Proceedings of FuelCell2008 Sixth International Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology Conference June 16-18, 2008, Denver, Colorado, USA FUELCELL2008-65111 OPTIMAL DESIGN OF HYBRID ELECTRIC FUEL CELL VEHICLES UNDER UNCERTAINTY AND ENTERPRISE CONSIDERATIONS Jeongwoo Han∗, Panos Papalambros {jwhan, pyp} Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan G.G. Brown Bldg., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 ABSTRACT System research on Hybrid Electric Fuel Cell Vehicles (HEFCV) explores the tradeoffs among safety, fuel economy, acceleration, and other vehicle attributes. In addition to engineering considerations, inclusion of business aspects is important in a preliminary vehicle design optimization study. For a new technology, such as fuel cells, it is also important to include uncertainties stemming from manufacturing variability to market response to fuel price fluctuations. This paper applies a decomposition-based multidisciplinary design optimization strategy to an HEFCV. Uncertainty propagated throughout the system is accounted for in a computationally efficient manner. The latter is achieved with a new coordination strategy based on sequential linearizations. The hierarchically partitioned HEFCV design model includes enterprise, powertrain, fuel cell, and battery subsystem models. In addition to engineering uncertainties, the model takes into account uncertain behavior by consumers, and the expected maximum profit is calculated using probabilistic consumer preferences while satisfying engineering feasibility constraints. vehicle performance [1–5]. As a result, safety and vehicle performance have been significantly improved to a practical level. System research on hybrid electric fuel cell vehicles (HEFCV) has aimed at exploring the tradeoffs among safety, fuel economy, acceleration, and other vehicle attributes [6, 7]. A model-based vehicle design methodology using a quasi-static fuel cell model, which could be used to design both the vehicle and its fuel cell system, was recently presented [7]. The model offered sufficient fidelity and efficiency for engineering design studies. Such studies, however, can be more valuable for preliminary design if business aspects are included in the optimization study. Inclusion of business aspects makes the design problem more complex, requiring multidisciplinary analyses with significant interactions. Additionally, a new technology, such as fuel cells, is subject to increased uncertainty stemming from manufacturing variability to market response to fuel price fluctuations. Such uncertainty should be accounted for to the extent possible when studying the feasibility of HEFCV designs. Due to the increased complexity and uncertainty, an AllIn-One (AIO) method where all subsystems are considered all together in a single problem may not be practical or reliable. In such cases, it is advisable to use decomposition strategies in a Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) framework, where the system is broken down into several manageable subsystems whose solution is coordinated to produce the overall system solution. Decomposition strategies often use two levels: subproblems, typically representing different aspects (or disciplinary analyses), are optimized concurrently, while a systemlevel problem coordinates the interactions between the subprob- 1 Introduction Automotive use of fuel cells has received increased attention as a viable alternative energy source for automobiles due to clean and efficient power generation. Several fuel cell vehicle concepts and fuel cell system designs have been proposed and studied in terms of safety, robust operation, fuel economy, and ∗ Corresponding author, Phone/Fax: (734) 647-8402/8403 1 c 2008 by ASME Copyright Inputs Level index i Element index j j=1 i=1 j=2 i=2 Tij j=4 X̄ij = {Xij , T(i+1)k } local objective fij (a) maximize Profit w.r.t. {enterprise decisions} s.t. market constraints vehicle targets local constraints Pr[gij,m ≤ 0] ≥ αij,m j=3 j=5 Outputs design variable responses i=3 Rij j=6 Rij = aij (X̄ij ) R(i+1)k ptpt Fuel Fueleconomy economy( fefe ) pt) Powertrain Powertraincost cost( C Cpt meet vehicle targets w.r.t. {vehicle variables} s.t. performance constraints T(i+1)k (b) fuel cell targets Figure 1. Example of index notation in ATC and information flow for an element Oi j fc # of cells ( nfc ) fc Mass ((m Weight Map Wfc),),Map fc Specific Cost ( SCfc) meet fuel cell targets w.r.t. {fuel cell variables} s.t. fuel cell constraints lems [8–11]. Analytical Target Cascading (ATC) is an optimization method for multilevel hierarchical systems typically partitioned into physical subsystems or objects (see Figure 1(a)) [12]. Each block in the hierarchical structure, referred to as an element, is an optimization subproblem. An element can be coupled with only one parent element but with multiple children elements. The linking variables between a parent and children are design targets and analysis responses. Targets are set by parents and propagated to their children; the children are optimized to obtain responses that are as close to the targets as possible. Thus, targets and responses are updated and coordinated iteratively to achieve consistent values for the overall system. Compared to the deterministic formulation, only a few publications are available that solve hierarchical system design optimization problems under uncertainty due to the difficulty in incorporating uncertainty into linking variables. Using random variables to represent uncertainty, the so-called Probabilistic Analytical Target Cascading (PATC) has been formulated from the deterministic ATC by Kokkolaras et al. [13], and generalized with more general probabilistic characteristics by Liu et al. [14]. As pointed out in [14], the choice of random variable representation is an important issue in MDO under uncertainty. A popular way to define uncertainty is using random variables, assuming that their probability density functions (PDFs) can be inferred. These distributions are assumed as inputs to the optimization problem. Solving the optimization problem requires estimating propagation of these uncertainties throughout the system, which can be a computationally expensive process for nonlinear systems. In order to overcome this numerical difficulty, new coordination strategies using sequential linearizations were developed to solve hierarchically decomposed design problems [15, 16]. These strategies take advantage of the simplicity and ease of uncertainty propagation for linear systems by solving a hierarchy of linearized problems successively. In this study, a hierarchically decomposed HEFCV design model that includes enterprise, powertrain, fuel cell and battery models is developed (see Figure 2) and solved using the aforementioned decomposition strategies. In addition to engineering Figure 2. battery targets Mass ((m Weight Map Wbtbt),),Map bt Capacity ( Cpbt) meet battery targets w.r.t. {battery variables} s.t. battery constraints Hybrid electric fuel cell vehicles design problem uncertainties, the model takes into account uncertain behavior by consumers, and the expected maximum profit is calculated using probabilistic consumer preferences while satisfying engineering feasibility constraints. The article is organized as follows. In Section 2, a Sequential Linear Programming (SLP) coordination strategy for PATC is briefly introduced while Section 3 explains the development of the comprehensive HEFCV design model. Optimization results and discussion are presented in Section 4, followed by conclusions in Section 5. 2 SLP coordination for PATC In this section, a formulation of PATC is explained briefly and the computational advantage of sequential linearization is presented. Also, the subproblem formulation of the SLP coordination strategy for PATC is provided. In PATC, we consider a Probabilistic All-In-One (PAIO) system design problem expressed as follows: min E[ f (X)] X subject to Pr[gm (X) ≤ 0] ≥ αm , (1) m = 1, ..., Mc , where Mc is the number of constraints. In Eq. (1), f and X are the system objective function and the vector of all random design variables, respectively. Design constraints are expressed in an probabilistic feasibility formulation, in which the probability of satisfying gm (X) ≤ 0 is greater than the required reliability level αm . For target matching problems, f (X) is expressed as ||T − R(X)|| p where T and R are the system’s targets and responses 1 and || · || p is a p-norm, mathematically expressed as (∑ | · | p ) p . Assuming that the system objective and constraints are separable, Eq. (1) is decomposed hierarchically into N elements at M levels. Quantities with indices i j are related to element j at 2 c 2008 by ASME Copyright level i. As shown in Figure 1(b), Xi j , Ti j and Ri j denote local design variables, targets and responses to the element Oi j while fi j , gi j and ai j are local objective, constraint and response functions. Consistency between elements is relaxed and coordinated through penalty functions. Then the generalized PATC formulation for an element Oi j with a quadratic penalty function is expressed as follows: Given Ti j , R(i+1)k , min E[ fi j (X̄i j )] + ||wi j ◦ (Ti j − Ri j )||22 Figure 3. Benefit of sequential linearization in decomposition strategies X̄i j + ∑ ||w(i+1)k ◦ (T(i+1)k − R(i+1)k )||22 k∈Ci j a considerable amount of computational cost, depending on the accuracy of estimation. On the other hand, once the system is approximated linearly and the random variables are normally distributed, the linking variables also have normal distributions. In other words, no estimators are needed, as shown in Figure 3 (b). In [15], we presented SLP coordination strategies for PATC by extending the SLP algorithm to hierarchically decomposed design optimization problems under uncertainty. In these strategies, probabilistic constraints are approximated by equivalent deterministic linear constraints using either the first or second order reliability method (FORM/SORM). The linking variables are represented only with means and standard deviations. Among them, the means of linking variables are treated as optimization variables, while their standard deviations are estimated at every iteration. Therefore, consistency of random variables does not require significant computation in estimating and matching distributions. Moreover, weighted L∞ norms are used in the penalty functions in order to maintain linearity of subproblems. The resulting formulation for an element Oi j with L∞ penalty function can be expressed as follows : (2) subject to Pr[gi j,m (X̄i j ) ≤ 0] ≥ αi j,m , m = 1, ..., Mc,i j where Ri j = ai j (X̄i j ), X̄i j = [Xi j , T(i+1)k ], ∀k ∈ Ci j , ∀ j ∈ Ei , i = 1, ..., N, where Ci j is the set of the children of element j at level i and Ei is the set of elements at level i while wi j is the linking variable deviation weighting coefcient vector for element Oi j that is updated successively. In Eq. (2), the ◦ operation indicates the component-wise multiplication of two vectors such that {a1 , ..., ak }T ◦ {b1 , ..., bk }T = {a1 b1 , ..., ak bk }T . For detailed discussion on PATC formulations, readers are referred to [13, 14]. In Eq. (2), random variables are often used to define uncertainty and assumed to have independent normal distributions. As mentioned earlier, estimating the propagated uncertainty throughout the system is required but can be a computationally expensive task for nonlinear functions even with a simple univariate function. On the other hand, since the output of independent normal distributions through a linear function is normally distributed, the uncertainty propagation for a linear system with normally distributed inputs can be obtained efficiently. In order to take advantage of the simplicity and ease in estimating uncertainty propagation for linear systems, Chan et al. [17] proposed the use of SLP to solve reliability-based design optimization problems for a single system, with the goal of achieving an appropriate balance between accuracy, efficiency and convergence behavior. Thus, assuming that random design variables or parameters are normally distributed, the algorithm can solve the optimization problem under uncertainty with sufficient accuracy and efficiency by linearizing and solving a problem successively. The benefit of sequential linearization can be more significant for decomposed systems because of the system consistency with random linking variables. Since it is not practical to match two distributions exactly, the first few moments, such as means and variances, were used in the previous literature to maintain consistency in linking variables. In order to obtain the first few moments, however, additional estimators between subsystems were used for linking variables when their PDFs are unknown, as illustrated in Figure 3 (a). The estimators typically require Given µTi j , dµT , µR(i+1)k , dµR ij min ∇ fi j (µx̄i j )T d̄i j + εi j + (i+1)k , ∑ ε(i+1)k k∈Ci j with respect to d̄i j , εi j , ε(i+1)k subject to ∇gi j,m (x̄Mi j,m )T d̄i j + gi j,m (x̄Mi j,m ) ≤ 0, wi j ◦ (µTi j + dµT − µRi j − dµR ) ≤ ±εi j , ij (3) ij {w ◦ (µT + µdT − µR − µdR )}(i+1)k ≤ ±ε(i+1)k , where µRi j = ai j (µx̄i j ) + ∇ai j (µx̄i j )T d̄i j d̄i j = [dµX , dµT ], ||d̄i j ||∞ ≤ ρ, ij (i+1)k ∀k ∈ Ci j , ∀ j ∈ Ei , i = 1, ..., N, m = 1, ..., Mc,i j , where µx are the mean values of variables x where the linear approximations are made, while dx is the solution vector of x at the current iteration. In Eq. (3), x̄Mi j,m is the most probable point (MPP) obtained by FORM/SORM while ρ is a trust region radius updated at every iteration. The maximum consistency error of linking variables for element Oi j , εi j , is used to maintain the system consistency because the L∞ penalty function cannot 3 c 2008 by ASME Copyright air H2 water injected comp ressor pressure adjusted Figure 5. Figure 4. cal parts humidifier hydrogen Tank humidity adjusted cooler stack temperature adjusted Reactant supply subsystems (modified from [18]) Decoupling of a hybrid powertrain into mechanical and electriTable 1. Fuel cell system operating conditions and geometries Parameter ambient pressure ambient temp. stack temp. active area (Afc ) be incorporated with the objective function [15]. The convergence, accuracy and effectiveness of the strategy were discussed in [15, 16]. Value 1bar 298K 353K 769cm2 Parameter ambient relative humidity cathode relative humidity anode relative humidity Value 0.5 0.8 1.0 termined as the difference between the power generated from a fuel cell stack, Pstfc , and the power consumed by auxiliary comfc , expressed as: ponents, Pcon 3 Hybrid Electric Fuel Cell Vehicle Design Model In this section, a comprehensive HEFCV design model, which takes into account profit, cost and market demand issues, is developed and decomposed hierarchically into four elements at three levels as illustrated in Figure 2. Blocks in the figure represent subsystems in the problem while the variables between them denote the linking variables. Some design variables are chosen as random variables to investigate the effect of uncertainties in engineering design and customer behavior on the overall enterprise decisions. The HEFCV under consideration is a light truck (or small sports utility vehicle (SUV)) whose curb weight is about 2480kg including hydrogen storage. Figure 4 illustrates its powertrain configuration. The proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells and lithium ion batteries are used as primary and secondary power sources in the powertrain, respectively. The study focuses on high-pressure fuel cell systems with a compressor because most vehicular application prototypes are developed using highpressure fuel cells due to their higher power density. fc fc fc Pnet = Pstfc − Pcon = nfc Istfc vfc cl − Pcon , (4) where nfc , Istfc and vfc cl are the number of cells, stack current and cell voltage of a fuel cell system, respectively. If the composition and structure of the cells are determined, then the cell voltage is a function of stack current density and reactant flow properties, including partial pressures, humidity, and temperature. As shown in Figure 5, these properties are governed by reactant suppliers consisting of four flow subsystems: a hydrogen tank and compressor determine hydrogen and air pressure throughout the system, and a humidifier and cooler adjust the humidity and temperature of reactant gases to the fuel cell stack. Since the map generated in the model is quasi-static, the transient irregularity in the properties of the inlet reactant flow is ignored. It is also assumed that the pressure at the anode depends on the cathode pressure. Table 1 summarizes the system operating conditions and active area. Additionally, power losses other than the comfc in Eq. (4), pressor one are ignored from the calculation of Pcon because the compressor consumes more than 80% of all auxiliary power consumption in high-pressure PEM fuel cells. Under these assumptions, the net power output, cell voltage, vfc cl , and stack voltage, vfc st , can be reduced to a function of the stack current, and the typical relation between them is presented in Figure 6. Effectiveness of decomposition strategies depends on the number of linking variables. Since matching two maps accurately requires significant computational cost due to the large number of linking variables related to the maps, a simple yet accurate representation of performance maps needs to be defined. As shown in Figure 6 (a), the net power output can be approxifc = afc I fc 2 + bfc I fc , where afc and bfc are the coeffimated as Pnet st st 3.1 Fuel Cell System Model The study employs the quasi-static PEM fuel cell model in [7] developed for design optimization from a dynamic fuel cell model by Pukrushpan et al. [18]. The fuel cell model combines fluid dynamics with static Membrane-Electrode-Assembly (MEA) and compressor efficiency models obtained from experimental data. Since the MEA properties are normalized by a unit area, the MEA model can be scaled by multiplying the active area while the compressor and flow channels can be scaled by the similarity principle. Thus, the quasi-static model can generate a static performance map that represents the maximum power for a certain range of fuel consumption with given control constraints and design variables. fc , can be deThe power output from a fuel cell system, Pnet 4 c 2008 by ASME Copyright 4 9 (ICEs), the 2010 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) targets for fuel cell stacks are used here [20]. Due to lack of data, it is assumed that the power density per unit area in year 2010 is identical to that in year 2005 and the stack cost and mass here are set to $130/m2 and 2.7kg/m2 , respectively. Also, assuming that the baseline auxiliary components is for a 100kW system and satisfies the 2010 U.S. DOE targets ($20/kW), the cost of baseline auxiliary components is set to $2000. If the cost of auxiliaries is assumed to increase linearly with the compressor volume, we can define the fuel cell system cost Cfc as follows: x 10 Data Fitted 8 Net Power (W) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 Stack Current (A) Cfc = 130Afc nfc + 2000α3cp . (a) Net power vs. stack current Current Density (A/cm2 ) 0.2 0.3 0.4 System Voltage(Data) System Voltage(Fitted) Cell Voltage 400 System Voltage (V) 350 0.8 0.6 250 0.5 200 0.4 150 mfc = 2.7Afc nfc + 15α3cp + 20αch + 50. 0.2 fc Imin 40 fc Imax 80 0.1 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 Stack Current (A) (b) System voltage vs. stack current Cell voltage vs. current density Figure 6. Typical fuel cell system performance maps cients of the approximation that depend on fuel cell design variables, namely, the number of fuel cells in a stack (nfc ) and the geometric scaling factors of the compressor and reactant channel fc = vfc I fc , then in length (αcp and αch , respectively). Since Pnet net st fc fc fc fc vnet = a Ist + b . As shown in Figure 6 (b), the net voltage has a peak at low current. Let the current with the peak voltage be fc . Then, the linear approximation of the net voltage is valid Imin fc and the maximum current I fc . Thus, for the range between Imin max assuming that the designed fuel cell system is operated only in fc , and I fc and I fc = I fc /10, the fuel cell the range between Imin max max min map can be represented as follows: 2 fc = afc I fc + bfc I fc , Pnet st st fc ≤ I fc ≤ I fc . Imin st max (7) Due to lack of data, the parameters used for the auxiliaries in Eq. (7) are assigned arbitrarily. Based on some parametric studies, however, fuel economy and acceleration are less sensitive to the parameters than to the efficiency and maximum power of the fuel cell system due to the mass of vehicle if the total mass of auxiliaries is between 70kg and 120kg. While current costs for fuel cell stack and fuel cell system are $67/kW and $108/kW, respectively, a fuel cell stack should cost less than $50/kW in mass production to be competitive in the automotive market [21]. Therefore, assuming the ratio between the costs of a fuel cell stack and a fuel cell system remains similar, we can consider market acceptability as follows: 0.3 100 0 0 0.9 0.7 300 50 Also, assuming the mass of auxiliaries increases linearly with the compressor volume and flow channel radius, the fuel cell system mass can be expressed as follows: 0.5 Cell Voltage (V) 0.1 450 (6) SCfc = Cfc /(rated power) ≤ $80/kW. (8) Then, the fuel cell subproblem in deterministic ATC formulation can be expressed as follows: Given tfc = {tnfc ,tmfc ,tSCfc ,tafc ,tbfc ,tImax fc } min π(tfc − rfc ) with respect to xfc = {nfc , αcp , αch } subject to gfc = SCfc − $80/kW ≤ 0, {200, 0.8, 0.8} ≤ xfc ≤ {1000, 1.1, 1.2} where rfc = afc (xfc ). (5) (9) The compressor and channel scaling factors are assumed to be normally distributed with σαcp = σαch = 0.02. On the other hand, the number of cells is considered deterministic and large enough to be relaxed. Further, we assume that the linking variables related to the map representation are deterministic and the remaining, tmfc ,tSCfc , are random. Moreover, the local constraint, gfc , is treated as a probabilistic constraint with p f = 0.13%. As shown in Figure 2, the other linking variables between the fuel cell and powertrain are mass, mfc , specific cost, SCfc , and number of cells, nfc . According to [19], a fuel cell stack surveyed in year 2005 costs and weighs $360/m2 and 3.9kg/m2 , respectively, including membranes, electrodes, gas diffusion layers, bipolar plates and seals. Since fuel cells are too expensive and heavy compared to current internal combustion engines 5 c 2008 by ASME Copyright separator negative electrode positive electrode hn hp hs 1.35 Area Specific Resistance (ohm m2 ) current collector A bt current collector Figure 7. Li-ion cell sandwich consisting of composite negative and positive electrode and separator (adapted from [23]) x 10 -3 1.3 charge apprx. charge discharge apprx. discharge 1.25 1.2 1.15 1.1 1.05 1 0.95 0.9 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 SOC (A) 0.8 0.85 0.9 Figure 8. Discharging and charging resistances of a Li-ion battery showing agreement between estimated resistances and quadratic approxima- 3.2 Battery System Model In a hybrid powertrain, a secondary power source (such as a rechargeable battery) stores energy from a primary power source (such as an ICE or a fuel cell) and provides the stored energy under conditions where the primary power source operates inefficiently. Among various secondary power sources, Li-ion batteries have gained significant attention due to their high energy density, high open circuit voltage, no memory effect and a slow loss of charge when not in use. A Li-ion battery cell consists of layers of a negative electrode, a positive electrode and a separator sandwiched by current collectors from both ends, as illustrated in Figure 7. The electrodes are made of two different insertion compounds that determine cell properties including an open circuit voltage and load resistances. More detailed explanation on Liion battery cells and the insertion reaction can be found in [22]. tions electrolyte of LiPF6 in EC:DMC. The theoretical Coulomb capacity of an electrode can be determined by the amount of Li content based on its stoichiometry ranging from 0 to 1. Since the actual range of the stoichiometry should be narrower than the theoretical range, we assumed that the actual capacity is 80% of the theoretical capacity. Also, in a balanced cell, the actual capacities of each electrode are equal. Therefore, the ratio between the electrode thicknesses is set to a constant (hp = 0.585hn ). In addition, we assume that the separator thickness, hs , is set to 25µm. The model requires a relatively high computational cost for design optimization, and so a simple internal resistance battery model is developed by characterizing battery cells, as described in the Partnership for Next Generation of Vehicles (PNGV) battery test manual [25]. In the battery model, the estimated voltage, vbt net , can be expressed as follows: The rate of the insertion reaction depends not only on cell properties (such as diffusion coefficients of lithium-ions) but also on cell geometries (such as cell thicknesses or active areas). With given cell properties, a wider active area, Abt , is desirable because it typically results in a lower resistance and higher energy content. Moreover, because a typical discharge voltage of Li-ion cell is less than 4.0V, a number of cells need to be connected in series to produce sufficiently high voltage for automotive applications. In this study, all cells are assumed to be connected in series and the number of battery cells in series connection, nbt , is considered as a design variable in powertrain design. In order to simulate the behavior of a given Li-ion battery cell for a load cycle, a 1-D full cell model of Li-ion batteries has been developed in [23, 24], assuming the cell is uniform in the directions parallel to the current collectors. Since most output quantities are normalized by a unit area, the resulting output can be easily scaled by multiplying the active area. The cell temperature can vary with time if temperature-dependent material properties are provided. Due to lack of data, however, we assume that the temperature of the system is uniform and constant at 25◦ C. Also we take the cell thicknesses, hbt i , and cell area, Abt , as the design variables for the battery, assuming the other properties and geometries, such as insertion materials, porosities and number of windings, are fixed. The negative and positive insertion materials are graphite and CoO2 , respectively, with an bt bt vbt net = E − Rl Il , (10) where E bt , Rl and Ilbt are an open circuit voltage, a internal resistance and a load current, respectively. Since the open circuit voltage does not depend on cell geometries but on materials, the open circuit voltage can be easily obtained from the 1-D battery cell model, expressed as E bt = −1.92x3 + 3.78x2 − 1.48x + 4.16, where x is the State Of Charge (SOC) divided by 100. Resistances depend on cell geometries, such as cell thicknesses. Thus, in order to measure the resistance, the 1-D battery cell model is simulated for a load cycle, corresponding to the hybrid pulse power characterization (HPPC) tests described in [25]. The HPPC tests are performed for the SOC range of 55-85% because the range is wide enough for batteries to run a cycle and the internal resistances can be approximated accurately by a second order polynomial function over the range. Then, the HPPC test results are used to estimate the resistance assuming the dual mode operation [25]. Note that two different internal resistances are estimated, namely, charging and discharging resistances. 6 c 2008 by ASME Copyright Figure 8 presents the estimated discharging and charging resistances and their quadratic approximations. As shown in the figure, the quadratic approximations agree with the estimated resistances. Note that the resistances show similar curvatures to each other over the SOC range. Thus, in order to reduce the number of linking variables, the cell resistances are modeled as follows: bt bt Discharging : Rdis = (abt x2 + bbt dis x + cdis )A bt 2 bt Charging : Rchr = (a x + bchr x + cchr )Abt . The vehicle includes two motors; one for each wheel on the rear axis. Using the cited motor model, a motor map is generated as a function of motor variables, namely, rotor radius, number of turns per stator coil and rotor resistance. Here, the rotor radius, rm, is assumed to be the only designable geometry. Since motors can cover wider speed and torque ranges more efficiently than conventional ICEs, the conventional gearbox is removed and each motor is connected to each wheel through a belt and pulley system. Thus, the final drive ratio is determined by the pulley speed ratio, pr. With a given rotor radius and pulley speed ratio, the mechanical part model estimates the required power, pt Preq (t; rm, pr). The masses of the fuel cell, battery and motors are also taken into account. (11) The error resulted from the use of the same abt for Rdis and Rchr is smaller than 5% over the design space defined in Eq. (12). The resistances of a pack can be calculated by multiplying Rdis and Rchr with nbt . For powertrain simulation, the mass, mbt , and the capacity of batteries, Cpbt , are estimated from the densities and capacity of the materials provided in the library of the 1-D model. Then, the battery subproblem in a deterministic ATC formulation can be expressed as follows: In the electrical part, Pbt (t) and Pfc (t) are estimated from pt Preq (t) based on the power-management strategy and used to calculate SOC and hydrogen consumption, respectively. In order to estimate fuel economy from the hydrogen consumption, the final SOC (SOC f ) should be sustained within a small range from the pt initial SOC (SOCi ) or gSOC = |SOC f − SOCi | ≤ 0.001. Provision of sufficient power, speed and torque is assured by imposing the design constraints: Given tbt = {tmbt ,tCpbt ,tabt ,tbbt ,tcbt ,tbbt ,tcbt }, dis dis chr chr min π(tbt − rbt ) bt (12) with respect to xbt = {hbt n ,A } bt bt bt subject to {50µm, 0.5A0 } ≤ x ≤ {200µm, 3A0 } 2 where rbt = abt (xbt ), Abt 0 = 0.528m . pt pt pt gpower = max{Preq (t) − Pavl (t)} ≤ 0, pt gspeed = max{wmax − wmt (t)} ≤ 0, (13) pt mt mt mt mt gtorque = max{τmax (w ) − τ (t), τ (t) − τmin (w )} ≤ 0, Both local variables are assumed to have normal distributions with σhbt = 2µm, σAbt = 0.02Abt 0 . Also, the mass and capacity are considered random while the linking variables related to the resistance maps are deterministic. where τmax and τmin are the maximum and minimum torques, while wmax is the maximum angular velocity. For acceleration performance, the 0-60 mph time, t0-60 , is measured and should pt be less than 8 sec, expressed as g0-60 = t0-60 − 8 ≤ 0. The cost of the powertain, Cpt , estimated for enterprise decisions, can be expressed as follows: 3.3 Powertrain Model In the powertrain illustrated in Figure 2, the power bus splits the power demand from the mechanical part into power demands to the fuel cell and the battery, and combines the powers supplied from the two sources to drive the motors based on a powermanagement strategy. A poorly designed power-management strategy may result in worse fuel economy than that of conventional vehicles. Among the variety of power-management strategies, such as a rule-based control [7], dynamic programming (DP) [26], stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) [27] and equivalent consumption minimization strategy (ECMS) [2, 28], ECMS is employed here because it provides robust power management compared to other strategies according to [29]. Note that the powertrain is decoupled into the electrical and mechanical parts because the mechanical part does not depend on the power-management strategy. Models for the mechanical parts are developed in [30], including a motor design model. Cpt = Cfc +Cbt +Cmt −Cic , (14) where Cfc ,Cbt and Cmt are the costs of fuel cell, battery and motor, while Cic is the cost of a target ICE whose max power is 200kW. Since the specific cost of ICEs is not readily available, we employ the same assumption as in [31], i.e., (ICE specific fc . cost) = 19$/kW. Thus, Cic = $ 3800. Also, Cfc = SCfc Pmax For the battery and motor, cost models presented in [32] are used. Since the battery model is developed for NiMH batteries, the reference manufacturing cost and the reference specific energy are modified for Li-ion batteries. Then, the powertrain subproblem in a deterministic ATC formulation can be expressed as 7 c 2008 by ASME Copyright Table 2. follows: Historical product price and demand data points and demand values adjusted for expected new product penetration [32] Given tpt = {tfept ,tCpt }, rfc , rbt , min π({tpt − rpt , tfc − rfc , tbt − rbt }) with respect to xpt = {rm, pr, nbt }, tfc , tbt pt pt pt subject to gpower ≤ 0, gspeed ≤ 0, gtorque ≤ 0, (15) pt pt gSOC ≤ 0, g0-60 = t0-60 − 8 ≤ 0, {0.2, 1, 25} ≤ xpt ≤ {0.3, 3, 100}, where rpt = apt (xpt , tfc , tbt ). = 927.83 872.14 Lifecycle Mileage of a light truck for the first twelve years [36] Age Miles Age Miles Age Miles Age Miles 1 2 3 28,951 26,479 24,226 4 5 6 22,173 20,301 18,593 7 8 9 17,035 15,613 14,314 10 11 12 13,128 12,043 11,052 (17) ¯ 01|02 is the average of 2001 and 2002 market prices where Pent of the current conventional light truck design, which is set to $24,109. Because the value of V ent is not verified in this study, we will treat it as a parameter in the optimization. Its value is determined after the following discussion on the fuel cost saving. In order to estimate the fuel cost saving, miles traveled, the rate of fuel consumption and fuel price need to be known. Lifecycle mileage of light trucks for the first twelve years of vehicle life is presented by Environmental Protection Agency [36] (see Table 3); the rate of fuel consumption is the inverse of fuel economy obtained from the powertrain model, assuming that the initial fuel economy is maintained for the period. On the other hand, the fuel price is uncertain because it fluctuates across time. In [34], the fuel price is assumed to follow the mean-reverting process, expressed as, ∆Ddsl = αent (Ddsl − D̄dsl )∆t + σdsl ∆z, dsl √ ent ∆z = η ∆t, ηent ∼ N(0, 1), ent ent ent λ ∆Pent θ − ∆P q + λ Sent Sent , ∆qent ∆qent Pent Adjusted quantity (k) 9278.3 8721.4 ent Sent − (Pent − P̄01|02 ) ≥ V ent , Enterprise Decision Model The objective of enterprise decisions is to maximize profit subject to marketing constraints. Here we consider a simple gross profit πent , calculated as the total revenue minus the cost of obtaining the revenue. Revenue equals price, Pent , times quantity, qent , considering the sale of the designed vehicle the only economic activity. Also, this study considers only the manufacturing cost of the vehicle, ignoring operational expenses, such as marketing and sales [34]. Under standard microeconomic assumptions, a negative linear relationship between price and quantity demanded of conventional light class trucks can be drawn from the two pairs of price and annual sales data in 2001 and 2002, shown in Table 2 [32]. We assume that the enterprise has decided to allocate 10% of its existing capacity for the production of the new product. Moreover, following the argument in [34], demand is assumed to be shifted by the fuel cost saving, Sent . The resulting demand curve can be expressed as, Pent Quantity (k) the ratio λSent is unknown and treated as a random variable with σλent /λent = 0.02. P S To determine the demand curve, the mean of the consumer behavior, µλent /λent , is realized through consumer’s aversion toP S ward the new technology that can be modeled by a net utility threshold V ent [35]. Then, for market acceptability, the difference between fuel saving from a hybrid fuel cell vehicle and change in price should be greater than the threshold [34], expressed as, 3.4 ent Price $23,632 ($24,585)98 Table 3. The rotor radius and the number of battery cells are deterministic while the pulley ratio is normally distributed with σ pr = 0.002. In this subproblem, the local constraints except pt for g0-60 are assumed deterministic. Due to the nested optimizapt tion and ECMS, gSOC is not violated unless the power sources are too small for the vehicle. For fuel economy estimation, Simplified Federal Urban Driving Schedule (SFUDS) is used here, which has the same average speed and maximum acceleration and braking values as the federal urban drive schedule (FUDS) used in U.S. urban fuel economy estimates, but runs for only 360 seconds while FUDS runs for 1500 seconds [33]. ∆q ent + ∆q Sent ⇒ qent = θ − ∆P ent P ∆Sent Year 2001 2002 (16) (18) where α is the speed of reversion, D̄dsl is the normal level of Ddsl and σdsl is the volatility of diesel fuel price, estimated from historical monthly diesel fuel prices from March 1994 to October 2007 [37]. The mean-reverting process can be used for predicting the diesel fuel price for an ICE vehicle. At present there is no such commodity market for hydrogen, and data for hydrogen where λSent = ∆qent /∆Sent and λPent = ∆qent /∆Pent . Here λSent can be interpreted as the fuel cost saving elasticity of demand, meaning the responsiveness of the quantity demanded of a good to a change in the expected fuel cost saving. Due to lack of knowledge about consumer behavior toward the new technology, 8 c 2008 by ASME Copyright prices are not rich enough for the mean-reverting process to be applied. The Department of Energy set the 2005 target for the end-user cost of hydrogen to 2.00 - 3.00$/kg [20]. Therefore, this study assumes that the hydrogen price is $3/kg currently and increases at a static inflation rate, rent , that is assumed to be 3%. The model for hydrogen prices, therefore, is not suitable for a long-term prediction. Instead, we can assume that both price models are valid in the short-run, such as 2 years. For diesel price, we can generate a random walk for the period based on Eq. (18). Discounting back with the static inflation rate, rent , the diesel fuel expense can be calculated in: Cdsl = ent Z 2yr Ddsl Mt e−r t 0 fedsl dt, mulation can be expressed as follows: Given rpt min π({−πent = (Pent −Cpt −CPent )qent , tpt − rpt }) λent with respect to xent = { λSent , qent }, tpt subject to ≤0 {0.1, 60} gent 1 P ent ent gent 2 ≤ 0 g3 = q − 1200 ent ≤ x ≤ {0.9, 1200}. (22) ≤ 0, The lack of understanding of market behavior is taken into account as uncertainties in local variables with σλent /λent = 0.02, P S σqent = 12. Also, the local constraints are treated as probabilistic constraints with p f = 0.13%. (19) 4 Results Noting that Eq. (9), (12), (15) and (22) correspond to the blocks in Figure 2, the hierarchically decomposed PATC problem is solved by the SLP coordination strategy, starting from the solution obtained first from solving the deterministic ATC problem. Results are shown in Table 4. The numbers in parentheses indicate those from the initial point, i.e., the deterministic optimal design. As shown in the table, the initial point is superior to the probabilistic solution based on nominal values with gent 1 and pt g0-60 active. Because the initial point is located at the boundary of the constraints, they are violated severely when uncertainty is introduced. On the other hand, the solution satisfies the constraints under uncertainty but with reduced profit. For example, in the pt powertrain subproblem, g0-60 is satisfied at the solution with a larger pr that increases the acceleration of the vehicle. Also, the design changes in the fuel cells are more substantial than in the batteries, which could mean that batteries are less sensitive to uncertainty than fuel cells. At the solution, αcp is reduced fc is considerably sensitive to the uncersignificantly because Pmax tainty in αcp with the given uncertainty. More specifically, σPmax fc is 0.94 at the solution while it is 8.2 at the initial point where gfc is violated. Since a smaller compressor typically results in smaller net power per cell, more cells are used to compensate the power shortage. Thus, all changes to make the fuel cell less sensitive to uncertainty (or more reliable) result in a heavier and more expensive fuel cell system, which causes the smaller and less powerful motors to maintain the vehicle mass. The smaller motor and larger pr decreases the fuel economy, and the reduced fuel economy with the increased fuel cell cost decreases the price and profit of HEFCV at the solution. Figure 9(a) presents the power from the fuel cell (solid line) and the battery (dashed line) during SFUDS. The power demand during this schedule is not aggressive compared to the maximum power available from the fuel cell and battery. Moreover, Figure 9(b) shows the SOC history during the cycle. As shown in both figures, ECMS splits the power demands properly so that where Mt denotes miles traveled while fedsl is the fuel economy of a conventional light truck whose average value is reported to be 22.3 mpg in [38]. In order to consider multiple future scenarios, the process is repeated 100,000 times and the mean of the fuel expenses is used for the rest of model. On the other hand, because hydrogen price increases at rent , the hydrogen fuel expense and fuel cost saving can be expressed as, CH2 = 3(28951+26479) fept and Sent = Cdsl −CH2 . (20) Returning to consumer preference, we assume that consumers want their return on investment after 2 years to be larger than half of the cost of the investment. Additionally, for a longterm prediction, five times the fuel cost saving should be larger than the price difference by V ent =$ 10,000. Both constraints can be expressed mathematically as follows: ent ent ent ≤ 0, gent 1 = (P − P̄01|02 ) − 2S ent ent ent gent 2 = (P − P̄01|02 ) − 5S + 10000 ≤ 0. (21) Modeling a more sophisticated customer preference is possible but beyond the scope of this demonstration. The manufacturing cost includes the production cost Cpent and the powertrain cost Cpt . While Cpt is estimated from the powertrain model, the production cost remains to be defined. Due to lack of data, the regression model in [34] is scaled down by the ratio between the prices of light and medium trucks, expressed 2 as CPent = 3.05 × 104 − 44.5qent + 0.0443qent . Then, assuming that the enterprise has allocated the maximum monthly capacity to 1200, the enterprise subproblem in a deterministic ATC for9 c 2008 by ASME Copyright Table 4. Summary of results (design variables indicated by boldfaces) 120 400 data fit 100 FUEL CELL nfc αcp αch mfc Cfc fc Pmax SCfc Fuel Cell Battery 0 SOC Power (W) 150 300 0 350 range of approximation 0 50 100 150 200 250 Stack Current (A) 300 350 (b) Net voltage vs. stack current !1 0.7 0.699 !2 0.6985 300 350 (a) Power generated by fuel cell and battery 0.698 0 50 100 150 200 time (sec) 250 300 Fuel cell system performance map Parameters used in parametric study Original PS:FC PS:BT PS:H2 130 50 3 190 50 3 130 100 3 130 50 4 price (denoted by PS:FC, PS:BT and PS:H2, respectively). The parameters are summarized in Table 5, and Figure 11 shows the parametric study results. Due to the increased costs, all profits drop to negative. It is important to note that changes in the cost analyses and the fuel price prediction affect not only enterprise decisions but also engineering decisions because of the strong coupling between the two domains. When the fuel cell or battery cost is high, the enterprise sets the fuel economy and powertrain cost targets by balancing them, but in different ways for each case. In the case when the fuel cell stack cost is high, the fuel economy decreases significantly to enable cost to be as low as possible. This is because the fuel cell cost in the original solution comprises a significant portion of the powertrain cost. Thus, to make the powertrain more inexpensive, a smaller fuel cell is favorable and power can be drawn from the more powerful battery resulting in slightly increased battery cost. On the other hand, in the case when the battery manufacturing cost is high, fuel economy increases despite the increased battery and powertrain costs, because the battery in the original solution is at least three times less expensive than the fuel cell. Also, the battery cost in this study is more dependent on its capacity than its power resulting in a significant drop in the optimal battery capacity. Based on profit-loss comparisons between these two cases, the cost reduction of fuel cells is more important than that of batteries. Another important factor for market feasibility is hydrogen price. Similar to other types of vehicles, as the fuel price rises, fuel economy becomes more important. Since higher fuel economy requires more efficient but expensive powertrains, vehicle cost also increases significantly. That is, decisions on HEFCV require accurate fuel price models in addition to reliable engineering models. While the mean-reverting process is applied to diesel fuel price, the hydrogen price is assumed to increase by the 0.6995 Figure 9. 150 200 250 Stack Current (A) Fuel cell stack cost Battery manu. cost $/kg Hydrogen price $/kg 0.7015 250 100 $/m2 0 150 200 time (sec) 50 Table 5. 1 100 0 Figure 10. 0.701 50 200 50 (a) Net power vs. stack current 0.7005 0 250 100 192 (192)µm 112 (112)µm 0.883 (0.861)m2 2.04 (1.99)kAh 36.8 (35.9)kg $2,268 (2,221) 88.1 (88.1)kW 38 (38) hn hp Abt Cpbt mbt Cbt bt Pmax nbt 2 !3 40 range of approximation x 10 3 60 20 4 4 80 BATTERY 0.228 (0.234)m 1.86 (1.34) 84.1 (106)mpg 7.96 (8.00)sec 3,197 (3,217)kg 488 (514)kg $1,952 (2,004) 191 (207)kW rm pr fept t0-60 mveh mmt Cmt mt Pmax 300 527 (489) 1.04 (1.08) 0.862 (0.822) 193 (188)kg $7,517 (7,402) 101 (117)kW 74.1 (51.0)$/kW POWERTRAIN 350 Net Voltage (V) $2.20 (3.39) ×106 0.81 (0.899) 647 (592) $31,555 (33,210) $28,155 (27,480) $3,844 (4,551) $3,400(5,730) πent λS /λP qent Pent Cpt +Cpent Sent ent π /qent Net Power (kW) ENTERPRISE 350 (b) History of SOC Simulation of a hybrid electric fuel cell vehicle the final SOC is maintained close to the initial SOC and satisfies the SOC constraint. Note that the maximum deviation from the initial SOC is only 1.3% and the fuel economy is quite high due to the short and mild duty cycle (SFUDS) where the battery does not need to be charged by the fuel cell. If a longer and more aggressive cycle, such as the Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule (UDDS) is used, the fuel economy plummets to 43.7 mpg with around 10% of the maximum SOC deviation. Figure 10 shows the performance maps of the fuel cell at the solution . Even though the approximated net voltage output from the fuel cell for 37A to 105A is not as accurate as that for the other net current, the net power approximation shows good agreement with the actual output because the excess in the net voltage results in power loss below 1kW (or 5%). The practical feasibility of the solution depends highly on parameters in the cost models, which have not yet been validated. In order to investigate the importance of these parameters, a parametric study is conducted on the fuel cell stack cost per area, the battery reference manufacturing cost per mass and the hydrogen 10 c 2008 by ASME Copyright Normalized Difference (%) Normalized Difference (%) validated. For a more comprehensive understanding of the overall design tradeoffs, several constraints with packaging and safety issues must be considered, and these constraints require multidisciplinary analyses and decisions. For example, many safety issues of fuel cell vehicles are related to hydrogen carriers and storage that affect packaging and vehicle performance. Safety depends also on battery materials. In this study, a metal oxide-based cathode material (LiCoO2 ), commonly used for electronics, is used due to availability of material properties. Since the load profiles of automotive applications are considerably more aggressive than those of power electronics, a novel group of olivine-based cathode materials, such as phospho-olivine LiFePO4 , can improve safety significantly and be suitable for hybrid vehicles [40]. Since these constraints require a multidisciplinary approach, use of the optimization strategies employed here could be advantageous in investigating system tradeoffs. 200 100 PT Cost Profit 0 1 2 3 4 FC Cost -100 BT Cost No Profit -200 PS:FC PS:BT PS:H2 PS:FC PS:BT PS:H2 -300 20 Fuel Economy 10 0 FC Power 1 2 BT Power 3 4 -10 BT Capacity -20 Figure 11. Parametric study on cost and fuel price models inflation rate due to lack of historical price data. Since the hydrogen price is expected to have low volatility, the fuel cost saving would be larger, and demand and profit might be improved if a hydrogen price model for a longer time horizon is provided. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was partially supported by the Automotive Research Center, a US Army Center of Excellence in Modeling and Simulation of Ground Vehicle Systems at the University of Michigan, and NSF Grant DMI-0503737. This support is gratefully acknowledged. The results and opinions expressed here are solely those of the authors. 5 Conclusion A hierarchically decomposed HEFCV design model was developed, including enterprise decisions, powertrain, fuel cell and battery models. A PATC problem was formulated considering uncertainties in engineering design and marketing decisions. Customer preference and demand were assumed to be random variables. Since the linking variables between the powertrain model and its children contain performance maps, the maps were approximated in order to reduce the number of linking variables. The approximation of the performance maps at the solution agreed with the actual maps with less than 5% error. The problem was solved by the SLP coordination strategy presented in [15, 16] that takes advantage of the simplicity and ease in estimating propagated uncertainties through linear functions. Among the nine constraints, a customer preference conpt straint, gent 1 , and an acceleration constraint, g0-60 , were active, and would be violated severely if the deterministic optimal design were to be chosen. Given the assumptions on costs and hydrogen price predictions, the resulting HEFCV was expected to achieve a profit of $2.20×106 for the particular light truck market segment. Moreover, the cost analyses and price prediction are as critical as engineering models for market feasibility based on the parametric study. Clearly, these are results based on the assumed parameter values and models. 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