MODULE TITLE MODULE CODE EFFECTIVE FROM MODULE LEVEL CREDIT POINTS MODULE INSTANCE(S) Statics and Dynamics 2 MEC337 September 2016 5 20 Location Semester Magee 2 HOURS Module Coordinator Hadawey, Abas Lectures Tutorials Practicals Independent study TOTAL EFFORT HOURS ACADEMIC SUBJECT 36 36 24 104 200 Teaching Staff Hadawey, Abas hrs hrs hrs hrs hrs Mechanical Engineering RATIONALE This module continues to build and consolidate the core of engineering Statics and Strength of Materials and Dynamics required by a professional engineer. AIMS To ensure that students have a knowledge of the technological principles in Statics and Strength of Materials relevant to the practice of engineering. On completion of this module the student should be provided with the elements of the tools essential to a quantitative analysis and critical appraisal of an engineering design LEARNING OUTCOMES Successful students will be able to KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING K1 Apply the theories required to solve the statics and dynamics of mechanical systems problems. INTELLECTUAL QUALITIES I1 Analyse less well-defined statics and dynamics of mechanical systems problems. I2 1 Choose appropriate methods for solving statics and dynamics of mechanical systems problems. April 2016 PROFESSIONAL/PRACTICAL SKILLS P1 Judge the limitations and significance of solutions to statics and dynamics of mechanical systems problems. P2 Follow and define procedures required to solve laboratory-based statics and dynamics of mechanical systems problems. TRANSFERABLE SKILLS T1 Apply a logical problem solving methodology using applied science and mathematics CONTENT Statics and Strength of Materials 1. Complex stress and strain theory; 2. Mohr's circles of stress and strain; 3. Strain gauge rosette analysis to include analytical solutions; 4. Relationships between elastic constants; 5. Thermal stress and strain; 6. Theories of elastic failure; 7. Defection of beams; MacAulay's method. Dynamics 1. Plane kinematics of rigid bodies: 2. Introduction and rotation. Vector notation 3. Relative velocity 4. Instantaneous centre of zero velocity 5. Relative acceleration 6. Plane kinetics of rigid bodies: 7. Introduction, General equations of motion and translation 8. Fixed-axis rotation 9. General plane motion 10. Work-energy relations 11. Impulse-momentum equations LEARNING AND TEACHING METHODS Formal lectures together with directed reading. The assimilation of lecture material will be promoted by demonstrations, laboratory and tutorial sessions at which numerical exercises will be undertaken. 2 April 2016 ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK Written assignment [30%] Practicals report Written examination [70%] Formal written exam 30% Coursework 70% Examination READING LIST SUMMARY DESCRIPTION MEC 337 provides an extension of the fundamental principles of the Statics and Dynamics of mechanical systems in relation to the analysis and solution of mechanical engineering problems. 3 April 2016