LCL VSC Converter for High-Power Applications

LCL VSC Converter for High-Power Applications
Dragan Jovcic, Senior Member, IEEE, Lu Zhang, Student Member, IEEE, and Masood Hajian, Member, IEEE
Abstract—This paper studies an inductor-capacitor-inductor
(LCL) voltage-source converter (VSC) ac/dc converter concept
which can be employed as high-power static converter. The converter is designed to have fault current near or below the rated
value under the dc-side short circuits. This is very important for
applications with HVDC and, in particular, with high-power dc
transmission networks. This converter is composed of an ac/dc insulated-gate bipolar transistor-based VSC converter and a passive
LCL circuit. A transformer is not required since LCL circuit can
achieve voltage stepping. The converter parameters are designed
to have optimal response during the faults, good controllability,
and to minimize converter losses. A detailed model is developed on
the PSCAD platform for a 500-MW test system. The simulation
confirms capability to independently control active and reactive
power and demonstrates favorable fault responses. The transient
fault current peaks are not significant and can be overcome with
slight overrating.
Index Terms—AC–DC power conversion, dc grids, high-voltage
dc transmission, HVDC converter, insulated-gate biploar transistor (IGBT) converter.
HE VSC HVDC represents a significant advance over
the traditional thyristor HVDC. It generates fewer harmonics, enables controllable reactive power exchange, and even
achieves operation with passive ac grids [1]. On the downside,
VSC converters are vulnerable to dc faults. A dc voltage depression causes overcurrents in IGBTs, and system protection will
trip IGBTs. Consequently, the converter becomes an uncontrollable diode bridge, discharging the ac grid into the dc fault. This
is a serious problem with HVDC since:
• the VSC converter becomes uncontrollable;
• the fault current magnitude can reach extreme values; it
is only limited by the impedance on the ac side; diodes
have good overcurrent capability and typically may sustain
10-p.u. current for a 10-ms (
rating from manufacturer’s sheets); however, the ac protection operating time
is typically longer than 10 ms, and the current magnitude
frequently exceeds 10 p.u.;
• the high fault current implies that ac-side voltage will also
be depressed, and the fault is propagated to the ac system.
Manuscript received November 04, 2011; revised August 02, 2012; accepted
September 09, 2012. Date of publication December 13, 2012; date of current
version December 19, 2012. This work was supported by the Engineering and
Physical Sciences Research Council U.K. (EPSRC) under Grant EP/H010262/1.
Paper no. TPWRD-00938-2011.
The authors are with the Electrical Engineering Department, University
of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB24 3UE, U.K. (e-mail:;;
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2012.2219560
A two-terminal VSC HVDC will clear the dc faults using ac
CBs. The clearing time is limited by the speed of mechanical
CBs to 30–50 ms. In order to limit the fault current magnitude,
series reactors are introduced on both ac and dc sides. Since
the entire HVDC system (two VSC converters and dc line) is
tripped for a dc fault, the recovery is slow and may take 5–10 s.
The VSC converters are being extensively studied for multiterminal HVDC and dc grids [2]. They are suitable for paralleling, can change power direction by reversing only current,
and they are not vulnerable to ac grid disturbances. Nevertheless, the dc faults become a much more serious issue with dc
grids. It will not be acceptable to clear dc faults by opening all
ac CBs. The dc grids will need dc CBs, practically on each dc
cable [3]. However, it has proven very challenging to develop dc
CBs that can interrupt extreme currents (of the order of 50 kA)
in very fast time (of the order of a few milliseconds) [4].
The semiconductor dc CBs can be combined with mechanical
switches to achieve good operation speed and low losses, and
they are becoming commercially available [5]. However, they
have limitations in fault current magnitude, and the operating
time is extended when protecting long transmission systems.
The alternative approach to managing dc grid faults is to control dc fault current at the VSC converters. The fault currents can
only be supplied from ac grids through ac/dc converters since
there will be no other power sources in dc grids. If the fault
level in the entire dc grid is reduced, the performance demand
on dc CBs becomes less stringent in terms of peak current and
operating time. In addition, the impact of dc faults on the ac grid
is reduced.
One method to achieve dc fault control in VSC converters is
to use full H-bridge multilevel converters [6]. This converter
retains full control under ac faults and under dc faults. On
the downside, a full H-bridge converter has four times the
number of switches compared with an ordinary two-level VSC
converter. Another method recently studied is the topology
with an “alternate arm multilevel converter” [7]. Similarly, this
topology suffers from an excessive number of switches.
The LCL passive circuits have some interesting properties
under faults, which have been explored for developing highpower dc/dc converters [8], [9]. An adequately designed LCL
filter can automatically regulate the power in such a way that
voltage depression on one side leads to current reduction on the
opposite side. This approach has three important advantages: 1)
the power reduction is inherent and does not rely on any protection circuits; 2) the cost of LCL components is considerably
lower than semiconductors; and 3) the converter control is retained even during the most severe faults.
This paper studies an ac/dc converter topology that employs
a passive LCL circuit. The goal of the research is to develop a
high-power VSC ac/dc converter that inherently limits the fault
current and retains full control under ac or dc faults. The con-
0885-8977/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE
are - components of the PWM modulated
control signal and
is pole dc voltage. The basic circuit equations are
Fig. 1. Proposed ac/dc converter.
verter should retain low cost/losses and good control in nominal
, and
50 Hz. From (7)–(9), we can express
the capacitor voltage and the currents
A. Converter Topology
The proposed three-phase ac/dc converter topology is shown
in Fig. 1. The converter is comprised of a passive LCL circuit and a VSC converter. We assume a simple two-level
three-phase sinusoidal pulsewidth modulation (SPWM)-controlled VSC, but any other topology (like Modular Multilevel
Converter) is suitable.
The point of connection with the grid (PCC) is at the voltage
. Under normal conditions, we should have controllable
and we should try to minimize converter
to reduce losses. Under
faults, the converter
can control current unless the gradient is very high. Under dc
faults, we aim to have converter current
within the rated
values and the grid voltage
close to the rated value.
We will conveniently rewrite (11)–(12) as
B. LCL Circuit Equations and Controllability
The LCL circuit is viewed as a power network with input
connection (
) and output connection (
). The ac voltage vectors
are expressed as
are the voltage phasors,
the magnitudes, and
are the phase angles of respective
voltages. The subscripts and denote corresponding phasor
components. We can position the coordinate frame arbitrarily
and without loss of generality,
is located on the -axis
The above variables
, and
are conveniently introduced to study converter behavior. Ultimately, we need to determine the three parameters:
, and , which can be obtained from the three equations (15)–(17). The coefficient
is a positive nonzero constant that is fully determined by the
power transfer level as is explained later. Coefficients
are manipulated in the design stage, as will be discussed
in Section III. Since
, from
(15)–(17), we have
C. LCL Circuit for Case
in (13)–(14), we obtain
In this topology, only the converter voltage
is controllable, and the converter line-neutral rms voltage is
Considering the normal operating conditions, there are several important conclusions from (19)–(20) as follows.
• Grid current
depends only on the converter voltage
(not on the grid voltage). This implies very simple
control and immunity to ac grid faults.
• The aforementioned conclusion also implies that the LCL
circuit can achieve any stepping ratio
keep zero reactive power at
. We can
change the current sign and, therefore, change power
direction (active and reactive) just by changing the sign of
. As a consequence, we may not need transformers.
• Converter current
depends only on the grid voltage.
This current is on the axis and converter voltage is also
on the axis (assuming a typical condition of
This implies minimal current through the converter and
low loss.
• Since
depends only on the grid voltage, it cannot be
controlled by the converter. This is a major disadvantage,
since at partial loading, we will still have high current and
losses in the converter. Unless the converter is always operated at full power, we cannot use case
Considering a dc fault condition, we have
(19)–(20) and the following conclusions emerge:
• Grid current
will be reduced to zero. This is a very
much desired response since the ac grid sees an open circuit
for dc faults.
• Converter current
is not affected and remains at the
rated value. This is a circulating reactive current between
the converter and ac capacitor C. Therefore, the converter
can sustain a dc fault indefinitely without damage.
in (6) and replacing (25),
At rated power, we assume
we can obtain a quadratic equation that enables us to obtain
for assumed
and given
, and
(rated values).
are determined, we replace
in (23)
and calculate .
B. Converter Operation Under Faults
We assume that the converter is operating at full power just
prior to the fault. We study inherent converter response and
assume that the controller is inactive during faults (
remain at rated values). In order to simplify the study and
without loss of generality, we assume that the converter is designed for
0. From (24), we obtain the rated component
of the converter voltage
where subscript “ ” denotes rated values.
1) Faults on
: The converter currents under the extreme
fault on
can be obtained from (13) and (14) by replacing
. Therefore, the magnitude of the grid fault current
The magnitude of fault current relative to the rated current
can be obtained by dividing (27) with (13)
The aforementioned case
0 shows excellent fault
responses and controllability. The principal issue is the lack of
direct control of converter current
, which implies that
relative converter losses will be high at low loading. In this
section, we aim to reduce losses while retaining good fault responses by varying
0 and
A. Calculating
In the general case
be calculated as
Dividing (23) with (24) and replacing (4)–(5)
, the PCC complex power can
where the stepping ratio
is introduced as
The singularity case of
this would imply that
the following general limit on
is not feasible in (28) since
in (23). This condition poses
where is the number of phases (
(1)–(2) in (21), we will have
in Fig. 1). Replacing
The magnitude of fault current
is from (14):
Dividing (31) with (14), the magnitude of fault current relative to the rated current will be
Equating (32) with 1, we obtain the condition where fault
current exceeds the rated current
2) Faults on DC Voltage : The converter currents under
the most extreme pole-pole dc fault
0 can be obtained
from (13) and (14) by replacing
0. The magnitude of
grid fault current
Dividing (34) with (13), the magnitude of fault current relative to the rated current will be
Equating (35) with 1, we obtain the condition where fault
current exceeds the rated current
Fig. 2. Ratio of fault current over rated current for faults on
1. Traces labeled “ ”
versus the stepping ratio 0.25
traces labelled “ ”
and on
The magnitude of converter fault current
in (14) is
Dividing (37) with (14), the magnitude of the converter dc
fault current relative to the rated current will be
Equating (38) with 1, we obtain the condition where fault
current exceeds the rated current
The maximum value of (38) corresponds to the minimal rated
which occurs for
Figs. 2 and 3 show the aforementioned relative fault current
magnitudes in (28), (32), (35), and (38) for a range of stepping
ratios . Two different sets of values for and are shown in
Figs. 2 and 3, with curves labeled “a” and “b.” Fig. 2 considers
the case where the converter voltage is higher than the ac grid
. This case would be most commonly
encountered with practical HVDC since high dc voltage is desired for long distance transmission. It is seen that the converter
fault current
will be close to or below the rated value for
values. The worst case occurs with a stepping
ratio close to 1 and very high and . In such cases, the fault
current can approach 2 times the rated value, but this fault current can be readily controlled by the converter. The current on
grid side
also stays close to the rated value for
Fig. 3 shows the case where converter voltage is lower than
grid voltage
4). In this case,
can only assume
very low values since it is bounded by
in (30). In practical HVDC systems, lower converter voltage may be adopted
with monopolar cable dc systems where dc voltage is limited
by the cable ratings. We can observe even more favorable fault
Fig. 3. Ratio of fault current over rated current for faults on
and on ,
. Traces labelled “ ”
versus the stepping ratio
traces labelled “ ”
responses than in Fig. 2, since, in most cases, the fault current
magnitude stays below the rated values. Note that is very low
in both cases “ ” and “ .”
As a general conclusion, lower values are best for fault
responses but the fault responses are still good (below 2 p.u.)
even for very high values for
and . By restricting values
and , we can keep fault currents below rated values.
C. Selection of
In this section, we study the influence of and on LCL parameter values and on converter losses. A 500-MW test system
is selected and parameters are given in Table I.
Fig. 4 shows the system variables considering the case with
0.9 and with varied . It is seen that
and are reducing as
is increasing, but
is increasing. It is convenient that the peak capacitor voltage is also reducing as is in-
creasing. The “max” and “min” labels correspond to maximum
active power of 500 MW and minimum active power of 0, assuming
100 MVAr. As is increasing, the current
minimal power is reducing which reduces partial loading losses.
The rated current curve is a parabola and is simplified further
0; from (14), it can be shown that the minimum occurs at
Therefore, the drawback of high
is that the losses
at high power will increase. It is evident that in the region 0.4
0.7, both the maximum and minimum currents are
reasonably low. The frequency graph shows the operating frequency (
50 Hz), the global resonance
, the first local
, and the second local resonance
. A proximity to global resonance indicates poorly damped modes. The
last two graphs show the magnitude of
for faults
and on . These graphs confirm the study in Fig. 2 but
note that
100 MVAr in Fig. 4.
D. Converter Losses
Fig. 4. System variables as
is varied, with
In order to finalize the values for and , the test converter
losses are calculated. The losses in this converter include: conduction losses
and switching losses , for IGBT and diodes
(inductor and capacitor losses are not considered). The losses
are calculated as [10]
is the peak current through the switches, and
the switch test voltage given in the manufacturer’s datasheets.
The PWM modulation index
and phase angle
can be obtained from the simulation at a particular power level. All circuit
variables at the 500-MW power level that are used in (40)–(41)
are shown in Table II. The values of on-state resistance
threshold voltage
, voltage
are taken from the
manufacturer’s sheets for IGBTs switches.
Fig. 5 shows the converter losses with different , fixed
, and considering three power levels (Full power 100%,
50%, and 20%). Note that case of
at full power
would be a benchmark value for comparison with a conventional 2-level HVDC VSC converter. At full power, as is increasing, the losses are increasing. When the converter operates
at lower power levels, the relative losses are higher comparing
with full power case. Nevertheless, we believe that the loss of
3%–4% at 50% power and 6%–7% at 20% power level would
be acceptable. For comparison, Fig. 6 shows the losses when
is varied with fixed
at three power levels also.
The final selection of parameters will depend on the operating
Fig. 5. Total converter losses based on respective power level as
is varied
Fig. 6. Total converter losses based on respective power level as
is varied
Fig. 7. Controller for the ac/dc converter.
regime. Placing more emphasize on high power operation, we
finally selected parameters as
E. Summary Design Steps
The converter design procedure is summarized as follows.
, and
1) Given data are
2) Assume values for
and , by observing the allowed
are calculated using (25).
4) Calculating
using (23).
5) Determine inductance
, and capacitance C by using
Fig. 8. Converter operation in steady state.
Fig. 9. Converter response after a 0.1-s three-phase fault on
Fig. 10. Converter response after a dc fault on
6) Plot graphs in Fig. 4 to determine the converter-rated currents and fault currents.
7) Select switches and switching frequency and using
(40)–(41), calculate losses for given parameters.
until op8) Repeat the above steps for different
timum values are selected.
A. Controller System Design
In order to demonstrate the feasibility of this topology, a
simple controller is designed based on (13) and (14). This is
a PQ controller with inner current control loops as shown in
Fig. 7.
B. PSCAD Simulation
The PSCAD model includes detailed switch models and all
parasitic resistances. Fig. 8 shows the PSCAD simulation in
steady-state operation. We simulate the positive and negative
step on active power at 0.85 s and 1.05 s, and positive and negative step on reactive power at 1.2 and 1.4 s.
The converter controllability and transient stability are confirmed. In this figure, we can observe that the magnitude of
is reduced as active power is reducing, which is a consequence
of selecting
Fig. 9 shows the PSCAD simulation of the worst case threephase 0.1-s fault on
at PCC. It is seen that the currents
only marginally transiently increase during the
fault. There is no overvoltage on the LCL circuit capacitor. The
converter normally operates during the fault and the recovery is
Fig. 10 shows the worst case pole-pole fault at the dc capacitors
0). It is observed that the converter current
settles at close to the rated value as predicted in theoretical analysis. There is, however, a transient overcurrent which cannot be
predicted with phasor modeling. The magnitude and duration of
this overcurrent are not significant (2.7-p.u. negative peak and
fully decaying after 700 ms) and may require only modest diode
overrating. Alternatively, a small dc-side inductor can remove
this transient peak.
The voltage at PCC
stays close to the rated value, and
the dc fault is not transferred to the ac side. The small depression in
is the result of reactive power circulation. The grid
is close to the rated value but active power is not
drawn from the grid.
A novel LCL VSC converter concept is presented which
is recommended for use with HVDC transmission. Analytical
modeling concludes that this topology has very favorable
responses for either ac or dc faults. The fault currents will
be below the rated values for a very wide range of design
A model of the 500-MW 220-kV ac- to 600-kV dc converter
is developed in PSCAD/EMTDC software and tested for normal
operation and faults. The simulation confirms the ability to control active and reactive power independently. The dc-line and
ac-line faults are tested, and responses indicate that currents are
below rated values. The calculation of losses concludes that the
converter has comparable efficiency to conventional VSC ac/dc
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Dragan Jovcic (S’97–M’00–SM’06) received the
D.Eng. degree in control engineering from the University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, in 1993 and
the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the
University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, in
Currently, he is a Professor with the University of
Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K., where he has been since
2004. He was also a Lecturer with the University of
Ulster, Ulster, U.K., from 2000 to 2004 and as a Design Engineer in the New Zealand power industry
from 1999 to 2000. His research interests are flexible ac transmission systems,
HVDC, as well as integration of renewable sources and control systems.
Lu Zhang (S’11) received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in control engineering from the Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, in 2006 and 2008,
respectively, and is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering at the University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K.
His research interests are in control engineering
and power electronics.
Masood Hajian (M’10) received the B.Sc. degree in
control engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in power electronics from Isfahan University
of Technology, Isfahan, Iran.
Currently, he is a Research Fellow at the University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, U.K. His main research
interests include power electronics, electrical
machines, nonlinear control, and variable-speed
electrical drives.