKLORVRSK\WKH&RRO5WHFKQRORJ\ results in the ultimate solid state lighting thermal management solution, contributing to a sustainable built environment. Reducing environmental impact and lifecycle energy costs through design choices Reduce 5HGXFWLRQRIZDVWHDQGFRQVXPSWLRQRIUHVRXUFHVLVDWWKHWRSRIWKH5KLHUDUFK\ &RRO5XWLOLVHVUHF\FOHGPDWHULDOWKDWVDYHRIWKHHQHUJ\UHTXLUHGWRPDNH virgin aluminium) and is a key component to luminaires that have a lifetime more than WLPHVWKDWRIGLVSRVDEOHOLJKWLQJWHFKQRORJ\0RGXODUGHVLJQ minimises unnecessary waste by-products in manufacture. ign & & ls ria n Mate ctio required for recycling into raw materials. Des tru UHIXUELVKPHQWXSJUDGHDW/('HQGRIOLIHUHXVLQJWKHKHDWVLQNZLWKRXWHQHUJ\ ation ns Passive heatsinking as part of a modular luminaire design provides for simple ort Co Reuse T ra p ns Product Lifecycle Recycle Genuinely and easily recyclable aluminium. En d fe e of Li Us The sustainability hierarchy – 5HGXFH5HXVH5HF\FOHLVLQWHQGHGWRHQFRXUDJHEHKDYLRXUSURGXFWGHVLJQDQGSURGXFWXVH in ways which have least negative impact on the environment T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 25 Cool3R™ PhotonStar™ Design & Manufacture Reducing Embodied CO2 For the same luminous flux over their lifetime, PhotonStar™ luminaires have been designed to achieve 90% less embodied CO2 than conventional and other leading LED solutions Lowest embodied CO2 (PEHGGHGRUHPERGLHGFDUERQUHIHUVWRWKHDPRXQWRI&22 emitted during the manufacture Single Àxture performance characteristics Embodied CO2 to deliver !00lm RIDSURGXFW&RRO5WHFKQRORJ\DQGDORZFDUERQGHVLJQSKLORVRSK\UHVXOWVLQ3KRWRQ6WDU/('OXPLQDLUHV DFKLHYLQJ!ORZHUHPERGLHG&22 than any other lighting solution including LED lamps, CFL lamps, LQFDQGHVFHQWODPSVDQGRWKHU/('OXPLQDLUHVRYHUDKRXUVSHULRGRIOLJKWLQJ '()5$·V´5RDG0DSWR'RPHVWLF/LJKWLQJµFRQFOXGHGWKDW/('OXPLQDLUHVZRXOGKDYHWKHORZHVW environmental impact. Embodied C02 per single luminaire or lamp Description Value Units PhotonStar™ CS LED luminaire *1 *3 0.403 kg CO2 / luminaire Conventional LED luminaire *1 *3 NJ&22OXPLQDLUH Incandescent lamp *1 *2 NJ&22OXPLQDLUH Compact Fluorescent lamp *1 *2 *3 NJ&22OXPLQDLUH *1 26 Excluding transport and operation www.photonstarlighting.co.uk *2 %DVHGRQ50,5HI *3 Total embodied CO2 at 0,000 hours Excluding ballast or driver T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Embodied CO2 Comparison PhotonStar™ Design & Manufacture 1IPUPO4UBSÎ8$FJMJOH4UBS 8.3 8-&% LH &NCPEJFE$0 MJGFUJNF,IST LH &NCPEJFE$0 MJGFUJNF- ,IST LH &NCPEJFE$0 MJGFUJNF,IST MN MN MN 1IPUPO4UBSÎ8$FJMJOH4UBS 8.3 8-&% LH &NCPEJFE$0 LH &NCPEJFE$0 LH &NCPEJFE$0 MN MN MN 1IPUPO4UBSÎ8$FJMJOH4UBS 8.3 8-&% LH &NCPEJFE$0 LH &NCPEJFE $0 LH &NPEJFE $0 $&-."GJHVSFTGPSDPNQBSJTPOPGEJSFDUJPOBMMBNQT T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 27 Quality, Traceability & Lifetime Testing Quality Traceability There are a vast number of LED modules and packages on the market and not all are created equally. Every LED lighting product from PhotonStar has a unique serial number. 6RPHKDYHLQÁDWHGFODLPVRIHIÀFLHQF\OXPHQRXWSXWRYHUDOOOLIHWLPHDQGFRORXUVWDELOLW\7RHQVXUHWKDW PhotonStar produce the best available LED lighting products, only high-bin LEDs are used from manufacturers who have reliability and accurate performance data on their products. Luminaires are design to achieve the best performance from our LED modules, keeping them as cool as possible for maximum lifetime and HIÀFLHQF\/LJKWHQJLQHVDQGOXPLQDLUHVLQWKLVFDWDORJXHDUHGHYHORSHGXVLQJ/('VIURPPDQXIDFWXUHUVVXFK as Lumileds and Cree. PhotonStar ensure the quality of all luminaires through careful product design, rigorous design testing VHHSDJH²*XLGHWR6SHFLI\LQJ/('/LJKWLQJDQGORQJWHUPOLIHWLPHWHVWLQJ7RHQVXUHWKDWÀQLVKHG OXPLQDLUHVDUHFRQVLVWHQWZLWKWKHRULJLQDOGHVLJQSURGXFWWHVWLQJLVHPSOR\HGRQWKHSURGXFWLRQOLQH with full serial number traceability of optical and electrical key parameters. As a result of which all luminaires PDQXIDFWXUHGE\3KRWRQ6WDUDUHRIIHUHGZLWKD\HDUZDUUDQW\ 28 PhotonStar™ Design & Manufacture www.photonstarlighting.co.uk Every LED luminaire has a fully traceable LED light engine and PhotonStar GHVLJQHGFXVWRPGDWDORJJLQJHTXLSPHQWDQGVRIWZDUHUHFRUGVWKH /('W\SH /('FRORXUSRLQWDQGÁX[ELQ 7KHOXPLQDLUHFRORXUSRLQW²WKHH[DFW&&7 7KHOXPLQDLUH&RORXU5HQGHULQJ,QGH[RU&5, 7KHRQD[LVEULJKWQHVV 3KRWRQ6WDUHOHFWULFDOO\WHVWRIWKHOXPLQDLUHVSURGXFHGDQGHYHU\SURGXFWLVFRORXUELQQHG DQGODEHOOHGDJDLQVW$16,&7KHRQD[LVEULJKWQHVVPHDVXUHPHQWHQVXUHVWKDWWKH OXPLQDLUHVKLSSHGLVFRQVLVWHQWZLWKWKHSURGXFWVSHFLÀFDWLRQV T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Quality, Traceability & Lifetime Testing PhotonStar™ Design & Manufacture Lifetime Testing Every new light engine or LED module produced by PhotonStar is lifetime tested in accordance with the 7KH&HLOLQJ6WDU&6ZDVÀUVWODXQFKHGLQ)HEUXDU\,WLVQRZRQLWVWKJHQHUDWLRQ²HDFKPRUHHIÀFLHQW /,/*JXLGHVHHSDJHWRHQVXUHWKDWFXVWRPHUVUHFHLYHSURGXFWVWKDWDUHFRQVLVWHQWZLWKWKHOLIHWLPH WKDQWKHODVW7KHÀUVWJHQHUDWLRQKDVRYHUNKUVRIOLIHWHVWGDWD7KLVVKRZVEXLOGVWDQGDUGKHULWDJHRIPRUH FODLPVVWDWHG$VWDWLVWLFDOO\VLJQLÀFDQWVHWRIOXPLQDLUHVDUHSODFHGRQORQJWHUPWHVWIRUHDFKOXPLQDLUHIDPLO\ WKDQ\HDUV WZRGLIIHUHQWDPELHQWRSHUDWLQJWHPSHUDWXUHVDUHPRQLWRUHGRQHDWVWDQGDUG&DPELHQWDQGDQRWKHUDWDQ HOHYDWHGWHPSHUDWXUHDWOHDVW&KLJKHUWKDQDPELHQW $OOIRXUJHQHUDWLRQVRIWKH&HLOLQJ6WDUGHPRQVWUDWHOHVVWKDQORVVLQOXPLQRXVÁX[RYHUWKHLQGXVWU\ VWDQGDUGNKUVWHVWDQGOHVVWKDQRYHUNKRXUV7KLVGDWDLVFRQVLVWHQWDWERWK&DQG& 7KHVHDUHWKHQWHVWHGLQ3KRWRQ6WDU·VSKRWRPHWULFODESHULRGLFDOO\DQGWKHLUSHUIRUPDQFHSORWWHG ambient temperature. to determine lifetime of the whole product. All key electrical and optical parameters are measured )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQOLIHWLPHVRIVSHFLÀFOLJKWHQJLQHVSOHDVHVHHUHOHYDQWOLJKWHQJLQHVHFWLRQ 3FMBUJWF-VNJOPVT'MVY 3FMBUJWF-VNJOPVT'MVY including the LED board temperature. T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 5JNFIST $4(FO**!5BNC$ $4(FO*** $4(FO**!5BNC$ $4(FO** 5JNFIST www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 29 A Guide to Specifying LEDs PhotonStar™ supports and provides data in accordance with ‘The Guide for Specifying LED Lighting’ produced by the Lighting Industry Liaison Group (LILG) consisting of industry leading organisations Specifying LEDs 3KRWRQ6WDUVXSSRUWVDQGSURYLGHVGDWDLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK¶7KH*XLGHIRU6SHFLI\LQJ/('/LJKWLQJ· produced by the Lighting Industry Liaison Group (LILG) consisting of the organisations below. Also many of the requirements are being mirrored in the International Electrotechnical Commission, ,(&/('0RGXOHVIRU*HQHUDO/LJKWLQJ3HUIRUPDQFH5HTXLUHPHQWV,(&3$6DQG 3DUWLFXODU5HTXLUHPHQWVIRU/('OXPLQDLUHV,(&3$6 A chain is only as strong as the weakest link $Q/('OXPLQDLUHLVLQPDQ\ZD\VPRUHFRPSOH[WKDQDWUDGLWLRQDOOLJKWLQJÀ[WXUHLQWKDWPDQ\V\VWHP components and operating conditions require tighter control to provide optimum performance. It is an electromechanical system that includes, in addition to the essential light emitting source, provisions for heat transfer, electrical control, optical conditioning, mechanical support, and protection, as well as aesthetic design elements. Because the LEDs themselves are expected to have long life, all of these other components, adhesives, and other materials must be equally long lived, or, to the extent they are not, they will limit the system lifetime. '" -&%T 0$ &4 4 . 6 "/ $563*/(13 015*$"- $0/530- (&"3 1$# '*/*4) 1"*/5 &-&$53*$"$0//&$5*0/4 Society of Light & Lighting -&%-6.*/"*3& ("4,&5 4&"-"/54 )064*/( .&$)"/*$"- 5)&3."- Factors effecting the design of LED luminaires 30 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Data Required for SpeciÀcation Specifying LEDs Ambient Temperature $OONH\PHDVXUHGGDWDIRUWKHOXPLQDLUHVKRXOGEHSUHVHQWHGIRUDQDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHRI& &IRU([WHULRUOXPLQDLUHV 'DWD5HTXLUHGIRU6SHFLÀFDWLRQ Initial Luminaire Lumen Output L100 Photometry at L100 Initial Luminaire Lumen Output /LJKW2XWSXW'HSUHFLDWLRQ&DWHJRU\RU 7KLVLVVSHFLÀHGLQWKHSHUIRUPDQFHWDEOHVIRUWKHSURGXFWDV/ Luminaire life L(x) (where x is the percentage of L100 at the declared life) Photometry Failure Fraction F(x) (where x is the percentage of failures at L(x)) Photometric data is available in two formats. Absolute Photometry does not require the use of a separate Colour Temperature at L100 and any shift 25% of rated life OXPHQRXWSXWIRUWKHOLJKWVRXUFH5HODWLYH3KRWRPHWU\UHTXLUHVWKH/('SDFNDJHÁX[WREHTXRWHG Both methods produce the same result. The manufacturer should state the format in which the Colour Rendering Index Value photometric data is supplied. Colour Rendering Index Value Shift 3KRWRQ6WDUTXRWHDEVROXWHSKRWRPHWU\RI/('OXPLQDLUHVFRQGXFWHGDFFRUGLQJWR,(6/0 Luminaire Electrical Characteristics (total power consumed and other key electrical parameters) 3KRWRPHWULF0HDVXUHPHQWVRI6ROLG6WDWH/LJKWLQJ3URGXFWV Lumen Depreciation *OJUJBMMVNJOPVTGMVYBU[FSPIPVST 7KHOXPHQGHSUHFLDWLRQUDWHLVMXGJHGE\WKHOLJKWRXWSXWDWRIUDWHGOLIHZLWKDPD[LPXPGXUDWLRQ .FBTVSFEMVNJOPVTGMVYWBMVF BGUFSSBUFEMJGFPSIPVSTNBYJNVN RIKUVFRPSDUHGWRWKHLQLWLDORXWSXW7KHGHSUHFLDWLRQFODVVLÀFDWLRQLV /LJKWRXWSXW!RILQLWLDO &DW&RGH,(&3$6(G /LJKWRXWSXW!RILQLWLDO &DW&RGH /LJKWRXWSXW!RILQLWLDO &DW&RGH $"5 $"5 -VNJOPVTGMVY BTPGGMVY BU[FSPIPVST 8QGHU,(63$6WKLVLVTXRWHGDVIROORZV $"5 -PXFSMJNJUMJOFSFGFSFODFGMVY EFDSFBTFPGSBUFEMJGF PhotonStar™ quote both Lumen Maintenance (%) Code These are effectively the same thing expressed in different ways. T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 HJ&DW&RGH .FBTVSFE%BUB 3"5&%-*'& %FMJWFSFE%BUB www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 31 Explanation of SpeciÀcation Parameters Lifetime Lx Specifying LEDs /LIHWLPHLVGHÀQHGDV´7KHOHQJWKRIWLPHGXULQJZKLFKD/('OLJKWVRXUFH/('PRGXOHRU/('OXPLQDLUH Colour Temperature at L100 and any shift at 2 of rated life SURYLGHVPRUHWKDQWKHFODLPHGSHUFHQWDJH¶[·RIWKHLQLWLDOOXPLQRXVÁX[XQGHUVWDQGDUGFRQGLWLRQVµ The initial colour point (x & y) of the LED and the colour temperature derived from it or bin class related to A LED product has thus reached its end of life when it no longer provides the claimed percentage of the initial &ZKHUHFRORXUWHPSHUDWXUHYDOXHVDUHUHFRPPHQGHGDV.... OXPLQRXVÁX[/x. Life is always published as combination of life at claimed lumen maintenance and failure .. fraction, FyDSSO\LQJDWWKHWLPHRIUHDFKLQJWKHFODLPHGSHUFHQWDJHRIWKHLQLWLDOOXPLQRXVÁX[/x. A reliable luminaire manufacturer will indicate the basis of these projections. It should be noted that if a SURGXFWFRQWDLQVDJRRGTXDOLW\/('OLJKWVRXUFHWKDWKDV/0GDWDDYDLODEOHDQGWKH/('PRGXOHRU OXPLQDLUHPDNHUFDOFXODWHVOLIHWLPHGDWDEDVHGXSRQWKH/0GDWDWKLVUHSUHVHQWVDQH[WUHPHO\JRRG start in ensuring that the LED module or luminaire could be reliable. For LED modules and LED luminaires, the Luminaire Colour Rendering Index 7KHLQLWLDO&RORXU5HQGHULQJ,QGH[&5,RIDOXPLQDLUHLVPHDVXUHG*HQHUDOO\&5,RIJUHDWHUWKDQ LVDSSURSULDWHIRULQWHULRUJHQHUDOOLJKWLQJ OXPHQPDLQWHQDQFHFXUYHFDQDOVREHHIIHFWHGE\WKHFRPELQHGDWWULEXWHVRIDOOFRPSRQHQWVRIDOLJKWVRXUFH $VHFRQGPHDVXUHPHQWLVPDGHDIWHUDWRWDORSHUDWLRQWLPHRIRIUDWHGOLIHZLWKDPD[LPXP OXPLQDLUHDVGHVFULEHGLQ6HFWLRQ/('PRGXOHVDQG/('OXPLQDLUHVKDYHOLIHWHVWLQJFDUULHG GXUDWLRQRIKUV7KHPHDVXUHG&5,YDOXHVVKDOOQRWKDYHGHFUHDVHGE\PRUHWKDQSRLQWVIURPWKHUDWHG RXWWRKUV &5,YDOXHIRULQLWLDO&5,YDOXHVDQGSRLQWVIURPWKHUDWHG&5,YDOXHIRUPDLQWDLQHG&5,YDOXHV )RUJHQHUDOOLJKWLQJDSSOLFDWLRQVLWLVUHFRPPHQGHGWRGHÀQHOLIHWLPHDV´7KHOHQJWKRIWLPHLWWDNHVDQ Further details on this guide can be found on websites of the organisations that endorse it. /('PRGXOHRU/('OXPLQDLUHWRUHDFKGHSHQGLQJRQWKHDSSOLFDWLRQRILWVLQLWLDOOLJKWRXWSXW/µ )RUGHFRUDWLYHOLJKWLQJDSSOLFDWLRQVLWLVUHFRPPHQGHGWRGHÀQHOLIHWLPHDV´7KHOHQJWKRIWLPHLWWDNHV WRUHDFKRILWVLQLWLDORXWSXWµ/LIHWLPHVTXRWHGDFFRUGLQJWR/SURMHFWHGWHVWDWKUVRU RIWRWDOOLIHWLPHDWDFRQÀGHQFHOHYHOGHÀQHVWKHDEUXSWIDLOXUHRUVWDWLVWLFDOFRQÀGHQFHRIWKHGDWD LHZKHUHOLJKWRXWSXWLVIRURIWKHSRSXODWLRQ Failure Fraction (Fy) published in combination with lifetime (L ) x 7KLVLVWKHSHUFHQWDJH¶\·RIDQXPEHURI/('OLJKWVRXUFHVRIWKHVDPHW\SHWKDWKDYHUHDFKHGWKHHQGRIWKHLU LQGLYLGXDOOLYHVZKHUH¶\·GHVLJQDWHVWKHSHUFHQWDJHIUDFWLRQRIIDLOXUHV)RU/('PRGXOHVZLWKGULYHUVWKLV IDLOXUHIUDFWLRQH[SUHVVHVWKHFRPELQHGHIIHFWRIDOOFRPSRQHQWVRIDOLJKWVRXUFHOXPLQDLUH Failure fraction should be declared at the lifetime LxDQGFDQRQO\EHEDVHGRQWHVWLQJXSWRKUVWRJHWKHU ZLWKVWDWLVWLFDOSUHGLFWLRQV)RUJHQHUDOOLJKWLQJDSSOLFDWLRQVWKLVVKRXOGEHOHVVWKDQ)). The majority of catastrophic failures will be associated with LED driver electronics. There are additional tests implied in this measurement including temperature cycling, thermal endurance DQGVXSSO\YROWDJHVZLWFKLQJWHVWVKRZHYHUWKHVHDUHSURGXFWVSHFLÀF 32 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Data Required for SpeciÀcation Specifying LEDs $*&-6/ EW 45&1 45&1 45&1 MacAdam Ellipses 0DF$GDPHOOLSVHVUHIHUWRWKHUHJLRQ on a colour chromaticity diagram which contains all colours which are indistinguishable, to the average human eye, from the colour at the centre of the ellipse. The contour of the ellipse therefore represents the just noticeable differences of chromaticity. ANSI/IEC Standard ANSI recommends that lamp manufacturers VWD\ZLWKLQD¶VWHS· ellipse. This means that, given a certain CCT target point , , , , , $$Z , LQWKLVFDVH. on the CIE diagram, "/4*$" the lamp can deviate within the boundary of a 7-step ellipse. $$Y "/4*$" 1IPUPO4UBSCJO "/4*CJO Colour Temperature Tolerance PhotonStar™ Products 7ROHUDQFHFDWHJRULHVRQQRPLQDO[\YDOXHVPHDVXUHGIRUERWKLQLWLDODQGDWRIUDWHGOLIH All our luminaires are individually colour (CCT, CIE x, y) tested and serial number logged. ZLWKDPD[LPXPGXUDWLRQRIKUVVSHFLÀHGDVPHDVXUHG[\·VZLWKLQDVWHSHOOLSVH Tolerances beyond a 7-step ellipse are considered unacceptable for general illumination purposes. 7KLVLVLQFRPSOLDQFHZLWK,(&3$6 3KRWRQ6WDUOXPLQDLUHVKDYHWUDQVLWLRQHGIURP$16,ELQQLQJHJ..WRD VWHSHJ..DQGVWHSHJ..0DF$GDPHOOLSVH subject to the light engine. Further details on this guide can be found on websites of the following organisations. Size of MacAdam Colour Variation ellipse centred on the Category rated colour target initial www.lightingassociation.com www.lif.co.uk maintained www.pld-a.org VWHS www.theilp.org.uk VWHS www.highwayelectrical.org.uk 7-step 7 7 www.sll.org.uk >7-step ellipse 7+ 7+ www.iald.org T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 33 LEDsmart Controls Advanced Solutions The future of LED lighting control $BU3+1BUDI-FBE $BU3+1BUDI-FBE $POTUBOU$VSSFOU $IBOOFM $IBOOFM $IBOOFM $IBOOFM *OQVU%FWJDFT 4UBOEBSE1IPUPO4UBS-&%-VNJOBJSF3BOHFT 4NBSU/FNFTJT*OUFHSBM%BZMJHIU-JOLJOH 4NB Ultimate efÀciency Flexible modular solution The lighting market is in transition and LEDs are rapidly being recognised as the most sustainable illumination LEDsmart Controllers are designed to manage both small scale residential and larger scale commercial VRXUFH7RGD\/('VDUHQRWRQO\PRUHHQHUJ\HIÀFLHQW²FXUUHQWO\DFKLHYLQJLQH[FHVVRIOP:DQG LQVWDOODWLRQVZLWKVHDPOHVVLQWHJUDWLRQDQGKLJKRUGHURIFRQÀJXUDELOLW\ HIÀFLHQFLHVLQFUHDVLQJDWSHU\HDU²EXWDOVRRIIHUDSUHYLRXVO\XQWKLQNDEOHÀWDQGIRUJHWVROXWLRQ /('VPDUW2FFXSDQF\6HQVRUVSURYLGHKLJKVSHHGVZLWFKLQJDQGUHPRYHWKHQHHGIRUOHJDF\UHOD\FRQWURO %RUQRXWRIWKHVXFFHVVRI3KRWRQ6WDU·VDZDUGZLQQLQJ6PDUW/('OXPLQDLUHWHFKQRORJ\WKH/('VPDUW Daylight linking is also accommodated by the use of either SmartNemesis downlights with integrated photocell Controls range is the natural progression, seamlessly integrating intelligent PhotonStar™ LED luminaires, DQG,5RUUHPRWHPRXQWHG/('VPDUW6HQVRUV7KHXQOLPLWHGFDSDELOLW\RILQWHUOHDYLQJGD\OLJKWRFFXSDQF\DQG RFFXSDQF\VHQVRUVGD\OLJKWOLQNLQJGLPPLQJDQGVFHQHVHWWLQJLQRQH/('VSHFLÀFFRQWUROV\VWHP dimming zones enables ultimate usage and energy saving. 7KLVLQWHJUDWLRQLPSURYHVHQHUJ\VDYLQJXSWRDIXUWKHUDQGHOLPLQDWHVOHJDF\V\VWHPFRPSDWLELOLW\ issues greatly simplifying installation. /('VPDUW&RQWUROOHUVDQG'ULYHUVERDVWDQLPSUHVVLYHHIÀFLHQF\RI/('VPDUW&RQWUROVDUHRIIJULGSRZHU ready, accepting 24VDC compatible with sustainable sources such as photovoltaic panels, off-grid battery :KHUHVSHFLÀFDSSOLFDWLRQUHVWULFWLRQVPDNHDZLUHGVROXWLRQLPSUDFWLFDOWKH/('VPDUW&RQWUROOHUVFDQ RSWLRQDOO\LQWHJUDWHDQLQQRYDWLYHZLUHOHVVGLVWULEXWHG5)FRPPXQLFDWLRQSURWRFRO Emergency lighting options are available with all LEDsmart Controllers. systems and wind turbines. The dedicated design and integration ultimately provide improved return on investment and rapid payback. 34 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 LEDsmart Controls Advanced Solutions The future of LED lighting control BUDI-FBE $BU3+1BUDI-FBE LEDsmart MoodScene 4NBSU8IJUF#JP%ZOBNJD-JHIUJOH 4NBSU8IJUF5VOHTUFO&NVMBUJOH%JNNJOHPG5SBEJUJPOBM-BNQT LEDsmart Hospitality LEDsmart Functional LEDsmart Corridor LEDsmart OfÀce Excellence in control and dimming Simple installation :KHUH/('OLJKWLQJUHTXLUHVLQWHJUDWLRQZLWKDVSHFLÀHGFRPPHUFLDODUFKLWHFWXUDORUDUFKLWDLQPHQWW\SHFRQWURO 7KH/('VPDUWGLVWULEXWHGDSSURDFKLVQRWGHSHQGHQWRQKDUGZLUHGSUHGHÀQHGGLPPLQJFLUFXLWVFRQVHTXHQWO\ V\VWHPRU%XLOGLQJ0DQDJHPHQW6\VWHPVXFKDV.1;RU/21/('VPDUW'ULYHUVSURYLGHFRQVWDQWFXUUHQW doing away with dimmer racks and control modules in the electrical cupboard. dimming and control of up to 4 channels of LED lighting. All control protocols have been accommodated to LQFOXGH212))VZLWFKLQJSXVKGLPDQDORJXH9GLPPLQJGLJLWDO'6,DQG '$/,GLPPLQJDQG'0;1RDGGLWLRQDOLQWHUIDFHVDUHUHTXLUHG:KHUH'$/,DQG'0;DUHXVHG all 4 dimming channels within the LEDsmart Driver can be individually addressed and controlled. In addition, DALI feedback is also supported. SmartLuminaires and LEDsmart Controls can provide smooth dimming down to less than ZLWKRXWDQ\PLQLPXPORDGUHTXLUHPHQWV6PDUW/XPLQDLUHVIHDWXUHEXLOWLQG\QDPLFWKHUPDO SURWHFWLRQ7KHUPDORF&RRO5DQGVRIWVWDUWIRUKLJKTXDOLW\RSHUDWLRQDQGLPSURYHGORQJHYLW\ (DFK6PDUW&RQWUROOHUFDQSURYLGHXSWRFKDQQHOVWKHUHIRUHSURYLGLQJLQGLYLGXDOFKDQQHOOXPLQDLUHFRQWURO from a single LEDsmart Controller which can be network re-programmed at will. This is the ultimate in GLVWULEXWHGLQWHOOLJHQFHIXWXUHSURRÀQJ7KH/('VPDUW&RQWURO6\VWHPLVEDVHGRQGLVWULEXWHGLQWHOOLJHQFH DUFKLWHFWXUHVXFKWKDWHDFK/('VPDUW&RQWUROOHUKROGVLWV·RZQFRQÀJXUDWLRQLQQRQYRODWLOHPHPRU\HQDEOLQJ complex interleaved ad-hoc operations and sensing with a simple design architecture. The enclosure is designed for shallow ceiling voids and installation through downlight cut-outs as well as plug and play mains and LV connectivity with added secure strain relief ensuring resilient installations suitable for commercial and industrial applications. 6LPSOLÀHGFRPPLVVLRQLQJZLWKWKHXVHRIKDQGKHOGLQIUDUHGWRROVIRUVHWWLQJGD\OLJKWOLQNLQJDQG RFFXSDQF\SDUDPHWHUV3UHGHÀQHGXVHUVHOHFWDEOHRSHUDWLRQSURÀOHVIRUVSHFLÀFHQYLURQPHQWVUDQJLQJ from LEDsmart Corridors and simple room control and scene setting, through to LEDsmart Homes with full network operation and AV integration. Contact us for further details on LEDsmart Controls. T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 35 Smart Luminaires Advanced Solutions Intelligent Dynamic LED Luminaires by PhotonStar™ ELUX TLED Luxloc™ 3R TM Thermaloc™ :6PDUW1HPHVLV²'D\OLJKW&RQWULEXWLRQ :6PDUW1HPHVLV²1R'D\OLJKW&RQWULEXWLRQ :P2OX[²1R'D\OLJKW&RQWULEXWLRQ SmartLuminaires Intelligent LED Luminaires :P2OX[²:LWK'D\OLJKW&RQWULEXWLRQ WI11ER Innovation Future Zone FINALIST (1(5*<(19,5210(17 ENERGY USING PRODUCT FINALIST The SmartLuminaire range features local luminaire based microprocessor control and on board sensor 7KH6PDUW&RQWUROOHUFDQSUHFLVHO\YDU\WKHOXPLQRXVÁX[IURPDVOLWWOHDVOXPHQVWRRYHU technology such as Thermaloc™ thermal protection. This microprocessor based intelligence provides smooth OXPHQVVXEMHFWWRGLPPLQJFRQWUROVLJQDOV:KHQGD\OLJKWVHQVLQJLVHQDEOHGHIÀFDF\UDQJHV high resolution dimming capability, soft start and seamlessly integrates with building control systems. IURPOPF:WROPF:EDVHGRQ.FRQWLQXRXVO\DGDSWLQJWRSURYLGHWKHPLQLPXPHQHUJ\ 6PDUW1HPHVLVOXPLQDLUHVZLWKWKH6PDUW-XSLWHUOLJKWHQJLQHIHDWXUH/X[ORFWHFKQRORJ\SHUPLWWLQJFRQVWDQW levels of illumination to be delivered during the day irrespective of natural daylight contributions, or location ZLWKLQDEXLOGLQJ(YHU\ÀWWLQJLVVXSSOLHGZLWKDQLQWHJUDWHGOLJKWVHQVRUDQGDUHPRWHSOXJDQGSOD\FRQWUROOHU consumption, resulting in lower operating costs. The controller operates at 24V DC, allowing power to be taken from sustainable supplies such as photovoltaic panels, off-grid battery systems and wind turbines. Light levels can be adjusted and stored using the simple SmartNemesis remote control device. WKDWFDQEHVSHFLÀHGWRDFFHSWHLWKHU'0;'$/,RUDQDORJXH9GLPPLQJSURWRFROV7KLVPLFURSURFHVVRU EDVHGLQWHOOLJHQFHSURYLGHVVPRRWKGLPPLQJFDSDELOLW\GRZQWRDVORZDVDVZHOODVVRIWVWDUWVWULNH and seamless compatibility with multiple building control systems. 36 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Smart Luminaires Advanced Solutions SmartWhite lm Colourloc™ Ra Lumenloc™ CRIloc™ TLED Thermaloc™ 6500K 5000K 4000K 3000K SmartWhite Tuning Range 6PDUW:KLWH7XQLQJ5DQJH . . Using patented Colourloc™ technology to lock the white light colour temperature to the black body curve, SmartWhite ensures the highest quality of light is always delivered for the entire life of the product. &5,ORFGHOLYHUVDSHDNFRORXUUHQGHULQJRI5DEXWQHYHUIDOOLQJEHORZ5DDFURVVWKLVVWDQGDUGWXQLQJ range, providing superior colour perception. Together these unique features allow SmartWhite to emulate natural daylight cycles, improving alertness as 2010 winner Lighting Industry Awards Light Source Product of theYear CO SmartWhite Intelligent Biodynamic Colour Tuneable LED Lighting 6PDUW:KLWHOXPLQDLUHVDUHG\QDPLFDOO\FRORXUWXQHDEOHEHWZHHQ.ZDUPZKLWHDQG.FRROZKLWH . MM ENDED SmartWhite luminaires are truly intelligent. Internal Lumenloc™ technology ensures the luminous intensity LVDOZD\VPDLQWDLQHGPRQLWRULQJWKHOXPLQDLUHRYHUWLPHVSHUVHFRQGIRUXQSDUDOOHOHGOLJKW output accuracy. In-built Thermaloc™ sensors constantly monitor the junction temperature of the LEDs, carefully adjusting the operating characteristics to guarantee the condition and therefore lifetime of the luminaire. Detrimental effects caused by sudden increases in ambient temperature or peripheral failures are now a thing of the past. well as enhanced physiological and psychological well-being – true circadian lighting. T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 37 Smart Luminaires Advanced Solutions SmartWhite Tungsten+ lm Colourloc™ Lumenloc™ TLED Ra CRIloc™ Thermaloc™ 4000K 3000K 2400K SmartWhite Tungsten+ Tuning Range SmartWhite Tungsten+ 7XQLQJ5DQJH . SmartWhite Tungsten+ Intelligent Dynamic Colour Tuneable LED Lighting SmartWhite Tungsten+ luminaires offer true tungsten colour reproduction, increasing in ZDUPWKZKHQGLPPHGZLWKRXWVDFULÀFLQJTXDOLW\RIOLJKW$WXQLQJUDQJHEHWZHHQ .ZDUPZKLWHDQG.QHXWUDOZKLWHLVSRVVLEOHWRSURYLGHWKHGHVLJQHUDPXFK wider colour temperature pallet than conventional sources. . CCT www.photonstarlighting.co.uk Light Level 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 38 . 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 PhotonStar™ Luminaires & Micro Renewables 0LFURUHQHZDEOHSRZHUVRXUFHVVXFKDVSKRWRYROWDLFSDQHOVDQGFRPSDFWZLQGWXUELQHVDVZHOODVWKHLU battery backup systems operate at low voltages, making them a natural partner for the inherently low voltage LED solutions. ,QFRQYHQWLRQDODSSOLFDWLRQVDQLQYHUWHULVUHTXLUHGWRLQYHUWWKH9'&RU9'&JHQHUDWHGRUVWRUHGWR 97KLVSURFHVVLVDWEHVWHIÀFLHQW 3KRWRQ6WDU/('OXPLQDLUHVFRQWUROVDUHLQKHUHQWO\ORZYROWDJHSURGXFWVDQGDVVXFKWKHLQHIÀFLHQWLQYHUWHU LVQRWUHTXLUHG$KLJKO\HIÀFLHQWFRQVWDQWFXUUHQWGULYHULVXVHGWRSURYLGHSRZHUWRWKHOXPLQDLUHV directly from the battery or PV supply. %\FRPSDULVRQWKH&)/VROXWLRQZRXOGKDYHUHTXLUHGFRQWUROJHDUHIÀFLHQWLQDGGLWLRQWRWKHLQYHUWHUWR DFKLHYH9HIÀFLHQWDWEHVW 7KLVPDNHV/('OXPLQDLUHVDUHGUDPDWLFDOO\PRUHHIÀFLHQWLQFRPELQDWLRQZLWKORZYROWDJHPLFURUHQHZDEOH WKDQ&)/RURWKHUVRXUFHVWKDWRSHUDWHDW9 -&%4PMVUJPO $'-4PMVUJPO Case Study 7%$TVQQMZ 8 7%$TVQQMZ 8 3KRWRQ6WDUSURYLGHG&HLOLQJ6WDUOXPLQDLUHVIRUWKH1RWWLQJKDP+286(+RXVH2SWLPLVLQJWKH8VHRI6RODU (QHUJ\²%ULWDLQ·VHQWU\IRUWKH(XURSHDQ6RODU'HFDWKORQLQ7KHKRXVHRSHUDWHGRQO\RQVRODU 7%$UP7"$*OWFSUFS (low voltage) power with a battery backup. &GGJDJFOU 7KHSURMHFWGHPRQVWUDWHGDHIÀFLHQF\LPSURYHPHQWDJDLQVW9&RPSDFW)OXRUHVFHQW'RZQOLJKWVIURP :P2O[&)/WR:P2O[&HLOLQJ6WDU /LJKWOHYHOVZHUHLQFUHDVHGE\\HWWKHWRWDOHOHFWULFDOORDGIRUOLJKWLQJZDVUHGXFHG -&%%$UP$$%SJWFS 7KLVUHVXOWHGLQOHVVJHQHUDWLRQVWRUDJHFDSDFLW\UHTXLUHPHQWIRUOLJKWLQJUHGXFLQJERWK &GGJDJFOU FDSLWDOFRVWDQGHPERGLHG&22. “ 7KHSUHVHQWDWLRQRI7KH1RWWLQJKDP+286(ZDVRQHRI WKHIHZ¶LPPHUVLYH·H[SHULHQFHVWKDWZHUHRIIHUHGWRYLVLWRUVDW(FREXLOG 7KLVZDVHVSHFLDOO\IDFLOLWDWHGE\WKHXVHRIOLJKWÀWWLQJVZKLFKDOORZHGXV ” to recreate the internal atmospheres that we aimed for within the building. *XLOOHUPR*X]PDQ1RWWLQJKDP8QLYHUVLW\ &GGJDJFOU MYBWFSBHF MYBWFSBHF XN MY T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 $'-$POUSPM(FBS TVSHFVQUP7 XNMY www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 39 Product Ordering Guide Product Guide Your Choice of Combination pages New for 2011, PhotonStarTM offers an extended range of luminaires each with a wide choice of light engines. This gives the flexibility to match the right aesthetic and mechanical solution to a number of illumination and efficiency possibilities, as well as colour tuneable and RGB options. order code example &6770: SURGXFWYDULDQWÀQLVK Order Example Luminaire CeilingStar-TT PhotonStar70 manufacture a range of luminaires that are designed to match the form, function and aesthetics of traditional solutions. Product CeilingStar CS Variant Thin Trim TT ÀWWLQJVDQGDQLQFUHDVHGUDQJHRIWULPOHVVDQGVXUIDFHPRXQW Finish 0DWW:KLWH MW solutions. Engine Titan T11 :LWKHDFKUDQJHRUIDPLO\FKRRVHIURPDQXPEHURIYDULDQWVVXFKDV Lumens /('OP 0 min CRI 5D 80 Accessories 0XOWLZD\RSWLRQV Colour temp . 40 Darklight collars 0LFURPD[LYHUVLRQV Optic Beam Angle 32 Driver Non-dimmable 1D Code Within the new products are gimbal solutions, architectural lightslot Finishes RU0DWHULDOV: Brushed Aluminium (BA) 3ULVPDWLF30 0DWW%ODFN0% Satin Silver Anodised (SA) 0DWW:KLWH0: Satin Silver (SS) 2WKHUÀQLVKHVDUHDYDLODEOHWRVSHFLDORUGHUVXFKDVSROLVKHGFKURPH DQGVSHFLDOLVW5$/FRORXUVFRQWDFWWKHVDOHVGHSDUWPHQW 40 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Pro Product Ordering Guide Product Guide Your Choice of Combination pages pages order code example order code example 71 engine type-OXPHQV&5,FRORXUWHPS Light Engine OpticBeam Angle beam angle order code example :'951' Driver PD[ZDWWV'95GLPPLQJFXUUHQW (DFKÀWWLQJLVDYDLODEOHSUHEXLOWZLWKDFKRLFHRIGLIIHUHQW/(' 7KHFRPELQDWLRQRIH[FHOOHQFHLQÀWWLQJGHVLJQDQGVXSHULRURSWLFDQG /('ÀWWLQJVUHTXLUHDGULYHUWRFRQYHUWIURP9$&WRORZYROWDJH light engine developed by PhotonStar70, all providing exceptional UHÁHFWRUFKRLFHVUHVXOWVLQRSWLPXPOLJKWRXWSXWUDWLRV constant current. The driver choices are determined primarily by the light engine. All PhotonStar70 light engines are dimmable, subject HIÀFLHQF\FRORXUTXDOLW\WHVWHGUHOLDELOLW\DQGOLIHWLPH (YHU\FRPELQDWLRQRIÀWWLQJOLJKWHQJLQHDQGRSWLFKDVEHHQWHVWHG to the correct driver being selected. Drivers can operate single or Lumen packages are designed to match or exceed conventional to give you precise data on performance that avoids the use of multiple luminaires. VRXUFHVVXFKDV::KDORJHQDQGVLQJOHWZLQFRPSDFW misleading hero numbers. Photometric data is available for every ÁXRUHVFHQWODPSVXSWR:ZKLOVWRIIHULQJHIÀFLHQFLHVXSWR unique combination. GHOLYHUHGOPFLUF: HQJLQHLVDOUHDG\LQFOXGHGZLWKWKHOXPLQDLUHÀWWLQJVVXFKDVWUDFN spots) and does not need to be ordered separately. This is clearly Within the same footprint PhotonStar70 light engines are available in Smart versions that offer colour tuneable solutions as well as embedded intelligence. Data tables on every product page show WKHWHVWHGGHOLYHUHGOXPHQVDQGHIÀFLHQFLHVRIHDFKOLJKWHQJLQH ZLWKLQHDFKÀWWLQJ'DWDVKRZVWKHYDULDWLRQLQGHOLYHUHGOXPHQVDQG HIÀFLHQF\ZLWKGLIIHUHQWFRORXUWHPSHUDWXUHV Choose From: +LJK(IÀFLHQF\ Colour Tuneable +LJK2XWSXW Embedded Intelligence Fast Payback 5*% T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 ,QDVPDOOQXPEHURIÀWWLQJVDQLQWHJUDOGULYHUWRPDWFKWKHOLJKW marked within the data table. Choose From: Non-dimmable DALI & other dimming protocols Low Voltage 0XOWLSOHXQLW LEDsmart Controls www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 41 Complete & Tested Product Data Product Guide For Simple Genuine Comparisons Fitting Light Engine 0RUHLQIRGHWDLOHG about each individual light engine can be IRXQGRQVSHFLÀFOLJKW Bezel & Accessories es engine pages. Comparisons to conventional lamps ,35DWLQJ Dimming Key Features 42 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 7RWDOSRZHU/('SRZHU (IÀFDF\DWall colour temperatures Dimensions & Weight Lifetime T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Proven, Complete Trusted&&Tested Quality Product Luminaires Data The Future Product Guide of Lighting For Simple Genuine Comparisons OpticBeam Angle Driver Photometric Data Driver table Data for true comparison 8QLTXHFRPELQDWLRQRIÀWWLQJHQJLQHEHDP T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Dimming types Driving single and multiple units www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 43 BDP Architects, London 44 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Product Content Downlights Nemesis Spotlights 47 High output, low glare 3KDHWRQ 6XUIDFH0RXQW 'RZQOLJKWV Surface mounted versions of standard downlight range 2O\PSXV 7UDFN0RXQW6SRW 7UDFN$FFHVVRULHV High output high bay &KLPH Pendant, tubular diffuser 77 0XUR ,3H[WHULRUÀWWLQJ High output, die-cast &HLOLQJ6WDU Track, halogen replacement Fully adjustable Tesla 6XUIDFH0RXQW6SRW Surface, halogen replacement 05UHSODFHPHQW &U\RV 3KRFXV6SRW 9RWDQ 6XUIDFHDPELHQWÀWWLQJ Compact /RZJODUHVSHFXODUUHÁHFWRU /DVHU Surface, adjustable gimbal Compact, high output 6LPHWUD /LJKWVORW Amenity ::KDORJHQUHSODFHPHQW 9HQWXUL 5HFHVVHGKLJKRXWSXW 9HVSHUWLQH High output &RUGXV 5HFHVVHGJLPEDO T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 45 King’s College, London 46 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 SmartNemesis Intelligent dynamic LED luminaire A high performance intelligent downlight with a range of outputs, providing a superior replacement for 32W, 2 x 26W or 2 x 32W &)/À[WXUHV 43W SmartNemesis – No Daylight Contribution 100% 100% 100% '\QDPLFGD\OLJKWVHQVLQJIRU PD[LPXPHQHUJ\HIÀFLHQF\ %XLOWLQ,5UHFHLYHU '0;9'$/, dimming controls 2.26W/m2 / 100 lux – No Daylight Contribution &RPSDWLEOHZLWK LEDsmart Controls 43W SmartNemesis – Daylight Contribution 100% 50% 0% 2XWSXWVXSWROP 8SWROPF: 0.58W/m2 / 100 lux – With Daylight Contribution T: +44 +44 +44(0)2381 (0)2381 (0)2381230 230 230381 381 381 T: ENERGY USING PRODUCT FINALIST WINNER Innovation Future Zone FINALIST ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarled.com 47 SmartNemesis 3R TM 160 Finishes: '\QDPLFGD\OLJKWVHQVLQJIRUPD[LPXPHQHUJ\HIÀFLHQF\ Options: DMX, 1-10V and DALI dimming controls Beams: Compatible with LEDsmart Controls DIGITAL UK Part L1 & L2 $65065 MW EMERGENCY (+E) Intelligent downlight ANALOGUE 60º 1.7kg SJ1-1700 / SJ1-2500 / SJ1-3350 Light Engines: Order Codes: e.g. SN-LG-MW/SJ1-1700-90-40/60 Product Finish Option SN-LG -MW +E 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /SJ1-1700 /SJ1-2500 /SJ1-3350 Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -80 -40 -27* -30* -65* -40 -27* -30* -65* -40 -27* -30* -65* /60 /60 /60 105° 90° 90° 75° 75° 60° 60° 320 45° 45° 480 640 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 60º Performance Data for SN-LG with each Light Engine Option SmartJupiter 1700 SmartJupiter 2500 SmartJupiter 3350 Illuminance Comparable to 32W CFL 2 x 26W CFL 2 x 32W CFL Light Engine Power 21.7W 31.0W 38.4W LED Lumens (L100) 1672lm 2508lm 3343lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 60º 60º 60º 2700K 1276lm 1914lm 2552lm 3000K 1367lm 2051lm 2734lm 4000K 1454lm 2182lm 2909lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 26W 36W 45W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 50.0 / 53.6 / 57.0lm/cW 52.5 / 56.2 / 59.8lm/cW 56.5 / 60.5 / 64.4lm/cW VCCT 48 Driver Table Controls Controls Controls Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Nemesis High output low glare downlight $KLJKSHUIRUPDQFHGLHFDVWDOXPLQLXPGRZQOLJKWZLWKSDVVLYHKHDWVLQNIRUH[WHQGHGOLIHWLPH A range of outputs up to OP providing a direct replacement for 2 x 26W or 2 x 32W FRPSDFWÁXRUHVFHQWÀ[WXUHVDQGRIIHULQJDIXOOUDQJHRIDFFHVVRU\HPHUJHQF\DQGFRQWURORSWLRQV $YDLODEOHZLWKKLJKHIÀFLHQF\ high output or tuneable light engines $FFHVVRU\DQG emergency options 'LHFDVWDOXPLQLXP construction 8*5 2XWSXWVXSWROP 8SWROPF: T: +44 +44 +44(0)2381 (0)2381 (0)2381230 230 230381 381 381 T: www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarled.com Nemesis 3R TM 160 Finishes: /RZJODUHKLJKSHUIRUPDQFHVSHFXODUUHÁHFWRU Options: UK Part L1 & L2 $65065 MW EMERGENCY (+E) 60º Light Engines: 1.7kg JT1-1500 / JT1-1950 / JT1-2150 Beams: DIGITAL High power low glare downlight ANALOGUE JT1-2600 / JT1-2800 / JT1-3350 / SW1-2600 Order Codes: e.g. NS-LG-MW/JT1-1950-80-40/60 Product Finish Option NS-LG -MW +E 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /JT1-1500 /JT1-1950 /JT1-2150 /JT1-2600 /JT1-2800 /JT1-3350 /SW1-2600 105° 90° 90° 75° 75° 60° Min CRI Colour Temp -80 -80 -80 -80 -80 -80 -90 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -VT -27* -27* -27* -27* -27* -27* -30* -30* -30* -30* -30* -30* Beam -65* -65* -65* -65* -65* -65* /60 /60 /60 /60 /60 /60 /60 60° 320 45° 45° 480 640 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 60º Performance Data for NS-LG with each Light Engine Option Jupiter 1500 Jupiter 1950 Jupiter 2150 Jupiter 2600 Jupiter 2800 Jupiter 3350 High EfÀciency High Output High EfÀciency High EfÀciency High Output High Output Illuminance Comparable to 2 x 18W CFL 32W CFL 1 x 42W CFL 2 x 26W CFL 2 x 26W CFL 2 x 32W CFL Light Engine Power 14.9W 21.7W 21.4W 25.6W 31.0W 38.4W LED Lumens (L100) 1500lm 1950lm 2143lm 2572lm 2786lm 3343lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 60º 60º 60º 60º 60º 60º 2700K 1145lm 1488lm 1636lm 1963lm 2126lm 2552lm 3000K 1227lm 1595lm 1753lm 2103lm 2279lm 2734lm 4000K 1305lm 1697lm 1865lm 2238lm 2424lm 2909lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 18W 26W 25W 30W 36W 45W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 65.1 / 69.8 / 74.2lm/cW 58.3 / 62.5 / 66.5lm/cW 65.1 / 69.8 / 74.2lm/cW 65.1 / 69.8 / 74.2lm/cW 58.3 / 62.5 / 66.5lm/cW 56.5 / 60.5 / 64.4lm/cW J J VCCT 50 Driver Table C G H H Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Central Boulevard ExCeL, London Performance Data for NS-LG with each Light Engine Option SmartWhite 2600 Illuminance Comparable to 2 x 26W CFL Light Engine Power N/A LED Lumens (L100) 2635lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 60º 2700K – 3000K – 4000K – VCCT 2003lm Luminaire Power (90 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 32.7W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K – / – / 52lm/cW Driver Table Controls Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 51 Nemesis Clear Drop Ring 3R TM 160 Finishes: /RZJODUHKLJKSHUIRUPDQFHVSHFXODUUHÁHFWRU Options: UK Part L1 & L2 $65065 MW EMERGENCY (+E) 60º 2.0kg Light Engines: JT1-1500 / JT1-1950 / JT1-2150 Beams: DIGITAL &OHDUJODVVULQJZLWKGHÀQHGOLWHGJH ANALOGUE JT1-2600 / JT1-2800 / JT1-3350 Order Codes: e.g. NS-RC-MW/JT1-1500-80-40/60 Product Finish Option NS-RC -MW +E 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /JT1-1500 /JT1-1950 /JT1-2150 /JT1-2600 /JT1-2800 /JT1-3350 Min CRI Colour Temp -80 -80 -80 -80 -80 -80 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -27* -27* -27* -27* -27* -27* -30* -30* -30* -30* -30* -30* Beam -65* -65* -65* -65* -65* -65* /60 /60 /60 /60 /60 /60 105° 90° 90° 75° 75° 60° 60° 400 45° 45° 600 800 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 60º Performance Data for NS-RC with each Light Engine Option Jupiter 1500 Jupiter 1950 Jupiter 2150 Jupiter 2600 Jupiter 2800 Jupiter 3350 High EfÀciency High Output High EfÀciency High EfÀciency High Output High Output Illuminance Comparable to 2 x 18W CFL 32W CFL 1 x 42W CFL 2 x 26W CFL 2 x 26W CFL 2 x 32W CFL Light Engine Power 14.9W 21.7W 21.4W 25.6W 31.0W 38.4W LED Lumens (L100) 1500lm 1950lm 2143lm 2572lm 2786lm 3343lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 60º 60º 60º 60º 60º 60º 2700K 1105lm 1437lm 1579lm 1895lm 2053lm 2464lm 3000K 1185lm 1540lm 1692lm 2031lm 2200lm 2640lm 4000K 1260lm 1638lm 1800lm 2160lm 2340lm 2808lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 18W 26W 25W 30W 36W 45W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 62.9 / 67.4 / 71.7lm/cW 56.3 / 60.3 / 64.2lm/cW 62.9 / 67.4 / 71.7lm/cW 62.9 / 67.4 / 71.7lm/cW 56.3 / 60.3 / 64.2lm/cW 54.5 / 58.4 / 62.2lm/cW J J VCCT 52 Driver Table C G H H Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Options: Nemesis Diffused Drop Ring High power low glare downlight with diffuse glass ring MW EMERGENCY (+E) Diffuse ring producing soft halo on ceiling 60º Light Engines: 2.0kg JT1-1500 / JT1-1950 / JT1-2150 Beams: DIGITAL Finishes: ANALOGUE $65065 UK Part L1 & L2 3R TM 160 JT1-2600 / JT1-2800 / JT1-3350 Order Codes: e.g. NS-RD-MW/JT1-1950-80-40/60 Product Finish Option NS-RD -MW +E 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /JT1-1500 /JT1-1950 /JT1-2150 /JT1-2600 /JT1-2800 /JT1-3350 Min CRI Colour Temp -80 -80 -80 -80 -80 -80 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -27* -27* -27* -27* -27* -27* -30* -30* -30* -30* -30* -30* Beam -65* -65* -65* -65* -65* -65* /60 /60 /60 /60 /60 /60 105° 90° 90° 75° 75° 60° 60° 400 45° 45° 600 800 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 60º Performance Data for NS-RD with each Light Engine Option Jupiter 1500 Jupiter 1950 Jupiter 2150 Jupiter 2600 Jupiter 2800 Jupiter 3350 High EfÀciency High Output High EfÀciency High EfÀciency High Output High Output Illuminance Comparable to 2 x 18W CFL 32W CFL 1 x 42W CFL 2 x 26W CFL 2 x 26W CFL 2 x 32W CFL Light Engine Power 14.9W 21.7W 21.4W 25.6W 31.0W 38.4W LED Lumens (L100) 1500lm 1950lm 2143lm 2572lm 2786lm 3343lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 60º 60º 60º 60º 60º 60º 2700K 1079lm 1403lm 1542lm 1850lm 2004lm 2405lm 3000K 1156lm 1503lm 1652lm 1982lm 2148lm 2577lm 4000K 1230lm 1599lm 1757lm 2109lm 2285lm 2742lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 18W 26W 25W 30W 36W 45W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 61.4 / 65.8 / 70.0lm/cW 55.0 / 58.9 / 62.6lm/cW 61.4 / 65.8 / 70.0lm/cW 61.4 / 65.8 / 70.0lm/cW 55.0 / 58.9 / 62.6lm/cW 53.2 / 57.0 / 60.7lm/cW J J VCCT Driver Table C G H H Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 53 53 Nemesis Drop Disc Centre Etched 3R TM 160 Options: Beams: UK Part L1 & L2 CUTOUT Ø 160 MW 111 Finishes: Clear disc with diffuse centre DIGITAL EMERGENCY (+E) 60º Light Engines: 2.1kg JT1-1500 / JT1-1950 / JT1-2150 21 High power low glare downlight with centre etched glass disc ANALOGUE JT1-2600 / JT1-2800 / JT1-3350 Ø 183 Order Codes: e.g. NS-DE-MW/JT1-1500-80-40/60 Product Finish Option NS-DE -MW +E 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /JT1-1500 /JT1-1950 /JT1-2150 /JT1-2600 /JT1-2800 /JT1-3350 Min CRI Colour Temp -80 -80 -80 -80 -80 -80 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -27* -27* -27* -27* -27* -27* -30* -30* -30* -30* -30* -30* Beam -65* -65* -65* -65* -65* -65* /60 /60 /60 /60 /60 /60 105° 90° 90° 75° 75° 60° 60° 300 450 45° 45° 600 750 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 60º Performance Data for NS-DE with each Light Engine Option Jupiter 1500 Jupiter 1950 Jupiter 2150 Jupiter 2600 Jupiter 2800 Jupiter 3350 High EfÀciency High Output High EfÀciency High EfÀciency High Output High Output Illuminance Comparable to 2 x 18W CFL 32W CFL 1 x 42W CFL 2 x 26W CFL 2 x 26W CFL 2 x 32W CFL Light Engine Power 14.9W 21.7W 21.4W 25.6W 31.0W 38.4W LED Lumens (L100) 1500lm 1950lm 2143lm 2572lm 2786lm 3343lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 60º 60º 60º 60º 60º 60º 2700K 1026lm 1334lm 1466lm 1760lm 1906lm 2288lm 3000K 1100lm 1430lm 1571lm 1886lm 2043lm 2451lm 4000K 1170lm 1521lm 1672lm 2006lm 2173lm 2608lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 18W 26W 25W 30W 36W 45W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 58.4 / 62.6 / 66.6lm/cW 52.3 / 56.0 / 59.6lm/cW 58.4 / 62.6 / 66.6lm/cW 58.4 / 62.6 / 66.6lm/cW 52.3 / 56.0 / 59.6lm/cW 50.6 / 54.3 / 57.7lm/cW J J VCCT 54 Driver Table C G H H Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 UK Part L1 & L2 3R TM 160 Options: Nemesis Diffused Cup $65065 High power low glare downlight with diffused cup MW EMERGENCY (+E) Directs light onto vertical surfaces 60º Light Engines: 1.9kg JT1-1500 / JT1-1950 / JT1-2150 +LJKRSWLFDOHIÀFLHQF\DFFHVVRU\ Beams: DIGITAL Finishes: ANALOGUE JT1-2600 / JT1-2800 / JT1-3350 Order Codes: e.g. NS-DC-MW/JT1-1950-80-40/60 Product Finish Option NS-DC -MW +E 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /JT1-1500 /JT1-1950 /JT1-2150 /JT1-2600 /JT1-2800 /JT1-3350 Min CRI Colour Temp -80 -80 -80 -80 -80 -80 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -27* -27* -27* -27* -27* -27* -30* -30* -30* -30* -30* -30* Beam -65* -65* -65* -65* -65* -65* /60 /60 /60 /60 /60 /60 105° 90° 90° 75° 75° 60° 60° 400 45° 30° 45° 600 15° 0° 15° 30° 60º Performance Data for NS-DC with each Light Engine Option Jupiter 1500 Jupiter 1950 Jupiter 2150 Jupiter 2600 Jupiter 2800 Jupiter 3350 High EfÀciency High Output High EfÀciency High EfÀciency High Output High Output Illuminance Comparable to 2 x 18W CFL 32W CFL 1 x 42W CFL 2 x 26W CFL 2 x 26W CFL 2 x 32W CFL Light Engine Power 14.9W 21.7W 21.4W 25.6W 31.0W 38.4W LED Lumens (L100) 1500lm 1950lm 2143lm 2572lm 2786lm 3343lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 60º 60º 60º 60º 60º 60º 2700K 1026lm 1334lm 1466lm 1760lm 1906lm 2288lm 3000K 1100lm 1430lm 1571lm 1886lm 2043lm 2451lm 4000K 1170lm 1521lm 1672lm 2006lm 2173lm 2608lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 18W 26W 25W 30W 36W 45W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 58.4 / 62.6 / 66.6lm/cW 52.3 / 56.0 / 59.6lm/cW 58.4 / 62.6 / 66.6lm/cW 58.4 / 62.6 / 66.6lm/cW 52.3 / 56.0 / 59.6lm/cW 50.6 / 54.3 / 57.7lm/cW J J VCCT Driver Table C G H H Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 55 55 Nemesis IP44 3R TM 160 Options: Beams: UK Part L1 & L2 $65065 MW Finishes: Provides IP44 protection from below the ceiling DIGITAL EMERGENCY (+E) 60º Light Engines: 2.0kg JT1-1500 / JT1-1950 / JT1-2150 High power low glare downlight with IP44 front cover ANALOGUE JT1-2600 / JT1-2800 / JT1-3350 Order Codes: e.g. NS-44-MW/JT1-1500-80-40/60 Product Finish Option NS-44 -MW +E 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /JT1-1500 /JT1-1950 /JT1-2150 /JT1-2600 /JT1-2800 /JT1-3350 Min CRI Colour Temp -80 -80 -80 -80 -80 -80 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -27* -27* -27* -27* -27* -27* -30* -30* -30* -30* -30* -30* Beam -65* -65* -65* -65* -65* -65* /60 /60 /60 /60 /60 /60 105° 90° 90° 75° 75° 60° 60° 400 45° 45° 600 750 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 60º Performance Data for NS-44 with each Light Engine Option Jupiter 1500 Jupiter 1950 Jupiter 2150 Jupiter 2600 Jupiter 2800 Jupiter 3350 High EfÀciency High Output High EfÀciency High EfÀciency High Output High Output Illuminance Comparable to 2 x 18W CFL 32W CFL 1 x 42W CFL 2 x 26W CFL 2 x 26W CFL 2 x 32W CFL Light Engine Power 14.9W 21.7W 21.4W 25.6W 31.0W 38.4W LED Lumens (L100) 1500lm 1950lm 2143lm 2572lm 2786lm 3343lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 60º 60º 60º 60º 60º 60º 2700K 1079lm 1403lm 1542lm 1850lm 2004lm 2405lm 3000K 1156lm 1503lm 1652lm 1982lm 2148lm 2577lm 4000K 1230lm 1599lm 1757lm 2109lm 2285lm 2742lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 18W 26W 25W 30W 36W 45W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 61.4 / 65.8 / 70.0lm/cW 55.0 / 58.9 / 62.6lm/cW 61.4 / 65.8 / 70.0lm/cW 61.4 / 65.8 / 70.0lm/cW 5.0 / 58.9 / 62.6lm/cW 53.2 / 57.0 / 60.7lm/cW J J VCCT 56 Driver Table C G H H Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 UK Part L1 & L2 3R TM 160 Options: Nemesis IP54 $65065 High power low glare downlight with IP54 front cover MW EMERGENCY (+E) Provides IP54 protection from below the ceiling 60º Light Engines: 2.0kg JT1-1500 / JT1-1950 / JT1-2150 Beams: DIGITAL Finishes: ANALOGUE JT1-2600 / JT1-2800 / JT1-3350 Order Codes: e.g. NS-54-MW/JT1-1950-80-40/60 Product Finish Option NS-54 -MW +E 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /JT1-1500 /JT1-1950 /JT1-2150 /JT1-2600 /JT1-2800 /JT1-3350 Min CRI Colour Temp -80 -80 -80 -80 -80 -80 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -27* -27* -27* -27* -27* -27* -30* -30* -30* -30* -30* -30* Beam -65* -65* -65* -65* -65* -65* /60 /60 /60 /60 /60 /60 105° 90° 90° 75° 75° 60° 60° 400 45° 45° 600 750 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 60º Performance Data for NS-54 with each Light Engine Option Jupiter 1500 Jupiter 1950 Jupiter 2150 Jupiter 2600 Jupiter 2800 Jupiter 3350 High EfÀciency High Output High EfÀciency High EfÀciency High Output High Output Illuminance Comparable to 2 x 18W CFL 32W CFL 1 x 42W CFL 2 x 26W CFL 2 x 26W CFL 2 x 32W CFL Light Engine Power 14.9W 21.7W 21.4W 25.6W 31.0W 38.4W LED Lumens (L100) 1500lm 1950lm 2143lm 2572lm 2786lm 3343lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 60º 60º 60º 60º 60º 60º 2700K 1079lm 1403lm 1542lm 1850lm 2004lm 2405lm 3000K 1156lm 1503lm 1652lm 1982lm 2148lm 2577lm 4000K 1230lm 1599lm 1757lm 2109lm 2285lm 2742lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 18W 26W 25W 30W 36W 45W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 61.4 / 65.8 / 70.0lm/cW 55.0 / 58.9 / 62.6lm/cW 61.4 / 65.8 / 70.0lm/cW 61.4 / 65.8 / 70.0lm/cW 5.0 / 58.9 / 62.6lm/cW 53.2 / 57.0 / 60.7lm/cW J J VCCT Driver Table C G H H Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 57 57 ANALOGUE DIGITAL High power low glare surface mount downlight Finishes: High output surface mount downlight Options: Integral Installation direct to the ceiling or on surface conduit box Beams: Integral driver MW / MB EMERGENCY (+E) 60º Light Engines: Integral emergency option UK Part L1 & L2 229 Surface Nemesis 3.5kg JT1-1500 / JT1-2150 Ø 206 Order Codes: e.g. NS-SM-MW/JT1-1500-80-40/60 Product Finish Option NS-SM -MW +E 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /JT1-1500 /JT1-2150 /JT1-2600 Min CRI -80 -80 -80 Colour Temp -40 -27* -30* -65* -40 -27* -30* -65* -40 -27* -30* -65* Beam /60 /60 /60 105° 90° 90° 75° 75° 60° 60° 320 45° 45° 480 640 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 60º Performance Data for NS-SM with each Light Engine Option Jupiter 1500 Jupiter 2150 Jupiter 2600 High EfÀciency High EfÀciency High EfÀciency Illuminance Comparable to 2 x 18W CFL 1 x 42W CFL 2 x 26W CFL Light Engine Power 14.9W 21.4W 25.6W LED Lumens (L100) 1500lm 2143lm 2572lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 60º 60º 60º 2700K 1145lm 1636lm 1963lm 3000K 1227lm 1753lm 2103lm 4000K 1305lm 1865lm 2238lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 18W 25W 30W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 65.1 / 69.8 / 74.2lm/cW 65.1 / 69.8 / 74.2lm/cW 65.1/69.8/74.2lm/cW VCCT 58 Driver Table C H H Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Phaeton Compact high output architectural downlight $ORZJODUHDUFKLWHFWXUDOGRZQOLJKWUDQJHZLWKGHHSVHWKLJKSHUIRUPDQFHOLJKWHQJLQHVZKLFKRXWSHU form equivalent :05 luminaires. 6XSHULRUDOWHUQDWLYHWR 05DQG47À[WXUHV 6WDQGDUGGDUNOLJKWRSWLFV $GMXVWDEOHZDOOZDVKYHUVLRQ 2XWSXWVXSWROP 8SWROPF: T: +44 +44 +44(0)2381 (0)2381 (0)2381230 230 230381 381 381 T: www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarled.com Phaeton Fixed 3R TM 94 Finishes: 6SHFXODUORZJODUHIDFHWWHGUHÁHFWRU Options: Beams: DIGITAL UK Part L1 & L2 CUTOUT Ø 94 MW EMERGENCY (+E) 135 Low glare architectural downlight ANALOGUE 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º 0.55kg TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 / VS1-1000 4 Light Engines: Ø 104 Order Codes: e.g. PT-F1-MW/TN1-550-80-30/32 * To special order minimum quantity Product Finish Option PT-F1 -MW +E 105° Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 /VS1-1000 105° 105° Min CRI Colour Temp -80 -80 -80 -80 -30 -30 -30 -30 105° 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 2000 45° 45° 45° -65* -65* -65* -65* /12 /22 /22 /22 /32 /32 /32 /32 /50 /50 /50 /50 105° 90° 75° 400 60° 800 3000 Beam -27* -27* -27* -40* 105° 90° 60° -40 -40 -40 -27* 60° 600 45° 1200 800 45° 45° 1000 4000 1600 1200 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 30° 22º 15° 0° 0° 15° 30° 32º 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º Performance Data for PT-F1 with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Venus 1000 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 75W MR16 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W 13.3W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm 1034lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 2700K 431lm 421lm 421lm 496lm 485lm 485lm 638lm 623lm 623lm 816lm 797lm 797lm 3000K 459lm 448lm 448lm 528lm 515lm 515lm 679lm 663lm 663lm 868lm 848lm 848lm 4000K 488lm 477lm 477lm 562lm 549lm 549lm 723lm 706lm 706lm 925lm 903lm 903lm VCCT 60 Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W 16W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 59.1 / 62.9 / 66.9lm/cW 68.0 / 72.4 / 77.1lm/cW 57.4 / 61.1 / 65.1lm/cW 52.2 / 55.5 / 59.1lm/cW Driver Table C C D E Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 UK Part L1 & L2 3R TM 94 Options: Beams: DIGITAL Phaeton Darklight CUTOUT Ø 94 Fixed low glare MW EMERGENCY (+E) 45º / 70º 0.55kg TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 / VS1-1000 4 Light Engines: 8OWUDORZJODUHGDUNOLJKWEDIÁH 135 Finishes: ANALOGUE Ø 104 Order Codes: e.g. PT-FD-MW/TN1-550-80-30/32 Product Finish Option PT-FD -MW +E 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 /VS1-1000 105° 105° Min CRI Colour Temp -80 -80 -80 -80 -30 -30 -30 -30 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 45° 45° 45° /12 /22 /22 /22 /32 /32 /32 /32 /50 /50 /50 /50 90° 75° 400 800 3000 -65* -65* -65* -65* 105° 60° 60° 2000 Beam -27* -27* -27* -40* 105° 105° 90° 60° -40 -40 -40 -27* 60° 600 800 45° 45° 1200 45° 1000 4000 1600 1200 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 22º 30° 15° 0° 0° 15° 30° 32º 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º Performance Data for PT-FD with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Venus 1000 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 75W MR16 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W 13.3W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm 1034lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 2700K* 411lm 395lm 380lm 473lm 455lm 437lm 608lm 585lm 562lm 777lm 748lm 719lm 3000K 437lm 421lm 404lm 503lm 484lm 465lm 647lm 623lm 598lm 827lm 796lm 765lm 4000K* 465lm 448lm 430lm 536lm 516lm 495lm 689lm 663lm 637lm 881lm 848lm 815lm VCCT* Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W 16W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 56.3 / 59.9 / 63.8lm/cW 64.8 / 68.9 / 73.4lm/cW 54.7 / 58.2 / 62.0lm/cW 49.7 / 52.8 / 56.3lm/cW Driver Table C C D E Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 61 61 Phaeton Adjustable Wallwash 3R TM 94 ANALOGUE Low glare architectural wallwash luminaire Finishes: Tilt adjustment to 30º Beams: 6SHFXODUORZJODUHUHÁHFWRU Light Engines: DIGITAL CUTOUT Ø 94 UK Part L1 & L2 30º MW 147 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 / VS1-1000 4 0.55kg Ø 104 Order Codes: e.g. PT-WW-MW/TN1-550-80-30/32 Product Finish PT-WW -MW 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 /VS1-1000 105° 105° Min CRI Colour Temp -80 -80 -80 -80 -30 -30 -30 -30 105° 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 2000 45° 45° 45° Beam -65* -65* -65* -65* /12 /22 /22 /22 /32 /32 /32 /32 /50 /50 /50 /50 105° 90° 75° 400 60° 800 3000 -27* -27* -27* -40* 105° 90° 60° -40 -40 -40 -27* 60° 600 45° 1200 800 45° 45° 1000 4000 1600 1200 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 30° 22º 15° 0° 0° 15° 30° 32º 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º Performance Data for PT-WW with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Venus 1000 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 75W MR16 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W 13.3W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm 1034lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 2700K 431lm 421lm 421lm 496lm 485lm 485lm 638lm 623lm 623lm 816lm 797lm 797lm 3000K 459lm 448lm 448lm 528lm 515lm 515lm 679lm 663lm 663lm 868lm 848lm 848lm 4000K 488lm 477lm 477lm 562lm 549lm 549lm 723lm 706lm 706lm 925lm 903lm 903lm VCCT 62 Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W 16W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 59.1 / 62.9 / 66.9lm/cW 68.0 / 72.4 / 77.1lm/cW 57.4 / 61.1 / 65.1lm/cW 52.2 / 55.5 / 59.1lm/cW Driver Table C C D E Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Simetra /RZJODUHGRZQOLJKWZLWKVSHFXODUUHÁHFWRU /RZJODUHÀ[HGGRZQOLJKWZLWKVSHFXODUUHÁHFWRUSURYLGLQJDVXSHULRUUHSODFHPHQWIRU :FRPSDFWÁXRUHVFHQW and :05 equivalents. 5HSODFHPHQWIRU:&)/ RU:/9WXQJVWHQKDORJHQ /RZJODUHVSHFXODUUHÁHFWRU 2XWSXWVXSWROP 8SWROPF: T: +44 +44 +44(0)2381 (0)2381 (0)2381230 230 230381 381 381 T: www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarled.com 63 Simetra 3R TM 1 Finishes: 5HSODFHPHQWIRU:FRPSDFWÁXRUHVFHQWRU:/9WXQJVWHQKDORJHQ Options: /RZJODUHVSHFXODUUHÁHFWRU Beams: DIGITAL CUTOUT Ø 105 UK Part L1 & L2 MW 89 /RZJODUHGRZQOLJKWZLWKVSHFXODUUHÁHFWRU ANALOGUE EMERGENCY (+E) 3 50º Light Engines: 0.37kg TN1-550 / AR1-875 Ø 125 Order Codes: e.g. SR-LG-MW/TN1-550-80-30/50 Product Finish Option SR-LG -MW +E 50º Titan 550 * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /AR1-875 Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -30 -40 -30 -40 /50 /50 -27* -65* -27* -65* 50º Aries 875 Performance Data for SR-LG with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Aries 875 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 Light Engine Power 6.2W 10.7W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 874lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 50º 50º 2700K 421lm 674lm 3000K 448lm 717lm 4000K 477lm 763lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 13W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 57.7 / 61.4 / 65.4lm/cW 53.7 / 57.1 / 60.71lm/cW VCCT 64 Driver Table C E Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Laser $UFKLWHFWXUDOGRZQOLJKWWRUHSODFH05 With a maximum delivered output of OP, this extensive range of architectural downlights provides performance that exceeds a :05 À[WXUHZKLOVWRIIHULQJDQDHVWKHWLF and dimensional replacement. OPF:LQVDPHIRUPIDFWRU as halogen downlight 0LFURDQG0LFUR5*%: versions available BEST HALOGEN REPLACEMENT 2XWSXWVXSWROP 8SWRPF: T: +44 +44 +44(0)2381 (0)2381 (0)2381230 230 230381 381 381 T: www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarled.com 65 Laser Adjustable 3R TM 70 ANALOGUE $GMXVWDEOHGRZQOLJKW Finishes: Die-cast construction Beams: 20º tilt adjustment Light Engines: DIGITAL CUTOUT Ø 70 UK Part L1 & L2 20º 110 MW 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º 0.47kg 3 TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 / VS1-1000 Ø 80 Order Codes: e.g. LR-A1-MW/TN1-550-80-30/32 Product Finish LR-A1 -MW * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 /VS1-1000 105° 105° 105° Min CRI Colour Temp -80 -80 -80 -80 -30 -30 -30 -30 105° 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 60° 60° 3000 Beam -27* -27* -27* -40* 105° 90° 800 -40 -40 -40 -27* -65* -65* -65* -65* /12 /22 /22 /22 /32 /32 /32 /32 /50 /50 /50 /50 105° 90° 75° 400 60° 600 1200 4500 45° 1600 45° 45° 45° 800 45° 6000 7500 30° 15° 45° 1000 1200 2400 0° 15° 30° 30° 22º 15° 0° 15° 30° 32º 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º Performance Data for LR-A1 with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Venus 1000 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 75W MR16 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W 13.3W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm 1034lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 2700K 431lm 421lm 421lm 496lm 485lm 485lm 638lm 623lm 623lm 816lm 797lm 797lm 3000K 459lm 448lm 448lm 528lm 515lm 515lm 679lm 663lm 663lm 868lm 848lm 848lm 4000K 488lm 477lm 477lm 562lm 549lm 549lm 723lm 706lm 706lm 925lm 903lm 903lm VCCT 66 Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W 16W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 59.1 / 62.9 / 66.9lm/cW 68.0 / 72.4 / 77.1lm/cW 57.4 / 61.1 / 65.1lm/cW 52.2 / 55.5 / 59.1lm/cW Driver Table C C D E Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Beams: DIGITAL Laser Adjustable Darklight 20º $GMXVWDEOHGDUNOLJKW MW 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 / VS1-1000 20º tilt adjustment 0.47kg 2 Light Engines: 'DUNOLJKWEDIÁH 124 Finishes: ANALOGUE CUTOUT Ø 70 UK Part L1 & L2 3R TM 70 Ø 80 Order Codes: e.g. LR-AD-MW/TN1-550-80-30/12 Product Finish LR-AD -MW * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 /VS1-1000 105° 105° 105° Min CRI Colour Temp -80 -80 -80 -80 -30 -30 -30 -30 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 60° 60° 3000 Beam -27* -27* -27* -40* 105° 105° 90° 800 -40 -40 -40 -27* -65* -65* -65* -65* /12 /22 /22 /22 /32 /32 /32 /32 /50 /50 /50 /50 105° 90° 75° 400 60° 600 1200 4500 45° 1600 45° 45° 800 45° 45° 6000 7500 30° 15° 0° 45° 1000 1200 2400 15° 30° 30° 22º 15° 0° 15° 30° 30° 32º 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º Performance Data for LR-AD with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Venus 1000 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 75W MR16 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W 13.3W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm 1034lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 2700K 411lm 395lm 380lm 473lm 455lm 437lm 608lm 585lm 562lm 777lm 748lm 719lm 3000K 437lm 421lm 404lm 503lm 484lm 465lm 647lm 623lm 598lm 827lm 796lm 765lm 4000K 465lm 448lm 430lm 536lm 516lm 495lm 689lm 663lm 637lm 881lm 848lm 815lm VCCT Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W 16W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 56.3 / 59.9 / 63.8lm/cW 64.8 / 68.9 / 73.4lm/cW 54.7 / 58.2 / 62.0lm/cW 49.7 / 52.8 / 56.3lm/cW Driver Table C C D E Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 67 67 Laser Fixed 3R TM 70 Finishes: Fixed architectural downlight Options: CUTOUT Ø 70 UK Part L1 & L2 MW EMERGENCY (+E) 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º Light Engines: 2 Beams: DIGITAL 107 Fixed downlight ANALOGUE 0.50kg Ø 78 TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 / VS1-1000 Order Codes: e.g. LR-F1-MW/TN1-550-80-30/32 * To special order minimum quantity Product Finish Option LR-F1 -MW +E 105° Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 /VS1-1000 105° 105° Min CRI Colour Temp -80 -80 -80 -80 -30 -30 -30 -30 105° 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 60° 60° 45° 45° 45° -65* -65* -65* -65* /12 /22 /22 /22 /32 /32 /32 /32 /50 /50 /50 /50 105° 90° 75° 400 800 3000 Beam -27* -27* -27* -40* 105° 90° 2000 -40 -40 -40 -27* 60° 600 45° 1200 800 45° 45° 1000 4000 1600 1200 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 30° 22º 15° 0° 0° 15° 30° 32º 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º Performance Data for LR-F1 with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Venus 1000 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 75W MR16 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W 13.3W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm 1034lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 2700K 431lm 421lm 421lm 496lm 485lm 485lm 638lm 623lm 623lm 816lm 797lm 797lm 3000K 459lm 448lm 448lm 528lm 515lm 515lm 679lm 663lm 663lm 868lm 848lm 848lm 4000K 488lm 477lm 477lm 562lm 549lm 549lm 723lm 706lm 706lm 925lm 903lm 903lm VCCT 68 Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W 16W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 59.1 / 62.9 / 66.9lm/cW 68.0 / 72.4 / 77.1lm/cW 57.4 / 61.1 / 65.1lm/cW 52.2 / 55.5 / 59.1lm/cW Driver Table C C D E Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Option: Laser Fixed Darklight Fixed darklight MW EMERGENCY (+E) 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º 'DUNOLJKWEDIÁH Fixed architectural downlight 0.50kg 2 Beams: DIGITAL 119 Finishes: ANALOGUE CUTOUT Ø 70 UK Part L1 & L2 3R TM 70 Light Engines: TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 / VS1-1000 Ø 78 Order Codes: e.g. LR-FD-MW/TN1-550-80-30/12 Product Finish Option LR-FD -MW +E 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 /VS1-1000 105° 105° Min CRI Colour Temp -80 -80 -80 -80 -30 -30 -30 -30 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 60° 60° 3000 Beam -27* -27* -27* -40* 105° 105° 90° 800 -40 -40 -40 -27* -65* -65* -65* -65* /12 /22 /22 /22 /32 /32 /32 /32 /50 /50 /50 /50 105° 90° 75° 400 60° 600 1200 4500 45° 1600 45° 45° 800 45° 45° 6000 7500 30° 15° 0° 45° 1000 1200 2400 15° 30° 30° 22º 15° 0° 15° 30° 30° 32º 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º Performance Data for LR-FD with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Venus 1000 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 75W MR16 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W 13.3W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm 1034lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 2700K 411lm 395lm 308lm 473lm 455lm 437lm 608lm 585lm 562lm 777lm 748lm 719lm 3000K 437lm 421lm 404lm 503lm 484lm 465lm 647lm 623lm 598lm 827lm 796lm 765lm 4000K 465lm 448lm 403lm 536lm 516lm 495lm 689lm 663lm 637lm 881lm 848lm 815lm VCCT Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W 16W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 56.3 / 59.9 / 63.8lm/cW 64.8 / 68.9 / 73.4lm/cW 54.7 / 58.2 / 62.0lm/cW 49.7 / 52.8 / 56.3lm/cW Driver Table C C D E Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk Laser Showerproof 3R TM 70 Finishes: Compact showerproof downlight Options: Equivalent in size and output to MR16 Beams: DIGITAL CUTOUT Ø 70 UK Part L1 & L2 MW 119 Showerproof downlight ANALOGUE EMERGENCY (+E) 0.50kg 2 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º Light Engines: TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 / VS1-1000 Ø 78 Order Codes: e.g. LR-FS-MW/TN1-550-80-30/32 * To special order minimum quantity Product Finish Option LR-FS -MW +E 105° Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 /VS1-1000 105° 105° Min CRI Colour Temp -80 -80 -80 -80 -30 -30 -30 -30 105° 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 60° 60° 45° 45° 45° -65* -65* -65* -65* /12 /22 /22 /22 /32 /32 /32 /32 /50 /50 /50 /50 105° 90° 75° 400 800 3000 Beam -27* -27* -27* -40* 105° 90° 2000 -40 -40 -40 -27* 60° 600 45° 1200 800 45° 45° 1000 4000 1600 1200 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 30° 22º 15° 0° 0° 15° 30° 32º 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º Performance Data for LR-FS with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Venus 1000 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 75W MR16 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W 13.3W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm 1034lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 2700K 426lm 416lm 416lm 490lm 479lm 479lm 631lm 616lm 616lm 806lm 787lm 787lm 3000K 453lm 443lm 443lm 522lm 509lm 509lm 671lm 655lm 655lm 858lm 837lm 837lm 4000K 483lm 471lm 471lm 556lm 542lm 542lm 715lm 697lm 697lm 914lm 892lm 892lm VCCT 70 Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W 16W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 58.4 / 62.2 / 66.2lm/cW 67.2 / 71.5 / 76.2lm/cW 56.7 / 60.4 / 64.3lm/cW 51.5 / 54.8 / 58.4lm/cW Driver Table C C D E Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Options: Laser Showerproof Darklight 6KRZHUSURRIÀ[HGGDUNOLJKW MW EMERGENCY (+E) 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º Compact showerproof darklight Equivalent in size and output to MR16 0.50kg /RZJODUHGDUNOLJKWEDIÁH 2 Beams: DIGITAL 119 Finishes: ANALOGUE CUTOUT Ø 70 UK Part L1 & L2 3R TM 70 Light Engines: TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 / VS1-1000 Ø 78 Order Codes: e.g. LR-DS-MW/TN1-550-80-30/12 Product Finish Option LR-DS -MW +E 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 /VS1-1000 105° 105° Min CRI Colour Temp -80 -80 -80 -80 -30 -30 -30 -30 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 60° 60° 3000 Beam -27* -27* -27* -40* 105° 105° 90° 800 -40 -40 -40 -27* -65* -65* -65* -65* /12 /22 /22 /22 /32 /32 /32 /32 /50 /50 /50 /50 105° 90° 75° 400 60° 600 1200 4500 45° 1600 45° 45° 800 45° 45° 6000 7500 30° 15° 0° 45° 1000 1200 2400 15° 30° 30° 22º 15° 0° 15° 30° 30° 32º 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º Performance Data for LR-DS with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Venus 1000 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 75W MR16 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W 13.3W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm 1034lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 2700K 406lm 390lm 375lm 467lm 449lm 431lm 600lm 578lm 555lm 768lm 738lm 709lm 3000K 432lm 415lm 399lm 497lm 478lm 459lm 639lm 614lm 590lm 817lm 786lm 755lm 4000K 459lm 442lm 424lm 529lm 509lm 489lm 608lm 654lm 629lm 870lm 837lm 804lm VCCT Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W 16W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 55.6 / 59.2 / 63.0lm/cW 64.0 / 68.1 / 72.5lm/cW 54.0 / 57.5 / 61.2lm/cW 49.1 / 52.2 / 55.6lm/cW Driver Table C C D E Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 71 71 Options: Beams: MW / MB Surface mounted downlight 127 Finishes: DIGITAL Laser Surface UK Part L1 & L2 3R TM ANALOGUE Installation on the ceiling or on a conduit box with 50.8mm centres EMERGENCY (+E) 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º Light Engines: $YDLODEOHLQZKLWHRUEODFNÀQLVK 0.60kg Remote driver Ø 76 TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 Can be installed on wood and other surfaces Order Codes: e.g. LR-SM-MW/TN1-550-80-30/12 Product Finish Option LR-SM -MW -MB +E 105° 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 105° Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -80 -30 -40 -30 -40 -30 -40 /12 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 105° 105° 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 60° 60° 2000 45° 105° 90° 75° 400 800 45° 3000 45° -27* -65* -27* -65* -27* -65* 60° 600 45° 1200 800 45° 45° 1000 4000 1600 1200 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 22º 30° 15° 0° 0° 15° 30° 32º 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º Performance Data for LR-SM with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 Light Engine Power 7W 7W 11W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 2700K 442lm 421lm 421lm 508lm 485lm 485lm 654lm 623lm 623lm 3000K 470lm 448lm 448lm 541lm 515lm 515lm 695lm 663lm 663lm 4000K 500lm 477lm 477lm 576lm 549lm 549lm 741lm 706lm 706lm VCCT Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 60.6 / 64.4 / 68.5lm/cW 69.7 / 74.1 / 78.9lm/cW 58.8 / 62.5 / 66.6lm/cW Driver Table C C D Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 75 73 76 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Cryos )XOO\DGMXVWDEOHGRZQOLJKW $IXOO\DGMXVWDEOHWLOWDQGURWDWHGRZQOLJKW7KHUDQJHSURYLGHVHTXLYDOHQWLOOXPLQDWLRQWR 35W, 50W and :05 at up to 73.4lm/cW. URWDWLRQ WLOW 'LHFDVWDOXPLQLXPEH]HO 5DQJHWREHH[WHQGHG throughout 2011 2XWSXWVXSWROP 8SWROPF: T: +44 +44 +44(0)2381 (0)2381 (0)2381230 230 230381 381 381 T: www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarled.com 77 Cryos 3R TM 85 ANALOGUE )XOO\DGMXVWDEOHGRZQOLJKW Finishes: Fully adjustable downlight to replace 50W MR16 Beams: 361º rotation and 25º tilt Light Engines: DIGITAL CUTOUT Ø 85 UK Part L1 & L2 25º 119 MW 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 / VS1-1000 3 0.60kg Die cast aluminium bezel Ø 95 Order Codes: e.g. CY-AD-MW/TN1-550-80-30/12 Product Finish CY-AD -MW * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 /VS1-1000 105° 105° 105° Min CRI Colour Temp -80 -80 -80 -80 -30 -30 -30 -30 105° 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 60° 60° 3000 Beam -27* -27* -27* -40* 105° 90° 800 -40 -40 -40 -27* -65* -65* -65* -65* /12 /22 /22 /22 /32 /32 /32 /32 /50 /50 /50 /50 105° 90° 75° 400 60° 600 1200 4500 45° 1600 45° 45° 45° 800 45° 6000 7500 30° 15° 45° 1000 1200 2400 0° 15° 30° 30° 22º 15° 0° 15° 30° 32º 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º Performance Data for CY-AD with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Venus 1000 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 75W MR16 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W 13.3W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm 1034lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 2700K 411lm 395lm 380lm 473lm 455lm 437lm 608lm 585lm 562lm 777lm 748lm 719lm 3000K 437lm 421lm 404lm 503lm 484lm 465lm 647lm 623lm 598lm 827lm 796lm 765lm 4000K 465lm 448lm 430lm 536lm 516lm 495lm 689lm 663lm 637lm 881lm 848lm 815lm VCCT 78 Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W 16W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 56.3 / 59.9 / 63.8lm/cW 64.8 / 68.9 / 73.4lm/cW 54.7 / 58.2 / 62.0lm/cW 49.7 / 52.8 / 56.3lm/cW Driver Table C C D E Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Tesla +LJKRXWSXWGLHFDVWGRZQOLJKWV A range of05 and 05 HTXLYDOHQWGRZQOLJKWVZLWKSURÀOHGGLHFDVWEH]HOVRIIHULQJ DQH[WHQVLYHFKRLFHRIYHUVLRQVDQGVL]HVWRFRPSOHWHDSURMHFW 3URÀOHGGLHFDVWEH]HOV 6KRZHUSURRIYHUVLRQ )L[HGDGMXVWDEOHYHUVLRQV 2XWSXWVXSWROP 8SWROPF: T: +44 +44 +44(0)2381 (0)2381 (0)2381230 230 230381 381 381 T: www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarled.com Tesla Adjustable Darklight 3R TM 77 Darklight with tilt feature Finishes: MR16 sized darklight with tilt feature Beams: ANALOGUE DIGITAL CUTOUT Ø 77 UK Part L1 & L2 20º MW TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 / VS1-1000 4 Light Engines: 132 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º 0.50Kg Ø 89 Order Codes: e.g. TA-AD-MW/TN1-550-80-30/12 Product Finish TA-AD -MW * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 /VS1-1000 105° 105° 105° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 2000 Min CRI Colour Temp -80 -80 -80 -80 -30 -30 -30 -30 -40 -40 -40 -27* -27* -27* -27* -40* Beam -65* -65* -65* -65* /12 /22 /22 /22 /32 /32 /32 /32 /50 /50 /50 /50 105° 90° 75° 800 60° 1200 3000 45° 45° 45° 30° 30° 1600 45° 4000 5000 30° 15° 2400 0° 15° 22º 15° 0° 15° 30° 32º Performance Data for TA-AD with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Venus 1000 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 75W MR16 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W 13.3W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm 1034lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 2700K* 411lm 395lm 380lm 473lm 455lm 437lm 608lm 585lm 562lm 777lm 748lm 719lm 3000K 437lm 421lm 404lm 503lm 484lm 465lm 647lm 623lm 598lm 827lm 796lm 765lm 4000K* 465lm 448lm 430lm 536lm 516lm 495lm 689lm 663lm 637lm 881lm 848lm 815lm VCCT* 80 Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W 16W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 56.3 / 59.9 / 63.8lm/cW 64.8 / 68.9 / 73.4lm/cW 54.7 / 58.2 / 62.0lm/cW 49.7 / 52.8 / 56.3lm/cW Driver Table C C D E Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Options: Tesla Fixed Darklight Fixed darklight MW EMERGENCY (+E) 05VL]HGÀ[HGGDUNOLJKW 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º Light Engines: 5 Beams: DIGITAL 130 Finishes: ANALOGUE CUTOUT Ø 77 UK Part L1 & L2 3R TM 77 TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 / VS1-1000 0.50kg Ø 89 Order Codes: e.g. TA-FD-MW/TN1-550-80-30/12 Product Finish Option TA-FD -MW +E 105° 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 /VS1-1000 105° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 2000 Min CRI Colour Temp -80 -80 -80 -80 -30 -30 -30 -30 -40 -40 -40 -27* -27* -27* -27* -40* Beam -65* -65* -65* -65* /12 /22 /22 /22 /32 /32 /32 /32 /50 /50 /50 /50 105° 90° 75° 800 60° 1200 3000 45° 45° 45° 30° 30° 1600 45° 4000 5000 30° 15° 0° 2400 15° 22º 15° 0° 15° 30° 32º Performance Data for TA-FD with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Venus 1000 75W MR16 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W 13.3W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm 1034lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 2700K* 411lm 395lm 380lm 473lm 455lm 437lm 608lm 585lm 562lm 777lm 748lm 719lm 3000K 437lm 421lm 404lm 503lm 484lm 465lm 647lm 623lm 598lm 827lm 796lm 765lm 4000K* 465lm 448lm 430lm 536lm 516lm 495lm 689lm 663lm 637lm 881lm 848lm 815lm VCCT* Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W 16W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 56.3 / 59.9 / 63.8lm/cW 64.8 / 68.9 / 73.4lm/cW 54.7 / 58.2 / 62.0lm/cW 49.7 / 52.8 / 56.3lm/cW Driver Table C C D E Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 81 Tesla Darklight Showerproof 3R TM 77 Finishes: 05VL]HGÀ[HGGRZQOLJKW Options: IP65 from below Beams: DIGITAL CUTOUT Ø 77 UK Part L1 & L2 MW 130 Fixed showerproof downlight with darklight ANALOGUE EMERGENCY (+E) 5 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º Light Engines: TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 / VS1-1000 Ø 89 0.50kg Order Codes: e.g. TA-SD-MW/TN1-550-80-30/12 * To special order minimum quantity Product Finish Option TA-SD -MW +E 105° Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 /VS1-1000 105° 105° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 2000 Min CRI Colour Temp -80 -80 -80 -80 -30 -30 -30 -30 -40 -40 -40 -27* -27* -27* -27* -40* Beam -65* -65* -65* -65* /12 /22 /22 /22 /32 /32 /32 /32 /50 /50 /50 /50 105° 90° 75° 800 60° 1200 3000 45° 45° 45° 30° 30° 1600 45° 4000 5000 30° 15° 2400 0° 15° 22º 15° 0° 15° 30° 32º Performance Data for TA-SD with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Venus 1000 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 75W MR16 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W 13.3W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm 1034lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 2700K* 421lm 411lm 411lm 485lm 473lm 473lm 623lm 608lm 608lm 797lm 777lm 777lm 3000K 448lm 437lm 437lm 515lm 503lm 503lm 663lm 647lm 647lm 848lm 827lm 827lm 4000K* 477lm 465lm 465lm 549lm 536lm 536lm 706lm 689lm 689lm 903lm 881lm 81lm VCCT* 82 Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W 16W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 57.7 / 61.4 / 65.4lm/cW 66.4 / 70.7 / 75.3lm/cW 56.1 / 59.6 / 63.5lm/cW 50.9 / 54.2 / 57.7lm/cW Driver Table C C D E Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 CeilingStar /('GRZQOLJKWWRUHSODFH:DQG:KDORJHQLQ]RQHV This range provides equivalent illumination to :05 À[WXUHVIURPMXVW : of power with an excellent HIÀFDF\XSWROPF: and total delivered output of up to 741lm. 6DPHIRUPIDFWRUDVD tungsten halogen downlight CS ED (IÀFLHQW'HVLJQ CS IC Insulated Ceiling &677 Thin Trim CS TTs Thin Trim Slim /RZYRLGGHSWK $YDLODEOHLQVWDQGDUG white colour tuneable light engines ,3IRUXVHLQPXOWLSOH locations CS DL Dark Light CS TL Trimless Diffuse 2XWSXWVXSWROP 8SWROPF: &660 6XUIDFH0RXQW T: +44 +44(0)2381 (0)2381 (0)2381230 230 230381 381 381 T: +44 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarled.com 85 3R TM 75 Finishes: Discreet narrow trim allowing superior output Options: Die-cast aluminium construction Beams: DIGITAL UK Part L1 & L2 MINS CUTOUT Ø 75 MW EMERGENCY (+E) 55 (IÀFLHQW'HVLJQ ANALOGUE 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º / 70º Light Engines: 0.33kg 4 CeilingStar ED Ø 50 TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 / SW1-730 / SW2-720 Ø 102 Order Codes: e.g. CS-ED-MW/TN1-550-80-30/32 Product Finish Option CS-ED -MW +E 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 /SW1-730 /SW2-720 105° 105° Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -80 -90 -90 -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -VT -VT /12 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /70 /70 105° 105° 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 60° 90° 75° 400 60° 800 2000 45° 105° 45° 45° 3000 60° 600 45° 1200 800 45° 45° 1000 1600 4000 30° 15° 1200 0° 15° 30° 30° 22º 15° 0° 0° 15° 30° 32º 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º Performance Data for CS-ED with each Light Engine Option 86 Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 SmartWhite 730 SmartWhite Tungsten+ 720 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W – – LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm 730lm 720lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 70º 70º 2700K 442lm 421lm 421lm 508lm 485lm 485lm 654lm 623lm 623lm – – 3000K 470lm 448lm 448lm 541lm 515lm 515lm 695lm 663lm 663lm – – 4000K 500lm 477lm 477lm 576lm 549lm 549lm 741lm 706lm 706lm – – VCCT – – – – – – – – – 548lm 547lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W 9W with LEDsmart driver 9W with LEDsmart driver Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 64.4 / 68.5 / 69.7lm/cW 69.7 / 74.1 / 78.9lm/cW 58.8 / 62.5 / 66.6lm/cW – / – / 60.8lm/cW – / – / 60.8lm/cW Driver Table C C D Controls Controls Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 UK Part L1 & L2 3R TM 75 ANALOGUE DIGITAL CeilingStar IC MINS CUTOUT Ø 75 Options: EMERGENCY (+E) 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º / 70º Light Engines: Produces halo effect 0.39kg TN1-550 / MC1-630 / SW1-730 / SW2-720 Ø 50 Ø 160 Order Codes: e.g. CS-IC-MW/TN1-550-80-30/32 Product Finish Option CS-IC -MW +E * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /SW1-730 /SW2-720 Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -90 -90 -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -VT -VT /12 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /70 /70 105° 105° 105° 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° Suitable for use in insulated ceilings 13 Beams: Insulated Ceiling MW 45 Finishes: 60° 400 105° 60° 105° 60° 105° 90° 75° 400 60° 800 60° 600 600 45° 45° 45° 45° 1200 800 45° 800 1600 1000 30° 15° 0° 0° 45° 1000 1200 15° 30° 12º 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 32º 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º Performance Data for CS-IC with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 SmartWhite 730 SmartWhite Tungsten+ 720 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W – – LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 730lm 720lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 70º 70º 2700K 411lm 395lm 395lm 473lm 455lm 455lm – – 3000K 437lm 421lm 421lm 503lm 484lm 484lm – – 4000K 465lm 448lm 448lm 536lm 516lm 516lm – – VCCT – – – – – – 533lm 533lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 9W with LEDsmart driver 9W with LEDsmart driver Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 56.3 / 59.9 / 63.8lm/cW 64.8 / 68.9 / 73.4lm/cW – / – / 59.2lm/cW Driver Table C C Controls Controls Lifetime (L70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 – / – / 59.2lm/cW www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 87 85 CeilingStar TT 3R TM 75 ANALOGUE DIGITAL UK Part L1 & L2 MINS CUTOUT Ø 75 Finishes: :LGHWULPFRYHUVFHLOLQJGDPDJHZKHQUHWURÀWWLQJ Options: Machined aluminium bezel Beams: MW EMERGENCY (+E) 59 Thin Trim 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º / 70º 0.35kg 3 Light Engines: Ø 53 TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 / SW1-730 / SW2-720 Ø 110 Order Codes: e.g. CS-TT-MW/TN1-550-80-30/32 Product Finish Option CS-TT -MW +E * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 /SW1-730 /SW2-720 Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -80 -90 -90 -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -VT -VT /12 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /70 /70 105° 105° 105° 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 400 105° 60° 60° 105° 105° 90° 75° 400 60° 800 60° 600 600 45° 45° 45° 45° 1200 800 45° 800 1600 1000 30° 15° 45° 1000 1200 0° 15° 0° 30° 30° 12º 15° 0° 0° 15° 30° 32º 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º Performance Data for CS-TT with each Light Engine Option 88 Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 SmartWhite 730 SmartWhite Tungsten+ 720 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W – – LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm 730lm 720lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 70º 70º 2700K 421lm 411lm 411lm 485lm 473lm 473lm 623lm 608lm 608lm – – 3000K 448lm 437lm 437lm 515lm 503lm 503lm 663lm 647lm 647lm – – 4000K 477lm 465lm 465lm 549lm 536lm 536lm 706lm 689lm 689lm – – VCCT – – – – – – – – – 533lm 533lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W 9W with LEDsmart driver 9W with LEDsmart driver Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 57.7 / 61.4 / 65.4lm/cW 66.4 / 70.7 / 75.3lm/cW 56.1 / 59.6 / 63.5lm/cW – / – / 61.4lm/cW – / – / 61.4lm/cW Driver Table C C D Controls Controls Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 UK Part L1 & L2 3R TM 75 Finishes: CeilingStar TTs MINS Thin Trim Slim CUTOUT Ø 75 MW Discreet narrow trim EMERGENCY (+E) 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º / 70º Light Engines: Machined aluminium bezel 0.33kg 3 Beams: DIGITAL 59 Options: ANALOGUE TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 / SW1-730 / SW2-720 Ø 53 Ø 85 Order Codes: e.g. CS-TS-MW/TN1-550-80-30/32 Product Finish Option CS-TS -MW +E * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 /SW1-730 /SW2-720 Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -80 -90 -90 -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -VT -VT /12 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /70 /70 105° 105° 105° 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 400 105° 60° 105° 60° 105° 90° 75° 400 60° 800 60° 600 600 45° 45° 45° 45° 1200 800 45° 800 1600 1000 30° 15° 0° 0° 45° 1000 1200 15° 30° 12º 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 32º 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º Performance Data for CS-TS with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 SmartWhite 730 SmartWhite Tungsten+ 720 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W – – LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm 730lm 720lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 70º 70º 2700K 421lm 411lm 411lm 485lm 473lm 473lm 623lm 608lm 608lm – – 3000K 448lm 437lm 437lm 515lm 503lm 503lm 663lm 647lm 647lm – – 4000K 477lm 465lm 465lm 549lm 536lm 536lm 706lm 689lm 689lm – – VCCT – – – – – – – – – 533lm 533lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W 9W with LEDsmart driver 9W with LEDsmart driver Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 57.7 / 61.4 / 65.4lm/cW 66.4 / 70.7 / 75.3lm/cW 56.1 / 59.6 / 63.5lm/cW – / – / 61.4lm/cW – / – / 61.43lm/cW Driver Table C C D Controls Controls Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 87 CeilingStar DL 3R TM 75 ANALOGUE DIGITAL UK Part L1 & L2 MINS CUTOUT Ø 75 Finishes: 8OWUDORZJODUHGDUNOLJKWEDIÁH Options: Machined aluminium bezel Beams: MW EMERGENCY (+E) 59 Dark Light 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º / 70 0.38kg 3 Light Engines: Ø 53 TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 / SW1-730 / SW2-720 Ø 85 Order Codes: e.g. CS-DL-MW/TN1-550-80-30/32 Product Finish Option CS-DL -MW +E * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 /SW1-730 /SW2-720 105° 105° 105° 90° Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -80 -90 -90 -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -VT -VT /12 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /70 /70 105° 105° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 105° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 400 60° 800 60° 60° 600 2000 45° 45° 45° 1200 800 45° 45° 3000 45° 1000 1600 1200 4000 30° 30° 22º 15° 0° 15° 30° 15° 0° 0° 15° 30° 32º 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º Performance Data for CS-DL with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 SmartWhite 730 SmartWhite Tungsten+ 720 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W – – LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm 730lm 720lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 70º 70º 2700K 411lm 395lm 395lm 473lm 455lm 455lm 608lm 585lm 585lm – – 3000K 437lm 421lm 421lm 503lm 484lm 484lm 647lm 623lm 623lm – – 4000K 465lm 448lm 448lm 536lm 516lm 516lm 689lm 663lm 663lm – – VCCT – – – – – – – – – 533lm 533lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W 9W with LEDsmart driver 9W with LEDsmart driver Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 56.3 / 59.9 / 63.8lm/cW 64.8 / 68.9 / 73.4lm/cW 54.7 / 58.2 / 62.0lm/cW – / – / 59.2lm/cW – / – / 59.2lm/cW Driver Table C C D Controls Controls Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 UK Part L1 & L2 3R TM 80 MINS Trimless Diffuse MW EMERGENCY (+E) 3ODVWHULQWULPOHVVÀ[WXUH +HLJKWDGMXVWDEOHWRDOORZÁXVKRUUHFHVVHGLQVWDOODWLRQ 0.53kg TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 / SW1-730 / SW2-720 Ø 80 Ø 80 Ø 150 3.5 70º Light Engines: 3.5 Beams: CeilingStar TL CUTOUT Ø 80 CUTOUT Ø 80 116.5 Options: DIGITAL 95.5 Finishes: ANALOGUE Ø 150 Order Codes: Recessed setting e.g. CS-TL-MW/TN1-550-80-30/32 Product Finish Option CS-TL -MW +E 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 /SW1-730 /SW2-720 Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -80 -90 -90 -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -VT -VT /70 /70 /70 /70 /70 Flush setting 105° 90° 90° 75° 75° 60° 60° 400 45° 30° Recessed setting 45° 600 15° 0° 15° 30° 70º Performance Data for CS-TL with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 SmartWhite 730 SmartWhite Tungsten+ 720 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W – – LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm 730lm 720lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 70º 70º 70º 70º 70º 2700K 411lm 473lm 608lm – – 3000K 437lm 503lm 647lm – – 4000K 465lm 536lm 689lm – – VCCT – – – 518lm 518lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W 9W with LEDsmart driver 9W with LEDsmart driver Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 63.8lm/cW 54.7lm/cW 62.0lm/cW – / – / 57.6lm/cW – / – / 57.6lm/cW Driver Table C C D Controls Controls Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk ANALOGUE 6XUIDFH0RXQW Finishes: Ultra thin surface mount downlight Options: Direct installation on ceiling Beams: Adapter available for conduit boxes with 50.8mm centres DIGITAL UK Part L1 & L2 MW 100 EMERGENCY (+E) 70º 0.41kg Light Engines: 20 CeilingStar SM Ø 53 TN1-550 / MC1-630 Ø 160 Order Codes: e.g. CS-SM-MW/TN1-550-80-30/70 Product Finish Option CS-SM -MW +E 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* /70 /70 105° 90° 90° 75° 75° 200 60° 60° 300 400 45° 45° 500 600 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 70º Performance Data for CS-SM with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 70º 70º 2700K 421lm 485lm 3000K 448lm 515lm 4000K 477lm 549lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 57.7 / 61.4 / 65.4lm/cW 66.4 / 70.7 / 75.3lm/cW VCCT Driver Table C C Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Venturi 5HFHVVHGKLJKRXWSXWGRZQOLJKW $UDQJHRIUHFHVVHGKLJKRXWSXWGRZQOLJKWVZLWKRQHSLHFHPDWWZKLWHUHÁHFWRUVDQGVOLPEH]HOV providing a discreet interface between the luminaire and ceiling. 2QHSLHFHORZSURÀOH ZKLWHWULPDQGUHÁHFWRU $YDLODEOHLQKLJKHIÀFLHQF\ high output and white colour tuneable light engines :KLWHUHÁHFWRUEOHQGV with ceiling 7KUHHVL]HVDYDLODEOH 2XWSXWVXSWROP 8SWROPF: T: +44 +44 +44(0)2381 (0)2381 (0)2381230 230 230381 381 381 T: www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarled.com Venturi 3R TM 95 Finishes: Options: Beams: DIGITAL UK Part L1 & L2 CUTOUT Ø 95 MW 89 'RZQOLJKWHUZLWKPPEH]HO ANALOGUE EMERGENCY (+E) 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º / 70º Light Engines: 0.30kg TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 / SW1-730 / SW2-720 Ø 105 Order Codes: e.g. VT-MD-MW/MC1-630-80-30/50 Product Finish Option VT-MD -MW +E 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 /AR1-875 /SW1-730 /SW2-720 105° 105° Min CRI Colour Temp -80 -80 -80 -80 -90 -90 -30 -30 -30 -30 -VT -VT 105° -40 -40 -40 -40 -27* -27* -27* -27* 105° 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 60° 60° Beam -65* -65* -65* -65* /12 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /50 /70 /70 105° 90° 75° 60° 300 400 2000 450 45° 45° 45° 3000 45° 45° 600 45° 600 800 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 30° 22º 15° 0° 15° 30° 30° 32º 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º Performance Data for VT-MD with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Aries 875 SmartWhite 730 SmartWhite Tungsten+ 720 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W 10.7W – – LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm 874lm 730lm 720lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 50º 70º 70º 2700K 442lm 421lm 411lm 508lm 485lm 473lm 654lm 623lm 608lm 707lm – – 3000K 470lm 448lm 437lm 541lm 515lm 503lm 695lm 663lm 647lm 752lm – – 4000K 500lm 477lm 465lm 576lm 549lm 536lm 741lm 706lm 689lm 800lm – – VCCT – – – – – – – – – – 562lm 562lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W 13W 9W with LEDsmart driver 9W with LEDsmart driver Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 60.6 / 64.4 / 68.5lm/cW 69.7 / 74.1 / 78.9lm/cW 58.8 / 62.5 / 66.6lm/cW 56.3 / 59.9 / 63.7lm/cW – / – / 62.4lm/cW – / – / 62.4lm/cW Controls Driver Table C C D E Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 50,000hrs Controls 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Venturi Maxi 3R TM 127 Options: Beams: UK Part L1 & L2 CUTOUT Ø 127 MW 101 Finishes: DIGITAL EMERGENCY (+E) 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º / 70º Light Engines: 0.32kg 1 'RZQOLJKWHUZLWKPPEH]HO ANALOGUE TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 / AR1-875 / SW1-730 / SW2-720 Ø 140 Order Codes: e.g. VT-MX-MW/MC1-630-80-30/32 Product Finish Option VT-MX -MW +E 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 /AR1-875 /SW1-730 /SW2-720 105° 105° Min CRI Colour Temp -80 -80 -80 -80 -90 -90 -30 -30 -30 -30 -VT -VT 105° -40 -40 -40 -40 -27* -27* -27* -27* 105° 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 60° 60° Beam -65* -65* -65* -65* /12 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /50 /70 /70 105° 90° 75° 60° 300 400 2000 450 45° 45° 45° 3000 45° 45° 600 45° 600 800 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 30° 22º 15° 0° 15° 30° 30° 32º 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º Performance Data for VT-MX with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Aries 875 SmartWhite 730 SmartWhite Tungsten+ 720 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W 10.7W – – LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm 874lm 730lm 720lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 50º 70º 70º 2700K 442lm 421lm 411lm 508lm 485lm 473lm 654lm 623lm 608lm 707lm – – 3000K 470lm 448lm 437lm 541lm 515lm 503lm 695lm 663lm 647lm 752lm – – 4000K 500lm 477lm 465lm 576lm 549lm 536lm 741lm 706lm 689lm 800lm – – VCCT – – – – – – – – – – 562lm 562lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W 13W 9W with LEDsmart driver 9W with LEDsmart driver Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 60.6 / 64.4 / 68.5lm/cW 69.7 / 74.1 / 78.9lm/cW 58.8 / 62.5 / 66.6lm/cW 56.3 / 59.9 / 63.7lm/cW – / – / 62.4lm/cW / – / 62.4lm/cW Controls Driver Table C C D E Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 50,000hrs Controls 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Vespertine 5HFHVVHGKLJKRXWSXWGRZQOLJKW $UDQJHRIUHFHVVHGKLJKRXWSXWGRZQOLJKWVZLWKWLOWDGMXVWPHQWGDUNOLJKWEDIÁHDQGVTXDUHWULP offering maximum lumen outputs equivalent to :05 and :05À[WXUHV 6TXDUHWULP 'DUNOLJKWEDIÁH WLOWRQRQHSODQH 6WDQGDUGDQGZKLWHFRORXU tuneable light engines 2XWSXWVXSWROP 8SWROPF: T: +44 +44 +44(0)2381 (0)2381 (0)2381230 230 230381 381 381 T: www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarled.com 3R TM 85 Single plane adjustment Options: Double version has independent tilt feature Beams: DIGITAL UK Part L1 & L2 90x90 CUTOUT 85 x 85 90x175 CUTOUT 175 x 85 MW / MB / SA EMERGENCY (+E) FIXED NON-ADJUSTABLE VERSION ONLY 20º 20º 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º / 70º 0.5kg TNT-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 1.0kg 2 Light Engines: 76 Finishes: ANALOGUE 76 Square high output downlight X 70 SW1-730 / SW2-720 70 100 x 100 2 Vespertine Adjustable 100 x 185 Order Codes: e.g. VS-D2-MW/TN1-550-80-30/32 * To special order minimum quantity Product Finish Option VS-U1 VS-D2 -MW -MB -SA +E 105° 105° Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 /SW1-730 /SW2-720 105° 105° 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 2000 Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -80 -90 -90 -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -VT -VT /12 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /70 /70 105° 90° 60° Min CRI 105° 90° 75° 400 800 60° 60° 800 45° 45° 1600 45° 4000 15° 0° 20º 45° 45° 1200 2400 15° 30° 30° 39º 15° 0° 45° 1000 2000 5000 30° 60° 600 1200 3000 15° 30° 30° 15° 1400 0° 15° 30° 55º Performance Data for VS-U1 / VS-D2 with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 2700K 442lm 421lm 411lm 508lm 485lm 473lm 654lm 623lm 608lm 3000K 470lm 448lm 437lm 541lm 515lm 503lm 695lm 663lm 647lm 4000K 500lm 477lm 465lm 576lm 549lm 536lm 741lm 706lm 689lm VCCT – – – – – – – – – Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 60.6 / 64.4 / 68.5lm/cW 69.7 / 74.1 / 78.9lm/cW 58.8 / 62.5 / 66.6lm/cW 809lm Driver Table C C D Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 3R TM 85 Single plane adjustment Options: Double version has independent tilt feature Beams: UK Part L1 & L2 90x90 CUTOUT 85 x 85 90x175 CUTOUT 175 x 85 MW / MB / SA EMERGENCY (+E) FIXED NON-ADJUSTABLE VERSION ONLY 20º 20º 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º / 70º Light Engines: 0.5kg TNT-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 1.0kg 2 IP44 Rated DIGITAL 76 Finishes: ANALOGUE 76 Square high output downlight X 70 SW1-730 / SW2-720 70 100 x 100 2 Vespertine Adjustable IP44 100 x 185 Order Codes: e.g. VS-P2-MW/TN1-550-80-30/32 * To special order minimum quantity Product Finish Option VS-P1 VS-P2 -MW -MB -SA +E 105° 105° Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 105° 105° 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 2000 Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -80 -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* /12 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 105° 90° 60° Min CRI 105° 90° 75° 400 800 60° 60° 800 45° 45° 1600 45° 4000 15° 0° 20º 45° 45° 1200 2400 15° 30° 30° 39º 15° 0° 45° 1000 2000 5000 30° 60° 600 1200 3000 15° 30° 30° 15° 1400 0° 15° 30° 55º Performance Data for VS-P1 / VS-P2 with each Light Engine Option 100 Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 2700K 442lm 421lm 411lm 508lm 485lm 473lm 654lm 623lm 608lm 3000K 470lm 448lm 437lm 541lm 515lm 503lm 695lm 663lm 647lm 4000K 500lm 477lm 465lm 576lm 549lm 536lm 741lm 706lm 689lm VCCT – – – – – – – – – Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 60.6 / 64.4 / 68.5lm/cW 69.7 / 74.1 / 78.9lm/cW 58.8 / 62.5 / 66.6lm/cW 809lm Driver Table C C D Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 102 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Cordus 5HFHVVHGJLPEDOÀ[WXUH $UDQJHRIVLQJOHDQGPXOWLZD\KLJKSHUIRUPDQFHUHFHVVHGJLPEDOÀ[WXUHVRIIHULQJRXWSXWV up to 741lm, suited to both general and accent lighting applications where a KLJKGHJUHHRIDGMXVWPHQWLVUHTXLUHG 6LQJOHRUPXOWLZD\ FRQÀJXUDWLRQV $GMXVWDEOHJLPEDOÀWWLQJ +LJKHIÀFLHQF\ +LJKRXWSXW )L[HGZKLWHOLJKWHQJLQH 2XWSXWVXSWROP 8SWROPF: T: +44 T: +44 +44 (0)2381 (0)2381 230230 230 381381 381 T: (0)2381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarled.com 103 Cordus 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 3R TM ANALOGUE 5HFHVVHGJLPEDOÀ[WXUHV Finishes: 6TXDUHDQGUHFWDQJXODUWULPUHFHVVHGÀ[WXUHV Beams: Adjustable gimbal Light Engines: DIGITAL UK Part L1 & L2 MW / MB 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º / 70º TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 Order Codes: e.g. CD-R1-MW/TN1-550-80-30/32 * To special order minimum quantity Product Finish CD-R1 CD-R2 CD-R3 CD-R4 -MW Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -80 -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* /12 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 Performance Data for CD-R1 / CD-R2 / CD-R3 / CD-R4 with each Light Engine Option 104 Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 2700K 442lm 421lm 411lm 508lm 485lm 473lm 654lm 623lm 608lm 3000K 470lm 448lm 437lm 541lm 515lm 503lm 695lm 663lm 647lm 4000K 500lm 477lm 465lm 576lm 549lm 536lm 741lm 706lm 689lm VCCT – – – – – – – – – Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 60.6 / 64.4 / 68.5lm/cW 69.7 / 74.1 / 78.9lm/cW 58.8 / 62.5 / 66.6lm/cW 809lm Driver Table C C D Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 CUTOUT 110 x 110 Cordus 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 101 102 2 2 CUTOUT 220 x 220 1.5kg 235 0.75kg 95 125 CUTOUT 330 x 112 2 2 102 102 CUTOUT 220 x 220 3.0kg 235 125 2.3kg 345 235 105° 105° 105° 105° 105° 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 200 2000 45° 60° 105° 90° 75° 400 60° 300 45° 3000 400 45° 45° 800 45° 500 4000 30° 15° 0° 22º T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 30° 30° 32º 15° 0° 45° 1000 600 15° 60° 600 1200 15° 30° 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 105 101 106 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Cordus Trimless 7ULPOHVVUHFHVVHGJLPEDOÀ[WXUH $UDQJHRIVLQJOHDQGPXOWLZD\KLJKSHUIRUPDQFHUHFHVVHGJLPEDOÀ[WXUHVRIIHULQJRXWSXWV up to 741lm, suited to both general and accent lighting applications where a KLJKGHJUHHRIDGMXVWPHQWLVUHTXLUHG 6LQJOHRUPXOWLZD\ FRQÀJXUDWLRQV $GMXVWDEOHJLPEDOÀWWLQJ +LJKHIÀFLHQF\ +LJKRXWSXW )L[HGZKLWHOLJKWHQJLQH 2XWSXWVXSWROP 8SWROPF: T: +44 +44 +44(0)2381 (0)2381 (0)2381230 230 230381 381 381 T: www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarled.com 107 Cordus Trimless 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 3R TM ANALOGUE 7ULPOHVVUHFHVVHGJLPEDOÀ[WXUHV Finishes: 3ODVWHULQWULPOHVVÀ[WXUH Beams: For multiple ceiling thicknesses UK Part L1 & L2 MW / MB 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º / 70º Light Engines: Adjustable gimbal DIGITAL TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 Order Codes: e.g. CD-T1-MW/TN1-550-80-30/32 * To special order minimum quantity Product Finish CD-T1 CD-T2 CD-T3 CD-T4 -MW Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -80 -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* /12 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 Performance Data for CD-T1 / CD-T2 / CD-T3 / CD-T4 with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 2700K 442lm 421lm 411lm 508lm 485lm 473lm 654lm 623lm 608lm 3000K 470lm 448lm 437lm 541lm 515lm 503lm 695lm 663lm 647lm 4000K 500lm 477lm 465lm 576lm 549lm 536lm 741lm 706lm 689lm VCCT – – – – – – – – – Luminaire Power 7W 7W 11W 60.6 / 64.4 / 68.5lm/cW C 69.7 / 74.1 / 78.9lm/cW C 58.8 / 62.5 / 66.6lm/cW D Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt Driver Table 108 809lm www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 CUTOUT 105 x 105 Cordus Trimless 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 107 106 CUTOUT 105 x 207 5-55 5-55 1.9kg 105 1.1kg 207 105 CUTOUT 208 x 208 106 109 CUTOUT 105 x 310 5-55 5-55 2.8kg 208 105 3.7kg 310 208 105° 105° 105° 105° 105° 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 60° 60° 200 2000 45° 105° 90° 75° 400 300 45° 3000 400 45° 45° 800 45° 500 4000 30° 15° 0° 22º T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 30° 30° 32º 15° 0° 45° 1000 600 15° 60° 600 1200 15° 30° 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 105 Cathay PaciÀc First and Business Class Lounge, Heathrow Airport 110 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Cordus Round 5HFHVVHGURXQGJLPEDOÀ[WXUH $UDQJHRIVLQJOHDQGPXOWLZD\KLJKSHUIRUPDQFHUHFHVVHGJLPEDOÀ[WXUHVRIIHULQJRXWSXWV up to 741lm, suited to both general and accent lighting applications where a KLJKGHJUHHRIDGMXVWPHQWLVUHTXLUHG 6LQJOHRUPXOWLZD\ FRQÀJXUDWLRQV $GMXVWDEOHJLPEDOÀWWLQJ +LJKHIÀFLHQF\ +LJKRXWSXW )L[HGZKLWHOLJKWHQJLQH 2XWSXWVXSWROP 8SWROPF: T: +44 +44 +44(0)2381 (0)2381 (0)2381230 230 230381 381 381 T: www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarled.com 111 Cordus Round 1 / 2 3R TM ANALOGUE 5HFHVVHG5RXQGJLPEDOÀ[WXUHV Finishes: 5RXQGVLQJOHDQGWZLQWULPUHFHVVHGÀ[WXUHV Beams: Adjustable gimbal Light Engines: DIGITAL UK Part L1 & L2 MW / MB 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 Order Codes: e.g. CR-R1-MW/TN1-550-80-30/32 * To special order minimum quantity Product Finish CR-R1 CR-R2 -MW Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -80 -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* /12 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 Performance Data for CR-R1 / CR-R2 with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 SmartWhite 730 SmartWhite Tungsten+ 720 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W – – LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm 730lm 720lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 70º 70º 2700K 442lm 421lm 411lm 508lm 485lm 473lm 654lm 623lm 608lm – – 3000K 470lm 448lm 437lm 541lm 515lm 503lm 695lm 663lm 647lm – – 4000K 500lm 477lm 465lm 576lm 549lm 536lm 741lm 706lm 689lm – – VCCT – – – – – – – – – 562lm 562lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W 9W with LEDsmart driver 9W with LEDsmart driver Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 60.6 / 64.4 / 68.5lm/cW 69.7 / 74.1 / 78.9lm/cW 58.8 / 62.5 / 66.6lm/cW – / – / 62.4lm/cW – / – / 62.4lm/cW Driver Table C C D Controls Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 112 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk Controls 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Cordus Round 1 / 2 2 102 CUTOUT 220 x 220 0.65kg 105° 105° 1.3kg 105° 105° 105° 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 60° 60° 200 2000 45° 105° 90° 75° 400 300 45° 3000 400 45° 45° 800 45° 500 4000 30° 15° 0° 22º T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 30° 30° 32º 15° 0° 45° 1000 600 15° 60° 600 1200 15° 30° 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 113 101 114 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Cordus Suspended 6XVSHQGHGJLPEDOÀ[WXUH $UDQJHRIVLQJOHDQGPXOWLZD\KLJKSHUIRUPDQFHUHFHVVHGJLPEDOÀ[WXUHVRIIHULQJRXWSXWV up to 741lm, suited to both general and accent lighting applications where a KLJKGHJUHHRIDGMXVWPHQWLVUHTXLUHG 6LQJOHRUPXOWLZD\ FRQÀJXUDWLRQV $GMXVWDEOHJLPEDOÀWWLQJ +LJKHIÀFLHQF\ +LJKRXWSXW )L[HGZKLWHOLJKWHQJLQH 2XWSXWVXSWROP 8SWROPF: T: +44 T: +44 +44 (0)2381 (0)2381 230230 230 381381 381 T: (0)2381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarled.com Cordus Suspended 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 3R TM ANALOGUE 6XVSHQGHGJLPEDOÀ[WXUHV Finishes: 6TXDUHDQGUHFWDQJXODUWULPUHFHVVHGÀ[WXUHV Beams: Adjustable gimbal Light Engines: DIGITAL UK Part L1 & L2 MW / MB 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 Order Codes: e.g. CD-P1-MW/TN1-550-80-30/32 * To special order minimum quantity Product Finish CD-P1 CD-P2 CD-P3 CD-P4 -MW Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -80 -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* /12 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 Performance Data for CD-P1 / CD-P2 / CD-P3 / CD-P4 with each Light Engine Option 120 Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 SmartWhite 730 SmartWhite Tungsten+ 720 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W – – LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm 730lm 720lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 70º 70º 2700K 442lm 421lm 411lm 508lm 485lm 473lm 654lm 623lm 608lm – – 3000K 470lm 448lm 437lm 541lm 515lm 503lm 695lm 663lm 647lm – – 4000K 500lm 477lm 465lm 576lm 549lm 536lm 741lm 706lm 689lm – – VCCT – – – – – – – – – 562lm 562lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W 9W with LEDsmart driver 9W with LEDsmart driver Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 60.6 / 64.4 / 68.5lm/cW 69.7 / 74.1 / 78.9lm/cW 58.8 / 62.5 / 66.6lm/cW – / – / 62.4lm/cW – / – / 62.4lm/cW Driver Table C C D Controls Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk Controls 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Cordus Suspended 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 4.00kg 2.00kg 6.00kg 105° 105° 8.00kg 105° 105° 105° 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 200 2000 45° 60° 105° 90° 75° 400 60° 300 45° 3000 400 45° 45° 800 45° 500 4000 30° 15° 0° 22º T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 30° 30° 32º 15° 0° 45° 1000 600 15° 60° 600 1200 15° 30° 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 121 122 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Shore & Reef 6PDOO0LQLDWXUH,3UDWHGIHDWXUHOLJKW 6PDOO0LQLDWXUHGHFRUDWLYH,3UDWHGÀWWLQJIRUUHFHVVDQGVXUIDFHPRXQWDSSOLFDWLRQV 6KRUH,QWHJUDWHG'ULYHU ,QWHJUDWHGRUUHPRWHGULYHU 6KRUH5HPRWHGULYHU 0XOWLSOHEH]HOYDULDQWV 0XOWLSOHPRXQWYDULDQWV 5HHI5HPRWH'ULYHU ,35DWHG 0DFKLQHG0DULQH*UDGH 6WDLQOHVV6WHHO&RQVWUXFWLRQ $FFHVVRULHV 6KRUH PPPPFXWRXW 2XWSXWVXSWROP 8SWROPF: 5HHI (All values are typical unless stated) T: +44 7 230 381 T:(0)2381 +44 (0)2381 230 381 123 ZZZSKRWRQVWDUOLJKWLQJFRXN www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 3R TM 67 38 Finishes: Options: Beams: Shore RD Flanged Bezel UKPart L1 & L2 6PDOOGHFRUDWLYH,3UDWHGÀWWLQJIRUUHFHVVLQJZLWKDQDWWUDFWLYHÁDQJHGEH]HO SS Recessed Spring (+RS) Remote Driver Clear Glass 7º / 15º / 25º / 20 x 9º / Opal 70º Light Engines: OB1-90 / OB1-130 IP 67 Rated 0.243kg Machined 316 marine grade stainless steel construction Order Codes: e.g. SR-FB-SS/OB1-90-80-30/15 Product Finish Options SR-FB -SS +RS SR-FB -SS +RS * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens Suitable for recessed mounting Min CRI Colour Temp Beam /OB1- 90 -80 -30 -40 /7 /15 /25 /20 x 9 /70 /OB1- 130 -80 -30 -40 /7 /15 /25 /20 x 9 /70 Suitable for casting in Performance Data for SR-FB with each Light Engine Option (All values are typical unless stated) Oberon 90 Oberon 130 Illuminance Comparable to N /A N /A Light Engine Power 1W 1.6W LED Lumens (L100) 90 lm 130 lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 7º 15º 25º 20 x 9º 70º 7º 15º 25º 20 x 9º 70º 3000K 53lm 53lm 53lm 53lm 40lm 76lm 76lm 76lm 76lm 40lm 4000K 59lm 59lm 59lm 59lm 45lm 85lm 85lm 85lm 85lm 45lm 2700K VCCT Luminaire Power (73 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 1.4W 2.2W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 3000K / 4000K 38 / 42lm/cW 36 / 39lm/cW Driver Table Table K Table L Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 3R TM 67 38 Finishes: Options: Beams: Shore RD Eyelid Bezel UKPart L1 & L2 6PDOOGHFRUDWLYH,3UDWHGÀWWLQJIRUUHFHVVLQJZLWKDKDOIEHDPSURÀOH SS Recessed Spring (+RS) Remote Driver Clear Glass 7º / 15º / 25º / 20 x 9º / Opal 70º Light Engines: IP 67 Rated OB1-90 / OB1-130 0.240kg Machined 316 marine grade stainless steel constructionLow Glare Order Codes: e.g. SR-EB-SS/OB1-90-80-30/15 Product Finish Options SR-EB -SS +RS / SR-EB -SS +RS / * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens Suitable for recessed mounting Min CRI Colour Temp Beam /OB1- 90 -80 -30 -40 /7 /15 /25 /20 x 9 /70 /OB1- 130 -80 -30 -40 /7 /15 /25 /20 x 9 /70 Suitable for casting in Performance Data for SR-EB with each Light Engine Option (All values are typical unless stated) Oberon 90 Oberon 130 Illuminance Comparable to N /A N /A Light Engine Power 1W 1.6W LED Lumens (L100) 90 lm 130 lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 7º 15º 25º 20 x 9º 70º 7º 15º 25º 20 x 9º 70º 3000K 53lm 53lm 53lm 53lm 40lm 76lm 76lm 76lm 76lm 40lm 4000K 59lm 59lm 59lm 59lm 45lm 85lm 85lm 85lm 85lm 45lm 2700K VCCT Luminaire Power (73 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 1.4W 2.2W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 3000K / 4000K 38 / 42lm/cW 36 / 39lm/cW Driver Table Table K Table L Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 3R TM 67 38 Finishes: Options: Shore RD Flush Bezel UKPart L1 & L2 6PDOOGHFRUDWLYH,3UDWHGÀWWLQJIRUVXUIDFHPRXQWDSSOLFDWLRQV SS Short Corner Bracket (+SC) / Short Bracket (+SB) / Long Corner Bracket (+LC) / Long Bracket (+LB) Beams: Remote Driver Clear Glass 7º / 15º / 25º / 20 x 9º / Opal 70º Light Engines: IP 67 Rated 0.243kg OB1-90 / OB1-130 Machined 316 marine grade stainless steel construction Order Codes: e.g. SR-FF-SS/OB1-90-80-30/15 Product Finish * To special order minimum quantity Options Light Engine-Lumens Min CRI Colour Temp Suitable for surface mount applications Beam SR-FF -SS +SC / +SB / +LC / + LB /OB1- 90 -80 -30 -40 /7 /15 /25 /20 x 9 /70 SR-FF -SS +SC / +SB / +LC / + LB /OB1- 130 -80 -30 -40 /7 /15 /25 /20 x 9 /70 Performance Data for SR-FF with each Light Engine Option (All values are typical unless stated) Oberon 90 Oberon 130 Illuminance Comparable to N /A N /A Light Engine Power 1W 1.6W LED Lumens (L100) 90 lm 130 lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 7º 15º 25º 20 x 9º 70º 7º 15º 25º 20 x 9º 70º 3000K 53lm 53lm 53lm 53lm 40lm 76lm 76lm 76lm 76lm 40lm 4000K 59lm 59lm 59lm 59lm 45lm 85lm 85lm 85lm 85lm 45lm 2700K VCCT Luminaire Power (73 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 1.4W 2.2W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 3000K / 4000K 38 / 42lm/cW 36 / 39lm/cW Driver Table Table K Table L Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 3R TM 67 38 Finishes: Options: Beams: Shore ID Flanged Bezel UKPart L1 & L2 6PDOOGHFRUDWLYH,3UDWHGÀWWLQJIRUUHFHVVLQJZLWKDQDWWUDFWLYHÁDQJHGEH]HO SS Recessed Spring (+RS) Integrated Driver Clear Glass 7º / 15º / 25º / 20 x 9º / Opal 70º Light Engines: OB1-90 / OB1-130 0.243kg IP 67 Rated Machined 316 marine grade stainless steel construction Order Codes: e.g. SI-FB-SS/OB1-90-80-30/15 Product Finish Options SI-FB -SS +RS / * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /OB1- 90 Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -30 -40 /7 /15 /25 /20 x 9 /70 Suitable for recessed mounting Suitable for casting in Performance Data for SI-FB with each Light Engine Option (All values are typical unless stated) Oberon 90 Illuminance Comparable to N /A Light Engine Power 1W LED Lumens (L100) 90 lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 7º 15º 25º 20 x 9º 70º 3000K 53lm 53lm 53lm 53lm 40lm 4000K 59lm 59lm 59lm 59lm 45lm 2700K VCCT Luminaire Power (73 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 1.4W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 3000K / 4000K 38 / 42lm/cW Driver Table 350mA remote driver included Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 3R TM 67 38 Finishes: Options: Beams: Shore ID Eyelid Bezel UKPart L1 & L2 6PDOOGHFRUDWLYH,3UDWHGÀWWLQJIRUUHFHVVLQJZLWKDKDOIEHDPSURÀOH SS Recessed Spring (+RS) Integrated Driver Clear Glass 7º / 15º / 25º / 20 x 9º / Opal 70º Light Engines: OB1-90 / OB1-130 0.240kg IP 67 Rated Machined 316 marine grade stainless steel construction Order Codes: e.g. SI-EB-SS/OB1-90-80-30/15 Product Finish Options SI-EB -SS +RS * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /OB1- 90 Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -30 -40 /7 /15 /25 /20 x 9 /70 Low Glare Suitable for recessed mounting Suitable for casting in Performance Data for SI-EB with each Light Engine Option (All values are typical unless stated) Oberon 90 Illuminance Comparable to N /A Light Engine Power 1W LED Lumens (L100) 90 lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 7º 15º 25º 20 x 9º 70º 3000K 53lm 53lm 53lm 53lm 40lm 4000K 59lm 59lm 59lm 59lm 45lm 2700K VCCT Luminaire Power (73 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 1.4W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 3000K / 4000K 38 / 42lm/cW Driver Table 350mA remote driver included Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 3R TM 67 38 Finishes: Options: Shore ID Flush Bezel UKPart L1 & L2 6PDOOGHFRUDWLYH,3UDWHGÀWWLQJIRUVXUIDFHPRXQWDSSOLFDWLRQV SS Short Corner Bracket (+SC) / Short Bracket (+SB) / Long Corner Bracket (+LC / Long Bracket (+LB) Beams: Clear Glass Light Engines: Integrated Driver 7º / 15º / 25º / 20 x 9º / Opal 70º 0.243kg IP 67 Rated OB1-90 / OB1-130 Machined 316 marine grade stainless steel construction Order Codes: e.g. SI-FF-SS/OB1-90-80-30/15 * To special order minimum quantity Product Finish Options Light Engine-Lumens SI-FF -SS +SC / +SB / +LC / + LB /OB1- 90 Min CRI Colour Temp -80 -30 -40 Suitable for surface mount applications Beam /7 /15 /25 /20 x 9 /70 Performance Data for SI-FF with each Light Engine Option (All values are typical unless stated) Oberon 90 Illuminance Comparable to N /A Light Engine Power 1W LED Lumens (L100) 90 lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 7º 15º 25º 20 x 9º 70º 3000K 53lm 53lm 53lm 53lm 40lm 4000K 59lm 59lm 59lm 59lm 45lm 2700K VCCT Luminaire Power (73 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 1.4W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 3000K / 4000K 38 / 42lm/cW Driver Table 350mA remote driver included Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 129 3R TM 67 25 Finishes: Options: Reef Flanged Bezel UKPart L1 & L2 6PDOOGHFRUDWLYH,3UDWHGÀWWLQJIRUUHFHVVLQJZLWKDQDWWUDFWLYHÁDQJHGEH]HO SS Recessed Spring Clip (+RS) / Casting In Tube (+CT) Beams: Clear Glass Light Engines: IP 67 Rated 7º / 15º / 25º / 20 x 9º / Opal 70º 0.072kg Machined 316 marine grade stainless steel construction NX1-90 Suitable for recessed mounting Order Codes: e.g. RF-FB-SS/NX1-90-80-30/15 Product Finish Options RF-FB -SS +RS / +CT * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /NX1- 90 Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -30 -40 /7 /15 /25 /20 x 9 /70 Suitable for casting in Performance Data for RF-FB with each Light Engine Option (All values are typical unless stated) Nix 90 Illuminance Comparable to N /A Light Engine Power 1W LED Lumens (L100) 90 lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 7º 15º 25º 20 x 9º 70º 3000K 53lm 53lm 53lm 53lm 40lm 4000K 59lm 59lm 59lm 59lm 45lm 2700K VCCT Luminaire Power (73 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 1.4W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 3000K / 4000K 38 / 42lm/cW Driver Table Table K Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 3R TM 67 25 Finishes: Options: Reef Flush Bezel UKPart L1 & L2 6PDOOGHFRUDWLYH,3UDWHGÀWWLQJIRUVXUIDFHPRXQWDSSOLFDWLRQV SS Short Bracket (+SB) / Short Corner Bracket (+SC) Beams: Clear Glass IP 67 Rated 7º / 15º / 25º / 20 x 9º / Opal 70º 0.069kg Light Engines: Machined 316 marine grade stainless steel construction NX1-90 Suitable for stainless steel construction Order Codes: e.g. RF-FF-SS/NX1-90-80-30/15 Product Finish Options RF-FF -SS +SB /+SC * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /NX1- 90 Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -30 -40 /7 /15 /25 /20 x 9 /70 Performance Data for RF-FF with each Light Engine Option (All values are typical unless stated) Nix 90 Illuminance Comparable to N /A Light Engine Power 1W LED Lumens (L100) 90 lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 7º 15º 25º 20 x 9º 70º 3000K 53lm 53lm 53lm 53lm 40lm 4000K 59lm 59lm 59lm 59lm 45lm 2700K VCCT Luminaire Power (73 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 1.4W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 3000K / 4000K 38 / 42lm/cW Driver Table Table K Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 131 3R TM 67 25 Finishes: Options: Reef Recessed Bezel UKPart L1 & L2 6PDOOGHFRUDWLYH,3UDWHGÀWWLQJIRUUHFHVVLQJZLWKDVXQNHQUHFHVVHGDSSHDUDQFH SS Recessed Spring Clip (+RS) / Casting In Tube (+CT) Beams: Clear Glass Light Engines: IP 67 Rated 7º / 15º / 25º / 20 x 9º / Opal 70º 0.082kg Machined 316 marine grade stainless steel construction NX1-90 Low glare Order Codes: e.g. RF-RB-SS/NX1-90-80-30/15 Product Finish Options RF-RB -SS +RS / +CT * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /NX1- 90 Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -30 -40 /7 /15 /25 /20 x 9 /70 Suitable for recessed mounting Suitable for casting in Performance Data for RF-RB with each Light Engine Option (All values are typical unless stated) Nix 90 Illuminance Comparable to N /A Light Engine Power 1W LED Lumens (L100) 90 lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 7º 15º 25º 3000K 53lm 53lm 53lm 53lm 40lm 4000K 59lm 59lm 59lm 59lm 45lm 20 x 9º 70º 2700K VCCT 132 Luminaire Power (73 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 1.4W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 3000K / 4000K 38 / 42lm/cW Driver Table Table K Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Lightslot $GMXVWDEOHJLPEDOÀ[WXUH $IDPLO\RIIXOO\ DGMXVWDEOHJLPEDO À[WXUHVGHVLJQHGWREOHQGGLVFUHWHO\LQWRDUFKLWHFWXUDO Cathay PaciÀc First and Business Class Lounge, Heathrow Airport OLJKWVORWIHDWXUHVRUIRUXVHLQDQ\ VXUIDFHPRXQW DSSOLFDWLRQ 6XUIDFHPRXQWHG JLPEDOÀ[WXUH )RUXVHLQDUFKLWHFWXUDO OLJKWVORWV 6LQJOHDQGPXOWLZD\YHUVLRQV $GMXVWDEOHJLPEDOÀWWLQJ 2XWSXWVXSWROP 8SWROPF: 7 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 ZZZSKRWRQVWDUOLJKWLQJFRXN www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 133 Lightslot 1 / 2 / 3 102 x 102 DIGITAL 6XUIDFHPRXQWJLPEDOV Finishes: Beams: 102 x 204 0.8kg 1.6kg ANALOGUE MW / MB 83 83 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º / 70º Light Engines: 102 x 306 TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 2.4kg SW1-730 / SW2-720 92 Order Codes: e.g. LT-A3-MW/MC1-630-80-30/50 * To special order minimum quantity Product Finish LT-A1 LT-A2 LT-A3 LT-A4 -MW Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 /SW1-730 /SW2-720 105° 105° Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -80 -VT -90 -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -VT -VT /12 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /70 /70 105° 105° 105° 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 60° 60° 2000 105° 90° 75° 400 800 60° 600 3000 45° 45° 45° 45° 1200 800 45° 4000 1600 5000 30° 15° 45° 1000 1200 0° 15° 22º 30° 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 30° 32º 50º 15° 0° 15° 30° Performance Data for LT1-A1 / LT-A2 / LT-A3 / LT-A4 with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 SmartWhite 730 SmartWhite Tungsten+ 720 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W – – LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm 730lm 720lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 70º 70º 2700K 442lm 421lm 421lm 508lm 485lm 485lm 654lm 623lm 623lm – – 3000K 470lm 448lm 448lm 541lm 515lm 515lm 695lm 663lm 663lm – – 4000K 500lm 477lm 477lm 576lm 549lm 549lm 741lm 706lm 706lm – – 562lm 562lm VCCT Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W 9W with LEDSmart driver 9W with LEDSmart driver Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 60.6 / 64.4 / 68.5lm/cW 69.7 / 74.1 / 78.9lm/cW 58.8 / 62.5 / 66.6lm/cW – / – / 62.4lm/cW – / – / 62.4lm/cW Driver Table C C D Controls Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk Controls 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Phocus Spot &RPSDFWVXUIDFHPRXQWVSRW &RPSDFWORZJODUHVSRWZLWKIXOODGMXVWPHQWDQGDSDLQWHGÀQLVK 8OWUDORZJODUHGDUNOLJKW EDIÁH )XOO\DGMXVWDEOH 6XUIDFHRUFRQGXLW ER[PRXQWLQJ URWDWLRQ WLOW 2XWSXWVXSWROP 8SWROPF: 7 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 ZZZSKRWRQVWDUOLJKWLQJFRXN www.photonstarlighting.co.uk Phocus Spot 77 DIGITAL ANALOGUE Compact surface mount spot Finishes: Ultra low glare darklight baffle Beams: &XVWRPSDLQWHG finish DYDLODEOH Light Engines: 360º 90º DIGITAL ANALOGUE 90º 360º ;;FRQWDFWWKHVDOHVWHDPIRUSDLQWHGILQLVKRSWLRQV 105 60 Ø 18º / 32º PT1-300 / PT1-390 90 Surface or conduit box mounting 0.34kg Order Codes: e.g. PS-SP-;;/PT1-300-80-30/18 * To special order minimum quantity Product Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -30 -27* -40* -65* -30 -27* -40* -65* /18 /32 /18 /32 Finish Light Engine-Lumens PS-SP -;; 105° 105° 105° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 2000 60° 60° /PT1-300 /PT1-390 105° 90° 75° 800 60° 60° 1200 4000 45° 45° 1600 45° 45° 2000 6000 30° 18º 15° 0° 2400 15° 30° 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 32º Performance Data for PS-SP with each Light Engine Option Pluto 300 Pluto 390 Illuminance Comparable to 20W GU10 35W GU10 Light Engine Power 4.4W 6.6W LED Lumens (L 100) 298lm 387lm Delivered Lumens (L 100) @ 18º 18º 2700K 237lm231lm 308lm300lm 3000K 244lm238lm 317lm 310lm 4000K 278lm271lm 362lm353lm 32º 32º VCCT Luminaire Power (85% efficient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 5W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 45.7 / 47.1 / 53.7lm/cW 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 136 8W 39.6 / 40.9 / 46.6lm/cW Driver Table A B Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Surface Mount Spot $GMXVWDEOHVXUIDFHVSRWIRUKDORJHQUHSODFHPHQW $KLJKRXWSXW VXUIDFHPRXQWHGDGMXVWDEOH VSRWVXLWHGWR accent and retail DSSOLFDWLRQVZKHUH a ORZHQHUJ\ORZPDLQWHQDQFH UHSODFHPHQWIRUWXQJVWHQKDORJHQLVUHTXLUHG $GMXVWDEOHVXUIDFHVSRWIRU KDORJHQUHSODFHPHQW ,QWHJUDOQRQGLPPDEOHGULYHU 2XWSXWVXSWROP 8SWROPF: 7 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 ZZZSKRWRQVWDUOLJKWLQJFRXN www.photonstarlighting.co.uk Surface Mount Spot Aero 100 Ø DIGITAL 6XUIDFHPRXQWVSRW Finishes: Beams: ANALOGUE 90º 360º 148 MW / MB 1.3kg 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º Light Engines: TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 180º 102 100 Order Codes: e.g. SS-AS-MW/TN1-550-80-30/12 Product Finish SS-AS -MW -MB 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 105° 105° Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -80 -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* /12 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 105° 105° 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 60° 2000 45° 105° 90° 75° 400 60° 800 45° 3000 45° 60° 600 45° 1200 800 45° 45° 1000 4000 1600 1200 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 30° 22º 32º 15° 0° 0° 15° 30° 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º Performance Data for SS-AS with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 2700K 442lm 421lm 421lm 508lm 485lm 485lm 654lm 623lm 623lm 3000K 470lm 448lm 448lm 541lm 515lm 515lm 695lm 663lm 663lm 4000K 500lm 477lm 477lm 576lm 549lm 549lm 741lm 706lm 706lm 809lm VCCT Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 60.6 / 64.4 / 68.5lm/cW 69.7 / 74.1 / 78.9lm/cW 58.8 / 62.5 / 66.6lm/cW Driver Table Remote non dimmable driver Remote non dimmable driver Integral non dimmable driver Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Surface Mount Spot LG 100 Ø DIGITAL Finishes: Beams: ANALOGUE 360º 90º MW / MB 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º Light Engines: /RZJODUHVXUIDFHPRXQWVSRW 149 Integral glare cowl 1.3kg TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 180º 124 102 Order Codes: e.g. SS-LG-MW/MC1-810-80-30/32 Product Finish SS-LG -MW -MB 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 105° 105° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 60° Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -80 -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* /12 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 105° 90° 75° 800 60° 60° 3000 Min CRI 60° 1200 4500 45° 45° 45° 30° 30° 1600 45° 6000 7500 30° 15° 0° 2400 15° 22º 15° 0° 15° 30° 32º Performance Data for SS-LG with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 2700K 431lm 411lm 411lm 496lm 473lm 473lm 638lm 608lm 608lm 3000K 459lm 437lm 437lm 528lm 503lm 503lm 679lm 647lm 647lm 4000K 488lm 465lm 465lm 562lm 536lm 536lm 723lm 689lm 689lm 809lm VCCT Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 59.1 / 62.9 / 66.9lm/cW 68.0 / 72.4 / 77.1lm/cW 57.4 / 61.1 / 65.1lm/cW Driver Table Remote non dimable driver Remote non dimable driver Integral non dimable driver Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 139 BDP Architects, London www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Track Mount Spot $GMXVWDEOHWUDFNVSRWIRUKDORJHQUHSODFHPHQW $KLJKRXWSXW WUDFNPRXQWHGDGMXVWDEOH VSRWVXLWHGWR accent and retail DSSOLFDWLRQVZKHUHD ORZHQHUJ\ORZPDLQWHQDQFH UHSODFHPHQWIRUWXQJVWHQKDORJHQLVUHTXLUHG FLUFXLWWUDFNDGDSWRU ,QWHJUDOQRQGLPPDEOH GULYHUDVVWDQGDUG 2SWLRQDOGLPPDEOH YHUVLRQVFDQEH FRQWUROOHGFROOHFWLYHO\ 2XWSXWVXSWROP 8SWROPF: BDP Architects, London 7 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 ZZZSKRWRQVWDUOLJKWLQJFRXN www.photonstarlighting.co.uk Track Mount Spot Aero 1.4kg 90º 360º ANALOGUE 101 6SRWIRUFLUFXLWWUDFN Finishes: 185 Beams: MW / MB 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º Light Engines: TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 180º 140 85 Order Codes: e.g. TS-AS-MW/TN1-550-80-30/12 Product Finish TS-AS -MW -MB 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 105° 105° Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -80 -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* /12 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 105° 105° 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 60° 2000 45° 105° 90° 75° 400 60° 800 45° 3000 45° 60° 600 45° 1200 800 45° 45° 1000 4000 1600 1200 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 30° 22º 32º 15° 0° 0° 15° 30° 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º Performance Data for TS-AS with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 2700K 442lm 421lm 421lm 508lm 485lm 485lm 654lm 623lm 623lm 3000K 470lm 448lm 448lm 541lm 515lm 515lm 695lm 663lm 663lm 4000K 500lm 477lm 477lm 576lm 549lm 549lm 741lm 706lm 706lm 809lm VCCT Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 60.6 / 64.4 / 68.5lm/cW 69.7 / 74.1 / 78.9lm/cW 58.8 / 62.5 / 66.6lm/cW Driver Table Integral non dimmable driver Integral non dimmable driver Integral non dimmable driver Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 DIGITAL Finishes: 360º Track Mount Spot LG 1.3kg 90º 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º Light Engines: /RZJODUH 118 MW / MB Integral glare cowl 185 Beams: ANALOGUE TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 180º 140 85 Order Codes: e.g. TS-LG-MW/MC1-810-80-30/32 Product Finish TS-LG -MW -MB 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 105° 105° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 60° Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -80 -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* /12 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 105° 90° 75° 800 60° 60° 3000 Min CRI 60° 1200 4500 45° 45° 45° 30° 30° 1600 45° 6000 7500 30° 15° 0° 2400 15° 22º 15° 0° 15° 30° 32º Performance Data for TS-LG with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 22º 32º 50º 2700K 431lm 411lm 411lm 496lm 473lm 473lm 638lm 608lm 608lm 3000K 459lm 437lm 437lm 528lm 503lm 503lm 679lm 647lm 647lm 4000K 488lm 465lm 465lm 562lm 536lm 536lm 723lm 689lm 689lm 809lm VCCT Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 59.1 / 62.9 / 66.9lm/cW 68.0 / 72.4 / 77.1lm/cW 57.4 / 61.1 / 65.1lm/cW Driver Table Integral non dimmable driver Integral non dimmable driver Integral non dimmable driver Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk Track & Accessories FLUFXLWWUDFN Green line indicates ridge of track Use of L- and T-connectors 3TS-LEF-LP 3TS-ADC 3TS-LEF-RP 3TS-LEF-LP 3TS-LC-LP 3TS-TCR-LP 3TS-LC-LP 3TS-LC-RP 3TS-TCL-LP 3TS-LC-RP 3TS-LC-LP 3TS-TCL-RP 3TS-LC-LP 3TS-LC-RP 3TS-TCR-RP 3TS-LC-RP 3TS-EC 3TS-X Floor View 3TS-LC-LP 3TS-TCR-RP 3TS-EC 3TS-LC-LP www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Track & Accessories FLUFXLWWUDFN 3TS-ADC XTS 24 XTS 11 3TS-LEF-LP XTS 35 XTS 343TS-LC-LP / 3TS-LC-RP XTS 12 3TS-LEF-RP XTS 21 3TS-STC XTS 14 3TS-LMF 3TS-TCL-LP / 3TS-TCL-RP XTS 39 XTS 40 XTS 36 XTS 37/ 3TS-TCR-RP 3TS-TCR-RP XTS 38 XTS 23 3TS-FXC 3TS-X XTS 41 3TS-EC 3 Circuit Track White Black Connector & Mounting Accessories White Black 3 circuit surface track 1000mm 3TS-1000-W 3TS-1000-B Flexible corner 3TS-FXC-W 3TS-FXC-B 3 circuit surface track 2000mm 3TS-2000-W 3TS-2000-B Adjustable corner white 3TS-ADC-W 3TS-ADC-B 3 circuit surface track 3000mm 3TS-3000-W 3TS-3000-B L connector left polarity ridge 3TS-LC-LP-W 3TS-LC-LP-B L connector right polarity ridge 3TS-LC-RP-W 3TS-LC-RP-B Live Feeds White Black Live end feed left polarity ridge 3TS-LEF-LP-W 3TS-LEF-LP-B Live end feed right polarity ridge 3TS-LEF-RP-W 3TS-LEF-RP-B Live middle feed 3TS-LMF-W 3TS-LMF-B T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 T connector left turn left polarity ridge 3TS-TCL-LP-W 3TS-TCL-LP-B T connector right turn left polarity ridge 3TS-TCR-LP-W 3TS-TCR-LP-B T connector left turn right polarity ridge 3TS-TCL-RP-W 3TS-TCL-RP-B T connector right turn right polarity ridge 3TS-TCR-RP-W 3TS-TCR-RP-B X connector 3TS-X-W 3TS-X-B Straight connector 3TS-STC-W 3TS-STC-B End cap 3TS-EC-W 3TS-EC-B Ceiling mounting clamp 3TS-CMC Cut end bending tool 3TS-CEBT www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Votan 6XUIDFHPRXQWHGDPELHQWÀ[WXUH A high power surface mounted DPELHQWÀ[WXUHIRULQWHULRUDSSOLFDWLRQVRIIHULQJSHUIRUPDQFH HTXLYDOHQWWR :'RU[:7&' OXPLQDLUHVZLWKWKHRSWLRQRIDQ LQWHJUDOVHQVRU and emergency pack. +LJKSRZHUÀ[WXUH 6XUIDFHPRXQWHGZLWK LQWHJUDOGULYHU ,QWHJUDOHPHUJHQF\DQG sensor option 2XWSXWVXSWROP 8SWROPF: 7 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 ZZZSKRWRQVWDUOLJKWLQJFRXN www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 147 UK Part L1 & L2 3R TM ANA /2*8( 6XUIDFHPRXQWHGDPELHQWÀ[WXUH Finishes: Integral non dimmable driver Options: Beams: ',*,7$/ 1.7kg MW / MS 110 Votan EMERGENCY (+E) MICROWAVE SENSOR (+M) 110º Ø 300 Light Engines: JT1-1500 / JT1-1950 Order Codes: e.g. VN-SM-SS/JT1-1500-80-40/110 Product Finish Option VN-SM -MW -MS +E +M 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /JT1-1500 /JT1-1950 Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -40 -27* -30* -65* -40 -27* -30* -65* /110 /110 105° 90° 90° 75° 75° 60° 60° 200 300 45° 45° 400 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 110º Performance Data for VN-SM with each Light Engine Option Jupiter 1500 Illuminance Comparable to Jupiter 1950 High EfÀciency High Output 2 x 18W CFL 32W CFL Light Engine Power 14.9W 21.7W LED Lumens (L100) 1500lm 1950lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 110º 110º 2700K 1145lm 1488lm 3000K 1227lm 1595lm 4000K 1305lm 1697lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 18W 26W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 65.1 / 69.8 / 74.2lm/cW 58.3 / 62.5 / 66.5lm/cW VCCT 148 Driver Table Integral non dimmable driver Integral non dimmable driver Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Surface Mounted Downlights &RPSOHPHQWDU\VHOHFWLRQRIVXUIDFHPRXQWHGGRZQOLJKWV Surface mounted versions from standard ranges provide a complete lighting design solution by being able to retain the product range characteristics throughout a scheme. T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Surface Nemesis Laser Surface CeilingStar SM P.58 3 3 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 124 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Olympus +LJKRXWSXWKLJKED\OXPLQDLUH 9HU\KLJKRXWSXWOXPLQDLUHVVXLWHGWRERWK LQGXVWULDODQGDUFKLWHFWXUDO DSSOLFDWLRQVZKHUHD PHWDOKDOLGHRU621 HTXLYDOHQWLVUHTXLUHG =HURPDLQWHQDQFHDOORZV XVHLQKLJKRULQDFFHVVLEOH areas 6XSHULRUUHSODFHPHQW IRUPHWDOKDOLGHDQG 621À[WXUHV 3ULVPDWLFRU%DVLFRSWLRQV 2XWSXWVXSWROP 8SWROPF: 7 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 ZZZSKRWRQVWDUOLJKWLQJFRXN www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 151 Olympus Prismatic Ø 249 UK Part L1 & L2 3R 120 TM Finishes: Prismatic diffuser provides light above the horizontal plane Options: Adjustable wire suspensions Beams: Integral sensor pack and emergency options MW / MB EMERGENCY (+E) / OCCUPANCY SENSOR (+O) 5.5kg 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º Light Engines: Integral non dimmable driver 338 +LJKRXWSXWKLJKED\OXPLQDLUH TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 Ø 569 Order Codes: e.g. OP-PM-PM/TN1-550-80-30/32 * To special order minimum quantity Product Finish Option Light Engine-Lumens OP-PM -MW -MB +E +O /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 Colour Temp Beam -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* /12 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 /22 /32 /50 105° 105° 105° 105° 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 60° 100 60° 60° 400 105° Min CRI -80 -80 -80 105° 90° 75° 400 600 45° 200 45° 45° 800 45° 800 45° 15° 45° 1000 250 1000 30° 60° 600 150 1200 0° 15° 0° 30° 30° 12º 32º 15° 0° 15° 30° 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º Performance Data for OP-PM with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Illuminance Comparable to 6 x 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 6 x 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 6 x 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 Light Engine Power 6 x 6W 6 x 6W LED Lumens (L100) 5 x 546lm 3278lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 2700K 6 x 442lm 6 x 421lm 6 x 421lm 3000K 6 x 470lm 6 x 448lm 6 x 448lm 6 x 541lm 6 x 515lm 6 x 515lm 6 x 695lm 6 x 663lm 6 x 663lm 4000K 6 x 500lm 6 x 477lm 6 x 477lm 6 x 576lm 6 x 549lm 6 x 549lm 6 x 741lm 6 x 706lm 6 x 706lm 50º 6 x 9W 6 x 629lm 3772lm 22º 32º 6 x 508lm 6 x 485lm 6 x 809lm 4851lm 50º 22º 32º 50º 6 x 485lm 6 x 654lm 6 x 623lm 6 x 623lm VCCT 152 Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 6 x 7W 6 x 7W 6 x 11W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 60.6 / 64.4 / 68.5lm/cW 69.7 / 74.1 / 78.9lm/cW 58.8 / 62.5 / 66.6lm/cW Driver Table Integral non dimmable driver Integral non dimmable driver Integral non dimmable driver Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 TM Finishes: Options: Olympus Basic UK Part L1 & L2 3R +LJKRXWSXWKLJKED\OXPLQDLUH MW / MB High output module without glare control EMERGENCY (+E) / OCCUPANCY SENSOR (+O) BS: Adjustable wire suspensions / BB: Adjustable mounting bracket Adjustable wire suspensions 122 Beams: 12º / 22º / 32º / 50º Light Engines: Integral sensor pack and emergency options 6.1kg Integral non dimmable driver TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 Order Codes: Ø 265 e.g. OP-BS-MB/TN1-550-80-30/50 * To special order minimum quantity Product Finish Option OP-BS OP-BB /50 -MW -MS +E +O Light Engine-Lumens Min CRI Colour Temp Beam /TN1-550 -80 -30 -40 -27* -65* /12 /32 /MC1-630 -80 -30 -40 -27* -65* /22 /32 /MC1-810 -80 -30 -40 -27* -65* /22 /32 /50 105° 105° 105° 105° 105° 90° 90° 90° 90° 90° 75° 75° 75° 75° 75° 60° 60° 105° 90° 75° 4000 60° 60° 60° 6000 400 800 60° 600 8000 45° 45° 45° 10000 30° 15° 14000 0° 800 45° 45° 1200 45° 1000 12000 1600 15° 30° 30° 12º 15° 0° 1200 15° 30° 30° 32º 15° 0° 15° 30° 50º Performance Data for OP-BS / OP-BB with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Illuminance Comparable to 6 x 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 6 x 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 6 x 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 Light Engine Power 6 x 6W 6 x 6W LED Lumens (L100) 5 x 546lm 3278lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 12º 32º 2700K 6 x 442lm 6 x 421lm 6 x 421lm 3000K 6 x 470lm 6 x 448lm 6 x 448lm 6 x 541lm 6 x 515lm 6 x 515lm 6 x 695lm 6 x 663lm 6 x 663lm 4000K 6 x 500lm 6 x 477lm 6 x 477lm 6 x 576lm 6 x 549lm 6 x 549lm 6 x 741lm 6 x 706lm 6 x 706lm 50º 6 x 9W 6 x 629lm 3772lm 22º 32º 6 x 508lm 6 x 485lm 6 x 809lm 4851lm 50º 22º 32º 50º 6 x 485lm 6 x 654lm 6 x 623lm 6 x 623lm VCCT Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 6 x 7W 6 x 7W 6 x 11W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 60.6 / 64.4 / 68.5lm/cW 69.7 / 74.1 / 78.9lm/cW 58.8 / 62.5 / 66.6lm/cW Driver Table Integral non dimmable driver Integral non dimmable driver Integral non dimmable driver Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 154 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Chime /('SHQGDQWZLWKVDWLQWXEXODUGLIIXVHU $UDQJHRISHQGDQWÀ[WXUHVZLWKKLJKTXDOLW\ VDWLQDFU\OLFGLIIXVHUV SURYLGLQJDORZPDLQWHQDQFH HQHUJ\HIÀFLHQW UHSODFHPHQWIRUWXQJVWHQKDORJHQ and FRPSDFWÁXRUHVFHQW À[WXUHV /('SHQGDQWZLWKVDWLQ WXEXODUGLIIXVHU 6XVSHQVLRQFDEOHFDQ be shortened 2XWSXWVXSWROP 8SWROPF: King’s College, London 7 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 ZZZSKRWRQVWDUOLJKWLQJFRXN www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 155 Chime300 3R TM ANA /2*8( Finishes: LED pendant with satin tubular diffuser Beams: Suspension cable can be shortened 1.1kg UK Part L1 & L2 MW / MS 100 PPSHQGDQWÀ[WXUH ',*,7$/ 32º TN1-550 / MC1-630 / MC1-810 200 Light Engines: Order Codes: e.g. CH-S3-MW/MC1-630-80-30/22 Product Finish CH-S3 -MW -MS 105° Ø 100 * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TN1-550 /MC1-630 /MC1-810 Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -80 -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* /32 /32 /32 105° 90° 90° 75° 75° 800 60° 60° 1200 1600 45° 45° 2000 2400 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 32º Performance Data for CH-S3 with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 Light Engine Power 6.2W 6.2W 9.5W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm 629lm 809lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 32º 32º 32º 2700K 421lm 485lm 623lm 3000K 448lm 515lm 663lm 4000K 477lm 549lm 706lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 7W 11W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 64.4lm/cW 74.1lm/cW 62.5lm/cW VCCT Driver Table C C D Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 3R TM ANA /2*8( Finishes: Chime450 1.3kg UK Part L1 & L2 PPSHQGDQWÀ[WXUH MW / MS 22º 100 Beams: ',*,7$/ MC1-630 / MC1-810 Suspension cable can be shortened 350 Light Engines: LED pendant with satin tubular diffuser Order Codes: e.g. CH-L4-MW/MC1-630-80-30/22 Product Finish CH-L4 -MW -MS * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /MC1-630 /MC1-810 Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -30 -40 -27* -65* -30 -40 -27* -65* /22 /22 Ø 100 105° 105° 90° 90° 75° 75° 60° 60° 2000 45° 45° 3000 4000 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 22º Performance Data for CH-L4 with each Light Engine Option Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 50W MR16 / 50W GU10 Light Engine Power 6.2W 9.5W LED Lumens (L100) 629lm 809lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 22º 22º 2700K 508lm 654lm 3000K 541lm 695lm 4000K 576lm 741lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W 11W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 69.7lm/cW 58.8lm/cW VCCT Driver Table C D Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 157 Milton Special School 158 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Muro ,3VXUIDFHPRXQWH[WHULRUÀ[WXUH 'XUDEOHVXUIDFHPRXQWHG ,3 OXPLQDLUHVZLWKGXUDEOHGLHFDVWDOXPLQLXPFRQVWUXFWLRQDQG RSDOSRO\FDUERQDWHGLIIXVHUVRIIHULQJPD[LPXPSHUIRUPDQFHFRPSDUDEOHWR 28W 2D or [:7&' À[WXUHV 'LHFDVWDOXPLQLXPERG\ ,3 3RO\FDUERQDWHGLIIXVHU 2XWSXWVXSWROP 8SWROPF: 7 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 ZZZSKRWRQVWDUOLJKWLQJFRXN www.photonstarlighting.co.uk Mini Muro 100 1.7kg Finishes: Compact surface mount IP65 luminaire Options: Compact version Beams: Integral sensor pack option MB NON-INTEGRAL EMERGENCY (+E) / OCCUPANCY SENSOR (+O) 110º Light Engines: Integral non dimmable driver Ø 267 ,3VXUIDFHPRXQWH[WHULRUÀ[WXUH TNT-550 Order Codes: e.g. MM-MI-MB/TN1-550-80-30/110 Product Finish Option MM-MI -MB +E +O 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /TNT-550 Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -30 -40 -27* -65* /110 105° 90° 90° 75° 75° 60° 60° 160 45° 30° 45° 240 15° 0° 15° 30° 110º Performance Data for MM-MI with each Light Engine Option Titan 550 Illuminance Comparable to 35W MR16 / 50W GU10 Light Engine Power 6.2W LED Lumens (L100) 546lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 110º 2700K 282lm 3000K 301lm 4000K 320lm VCCT Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 7W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 38.7 / 41.2 / 43.8lm/cW Driver Table Integral non dimmable driver Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 3.5kg Options: Beams: ,3VXUIDFHPRXQWH[WHULRUÀ[WXUH MB Ø 365 Finishes: Maxi Muro 146 INTEGRAL EMERGENCY (+E) / OCCUPANCY SENSOR (+O) Surface mount IP65 luminaire Integral emergency and sensor pack options 110º Light Engines: Integral non dimmable driver JT1-1500 / JT1-2150 Order Codes: e.g. MM-XO-MB/JT1-1500-80-40/110 Product Finish Option MM-XO -MB +E +O 105° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /JT1-1500 /JT1-2150 Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -40 -27* -30* -65* -40 -27* -30* -65* /110 /110 105° 90° 90° 75° 75° 60° 60° 160 45° 30° 45° 240 15° 0° 15° 30° 110º Performance Data for MM-XO with each Light Engine Option Jupiter 1500 Jupiter 2150 High EfÀciency High EfÀciency Illuminance Comparable to 2 x 18W CFL 2 x 26W CFL Light Engine Power 14.9W 21.4W LED Lumens (L100) 1500lm 2143lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 110º 110º 2700K 790lm 1128lm 3000K 846lm 1209lm 4000K 900lm 1286lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 18W 25W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 44.9 / 48.1 / 51.2lm/cW 44.9 / 48.1 / 51.2lm/cW VCCT Driver Table Integral non dimmable driver Integral non dimmable driver Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk Maxi Muro Hood 156 3.5kg Finishes: Hood prevents upward lightspill Options: Integral emergency and sensor pack options Beams: Integral non dimmable driver MB Ø 365 ,3VXUIDFHPRXQWH[WHULRUÀ[WXUH with hood INTEGRAL EMERGENCY (+E) / OCCUPANCY SENSOR (+O) 110º Light Engines: JT1-1500 / JT1-2150 Order Codes: e.g. MM-XH-MB/JT1-1500-80-40/110 Product Finish Option MM-XH -MB +E +O 135° * To special order minimum quantity Light Engine-Lumens /JT1-1500 /JT1-2150 Min CRI Colour Temp Beam -80 -80 -40 -27* -30* -65* -40 -27* -30* -65* /110 /110 150° 165° 180° 165° 150° 135° 320 240 120° 120° 160 105° 105° 90° 90° 75° 75° 60° 60° 45° 30° 15° 0° 15° 30° 45° 110º Performance Data for MM-XH with each Light Engine Option Jupiter 1500 Jupiter 2150 High EfÀciency High EfÀciency Illuminance Comparable to 2 x 18W CFL 2 x 26W CFL Light Engine Power 14.9W 21.4W LED Lumens (L100) 1500lm 2143lm Delivered Lumens (L100) @ 110º 110º 2700K 790lm 1128lm 3000K 846lm 1209lm 4000K 900lm 1286lm Luminaire Power (85 efÀcient Driver @ 25ºC ambient) 18W 25W Luminaire Lumens per circuit Watt 2700K / 3000K / 4000K 44.9 / 48.1 / 51.2lm/cW 44.9 / 48.1 / 51.2lm/cW VCCT Driver Table Integral non dimmable driver Integral non dimmable driver Lifetime (L 70 F10) 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Standard Light Engines (IÀFLHQWVXSHULRU/('/LJKW(QJLQHVIRUKDORJHQDQG&)/W\SHDSSOLFDWLRQV )L[HGFRORXUWHPSHUDWXUH/('OLJKWHQJLQHVWREHVSHFLÀHGLQ3KRWRQ6WDUOXPLQDLUHV 'HVLJQHGDVDVXSHULRUDQGHIÀFLHQWDOWHUQDWLYHIRUKDORJHQDQG&)/W\SHDSSOLFDWLRQV *UHDWHUWKDQ5D KRXUVOLIH/70)10) ... . 8SWROPF: WROP T: +44 +44(0)2381 (0)2381230 230381 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 163 Pluto 300 PT1-300 :/('OLJKWHQJLQHPRGXOHIRUJHQHUDO:05W\SHDSSOLFDWLRQV Delivered Lumens: 243lm @ 3000KB Mains Power: 5.1 circWB Luminaire lm/circW: 48lm/circWB @ 3000K Light Aperture Compatibility: 39mm Typical CRI: Ra 83 @ 3000K LED Type: 1 Cree MCE LED Power: 4.4W C ANA/2*8( ',*,7$/ Ordering: e.g. Select Fitting + VHHÀWWLQJSDJH /LJKW(QJLQH 0LQ&5, &RORXU7HPS ),77,1*&2'( Drivers: See Driver Table A 37 Colour Temperature Order Code 3000K 30 2700K* 27 4000K* 40 6500K* 65 LED Module Luminous Flux 298lm 307lm 360lm 417lm Delivered Lumens (L100) B 243lm 289lm 339lm 393lm Typical CRI (Ra) Ra 83 Ra 83 Ra 86 Ra 80 CRI shift @ 6000hrs <3 <3 <3 <3 CCT shift @ 6000hrs 5 5 5 5 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lifetime (L 70 F10) AB Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Module Drive Current 350mA 350mA 350mA 350mA LEDs Drive Current 350mA 350mA 350mA 350mA Emergency Pack BLF 32.5% 32.5% 32.5% 32.5% Laser Tesla Venturi Vespertine Phocus All data @ 25º ambient In LS-MA fitting with 350mA 86% efficient driver C 350mA * To special order minimum quantity A B $OOYDOXHVDUHW\SLFDOXQOHVVVWDWHG 164 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 PT1-390 Pluto 390 :/('OLJKWHQJLQHPRGXOHIRU:0505GHFRUDWLYHDFFHQWDSSOLFDWLRQV Delivered Lumens: 316lm @ 3000KB Mains Power: 7.7 circWB Luminaire lm/circW: 62lm/circWB @ 3000K Light Aperture Compatibility: 39mm Typical CRI: Ra 83 @ 3000K LED Type: 1 Cree MCE LED Power: 6.6W C ANA/2*8( Laser Phocus Tesla Venturi Vespertine ',*,7$/ Ordering: e.g. Select Fitting + VHHÀWWLQJSDJH /LJKW(QJLQH 0LQ&5, &RORXU7HPS ),77,1*&2'( Drivers: See Driver Table B Colour Temperature Order Code 3000K 30 LED Module Luminous Flux 387lm Delivered Lumens (L100) B 316lm Typical CRI (Ra) Ra 83 CRI shift @ 6000hrs CCT shift @ 6000hrs Lifetime (L 70 F10) AB Lumen Maintenance Category 37 2700K* 27 4000K* 40 6500K* 65 375lm 441lm 511lm 307lm 360lm 417lm Ra 83 Ra 86 Ra 80 <3 <3 <3 <3 5 5 5 5 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Module Drive Current 500mA 500mA 500mA 500mA LEDs Drive Current 500mA 500mA 500mA 500mA 25% 25% 25% 25% Emergency Pack BLF All data @ 25º ambient In PS-SP fitting with 500mA 86% efficient driver C 500mA * To special order minimum quantity A B $OOYDOXHVDUHW\SLFDOXQOHVVVWDWHG T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk Pictor 150 RGBW PR1-150 :5*%:/('OLJKWHQJLQHPRGXOHIRUFRORXUFKDQJLQJGHFRUDWLYHDFFHQWDSSOLFDWLRQV WHITE BLUE Delivered Lumens: 125lm @ 3000K Mains Power: 5.1 circW Luminaire lm/circW: 47lm/circW @350mA Light Aperture Compatibility: 39mm GREEN RED RGBW Tuning Range LED Type: 1 Cree MCE Colour all channels LED Power: 4.4WC ANA/2*8( ',*,7$/ Ordering: e.g. Select Fitting + VHHÀWWLQJSDJH /LJKW(QJLQH 0LQ&5, &RORXU7HPS ),77,1*&2'( 5* 5* Drivers: See Controls Colour Temperature Order Code 155lm Delivered Lumens (L100) B 125lm N/A CCT shift @ 6000hrs N/A Lumen Maintenance Category Module Drive Current LEDs Drive Current Emergency Pack BLF Venturi N/A CRI shift @ 6000hrs Lifetime (L70 F10) AB Laser RGBW RG LED Module Luminous Flux Typical CRI (Ra) 35 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 Depends on driver 350mA N/A All data @ 25º ambient Relates to single channel C 350mA * To special order minimum quantity A B $OOYDOXHVDUHW\SLFDOXQOHVVVWDWHG 166 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 TN1-550 Titan 550 :/('OLJKWHQJLQHPRGXOHIRUJHQHUDO:05:*8W\SHDSSOLFDWLRQV Delivered Lumens: 470lm @ 3000KB Mains Power: 7.2 circWB Luminaire lm/circW: 64.4lm/circWB @ 3000K Light Aperture Compatibility: 50mm Typical CRI: Ra 83 @ 3000K LED Type: 7 Cree XPE / 7 Lumileds Rebel LED Power: 6.2W C ANA/2*8( Phaeton Tesla Simetra CeilingStar Laser Venturi Cryos Vespertine e.g. Select Fitting + VHHÀWWLQJSDJH /LJKW(QJLQH 0LQ&5, &RORXU7HPS ),77,1*&2'( Drivers: See Driver Table C Colour Temperature Order Code 3000K 30 LED Module Luminous Flux 546lm Delivered Lumens (L100) B 470lm Typical CRI (Ra) Ra 83 CRI shift @ 6000hrs CCT shift @ 6000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Lightslot Phocus Surface Spot UK Part L1 & L2 Ordering: Lifetime (L 70 F10) AB Cordus ',*,7$/ 71 4000K 40 2700K* 27 6500K* 65 581lm 514lm 667lm 500lm 442lm 573lm Ra 86 Ra 83 Ra 80 <3 <3 <3 <3 3 3 3 3 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Module Drive Current 700mA 700mA 700mA 700mA LEDs Drive Current 350mA 350mA 350mA 350mA Emergency Pack BLF 22.1% 22.1% 22.1% 22.1% All data @ 25º ambient In CS-ED fitting with 700mA 86% efficient driver C 700mA * To special order minimum quantity A B Track Spot T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Olympus Muro Chime $OOYDOXHVDUHW\SLFDOXQOHVVVWDWHG www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 167 Mercury 630 MC1-630 :KLJKHIÀFLHQF\/('OLJKWHQJLQHPRGXOHIRUJHQHUDO :05:*8W\SHDSSOLFDWLRQV Delivered Lumens: 541lm @ 3000KB Mains Power: 7.2 circWB Luminaire lm/circW: 74.1lm/circWB @ 3000K Light Aperture Compatibility: 50mm Typical CRI: Ra 83 @ 3000K LED Type: 7 Cree XPG / 7 Lumileds Rebel ES LED Power: 6.2W C ANA/2*8( ',*,7$/ UK Part L1 & L2 Ordering: e.g. Select Fitting + VHHÀWWLQJSDJH /LJKW(QJLQH 0LQ&5, &RORXU7HPS ),77,1*&2'( Drivers: See Driver Table C 0& Colour Temperature Order Code 3000K 30 4000K 40 2700K* 27 6500K* 65 LED Module Luminous Flux 629lm 670lm 591lm 717lm Delivered Lumens (L100) B 541lm 576lm 508lm 616lm Typical CRI (Ra) Ra 83 Ra 83 Ra 83 Ra 83 CRI shift @ 6000hrs <3 <3 <3 <3 CCT shift @ 6000hrs 3 3 3 3 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lifetime (L 70 F10) AB Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Module Drive Current 700mA 700mA 700mA 700mA LEDs Drive Current 350mA 350mA 350mA 350mA Emergency Pack BLF 22.1% 22.1% 22.1% 22.1% Phaeton Simetra Laser Cryos Tesla CeilingStar Venturi Vespertine Cordus Lightslot Surface Spot Track Spot Olympus Chime All data @ 25º ambient In CS-ED fitting with 700mA 86% efficient driver C 700mA * To special order minimum quantity A B $OOYDOXHVDUHW\SLFDOXQOHVVVWDWHG 168 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 MC1-810 Mercury 810 :/('OLJKWHQJLQHPRGXOHIRUJHQHUDO:05W\SHDSSOLFDWLRQV Delivered Lumens: 695lm @ 3000KB Mains Power: 11 circWB Luminaire lm/circW: 62.5lm/circWB @ 3000K Light Aperture Compatibility: 50mm Typical CRI: Ra 83 @ 3000K LED Type: 7 Cree XPG / 7 Lumileds Rebel ES LED Power: 9.5W C ANA/2*8( Phaeton Tesla Simetra CeilingStar Laser Venturi Cryos Vespertine e.g. Select Fitting + VHHÀWWLQJSDJH /LJKW(QJLQH 0LQ&5, &RORXU7HPS ),77,1*&2'( Drivers: See Driver Table D Colour Temperature Order Code Surface Spot Track Spot 0& 3000K 30 4000K 40 LED Module Luminous Flux 661lm 861lm 760lm 922lm Delivered Lumens (L100) B 695lm 741lm 654lm 793lm Typical CRI (Ra) 2700K* 27 6500K* 65 Ra 83 Ra 86 Ra 83 Ra 80 CRI shift @ 6000hrs <3 <3 <3 <3 CCT shift @ 6000hrs 3 3 3 3 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 1000mA 1000mA 1000mA 1000mA LEDs Drive Current 500mA 500mA 500mA 500mA Emergency Pack BLF 16.46% 16.46% 16.46% 16.46% Lumen Maintenance Category Lightslot UK Part L1 & L2 Ordering: Lifetime (L 70 F10) AB Cordus ',*,7$/ Module Drive Current All data @ 25º ambient In CS-ED fitting with 1000mA 86% efficient driver C 1000mA * To special order minimum quantity A B Olympus T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Chime $OOYDOXHVDUHW\SLFDOXQOHVVVWDWHG www.photonstarlighting.co.uk Venus 1000 VS1-1000 :/('OLJKWHQJLQHPRGXOHIRUKLJKRXWSXW:05W\SHDSSOLFDWLRQV Delivered Lumens: 845lm @ 3000KB Mains Power: 15.5 circWB Luminaire lm/circW: 55lm/circWB @ 3000K Light Aperture Compatibility: 50mm Typical CRI: Ra 83 @ 3000K LED Type: 7 Cree XPG / 7 Lumileds Rebel ES LED Power: 13.3W C ANA/2*8( ',*,7$/ UK Part L1 & L2 Ordering: e.g. Select Fitting + VHHÀWWLQJSDJH /LJKW(QJLQH 0LQ&5, &RORXU7HPS ),77,1*&2'( Drivers: See Driver Table E Colour Temperature Order Code 3000K 30 LED Module Luminous Flux Delivered Lumens (L100) B Typical CRI (Ra) 96 2700K* 27 4000K* 40 6500K* 65 1034lm 972lm 1101lm 1178lm 845lm 794lm 899lm 963lm Ra 83 Ra 83 Ra 86 Ra 80 CRI shift @ 6000hrs <3 <3 <3 <3 CCT shift @ 6000hrs 3 3 3 3 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lifetime (L 70 F10) AB Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Module Drive Current 700mA 700mA 700mA 700mA LEDs Drive Current 700mA 700mA 700mA 700mA Emergency Pack BLF 13.63% 13.63% 13.63% 13.63% Phaeton Laser Cryos Tesla All data @ 25º ambient In LS-F1 fitting with 700mA 86% efficient driver C 700mA * To special order minimum quantity A B $OOYDOXHVDUHW\SLFDOXQOHVVVWDWHG 170 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 AR1-875 Aries 875 :/('OLJKWHQJLQHPRGXOHIRUJHQHUDO:05ORZJODUHW\SHDSSOLFDWLRQV Delivered Lumens: 765lm @ 3000KB Mains Power: 12.4 circWB Luminaire lm/circW: 58lm/circWB @ 3000K Light Aperture Compatibility: 50mm Typical CRI: Ra 83 @ 3000K LED Type: 10 Cree XPE / XPE-HEW / Rebel ES LED Power: 10.7W C ANA/2*8( Simetra Venturi ',*,7$/ UK Part L1 & L2 Ordering: e.g. Select Fitting + VHHÀWWLQJSDJH /LJKW(QJLQH 0LQ&5, &RORXU7HPS ),77,1*&2'( Drivers: See Driver Table E Colour Temperature Order Code $5 3000K 30 4000K 40 2700K* 27 6500K* 65 LED Module Luminous Flux 765lm 930lm 822lm 1667lm Delivered Lumens (L100) B 446lm 814lm 719lm 934lm Typical CRI (Ra) Ra 83 Ra 86 Ra 83 Ra 80 CRI shift @ 6000hrs <3 <3 <3 <3 CCT shift @ 6000hrs 3 3 3 3 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lifetime (L 70 F10) AB Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Module Drive Current 700mA 700mA 700mA 700mA LEDs Drive Current 350mA 350mA 350mA 350mA 5% 5% 5% 5% Emergency Pack BLF All data @ 25º ambient In LS-F1 fitting with 700mA 86% efficient driver C 700mA * To special order minimum quantity A B $OOYDOXHVDUHW\SLFDOXQOHVVVWDWHG T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 171 Jupiter 1500 JT1-1500 :KLJKHIÀFLHQF\/('OLJKWHQJLQHPRGXOHIRUJHQHUDO [:ORZJODUH:'W\SHDSSOLFDWLRQV Delivered Lumens: 1312lm @ 4000KB Mains Power: 17.4 circWB Luminaire lm/circW: 75lm/circWB @ 4000K Light Aperture Compatibility: 80mm Typical CRI: Ra 86 @ 4000K LED Type: 14 Cree XPE-HEW / 14 Lumileds Rebel ES LED Power: 15W C ANA/2*8( ',*,7$/ UK Part L1 & L2 Ordering: e.g. Select Fitting + VHHÀWWLQJSDJH /LJKW(QJLQH 0LQ&5, &RORXU7HPS ),77,1*&2'( Drivers: See Driver Table C Colour Temperature Order Code 3000K 30 -7 2700K* 27 4000K* 40 1500lm 1316lm 1410lm 1710lm Delivered Lumens (L100) B 1312lm 1150lm 1233lm 1495lm Ra 83 Ra 83 Ra 86 Ra 80 CRI shift @ 6000hrs <3 <3 <3 <3 CCT shift @ 6000hrs 3 3 3 3 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lifetime (L70 F10) AB Lumen Maintenance Category Muro Votan 6500K* 65 LED Module Luminous Flux Typical CRI (Ra) Nemesis Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Module Drive Current 700mA 700mA 700mA 700mA LEDs Drive Current 350mA 350mA 350mA 350mA Emergency Pack BLF 9.28% 9.28% 9.28% 9.28% All data @ 25º ambient In NS-LG fitting with 700mA 86% efficient driver C 700mA * To special order minimum quantity A B $OOYDOXHVDUHW\SLFDOXQOHVVVWDWHG 172 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 JT1-1950 Jupiter 1950 :/('OLJKWHQJLQHPRGXOHIRUJHQHUDO[:ORZJODUHRU:'W\SHDSSOLFDWLRQV Delivered Lumens: 1705lm @ 4000KB Mains Power: 25.2 circWB Luminaire lm/circW: 68lm/circWB @ 4000K Light Aperture Compatibility: 80mm Typical CRI: Ra 86 @ 4000K LED Type: 14 Cree XPE-HEW / 14 Lumileds Rebel ES LED Power: 21.7W C ANA/2*8( Nemesis Votan ',*,7$/ UK Part L1 & L2 Ordering: e.g. Select Fitting + VHHÀWWLQJSDJH /LJKW(QJLQH 0LQ&5, &RORXU7HPS ),77,1*&2'( Drivers: See Driver Table G Colour Temperature Order Code 4000K 40 LED Module Luminous Flux Delivered Lumens (L100) B Typical CRI (Ra) -7 2700K* 27 3000K* 30 6500K* 65 1950lm 1711lm 1833lm 2223lm 1705lm 1496lm 1603lm 1944lm Ra 83 Ra 83 Ra 86 Ra 80 CRI shift @ 6000hrs <3 <3 <3 <3 CCT shift @ 6000hrs 3 3 3 3 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 1000mA 1000mA 1000mA 1000mA LEDs Drive Current 500mA 500mA 500mA 500mA Emergency Pack BLF 7.14% 7.14% 7.14% 7.14% Lifetime (L 70 F10) AB Lumen Maintenance Category Module Drive Current All data @ 25º ambient In NS-LG fitting with 1000mA 86% efficient driver C 1000mA * To special order minimum quantity A B $OOYDOXHVDUHW\SLFDOXQOHVVVWDWHG T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 173 Jupiter 2150 JT1-2150 :KLJKHIÀFLHQF\/('OLJKWHQJLQHPRGXOHIRUJHQHUDO[:ORZJODUHW\SHDSSOLFDWLRQV Delivered Lumens: 1874lm @ 4000KB Mains Power: 24.8 circWB Luminaire lm/circW: 75lm/circWB @ 4000K Light Aperture Compatibility: 80mm Typical CRI: Ra 86 @ 4000K LED Type: 20 Cree XPE-HEW / 20 Lumileds Rebel ES LED Power: 21.4W C ANA/2*8( ',*,7$/ UK Part L1 & L2 Ordering: e.g. Select Fitting + VHHÀWWLQJSDJH /LJKW(QJLQH 0LQ&5, &RORXU7HPS ),77,1*&2'( Drivers: See Driver Table H -7 Colour Temperature Order Code 4000K 40 2700K* 27 3000K* 30 LED Module Luminous Flux 2143lm 1800lm 2015lm 2443lm Delivered Lumens (L100) B 1874lm 1644lm 1761lm 2136lm Typical CRI (Ra) Ra 83 Ra 83 Ra 86 Ra 80 <3 <3 <3 <3 CCT shift @ 6000hrs 3 3 3 3 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Module Drive Current 700mA 700mA 700mA 700mA LEDs Drive Current 350mA 350mA 350mA 350mA 6.5% 6.5% 6.5% 6.5% Emergency Pack BLF Muro 6500K* 65 CRI shift @ 6000hrs Lifetime (L70 F10) AB Nemesis All data @ 25º ambient In NS-LG fitting with 700mA 86% efficient driver C 700mA * To special order minimum quantity A B $OOYDOXHVDUHW\SLFDOXQOHVVVWDWHG 174 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 JT1-2600 Jupiter 2600 :KLJKHIÀFLHQF\/('OLJKWHQJLQHPRGXOHIRUJHQHUDO [:ORZJODUHW\SHDSSOLFDWLRQV Delivered Lumens: 2248lm @ 4000KB Mains Power: 29.8 circWB Luminaire lm/circW: 75lm/circWB @ 4000K Light Aperture Compatibility: 80mm Typical CRI: Ra 86 @ 4000K LED Type: 24 Cree XPE-HEW / 24 Lumileds Rebel ES LED Power: 25.6W C ANA/2*8( Nemesis ',*,7$/ UK Part L1 & L2 Ordering: e.g. Select Fitting + VHHÀWWLQJSDJH /LJKW(QJLQH 0LQ&5, &RORXU7HPS ),77,1*&2'( Drivers: See Driver Table H Colour Temperature Order Code -7 4000K 40 2700K* 27 LED Module Luminous Flux 2572lm 2256lm 2418lm 2932lm Delivered Lumens (L100) B 2248lm 1972lm 2113lm 2563lm Typical CRI (Ra) 3000K* 30 6500K* 65 Ra 83 Ra 83 Ra 86 Ra 80 CRI shift @ 6000hrs <3 <3 <3 <3 CCT shift @ 6000hrs 3 3 3 3 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Lifetime (L 70 F10) AB Lumen Maintenance Category Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Module Drive Current 700mA 700mA 700mA 700mA LEDs Drive Current 350mA 350mA 350mA 350mA 5.4% 5.4% 5.4% 5.4% Emergency Pack BLF All data @ 25º ambient In NS-LG fitting with 700mA 86% efficient driver C 700mA * To special order minimum quantity A B $OOYDOXHVDUHW\SLFDOXQOHVVVWDWHG T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk Jupiter 2800 JT1-2800 :/('OLJKWHQJLQHPRGXOHIRUJHQHUDO[:ORZJODUHW\SHDSSOLFDWLRQV Delivered Lumens: 2436lm @ 4000KB Mains Power: 36 circWB Luminaire lm/circW: 68lm/circWB @ 4000K Light Aperture Compatibility: 80mm Typical CRI: Ra 86 @ 4000K LED Type: 20 Cree XPE-HEW / 20 Lumileds Rebel ES LED Power: 31W C ANA/2*8( ',*,7$/ UK Part L1 & L2 Ordering: e.g. Select Fitting + VHHÀWWLQJSDJH /LJKW(QJLQH 0LQ&5, &RORXU7HPS ),77,1*&2'( Drivers: See Driver Table J Colour Temperature Order Code -7 4000K 40 2700K* 27 LED Module Luminous Flux 2786lm 2444lm 2619lm 3176lm Delivered Lumens (L100) B 2436lm 2137lm 2290lm 2777lm Typical CRI (Ra) 3000K* 30 6500K* 65 Ra 83 Ra 83 Ra 86 Ra 80 CRI shift @ 6000hrs <3 <3 <3 <3 CCT shift @ 6000hrs 3 3 3 3 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 1000mA 1000mA 1000mA 1000mA 500mA 500mA 500mA 500mA 5% 5% 5% 5% Lifetime (L 70 F10) AB Lumen Maintenance Category Module Drive Current LEDs Drive Current Emergency Pack BLF Nemesis All data @ 25º ambient In NS-LG fitting with 1000mA 86% efficient driver C 1000mA * To special order minimum quantity A B $OOYDOXHVDUHW\SLFDOXQOHVVVWDWHG 176 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 JT1-3350 Jupiter 3350 :/('OLJKWHQJLQHPRGXOHIRUJHQHUDO[:ORZJODUHW\SHDSSOLFDWLRQV Delivered Lumens: 2923lm @ 4000KB Mains Power: 44.7 circWB Luminaire lm/circW: 68lm/circWB @ 4000K Light Aperture Compatibility: 80mm Typical CRI: Ra 86 @ 4000K LED Type: 24 Cree XPE-HEW / 24 Lumileds Rebel ES LED Power: 38.4W C ANA/2*8( Nemesis ',*,7$/ UK Part L1 & L2 Ordering: e.g. Select Fitting + VHHÀWWLQJSDJH /LJKW(QJLQH 0LQ&5, &RORXU7HPS ),77,1*&2'( Drivers: See Driver Table J Colour Temperature Order Code 4000K 40 -7 2700K* 27 3000K* 30 6500K* 65 LED Module Luminous Flux 3343lm 2933lm 3143lm 3812lm Delivered Lumens (L100) B 2923lm 2564lm 2747lm 3332lm Typical CRI (Ra) Ra 83 Ra 83 Ra 86 Ra 80 CRI shift @ 6000hrs <3 <3 <3 <3 CCT shift @ 6000hrs 3 3 3 3 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 1000mA 1000mA 1000mA 1000mA LEDs Drive Current 500mA 500mA 500mA 500mA Emergency Pack BLF 4.16% 4.16% 4.16% 4.16% Lifetime (L 70 F10) AB Lumen Maintenance Category Module Drive Current All data @ 25º ambient In NS-LG fitting with 1000mA 86% efficient driver C 1000mA * To special order minimum quantity A B $OOYDOXHVDUHW\SLFDOXQOHVVVWDWHG T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 177 178 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Smart Light Engines (IÀFLHQWLQWHOOLJHQWOLJKWHQJLQHZLWKG\QDPLFGD\OLJKWVHQVLQJ $ZDUGZLQQLQJUDQJHRILQWHOOLJHQWOLJKWHQJLQHVIHDWXULQJDGYDQFHGRQERDUGVHQVRUVIRU PD[LPXPHQHUJ\VDYLQJ LU Luxloc™ /X[ORFLQWHJUDO GD\OLJKWOLQNLQJ 7KHUPDORFG\QDPLF WKHUPDOSURWHFWLRQ L 7KHUPDORF 2SHUDWHVVWDQGDORQHRU DVSDUWRI/('VPDUWRU RWKHUFRQWUROVROXWLRQV 0LFURSURFHVVRUEDVHG LQWHOOLJHQFH Innovation Future Zone FINALIST 8SWRGHOLYHUHGOXPHQV 8SWROPF: :,11(5 (1(5*<(19,5210(17 T: +44 +44(0)2381 (0)2381230 230381 381 ENERGY USING PRODUCT FINALIST www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarlighting.co.uk SmartJupiter 1700 SJ1-1700 :LQWHOOLJHQW/('OLJKWHQJLQHPRGXOHIRUJHQHUDO:&)/W\SHDSSOLFDWLRQV Delivered Lumens: 1461lm @ 4000KB Mains Power: 23.3 circWB Luminaire lm/circW: 58lm/circWB Light Aperture Compatibility: 80mm Typical CRI: Ra 86 @ 4000K LED Type: 12 Cree XPE-HEW/ 12 Lumileds Rebel ES LED Power: 21.7W C ANA/2*8( ',*,7$/ UK Part L1 & L2 Ordering: e.g. Select Fitting + VHHÀWWLQJSDJH /LJKW(QJLQH 0LQ&5, &RORXU7HPS ),77,1*&2'( Drivers: See Driver Controls Colour Temperature Order Code 4000K 40 LED Module Luminous Flux Delivered Lumens (L100) B 6- 2700K* 27 3000K* 30 6500K* 65 1672lm 1466lm 1571lm 1906lm 1461lm 1282lm 1374lm 1666lm Ra 86 Ra 86 Ra 86 Ra 86 CRI shift @ 6000hrs <3 <3 <3 <3 CCT shift @ 6000hrs <3 <3 <3 <3 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 1000mA 1000mA 1000mA 1000mA 500mA 500mA 500mA 500mA 5.5% 5.5% 5.5% 5.5% Typical CRI (Ra) Lifetime (L70 F10) AB Lumen Maintenance Category Module Drive Current LEDs Drive Current Emergency Pack BLF Nemesis All data @ 25º ambient In SN-LG fitting with 1000mA 86% efficient driver C 1000mA * To special order minimum quantity A B $OOYDOXHVDUHW\SLFDOXQOHVVVWDWHG 180 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 SJ1-2500 Smar tJupiter 2500 :LQWHOOLJHQW/('OLJKWHQJLQHPRGXOHIRUJHQHUDO[:&)/W\SHDSSOLFDWLRQV Delivered Lumens: 2192lm @ 4000KB Mains Power: 33.3 circWB Luminaire lm/circW: 61lm/circWB Light Aperture Compatibility: 80mm Typical CRI: Ra 86 @ 4000K LED Type: 18 Cree XPE-HEW / 18 Lumileds Rebel ES LED Power: 31W C ANA/2*8( Nemesis ',*,7$/ UK Part L1 & L2 Ordering: e.g. Select Fitting + VHHÀWWLQJSDJH /LJKW(QJLQH 0LQ&5, &RORXU7HPS ),77,1*&2'( Drivers: See Driver Controls Colour Temperature Order Code 4000K 40 LED Module Luminous Flux 2508lm Delivered Lumens (L100) B 2192lm Ra 86 CRI shift @ 6000hrs CCT shift @ 6000hrs 3000K* 30 6500K* 65 2200lm 2357lm 2859lm 1923lm 2061lm 2499lm Ra 86 Ra 86 Ra 86 <3 <3 <3 <3 3 3 3 3 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 1000mA 1000mA 1000mA 1000mA 500mA 500mA 500mA 500mA 3.8% 3.8% 3.8% 3.8% Typical CRI (Ra) Lifetime (L 70 F10) AB Lumen Maintenance Category 6- Module Drive Current LEDs Drive Current Emergency Pack BLF 2700K* 27 All data @ 25º ambient In SN-LG fitting with 1000mA 86% efficient driver C 1000mA * To special order minimum quantity A B $OOYDOXHVDUHW\SLFDOXQOHVVVWDWHG T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 181 SmartJupiter 3350 SJ1-3350 :LQWHOOLJHQW/('OLJKWHQJLQHPRGXOHIRUJHQHUDO[:&)/W\SHDSSOLFDWLRQV Delivered Lumens: 2923lm @ 4000KB Mains Power: 41.3 circWB Luminaire lm/circW: 68lm/circWB Light Aperture Compatibility: 80mm Typical CRI: Ra 86 @ 4000K LED Type: 24 Cree XPE-HEW/ 24 Lumileds Rebel ES LED Power: 38.4W C ANA/2*8( ',*,7$/ UK Part L1 & L2 Ordering: e.g. Select Fitting + VHHÀWWLQJSDJH /LJKW(QJLQH 0LQ&5, &RORXU7HPS ),77,1*&2'( Drivers: See Driver Controls Colour Temperature Order Code 4000K 40 6- 2700K* 27 3000K* 30 6500K* 65 LED Module Luminous Flux 3343lm 2933lm 3143lm 3811lm Delivered Lumens (L100) B 2923lm 2564lm 2747lm 3332lm Typical CRI (Ra) Ra 86 Ra 86 Ra 86 Ra 86 CRI shift @ 6000hrs <3 <3 <3 <3 CCT shift @ 6000hrs 3 3 3 3 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 Cat 1 / Code 9 1000mA 1000mA 1000mA 1000mA 500mA 500mA 500mA 500mA 3.2% 3.2% 3.2% 3.2% Lifetime (L 70 F10) AB Lumen Maintenance Category Module Drive Current LEDs Drive Current Emergency Pack BLF Nemesis All data @ 25º ambient In SN-LG fitting with 1000mA 86% efficient driver C 1000mA * To special order minimum quantity A B $OOYDOXHVDUHW\SLFDOXQOHVVVWDWHG 182 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 SmartWhite Light Engines (IÀFLHQWZKLWHFRORXUWXQHDEOHKLJK&5,OLJKWHQJLQH $ZDUGZLQQLQJUDQJHRIWXQHDEOHOLJKWHQJLQHVWKDWFDQEHXVHGLQPDQ\RIRXUGRZQOLJKWÀWWLQJV Colourloc™ 2010 winner Lighting Industry Awards Light Source Product of theYear CO *UHDWHUWKDQ&5, DFURVVWXQLQJUDQJH MM ENDED &RORXUDQGFRORXUTXDOLW\ ORFNHGIRUOLIH 6500K 5000K Ra CRIloc™ 4000K &DQEHRSHUDWHGZLWKRU ZLWKRXWFRQWUROVV\VWHP 3000K SmartWhite Tuning Range lm 4000K Lumenloc™ 3000K TLED T: +44 +44(0)2381 (0)2381230 230381 381 2400K SmartWhite Tungsten+ Tuning Range www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 183 SmartWhite 730 SW1-730 :ZKLWHFRORXUWXQHDEOH/('OLJKWHQJLQHPRGXOHIRU FRPSDFWVSRWUHFHVVHGGRZQOLJKWDSSOLFDWLRQV 6500K 5000K lm 4000K Colourloc™ Lumenloc™ 3000K Delivered Lumens: 550lm @ all CCTB Light Aperture Compatibility: 50mm Luminaire lm/circW: 55lm/circW LED Type: Cree / Lumileds / multiple source proprietary B Typical CRI: Ra 90 across tuning range Luminaire Power: 9WC including proprietary LEDSmart driver ANA/2*8( ',*,7$/ L e.g. Select Fitting + VHHÀWWLQJSDJH /LJKW(QJLQH 0LQ&5, &RORXU7HPS ),77,1*&2'( 97 Drivers: See Driver Controls Colour Temperature Order Code 730lm Delivered Lumens (L100) B 550lm Typical CRI (Ra) Ra 90 CCT shift @ 6000hrs Lifetime (L70 F10) AB Lumen Maintenance Category Module Drive Current Employs proprietary LED driver & controller LEDs Drive Current LED driver current varies subject to CCT however, never exceed quoted value Emergency Pack BLF A B C CRIloc™ Thermaloc™ CeilingStar Venturi Cordus VCCT 3000-6500K VT LED Module Luminous Flux CRI shift @ 6000hrs TLED Ra a L Ordering: 6: SmartWhite Tuning Range <3 <3 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 24VDC <500mA N/A All data @ 25º ambient In CS-TT fitting, proprietary SmartWhite controller and 90% efficient constant voltage transformer 500mA $OOYDOXHVDUHW\SLFDOXQOHVVVWDWHG 184 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 SW2-720 SmartWhite Tungsten+ 720 :/('OLJKWHQJLQHPRGXOHWRHPXODWHWXQJVWHQKDORJHQZKHQGLPPHG 4000K lm 3000K Colourloc™ 2400K SmartWhite Tungsten+ Tuning Range Lumenloc™ TLED Ra Delivered Lumens: 550lm @ all CCTB Light Aperture Compatibility: 50mm Luminaire lm/circW: 55lm/circW LED Type: Cree / Lumileds / multiple source proprietary B CRIloc™ Thermaloc™ Typical CRI: Ra 90 across tuning range Luminaire Power: 9WC including proprietary LEDsmart driver CeilingStar Venturi Cordus ANA/2*8( ',*,7$/ L a L Ordering: e.g. Select Fitting + VHHÀWWLQJSDJH /LJKW(QJLQH 0LQ&5, &RORXU7HPS ),77,1*&2'( 97 Drivers: See Driver Controls 6: Colour Temperature Order Code VCCT 3000-6500K VT LED Module Luminous Flux 720lm Delivered Lumens (L100) B 550lm Typical CRI (Ra) Ra 90 CRI shift @ 6000hrs CCT shift @ 6000hrs Lifetime (L 70 F10) AB Lumen Maintenance Category Module Drive Current Employs proprietary LED driver & controller LEDs Drive Current LED driver current varies subject to CCT however, never exceed quoted value Emergency Pack BLF A B C <3 <3 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 24VDC <500mA N/A All data @ 25º ambient In CS-TT fitting, proprietary SmartWhite controller and 90% efficient constant voltage transformer 500mA $OOYDOXHVDUHW\SLFDOXQOHVVVWDWHG T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk SmartWhite 2600 SW1-2600 :ZKLWHFRORXUWXQHDEOH/('OLJKWHQJLQHPRGXOHIRU FRPSDUDEOH[:&)/GRZQOLJKWDSSOLFDWLRQV 6500K 5000K lm 4000K Colourloc™ Lumenloc™ 3000K Delivered Lumens: 2000lm @ all CCTB Light Aperture Compatibility: 80mm Luminaire lm/circW: 55lm/circW LED Type: Cree / Lumileds multiple source proprietary B Typical CRI: Ra 90 across tuning range Luminaire Power: 32.7WC including proprietary Smart LED driver ANA/2*8( ',*,7$/ L e.g. Select Fitting + VHHÀWWLQJSDJH /LJKW(QJLQH 0LQ&5, &RORXU7HPS ),77,1*&2'( 97 Drivers: See Driver Controls Colour Temperature Order Code 2635lm Delivered Lumens (L100) B 2000lm CRI shift @ 6000hrs CCT shift @ 6000hrs Lifetime (L70 F10) AB Lumen Maintenance Category Module Drive Current Employs proprietary LED driver & controller LEDs Drive Current LED driver current varies subject to CCT however, never exceed quoted value Emergency Pack BLF A B C CRIloc™ TLED Thermaloc™ Nemesis VCCT 3000-6500K VT LED Module Luminous Flux Typical CRI (Ra) Ra a L Ordering: 6: SmartWhite Tuning Range Ra 90 <3 <3 50,000hrs Cat 1 / Code 9 24VDC <500mA N/A All data @ 25º ambient In NS-LG fitting, proprietary SmartWhite controller and 90% efficient constant voltage transformer 500mA $OOYDOXHVDUHW\SLFDOXQOHVVVWDWHG 186 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Drivers & LEDsmart Controls 0DLQV/RZ9ROWDJH'ULYHUV&RQWUROVIRUDOO3KRWRQ6WDU/XPLQDLUHV 6LQJOHDQGPXOWLOXPLQDLUHGULYHUVIRUDUDQJHRISRSXODUGLPPLQJSURWRFROV /('VPDUW&RQWUROVDQGDFFHVVRULHVLQFOXGLQJSRZHUVXSSOLHV 6PDUW:KLWH&RQWUROOHU (colour tuning) 6PDUW&RQWUROOHU IRU6PDUW/XPLQDLUHV 6LQJOHPXOWLSOHVWDQGDUG XQLWGULYHUV 0DLQV/RZ9ROWDJH '$/,'0;9 3XVKGLPQRQGLPPDEOH ,3,3,3 T: +44 +44(0)2381 (0)2381230 230381 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 187 Driver Table A 1RQ'LPPDEOH Light Engine: Pluto 300 * @ max load. All values are typical unless stated Description For Driving Light Engine Type & Quantity Input Range :'951' Non dimmable constant current driver, 6W, 350mA, IP20 Pluto 300: one unit only :'951' Non dimmable constant current driver, 10W, 350mA, IP67 Pluto 300: min 1 unit, max 2 units Part Number Voltage min max Current Power Power Factor* Dimensions W x H x L (mm) 100-240V 3V 24V 95-265V 2V 28V 350mA 6W 0.70 39 x 23 x 90 50g IP20 20m 50mm 350mA 10W 0.50 27 x 35 x 86 165g IP67 40m 49mm Weight IP Rating Max. Distance from Fitting Min. Cut Out :'951' Non dimmable constant current driver, 10W, 350mA, IP20 Pluto 300: min 1 unit, max 2 units 198-265V 8V 32V 350mA 10W 0.95 31 x 31.5 x 179 120g IP20 40m 49mm :'951' Non dimmable constant current driver, 18W, 350mA, IP67 Pluto 300: min 1 unit, max 4 units 100-265V 12V 58V 350mA 18W 0.96 30.5 x 40 x 133 300g IP67 70m 55mm :'951' Non dimmable constant current driver, 17W, 350mA, IP20 Pluto 300: min 1 unit, max 3 units 198-265V 9V 48V 350mA 17W 0.95 31 x 31.5 x 179 120g IP20 70m 49mm :'957' Mains dimmable constant current driver, 15W, 350mA, IP20 Pluto 300: one unit only 176-265V 12V 21V 350mA 15W 0.90 56 x 29 x 82 145g IP20 60m 68mm :'957' Mains dimmable constant current driver, 15W, 350mA, IP20 Pluto 300: min 3 units, max 3 units 176-265V 26V 48V 350mA 15W 0.90 56 x 29 x 82 145g IP20 60m 68mm Pluto 300: min 1 unit, max 3 units 220-240V 12V 48V 350mA 18W 0.96 40 x 30.5 x 133 300g IP67 60m 55mm 1-10V dimmable constant current driver, 20W, 350mA, IP20 Pluto 300: min 1 unit, max 2 units 220-240V 3.2V 29V 350mA 20W 0.90 52 x 23 x 111 110g IP20 60m 62mm 1-10V / push dim constant current driver, 20W, 350mA, IP20 Pluto 300: min 1 unit, max 2 units 220-240V 3.2V 29V 350mA 20W 0.90 52 x 23 x 111 110g IP20 60m 62mm DALI dimmable constant current driver, 33W, 350mA, IP20 Pluto 300: min 2 units, max 3 units 198-265V 15V 48V 350mA 33W 0.95 31.5 x 31 x 179 120g IP20 60m 49mm 1-10V dim. LV constant current driver, 15W, 350mA, IP66 Pluto 300: min 1 unit, max 2 units 24V 2V 34V 350mA 15W N/A 34 x 19 x 45 80g IP66 60m 44mm 0DLQV'LPPDEOH 9'LPPDEOH²'RHVQRWVZLWFKRIIZLWKWKHGLPPLQJFRQWURO :'95B' 1-10V dimmable constant current driver, 18W, 350mA, IP67 9'LPPDEOH²'LPVGRZQWR :'95B' 3XVK'LPPDEOH :'95B' '$/, :'95'$/, /RZ9ROWDJH :/9'9591' Driver Table B 1RQ'LPPDEOH Light Engine: Pluto 390 * @ max load. All values are typical unless stated Part Number Description For Driving Light Engine Type & Quantity :'951' Non dimmable constant current driver, 30W, 500mA, IP20 Pluto 390: min 1 unit, max 2 units Pluto 390: min 1 unit, max 2 units Input Range Voltage min max Current Power Power Factor Dimensions W x H x L (mm) Weight IP Rating Max. Distance from Fitting Min. Cut Out 198-265V 9V 33V 500mA 30W 0.95 31 x 31.5 x 179 120g IP20 60m 49mm 220-240V 3.2V 29V 500mA 20W 0.90 52 x 23 x 111 110g IP20 40m 62mm 9'LPPDEOH²'LPVGRZQWR :'95B' 188 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 1-10V dimmable constant current driver, 20W, 500mA, IP20 T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 $OOYDOXHVDUHW\SLFDOXQOHVVVWDWHG Driver Table C Light Engines: Titan 500 / Mercury 630 / Jupiter 1500 * @ max load. All values are typical unless stated 1RQ'LPPDEOH For Driving Light Engine Type & Quantity Voltage min max Current Power Power Factor* Dimensions W x H x L (mm) Weight IP Rating Max. Distance from Fitting Min. Cut Out 100-265V 2.3V 15V 700mA 10W 0.50 23 x 40 x 81 155g IP67 10m 51mm Titan 550: one unit only Mercury 630: one unit only 198-265V 2V 15V 700mA 10W 0.95 31 x 31.5 x 179 120g IP20 10m 49mm Non dimmable constant current driver, 36W, 700mA, IP67 Titan 550: min 2 units, max 4 units Mercury 630: min 2 units, max 4 units Juptier 1500: one unit only 100-265V 12V 48V 700mA 36W 0.97 30.5 x 40 x 133 300g IP67 40m 55mm Non dimmable constant current driver, 30W, 700mA, IP20 Titan 550: min 1 unit, max 4 units Mercury 630: min 1 unit, max 4 units Juptier 1500: one unit only 198-265V 9V 48V 700mA 30W 0.95 31 x 31.5 x 179 120g IP20 30m 49mm Mains dimmable constant current driver, 15W, 700mA, IP20 Titan 550: min 2 units, max 2 units Mercury 630: min 2 units, max 2 units 176-265V 16V 24V 700mA 15W 0.90 56 x 29 x 82 145g IP20 20m 68mm Part Number Description :'951' Non dimmable constant current driver, 10W, 700mA, IP67 Titan 550: one unit only Mercury 630: one unit only :'951' Non dimmable constant current driver, 10W, 700mA, IP20 :'951' :'951' Input Range 0DLQV'LPPDEOH :'957' 9'LPPDEOH²'RHVQRWVZLWFKRIIZLWKWKHGLPPLQJFRQWURO :'95B' 1-10V dimmable constant current driver, 36W, 700mA, IP67 Titan 550: min 2 units, max 4 units Mercury 630: min 2 units, max 4 units Juptier 1500: one unit only 240V 12V 48V 700mA 36W 0.96 40 x 30.5 x 133 300g IP67 30m 55mm :'95B' 1-10V dim/push dim constant current driver, 25W, 700mA, IP20 Titan 550: min 1 unit, max 3 units Mercury 630: min 1 unit, max 3 units Juptier 1500: one unit only 110-240V 3V 36V 700mA 25W 0.90 70 x 22 x 105 120g IP20 30m 78mm :'95B' 1-10V dimmable constant current driver, 30W, 700mA, IP64 Titan 550: min 4 units, max 4 units Mercury 630: min 4 units, max 4 units 120-277V 30V 42V 700mA 30W 0.90 40 x 27 x 70 120g IP64 30m 53mm :'95B' 1-10V dimmable constant current driver, 25W, 700mA, IP64 Titan 550: min 3 units, max 3 units Mercury 630: min 3 units, max 3 units 120-277V 25V 35V 700mA 25W 0.90 40 x 27 x 70 120g IP64 30m 53mm 1-10V dimmable constant current driver, 20W, 700mA, IP20 Titan 550: min 1 unit, max 2 units Mercury 630: min 1 unit, max 2 units Juptier 1500: one unit only 220-240V 3.2V 29V 700mA 20W 0.90 52 x 23 x 111 110g IP20 30m 62mm :'95B' 1-10V / push dim constant current driver, 20W, 700mA, IP20 Titan 550: min 1 unit, max 2 units Mercury 630: min 1 unit, max 2 units Juptier 1500: one unit only 220-240V 3.2V 29V 700mA 20W 0.90 52 x 23 x 111 110g IP20 30m 62mm :'95B' 1-10V / push dim constant current driver, 25W, 700mA, IP20 Titan 550: min 1 unit, max 3 units Mercury 630: min 1 unit, max 3 units Juptier 1500: one unit only 110-240V 5V 36V 700mA 25W 0.90 70 x 22 x 105 120g IP20 30m 78mm 50W-DVR-1-DALI-700 Universal 1-10/DALI/push dim driver, 50W, 700mA, IP20 Titan 550: min 1 unit, max 4 units Mercury 630: min 1 unit, max 4 units Juptier 1500: one unit only 220-240V 9V 48V 700mA 50W 0.97 79 x 21 x 123.5 220g IP20 30m 87mm :'95'$/, Universal 1-10/DALI/push dim driver, 50W, 700mA, IP20 Titan 550: min 1 unit, max 4 units Mercury 630: min 1 unit, max 4 units Juptier 1500: one unit only 220-240V 9V 48V 700mA 50W 0.97 79 x 21 x 123.5 220g IP20 30m 87mm :'95'$/, DALI dimmable constant current driver, 33W, 700mA, IP20 Titan 550: min 1 unit, max 4 units Mercury 630: min 1 unit, max 4 units Juptier 1500: one unit only 198-265V 9V 48V 700mA 33W 0.95 31.5 x 31 x 179 120g IP20 30m 49mm 1-10V dimmable LV constant current driver, 30W, 700mA, IP66 Titan 550: one unit only Mercury 630: one unit only 24V 5V 20.5V 700mA 30W N/A 36 x 23 x 56 80g IP66 30m 48mm 9'LPPDEOH²'LPVGRZQWR :'95B' 3XVK'LPPDEOH '$/, /RZ9ROWDJH :/9'959B' T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk Driver Table D 1RQ'LPPDEOH Light Engine: Mercury 810 * @ max load. All values are typical unless stated For Driving Light Engine Type & Quantity Part Number Description :'951' 1on dimmable constant current driver, 48W, 1000mA, IP67 Mercuy 810: min 1 unit, max 4 units :'951' Non dimmable constant current driver, 12W, 1000mA, IP66 Mercuy 810: one unit only :'951' Non dimmable constant current driver, 30W, 1000mA, IP20 :'951' Input Range Voltage min max Current Power Power Factor* Dimensions W x H x L (mm) Weight IP Rating Max. Distance from Fitting Min. Cut Out 55mm 100-265V 4V 46V 1000mA 48W 0.98 30.5 x 40 x 133 300g IP67 20m 90-264V 3V 12V 1000mA 12W 0.60 35 x 23 x 85 120g IP66 10m 47mm Mercuy 810: min 1 unit, max 3 units 198-265V 9V 33V 1000mA 30W 0.95 31 x 31.5 x 179 120g IP20 20m 49mm Non dimmable constant current driver, 40W, 1050mA, IP66 Mercuy 810: min 2 units, max 3 units 90-264V 18V 36V 1050mA 40W 0.90 32 x 70 x 95 360g IP66 20m 82mm 0ains dimmable constant current driver, 15W, 1000mA, IP20 Mercuy 810: one unit only 176-265V 8V 12V 1000mA 15W 0.90 56 x 29 x 82 145g IP20 10m 68mm 9V 48V 1000mA 50W 0.97 79 x 21 x 123.5 220g IP20 20m 87mm 1000mA 32W 0.90 40 x 27 x 70 120g IP64 20m 53mm 0.90 52 x 23 x 111 110g IP20 20m 62mm 0DLQV'LPPDEOH :'957' 9'LPPDEOH²'RHVQRWVZLWFKRIIZLWKWKHGLPPLQJFRQWURO :'95'$/, Universal 1-10/DALI/push dim driver, 50W, 1000mA, IP20 Mercuy 810: min 1 unit, max 4 units 220-240V :'95B' 1-10V dimmable constant current driver, 32W, 1000mA, IP64 Mercuy 810: min 3 units, max 3 units 120-277V 1-10V dimmable constant current driver, 20W, 1000mA, IP20 Mercuy 810: one unit only 220-240V :'95'$/, Universal 1-10/DALI/push dim driver, 50W, 1000mA, IP20 Mercuy 810: min 1 unit, max 4 units :'95B' 1-10V / push dim constant current driver, 20W, 1000mA, IP20 Mercuy 810: 1 unit only, max 2 units :'95'$/, Universal 1-10/DALI/push dim driver, 50W, 1000mA, IP20 :'95'$/, DALI dimmable constant current driver, 33W, 1000mA, IP20 1-10V dimmable LV constant current driver, 30W, 1050mA, IP66 Mercuy 810: 1 unit only 22.5V 31.5V 9'LPPDEOH²'LPVGRZQWR :'95B' 3.2V 20V 1000mA 20W 220-240V 9V 48V 1000mA 50W 0.97 79 x 21 x 123.5 220g IP20 20m 87mm 220-240V 3.2V 29V 1000mA 20W 0.90 52 x 23 x 111 110g IP20 20m 62mm Mercuy 810: min 1 unit, max 4 units 220-240V 9V 48V 1000mA 50W 0.97 79 x 21 x 123.5 220g IP20 20m 87mm Mercuy 810: min 1 unit, max 3 units 198-265V 9V 33V 1000mA 33W 0.95 31.5 x 31 x 179 120g IP20 20m 49mm 24V 5V 20.5V 700mA 30W N/A 36 x 23 x 56 80g IP66 30m 48mm 3XVK'LPPDEOH '$/, /RZ9ROWDJH :/9'959B' www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Driver Table E Light Engines: Venus 1000 / Aries 875 * @ max load. All values are typical unless stated 1RQ'LPPDEOH For Driving Light Engine Type & Quantity Voltage min max Current Power Power Factor* Dimensions W x H x L (mm) Weight IP Rating Max. Distance from Fitting Min. Cut Out 100-265V 12V 48V 700mA 36W 0.97 30.5 x 40 x 133 300g IP67 40m 55mm Venus 1000: min 1 unit, max 2 units Aries 875: min 1 unit, max 2 units 198-265V 9V 48V 700mA 30W 0.95 31 x 31.5 x 179 120g IP20 30m 49mm Venus 1000: one unit only 176-265V 16V 24V 700mA 15W 0.90 56 x 29 x 82 145g IP20 20m 68mm 240V 12V 48V 700mA 36W 0.96 40 x 30.5 x 133 300g IP67 30m 55mm Part Number Description :'951' Non dimmable constant current driver, 36W, 700mA, IP67 Venus 1000: min 1 unit, max 2 units Aries 875: min 1 unit, max 2 units :'951' Non dimmable constant current driver, 30W, 700mA, IP20 Mains dimmable constant current driver, 15W, 700mA, IP20 Input Range 0DLQV'LPPDEOH :'957' 9'LPPDEOH²'RHVQRWVZLWFKRIIZLWKWKHGLPPLQJFRQWURO :'95B' 1-10V dimmable constant current driver, 36W, 700mA, IP67 Venus 1000: min 1 unit, max 2 units Aries 875: min 1 unit, max 2 units :'95B' 1-10V dim/push dim constant current driver, 25W, 700mA, IP20 Venus 1000: one unit only Aries 875: min 1 unit, max 2 units 110-240V 3V 36V 700mA 25W 0.90 70 x 22 x 105 120g IP20 30m 78mm :'95B' 1-10V dimmable constant current driver, 30W, 700mA, IP64 Venus 1000: min 2 units, max 2 units Aries 875: min 2 units, max 2 units 120-277V 30V 42V 700mA 30W 0.90 40 x 27 x 70 120g IP64 30m 53mm :'95B' 1-10V dimmable constant current driver, 25W, 700mA, IP64 Aries 875: min 2 units, max 2 units 120-277V 25V 35V 700mA 25W 0.90 40 x 27 x 70 120g IP64 30m 53mm :'95'$/, Universal 1-10/DALI/push dim driver, 50W, 700mA, IP20 Venus 1000: min 1 unit, max 2 units Aries 875: min 1 unit, max 2 units 220-240V 9V 48V 700mA 50W 0.97 79 x 21 x 123.5 220g IP20 30m 87mm 1-10V dimmable constant current driver, 20W, 700mA, IP20 Venus 1000: one unit only Aries 875: one unit only 220-240V 3.2V 29V 700mA 20W 0.90 52 x 23 x 111 110g IP20 30m 62mm :'95B' 1-10V / push dim constant current driver, 20W, 700mA, IP20 Venus 1000: one unit only Aries 875: one unit only 220-240V 3.2V 29V 700mA 20W 0.90 52 x 23 x 111 110g IP20 30m 62mm :'95B' 1-10V / push dim constant current driver, 25W, 700mA, IP20 Venus 1000: one unit only Aries 875: min 1 unit, max 2 units 110-240V 3V 36V 700mA 25W 0.90 70 x 22 x 105 120g IP20 30m 78mm :'95'$/, Universal 1-10/DALI/push dim driver, 50W, 700mA, IP20 Venus 1000: min 1 unit, max 2 units Aries 875: min 1 unit, max 2 units 220-240V 9V 48V 700mA 50W 0.97 79 x 21 x 123.5 220g IP20 30m 87mm :'95'$/, Universal 1-10/DALI/push dim driver, 50W, 700mA, IP20 Venus 1000: min 1 unit, max 2 units Aries 875: min 1 unit, max 2 units 220-240V 9V 48V 700mA 50W 0.97 79 x 21 x 123.5 220g IP20 30m 87mm :'95'$/, DALI dimmable constant current driver, 33W, 700mA, IP20 Venus 1000: min 1 unit, max 2 units Aries 875: min 1 unit, max 2 units 198-265V 9V 48V 700mA 33W 0.95 31.5 x 31 x 179 120g IP20 30m 49mm 9'LPPDEOH²'LPVGRZQWR :'95B' 3XVK'LPPDEOH '$/, T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk Driver Table G 1RQ'LPPDEOH Light Engine: Jupiter 1950 * @ max load. All values are typical unless stated Part Number Description For Driving Light Engine Type & Quantity Input Range Voltage min max Current Power Power Factor* Dimensions W x H x L (mm) :'951' Non dimmable constant current driver, 48W, 1000mA, IP67 Juptier 1950: one unit only 100-265V 4V :'951' Non dimmable constant current driver, 30W, 1000mA, IP20 Juptier 1950: one unit only 198-265V 9V 46V 1000mA 48W 0.98 30.5 x 40 x 133 300g IP67 20m 55mm 33V 1000mA 30W 0.95 31 x 31.5 x 179 120g IP20 20m 49mm Universal 1-10/DALI/push dim driver, 50W, 1000mA, IP20 Juptier 1950: one unit only 220-240V 9V 48V 1000mA 50W 0.97 79 x 21 x 123.5 220g IP20 20m 87mm :'95'$/, Universal 1-10/DALI/push dim driver, 50W, 1000mA, IP20 Juptier 1950: one unit only :'95B' 1-10V / push dim constant current driver, 20W, 1000mA, IP20 Juptier 1950: one unit only 220-240V 9V 48V 1000mA 50W 0.97 79 x 21 x 123.5 220g IP20 20m 87mm 220-240V 3.2V 20V 1000mA 20W 0.90 52 x 23 x 111 110g IP20 20m 62mm :'95'$/, Universal 1-10/DALI/push dim driver, 50W, 1000mA, IP20 :'95'$/, DALI dimmable constant current driver, 33W, 1000mA, IP20 Juptier 1950: one unit only 220-240V 9V 48V 1000mA 50W 0.97 79 x 21 x 123.5 220g IP20 20m 87mm Juptier 1950: one unit only 198-265V 9V 33V 1000mA 33W 0.95 31.5 x 31 x 179 120g IP20 20m 49mm Weight IP Rating Max. Distance from Fitting Min. Cut Out 9'LPPDEOH²'RHVQRWVZLWFKRIIZLWKWKHGLPPLQJFRQWURO :'95'$/, 3XVK'LPPDEOH '$/, Driver Table H 1RQ'LPPDEOH Light Engines: Juptier 2150 / Juptier 2600 * @ max load. All values are typical unless stated For Driving Light Engine Type & Quantity Input Range Voltage min max Current Power Power Factor* Dimensions W x H x L (mm) Weight IP Rating Max. Distance from Fitting Min. Cut Out Part Number Description :'951' Non dimmable constant current driver, 36W, 700mA, IP67 Juptier 2150: one unit only Juptier 2600: one unit only 100-265V 12V 48V 700mA 36W 0.97 30.5 x 40 x 133 300g IP67 40m 55mm :'951' Non dimmable constant current driver, 30W, 700mA, IP20 Juptier 2150: one unit only Juptier 2600: one unit only 198-265V 9V 48V 700mA 30W 0.95 31 x 31.5 x 179 120g IP20 30m 49mm :'95B' 1-10V dim / push dim constant current driver, 25W, 700mA, IP20 Juptier 2150: one unit only 110-240V 3V 36V 700mA 25W 0.90 70 x 22 x 105 120g IP20 30m 78mm :'95B' 1-10V dimmable constant current driver, 30W, 700mA, IP64 Juptier 2150: one unit only Juptier 2600: one unit only 120-277V 30V 42V 700mA 30W 0.90 40 x 27 x 70 120g IP64 30m 53mm :'95B' 1-10V dimmable constant current driver, 25W, 700mA, IP64 Juptier 2150: one unit only 120-277V 25V 35V 700mA 25W 0.90 40 x 27 x 70 120g IP64 30m 53mm :'95'$/, Universal 1-10/DALI/push dim driver, 50W, 700mA, IP20 Juptier 2150: one unit only Juptier 2600: one unit only 220-240V 9V 48V 700mA 50W 0.97 79 x 21 x 123.5 220g IP20 30m 87mm :'95B' 1-10V / push dim constant current driver, 25W, 700mA, IP20 Juptier 2150: one unit only 110-240V 3V 36V 700mA 25W 0.90 70 x 22 x 105 120g IP20 30m 78mm :'95'$/, Universal 1-10/DALI/push dim driver, 50W, 700mA, IP20 Juptier 2150: one unit only Juptier 2600: one unit only 220-240V 9V 48V 700mA 50W 0.97 79 x 21 x 123.5 220g IP20 30m 87mm :'95'$/, Universal 1-10/DALI/push dim driver, 50W, 700mA, IP20 Juptier 2150: one unit only Juptier 2600: one unit only 220-240V 9V 48V 700mA 50W 0.97 79 x 21 x 123.5 220g IP20 30m 87mm :'95'$/, DALI dimmable constant current driver, 33W, 700mA, IP20 Juptier 2150: one unit only Juptier 2600: one unit only 198-265V 9V 48V 700mA 33W 0.95 31.5 x 31 x 179 120g IP20 30m 49mm 3XVK'LPPDEOH '$/, www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Driver Table J Light Engines: Juptier 2800 / Juptier 3350 * @ max load. All values are typical unless stated 1RQ'LPPDEOH For Driving Light Engine Type & Quantity Input Range Voltage min max Current Power Power Factor* Dimensions W x H x L (mm) Weight IP Rating Max. Distance from Fitting Min. Cut Out 46V 1000mA 48W 0.98 30.5 x 40 x 133 300g IP67 20m 55mm 18V 36V 1050mA 40W 0.90 32 x 70 x 95 360g IP66 20m 82mm 220-240V 9V 48V 1000mA 50W 0.97 79 x 21 x 123.5 220g IP20 20m 87mm Juptier 2800: one unit only Juptier 3350: one unit only 220-240V 9V 48V 1000mA 50W 0.97 79 x 21 x 123.5 220g IP20 20m 87mm Juptier 2800: one unit only Juptier 3350: one unit only 220-240V 9V 48V 1000mA 50W 0.97 79 x 21 x 123.5 220g IP20 20m 87mm Part Number Description :'951' Non dimmable constant current driver, 48W, 1000mA, IP67 Juptier 2800: one unit only Juptier 3350: one unit only 100-265V 4V :'951' Non dimmable constant current driver, 40W, 1050mA, IP66 Juptier 2800: one unit only 90-264V Universal 1-10/DALI/push dim driver, 50W, 1000mA, IP20 Juptier 2800: one unit only Juptier 3350: one unit only Universal 1-10/DALI/push dim driver, 50W, 1000mA, IP20 Universal 1-10/DALI/push dim driver, 50W, 1000mA, IP20 9'LPPDEOH²'RHVQRWVZLWFKRIIZLWKWKHGLPPLQJFRQWURO :'95'$/, 3XVK'LPPDEOH :'95'$/, '$/, :'95'$/, T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk Driver Table K 1RQ'LPPDEOH Light Engines: Nix 90 / Oberon 90 0 * @ max load. All values are typical unless stated Part Number Description For Driving Light Engine Type & Quantity :'951' Non dimmable constant current driver, 10W, 350mA, IP67 Nix/Oberon 90: min 1 unit, max 6 units :'951' Non dimmable constant current driver, 10W, 350mA, IP20 Nix/Oberon 90: min 3 unit, max 9 units :'951' Non dimmable constant current driver, 18W, 350mA, IP67 Nix/Oberon 90: min 4 unit, max 16 units :'951' Non dimmable constant current driver, 17W, 350mA, IP20 :'957' :'957' Input Range Voltage min max Current Power Power Factor* Dimensions W x H x L (mm) 120-240V 2V 28V 350mA 10W 0.50 27 x 35 x 86 165g IP67 40m 49mm 198-265V 8V 32V 350mA 10W 0.95 31 x 31.5 x 179 120g IP20 40m 49mm 220-240V 12V 58V 350mA 18W 0.96 30.5 x 40 x 133 300g IP67 70m 55mm Nix/Oberon 90: min 3 unit, max 13 units 198-265V 9V 48V 350mA 17W 0.95 31 x 31.5 x 179 120g IP20 70m 49mm Mains dimmable constant current driver, 18W, 350mA, IP20 Nix/Oberon 90: min 5 unit, max 14 units 220-240V 15V 52V 350mA 18W 0.90 44 x 28 x 113 108g IP20 70m 57mm Mains dimmable constant current driver, 15W, 350mA, IP20 Nix/Oberon 90: min 4 unit, max 6 units 176-265V 12V 21V 350mA 15W 0.90 56 x 29 x 82 145g IP20 60m 68mm 1-10V dimmable constant current driver, 18W, 350mA, IP67 Nix/Oberon 90: min 4 unit, max 13 units 220-240V 12V 48V 350mA 18W 0.96 40 x 30.5 x 133 300g IP67 60m 55mm DALI dimmable constant current driver, 33W, 350mA, IP20 Nix/Oberon 90: min 5 unit, max 13 units 198-265V 15V 48V 350mA 33W 0.95 31.5 x 31 x 179 120g IP20 60m 49mm :/9'9591' 1-10V dimmable low voltageconstant current driver, 6W, 350mA, IP54 Nix/Oberon 90: min 1 unit, max 6 units 24V dc 1V 30V 350mA 6W N/A 17 D x 9 3.3g IP54 60m 17mm :/9'959' 1-10V dimmable low voltageconstant current driver, 6W, 350mA, IP54 Nix/Oberon 90: min 1 unit, max 6 units 24V dc 1V 30V 350mA 6W N/A 22 D x 9 3.3g IP54 60m 22mm :/9'959B' 1-10V dimmable low voltageconstant current driver, 30W, 350mA, IP66 Nix/Oberon 90: min 2 unit, max 6 units 24V dc 5.5V 21.5V 350mA 15W N/A 36 x 23 x 56 80g IP66 60m 48mm :/9'9591' 1-10V dimmable low voltageconstant current driver, 15W, 350mA, IP66 Nix/Oberon 90: min 1 unit, max 9 units 24V dc 2V 34V 350mA 15W N/A 34 x 19 x 45 80g IP66 60m 44mm Weight IP Rating Max. Distance from Fitting Min. Cut Out 0DLQV'LPPDEOH 9'LPPDEOH²'RHVQRWVZLWFKRIIZLWKWKHGLPPLQJFRQWURO :'95B' '$/, :'95'$/, /RZ9ROWDJH www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Driver Table L 1RQ'LPPDEOH Light Engines: Oberon 130 Description For Driving Light Engine Type & Quantity :'951' non dimmable constant current driver, 12W, 500mA, IP20 Oberon 130: min 1 unit, max 7 units :'951' non dimmable constant current driver, 26W, 500mA, IP67 Oberon 130: min 2 unit, max 14 units :'951' non dimmable constant current driver, 30W, 500mA, IP20 mains dimmable constant current driver, 18W, 500mA, IP20 Part Number 0 * @ max load. All values are typical unless stated Input Range Voltage min max Current Power Power Factor* Dimensions W x H x L (mm) Max. Distance from Fitting Min. Cut Out 120-240V 2V 26V 500mA 12W 0.50 40 x 28 x 100 73g 220-240V 4V 52V 500mA 26W 0.97 40 x 31 x 153 289g IP20 20m 54mm IP67 50m Oberon 130: min 3 unit, max 9 units 198-265V 9V 33V 500mA 30W 0.95 31 x 31.5 x 179 120g 56mm IP20 60m 49mm Oberon 130: min 3 unit, max 10 units 220-240V 9V 36V 500mA 18W 0.95 44 x 28 x 113 108g IP20 40m 57mm 1-10V dimmable constant current driver, 18W, 350mA, IP67 Oberon 130: min 4 unit, max 13 units 220-240V 10.8V 48V 500mA 24W 0.95 31 x 31.5 x 172 120g IP67 40m 49mm DALI dimmable constant current driver, 33W, 500mA, IP20 Oberon 130: min 5 unit, max 13 units 198-265V 15V 48V 500mA 33W 0.95 31.5 x 31 x 179 120g IP20 40m 49mm 1-10V dimmable low voltageconstant current driver, 6W, 500mA, IP54 Oberon 130: min 1 unit, max 8 units 24V dc 1V 30V 500mA 6W N/A 22 D x 9 3.3g IP54 40m 22mm Weight IP Rating 0DLQV'LPPDEOH :'957' 9'LPPDEOH²'RHVQRWVZLWFKRIIZLWKWKHGLPPLQJFRQWURO :'95B' '$/, :'95'$/, /RZ9ROWDJH :/9'959' T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk LEDsmart Controls * @ max load. All values are typical 6PDUW&RQWUROOHUV²$OVRUHTXLUHVDORZYROWDJHSRZHUVXSSO\ unless stated Part Number Description For Driving Light Engine Type & Quantity :/9'95386+ Push dimmable smart controller, 60W, 350mA, IP20 NOTE: min and max are per channel SmartNemesis: one unit only Conventional luminaires: max 8 units :/9'95386+ Push dimmable smart controller, 60W, 500mA, IP20 NOTE: min and max are per channel :/9'95386+ Voltage min max Current Power Power Factor* Dimensions W x H x L (mm) Weight IP Rating Max. Distance from Fitting Min. Cut Out 24V 6V 22V 350mA 60W N/A 58 x 30 x 182 80g IP20 60m 70mm SmartNemesis: one unit only Conventional luminaires: max 8 units 24V 6V 22V 500mA 60W N/A 58 x 30 x 182 80g IP20 40m 70mm Push dimmable smart controller, 60W, 700mA, IP20 NOTE: min and max are per channel SmartNemesis: one unit only Conventional luminaires: max 8 units 24V 6V 22V 700mA 60W N/A 58 x 30 x 182 80g IP20 30m 70mm :/9'95386+ Push dimmable smart controller, 60W, 1000mA, IP20 NOTE: min and max are per channel SmartNemesis: one unit only Conventional luminaires: max 8 units 24V 6V 14V 1000mA 60W N/A 58 x 30 x 182 80g IP20 20m 70mm :/9'95B' 1-10V dimmable smart controller, 60W, 350mA, IP20 NOTE: min and max are per channel SmartNemesis: one unit only Conventional luminaires: max 8 units 24V 6V 22V 350mA 60W N/A 58 x 30 x 182 80g IP20 60m 70mm :/9'95B' 1-10V dimmable smart controller, 60W 500mA, IP20 NOTE: min and max are per channel SmartNemesis: one unit only Conventional luminaires: max 8 units 24V 6V 22V 500mA 60W N/A 58 x 30 x 182 80g IP20 40m 70mm :/9'95B' 1-10V dimmable smart controller, 60W 700mA, IP20 NOTE: min and max are per channel SmartNemesis: one unit only Conventional luminaires: max 8 units 24V 6V 22V 700mA 60W N/A 58 x 30 x 182 80g IP20 30m 70mm :/9'95B' 1-10V dimmable smart controller, 60W 1000mA, IP20 NOTE: min and max are per channel SmartNemesis: one unit only Conventional luminaires: max 8 units 24V 6V 14V 1000mA 60W N/A 58 x 30 x 182 80g IP20 20m 70mm :/9'95'0; DMX smart controller, 60W, 350mA, IP20 NOTE: min and max are per channel SmartNemesis: one unit only Conventional luminaires: max 8 units 24V 6V 22V 350mA 60W N/A 58 x 30 x 182 80g IP20 60m 70mm :/9'95'0; DMX smart controller, 60W, 500mA, IP20 NOTE: min and max are per channel SmartNemesis: one unit only Conventional luminaires: max 8 units 24V 6V 22V 500mA 60W N/A 58 x 30 x 182 80g IP20 40m 70mm :/9'95'0; DMX smart controller, 60W, 700mA, IP20 NOTE: min and max are per channel SmartNemesis: one unit only Conventional luminaires: max 8 units 24V 6V 22V 700mA 60W N/A 58 x 30 x 182 80g IP20 30m 70mm :/9'95'0; DMX smart controller, 60W, 1000mA, IP20 NOTE: min and max are per channel SmartNemesis: one unit only Conventional luminaires: max 8 units 24V 6V 14V 1000mA 60W N/A 58 x 30 x 182 80g IP20 20m 70mm :/9'95&25 SmartCorridor smart controller, 60W, 350mA, IP20 NOTE: min and max are per channel SmartNemesis: one unit only Conventional luminaires: max 8 units 24V 6V 22V 350mA 60W N/A 58 x 30 x 182 80g IP20 60m 70mm :/9'95&25 SmartCorridor smart controller, 60W, 500mA, IP20 NOTE: min and max are per channel SmartNemesis: one unit only Conventional luminaires: max 8 units 24V 6V 22V 500mA 60W N/A 58 x 30 x 182 80g IP20 40m 70mm :/9'95&25 SmartCorridor smart controller, 60W, 700mA, IP20 NOTE: min and max are per channel SmartNemesis: one unit only Conventional luminaires: max 8 units 24V 6V 22V 700mA 60W N/A 58 x 30 x 182 80g IP20 30m 70mm :/9'95&25 SmartCorridor smart controller, 60W, 1000mA, IP20 NOTE: min and max are per channel SmartNemesis: one unit only Conventional luminaires: max 8 units 24V 6V 14V 1000mA 60W N/A 58 x 30 x 182 80g IP20 20m 70mm :/9'95'$/, DALI smart controller, 60W, 350mA, IP20 NOTE: min and max are per channel SmartNemesis: one unit only Conventional luminaires: max 8 units 24V 6V 22V 350mA 60W N/A 58 x 30 x 182 80g IP20 60m 70mm :/9'95'$/, DALI smart controller, 60W, 500mA, IP20 NOTE: min and max are per channel SmartNemesis: one unit only Conventional luminaires: max 8 units 24V 6V 22V 500mA 60W N/A 58 x 30 x 182 80g IP20 40m 70mm :/9'95'$/, DALI smart controller, 60W, 700mA, IP20 NOTE: min and max are per channel SmartNemesis: one unit only Conventional luminaires: max 8 units 24V 6V 22V 700mA 60W N/A 58 x 30 x 182 80g IP20 30m 70mm :/9'95'$/, DALI smart controller, 60W, 1000mA, IP20 SmartNemesis: one unit only Conventional luminaires: max 8 units 24V 6V 14V 1000mA 60W N/A 58 x 30 x 182 80g IP20 20m 70mm www.photonstarlighting.co.uk Input Range T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 LEDsmart Controls * @ max load. All values are typical unless stated 6PDUW:KLWH&RQWUROOHUV²7RFRQWUROZKLWHFRORXUWXQHDEOH6PDUW:KLWHOXPLQDLUHV$OVRUHTXLUHVDORZYROWDJHSRZHUVXSSO\ Part Number Description For Driving Light Engine Type & Quantity Input Range Voltage min max Current 6:&759 SmartWhite 1-10V controller To control one SmartWhite luminaire using 1-10V control 22-26V N/A N/A 10W N/A 110 x 65 x 27 120g IP20 0.3m 70mm 6:&75'0; SmartWhite DMX controller To control one SmartWhite luminaire using DMX control 22-26V N/A N/A 10W N/A 110 x 65 x 27 120g IP20 0.3m 70mm 6:&759 SmartWhite Tungsten+ 1-10V controller To control one SmartWhite Tungsten+ luminaire using 1-10V control 22-26V N/A N/A 10W N/A 110 x 65 x 27 120g IP20 0.3m 70mm 6:&75'0; SmartWhite Tungsten+ DMX controller To control one SmartWhite Tungsten+ luminaire using DMX control 22-26V N/A N/A 10W N/A 110 x 65 x 27 120g IP20 0.3m 70mm Power Power Factor* Dimensions W x H x L (mm) Weight IP Rating Max. Distance from Fitting Min. Cut Out '0;'ULYHUV²7RFRQWURO5*%:FRORXUFKDQJHOXPLQDLUHV8VLQJWKH3LFWRU/LJKW(QJLQH²UHTXLUHVDORZYROWDJHSRZHUVXSSO\ :'95'0; 15W 350mA DMX driver (requires a 24V Power Supply) To control a single luminaire with the Pictor -150 light engine /RZ9ROWDJH3RZHU6XSSO\8QLWV368 (QVXUHWKDWWRWDOORDGRI\RXU6PDUW1HWZRUN6PDUW/XPLQDLUH LVDWOHDVWOHVVWKDQWKH368WKDW\RXVHOHFW²FRQWDFWVDOHV#SKRWRQVWDUOHGFRPIRUPRUHDGYLFH :'95&99 Constant voltage driver, 25W, 24V, IP20 90-277V 24V 25W 0.96 43 x 30 x 157 140g IP20 57mm :'95&99 Constant voltage driver, 60W, 24V, IP65 100-277V 24V 60W 0.96 44 x 40 x 198 570g IP65 64mm :'95&99 Constant voltage driver, 100W, 24V, IP65 100-240V 24V 100W 0.96 65 x 42 x 230 800g IP65 82mm :'95&99 Constant voltage driver, 26W, 24V, IP20 198-265V 24V 26W 0.98 31.5 x 31 x 179 120g IP20 49mm T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Compliance to Standard Quality Electrical Protection All luminaires produced by PhotonStar™ are designed to comply with EN 60598 EN 60598 and The Lighting Association Code of Practice. &ODVV²ÀWWLQJVFRPSO\ZLWKFODVVOHDUWKHGHOHFWULFDO requirements i.e. functional insulation in all parts and PhotonStar™ luminaires are developed and tested to the earth termination. highest standards: &RPSOLDQWZLWK$16,&FKURPDWLFLW\DQG &ODVV²ÀWWLQJVFRPSO\ZLWKFODVVOOGRXEOHLQVXODWHG binning standard &RPSOLDQWZLWK,(61$/0OXPLQDLUHWHVWLQJVWDQGDUG electrical requirements i.e. complete insulation in all parts ZLWKRXWHDUWKWHUPLQDWLRQ,QWKHHYHQWRIDQHOHFWULFDOIDXOW no dangerous voltage can reach touchable metal parts. &RPSOLDQWZLWK,(61$/0/('OLIHWLPHVWDQGDUG &ODVV²ÀWWLQJVFRPSO\ZLWKFODVVOOOWULSOHLQVXODWHG &RPSOLDQWZLWK(1OXPLQDLUHVDIHW\VWDQGDUG (QHUJ\HIÀFLHQF\DQGSKRWRPHWU\LQFROODERUDWLRQZLWKWKH UK National Physics Laboratory. &RPSOLDQWZLWK(8´$µHQHUJ\UDWLQJIRUOLJKWLQJ %HQHÀFLDOWR/(('FRPSOLDQFH electrical requirements i.e. Where protection against electrical VKRFNUHOLHVRQVXSSO\DWVDIHO\H[WUDORZ6(/9DQGLQZKLFK YROWDJHVKLJKHUWKDQWKRVHRI6(/9DUHQRWJHQHUDWHG InÁammability of Surface Protection EN 60598 marking CE marking indicates compliance with the requirements of: )PDUN²ÀWWLQJVFRPSO\ZLWKLQVWDOODWLRQUHTXLUHPHQWV IRUPRXQWLQJRQÁDPPDEOHVXUIDFHV ((&DVDPHQGHGE\((& Suitable for mounting in or on furniture made of M 1. Low voltage directive for electrical safety VHPLFRPEXVWLEOHRUQRUPDOO\FRPEXVWLEOHPDWHULDOV such as wood. (0&GLUHFWLYHIRUHOHFWURPDJQHWLFFRPSDWLELOLW\ ((&DVDPHQGHGE\((& M M Fittings made for mounting in or on furniture made of materials of unknown properties. Voltage Fittings and drivers are supplied primarily for operation on 9+] &RQWDFWXVIRUDOWHUQDWLYHHOHFWULFDOVSHFLÀFDWLRQV Radio Suppression EN 55015, EN 61000 & EN 61547 Fittings comply with radio interference suppression and electromagnetic FRPSDWLELOLW\(0&UHJXODWLRQV T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 199 Compliance to Standard 200 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk Degree of Protection First IdentiÀcation Number EN 60529 Protection against the ingress of solids 7KHUHVLVWLYHSHUIRUPDQFHRIÀWWLQJVWRVROLGVDQGOLTXLGVLVLQGLFDWHG NO. MEASURE OF PROTECTION TEST E\WKH,3,QJUHVV3URWHFWLRQSUHÀ[IROORZHGE\WZRQXPEHUV7KHÀUVW ,3; $JDLQVWIRUHLJQERGLHVPP %DOOPPÀQJHUWHVW number indicates the measure of protection against the ingress of ,3; $JDLQVWIRUHLJQERGLHVPP 6WHHOZLUHPP solids. The second number indicates the measure of protection against ,3; $JDLQVWIRUHLJQERGLHVPP 6WHHOZLUHPP the ingress of liquids. ,3; $JDLQVWKDUPIXOGXVWGHSRVLWV GXVWSURRI 7DOFXPSRZGHU² SDUWLFOHVƫP ,3; $JDLQVWDQ\HQWU\RIGXVWGXVWWLJKW 7DOFXPSRZGHU² SDUWLFOHVƫP NO. MEASURE OF PROTECTION TEST ,3; $JDLQVWIDOOLQJGURSVRIZDWHU :DWHUIDOOLQJYHUWLFDOO\ ,3; $JDLQVWIDOOLQJGURSVRIZDWHU :DWHUIDOOLQJXSWR ,3; $JDLQVWVSUD\LQJZDWHUUDLQSURRI :DWHUVSUD\HGDW from vertical ,3; $JDLQVWVSODVKHGZDWHUVSODVKSURRI :DWHUIURPDOOGLUHFWLRQV ,3; $JDLQVWMHWVRIZDWHUMHWSURRI :DWHUIURPDOOGLUHFWLRQV SURMHFWHGE\DQR]]OH ,3; $JDLQVWKHDY\VHDVSRZHUIXOZDWHUMHWV :DWHUIURPDOOGLUHFWLRQV SURMHFWHGE\DQR]]OH ,3; $JDLQVWWHPSRUDU\LPPHUVLRQHIIHFWV ,PPHUVLRQLQZDWHU QRWIRUFRQWLQXRXV PIRUPLQXWHV underwater application ,3; $JDLQVWFRQWLQXRXVVXEPHUVLRQ SUHVVXUHZDWHUWLJKW ,PPHUVLRQLQZDWHU PIRUPLQXWHV – max. depth tested indicated after symbol T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Photometric Data Performance Cones Cones are for single luminaires. 3HUIRUPDQFHFRQHVLQGLFDWHEHDPVSUHDGLHDQDUURZPHGLXPRU EURDGEHDPRIOLJKW7KHLOOXPLQDQFHYDOXHVJLYHQOX[NOPDUHWKH 0.5 0.67 7W 10W E(0º) 1168 1536 1.0 1.35 E(0º) 292 384 1.5 2.02 E(0º) 130 171 2.0 2.70 E(0º) 73 96 2.5 3.37 E(0º) 47 61 3.0 4.05 E(0º) 32 43 C = 270 PD[LPXPYDOXHVZLWKLQWKHEHDPIRUKRUL]RQWDOSODQHVDWYDULRXV GLVWDQFHVEHORZWKHOXPLQDLUH7KHEHDPGLDPHWHULHWKHDSSUR[LPDWH VL]HRIWKHOLJKWFRYHUDJHLVDOVRJLYHQ7KHFRQHZLGWKVDUHFDOFXODWHG for an illuminance at the edge of the cone of 50% of the maximum. %\VSDFLQJOXPLQDLUHVDWWKHEHDPGLDPHWHUIRUWKHDSSURSULDWHKHLJKW WKHFRPELQHGHIIHFWRIDGMDFHQWFRQHVLVWRSURGXFHDQDFFHSWDEOH C LUM 8 =1 0 IANICER C =0 =90 uniformity along the centre lines between luminaires. Polar Diagram of Luminous Intensity Distribution These provide a graphic representation of the distribution of light from DOXPLQDLUH2IWHQUHIHUUHGWRDVSRODUFXUYHVWKH\LQGLFDWHWKHLQWHQVLW\ 105º PHDVXUHGLQFDQGHODVFGSHUNLOROXPHQNOP 90º 90º The tables provided use luminaire photometric data that has been 75º 75º PHDVXUHGDQGWHVWHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK%6(1 60º 105º 60º 320 DQG%6(1 45º $OOGDWDLVDYDLODEOHLQ,(6IRUPDW 640 30º T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 45º 480 Additional photometric data can be provided upon request. 15º 0° 0º 15º 30º www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 201 Glossary of Terms Analogue Dimming A dimming system employing analogue input VLJQDOVLQLWLDWLQJDQGGHÀQLQJWKHGLPPLQJOHYHOWKDWDQ/('GULYHURU FRQWUROJHDUZLOOUHDFWWR7\SLFDOSURWRFROVLQFOXGH99DQG WUDLOLQJHGJHGLPPLQJWULDFGLPPLQJ6XFKV\VWHPVEHQHÀWIURP VLPSOLFLW\EXWODFNWKHÁH[LELOLW\RIFXVWRPLVDWLRQ Candela (cd) The base unit of luminous intensity. Colour Rendering Index (Ra %) A quantitative measure of the ability RIDOLJKWVRXUFHWRUHSURGXFHWKHFRORXUVRIYDULRXVREMHFWVIDLWKIXOO\LQ FRPSDULVRQZLWKDQLGHDORUQDWXUDOOLJKWVRXUFH9DOXHVRIDUH YHU\JRRGJRRGDQG/('VZLWKDQ5DEHORZVKRXOGQRWEH used where people are working continuously. Colour Temperature T(K) %ODFNERGLHVOLNHPRVWRWKHUVZKHQKHDWHG WRVXIÀFLHQWO\KLJKWHPSHUDWXUHVHPLWUHGOLJKWZKHQWKH temperature is increased further the emitted light becomes white. 7KHFRORXUFRRUGLQDWHVGHULYHGIURPWKLVKHDWHGEODFNERG\DIXOO VSHFWUDORUSHUIHFWUDGLDWRUZKHQSORWWHGRQDGLDJUDPOLHRQDVPRRWK FXUYHNQRZQDVWKHIXOOUDGLDWRUORFXVDQGDUHVKRZQRQWKH&,( &KURPDWLF'LDJUDP The colour appearance of a given light source can be compared to a position on the full radiator locus by reference to its colour WHPSHUDWXUHUHIHUUHGWRLQGHJUHHV.HOYLQ DALI and DSI 'LJLWDO$GGUHVVDEOH/LJKWLQJ,QWHUIDFHLVDWHFKQLFDO standard for network based systems that control lighting in buildings. 7KHRSHQVWDQGDUGZDVHVWDEOLVKHGDVDVXFFHVVRUWRDQDORJXH9 lighting control systems. Further technical information may be found on dali.org. 'LJLWDO6LJQDO,QWHUIDFH'6,LVDOVRDSURWRFROIRUFRQWUROOLQJOLJKWLQJ LQEXLOGLQJV,WZDVFUHDWHGLQDQGLVWKHEDVLVRIWKHPRUH VRSKLVWLFDWHG'$/,SURWRFRO'$/,DGGVPRUHFRPSOH[IHDWXUHVVXFKDV ability to address individual luminaires as well as information reporting back from the lighting to the control system. 7KH'$/,VWDQGDUGLVVSHFLÀHGLQWKH,(&VWDQGDUGIRU ÁXRUHVFHQWODPSEDOODVWVDQGHQFRPSDVVHVWKHFRPPXQLFDWLRQ protocol and electrical interface for lighting control networks. 202 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk Digital Dimming A dimming protocol employing digital input signals LQLWLDWLQJDQGGHÀQLQJWKHGLPPLQJOHYHOWKDWDQ/('GULYHURUFRQWURO JHDUZLOOUHVSRQGWR6RPHGLJLWDOSURWRFROVPD\DOVREHQHÀWIURP luminaire addressing and information reporting. Typical protocols LQFOXGHSXVKGLPFHQWUHUHWUDFWLYHGLPPLQJ'$/,'6,DQG'0; DMX '0;LVDVWDQGDUGIRUGLJLWDOFRPPXQLFDWLRQQHWZRUNVWKDWLV FRPPRQO\XVHGWRFRQWUROVWDJHOLJKWLQJDQGHIIHFWV+RZHYHUPRUH recently the protocol has gained more interest in the commercial and architectural lighting space. The protocol was originally devised for controlling light dimmers. 7KH'0;GLJLWDOEXVQHWZRUNFDQVXSSRUWQRPRUHWKDQGHYLFHV RQDVLQJOHEXV0RUHGHYLFHVPD\EHLQVWDOOHGLI'0;VSOLWWHUVDUH HPSOR\HGRQWKHEXV3OHDVHFRQVXOW3KRWRQ6WDU/('IRUIXUWKHU WHFKQLFDOLQIRUPDWLRQDQGVSHFLÀFLQVWDOODWLRQUHTXLUHPHQWV Emergency BLF %DOODVW/XPHQ)DFWRULVWKHUDWLRRIWKHOLJKWRXWSXW RIWKH/('OLJKWHQJLQHRUOXPLQDLUHLQHPHUJHQF\RSHUDWLRQFRPSDUHG ZLWKWKHOLJKWRXWSXWRIWKHVDPH/('OLJKWHQJLQHRSHUDWHGDWQRUPDO OLJKWLQJFRQGLWLRQV3OHDVHUHIHUWRWKHDSSURSULDWH/('OLJKWHQJLQH SDJHVIRUDFWXDO%/)YDOXHV Emergency Luminaires All PhotonStar Emergency Luminaires FRPSO\WRWKHUHOHYDQWSDUWVRI(1DQG(1 $OOHPHUJHQF\OXPLQDLUHVDUHUDWHGIRUKRXUDXWRQRPRXVEDWWHU\ RSHUDWLRQ7KHFRQWUROJHDUHQFORVXUHVDUHDOVR8/9UDWHG $OO3KRWRQ6WDUHPHUJHQF\OXPLQDLUHVRSHUDWHLQ´PDLQWDLQHGµPRGHRI RSHUDWLRQXQWLORWKHUZLVHVWDWHGRUVSHFLÀHG,QPDLQWDLQHGPRGHWKH /('OLJKWHQJLQHRSHUDWHVZLWKDQRUPDOSRZHUVXSSO\DQGVZLWFKHVWR the emergency power supply when there is a failure. ,WLVUHFRPPHQGHGWKDWHPHUJHQF\OLJKWLQJDSSOLFDWLRQVFRPSO\ZLWK (1DQG(1 Glare Glare is the discomfort caused by high luminances in the ÀHOGRIYLVLRQ Light Level 7KHLQFLGHQFHRIOLJKWÁX[RQDVXUIDFHSHUXQLWRIDUHD measured in lux. There is a difference between the vertical and KRUL]RQWDOOLJKWOHYHOV Light Output Ration (LOR) The ratio of the luminaire light output to ODPSOLJKWRXWSXW7KHHIÀFLHQF\RIWKHOXPLQDLUH Lumen (lm) 8QLWRIOXPLQRXVÁX[XVHGWRGHVFULEHDTXDQWLW\RIOLJKW emitted by a source or received by a surface. /XPLQDLUH(IÀFLHQF\+RZZHOODOXPLQDLUHXVHVWKHOXPLQRXVÁX[RI the lamp used. The ratio is calculated by dividing the total luminaire lumens by the total circuit watts. Luminance The measure of brightness with which the eye perceives an illuminated surface from a certain direction. The luminous intensity per XQLWRIYLVLEOHVXUIDFHRIDOLJKWVRXUFHGLUHFWRUDQLOOXPLQDWHGVXUIDFH UHÁHFWLRQ/XPLQDQFHLVLQGLFDWHGLQFDQGHODVSHUVTXDUHPHWUHFG m /XPLQRXV(IÀFDF\OP:,QGLFDWHVKRZHIÀFLHQWO\DODPSFRQYHUWV electrical energy to light. MacAdam Ellipse 7KHWHFKQLTXHZDVGHYHORSHGE\0DF$GDPLQ WRGHWHUPLQHERXQGDULHVDURXQGWDUJHWFRORXUSRLQWVRQWKH &,(FKURPDWLFLW\GLDJUDPZKHUHE\WKHVRXUFHFDQGHYLDWHEHIRUHWKH observer can perceive a difference in target colour. 0DF$GDPHOOLSVHVZHUHHYROYHGWRGHVFULEHWKH´VWHSVµZKLFK GHÀQHVWDQGDUGGHYLDWLRQVIURPWKHWDUJHWFRORXUSRLQW$VWHSHOOLSVH GHÀQHVVWDQGDUGGHYLDWLRQVIURPWKHWDUJHWSRLQWLQDOO colour directions. 'XHWRWKHQRQFRQIRUPDO&,(;<=FKURPDWLFLW\VSDFHWKH GHYLDWLRQVDUHGHÀQHGDVHOOLSVHV $16,UHFRPPHQGVWKDWOLJKWHQJLQHPDQXIDFWXUHUVVWD\ZLWKLQD ´VWHSµHOOLSVH$SRLQWRQWKHERXQGDU\RIDVWHSHOOLSVHLV 8 standard deviations from a point on the opposite side of that same boundary. ,WLVDOVRLPSRUWDQWWRQRWHWKDWWKHSHUFHLYHGGLIIHUHQFHVLQFRORXU FDQDOVRGHSHQGRQWKHFRUUHODWHGFRORXUWHPSHUDWXUHYLHZLQJDQJOH OXPLQDQFHDQGVL]HRIREMHFW T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Glossary of Terms Measurement and Sample Preparation,QDVVHVVLQJWKHVDIHW\RIDQ /('OLJKWHQJLQHLWLVQHFHVVDU\WRGHWHUPLQHWKHVSHFWUDOGLVWULEXWLRQ RIWKH/('VDWPD[LPXPLUUDGLDQFH:PRU UDGLDQFH:PVU7KHZDYHOHQJWKPHDVXUHPHQWPXVWFRYHU QPWRQP RISK FACTOR RISK GROUP RESULT $FWLQLF89(S²QP ([HPSW 1HDU89(89$²QP ([HPSW %OXH/LJKW/%²QP 5LVN*URXS,/RZ5LVN 5HWLQDO7KHUPDO/5²QP ([HPSW 5HWLQDO7KHUPDO:HDN6WLPXOXV/,5²QP ([HPSW ,55DGLDWLRQ(\H(,5QP ([HPSW 5LVNJURXSFDWHJRULHVRIDW\SLFDO3KRWRQ6WDU:DUP:KLWH./('OLJKWHQJLQH 7KH/('OLJKWHQJLQHLVWHVWHGDWWKHPD[LPXPSHUPLVVLEOHFRQVWDQW current to provide constant emission and in accordance to the ,(&JXLGHOLQHV Photobiological Damage7KH(XURSHDQVWDQGDUG,(& DQGWKHFORVHO\DVVRFLDWHG$16,,(61$53LQWKH86$IRU 3KRWRELRORJLFDO6DIHW\RI/DPSVDQG/DPS6\VWHPVLVXVHGWRHYDOXDWH /('SKRWRELRORJLFDOVDIHW\7KHVFRSHRIWKLVVWDQGDUGDSSOLHVWRODPSV DQGODPSV\VWHPVVDIHW\LQFOXGLQJWKHVDIHW\RI/('OLJKWHQJLQHV and luminaires. The following information is provided by PhotonStar WRDVVLVWFXVWRPHUVWRLGHQWLI\WKHYLDELOLW\RIWKH/('OLJKWHQJLQHDQG luminaire in the end application. The information in this section can be used to help evaluate luminaire level safety and provide customers VRPHLQGLFDWLRQRIWKHULVNIDFWRUFODVVLÀFDWLRQRI3KRWRQ6WDU/('OLJKW engines and luminaires. Luminous Flux (lm) The total light output of a lamp measured in lumen. Luminous Intensity (cd) The power of a source or illuminated VXUIDFHWRHPLWOLJKWLQDSDUWLFXODUGLUHFWLRQPHDVXUHGLQFDQGHOD Maintenance Factor Lighting levels decrease in time due to soiling DQGODPSGHWHULRUDWLRQ0HDQYDOXHVDUHRUIRUDQRUPDO LQWHULRUGHSHQGLQJRQFOHDQLQJF\FOHVIRUWUDGLWLRQDOVRXUFHV )RU/('OXPLQDLUHVWKHPHDQYDOXHLV Part L1 & L2 8.%XLOGLQJ5HJXODWLRQVIRUFRQVHUYDWLRQRIIXHODQG SRZHUVHHIXUWKHUGHWDLOVRQSDJHV VCCT9DULDEOH&RUUHODWHG&RORXU7HPSHUDWXUH/XPLQDLUHVRUOLJKW HQJLQHVKDYLQJ9&&7OLJKWHQJLQHVHQMR\WKHEHQHÀWVRIKDYLQJXVHU GHÀQDEOHZKLWHFRORXUWXQHDEOHOLJKWVRXUFHV3KRWRQ6WDU/('9&&7 OLJKWHQJLQHVW\SLFDOO\FRPSULVHRISURSULHWDU\PXOWLSOH/('VRUDFKLS RQERDUGPRGXOHDFRORXUPL[FDYLW\DQGDQDFWLYHFRQWUROV\VWHPWR monitor and prolong the lifetime and colour quality of the light engine. Performance Cone Shows whether the luminaire emits a narrow or wide beam of light and indicates the lighting level measured at the centre of the beam. The beam diameter and angle indicated where half the light is measured in relation to the centre of the beam. ,WJLYHVRQO\DURXJKJXLGHRIWKHVL]HRIEHDPVQDUURZHUWKDQ Polar Curve The graphic representation of the luminous intensity in GLIIHUHQWGLUHFWLRQV,IWZRFXUYHVDUHSORWWHGWKHGLVWULEXWLRQVDUHLQ two vertical planes. The value is indicated in candelas per 1000 lumen FGNOPDQGWKHUHIRUHPXVWEHPXOWLSOLHGE\WKHQRPLQDOOXPLQRXV ÁX[RIWKHODPSXVHG7KHSRODUFXUYHJUDSKDOVRLQGLFDWHV OXPLQDLUHHIÀFLHQF\ UGR 7KH8*5PHWKRGUHODWHVWRJODUHIURPFHLOLQJÀ[WXUHVWKDWDUH SODFHGLQDUHJXODUSDWWHUQ(XURSHDQVWDQGDUG(1/LJKWLQJRI ,QGRRU:RUN3ODFHVFRQWDLQVDWDEOHLQZKLFKWKHPD[LPXPDOORZHG 8*5YDOXHLVSUHVFULEHGSHUW\SHRIURRPDQGSHUW\SHRIDFWLYLW\ 7KH8*5PHWKRGSURGXFHVDVFDOHÀJXUH EHORZQRJODUH ²VXLWHGIRUDFFXUDWHH\HWDVNV 16 –19 suited for average eye tasks ²VXLWHGIRUPRGHUDWHH\HWDVNV ²VXLWHGIRUVLPSOHH\HWDVNVDERYH QRWVXLWHGIRUZRUNOLJKWLQJ Utilisation Factor 7KHUDWLRRIWKHOLJKWÁX[ZKLFKWKHUHIHUHQFH VXUIDFHUHFHLYHVWRWKHWRWDOOHGOXPLQRXVÁX[HVRIWKHLQVWDOOHGODPSV 7KLVLVLQÁXHQFHGE\WKHVKDSHDQGVL]HRIWKHURRPDQGVHOHFWHG luminaire and is expressed in the form of UF tables. Lux (lux) 7KHXQLWRILOOXPLQDQFHHTXDOWRRQHOXPHQSHUVTXDUHPHWUH OPP T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 203 UK Building Regulations 1(: 2010 8.%XLOGLQJ5HJXODWLRQVZHUHUHYLVHGLQ2FWREHU3DUW/UHIHUV to conservation of fuel and power and encompasses lighting. 515 lumens Part 1 Complian t 400 1&2 & b to e Part L 500 385 lumens compliant 300 lumens 270 lumens M in 400lm 300 L1A for new dwellings /%([LVWLQJGZHOOLQJV /$1HZEXLOGLQJVRWKHUWKDQGZHOOLQJV /%([LVWLQJEXLOGLQJVRWKHUWKDQGZHOOLQJV 9 : 9 50W Ceiling Star(' halogen halogen 0 /('ODPS %ULJKWQHVVWRWDOGHOLYHUHGOXPHQV 70 74 OPF: ompli 50 Part 40 OPF: 1&2 6 OPF: : 9 : Ceiling 9: 9 : Star(' halogen halogen : market leading /('ODPS (IÀFDF\GHOLYHUHGOPF: 5 lmc: CeilingStar ED :0HUFXU\OLJKWHQJLQH.EHDPDQJOH 204 'HOLYHULQJDWOHDVWOP Fittings less than 5W are exempt from the total count )LWWLQJVLQLQIUHTXHQWO\DFFHVVHGDUHDVVXFKDVFXSERDUGVDUH www.photonstarlighting.co.uk $FRQWUROIDFWRURIFDQEHDSSOLHGWRWKHHIÀFLHQF\ZKHQ $FRQWUROIDFWRURIFDQEHDSSOLHGWRWKHHIÀFLHQF\ZKHQ daylight sensors are used A control factor of 0.85 can be applied when both types of controls are used ,WLVQRWQHFHVVDU\IRULQGLYLGXDOOXPLQDLUHVWRPHHW OXPLQDLUHOXPHQVSHUFLUFXLW:DWWJLYLQJWKHGHVLJQHUÁH[LELOLW\ +DORJHQDQG*/6ODPSVDUHKLJKOLJKWHGLQWKHJXLGHOLQHVDV non compliant n4 10 OPF: 0 (IÀFLHQF\JUHDWHUWKDQODPSOXPHQVFLUFXLW: M i 20 10 $OO3KRWRQ6WDUÀWWLQJVFRPSO\VXEMHFWWRWKHOLJKWHQJLQHFKRLFH 30 $7OHDVWRIÀWWLQJVPXVWEHORZHQHUJ\GHÀQHGDV exempt compliant 40 $PLQLPXPODPSOXPHQVFLUFXLW:DWWDYHUDJHGRYHUWKH occupancy sensors are used a nt eP to b art 60 compliant : market leading $PLQLPXPOXPLQDLUHOXPHQVFLUFXLW:DWWDYHUDJHGRYHU whole area for display lighting New dwellings must also comply with the new Code for Sustainable KRPHVZKLFKKDVIXUWKHUUHTXLUHPHQWVWR%XLOGLQJ5HJXODWLRQVIRU energy and CO emissions. A Summary of Part L1: C L1 1(: 2010 : compliant the whole area for general lighting 200 100 L2A A Summary of Part L2 : WRXVHDPL[RIWHFKQRORJLHVWKDWDYHUDJHOPF: All PhotonStar70 products exceed the requirements for display OLJKWLQJDQGWKHIROORZLQJOLJKWHQJLQHVPHHWDQGLQPDQ\FDVHV GUDPDWLFDOO\H[FHHGOPF:LQPRVWÀWWLQJV: Titan SmartWhite 0HUFXU\ SmartJupiter 9HQXV SmartNemesis and /('VPDUWFRQWUROVDWWUDFW the control factors when installed in eligible areas. Titan Jupiter Aries 0HUFXU\ SmartWhite Jupiter 9HQXV SmartJupiter Aries For more details and downloads visit our website www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Enhanced Capital Allowance 7KH(QKDQFHG&DSLWDO$OORZDQFH(&$VFKHPHLVDNH\SDUWRI WKH*RYHUQPHQW·VSURJUDPPHWRPDQDJHFOLPDWHFKDQJHDQG LVGHVLJQHGWRHQFRXUDJHEXVLQHVVHVWRLQYHVWLQHQHUJ\VDYLQJ equipment. )XOOGHWDLOVRI(&$SHUIRUPDQFHFULWHULDIRU/('OLJKWLQJDUHDYDLODEOHRQ WKH3KRWRQ6WDU/LJKWLQJRUWKH(&$ZHEVLWHKRZHYHULQVXPPDU\/(' luminaires are required to: +DYHDQHIÀFDF\DIWHUKRXUVRIFRQWLQXRXVRSHUDWLRQRI Why was it introduced? 7KH*RYHUQPHQWLQWURGXFHGWKH(&$VFKHPHLQWRHQFRXUDJH EXVLQHVVHVWRLQYHVWLQORZFDUERQHQHUJ\VDYLQJHTXLSPHQW What does the ECA Energy scheme involve? The scheme provides a tax incentive to businesses that invest in HTXLSPHQWWKDWPHHWVSXEOLVKHGHQHUJ\VDYLQJFULWHULD7KH(QHUJ\ 7HFKQRORJ\/LVW(7/GHWDLOVWKHFULWHULDIRUHDFKW\SHRIWHFKQRORJ\ and lists those products in each category that meet them. At this WLPH/('OLJKWLQJGRHVQRWUHTXLUHWHVWLQJRUFHUWLÀFDWLRQIRUWKH(7/ OXPLQDLUHOXPHQVSHUFLUF: $FFHQWDPHQLW\GLVSOD\OLJKWLQJ ! ,QWHULRU'RZQOLJKWV >=60 Luminaire lumens per circW ,QWHULRU8SOLJKWV ! OXPLQDLUHOXPHQVSHUFLUF: ,QWHULRUFRPELQHGXSGRZQOLJKWV ! OXPLQDLUHOXPHQVSHUFLUF: +DYHDFRORXUUHQGHULQJLQGH[WKDWLVDWOHDVW5DIRULQWHULRUJHQHUDO illumination +DYHDSRZHUIDFWRUWKDWLVJUHDWHUWKDQRUHTXDOWRDWDOOOHYHOVRI product light output. Key Features of the ECA scheme Do PhotonStarTM Fittings Comply? /('OLJKWLQJGRHVQRWUHTXLUHDFHUWLÀFDWHWREHLVVXHGRUWREH registered on the Energy Technology List. The manufacturer supplies a VWDWHPHQWWRFRQÀUPWKDWSURGXFWVFRPSO\ZLWKWKHUHTXLUHPHQWV 2SHQWRDOOEXVLQHVVHVWKDWSD\8.FRUSRUDWLRQRULQFRPHWD[ UHJDUGOHVVRIVL]HVHFWRURUORFDWLRQ/RVVPDNLQJEXVLQHVVHV PD\DSSO\DJDLQVWLQFRPHWD[SD\PHQWV 3URYLGHVÀUVW\HDUFDSLWDODOORZDQFHVRQLQYHVWPHQWVLQ HQHUJ\VDYLQJHTXLSPHQWDJDLQVWWD[DEOHSURÀWVRIWKHSHULRGRI investment. 2QO\VSHQGLQJRQQHZDQGXQXVHGHQHUJ\VDYLQJHTXLSPHQW can qualify for ECAs. &DSLWDODOORZDQFHVDUHDYDLODEOHIRUVSHQGLQJ´RQWKHSURYLVLRQ RIµSODQWDQGPDFKLQHU\7KLVFDQLQFOXGHFHUWDLQFRVWVDULVLQJ as a direct result of the installation of qualifying plant and PDFKLQHU\VXFKDVWUDQVSRUWRIWKHHTXLSPHQWWRWKHVLWHDQG some direct installation costs. Please refer to the ECA wesbite for more information. T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 )RUDPHQLW\DFFHQWGLVSOD\OLJKWLQJXQLWVDOO3KRWRQ6WDU70 light HQJLQHVFRPSO\ZLWKWKHHIÀFLHQF\FRORXUUHQGHULQJDQGRWKHU requirements. )RUJHQHUDOLQWHULRULOOXPLQDWLRQVÀWWLQJVXVLQJWKHIROORZLQJOLJKW engines comply: 3OXWRRQO\ 0HUFXU\ Jupiter SmartJupiter Titan 7KHSRZHUIDFWRULVGHWHUPLQHGE\WKHGULYHU7KHPDMRULW\RI PhotonStar70GULYHUVFRPSO\KRZHYHUFDUHVKRXOGEHWDNHQWRVSHFLI\ DGULYHUWKDWKDVDSRZHUIDFWRUHTXDOWRRUJUHDWHUWKDQ7KLVLV stated on the driver tables. PhotonStar Luminaires and controls comply with a number of UHJXODWLRQVGHWDLOVRIZKLFKFDQEHIRXQGRQRXUZHEVLWH www.photonstarlighting.co.uk/regulations www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 205 Maximum Operating Temperatures (C)* $OOSHUIRUPDQFHGDWDVKRZQLQWKLVEURFKXUHLVVSHFLÀHGDWDQDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHRI&7KHÀWWLQJVRU À[WXUHVFRQWDLQLQJWKHOLJKWHQJLQHVPXVWEHLQVWDOOHGDFFRUGLQJWRWKHLQVWDOOLQVWUXFWLRQVSURYLGHGZLWKWKH SURGXFW2SHUDWLQJWKHÀ[WXUHVDWWKHLUDEVROXWHPD[LPXPRSHUDWLQJWHPSHUDWXUHVZLOOUHVXOWLQDVLJQLÀFDQW UHGXFWLRQLQSURGXFWOLIHWLPHOLJKWRXWSXWDQGRWKHUSDUDPHWHUVRQO\VSHFLÀHGDW& Nemesis/ SmartNemesis Maximum Operating TemperatureC 206 Phaeton Simetra Laser Laser Micro Tesla Tesla Micro CeilingStar Venturi Mini Pluto 300 PT1-300 Pluto 390 PT1-390 Venturi/ Vespertine Venturi Maxi Cordus/ LightSlot Pictor 150 RGBW PR1-150 Titan 550 TN1-550 55 55 55 Mercury 630 MC1-630 55 55 55 Mercury 810 MC1-810 Venus 1000 VS1-1000 Aries 875 AR1-875 Jupiter 1500 JT1-1500 55 Jupiter 1950 JT1-1950 55 Jupiter 2150 JT1-2150 55 Jupiter 2600 JT1-2600 Jupiter 2800 JT1-2800 Jupiter 3350 JT1-3350 SmartWhite 730 SW1-730 SmartWhite Tungsten + 720 SW2-720 SmartWhite 2600 SW1-2600 SmartJupiter 1700 SN1-1700 55 SmartJupiter 2500 SN1-2500 SmartJupiter 3350 SN1-3350 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Maximum Operating Temperatures (C)* Phocus Spot Track and Surface Mount Spots CeilingStar Surface Mount Laser Surface Mount Nemesis Surface Mount Votan Olympus Mini Muro Maxi Muro Maxi Muro/ Hood Chime Cryos Pluto 300 Pluto 390 Pictor 150 RGBW 55 Titan 550 55 Mercury 630 Mercury 810 Venus 1000 Aries 875 Jupiter 1500 Jupiter 1950 Jupiter 2150 Jupiter 2600 Jupiter 2800 Jupiter 3350 SmartWhite 730 SmartWhite Tungsten + 720 SmartWhite 2600 SmartJupiter 1700 SmartJupiter 2500 SmartJupiter 3350 7KLVLVWKHDEVROXWHPD[LPXPDLUWHPSHUDWXUHVXUURXQGLQJWKHÀWWLQJGXULQJRSHUDWLRQ T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk 207 Partners in Technology Field Leaders 208 www.photonstarlighting.co.uk T: +44 (0)2381 230 381 Catalogues also available from PhotonStarTM: Companion Catalogue Modules Catalogue WholeSale Catalogue Unit 8 Westlink Belbins Business Park Cupernham Lane Romsey Hampshire SO51 7JF tel: 02381 230 381 fax: 02381 230 381 info@photonstarlighting.co.uk www.photonstarlighting.co.uk