IN TWO ORGANICCHEMISTRY NCTIONALIZED : SURFACE-FU DIMENSIONS POLYMERS AND SELF.ASSEMBLED MONOLAYERFILMS1 GeorgeM. Whitesidesand GregoryS. Ferguson,zHarvardUniversity Organic chemistryis largely derived from studiesof the reactivity and propenies of moieculesin homogeneoussolution. and much of the intuidon of organicchemistsis basedon the behaviorof moleculesin solution.Surfaces and intertacesr(that is, quasi rwodimensional assembliesof moleculesor functionalgroups)provideenvironmen$that can be quite differentfrom those of solutions.and chemicalintuitionderivedfrom solutionis often wrongwhen applied to processesoccurringat surfaces.The centrai focus of our program in organic surfacechemistry is on new science:that is. understandingand controlling the phenomenacharacteristicof surfaces.interfaces.and thin films. A charm of surfacechemistryis. however. its ability to combine new sciencewith relevanceto a wide range of technologicalproblems.''sand we hope to contributeto theseappiiedareasas well.6 Underlying our program in surfacechemistryis a broad interestin the properties of organic surfacesas componentsof materials.In panicular. we hope to develop the abiiity to rationalize and predict the macroscoprcpropenies of surtaces-wening, adhesion,friction-by knowing their microscopic,molecular-levelstructures.The issueof stmcture/properryrelationshipsin solids lies at the base of much of the current research in areas such as matenais science.condensedmaner and device physics,and polymer physicalchemistry. Surface sciencespans these fields and is curently a researcharea of particularly great activitv.s'7-6The appeal of surface chemistry as an avenue into detailed understandingof the relations between microscopic and macroscopicproperties of maner is that interfacesare more accessibleto analysis and more easily modified by synthesis$att are the interiors of solids. Organic chemistry has played a surprisinglysmall role in interfacial science.t Although organic chemistryoffers, in principal, the ability to introduce a wide range of functional and structural groups into surfaces,in practiceit has been difrcult to rationalize, much lessdesign and synthesize.ordered two-dimensionalarraysof organicmoieties.aWe havetaken a physical-organicapproach to the study of organic interfacial chemistlv: We formulare a hypothesisre- CF{EMTRACTS-ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1: 171-187 ( I 988) 0895-444518E/$.m O 1986Chemtracts iTAY/JUNEIt'88 / SURFACEfUilCTTONALIZED PC'LYTERSANO SELFASIIETBI-ED FIL'IS 171 synthuize and charlating molectrlar-scalestnrctlre to macroscopicProPerty' testing that hypothesis, orrrirc interfaca having structures aPProPriateto information concerning measurethe'propenies it interest, and iruerpret the The physicalhypothesis. original the of terms in strucrure *a pioperties and reactiviry strucnrre of pailerns complex of study the organic paradigFlior than on analogy on more relying often one, is iundam"ntally a qualitadve prohas, however, It theory. fundamental on numerical calcuiationsbased compliunderstanding of methods and useful vided one of rhe most durable successes cated systems.Physical-organicchemistry counts among its many rationthe in solution, with reactivities the correlation of organic structures of inference the and catalysis' and alization of areastu.l .t photochemistry will it we believe intermediates;D the properties and stnrctures of reactive also be immenselyvaluable in understandingsurfaces. SYNTHESISOF SURFACESAND INTERFACES We have reiied on two seParateryPesof experimentalsystemsin our studies (Scheme1): r-j N= € - Oxi dati on + Self-Asscmbly HeCrOl pE 4 Au I HS-R-X s-R-x -P E -C O2H" 1) P l asma -PE-.H" PE + J-r'-r' R-X S,Rr-x' 2) BHe' Si / SlOz ClrSl-R-X Left: Schcme 1. Scfiematicrepresentationof the two mdtods used for productionof functionalizEdsurfaces' gold or on compounds of organosulfur adsorption film by monolayer spontaneousself-assemblyof an onented ftlms. polydlylene of funstionalizEtion Rigtrc Oxidative dioxide. silicon/silicon on af'fyfricfrbrosilanes 1. Slrfrct-Functirindbed Orgrnic Pollmcrs, Espcddly'Polyethylene Car' boxylic Acidl (PE-CO2[I). Thesc s),stemsare PrePared by .oxidizing polyethytene (PE) films with chromic acid and using the carborylic acid groups in6oduccd onto the surface as the staning point for more elaborate chemical modification (Scheme1).$s The chromic acid oxidation has the advantages of restraining the funstionality to a very thin (lessthan 10 A in depth) layer along the surfacc @ntour of the polyurer and of generating a set of functionalities limited to carboxylicacidsand ketonesand/or aldehydes.PE-CO:H is convenientto prepareand snrdyand is an excellentmaterial for exploratory snrdies. It also provides an entry into the examination of propenies rePre- 172 SURFACE.FU}GNOil L.trED PC'LY'TERSAT0) SEU!TSSENI-ED FII.G CHEMISTRY / CHEII|TRACTS-ORGANIC sentadve of a "real" material. It is, however, a complex, microscopically heterogeneousand strucrurallyilldefined material.rT 2' self'Assembled Adsorbed Monolayer Films.l&p we and others have foctsed on rwb classesof monollyersi organosulfurcompounds (especiait),;;ganicthiols) adsorbedon gold,r5'{)-'rs and alkyl siloxanemonolayen prepared by reaction of alkyl trichlorosilaneswith surfacescontaining hydroryl groups and/or adsorbedwater.'tsnBoth of thesesystems,and otheis rilated to rhem, are excellent models for interprering the characterisrics pE-CO2H of and its derivatives.Immersionof a silicon iuf.r coatedwirh a thin film (:i000 i; of evaporatedgold in a solutionof a faqv thiol for t hour at room remperarure results in the formation of a highly ordered, quasicrvstailine monolaverof fatty thiol anached to tbe gold suriace by ruirui-gold coordi""',#i;l;r: 1)' The essentialProcesses occurringduring the adsorptionand organzation of the thiol on the gold surfaceare stitl iniompleteli understood,but rhev are cenainly reiated to the familiar, if complex, coordination ;;;';? thiols and gold(O)or gold(I).sra One of the most anracdvefeaturesof organicchemistry is the wide variarion in the strucure of organic moleculesthaican be produced through synthesis. A challengeto our program in organic surface ihemistry has been ro bnng these synthetic techniquesto bear on two separare classesof problems in surfacechemistry: first, the introduction of small fragmentshaving desired functionalityonto surfacesthrough chemicaireacrion: second.the preparation/assemblyof thesefragmentsin extendedmacroscopic arravswith controi over position and orientadon.The nvo approacheswe have followed-one leading to PE-CO2H and its derivatives.and the other to self-assembled organic monolayers-are quite diferent. The former inroduces funcrionai grouPsonto a preformedheterogeneous material(Scheme2). This procedure is convenientand exPenmentati relevantto a broad rangeof polymer technologies,but it requiresthe srudyand analysisof matenals rhat are intnnsicallv structurallv ill-defined. The latter prepareswell-defineo. approp";;.1:, fu;;: PE-H I I I CrO3/H2SO4 I I I ROH PE-CO2B <t--- H' PE-C02H LiAtH4 or BHg -> l*,, rcoc' I I J PE-COCI RoH // /\ PE-CO2R \ PE-CH2OH PE-CH2OCOR nnrxz PE-CONHR Sghcme 2 Representative reactionseguencesused to convertthe surface of polyethylene fitm(pE-H)to "polyethylene carborylicacid,,(pE-corH)and derivatives. ttiAY/JUNEI98S / SURFACE-FTJilCNOilALJZED POLYTGRSAr€ SEI.FAS{itr8LED FIL.TIS 17g on a reactive tionalizedmolecules,which are then allowed to self-assemble Self-assembly stru$ures. two-dimensional ordered highly surfaceand form will, we beiieve,bec6mea mainstayof orderedmonolayerformadon,"t and will eventuallyprove invaluablein ratronalsuategiesfor modificationof the propeniesof interfaces.Prepanngthesesvstemsis, however,expenmentally roi. complex than generatingfunctionalizedpolymer surfaces' OF SURFACES CHARACTERIZATION We have used rhe usuai array of specroscopictechniquesto characterize surtaces:ailenuared total reflectance-infrared(ATR-IR) and polarized infrared external reflectivespecrroscopy(PIERS), X-rav photoelectronsPectroscopy (xPS), elecrron spln resonance(ESR), fluorescence.electron microscopy,and ellipsometryare all usefui (Table). We have, however,aiso Table. selected Methodsfor Analysis of surtaccs and Intertaces Applicationand Depth Sensed Technique (STM) Scanningtunnelingmicroscopy Low-angleX'raYscattenng (SEM,TEM); microscopy Electron difiractton eiectron Contactangle(HrO) ; spectroscopy X-rayphotoelectron (XPS);augerspectroscoPy Ellipsometry Attenuatedtotalreflectance'infrareO I (ATH-|R) | Polarizedinfraredextemalreflecttve) (PIERS) spectroscopy | (RBS) I backscattenng Rutherford Fluorescence spectroscopy Electronspinresonance(ESR) spectroscopy Individual atomicpositionson surfaces densitymap of the surfaceof Elec-tron veryflat solids anddegreeof Surfacemorphology order crystalline Polantyof top -10 A' of top Atomicand chemicalcomposition -soA of filmthicknesswith a Determination of 2 A resolution analysisof top -1000 A Vibrational as a functionof Atomiccomposition depthwith resolutionof hunclreds ofA after Assayfor densityof functionality covalentattachmentof fluorescent prooes Locationand mobilityof paramagnetic centers(e.9.,TMPO)in interfaces been able to apply to problems in the physical-organicchemistry of surfaces rwo techniqu"i ior cbaractenzationthat are lessfamiliar to the spectroscopic community. Ttre first is the measurementand interpretation of liquid-soiid contact angles. This technique has proven to be the most surface'sensitive and most convenienr(if not the most easiiyinterpreted) method that we have It is especially useful in available to characteiue organic interfaces.!0-35'{r'4r characterizingthe soli&water interface.The sccondtechniqueinvolves studies of chemicai reactivity at interfaces. This approachis especiallyuseful when applied using simple, high-yreld reactions that are well undentood in homogeneous,liquid phasechemistry.Ionizationand esterificationof carboxylic asids and saponificltion of carboxylic acid estersare esPeciallydiagnostic.r The combination of measurementof contact angle with studiesof ionization of functional groups has resulted in a techniquewe call "contact angle titration":+hat is, study of the vanation in the contact angle with the pH of the 174 SURFACE-FUI{CflOilAUZEDP(TLYIERS AXO SELFA$iEilBt€D CHEMISTRY FILilS / CHEMTRACTS-ORGANIC aqueoui drop (Scheme3). This techniqueincreasesthe information derived from the measurementof contactangies.Traditional approachesto studying contactange generateonly nro.numben (the advancingconractangle0"-anJ the recedingcontactangle g,)." Recedingconracrangiesare presendyverv difficult to interpret. EEortsto characterizecomplex,heierogeniousinterfaces using only advancingcontact anglesare unlikely to be verv broadly userul. By measunngcontactangleas a function of pH, however, one can often infer the existence,environment,and narure of ionizable groups present at the interface. Contact angle titration is basedon the observationof variationsin contact angle with pH at surfacesconnining ionizable groups.rsThis variadon plau- t20 90 60 30 eo o t?o * OOO$SoO o PE-CONHo PE.H 90 PE-COOCH3 60 PE-CH20H I PE-CONHCHzCHzN) \ PE[>C=OJ[CHzNH2J 30 PE.COOH ASSORTEDBUFFERS 0 o48t? pH Sclrcmc 3. Dependenceof 0. on pH for surface-functlonalized polyethylenefilm. Iop: Usingunbufieredaqueous s o f u t t o n s . B u f i e r s : ( DM 0 .p1h o s p h a t e b u f i e r ; (aoi l)o t h e r s ( 0 . 0 5 M ) , p H 1 , 0N. H 1 C I ;g H z , m a l e i c a c i d ; p H 3 , tartaricacid;pH 4, succinicacid;pH 5, aceticacid;pH 6, maleicacid:pH 7 andg, HEPES;pH g and 10,CHES, pH 11, Fiethylamine; pH 12, phosphate; pH 13,0.1 N NaOH.The crosshatctred and labeled"assortedbufiers" at pH 8 includedatafor phosphates MoPS,HEPES,TAps, TFlls,andtriethanolamine. MAY/JUNEI9E8 / SURFACE.FIJi|CNOTAUZED PC'LYrER9 A}IO SELFASTiETBIID FILTS 175 group: The chargedform of an acid sibly reflectsionization of the functional the unclargla form. and the contact angle or baseis more rr'var"prrnicthan expranationis fundamentallycorwith water is rower. Although this simpre one in companngacidities'its simplicity rect. and the techniqueis a ver.Vuseful hides a number of iomPlexides'rus angretiration concernsthe intuitive concept one interestingaspectof conuct ..quanuty" of a functional group Presentat an interface' our inidal of the group chemistry was that' in most inruition .on."Lirig ,rrrr".. functionai groups ."p"rimentatiy, th" number of functional sysremslikely r"i.i*Ji"d with compared would be small present on a rePresentativearea of surface expenments in volume of soiution used the quantity of . r""g.nt Pr:s.elt in the for measurementsof contact incorrect largely on that s,rrface.Tffi Ueiiet is at high densityon a surface angles:The number of functional Eoups Present used for contact angle titration in is comparable to that preseat in titutibni the titration curvesobtainedusing unbufieredsystems.The difierenceberween (Scheme3) exempiifiesthe phenomenon.3z bufieredand unbufferedsorutions to ciarif.vthe conceptof "concentration" Explanation of this observationhelps liquid a iurface *d: in a heterogeneoussystemconsisungof :ontaaing to be interface an at -ofof-an aqueousdrop phase. we .onsil; ,i. spreading at present of the functionality determined in part by the extent ionization a in functionaliqv of this that interface.Let us examinethe "concenrration" polvethvlene with a denvatized sysremconsistrngof a 1-p.lgtop in contact of -1 mm:)' The density of area an covers surface (a l-p.l drop typically the order of 6 x 10r4/cm:for a functionat groups-"'" riti r*i".. can be in at this density' the concentrationof reagent surfacewith typical roughness;33 to- react stoichiometricallvwith in solution in the contactingdrop required aqueoussolution and a that funcrionatityis -0.1 m-M.rtFor an unbufiered of acid or base > 0' 1 mM monoprodc acidjbasereaction. a concentration to.achievea stoichiometncreaction' (i.e., pH < 4 or pH > 10) is thusrequire.d obtained usingbuffered duation.crrrves clearly, the difierencein contactangle that is itself sufficiently functionaliry and unbufferedsolutionsis due ,o ,irf".. to bufier the pH of drop and concentratedin the systemcomprising surface the qualitative idea that a . the aqueoussolurion in the ranie pH :-? Tlur. small in quantitv commonolayer of organic functiona-liryis insignificantly if one is concerned incorrect, is paredwith the fuictionaliry preseniin solution with small volumesof soludon' interpretadonof the contact A secondinterestingissueconcernsthe detailed should the solid-iiquid inangle titration .o*Ir. h particular, we ask how groups present on the terfacial free enerSy "Ysrbe related to the functional the conracrangle to igterfacial surface?The fundamental relation connecdng free energy tem$ is Young's equation (Eq' 1)'5t ^l Tsu c o s 0= 176 FII'IS ITRFACE.FUrCNOilALtrED POLYTERSAXO ITELFASSEMLED rsL Jsv - 'Ysr 'lw / CHEMTRACTS{RGANIC CHEMISTFIY (1) For aqueoussolutionsconstituted with appropriate buffers, the liquid-vapor interfacial free enerily ^lw is the same as that for pure water. vanationJin interfacial free energiesare thus related to the obsCrvedvalue g of pr,,',*iiv by the terrns15vand "y51. Thesetenns, in turn, dependon a number of factors: &g tyP!, densiry, and distribution of funaional groups present at the solidvaPor (liquid) interface; their extent of ionization; the roughnessof the surface; tbe relative humidiry of the vapor. As a fint approximation, we have proposed that the interfacial free energy can be expressedas a linear combinatibnof funcdonal group contnbutions. multiplied by the normalized fraction 9i of these groups on the surfacei2r4 (Eq. 2). The parameters"yisr and 1,.5yrefled intrinsic 'Isr "Isv =? =? 9i 1,se (2a) 9i lisv (2b) hydrophiiiciryand group sizeor:rea. Comparisonsof infrared specroscopic data with contact anglesindicate that this gypgof analysis is approximatelv o V o oe I 'a-A- - r,lL911-tf l-v ?rs ry /sv ! - t I rr! I : I--- lE A - v I I - + 7 - - T -I I I I 4 _ _ _ I S Figurc' scfiematicrepresentationof an ideal 1np leftl and real (top right, bottomldropof tiquid(L) in contact with a solict(s) and vapor (v) with contactangle 0. The symbolsinirre upperright picturerepresent(c) water molecules'(A) dissolvedsolutes(phosphate, bunersalts),io, e) polarsurfacegroups(co2H,cor, c=o,. . .), (t) nonpolarsurfacegrcups (CH;, .). t f,p of liquid(,bo6m; not drawnto scate),the ,.precu6orfitrn,,, extendsmicronsbeyondthe edge of9H., thi drop in ."rt",n orcumstances. MAY/JUNEl!)gE / SURFACERJ[crloilAU"Fn POLYI|ERSatrto sELFAssEtBLED FtLfls 1TT but that interactions derivatives,rs correctfor PE-CO2Hand someof its acidic heterogeneity,make the problem berweengroups, ana perrrapsinterfacial Jr*g tiris simpleapproach'35 more complexthan can be discribed completely and complexities remains to be esRn unaerltanding of these interactions tablished. A t h i r d i m p o r t a n t i s s u e i s t h e m e a n i n g o f h y s t e r e s i s i n t h e m e a sa usimple' rementof to provide For derivatinesof PE-CO'H, 0" aPPear-s conuct group character and "ngl"rsemiquantitadvelyinterpretable measureof interfacial obsimple a Parameterderived from density.connct anglesare, however, contacl receding and Advancing servationsof a complex realiry (Figure)' derivativesof PE-CO2H (particanglesdifier on many surfaces,anOltt the in their contact ansies: hystereses utarly polar derivatives)display very large vaiues of 0"' Large large fairly 0, is frequently 0 even for'syste*i tt"t'ing systemfar from heterogeneous a hysteresisis usuallyinterpr.,id -,o indicats equation' Young's on based Yet analysesof 0" thermodynu.i. give interpretable to seem - .qu"rion *ru,n]ng th;odynamic equilibrium, rreat a systemthat is shourd one how crear not is It results. and reasonable cormeasurements physical nor at thermodynamicequilibnum. but for which to analogies Processes relate with those expeded basedon physical-organic solution' in equilibrium occurring at RESULTS mon' and self-assembled Both functionatizedpolvethvleneand its derivatives, at occumng reactions olayer fiims. provide systemswith which to examine strucand interfacesand to test hypothesesconcerningstnrcture/reactivit;many of the resultswe rure/properryrelationships.In so doing' we find that in solution (often with obtain can be rationaiizedby anaiogyto phenomena and contrast the cbaracteristicdifierencesthai can uJinterpreted to comPare interfaces)'we also environmentsprovided by homoseneoussolutionsand that any models frequentlyencoun,.,*.na, which suggest with solution' analogies on exclusively based of organicreactivityat interfaces. examples' provide follow are not complete. The studiesthat acids and many' but Surface Acidities. Scheme3 indicates that carboxylic of the drop used in not all, aminesshow inflectionsin plots of 0, vs the pH Asiuming that the midpoint of the inflectton measuringthe conractangie.s?r5 (an assumption sup.orr.rporids to half-ionizltion of the functional group surfaces),31 ported by independentATR-IR measurem.ntsoJ.arboxylic acid are solution in we infer that acidiriesof functional groups at an interface and with a connct very difierent. For example, the value of pH lol " solution in at grouPs aod surface required to achiive half-ionizarion of the carboxylic very large aPParent that surfari ott be as high as 12. What is the oriFn of this increase in the decrease in acidity of &rUorylic acids (and con"sponding of theseshifts apparentacidiryof ammoniurn-ions)?We believethai the origin at the Polycan ultimately be anributed to the locally low dielectric constant values anomalous these of rationeli-a3isn but ethylene-water interface,x{-CI of p& is not Yet comPlete. Wettebility of In' Relstions between Func{ional Group Hydrophilicity and more hydrophilic that terfaces. We assumedat the outset of our studies as the interfacial groups (as measuredby some convenient Parameter such exfact, In would lead to more wettable surfaces. Hansch ,r, i"o*eiet',) hydrophiiiciry group perimentalobservationsreiadng wenability to functional 178 POLYTERSAI{D SEI-FASSETELEDRtrIS SUFFACE.FUI{CTIOIIAIJZED / CHEMTRACTS{RGANIC CHEMISTRY difier significantlyfrom those expected(Schemea). As the value of n for the functional group on the surfacedecreases.0oalso decreases,but only up to a point. Beyondtharpoint, further increasesin functionaigroup hydrophilicity result in no further increasein wettability: that is. the hydrophilicirv of the surface "sarurates."35We postulate that the origin of this efiect lies in condensationof watervaporat polarsolid-vaporinterfaces(Scheme5). Nonpolar interfacescondenserelatively little water. All of our experimentsinvoiving contad angJeswith water nre carried out at LAUVorelarive humidiry in order to Elssure that the systemis as closeto therrnodynamicequilibrium as possible. Polar functional groups at interfacesare undoubtedly associatedwith hydrating warer adsorbedfrom the vapor phase.We postulatethat. beyond a certain vaiue of the Hansch tr pzuameter.the polar surfacefunctional groups becomecompletelysurroundedby condensed.hydrating water, producing a solid-vapor interfacewhosepolarity is essentiallyindependentof the underlying functionai group. Under these circumstances.the wettabilitv of the surfaceis determined primarily by the area fraction of the surface converted to polar funcdonaliry,and then hydrated by condensedwater. \( 160 MceHrz tt I -cxro8c,r,?. / {xro // 120 ?rr/t o CONHCaH, .^\ i / 05, /PE-H lo /o c-/ ,.\ o \/ oo .4 (:Ar/r** /o^\ 6 /ro |tt' ?-oo o o 6o 9O -3 '2 /3 o n '1 Schcme4. Contactanglesof water for derwatvesof PE-CO.H,PE-R,with a me€lsure of thetrc,upR. lr is the Hanschparameter, a rangeof fryctrophilicities of functionalgroup hydrophilioty,derivedtrom the equilibriumconstantfor partioningbetweenaqueousand hyclrocarbonphases(rnset). These observationsand interpretations imply the existenceof a thin. condensedwater film on polar surfaces.The nature of this film, and especially the relAtion of its stnrcnrre to that of bulk water, remains an important and complex problem. The Rangeof InteractionsDetermining Wetting. Scheme4 displaysan astonishingobservation:Although a surfaceincorporatingamides(PE'CONH:) is relatively hydrophilic,the analogousprimary amide PE-CONHC3H' is more hydrophobicthan unfunctionalizedpolyethylene.Some of the apparent hy- II/TAY/JUNE1988 I SURFACE.FI,NCTIOTAU:ZED FOLYTERS ANO SELFASSEilBLED FIL.TIS 179 oHz Hro P Scheme5. Schematicillustrationof the degreeof hydrationof a functional groupp at the solid+raporinterface.WhenP is nonpolar,the equilibnumlies io tne bft; when P is polar,it lies to the righl drophobiciry of PE-CONHCTH7and its analogsundoubtedly reflectsthe mtcroscopicroughnessof the surfaceof these.materials(generatedduring the oxidanve surfice functionalization).Nonetheless.we find that it takes oniy a small hydrophiiic or hydrophobic group to determine the wenability of a surface.Furthermore, a smail hydrophobicgroup is capableof completelv maskingan underlying,intnnsicallyhydrophiliccore functionaliry'Thus. for example,replacementof a terminal CHi grouP in one of the well-defined. monolayersystemsby a CH2OHgroupchangesthe monolaver seif-assemblid from being very hydrophobic to very hydrophilic,'r and reacvlationof the terminal n-ydroiyt(CHTOCOR) once again makes it very hydrophobic-The interactionsthat determinemacroscopicwettability are, aPParently,verv short of contactangieis the most in range.r0Webelieve,in fact, that measurement rechniquepresentlyavailablefor examiningthe sclid-liquid surface-sensitive great advantagesof wening as a probe of surface stnrcture The interface. (reladve, for eiample, to XPS) are that its measurementis very simple, convenient,and ineipensive,and that it is inrinsically appiicableto the soli# iiquid interfaceand to heterogeneous,noncrystallinesurfaces.Its disadvanmges are that contact angle measurementsare information Poor, that they requirea liqui&solid interface,and that their physicalbasisis complex and still incompletelyunderstood. DesignedInterfaces.The materialsPE-CO-X are convenientbut heterogeneous.The best characterizedand strucnrrally best defined organic interfaces now availableare rhoseformed by adsorbinglong-chainalkvl thiols on gold, or by atlowing long-chainalkyl trichlorosilanesto react with surfacehydroxyl groups and adsorbedwater prescnt on the surface of glassor silica. Both of these systemshave the alkyl groups in completely rraru'extended conformationi, provided that the terminal functional group is relatively srnall. For organicttriotson gold, the chainsare tilted -30o from the normal to the metal surfacc;€'rs for attcyl siloxanes on silicon/silicon dioxide, they are aPProxrmately perpendicoi"t to the subsrate surface (Scheme 6).e Transmission electron microscopyindicates that the thiol/gold system has at least microsrystralline order in the plane of the Theseordered monolayer systemspermit an exquisite degreeof control over sttucture and dimensionality at the interface. As one example, consider a monolayer formed by adsorptionof HS(CH?),9OHon gold. Formation of sucha monolayeris experimintallyvery straightforward:one simply dips the in a solventsuch gold-coatedsubstrateinto a solution of the c,,rrr-thioalcohol as acetonitrile for t hour at room temperature, withdraws it, and washesit briefly. At the conclusionof this procedure,the entire accessiblesurfaceof 180 suRFAcE-FuilcnoilALeED FoLynERs Ar{o SELFASSETELEDFrLrs cHEMlsrFY r CHEMTRACTS-ORGAN|C variable tunctionality it- I polymethylene I I chains I I I (o'''ro' )) lr a( (a )) (( )) I a{ aa -l'-o'l' Au Au Au L tsl-o,sl L suPPortorganic interface OH'"OH r I I )) \HSHS tl tl Scheme6. Schematic illustration of conformation and packingorderin monolayersof organicthiolson goldand alkylsiloxanes on silicon/silicon dioxide. The monolayeris composedof three importantregions:the head groups (portionbindingto solidsubstrate),the polymethytene chains(forformationof van der Waalssurface),and the tail groups(termrnalfunctronality that determinesthe characterof the soli#liquidand solid-vaporinterfaces). OH looH tf,,r,, I SH ll U ,J-. '::"' 7' Stylized illustrauonsof monolayerstructures.'rProposedstructures (A) pure $!1c of monotayerof Hs(cHJ'eoH;(B) monolayercomposedof 50o/oHS(CHJ,eOH and 50o/oHS(CHJ,,OH;(C) pure monolayerof HS(CHJ'OH' Struaureswe believedo not occurin the systemsstudiedhere:(D) disorderedmonolayerand (E) monolayercontaininga mixtureof componentsand strowingphaseseparationinto islands. ITIAY/JUNE1988 / SURFACEfiJrcnor r r?FF FoLyrcns Al|O SETFASSEilBLED FtLrS 1g1 the gold is coveredwith a uniform monolayer?3 A thick, and the exposed thicknessof surfaceis a denselypackedmonolayerof hydroryl groups.The varying the by angstroms at the of scale controlled the monolayer is "aiitygroups in the thiol chain; the surface ProPertiesate number of methylene functionai independently controllable through variations in the terminal are used' thiols funcdonalized terninally group. If mixtures of rwo difierent 7)' (Scheme surface the on rwo mixed the monolayerscan be made having CURRENTPROBLEMS provide new materiais The physicakrganic chemistryof surfacespromisesto interfaces'new anand basedon rationil syntheticmodificadonof surfaces deeper levels of and alytical methods with which to characterizesurfaces, wetting, adsorption. understandingof familiar processessuch as dissolution. phenomena.being and adhesiorioccurringarlnrerfacesand in solutions.The in hoobsewed are, however, usually more complex than those occurring at understood mogeneoussolution, and are, consequently,still incompietely fundaeven the simplest levels. Tbe fieid presentsa number of fascinating mentai problemsin interfacialchemistry,amongwhichwe placethe following: ' de1. Molecular-LevelOrder. How shouldthe order in thesesvstemsbe that fined and measured?One advantageof a two-dimensionalsystemis it is, in principle, less complex structurally than a three-dimensional svstem:The componentsof a two-dimensionalsystemare by definition restrictedto a plane rather than free to nanslate and rotate in three dimensions.In practice.however, the problem of defining order in surface-functionalized poIymers and seif-assembled monoiayers remains very complex. All of ih.s. svstemsare, in realiry, only quasi rwo-dimensionai.Matenalssuchas functionalizedpolyethyleneare obviously mictoscopically rough and heterogeneousand have functionaliry distributed nonuniformiy in a thin interfacial layer. Contact of these systemswith a liquid phase may result in interfacial swelling and monolaversare bener definedstrucrurreconsrruction.Seli-assembled ally, but even with thesesysrems,subtle issuesof order in the plane of thi the gold-monolayerand monolayer-liquidinterfaces and berweenadja..niorganic moleculesrequire the developmentof new analyticaltechniquesand new criteria for order. 2. Kinetics vs Thermodynamics. The extent to which any of the systems currently studied :re ar thermodynamicequilibrium. and the influence of deparnrresfrom equilibrium on their behavior, is almost completely uncertain at Present. 3. Wetting. Despite interesting and provocative theoretical contributions there is no to the ih"ory'of wening inlenain idealized systems,e'6a-7t hetmisroscopically usefully detailed theory of wening relevant to real, the in hysteresis .rog"n.ous surfaces.The current rationalizadon of Detaiied measgrement of conracr angles is especially unsatisfaaory. examination of hysteresis,bJth theoretically and experimentally would be particularly uieful, becausehysteresisapPearsto be very sensidve to order; an understandingof the relation betweeninterfacial stnrcture and hysteresismight provide a new avenueof approachto this important subject. 4. IVlolecularDesign of Monolayers. Essentially all work so far carried out with self-asslmbledmonolayershas focusedon derivadvesof fary 1&l ltUFFACE-Ffrt{61OtrA!.trEDFOLYUeRSAt{O SELFASSETBLEDRIJS CHEMISTRY t CHEMTRACTS-ORGANIC acids. These systemshave the two virnres that they are easyto manipulate syntheticallyand that they do, for whatever reason, form *.itordered monolayers.They are, however. not stable at even modesdv elevated temperaturesand have no strong intermolecular interactions contributing to order in the plane of the monolayeror to thermal or oxidarivestability. It is important to develop molecrrlarstnrcturesother than fattv acids that form ordered, stable rwodimensional sheet strucnrres. CONCLUSIONS Organic chemistryat interfacesis a field offering major oppornrnitiesfor borh the conductof basicscienceand the developmenrof new technology.It also provides,through the synthesisof extendedfuncrionalizedinterfacej, a bridge benveenthe scienceof isolated moleculesand the ssienceand technology6f materiais.Sincechemicalreactivity and we$abiliw provide whar we beiieve wiil prove to be invaluableprobesof interfacialstructurefor organicsvsrems. these s)'stemsare particularly attractive for srudiesaimed at understandine the characteristicsof soli&liquid interfaces. Surface'funcdonaiized polymers (of which the best developedis PE-CO'H) are provingto be convenientsvstemswith which to conductexploratorvwork. They are easilypreparedand manipulated.and becausethev presenrsolidvaPor interfacesthat have low surfacefree energies,thev are relativelv resistant to contaminationby atmosphenccontaminanc. Funher. since they are physicallyrobust, surface-modifiedpolvmers can be used to examine complexmaterialsproblemssuchas biocompadbilirv,D.s adhesion.srgas permeation.s friction,s3and the influenceof bending, stretching,sand su*o.. reconstructionson interfacialpropenies. Self-assembled monolayerswill, we believe, prove to be the ultimare cornerstoneof the basicsciencein organicsurfacechemisrry.They will cenainly also find technologicalapplication in areassuch as promotion of adhesion, inhibition of corrosion,and control of friction, and they may prove important in the production of sensorsand microelectronic devices. The remarkable easewith which very complex monolayer stnrcrurescan be assembledfrom moleculesof very modestcomplexirywill be invaluablein studyingthe propernes of organizedmolecularassemblies.The best defined of thesesuitems is presently obtained by adsorption of orfunctionalized fatty thiols on gold. althoughorganosiliconcompoundson silicon dioxide and glassmay ultimitely prove equally ordered. Alkyl thiols on gold have as their major advantage the comparibility of the thiol moiety with a wide range of organic functional grouPs, and the fact that these systerm lead to highly ordered monolayers. Silaneson silica are more economical, bener adapted to the formation of multilayer stnrctures, and more robust srnrctrrrally. Given the astonishingsensitiviry of wenabiliry to local surfacestructure. its srudy should provide a range of imponant new q?es of informadon about interfaces,especiallysolid-liquid interfaces.Designingand interpreting these experirnentswill require a physical-organic approach-the sysremsbeing studiedare too complexto be defined usingconventional,spectroscopy-based physicalchemistry.Becausewerdng is directly relevant to a broad range of technologicalproblems, these studies should be exceptionallyvaluable in applicarions.The experimentaltechniquesrequiredto srudywening are verv simple. Surfacesciencebasedon studiesof wettabilir,vshould rhus be accessible even to those without routine accessto the instrumenmtionof highir Y/JUNE l98E / suRFAcE-FuilctoNALuED poLyrEns Ailo sELFAssEilBLED Frlrs 1&l basis for wening is desperately vacuum physics. A more realistic theoretical with su.bjectssuch as adequately deal needed. Current fieatments do not deviations from thermodynamic molecular-scaieheterogeneity, hysteress,. and liquids. na-rure6i tnl interactions berween sorids equitibrium, *otl. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS been the.result of-skilled experiThe researchcarried out in our Eoup has a numand lreatiue designand interpretarion by menrarion and ;;;G;rfrl Tom H-olmes-Fariey' Randy ber of individuals, including Jim Rasmussen, Lou Biebuyck' Hans Laibinis' McCarthy, Cotin il"in, n"rry Troughton'-Paul grateful also We are M. Scarmoutzos' Suong, StephenWasserman,and l-luis t o o u r c o l l e a g u e s P e t e r p e n t r a n ( D i v i s i o n : { n p p l l : d S c i e(Mrr) n c e , Hfor a r vimard), and Maiii wrighton Rarph Nuzzo (AT&T Bell Labor"rri.r), of surfaces. pori"n, contributions to our understanding AND NOTES REFERENCES l . 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