Review: Self-inductance Announcements •WebAssign HW Set 7 due this Friday • Problems cover material from Chapters 20 and 21 εinduced • We’re skipping Sections 21.1-21.7 (alternating current circuits) Binduced QUESTIONS? PLEASE ASK! Review: Self-inductance Self-inductance occurs when the changing flux through a circuit arises from the circuit itself The self-induced EMF must be proportional to the time rate of change of the current ε = −N ΔΦ B Δt ε = −L ΔI Δt L is inductance of the device; the negative sign indicates that a changing current induces an EMF in opposition to that change The inductance of a coil depends on geometric factors The SI unit of self-inductance is the Henry: 1 H = 1 (V · s) / A The expression for L is NΦ B ΔΦ B L=N = I ΔI 20.7 RL Circuits Consists of voltage source, a resistor, and an inductor: When the current reaches its maximum, the rate of change and the back emf are zero The time constant, τ, for an RL circuit is the time required for the current in the circuit to reach 63.2% of its final value: τ = L R The current at any time can be found by I = ε R (1 − e ) −t / τ 1 Problem: 20.50, p694 20.8 Energy Stored in a Magnetic Field The battery has to do work to produce a current against the back EMF In the circuit to the right, ε = 6.00V, L = 8.00 mH, and R = 4.00 Ω. This work can be thought of as energy stored by the inductor in its magnetic field –> potential energy! What is the inductive time constant of the circuit? Calculate the current in the circuit 250 μs after the switch is closed. What is the final value of the steady state current? How long does it take the current to reach 80% of its maximum value? (a) The energy stored in an inductor is: PEL = ½ L I (b) 2 (c) Analogous to energy stored in a capacitor: E=½ (d) Q2/C 20.8: Maxwell’s Theory of Electromagnetism Electricity and magnetism were originally thought to be unrelated in 1865, James Clerk Maxwell developed a unified theory of electromagnetism Started from the following observations (thanks to Gauss and Faraday!) Chapter 21 Electromagnetic Waves (We’re skipping Sections 21.1-21.7) Electric field lines originate on positive charges and terminate on negative charges Magnetic field lines always form closed loops – they do not begin or end anywhere A varying magnetic field induces an EMF and hence an electric field (Faraday’s Law) Magnetic fields are generated by moving charges or currents (Ampère’s Law) 2 Hertz’s Confirmation: Generation of Radio Waves Maxwell Equations All fundamental information about E&M is contained in these equations! Source: Wikipedia Hertz used an LC circuit It oscillates! It radiates! Switch closes; current flows to capacitor The capacitor charges fully The capacitor then discharges… … and the current increases Hertz measured the speed of the waves from the transmitter He used the waves to form an interference pattern and calculated the wavelength From v = f λ, v was found v was very close to 3 x 108 m/s, the known speed of light An EMF source is connected to provide current and then taken out of the circuit total energy of the circuit is stored in capacitor (electric field); the current is zero and no energy is stored in the inductor energy stored in the electric field decreases energy stored in the inductor (magnetic field) increases When the capacitor is fully discharged, there is no energy stored in its electric field When the current is a maximum, all the energy is stored in the magnetic field in the inductor The process repeats in the opposite direction Hertz Measures the Speed of the Waves E=½LI2 How does it work? Don’t worry - you are not expected to know this for PHY 2054 (If you want to, you should major in physics!) E = ½ Q 2/C The energy ‘sloshes’ around the circuit; there is a continuous transfer of energy between the inductor and the capacitor Why this works - Electromagnetic Waves Produced by an Antenna When a charged particle accelerates, it radiates energy When currents in an AC circuit change rapidly, energy is radiate in the form of EM waves EM waves are radiated by any circuit carrying alternating current An alternating voltage applied to the wires of an antenna forces the electric charges in the antenna to oscillate 3 Properties of EM Waves (stated with out proof) Electromagnetic Waves are Transverse Waves The E and B fields are perpendicular to each other Both fields are perpendicular to the direction of motion c = I = 1 Because EM waves travel at a speed that is precisely the speed of light, light is an electromagnetic wave EM waves are distinguished by their frequencies and wavelengths Energy is carried by EM waves; it is shared equally by the electric and magnetic fields Average power per unit area = Electromagnetic waves transport momentum as well as energy For complete absorption of energy U, p=U/c For complete reflection of energy U, p=(2U)/c Doppler Equation for EM Waves The Doppler effect for EM waves u⎞ ⎛ fo ≈ fs ⎜ 1 ± ⎟ c⎠ ⎝ c = ƒλ Wavelengths for visible light range from 400 nm to 700 nm There is no sharp division between one kind of EM wave and the next 2 Emax Bmax E2 c Bmax = max = 2 μo 2 μo c 2 μo Intensity (I) is average power per unit area μ oε o The Spectrum of EM Waves E&M waves are ‘transverse waves’ For an E&M wave: c = E B Electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light fo is the observed frequency fs is the frequency emitted by the source u is the relative speed between the source and the observer The equation is valid only when u is much smaller than c 4