EINN, Paphos, Cyprus, November 4, 2015 Lepton universality test in the photoproduction of e-e+ versus "-"+ pairs on a proton target Vladyslav Pauk Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Newport News, VA, USA in collaboration with M. Vanderhaeghen incoming and outgoing electron laboratory energies. Obtaining the form factors ntial cross section at a variety of Q2 and scattering angles is termed a Rosenbluth The proton radius (3) is an approximation valid if the target’s Compton wavelength is small comproton the latter statement is marginal. Instead we define the form factors from n above, and for the electric and magnetic proton radii, weradius promote the former derived 2 def RE = dGE 6 dQ2 -01 extraction , (11) Q2 =0 2⇡↵ 2 2 between RM and the magnetic form factor. agree for the electron E = | (0)| RE L 2 3 xperiments for obtaining the form factors at low and moderate Q are done at (uncertainty ~0.6%) [5]. They quote their results by fitting form factors using a variety of di↵erent atomic spectroscopy scattering r measured elastic di↵erential cross sections. Their fits lead to RE = 0.879(8) fm , (12) mµ ⇠ 200 me [6], several uncertainties are combined into a singlemuon uncertainty limit. vs electron tain the proton radius using electrons is to measure the energy levels, the Lamb Lamb shift, in ordinary electronic hydrogen. The proton radius measurements 2 ~ ydrogen are quite remarkable because the proton radius Bohr radius a0e↵ects = are 2very small. can be measured so precisely, and the proton size independentmenergies can be ee hat proton size dependent terms can be isolated. roton energy spectrum is illustrated in Fig. 1. The Figure is not to scale. (That 10x better stronger effect itting between the 2S1/2 and 2P1/2 levels—is about 10% of the 2P fine structure precision from the proton size tive splitting that is about right.) The puzzle "H data: RE = 0.8409 ± 0.0004 fm Antognini et al.(2013) Pohl et al.(2010) -02 ep/eH data: 7 σ difference !? RE = 0.8775 ± 0.0051 fm CODATA(2012) 4 (µb/GeV ) Lepton pair production on a proton target -03 E = 0.5 GeV Measure the ratio of the e vs µ cross sections10 2 d /dt dMll - - + direct access to the ratio of the form factors the same systematics ee 2 - 10 depending on the recoil proton Lab angle and integrate over the lepton phase space 2 -t (GeV ) 0.01 0.02 - + µ µ process Bethe-Heitler 0.03 no lepton acceptance corrections needed 1 Pauk, Vanderhaeghen arXiv:1503.01362[hep-ph] - large cancellation of radiative corrections q 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 2 2 ⌘ t/(4M ). Furthermore, for a fixed value of t, the with ↵ ⌘ e /4⇡ ⇡ 1/137, where ⌘ 1 - increase the count rates oiling proton lab angle ⇥lab p is expressed in terms of in2 lepton velocity in the l l+ c.m.-t (GeV frame, ) with m ants as : recoil proton Lab angle 60 mass, and where the proton FFs GEp and GM p a 0.03 2 2 50 of t. The weighting coefficients multiplying the FF M + 2(s + M )⌧ lab ll p cos ⇥p = . (1) have the following general structure : 2 40 2(s M ) ⌧ (1 + ⌧ ) 0.02 p lab (deg) - 30 he differential crossLab section for the dominating BH proproton momentum 0.01 20 s to the p ! l l+ p reaction has been studied in different ✓ ◆ 0 lab p |p | = (100 174)M eV /c 1+ 0 lab texts in the [19–21].⌧ (1 In + this⌧ )work, we will con(1) (2) 1 10 |~ pliterature | = 2M CE,M = CE,M + CE,M ln , r the cross section differential in the momentum transfer 1 0 2 2 nd invariant mass of the lepton pair M ⌧ = t/(4M ) 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 ll , and integrated0.03 r the lepton angles, which corresponds with detecting the 2 2 Mll (GeV ) oiling proton only. This cross section can be written as : cess to the p ! l l p reaction has 2 been studied in different The differential cross section for contexts the dominating BH proin the literature q [19–21]. In this work, we will conp 0 lab 4m 2 ansfer t: |~ p | = 2M ⌧ (1 + ⌧ ), with + with ↵ ⌘ e /4⇡ ⇡ 1/137, where ⌘ 1 is the M cess to the p ! l l p reaction has been studied in different sider the cross section differential in the momentum transfer Furthermore, for a fixed value of t, the + lepton velocity in the l l c.m. frame, with m the lepton 2 lab contexts in the literature [19–21]. In this work, we will cont and invariant mass of the lepton pair M , and(1)integrated (2) ab angle ⇥ is expressed in terms of inp mass, and where the proton FFs GEp and GM p are functions CE,Mll = CE,M + CE,M sider the cross section differential inover the coefficients momentum transfer the lepton angles, corresponds with detecting the of t. The weighting multiplying thewhich FFs in Eq. (3) 2 structure : 2 2 have the following general E = 0.5 GeV M + 2(s + M )⌧ t and invariant mass of the lepton pair M and integrated recoiling only. This ab ll ll ,proton 10 2 cross section can be written as : p = . (2) 2 2(s over M 2 ) the ⌧ (1lepton + ⌧) angles, which corresponds with detecting the production to leading - + Two-fold differential cross section of the BH Bethe-Heitler order e e 3 q dbe written as : ↵ 4 1 recoiling proton only. This cross section can cross section for the dominating BH pro2 4m 2 =✓ ·2 2 · ↵ ⌘ /4⇡ ⇡ in 1/137, ⌘ 1 Mdt 2 2 ◆ 2 is the 2 2 4 10 l+with p reaction has ebeen studied differentwhere (GeV )t (M dM M -t)where t) 1term + ⌧ expresse the second 1(s + ll (1)ll (2)ll 1 BH we will+con- 3 CE,M 1 ln , (4) erature [18–20]. In this E,M = 0.01 d work, 4CE,M lepton velocity in the l l c.m.↵ frame, Cwith m the + lepton - + limit of small le 2 hancement 2 µthe 1 in µ , tion differential in the momentum transfer ⇥ C G + C ⌧ G (2) = · · E M 0.02 Ep M p 2 2 2 2 2 4 mass, and where the proton FFs G and G are functions (1) (2) 2 p dt M dM (s MEp) t M (M t) 1 + ⌧ ass of the lepton pair and integrated ll ll , ll The coefficients C , and C 0.03 1 E,M E, t. The weighting the FFs in Eq. (2) gles,of which corresponds withcoefficients detecting the multiplying 2 2 ⇥ asstructure C (2) 0.03 through invariants as :0.07 nly. have This cross can begeneral written : E GEp the section following : + C M ⌧ GM p , 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 -04 d /dt dMll 2 4 (µb/GeV ) Cross section 2 2 ll (deg) 4 ↵ 4 1 · · (s Weighting M 2 )2 t2 (Mll2 coefficients: t)4 1 + ⌧ where the second term expresses the large logarithmic enhancement in the limit of small lepton mass in2the BH process. 10 60 (1) (2) (1) The coefficients CE,M , and CE,M are found to be expressed C = t s E 50 through ✓ invariants ◆ as : (µb/GeV ) 3 E = 0.5-t (GeV GeV2) form factor parametrization: 2 ow the ⇥ differential cross section d /dt dM⇤ll p p lab (deg) d /dt dMll 2 lab 2 2 2 + M s M M 0.03 ll + ee CE G2Ep + CM ⌧ G2M p , (3) 2⇥ 2 1+ (1) (2) 1 2 2 2 ⇥ ⇤2 + 40 0.02 (1) ln + M t t M + M (M CE,M = CE,M + CE,M , (3) 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 ll 6M t + t + ll 4m M ll -tt(GeVM ) ll + CE = t1 s M s M M10ll + ll ll 30 (2) 2 2 2 0.01 ⇤ M0.01 2⇥ 2 - + 2s = t s M M 2 2 2 CE 2 2 2 2 µ µM ll + 20 ⇥ ⇤ + M t t M + M (M + t) + 4m M , 0.02 (1) ll ll ⇥ CE = t s M 2 s M 2 Mll2 + t Mll4 + 6Mll2llt + t2 + 4m2 Mll2 ll 2 2 4 2 ⇥ M42 t2 0.03 1 10 ⇥ ⇤ (2) + M (M + t 2 2 2 2 2 2 Cll2E+ t)2= s M Mll0 + t M Mllll+ 2t ) +2 + Mll2 t t2 Mll2 + M 2 (M + 4m2tM 2sMll2 M , (5)llll+ t + 4m ⇥ large logarithmic (1)0.03 0.040.04 (1) 0.050.05 2 0.03 0.06 where the second term expresses the en-2m2 ⇤ (2) 0.06 0.07 0.07 20.08 0.08 ⇤ 2 2 ⇥ 2 CE = t s M 2 s M 2 Mll2 + t Mll4 + t2 + 4m M + 2t C = C 2 2 4 2M 2 E 2 2M (1 2 +2⌧ ) Mll 2 2t ll 2 2 + M t M (M + t ) + 2m t 2M M + 4m M hancement2 in the of 4small lepton mass inll the BH process. ll Mll (GeV ⇤ ll ) 2 ⇥limit 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 + Mll t M (M + t ) + 2m t 2M M + 4m M , (6) (2) (2) -t (GeV ) (1) (2) 2 ⇤⌧ ) M 2 t ll ll 2 ⇥= 4 (1) (1) to be 60C C + 2M (1 + The coefficients C , and C are found expressed 2 2 2 2 2 ⇥ ⇤ ll E,M E t + 4m M 2 (1) (1) = C (1 + ⌧ ) Mll M t Mll (7) + , 2 E,M 2 C 4 2 E 2 2M 2 ll M C = C 2M (1 + ⌧ ) M t M + t + 4m M , ll ll ll 0.03invariant mass M E FIG. panel: comparison of the (lepton pair) through invariants as : 50 2: Upper + ⇥ + ⇥ ⇤ p 4process three curves) 2 (2) (2) dependence p ! e 2e p(upper process curves) vs the 4 2 (2) 2 2 2 2 2γp → 2eofe the 2 (upper 2three 2 CM = CE + 2M 2 (1 + ⌧ ) Mll2 Ct (2)Mll= + tC + 4m+ M t 2m . (8) + 2M (1 + ⌧ ) M t M + t + 4m M t 2m ll llp40! µ µ p process ll (lowervs three curves) at ll E 0.02 = 0.5 GeV, and M E for three values of the momentum transfer t as indicated. The lower 30 theshows γp the →corresponding "-"+p process (lower curves) panel kinematic relation between the lepton 2 In Fig. 2, we show the differential cross section d /dt dM Bernauer et al. (2013) 0.01 pair ll 20invariant mass and the recoiling proton lab angle. and below ⇡⇡ cross sections at a forthreshold, p ! and (l comparing l+ )p which is accessed by measuring the recoil- Experimental feasibility -05 γp → "-"+ p : 200 000 events produced o () p 100 Compton 90 Eγ = 0.5 GeV Bethe-Heitler 80 70 60 Com pton 102 p$ 0 50 10 40 p$0 30 20 p$+$- 10 0 0 p$+$- 20 40 60 Adlarson (2015) 80 100 Energy p (MeV) 1 -06 Radiative pion photo-production cross section at low values of the radiated photon energy E , to the well known p ! ⇡ 0 section in a model independent way. The low-energy limit of E 0 ! 0 corresponds with 0 → π0p MAID Mll2 ! m2⇡ . The low-energy theorem then allowsparameterization us to express the of p the ! ⇡γp p different Low-energy theorem section as [1]: 2 d 1 e ! · 2· 2 2 2 dtdMll (Mll m⇡ ) ⇡ (s (GeV2 ) ⇣ 0.02 0.03 M 2) 1/2 (s, M 2 , m2 ) ⇡ ⌘c.m. kinematic function defined =0 p) x2 + y 2 + z 2 ( p!⇡ 0asp): (x, y, ( z) p!⇡ d (µb / sr) d⌦⇡ ( p!µ µ+ p) Eq. (1), W (v) is defined as : W (v) = 0.01 s d d⌦⇡ ◆c.m. · W (v) · 2⇡ , 3 where m⇡ (M ) denote the pion (nucleon) mass respectively, e is the electric charge, and pγ$0 t ✓ 3.23 with v ⌘ p 1 1.0 ⇥ 10 2 ( p!⇡ 0 p) 1+ ✓ 1.0 2 v +1 2v ◆ ✓ 2xy 2xz Rµ/e 10 2yz. Further 3 ◆ v+1 · ln , v 1 accuracy at ~30% sufficient 4M 2 /t, and the cross section (d /d⌦⇡ )c.m.isdenotes the c.m. different section of the p ! ⇡ 0 p process. Using the MAID phenomenological parameterizatio experimentally has been 2 p ! ⇡ 0 p cross section [2], we are able to estimate the M the p ! ll achieved dependence at 10-20% of level 3.35 3.3 ⇥ 10 2 0.3 cross section in the low-energy limit, according to Eq. (1), which is shown in Fig. 1 for t S. Schumann et al (2010) 3.49 9.0 ⇥ 10 2 0.1 kinematics as considered in Fig.2 of our paper for the p ! (l l+ )p process. 4 l 4 l 2 2 2 2 + t + 4m + t + 4m Mll2 ⇤ Mll2 , t 2m+ e (6) ⇤ . (7) + e vs. μ μ cross section ratio 2 Rµ/e d (µ µ+ + e e+ ) ⌘ d (e e+ ) 1, σ(e- e+ +μ- μ+ )/σ(e- e+ ) xed value of t above and below µ µ+ thresholds, it opens The cross sectionextraction ratio of the cross sece possibility for a high-precision on ratio : (8) -07 Eγ =0.5 GeV 1.14 1.135 1.13 -t=0.03 GeV2 lepton universality violation μ GEp /GeEp =1.01 here d stands for d /dt dMll2 . The potential advantage of 1.125 ch a ratio measurement is that absolute normalization unσe-e+ fixed by measuring below "-"+ 1.12 rtainties to first approximation drop out. Indeed, at a fixed threshold lepton universality + lue of t, the e e cross section can be fixed by measur- 1.115 μ GEp =GeEp + g the cross section below µ µ and the corredifference in measured threshold, proton charge onding normalization, mainly due to GEp , can be used to 1.11 FF in electron vs muon observables termine the e e+ cross section above µ µ+ threshold. A leads to a 0.2%ofabsolute effect for bsequent measurement the sum of e e+ +Rµ"/eµ+ cross 1.105 0.066 0.068 0.07 0.072 0.074 0.076 0.078 ctions above µ µ+ threshold, then allows to extract the raMll2 (GeV2 ) o Rµ/e , which is displayed in Fig. 3. One sees that in the nematic range where only the e e+ and µ µ+ channels e contributing, this ratio varies between 10 to the 13 interference %. We between the Compton Born and BH ke to notice that corrections, notably radiative contributions corrections, ∼15 smaller than the effect due to the time-like Compton scattering first order also drop out of this ratio, measured at the same 1% variation in the value of G"Ep lue of the recoiling proton momentum and angle. An ac- . In the whole M range of interest, the asymmetry fo therefore give a clear tool to separate the two channels. I is undetected, and only the recoiling proton i + Besides the unpolarized cross section for the p ! the lmeasured, llepton p pair the measured asymmetry above µ µ+ threshold i process, we may also consider the sensitivity of polarization diluted by the µ µ+ /e e+ ratio, as given by Eq. (10), an + observables to distinguish between the e e+ and µ µreaches pro-values around -5 % as can be seen from Fig. 4. Photon asymmetry -08 duction processes. We will consider here the case of the linear Linear photon asymmetry AIU The linear photon asymmetry of the γp → (l-l+)p process photon asymmetry defined as: AlU d = d d k+d k ? ? (9)0 , AlU n e g n n . y d g e s y n t e to ll (black) curve, is an estimate of the physical background due tok+the µ µ production takes on large values as can be seen from interference with the timelike Compton process. Fig. 4. A direct measurement of the µ µ+ asymmetry ma -0.1 - + ee - + - + ee +µµ where d k ( d ? ) stands for the differential cross section for-0.2a −"+ threshold: Above " photon with linear polarization sum of the asymmetries of the e parallel e+ and (perpendicular) µ µ+ channels:to the around 2 % will allow to distinguish b -0.3 plane spanned by the photon and recoiling proton momenta. ton R extractions µfrom - + muonic and µ E -0.4 When measuring the+ recoiling1 proton only, the asymmetry Such an experiment can be performe + AlU (e e + + µ µ ) = -0.5 above µ µ threshold is 1given by the following weighted + Rµ/e cilities such as the Mainz Mikrotron + + -0.6 sum of the asymmetries of the+ e e and µ µ channels: Lab, thus adding a further piece of e ⇥ AlU (e e ) + Rµ/e AlU (µ µ+ ) . (11) -0.7 derstanding of the “proton radius puz 1 E = 0.5 GeV + + + 4µ the µ linear ) = photon asymmetry in the kine--0.8 lU (eineFig. We A show 2 1 + Rµ/e -t = 0.02 GeV + matic range around µ µ threshold. It is seen that the linear ++ + The asymmetry the(e " e" for takes 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 AlU ) production +the Rµ/e (µ µ on ) How. (10)0.03 Acknowledgeme photon asymmetry⇥isfor very small e A e+lUchannel. 2 2 + M (GeV ) + e e production: ll ever, large for thevalues µ µ compared channel thetoasymmetry reaches a value approaching 1 at µ µ+ threshold and decreases in absolute We asymmetry like to A thank Achim Denig, FIG. 4: Linear photon of the p ! (l l+ ) p pro lU + - simultaneous measurements of R and A allow to arises extract the "(blue) " cross section value by going away from the threshold. Such behavior Hornidge, Merkel, cess. The dashed curveHarald corresponds with e e+Vladimi production the the dashed-dotted (red) curve corresponds with µ µ+discussio production due to an exact cancellation, at µ µ+ threshold, between cettina Sfienti for useful The solid curve is the asymmetry corresponding with the sum - a complementary tool to ensure the proper account of (black) the corrections + analytical and lepton mass logarithmic terms in the analogous byaccording the Deutsche of the e e +supported µ µ+ channels to Eq. (10). Forschu 2 Summary -09 proton puzzle - no solution so far a complementary experimental test is highly desired comparing the photoproduction of a lepton pair on a proton, through detection of the recoiling proton measurement of the ratio Re/µ with an absolute precision of around 0.2 % distinguish between e vs µ proton RE extractions feasible for existing electron facilities: Mainz Mikrotron (MAMI) and Jefferson Lab