H'VOVI BHAGWAGAR Clinic +91 -22 - 40153171 Mobile: +91 9821321132 Email: hvovi76@gmail.com PSYCHOTHERAPY ~ BEHAVIOUR TRAINING ~ RESEARCH ~ PSYCHOMETRIC TESTING Psychotherapist/ soft-skills trainer with 8 years of rich experience in behavioural training, psychotherapy, content development, and psychometric testing. Possesses excellent communication & training skills. Talented writer, researcher, and content developer. Well versed with social & cultural issues that may affect clients, accredited with the ability to influence people. Adept in utilizing expertise of human relationships for designing workshops and training programmes. Aspires to offer a combination of core training in psychology along with skills in the field of behaviour training to potential employers who would benefit from both these areas of expertise. KKEEYY FFU UNNCCTTIIO ONNAALL SSTTRREENNG GTTH HSS Guiding and supporting individuals towards lifestyle and Behaviour change. Offering various therapies to clients/ patients on the basis of one’s requirement after conducting initial assessment and diagnosis of clients/ patient. Specialised in psychometric testing including personality tests, IQ & aptitude tests Authoring articles, stories and content material. Conducting group therapy with patients & their families. Imparting effective training programs through use of audio-visual aids, Instructional design and responding to queries in a spontaneous manner. EEM MPPLLO OYYM MEENNTT H HIISSTTO ORRYY 2007 to Present: Independent Consultant Working as an independent psychotherapist at “Manashni”, Powai providing diagnostic services and psychometric testing using IQ tests as well as Personality tests such as MMPI, Rorschach’s Inkblot test, TAT, DAP, BG etc. Based on case history, presenting symptoms and test results, clients are provided with a provisional diagnosis of problem areas and are subsequently given appropriate therapy, behaviour modification and counselling. Psychiatric referrals for clients are made when necessary. Aligned as a Behaviour Trainer with Dr Reddy’s Foundation for Health Education (DRFHE) for their CSR initiatives; conducting soft skills training for nurses and doctors’ assistants from various hospitals across India. Consultant with “Human Dynamic” for their Employee Assistance Progamme (EAP) services, providing counselling to senior level managers from various organizations. Soft Skills trainer and coach for organizations such as Apollo Wellness, SKF India, Oracle Financial Services, Bombay Hospital, LionBridge Technologies, Fortis Hospital, Welspun Group, DHFL, Quintiles, HSBC, Tata Memorial Hospital and NACO (National AIDS Control). Develops and conducts workshops on stress management, emotional intelligence, parenting, wellness, assertiveness, conflict management, communication skills etc. 1 2002 – 2005: Consultant Soft Skills Trainer/Therapist Role: Worked with various organizations (as mentioned below) providing consultation on an assignment basis for various projects. Dr. Reddy's Foundation for Health Education (DRFHE) as Faculty/ Course content contributor for the PG Certification in Health Management (PGCHM) Involved in the development of selection procedure for students to the programme, including designing the entrance exam for aptitude & interest Created an exhaustive training manual on “Interpersonal Skills and Self-Effectiveness” including content, role plays, and activities. Implemented the module through lectures, seminars and workshops to the students of PGDHM to empower them with better patient relation skills. Prepared an exclusive assessment pattern for grading students. The module was rated as extremely innovative, comprehensive and effective and is currently being used by all batches of PGCHM. National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped (NIMH) as project head Conducted a project on “Disabilities Awareness” for various schools and colleges. Prepared content material including flipcharts, questionnaires, information booklets which were used to carry out awareness programmes on disabilities. Designed & prepared training manual currently on display by NIMH. CARE Hospitals, Hyderabad Innovated training programmes for nurses of CARE Hospitals, Hyderabad; including self awareness, personality development and counselling skills to help them enhance their patient interactions. June`01 – May `02 Sweekaar Rehabilitation Institute, Hyderabad HOD Role: Functioning as Head of the Department of Psychology & outpatient unit. Oversaw evaluation, diagnosis, counselling & behaviour modification for the mentally, physically and speech impaired children visiting the institute. Conducted psychology lectures for the various degree and diploma courses held at Sweekaar. Successfully initiated & conducted series of workshops & seminars at the institute for students and other rehabilitation professionals. July`99 - June`01 Chowpatty Medical Centre (CMC), Mumbai Consulting Psychologist Role: Functioning as Consulting Psychologist. The work role involved psychological testing and counselling of children & adults with Diabetes, hypertension, hormonal disturbances, addictions and gender disorders to deal with their medical as well as interpersonal and psychosocial issues. Group therapy with patients and their families, as well as patient education for diabetics was part of the work profile. 2 PPAAPPEERR PPRREESSEENNTTAATTIIO ONNSS -Poster Presentation on “EMDR Psychotherapy in Children and Adolescents” with Dr. Deepak Gupta at IACAMCON (Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health) 2011 in Bangalore. - “Group Trauma Therapy” at the First EMDR Asia Conference, Bali, July 2010 - “EMDR in Action in Bhuj” at the Southeast Asia Regional Conference (SARC); Dec 2001 presenting the findings of therapy work with the victims of the earthquake at Bhuj, Gujarat. - “A Study on the Ego strength, Self esteem and Quality Of Life of OCD Patients” at the annual convention of the Bombay Psychological Association (BPA), March 1999 on PPAAPPEERR//AARRTTIICCLLEE PPU UBBLLIICCAATTIIO ONNSS 1. Training manual on “Interpersonal Skills and Self-Effectiveness”, PG Certification in Health Management (PGCHM), Dr. Reddy's Foundation for Health Education (DRFHE). April 2003 2. Handbook on “Disabilities Awareness”, National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped (NIMH), September 2003, Co-author Dr. Saroj Arya (Head, Dept. Of Psychology, NIMH) 3. Improve your body language, Complete Wellbeing, p.75, October 2009 4. Mental Retardation, a parent’s guide to dealing with intellectual disability, p.54, Issue 12, Parent and Child, September 2009 5. What your child’s drawings tell you, p.92, Issue 13, Parent and Child, November 2009 6. Parents with mental illness, how it impacts parenting capacity, p.71, Issue 14, Parent and Child, January 2010 Online Publications: (partial list) 1. Anger management methods http://bolohealth.com/index.php/component/content/article/48-articles/412-angermanagement-useful-methods.html 2. Protect your child against sexual abuse http://bolohealth.com/index.php/component/content/article/48-articles/464-protectyour-child-against-sexual-abuse.html 3. Learn to handle Stress http://www.robinage.com/articles.do?action=show&id=302 4. Are you sad or depressed? Identifying signs of clinical depression, June 2009 http://prod.bolohealth.com/healthzones/18-mental-and-behavioral-health/article/149are-you-sad-or-depressed O OTTH HEERR PPRRO OFFEESSSSIIO ONNAALL CCO ONNTTRRIIBBU UTTIIO ONNSS Part of a disaster management team at Bhuj, Gujarat (August and October 2001); Provided psychosocial and trauma care for more than 3000 survivors of the Gujarat earthquake. Freelance writing for various publications on health, relationships, self improvement. Articles and quotes featured in MidDay, Economic Times, iDiva, Education Times, Planet Powai, RobinAge, Parent & Child and Complete Wellbeing. Contributes as an expert to BoloHealth, a web portal. Made several appearances as an Expert on various radio shows and TV shows giving opinions on relationship and mental health issues. Training over 400 nurses of TATA Memorial Hospital in personal and professional skills during a project spearheaded by Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, November 2009 to May 2010. 3 PPRRO OFFEESSSSIIO ONNAALL EENNH HAANNCCEEM MEENNTT Training Programs & Certifications: 1. Certified in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), at “Morphic Minds” conducted by Dr. Shishir Palsapure- MAY 2012 2. Certified as a “Master Hypnotist” by California Hypnosis Inst of India (CHII)- APRIL 2011. 3. Certified in the use of Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy-Level 2; conducted by EMDRIA, Inc. (USA)-JANUARY 2009. 4. Qualified in use of the MBTI® by the Asianic Psychological Press (APP)- AUGUST 2008 5. Certified in the use of Aroma Therapy (Foundation course, SNDT University) as a holistic approach to promote and protect health and environment- MAY 2008 6. Certified by the Emotional Intelligence Learning Systems (Texas A&M University, Kingsville, to use the ESAP (Emotional Skills Assessment Process) as an assessment and training tool- FEBRUARY 2007 PPRRO OFFEESSSSIIO ONNAALL AACCCCO OLLAADDEESS 2000 1999 1997 PG Diploma in Counselling Psychology from Xavier Institute of Counselling Psychology (XICP), Mumbai M.A (Clinical Psychology) from S.N.D.T University, Mumbai B.A (Psychology) from Sophia College, Mumbai PPEERRSSO ONNAALL VVIITTAAEE Date of Birth: 13th November, 1976 Nationality: Indian Religion: Zoroastrian, Parsi Marital Status: Married. Address: 603, Odyssey-1, Orchard Avenue, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai-400076 4