Session 2333 Redefining the Introductory Electrical Energy Conversion Course by L.J. Bohmann, B.A. Mork, and N.N. Schulz Department of Electrical Engineering Michigan Technological University ABSTRACT An argument is made that the traditional electrical engineering energy conversion course needs to be redefined. The traditional course is no longer relevant to the majority of electrical engineering students, and therefore has lost its place as a core course in many curricula. The course needs to be broadened to include other types of electrical energy conversion such as photovoltaics and batteries. Modern aspects of electrical machinery, such as power electronics and permanent magnets, need to be covered. The focus of the course should be the terminal characteristics of the devices and it should also relate how energy conversion is interconnected to other electrical engineering disciplines, such as electromagnetics, signal processing, controls, electronics, and computers. Michigan Tech has started the implementation of this course and some observations on its success are given. INTRODUCTION For many years, the traditional energy conversion course in electrical engineering departments has been a course covering transformers, dc machines, synchronous machines, and induction machines. Over the years this has been a good course which introduced students to the principles of the basic types of electric machines. This is no longer good enough. Many if not most electrical engineers will not actively deal with these large machines during their careers. As a result, many universities have dropped this course from the required curriculum. A course that is more relevant to the majority of electrical engineers would not only be more interesting to the students but also would be taught as a required course at more universities. The question is, "What is a more relevant course?" We propose that the ideal Introduction to Electrical Energy Conversion course would discuss all forms of energy conversion that involve electricity and would focus on the type of apparatus that students have a good probability of encountering during their working careers. The goal would not be to educate students to design the equipment discussed, but rather to allow them to incorporate the equipment in system-level design. BACKGROUND 1 Page 2.342.1 Energy conversion has been part of the curriculum since the inception of electrical engineering as a separate field of study [1]. The first departments taught courses primarily dealing with generators and motors, power transmission, and communications. The first part of this century saw many advances as the field matured. By mid century the traditional first course in energy conversion had developed. The content of the course included the study of dc motors and generators, ac motors and generators, and usually transformers. Most of the advances in this period were in the design or advanced analysis of machines, subjects not typically taught at this level. Therefore the course content did not change much and the biggest difference in the texts became the order that the topics were presented. This lead to the perception among our colleagues that the energy conversion field was fully mature and static. At the same time there was a rapid expansion of other fields within electrical engineering. The developments of World War II lead to the emergence of radar, advanced controls, and computers. Soon there was the development of television and discrete electronics. Each advance brought new material to be included in the curriculum. As electrical engineering expanded, the need for all students to study all subjects within electrical engineering was debated. A feeling developed that a large portion of the students would never need or use some of the more traditional material. It ceased to be relevant to the students' careers. Pressure was applied to cut some of these more mature topics. Energy conversion lost out. Since the late 1970's we have experienced rapid changes within the energy conversion field with the advent of power electronics and wide spread use of permanent magnets. There has been a large increase in the use of small motors, not only for mechanical driving but also for control and other specialty purposes. Energy conversion courses, as measured from available texts, have not kept up with the rapid changes. The result is a course which has lost its relevance to many specialty areas of electrical engineering and one that has failed to keep up with the changes in the way machinery is used in society [2]. MOTIVATION The consequence has been predictable. The last few decades have seen a continued reduction in the number of schools requiring an energy conversion course. In the late 70's, energy conversion was still a required course in a model electrical engineering curriculum [3]. Since then the number of schools requiring a course in energy conversion has decreased. Even in departments that report to have an electric power program, the percentage requiring an energy conversion course has fallen from about 65% to about 47% in the past 15 years. (See Figure 1.) This data comes from a biannual survey of Power Engineering Programs within Electrical Engineering Departments [4-13]. These are not scientific surveys since the responses were voluntary and there were some changes in the survey questions over the years. The response is also skewed toward universities more likely to require an energy conversion course, since only departments with strong power programs tended to responded (the typical response rate has been between 70-90 EE departments out of approximately 230 in the US). It is expected that if the data were available for all the US EE departments, it would show a smaller percentage and a larger drop. The data does support the contention that the number of universities that require an energy conversion course has decreased over the last two decades. Page 2.342.2 2 70 60 50 40 30 20 93-94 91-92 89-90 87-88 85-86 83-84 81-82 79-80 77-78 75-76 73-74 10 0 academic year Figure 1: Percentage of Universities With a Power Program Requiring a Course in Energy Conversion [4-13] The motivation for rethinking the energy conversion course came from planning a new undergraduate curriculum for the Electrical Engineering Department at Michigan Tech, which we are presently implementing. In the new curriculum the faculty decided to require two, one-quarter courses in the electric power area (an increase of one course). One course is in power transmission and distribution and the other is in electrical energy conversion. The faculty had the foresight to broaden the material taught in both courses in order to make them useful for all electrical engineers. We have used this opportunity to redefine the energy conversion course and refocus it so as to make it relevant to all our students. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Originally most introduction to energy conversion classes provided the foundations for future advanced courses on energy conversions and electric machines. While this continues to be useful for power engineering students who take those advanced courses, the majority of today's electrical engineers need an overview of the subject rather than detailed derivations. A required course should offer all students something of lasting value. One approach is to focus on improving analytic and communication skills [14]. Another is to expand the course from Electro-Mechanical Energy Conversion to a more general Electrical Energy Conversion. In addition to the traditional topics this would include other types of electrical energy conversion such as solar-electric and electro-chemical conversion. The focus on electric machinery would need to change from the large integral horsepower machines to smaller, special purpose machines, which operate from variable voltage and frequency supplies. 3 Page 2.342.3 With the increase in the breadth of the course, we will have to limit the depth of coverage of some topics. For this reason the updated course will focus on the terminal characteristics of the devices. Our goal is not to educate students to design the equipment we discuss, but rather to allow them to design with the equipment. The majority of our students will not be power engineers. They will design, specify, and build a wide range of products and systems. To do so intelligently they will, on occasion, need to know the characteristics of the energy conversion equipment that go into or interface to their designs. The ideal energy conversion class of today should be a "service course" that provides all electrical engineers with the background to understand important energy conversion topics and terminology. It should also relate how energy conversion is interconnected to other electrical engineering disciplines, such as electromagnetics, signal processing, controls, electronics, and computers, as well as other engineering disciplines such as chemical engineering, mechanical engineering and materials engineering. COURSE STRUCTURING SPECIFICS Our course was thus structured with the goal of expanding the scope to include general electrical energy conversion topics of interest to all EEs. Three 5-week modules have been defined. These can be fully covered in a 15-week semester or selectively covered in a 10-week quarter. The breakdown is: - - - Static devices (photovoltaic, electrochemical, and electromagnetic). * Photovoltaic energy conversion * Solar cells and panels * Electrochemical energy conversion * Batteries and fuel cells * Electromagnetic energy conversion and magnetic circuits. * Phasor analysis and transformers Dynamic devices (electromechanical). * Electromechanical energy conversion * dc machinery fundamentals * dc motors and generators, use in control systems * ac machine fundamentals * Synchronous machines, single phase and three phase induction motors. Special purpose devices and system application. * Introduction to Power Electronics. * Brushless dc machines, permanent magnet machines, steppers, reluctance machines, etc. * Other special purpose machines, transducers, etc. * Control of dc machines using variable voltage sources * Control of ac machines using variable voltage and frequency sources * Power Quality, system application considerations, etc. Each week consists of three hours of lecture and an optional 2-hr lab. When implementing in a 10-week quarter, topics in each module can be culled or emphasized to best match the needs of that curriculum. Immediate usefulness of all material to EEs in all specialties should be constantly emphasized. Regardless of whether a student will specialize in communications, computer engineering, controls, electromagnetics, electronics, materials, power systems, or signal processing, they should come away with an appreciation for what they have learned. 4 Page 2.342.4 The first module consists of electrochemical and static electromagnetic devices. Photovoltaics and batteries are key to new advances in electric vehicles and future energy development. They are also key to communications installations, emergency backup power for computers and hospitals, and are used extensively in portable consumer electronics. Transformers will include not only the 50, 60 or 400 Hz power transformers, but also high frequency transformers and inductors used for electronics. The second module includes basic rotating machines. The focus is changed however, away from the large integral horsepower machines and toward smaller fractional horsepower machines. The focus on small motors recognizes that the majority of motors sold in the United States are fractional horsepower ac motors [15]. Instead of focusing on internal design, terminal characteristics are emphasized. The characteristics of the machines must include how they operate with a variable voltage, and in the case of ac machines, variable frequency supply, since these are readily available with the use of power electronics [16]. The third module includes specialty motors, variable speed drives, and specialty electromagnetic transducers. Almost all the motors presently used in automobiles have permanent magnet fields to cut down on the expense and the reliability problems associated with commutators. Our electrical engineering students are more likely to need to know something about the permanent magnet, pancake motor found in a disk drive or a stepper motor on a robotic arm than a threephase induction motor. Basic power electronics is introduced, allowing the discussion of variable speed ac and dc drives. Applications problems related to variable speed drives are also covered, including power quality, insulation problems related to IGBT switching devices, etc. Laboratory Experience Just as important as the lecture topics are the laboratory exercises used to illustrate them. It is suggested that 8 labs be offered in a 10-week quarter, or 13 in a 15-week semester. A simple automotive battery works well to delve into a discussion of new battery types and electric vehicles. A simple PV cell and an incandescent light can be used to learn about photovoltaic characteristics. Existing lab equipment can be used to work with transformers, dc machines, and ac machines. Variable speed drives can be used in conjunction with existing machines. Brushless dc motors are a good example bridging a switching power supply, dc machines, the use of permanent magnets, and ac machines. INITIAL IMPLEMENTATION AND RESULTS TO DATE The new energy conversion course at Michigan Tech was first taught in the spring of 1996. It is a 10-week course. It represents a rapid transition away from the traditional Electric Machinery course and toward the course described above. Full implementation of the above course has not been immediately possible due to: - Lack of adequate texts covering required material at desired depth. - Lack of budget to immediately update energy conversion laboratory. 5 Page 2.342.5 All topics in the first two modules are covered in lecture. The traditional treatment of transformers, dc machines, synchronous machines, and induction machines is being scaled back to include only terminal characteristics. Meanwhile, coverage of photovoltaics, fuel cells, and batteries is being increased. Specialty motors and variable speed drives are also covered. Eight lab exercises have been developed to date, including photovoltaics, battery characteristics, and six others on transformers, motors, and generators. Labs to be added are: fuel cells, specialty motors, and variable speed drives. A certain amount of folklore and misperception towards this course on the part of the students is gradually being overcome. The traditional electric machines course had in recent years become known as "the power class," something that "only power types really need to know," a collection of "old technology," and a class that "we have to take to graduate." With this in mind, it is imperative to continuously provide practical examples in lecture and interesting up-to-date lab experiences, to show that the material is applicable to all specialties in EE. Following this tack, students see the material to be immediately useful and are thus more motivated. Although it may take some time to reverse the old perceptions of the "power course," students entering this course seem to have fewer negative preconceptions than in past years. SUMMARY The traditional Electrical Engineering Energy Conversion course is broken. We need to fix it by updating the material, broadening the scope, and shifting the focus. Recent advances in power electronics and permanent magnets need to be included. Other forms of electrical energy conversion need to be included. The course should be tailored to students who will use the technology as opposed to those who will design it. Some of our specific thoughts on how this can be accomplished have been presented. We will further the development of this course with the help of a joint National Science Foundation (NSF) and Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) initiative, the Innovative Power Engineering Education in a Changing Environment program. These two agencies are spending over $1.1 million on five, three year projects to revitalize power engineering education. Since this is a work in progress, we encourage your comments on this proposal. Please e-mail them to us at ''. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the National Science Foundation and the Electric Power Research Institute whose support (grant no. ECS-9619320) helped us develop our ideas. Page 2.342.6 6 REFERENCES [1] L.P. Grayson; The Making of an Engineer: An Illustrated History of Engineering Education in the US and Canada; Chapter 2; John Wiley and Sons, Inc.; 1993. [2] W.R. Conrad; "Future Direction of Electrical Machinery"; 1995 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, pp. 1408-1412. [3] C.J. Baldwin, C.R. Cahn, J.W. Forman, H. Lehmann, and C.R. Wischmeyer; "A Model Undergraduate Electrical Engineering Curriculum"; IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. E-22, No. 2, May, 1979; pp. 63-68. [4] "IEEE Power Engineering Society Committee Report, Electric Power Engineering Resources, 1973-1974"; IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-95, No. 4, pp. 1194-1201; July-August, 1976. [5] "IEEE Power Engineering Society Committee Report, Electric Power Engineering Resources, 1975-1976"; IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-97, No. 3, pp. 802-809; May-June, 1978. [6] "IEEE Power Engineering Society Committee Report, Electric Power Engineering Resources, 1977-1978"; IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-100, No. 2, pp. 721-728; February, 1981. [7] "IEEE Power Engineering Society Committee Report, Electric Power Engineering Resources, 1979-1980"; IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-100, No. 11, pp. 4456-4463; November, 1981. [8] "IEEE Power Engineering Society Committee Report, Electric Power Engineering Resources, 1981-1982"; IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-103, No. 5, pp. 921-932; May, 1984. [9] "IEEE Power Engineering Society Committee Report, Electric Power Engineering Resources, 1985-1986"; IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. PWS-3, No. 3, pp. 1340-1353; August, 1988. [10] "IEEE Power Engineering Society Committee Report, Electric Power Engineering Resources, 1987-1988"; IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 379-392; February, 1991. [11] "IEEE Power Engineering Society Committee Report, Electric Power Engineering Resources, 1989-1990"; IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 1611-1622; November, 1992. [12] "IEEE Power Engineering Society Committee Report, Electric Power Engineering Resources, 1991-1992"; IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 1182-1193; August, 1994. [13] "IEEE Power Engineering Society Committee Report, Electric Power Engineering Resources, 1993-1994"; IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 1146-1158; August, 1996. [14] H.L. Hess; "Successful Teaching Methods for the Mandatory Junior-Level Electric Machines Course"; 1995 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, pp. 1413-1417. [15] J. Douglas; "Advanced Motors Promise Top Performance"; IEEE Power Engineering Review, Nov. 1992. [16] H.L Hess; "Incorporating Electronic Motor Drives into Existing Undergraduate Electric Energy Conversion Curriculum"; 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings; Session 2333, paper 1. BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION Leonard J. Bohmann is an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at Michigan Tech. He earned his MSEE and PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1985 and 1989 and a BEE from the University of Dayton in 1983. He is a member of the Energy Conversion and Conservation, Educational Research and Methods, and Electrical Engineering Divisions of ASEE, an active member of IEEE, and a Licensed Professional Engineer in Michigan. Bruce A. Mork joined the EE faculty at Michigan Technological University after receiving his PhD from North Dakota State University in 1992. He also has the BSME and MSEE degrees. He worked several years as a design engineer for Burns & McDonnell in Kansas City, Missouri, and two years as a researcher in Norway. He is a member of ASEE, IEEE, and NSPE, and is a Licensed Professional Engineer in Missouri and North Dakota. Noel N. Schulz received her BSEE and MSEE degrees from Virginia Tech in 1988 and 1990, respectively. She received her PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota in 1995. She is an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at Michigan Technological University. She has been active in the New Engineering Educators Division of ASEE and IEEE Power Engineering Society. Page 2.342.7 7