Physics Laboratory Activity 28a1 Determination of Planck's Constant The purpose of this laboratory activity is to use three LEDs (i.e., Light Emitting Diodes) to determine the value of Planck's constant. For additional information on LEDs see the AAPT/PTRA Teacher Resource, Teaching about Lightwave Communications. MATERIALS & PROCEDURES: Voltmeter LED 100-ohm resistor DC Power Supply [ Diagram of Apparatus ] Set up circuit shown in the diagram above. Apply small voltage to a 200-ohm resistor and LED connected in series. Note positive side of LED has the longer lead. Record the voltage when the LED just starts to shine. *NOTE* Do not exceed 3.0 volts with the blue LED, 2.5 volts with the green LED, and 2.0 volts with red LED. See page 2.6 in AAPT/PTRA Teacher Resource Teaching about Electric Circuits by Earl Feltyberger et. al. DATA TABLE: Voltage = (Maximum - 2.0 volts) Voltage = (Maximum - 2.5 volts) Voltage = ((Maximum - 3.0 volts) Color of light is Red Wavelength = 660 nm Color of light is Green Wavelength = 570 nm Color of light is Blue Wavelength = 465 nm If you do not have the equipment, there are simulations at • and • 1 From AAPT/PTRA Role of the Laboratory Teacher Resource Guide (Modified for use with Arbor Scientific’s Electricity Energy Generator P6-8022) Lab 28a - Planck's Constant < Page 1 of 3> © 2009 Jim & Jane Nelson CALCULATIONS: 1. Every coulomb of electrical charge, which flows through the LED, delivers a number of joules of energy numerically equal to the voltage across the LED (i.e., volts = joules/coulomb). Given that an electron has a charge equal to -1.6x10-19 coulombs, how much energy is delivered per electron to produce a photon of red light? ... to produce a photon of green light? ... to produce a photon of blue light? Show example of how you determined these values. Red Light: Green Light: Blue Light: 2. Give the equation that shows how the frequency of light and the speed of the light are related to wavelength. 3. What is the frequency of red light? green light? Show example of how you determined these values. 4. Give the equation, which shows how energy per photon, Planck's constant, and frequency are related. 5. Solve for Planck's constant using your energy per photon and frequency values in 1 and 3 above. Give the average value of Planck's constant (i.e., h) with units. Show example of how you determined these values. blue light? Using Red Light: Using Green Light: Using Blue Light: 6. What is the energy of a photon with a wavelength of 450 nm? 7. Plot a graph of energy to excite LEDs versus frequency of the LED. Write the equation for this graph and explain the meaning of the slope, the y-axis intercept, and the x-axis intercept? 8. How is this experiment similar to and different from the original photoelectric experiments done by Hertz and Millikan? Lab 28a - Planck's Constant < Page 2 of 3> © 2009 Jim & Jane Nelson CONCLUSION: What is the value of Planck’s constant that you determined? Look up the accepted value of Planck’s constant and determine the percent error for your measurements? Show how you determined your answer. Is your average of your three values for "h" in agreement with the accepted value within one power of ten (i.e., Within an order of magnitude)? Is you average too large or too small? What could contribute to this error? Lab 28a - Planck's Constant < Page 3 of 3> © 2009 Jim & Jane Nelson