t9' *_*\. frirra riEcr *oAo-10 tl\(qrll Ergr r6'rletd 6 1937 (€ro) Gio qeqr gsl) qaqr, gE-ETT, 2e sf,.rrFr 2ot5 fdE ldrrrr IITA <Fft-{srng 2a 3lrTti 2015 9o (itofro-1-12 fu€qr qErqfrq frr! rfrRrd /+q i2e-fi6R funr nsd dr{r qlrrclfin ftqftfud.uBF-qq. {qcrd fid6 24 nf']]n 2o1s dt orJqfd i Ts i. {Fd gRr Fr-qMRq al {fir * fo'qr Bnr i /20r 5 I lnFR-ifqcrd d srril1 n F{6R t riT6 qfo4 r 9 ft-fl -rq" (rr.rrqnq), 28 3Fr€ir 20ts furr di6 Frorrrd Fcqlrqlri*oR irfrFq{. ,"1s [i{6R qEfrqc ia 2015] s Ji - ts, 'TE ri qrar a. ftq. qrr-,frrr i, -E qtr'- '2fl T-n qerF * =dFq tq'i i n" *-" i- i tl,## - rr:"F* qr{d rroRrr--q d ffi s{ il hET{ ilq frln iGn flir ff=rftfuo sc i q6 3rfuffii ri_ str qrfq - (1) q6 3rAftw tu6r{ nt-6 tlr6r,rd ,**';"lH rz) #_ff f+4rr!r 3rtu6n gsor fu+an qT'f fu6R rrq n €tlrl r q"- vft.qfil dr--#*: .,rq-r' d rlq_ r, lT yf.* :,#.*P :,_ 2. rc artul"qq ,. * * e *i.q i'" ; .otgn.' ;;_ ,a,J 'qlj.dr< rflii_d e {F?Fti ?Tn ?Fd a rr,.r ? ,a E=+ _ I E {dri w r€l ffi qrqir. iFE rotrr qiq{r. itrcnq "-Fq q cT d-SI €-fl d TE:al g Y d! STq<l nr'qiiTdN rrrrt"rnq 6 fto i' Frqq qr\"r q<n 4l !' 3qnh vsr. "i:ri 6{i olr A 5 trFa-dr rqFftr trr r&arEr rr r-a1 i,.{r ri?q Fd-Tq d c n h#l Bra1 *6 rnar-.--J yinsTr ^* s- o@6d i d"' ' jl.ld '6-4l t'\'q ttI v9.n raD fli ftr$ F4A. ir!T. ql €rs-{r q'f4 *+ -*.*id. rdr dFrrFq drd-Fq aT _- *ry J, " 1 i'jq { vq $frrrr *t'n-<"{d h,rffTFo qr Fntu -F Iril q r\6 5" 13p ;'H'H *JH; RT - '*ll-n #d;"!il I#H H ffi*.s:'s.rl= ". # HJ"T.ffS ;**:; f._Y"x*%:*l_i; ,.:; qrqjrqi F lf*l R*.*x: drfi ssr'd g*xg:,?o;;; *r r r* ;6 T, ;H#iFH n qtrftT rfi o. ni6 yrcr-,rd r;r4Frr qcrtui'r€i qr sFr 6r etsh 3di6R sffF{q3 E-6Ty "llFt 3rqfftrfr n0 22J 3rqn T{E.n Rrdrqd n_qr3n qll-d ,s) - Fld trrdrqd trzFe a, ytsn a qoqd t tr_qd q{q_ fql s difl ffi qF{s Ti : FIr,-6' .^i !r-r q-s'g qq tuar 6.1 6rg 3ro-Fl * ilFrr ntd 6{i 61 3fr6rr ; "r* - g_,i i ai # t#"i * q (r) 'di6 Rr-6r{d f+qR.r qarfffif- t 3rfti.d t s,r{I r d elda at&i1fu0 6ii ei6 Rr6rq_d q4ffi liqf|r j tq) Trrr lrr {6-rvt 6-< n rEd-a ,e .6 f fry ;;; sld-r rifi-qc{d qr q+, e.nR-d ; ";; il'# ffJIJ?itri#RHHl dq qr t{+n4z . qrE-6r{'t sFiid t rlnq Tr.rR-qlr G) affd h,fl r}l|r 5srt rrw ftq,l_rv.rq Err q v{6 3fii-t Rnfrd qr .rfur qrfunr F&tu "Ttr {4_ffi qt F{fl * "gr{ qffsD F 3rF+d 1u) -ooo $isz "* ## * t \"n ,,rerrq ar ura .-*:;#;H "'rftqi" ",fo_, @ a+o sffiq erfii*rq i 3lftnn t t"r {T q.o 3 d 3rd-r '?l-6. "n"r, i") -5-** qtu6r{ d {o 'ffi Eq n irlqqi-d i tflr irfudrfr qr ERr 3 d qqt-r afl sc i ormR l:) ?"t qFq--dlqr- v\od i ffi cr TTfl! 6r {r.n lr<Fr .o: ar"t l rad FEr{q q<rtuFre 6t qr' torA or$-d ^qfuie _a a hr qrrq },ftfl_o vrtu_an q ers q.nturh str T 3{ql{Fff i:T!T5l uqaRcrFd \F{ fr.6a -!r,f TE-tr Fl a ^Itf Si-qa "^."_ ",o"-n'eea* a qrEr61ftzit 6j, 3rJ5l( o{ft-r-rc rqq_d1qr T{i d ffr( 5+€ d i{Aqd e FF€_ dtq o sq i rfre Fd ll 'tft .F^*qqtrdF i sfti.d E {q },ftiiqc d qqr 31fillHd F) qi .i_ er-* l.rsrsq rErFont qr :tqta 'mf6R qrtroR Er+ ffi qR-arE o ar*a o..g*ter"r w A* #-.tg 6+o ,i1" -arq qlnftrfr. STfterlr qr s+cr"ff oi +dl -r{ qfir cFcfda t i ^qfur6 i 3rftfd t^.fl s,iqi,rqq d q+.r qA ,ri tui ars hFa ; siir ,:] rs) .3F \TE,s.r6rr i vfiN-r ? F6ri w6_l *6T.. 3,find : 3. ar6 filrdr{d ffir{ll q<rfffi r-r*,'u"- "J"S' # r# ff#S !r: af6 Br6rrd tr<F"r qsrE-dril c?rq lqnftr ffi P #*m* rfi4 vq'a' c"o-a#; HF"H'ffi* ' o. n 4r'n^naa li|qrrirr{ qfqcl.6rdD.q \'s dsrq furd g-qq.t jnqqFTI I - 7triq T116T, +Ftq-F{q q" FftflrTsR qrld]'r' cR_qrs T-€$- qfQiFP rr* (rqr fuqr qr Tdln qiqfl. or{'oq,rq +sRn 61 # ii#a,ii"'i ,tt. lub A-6I{ Elq{- fu-qr ir lra (rrun4, rrdrn G ii-tr lfrffiry G ftqrlr dt R].{d 28 Jrn{I 2ols Fr c{ cfrsrE 41 ft4ri"r E)-n. 3]ff-dnd F{ 5. fr{n s{q-Sqr d fffl cR-{r< q{ gr{r{ 6r s{s{ crq d.i or qfi-firr | (1) i+6 Rrdrqd R-qr{lr c-flMr gff 3rEftor d sfr <rzR H lrn ffffi ctrqrE d r+cd 61- 3r-sr 'l!|frn cl f4" qqq-€rq d ttTt Efi k) do ffwrqn ftqnq rcrDrnfr, td 3rq fini 3{er6rff, d.-6 q-afffi qr 6{i{rfl ol {€r^"" lT sd.t] ffi eF sq-qRr (1) d sr!trr qfur< a1 !rsr{ G ftrrorq i-E qci 6-faii 6r €lfnn F{tEr s{i A fti\ 3nq{{6 F{* | (3) 6tg lfi sffi. nn6 crfufir{ rr 6ffi. jM s6rqdr dt qFr w-qRr (2) d 8{6-r ibi .ffi €l {E qErqfl qd fia d}6 Rrorqd F-4Kvr q-{rFi6rn 6} rFRn {rdrrrfl qr rcn ii'n 3rftfi-qq + Bqiql + hr$ scqqr + qdmrrel, q!,rTR ifi, tsr 3rq 3{ffi qr offi aio "tt Frolqo I ftqnlr c'{rl}6T{t qnr Gd-rTr I ftfd sqq-lf{r vq nr{iq i ci{Fr dff, iir{ Rtu e} 6}E qftdrq/qfrir di6 Rldrqd qr cR:{" clR 6{i * ftT sg.d Erc qEEd qiF 6i ql q?rq $ffitq qrfa-6r{ qr ?+q 3{6r+q ortudir 6 rqe' .u-r tu-a r{ et r qFure h qrG al T-ryr6q . r+TArF a q-&tr I (5] r+r Rr6r'qd F-4Rrr c<rm, sc-qRr (1) d s*r qfur< crq Eti qr. ftr-d qFa_diqr . d .ffd{ cMt 6t groi or srcat qar 6,{'n snr cffi oi f'ri * cTqn qr n} vi d6n d.d E\ a ffi 3rq fiE, +ft, +dr, 6*rrq {r +q{r d qti-{ $rd-er-FE i-6fu; FrfEr qr 3rfiN Esrd $ zr T.i q,Fv 6.i Et iffid iFRr F ;r€[ir6 ft.ql Tm qFr" d ftfrR-{i 6,fi'3ll.{ F{ad qrq-slr d fifl qRqK q{ 3rci Rfr.{q n qRT* a +iqRn ot n , - F-q]rq (4) qsrffir 6. qqir ctt low *< ol *eqq{I 1 - (1) -rT d Br6r{d o'. e4m ft clTff f,q-d F i sirr fi 3rftftqq $ rqtr cMl ol qrq 6{i d qq}q d, irq T|{6ry {fir st{ TI FFriF?lr {fiq d=l d Rnq{r it$ lrq Fr6R, 3r|F{terrr Err. 3,tr gF-{!r dt d ds I fiqq rfl qffil qfrir | - (1) oX .fr qfu.W-jr R ft[d {F{-Sry d., flF{ {{Erg at ${s{ y"<n ifr fr-ql .rqr Et qr nit d6 Rrfirtrd ft-{Trr c<Tlffi * fdFT{q * arord d. dqn Fqc_frqr df sqrfr * qr di6 Rrdr{f, I'rqnq csr€r6r0 d frlirs4 61 fl{fs * dts. R{{i d .frdr, so,r5 srffiq cl|trfiR d (2) 7. {ficl 3I0:a sFR 6r strn 3tqrfrn crEt6R ff-s F-{dt tu-E qAkfi{ ffi n qtu6 TS ol 6rqr4l} fr €qlrd 6 qrqr{ srqF T6!T i6_v trdrn {R q{rfir q6 rrc.rnr 6i inFr t fu s$dFff cqfF 6Ror i (Fa q{ cdw slqi 6-{i t sfud €r e (2) qf? drf Rrorqd fuarlr qsTfu$rff. lnrT 5 d scricif Fr crdri 16 ot nt ii 3{Tlcr{r l] - 6'rg qord fi afu Srl qrJq 3rffiq qrFfdR 6t qft{rs rqd or qd,n n* oro h, amq qrl.fl r ffqerqr | q<rffi 6i vrd 6m 666. o-o"g * cffi 6i l]-rqd Tq trrrfrlr or 3|{sr n<n F{i or or*T i 1|&n ct slffa etftq -6r q6.n (4) yqq qfr$-q er€6R d faF{qq * F.Fd Efrq 3rfr.d clfufiR. cqq q{rff.q wF6Tr S Rft!-{q d nriiq * d-q ffi d .tr.dr fieq 3rffiq crltrol! d qqer <ran d dr sdni *a CiIq irfrdiq clfi{R. d-q RE€i. F6-{ ffiq ffi n 3nt}6 d 6rdrd} dl Eqtu 6, {rrnn 3rfifr 4l TFvr F{ qd'n qE I,ror qE qqtqlr d irn] t f6 3r{i.dr"ff rr.rq q{.xff-d Fria rri Q cqiq 6r{q d rifrf, rEr t G) off qfud qfu rnr) Ed-q 3rfr$q crfu-dn d Trqei sdid !Iq{ 6{ sS'n qfr df.6 Y** etn rqrfaait nq-lrR rj) ,i ,i!i-r orftd e,r" lrfftq qr8-FD d vrh, Err qr T€l ?'F {. q qlrq 3rffi{ crfu-fir' ft{i r]qr fi5l* t "frfl 3r.ft.r i6r iiqc|{r Tfl 6.dr t 3if{ $n Gdiq s$d al {ifi * fiqerql qf.tn qq1|er6lff qr cqq Jffiq s.i!|,rr{ or, RAs irqifiq qrft.I.dR - -G)qffi "ri6 Rrorqd fflF,r qcTfurti +1 T{qrs fs l,rarrot ipr 3&afi gqt 6{i qt v{r$ Fr.rr friiEe 6ri1rqE d ttr.r qr t6-+ 1r'r4 A fe ft-+s '' -fo6 Tfi +T *fia .F1 Bo.- .F,i 6r nrle a rrd,n q rr+d clpn 4-fi (3) csrq srfidfq 9Tfu6R. df6 Fr6r{d ifirvr I I I ., j fr4lq ;ffq h-6n.r+s l3nnqrRET;, 28 3rrrFi c[]6F qilrpffi 201s -tt "* qrfton qi q.rq ,fr*" "'ris";';-. ] "*.ar a ffi#':"Wffi qerl}arff (]* dtiF 3) 3lffiq R-61rd ft-dT?ll crfud'ri 3rla ed)-q 3rffiq crF€r1 sl 3lctr R's cFqTE qr rqF +r ftera" l3 qrl qr nfut -qftd rrFd- d qftir frR-ar rgoe (,,0u .i1- T^*€l -Eq E rqFrq' t*5i d $drc tuf zra F{sF,r 6-rd rqq '.i# ftF+e I fin qfu ,-, 6r ffqi 6-{rr S{ v{-61 Bqfufi !frR_{d 6rrr slR rlcq q{ qsdt cltrit $ .' r-"#I ffi -** * * a*, _ €nfltu) frtfr Twriq sr qrec d Ec it tT al qr sri lIEn | lrcq-cji q{ sreq 16!1 (rr) 4-{{r ffifoe fl T.,-r qrdt ft-o qrrfi 6l roe 6vfl 3i_{ I ftffi i+6 qRq d 3ritetr Frrr \9 ) ciftd d qtnr d frc Efrsrr sld -.n F) r I F"r.i Rq !k 3{riyir 6r grffidr 61ar .rtr/qr i1l (E) T] srE stq {rrf,r qt liR-d fr.-q qrq | ,_ .O q6' e-frq qffiq + Fqr q qc fu Fr6 ^ ^8.*lmiH ^qrft.6F no^ org dro ere6r, q q"rq srfftq crtimF frrr frS ,fo TT-n Rrar{d kqF"r "il ffi sard v Farrq or 3r{q{ ,.- * r #-wJ'#'**"* :Ja"T-y 1\ * 4I"n tErrlnfr Fdin .il qrs It 6IIr * ft-i {nR Etro € ** +,n . arr qi.c .r* _ qra "O. E* 3q-!'F -i s-li Fg cnfu 3rE;lnd Fri s ._ 15 fr" qo,r_ft Td Tq afi.; .IlFlrlir liE_or qr;r rFrF4n d. o qkgc rr+*-, van f}rir :irr -I" "ro,n .{fifrq- li+dTr d]?r ]rOR\F-d - 121 irq-qr{r (r) d jrlir E-diq _f" p*,* *fr.l"l qr qa'q "" rr*"nm r S3t-P*poq (3) rdn]zl 3rqlif]-q crRtsrq. i; r*erq crn;n qfl i J; ; a-; "ffi fr,ili" j***1l',F$l ;XH""L"T:*' *JT ,lfftg"d orrlr qosrd firr. FF 3rRrp{qq 6.3iEfti BFrt *1"n# #'na_ 4, l4Fd rEr C. di qn q{ dFf €sr ficri d 3rrfir ss+ "l_."r 1Ii *oa _f it"rm, o=1 Edrn r.rcr"r'-+rriior-ii-c, ;,E ".iurg- I #HH^T$ f #'H -j :m 1ffi$3ry' *,*'tri'*1*'J# ffi ss olr?{ o1 ff{-cr s stg ltqst ,liL **o qI ccrB qffdlq- sf€rort. .rr6n Ertr afif{E srf€ror0 qr srltmn d-Tqer sc ,,?.l 6,1 ; "roron i.{t;; . fao'"rsao qf!r6r{l qr siftroR Fdi-d onooi a ,1"'r, | {{ftf{E ni.l !l'n." 5.rTtd.r q.< {rcq r|loR ar{r TlqftffrE srftl6r$ cI slfe-rorr qrr ftq-gi..d q:qrd. fu.q € ontero 6.i ordrsftr dr rniH d 1d tu# ,.a.o :11:311 lq !€r,q6 r{qrrm 6i Frrt ? fh 3irds6 sqq qr:t+a <rq" 4.i "i'o",iii''"a.rr, d oo.lo-..* 4lan aFI € | ", 0..s^<.arqld6 o1 6r{fl{ _ 6r qr 3rRrfiqq qird | _^ cEsftr ,A _rd 'rg a,t rrs qr ,stEr"r r6Tt ^r Fnlit d 3r€fi-r q<,rrdqdF qri^ d iic. 3irrrfta ft-rii q.o fti 'Irr\,1 rqfa.t d ft6< 5l{ {rc yl:rqrqt qr s,q fd}o +-qarlfqr rqF}o; *h faq Er.I' t rr. =qrqraql dt orflrorfafir 6.r rdt r_ fAdl f*e+a ,qrqiai _i fiqf .n o1' 5 Rroi f?P{Eq qr orlTfd arE qr l-6dt ,n r,+a or i,r a orltrflFdr rS Ei.ft. ql aq slfirfiqq Er{r qI str6 3l€flr itr6 Fr6r{d "i.*. F-{R!T qqrffi, ,rir! qfflq-crf€rdF. leffq ri+-flq o d.-., * qr6R dr- irffiffv 3tflr6r0 Ara l1i qT?, fttrftqn F6d qri qr Frlsd lsq nri.,.0qr 3rq.nftd Ibe qri i-;\'qqBn ** d ":;13ffrJ",RH.1xtRruH*i;rliJ'TTl f{sq rTri dl rrfaa r _ (1) rr_l {{6n. Tlqctrr q srE€r r*{q clin i{f}rqTrr ar{, vi'''lq5r gs El 6 cqlq- 6t orqiFdF o'r a liq 6q, o"oii, (ii) EF sfirr 6 3r€lln slrd 'rd Frlfl fi-qr. Etd EF sFrr qrd qfi d .jlqrd. qcrT$qq Fflu. rlcq la€rrl qsa d cqi A Fret. ,q .e oi i ri qise 'QIFo-s lti i'3r,qt dt (qq fril{ zr{ (ssrqRsD, 28 3nr€a 2015 drdraltr d ft\, qi \6 s" q qr sl siflliiT{ F l i rsl"rE€ Ei qdrfi. {d qri d 3j.ir qft. sF q" dl, fu]]i i g]t s6lr td -rd d qr dlo qTd q" 6"t l]qrfq S t{ Trnq flqrr--qqs ot rrqr ii Rs=Cl Fiqq.i i ai{ gq;6q! oror * qr oi q6-cq 'fi '1 t 16 i3r 6tJ Pr-qn rf' qid qi ?ri?\ ni dirr"rd. ii prq{ d!-d i+ sFfnf{dd'Tirr i q'rrfi dn .I, aQnfl]rlt srdr Ft? qqlq ,tdl 6)nr. oc i, inr 6lg dl sqrn{.rElrqr llTtFl lrd jEftr 1d n d 'rd Pfirfi fld o.] fnErrr.qrr qr 6i{ qffid"d y.n" .rl} qilrn 6fdrr{ql 6r ff{r6y!r t- (.) rFa Eq xertEq d jqqii sl qaTlitr arl, q. 619.(rd) 6taTg siq'i Eidl tl dt l.lrq fl{6|{, {Iqc" i s6rRrd 3rr?rr ar{r. Ef{ ,it (dJ Tr{,sd or sd.ft, q} irx qfrrfiqq d sq<Erl i qs'rn I El, ul s*.oi#g J-ftl*r, d fd! vC rf,r{{qF qr vfHtr sdtd El q-'(-31 rtpt $ stflr Fl{ !ft sd:r is sl}i}qq d sriq t s} sd o1 qqrfh 6. glqrd iEl l6ql i iml (2) {q ErRr d q{lr f}ql:rqr sriir srr?rr. i{t gq s6r] f6d iri ri clqrn s{|{llrs ritq {nq liqtr igq d q<r d $qer rErT qrd,rl I , I d oftn i Trfq Ea|{ sa6'R + figrF qfuq ifdR-rfcqqr€ I 2A 3IrTKt 2015 \-dodo-1 12,/201s,/+o r3o_fiER ftq|l -igd Elir qoncrfld stt lrFrqfic 1tqqrd gnr *ra:lli6 241Io3r,T€4 201s 6i s:rd fu6T_{ +6 Br6rq( F{4lrq srF6R qEfrq{, 2or5 6I frtfrfu( iiffi 4 crlfdP g{rd 151" 6 (3) d !'li'r sF .fs TEP.-{Yqrd n srEftqq ar Em r6-QIn Fiq'7rdr ?. RrS lr|.dr! dhsrr + rrj-dq-tag qrq { crEdd qre qqgl ?r},r fn6n-{rwqrd d 3rrin d. yffi E+d Em TIIE BIHAR RICHT TO PIJBLIC GRIEVANCT NNNNASffiiCHOF , lBihar Act 19, 19?6] AN ACI ro provide rhe right of public Grievance Redressal !o the people of the Sta!€ withjn stipulated time limits and for matters connecGd therewirh and incidental thereto_ BE jt enacted by the l,egislature of the Srate of Bihar in rhe sixty_sixrh year of the . Republic of India as follows:L Short title, e)(tent and commencement. - (l) This Act may be called the Bihar Right to Public Grievance Redressal Acr, 2015. (2) lt shall extend to the whole of the Srat€ of Bihar. (3) lt shau come into force on such date as the State Covemment may. by notification in Official cazerre, appoint_ 2. Definitions,- In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires._ (ar "complarnr" means any applica(ion b) x cittzen or a grotrp ofcirl?ens rr) il ^Public Crievance Redressal Officer for seeking macle any benefit or relief relitinj to any sctremes, prognmme or services run in the State by the Sta@ Covemment or in ,"j oi fuilu," o. delay in lroviding such ben€fit or relief, or regarding nny mattet arising oui ".t of failure rn the functioning of, or violarron of rn] Iar. policy, service, programme.or s;heme in force ln the State by a public au(hor iry bur does not rnclude grievaDce relating to the service matters of a public servant, whether serving or retired, or relating to any ma=ner in which any Coun or . _ .. Tribunal has junsdiction or relatiug to any mat(er under Right to Inforrnation ect. 2005(Centrat Act No. 22 of 2005) or services notified under rlie Bihar Righr to public Services Act, 20l l i I fi-6R'Iq-E (srflrqRTr). 28 JflrFir 20ts (b) "Righ! to Public crievance Redrcssal" means on opp;;;;t; h.;;; redressal provided ro lhe cirizens on a complainr within the stipr:laied d_Jti.it uJ-rrgn, to get infbrmarion about (he decrsion made rn the hearing and redressal (c) 'Public Cnevance Redressal Officer' means a pubhcof rhe comDldinr Gdevanie Redressal Officea notified under section 3; (d) "lnformation and Facilitation Cen(e means A centrg of a website established or notified under section 5 for the facilitation of submission ol complainr and for diss€mination of any information for the matters connected trerewrrh and incidental tnereto, including a State Portal, Help desk and Common Servic€ Centres: (e) "public authority" means the State Govemment and its departments and includes any authority or body or institution established or constituted by or under any law maoe oy ihe State L€gislature ; (0 "first appellate authority" means an officer or authodty notified as such under section 3: (g) "second appellate authority" means an officer or authority notified as such under section 3; 3. (h) "revision authonty" m€ans an officer or authonty notified as such under section (i) "stipulated time lirlrit,, means the maximum time limit permited to pubLc Grievance Redressal Officer for providing an opportunlry of hearing and redressal of a complaint, or to the first appellare authority or the second appellate authority for deciding an appeal, or to th€ aforesaid authorities for informing the complainant oa appellant, as the case may be, ofthe decision on sucb complaint or appeal, as lhe case may be. C) "days" means lhe working days, refened to as time limit; (k) "decision' means a decision taken on a complaint or appeal or revision Dy rne Public Grievance Redressal Officer or appellate authority or revision authority nolitied under this Act and includcs the information senr to the complarnant or the appellint, as ne nav be: (l) "prescribed" means prescnbed by the rules mad€ under this Act: and (m) "State Govemment" means the Govemment of Bihar. 3. Notilication of Public Grievance Redressal Officers, first appellate authority, second appellate authority and revision authority and stipulated tim€ limit.- The State Govemment may notify from time to time, the public Crievance Redressal Officer, first app€llate authority, second appellate authority and revision authority and $lipulatecl time case hmits 4. Notification of Depar(m€nt wise Sch€mes, programmes and Servic€s on which complaint may be frled. - The Srate Govemment may notify flom lime !o ume, D€parlm€nt wise schemes, programmes and seNices on which complaint can be filed and also the public authorily and department on which level rhe complarni will be redressed. 5. Right to g€t opportunity of hearing and redressal on cohplaint \dithin the stipulated time limiL- (l) The Public Grievance Redressal Officer shall give an opportuniry of hearing of a complaint filed under rhis Act within the sripulated time limit. (2) The Public Grievance Redressal Officer may seek the assistance of such any othe. oificet, public authority or employee as he considers it necessary for the appropriate discharge of his duties for hearing and redressal of a complaint under sub-section (l) (3) Any officer, public autholity or employee, whose assistance has been sought under sub-section (2), shall render all assistanc€ to the p[blic Grievance Redressal Officer seeking his assistance and for the purposes of any contravenrion of the provisions of this v2 fr6rt rrra (finrnsr), 28 3Fr€r 2o1s Act, such other officer or employee, as the case may be, shall be keated a public Cnevance Redressal Officer. (4) The stipulated time limir shall stan from rhe date on which dare a complainvappeal is filed to the Public Grievance Redressal Officer or to a person authorized by him to receive the complaints or to the first appellate ruthoriry or the second appellate authority. Receipt ofa complaint shall be duly acknowledged. (5) The Public Crievance Redressal Officer on receiDt of a comDlaint under subsection (l) shatl give an opportunity of hearing (o the complainant, within the sripulated time limit, and after hearing the complainant, decide the complaint either by accepting ir or by suggesting an alten]ative benefit or relief available under any other law, policy, servlce, programme or scheme or by rejecting it for th€ reasoDs to be reco{ded in writing and shall cornmunicate his decision on the complaint to the complainant within the stipulated time nmlr_ 6. Establishment of Information and Facigtation Centre.- (l) For the purposes of the efficient and effective redressal of grievance ot the people and to receive complaints under this Act, the State Covemment shall establish Information and Facilitation Centers. (2) The State Covemment may. by notificatjorr, make rules in relation to lnfomaton and Facilitation Cente.s. 7. Appeal.- (l) Any person, who has no! been given an opportunity of hearing and redressal of the complaini within the stipulaled rime limit or who is aggrieved by the decision of the Public Grievance Redressal Officer, may file an appeal ro rhe firsr appellare authority within thirty days from the expiry of the sripulated rime limit or from the date of the d€cision of the Public crievance Redressal Officer: Provided that the first app€ltate authority may admir rhe appeal after th€ €xpiry of the period of thiny days but nor €xceeding forty five days if ir is salisfied that the appellant was prevented by sufficien! cause from filing the appeal in time. (2) If the Public Crievance Redressal Officer does nor comply wirh the provision of section 5, any peNon aggrieved by such non-compliance, may submit complaint directly to the first appellate authority which shall be disposed of, in the manner of a first appeal. (3) The ftrst appellate authoriry may order rhe Public Grievance Redressal Officer to given an opportunity of hearing and redr€ssal to the complainant within the period specificd by il or may reject the appeal. (4) A second appeal against the decision of the first appellat€ authority may be filed before lhe second appellate authority within thirty days from rhe date of the decision of the frrst appellate authority: Provided that the second appellate authority may admit the appeal afrer the expiry of the period of thiny days bui not exceeding forty five days, if it is satisfied that rhe appellant was prevented by sufficient caus€ from filing the appeal in time. (5) An aggrieved p€tson may file an appeal direc(y !o the second appellate authority, if the Public Grievance Redressal Offlcer does not comply wlth th€ order of first appellate authority passed under sub-section (3) or rhe firs! appellale authonty does not dispose of the appeal tvirhin rhe stipulated time limits and it shall be disposed of in rhe manner of a second appeal. (6) The second appellate authority may order the Public Grievance Redressal Officer or th€ first appellate .luthority to g;ve an opportunity of hearing and redressal to the complainant or dispose o[ the appeal, as the case may be, within the period specified by it. which in any case will not exceed thirty days or may reject the appeal. (7) Along with the ordef to give an oppo(unity of healing and redressAl to ihe complainant, th€ second appelli[e a].rrhority may impose a penalty on Public Grievance 9 R-5n.r+e iorqq6q;, 28 J"rTir 2015 Redressal Officer or any other p$blic auftority o. th" with the provisions of section 8. fi..-pp.llut" urthf,i.,y in u.*rOan.. (8) The Public Grievance Redressal Officer, first app€llate authority and second appellate authority shall, while deciding a complaint or an appeal under this sectron, have (he same powers as are vested in a civil coun while trying iuit under rhe Code ;t Civil Procedure, 1908 (Cenrral Act No. 5 of l90g) in respect of thl following rnun"o, n"."ry,_ (a) summoning and enforcing the atteDdance of any person and examining him on oathl (b) discovery and production of any document or other i material obiect produciblc as evidcnce; (c) receiving evidence on affidavi6; (d) requisitioning ofany public record; (e) issuing commission for lhe examination ofwitnesses: {l) reviewing its decisions. d ecuons and orders: and_/or (gl any other mater whrch mdy be prescribed 8. Penalty.- (l) w}lere rhe second appellate aurhority is of the opinion rlat the Public Grievance Redressal Officer oruny_ oihe. public autioriry or the firsi appe ate ruthoriry has failed to,give an opporruniry of heanng and redressal wirhin rhe stipulalo ume limit without any sufficient and reasonable cause, it impose on him a penattf wfrictr -uy shall not be less than five hundred rdpees bur not more than five tbousand nrpees, " Provided that before imposing any penalty under this sub section, the person on wnom penatty ,s proposed ro be imposed shall be given a reasonable opportuniry of being , nearo. (2) The penalry imposed by the second appellate authority undet sub-section (l) _ shall be recoverable from the salary of the public Grievance Redressal Offic", o. any o.n"r public au$ority or the first appellate aurhorily. (3) The second appellare auftority, it is satisli€d thar rhe public Gricvance Redressal Officer or any other public authority or rhe firsr appellate authority has failed to discharge the duties assigned to him under rhis Act, wrth;ut assigning sufficrent and reasonable cause, may recommend action againsl him under the servi; rui€s applicable to .- if him. 9. Revision.- The public Crievance Redressal Officer or any other public authority or hrst appellate authority aggrieved by an order of rhe second appeilate authority in respecr of imposing of penalty under this Ac!, may make an application ior revision of;he o.der to the officer or authority nominated by ihe State Govemment within a p€riod of sixry oays from the date of rhar order. The nominared officer or authority siall dispose of the application in accordance wilh the prescribed procedur€: hovided that the officer or aurhority nominated by the State Covemmenr may entertain- an application after tlle expiry of the period of ;ixry days but nor exceeding seventy five days, if he is satisfied that the applicanr was prevented bi sufficient cause from filing the appeal in time. 10. Prot€ction of action tak€n in good faith.- No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against any person for anything which is dooi or intended to be done in good tatth under this Act or any rules made there under 11. Bar of jurisdiction of courts.- No civit cou( shell have junsdlction ro hear, decide or deal with any question or to determine any marter which is by or under thu Act required to be heard, decided o( deal( with or to be determined by thi public Gnevance Redrcssal Officer, first appellare aurhority, second appellare a;rhoriry of rhe officer nominated by the State Govemment. | frEK zrirc (irgrrRvr), 28 srr€iT 2015 Provisions to b€ in addition to existing taws - The provisions of this Act shall be in addition to, and noi in derogation of, any o[her law for the time being in force. 13. Power to make rules- (i) The State Govemment may' by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules to cany out the purposes of this Act. (ii) All rules made under this section shall be laid, as soon as may be, after they are so made, before the House of the Slate Legislature, while it is in session' fol a period of not less than fourteen days, which may be comprised in one session or in two successive sessions, and if, before the expiry of the session in which they are so laid or of the session irnrnediately following, the House of the State Legislatu(e makes any modification in any such rules or resolves that any such rule should not be made, such rule shall thercafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be; so, howevel, that any such modification or annulment shall be without Prejudice to the validity of anything 12. previously done there under. 14. Removal of difficulties.. (l) tf any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Aat, ihe State Govemment may, by an order published in the Official Oazette, take any action, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, which apperrs to it (o be necessrry or e\pedrent for removal of such difficulty: P;ovided lhat no order undcr this section shall be made af(er th€ expiry of two years from the commencement ofthis Act. (2) Every order made under this section shall be laid, as soon as may be, xfter il is so made' before the House ofthe state Legislature Bv order of the coverno( oi Bihar, MANOJ KUMAR, Joint Secrerart to Covernment qfu{rfrq :Eslrdq, R-6R, q-fl ERT s-6'rleld si SFdl R€R rFild (3rsrElsq) 981- 5 7 i+400-S080ff0I srtff er-6, websit€: XjlD/ggqzcttlqhtb4isi! ,,' ,)