WESTERN BAY OF PLENTY DISTRICT COUNCIL BUILDING CONSENT AUTHORITY Checklists for Compliance Schedule (Inspection, maintenance and reporting procedure) This checklist is to be completed to accompany any building consent application that includes a new specified system or work that affects the Compliance Schedule of existing specified system. BC: Site address Building name (if known) New Compliance Schedule is required Compliance Schedule is amended Existing Compliance Schedule No. (if known): Current, lawfully established used Equivalent Fire Risk Group (fire design) Maximum occupancy per floor (fire design) Number of floor level Physical location where the Compliance Schedule will be kept First point of contact for communications with the TA (if different to owner) Contact person Mailing address Phone Mobile Email Guidance notes: Please tick the appropriate box and provide all relevant information. Where specific design is nominated/proposed, please provide appropriate documentation and specific design in support of the proposed design, inspection, maintenance and reporting procedure. What is Specified System? Specified systems are systems or features that contribute to the proper function of the building. Specified systems are defined in the Building (Specified Systems, Change the Use, and Earthquake-prone Buildings) Regulations 2005. What is Compliance Schedule? A compliance Schedule is a list of all specified system, contained in a building with details of performance standards, inspection, testing and maintenance procedure, the frequency of inspection and show should perform the inspection; for each specified system. What are performance standards? The level of performance a specified system was intended to meet, and continue to meet at the time it was designed and installed in the building. It may be a specific approved standard, an acceptable solution or specifically designed for the specified system. What are maintenance standards? This identifies what preventative and responsive maintenance is required to be taken and by whom. The details of maintenance and inspection requirements are often found in a NZ Standard or International Standard. What is the Compliance Schedule Handbook? A guidance document issued by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment Building and Housing Group with helpful suggestions and recommendations for preparing, developing and implementing a Compliance Schedule and Building Warrant of Fitness regime. See also web link: http://www.dbh.govt.nz/compliance-documents#handbooks A941630 Version 1 26 May 2014 Page 1 of 12 The following specified systems are contained in the building: (Please tick the appropriate box and provide the appropriate supporting documentation where applicable) SS1 – Automatic systems for fire suppression Status of the specified system System description Location/Description Existing New Type 6 Type 7 Altered Gas/foam flooding N/A Removed Deludge system Other specific design - please state (please state where relevant) Performance standards Maintenance standards Inspection and reporting frequency NZS 4541:2007 NZS 4541:2013 NZS 4515:2009 Other specific design - with supporting document NZS 4541:2007 NZS 4541:2013 NZS 4515:2009 System description NFPA 25 Other specific design - with supporting document As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS2 – Automatic or manual emergency warning systems for fire or other danger Status of the specified system NFPA N/A Existing New Altered Removed Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 SSWS Gas or radiation detection Beam detection Other specific design - please state Location/Description (please state where relevant) Performance standards Maintenance standards Inspection and reporting frequency NZS 4512:2003 NZS 4512:2010 NFPA Other specific design - with supporting document NZS 4512:2003 NZS 4512:2010 NFPA Other specific design - with supporting document As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS3/1 – Electromagnetic or automatic doors or windows – Automatic doors Status of the specified system Existing New Automatic sliding door System description Altered N/A Removed Automatic revolving door Interfaced with emergency warning system Other specific design - please state Location/Description (please state where relevant) Page 2 of 12 Performance standards Maintenance standards Inspection and reporting frequency NZS 4239:1993 AS 4085:1992 Other specific design - with supporting document NZS 4239:1993 AS 4085:1992 Other specific design - with supporting document As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS3/2 – Electromagnetic or automatic doors or windows – Access controlled doors Status of the specified system System description Existing New Altered Swipe card access Proximity sensor access Key pad access Delayed egress N/A Removed Other specific design - please state Location/Description (please state where relevant) Performance standards Maintenance standards Inspection and reporting frequency Requirements identified in the relevant Compliance Documents C/AS1-7 Other specific design - with supporting document As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook Other specific design - with supporting document As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS3/3 – Electromagnetic or automatic doors or windows – Interfaced fire or smoke doors or windows (designed to open or close on the activation of the building emergency warning system) N/A Status of the specified system Existing Fire or smoke door System description New Altered Removed Fire or smoke window Electromagnetic held open door Fusible link released type Other specific design - please state Location/Description (please state where relevant) Performance standards Maintenance standards Inspection and reporting frequency SS4 – Emergency lighting systems A941630 Version 1 26 May 2014 NZS 4520:2010 AS 4178:1994 NZS 4232:1988 Other specific design - with supporting document AS 4178:1994 NZS 4520:2010 Other specific design - with supporting document As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document N/A Page 3 of 12 Status of the specified system Existing New Altered Removed Emergency lighting on escape route System description Illuminated exit sign Other specific design - please state Location/Description (please state where relevant) Performance standards Maintenance standards Inspection and reporting frequency AS/NZS 2293.1:1998 NZS 6742:1971 Other specific design - with supporting document AS/NZS 2293.2:1995 NZS 6742:1971 Other specific design - with supporting document As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS5 – Escape route pressurisation systems Status of the specified system Existing New Stairwell pressurisation Altered N/A Removed Corridor/hallway pressurisation Lift shaft pressurisation System description Other specific design - please state Location/Description (please state where relevant) Performance standards Maintenance standards Inspection and reporting frequency AS 1668.1:1998 Other specific design - with supporting document AS 1851 Other specific design - with supporting document As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS6 – Riser mains Status of the specified system Charged riser System description Location/Description Existing New Altered N/A Removed Dry riser Other specific design - please state (please state where relevant) Performance standards Maintenance standards NZS 4510:2008 Other specific design - with supporting document NZS 4510:2008 Other specific design - with supporting document Page 4 of 12 Inspection and reporting frequency As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS7 – Automatic back-flow preventers Status of the specified system Existing New Altered Reduced Pressure Zone device N/A Removed Double Check Valve device Pressure Vacumm Breaker device System description Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker device Other specific design - please state Brand/Name/Serial No./Size (please state where relevant) Location/Description (please state where relevant) Performance standards AS/NZS 2845.1:2010 Other specific design - with supporting document AS 2845.3:2010 Maintenance standards US Environmental Protection Agency "Cross-Connection Control Manual" Other specific design - with supporting document Inspection and reporting frequency As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS8/1 – Passenger-carrying lifts Status of the specified system Existing New Passenger lift Altered Removed Platform lift Accessible platform lift System description N/A Water powered lift Other specific design - please state Location/Description (please state where relevant) Performance standards NZS 4332:1997 and D2/AS1 NZS 4334:2012 EN 81 Part 1 and D2/AS1 EN 81 Part 2 and D2/AS1 Other specific design - with supporting document NZS 4332:1997 and the Compliance Schedule Handbook NZS 4334:2012 and the Compliance Schedule Handbook Maintenance standards EN 81:2003 and the Compliance Schedule Handbook The Power Lift Rules applicable at the time of installation (pre 1991) Other specific design - with supporting document A941630 Version 1 26 May 2014 Page 5 of 12 Inspection and reporting frequency As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS8/2 – Service lifts Status of the specified system System description Existing New Altered Dumb waiter Goods hoist Vehicle stacking system Stage lift N/A Removed Other specific design - please state Location/Description (please state where relevant) Performance standards The Rule for Power Lifts Not Exceeding 750 Watts (1 HP) and D2/AS2 Other specific design - with supporting document The Compliance Schedule Handbook checklist pages 34-35 Maintenance standards The Rule for Power Lifts Not Exceeding 750 Watts (1 HP) Other specific design - with supporting document Inspection and reporting frequency As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS8/3 – Escalators and moving walks Status of the specified system New Escalator System description Location/Description Existing Altered N/A Removed Moving horizontal walkway Other specific design - please state (please state where relevant) Performance standards Maintenance standards Inspection and reporting frequency EN 115 and D2/AS3 Other specific design - with supporting document The Compliance Schedule Handbook checklists page 37 Other specific design - with supporting document As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS9 – Mechanical ventilation or air conditioning systems Status of the specified system Existing New Altered N/A Removed Page 6 of 12 Mechanical ventilation or air conditioning system Extract system serving multiple units or facilities Dust/Fume/Hazardous atmosphere extract system A spray booth ventilation system Parking/garage extract system System description Cooling-water system with cooling tower or evaporative condenser System required to function in smoke management during a fire System incorporating solid liquid or gas fired boiler Air handling system that maintains a differential air pressure Other specific design - please state Location/Description (please state where relevant) Performance standards NZS 4302:1987 NZS 4303:1990 AS/NZS 1668.1:1998 AS/NZS 4114.1:2003 AS/NZS 1668.2:2012 Other specific design - with supporting document Maintenance standards NZS 4302:1987 AS 1851:2005 AS/NZS 3666.3:2011 AS/NZS 4114.2:2003 AS/NZS 3666.2:2011 Cooling tower - The Compliance Schedule Handbook pages 39 and 40 Other specific design - with supporting document Inspection and reporting frequency As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS10 – Building maintenance units Status of the specified system New Access equipment System description Location/Description Existing Altered N/A Removed Gantry Other specific design - please state (please state where relevant) Performance standards Maintenance standards Inspection and reporting frequency BS 6037.1:2003 BS 6037.2:2004 Other specific design - with supporting document BS 6037.1:2003 BS 6037.2:2004 Other specific design - with supporting document As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS11 – Laboratory fume cupboards Status of the specified system A941630 Version 1 26 May 2014 Existing New Altered N/A Removed Page 7 of 12 Ducted fume cupbaord for laboratory use System description Location/Description Other specific design - please state (please state where relevant) Performance standards Maintenance standards Inspection and reporting frequency AS/NZS 2243.8:2014 Other specific design - with supporting document AS/NZS 2243.8:2014 Other specific design - with supporting document As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS12/1 – Audio loops or other assistive listening systems – Audio loops Status of the specified system Location/Description Existing New Altered N/A Removed (please state where relevant) Performance standards Maintenance standards Inspection and reporting frequency NZS 4121:2001 Appendix E3 and Appendix H Other specific design - with supporting document AS 60118.4:2007 and the Compliance Schedule Handbook Other specific design - with supporting document As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS12/1 – Audio loops or other assistive listening systems – Audio loops Status of the specified system Location/Description Existing New Altered N/A Removed (please state where relevant) Performance standards Maintenance standards Inspection and reporting frequency NZS 4121:2001 Appendix E3 and Appendix H Other specific design - with supporting document AS 60118.4:2007 and the Compliance Schedule Handbook Other specific design - with supporting document As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS12/2 – FM radio frequency system and infrared beam transmission systems Status of the specified system Location/Description Existing New Altered N/A Removed (please state where relevant) Page 8 of 12 Performance standards Maintenance standards Inspection and reporting frequency NZS 4121:2001 Appendix E3 and Appendix H Other specific design - with supporting document The Compliance Schedule Handbook page 43 Other specific design - with supporting document As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS13/1 – Mechanical smoke control Status of the specified system System description Existing New Altered Smoke exhaust/extract system Smoke control Zone pressurisation system Purge system N/A Removed Other specific design - please state Location/Description (please state where relevant) Performance standards Maintenance standards Inspection and reporting frequency AS/NZS 1668.1:1998 AS/NZS 1668.3:2001 Other specific design - with supporting document AS 1851:2005 Other specific design - with supporting document As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS13/2 – Natural smoke control Status of the specified system New Natural smoke ventilator System description Location/Description Existing Altered N/A Removed Smoke reservoir Other specific design - please state (please state where relevant) Performance standards Maintenance standards Inspection and reporting frequency AS/NZS 1668.1:1998 AS/NZS 1668.3:2001 Other specific design - with supporting document AS 1851:2005 Other specific design - with supporting document As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS13/3 – Smoke curtains Status of the specified system Existing System description Automatic smoke curtain A941630 Version 1 26 May 2014 New Altered N/A Removed Page 9 of 12 Other specific design - please state Location/Description (please state where relevant) Performance standards Maintenance standards Inspection and reporting frequency AS/NZS 1668.1:1998 AS/NZS 1668.3:2001 Other specific design - with supporting document AS 1851:2005 Other specific design - with supporting document As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS14/1 – Emergency power systems for a specified system in any of specified system 1-13 Status of the specified system Existing New Altered N/A Removed Engine alternator set for a sprinkler system pressure boost pump Uninterupted power supply for an emergency lighting system System description Engine alternator set for provisions of electrical supply to lifts Emergency electric supply to smoke control system Other specific design - please state Location/Description (please state where relevant) Performance standards NZS 6104:1981 Other specific design - with supporting document NZS 6104:1981 Maintenance standards Relevant document specified for the relevant specified system SS 1-13 Other specific design - with supporting document Inspection and reporting frequency As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS14/2 – Signs relating to specified system Status of the specified system Performance standards Existing New Altered N/A Removed Signage should be in accordance with the published standard or the approved performance specification of the associated specified system SS 1-13 Signage for access and facilities for person with disabilities must be in accordance with NZS 4121:2001. Other specific design - with supporting document Maintenance standards The Compliance Schedule Handbook Other specific design - with supporting document Page 10 of 12 Inspection and reporting frequency As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS15/1 – Systems for communicating spoken information intended to facilitate evacuation Status of the specified system Existing New Altered N/A Removed A building intercom system for use by the Fire Service A public address system to facilitate staged evacuation System description An emergency warning intercommunication system (EWIS) Other specific design - please state Performance standards Maintenance standards Inspection and reporting frequency NZS 4512:2010 AS 1670.4:2004 Other specific design - with supporting document NZS 4512:2010 AS 1851:2005 Other specific design - with supporting document As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS15/2 – Final exits Status of the specified system Performance standards Maintenance standards Inspection and reporting frequency Existing New Altered Removed The relevant NZBC Compliance Documents C/AS1-7 Protection from Fire Other specific design - with supporting document As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook Other specific design - with supporting document As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS15/3 – Fire separations Status of the specified system N/A Existing New Altered N/A Removed The relevant NZBC Compliance Documents C/AS1-7 Protection from Fire Performance standards NZS 4520:2010 Other specific design - with supporting document Maintenance standards A941630 Version 1 26 May 2014 As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook Other specific design - with supporting document Page 11 of 12 Inspection and reporting frequency As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document SS15/4 – Signs for communicating information intended to facilitate evacuation Status of the specified system Performance standards Maintenance standards Inspection and reporting frequency Existing New Altered Performance standards Maintenance standards Inspection and reporting frequency As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook Other specific design - with supporting document As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document Existing New Altered N/A Removed The relevant NZBC Compliance Documents C/AS1-7 Protection from Fire Other specific design - with supporting document As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook Other specific design - with supporting document As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document Existing Cable car System description Location/Description Removed Other specific design - with supporting document SS16 – Cable cars Status of the specified system N/A The relevant NZBC Compliance Documents C/AS1-7 Protection from Fire SS15/5 – Smoke separations Status of the specified system New Altered N/A Removed Ski chair lift Other specific design - please state (please state where relevant) Performance standards Maintenance standards NZS 5270:2005 Other specific design - with supporting document NZS 5270:2005 and checklist page 56 of the Compliance Schedule Handbook Other specific design - with supporting document Inspection and reporting frequency As recommended in the Compliance Schedule Handbook and the nominated standards Other specific design - with supporting document Page 12 of 12