guide for authors - Departamento de Geografia

Revista do Departamento de Geografia, 15 (2002)
The Revista do Departamento de Geografia (Department of Geography Review) publishes original and unpublished scientific
papers on all areas of Geography written by the Geography Department faculty and other specialists from the Brazilian and
international scientific community.
Types of manuscripts
Articles: main form of publication (25 pages maximum).
Short communications: synthesis of outstanding research data (5 pages maximum).
Discussions: commentaries on articles and communications with reserved rights to replies by both parties (2 pages maximum).
Books and periodicals reviews (2 pages maximum).
News (1 page maximum).
Rules for manuscripts presentation
1 Manuscripts should be written in Portuguese, English, French, Spanish, and Italian. They should preferably be prepared on Word
6.0 (or upper version), Times New Roman 12 points lettering, double spacing, and 3 cm. margins, numbering inserted on top
right margin and printing set for A4 sheets.
2 All illustrations should be numbered consecutively and referred to in the text. To allow the horizontal reproduction of
illustrations the page format (210mm length x 170 mm width) should be considered. Illustrations should be given separately,
not pasted on pages and not folded. Each illustration should be identified on the reverse side or, in the case of line drawings, on
the lower front side by its number and the name of the author(s).
3 Tables should be compiled on separate sheets and should be numbered according to their sequence in the text. Drawings in
vegetal paper should be lettered throughout, the size of the lettering being appropriate to that of the drawings, but taking into
account the possible need for reduction in size.
4 Photographs in B&W must be of good quality, printed in glossy paper. On the verse there should be written down on pencil
name of the author, abbreviated title of the work and direction of the figure. The place to insert tables and illustrations should
be indicated in the text. Color figures can be accepted providing the reproduction costs are met by the author. Please consult
the publisher for information.
The title page should include:
TITLE: aligned left, bold, capital letters, Author(s) name(s), their affiliations, postal and electronic address(es), aligned left, bold,
capital first letter. If there is more than one author, indicate * for the first author and **, for the second and so on, and Institution
in case of financial support.
Abstract: (not more than 150 words), aligned left, bold, capital first letter, followed by the text of the abstract, plain, on the same
paragraph. If the text is not written in Portuguese, the abstract should come in the text’s original language, following the same
recommendations: Abstract, or Résumé, or Resumen, or Riassunto.
Keywords: Word 1; Word 2; up to maximum 4, aligned left, bold, capital letters, followed by the expressions, plain, capital first
letter, separated by semicolon, on the same paragraph. If the text is not written in Portuguese, the keywords should come in the
text’s original language, following the same recommendations: Keywords, or Mots-clé, or Palabras-clave, or Parole-chiave.
Revista do Departamento de Geografia, 15 (2002)
From the second page on:.
Introduction: aligned left, bold, capital first letter, followed by paragraph. This structure is suggested for research papers. Essays
and others may have different subtitles or even none at all.
Material(s) and method(s)
Plain text of each part, first line 1cm
· italic for foreign words and others for highlight
· CAPITAL only for personal names and toponyms, according to acknowledged use (rio Pinheiros, serra do Mar, p. ex.)
· Pronounceable abbreviations with more than three words with capital first letter (Unesco, p. ex.), and others all capital
(ONU e BNDES, p.ex.)
· Tables and figures should have references as Tab. and Fig., following rules for presentation of illustrations.
· Footnotes reduced to minimum (up to 20% of page space), in Arabic numbers, simple space, characters size 8.
Acknowledgments: Name 1; Name 2, aligned left, bold, capital first letter, followed by plain name(s), separated by semicolon.
References: rules for presentation of references on this same document should be followed.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE ARTICLE TITLE: translation of the original title, aligned left, bold, capital letters, followed by the abstract,
plain, on the same paragraph. If the text has been written in English, the title should be in Portuguese.
Abstract: translation of the original abstract, aligned left, bold, capital letters, followed by the text of the resume, plain, on the
same paragraph. If the text has been written in English, the resume should be shown in Portuguese.
Keywords: Keyword 1; Keyword 2; keyword translation, aligned left, bold, capital letters, followed by the expressions, plain, capita first
letter, separated by semicolon, on the same paragraph. If the text has been written in English, the keywords should be in Portuguese.
Appendix – Title of the appendix: aligned left, bold, capital first letter. The content of appendix (es), reduced to a minimum,
may be: questionnaires, field files, etc. used in material(s) e method(s). More than one appendix should be numbered in Arabic:
Appendix 1, Appendix 2, etc.
Date: space for writing down the dates of delivery and acceptance of the original
References: list of references, aligned left, capital first letter, followed by paragraph. Check the rules for references
presentation on this same document.
1 Scale should be metric and be clearly shown in bar form in the figures, as well as the explanative inscription of all symbols used.
The use of S.I. units is also recommended.
2 Formulae and equations must be restrained to a minimum of indispensable intermediary passages and written in line. When
necessary Arabic numerals should be used between parenthesis, to the right and, on the text, referred to as “equation (1)”, etc.
3 Tables should have a brief but objective title and be properly documented (source and author), as follows:
Table 3 – Devastation in the Amazon that satellites do not see
< table>
Source: Folha de S. Paulo (1999)
Figure 20 Gold deposits in South America (FERRARI, 1996)
Quoting publications
1 In-text references should cite AUTHOR (date) following chronological order. Name of joint authors should be joined by ‘&´. Papers
by more than authors should be cited under the name of the first AUTHOR with et al. When more than one reference is cited for the
same year by the same author or combination of authors they should be distinguished by using letters right after the date (1994a,
b, etc.). This indication does not apply to the reference list where last names of authors and all co-authors should appear in full.
Revista do Departamento de Geografia, 15 (2002)
2 Textual quotations of up to two lines should come in normal size font, 12 points lettering between quotation marks, preceded
or followed by reference to the authors:
According to DUBOIS (2000): “The 16 other authors are also professors affiliated with various universities of France” (p. 195).
3 Quotations with more than two lines should come on their own paragraph, without quotation marks, normal font, 10 points
lettering, left and right draw back of 1 cm.
4 Suppressed parts within a quotation should come indicated by [...]. If the suppressing is of one or more paragraphs, it should
be noted as a dotted line.
Reference list
1 All references to publications made in the text should be presented in a list of references following after the text. The list
should preferably contain only references cited in the text. The manuscript should be carefully checked to ensure that the
spelling of authors’ names and dates are the same in the text as in the reference list.
3 Single author publications should precede publications with other authors.
4 Publications of a same author or group of authors should be presented in chronological order. When on the same year
they should be presented in alphabetical order per title adding a letter after the year of publication to identify it
(2001a, 2001b, 2001c, etc.)
5 Publications
5.1 Books
ECO, U. (1985) Como se faz uma tese. 4.ed. São Paulo, Perspectiva. 184p. (Estudos, 85).
GOLLEY. F. B.; McGINNIS, T.; CLEMENTS, R. G.; CHILD, G. I.; DUEVER, M. J. (1978) Ciclagem de minerais num ecossistema de floresta
tropical úmida. Tradução E. Malavolta. São Paulo, EDUSP/E. P. U. 276p.
ADAMS, G.F. (ed.) (1975) Planation surfaces: peneplains, pediplains, and etchplains. Stroudsbourg, Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross
(Benchmark Papers in Geology, 22).
SÃO PAULO (Estado). Conselho Estadual de Recursos Hídricos (1989) Plano Estadual de Recursos Hídricos. São Paulo, DAEE. 74p.
LEGAL and institutional arrangements in minerals development: a study based on an international workshop organized in Berlin
(West) in August 1980 (1982) London, Mining Journals Books. 223p.
VALVERDE, O. (1989) Problema energético. In: ______. Grande Carajás: planejamento da destruição. Rio de Janeiro, Forense
Universitária - FUNb/EDUSP. p. 39 - 87.
HAYDEN, R. S.(1986) Geomorphological mapping. In: SHORT, N. M.; BLAIR, Jr., R.W. (eds.) Geomorphology from space: a global
overview of regional landforms. Washington, D.C., NASA. p.637-656.
5.2 Theses and dissertations:
CALDARELLI, S. (1983) Lições da pedra. São Paulo, 1 v. Tese (Doutorado) - Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas,
Universidade de São Paulo.
5.3 Journals
COMPUTERS AND GEOSCIENCES. Elmsford, NY, v.20, n.2, march, 1994.
KOHLHEPP, G. (1991) Espaço e etnia. Estudos Avançados, v. 5, n.11, p. 109 – 142.
BARBOSA, J. S. F.; FONTEILLES, M. (in press) O metamorfismo da Região Granulítica do Sul da Bahia – Brasil. Revista Brasileira
de Geociências. São Paulo, SBG.
6 Scientific events
RIBEIRO, A. E. M. (1986) A exploração empresarial dos cerrados In: SEMINÁRIO ECONOMIA MINEIRA, 3., Diamantina, 1986.
Anais. Belo Horizonte, CEDEPLAR/UFMG, v. 1, p.173-180.
ALMEIDA, T.I.R.; FLORENCIO, C. P.; MOREIRA, M. Z. (1992) Composição isotópica de carbonatos e matéria orgânica dos evaporitos
Paripueira, região de Maceió, Bacia sedimentar de Sergipe, Alagoas. Boletim IG - USP: Publicação especial, n. 12, p. 5-6. /
Apresentado a 2. Jornadas Científicas, São Paulo, 1992 – Resumos/.
Revista do Departamento de Geografia, 15 (2002)
FLEGENHEIMER, N. (1991) Archaeological sites in the Argentine Pampas related to the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary.
In: INQUA CONGRESS, 13, Beijing, 1991. Abstracts. Beijing, INQUA, v. 1, p.97.
Obs.: quote the periodicals titles in extended form.
7 Publications obtained through electronic media (considered in whole or part).
The rules for every kind of electronic document will vary according to the documents already exposed in paper. Essential
elements are: electronic address, in between the signals < >, preceded by the expression “Available at:” and the date of
access to that document, preceded by the expression “Accessed on:”
KOOGAN, A.; HOUAISS, A. (1998) (eds.) Enciclopédia e dicionário digital 98. Direção geral de André Koogan Brekman. São Paulo,
Delta: Estadão. 5CD-Rom. Produced by Videolar Multimídia.
SÃO PAULO (Estado). Secretaria do Meio Ambiente. (1999) Tratados e organizações ambientais em matéria de meio ambiente.
In: ______. Entendendo o meio ambiente. São Paulo. v.1. Available at: <
atual.htm>. Accessed on 8 march.1999.
BIRDS from Amapá: banco de dados. Available at <
avifauna/aves>. Accessed on 25 November 1998.
LARSON, P. Manning equation follow up. Mensagem da Geomorph-L. Available at <>.
Received by L. Oliveira on 29 April 2001.
Analysis of originals and manuscripts forwarding
All texts should contain the necessary information for its understanding and fit rigorously within the journal rules.
Articles and communications will be submitted to analysis by the editorial board and council.
All texts should be submitted in three hard copy prints and illustrations in the original and two copies.
Accepted texts will be sent to the author(s) along with editorial recommendations so that the author(s) may perform the
suggested changes and corrections. Unaccepted texts will be returned to the author(s).
The author(s) should send in the final version of the work saved as .rtf in a 1,44 MB disk, accompanied by a hard copy in A4.
Graphic illustrations (i) when drawn by hand, send in the original accompanied by a copy of the scanned .TIF file with
maximum density of 300dpi b/w properly identified; when in magnetic media (CORELDRAW or PHOTOPAINT) one hard copy
print and the corresponding disk properly identified; disks with tables typed in Word 6.0 or above; photographs and
microphotographies must be of good quality, printed b/w in glossy accompanied by a scanned copy in disk. Photocopies
(xerox) will not be accepted.
The author(s) should send the originals and the final version of the works to:
Editor da Revista do Departamento de Geografia USP
C. P. 26097– CEP 05513-970 – São Paulo (SP), Brasil
One set of page proofs will be sent to the author(s) to be checked for typesetting/editing. The author is not expected to make
changes or corrections that constitute departures from the article in its accepted form.
20 reprints of each article are supplied free of charge.