Angol nyelvi tesztverseny 2016. április 05. Miskolci Szilágyi Dezső Ált. Isk. Class: 5 Normal / Specialized / Bilingual Name: ____________________________________ Teacher: ____________________ School: _____________________________________Lessons per a week: __________ Choose the correct answers. Circle the letters , please. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. My friends are going to arrive ……. hotel on Saturday. A) to the B) at the C) on the D) in the Peter came ……… taxi to school. A) with B) by D) by a C) with a Don’t eat so much meat, it’s bad …….. your stomach. A) on B) for C) by D) in When did they ……… those photos? A) take B) made D) make C) took It’s a nice town in the east ………Wales. A) from B) C) to What does your sister do? A) She’s writing a letter. C) She’s cooking dinner. D) of B) She’s a typist. D) She’s a cooker. Is it ten o’clock now? Are you ……….. a shower? A) having B) do C) doing D) have Lucy is afraid ……. crocodiles. A) from B) for D) of C) about Are African elephants ……… than Indian elephants? A) the largest B) large C) larger D) largest Eighty …… ten equals eight. A) by B) plus C) times D) divided by Is there …..... cheese in the fridge? A) some B) any C) the D) - Our grandma has ………………. animals. A) lots B) a lot C) a lots of D) lots of It often rains ………. April. A) on B) in C) at D) - Does Mrs Green……….. German? A) is speaking B) speaking C) speak D) speaks ……….. your nephew ………… a penfriend ? A) Have ….got B) Has ……got C) Has …….do D) Does……got 1 Angol nyelvi tesztverseny 2016. április 05. Miskolci Szilágyi Dezső Ált. Isk. Class: 5 Normal / Specialized / Bilingual Name: ____________________________________ Teacher: ____________________ School: _____________________________________Lessons per a week: __________ Last month my family ………….. go to Spain. A) want to B) wanted to C) decide to D) decided My grandmother ..... speak Italian. A) doesn't can B) can't D) dosen’t 16. 17. C) can not Bananas are fruit and …….. yellow or green. A) there is B) there are C) they are D) they Their daughter ……… snorkelling. She’s a brave girl. A) is liking B) like C) likes D) like to Where are my glasses? Did you see …….. ? A) it B) they C) them D) their My son ……… playing the piano. A) like B) don’t like D) doesn’t like 18. 19. 20. 21. C) don’t likes 22. How ………… flour ………… there in the cupboard? A) much……are B) many …..are C) much…….is D) many……is 23. ……………… pyjamas are these? A) Who’s B) Whose C) Who D) What’s Where ……. your parents two days ago? A) were B) did C) was D) went C) a bit of D) a few of 24. 25. Can I have ……… dog food , please? A) a few B) a bit …../25 26. Find ten words about the parts of the animals. C V A E W O I B F U U X R T ACROSS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. F T A I L N L I Y B I A E S N P P O N A F S C A L E S E I E W I C U A T O S H K A T E L O B W I H F___ __E__ _A__ ___K ____H___ E T A E R R S A I M D H E R DOWN H A W I N G S 1. F _ _ 2. _ _ _ L 3. _ _ _ _ _ S 4. _ _ _ S 5. _ _ _ G _ 2 ……/10 Angol nyelvi tesztverseny 2016. április 05. Miskolci Szilágyi Dezső Ált. Isk. Class: 5 Normal / Specialized / Bilingual Name: ____________________________________ Teacher: ____________________ School: _____________________________________Lessons per a week: __________ 27. Find the opposite meaning of these adjectives. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. rich imaginary often dirty native A) clean B) foreign C) poor D) real E) seldom 1. 2. 3. 4. ….. / 5 28.Fill in the gaps in the poem with the correct words and you will get to know what the buildings are. POEM 1. What people build is a 1) …….. And my family lives in our 2) …. An 3) …….. is where Domingo’s singing, A 4)…… is where films are shown, You can be the king of your 5)……. 2. 3. 4. A) opera house B) castle C) building D) cinema E) home …. / 5 5. 29. Put the words in the right coloumn. Write the numbers into the correct places. 1) the medicine 2) up early 3) exercises 4) a bath 5) to work 6) off my shoes 7) some mistakes 8) a present 9) a good time 10) homework 11) the dog for a walk 12) skiing 13) home 14) to bed 15) breakfast Have Take Get Go Do …../ 15 3 5. Angol nyelvi tesztverseny 2016. április 05. Miskolci Szilágyi Dezső Ált. Isk. Class: 5 Normal / Specialized / Bilingual Name: ____________________________________ Teacher: ____________________ School: _____________________________________Lessons per a week: __________ 30.Read the text and fill in the missing sentenses. Getting Around in Cartoon Land The buses, cars and taxis that we use everyday are too boring for the cartoon characters of film and TV. Cartoons are full of fantasy and there is no limit where the characters can go and how they get there. 1. Here are some of the more surprising ways of getting around. 2. before the invention of the car, but that doesn’t stop Fred Flintstone from driving a car made of wood and stone. 3. It doesn’t have an engine but it does have Fred’s feet! 4. He is a bright red sports car used to winning races and living an adventurous life. In the future, flying cars fill the skies in TV shows like The Jetsons, but if that isn’t interesting enough, see how they get around in Meet the Robinsons. 5. It doesn’t get quicker than that! A)To go from one place to another you get into a tube, air pulls you along and in a second, you find yourself uptairs, at the front door or even in the garden. B) Fred’s car is not as comfortable as Lightning McQueen in the film Cars. C) ’The Mystery Machine’ in Scooby Doo and Bart Simpson’s skateboard are two of the simplest means of cartoon transport. D) How does it work? ….. / 5 E) The Flintstones takes place in prehistoric times TOTAL: ……….. / 65 HELYEZÉS:………. 4