With compliments Helmut Singer Elektronik www.helmut-singer.de info@helmut-singer.de fon +49 241 155 315 fax +49 241 152 066 Feldchen 16-24 D-52070 Aachen Germany BOONTON SIGNAL POWER GENERATOR AMPLIFIER TYPE 230-A Frequency Range 10 Mc. to 500 Mc. Description - The new Signal Generator Power Amplifier Type 230-A is the ideal solution to Y9ur high RF power requirements including receiver testing, wattmeter calibration, antenna testing, filter and component testing, and attenuation measurements. The amplifier may be conveniently driven with any conventional signal generator and is designed to reproduce AM, FM, and pulse modulation charac- Applications Areas of Application The instrument has numerous applications in the entire communications spectrum, including Buch FCC frequency allocations as: AMATEUR RADIO NAVIGATIONAl TELEMETRY R& D COMMERCIAL FM AND TV FIXED PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Aviation Military Scatter Relay Maritime Mobile Typical Applications HIGH LEVELDRIVER Bridges Counters teristics of the driving generator with minimum distortion. The new Signal Generator Power Amplifier Type 230-A employs three tuned, cascaded stages of grounded-grid amplification red from a regulated power supply. An RF output voltmeter is also included and the unit is designed for either standard 19" rack or cabinet mounting. SlottedLines Computers lndustrial Scientific RECEIVER TESTING Adjacent Channel Intermodulation CrossModulation Desensitization Image Rejection IF Rejection WATT AND VOLTMETER CALIBRATION ANTENNA TESTING ATTENUATION MEASUREMENTS HIGH LEVEL TUNED VOLTMETER DOWNSTAGE TESTING TRANSISTORS AND DIODES DISTRIBUTION AMPLIFIER SCREEN ROOM TESTING FILTER AND COMPONENT TESTING HARMONIC AMPLIFIER Specitlcations Radio Frequency Characteristics RF RANGE: Total Range: 10 to 500 Mc. No. Bands: 6 Band Ranges: 10-18.5Mc. 65-125 Mc. 18.5-35Mc. 125-250 Mc. 35-65Mc. 250-500 Mc. Impedanee: 50 ohms. Leakage: Eft'eetiveshieldinl' is greater than 40 db. RF 8ANDWIDTHI. >700Ke. (10-150Me.). > 1.4 Me. (150-500Me.) . * Frequeney interval betweenpoints 3 db down from maL response. RF INPUT: RF CAL/BRATION: Increments of approximately 10%, accurate to % 10%. RF OUTPUT: Range: Up to 15 volts.. . Acro88 external 50 ohm load. Calibration: 0.2 to 3 volta f.I.; incrementa of approx. 5%. 1.0 to 10 volta f.s.; incrementa of .Pprox. 5%. 2.0 to 30 volta f.s.; incrementa oi approx. 5%. Accurac.,: :t 1.0db oi i.l. (10-250Mc.). :t 1.5 db of f.s. (250-500Mc.). Frequency Modulation Characteristics FM RANGE: Reproduces modulation of driving Signal Generator except as limited by the RF bandwidth. INCIDENTAL AMI 10%8 added to modulation of drivine Signal Generator. 8At 150 Kc. deviation. Level: ~0.316volta. (30dbpin) ~ 0.446volta* (27 db gain) ~ 0.630volts* (24 db gain) *For 10volts output into (10-125 Me.). (125-250Me.). (250-500Me.). 50 ohms. Amplitude Modulation Characteristics AM RANGE: Reproduces modulation of driving signal generator 0-100%*, AM DISTORTION:< 10% added to distortion of driving Signal Generator*, *Up to 5 volt mu. carrier output for up to 100% AM. Physical Characteristics MOUNTING: Cabinet tor bench ule; by removal of 8%truded strip. luitable tor 19-inch rack mounting. FINISH:Gray wrinkle. engraved panel. (Other finiahea available on special order.) FM DISTORTION: Negligible distortion added 'to distortion of driving Signal Generator tor deviation! and modulationfrequencies< 150Kc. Accessories FURNISHED:None. A VAILA8LE: Type 225-A Signal Generator (Pa&'e 24), Tube Complement 3 - 2C39A 1-5U4 1-3TF4 1- SAS7 1-SAUS 1-tamp, 1- OAI 1- 6923/EA52 1-12AU7 3 -1N17S3 1-1N54A No.47 DIMENSIONS: Heil'ht: ~8" Width: 19~" Depth: 1711Jl8*. WEIGHT: Net: Gross Domestie: 371ba. 451ba. Gro88 Export: Lepl Export: 751bl. (3 lbl. Power Requirements '230-AI105-125/210-260volts, 60-60 cps, 150 watts. Price: 230.A: $1200.00