UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY COURSE INFORMATION SHEET 1. Course: PHYSICS 259, Electricity and Magnetism Lecture/Time/Session(s): L60: T60: Instructor: Dr. J. K. Biel 2. TR, 10:30 - 12:45, SB 142, F, 11:30 - 12:30, SB 142, F, 13:30 - 15:20, SB 142, Office Hours: Main Office: Email: Summer 2009 Summer 2009 Summer 2009 R: 12:45 – 1:20, F: 12:30-1:20 in the lecture room SB 605, 220-5385 Pre-requisite: Engineering 205 and Co-requisite: Applied Mathematics 219 Note: The Faculty of Science policy on pre- and co-requisite checking is outlined on page 203, columns 2 and 3 of the 20092010 Calendar. A student may not register in a course unless a grade at least” C-“has been obtained in each pre-requisite course; it is the responsibility of students to ensure that their registrations are in order. 3 The University policy on grading and related matters is described on pages 41-53 of the 2009 - 2010 Calendar. In determining the overall grade in the course the following weights will be used: Assignments (6) Laboratory Experiments (6) Midterm Exam Final Exam 18.0% 18.0% 18.0% 46.0% There will be a final examination scheduled by the Registrar’s Office. A passing grade on the final examination is required in order to pass the course. 4. Missed Components of Term Work. The regulations of the Faculty of Science pertaining to this matter are outlined on page 204, column 1 of the 2009-2010 Calendar. It is the student’s responsibility to familiarize himself/herself with these regulations. 5. A grade of at least C in the laboratory portion of the course is necessary for a passing grade in the course. th TEXTBOOK: “University Physics, 12 Edition”, by Young and Freedman, Addison Wesley. Department Approval: ___________________________________ Date: _____________________ IMPORTANT/SAFEWALK: Campus Security will escort individuals day or night. Call 220-5333 for assistance. Use any campus phone, emergency phone or the yellow phones located at most parking lot pay booths. Academic misconduct (cheating, plagiarism, or any other form) is a very serious offence that will be dealt with rigorously in all cases. A single offence may lead to disciplinary probation or suspension or expulsion. The Faculty of Science follows a zero tolerance policy regarding dishonesty. Please read the sections of the University Calendar under the heading “Student Misconduct (pages 49-53 for 2009-2010). FOIP: This course will be conducted in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). As one consequence, students should identify themselves on all written work by placing their name on the front page and their ID number on each subsequent page. STUDENT UNION INFORMATION: VP Academic Phone: 220- 3911 Email: SU Faculty Rep. Phone: 220 3913 Email: JKB/clh 06/12/2009 2 UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY COURSE INFORMATION SHEET 1. Course: PHYSICS 259, Electricity and Magnetism Lecture/Time/Session(s): L60: T60: Instructor: Dr. J. K. Biel 2. TR, 10:30 - 12:45, SB 142, F, 11:30 - 12:30, SB 142, F, 13:30 - 15:20, SB 142, Office Hours: Main Office: Email: Summer 2009 Summer 2009 Summer 2009 R: 12:45 – 1:20, F: 12:30-1:20 in the lecture room SB 605, 220-5385 Pre-requisite: Engineering 205 and Co-requisite: Applied Mathematics 219 Note: The Faculty of Science policy on pre- and co-requisite checking is outlined on page 203, columns 2 and 3 of the 20092010 Calendar. A student may not register in a course unless a grade at least” C-“has been obtained in each pre-requisite course; it is the responsibility of students to ensure that their registrations are in order. 3. The University policy on grading and related matters is described on pages 41-53 of the 2009 - 2010 Calendar. In determining the overall grade in the course the following weights will be used: Assignments (6) Laboratory Experiments (6) Midterm Exam Final Exam 18.0% 18.0% 18.0% 46.0% There will be a final examination scheduled by the Registrar’s Office. A passing grade on the final examination is required in order to pass the course. 4. Missed Components of Term Work. The regulations of the Faculty of Science pertaining to this matter are outlined on page 204, column 1 of the 2009-2010 Calendar. It is the student’s responsibility to familiarize himself/herself with these regulations. 5 A grade of at least C in the laboratory portion of the course is necessary for a passing grade in the course. th TEXTBOOK: “University Physics, 12 Edition”, by Young and Freedman, Addison Wesley. IMPORTANT/SAFEWALK: Campus Security will escort individuals day or night. Call 220-5333 for assistance. Use any campus phone, emergency phone or the yellow phones located at most parking lot pay booths. Academic misconduct (cheating, plagiarism, or any other form) is a very serious offence that will be dealt with rigorously in all cases. A single offence may lead to disciplinary probation or suspension or expulsion. The Faculty of Science follows a zero tolerance policy regarding dishonesty. Please read the sections of the University Calendar under the heading “Student Misconduct (pages 49-53 for 2009-2010). FOIP: This course will be conducted in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). As one consequence, students should identify themselves on all written work by placing their name on the front page and their ID number on each subsequent page. STUDENT UNION INFORMATION: VP Academic Phone: 220- 3911 Email: SU Faculty Rep. Phone: 220 3913 Email: JKB/clh 06/12/2009 2 3 PHYSICS 259, 2009 SUMMER SESSION University of Calgary Additional Course Information 1. Textbook University Physics, 12th edition, Volume 2, H.D. `Young and R.A. Friedman (Addison-Wesley) Also available at the U of C bookstore: Study Guide, Volume II and III (to accompany the textbook), by J.R. Gaines and W.F. Palmer, as well as Student Solution Manual, Volume II and II, by A. Lewis Ford. You are advised not to mark your name or write in textbooks until lectures have commenced, since the bookstore will not give refunds on used books. 2. Laboratories One 3-hour laboratory session will be attended every week. Each student will attend a total of six sessions during the course. Labs are held in the basement of Science Theatres (room ST 037). LAB Manuals are for sale for $6.00 after the first lecture. Physics 259 Lab Schedule Date Experiment July 02/07 Measurements and Uncertainties Workshop July 09/14 Using the Oscilloscope and the Multimeter July 16/21 Resistance Measurements July 28/30 Parallel Plate Capacitor August 04/06 Current Balance August 11/13 Electric Motor and Generator Exemption from laboratory for students repeating the course: Students who are taking Physics 259 for the second time, and who obtained a grade of C (or, equivalently, 65/100) or better (C- is not acceptable) in the lab in a previous course, may be excused from repeating the laboratory. In this case the lab grade from the previous year will be used in determining the final grade. Students who wish to be exempted from the lab must submit a lab exemption form (available in the Physics Office, SB 605) during the first week of lectures. 3. Tutorials There will be a tutorial every Friday 13:30 - 15:20 in SB 142. Problems will be posted on the “Blackboard” couple of days before each tutorial, and should be studied before coming to the tutorial. 4. Examinations There will be two examinations in this course, a 90-minute closed-book midterm examination held during the lecture time on Tuesday, July 28, and a final examination, three hours, will be scheduled by the Registrar sometime in the period of August 17 -19. 3 4 5. Assignments (read carefully). Assignments will be posted on the “Blackboard”. Students will attempt assignment questions on their own as much as possible, with little advice from the instructor. Assignment due dates: Your completed assignments are due at 11:30 AM on the dates in the table below. Please drop the assignments into the box with my name in the nook across Hugo Graumann office. The last assignment is due at 5:00 PM. Assignment 1 2 3 R R F Assignment July July July 09 16 24 4 5 6 F F F July 31 August 07 August 14 Solutions will be posted on the “Blackboard”. An assignment is considered late if not handed in by the due time. A LATE assignment will be accepted if Handed in before the solution is posted, however, 20% of the total mark will be deducted. Assignment return: Your marked assignment will be returned to you in lectures (allow a couple of days for marking) Queries about missing assignments and assignment marks should be addresses to the course instructor. Important Assignment Format Rules: Follow the diagram below as closely as possible for every single sheet of your assignment. Number all pages as shown. PRINT your name at the top right-hand corner of the first page and your ID# on all other pages. UNDERLINE your SURNAME. Use standard size 8” x 11” paper. 3-hole punched paper is acceptable. Staple pages together in upper LeftCorner. Pages should otherwise be unprotected and unbound. NO PLASTIC or CARDBOARD BINDINGS PLEASE. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ Physics 259 Page 1 of 3 Summer 2009 Firstname Lastname Assignment #1 (every page should have this information at the top exactly as indicated) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Electronic Tutorials th Students who buy a new copy of the 12 Ed. of the textbook will discover that they have also purchased access to an electronic tutorial system, MasteringPHYSICS. This is the system developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and “test-driven” at many schools at the USA and Canada. The web address of the system is:, and the course name on this website will be announced later. To log in you will need an access code, which is enclosed with your new copy of the 11th edition of Young and Freeman. Alternatively, you can purchase an access code separately at the U of C bookstore for approximately $30. You will also need a Class Code, which will be provided by the lecturer in the first lecture. 4 5 These tutorials involve relatively simple problems and provide good instruction in basic concepts that you need to master in order to do more complex problems. We believe you will find it worthwhile. If you are not already familiar with the system, then before attempting any of the tutorials you should work Through the pre-tutorial exercise named “Introduction to MasteringPHYSICS” that you will find on the website.This will familiarize you with the data entry protocol for electronic tutorial work. Here are some examples. ab 7. a ∗b is entered as is entered as u r A (a vector) is entered as 3.2 × 10 −9 is entered as sqrt (u ) Avecab 3.2 × 10 ^-9 θ theta is entered as a is entered as b is entered as q1 ) is entered as x is entered as z sin(ωt ) is entered as a/b q _1 xunit abs( z ) sin(omega ∗ t ) Lecture Schedule The following schedule will be used as a guide by the lecturer. Day Date Thursday July 02 Chapter and Section covered in the Textbook 21-1 21-2 21-3 General Introduction to the course Electric Charge Conductors, Insulators, and Induced Charges Coulomb’s Law and Coulomb’s Torsion Balance Friday July 03 21-4 21-5 Electric field and Electric Forces Electric Field Calculations Tuesday July 07 Thursday July 09 21-6 21-7 22-1 22-2 Electric field Lines Electric Dipoles Electric Charge and Electric Flux Calculating Electric Flux Friday July 10 22-3 22-4 Gauss’ Law Applications of Gauss’ Law Tuesday July 14 22-5 23-1 Charges on Conductors Electric Potential Energy Thursday July 16 23.2 23-3 23-4 23-5 Electric Potential Calculating Electric Potential Equipotential Surfaces Potential Gradient Friday July 17 24-1 24-2 24-3 Capacitors and Capacitance Capacitors in Series and in Parallel Energy of the charged Capacitor. Electric Field Energy. Tuesday July 21 24-4 24-5 25-1 25-2 25-3 Dielectrics Molecular Model of Induced Charges Electric Current Resistivity Resistance 5 6 Friday July 24 25-4 25-5 26-1 Electromotive Force and Circuits Energy and Power in Electric circuits Resistors in Series and Parallel Tuesday July 28 Thursday July 30 26-2 26-4 26-5 27-1 27-2 Kirchhoff’s Rules The R-C Circuits Power Distribution Systems Magnetism Magnetic Field Friday July 31 27-3 27-4 Magnetic Field Lines and Magnetic Flux Motion of Charged Particles in Magnetic Field Tuesday August 04 27-5 27-6 27-7 27-8 Application of Motion of Charged Particles in Magnetic Field Magnetic Force on a Current-Carrying Conductor Force and Torque on a Current Loop The Direct Current Motor Thursday August 06 27-9 28-1 28-2 28-3 28-4 The Hall Effect Magnetic Field of a Moving Charge Magnetic Field of a Current Element Magnetic field of a Straight Current-Carrying Conductor Force between Parallel Conductors Friday August 07 28-5 28-6 28-7 Magnetic Field of a Current Loop Ampere’s Law Application of Ampere’s Law Tuesday August 11 29-1 29-2 29-3 29-4 Induction Experiments Faraday’s Law Lenz’s Law Motional Electromotive Force Thursday August 13 29.5 29-6 30-1 30-2 Induced Electric Fields Eddy Currents Mutual Inductance Self-Inductance and Inductors Friday August 14 30.3 30.4 Inductors and Magnetic Field Energy The R-L Circuits Midterm Examination (90 minutes) 6