Tic Tac Toe Spelling 1

Tic-Tac-Toe Spelling 1
In addition to practicing your word sorts, choose any 3 assignments to do for homework
that make a Tic-Tac-Toe. The assignments must be three in a row down, across, or diagonal.
For the activities, pick your 10 most challenging pattern words from your word sort
and the 5 high frequency words assigned by your teacher. Please circle the activities that you
Staple forms to your Homework Packet when you turn them in on Thursday.
Free Choice
Think of a creative activity to
do with your 10 pattern
Activity: _______________
Memory match
Word Search
Write your 5 high frequency
words on cards (make two
sets) and play “Memory
Match” with someone.
Create a word search for
your 10 pattern words on
www.puzzlemaker.com. Print
and solve your word search!
Parent Initials: ___________
Attach to HWP.
Word Sort
Spelling Math
Sort and write your 10
pattern words using the
word sort templates.
Figure out how much each of
your 5 high frequency words
is worth.
Bonus: Sort and write all of
your pattern words!
A = 1, B = 2, C=3 … Z = 26
Computer Fun
Type your 10 pattern words.
Type each word in a different
font. You can even add clipart
next to them. Remember to
practice good keyboarding
Attach to HWP.
Form on website. Attach to HWP.
The Write Stuff
Rainbow write
Write a letter (or email),
poem, rap, short story, etc.
using your 5 high frequency
words. Be sure to underline
or highlight each high
frequency word.
Attach to HWP.
Write the value next to each
Form on website. Attach to HWP.
Making words
Write your 10 pattern
Write your 10 pattern words words. Next to each word,
in black. Then trace over the write at least one other
word that can be spelled
word 3 more times using a
using the letters in your
different color each time.
pickle = lick, like, lip, etc.
Form on website. Attach to HWP.
Form on website. Attach to HWP.