Evaluation: Educational Websites Teresa Flores Laurie Hunter

Evaluation: Educational Websites
Teresa Flores
Laurie Hunter
Jenny Mount
Manda Reid
EDC 385G Designs and Strategies for New Media
Dr. Min Liu
Spring 2008
Evaluation: Educational Websites
Websites Evaluated
page 2
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 3
Table of Contents
1. Introduce Scenario…………………………………………………………………4
2. Evaluation Rubric……………………………………………………………….…..5
3. Usability Evaluation
Education Portals
Bowie High School…………………………………………………….9
The Physics Classroom Tutorial……………………………………..32
Java Physics Applets………………………………………………...41
University of Northern Iowa Spanish Site…………………………49
4. Data Analysis……………………………………………………………………….59
5. Improved Design Example………………………………………………………65
6. Assignment List…………………………………………………………………….68
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 4
Introduce Scenario
Judith Jones viewed her 14-year-old daughter, Meagan as being a
“good” student through elementary and middle school. However, as a
freshman in high school, getting good grades has been extremely difficult
for her daughter. Once a “B” student, Meagan is now falling behind in
most of her classes because she is having a difficult time completing her
assignments and passing her 6-weeks tests. At first, Mrs. Jones felt that her
daughter was experiencing “normal” teenage problems. However, during
a meeting with the school counselor she reviews Meagan’s history of
several assessments, and discovers something totally different. Mrs. Jones
realizes that her daughter has dyslexia and that she can no longer
compensate in order to meet high school expectations.
The counselor, Mr. Gutierrez informs her that Meagan qualifies for Section
504 assistance under the IDEA federal legislation. The counselor explains
that Section 504 is not a designation of special education, but notes that
her child is eligible for teacher and classroom modifications in order to get
a proper education. He goes on to explain that there are many, many
things she and the family can do to give Meagan the support she needs.
Mrs. Jones’ head is abuzz with all the acronyms and words that Mr.
Gutierrez is throwing around. However, she committed to memory the
counselor’s final words, “Meagan will need your help in Reading, Spanish,
Physics, and Math. You can locate information about tutoring and her
class requirements on the Bowie website. You can also learn more about
reading disabilities like dyslexia at http://www.ldonline.org.” Mrs. Jones
was too embarrassed to say that she doesn’t have a computer at home
and that she does not have much experience using a computer either.
On the way home, she stops at the library by her house and asks for help.
She is surprised at how many websites there are. Some are good. Some
are bad. Others are “just right,” just like the fairy tale of “Goldilocks and
the Three Bears.” She smiles and tells the librarian she will be a regular
there from now on. She’s going to help Meagan do better in school and
the world of websites and information will now become an integral and
routine part of her life.
Information knowledge, being able to use and navigate websites and
other digital portals is essential in today’s world. The majority of the
information highway is disseminated via these vehicles and Mrs. Jones is
about to get a lesson on website design, whether she wants it or not.
Fortunately, she welcomes the challenge.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 5
Website Evaluation Rubric
A rubric was created to form a basis for analyzing the educational
websites in this report. Information design was evaluated based on
instructional content and curriculum. Interface design was evaluated
based on graphics and multimedia, layout, technical aspects, and
adaptability and accessibility. Finally, interaction design was evaluated
based on being engaging for students, interactive strategies, and
appropriate age/grade levels.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
Information –
Instructional Content
Unsatisfactory - 1
Good - 3
Exemplary - 4
Information is
inaccurate, incomplete
or outdated
Information is not always
accurate, complete or
Information is
accurate and most is
complete and current
Information is
accurate, complete,
and current
Facts do not come
from reliable sources or
sources are not
Facts come from
questionable sources
Facts usually come
from reliable sources
which are clearly
Facts come from
reliable sources which
are clearly identified
Little or no overall
context for information
Content is not related to
larger context
Content lacks sense of
purpose or central theme
Content is usually
related to larger
Purpose is unclear
Content is not
unorganized and
Content does not
accommodate unique
learning styles and
various ability levels
National and/or state
standards are not
accessible within the
product and there are
no apparent links to the
learning activities
Information –
Needs Improvement - 2
page 6
No prerequisite
requirements are given
No real world examples
are given
Content is not scannable,
poorly organized, and not
clear enough to convey
Some content
accommodates unique
learning styles and various
ability levels
General purpose is
Content is fairly
scannable, organized
in ways that clarify
Most content
unique learning styles
and various ability
Content and context
are consistent with the
All information relates
to the stated purpose
and learning goals
Content is highly
scannable, organized
in ways that clarify
meaning and wholeto-parts salience
All content
unique learning styles
and various ability
National and/or state
standards are not located
within the product but
some relation to
standards is apparent
National and/or state
standards are
sometimes available
and may be linked to
National and state
standards are
accessible within the
product and may be
easily linked to lessons
Lists some prerequisite
knowledge necessary for
Outlines prerequisite
knowledge necessary
for success
Lists all prerequisite skills
Uses some real world
examples to make the
instruction relevant for the
Uses many real world
examples to make
the instruction
relevant for the
Complies with some
subject based guidelines
Complies with most
subject based
Uses all real world
examples to make the
instruction relevant for
the learner
Complies with all
subject based
Evaluation: Educational Websites
Unsatisfactory - 1
Interface –
Interface –
Graphics and Multimedia
Graphics are absent, poorly
placed, or fail to assist
Background and text are not
compatible and text is
difficult to read
Graphics are inconsistent,
inappropriate, and do not
enhance learning
Needs Improvement - 2
Good - 3
Exemplary - 4
Graphics minimally support
Graphics are intended to
assist learning
Graphics are well designed and
rendered to enhance learning
Background and text are
frequently incompatible
and text is often difficult to
Background and text are
usually pleasing, compatible
and legible
Background and text are
pleasing, compatible and easy
to read
Most graphics are consistent
and appropriate in design
Graphics are consistent,
appropriate and designed to
optimize learning
Graphics are not always
consistent or appropriate
Poor use of color
Colors are used somewhat
Gratuitous animation with no
relation to learning goals
Animation rarely
complements learning
Multimedia is superfluous and
often gets in the way of
purpose and earning goals
Multimedia seems
unrelated to purpose and
learning goals
Layout is confusing
Layout is not intuitive
Learners cannot navigate
through the information to
find what they need
Layout is difficult to
Layout is frequently illogical
Layout is illogical and
page 7
Layout is frequently
Layout is inconsistent
Colors are used in a
somewhat effective way
Animation often
complements learning
Multimedia is sometimes
unrelated to purpose and
learning goals
Colors are used in an effective
Animation always
complements learning
Multimedia appears to be
directly related to stated
purpose and learning goals
Layout is clear but learners
sometimes need help to find
necessary features
Layout is clear and intuitive;
learners can always find what
they need
Learners can usually
navigate through the
information to find what they
It is easy to navigate through
the information to find
necessary features
Layout is logical
Layout is logical in most
cases, but sometimes
Layout is consistent on all pages
Interface –
Adaptability and Accessibility
Interface –
Technical Aspects
Layout is frequently
consistent, but occasionally
Links do not work properly
Not all links work properly
Most links work properly
All links work properly
Specific browser needed to
view pages, but no directions
are available for users to
download appropriate
Pages work in only one
browser , but directions
and links are provided so
users can download
appropriate browser
Most pages work in most
Pages work in most common
browsers: Safari, Firefox, Internet
Multimedia resources do not
Multimedia resources work
some of the time
Pictures and icons do not
have ALT tags
Few pictures and icons
have ALT tags
Most pictures and icons have
ALT tags
Paragraphs and sections
have unclear and inaccurate
informative headings
Some paragraphs and
sections have clear and
accurate informative
Most paragraphs and
sections have clear and
accurate informative
Clear and clean fonts are
used consistently some of
the time
Clear and clean fonts are
used consistently most of the
Clear and clean fonts are not
Multimedia resources work
most of the time
All multimedia resources work
at all times
Hyperlinks have ALT tags for
rollover to assist sight-impaired
Paragraphs and sections have
clear and accurate informative
Clear and clean fonts are used
Evaluation: Educational Websites
Interaction –
Unsatisfactory - 1
Does not require
learners to become
actively engaged
Sometimes requires
learners to become
actively engaged
Text and documents
do not employ
enhancements to
make learning
Text and documents
sometimes employ
enhancements to make
learning interactive
Does not provide
feedback throughout
the instruction
Interaction –
Interactive Strategies
Does not motivate the
Interaction –
Age/Grade Level
Needs Improvement - 2
Provides minimal
feedback throughout the
page 8
Good - 3
Exemplary - 4
Usually requires learners to
become actively engaged
Always requires learners to become
actively engaged in order to learn
Text and documents usually
employ multimedia
enhancements to make
learning interactive
Text and documents always employ
multimedia enhancements to make
learning interactive
Provides some feedback
throughout the instruction
Often motivates the learner
to continue learning and
master concepts
Provides appropriate feedback throughout
the instruction
Keenly motivates the learner to continue
learning and master concepts
Rarely motivates learner
to continue learning
Interactive strategies
are limited or
• Learners cannot
navigate easily
through the
• Single way for
learner to interact
with content
• No assistance is
provided to help
learners to
understand key
Interactive strategies are
somewhat limited:
• Learners can
somewhat navigate
easily through the
• Usually allowing
learner to interact
with content in only
one way
Little assistance is
provided to help
learners to
understand key terms
Interactive strategies are
effective, straight-forward,
and allow learners to focus
on the instructional
concepts rather than
program operation:
• Learners can navigate
easily through the
• Allows learner to
interact with some of
the content and some
users in more than one
• Some assistance is
provided to help
learners to understand
key terms
Interactive strategies are very effective and
clearly intuitive so that learners can focus
the instructional concepts rather than
being distracted by the mechanics of
program operation:
• Icons, navigational commands, maps,
other prompts are relevant, easy to use,
consistent, and offer options for
subsequent choices at each step
• Learners can begin using the website
effectively and independently in a short
period of time
• Allows learner to interact with the
content and other users in multiple ways
• Assistance is provided to help learners to
understand key terms
• Searching is available
Reading level is not
appropriate for target
Reading level is often too
difficult or too easy for
target audience
Reading level is appropriate
for target audience, but
some portions may be too
easy or too difficult
Reading level is appropriate for target
Product is not suitable
for the age and grade
Many features are
unsuitable for the age
and grade level
Directions are
inadequate and
Directions are sometimes
unclear or ambiguous
Below 22=Unacceptable for Homework Help Use
Most features are suitable
for the age and grade level
Most directions are clear,
but some are ambiguous or
Total Points
Product is suitable for the age and grade
Directions are clear and complete enough
for students to perform required tasks
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 9
Website Evaluation: Bowie High School
Website Review 1
Website Evaluation Rubric by Laurie Hunter
Information –
Instructional Content
Information –
Interface –
Graphics and Multimedia
Interface –
Interface –
Technical Aspects
Interface –
Adaptability and Accessibility
Interaction –
Interaction –
Interactive strategies
Interaction –
Age/Grade Level
Scale: 32-36=Exemplary
Below 22=Unacceptable
for Homework Help Use
Exemplary - 4
Good - 3
Needs Improvement - 2
Bowie High School
Unsatisfactory - 1
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 10
She opens http://www.jbhs.org/. Her eyes are drawn to the blinking “HOT”
news button. Underneath she sees a list. She remembers that Meagan will
need tutorials. Searching, she finds the link “Student Tutorials.”
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 11
She reads that they are for the “Fall Semester” but it’s spring. Also she
notices that 9th grade tutoring is available in the DawgDen, but it is still
unclear as to how her daughter signs up to receive tutoring.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 12
She decides to find Meagan’s teachers’ web sites. She searches for
teacher websites, in the “Academics” page but finds only department
heads and administrators. “They can’t help,” she thinks.
As she rolls over “About Bowie” she notices “Faculty and Staff.”
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 13
There, however, she finds that her math teacher does not have a link to
her web site, only her email address. Now she is really frustrated.
She thinks, “An email address is not enough. To really help my daughter, I
need to know what she is working on right now as well as what she needs
to study for next week’s 6-week test, which will count for 50 percent of her
grade.” Her daughter has a total of 7 classes and Mrs. Smith is feeling
overwhelmed by the search ahead of her and wishes there were a better
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 14
Evaluation Rubric
Mrs. Jones’ experience touring the Bowie website was an actual
recreation of my first time trying to locate my dyslexic son’s core teachers’
websites for Algebra, World Geography, Biology, and Language Arts. All
his teachers except his Algebra and World Geography teachers have
websites. He is doing well in all his subjects, except for Algebra and World
Geography. Coincidence? I don’t think so.
Twenty percent of schoolchildren have dyslexia. For parents like Judith
Jones, the school website has the potential to be a powerful way to
provide academic support to their high school student with dyslexia,
ADHD, and other learning disabilities. The Bowie website is not. Below I
evaluated the Bowie website in terms of how effective the current
information, interface, and interaction supports a student’s academic
The Bowie’s website overall score is a 23 which is barely “Satisfactory.” It is
weakest in the areas of information, layout, and engagement. In regards
to the three main categories of information, interface, and interaction, in
order to achieve our goal of providing support to students with learning
disabilities the most important is information. The information provided in
the current website is missing many teacher websites, links to student
grades and progress reports, access to important school records and
documentation like a student’s IEP and 504 Modifications as I will explain
in more detail later.
The Bowie website strengths are some aspects of its interface and
interaction. For instance, As a Bowie parent, the school colors, black and
red, effectively communicate school pride. And the red and white text on
the black background is not always easy to read, but it was legible,
especially since each page has plenty of “white” space and is not
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 15
Website Evaluation: Blackboard
Website Review 2
Website Evaluation Rubric by Laurie Hunter
Information –
Instructional Content
Information –
Interface –
Graphics and Multimedia
Interface –
Interface –
Technical Aspects
Interface –
Adaptability and Accessibility
Interaction –
Exemplary - 4
Good - 3
Needs Improvement - 2
Unsatisfactory - 1
Interaction –
Interactive strategies
Interaction –
Age/Grade Level
Scale: 32-36=Exemplary
Below 22=Unacceptable
for Homework Help Use
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 16
In contrast I found the UT Blackboard website to be better example of a
school website that contains aspects of information, interface, and
interaction design that is more academically supportive of students with
learning disabilities.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 17
On the Blackboard website, designers offer links to access the teachers’
websites for every class a student is enrolled in, as well as links for students
to see their grades.
Also, when I click on the eGradebook I can see a Progress Report of my
grades so far in my class and orange-colored links by each grade, gives
me the opportunity to interact with my professor with feedback if I have a
question about an assignment requirement or a grade I received.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 18
Evaluation Rubric
In terms of how effectively the current information, interface, and
interaction supports a student’s academic success Blackboard is strong in
all the main categories of design. The headings/titles provided by the
designer give professors the opportunity to post announcements, give
students clear expectations and listing of assignments with due dates, and
access to grades so that a student can self-monitor. Access to all these
are essential to academic success of students with learning disabilities.
From the personable “Welcome, Laurie” to the links for each of my classes
and grades earns this website an overall score of 32 which is barely an
“exemplary” rating.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 19
Website Evaluation: Math.com
Meagan needs homework help for Algebra 1. Her assignment covers
solving basic one-step inequalities and she needs additional help. Mrs.
Jones googles “Algebra 1 Homework Help” and takes a look at the first
two sites in the search results. She thinks, “Hmmm…math.com…That
sounds like it would be a great resource!”
Website Review 3
Website Evaluation Rubric by Manda Reid
Information –
Instructional Content
Interaction –
Interactive strategies
Interaction –
Age/Grade Level
Scale: 32-36=Exemplary
Below 22=Unacceptable
for Homework Help Use
Exemplary - 4
Information –
Interface –
Graphics and Multimedia
Interface –
Interface –
Technical Aspects
Interface –
Adaptability and Accessibility
Interaction –
Good - 3
Needs Improvement - 2
Unsatisfactory - 1
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 20
Overview of Math.com
Math.com is a site that generates most of its revenue from ads. The
homepage is dominated by rotating ad placement that ranges from ads
subtle enough to be confused by legitimate math content to
inappropriate advertisements. To find help with solving one-step
inequalities, there are three ways to navigate to content: by selecting the
subject or using the search feature in the left hand side navigation, or
selecting inequalities in the “Hot Subjects” in the main area of the screen.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 21
Once the homework help topic is selected, the content is divided into a
four-step process.
The “First Glance” step provides a general overview of the topic. There
are “Show Me” buttons that illustrate mathematically the general rules of
the topic. You can navigate to the different steps, by using the next and
previous buttons below the instructional text, or by selecting the step
buttons and text above the instructional text. The steps do not look
clickable, so it is helpful that the names of the steps are hyperlinks. The
“Show Me” buttons could stand out more as buttons by some shadowing
or perhaps a capsule shape instead of a rectangular box.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 22
Step 2, “In Depth”, provides a more detailed walk-through of solving an
inequality. The length of instructional text might be overwhelming to an
Algebra 1 student, especially one who is experiencing difficulty. However,
it has a conversational tone so there is a friendly appeal.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 23
In Step 3, we see stepped through examples. There is no interaction for
the student, only solutions. A possible improvement could be some
instructional text next to each step in the solution.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 24
The last step is “Workout”, a chance for students to test their mastery of
the topic. In the case below, a matching exercise is provided. However,
there is no place to check your answers. Upon checking other topics, it
was discovered that sometimes there is a “Check” button. So this could
be an oversight, or a technical glitch.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 25
Information, Interface, Interaction Design: Math.com
Information design was evaluated based on the criteria of instructional
content and curriculum. For the chosen topic of solving one-step
inequalities, the information was accurate and complete. The content
was scannable and organized in a stepped-out process that gently
guides the learner though learning the topic. The content in the “In
Depth” step could have been simplified since some users might find the
amount of text presented overwhelming. National and state standards
were not available on the site. Although our topic was found in the
Algebra topics, it should be noted that the topics available were not
comprehensive to an Algebra 1 course. Other improvements could be
relating the content to real-world examples.
Interface design was evaluated on the criteria of graphics and
multimedia, layout, technical aspects, and adaptability and accessibility.
Graphics were kept to a minimum and multimedia was non-existent. The
layout was littered with advertisements that were distracting, if not
inappropriate, to middle school and high school students. In addition, the
placement of advertisements occupied the most screen real estate. All
links tested based on the scenario worked. However, in the “Workout”
section, there was no way to check your understanding after completing
the task. Upon investigating the site outside of the topic scenario, it
appears that this was an oversight or error. Alt tags were not used most of
the time. This is a problem not just limited to this site, but to the field of
mathematics in general.
Interaction design was evaluated on engaging qualities, interactive
strategies, and age/grade level. The site scored the lowest based on the
criteria established for an engaging site. No multimedia was used, no
feedback was given in the step where a student’s understanding was
supposed to be evaluated, and there were no motivating factors that
would encourage users to return to the site. On a positive note, the
chunking of the topic into steps was beneficial and the reading and age
level was appropriate and friendly for the target user.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 26
Website Evaluation: Hotmath.com
After looking at the math.com site, Meagan says, “Okay…But I still need
help with the actual exercises that I am assigned.” Mrs. Jones looks at the
next site on Google, hotmath.com. Hotmath is advertised as step-by-step
solutions from your actual textbook.
Website Review 4
Website Evaluation Rubric by Manda Reid
Information –
Instructional Content
Information –
Interface –
Graphics and Multimedia
Interface –
Interface –
Technical Aspects
Interface –
Adaptability and Accessibility
Interaction –
Exemplary - 4
Good - 3
Needs Improvement - 2
Unsatisfactory - 1
Interaction –
Interactive strategies
Interaction –
Age/Grade Level
Scale: 32-36=Exemplary
Below 22=Unacceptable
for Homework Help Use
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 27
Hotmath.com is a subscription site designed to work with your math
textbook. From the homepage, you can select your textbook by subject,
browse math resources, and login if you are a returning user. It is a fairly
clean layout with clear headings and no advertisements to outside
resources. If you are a first-time user, the green box draws your attention
for a quick overview of the site’s purpose. Also, there is a persistent menu
bar at the top of the page.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 28
The main highlight of hotmath.com is having access to stepped-out
solutions from the odd-numbered exercises in the actual textbook
students use in class. The content of the solutions is chunked out via a
system of progressive disclosure. Students must click the down arrow to
display each step. Hints are always displayed before the details of each
step are given.
“More Help” gives students access to review lessons and videos. By
selecting “Chat”, an invitation to collaborate with others is offered. A
codeword is given and the user gives the code to the other person(s) they
are collaborating with.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 29
Once the codeword is entered, a window pops open and
communication can begin with the collaborator. A yellow hand pointer is
available to easily clarify what steps are being discussed so you and your
collaborator know you are looking at the same steps.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 30
Other key features of hotmath.com are video lessons where professors
walk through examples and review lessons which are static overviews of
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 31
Information, Interface, Interaction Design: www.hotmath.com
Information design was evaluated based on the criteria of instructional
content and curriculum. For the chosen topic of solving one-step
inequalities, the information was accurate and complete. The content
was organized in a way that was disclosed step by step, so that users
understand each step before moving on to the next step. Displaying a
hint before unveiling the step offers a check for understanding. Since the
content is based on a publisher’s textbook content, real-world examples
are available as they appear in the exercise sets.
Interface design was evaluated on the criteria of graphics and
multimedia, layout, technical aspects, and adaptability and accessibility.
A clear and clean design was employed throughout the site that made
navigation easy. Graphics were kept to a minimum and multimedia is
seen through videos of professors teaching the content. All links and
multimedia resources tested worked. Alt tags were used most of the time.
Interaction design was evaluated on engaging qualities, interactive
strategies, and age/grade level. The site was truly engaging based on the
collaborative feature that allows users to interact with each other via a
messaging and pointer system. Watching videos of professors teaching
the topic was a bonus. Also, a new feature called “live tutoring” appears
as if it is beta testing. Live tutors will be available on the site during
scheduled times.
While Web 2.0 features were not seen in the first website evaluated, the
ability to collaborate and the addition of real-time tutoring greatly
enhances the Hotmath site. All the resources added to the site definitely
keeps to the goal of the site—providing homework help.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 32
Website Evaluation: The Physics Classroom Tutorial
Information –
Instructional Content
Information –
Interface –
Graphics and Multimedia
Interface –
Interface –
Technical Aspects
Interface –
Adaptability and Accessibility
Interaction –
Interaction –
Interactive Strategies
Interaction –
Age/Grade Level
Scale: 32-36=Exemplary
Below 22=Unacceptable
for Homework Help Use
Exemplary –
Good 3
Improvement 2
Unsatisfactory 1
Website Review 5
Website Evaluation Rubric by Jenny Mount
The Physics Classroom Tutorial is online physics tutorial written for
introductory physics students. The tutorial was developed for Physics
students at a high school in Illinois. The website covers basic physics topics
using gif multimedia graphics and an easy-to-understand language. I
gave the website exemplary for the information. The instructional content
is accurate and comes from a reliable source. The author is a physics
teacher who has been teaching physics since 1989. All of the information
is related for the purpose of understanding general physics. The content is
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 33
scannable and follows the organization of most physics textbooks and
curriculum. The content tries to accommodate various ability levels with
discussing some advanced physics but making it simple for the concepts.
The course follows the state standards required for physics. The website is
excellent in using real world examples to make the instruction relevant for
the leaner.
The interface aspect of the website was good, but needs some
improvement. The graphics are good for assisting in learning. Physics is
taught using many drawings and pictures to discuss the problems. The
website uses good graphics and they are easy to read and understand.
Below are some examples of the graphics:
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 34
Most of the colors are effective; I just feel the red sometimes is difficult to
read with a white background. The GIF animations are very helpful in
seeing physics in action. Some of the animations are just following a
situation and some are like the one below on momentum. The student is
able to see the number change in momentum from the initial situation to
the final situation after the collision.
The GIF animation multimedia is directly related to the purpose in learning
and understanding physics. They help to answer the questions asked
many times in physics “what is going to happen?”
The layout is clear but it is difficult to navigate. The side yellow bar at first is
the main topics, but once you link into a topic, it changes to the topic of
that section. Once you are in a topic it is hard to navigate back to the
main page.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 35
Under the webpage title, you can select the tutorial topics and a page
comes up with all the topics and they are repeated in the left side yellow
bar. Once you select a topic, the outline of the topic is shown, with the
same yellow bar.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 36
When you go into the lesson, the side yellow bar changes to the list of the
topics in that section, not of the entire tutorial.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 37
This is somewhat confusing and not consistent. The top bar still has how to
click back to the main tutorial topics, but it might be nice to have the
topics displayed for easier navigation.
At the bottom of each page is the navigation to the next section. Some of
the pages though you have to scroll down quite a bit of empty page
before reaching the bottom. An example is given below:
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 38
I gave exemplary on technical aspects because all of the links work
properly and in different browsers. The GIF animations also work in all
browsers and no extra software is needed to make them work.
The website needs improvement on the adaptability and accessibility part
of their interface design. The pictures do not have ALT tags. The font is not
clean and clear. The choice of red fort is difficult to read in the text and
graphics. The formulas are given in red font which is difficult to red.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 39
The interaction design of the website is good. The GIF multimedia
animations do engage the learners, but they are not interactive. It would
be nice to allow the students to change the situations or values to see
what happens in different situations. The check your understanding does
engage the student, but it checks the answer by giving the right answer,
not hints to help the students get the right answer.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 40
The website would be great if it could be more interactive for the student.
Physics is being able to see relationships and rate of change. The student
is not allowed to enter their own values to see what would happen.
Overall, the website is great tools in helping parents explain physics topics.
The key words are hyperlinked so if there is physics term a student does
not know, they can click on it and see the lesson about that topic. The GIF
animations are wonderful in being able to see physics in action. The
parent and student can discuss the physics in the animations. Web 2.0
could enhance this website to make it more interactive and relate to real
world situations. For example, when looking at the values of gravity
depending on your location on earth, you could make it interactive with a
map from Google. The final score for this website was a 29 with a good
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 41
Website Evaluation: Physics Java Applets
Information –
Instructional Content
Information –
Interface –
Graphics and Multimedia
Interface –
Interface –
Technical Aspects
Interface –
Adaptability and
Interaction –
Interaction –
Interactive strategies
Interaction –
Age/Grade Level
Scale: 32-36=Exemplary
Below 22=Unacceptable
for Homework Help Use
Exemplary - 4
Good - 3
Improvement 2
Java Applets on Physics
Unsatisfactory 1
Website Review 6
Website Evaluation Rubric by Jenny Mount
The website is a collection of Java Applets on Physics created by Walter
Fendt. It covers a range of physics, but not all topics covered in a high
school level physics course. The site goes into more advanced physics.
The applets run off Java. Java needs to be downloaded to work.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 42
The textual information of the applets is limited, but the applets are very
informative. There is not much discussion about the physics, but the
applets allow the students to learn physics by manipulating the variables.
Some of the applets are above the general high school curriculum. The
mechanics section covers most basics physics courses.
The interface was good, but needed improvement. First, the site has a
variety of colors and is distracting to the educational purposes.
The layout is fairly simple. There is a list of applets organized vertically
down the page. The website has been translated into many different
languages the flags; represent the language of the website available. The
download link allows you to download the applets. Once you open an
applet, the design is quite simple.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 43
The applet opens with a short description on how to use the applet. Each
applet allows you to manipulate many variables and you can run the
applet to see what happens. Some applets are limited on the range of
variables you can enter. Once you finish the applet, to return to the main
page there is a link at the bottom of the page labeled Physics applets. It is
not obvious that this is the home page link. The applets also use bright
colors to help differentiate the parts of the applet. It helps, but also
distracts from the educational purpose.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 44
The applets have difficulty running in Internet Explorer and require Java to
run. The fonts are easy to read, but some of the colors are difficult against
different colored backgrounds.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 45
The website is very interactive for the student. The student can enter
different values for each applet to see how they relate to each other.
Physics is being able to understand the relationships of different variables,
for example if I increase the period how does the force change.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 46
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 47
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 48
Each applet allows the student to view different aspects of the
situations. The carousel, you can see the forces acting on the ball,
sketch of the forces and finally the numerical value. The student is able
to interact with each applet in a variety of ways to help facilitate
learning. Most of the directions are obvious. The variables are easy and
straight forward to manipulate. The applets allows learner to interact
with the content and other users in multiple ways. This website is a good
website for parents to show relationships of physics to their children. It is
always easier to understand physics, seeing it in motion. The changing
variables aid in understanding the relationships of concepts, like what
happens if I double the speed? The student can physically see what
happens and obtain numerical values as well. Web 2.0 is not used in this
website. It would greatly enhance the applets by making the applets
more interactive. The website overall rating is 28, which is a good
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 49
Website Evaluation: University of Northern Iowa Spanish Website
Exemplary –
Good 3
Improvement 2
Unsatisfactory 1
Website Review 7
Website Evaluation Rubric by Teresa Flores
Information –
Instructional Content
Information –
Interface –
Graphics and Multimedia
Interface –
Interface –
Technical Aspects
Interface –
Adaptability and Accessibility
Interaction –
Interaction –
Interactive Strategies
Interaction –
Age/Grade Level
Scale: 32-36=Exemplary
Below 22=Unacceptable
for Homework Help Use
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 50
This is a useful compilation of websites. It is a mash up, which means it has
multiple websites and links. Its information and instructional content is
exemplary because its links cover multiple facets of language instruction.
Its interactive phase has tutoring in all areas of Spanish language
curriculum. Further inspection shows that the information is accurate and
complete, facts and exercises come from reliable sources and are easy to
understand, and it accommodates unique learning styles and various
ability levels. In addition, the multiple links do indeed want to teach the
user Spanish and relate to the stated purposes and goals of the website.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 51
In the curriculum area, while there is no link to national and standardized
tests, it lists prerequisite skills for each lesson and lesson play, uses realworld examples and complies with the subject-based guidelines imposed
by the various sites.
The majority of the sites in this mash-up need improvement in most areas
of interfaces, from layout to graphics and technical aspects. The site has
a very plain and unattractive introduction page and many of the sites do
the same. However, this does not impact the curriculum. Graphics are
often absent or poorly places and the layouts are confusing, at times.
However, when it comes to the technical aspects of the interface, the
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 52
mash-up scores a “good.” All links work properly, pages work in most
browsers and multimedia resources are adequate and work most of the
Most of the sites explored require learners to become actively engaged
and most usually employ multimedia. Feedback is provided, but replies
are not tested. The majority of the website do, however motivate the user
to continue.
This is a satisfactory website in many areas. It is grade level appropriate
and it can certainly be used for tutoring a high school student. It is selfpaced and self-guided. It is recommended, however, that if the student is
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 53
a novice in Spanish, that a real person help tutor the student through the
beginning phases of the mash-up.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 54
Website Evaluation: StudySpanish.com
Website Review 8
Website Evaluation Rubric by Teresa Flores
Information –
Instructional Content
Information –
Interface –
Graphics and Multimedia
Interface –
Interface –
Technical Aspects
Interface –
Adaptability and
Interaction –
Interaction –
Interactive strategies
Interaction –
Age/Grade Level
Scale: 32-36=Exemplary
Below 22=Unacceptable
for Homework Help Use
Exemplary –
Good 3
Improvement 2
Unsatisfactory 1
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 55
This is a useful website that can be used at a variety of age and grade
levels and is focused on getting the user to learn Spanish as quickly and as
effortlessly as possible through a series of well-planned interactive
exercises and strategies. The information content and curricula are
exemplary. Information presented is accurate, complete and current and
all content accommodates unique learning styles and is highly scanable.
In the curriculum area, while there is no link to national and standardized
tests the site lists prerequisite skills for each lesson and lesson plan, uses
real-world examples and complies with the subject-based guidelines
imposed by the various sites.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 56
The site has good graphics and multimedia, in the area of interface. They
are intended to assist learning and are, for the most page consistent and
appropriate, colorful and animated and almost always relate to the
purpose and learning goals. Layout is not intuitive, difficult to navigate
and inconsistent. It’s dull. However, when it comes to technical aspects,
this website rates high because it has Web 2.0 features like pod casting
availability. Adaptability and accessibility does not rate as high. Fonts are
not creative and for the most part boring and not stimulating.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 57
Interaction by the user on this side is good. It usually requires the user to
become actively engaged and some of the exercises have multimedia
content. It provides feedback in forms of assessment to tell you where you
rank in Spanish. It does motivate the user to continue.
This is a satisfactory website in many areas. It is grade level appropriate
and it can certainly be used for tutoring a high school student. It is selfpaced and self-guided. Directions are clear and complete enough to
allow students to perform the required tasks.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 58
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 59
Data Analysis
Comparison of the eight educational websites evaluated:
The average values of each category are given in the rubric. The
average of the total points for the eight websites evaluated was almost
28. The score of a 28 is a good website. Overall, most of the websites were
good and educational.
Scale: 32-36=Exemplary
Below 22=Unacceptable
for Homework Help Use
Of the final eight educational website evaluated, there were 2 Exemplary
websites, 4 Good websites, and 2 Satisfactory websites.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 60
Below are the frequencies of all categories evaluated and then each
category. In the charts, the bin numbers are the values from the rubric.
4 – Exemplary
3 – Good
2 – Need improvement
1 – Unsatisfactory
All items
This histogram is of all the items evaluated. Overall, good and exemplary
scores were represented for the eight educational websites.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 61
Each category:
Information - Instructional Content
For most of the websites, they were exemplary on instructional content.
Information - Curriculum
The websites varied on the curriculum from satisfactory to exemplary.
Interface - Graphics & Multimedia
There was not website with exemplary graphics and multimedia.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 62
F req u en cy
Interface - Layout
For most of the websites, the layout could have been improved.
Interface - Technical Aspects
Overall for the eight websites, the technical aspects were exemplary.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 63
Interface - Adaptability & Accessibility
Most of the websites were not adaptable or accessible. Educational
websites for a variety of learners need to be more accessible for all
Interaction - Engaging
The websites were engaging, but could be improved.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 64
Interaction - Interactive strategies
The websites on average were good on interactive strategies, but could
be increased.
Interaction - Age/Grade level
The majority of the websites were age and grade level appropriate.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 65
Website Redesign
As a designer I recreated a simplified version of Blackboard called “Bowie
Blackboard.” Frustration is common when inexperienced Internet users
seek information from websites. Therefore I strived to provide students and
parents who seek to use the Internet as a source of academic support
with a simple, intuitive web page.
Imagine you are a parent like Meagan’s mother. To receive access to this
web site you must enroll by logging onto the home page of your child’s
school web site and click on the “Enroll Now” under the “Bowie
Blackboard login.” In the pop up dialogue box, type in your child’s name
and student ID. You create a password, and from that point on you will no
longer need to provide the student ID, just student name and password.
After you’ve enrolled your child’s schedule populates the screen and you
are asked if the information is correct. If not, you have an opportunity to
auto email your child’s counselor and correct any errors.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 66
When the “Bowie Blackboard” web page loads, you will see your child’s
“Course Schedule” with the title of each class as a hyperlink to the
corresponding teacher’s web site. Each teacher posts a calendar with
assignments, homework, and teacher-recommended tutorial videos. At
one central location on the Bowie Blackboard you and your child have
easy access to the calendar of assignments that your child has to make
up if your child is sick/absent.
Also from this page you also have up-to-date grades for the year via the
“Report Card” link. Also your child has access to “Weekly Progress
Reports” so that your child can self-monitor his/her progress in each class.
Additionally there is a link for parents and students to access important
school records and documentation such as your student’s “IEP” and/or
“504 Modifications.”
Only the most important “Announcements” such as times and locations
for the SAT and ACT are posted.
At the bottom left the user also has access to audible.com so that the
student can listen to the text if need be. There is also a “Web Site Video
Evaluation: Educational Websites
page 67
Our current high school web site designs do not meet the needs of
students with dyslexia, ADHD, and other learning disabilities. It is essential
that high school web site designers consider information, interface, and
interaction design attributes for these students and for their parents who
may have similar characteristics.
This type of support should be available for students who have 504
Modifications and especially students in Special Education. As advanced
as technology is today, I can’t think why this could not be a reality for
students who’s need has already been established by a Section 504 or
Special Education designation. Especially since teachers are already
keying in grades, report cards, progress reports, 504 Modifications, and
Lastly, there has been a big push for parents of struggling students to
become more involved in their child’s education. As a parent of two high
school students with dyslexia, I can’t think of a more effective way to
increase parent involvement. When provided with a tool such as the
Bowie Blackboard, parents of students with learning disabilities can
become more empowered and more effective in helping their children
attain academic success.
Evaluation: Educational Websites
Assignment List
Teresa Flores
Introduce Scenario
Review of Spanish Websites
Laurie Hunter
Assisted with Introduce Scenario
Created Website Redesign and Rational
Review of Education Portal
Jenny Mount
Created Rubrics
Data Analysis
Review of Physics Websites
Manda Reid
Created PowerPoint
Compiled Report
Review of Math Websites
page 68
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