H.J. Heinz Company P.O. Box 57 Pittsburgh, PA 15230-0057 To read our full Corporate Social Responsibility Report visit: www.Heinz.com/CSR2011 “Our Global Sustainability Process has put Heinz on track to achieve or surpass our goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, solid waste, energy consumption and water usage by at least 20% by Fiscal Year 2015.” Table of Contents Environment Social Economic Approach Pages 2-6 Pages 9-16 Pages 17-18 Page 19 17 Fiscal Year 2011 Summary 19 Our Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility 2 Packaging Innovation 4 Sustainable Agriculture 6 Environmental Goals 9 Making Social Responsibility a Core Value 17 Financial Strategy Henry John Heinz, a pioneer in the packaged foods iron-deficiency anemia in children by developing and industry, started this Company in 1869 with a strong distributing micronutrient powders that provide essential 18 Customer Satisfaction Leader commitment to quality, integrity and social responsibility. vitamins and minerals. 18 Expanding the Core Portfolio extremely proud of how we have carried on his legacy by: Economic Performance • Building a Company that is committed to the sustainable In Fiscal Year 2011, Heinz delivered record sales of 10 Heinz Micronutrient Campaign 18 Accelerating Growth in Emerging Markets 12 Food Safety 12 Healthier Foods for Healthier Lifestyles 14 Diversity & Inclusion A Message from Our Chairman, President and CEO 14 Labor Relations More than 140 years later, I believe our founder would be $10.7 billion as well as record net income and higher health of people and the planet; 14 People Development 15 Employee Health and Wellness • Delivering profitable growth for our shareholders; and earnings per share. Heinz also increased the annualized • Conducting business with integrity and transparency. common stock dividend by 14 cents over the last two fiscal years to $1.80 – a total increase of more than 8%. 15 Workplace Safety 16 Heinz Employees Making a Difference This publication contains highlights from our 2011 Lastly, Heinz approved an additional increase of 12 cents Corporate Social Responsibility Report, which can be per share to $1.92 for Fiscal Year 2012. viewed online at www.Heinz.com/CSR2011. Here are Health & Wellness some highlights from the two-year reporting period. Heinz continued to expand its focus on Health & Wellness About the Cover Spread About Heinz The images on the cover and most global of all U.S.-based food companies. Famous inside cover spread illustrate for our iconic brands on six continents, Heinz provides the Company’s focus on delicious, nutritious and convenient foods for families these five high-priority areas, in 200 countries around the world. In more than 50 of based on a materiality those countries, we enjoy the number-one or number- analysis that was conducted two market position. Our core products include ketchup, in the development of this sauces, meals, snacks and infant/nutrition. Headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Heinz is the 2011 Corporate Social Responsibility Report: Healthful Products, Greenhouse At any given moment, the 35,000 employees of Heinz Gas Emissions, Sustainable Agriculture, Food Safety are hard at work creating new products, perfecting fresh and Innovation. On the cover: Actress Lucy Liu, a ideas, and developing nutritious and innovative foods for spokesperson for the Heinz Micronutrient Campaign, today’s families. Heinz is a trusted name for consumers during a trip to China to observe the Company’s and a valued partner in the community. signature non-profit CSR program in action. Environmental Progress through new products that are tailored to healthy lifestyles Our Global Sustainability Process has put Heinz on track and initiatives like our voluntary sodium reductions. to achieve or surpass our goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, solid waste, energy consumption and We can all be proud of our Company’s environmental, water usage by at least 20% by Fiscal Year 2015. social and economic performance and our track record of providing safe, high-quality foods for consumers. Heinz Separately, we have launched fully recyclable Heinz ® is committed to engaging our stakeholders and operating Ketchup bottles using innovative PlantBottle packaging with the highest degree of integrity and transparency as technology from The Coca-Cola Company. Unlike we strive to meet your expectations and achieve traditional plastic bottles made from non-renewable fossil our goals. ™ fuels, up to 30% of the PlantBottle material comes from a renewable source – plants. Sincerely, Social Responsibility Our non-profit Heinz Micronutrient Campaign is expanding its global reach and its mission of addressing William R. Johnson H.J. Heinz Corporate Social Responsibility Highlights 2011 1 Environment PlantBottle Packaging ™ Packaging Innovation Our focus on innovation includes an increasing emphasis on packaging that will help Heinz reduce our environmental footprint. Up to 30% material from renewable sources Fully recyclable In February 2011, Heinz announced a groundbreaking This landmark agreement enables us to manufacture partnership with The Coca-Cola Company that exemplifies fully recyclable Heinz® Ketchup bottles using innovative our strong commitment to environmental responsibility. PlantBottle™ technology developed by The Coca-Cola Company. The PlantBottle packaging is a step forward for the environment because up to 30% of the packaging material comes from a renewable source – plants – unlike traditional PET plastic bottles made from non-renewable fossil fuels. The material is produced through an innovative process that turns natural sugars found in plants into a key component for PET plastic. PlantBottle™ Packaging Conversion Heinz Ketchup is going to convert to PlantBottle packaging globally over time, starting with a U.S. rollout of more than 120 million retail and foodservice bottles that began in 2011 with our best-selling 20-ounce variety of Heinz Ketchup. Heinz is supporting the PlantBottle packaging launch with a campaign that is raising public awareness of its environmental benefits. In Fiscal Year 2012, we expect to introduce PlantBottle packaging in Europe. Heinz believes that our collaborative partnership with The Coca-Cola Company will help us make a positive difference for the environment while exciting our consumers and our retail trade partners. Muhtar Kent, Chairman and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company, and William R. Johnson, Chairman, President and CEO of H.J. Heinz Company Adoption of the PlantBottle technology will be the biggest change to our iconic Heinz Ketchup bottles since we introduced our first plastic bottles in 1983. 2 H.J. Heinz Corporate Social Responsibility Highlights 2011 3 Environment Since Fiscal Year 2005, Chinese farmers trained by Heinz agricultural specialists Sustainable Agriculture ainable Agriculture Goal Sustainable Agriculture – 15% reduction of water usage, 15% reduction of carbon footprint and improvement of tomato crop yields by 5% through the use of hybrid tomato seeds by 2015, compared to a Fiscal Year 2005 baseline. *As of Fiscal Year 2011 On Target Before 2003: Typical tomato crop in early September, from direct seeding, local technology Percentage Use of Drip Irrigation in Tomato Crops 75% 50% New Zealand Canada USA China Portugal in their tomato crop yields. After Today: Typical tomato crop in early September, from Heinz technology, hybrids & plug transplants Global Agriculture Program (GAP) HeinzSeed Our tomato experts travel the globe as part of an With our own proprietary tomato seeds and traditional extensive education initiative to teach farmers how to breeding techniques (no genetic modification), grow tomatoes more efficiently and sustainably. GAP HeinzSeed helps farmers adhere to a more sustainable is based on the principle of creating a long-term farm agriculture program. HeinzSeed tomatoes remain management philosophy that is equally focused on ripe longer when stored in the field. They provide a productivity, environmental stewardship and prosperity. combination of disease-resistance and high yield, which When these best practices are properly implemented, allows farmers to harvest more tons with less chemicals, our growers report that their farming operations have water and fertilizer. become more economically, environmentally and socially sustainable. California Tomato Yields* Metric Tons per Hectare 93 81 80 91 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 94 FY09 97 102 FY10 FY11 * USDA production for California (HeinzSeed Majority Share) Heinz is demonstrating leadership in sustainable Tomatoes are one of the world’s largest crops, and Heinz uses more processed tomatoes – approximately 3.1 million raw equivalent tons per year – than any other company in the world. 4 68% increase 100% 90% 3% Progress* Since 2005, drip irrigation technology has increased to nearly 100% use in many of the tomato growing regions. Global yields have improved with a range of 3% to 68% and we have implemented a program to track and measure our carbon footprint. have seen a tomato farming through our global agriculture training programs, our HeinzSeed natural tomato breeding program and expanded partnerships in reducing our carbon footprint. These initiatives are enhancing the quality of tomatoes for Heinz products while making a sustainable difference for the environment and our growers. Realizing Water Reductions with Drip Irrigation Since Fiscal Year 2005, the use of drip irrigation in California has grown from 30% of total acreage to nearly 75% at the end of Fiscal Year 2011. Our Pledge Heinz will continue to develop superior-quality tomatoes and deliver tomato products to consumers while working with tomato growers to institute even more productive, efficient, safe and sustainable agricultural practices. H.J. Heinz Corporate Social Responsibility Highlights 2011 5 Environment Heinz Sustainability Goals by 2015 6.1% 9.3% 13.1% 800 Reduction in Energy Consumption (KWh per metric ton (MT) production) 600 200 0 On Target GOAL: 20% PROGRESS 15.1% 400 FY15 * As of Fiscal Year 2011 5.7% FY11 Since 2005, we’ve reduced our Energy Consumption by 15.1% globally. 3.5% FY10 Reduce Energy Consumption 20% by Fiscal Year 2015. 0% FY09 Progress* FY08 Goal FY07 Heinz is on track to achieve or surpass our goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, water usage and solid waste by at least 20% by Fiscal Year 2015. Energy Consumption Energy ConsumptionReductions Reductions FY06 Heinz is making a difference as a global food company that is reducing our environmental footprint and protecting the planet’s natural resources for future generations. FY05 Greenhouse Gas 20% ▼ Energy 20% ▼ Renewable Energy 15% ▲ Packaging 15% ▼ Water 20% ▼ Transportation (Fossil Fuel) 10% ▼ Agriculture: GHG 15% ▼ Water 15% ▼ Yield 5% ▲ Solid Waste 20% ▼ Engage Employees ▲ Baseline year Reduction in Absolute Energy Consumption Using less energy is smart business because it benefits the planet and the Company. By addressing and reducing energy consumption, Heinz can mitigate the financial impacts of rising energy costs, reduce GHG GHGEmission EmissionReductions Reductions Goal Progress* Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions – Overall 20% reduction per metric ton of production by Fiscal Year 2015. Since 2005, we have reduced our GHG emissions by 13.2% per metric ton of production globally. 3.8% 4.7% 6.4% 9.4% 12.8% FY05: 3,867,774 MWh greenhouse gas emissions and eliminate inefficiencies in our factories FY11: 3,338,021 MWh and offices around the world. PROGRESS 13.2% Percentage Reduction per Unit of Production GOAL: 20% Solid Waste Waste Reductions Solid Reductions * As of Fiscal Year 2011 On Target FYO6 FYO7 FYO8 FYO9 FY10 FY11 Heinz is making progress to reduce GHG emissions per unit of production through the continued implementation of our Global Utility Optimization Program that is fine-tuning manufacturing and environmental processes, upgrading equipment and installing improved technology. Goal Progress* Reduce Solid Waste 20% by Fiscal Year 2015. Since 2005, we’ve reduced our Solid Waste generation by 45.6% per 100 metric tons of production globally. An added benefit of these projects is a 2% to 4% reduction in energy consumption and GHG emissions per year per factory. *As of Fiscal Year 2011 Exceeding Target Waste Generation Metric tons 0% Goal Reduce Water Consumption 20% by Fiscal Year 2015. Since 2005, we’ve reduced our Water Consumption by 21.8% globally. 8 REDUCTION GOAL: 20% 59,544 metric tons 106,006 FY05 104,635 FY06 97,480 92,584 FY07 FY08 76,312 FY09 65,179 FY10 FY11 8.41 8.19 GOAL: 20% 8.03 7.53 Our success in delivering solid waste reductions more than twice our goal was a direct result of our Sustainability Process, which taps a comprehensive network of Regional Sustainability Coordinators that share best practices in resource management and recycling with 6.79 6.75 21.3% 21.8% PROGRESS 21.8% our facilities. (m /MT of production) 3 0 Exceeding Target PROGRESS 45.6% 27.8% reuse or recycle to divert solid waste from landfills. Progress* *As of Fiscal Year 2011 15.9% Every stage of the supply chain presents an opportunity to eliminate waste. Our employees are focused on finding new ways to reduce, 8.63 Reduction in Water Consumption 11% 38.3% Baseline year Water ConsumptionReductions Reductions Water Consumption 2.8% 0% FY05 2.5% FY06 5.1% FY07 7% FY08 12.7% FY09 FY10 FY11 Every Drop Matters Heinz is currently exceeding the Company’s goal to reduce water consumption through a wide range of actions from recycling water and installing new technologies to upgrading water treatment plants. We continue to seek additional water conservation opportunities. 6 H.J. Heinz Corporate Social Responsibility Highlights 2011 7 Social Environment Making Social Responsibility a Core Value Transportation Transportation Goal 5.7% 35 Fossil Fuel Use in Canada, Latin America and UK/Ireland GOAL: 10% 30 The men and women of Heinz are the Company’s 25 Latin America Canada UK/Ireland 20 15 10 5 * Data represents +/- 80% transported products. FY11 (Reduction of liters of transported fuel per weight) FY10 10% reduction per unit of fossil fuel consumption through improved efficiency of our product distribution network by 2015. PROGRESS 40 0 greatest asset. We are dedicated to ensuring their dignity, health and safety on the job while providing competitive wages and equal opportunity. Heinz is also committed to the sustainable health of consumers who trust our Company to manufacture safe, high-quality, Moving Forward on Transportation great tasting, nutritious foods. Finally, we continue Effective management of our comprehensive transportation network is one of the keys to reducing fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse to build on our enduring legacy of being a good gas (GHG) emissions in transportation. Heinz is focused on continuously improving the efficiency of our transportation network while working corporate citizen in the communities where we operate. closely with our logistics carriers to meet our global goal of a 10% reduction in fossil fuel consumption and GHG emissions per unit of production. Reflecting our focus on being a socially responsible employer that puts people first, we are making a world of difference in the global community through the H.J. Heinz Company Foundation, the Heinz Renewable Energy Energy Renewable Micronutrient Campaign and voluntary initiatives Increase Renewable Energy 15% by Fiscal Year 2015. where our employees contribute their time, talent and 31.0% Goal Aligarh, India Facility Percentage of Renewable Energy Usage H.J. Heinz Company Foundation 24.2% FY07 Aligarh, India resources to assist people and communities in need. 58,290 Total Company giving for Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011 was $12.8 million. The H.J. Heinz Company Foundation strives to make FY11 metric tons of rice husks a positive impact in the global community through strategic investments to improve nutrition, foster healthy communities and promote diversity in areas where our employees live and work. The Foundation makes a difference in thousands of lives each year with our signature CSR program – the Heinz Micronutrient Campaign; through our strategic grants program; and by supporting employee volunteerism. used as alternative fuel source FY05-FY10 Effective Renewable Energy Projects Heinz continues to evaluate opportunities to utilize renewable energy resources such as biofuels, solar power, water, food and waste. We are currently constructing a new biomass boiler in our Quero® factory in Nerópolis, Brazil. Installation of this boiler, which uses sugar cane bagasse, eucalyptus chips and corn straw for fuel, will allow us to reduce our annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by approximately 50% at this facility. 8 H.J. Heinz Corporate Social Responsibility Highlights 2011 9 Social Heinz Micronutrient Campaign QUESTION&ANSWER The HMC is focused on creating sustainable models and partnerships with governmental agencies and NGOs, as it is doing in Cambodia, China, Haiti, India, Indonesia and Tanzania. The Campaign is also raising awareness of micronutrient malnutrition with the support of actress and humanitarian Lucy Liu. Is iron-deficiency anemia a formulated to be effective when caregivers are properly trained in global health threat? stirred or mixed into children’s foods. the use of micronutrient powders. Yes. The World Health Organization The Heinz Micronutrient Campaign (HMC) is a groundbreaking nonprofit initiative that gives children a fighting chance to live healthier lives by developing and distributing nutritious powders and other innovative products that treat and prevent iron-deficiency anemia. Working with non-governmental organization partners and expand the HMC to the United States and introduce a government agencies since 2001, the HMC has provided new bean paste targeted to children who are moderately these life-changing supplements to 3.5 million children in malnourished. The HMC continues to sponsor the 15 developing countries. development of cost-effective new products to treat anemia, such as reduced-iron NutureMate™, which has In the last two years, the HMC expanded to Africa proven to be effective in treating malnourished children in and Haiti for the first time. Ahead for 2012, we look to malaria-endemic regions. 10 Training materials are developed and estimates that 2 billion people – Does Heinz manufacture nearly one-third of the global micronutrient powder? population – are anemic, primarily Yes. The non-profit HMC provides Is it costly to prevent and treat due to lack of iron. The HMC is sachets of micronutrient powder iron-deficiency anemia? focused on the treatment and that are manufactured by Heinz. No. Working through collaborative prevention of iron-deficiency anemia The World Health Organization and partnerships in countries around the in children. UNICEF have approved the sachets world, the HMC is addressing iron- as a cost-effective treatment for iron- deficiency anemia at an annual cost What is micronutrient powder? deficiency anemia. About 60 sachets of just $1.50 per child. Micronutrient powder is a multi- are required over a three- to four- vitamin blend, including iron, zinc, month period to treat and prevent iron The H.J. Heinz Company Foundation vitamin A, folic acid and other deficiency. has contributed more than $5 million delivered in local languages. essential nutrients, that promotes directly in cash contributions and healthy physical and mental What makes the HMC unique is that additional in-kind donations have development. The tasteless powder the H.J. Heinz Company Foundation been contributed by the Company. supported by the HMC is specially works with its partners to ensure that H.J. Heinz Corporate Social Responsibility Highlights 2011 11 Social In Heinz North America, it is our goal that 100% of total new product innovations in 2011 will meet our strict criteria for healthy nutrition innovation. Food Safety Our Company’s enduring commitment to food safety and quality assurance is rooted in the vision and values of our founder, Henry John Heinz, a prominent advocate for the adoption of the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906. Healthy New Products Heinz has manufacturing and food safety practices and processes that are designed to ensure that our food products meet stringent quality and safety specifications. In Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011, Heinz launched dozens of new products through our four Health and Wellness platforms: Henry John Heinz Heinz has a highly trained team of supplier auditors around the world that consistently enforces Heinz quality and food safety standards. Our goal at all times is to maintain compliance levels at 100%. Heinz also shares best practices with our Emerging Markets businesses to drive consistently high food safety standards around the world. These best practices were developed in markets like the United States and Europe, where Heinz has a long and distinguished track record of food safety. Healthier Foods for Healthier Lifestyles 1. Better for You 3. Weight Management Our Better for You platform includes foods that are the focus of our ongoing initiative to reduce sodium and sugar and eliminate trans fats. This platform also includes products such as meals and snacks that we are enhancing to deliver higher nutrition by adding vegetables and whole grains. Weight Management includes the Weight Watchers Smart Ones brand of nutritional meals, snacks and desserts in the U.S. and Canada, as well as the Weight Watchers from Heinz product line in Europe. 2. Growth and Development 4. Health Management Growth and Development includes infant and toddler foods and children’s beverages. Health Management encompasses products that Heinz has developed specifically for consumers with certain medical conditions. • In Italy, Heinz produces gluten-free products for individuals with celiac disease or sensitivity to gluten. • We also offer low-protein products for consumers who must restrict protein consumption, such as people with kidney disease. Heinz is advancing our Health and Wellness mission by making foods for healthier lifestyles. •T he majority of our global portfolio is centered around nutritious foods made with tomatoes, beans, fruits and vegetables. •H einz is a leader in the nutritional/weight management category, with Weight Watchers® Smart Ones® and Weight Watchers from Heinz branded products. ® ® • As the world’s fifth-largest manufacturer of baby food, Heinz offers a growing line of wholesome, nutritional products for infants and children. In Fiscal Year 2010, Heinz reduced sodium across our U.S. retail ketchup line by 15%. This voluntary reduction put Heinz in the forefront of the U.S. National Salt Reduction Initiative, a public-private partnership aimed at reducing people’s salt intake. 12 H.J. Heinz Corporate Social Responsibility Highlights 2011 13 Social Diversity and Inclusion Our Vision is that Heinz is recognized as a diverse and inclusive organization, retaining superior talent and leveraging diversity to improve Heinz’s business results, image and employee satisfaction. Labor Relations Employee Health and Wellness Heinz strives to meet the healthcare needs of an ethnically In the United States, and geographically diverse global workforce through a Heinz has been wide range of programs that emphasize healthy choices, recognized by the diligent healthcare decision-making National Business and active participation in our Group on Health for wellness programs. three consecutive years as one of the Heinz strives to maintain a good working relationship with labor unions across each of our Business Units. The Company has a history of negotiating fair and competitive contracts that provide family-sustaining jobs and wages. —Heinz Inclusion Council People Development Heinz Scholars Program The Heinz Scholars Program is a unique partnership with Developing strong leaders at every level of the Washington & Lee University in the United States. Heinz organization is important at Heinz because “Making awards annual scholarships and internship opportunities Talent an Advantage” is one of the four strategic pillars to minority students who have distinguished themselves of the Company’s long-term growth plan. through academic and personal achievements. Heinz Chairman, President and CEO William R. Johnson In New Zealand, our Wattie’s “Best Employers for Healthy business received the Workfit Lifestyles.” In 2010, Heinz was Award from the Hawkes Bay also one of six companies to win that organization’s award Chamber of Commerce in 2010. for “Innovation in Reducing Healthcare Disparities.” The award reflected the diverse Heinz was recognized for providing healthcare benefits scope of employee wellness and programs that meet the needs of a culturally programs offered at Wattie’s. diverse workforce. Workplace Safety Safety Is a Priority at Heinz Facilities Worldwide Heinz is strongly committed to protecting the health and guidelines that meet or exceed industry standards in the commissioned a study that collected and shared valuable safety of each of our employees. The Company maintains countries where we manufacture. Our stringent efforts lessons and insights on leadership from more than two a comprehensive safety management system and requires to keep our facilities safe are generating positive results dozen CEOs of other major companies. each of our production employees to adhere to strict safety globally. The study’s findings were turned into a book titled “Preparing CEOs for Success – What I Wish I Knew,” with the foreword written by Mr. Johnson. This book Global Total Recordable Incident Rates (TRIR) continue to trend downward – 49% decrease in 6 years was published in 2010, and proceeds from the book sales were donated to Ronald McDonald House Charities, Inc. Total Company TRIR Our current Company Total 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Total Company TRIR 1.64 Company TRIR Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) is 1.64 and has improved considerably over the last six GOAL: 1.0 TRIR years, indicating that we’re well on our way to achieving our goal of a <1.0 TRIR. FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 In Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011, Heinz continued its commitment to this program by hiring 100% of eligible graduates into full-time positions. 14 H.J. Heinz Corporate Social Responsibility Highlights 2011 15 Social Economic Heinz Employees Making a Difference Fiscal Year 2011 Summary Pedaling in the Alps to Combat Cancer In Fiscal Year 2011, Heinz delivered record In 2011, 16 Heinz employees from the Company’s sales, net income and operating free cash flow1 facility in Zeist, The Netherlands, hopped on bicycles while completing key acquisitions in Brazil and and pedaled up the French Alps to raise funds for China to accelerate our dynamic growth in cancer research. The group joined more than 4,000 Emerging Markets. Heinz reported: cyclists to “climb” the Alps six times in one day as part • Record sales of $10.7 billion, propelled by of Alpe d’HuZes, an annual event that helps to support 12% sales growth in Emerging Markets as fundamental cancer research. well as growth in our Top 15 brands and Total Company Net Income Sales $990 Million $10.7 Billion $10.5 Billion $865 Million global ketchup • Record net income of $990 million, up more The Pink Tomato Crusaders than 14% from the previous year More than six months of preparation culminated in • Earnings per share from continuing a medal-winning race for the 17 members of Heinz operations of $3.06, up nearly 7% Canada’s Dragon Boat crew – called The Pink Tomato FY10 FY10 FY11 FY11 • Record operating free cash flow 1 of Crusaders. Held across Canada, the Dragon Boat events $1.26 billion. raise much-needed funds for charity. Heinz Canada employees teamed up to raise money for Breast Cancer research. They plan to expand the initiative in 2012. Financial Strategy Heinz is focused on delivering consistent top-line growth and strong operating free cash flow 1 and returning a high Heinz Australia has a longstanding partnership with Heinz Venezuela Supports Local Communities Ardoch Youth Foundation, a national not-for-profit In San Joaquín, Venezuela, organization that supports programs that reduce the a group of employees risk of students dropping out of school. volunteer their time to Helping Australian Students Stay in School percentage of earnings to shareholders through a top-tier dividend. Growing the Dividend Cumulative Total Shareholder Return Annual Dividend (1) 160 deliver goods and provide Heinz donated Wattie’s soup and non-perishable goods educational workshops and along with hundreds of lunchboxes to Ardoch to kick-start recreational activities that their “Back to School” campaign in January 2011. enhance the quality of life $1.92 ~80% $1.66 Since FY04 Heinz 140 S&P 500 130 $1.68 120 110 $1.52 100 $1.40 of the local community. 90 Rosanne Osborn (Ardoch Project Coordinator) receiving Heinz’s donation of lunch boxes to Ardoch Youth Foundation. $1.08 $1.14 80 $1.20 70 60 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12E * Represents activity through April 27, 2011. FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 (1) Annualized equivalent, declared quarterly Heinz Returned More Than $3.5 Billion to Shareholders 1 16 $1.80 UP 150 Heinz TSR UP 46% Over Last Five Fiscal Years Operating free cash flow is cash from operations less capital expenditures net of proceeds from disposal of PP&E. H.J. Heinz Corporate Social Responsibility Highlights 2011 17 Economic Accelerating Growth in Emerging Markets Approach Customer Satisfaction Leader Our Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility #1 in Customer Satisfaction 11 Years Running! Under our long-term plan, Heinz is accelerating our growth in Emerging Markets with increasing numbers of new middle-class consumers. In Fiscal Year 2011, Emerging Markets delivered 12% sales growth and generated 16% of the Company’s total sales. ™ The American Customer Satisfaction Index™ Scores By Industry Food Manufacturing Baseline 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 H.J. Heinz 89 90 89 88 90 88 91 87 90 89 89 Quaker (PepsiCo) 82 86 86 87 86 86 88 85 86 87 87 88 88 Hershey 86 85 86 87 85 87 86 86 87 85 87 Mars 87 82 86 83 83 85 83 86 86 86 87 85 Sara Lee 86 82 81 84 83 84 81 85 82 84 85 85 Nestle 88 84 83 83 83 83 83 84 83 83 85 84 General Mills 83 82 83 83 83 84 82 84 83 84 83 83 ConAgra Foods 83 82 81 83 84 82 86 83 83 84 78 83 Dole Food 90 82 81 82 82 79 81 82 83 83 84 82 Campbell Soup 83 81 81 80 83 79 81 80 83 80 82 82 In Fiscal Year 2011, Heinz ranked first among food manufacturing companies in customer satisfaction for the 11th consecutive year. The number-one ranking in the American Customer Satisfaction Index™ reflects our focus on quality, innovation and value. Our November 2010 acquisition of Foodstar, a Chinese producer of Master® soy sauces and fermented bean Expanding the Core Portfolio curd with annual sales of almost $100 million, added a solid growth platform to our operations in China. As the trusted leader in nutrition and wellness, Heinz – the original Pure Food Company – is dedicated to the sustainable health of people, the planet and our Company. Heinz is committed to achieving sustainable growth that benefits our shareholders, consumers, customers, employees and communities, guided by the principles of integrity, transparency and social responsibility. To sustain growth in our Core Portfolio, Heinz is focused on driving innovation that adds value and convenience for Heinz accelerated our growth in Latin America by Mission Statement 86 86 consumers and differentiates our brands from competitors. acquiring our first major business in Brazil in April 2011. The transaction gave Heinz an 80% stake in the Our new Ketchup manufacturer of Quero®, a leading brand of tomato-based products have included: Corporate social responsibility is the foundation of the way Heinz has a comprehensive system of corporate that we manufacture and market our products and conduct governance to ensure the Company is transparent and business throughout the world. accountable to shareholders and the community and that it operates in an ethical and socially responsible manner. sauces, vegetables and ketchup with annual sales of At the center of our system are a strong and independent approximately $325 million. Board of Directors, a Global Code of Conduct, Global Operating Principles and Supplier Guiding Principles that set high ethical standards for our employees and suppliers. The Company reinforces the importance of these standards through comprehensive, global training programs. Around the world, Heinz launched many other new products in our core categories. The Heinz Board of Directors enjoyed Heinz® Dip & Squeeze® Ketchup and Ore-Ida® French Fries at a stop on the Heinz Ketchup Road Trip™, a mobile tour that promoted the successful U.S. launch of Dip & Squeeze. 18 Most importantly, Heinz is a global company that values people, their dignity and their rights. We empower our diverse workforce to make a sustainable difference on the job and in their communities. H.J. Heinz Corporate Social Responsibility Highlights 2011 19