[CHAP. 1 VIBRATIONS AND W AVES 12 The resultant wave (solid line) is obtained by adding the two waves graphically. We begin in Fig. 1-9(a) with zero phase angle between the two waves, i.e. the two waves are completely in phase with each other. The resultant amplitude is equal to twice the amplitude of the given waves. Fig. 1-9(b) shows the addition of two identical waves with 18 0 phase difference between them. Similarly, Fig. 1-9(c) to Fig. 1-9(j) are the resultants of the additions of two identical waves with progressively greater values of phase angle between the two identical waves. When the two identical waves are completely out of plfase, i.e. the phase angle between the two waves is 180 0 , the resultant wave is zero. In other words, the two waves cancel each other. SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTIONS 1.8. A simple harmonic motion is given as x(t) ::::: 10 sin (lOt - 30 0 ) where x is measured in meters, t in seconds, and the phase angle in degrees. Find (a) the frequency and period of the motion, (b) the maximum displacement, velocity and acceleration, (c) the displacement, velocity and acceleration at t::::: 0 and t::::: 1 seconds. (a) = 10 sin (lOt I = w/2rr = 1.6 eye/sec, x(t) Then w = 10 rad/sec, (b) Displacement is x(t) = 10 sin (lOt - 30°). Velocity is dx/dt::::: wAo cos (wt - e). d2x/dt 2 Acceleration is -10 2(10) ::::: -1000 m/sec 2 • (c) At t ;::: 0: x(O) x(O) At t 30 0 ) and = Ao sin (wt - Ii) p = 1/1 = 0.63 sec. Thus the maximum displacement is 10 m. Thus the maximum velocity is 10(10)::::: 100 m/sec. -w2Ao sin (wt - 8), ::::: and so the maximum acceleration is = 10 sin (-30 = 10(-0.5) -5m = wAo cos (-30 ::::: 10(10)(0.866) = 86.6 m/sec 0 ;::: ) 0 ) x(O) ::::: -w2Ao sin (-30 0 ) x (1) ;::: 10 sin (10 - 30 0 ) - x(1) ::::: 10(10) cos 180 x(l) ::::: -(10)2 (10) sin 180 0 = 1: 0 -(10)2 (10)(-0.5) ::::: 10 sin (570 0 - 30 0 ) ::::: - 500 m/sec 2 10 sin 180 0 0 = -100 m/sec - 0 FREE VIBRATION fl::g:-; Determine the differential equation of motion and natural frequency of vibration of " - - / the simple single-degree-of-freedom spring-mass system shown in Fig. 1-10. Apply Newton's law of motion, :IF;::: mao For vertical motion, the forces acting on the mass are the spring force k(8 st + x) and the weight mg of the mass. Therefore the dif­ ferential equation of motion is mx = -k(ost + x) + my where Bst is the static deflection due to the weight of the mass acting on the spring. Then my::::: Ostk, and the equation of motion becomes + kx = 0 mx which is the differential equation for SHM. of solution for this equation are x(t) = A sin Vklm t + B cos Vk/m t x(t) ::::: C sin (Vk/m t x(t) The general forms + = D cos (Vk/m t - ¢) Ii) where A, B, C, D, ¢ and e are arbitrary constants depending on initial conditions x(O) and x(O). Two constants must appear in each of the general solutions because this is a second order differential equation. Fig.I-IO CHAP. 1) ~ , B 13 VIBRATIONS AND WAVES For an initial displacement and hence = Xo x(O) = Xo x(t) and zero initial velocity x(O) 0, we have A 0, Xo cos yklm t =: Physically, this solution represents an undamped free vibration, one cycle of which occurs when varies through 360 degrees. Therefore the period P and the natural frequency In are y kIm t P where "'n =: y k/m rad/sec = 2". In and --sec Vklm = = -Vklm 2 - cyc/sec lIP 11' is the circular natural frequency of the system. --+-~----~r----T----~---.r--~~---~t Fig.l-ll. Free vibration without damping /;';:O~A g~neralized singl~:degr~e-of-freedom spring-masS system with damping is shown FIg. 1-12. InvestIgate Its general motion. " ' - . - - / lD = ma, m x + ex + kx = 0 Employing Newton's law of motion mx =: -c:i; - kx or ~ F where k is the spring constant, tn the mass, and c the damping coeffici :nt. We cannot assume solutions of the sine or cosine functions because of the term We assume x ert ; then == re rt , == r 2 ert . Sub­ stituting these values into the differential equation of motion, we obtain ex. = or x x mr2 + cr + k 0 =: The two values of r satisfying the above equation are r1,r Z == -c :± yc 2 - where "'n =: y k/m, and tion of motion is 4mk r = c/2m"'n = (-t:± y~2-l)wn is called the damping factor. x(t) =: Aer,t Fig. 1·12 Thus the solution to the equa­ + Be rzt where A and B are arbitrary constants determined by the two initial conditions imposed on the system. Since the values of r depend on the magnitude of vibration with damping: r, we have the following three cases of free If ~ is greater than unity, the values of r are real and distinct; the amplitude of x Case 1: is decr~asing but will never change sign. Therefore oscillatory motion is not possible for the system regardless of initial conditions. This is o~)erdamped, where x(f) == Ae-rl t + Be- r t 2 Case 2: If r is equal to unity, the values of r are real and negative, and are equal to -Wn­ The motion of the system is again not oscillatory, and its amplitude will eventually reduce to zero. This is critically-damped, where x(t) = (C + Dt)e- w • t [CHAP. 1 VIBRATIONS AND WAVES 14 If Case 3: And if we define r is less than unity, the values of r are complex conjugates: wd:::: VI - ~2 Wn as the damped natural frequency in rad/sec, we have and Expanding, Letting E + i(E x(t) +F = G and i(E - F) F) sin Wdt) H, we finally obtain e-Cw"t(G coswdt +H Sinwdt) x(t) As shown before, we may combine a cosine and sine function of the same frequency into a single sine or cosine function as x{t) 1e-,",,,t sin (Wdt + 0) 1e- Cw"t cos (Wd t - if;) x(t) where 1:::: yG2 + H2, (J = tan-l(G/H), if; tan-1(H/G). The motion is oscillatory with angular frequency Wd' The amplitude of motion will decrease expunentially with time because of the term e-'",,,I, which is known as the decaying factor. This is underdamped vibration. Refer to Fig. 1-13. Hence it may be concluded that the motion of a dynamic system with damping and having free vibration depends on the amount of damping present in the system. The resulting motion will be periodic only if the amount of damping present is less than critical, and the system oscillates with angular frequency slightly less than the free natural frequency of the system. 4:e critically·damped jOVerdamped underdamped Fig.I·13. Free vibration with damping ~ o ED VIBRATION 1.11. nvestigate the general motion of a simple spring.mass system with damping excited by a sinusoidal force Fo cos wt as shown in Fig. 1-14. Employing Newton's law of motion, m x = sum of forces in the x direction -k(x + .sst) + mg - eX + Fo cos wt But k.s st mg, the Weight of the mass; hence the equation of motion takes its most general form mx+c:i:+k:e:::: Focoswt The general solution for this second order differential equation with constant coefficients is x :::: Xc + xp Fig.I-14 CHAP. 1] 15 VIBRATIONS AND WAVES where Xc is called the complementary solution, or the solution of the homogeneous equation, m + cx + kx = O. xI' is the particular solution for the given equation. The complementary solution, known as free vibration, has been solved previously in Problem 1·10. The particular solution, obtained from the nonhomogeneous part Fo cos wt of the differential equation of motion, is Xp(t) A sin wt + B coswt x and so = = xp(t) wA cos wt - xp(t) wB sin wt w2B cos wt sind -w 2A Substituting these expressions into the equation of motion, we obtain + (kA - mAw 2 - cwB) sin wt mBw 2 + cOlA) cos wt (kB Fo cos wt Equating the coefficients, (k - from which A mw~)A = (k -mw2)2 ,COlA. + (k - 0, cwB Fowc (k - mOl 2)2 + (cw)2 sin wt Then . = Fo Fo(k -mw 2 ) B + (cw)2 ' mw 2 )B + Fo(k - mw 2 ) (k - mOl2)" + ()" COl cos wt W W We may combine these two sinusoidal functions of the same frequency either by rotating vectors or by trigonometric identities to obtain Fo cos (Olt - ¢) -;::.====== Y(k - mw + (cOl)2 2 )2 Folk -;::.====== Y(1 - + (2ir)2 cos (Olt - or where r = wlw n , 1. 2)2 Wn and yklm, tan- 1 ¢ 1= COl k - 7nOl2 ¢) = tan- 1 1 2- i r? r' ofl\ r = 0 I V " locus of maxima " I I\ I I / / I / I I \ I I, \ \ \ 13 \ 0 < \3 < \2 < it \ \ Fig. 1·15 Hence it may be concluded that the particular solution xp(t), which is known as the steady state response or forced vibration, is of the same frequency as that of the excitation force regard­ less of initial conditions. The amplitude of forced vibration depends on the amplitude and 16 VIBRATIONS AND WAVES [CHAP. 1 frequency of the excitation force, and the parameters of the systems. At resonance, Le. when the forcing frequency is equal to the natural frequency, or w/w n = I, the amplitude of forced vibration is limited only by the damping factor I and hence the amount of damping present. Therefore resonance should be avoided at all times. Finally, the steady state response of the system is not in phase with the excitation force; its variation by the phase angle ¢ is due to the presence of damping in the system. Without damping, the steady state response is either in phase or 180 0 out of phase with the excitation force. See Fig. 1-15 to Fig. 1-19. x Fig.I-I6. Forced vibration without damping (2/" == 3f) Fig. I-Ii. Forced vibration without damping (in = 6.28/) Forced vibration with damping (f n 6.28f) x a Fig. I-IS. 'x Fig. 1-19. Free and forced vibration (f n == 6.28f) ENERGY OF VIBRATION ~ Determine the power requirements for vibration testing and analysis. In vibration testing, we have forced vibration. The work done is the product of the excitation and displacement, while power required is the rate of doing work. Let F Fo cos wt and x = A cos (wt - ¢); then the work done is = w = f F dx = f Fo cos wt[-A sin (wt - ¢) d(wt)] CHAP. 1] VIBRATIONS AND WAVES 17 and work done per cycle of motion is (2". -FOA)" cos wt sin (wt - rp) d(wt) = W o . as the angle wt goes through a cycle of 2... Since sin (Olt - rp) done per cycle of motion becomes 1 = sin Olt cos rp 2 = W FoA sin rp ". o cos 2 wt d(wt) - FoA cosrp FA' [Olt, sin 2wtJ2'" o sm rp 2 -:- --4- 0 FoA cosrp [ f2'" coswt sinwt d(Olt) o sin 2 tJ2:r -r 0 Z cos 2OltJ27l' 1 '" FA' sin 2wtJ 0 o sm rp [Olt, 2 -:- --4' - FoA cosrp [ - - - - ­ . 4 2 0 -_ ..AFo sin rp Fo sin wt and x If F cos Olt sin rp, the work \ A sin (wt - rp), then the work done is f F dx W = f F ~: dt = f Fx dt The expression for work done in one cycle of motion is then fo 2"./", W = Since cos (wt - rp) W f Fo sin wt[OlA cos (wt - rp) dtl = cos Olt cos rp + sin wt sin rp, 2 = "./", OlAFo sin wt cos wt cos rp dt + 1 o As shown earlier, the above expression can be reduced to sin20lt [ AFoOlcosrp-2-- W [ AFow cos rp = + (L 211"/'" FoAw sin wt cos (Olt - rp) dt o f2lTIW wAFo sin rp sin 2 Olt dt 0 (t t) Jo . sin 2 w AFoOlsInrp 2-~ co:;Olt) + AFow sin rp ""'211"/", G-Si~:wt) J:lTIW ..AFo sin rp Thus the power required is proportional to the amplitude Fo of the excitation force as well as to the amplitude A of the displacement. When there is no damping in the system, the work done by the driving force is zero because rp = 0° or 180°. At resonance, energy is needed to build up the amplitude of vibration; and for this case, rp 90°. The steady state response of a simple dynamic system to a sinusoidal excitation 10 sin O.bt newtons is 0.1 sin (O.h-t 30°) meters. Determine the work done by the excitation force in (a) one minute and (b) one second. (a) From Problem 1.12, the work done per cycle by the excitation force is given by f2- F dx W o = Ii> Fx dt = r.AFo sm rp 0 = where Fo = 10 newtons is the amplitude of the excitation force, A 0.1 m is the amplitude of the steady state response, and rp 30° is the phase angle. Hence work done by the excitation force is W 3.14(0.1)(10)(0.5) = 1.57 joules/eye. The angular frequency is 1// 20 sec. In one minute, the excitation force will complete 0.1.. rad/sec and the period P three cycles. Therefore work done by the excitation force in one minute is 4.71 joules. = = (b) Work done per cycle is W W = i = = f20 Fx dt. Then work done in one second is o 1 o (10 sin O.l;;-t)(O.Olr.-) cos (O.lr.-t - 30°) dt = 0.05 jqule 18 VIERA TIONS AND WAVES [CHAP. 1 Prove that the mean kinetic and potential energies of nondissipative vibrating systems are equal. For free vibration without damping, the motion can be assumed harmonic and is given by = x(t) Kinetic energy KE A sin "'Ilt , = tmx2 = tm(",~A2 cos 2 "'nt) = ~kA2 cos 2 "'nt, where "'~ = kim. Potential energy PE = tkx2 = tkA2 sin 2 "'nt. ~ fP (KE)mean (tkA2 cos 2 "'Ilt) dt o If = (PE)mcan p sin 2 '" " t) dt p o (J.kA2 ~ 1.15. A uniform string fixed at both ends is displaced a distance h at the center and released from rest as shown in Fig. 1-20. Find the energy of transverse vibration of the string. ~I - h Fig. 1·20 The free transverse vibration of a uniform string can be expressed as _= ~ ~ y(x, t) 1,2.... t where Ai is the amplitude of motion and A ' i;;-x i smycos (i;;-a -y;t + ) (Ii is the phase angle. (Ii (See Problem 1.17.) Then KE L PE or 5 [02YJ2 ~ o uX KE 2 + dx oc PE i= ~ 1~2~ ... where S is the tension in the string, PL is the mass per unit length of the string, and a the speed of wave propagation. . . . . . From the ImtJal condItIons A~ = 64h 21i 2lT 2. • y(x,O) =0 and y(x,O) = {2hXIL' 2h(1- xIL), 0 "" x "" L/2 L/2 "" x"" L = "";SlpL is . we obtam The expression for the energy of transverse vibration of the string becomes i Let the total energy associated ~ith = 1,3, ... the fundamental mode of vibration be E I, i.e. El = 16pLa 2 h 21L;;-2 Then the energies associated with the first harmonic, second harmonic, third harmonic, ... are respectively Thus the main part of the energy of vibration is associated with the normal modes of low order. The quality of a tone is governed by the proportion of energy in each of the modes of vibration. Though the fundamental frequency may be the same, the -energy distribution in the harmonics characterizes each musical instrument.