qqq-sqT/qE(qwt Hrqff,q Glrf,qrrft ,, / a$q.7tor 7 zo14 / m-qio slrrrrn'- ffis.r6, iTqg(, L.Cg ttqgq fu{io LB/ .bt./zotq qfr, wq-fiT ?r-a€d, Efi-gq-d ftqq : qE zora-rs A d ftq ffi/ffffi qRrr of Ee-o.{ g"FTd mr en+orfr €il-f,.fd qq-{eTTq{ qq ar*q kqoff .rq qtrsq ft-{yr ffi I --::0::-Tr.,ul sm{q gRI q6 trq fuil" rril B fu, 3ilrTlfr q{ zot+-rs d frq ffirzfr-ieft qk{T of Ee'or g-on/va$ oT ftfrirq, u-$-flrrtr srrqqtrfr oTtsft'{q, rgrs 1,ti ssd sr$-q q{r$ .r} ffi gq u-$-wr6 srmorfr q=X7frffi rTk{r ot g-c-f,{ d-q-f, M d slfsrq-di d qq*enq{ ft={q, zooz qerrffikf, (m {q-d q€arq qfigrqq ftqq, 2oo2 .fi 66r q-ql t) d Grf,.fd onilfi s,nff d dEq .t eTra-fi rrt qTqil o-s fu-qr qd,TI I yrrcffi Fefq Grg$N w{ qftr€T t ercmr$ .flri qd qfuqr d gw R= qE f+&T frqrjHrq t :t/ fuft/frM qkqr gordt o-r enirq q"nfi +t arqre{rw si wtg 6I f{-arSq d qnqq frqtqq :(r.r) rd-n ffi t qkiT of Ee-qx gznrfr qi ,futfrzn Efu qq.fr-fi ftero qenq?rq go t smko \t sTFo t sTk6 * ftero \-6 (st t tsft,zf+tqt rTkn t trft7filffi d ge-tqT d n-eq f4,-fl rilrhn I q'n fi ei B-ffi *tqT d oieqsftq rri vXa qqr$ .ilrqx q{6t or snqc-q' vm ft:rri qeil-{ zht frffi qRvr of geex Sor.ri ffi/ gq q6-fr qaE q rqql qrqT PTrq-mtq qtulwl \d 1ffift-"6 Efu t sfr-a d,r frffi s{u 6-r qrFf-o" uul-w as sq-t ro o-ts t aTD-o =r€f *.r, Afttq qR iffi$ 1e o-ts t sTko. cFT s{6 q{rq[ eTrq-fttq (tut{{ En d Grr{q{o E\, n\ t-$ ea.6 qfli d frq tr-qg-a .D-Aqr{ a-{T GilqfiTfr GTrgffi of Td t (t-z) iaffi \-rrz,r\r (r.s) +il \r rr .Th=,r.i drrn vrr rrr'r gr rr 3rT,rfr qS zor+-rs d-q-f, d saE at I I d frq gfi eilt-Eo /wrt/q'qfr o) frt{ft ,fr ffi ffi,2fr-ffi n., tJ' qk{T of ge-*x gerfr or on"isq ft-qr .m. d 2 t, fild frxft fi eil.iffi (@.fu/wd/orqfr) fi so ffi fr s6 qd6 d flr go t GIfUs 3Tiifi qr rft-fl{ =ffi fatn sniii friftq q$ zora-rs d ffu 3rrqd ftrd of ffi,rAaqft qfuiT aft ge*r qorqT d efr-+ erq< qfr-qT d rren Grrnfi q* qqr& fr amqgrrm tg frrgd sTd-rnq qs orqfdq arqT utt qe mqrm"g6g qqg-{ ftaiolq4aor+ q fti .IS t r ffi qn qhfufU 3rrqo\ zd q--firRTd/q-{il-kd et .T{ ffi ,fi .ffi .ri t I \rffiT fttS 're z5Td-fiq d orgwx Grrqorft 3ilgzm griT rePT d rl.rq.r ffi *1 ffi7{i-ffi qkiT zp} ryro< $or-alq]w d ftIA 3ft{ dr$n erdcq" 111q .5-{i 1rq cnqe1 d q1ug + eTffio effi 6-RI rorfuoZrsfto ot ?r{FI F{i d ftd f}Td filfNi et ffi ergflffi q-ieT d srrkl ftrd @1. Yam-gsl6 ftrdr.r{ *ft/f}tqft rn-r sS t qkir of gr*r gzhrqllrw d ftrd fqsriR-d q.Itrffi qr-dq rsrrnl qr{r, qlo-or t (t +) ?h-T of ITfiT, qrffifi drr{ts .ht{l q,t vtRT, tilf$.n Rrs{q, qrffi6 crr$e- qtqr or t / n zn qpr q ctff-fi ;{l-f,q r.urp qrrT q{ tq q{e qTffi-o" qq-& / nm qrrT qft'itrt q.tirRT gq qrg Gril"il, zolz fr kt-fl rht {rRT GrTR of qr{mT"fr erbn t srRr ?FT t 3rB'1 drcri)rl I sm ffi fl rorem ncq r+fu/fu-dT wfrq q-ser {flrqx qrj /fu-dl 3ilqmffi ftrci firqf-crq/ 31-ghqrrflq afiffiZe-sqn*oErq /.r\\ fi-{H/ rrle,T-{fla;t m-&-qer//gqtg.ra arffi d enqort/qerqO 3lrgffi d srTqSIft .nrq d 3rfrft-tr swgcm 3Trqoffi q+rrftq ssfi{flI d rlaw qeu qq 'ff gq E-Srr.ttr t}d ffi"q.olqTter+ flafr-)s d olq q sTrq-fit q+-d-rlgmoT rht q"m-mffi d fr\ zwr ot q-fi.ft f,e.rt s{- ffi furT + Me www.excise.cg.nic.in qq fi sqd-€T t nqr qrfumr 3TTR d I z/ teftZfrtqfr qk{T (fl{s-cl/rnd) et q{& qt ,- (o) q-eaT q q$ zor+-ts d ft\ teft2fr-ffi qkrr d trilq tg ttft qq frffi qfuiT (R rc qq ql"ad) qfi q{g C ftEr5HR rlfi ,q{ zorq-rs d fuq fofRd qfu{ {-r qorq s_{fr <t qqrerT 25.0 U.P. so.o u.P. 60.0 u.P. vcri d=q rTfi [} za / - qfr W-drc( (z) ,- tuffi qkiT (Rqe) frt q{C} qq q,t Tq-'n qE 11014-1tfrffi*qk<r e1 dBq qris qRr t&-'w frqrjirl( r*fr'sq-i so / - qR Treel wt rosl- q-fr {rdrc( tqi zor / -t rcoo / - dq vqS rzo /* qfr Wrdrii wd r oor /-t $oa / * aq ptfi 1sor,/-ql 2soo/- dq olr& t+o / - qfu {rfrc{ pq$ 2561l*t aooo cro vq$ roo / - qfu {rffi-cr vq.$ zto /- qfu ql,trt-cr srd assl /- ei{ sq-i\ 3lf*fr leMlfujroQ wi tu-@:tu) ft-*qft qft-iT (ft'nc) Qll o:n Gr*Sfr-f, e-df Z 'fl+t e-{arrci i , i I Ecrdl i d {a\ / zz ,/ rqS so / - rtd co fiEq - sfd nw d)er fiqr (qr€ qft-<t) 1. frffi w*en-{ur :- qk{T (Rrc) d orffiqel, M, M 2. qreu qkqT fr qmdn t, dp-TT M, ilr$, rq, fu-q, qT*q, ftrm-d, Gr;s fqHi?Rfr, q) ftqRe gff d vp6o t. dlqr, Tnrse, Yd, qi-&, qris( (1) fa"}eft rIk{T fu-d d ftI q'r5.qli fqsriR-a qilrld qrfl qfiT q,t qut;tl rnqi roo/- ffi qqT fi-d( d entm en-*a qq.fr vtRT qff qutqT ft==TtgHR frrqr rrqT t :- fr.' qda qi dl$q mv-q or rd-q ( \rl o-T qrq 2 1 4 3 ft.{ (dq) rq$ zool- e0/- e-cn rw zor /-$ 2 quH J ga 4 $4fl{ r-q"S 5 g@dq vqS zsor fr +ooo o frR{q uq.$ +oor /- 3frq tos/tzo/- / - dq sq$ 1s61 /-7\ tsool- ao looo rsorl-t gcwR qq qq-& g$q fu-fl qra,TT I t rN 3ir{f, q{& w firfl'rqT tt T{rffr'-fr q{.e !-crTW qrrr d t'o qrg-q' o-a qfufln qrfrT tr o aao/o atzo /* too/o 1050 /- MYo rcao /- 140/- t%o e\o/- oo 160/* 0.a96 12s/* sqr{l er1ffi zto/- o.zo/o 42/- zsoo/- oo at rruril Efrs=io Tt-c ffi-fl ihTdtalq /AR1T qr{q loooo looo frq :- I d 4 fAq frqikd q,t .d vq,f ;{q-dq e-cry1o qI.{T cfl s-dr{ gq ftqfftd dl .r{ q"S qq$ irfrT Bqi}-ffi qTR.ft 3rgur{ q*n fu-qr qFT erM e}-qr t qqS ftxfr .ft qE d fr{ ft-+efr ffi-{r fu--d of frqfRd qr-dq qiql{n qrn" q t qdfi iTRl sqq}ffi (z) Es qcrr{ or5-afuqTft grqr qrs i inR ft or5vx qqr .trri i i GrgsT{ errRd (s) A fA\ d t fu s& qrer S fld\ r${flq fqtfR-d s-q& qq cr-J-f,kqrer <rfr E},n t" q}.q rqoft T{_gm (q{&) qr rox :ercor-ft go (qqg) q)* q-{{c d ftR-o g@ (q{-&) q{ 10% 3rfu.{ri aq Enr, fu-sfiT GidwT flrftuT oerT Trrfi-q ffii o) s-rs-cqr d eqwo fr ftqT qrtqr e]rq-qtrfr m-{ t f{ffi (.r) 3TB{TR qftrql of qffi sealing cap) c'fITftII qq wrRem qrr{qff €-iT CTT;II :- dft furrqr u.04.2014 € frteft qk{T of effi q-q fa-Mm/qqtq-m-dt, EoT-S qtr I'Trr gtrd fuqT gen wrRuo qrrfitr qft-d dfi (t.unsparent ptastic seating cip) elolrrq rttrd cil{rnl 3lffi fuqr :rqT t :-ncfr qcnrq d fa-erT ftffif, fa+eft qkgt, €MFL) f,erl \rflrE E} 'tq ilq'q qIGI (Non returnable valve) qf ).qq 5W dW fr ,Z d HIa{ ll-ilq fttn ,t-S tJ gq !-{ sm 3iffian drrt r$i e)-rft GrTrTrfr q{ zor+-rs d ftd t fiq t e/ q-rE-6 E@T at Tfi-{ gfl+f d-flqT/dq offir :- (s.r) q-fi-{ g-olt g}d-{r '- fu-dT-rTRilElr d tqqi,T o} .h{q-q-rq q}fr-f, fatS ,f,ri fr Rpro trft gq frffi -ikqr S@li ermfr q$ zot+-rs d ftr$ e-E .nri or ffiq ftqr qqr t t BGrlT sr,q of ffi *e .rq RsIfl ffiq, qT.nfi qt' qfuiT g_+rr f}fi-{ &}, E\ qdTr, 3kI: {ffi &ia q ii t-+r)-.r tfi ffid $-{i d ftri srq RINm ilT ffiq fuqT rqr t fu, q orTil-fi qS zor+-rs t fun-JT d6'S--d d flq-W $ru-riaruo TIs-{) txft nen flM ,Tkgr of gor< Effi rnrt r q{ 2014-1s t r'-fr-q trH qd zftd-{qq q-r-fr qRiT q-6l-fr (sz) ggt+f tfi qA qRRrE-"\-dt" .rq ERtd I gro,- 0) ,il-{q qrq t ftard -Tk{T sori q{ (iil * qRfuE-::E)-(iY:* qqrrsfttq fl-iril + .rq EPfd t r V w'qfrfd-$ 2014-1s fr qE d"fi t vl-fr 1 {q Efi ord qkiT ge-r.ri of v1fr qRftre-"d-(iil" 5 4/ d er<rrfa ftffid rrFlrq qgfrf, FE'qT d sfrE T6 GTrq-flt erfqfuqq, tgts (a.t) ftqq r(l) d gch-m, I' qd w qfu$-i fu-dT arrqflt q 'M q=fi-fi B I eio, wm (+.2) reffii qq @t$ rft ge+x qfuiT Gr.f,.f-d lmqTfr-a 3rrqfu-q-r-"fi TJFITE.DN qfuiT o-T d sqxrlT of eIJfiA e), qpnfto r€t qff sr srdq gfrRzq ltfqfr of rrq q,t fu-qT qq rt-+f*a Eri I M d .n-+*e-d g-m \ttrI q Rq rrq rr<'rq m] Efurrd $st Eq, en.nfr qd 2o14-1s d p-a1t o1.o4,zo14.i ftemfun ftrc\ q s{d erq d rlrq-i Eftfa orgsTq qdqrq qd q fterd iift/faffi qkiT q,t Erqx 5-qil+ 6i s:$ qdqn qiq d {alT;r q{ ;1ftq qH qsfl {a]tq .rq €ilfu-fl o*{i of 3r-gqft RToq qtBfiT r) d (+ eEiq q(fl ot .r$ t ,q{ zor+-rs d frq t$/ftM qk{r s_fi"rqt qft on-qfurfr slQrfq rerf, qM-{Zqrq qRq-f{ ?ft qft- qRRrfu-"fi-{" ftErr{trr{ t :Yirsq gmr m. ilq fum qS zors-ra fr go1-q ot qfttq qS zor+-rs qffia Tarrqr/;Trq 1 2 1 iTqg{ 1 2 sf 1 d ftl golq-ET TeIH',/qtq fu-w gorq TEJTT;I fu-+o gor< TSTI-{ 3 4 5 6 *ft qBiT tPft qk{T tFE TrrT i-d $T-n}fr ffi qftrt taft qktT wwrs6 qr-+q, a-tqT qilET 3 ttft qRrT fr-ffi qfu{T 4 ffi qk{ 2 salSlqnT. tto-t! ffiqkiT gq-{ffi, fW ffiqrm, frirft qm{ gqrrft, M C+q-2, Frflr$ erft qfuiT fr5s qq1, M irs;rrx. M M 5 frffi 6 ARft qkil .TqqtiT, c tPft qkiT 5flrrq, g{ 7 tRft qkir [lcN 6fg$, tPft qfuil 9o16,M eTN* qrd-c, fr'ffi qk<t B qft-iT frffi qfuil qqr+d, M M fr'ffi qfuiT q-dET, fW Frerr{ I ft-iqft rTkil \il54 ffil+Fn- ITr;IEITGITS 3 fu;ilr€rrc 1 4 qTq,ft{- 1 fttqfr qRrt q.{fr.{fr zto, urye ffiqkiT d-s-dl Bffi qkgt ffiqkiT fr'ffi.qfuiT t-fi-q-s t-s fr-ffi qkiT qTFrqfr qrqTq qroffi eT. qNT 5 $wJqT I erfu-mrqq il/ tQ-{ FT-iq. (a.e) sq-{Yffi d GrRft-qf, qTTrrrq ,-gftoufuoo\ d ftqq r d Bq-fr{q (j) d Gr'fr=|f, Gilqfuq-flfi qem +i qenfud rrRqr {dT-d qi Tar{rar anqr)H erd ,6q1-* d ergwx gf, qRfr, t Ret qRetf, fr scnq-roi"r F{i d ftq ft-mT {d( q-q .tr+f,c( vrerq d, em' ffi of ot$ qkir gora, wd .rq qfu${ q qkir Bqc]t-rr of Gfiqft d, qR enqfu-wro {eTer rt{ B, a\ t-{fr qRiT s_6rri d s ftqqrjrri qri eirqRn'R-o {alEI rt{ qarmffid FG q,t oTffi fu-mT rcq qq ot r (+.+) fu-{ f}rcil d lTnrqT q srqflft lrdrflfrrq Hftfr ftt +ilfr fr sqn+ qlq{St G{e,rctt qrq+q {irfl-{/{aqTqo erT qdqT{ qd zor+-ts ii Rpro qR-qt s-firfr q t fu-{ qkrt go-rrt o) 3ilqRrw{fr {alFT q{ ftard E}i G{alcIT er-q mrwil fr of ,il.T qfi .ri t, BE rr-qflsa qk{r gh-rr} thl qerr.ftq qr.TMiZ$*{arTeTl /qfi qrfqi/flq ffii 3rTR d r+rsT {ffi*a qft-qi g_*rq of qerqqld fA{ Tari{ qqf, t-g v.r<-+ o( Gnqrfi qS eot+-rs +i srrd qdqm qerm t rercnq s-ift qR&i, fr Gr-Te 3ilqffif, {alFI q{ q€-rf*a qr{i q,t qrrffi fu-dT T{-q'q{ of q.d, f,rfu ffiq q{ zor+-rs d +{q 3Ffr{r{6 sq Q t{ft qkiT S@Td o} trdTi 3ilfq d rs.iq q ftxft q-or< d s{d sftrTq qarf, + 6eTi et ftarft fr-Hd q d qir*eTrm e'q-r$ fr qk{r Eor-di/q{6 mrilsq fr'qkrr :GTr-+f,q GrTR 5/ Grqd errr t f,< w q"rotd mr frqrTXlTri qfterw o-{i d Bqrl-d ffiq q{ d rfirrf, 27 ft@ Fqsr: (1) {TqI{, (2) C,(3) (4) qq-at, (s) q-fl-flgE, (ol ofiqtrlq, (7) ffi, (8) rmquTg{, 1l; seoid<, (10) E.q. E-ftT-sT, ltty ftolgv, (i2) fr-dtrgi, 1t:; oiroi, (14) uffi-q-dqr, (15) rT$Tq, (16) waTgq, 07) lrqsT, (rr) otRqr (1e) q-d-florqr{, (zo) .TRqFrE. (21) qra\q, 2014-1s t-g q-eaT (22) ++rqT, (23) fu-q, (24) EoqT (2s) grffi (2O effiIqg(, Q7) {d{qgq et teft,/fr-iyft qkiT of geor $Fr-+ d ft{ qturs o\ d qr.rl m-q{r' osx arcr+s ktfl d uq t qq *q esx qq& d rnq t qqr l,m t nqrrx fuerqn ftqfRf, qrmp srrt s ilff-o. {rs{rr aH H-fl.{ qRRrse-"qru" d q-gsn frqfRer fuq qm t I ekr: 3r!"F ffi qfi ffi,2ftffi ,rft-{r d Eemq 56r+ A ft\ furfR-d qr-dq q-ffiIa qrdr rq frqfRf, qrffifi {rqwr aeq d oililq qq ffi ot *ftZA*n rTkrr at Ee_or ge-r+ d qW d fr\ q{e Tq dru{tq kt$ of rrfrT ;WTf,'q qmtf, e-cT tht qtcD{, o.Ro-r 1 \v t ft\ rK frffi d Grf,.fd qaE eqK rnrii oen t$/fttqft 7" qk{T tht Ee-+T g.n-rd cr"r qerca{lv{ qrn-e q gfrPild fuqT Grr}elq wtr a/ 4@,rlGrr qTNr{ ' all ftr} fuq rru-g6m {fr-{r-d ffi t {& orjr+n zht \flrn ft 3ilrfr q$ zot+-ts d ftr ffi qkiT et I qfiarTq-{ q,t sfuqr ,effi-f, t srq ti rErfud ftrd\ th) fi-f,rf,-i qdqr{ S qd zz qqtqqg{, (5) {ffTqgE, (r) tr.nqT, @ fr-flg(. (e) zhl.'€Frrq, (4) Tqqfuf, qRqrsr{ (o)Wog{, 121 erot<, 1a; ++ou, (o) ud"oersrt-qrdpl1ql, (ro) 0t) g'}fr q qft. 6r Eeqrdq q.S Eli d o-rq"r a;ql$a.6_&qil urq ftqifu-o wft'ft if w afi qta-rft I ftrd ft-*Td cD-{ gr et ERid {alm w m.qe< d qrqq n gT d ranq/ftm*r &-T !F{w s"ts fu-qr qril{il :il rTq"kd t / =rqfrffid qkrT gffiI=lZstrit d ffi M t '*i. oIffi t ffi ffi fi. fuom o-r qrq Etr-cfr sm 91 o-$ E-r TqTI;I 1 1 W-qr o?"{di-c Eq qi*dret 2 SqEi 3 ofu-gT-rrrq 4 {TTqTTT{. 5 qcqqq{ o {Iffi"w -7 9 10 ffiqrq-( 11 Trs B m-Mt-e errR .nffii-c lT{Tqr s-Mid etril-q t'horT qtd-ET , 2 2 qlqx-tlrerml m-ffii-e g,f rTqg{ 6-&-ndte Ccrqqi ffi ii qqr Efi rhrffi {q orqff,-q 6aqr anft qt .ri ffi d ergqrq qtB-a frflrql/{affi qr rffi*n ffi d tn-a-req ErT @t qrilft I Eem( g_6rfr d Gil"qe{ qrqq GrEq qi qut ord nen erXaM wt zn-{i onfr d rrrlw fld ftrd d m-d-flci d srtft-q fu-dT 3ilqoffi Grflffi EriT €qfDa fu-f,T 3nqsT-ft .nrqtd-q t Aq ofu qtryr a/ gt$fl qts :frxfr qqft7fr-ffi qfuiT $nrfr of geqx gmrl\/rrf,$ qt ory*fu tg 3lTa-fi qqrs t GilcieqmTi d frf ga--o slTi)qrootoli d gxr dq-cil*r frd .flri - {-t+c d qqq t qqr d'q Et'ft 3ir q,1 qd.n I N$ ktgr of qrRr q d or{r$-s .Dhr fr q fi ?16 iTfrT org-Afu T$-f( q E)i rrq qrqfr qY".q Em I {s q-.iET fr ft-qf, qrq-mT-ft gfi' orqff,q gryr urt ffi ...2S.t......... ft-{io28:*1:Japt qtRtrT I (iii)t ft ..T-{ t qd frqfRd Gil-nq-{ d t srel trA-rT hts r-q} sooo / 8 s/ (g r) ffir2frffi qkqr g-orqZsTs d errq-dq S fuq oraw q-f, ,{tr-6 GilAflfinfGil ht ril-.rmT-ft tg sd 2014-1s d ftq oil-}ffi wrfr i enofud of qri orfr tqftZfr-iyft rTfuiT d 116 fr qtrrfrd E-c-+-( g*n/gonT of qd, tht {RT. qrffi6 ortrun frqffud ;WTdq !-cqnla of qrar, qrffi-dr qqp crrq-i}s ets q,t qi}r, qlff-fi X.z, f}utRo qrffi-fr oEriY-s d t / nt qm S qflar{ q-flIfrT \-q qrffif, q-{dq }r.qrId qrer w tq qq$ rrftT d t / nd qr.r d qrl6n rRTF GrrxR-e Msd) et tra.qlftT vq g6 qr6 q,t srBq ffiqfrq kt-fl qft qrRr q qXa d fr\ fteTfR-f, eHrr 'hl-s at-fl GrTfq qft .flrr-mrfr rrrrftr o-d-rer7wrgffi encror-ft/rrilrfr olrgffi eiT{flfr/fu-dT errqorft Grffi d fu-dT wqioqZergfa',mftq GIffi /{qt ftqq7 l-.r( qrfu-mT d @Tqfm""q gq {q-d Grfrftffi \iqrgffi Grrq@rft, q+ir.ftq \ts-fiklT gq Em-fl=t-G Tlc ffi-q{ olqTi€m frffts d .Dr=i d qanr setr q{ rERtd at qra-.ft, derT GTrqo.rfr ffiilq d Md www.excise.cg.nic.in qq tft Bqcq-q oqr$ ,ri t 3ra-ffrm-df qS zor+-rs d flr trft,zfr&ft qkqr of Ee-qx S.FT-qi/lrf,d d GTr-q-f,{ d ft\ GrrnE[-{ q-{ qRRre-"qfq-(i)" q SFIUT q;{ (v"n<)/roqft-fl<Ti t (g z) qRRrc-"qfq-(ii)" d ftr d qrs-q oen GTRrf,d-a RTfd-n sri.l-q, ig sq frfU o-T qrsq d Hqer ftri qii qt-A yFIsT s-{ q\ ${ fr--f,ft d HTad fr qmTRTd frT qT qt t, qfirEleZ-TH qRftrse-"Tnq-(iiit" / qd ffi d Bqrgffi enqorft/s-tlqfi 3Trgqfl GrrqoTft/ftrdT elrqorft 3rtq-dtrfr A fH-dT $Tqfd-q Q qrq mq sd,t r gd enc-filfi funIT d Me www.excise.cg.nic.in tt-t fi gq6q o-{rqr .rqr t, oefl 3n}E-{ q-{ g YltIQr !={ f,srT eTRT[kf,/3rd frTlera Gr-iffi tg u-e frB d fr\ q@e/rH d !Hqe{ k$ qd qrd yrral rct ftqfR-a }nst'f w 8 fu-ql .aT 1]-drT triqRrfl t Grlq-o- ErqT Gnileq qa d qrcrt-C sris qff rd.{ ftt .r{ {$-{ qt .TS qtc} o1 r+rg-q zo d.fr. so d. fr. t ;{q-dq (o:s) (i) 144 x 144 px (fr-ffi-f,) or etqT zrBr d EH f,qr$ cd-{ft | fi-q gq Rqiqeiq t fi Eq_n GrM d arr q$ zot+-rs d ftS ffi,2fr+qft qk{ qft qq Ee-+T gflqi/r+x-$ d elreet ig Grnorfr GIrgffi gm frqtkd fur oiliq-{ qa d ers-q w q-taT d ffii d fr\ ftqiR-d frfU gq H,EI ecr #{-ffir{-{ GrT-}E-{ fu-fl qT scDHT t r qqR-"o 3ilM o} qqi' aff qd"qT d ft-{ e-,d RqH d .ft-ili fr-tro qrsq q G1.ri srTFrfl q)-d,rq q'Bfl qk-dt qH 6nr vreqrft-o qiqad q;{ d srer ffifun Grffis q-{gf, o-q=IT GrM Grr]Eo 6r arrq crrfi-En o-q fttqT -u'ifrrrr :$fl 3rqQdr Rarfr t qftRqd e+efrfr& qr qfu-tqrq, qq ei-< g.g fb-mT q d s-qrur d ftry"-qft-d oiqfd-q gaiT wft sq ,FIrq q={ ut aTfr-q vo^o t qrft qq ftfl$ or r,lrur E.f-\ A.- --Fr=.}- z=\r:ft ;X frxft u ^--{A-f^\...^..A..[l\.-^-\\Jilqqq; 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No. I 2 (CORPORATE) OF BARODA (coRPoRATE) BANK OF BARODA (RETAIL) BANK OF INDIA BANK OF MAHARASTRA 5 6 7 B 9 0 2 J CANARA BANK CATHOLIC SYRIAN BANK CENTRAL BANl( OF INDIA CITY LTNION RANK CORPORATION BANK DCB BANK 7 DENA BANK DEU'ISCHE. BANK DHANALAXMI BANK FEDERAL BANK 6 HDFC BANK I,IMITI]D 4 5 6 9 20 21 22 l) 24 t) 29 LAKSHMI VII.AS BANK (RETAIL) 30 J) ORIEhITAL BANK OF COMM]]RCE PUNJAB & SIND BANK PT]N.IAB NATIONAI- BAN K (CORPORA'fE) PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK (RETAIL) J+ RATNAKAR BANK '35 SARASWAT BANK SHAMRAO VITHAL CO-OP BANK LTD SOUTH INDIAN BANK I,TD STANDARD CHARTERED BANK 31 1Z 36 31 38 39 SYNDICATE BANK 40 STATE BANK STATE BANK STATE BANK STATE BANK STATE BANK TNSC BANK 41 42 43 DBI RANK 44 NDIAN BANK 45 NDIAN.OVERSEAS BANK NDUSIND BANK NG VYASYA BANK JAMMU & ]<ASHMIR BANK KARNATAKA BANK Bq-i-ffi $-qifu-f, 46 41 4B 49 s0 OF BII(ANAR & JAIPUR OF HYDERABAD OF MYSORE OF PATIALA OF TRAVANCORE IJCO BANK UNION BANK OF INDIA UNITED BANK OF INDIA VIJAYA BANK YES BANK ffi d rilfr emqrei t sral d rqdil{oi $rzTfua d ft'+ {-e{i-i tfuq qft gh'qT sqEr€T Enft B-q-d fr src} t qH-"{T .hhr of iflT Frrrnv d sdrft trs q-o-R sq+ffi M d Er{l qffi frel$ni qfiN A qAvq-trq-gBd sT-d t fr qN-"$ htql q& nfti crfl of qr qrffi',I S.No. I 2 J 4 I VISA GOI,D MASTER GOLD MASTER PLATINT]M CARI) VISA PLATINUM CARD INTERNATIONAL CARD SILVER CARD (16 DIGIT VISA/MASTER CARD) CLASS]C CARD (16 DIGIT VISA/MASTER CARD) 2 DOMESTIC CARD J DRISHTI CARI) 5 6 7 8 9 0 r " CARD TYPtr GOLD MAGNETIC STRTPR DtrBIT CARI) GOLD CHIP DEBIT CARD PLATNT]M DEBIT CARI) YUVA CARD o-en otrA({ qrn-fr q oil-}E-{ "rqi qt{i tg qH_s kt-fl e1 qd q-.{ Gilt-{a et qfuiT {yi iIfrT qTaefi d raft crr-{ f,rar Fr-qD{ q E\ q-d n) qHn kt-$ @t iTRT Rarfr q sqfu-fl enn-roZen GTrIE-{ qfl o-Ei qft Grfrq ftfU d sqrrf, qlqs of qit-rft efrq mw qb-qT d W t d d t u B. .rTa<ql'** fr Gr}ffi d-q ar5 ennrq ffit qqq erq-ft qftf,.m .f,rq-ml-ft @t qtsfr or frrS ffi @t \-6TB-fi qtyd d (i) sfr-{ f,rfl s-fu--qT d trdd frq onilE-{ o-q lrd{rT I Tfr qqrd t q Gil"ikd qTd of +cer d Gfrq rTTQr d€{ ilqeq d q-fiTts-fr U"* qr+,t E{-S q q qNrr crr}fi qqi m-Ei zht fteTfr k1-n q,t qa vfrr Grilqo A +n t drfl irbqT d .rtn Grril<{ wrfr t eil-nEfl oEi wrq GIT" q,t qrq-dn$ 6r "fdio' ltfq-d sm{fc UfrErT A ftd ffi'qii/rra.Eqx fr-qd (ti) efrq .nide eog fr efi-q t d oro GrA({ q,TTaft q orrnfi q-qr znEfr sqq ftqfR-d msa qfuq qHrfl v*n BrT.reT ktfl q,1 qilT et Grilqrft qrqq fr Tlq"iff, Grrnqo .fl Griil{q \rril qFil I nesarq g G{tn) or t"s"q (Random) rifrq-{ .rtqq .ht qr{fiffi 3rrkfr Nd =tq( fr og qitgl til rsNasl Hm gq E-rnail lD ii E-mail {{eYr d qtA-'tT d E1qT 10 +iqr qr-ilTT I l-sq ;rqq GTerffiq (ALeHA-NUMERTc) e)-ql oen Gil-iqq qqrfi q 3fr-{ arfl 3Trile{ q-qr qrrq Et Grfr=T frl$ oelT vrrrq qsflq rrrrftr etlA-{qi d NE =t{i fr qr{flfu"tr qft-fi .rq-{ of qn-mffi cg riiqi tqT (sNas) d gNT f,uT E-rnait Ip fr s-mail Titql d efrq angq qb-qr HrT tql Aq :-mwFtro ,flrlrTr d I q-ftfi rrfu e66q6 11 t =rqq e}.ft of qrrfiT-ft or fte oil-f{6 E-R[ m .r$ ailfqq ot r d-q cTE-{ qbqT d reo olrA-fi qrn-fr t sr}qfi ElrT al.ri otra-{.{ qa ii +sr{d ;fq-{ Tq E-mail Ip of .roo qfAfu qrt 'flrfr t elercr f,m-ffi @r*"h t uR tln Erql }frd q,t .ilt qr& cg ritel +qT ( si\as) r E-mail H-ieI olraq o. zrl sqfi-n q-Sr E) qft a\ fuTTI q,t oti q-qre-Ert q-$i #ft t 12. ofr-q etg{ d wqq sqi 13 .reo Gil-}fi e.n-fr d Gtr}eo af-a ilEi GrrnEq rnqr cila-q-{ or fi-z fr-fr-rd-mr gi{hd i:s so-fr t qfuqT d 6{i t ef-q mgq qfuqT d feo etrAqr Hrrfr fr on+rq qqr ?r-G d qeqrd ,fr GrT-Ael-fr etqi enn-fi q-a of frqd vlq-mffi BqRi-ffi tq Hrtrd t qrqx pax G Eq ftfU qn r{fu o-q efr-q dr{a qTW ?F-{ rrofr t I 14. onq drfi qfutrT d il6rl oil"ifi q"n-fr d ord.fd ffirrA*t qkil Eor+t/vrf,fr d cqq-{arw{ ,qrdl d f,6d qqfr-f, qerrr, Rftq 1'q qfiq GilMi @T Grqi 3rifi q-a if qFfd qr=rorfui d rrqelq fr Xa erffii d HTer 15. qw d ft-a mTd kqq A *ftdr GT1-srqa mffi d smer lg-ri sqRe{f, dlrr ghqT d ft{ ft}Trrf d a-q-flr{-c +f Gfr-{ crfi GIT"}fi rnqt zn-{i drT GiM fil snM "-:fr of qb-qT d r v+Ei|fa qfuf, {il{ iEst-f, Brtrfr-sT o-Erfl .TqT t I {s-d erftft-df, ar$q sfuqT d n-en GTrafi qqrfr q oil-iffi q,-{i d fu-q +lrilr.n} ot gfrtrT d ftd ftrd d RrSq t1qrT dq N.r.c.l d qrw-q e efrq Grfl sn}r< o1 gb.uT @-[ lr{qfq (Demonstration) fr{iEr 29 f,err e0.0t.2014 zri fuqT qrt'TT qfuqT 6"1 qzr=rT i.r-{r G ffi rl' r . \ 7Er vr!,r Trd15 r!"r Sg r!.r i\', .fA,i r,r Er;'arFrrr rvr\r \lxtY \Aet tt aq. ? x \lr.rtv./ x t, ,i, \\r =TfI Jvar\r-r q-{qfq (Demonstration) {s ffi q,t qtR-mT r 1ii; ti ERfd ffl mT {errl (s6l rt$q r1qrT dq N.r.c. or Uwrol-q ftem t) q{ F{rqI qrqT Efr-tr{fl .nt ft o{r{q qPfiqr d rro sira<=T HqTfi if enilfi qqr o-qi a1 sThq ftfu ot Eti qrft frffi fr srghETr/ilqr-ffi q-gRqT S ftrq ffiil"T ftrdqx q$t *T r (ti) ef-q t 1 16. t $/ 1T 18. 12 efr-r engq fuTfr fr furfR-d frPrdi t fo-e tnsi or orfuon {t-cq yrrcrq d qrs g{ftf, rtn onilfi sfuqr d n-so sTqM $ s-d-R o-r qMq I flg"a q-b-qT d ron GrrnEE qqrfr d GTf,rff, oH .t Giliffi vr.'q d frt{ft fi fu-dT + efi={ drfi Gr}Elq q"fuqT ffiflfd rfiNfl sn-mffi ww o-{ rr-6fr B t efq crg{ Gil-}fi qfuql d n-uo sIrM &t gfuiT d fr\ frqTrr gm olqldq GlrqoT-ft 3Trgcm EdE 16, viqg{ t t-fl FTe{ TEf{ or71-4zs7szs \'q 0771-4287s28 qrqrT fueT TqI B, ffi EqcF" Giln-{fi 3tclcnlql d H oi Et-sqx oIqffi-a e=rq ii qi-.: 1o:oo qd t lgsrrt os,oo qG a-o sfrl- dr{a Grr+Eq qfutrT d sqq q q;mrft sp6 @-{ sror t afr-q t 10 / g) T{ra gftq" :- (ro.r) ffi wt "o-qrr d qrqq -1=X7fuM qk{r et qE zor+-rs d fuq Ee-n-{ gor+/w{a d fuq oTFo erffq-{ q;I qTB eti ftt s{n #kd ftrd d o-fi€r srcr 6T q{FI fuqr qr}fl| @Tffir frqifuH'qfrfr (i) t, t ftoro-oq 5-on/rrf,d d ol-g-arfr 16ru-+S) qt[teTlqq ftqq, 2oo2 d n-qq 10 d er5un ur d vrqa dl qr*ft :- ffi A .n-dqeq rldiff, ffi d Bqrgffi G{rqsrtr/ stiB-a a{taej T{6I{6 Glrgqfl otrqott/ eifffi ^ 3*r44,r8 rot-,!' g+qrq[. q+fuq fu-dT Gilqol€l (ro.z) ,irF sil-a<-o d"rn fr..Trjvr{ Eaf{ q-$ q-q-q{ffET t "-qft-fl qh.fi crq-{frT wril (i) qi-e ert-o, zor+ ncF' orfrqd o-q=IT of *tn ,- aru-iY-s el-gr arBq GrEq anq{)rr qTql nan d sq q ftl.r,-o zt qd, zot+ sql 6{qT 3rB.{td Ei.n t qa Ttftr r.IEl t-o 3TarqT e}*u flfrur d'fi t .ilrfr t-dt gqz/ffi *-,2** d dtt 3fd{ d sq d .'rqi of q qo-fr B qrT6 d frr ftqfRd qrtrzF dr{$"s qts d t / pt qrq d t-q{"= oq-Rf-qa t-o eiercT t (ii) "-qfr-a 6rcrq{ emrrfr;. qllq eTer{t +6 .Tr{-& d sq ii oen ilffio qq-dq q-fll5fl qt;{I q{ tq q{A vrfrT d t / nd qnr d q{l6n qfrlfi tht sI{iIRT arr-<7rffiq-pn t-6 3Ta&lT t-q{"rc qrqRhra t-o oTalcIT effi-q qrfirT ilf, + qffi t-o grwe 7W (Security Deposit) d dsr 3trd{ d sq ii rnqr oq=TT GrM etqr r qrffio ;{F-aq q-iflTf, sT"{T q( tq E{e nftr or t / pt qr.r d q$fl sft.1h ilflRT sr}qtr oi etq-i 4qq @t {qqT qrfu d tr-{ o.rd kq-s d Gi({ qrIT o-q=IT d-,TI I qrFfm dr{r$s ats + t / lzl.Trr d . q{FI-{ qm tr{qtftT kfi-o eo erfra, zo14 iro.. qq1 @tfl sIFrdrd *o,z+-o ei-qr t V 13 (iii) sqtffiEqrq q.qT @t sfi orcft Er{qTftT vl$rf-o }-6 rtqri +fi t qrtr t-6 FTq.c oTQlcIr to-ii +fr GTQtcrr t-d, d d€r efr-dy d mq ii orerfl. q,rq grPr fuilrr A "$eq pftq 003e-{r-Gr sf,rr{q gffi, 800-src[ Iflk'd, fiqqgs oqRtrd d.n #: ozor-frfrtT ffi to Gratcrr qisrq yrffi utq-fl qfl-s)" d (tqftr/frtqft qft-{r at grox E-6rq/s{a & q-q ti qrflm 6rq sfl a+{ qro{, t-o grqe GTelqT eiemr t-fr qx;rT 3rfr.qr$ d-ry . eTetrqT d dsr Gtr-d{ G{elcrT qrf,r+ 61 arufr q-{gd t (ro.e) ffi t€ft/faffi qkiT o1 qror 56T{/S{T6 d frr qq * erfBo. enteq q-, mw +i of qelT t lrqifd ffi d F&qer Errr crqrr grqT ffi ft+icoq g*rl7e1d C arjflfr Filqdfi) o-T qqr fuqT wt.lT I mtrdr{ E-nT ddfr ffi {ffiq qlqir frsrq S--a N.t.c.) gnr tqrc fuq rrq r+rrc}Ti d irruqq t fuqT qryfl gq ss & irsq rlqil fa--am d-q 0r.r.c.) d fu-dr l-o-ftq 3rfffi ?F-&+d{ o) eTr+{q-6 qo-q}q e-ilq oht r {q] q"nfi d dI-{ mr ord ffiu ffiq) fuqr qd.n (to.a) qR qe-rq Grrlefi eriT Grqi qq-q $ ft-{ oTd fuqil d 'flf,r oq-ofU-ot "-qfr-a (ro.z) (ii) d eqr+x ilffi-n qr-dq !-nFIa srdl q{ fq qq& nfh or t / nfr qrIT qfutr? d ftr qqr'q-S fu-qT qlilf B e{erfl er-q frtiff olwl i\ gqr-frT aqq ftwfl d rnror t, di qqq rT* d Wt mq s.{ erx eni-ffi m) rrq-ffa ffiZfuM qfuiT +t gu+r g6rq d eXe or eneaq fuqr w qro-nr t (ro.s) gS H-mN ,TR W{t mq d Grr}ffi d am .ft Grqi a6 fr fi-a zFTd R-qrr d 3TrM sr qqq (xw, qq I t rfterq sq.-oBor (ro.z) (ii) d Grg{ix qTffi-fi qr-dq q.ilTf, qrqr qq$ srRi or t / nd qrT !ftr1fr d ft\ qqr rS fu-qr qrfl w tq B eramr er.q d qrni t, d ar< qfr d ffi Fq q{ Gnq entqo q,i $-q"lfa ffi/frffi qkiT of E-c-6{ g-flq d $Td ol elriuq fu-qr qT e-f,dT t t eraIQrT ftadfr q s{d d gnef"ie" of oFJqT-S frtfr or{ur Q s-e-rtI qq-q ft-wd Fqruqri o1 wilf) r (ro.o) M fr Rem *efr2fr-ffi qkiT 5or-<7goi+ d qA-6i m) Gil"+E-{ qa q"rlnft q G{r6rn{ et oTffi qR frffi m-rEqcrqr fr-{n ftfU zh} yg qfr E)-fr t, d) . tg e)q r-& g_ordj/rsTd d fr{ en}fi s;{ arTrikfl @*{i ot sffi Grrqolfr crrgm arr urtfop vu ffi d o-d-f,dq a-qT oilq-flfr Gllcie{ $' rl _- Grrgftr 6r 14 d qqTqrl qranq or'zr EiB-a frr{ft-rft qrq-Rra (to.z) qd zots-r+ q]q"f ffi d d e-&-r-i ffi gRT HfHR fuq tpfr/faffi qfuiT et fl'W d fu fifilqm Mi &l Ee-m-q 6.u$ urnr C r+qq uT ds"d q?and Eti ql.fr f{q rht ql lcrrrqrq fuqT ql+.it't g*-r=i/waeT 3ilc|Tq_fi {GIT rrqT GrTR @t ffi {rd-{ft, frq gq d qq-{ q,t er, arfu qerq fqqrm-wT d ftry srllq rsT qT s-d r Eird flf ,ro frqfR-d fuqr qqr ejtT fu, F+f,dr ErT 3rrti A\-\G lq'd s rdr F-q-d fdfU o\ 4qq ,fitqr ftt qq4 6.tr d fuq ftffi $iqT{ wd oen fu-an raq q{, w {ft.S. fr + tfl".$. fun ffwr$ qrA, ftTgrA RT'Sq r-Iq-rT qq qS rnioq dQjrT 2 iftS. $srdq lM q{ zot+-rs d loq qerTqq mqr&ft (e) (ro.a) 6-qex ET{ Effi znrc{ d qis?m ffi ft'flrn C.( of o1 qft.S. Eod fr gifud q,t \ar$ I q6 qtr-rsTr -illnff fiT-dT r qft xfu-qr t Effi ffi @-im€lr d ro :- d fr\ rrdqQrq fird oi o}s sqrtr, q) Et efo) or EhT, EirS qrq {rT6 sT GEmqr6, 'i} kftq E) GIZD} @T EttT q.I ffiqaztq GrrAEr{ mqrfr, E\ Tfiq qrq 0r-6} o-r *{r, erfu,il {trr, ilq-gTri Efi-fl=rs rrsq d ffi m) s-r-d ffi d qm d $-qeT Eyrtq sqeri qe-rq ois m=Tr6 BrrrJirR 3nqEf, fu-ql qrf,r t :mqi6 tBct o-r qrq 1 2. ots a, 1 {ruq{ 01 2. qli 02 J. {l\i=lIflllcl 03 4. sr+rafr o4 E qETgTE 05 6. odlqqrq 06 8. qFt{ rl{lqurq{ 08 9_ s".q.olzDq 09 10. Eq(Q*+tsT S-drq{ B-drqqq 10 7. 11. 12. 07 11 12 ot{El 13. 13 14. qiqrlti-zlqT 15. {RTITd 15 i6. GeTq{ i6 17. s-flrqr 17 otRqr eta]_fl-qrflr- grcfclt{i 18 18. 19. ' 14 19 20. ,TRqtd-q 20 21. qrd< 21 l4 ry sm*Ed ;Trw 15 22. ffiarT 22 23. q-'|fi 23 24. EG{FTq{-{fqrT$irq 24 25. {I{qg( 25 26. otsnTs rlf,qr 26 27. (ro.e) 27 erM d arr fa{ qfi qT-d GTrffi d fN qT6trT{ ffi nerrRd qft qrilft I rl56-qru ritrRa q-fr q qr<' eilt-fi q;{ q( qrd fu-A mr o}.e irqr6, nepqq HT6 mT 3rymqrzn f$-q qrq G[]Eq sr{ ot wlrra FffiT: GTfar-d (ro.ro) fu-qr rnr*r, GraEq .ra d sq-q ERh fu.qr qr-iln t fl-Mi d arr Grrnfi ffi qri qq wrd Gil"iqq qa d ft\. .fi ql{flB-fr q$"q-a l.q-{ (!.rfu Gr1ffi) RqT .ilfu, ss qr{flft*dn riaft-q-{ T'qq +i fir& or ots mqro, qr-tE oT GrJmqrcn qq G{d-({ q-{ zh-T frqw (.lfi t frnr q.fl q rrfr-fi fuqr wfu), q) ve r:{g/sra-{fi .} ftr q-Irf ofs mqrtr cr-6dri-{T, Gifu-d fu-fl qrqt{, illmfr-fi q-fr-qq ;r,w Rq[ Er}il sila{ur d fr\ ffi ffi or ots f,qrfr 01, T{T6 in Gtgmqrfr-oz q Grra{a q-{ SfaI gEl-S{uI I or Hqrfi rrs i-, d} s-$ {$ qcFT{ GIfuT fuqT w&rl'- :- I osrzooggg I P:rq (ro.rr) fuq sTEi d ft\ 1.n fr srnfi q-{ qTW fr-i t. sq eaE} qt} Hdqtrq q+t d ft\ qtfr--n frtql qra-ql, aeaqq ftq sfel d ftq go. t 3rts-o. Gilnffi q-{ qrw d.A t, s.1 qtd d fil\ cafr m-q d xlq enileq qa Grgerq H{il d qqq q,t q-B-qT orq{d qd.ft, arulq fr-w uao ii qrq 3rrifi qa v*r), s-q q{d rh) qrd, qS r+-rq cad rq d GlrilEa q-r} d} scqT d or-5vx qTS d qqa q,t erffi qfr qra".ft qrw (ro.rz) 3nqd fud d fr\ "ffi ffi zht fr?rn frfu d Xd eurn 3rlilfi q-r\ o1 r1fr o&*eqZfu"dT Gilqolfr oTqfd-q d {q'rT qz-fr w tlfi I w 3rrffi d er+cfr-f,{ fr*'uo.p1o o1 qra-.ft, M d rfi sqtmrgrm d $ Tlf-q* oruhq il<i) of .rnsffi GrfuT s*ft r Effi ffi r{qrT sd6 !-{ qERtf, m-{i 6lsr<qrft-eo rrqfB-a fird d sqrgffi 6i-s d sre-flt/q.flqf, (lo.rs) Fffi ffi qrMi GTtgffi G1-qoffi/fu.mT srrqor-ft 6 GradqT fu+s sr-d d ffi ariq?*a qfffi or tlrn d qard rrq sRr a{FI qhqT qfrftfq o) tra-€T Er}, fuqT ffi qw d frq f*\ qq 3nt{q qf @t fafuqq 91ft ffit sfiI (ro.r+) ft{aT qiBrr 1 of sq-oBor ( e) A @1 t d{d s_€ qrs {ffi*a e\ t \-fr enneoT t=t,'Aa=t qkiT q't 3TT{rI{ o) faxft ,ft ffi n fq-d qt {f,6 d E_iq gznrfr or en.ieq fu-qT qr qcndl t t oro, {s-d frf qg en+rrro t fu, H-ilt\ qile fu-{ lrx$ +i znq 3TfiqE qr qlw Etfr t, q-rd sq !5{d d q qR ftxft 3rdqo @i zs1 a] mTffi q,t qd, iTrfil 116-A EtE-d "1F\ d qd6 Grmfr-f, d qrd d, d\ Gmd q6 d 4qq et qBtql t B_s-+r q-{m ,Fn /.F+q"-fi Eii w fuqN znEi or rsq fr g-qRerd T& E}ln den 3fl-A m-q qq 3Tfi qt-A ffi-q, Efiq erief, ?m qrFI fu-fl qr rt-dTT (ro.rs) o-qd{ d qrqq e ffi Frflc-i fr fi qrqli znl!-q\-q osfr e-qq e-fqam M zh-f otg m 'qw, q\ qem d Gffi) qil 6t,TT, {q-d qrq qXE qr 3rlwn € qarq., I q\ cTol @T ElqT gq dru{qrq 3Tl-a-ffi qa mqro, u) tht u.frqT Efiq qiq ffi or C'fl, GrfuT fuqT \flrqx, ffi ffi cruqr$ wffi I elud grrr q-d gfrfr"q fuqT sr} fo, oqev d qrtq-q d sT5mqlm. q) ffi-q d q{n of qfrqT fr qN-{RfaT qfr € oen qE qT sr" erd faq"{'T litigation q,t RerR frHf, q E\ I srr-kr qTS d ffi ffigq ogn fr on ffi sq-t Ewd(i" qftmqq ftilDTS q giBa qd qd I qq;T sq-{if, or fu+Eq gs ffirqfdq s) fr-{ k{s d fiilr *}qr rrr} e_q-f*-f, o.Effi ($) enleq ry of nfrft f,an ffi qB-qr :(ro.ro) q{ zot+-rs d fil ffi/ftffi qR_iT of Eeor a.u.q cht t-g HK fr-Scil ' srifi ?Fr q-rT q,t qfrk sl.Fr gftftzq frtqT (t) dart za-q-{ q-SeruT ,flrt opn q} @T-i"il V d-dfr Frfl-f,i d eileirq d etiq q freti}n ffi d Ead t-g nw srrAqa qal or {fe'q-dl f,trfi d ft{ B-{d .mfw g6Tr}7qlw]r Ert :- qS zota-rs fu-q|. g:r-iT t @-T Gil-nq-{ q-{ qfteT"T Bq-{rf, ftwfl frtn {qE s"?-{q foqT Eri t qri t. ( 17 (i,) qfteioT Bq-{ra tq qTq qq 3ilild;-{ qr\ of qfi Frmrfi qit gq {qrT q-d rt{ d.ni qri t crcqr.nfl mrqc{ 6r<i ffi frrfl-f,i d fd =rtt #B-d ffi d Btng-ffi +i no$ ars of nfr a d Eq-61 [..{ ffi ffi EY',ft 3nq-q'rt/q"Erqff *gT sTlc.q'rel/ ft-cn sTrq-q,T"ft 3Tffi I Giil srcT rs mei t d-d_m 3lfu?--d erfDrfltzzFffi fr q"}qr q'{ Irf,d ftxft-fieI6Qqft(orqaaTssqiiqff.dfu.qrrmit qrtqq t ffi ffi (in) o-AjiYte qRq-{, d .rq mqd( d ft-fird-i ot q.E'ql o} qi.fr 3il.o1 q_d oqd( li ffI d fr\ q-g q{A qq fucr-qr qr} t g'i UTIarft' q_{aqn t (')qtraaft_{@qd{gmffiq-lTqR-flfufiFTFrfiT-f,idd fr qrn qq" s'rd qR silcgqcr d' fu-{ oq t {rr{H"E-{q $ (dffi ffi"Tq), ffi slqTq zbt Ra{h n mq ffq eN 3m{q q'{IqT \JTd, f,rfu ot$ enffi GrTffi o) qr ffi \q-qtjl qfuql qir qmoft q€lF{]Ti.iqq3Trq-6ffi3firrffiotsltrfrerrq1rq_{rsfrgorRrd qqqT gq +t qrtft, Afrr{ Grrqd ffi d fr\ ftqiftd ssFI {elFI o1 r) ftEk/fr_fll!-{ d rcq fr qrfr o.i (qIdt ftq1g*er) orri of q'E ql qq ffi enq Yerfi ("i) 5 .fl ET r sqR€{fr fr 6Tffi fa-"f,inT d-qri c arf, oo of q,T u(q FT (ETo frtfl qTil-lll e'S oEe qrwfuo 9r ot EiTffi or ft-qiur -ff fu.s eq-q qfu-fl ilr$+I Efi qD'qT qTq -1T{ e\, ss' qqq t .ffi or qjlsq frq-$T dq{ fuqT ulit t q"e $Tdqrs ft-q$T $.ru2{_i-q gm g6flt 3T1gffi, Emq'r1s, v"o5 o} siff k{ qFrqTd sq t *}qr rnrt d q:q1q sw51 fie eirse ft-6r-dT Grn 9RY-.F r{t6 q;r gr ffi 3rr-qmffi / eEr{fr 3ngffi datT s-s q{ @-+flc{ \-q ffi d sqTgffi t (riil IiIS GryqmT-fr/ftdT 3rrqq;ft 3rfEp;ffi 6-1qI E-{f,I&I( foqT I ?rR s{ts-d 3[ffi 3{a]cIT B-{d 3TBE d q-frfqts ffi qa]ET q.{ qti I fi-"d sTrs-c of aa qh $-d sqRpro d ai, s-{d fi 6{flTe1-{ ft\ o< gvRro {d qrA qw d qqR-a I M lJ 18 11/ (r trftZftheft qkn ErmZll{6 at d fr .rqt.n atn qq e-d ,- d Kd orufq zt qd, 2014 dq cr.II 6-<=IT GIM ei.n r s-qo mqS-qr ets ot Grlq-o. r.r) o) qra cri-d, zota. drq-$q m1-s ergufu rnrfr Eli "-+F-"d t-fi t Gretcrr qrft qrrq gmr{/$AE &-fi trrv-c aTQlcIr ffi +fi GTQtctT t-o- d S€r 3rr-& d w t sfl .fi rn' lrfi-fr B r sd 2014-1s d fA\ ffi/ftffi qkfl d fa\ ftqfftf, d1qtlT q,ts 6\ 12 rrllq ftrsd ij qqr ?tr{fi r&n I 12 rrrtTT fttsd} t drqqt-s kt-$ f},ilfu-d q e}i w, erBrycq grPrno ori-d, zot+ of E[T{Ts'.ht-s fr qB qd'ft I rflFIT;tI Errr$-fl vrd z(l) d er-gwru dtq-S{T qfl-s q,t qrR"-fi srRrmT qrg d qelq &-I HcIEIt{ qedrqq oTd ft-qq E\ tq +d{ qqr ft;qt qFn qFfa t, frrd am$-S mt ro m-rd 3rM frqH 6[ B I .ro H.IIIFI frqq) srace period v&n fr t (tt.z) ffi2ft-ffi qkrr s1-6 d Grg-akwfr t ar+ii"$ eti{ s1 q-q-e C gftPqq s-{i d frf u-qft-fl 3rr}@ o} frqtftd qrffi-fi 6-I{q)rH fi"s A t / nt qpr d qqt.rq err-(l.Pr sfr.$ fd-qls so 3T}.m, 2014 dq qII( 3TsTqT A;-e qffiTflf, t-o etsrfl S-q{.rc oqRfqa ilm orerqT etfr"q ilfrq +cF tht t-+. ,TI{-& d tq ii q-qr cnt=rr 3rFrfl-d d-q-r r qE qfuIfu of iTftT qrq-F+ro al-qii{ft d fr-F€ frt{ft-fi norq o1 qfi-EIT q r-6i of qYrT iT qrs qi.d, zots of tq qlfu-fi qi.q Etft sfRror d frF€ I 12/ trftZfrM qFcqr E-"FHZgTU tg sfu'lfr qqT :q$ zotr-l+ # ft\ trtqT t ftem ffi7frtrft qfuiT at gror Sorq/qIF d fu qfrTfr T{rlftT B-s EsralsAE of 5-o-ni qft qrffi+. =f,{flq qqrt[d rTE{r rr{ or t / pfr .rrq- eneriq qk{r gm.r-* d s5r/5om at go' fl-6 d fuq frqtRd qk{r d vorq of qrx d wn-g@ tq E{e {rRI Td 'r{ Pft, rrt 3TrT r* q{ zor+*rs * ftN qefltrd vtft f oil-}ffi d s-m t / tz qi-q fi 'r;RT sfld fu q{e qrRr "-qfr--d d *dq frr{fi ir*q-f-d tm ererqr t-q{Fs oqRturo t-o qrffq +fi I .dit +fi Frrrc Grern'W +fi 3lerclT d6 d dal 3lrdr A e{qcrT ffi sq ii GTatcrr nryq rilril @-$it oiFrqrd drT, .i] lsqRrf, SoT-{/rrW at fatfi-,fr aqq Eti S fi-{ q-6R m.r$Re-s df eorqr q E)i of qerl. q qTqS qi-'q etft u t 19 13 / ffiZf+ffi qFrsr EtnrqZsTs tg qrf,fl{ qafrq B-dra qrflr oT fuIfwr ,- q{ zot+-rs d f}\ trft/ftffi qfu{T tht Eeqt{ geh-rd ig qq-dq triqrIrl qrfl qtt qrEcIR sdrcl frqr$lr ftqtRd ft,qr qrar t" :- rsrp qre Sg f+Tlltf, q-{dq m"qr6 q=X qr6 m-I ;Trq qtr*r w qT€ qk{r fd+$r rTRqr (frqe) 1. 14 / ($-qq) 4. 3. 2. 1rnr 1. GTi-d qrffio qr*t 2_ q$ qrffi-o 5. q-{ qrffi-f, qT.rr o-r goh srffio qrx qt $o qrffif, qw qI $o qtffio -qT'xT 6r tzoh 4. wr$ qtr-q, qrfl ot tYo qtffifr qrrT 5. SIIRd qiffiqt qTT-oI tYo ilffio. 6. fltnEr to/o 7. 31cfd6R G qrffif, qtzl @T qrffio qr*lmT B. q{rq-{ qrffi6 gT.[I.6-t aYo 9. F{JEI qrffi-fi qrfl znt go/o 10. ifl-r-{ft qrffim qrrT ml eo/o 11 s-{qft qffi-f, qw oT eo6 qrfl o-f qTffi6 srrT 6-r 12. qrd qrffifr ql-ri o-T aoh qrffio grdl zRt" aoh rTu-gtqur-qfu-gT{fm gtGzl qrs{ ErqT gilf,fl/e-( ol 'qx qt E-Eqf s'h rco/o ol qrdT o-T aYo qrffif, srrl e-T qrffi6 qTTt o-t eo aYo qrffi6 qril @l qrffifi qlaT et" affi-dr aYo ao/o sYo so/o ao/o so/o :- ftrS.r$ frdq 3rglsN Grr'flfr q{ zot+-rs 6 fts Tr-q d frffi fr ftr& fr ;ffi-q qu-sxur +ncrqr{ qfr letdT qrilry, fuE ftqrfirrc filf,r fi. E-r qrq qu-grtut-1ilu-gFflt 1 q.t g'f 2 q6RrTq qTI-qT 3 {fd-qT-{flcI 1s/ tffiq ffif q ffi t q-q 3 2 1 (D-I qrR'ft 3rrqFTd qR{r q-{rq .Ff s5qtcT :- d fdr q-*aT q Rem ffi qfuiT of ga+r g_6rt/rr1F\ o) qosl{UT lil€nTq i\ ffi qk{T rqrq d fr\ ffi rTfuiT q,t oi.q q,t e}a-d} i gp Eft-fl +i qErrl ar1qTf, oB.22:70 v*tt (rs.r) qS zor+-rs ch-T t {\,. \y ,e (r s.z) q{ qS *'o.rr* t zo14-.1s 2013-14 o1 Eeq qrTd gq s-ilq q-{ th-T tqft qR-{r d q-gsfrq-Ro sfr te rTR-{r et q-Erq qF+qrfl-{ d g*t o-q s-qkd ITU-sRUT -lTlu-slri1q t tefi r{k{r or trqrq (rs.s) qS zoro-rr frr t n teft qkiT rht ot-q zbt etild or frPrq qrq-ot+rq ffi ogn miq qft eTf,d- o) qt-d Gn-s-t{ (Round shape) ti rqil .rqT t oer qr+fi qrq of Ei-dd ti "u.q.onq.t.q." oen etf,-cT fuqT qeT B, qrq d-S-e}-dd q "750 m1", 314fr d "375 ml." vq ^q,rq fr "180 ml" s@f,{ (Embossedy fu-or .rqr t I E-{rd 3rfrftffi qd zots-ra t tqfr ?ffit qft-{r e1 seating cap,,dlT$ EH,rq d sq( '?lastic trasparent qri o.r qlqtl:T ftrfl qq t Ej 3TI'Ifi q$ zot+-ts +i e-*-o-q Gilr d fld\ sQll{f, q}'ft (ro) tqft/ftffi qPcqr-Sorqi t d fdq 3TM3rf fi ftgBg :- t=ftZfrtxft q-kq1 et ge6 g-mI+ S $q16{ d flil o-rq-dftru} 6-RI 3TfqffiGr\/ffi o\ ser qror t oqr t-q\ erMZ;iffiR tnr qtfi-r+rqT r{d"ts-a ffi d Bqgzm enq-+rft/qr6TTfi GTrgffiT eneoTftZftrdT cn"qsTft 3lfffi S t qq{ Foilr .flrf,i B r er1*ru ii qs e{rql t fu, arq-SR1-qJ gNT 5ftTq '\ sl$q qrEq d .nrht ad q.q-q qrq srftro-afefi/ *1 ftgfr( & 3rr+fi sr-J$-fi t, warqw ts6 Frq$f d s"EE-{ n TcIft q.m-{q o-rqrl s-{ aTrRfl erfsBo of q.rft t, fu-S qd qB-il sft-r+ d; r+qrd lrflilq d frr swgffi qA +i t $Rr {TNtq flRT fid ,rt ffq 3TT{l{ q{ zote-ta of a-rs oiFrffi q{ zot+-rs if .ft qk{r $h-r+ d srE"r +i A Xd q-{D-d z-qfr-a 3l+{fr ErqT tg 3ililf,{ qz Grqft ttft GTar.rT frffi qfu<r Se-rq d fuq 3TM at ffi frqT .aTaT ffi d sqrgffi enqorfr/vla-q-fi engffi olrefltZfr-dT 3rqmTt ailffi o\ u-{gf, .FrqT 3TFsrd e}"'n nen rlqfl*-f, m q frfBrqq orffi gq errq{q6 ffiq{I;fl ql-dgffi +6-rqlqr rs eri-a a6 {sXi fu-i qr$'t !re"fq-d t (tz) ftfiEtgftr+r'(rz.r) Efrs.T-d srqoTfi erf$fr-qq, rgrs d Gmlfu frffif, trFlrq arq-(T-s zz ti ftfre{q g'k<"or q-st S HcItIir {ti?d 61qe$ qskm gc6Tq t, ffi QTd sqlm s{Tfla qr?i-i goi-q 6T t gfi ftfrerq gR=dET TdrlT eil-< 5or+ d ftfterT d srq orffi d sqd ftfterq tg e-{gf, o-tn il, r (tt.z) ffifiqrc 1n1u"* GtrT f{fid qqi znr I]-Icrgrn fttrd t, ffi aru-ss oTgqtrft sTfufr'q-q, ffiqi6 zo ii A-sT or arrr$-qfi s_+-rq ffi q a-{qT ffi {&.TI eil< Yrd srgTrri qfu{T g-+lq got d frfter"i d r+rq {{qffi srfffi d qqs frfrerq tg wgf, otn (rz.e) rt..,zr yrcFr iliT {id qt fuq Gr$rN q{ zots-r+ of a-re ennft q{ 2014-15 fr tft qfuiT g_o-m d 3ryakqrft Arr srot grlq t 'IkiT ?ht qrgFro qzm, 3ilq<, M, W-qz \.q erfrq qqo of qtftm ffi, q\ tqft ,TfuiT d fr{ rr{rTFrT, dq G vrqft oadr frtefr -TfuiT d far iln-s/AqilqR d-ift, 3rT,Ifi qE of os erss tro ff*o eta A 5 uurft oi rrgf, 6{flI o{M e}qr r qrar-fi t{ft ffi eil-q eT=q r{zr{r( q\ s+rq-s1qq q{ rfiBs ffi d sqrgcm ener*rfr/e-6r-{dn eTrgdfl Gil"qo-rft gq fudT GrrqmT-ft 3lffi t saqT Grtfd-a of rnrt, 3ilfafuqrft Er<r fr qr$rft I (tt-+) q{ zot+-ls @-f 3rg_afuqrfr, frqfRd oll-d 6r SrkrH zn< f}frerT gRircT v{ qS qrqE-a ffi d uqrgm Gilqmrft/s-gTqtr GTrgcm srrqrhlft/ fu-dT errqzrrer Grtffi d @Tqfo-q d qtq m-r, gor{ q riqTftd .nt-q qk{r gqtrqT d rrrf,{ frd '- A-sT I (ra) ttftrrft*ft qq{T q,t E-a-fi{ frqff d 3r-J_snq-* d qfiadrq{ fuqq. zooz d Gr.f,.f-d trft qkiT g_oTq & S\lq.zq arq-S-s qrd q 13 vq fuffi rTkir g.h-ra tg gs.gf,.1q f,rq-Sfl qrd e sTffid 6{ri e{X-sN orggfuur-ft g_flq d T}YT ER q{ \-o lTf,f, Eeq sttrEIFI B, ffi (re.r) E-$-q-rE GilqoT-ft .nT qTffid d.TfiqT, fu-s orggmq* g_c-6q w ergokurfi m-t qrrl, ffi eierqr frffi ffi-dT, g-+Tq qft GrqRa{fr, drq-+ru qfi Gi-qB nan 6l{ij{i q 3lfud of srht (ra.z) ss ecFR teft qk{T g_*-Tq \-q frffi qk{T g-+-r< tg qTtrtd a'Td d qTcIqH B, frtg lnr{q-qN d anox-qfirq. qrt-q-, fr-€rrild 3rTR d r{qq fr Tqw cqrstt q E\-i i\ 3rts6lrT drcNt-iff q-{qTi d-.q q( rn-iroie c'ri € t .fr ofl T} t, d nqn-s-srq oG osn g{rffid d msT-rfla{ ffirg wffi ErqT frB-a Grq qqriTq ,ft +a ererEi t BtEkteqgffiTfrtl q,t Yrd m-qio rg ti (rs.g) {Iiilr qrNm HIT fa\ w Frufq srge-r{, rfi.\'szq "-JEfu qqr qE qlctqt-{ ge-rq d q-nqT gR q-{ gm 3u-flfuqTft frrqr rieilErq 6-{ t fu, RTdq Eeq lrTffid, fu-fl-mT sTtcpr{ fr\,/ u :r 3 Ee x 2 Ee or *'n, qERif, q,illT, 22 fu{{ii 3{35fu*rft cFt" qlrr. sfr;I;I oT vr+ru, gsT q,t erq-Rarfr q-T ecFr{ Tq qFr, s+-rq gdi defl ETrtd-fl q,t 3TqB gq q-dqm gq ilq E}-i q frqfR-d qkgl ffqrq qr sr[&T etft r {{rffid fr fuqqrnd d ft\ qr$nq]-d rht yfi-c Eilcr Trr gq siler{ qS-{ w t erfuT fu\ ',ild.i I {S qcn-tt gm'.gd.1q stTf,fu et yrd ffi-qio g ti riqfum 6q q-d Hcrtrn fuqT TqI t fu, erj-aktTrfi 5-fi.rl d r}aT gR qr vm" lrtq geq wt-ffid, fuq-fiT 3Tlcnx 3 g-c x 2 Ed or e),n, qEfttd qri-,n, ftffi-ti 3ryf,kilel q;r l.Trl, gmm ot q-rx Vq TIrt, g_mTq gdi gq qE *i or qrEI, g_o-rq of er+Rerfr osdl a;q1i-s of 3ndts- GrfuT r)lft r qrsd fr fu"{qgd d fr{ qr$q-dtd of qhc drd lrr gq ong-{ rr$-{ T.r t oTfuf, fuq Eriln oqr erggfrqr* 5on d frffiq sr-s-{ q{ fr+at qkiT o1 {dqt,{ ftqfR-d ;f,;rf,q E-c-or frm--q qt gq erko-a-q E-cor mtn fffi-q Et e-{Rif, ord g} To !H.5q Rq {.q orfu-or q<Rffl t (rg) ffiq q{ fr ln-flfu w s{d qkgr wiET m.} rarmiflR-d/rwif,fud s-{i w ets srtfra'tnsrr :- ffi .Is fipfq sl$€.N 3rTrrfr q$ zot+-rs fr 3tj_akErfr orq-es GrqB et sqrfu qi taft qkqr t'q filffi qk{T d sTFR)q rero d q{rq (Disposal) d ryorqtlq, {adHtflfrd/er<rioR-o et qH sldt qft{T ot Tr's $rs{ gr(l. s( irffilrl eq qn8 qflT d 10% (q-s qhr]d) d evet, qorErPr or ffiq qS zot+-ts of qd& irfuZatq-{rs Trar< .nt IT, fu-smT fi-s q =ffi fuqT qInTT oerT {adrflrdfrf,/rr<ffio qfi qfi qrcft qkiT et qt-dr 6-f lft riqrqtf,{ oiTrnfi E{ *g ftqiR-d qq-dq !-ffiIa qrer ii ;€r fuql qlaT .ili-qT (zo) ffiq I E{ it qfurr q$t gqrm +t qk{r d qqrnq d +sn fttfr {rsq srrcffi il{r s{ 2013-14 fr ffi/frffi qR-q-6-{ e1 e]Eqfr qkiT SoTq/lstE d tfi. ssd qaE tht faxft qk<t" g-mTq fr enqqq-f,dr Q sil$o qRvr of qrfl ffif, Si w, se qTd ihl sfi q-6-R qft 3{q qfrEt gol-t fr {armidftf, (Transfer) tn{"i q,t *J-.ft frqEsR qq t'ht-s d Srldra q-{, Grg_afuqTft *ieflq-a ffi d sqrgffi ene-flt/s6tTfi GIrTtr 3rTe-olt/ fr-dT 3il--qoT-0 qizhv(2'* * d fr{pT frS .T-$ ,} r d qS zor+-rs d fuq qerqtT rli ,erFffi ET{ sTmrft GTrdsqo (1) teft qfuiT vq-$ r.so gh 91 ft-ffi qk{ (3) ftffi IL'F-drci qfr W-fi-ci qkiT (qr-d) vrd r.oo qft q@ afl-rt' (ftq-c) v'cr& z.oo (zr) frffi qkql qqsq.lq. gqq gqd@i ql&BqE- dqE at gBq[ 'fr fAftft .{k{ of gronr 5-rr+ +t qafi g{ q;raq qeur5 qrTr (frFqq -.Tr{&) d mn"r qdqm trqq q{ 5o"rfr" fr $qE"T ttr{i fr 3lijfrqr E\ 1-& t opn H t g*ri u}"& si gq {r-f,q tsqd-eT c E)-i d or<q qi qr6"T i (zt.t) aT6ft " M t t s\ erqTq qRq-f,{ rNfr.d sTq ctrFIT d-dT t I Eal r{qiqT d ft-il-{ tg cryafuqrM driT aTEfr eh fr Rero fi-ffi qk<T of guo-< Se1l} oi 3IfrR-tr rtlq]-q of gfrql qEt{ 6-d tht qrT @t 'T{ i5Tdl z66fl{ E)-fi Eql eTrnT drrt+-ift tt (zt.z) Rr's yTr{fi ET<T qd 2013_14 d S-{f, aT6fr drr} t furo fr-ffi qkiT 56T-+ fr fa-ffi qfu{T d qn-€KmInT d fuq g_e-;q d erSno qkq-i g q-Cw ra-TH q d"+ of sqrT iT eryakqifr qft qrr q-q lTqfffl ffi d o-d-f,cr EIEI sTrqPqfi ffiqir--< 3r-TafuqTff o\ gor d sE+n" q.Rsi t too fi--{ of q.RfU t RsTf, .ililq q fr-ffi qkiT d qu-srEosuT tg 3rj_vit ft-S .flIi 6 ft{w ftrS 'd $t rT6 qfiail Grrrrifi q$ zor+-rs t-g uonaq s*frt EIrrt+-{ft 6i 3iftft-ffi rililq et {ffi w orgu}fuo qftfli or so-d-s 3r-5_ak t fuqT q1qril I (er.a) ?TR eTEfr"M t Bqrd Gr-jmkd goT{ q"Rw o}'v5 ud eqww fr-lfr rtiflq q fr-}eft qkiT d qo-srrm-$l fa&fr qfu{T gzb-Ifr d 3il5_afuilt d wq-mQI of er1q6 fi .T{ t, n} 3ryakiltr ts 1tqTq fr qrsTft-d q"qKI frttft qkrr or {Triqe qrr (+e-f, qeq) R{ qftft-{ oi s& k{Tq Td'TT I fr*ft qkiT o-r II{rq + ergsfuqr€r +t gor.r d qfuw a-o. qRf,{q, l-tfu?iT 3ltermffi. .i\ Tsrq-+Tfr*gwfrfiero d*q-q-t-ftq qq ffi-q-r-=rS-dqr,*arr m'fr fttS q+*qm d g.RI f*-qr \il\'rtT I I)ffI delT q4,1;I A fiq frtRft qkiT d 3Tf,wT o\ ti rsso' ERtd flo-qr wqqT S-fiIq nen 'fEm i {S q-$ s<ro-gRdorcr\ t Gr5_f,fuilfr mqr q-0 gnpqq frffi znEi qfrrr fl rr)-flq or s-t-rqTfr-f, ffi|trd fi/ * qRiT 6T frm-q qfi fuqT qr+rn, et d Tf, q'Trft or *'n t 22/ '24 gw ft*qs :- Qz.t) qdqrq q{ zo13-14 q,t fifr slrrn-ft fr-ffi qkiT a1 E-cf,{ g+r-+ d q{ zot+-ts n lrr?T-{ae-T qw.Yf,. tresr t 2,3,3q,4,4q,6,7, gq ffi q}B-f, 1.q 10 zn) ftr-{r3vx ftE-€\ +i snsq grqT fteIf, Qjft/ d B ergvx v< TsT qr*tn ,ffi-qIED' 1 t * *ffi €wT f-dfl 2 3. qqa, r fdqs r ft-+q r fir+q r k+ql r kqe 1 f*{q r kqql ft_qq,, 15 Gr.Nfl "gqaeaT kfl{" 02 Grzris{ "rTlsfr B-{tfi" 4 3, 3offi"qErg1"*6 ffiq 4. 5. @z"z) ,, gw. ftTs b, +fi (fu--s f{q r,1 det qru) 7. 18 Rq+Eq Rqq" "rls qrfiErs s{di" srlqol( d fu, t frf,q s$ d +{rq fa, i fi fi-{ ffi q s-{d ffi/e}, tht ffi/fr.ttft qft-{ of Ee-qx goT-fr thi q-E zp{i d sTreaT t q1nfi B r E1;d olfrftffi a}-o-sqr/ g_.m d crfrfr.m ur&qd( o\ rro fi tfr HFqfrrf, t, d gnrqlsq-gnq d dlTrq q1-qf, ffiil{ enq}r/qr-q M"-{ 3ilq}l d fdqr=rs{?Tr,/qan-fi-q rq1q-rT q-{ail3r), fu_q{ii f+{aTSirR qfu{T @1 of sq-ilr1 d qusTfUrcffi 23/ ffi (1) q-qErfl g*6Ir\ a} E-d}-fl,13 arrqz5l$ 3{ftftqq, tgts o1 q1rr-24 Gr-n ffid i fd ere.r eftf,"di .5r wh erfr gq zrd-f,dr/fu-dT {E o-{i d frq lg&rq d t et AS 'q$ zor+-rs d ftq &ft teft =Tk{T q-fl-q @1 ffi qFc{r m-qiqt 1. 2. 3. z+, qlq qfrqr tF'r qiDr{ e{rqmTfi ftEffrn ffi qsrdr q-F(l- 25.0 nfr d-q qfu{T qIfi qfuil so.o Xfr. oo.o trfr. f *i:ft2ftffi qBn qrmt,lillai ufrs-qg freTiR-d ffi2fuffi o1 qffi t ,- .FT Ery",-", qtr{T @t E-c:fiq M d 3lJ-f,rr+ S n-qq 'te HEqB-a *.gs.zq clqt-q qki m-qi6 11 gq gs.\rf,.1q arir$H qrd mqrfi rz +i qS 2013_i4 t ffi qkiT q frm qkil gfl-d d q-f,i qtl Trrq ,trd: to.oo qd t qrB to.oo qd a-o ftqtRfl ft.,ql Tqr B t q-a tqtrwTIWT ft{q, zoo2 d qcmerT 31T'rTrS q{ zor+-ts ti qerrqf, qqq€fl-f, rilft It\,/ \Y t ", zs / 25 qr-dq ft-fi-q qd o-r furfvur :- ufrwrrd eil-qor$ teftrrfteefr oTko-flq gq M d Grgg-rqfr d q-a*enqq fr{q, zooz d fr{rq rz d Grf,.i-d q$ zot+-rs d flar erc-{-Hm-sq+fi-*ru1 et g'Eqr$"yfu t itft qk{T vq fuffiqfuqr d {t{ ;{r-dq \'q orf*tr*d-q Eezh-i fr-tnq qq ftqo et qft'ft, Mf 5o/o w oltr{ Tqr qrt{n I teft qkiT nqr ftffi qkiT d tlrqrq ari frqifto qqd"q \.q Grtso-dq Eeftr M q( ttft qkqrZfd-ffi rrkiT qETT6-df gxr q-.t-fr ,fmn d qkiT zht Ee-qx ilIq-di (dq-n)) q( 3ifrta fuqT q1f,n r 3r-ff,fuqTft, ftqiRd fur rig qq-dq frmq aeu fr zn-q 1.i fqqfft-d GTlqo-aq ft-mq X<" t sll*o ae svri-meil i\ =r$i dqr t 26 / Efrqr ,{t trq cTTflN GrTflq q{ zot+-',u g ftffi qfuil golqJ d wX-rfuemo q-\, \r{{d {{-f,{q qRs-{ q frtqft qk{r gwgd.rq Ee-6{ (6H ol (ze.r) vrwq rr$fl gw.Td Et-{T iq of Ee-+-i zh) qk{T fid 3i-5mr of tfi d qkrT-qrq g_o-TE taq ftqqEgr{ 3rdrrrl gBen d or-g-gfuilTfi, ffi frffi rniffi I f}ffi * qkiT d €d-{ qR{r{ t fi urqrft, q-6 gol-{,/{alF1 1nFil-q s-g-{1 Mi 6 6qq r d 3rf,.fd GrTq q.gTer rt-{ Rem d-lr orM t, M ftf Gil-qoTt 3lrgffi d .ra mqw / arq. /tq-.. / zoto / ttt+, {rqgq Hfi ol.o4.zo1o 6t{l. Y.m t ,fr ft{qT qffi frri .r$ t r e-S gfrRaq q"ri or s-arqrfr-o e-qfltra ffi d GId61r ght1T uqg_ffi 3rTq.FT-fr/ (za.z) s-+o ergsfu, HEEt-m GTtgffi fuM qktl 3ilq-mTtr/mor 3ilq"ndr gw.gd.1q * 3lfffi .trr e).'rl t ft&ft qRqr er-grfuwro 6t, ss+1 frung-sn srmRrtBd wra qq relTfrd glt gq efltrr{rfi fr nw ergafu kts d fr-ilq q{ 6,SqlTq fuffi qft{r ft-{q, lseo d fffq a d B:q-frqq (1) * su-s (s-fi-6) (uur*ivilko) d q-nfd riEkd ftrd A g.rm * ff-*€r gnr lfi-fl-d of qrArft I Bim gh-rT fo-.{ drq-Sfl sTqH d fuq E}'ft deTr {s "3r6rdr sfrqT" .n-u qr}'n I qE EfrETr WlO, tEu-f, t (zo.e) yrq vtr*Fr gmr q{ 2o't3-14 A fuq gs.vc{.1s frqifu-d rflR"fr d E{rfq Gt;Iflry frErtkf, t 'smrft ir-qi6 1 1 er-g-{k .nr srtrflI }rcnt-{ fr (eroror efl-5_f,k) qrffi-6 I tg argsk stq a-g:ffi q1q 3. 2 gs..gd.1rs GT-g-f,fu (eru-or or-j-afu) r f+t$ uF<tr gon qfr ErffiEF Grg-sk til zor+-rs S ftr$ 30h qedr+a Et{ 26 27 ffiZf+M qk{r d ongrf,\ q ffiqt{ / -c{rs qq rnft * qmq mr sq+q sfrft-q o-ffr,qqf{inT frffi qfu{r qftE-€ vilri d qrq'-qql-$ o} tqrq fr {s-t gq tqft qfr{T $ff-d d enan\ oqr rfi-Ed Gngrf,i fr ffiqa ._drcr \rq qrfi d qrszl znr .rq-qtq /fdfiq G r 2B/ f+ffi qk{r of qft{fl qrr Trflrq (fr.\'tTfr$. sT s-ilq qr) '- frffi (frflc \.q qloe) uht ?hlq-d (lrcru r{) oT Trdrq ffi-ar5q (on-line) ,nrzlq t GrT.ilfr q$ zor+-rs ErlT 3rfrqrd elqr 2s tg E-S-q.T6 €g A!'S"fl .FTfrkrq o1 qtr{I fuqT t / eI) :- q-{ zor+-rs d f}\ ft-ffi qkqr gs-.yf,.2 Mt€ qR srJ-afu. gw.Td3 ded elr, \E.gf,.+ G qm'.gf,4o d cl1_afu d sqLT fr y.ro t GnapT rqrR-d frtS qr"€ t ftM GIFTT r (e) gq".\rf,.2/gq.\rf,.3/qu.gm.4/gq'.\rcT.4olgs-\rf,.5 f,r{r$Rrqt mt rrk{r gw.\'f,.r q Eefi-{ E-firq t ffM qft-{r q-rK tr-{i t-g !sq-q ft,-qr :- E.firr.T-d frffi qft:qT 'fr-qq, 1ee6 A ftqq a d Bq-fr{q (o) ri et fr-ffi qkiT gwgd iq E-c-f,i g-+-Tfl qr frFrqftrrooi tht fr--dwT Gt-J$-fu qqrya{.10 d er5_*fuwRui t e.qq o-{i d sicrqm frtrfl B t s-m Irlc&TH d Gffi.fd qS zore-r+ d fil fr-M -TkiT gF.Td2 Hi-.e qR, gw.Tda *ea eK, gw'.vd.4 3rQfi-fi ffiE T6, \-D\-f,.+o q+wfuo qflq Gii{ gwvf,.s em-fto GT-g_s-fu d GT-J-afuqTft orq-ft enqqq-o-drcTt qfr $ d ftq q-f,qrq fr, fur-cf,q 6=T frt* qFtr gs'.vd.1 q qfi g-c-6{ 5-ol,{ t qqq o-d or rrqqrq t GrX-f,fuutmr t cilrfr q$ zor+-rs d ft\ fr+eft qkiT gs'gf,2 HtE qr, \E.gf,.e e}ea qR, gwvd.+ erSR-m ffiE T6,\.Fvd+o q+erfrtr'rerq Gi"-{ $F..9f,5 qq \Egf, 56 qrriFro GrJ-f,fu d fr-et qkiT @t Tffi d fr\ fuo--cw{ 96 E frt{fr qk{r gF.Ym.1(q) qft ge-fi{ g-6lq t ffd-qeq EI{r qqq ffr-fl rilrifl r dfuq 3rqkfl'd orE"ir t o-frre_{ gm qqr.w.z. qw vd a, gw.\'d.+, gw.\'d.+o, q.p'.gd s Tq gw qf, so o) or.q frxfr frffi qkEr g-orq t fi lgrEq ft-qr qT ln-&-,n t q-sd fr\ GTrq-dFTft GTrTffi +t T#rqfr srqYrro +{ft I zo ., -,,-*-.**"* / Z8ietr qfuT d ftg*ffi*SF-,1i,q*9,-.S,,qrqrd q{ Esq PJ Eqkor;* *,*,",,--, (so.r) fi-atiq ffit d fuq oTrqrd YJffi :- d fuq 'qr.,s engrq av q{ teft +rPq$ tpft qfu{T q,t {ftc-q-E EHi d er<qfsfrq o{Iqkl q{ 3{Tqrf, go vwi o.oo sR nw fi-er ft"qffud t r q{ 2014-1s d fuq it-dii-q qHi fr er<qftffiq GTrqtc qr GTr{ila gffi sq+ 6/- yfu {r. fieq qtftr 2013-14 It\z \x t :6 27 fr teft qk{T fr lrcfu,T, 3TTqqfi qRHi *Rerf, ffi qR{T frMuT * qr€Ftr{ fi *t qrc5q q-fl-q &t d ffi d ftu-ro qu-sr{uT C {ft-f,-q-E Effi q tr sd 2ot4_1s ffi qN sT{n{ oi--& qfu.T t rfl-q .tr{i' o1 q-flaiT uvroq rt=n r (aoz) ft&ft qtr{r d frfrqfq d ftq {v{q d oitqrf, q-={ onqrd gq :orT.nfi q{ zorq-tu g ftiffi qk$ d mmqf"I t tq {.g{q. S enqrf, q{ oTr{nd gem s1 a{ 2o1s-14 :eTq'f} q qR / q{ zora-rs qff dTTs-fl ErT frxft Grtsftqq eTstcfi GrJs.fuqffi {q. q"rqq eil-q gqr - sft "**q et ftfu vErS s.oo / F-qq flerirr d Gnd.ff, .hl-s fr ffiq s}'n t {t\'{i H{qil( d faxfr faqrT qrc-r .rqTtf q ot$ qx Gqrql qr],TT, ni qT frxft uS GTelcII riqq fr B-s-ftl ot-$ 3ilqfr qFq r& etft s2/ ffi ftffi qerTqE " "Fqffi e-T E+-il{ TSi +T T, I qkqr qft g-orqt d q-qrtrq ftt q{ren=;- d frr t=ft,2frffi qfuiT of gror Smrq\/HTd 3iaT.r ftxfr qat d ffi-q qcmafl-q-q" fuqq, zooz \.i ssd Glttq q-qfu'f, 3il-ile{ sqffi S qrrrrFft qS orf,.ff, .Gil-aEq zor+-rs s.{ qrw Efi E\-d d or*rqr qdqTq t tgftZfr-ffi qkiT qft .Ur+r d q-+qedua q"ifi srft fuT qq fttri d u.-a "Ef{ qq encflfi sTrgcm ss gchT{/qdg of S-+rt + fr'}rT.n-q sqlc4-q sIelcII f+ai+qerq-+ qft ffi tfr sfr-d go-rfr qq-*, ss / @cf{alT oq {rd-,t qq frfq frfu I nerT qrf'ft-f, q$ zot+-rs ii ffit d rn-ca-ssq u-fiqi'ra {-.rq ti qftq Eor{ Glstcr frS EiE 1ldTfr o-{{r :- sr-q fr qs fi-qq ffi d worqsq sT Grar ot-$ .t @Nril t qR qt{ g+lqlg+w ftt gort e-q @t qffi t. rh {q-d o-xu sr5afuqrft ai qrsa ilrr o}-{ erfrlxffi tq qfr *,fi t wfr ffi t q-s frqq d orqq oTQrlT frrS er;q or{ur t srsq 61 ft,ft Solq/q6 et g_flqi S gq3Tf.i-{ znG or trq fuqr qrdr t a} S-qrI o-G oT of oIfUmI-i Grrq.Dr-fr Grrgffi th\ EtrT osTT \rq{ q{ ft"{ft qTflkqrfr q,1 etrqft qr-q qS qtt q fi ftrifi q-o-n et erfrqffi 3{srcr Ee frr{ft .ft enqRrqrC s\ tq e}-.ft r qR ffirzfrapn qRrT gor{/ste d qq{erqq rht GmfB d *vrq 3TTafuqrfr $) frr!ft qra-.ft elrq 0, tfi-q ffi sT qrffrq" rdq enR qre-.tft e.r€rcrl furft fi oEs of d eTfrEffi 28 GTqcrT sTqTfu-o B.{rq}, ediE}erii, mtdq qq{ar wanqsq frxft qo-x of znt$ eTh E}"e of qn-or yrNFI EriT -ffi tl.ft i4/ "-no* * *ffi:ffi*ffi t d,' eqak"trer o\ t qn-qr qfr E-c-os fr-fr1 d er-Tgrq-{r d :GrTrnS qS zota-rs t rtqr t Roro ffirzfi-tqft qkiT ftt Eeft-( gnifi ot qcnadrq{ orrqoTft ffirzAa* qk{T q-,t geo-q fuht d 3rjglqfr d ftqc, 2002" qa-nrigilfld d cil"ilfa €l fuqT qdrfl | dqISirR 3rrqd ffi q't ffirrAtqfr qkqr of Eror Sfr-r+ qi 3{iq drf{ qfuqT d oeq e{rAs-{ ,*".e ii sm @cN€lTrFI Frqq\Zfi-ffi d reo Gilq"Ea fuqT srt-{T I o\ qqrq o--{& gq trdrm qfr-s of rrRr o1 qFNI o.{ g{, Gnil{q effiikd o--{i tht o.rffi of qr q-d'ft I tfr turfr fr 6)g .ft eTW t-q q-St *,ft qrqq ti 36 / Ss ft-{qT t s"Afu"a wq-mT-fr S 3lfrftffi ffi q,t qkE1 gorfr d ss qrtnt vrrc1< 6s / urffi fu{fr d ona-cq qfu-qr t friW qTTfiT"ft, riciB-a fu-dT sT-qfd'q rrqqmfB +i qrw 37 rnr q+"q;fi t Gltrcrrvr ffi o) Et-sqx orqfdfr{ t q[fl :gtqfr$I Hfu Gntegritv pact) oT frtff 'ffifact) q zht q-fuqT d-dT \-q ffidT aqr seqF-et ot qfc4-{ / ffi at r\ m.r wom ftrq[ qtql eTFrqrd t]-qr I vrcqFqr dfl$ or qrs-LRRY (Annexure) tf €ilqtl of ge-fi gqm/ q1d of q.t G{-Jf,ftd E-SwS Glrqoffi 3rfqfuqq, 1e15 f,ell sq-d er$=q ,oO 'rn ft-{di qq€nq{ 1rq EfrsTS 3Trqflt ffi,ra*t qkir of Erqx ftqft d 31rd-1q-s d sB/ qS zot+-rs d fr\ q"ieT fr ftem ffi7ftffi ftqiRd qrd gq fudar$i f,QrT {tgrl qTrq-f,/3ilq-frrfr GirgEm/o-d-re</th-d d sqrgm elre-firt/lrflqfi Gngffi otrqsT-ft/ fu-dT srrq@T-ft Grffi d arr .{ffi sflHi7ft-{eri d ertqftq vtft frlm, 2oo2 salT TisilB-d, t ry r*r*..,*ftffitlavl')zot) \r"r'! GnffiT-ft o{rgffi, E-SH.T6 / | 29 \ m4*, / zot+ / Le sftfufr=1. frq qfuq qn q* fr, erc /d-or iTuW. k{r6 .Lg / .a.\.. / 2014 qFrFqo F{ (GTrqfrrft) frqTrl, qurf,-q, qil{-fr q-+q, d-fuca fldffi, ;rqr qTqg{ of Grt"i g{{rTef rff)rq, Efr$-rrq qtrcffi, qtFrBq-fi +-< (ero-+rft) frrrt=T, qil-d-q, q-rnfr T+q, I z. dft-ed fld.nT, 3. ;r-qr rTrrg( zht 3r\-i qane-f xiLT e-fl-f,dt, Eiff-s.rd .nM: €d ffiq I olfrtqm fr'frts, iTq"g{, 4" 5. Trtkl 6. ;R* aofidt €qrdfi, qq 3n{ di q-drf,q, q-drq-fi q!q, dB-6{ @Tdqq, {il Rrq"gq of 3r\q q++ref E-$-fl.l-G, q-qrf, 3rq{ 3ilgffi 3Tl.imrfr, sqqcm 3Trqmffi Tq strero ergffi srqmffi' Scqd-q, {Iqg{, " 7. B" 'e. 10. 11. I l]g-ID li"'rdfr @-t) 5wtou, {rq5{, s.Trft GrldrfiT-fr, qrvq r+Q-q ssffiKII. E-ftrt-tT6, iTqgq q-rItd sqgcm 3il--{s-r-ft, qqirfl-q s.sil{Kl-[, Efrl]Tltr, sqrgffi 3rEorff fu-or-uugvrz$arqzn cTrgffi 3il-qmT-ft' /C-dmgq/ot'-{qTlrilffi-{ qfqrlqqrra, f+ rT"rtfiI fudT Grrqol-fr Gltffi, EfrH'ltr trl WqPf yq etrtwo drffi tg odfrtt fu-dT-C / 30 @s q{ zor+-rs fr t=t ef q-&-{ Efi]-{ ffi et q-* $qrq-ff eta qi-orq f{ff{ Eti d o.mur rrq fi. fuf,r oT "n{T siD-I-{ ?F.I 9i5N TEITq 1 2 3 4 1 rrffiq trfr f{M rTk{r frftft qFfir dq-g-fr rTk{r ril-n5ft .-|ffb *-d_q{q oTffi, sTeolfr fr'+rrrT, u.rl. grq5{ f{*q 31 q{ zor+-rs fr rilrq-Trq fr furf, EiE di qrfr $Frqt qfi fr. ftrin or qrq g-(D-l-{ qrT Il-iFI{ TqFT 1 2 3 4 1 srqSq 1 2 ti-n{r 2 &ft qR{r Rffiqlt ffiffr 4 fuft qR{r fr+{ft qft-{r tqft ,{Rn fu'nq 5 fdtvt qk{r tqqhr 3 3 rrfr{ndq qfr ftdr -"b{Y ffiqu'#5i_{qsTffi, Grrqorft '6 ft.1r, E.rr. TRIgq 32 1.. 3 laa qRfttu-"q)-(ii)" q{ zor+-rs fr s{rrcrfttq orruit * TE *i qrfr go.rql of fd+q of,q{eT 3Tltrfi.rft f{*, qfi sTffi, E.T. {rq5r 35 qRRrfu-,,ftq,, qffi{ of qfrq{ zots-r+ { gorr or ffi q{ zor+-r5 d fug gon qR-+f{Zqrq fud fr. qfuqfrfd RIr+I,/qfq 1 2 1 qTqgl lz 1 4 qtq"rft-{qIgI 5 HirIGj fue gorr WII"T 3 4 5 6 }}q;rR erft qfuiT qTqr$-6 qfuiT eqft qk<i td 2 +qft qfuiT Erffiqm, 3 fre$ qfu{ 4 ffiqkiT 5 R-dRrgY WII;T 1 ilf 3 fus Eorq trft frffi qkiT or-dt-fi qi)ET m ffiq.n, M d-q-2, ffi qvso, w ffi qRvr ffiqfu{T ?DT plrq7qm Erc<. qSEr g_torfr. ftET-i fuffi qpo g-{qffi, tqft qkiT +{Eq.R, M ffi frffi qk{ ftrs qrR, rJ e$ qfu{ ,TqqTiT, 7 +?ft qfuir qI.N 619{I, ft'erg ffiqkiT ft=elEft, ftEr-i I fr-ffi qqq qTrd qrd-c. F{ffi qkiT qd-qT. ffi I tuffi q6o w5a frffi qfuil q.rft.fi d--o. w5o qkiT g.f M ffi 1 ft-tpft qno rie_crGn frffi 1 +qft qfuiT d-q-dT e$ 1 Ae$ qfurT +ft,m its qfuiT qfuiT fte$ qk{ [dTrq, 5if ETffi ErgN rrokft NH GTfuolgi er. FTiq \ ,-,,if,fl) ft+q o.-fq{QT otr-{o-rfr ftqTq, sTffi, u.q. r,RISq v T *-= EEE l cJ € t * \ F 5 5 N n rN r 6 'rf. a p F tr Fv h) k tu 4V lc EF h 6 Elv r .'l v r € r a 4u E: €f@6n-^ I E EdEE q d rH, ltr^ f5-$ VTE+ N N N r r a o r I r r = E'M o O O lEqu lY': U), J:- o o r - ru r N = c c o N ! r F o O o r r o r O a d @ a F O r o o r 6 N r r 6 r o 6 N N € F N r r o d r d F 6 d F r N I r € N € € r o r @ a N s r 6 N a r 6 r r r I € F q so a o O o r N N N N 6 N N 6 a a a r F 6 6 O € F 6 r r a 6 N d d c o A o F a r o a r o a a a 6 a o 6 d F r r r r I 6 rr r N o r r 6 6 r a o o rr r N O r - 6 N r N a r FFr+ r F r F vt 6 N r r € lse l:- tr9 r o 6 N a N r r r il o o N N o q ^i n tuc- ia EAt e+v 6 q o l;i FT E lv !^ \ * r T a d N r € F € r N a N r 6 F ? r N a o o o F= o V Ir/ rbVE trE 1(I v Q) O l!6 Fg o o a d o o o o a a O o O a e r a a a o s a N olo ca o olF N a a a o O o a 6 ,b trE ,,i8tr [6e t, 'rd -F-1, brt F 'it Fp F: lVo LI trN 4.6 Fre IB EF xafi, v. Ot"'F Jht ,6-[tr- p# di& x4, Ft'--| O a o O a Q €1. ,iu(9 ca o o I O F O N o N t ! 6 N N a N r d a r F o a rr E ol^ ol= otY =lo v nr^ o- o =E F:j -t9 N @ N + la IY L ll L' uE' rg ns E EF. ,E IU {E lUfl al a € 6 HE' * El5 vg 4EV r a N d a a o d N r r a 6 r 6 a € N O d I r a o o E E a o N 6 ol: N O o o N o O o ln tr o o a a o 6 r Rl3 nt @ E F F h o D.F wb @ r N F F a olo N F I F FIF t.- o € a o a, a o o € o e a F N N r r a d d O o ;t5tp -l=l:r d N J totolol= o e o o o r O a d € r F @ hr^ tN *EP u I o N fr \ ld IF lF r a i u r *F ZtrEF:s '1sE F E F FE ,E /,u rr hn * tr tr4 ?' M E elr iE nv o { EA E-g v8 F N r r a N O o r N o rr a *64 N N F- F a o r r r I N F r 6 v tf) '6Iu N o o a N r O o a o a a o o O o rO a o 6 r s F € d N N r 6 d a € r I € N r 6 a - N d '-lo h, F E "tr .tr h, 46 16 i$ N o o o L E ! N € F 6 d r r a $ a d d 3 a N O O N r F f? a N a o O r 6 r N a o r o o o d o o € € O N € € F o o N d F a a o 6 ! d i, tr tr v lv tr- Lr- 6 N e Y e. lLv o o O o r a d P. ts G r F d I o o o o a r O N rr I O N a O o N o a O a s a 6 v N^ egJ I N a n He o O r r d E lJ av o l= ) F tr E t, FE h, v G F G, b * 6 o h, h, o 6 lE v btr lv G tc It N o v t, k E iJ H b vE 4? h, E E F I o 6 r te w t. E. tr.) b tE @ t6 TE .E .P lv 15 Itt 'fr € o o N N Ett a q a N t5 ts i"tr e ,ttr € N qln a o tp E -l d? -i 6lc Gp al E tr lr w 4,t ft p M - U p. *E ArV r a ec&5rrt^ N tuEP Ee O 6 d n r € I d t r d r 6 N a! F r N d N I r r d r lv 4, r& n S 'fuvv + rr6.E: l. l- a a ? a a 616 6li rla Nl€ 6ld l6 I o a o o r F N o a I 6 6 r I N r P+rt i+,wE d 6 N I r) > - C ll tuvt lc, luvl r o a r a a r d o N N o E 6 6b a r @ l+tc^ Zif"lE+ a q o r € I E;€ EI l-v 6 er:- Etr \o a Bel^ glF c r N 6 o O O d E e) p h) ihr h vtu E hi lu N B + Yl N UEJdO F. * * o &a :h. &N Ftr* o a a o FrA 6i: lrv o N O 6 € d 4r(8, td '1!, l9 -'1 L O E6 o o O n, o N E o a Le @ ts a o o o 6 o r - I d N F @) tr E ts n' BE' F F tr IE M /r Jg. rtr M FT E Vv. 4er ,^F .IU 6 HE' a e a r o o o N I a d lo lo €lo o a N a r € N c d o o a Y8 IE o 6 a ,fu N /-\ E o o a V I |-IE o N ** r ls r \h*tVV.". rc *F FEE E E al a 6 6 8li I r 9 o 6 r o N € -l+ r r N N q r a d 6 N 5 a a r ! b D a o EE' ht /lru Fts, tr U PV n, E B o o N O a N a r ta € d o H& V* r N a O 6 r G r6 N ra rU4 "htv OP V U^ e)L N,, O a o rd w Yp 1x E o a r O F l! w d s t/ h9 N N h9. tsL r ?iEmt E,E VFIL v Ft E w 5 o N v N tr') tr V E o N w ft') F VZ v E @ ts N E N I E Jb oil-t{q q{ (qqqr fi={q a td) qRRrEd-"qrq-(i)" (sfrq arEqt crs.fC vrf,o or rfq qh s[6 frErfRn $Rr s. ------- / f6-qr rrqr tDtdIrItD' Size - lzor\soru d ftq) (144x144fuffi-d ffiaqp-t /wn/wq,\s (Status of Applicant) iDI orrqi6'q n-o /ffi (Individual/Firm/H.U.F./Company) fr,mr or (Permanent Account number) 3 q{ zor+-rs d ftrn fudr HTd/s{fdt (s{a,zswt m. 4. o1 qox7frtrft qr{n +t E-6( ront $r 3n,n6 qq qrq) + dr++s tg oTrffi r:r:.... E-.5.r{/HT6 $-r;ilrT Ea trSn ats 01 {rRr (Total Process Fees) FD snn{o.ZentP+or 5. ETT :- /wt o-r ;nqlg.l[$r. :- (Name Of Applicant / Firm/H.U.F.) (In (e) ftdr/qfr /ffir+,. /mof or rrr English) :- (Irtame ( Father,4Flusband/Director/I(arta) (In English) :- (lr) fu-r (Gender) (Q (il EqfrE (Date of Birth) (iil errS (onffi srw of otfrq fuH of fuTfr (Age) Of ::r- t) ::- (As on Last Date Of Receipt Of Application Form) (iiil qrSqor (Nationality) trdr (or) rnrr{ fr{rs or qor (Permanent Residential Address) (t) (iil (iiil ,.'r.-.\u fr{ tfrqt{ qt{rfi{ o,,}s ( pin code) q. (Telephone Number) q. (Mobile Number) :- lTq*q + 3 -r' (i") {t"ur.{.O. @-Mail rD) (dq) :- Bc-ii-n (i) t (ti) ot qrr-6T-fr ttu-6 d.ft, ow (iii) t (i") of u,n-orfr uftqrd e}ftr (Note-Informations from (i) to (ii) are optional and (iii) to (iv) are mandatory ) qr6n fu (e) q-d v-or (Address for Correspondence) (r) ft-{ 6ts (pin code) (ii) tftInt{ t. flelephone Number) (iii) (Mobite Number) (r") { t-o.err{.S. 6-r,lail rD) (frv) :- swlff (i) r) (ii) of rrnqT"fr ttu-6 rt.ft, nw (li) t (iv) of qTq-+ffi orM 5},ft ffie qqrt | (Note-Informations from (i) to (ii) are optional and (iii) to (iv) are mandatory ) (H) A'. details 10 are t fu4rfl m-{i qtiefr qmoT-fr fr.rustr as below (oe Period qfr d 6q iro) (From .to .......) t ( tast l0 years resident Ed q-dq F{/wa1 Total period (Year/iVlonth) Complete Residencial Address 26 EilqqT qd fu ifi,zeq+ fuq$r gq Erft-sq-E @cNerrq;I ftqq q-dlqrrfl fr'qT t orT-{fiTft i:ft2fuffi 200.2 (uenwvilBo) iTelr qfugr of di{$-s of 1e1s q s{-d E-c-f,{ o{efrq M d yrfrT sil-{ qflt T} Gr-jgrq-fr ftdeil o)- Tft d d{6 qR 3rinkd gch-ElqTg T$ GrTqEd 6i qrft B d fr/eq qs qn-q-{73il_{flt engffir, o_a-d-{TvwSm enq-mrft/E-6t-{tr 3Trgffi 3rxoq^ d ^(qr-q ene-offi2fu-m GlrqoT-fr oIffi E-m) sqq-Hrrcr q{ ft-d qd ot-d enMiTg6q)-oT He[6 s.q t 3il-{ qroFr m-G d ftrn qftq-€ s*rn,zs],] r Bq+ffi fu{i"T tfr,zaqe qrq-orft fr wto' qeq,zrrs t r qR Bw}'ffi fdqqT cr{rs qT rrEta q-fl q[S e], tuZaqm Gil-ilq-{ qa ftrro o-s+ zilrq e},n I qR sq-0-ffi fr-fiq .{E-S-fl qffi a-{i A sq{id onrer qr qcrf, srqr ErdT t n} +{T/6qrqt dq-$-s ftwfl o-{i d qrfu-Grfi-{ E)=rT oil-i tt,zsqt grqr ui-fl fu .T{ vrPr drqdq atfl \'q qfu1ft qft er-flrRr rft qrqsro o-{i ut.q Efrft, M g$,/ 6q 6ii Brrqfu q-S d.ft {q-d erfrR-qf, ff/oq {g+ oeq t fts g.,zt fu, or-q-s sr rr"td fr-q-{"T t-lr q-sa, 3ilrErq rft t oen ti,zaqrt fuo-€ qr-€-fiq 3Tqqrri d fuqr qr e-fi-dr t r t ffio. (Date):- TqI"T (Place) ,\n :- EKITEN (frtu qtrd) (Signature with Date) 79- qRRrEd-"qrq-(ii)" {TqeI q n A qq, riqrqt --l 4-(cIT qe y/qfr/g-fr ................. cng q-qaT t fu ,- 0) q6 fu, vlqern-nf i q{ trft,rftaeft qfu{r of Ee-qx FrW 6T qlq) . ilf,$-d M . Tno oaFI d ft\ fu-dr of S*-fr d ot q-T6 d orq-** fu on+qq q-a kqi t'r (z) qs fu, rTqarfi-flf sr{f, ol n-TR-6 t (3) qo fu, qrqerm-f,i of org zr qS t erB-o B (4) qo fu, eruarn-f,f qil qFr Gil-qo-rt ftqFr of e-6-ril q* o o-rfr qA q qfrqfuo q-S t I qweTrq-{ frqq, zooz d ft'{q rs d oTefrq qfrmft qA t fi Gil-il{fi o-t qFI Htrqfud r$f t oarT EfrRTG Grr-{o-rft GiBftqq rgrs \.i s-s-d erftq qq-q rq frrfr frqq d qrqtrfr d ortftq oinor-fr drq-S-fl qnq o-{i t qffif, TSt fu-qr .rqT t \q frffi rfr erq gtq) it ilffigft q-rqqdi d Gr-m-td or-J_{fu qTR"T o-G t q-Fd-f, TSI fu-fl .rqr t oerr qrqerfi-flf o-r il-q erq nsdi qfi e-om/orfr {fr fr fi HFqfrd c-S t (5) qs fu, eTqQrqraf or ergafunft d sq fr 4qfrf, Ei qd of qfl fr erqerqrf,f, tyr d fu{-fu-{ il-w} ii dr{+f$ ca t, vq rrsqi t e-6-rqrqrr 7mrfr qA q I r r qk *i mffi qfffi Hi qrffi q-€t Etrqfr-d i{Eifi Fil-uT rre arq.{e qrtr E}-i d oo (srd) d q fi-il{ drq-$Riq o\ x-*go 6tq-r r oR qs erqtr N gm eriiso trrrrq q-r mrilSfu.r 6\ l_€t fuq-r qrflr dr+tRiT "tg., drq-+s friK oq rrdqT q.6 fu, vrqero-of oi gor-r7wX5 on.fBo qq 16 vq {err q{ d qftfli q+qsn .ri Gi-f,flii 5.+-rq En-{ sq5af, rsdT ftxd w d-i +t tg t, d I G) e-m-ar (r) t ffi *i t eH t fu, srqerrfi-di or tfuo qRa er"ur t oil-{ srffit .nti GTrirko EBTfr r-S eifq Tq:sqrft o.n B-sd tritql|tr GT|-{fl-fr eTEftqq, 1e15, {qFr6 q-oef GrfqF=qq, 1e85 der frrfr !H-$q .tq qqmfr ornrEr qF-€d r€t fuqT q-s t .rqr t eM t w t (B) q.a fu, qrqern-f,i mr ergafuffi d sq fr Ei qfi of qfl t fu-dT, qd o-KiT rcr t', p ffi t gq fu.rf, ro (es) qql"-qfr-f, t ca q-d-c-d ftqrs A gftrs ereftffo) 6 [gr ',ilrft {s oilqrq er q+il-q qa arqQ-s qr€t E\-i d oo (qrs) Hi d fiar dqtfuT qrffi o\ u-qn m.tn fu, B-fl-6T qRa erar t G s-q-ft1 ot"i erqq-[f6 yETfr qr erq-qlBo gFrarn q-S t I qR qs erots i tt gm Gr+|Fd e-rrq q-, Fn{$R{.r qrffi oi u-rgd r$f fuqr qror t, dr mq-Sfu.r qiffi drq-S"fl ft-wfl mq sdrn (e) qa fu, eTqarn-df d s-d_f,ktrfr d w q eti qq qE frffi t-d qk o) ffi qI qfrfrfq d rq ii ffifud r&"qR_d otqr, fuqffi1 of$ orq-{l-[f6 ysTfr qr qi qfu--d frffi €m-rq-o' E-olEil t T t *.ft *'rr qT zr q{ Q o-q oil-g o-r o-r qE t ur-r o}.n qr qtrdT etft \ui ,11.\ r 4.. -rt' (ro) qe d sq-q @f{ q-t-mT-ft tq c-S t (rt) qg fu, e[qQrqrf,f eTr-q-cnq fuTFT sM GrrqEd rerfr fu, emerfi-nf r d-sT q-rqT (permanent pAN Account Number) enfud ft-qdr t, fu-q-f,r No.............. ...............t q-{ dsrT Gnq-Ed TRrq d oT-d of iTqqfr-d qffi GTslc[ qk-6 qH t qftftTft qTa-fi qq q-d-{ q-tgd s.qrfr-f, d o1 .rfr t'r (tz) qa fu, $qarm-f,f .nr arq$-s d rq il q+q eti w, g-sd rm oiri qqq ot {q'Tr q-d d 3 (ft"{) o-rd k{n d fi-d{ m o-i+-cq d qru dru-Sfi' et qrd qrqRrd irft/fua$ qk{r of Ee-oa on-i fufi{rr) d qpJrfuo sTFFi d q1a fuq frqfR-d orfftn r.ur1d q-r .rr tq q{A vrRr ol Sor-d t / pd ,ilT qfufi d sq ti, qrffio. frqtfud aTur+iq qts or t tzd qrq, si frtft qcFrq of e-orfl q efi Eyn fr qre qrd, zors +t qrR.F, eiRror qq+q-{ m.q e},fr dar qr6 ori-d, zot+ fr drtrsq tft*l n-+o zt qd, zot+ n-o erF;q d sq il wn e-G d frl qpq vi.n d fu d / €i t I (re) qa fu. eiqQrfi-ni i mqdq qfi eTd ui1" ft{e1t'i o) yS r{6 s+r$/qg ft'n t, 3N qR oil-nfuf, gcmqlq15 B-$ GrHEd et qrar t. o) s-6 g,-$-s,T6 sil-q4.rft ertsfflq, 1e15 q vq-d oreftq q-{t T$ fit-qsi \rq qarR{yhBa E-frH.rtr GTl-{mT-fr *ftr2frffi qk{T @t Ee_fi( M d er-5_rrm{i d qq-qenqq' ft-'qq, 2002 dalr arqdu of eTd Gn-i q-rsq/Gil-{flt ergm/ o-&f,c{/ sqrgffi otre-flt/sflqo cTrgffi Grwo[ft/fu-eil oil--{fl-fr Grffi Exr trqq-srq qr frs .flri qra GrTffi/ft{$i o-r EqE' rcq t q-dq oRi d ftq qfuq-d vt'n r ftqfo :{9T;I :srqarfi-f,f d rrorel-q frfU Htrd q grlqtu/T* *orut, *q t*, * o-Bor (1) t (ra) om ti qrq-fiT-fr d erSux sil gq HS t elrq fu, E" **, qe ot { -*7*=h tt d sn oedr frrqrs t oen Bqfr-er dQl Efl u;{ t +i q a} o-E oeq ffi d q-.qrfr-f, orftfufuo meFi {f,{i B-idfu--a q fr ot$ freqr o'arq fuqT t -sTrcl HlEr E{f,refl or st-rieT I ' -6I-q=Tr6 q-eqrfuo 6l\ {atrl"i ft-qr rrqr .. \\ q\. qdm-{, gIErF{ q{ t elqerfi-flf qfuo, drcfr $l wsrqq Xrl d aroren frfq qtrd 4o qRRre-'ffq-(iii)" Fryfufu o1 gfu tE oTrifi Tf, t Mftd d{ rnrr q{ Bqdisr q oTra-{of Enr frn qri qrd qrqQr qr rFr rTTr 0r ffid {drrr tqr w ol-qTd-ft q q-dqm fr ft-qrfl{d TeluH7g-A .............1'il{sriT *i qq eTRrffi-d ft-m qrS) ffifua oalq m-{dTlo-{ft \ h-- fs wq fu{io. fterd ti qm ot* q*il-ilft qrIM .rS rl t oi ............. qrq,/a-d-$-d....... frffi q-o.R qfi pleTFr-6 t fr ... gun en s-iqT d t qqftfg G fu-dr...................q qerm d e?q q r dq-n q-sl {qnrlrqft t gq qk tr GrRTl&n q ftET[do wu7gfu rgm./o-Eft q fu, tt am fr .ri Bq0-dil ft-q-iq sS gq +i fu,ft ,ft neq orq e) u-ur+r t Bil-i q fr B-s qtr.r 6rr t u-*gd m-qr t {9FI orfts r : : oTrq qS ftEm oi q-cqrfud fuqr fu, tt q;{ q fr qi qrrfl-ft tt qqr< gn t mq gq rr$ gq frTdrn B!-t-fi oxatTo-rrft q fu, B-s-q @)-i ?fi ft-flq Eqrqr q-St Tq-r t T$ erq.T v;{ @T fufluT yrqar t r tIdcDY Eqrql rrqr I srqerm-dt/qrfr q-flFr-f, q-qrFrf, .n-{i frq '- welqa fuerzffi qra orffi d em 11g.rfuo fo* onfinf rrorers gq orqfflq of {fl-d Llo qRRrs-"qrq-(iii)" rilnTfrft ot gE t-E orr}cq rf, { Mftil qil{ rqrlT qr srdisr c *i grrteol am fen qri Erd vrq*l qe o-r rT{r (i-i or-{rd-ft rdFq tq-q w frrr-R-a fuqT qrS) ff q-dqm fclqH/yfr q p+rin-{a .........\'f,EE1_{|- (:- fuo' ftera rrqrld6$-f,.... tt qm ot$ (ftIrffi qtIM c-tr t tsr q"q q ftrfr q-n-{ et p)eTfu,6 @t ... ffifuT ............. fr E n en 1 q-ipT oar{ d qq erRrfkc m-qat./rD-{ft fu-iil...................q qefrlg vq {errq d ffiq fr r *.q-dr qsf rqm/rqfr t qq oTRTisd qfrn (r q erqs{/gfu o-ror/o-rfr q fu, tt sm fr G Bqriffi fu{iq q-S Wo t gq t-i frffi .fr oea o)-q d q** B ot-i q s vs rrEkr 6rr t utgo fu-qT t r T9T;I : nrftqq : q-E zh) q-.qtfrf, fuq-r fu, ti ft-qm q fr T-i qTTor-fr tt sqro eroT t seq vq Hfr t gq frqqrs o-em7o-*rft ( fu, B-s-q e)-$ fi fuflrr u-qTqr q-€t qqr t r U$ qrrrQr qz m-r l++sq GTt't Bq-{tqf, el-qer q={ rIdcD{ EqItIT rt-q-r I q-qQrm-dlr/qrft eqrFrd qq-Frd &q '- )N\ qrqeffie o-{i qrA orffi d rroren gq o-rqfmq of fi-d q@2ffi Em wsrfra fuqr rrrtnl 4L An^.** PRE-CONTRACT INTEGRITY PACT I. GENERAL 1.1. This pre-bid contract Agreement (herein after called the Integrity Pact) is made on................,day of the month...........20....., between, the Government of Chhattisgarh acting through Shri... .....(Designation of the officer, Department) Govemment of Chhattisgarh (hereinafter called the "BUYER", which expression shall mean and include, unless the context othenvise requires, his successors in the office and assigns) and the First Party, proposes to procure (name of the Stores/Equipment/Work/Service) and M/s... .....represented by Shri.. ...Chief Executive Officer (hereinafter called the "BIDDER"/Seller", which expression shall mean and include, unless the context otherwise requires, his successors an permitted assigns) and the Second Party, is willing to offer/ has offered. 1.2. 2, is a Private Company/Public Company/ Government Undertaking/ Partnership/Registered Export Agency, constituted in accordance with the relevant law in the matter and the BUYER is a Ministry/Department of the Govemment, performing its function on behalf of the Covemment of Chhattisgarh. WHEREAS the BIDDER OBJECTIVES NOW, THEREFORE, the BUYER and the BIDDER agree to enter into this pre-contract agreement, hereinafter referred to as Integrity Pact, to avoid all forms of com.rption by following a system that is fair, transparent and free from any influence/prejudiced dealings prior to, during and subsequent to the Contract to be entered into with a view to:- the BUYER to obtain the desired Stores/EquipmenVWork/Service at a competitive price in conformity with the defined specifications by avoiding the high cost and the distortionary impact of corruption on public procurement, and 2.1. Enabling 2.2. Enabling BIDDERs to abstain from bribing or indulging in any corrupt practices in order to secure the contract by providing assurance to them that their competitors will also abstain from bribing any corrupt practices and the BUYER will commit to prevent comrption, in ahy form, by its official by following transparent procedures. 4a { 3. COMMITMENTS OF THE BTIYER The BUYER commits itself to the following:- oflicial of the BUYER, connected directly or indirectly with the contract, will demand, take promise for or accept, directly or through intermediaries, any bribe, consideration, gift, reward, favour or any material or immaterial benefit or any other advantage from the BIDDER, either for themselves or for any person, organization or third party related to the contract in exchange for an advantage in the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting or implementation process 3.1. The BUYER undertakes that no related to the contract. 3.2. The BUYER will, during the pre-contract stage, treat BIDDERs alike, and will provide will not provide any such information to any particular BIDDER which could afford an advantage to that particular BIDDER in ro all BIDDERs the same information and comparison to the other BIDDERs. 3.3. All the officials of the BUYER will report the appropriate Covemment office any attempted or completed breaches of the above commitments as well as any substantial suspicion ofsuch a breach. such official(s) is reported by the BIDDER to the BUYER with the full and verifiable facts and the sameprimafacie found to be correct by the BUYER, necessary disciptinary proceedings, or any other action as deemed In case any such preceding misconduct on the part of fit, including criminal proceedings may be initiated by the BUYER and such a person shall be debarred from further dealings related to the contract process. In such a case while an enquiry is being conducted by the BUYER the proceedings under the contract would not be stalled. 4, COMMITMENTS OF BIDDERS The BIDDER commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corrupt practices, unfair means an illegal activities during any stage of its bid or during any pre-contract or 4) post-contract stage in order to secure the contract or particular commit itself to the following:- 4.1. The BIDDER in furtherance to secure will not offer, directly or through intermediaries, any it and in bribe, gift, consideration, reward, favour, any material commission, fees, brokerage or inducement or immaterial benefit or other advantage, to any official of the BUYER, connected directly or indirectly with the biding process, or to any person, organization or third party related to the contract in exchange for any advantage in the bidding, evaluation, contracting and implementation of the contract. 4.2.The BIDDER further undertakes that it has not given, offered or promised to give, directly or indirectly any bribe, gift, consideration, reward, favour, any material or immaterial benefit or other advantage, commission, fees, brokerage, or inducement to any official of the BUYER or otherwise in procuring the Contract of forbearing to do or having done any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of the contract or any other contract with the Government for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any person in relation to the conhact or any other contract with the Govemment. 4'3. The BIDDER further confirms and declares to the BUYER that the BIDDER in the original Manufacture/lntegrator/Authorized government sponsored export entity of the stores and has not engaged any individual or firm or company whether Indian or foreign to intercede, facilitate or in any way to recommend to the BUYER or any of its functionaries, whether officially or unofficially to the award of the contract to the BIDDER, nor has any amount been paid, promised or intended to be paid to any such individual, flrrm or company in respect of any such intercession, facilitation or recommendation. 4.4. The BIDDER, either while presenting the bid or during pre-contract negotiations or before signing the contract, shall disclose any payment he has made, is committed to or intends to make to officials of the BUYER or their family members, agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in connection with the contract and the details of services agreed upon for such payments. 4.5. The BIDDER will not collude with transparency, fairness and progress and implementation of the contract. 4.6. The BIDDER other parties interested in the contract to impair the of the bidding process, bid evaluation, contracting will not accept any advantage in exchange for any corrupt practice, unfair means and illegal activities. 1+ f. BIDDER shall not use improperly, for purpose of competition or personal gain, or pass on to others, any information provided by the BUYER as part of the business relationship, regarding plans, technical proposal and business details, including information contained in any electronic data carrier. The BIDDER also undertakes to exercise due and adequate care lest any such information is divulged. 4'7 . The 4.8. The BIDDER commits to refrain from giving any complaint directly or through any other manner without supporting it with full and verifiable facts. 4'9. The BIDDER shall not instigate or cause to instigate any third person to commit any of the acts mentioned above. 5. PREYIOUSTRANSGRESSION 5,1. The BIDDER declares that no previous transgression occurred in the last three years immediately before signing of this Integrity Pact with any other company in any country in respect of any corupt practices envisaged hereunder or with any Public Sector Enterprise in India or any Govemment Department in India that could justify BIDDER's exclusion from the tender process. 5'2.lf the BIDDER makes incorrect statement on this subject, BIDDER can be disqualified from the tender process or the contract, if already awarded, can be terminated for such reason. 6. EARNEST MONEY (SECURTTY-pEPOSrT) 6.1. Every BIDDER while submitting commercial bid, shall deposit an amount as specified in RFP as Earnest Money/Security Deposit, .with the BUYER through any of the following instruments (i) ^1 Bank Draft or a Pay Order in favour of................ (ii) A confirmed guarantee by an Indian Nationalised Bank, promising payment of the guaranteed sum to the.............. (BUYER)... on demand within three working days without any demur whatsoever and without seeking any reasons whatsoever. The demand for payment by the BUYER shall be treated as conclusive proof of payment. (iii)Any other mode or through any other instrument (to be specified in the RFP) A5 r / 6.2. The Eamest Money/Security Deposit shall be valid upto a period of five years or the complete conclusion of the contractual obligations to the complete satisfaction of both the BIDDER and BUYER, including waranty period, whichever is later. 6.3. In the case of successful BIDDER a clause would also be incorporated in the Article pertaining to Performance Bond in the Purchase Contract that the provisions of Sanctions for violation shall be applicable for forfeiture of Performance Bond in case of a decision by the BUYER to forfeit the same without assigning any reason for imposing sanction for violation of this Pact. 6.4. No interest shall be payable by the BUYER to the BIDDER on Eamest Money/Security Deposit for the period of its currency. 7. SANCTIONS FOR VIOLATIONS 7 '1. Any breach of the aforesaid provisions by the BIDDER or any one employed by it or acting on its behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the BIDDER) shall entitle the BUYER to take all or any one of the following actions, wherever required:- (i) To immediately call offthe pre contract negotiations without assigning any reason or giving any compensation to the BIDDER. However, the proceedings with the other BIDDER(s) would continue. (ii) To forfeit fully or partially the Earnest Money Deposit (in pre-contract stage) and/or Security DeposiUPerformance Bond (after the contract is signed), as decided by the BUYER and the BUYER shall not be required to assign any reason therefore. (iii)To immediately cancel the contract, if already signed, without giving any compensation to the BIDDER. (iv)To recover all sums already paid by the BUYER, and in case of the Indian BIDDER with interest thereon at2Yo higher than the prevailing Prime Lending Rate while in case of a BIDDER from a country other than India with Interest thereon atZYo higher than the LIBOR. If any outstanding payment is due to the BIDDER from the BUYER in connection with any other contract such outstanding payment could also be utilized to recoverthe aforesaid sum and interest. hA (v) To encash the advance bank guarantee and performance bond/warranty bond, if furnished by the BIDDER, in order to recover the payments, already made by the BUYER, along with interest. (vi)To cancel atl or any other contracts with the BIDDER and the BIDDER shall be liable to pay compensation for any loss or damage to the BUYER resulting from such cancellation/rescission and the BUYER shall be entitled to deduct the amount so payable from the money(s) due to the BIDDER. (vii) To debar the BIDDER from participating in future bidding processes of the Govemment of Chhattisgarh for a minimum period of five years, which may be further extended at the discretion of the BUYER. (viii) To recover all sums paid in violation of this Pact by BIDDER(s) to any middlemen or agent or broken with a view to securing the contract. (ix) In cases where irrevocable Letters of Credit have been received in respect of any conrract signed by the BUYER with the BIDDER, the same shall not be opened. or any employee of the BIDDER or any person acting on behalf of the BIDDER, either directly or indirectly, is closety related to any of the officers of the BUYER, or alternatively, if any close relative of an oflicer of the BUYER has financial interest/stake in the BIDDER's firm, the same shall be disclosed by the BIDDER at the time of filling of tender. Any failure to disclose the interest involved shall entitle the BUYER to rescind the contract without payment of any compensation (x) lf the BIDDER to the BIDDER. The term 'close relative' for this purpose would mean spouse whether residing with the Government servant or not, but not include a sPouse separated from the Government servant by a decree or order of a competent court; son or daughter or step son or step daughter and wholly dependent upon Government servant, but does not include a child or step child who is no longer in any way dependent upon the Govemment servant or of whose custody the Government servant has been deprived of by or under any law; any other person related, whether by blood or marriage, to the Covemment servant or to the Covemment seryant's wife or husband and wholly dependant upon Govemment servant- (xi)The BIDDER shall not lend to or borrow any money from or enter into any monetary dealings or transactions, directly or indirectly, with any employee of the BUYER, and if he does so, the BUYER shall be entitted forthwith to rescind the contract and all other contracts with the BIDDER. The BIDDER shall be liable to pay compensation for any loss or damage to the BUYER resutting from such rescission and the BUYER h1 due to the shall be entitled to deduct the amount so payable from the money(s) BIDDER. 7 provisions of this pact has .2. Thedecision of the BUYER to the effect that a breach of the on the BIDDER' been committed by the BIDDER shall be final and conclusive for the purposes of this However, the BIDDER can approach the Monitor(s) appointed Pact. 8. FALL CLAUSE 8.1. The BIDDER undertakes that if has not supplied/is not supplying similar that offered in the present bid in producVsystems or subsystems at a price lower than of Chhattisgarh or PSU and if it is respect of any other Department of ih" Gor.**ent or sub systems was supplied by the found at any stage that similar producVsystems of Chhattisgarh or a PSU at a BIDDER to any other Department of the Government for elapsed time, will be applicable lower price, then that very price, with due allowance would be refunded by the BIDDER to to the present case and the difference in the cost concluded' the BUYER, if the contraot has already been g.l.TheBUYERwillappointlndependentMonitors(hereinafterreferredtoasMonitors)for this Pact. independently and objectively' 9.2. The task of the Monitors shall be to review under this Pact' to what extent the parties comply with the obligations whether and of the parties and g.3. The Monitors shall not be subject to instructions by the representatives perform their functions neutrally and independently' have the right to access all the documents 9.4. Both the parties accept that the Monitors minutes of meetings' The Monitor shall be relating to the project/procurement, including under contractual obligation B to treat the information and documents of the IDDER/Subcontractor(s) with confi dential ity' to believe, a violation of this Pact, he will 9.5. As soon as the Monitor notices, or has reason BUYER' so inform the Authority designated by the tl8 The Monitor will a written report to the designated Authority of BUYER/Secretary in the DepartmenUwithin 8 to l0 weeks from the date of reference or intimation to him by the BUYER/BIDDER and, should the occasion arise, submit 9'6. submit proposals for correcting problematic situations 10. In case of any allegation of violation of any provisions of this Pact or payment of commission, the BUYER or its agencies shall be entitled to examine all the documents including the Books of Accounts of the BIDDER and the BIDDER shall provide necessary information of the relevant documents and shall extend all possible help for the purpose of such examination. 11. This Pact is subject to Indian Law, the place of performance and jurisdiction shall be the seat of the BUYER. 12. OTHER LEGAL ACTIONS The actions stipulated in this Integrity Pact are without prejudice to any other legal action that may follow in accordance with the provisions of the any other law in force relating to any civil or criminal proceedings. 13. VALIDITY validity of this Integrity Pact shall be from the date of its signing and extend up to 5 years or the complete execution of the contract to the satisfaction of both the BUYER 13.1. The and the BIDDER/Seller whichever is later. In case BIDDER is unsuccessful, this Integrity Pact shall expire after six months from the date of the signing of the contract. If one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid; the remainder of this pact shall remain valid. In such case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their 13.2. original intentions. 14. The parties hereby sign this Integrity pact BUYER at........ .................. on. BIDDER d "\, . +9 '1ff' .ii . ,:, jlr r CHIEF EXECUTTIVE OFFICER Name of the Officer Designation Department/ PSU Witness r)................ 7 .""':""""""