rffiS q. do !tro-g:oo+rgq REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/9 t_-- ffi sf,f4qqi EFT D..t a h,e Gszette of Sndio *rffi*" \-/ eIFI III-Enrg: 4 PART lll-Section 4 qrRrfiR i Tfirfira PTJBLISIIED BY AUTTIORITY ri, 2o7l No T$ ffi, g6{qFd-qm, fudq{ zz, zotztffiat s, leu NEW DELHI, THURSDAY, SEPIEMBER 27, 2012IASVINA 5. 2071 f{dr, zz fuaqr, zorz erfu-d rnc+q R-*.{tq} frrqTr qfi!-{ ( n-*-ffi ri*qrgif * fdq 1934 T{ sr-t+<{ sfr tr' ; &t+rc, zor z qftq-13rlqfqqq,'1982 qm.ti, sz-azh&zsrrrmRra,/2012.--3rfiqd qrrftq ( 1987 Eb-r 52) fuqn q1 tim ro gq-rm qm u ql qm.z: ( q1 cBd srrfr stq 1 ) + ffd' Fqd sg{r fid Eq 6e{ silrTdRiq ERr d ilrdq'l ve{eir q} siTiq 6'ri, qr€*'d' erqer q.rfrq eTttT 6€ qtr w€s=n erqqr d fqs qti qh'qsT {c-dr n qk/cffiq vqql w-gd-qr !-qrl sd .Q{ fruqn ir*-ffi *rr{ircr} * ieq org4qr qi frRR q{i+qtd ro fqsqr, zoro'qJ qna*rrqcddqRr{sd erfu-d qrd-qF*-{BlRrqrqftw1(n'-sffirfirircn d'tqqsrgqffiqlq{fr) frF{qq,2010 aq:0 fuaqt, zolr qJ qrcadrrqc{{ qf}rqfrdqfiqd qTdqna-ffi ftTqn qR\ (ilrffi v{qpnd'fdq 3r-{+{rq1fr) (sr{q *cicn) frfrqq,2s11 d qlqsqri q, s{fis'd qTdq itreil qftq{fiqfdfis( ftt{qq q{rfr qnlr t t. tikq qrq, r+q-dr ffi# r ilrffi t *r *t {rffi srffi t :- frFrqd 4l s{fis-d rlrd-c n-sffi ftrq{r qfrq-( (n-r++1q€tren + ftq q-jdEq q} fqfrqq, 2012 s-fl qrgrn I 1.2 q T+.fi+1 f{rqn risrkd 6{ ld 31p6qersr 6qfr+l fvqTl s.r qqrs{ q'{i 6} q€q' ir6rH s{ptTeir aqr t$ erq cTa-q-fidffi' w\ q}*w cqdri, ffo qRq-tanr {FFI-qrFr q{ sr&qfft frqr r. ff) qc qrqqr I 1.3 a{qqadfldy*rvne1 z. qfnnq(: <rfretrgrdi r frFrqii q, qq r+ ss.i t erqrn erqlqa l a, I ,.t . "$qrFF q{" t erfirid + fdf}rd sq-gq. ffiffaq 61ooqq1 6*-ffi q*pn qr SqTfurfi q{ 2.2 ' r sfqfiqq " t sTFrtd t qfu-d qn-ds Fs-ffi fyrcil qft\ sfefiqq, :-g87 (1ggi ql 52 ) 2.3 " arsrcRrq * +q-+ed " t efi+ta t teT{qd www.aicte-india.org c{ cRs(ERr E)€qlrr{+q-€rlz qc r I 3678 Cv20l2 ! (l) l THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PARr IiI-SEc. 4] t t-ql sTlltr ciqttgr frfr-qdi d 3id-fd ffi fi !mT{ or ergfr-fi llw 6{i d ft\ qRqq sr}fi orar tt 2.s "3fidftd r{qefl t 3lftnd t qRqE sni er5fifto *'*" 2.6 "oTtger" t clftfd B 3TftRqq o1 qrr 3 qi sq-qR (aXo) d ffa 2.4 "crraeo" € eTftia q?rrqff-o qREE OT 3{sSe{ | 64-fi 3rBfrqq tsso of trm zs S 3Tefr'{ {aTlfqd stt 2.7 "oqfi" A cTftfd, g g, .rfr oqq ftoru. q\ ffin z.B "qtffi d frg s-efi crffi" +q3{ftid g qor stgEtfr Erffi d frr {r-uql\4s cr'qet{ n ao-+*t €{encit '' 2.s t "qRr( c{e'F-qq o1 qRq{ eTfi-d * RreTr tlrn g d 3iilfu rpnfu-s B erfua qrrftq I f,6ffi t 2.10 "qrdrrFq'd sTd-f,q i RreT"r of errcrgrl o1 o1-$ nrer orftfo *, Aaer e.n qTd.qoq drlT getf,d q-.ds.-rffi cnF"d d ffi t z:1 t o{ft}d t ; gsffi/ddffi7ffi7dca "q.TFr" dEn fri e+r{ oil-{ SFMrc /3qqgffi q 3Tn)-f,fl rnroo$ oTtrrq, MqT oar cr)r RT@/qTqf,dl/Trri 6T t-e, cer ffi€g'q,zc.dt\q€\ +i rqrd-otf,{ ortr*q g cTrg a{frR-n SJ, qR 6t{ €t, anfra r$ d; ffi q.iefc ar){ eIl;ilI|;I qHlffi/oqcg61 3ilq}-scr wtdatrR znl-fuq q 3TD-dtrdq esMr,zMffi7ffi7d-ea o-cr citr Rr@/qrq_rdr/Trn ftiftioItq; Tqerc (cq.\.\q.) or d'-s q.sTr i \q.fr.c. q drdtr M qqqtrq fr 3Tfurdq nro fti t t 3Tftid * Sd tfuq 2.13 '€-c*s" t cTftnd B qRqq d nq*qt8d w qrqie iifurr sT qq)'T 6{d 21.2 "g-tfrnr" Ec fuc 2.14 {q I STdfc o1 qroo Cd g'rdm-{S< "orffifi qfrfr" I d 3Tgfi-q qfuo qF.R oTftid t t * cR\ ilrT erqTf,RTq 3TfuR-qq of trm tz I qFr III rso-s . 4] qRd iFT IltFDI : qfiqRvl d 3{ftftff s* i{h d crTftr. d fti&n d 3T$-{ qfurFo B 2.16 "qrfiT{ df{r rtrdr{mr cTw r4can" t cTftff, B tS ilf,ffi Ti{an, q\ 3lqi entrff qq d so qftYrd 3rercT sTDo qnr of Xffi wr+-n slqqr qEorft 2.15 "fr?Rfi iTMdt" d GTftnd rlnffq 1n d =ffi d, ffi qffi fr erw ergm t t t o-rfr 2.17 "sr{rft \4{rrT" t oTftfd noffi .Trra t t t s*Ff{ gRr red}-6 311-r"u* eqrft-o r4qerTf 2.18 "qqen ot qu" d 3Tftia B {iffi fusshqtdq 3{arqr qIftf, Mettrq d qrq-A n ffi7R"arro; q'tzd. fr-iero sTQrsT fttrg ilf,fro1e{arT d oTffi q€rT qgs d sq fr ol-$ ere.qEertl 2.1s "3{ffi qrcss (cff{r€Tr$)" lgrrTrarflqr qrqo t qr6{ {b-at 3{ftif, t d .rilT$-q t ci{ tqT .irrqfis cFrtro, q} qr-q'*d ernnT qEor t t 2.20 "qr{ftq Td d qf}fl (fi3n&i)" d 3{ftnd d i-A qfu, q\ crq' ini d qTqR-6 $ (qTfulflrq qs ii.rarier o} d-s6i). {if€\-i frffi fi e-qq 1nrfiq qrfl)-d ert.r'r fuqr t, 3Terfl c\. qT tsTd qrnr-f*ar eiemr s{d qr<T-qrfr, n t st{ qrqo d qfurrc d sqtidi sTarsT cTrrR-dar 3Tfuftqq, (ross ot sz) of urrr 2(q) d wddi d qRnTrrmsq qrso d fl.Tfuo a) t 2.21 "ftd {q-ffiR-a lrcen" r} eTftid t fatfi rM/qq/orrft ErtT ep at .ri oii q{ET, cJ Glcfi erre-ff qq o1 Tffi d ftr d-4q #q/3irrsT rr€I lr{6l{ slF .|€t urfr t'r 2.22 'tnr+oq" d cfi-{/3Terqr .4q rt.'+e}-t * aoffi 3Tft-fd Rren or qerrs{ S-a, 3Tarld t 3tJ<tq/FB {frFrqQ, ffift-d. qqrfrq. slq.ffir, qq{ 3nq}srT, Tqerc-\qfi\. q-qrq'-ffiS\q, qvd, E)-.d q.iEF 3ffq smqrq ffiffi, 3Eqgffi o-or Cq ftla oTQmr tS erq oTd-sq 3n-{ {iw-sb sl qRqrq Er{I qr|q-srFl w et€qF+o fur qrt 2.2r "elfiq rrfrh" e'Grftfd B 3{fuF=qq of qfrftl enRT r+ d eiffi qelrfuf, et+q 2,24 "Ffis qm" t 3Tftnd g qs qqqsB, qFIrakI: <\q6{ t qd t qiq e:oo cd mo, fiTq'i ilfiffi €{en d teTFro frqroerq riqrPcm fur od Ft z.zs "ffi" t GTFlid elsrrE 2.26 "qm" t orftnd * ,ffi rifr-ftT'T 3Tftfuqq teoo d 3Tifd r*qd r olhft-qq d t qrtlq-d|fi qT€' oTfuft{F{. 1e50 Gif,.fd rifr-qf, qrs I 3{QlcrT qi-$ cf-q qlrift-fi THE GAZET-TE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY IPARr III-SEC. 4] qwli q+m er;q q'fi qr<t sq erFrqfraqi ffi TdT qRqrfr-d ogl fuat .ro-ffi Rr&TI qRqE 3lftfr-qq, lssz (tsaz or t "qrd olfud qtrfiq ""r sri t qfi.iBd fu-qT rrql t. or c& msd fiI, q) rr+ Fqqi: sfti odilfiqq t fqffE fuqrrsT t t 2.28 t niemrftro otd-r.it 3{fti-d fr qff s:so n-"1"ttroo fatn qri qd fuqro-orq. q\ fu t t qis td e:30 ild cenit qq i (v'ore o: qfl\ q'fd B' € d aer qe d+s ;" w *A t ff qrs/emr;q qr$ ildr{orqr od 3i-3q4 {si qta 6fu qlqtftd 3Te&r 6s i oq d e{ r"*,Fddftsfrd'frt 3. J. l n-6-ffi sert3l} + e-s-+o zFlJ ilf,+r+1 e,i{rT ffifuf, <p) rr\ q/ ga<r renft-o 31ti sITrR--d o1 qffo-inT 3lfuF-qq tsoo ffi d qiCfr cid'fu q'ftqer ot{ .ffi 'r qtqolfr qm srBRqq 1e50 3{qFIT 3rilfu ,f$qd 61 uml oq-fi orftfiqq tgso d qrsr zs d cTfiE Fr{rfro oqfr qeI&T sTslifl 3ilr'qei cTEftqq q?t sqqm 2.7 d 31a*Rro oqfr, ffi sq d trq{ E)Fsq d sq fr o}{ fi frffi wffi t, o1 fuaq r*srT qpnR.o tnEi ig qrifi 6{i et ergqft qfr fr qigfrt fd"fr erq qRiFI-fi eifuF-q'q S t . gm qfr-qd qt-q' sgoTql€s"nrqeia qqlfsq sTsfqT .:/ ddq "q6 qm zs d rilgrqa cTsirql qtq ffr<) eiwm 6q-fr 3{ftFqq tgso trrqelr d 3iadd fuTfrf, oqfi ;rrqT ".nq d 3T$'q 3rerqr t{ffi-d rqrfu-d si rQr=Itfl{ul (fr3n8) oTeET d qtffio-Fi$..fl-ffi ffi 4. ilf,-ffi ftq 4.1 qielretfZ-trfu8fuo sr-S<c of dqfr (ffiqT s<Iq t 6-{i qrfr d-f,ffi we{D d frfutfuo (Mqr e<rc 6{i qla ilfiffi virw) d erfi mrfqii oi nq d fdq qRqq or qd sqqfq-{ srifd-o d-fl:o)' oti q-{ ilf,ffi €qqr/dfutfu-o (MqT s-{q.F{i crfr iln-ffi f,f,ffi rirarrcTt 3rt{,/sqrqT .4qpn) grfu6 qc+t 3lerfl;fft ilf,ffi gqen renR-a 6{qr ; S e}-a fr s)' ro+A Rren. chq 3rt{ ffiqrerii/yirarrcTi d fl-q srTq$ HESq 3lti finFiq erffi o} lre-f*eTr r{qen'd qffio oEqt r) S-{d qRdrcti ig F{erT qR+fq qrro 3tri frirft qRTer"T q) ilf,ffi r{qpn d qrq il a{qrdRlq crgdfrd il*-ffi r{q€]T o} ciE itrFIT =) a) fd-s-qm ri{errcii of Rrfr ds ceTH d qMqt ; ; , 4.2 qi{en3iiZqrfutho (MtqT q<rc .tr{i qTfi ilf,4iol vrrr) o\ d fld\ qRwq o-r Td 3rifrcq ertfl&-o d'n ilf,ffi ftq ; I r]Fr III-srs llRd 4l 6t {l-Flrl : SIgltlRlT o) fr-{qn q-J*f,q 6I fuintt; q) c\ qqrfiq(efi), qqm(3{t), 6d-4q(q}), G-fi-q qrfr, r'ieT6lft-6 or#t o) gs orqt; q qMq; 'r) qdeT &rqdT u) 1i-ffi u'rjrZqr+q p d afrndi/Er$ iptr q lrr{d-q 6ffii d Erd+l d TlYr d ftc aTfrftff ff ot gwc; s) 3Tffi.Trrtri 6 Erdol d fr\ vicr 6ieT; z) Rra"r go ltq1 fqcT d oif,-fd cTfrRffi ff or alFrqd qroqrl; u) T** orjt'rtrd lrcffiqlodmq /sv'n d EiE orlr I 4.3 qREE, qq-q-eq'-q qr. oE+Eq gbnT gRflor roTRro .Fffi, {iffi'q scercii ct{,/GTarsT d Gilffir d rmqnT d 6q q€-fr dan oE+{q al eTd or fl+q'r R-qr qn'q t mff 4.4 5 ffiq+ii d ds +.r (O. (u), ('T), (q), (s) 3Tt{ (s) d 3ii'id {fr-{€ irqMr d fav o9* ig sT+fi ftq Erqr fuq qTq,t ,<p) rMZqrq qts qrqd tj 3resa 3Terql qfuq ; u) mqfl crtsF-qq rgso o1 qm zs d elrtc canft-a of .r$ a;.pq 6 qtqd q gr+r ftiqo o{QrqT ol$ qTfuFa crfu.Frft vtGqetr qrtfsq ; .T) ffiq eieTeT qrdq q{fl{/€q d qrd n riqfu-d #iq F{oRlqr-q swrr/\4q $jq*r 6m wfi-qo fu-qT qsT oti orlffi cTemr s{d uaiT vltrf,fro-ffi qrffi qqq€n d 3md-d [S-qd, ot{ tfu€T{A GIerfl;qfq{ cTerqr Fqfr eiDfiqq rgso q,t dRT zs d erefrc @-rqfr. +€T rfr qrqdr E) t ffid 4.5 L d qfr-{q rqr sq faft.-qrii eis +.2 (6), (u), (.T), d (s), (s), (s) oi-s (s) d fir or]+fi ig eififi ilqrffi sE-dlfteeTo c{arqr €{en d rgu ei.reT t-fi {iisrT d rrtro sv d vrtlqo {arfr eTD'mr€r 6rsr fu-qT ql\'rn Gfd{d r4sen S gm f}Bqo r 4.6 3Tri{q oT scrr defl eililqq 6 spr sdq fu\ ud qrd ewlnq oen iR-d jlqr qri sraT g@, Td tfd ffT 3jri{ii cFI etFqq fuqT qt\nn, qqft oi cn-i €trrqd, erieneii dQn Grgq\-fi rsrq o-{i qRs-E grqr lrlrq-qrpr q{ orgdr-Eq qbsT gfuf,mT q fttr€ fu-ql qr\nrr ffi qrd d ft\ t 4.7 ...1 1 a\ \-'1 \i Fr ,v rn 3rrile6 td +.r ofs +.2 d qfl-q€ rqlwir d lTc Tc.F 6T Trdrq emroRrq d nq**fd qRqq ErT nq-q-is'qq w qq eriffo * etffi'o frc d arTfqq ntn t+rtR-o fuq qltq-q. efrcdrgr erelsT da d t qrq'q d nqo ftqr r {q q6R d !-.+-fi qmd E ,'nfr, crric{ d ergw. c6 iful r4qr qq|.1 otft, fu{sT sqq}q ald<-o Etrr Gil.} Bcfrsq z6-{i 3il{ riqg-o eTnfi q'l RerR or 3ffir qaT ErTd/qrs 6{+ d fAc fuqT urr sdqT I l . 6 THE GAZETTE OF iNDIA 4.8 :.EXTRAORDINARY [paar IIt-Src. aj dq-qlta q{ ft\ .rq cw l, fio/*so d t{-qrfufi T{iq tq{ qr qerrr r)"ft aTQrqr q@c +dt GT?rclt cltreT 3Tqqf, d sqer fdD-qa Fq +'yrqeT yrqq-q-r, q6 Iilq'q orq qkit d TTqT-SFT qe .rat rrqr d tr6ur fu-qT T.rI fb cTlifi q fr.r{ qTTdrfr siq t er}q T6 fu qR frffi fi erq{en ii T6 qErr qt-flT g 6 qrorft cTQmr qr{4t-0 d frffi q?T o1 fuqrqT qqT t etrs/ssrsT srr6r lFkr ftdq-{ fuqr qeT t ci-{/3TeroT olrie+ n 6 q{ qrrftTfr smeq t, ril qRq-( ot$ ,fr 6r{_4-$ an-{i d fuC Rria d"ft.-ffit q} qE 3r5+R-{ or qTrfq fuqr rnnr e}{/erenT tS erq ftft-o sqgffi qr*, oEcT qrfua tt off, +o (o) ffifufuo tg . frqr11;r oli+<q ilf,ffi d{i sr$ e$ fts-qr{ *iser( , r{s€{r/n-f,ffi qR-fli d orjdrcc t fr-ffri tg o ftqqn qciioq q,l qiqr qrqdT i gEZofi r . . . . ffemrq zard-sq q qeqmq/ort d nrFe+ orqr 6Rin{/qp6q9-q qE 6FTT ltsq g@ qTql q)"qqr e\qs€{) cm,f-d eiffi d qrqtnq frcTd.erL e-g orFdtrfir fiJ Gilr-T G{fuqr$ qrcdfqi (vc.cili.GrT{) u{crlqrft d o{;TT o qjqerrq d flq i qM-T q-do-t T€;TrlqE . r 3rfrftfi fri or {e=TTlqE dsn orTw .nr+r/orft, & fr} ! | Bdlq qrd or+mq eiar+T$-q ordffq q6r c-F gili{fi d.r qe, €qeTrq ecD 3{r}fi tqq)Cd w eifr'q.sq * qqr q€i oq tor. d ctr{q d qrurq d sqoer oftdi,zRprfr ffi-d d eTqfl 3ilE[{ q{ 3fcdT{q oilcrqq.F gqR o_{ qo,or qR of{ ofr TS qi$ qrn Bt , t d eU+<q yfunT gRfloT d eieaTq rt d gu-g 3.0, grrcr'g 8.1. gqep-g 9.6, qg rt, sis tz den Efg ra d grgen cunff Erqr srrdfud et.r$ c}fl e{'li1T 6r elrtisq.fuqT qlvnt qff riiarrcTi o1 {*fu-d qtrr s{+t 3Edrtrd qdqr e{qdT qtro orfffion nfrfr d qqer crjdq-{ cTsFr 3Fq \ rqo q,t qlq'rftt {€ ffidd qr d} 3rfuqFd frrqr qninr g-sd qqfl-d s*qlq srq-i d.r{{ d qrqq d 3q+rft-d c'deT sfldT lrtrd 3rqi 3r5t're{ S n-wo \ m gRo us rrmi EI srnfi {s.qfu-qT tg srfid of cEqft T€t fr q\.ft, estftt ciln-{6 o} wl o-Ei -re-d Gffic w fr.r{ Ffr,zftem ffi-d qtrd elri-qq Erd qr qd t { E*Tr{ ori d Anq otcrcR rErc t ffi r | lqH nl--srs 4l 1+(d 4e (q) 4.e (-F) d Rr 6l ltI9;I : 3l{llqRql {c arffit d efdR-tr 1r.fr 3il4{n 6T q@lo{. GTqrdRrq d iq-clfd Er{r sqdeT o{r$ .r{ qqEftd qq:T qfrqr # qs}q tnci Eq gm qfuo qo lrfrar {qfi_d ftti .rS q-dlsT $ qpaq d etfrq qfrft av fu-fl qN-rTT ,. erffi | 4.10 rrqB-d etfrq GTProrft eTQfdT cRs*q or o){ or.q eiffi qffid lrftffi o') strqar otn nqn €qftd qfrffi d sqer qlqftfi erms 3n-i T{flrnq rdqr nen td@} d 3nq}q{ d ftr enqerm q-++ert otqr; oenfq, oa qfrhqt or .{FT TSt E)-,Tr t 4.i1 sc.3ilt{di si, ffiii us a.r (o). (s), (.D, gJ d-< (u) d om.fd 3rsi .afcr n*go fuc B. {S-{ fuc rT sfr TtrrNr o1 Td-qFrqi nqT T{ serei d 1}\ iJfua sfr gRqrcr} o1frM {ftS d wru (uw norq), nccrqi d rq$-rw d fdr erniko otftr *ifren qfrfr, (u) apf,r 4.2 (s) fr q*{q erq erMi d Sq fr, r{frar eft-fr Grrffii gtqt sqircr 6qd lri qTcorft/q{flffqt d 3nsnr- qq qrrrdi or eis + rrqq r otfrl +.2 (o), (9, , 0T), TS of qt{.ft, {c (q, (Q cn-{ F) d fur qc enffii 61 o6* d 3ilqrs w fuqt ril\'Tr 3rd.ld rrq l;nqur lEiT:-!fl&iFR-uI t 4.12 rrfren efrfr qn ftisTfui d entm qs, ri.iB-d &tfrq 3rffi 3rrffii 6-r erq{r5q* d qensFld crfts no 6M. qR ot{ t, of vqcT tryr ohdr ot s{-fr qrc-{ffi d fig c{.]lf,Rrq d nq-ctfd w qriH ql\.t r 4.1s frp)qa qfrfr sc q{arcii or frfterq q''{-ft, fifld oTr}e{ FT frMr d 4t @,, (s). O, F) .i. (s) d ns*T i lrrn Ec d, vr fu crJ+{q \ Ys ot.l-Efr tg erTn c*rnT d lird *rffm sftfr cRT silialftd fi;d 'rd t r 4:4 rr{6Rl\{q rr.'qe}+ qeINFr d?rT ec€_o Mers-q. Eq fifrqdi d ss +.r 3i-{ +.2 d 3Tefrq qlK 3nt{+ qq Gqi gfusi"r qRE< d r|qDd &i$q oTqfq.q o) 3rlf\-f, oin. 3E!)<q-qfuqT Sftf,dT n ftqr rqT * Rrrq ffi ftfu t 4.1s qqftMt d qencqqe +.t dq +z d eia.fn qr-o eTrffii d qFwi q, rr'q qflor{/\4q Yl''q$r qrTHq, €d-qqt ffir d Effit w qR qfuT GEqIe+ gR-ffiT 3n-i frisa s-frft ot RturRirT q f+tre eqs<E{f,ff d. e5qrq srrcr qq nq e) sd S, ergm-qq 61q-qft tE 3rr. q*rnT d ei*s efrft cRT f}d-r{ fuqr ws.ni qfA ir-q *ir+rqTqrq d ft{ nsqela qqrm{ cen sqq,F M=nas d EM"T erqqrEq qffiq gRdor iqffE ew_er5qfr qwsfuibn oo ."" rgwR/\4q naqe)a qlnqq Gi-{,/3{QrqT Tr+q-m ffiinaq t rtw TS Efd d, dr qRq-E cr-J+-fi cB_qT s}Tf 6-{i qs GTri orH oitr t n ",td THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY 4.16 IPARr onMt o), fu{d nwal w cjs +.r d sq-sie qsfu w erg+{c d ftr e}*s qfrfr srcT ctJd<q d} €e-Dd e)+q cTElorft (d) cfl{ (s) i d 6q RrFrR:r os fr .d * ergdEq qb.qT gRilor i ffi qbqT erEsv w cqt d ergffiq d no-*"fo ftc'Tc crnfu-f, $RT e-<rs qfuo, 3rrrdftTq 4.17 III d Tre w s'fiafua To $csT-qr d qrQT qqr 6{i or ergiu otn t o-rffiff qftfr d wqa Esi d fu etfiq qfift glqws 3rifro o{i wru q6 s.qrfu-d okrt fu {iEiE-d e-}+q 3TErfirfi, at RtwHt o) sfirdRTq *ifrer lgRfr, fttsf, +iT nRfd oen e*q rsfrfr trRr, Eq frftqdr 3ifi qdrqc qfrut d sm.ld ftffie sbqrcn cir qrq+rS or ergwoq {aiqT qer dl qt gcqrcg g qqRro fi *ifrer Hfrfr. fta)ss d={T qRfr oQn Gi{ 3E+{q cbqT gfu6r d 3ilflfu frf{E &i*q rsftft sriT qbtrrcr] Ot" qqErd d crJqcq lati qri d sqeT t e-. rqq o.tTr cruTf,Rtv ftMi t qfrfr o1 orffioft ft*q o1 RMTRaT ' 41a qrt fr r orffi"ft qfrfr, ei+q qflh o1 ffi cmrdftIq \16 crqeT-q-{ d qreT qfrr q=rT oq o{-Jd{{ of iqft GTercn Gt-qetT d ftf ftl "oq qftfr d qqer sd q{ fr-fl{ oG nen .ili of gfu s-{i d sqq< gu* g B-fq d{ft r 4.1s cRyq, raq o\ gs-drd d wge as +i d c{qra fu 3r}ffi #crd ilt fiH€ em qrqoi Gil-i qFcqdr a1 Xtr oror B, Grttrd crEd-fi *1ffi qErc qtirft t 4.20 {sd lrzrd, orffifr qfrfr d ftrfq d 3TrErR q{ or.iraRn gm oTftRf, qrB-qtffi aw er5n)-en q-{ sTqqr Grrffi q: qrfr fo-qT ut\.nt go qqq ii orhf,f,q z q{ ai GmB d ftr * 3rx+<-q qa qrt fuq1qNqT1 4.21 r$ qr equnc, ffi qr.dq-#E. crjd-fi-qe rEr't fu-qT.rfl t osn'fr-ilqn q{errq, fu€ (si), wm (eD, old-f,q (eD, eOq qTS 3il-i qlar etqdT i qMc d toc aEdqq rsrq fu-sT rrur.t. ql-cl 3ddrc) nqr t-o+qn d qqq fr ffir$ .r{ frfr, qR'q-{ gnr fqfrE qrm} d ergwn, flraor offi ovr nzrdTf+{w-o (uen roer) eir ersq}fi qfrsT gfu6r q frHE ergq* d crgqx ci-q ffiffi q6r{6 ETs 3iq qaiqftfi ssw d Fqk or orgqr-oq ohfrr o\ ds lr.fr f*e.r r*eru. Rrer-q offir /qqdlftl:To defl er'rr ilf,ffi qsf{fi €rrn rgq d figfu T{dq: RqRrf, ffiereq sn rqfr da{r qfu-qr (fuqtrq, q{q ei-qq-qfi scercTi qfr-qr qq qqq et€-o{, qFfr g qq-+r d) d uSsq S ott r SEc. 4] [ !]rrr 'qrfd 6r JII-€rs 4l {.IT;I : }IgHR0l o1 fl iigfrdd d qt fr q-d{I, fiqfRd qq'{ qt 3ryd-<q qftqT gfr-{6l t fqffE org.E$ d ergvn ontmRn d nq-q}-8d w .fr ail-d}s €rF d qTgrfrI ftt€l $ R'qT, qRRarfut d frrerq Er€r\ cTSdRn n6ffi offit netT qrd{Enq Grq {elrn sfi 3rtftd gs =r$i otfr ft-gfu fu{ r 4.22 {q ftRurii d q'c +.r cr}-{ +.2 d ffn rtn sni{r} sT rmqur cr5q}<T qbqT gfuoT fr ftfrtre T€fun, qtr-6t w qfuqrii ow erEg* d ergsr{ cRqq ET{r wrro-lr{q w otffio fuC.TC o11en fuer qn'qrl 423 Grilqm a-f,ffi"{i{sTr d qFr or gs qoR trdq TS otft fu n-rffi eq€rT d q'rq.sT riffrK sq cil&Td\q c{€rsT 3rt$cilf,& cTersT 3Terqr \qgft{rE$ eTerar 3rsrsT \'{3irf,& ererdT gerd€A{ olercr qf{cT, q{cnTt, cili{fi {t$s, elfud +rrrft'q, ccdr ".t-6q. qrfttr qRsE. oTfu'd rlqfi-q 3rT+T eT-<t 6T 3Tsm ei-q crR (er-gfrd sd.r qni oT {q}q 6r ft-qT{ur) sTBft-qq rsso d atrd frEq orq qiqrn d crq 6S ''fr T€t otrill qq-g q-6-.fr fu, gq{-ff qfuiq ss scr fr .cr.f c-St Efi, qR ilmffi xisa{r qrEd q{mr{ gr{r rvrf}-6 *1 ng * 3Ta]qr {s6r q|q sr{d s{iFTq gRr 3rJdrRc fuar rpqr g ftrtil{ 3il{oilffi qffi dt rf,ffi t 4.24 frffi .fr fte{ft q Gfl{rdRtq d ' Td 3ngd-fi crq fuc frqr oel ffio q,t ffi'.qrilqZilf,frBt +d wqf,dT crw fu\ 6o1, ftffi fr ilf,ffi riqen d orrqftt'T oer qlsr qfuqT d qr.r *i oel Mff o) yipT ti of ergqn =i€td-fft 4.2s ri*go ffiorcrq t-S ilf,ffi sceTrcii d Erfu-d Mtr ag otlr, ffi qls qRq-q tnr odfuo 3qm{q rS Bl 4.26 ei{trf, *dqZsr'q srorq/\4q rr.'qeb eailqq qRq-q d znr qmm-q ortfud 3fld|fi d fucT frrS f,.rffi r{terT m} Mtr d qrffi d {a\ fiq6 r€ tftr 4.27 3riEf, rd-#,zrro-+*t \4erci t qR'qE o] frft-"q sqMi A frc 3rnftd qrroft nerT ({flt'q sS ner ryf rcm o-{i qjt erien of qrfr *t qR. rr-$ \ilc-orft GTerqr qRsE o1 s-srq'ftc w ({f,rilq.ren. qs"f qN qd *, eflq,zclarqr 3il'ildt6 !-ilf-fildo_frzfl *iqery' sr{flfro qT=rmifr o) qo-e n erqq-f, d eilq,/c{.rqT s-€ti qmoift fuqd B/vs+r q-dfl f{fin fuqT t. d qRrq gs \{cirT q 6trft, fiTqn 3r-J+K-{ qirs frqT cr}-{/orQrsr t-S er.q or{qr-$ oqqr aTrfrd d. d, * 6{i €fr ortr cTff{m y+#t/ilf,ffi {iierrcrt d ftF€ fu\ qd d ftf enqqqo e,q-S qKl 3€yB G:tltz-7 I l0 THE GMETTE OF TNDLA: 4.zB EXTRAORDINARY lPanr lll -Sec.4l qB, .roa eti, 'rao fttr{q fu-q q't qms) Gn-i qF{qd d s..ie-{, o-sTsn o1 ftRtw 1M t, drQrgi sffid o.r$ eisrqr {€-d frct, qqq-qrq rR ftfrerur rfr ot qdfr nen sqgffi or@ Er sdrfi, ffi 3r1diq qrqfl Afl f,arT tS er-q off ynFrd t, d, qen n+rq, erriE+ rrtrolr,no+a {r{ano{i d fr-s-€ fuT qTi d ftN oIlcITqcF qrrS qlc Gr.{rdfrTq, i-d qT{cil q. q-6T q{fl-f,$i d t 4.2e f,f,iMi s€n gRr 3TRtrd qt{frq rrf,ffi RTeil qRE< d qre srT 01 .t{ {rRT o1{q s{ of 3tsts d qsq|d fr qlfus frc qfi of erffi fr qrqrlt ffi qiqq. vrd cr\q 6 ffi se.'iqq c*{/c{QrsT qise{r Ersr d qlqd U, o* uX emfu, n{-frSrfi 3r}.{/cTQrsT .4qet d frFd qmdr-q{-qFffiT 3TTEtr{ rN qenft'ffd. crd 3lti erqB d fN {dTg qT denft, GrqerT ffi t oi-r/c{ardT si w< fu-qr qr soor i't 4.30 gl Itffi d q"-s +.za 3tt +.zg d 3Teft{ fusqc qqffi-it d 3r5+fi A * l6Tq fu-\ qii d qrd q. {iran cTarqr Gr$-dc d frwR ffi "1 +.r ellq +.2 ti sct sftafuo fu-S *S qqeneit t w Amqdi d tgos ' rq)qq d far ergq- fu rm Ibfr orrifi qr oq ilfi fusR q61 foei qlgrrT, E6I ro i-S orfor{ ot ftqem q os fuqT .ril d osn !-{#i/\qrea3{t *l goeiqcl d 3rrtrr t 5-qa c tn-i feq .rqr d lrf,fr r 4.3i -i *iq-qfi fisafr'ildq tS rgc€nsi d srit o), fu-sd ortrmqiZqreq-mqi cRqq ErtT rrrrrkr os ftqr wT eiersT 1b-.r6r q-gqifi qrqt+ d f&qr {qT eierqr {i-dfr-f, os ftqr .rqT t, ssd qre{ ri{d qq.ftmc+ff c$-i qRqq 3{.rTdftTq 3Edrfud tiw13fi g *emr<R-o gq uiri tni, srd ofo-iiZqreqm-if of qqTfu co. iqfr t t m ilf,ffi oin qqeno* ti sqgm ec t ecd d fu\ i-S rtrerT3Tl if 3Tfufuff fri cr5qfd tfr ot r 4.32 qjtqE d 3rJdrfi 6 gqT croffi ortr*qZqroqoq qErq d{i ot-fr frtfr .ft lrsen o) tr-ep5dpo eYi--a fuqT qgrn, qR qr:- o) qR'q d qgd<c 6 6qT eilr+rg{ tr u) ftffi sni{nfr FrFr/qT tS enq w ord oq sS t, R av er5ll-<+ r€i ft-qr rTqr e-t tt) qRsq ErT "nr-erg6"" elR-o o1 .r{ t qRss r c{g 3Tfi ?16 fi fu, of{ qRqq EnT ft<Edfan rerni w qqtfrd ilf,ffi flnn t 6{i qfr dwnq B€ q< tuT qd d ftc off stt <rff Et'ft. fuei. dS {i)ql-{Rg}Zqr€rl qiqftdi/Tdq)fu-a qfra-qj d farrd, qelT ecnqur, srgw off fr qrfr-d Gnar-fr {erTc-i qle.q-m-qZtrrtrrq 4.33 qRqE ftr{fr €TetT ol ofg e-erd s{3drEq € tfr r ! '!lr{d 6I TFffi : 3l$qRq |qn III-strs 4l .4.34 ffiqiqno den fr.cs$. M enro E-As s{ Edffi M q6Tmq} n iTdEd qAvt erqdT d 3Tfuf,ff zo cfrcn oo !.deT d ftc q" d.i. uTqfu stcqrq Fm)-qR, er$c, Ae G q-rq q riffif,d cieT errdr d srfuo-dq eo cftctd oo cA$ d ftK qr+ d-n, uft 3ndftd q}gr erqdT t eiftR*r e)'qr q{g q*6 fu, i-d r sryocT qetrflfi dsT {rrt 3rr-q)-d-rT t ffiqi t, t fFfrq at' mrgoor M qTldrmdr t lr{$-qd yder erq-dT d ertso.dq zo qfrcrfl ao s'.drT d ftg qra d-,}, qqfu- 3isqq ffiqw, aer-Sq, *q qq Efi n ri{fifld c}ql e{qdT d eifuooq eo qfrqd dfi ci€T d ftc qn dii, q)fu 3{-{drfud q}€T &rqnT d eftRm elqr q-{g q6 ci'i f},. td hilefi, 6q1q rM q fuqnqT qqqmq Trr low t, n fr-ftq u6 rM ft.fr qr.dsrsF* d ri{s-qd qa{I erq-dT d eifd-onq zo cid'sn .rfi q-deT d flr qn Eti, qqfu eisqn ffi-sR, eerfrq, ffq cq sq'{ n s{Sflf, cier sTTf,r d 3TDFdq so qfusrd il6 c}cr d fuc qe 6]'n, qtfu 3r1+rfud qAaT erqdT d eft-Rm ei.nt fa-dTrff, ftf,-€ii cr.dq-mq Xir fuur . q{g q6 $ fu t-S;fa-qTrff. ffi ro+z w{ q{ sTe&rT rlI.FF K{ qr qFro qo.q+l- d sre{ fr.S.c., fr.cs*€. (en{ATorger qd-s) q q{.r.t 3 sd of cmfu 6r Ftc-F s!lt) qdffiq {iT oq ftqr t, d G-ds q{ cq.€.c. qr.drs$ q Fr+qo s-Acr eil.iflr d s{fuddq zo qfrsrd d6 q-arT d ftr qn drn, qqfu 3is'TF F_s)et{, oer$c. A-q sq q{q ;i cleT effdT d oTts{dq so qfrcrd oo qAcr d ftr qra E}n, q}fu 3qdrRn qiq effdT t orftftm rin t 4.35 I qirrfr srBRqq rgso d etr{r 25 d G{fiq renfr-d of .r$ c;qq "o* ol696-ffi qFffi c{ersT fr.cil.8 fr-go asr qenfu-d 6rtr{d df,ffi sranT ffifuo gfttrqfl otft ,- o) GFTrqqq ig fld n mt (annef od yqr$ {S) u) flmffi €qeTrcrl d qz{rerr aRi Vfud qrt.r$ enq ol oo-661 14.* d 6rqT nen ft-om w fr sild o+Sr :r) Grneq&r Eq t qfr (dkr.r) =i$ d-frr oTfiffq 5.1 qfrft d rrqqs sTfid qRu-{ +t orffioft lrBfr d Fpfq S qf*d ftffi qsetT o\ .rqrftq ---aaHTTIKI -: $ qqeT d-qFr qfi qrt eTfr-d F{i of ergqfr e},t r sffiq qfi-fr rfd;I tFI eEqe{, 3rlTtdR|q nTT loqr qK'ilT t 1l' THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: ' s.2 EXTRAORDINARY [Penr Ili Ssc. 4] 3rffiq qfrfr d sqeT (Rr}-s rqf, otrTll i4qen d vf, qfrftfu o] erqins qftfr d qrTe{ riqetT oI gfuo}q q-qd d{i d frq 3rTrihd fu-q qgqit qRqq sT \16 3rfuf,ft 5.3 crffiq qfrfr rht flrwrRit crerrdRTq of qRqq d qqeT TS qA"t, fu{mr Fpfq ciftq s.4 ' I or Fptq, ct-{d-fi c-{ eTetqr sr@ qa d rDc ii etemr yo BqgR ri*sq d $q q, crra{fi o1Efu'd fuqT qrgrrTt qftirq @1qffi d qtqd i, era-c+out {q qrd A fhc ffira dqr fu q6 q-fl oraqq -" qRqE lrdtflT o. EFIT € I Xft qfi sTrscs-6-dr fttfr T$ ddffi qren qtt rq-d-o rM/"qq/ffi ffiftqq 1e56 q;q-+ qm crqi frtr€qd dd n. of ensr zs d sTfi-q {enffi et'r$ d ,M/=qmlqiqfr 3TftBqq rgso of etf{r 25 d eftffqceTrfr-d rr*6 qm ot.r$ siwfr d w trFirq qqT d{i of ftE 66 qr ssfr qd, {qE ao d wral, se-rrc{ilFd GN ftff€ Xp otfr arRcr q{g qd fi fu. rilf6 M/-qe/qiq-fr 3TftE canfud sn .r{ d qm zs d 16 qrd qfr'E)-ft fu 3Tfufrqq tgso d fts d{d cT-jdrdrq d fr -rs Tfr w Nro rf,ffi flreil's{ern d ft-om d nfqflef iisnn g_cTi d ftc sq Tfr .il f-dc 7. tnflrfrd s{en qa sfr eTft qE Rs lrd"fl a;q-ff q,,l qeqro | fticroZcrqrd eft ri6rq s{s} + Sdq it qrrror0 ilf,ffi q-€rq s{d fr-tqrdtZfiqd 3i{ risrq qq*d d eqq q vrrf,ffi qR\ d A-q-ftd q{ sq?fq rqa d 3rq€il"s oifr dan q'rff q+Fr-qrpr q{ Eq qilfl'oT GrekFr o-{fr a. {tft| l srqrftro qrfutq ot tffi d nq d !-c+-fi arildRrc a€Srfud irf,ffi srerT t qc arqen o1qrfr * fu ce S d,rq ii d-f,ffi o)qe ffe *g aoo dt d artroq Ecrq (qc oT#i d ewrs q fi-{ fu{, ffl *'an # d sTd-sq, lgiq s qd € a qd oo. z HiA fu\, ffi q-cn-fi A-q i +o € so fueneff d. cnRa d-n) t t ortr+q sq" wrn d Rrff-q e.q-flq qff qS w tre r{s€rq. renfud e-r sTr{c{6dTdi w emnfto di lrrqrfum qrfu-cq "lRq. ! I qrq III-€!-g 4] s. lT{d 6t TInMt : slqtrlRof l3 sremr$-{ odffiq ffiqldq d €qG_f,r qtq ilm,ffi ftreilZcderq otffi o} S GnT-dRTq q-gt'rRd ilf,ffi/rder+ €*e61q ffio orffi d sq qRq-( d-{d q ?-dfi of ergq6 4X' 10. ft-dE-{ frMt d ftfid{ d r{dq Eq qnnn oerT qRqE or Enr fu-+r ti qc 11. t trq a+ srd fu,fr ,fr yFr Fr eiftq oeTr qlq-orff EhTrl ffq at vtfu offi d fqqRnT d ftr qRq-q oTqare€sq qqd) n, frtfr erq mrcoil {afu-d +i erffifuo q-diq it 3Tsrqr d fqftq+ii d * ffii M fl \tll+llq-l qlq$ cl-ll 12, cRvq frqr frd qrgqT, i{{Qri rft scdrT d qd t o{.leT d ftffi.fi tt q-f sd-fir I sfi no-ffi wer qc fr B d qRq-q, i-S qra m€ d qR d d frd uDT tscciqq F{fr T6 €qg!f, e-{S nelT \4cift-f, "i qd ilf,Sd' r4qcrr F) gi 6r clcf{fq ti d wqq qq frM| d 3m.fd qrqs.d c<r+ fuc w ergf{q +l wd.X' 13. d {nRd g{ ftftqdi d s*rqc otd gv qa 'i Bc.iert qeqrd. d frc a-offi Rrer nsn F{i q]d of$ qTfr Enfr, fu*d erJd<r, qR ot$ qrq{r fuqr srlT ei-rTorwor qRqq ilrt, le*d ei-t7}q-qr E""t s{erT, frD-dn RTfu-d oi ofu € .ffiZ.qmZqffi off G{etqT gsd lsEdfud qfrf,dt d ftlo6 qe{ t, *d- qqqur, fi:nfr-a tt qfr fr fu, of{ ero-frd erarT.{r'frft.qfr 6 furfi fi sldrj or sdsq orfr B, d qRwq tfr qis ord, qi q€ Bqgmr rrq$ nen frft-fi q{g Grrq{Tfu-dr q-6 oiq d6ffi riwrT o) qrqd of rqq o-Ei 6r olcf{r{ -e.Erq .n{i d qearo. fti fqffe, qQtT nos"r, oH go crsril Erfr ffii .nq $drfi :_ riqD-f, 14. frhrq} d swqq cr off 14.1 1rEdsq frrqr d qnr ffwru d fus q-1t onfct r*go fu-qr qrqrZsTr*fi Tqd c q h*r. ori ig ilf,-qs,l s{en\, fqqfRd 9-|' q{ S.q g.^3T_jqrc-{ ffi qtrd, q,,rTdRrq d ssg-d etsq oTsidq qi r-.ifi st etdqq ' Tgd Sff, q"€ v-€ fuft ortr*eZqroq-oo d fuc sf, sd t.{ft-o ; fuwR fqsT qT^gsi E) i i-t .n}e* A ,rfu d, (ft-". dsTeT 3{erqr nqr Asq go d eru) eifrr ftE o;O ^$P.Glftte) cfr eqqfqq q f{S.d ergvx d,ir za,-ts Gq12_/) THE GAZETTE OF iNDIA : EXTRAORDINARY III-SEC. 4] fr-{flri d fr\ s*ft erine< nqo fu-} qfiZoiln{q rqd q fat$ qd rr{ \{ren d frE€ tsqgffi EusrFTo off e1cx"frt Eq {dq q t {it$ \rfi 3{am olfu6 o1 fr ssedl qRqq EtrT ftq qo-srflo ffi sr$ Etfr '- d sqdrqc . IPARr r. qfi $reTFro s{ d frc aiRfttr fti d tsc ar-J+<q oT ftilq-{ ,. * glsprcn s{ d ftc TfilcrD'@.qrdqod q qneT TS (+ qsfrsTq) Rerfr e. ortr*q/qroqo-q d lav erg- otqq frT +. r4sq"d erg*eq of qrrq'dqr 14.2 3Ttrfi ni{r. ftrfi fi qRfuTfr.n e\-,ft1 qR 3rAo {i{erT'aRT qrqT vTrdT B, e) e{€n rieeT fr wen qR'qq 61rT c{trfi of S-c r+@T t sTtr6 edcT ii of orgqft +t qa{r of q++ fr .lrfr trzqRw gRr q6 frF€ tsqgffi Eusl-flrm ofu qfr qtvrft | W frfld d qfr dfr:- frlc qu€rc+t-o 6r@dt n t r. re*o ortro cleT d fr{ qfr un rqd -r$ qe (qt€) o.r via Xw 3. ff glqTFro qt d ftc aftRff d fuq cfim-fi glqTFro sS fuC \'613IB-6 q6q-m.ii {q}ql * * d frtfr \ro GrBo qn€T cTetc11 {f@ 6r ftqiq{ q-$ (+ qsfr$cl R€Tft. a. ord-o-qlqroqm-q $ ftc .ryS<" qrrrs d-cT s. s€tT d ergql<q d qiqs dcr 14.a erfo fl-adZftt{rd al eTEfir sff c $f fu-qr wcr ffi w{ ta q15 t 3rfuuu u1 .rqfu d fdf qs d ft\ qefifiqfR-d 3fdr d ergeR crfldZftiaTo TS Etn, s-{d fag€ qREE i;Rr ffifu'd Eusrerm orfsri qfr qK.ft 'r gm ti€TFro st d ldc qnvr rS (ri gsfrrrc) fterfr te erelr; 14.4 $i6rs : srd 3rgqrd at $f c f{r, fta{"r rerq sft{/orer{r ci-*ffirl 6T sgrnEFT q ft-qr qrqr tS d fuc fttrs td=nFl qrnn(. q) re qr6 A cTBtn 3rj{er'T d fdc qQTrF-ff€ +iorq : un er{crd tnr r€t o-q r$ *, Rrerq wrw d frc fqtr€ nd;rqni srt-t3{rrql cd-dterl uil ii€'fdffi t .r$i as {S e, cRs-q fliT 96 3rQrfl-crl*m'o1qIfr Ei.fr :3rgqTcrc 1. c-fi $eTFro sd d fi-q s-srflf, mffi ftc aTFdft.ff , qR oN t, d fas 3i_gq- FITFFT - z. g6 deTFro st' d ftr €qfud qFde_f,-it d cAeT q-S (c\ q-€SeTc) jRrft s. rm-fl crdffiq d f"r o9=o qrqs d.+r +. qca{r d en+<E o) qlqq dcr ' . I qrrr lil-q'rs 4] .ql{tr 6T lFIq? : etfiqRsr t5' {@rrr, #c. mt. v*{Rn-dr strsti. gm-6i, otr, gm-6rcrq gfrqnif d srnffireif of tftf c fu-qr qnr .14.s Fq€T. w \4{an\, qarrfrfrE tFWq, dqesqr, {-fid, ft-{i. g-qrrrqrlETT Bq@{i, sq g{floTeu gfrqrcrl .bt Ttr T€t 6t ft, qnqq sNT $mzni, gq gfi cTstqT oTEaD sff <1S dIft :- qtr ffit fu t l ftd r. cm *$Fro s{ d frr srfrR-n {h&, qR oH t, d ffu erg4* a_+tnc1qn 2. qfi *eTFro st d fuc vqloTfuo qroqmqt q qdcr rS (d qsficri) RpTfr s. orfsq/qr-dlnnq d f"r u-g- qrq€ A{r 4. €{an d 3i$R-q o\ qrrrs +qT t 14.6 tro-ftot rirerr S ftc aftR-tr 3IM q) sie{rc ftHe ertercTt 3Tqmdi a1tffi c ft-qr qFTr at {tr T€l tntft, n qRq.q ERT ftq s-€teq6 GTfu+, tn1qrfr €Fft:offi d t fu-S y".{qT r. w r\e{Fr-f, sE d {Ac a{Rftff frt qR ot$ d, S ftq 3fiq}fi oT .o',-i-t-t e1q n z. so ttaFro sS d fuc sf,leTfuo qqffiril ii c}yr r€t (+ r'sfrqTq) Rarfr 14.7 fffitd fid o11ffi d r or+ t Fi€rN, ftffi€ fifi-d etr of GrteTren o1 {tr =€i 6i.ft. qRq-q flrT ftq q!€Tfrtb n d furft \rfi G{em sTBo qfr sIS dirft :- \ olffi 1. v6 RlerFm sS t-\ tnc1q-l d fuc aTftR-n fti, qR 6f$ t, S fr\ cfi+{q ol z. s6 *eTFT'fi sE d fir sf,lerfu-o qqq-rd q qlci r€i (+ ss{nq) turfr 3. oTf4q./qd{rn-qd Lr og6- qrqs.+qT +. rirerr d srg+qq o1 qqq fqr 14-8 en-Erq$ d qnd I Eti w qfts'41qlw$ d qR q 3rqmRrq d ftqT-ft{clf oT sTFFr i tFTi slm oTprar erq-qrcr$ q tfr 6G srfr rfiery, cRs-q EI{T ftq sosr-flfi oitqdd-q d frt€I gfi GTstqr 3IEo 01<lfr df.ft :qdqT d veE - ! ' THE GMETTE OF INDIA : ]6 EXTRAORDINARY [Penr III Sec. 4] 1. g@ (atu-) at qq* d u-c}o qrl-6 d fu qft Era * sW ,Tc qd g@ d s) x"r d srr.F&r o'r gqtqT s-{qRa fueT qTq{Tr 2. cs dteTFro s{ d fu vfi,/erft-fi qrqsmit q c-M qS (d tlsftarq) freTfr a. ortroqlqreq-mq & oqdrcc of atq$ 4 s6 dreTFm sd d ft\ Grfrftn fri, qfr 6N d, d A- ftv eqq* l-ld q -l gt : ALL INDIA COUNCIL - tF. qL oItfsFF. q(Fl-qi=iq T'qR TECHI\ICAL EDUCATION New Delhi, the 27th September, 2012 All Intlia Council forTexhnical Education (Grant ofApprovats for Technical Institutions) Regulations,2012 FJi"J%3/L.grinCfnnOlZ.-In exercise of its powers confened under sub-Section(1) of Section 23 read with Sectionl0 and Section 11 of the All India Council for Technical Education Act, 1987 (52 of 1987) and in supersession ofthe All India Council for Technical Education (Grant of Approvali for the Technical Institutions) Regulations, 2010 notified in the Gazette oflndia on 10"' December, 2010 and All india Council for Technical Education (Grant of Approvals for the Technical Institutions) (1't amendment) Regulations; 2011 notified in the Gazette of India on 30* September, 2011 regarding grant of approval for starting new technical Institutions, infioduction of cogrses or programs and increase/variation of intake capacity of seats for the courses or programs and extension of approval for the existing technical Institutions, the All India Council for Technical Education makes the following Regulations: I Short Title , Application and Commencement: mA;R"guE-ors n*y be called the All lndia Council for Technical Education (Grant 1.1 of Approvals for the Technical Institutions) Regulations, 2012 1.2 1.3 Institutions conducting and /or intending to conduct technical education and such other programs and areas as notified by the council from time to time. They shatt co*e int" force with effect from the date of their publication in the Of8cial TGtlffil.appty io technical Gazstle. Delinitions: 2 In these Regulations , unless tl1e context othgrwise requires 2.1 2.2 techrdcal Institution. "Act" mea* the Att lndia Council for Technical Education Act, 1987 (52 of 1987). 2.3 %rcTE webfortal" means web site hosted by the Council at URL www'aicte- india.org. .A 2.5 2.6 2.7 rn.uns an appiicant that makes an application to the Council for seeking any kind of approval under these Regulations the In!ti!4q3419y94 !y 99!ry4 'Approved Institution"-means Chairman of the Council as described under sub-Sections "Chair-"n" shrtt "'t"a" Act. (4Xa) of Section 3 ofthe "Company'means the company established under Section 25 of the Companies Act' Appnr-t" 1956 I Errr III-so-s 4] rll{d 6T {Fiqrl : q$qRul t7 "Competent Authority for Admission" means a body responsible for admission to technical Institutions in the State/IJT concemed. "council" means All India council for Technical Education established undei. section "Course" means one of the branches of.learning in Program which will include Dual gourse and Inteqrated course. 2.tl "Division" shall meanl a batch of Sixty seats in Under Graduate Program and Diploma in Engineering / Technology / Pharmacy / Hotel Management & Catering Technology / Applied Arts & Crafts 1. Architecture / Town Planning and Post Graduate Program in pGDM / MBA / MCA, excluding supemumerary seats, if any; A of in Post Graduate Program in Engineerilg / Technology / Pharmacy / Hotel Management & Catering Technology / Applied Arts & Crafts / Architectwe / Town Planning. batch maximum Thirty seats A batch of maximum Sixty MCA. "e- seats in Dual Degree Cowses in Management (MAM) and means the intemet "e-Receipt" means thb payment receipt received on payment using intemet banking on web- Dortal of AICTE. "Executive Committee" means the Committee constituted by the Council under Section 12 of the AICTE Act. "Foreign National" means the citizen of the all countries other than India who are not of Indian orisin as defined under PIO. "Govemment Aided Institution" means technical Institution that meets 50% or more of its recurring expenditure out of the grant received from Government or Govemment "Govemment Institution" means technical Institution.established and / or maintained the Govemment. "Head of the Institution" means the Vice-Chancellor,{Director in case of a University or a Deemdd to be University, the Principal or the Director or such other desienation as. the executive head of the Institution ofthe technical Institution refened. "Non-Resident Indian QIIRI)" means an Indian citizen who is ordinarily residing outside India and holds an lndian "Persons of Indian origin (PIO)" shall mean tie Persons who are citizens of other countries (except Pakistan & Bangladesh) who at any time held an Indian Passport, or who or either ofhislher parents or any of his/her grandparents was a citizen of India by virtue of the provisions of the Constitution of India of Sec.2 (b) of the Citizenship Act, "Private-Self Financing Institution" means an Institution started by a Society/TrusVCompany and does not receive grant/fund from Central and./pr State Government and/or Union Territory Administration for meeting its recurring "Program" means the field of Technical Education, i.e. Engineering, Technologlz, MCA, Architecture, Town Planning, Management-MBA, Management-pcDM, Pharmacy, Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Applied Arts & Crafts and and areas as notified by the Council from time to time. Committee" means a Regional Committee established under Section 14 of THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : l8 EXTRAORDINARY [Parr lll-Src. 4] 2.25 the Act. "Second Shift" means shift generally from 1pm to 9 pm in which educational activities of the technical Institution are conducted. "Society" means a Society registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860. 2.26 "Trust" means a Trust registered under Charitable Trusts Act, 1950 or any other 2.24 relevant Act. Any otler words and expressions used herein and not defined but defined in the-All India Council for Technical Education Act, 1987 (52 of 1987), shall have t}le same meanings respectively assigned to them in the said Act; 2.28 Part Time Programs means activities conducted in evening time i.e. 5.30 pm to 9.30 pm (six dayr a week) wherever First / General'shift working exits and are meant only for working'professionals or professionals with at least two years of work experience Promoters of the Technicallnstitutions J.l A technical Institution may be established and administered by the foilowing: a A Socief registered under the Societies Regishation Act, 1860 b A Trust registered under the Charitable Trusts Acl 1950 or any other relevant Act. A company incorporated under Seciion 25 of the Companies Act, 1956. d A Company as stipulated in Regulations sub clause 2.7, having any foreign equity directly or indirectly as share holding shall not be permitted from applying for setting uo an educational Institution Central or State Govemment / UT Administration or by a Society or a Trust registered or a company incorporated under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 or under Public Private Partnership mode by them or under Build Operate and Transfer mode Grant of Approvals for Technical Institution/Polytechnic (Iechnical Irstitution offering Diplomas) 4.1 All promoters of technical Institutions and or Polytechnic (Technical Institution offering Diplomas) shall require prior approval ofthe Council for a Establishing a new Technical Institution / Polytechnic (Technical Institution offering 2.27 J 4 Diplomas), or establishing a Technical Institution. b d f 1-L a b d f partnerships between Indian and foreign the oftechnical in field education, research and haining. Universiiies/lnstitutions Conversion from women only Institution to Co-Ed Institution. Chanee ofthe name of the Technical Institution Closure of AICTE approved Technical Institution Change of Site / Location of the existing Institution The Technical Institution i Poly.technic (Technical Institution offering Diploma) shall require prior approval ofthe Council for: Extension of existing approval Inhoduction of new course/s, division/s, program/s, second shift, and Part Time Prosrams Change in intake capacity Creation of supernumerary seats for admitting Foreign students/ Persons of Indian Orisir/children of Indian workers in Gulf countries Admission ouota for children ofNon Resident Indians Mandatory provision of supemunerary seats under Tuition Fee Waiver scheme Collaborations and Twining I r]rq III grg 4.7 st IIqq;{ ; a The Council shall publish, from time to time, Approval process Handboolq detailing the conditions of approval and procedure to process the applications of Institutions and /or prolqoters. The applications for approval for the purposes listed under clause 4.1 (a), (b), G), (d), (e) an4 €) ofthese Regulations shall be made by:The Clrairman or Secretary in case of the Society / Trust b Managing Director or any authorized officer in case of company established under Section 25 of the Comoanies Act. 1956 An officer authorized by the concerned Central Govemmenttstate Governrnent AIf in case of Central or State Govemment / UT Administration or a Society or a Trust registered or a cornpany incorporated under Section 25 of the Companies Ac! 1956 or under Public Private Partnership mode by them, as tle case may be. The applications for approval for the purposes listed under claus e 4.2 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) and (g) of these Regulations shall be made by Principal / Director of rhe technical Institution or head of the Institution or an officer of the Institution duly authorized by thg promoter of such Institution. The format of the applications and the documents to be attached to the application and the fee to be remitted, the manner by which the applications areprocessed, the norms and standards, requirements and the procedures for grant of approval shail be prescribed in the Apfroval Process Handbook by the Council from time to time. The applicant may be required to submit the application for purposes listed in 4.1 and 4.2, and pay prescribed fee online through AICTE's web-portal or any other mechanism notified by the Council from time to time. In such a case, the system may generate a tracking number, specific to the applicatiorg which may be used by the-applicant for making frrther references and to track / check the status of the application, concemed, An affidavit, in the format as given on the web portal, on a Non Judicial Stamp paper of Rs.100/- duly sworn before a First Class Magistrate or Notary or an Oath Commissioner, inter alia, stating that the information given in the appiication is true and that if it is found at any stage that any or part of the information has been suppressed and / or misrepresented and / or the information given in the application is false, the Council will be free to take action including withdrawal of approval and / or any other legal action as it may deem fit. a All eisting Institutions applying for online. 4.8 .\ 4.9 '19 3rgirtRul Closure of AICTE approved cowsqlprogram,/division 4.4 +.o rtRit o +-) 4.5 4l o o o . r o r o l Extension of approval to existing Technical Institution / Technical Campus Increase / reduction in intake in existing courses Adding course/s in existing program Closure ofprogram / course Mandatory provision of supernumerary seats for TFW Introducing / continuing / discontinuing supemumerary seats for PIO ' Introducing / continuing / discontinuing seats for sons/daughters ofNRIs Chanse of namt ofthe Institute n THE GMETTE OF INDIA: EXTMORDiNARY o r IPARr II--SEc. 4] Second Shift Programs Part Time Programs Shall make necessary corrections, online, based on the deficiency / Status report available thrcugh Institute login until such time that the applicant finally submits tlrc applicatlon on the portal. there are no deficiencies then the system shall allot the intake applied for, as per clause 3.0, sub clause 8.1, sub clause 9.6, clatrse 11, clause 12, clause 13 of Chapter II of the Approval Process Hand Book If ! The consolidated list of all Institutes with the approved intake shall be placed before the Executive,Committee for approtal or otheiwise. The same shall be notif,red on the web portal. Furth6r the.,lnstitute may print the Extension of approval letter along with approved intake tluough the Institute login. 4.10 4.11 No appeal shall be allowed on this procedure sinpe an applicant is allowed conections multiple times, in the application form along with generation of online deficiency / status report before submission of the application. b All applications other than 4.9a shall be evaluated by a Scrutiny Committee constituted by the Regional Officer by selecting members using automated selection process provided by the AICTE web-portal Regional Officer or an Officer of the Council concemed shali assist the re6pective Committees and place relevant records and documents before the respective Committees and make.necessary arangements for conduct of the meetings; however, he shall not be oart ofthe Committees. The Scrutiny Committee shall invite applicants of(a), (b), (c), (e) and (0 of clause 4.1, for presentation of their proposals along with originals of all scanned documents and a video CD of all facilities created for new Institutions as the case may be. As regards the applications listed at 4.1 (d) and 4.2 (g), the Scrutiny Committee witl process the proposals based on the information / documents provided by the applicant. There is no scmtiny for applications under 4.2 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (0 since the processing is based on self disclosure. 4.12 4.t3 4.14 Based on the recommendations of the S0rutiny Committee, the Regional Officer concemed shall communicate deficiencies, if any, to the applicants as stated in time schedule. The list of deficiencies shall be posted in the AICTE web-portal for information. Expert Committee shall visit the Institutions in respect of applications as in clause 4.1 (a), (b), (c), (e) and (f) of these Regulations which are tecommended by the Scrutiny Committee for further processing for grant of approval The State Government{JT Administration and the affiliating University may forward their views on the applications received under clause 4.1 and 4.2 of these Regulations to the concemed Regional Offrce ofthe Council as prescribed in tle Approval Process - I qrq III-srs 4.15 4] qlfd 6t '21 {si$t : eI{ITgRsl Handbook. The views of the State Govemment/UT Administration, the affiliating University, received in time as per schedule prescribed in the Approval Process Handbook and Expert Committee recommendations, in case of applications received under clause'4'l 4.2 u. applicable, of these Regulations shall be considered by the Regional Committee for further processing for grant of approval. If the views of the State GovemnienVUT Administration and the affiliating University are not received ftom if *d the State Govemment/UT Administration and/or the affrliating University 4.t6 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 as mentioned in time schedule prescribed in the Approval Process Handbook, the Council will proceed further for completion of approval process. The Regional Offtcer concemed shall request the appiicants, whose proposals seeking approval for cases as indicated in sub clause (a), (b) of clause 4.1, xe recommended by the Regional Committee fox grant of approval, to deposit the prescribed amount in the name of Member Secretary, AICTE along with an hffidavit, in the prescribed format given on the web portal, as per the procedure mentioned in the Approval Process Handbook. Regional Officer concemed, while forwarding the recommendations of the Regional Committee to AICTE headquarters, for placing before the Executive Committee shall veriff that the processes and parameters prescribed under these Regulations and Approval Process Handbook are followed by the Scrutiny Committee, Expert Visit Committee and the Regional Committee. The Bureau concerned at AICTE headquarters shall also verifu that the processes and parameters prescribed under these Regulations and Approval Process Handbook are followed by the Scrutiny Committee, Expert Visit Committee and the Regional Committee. The recommendations bf the Regional Committee shall be placed before the Executive Committee of AICTE. Executive Committee after considering the recommendations of the Regional Committee and on confirmation of deposit of money, along with the affidavit, shail take a final decision in its meeting ori grant of approval or otherwise. The Council shall grant the desired approvals only after satisfuing itself that the applicant meets all the norms and standards presqibed by it. Further based on the decision of the Executive Committee, Letter of Approval for a maximum period of two years at a time or Letler of Rejection shall be issued by the desimated authority of the AICTE. New Institutions granted Letter of Approval and the existing Institutions granted approval for introduction ofnew course/s (ivision/s program/s second shift and change teaching staff and intake capacily; shall comply with appointment qualifications, per policy as regarding minimum may be, case as the Principal/Director pay scaies etc., norms prescribed by the Council and other technical supporting staff & administrative staff as per the schedule prescribed in the Apploval Process Handbook. in of Institutions other than minority Institutions shall appoint teaching staff /-Principal / Director and other technical supporting staff and administrative staff strictly in accordance with the methods and procedures of the concemed affrliafing Univelsity oarticularlv in case of selection procedures and selection Committees. aa - t> <2 i\ ,. ..J w r6 a-/ tr-'t n THE GAZETTE OF INDLA. : EXTRAORDINARY IPARr III-SE'C. 4] The information about these appointrnents of staff in the prescribed forrnat.shall also be uploaded on the web-portals of AICTE as per the schedule prescribed in the Approval Proqess Handbook. A1a +.LJ 4.24 4.25 4.26 ia1 4.28 4.29 4.30 In no circumstances unless the appointment of all teaching and other staf,f is in place, the Institutes shall start the approved Technical Courses. The applications received under clause 4.1 and 4.2 of these Regulations will be processed as per the procedures, norms, standards and schedule prescribed in thd Approval Process Handbook as notified by the Council from time to time. The appiicants shall not name the technical Institution in such a way that the abbreviated form of the name of the technical Institution becomes IIM or IIT or II Sc or NIT or AICTE or UGO. or MHRD or GOI. The applicant shall also not use the word(s) Govdmment, India, Indian, National, All India, All India Council, Commission anywhere in the name of the technical Institution and other names as prohibited under the Emblems And Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act, 1950. Provided that the restrictions mentioned above shall not be applicable, if the technical Institution is established by Govemment of India or its name is approved by the Govemment of India. ln no eventuality, a technical Institution without prior approval of AICTE and affiliation from University / Technical Board concemed, shall be allowed participation in the counselins and admission process and to admit students. Affiliating Universities shall not enroll students admitted in such teclnical Institutions, which do not have requisile prior approval ofthe Council. Central / State Government / UT Administration concerned shall not permit any technicil Institution without requisite prior approval ofthe Council to admit students' The applicant promoters/technical Institutions are expected to provide to the Council true and complete information and documents required for various purposes. If the information given and or the documents provided to the Council are found to be false, incomplete and/or the applicant promoters/technical Institutions have failed to disclose factual information and / or suppressed/misrepresented the information, the Council'shall take action including withdrawal of approval and/or any other action as deemed necessary against the applicant promoters/technical Institutions. AICTE may also conduct from time to time inspections with or without notiffing dates such cases where specific complaints of falsification of documents, misreprbsentation, violation of norms and standards, mal-practices and take in appropriate actions, including withdra*val of approval and any other action deemed necessary againsf the applicant promoters/technical Institutions, as the cqqg rnq$g. The Money Deposited by the Technical Institution with AICTE may be permitted to be withdrawn after a term of ten years. However, the term of the money deposited could be extended for a firrther period as may be decided on case to case basis and/or forfeited in case of any violation of norms, conditions, and requirements and/or nonperformance by the Institution and/or complaints against the Institution. In the event of denial of extension of approval for the existing courses or grant of extension of approval under clause 4.28 and 4.29 of these Regulations, any application received for approval for any ofthe purposes mentioned above at clause qf ur4l2-ot [wlll s(rs 4] these Regulations from such Institutions shail not be considered till such proceedings are settled and the promoters/Institutions are cleared of the charges ofviolations.' 4.31 The affiliating Universities shall transfer the students of the Institutio4s, whose programs/courses have been discontinued by the Council or approval is with(lrawn or suspended, to other nearby AICTE approved technical Institutions affiliated to it and the Council shall allow supermrmerary seats in such Institutions to accommodate the transferred students appropriately tiil they complete the programs/courses. 4.32 Any Institution offering technical frograms/Courses without approval of the Council, shall be termed as unapproved if a Started without approval by the Council. ,b Working in temporary location / at location not approved by the Council. Declared as "Unapproved" by the Council 4.55 4.34 Provided further, the Institutions conducting courses/programs in technical educaiion, in temporary location /at.iocation not approved by the Council, shall be. liable for action for closure including appropriate action against defaulting Societies/ Trusts/ Companies/ associated Individuals as the case may be. The Council shall not grant any conditional approval to any Institution Diploma holders ar'rd B. Sc Degree holders shall be eligible for admission to second year engineering degree courses up to a maximum of20% of sanctioned intake, except Andaman, Nicobar, Lakshadweep, Diu and Daman where it shall be 30%, which will be the supemumerary ofthe approved intake. Provided that students who have completed Diploma course in Architectual Assistantship & Town Planning shall be eligible for admission to second yem Architecture degree courses up to a maximum of 20Yo of sanctioned intake except Andaman, Nicobar, Lakshadweep, Diu and Daman where it shall be 30%, which will be the supemumerary ofthe approved intake. . \ Provided further that students who have completed Diploma course in Pharmacy shall be eligible for admission to second year Pharmacy degree courses up to a maximum of 20% of sanitioned intake except Andaman, Nicobar, Lakshadweep, Diu and Daman where it shall be 30%, which will be the supemumerary to the approved intake. Provided that Students who have completed Bachelor's Degree of minimum 3 Yrs duration in BCA, B. Sc (ITlComputer Science) with Mathematics as a course at 10*2 level or at Graduate level shall be eligible for admission to second year MCA cowses up to a maximum of 20% of sanctioned intake except Andaman, Nicobar, shall be 30%, which will be the Lakshadweep, Diu and Daman where intake. supernumerary of the approved Working of Technical Institution set up by the company established under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 or PPP or BOT model shall ensure the following: a No profit working b Income generated through operations of Technical Institution shall be utilized for working and development ofthe Technical Institution There shall be no indirect holding it 4.35 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY 24 f, 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 6 [Panr lll-Src. 4] Appeal before Appellate Committee: An Institution aggrieved by the decision of the Executive Committee of the Council may be permitted only one opportunity to file appeal before an appellate Committee. The appellate Committee shall be constituted by the Chairmat, AIC'[E. An officer of the Council shall place the records before the Appellate Committee. A representative ofthe Institute shall be invired to place the point of view ofthe Institute before thb Appellate Committee. The recommendations of Appellate Committee shall be placed before the Council of the AICTE whose decision shall be fina1. The decision of the Council shall be communicated to the applicant in the form of a letter of approval or rejection or in the fori'n of an appropriate communication. In case of rejection of the proposal, it shall be open for the applicant to make a fresh application. Requirement bf lahd: The promoter society / trust / company established under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 ofa new Technical Education Institution shall have the land as required and prescribed in its lawful possession with clear title in the name of promoter society / trust / company established under Section 25 of +he Company Act, i956 on or before the date of submission ofapplication. Provided that it shall be open for the promoter society / trust / company established under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 proposed Institution to mortgage the land only after the receipt of letter of approval, only for raising the resources for the purpose of development of the Technical Education Institute situated on that land. Information in respect of Director / Principal and Faculty members. All 8: Technical Education institutions shall upload the information in respect of'their Director / Principal and faculty members in the format available on the web portal of the Council and uDdate the information from time to time. Social responsibility As a part of'discharging social responsibility, all Technical Institutions approved by the Council are expected to conduct a 400 hour technical skills value added programs spread over a year (programs will include 3 - 4 hours three days a week, two batches of 40 - 50 students per batch, 5pm to 8 pm). These Programs may be based on the needs of the local community where the Institute is located. 9 Part Time Program . The Council shall permit only University affiliated Technical Education / Management Programs to be run as Part Time programs in any AICTE approved Technical / Manapement Institution. 10 Interpretation 1l Any question arising out ofthe interpretation ofthese Regulations, shall be decided by the Council and the decision ofthe Council shall be bindins and final. Power to relax I r{rrr nl qrS 4] lTlfd 6t {srH : sR riRut 25 The Council may in exceptional cases, for removal of any.hardship or.such other reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of the provisions of these Regulations in respbct of any class or category of Institutions. Withdrawal of approval 12 If any technical Institution contravenes any of the provisions of these Regulations, the Council may, after making such inquiry, as it may consider appropriate and after giving the technical Institution concemed an opportunity ofbeing heard, withdraw the -gpplsyql Penalty l3 granted under these Regulations. An Institution running any technical education in violation of these Regulaticins, shall be liable for initiation of legal civil action including withdrawal of approval,. if any, and / or legal'criminal action by the Council against the Institution and/or its promoter Society/Trust/Company and Individuais associated as the case may be. Provided further that if any technical Institution contravenes any of the provisions of these Regulations, the Council after making such inquiry as may consider appropriate and after giving technical Institution concemed al+ oppornrnity to clariff the matter, may take any or all actions as specified below and as the case may be. Action in case ofviolation of Regulations Non submission / Incomplete submission of application for extension of approval it 14 14.1 The Technical Institutions shall submit the application for extension of approval in the prescribed format along with the enclosures to the concemed Regional Offrce of. AICTE each year for extension of approval by the Council, even in cases where the approval_to the Prograrn / Course was granted for more than one year. The last date for receipt of such application with or without Late Fee shall be as mentioned in the schedule. Non submission / incomplete submission of application for extension of approval shall invite appropriate penal action against the Institution. The Institution shall be liable to the following punitive action from any one ot more of the following by the Council. 1. Suspension of approval for supemumerary seats for one academic year 2.No admission status in one / more courses for one academic year 3. Withdrawal of 4pproval for Program 7 course 4. Withdrawal of approval of the Institution 14.2 Excess admissions Excess admissions over the sanctioned intake shall not be allowed under any circumstances. In case any excess admission is reported to / noted by the Councii, appropriate penal action will be initiated against the Institution. The Institution shall be liable to following punitive action from any one or more of the following by the Council. 1. Excess admission fee amounting five times the total fees coilected per student 317s srj L.l THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : 2 . 3. 4. 5. t4.3 14.4 EXTRAORDINARY [PART III_SEC' 4] shail be levied against each excess admission. Suspension of approval for supemumerary seats fot one academic year No admission status in one / more courses for one academic year Withdrawal of approval for Program / course. Withdrawal of approval of the Insti.tution. Non fulfillment of requirement of qualified Principal / Director Institutions not having qualified Principal / Director for period, more than 18 months shall be liable to following punitive action by the Council. o No admission status for one academic year Non firlfillment in Faculty: Student ratio, not adhering to pay-scales and / or qualifications prescribed for' teaching staff -not Institutions ry4intaining prescribed Faculty: Student ratio, not adhering to Pay scales and / or qualifications prescribed for teaching staff for more than 18 months, shall be liable to following punitive action by the Council from any one or more of the following. Suspension of approval for supemumerary seats, if any, for one academic year 2.No admission stafus in respective courses for one academic year 3. Withdrawal of approval in the respective course 4. Withdmwal of approval of the Institution 1. 14.5 in Computer, Software, Internet, Printers, Laboratory Equipments, Books, Journals and Library facilities requirenents Institutions not maintaining prescribed Computer, Software, Intemet, Printers' Laboratory Equipments Books, Joumals and Library facilities shall be liable to Non fulfillment following punitive action from any one or more ofthe following by the Council. 1. Suspension of approval for supemumerary seats, if any, for . ' one academic year 2. 3. 4,' 14.6 Non fulfillment in additional Essential requirements for Technical Institution Institutions not maintaining prescribed requirements shall be liable to following punitive action from any one or more ofthe following by the Council' . 2. I 14.7 No adrnission status in one / more courses for one academic year Withdrawal of approval for Program / cowse Withdrawal of approval of the Institution Suspension of approval for supemumerary seats, if any for one academic year No admission status in one / more courses for one academic year Non fulfillment in Built up Area Institutions not fulfilling prescribed built up area requirements shall be liable to following punitive action from any one or more of the following by the Council. I r]Fr ql{f, nl-ss-s 4l l. ?s't {Mq{ : n elqTtiRsr Suspension of approval for supemumerary seats, if any, for one academic year 2. 3. 4. 14.8 No admission status in one / more courses for one academic year Withdrawal of approval for Program/course Withdrawal of approval of the Institution Refund cases Institutions not following guidelines issued by the Council regarding refrrnd of fees on cancellations of admissions or delaying refunds shall be liable to following punitive action from any one or more ofthe following by the Council. I 2 3 4 Fine for non compliance,-of refund offees levied against each case shall be twice ttre total fees collected per student. No admission status in one / more courses for one academic year Withdrawal of approval for Program / Course Suspension of approval for supemumerary seats, ifany for one academic vear Dr. K. P ISAAC, Member-Secy. [/,Dv T. ttV 4 /E*,y. / rcA Printed by the Malrager, Govemment of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-l10064 and Published by the Controller of Publications, D€lhi-lt0054. 9]