Chapter 15 How to Dispose of Pesticides and Pesticide Containers Safely In This Chapter After learning the information in this chapter, you will be able to: 1. List the three steps of pesticide container recycling. 2. Describe how to dispose of different types of pesticide containers. 3. Describe how to dispose of surplus pesticides and spray mix. Keywords rinse, remove, return, soluble packaging, CleanFARMS, surplus spray mix, surplus pesticides, obsolete pesticide collection Every time you use a pesticide, you face the problem of how to dispose of empty containers and left-over pesticide spray mix. Anyone who stores pesticides may have to get rid of old stock or the contents from a damaged container. You can prevent environmental damage if you follow proper disposal procedures when you dispose of empty containers, left-over spray mix, or surplus pesticides. Avoid Container Disposal Problems To avoid problems with container disposal, you can: Buy in bulk. A number of pesticides are available in minibulk, or shuttle containers. These containers hold from 50 to 480 litres of product and can be returned as a sealed unit. Check with the vendor for the requirements to handle and use these containers properly. Return bulk containers to your pesticide vendor for disposal. Look for products that come in soluble packaging. These containers have been pre-measured. The package is made of polyvinyl alcohol that dissolves when it comes into contact with water. There is no container left for disposal. Chapter 15 – How to Dispose of Pesticides and Pesticide Containers Safely 157 (PSW\ 3HVWLFLGH &RQWDLQHUV 6WHS5LQVH 7KH3HVWLFLGH&RQWDLQHU5HF\FOLQJ3URJUDPLVDYDLODEOHWR IDUPHUVDQGOLFHQVHGH[WHUPLQDWRUVZKRXVHFRQWDLQHUVOHVVWKDQ OLWUHV)ROORZWKHWKUHHVWHSV 5LQVH±WKHFRQWDLQHU 5HPRYH±WKHODEHODQGFDS 5HWXUQ±WRDFROOHFWLRQVLWH 7KLVSURJUDPLQFOXGHVHPSW\OLTXLGIHUWLOL]HUFRQWDLQHUVWRR9LVLW ZZZFOHDQIDUPVFDIRULQIRUPDWLRQ 0RVWHPSW\SHVWLFLGHFRQWDLQHUVFDQEHWULSOHRUSUHVVXUHULQVHG 8QULQVHGSHVWLFLGHFRQWDLQHUVDUHQRWUHDOO\³HPSW\´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¶VLQVWUXFWLRQV (PSW\FRQWDLQHUVVKRXOGQHYHUEHUHXVHG7KH\PD\EHKDQG\ EXWWKHUHLVVWLOOVRPHULVNHYHQLIWKHFRQWDLQHUVDUHWULSOHULQVHG 0DNHWKHHPSW\ULQVHGFRQWDLQHUXQVXLWDEOHIRUIXUWKHUXVHE\ SXWWLQJDKROHLQLWDQGPDNHVXUHDOORIWKHULQVHZDWHULVRXWRIWKH FRQWDLQHU1HYHUJLYHHPSW\ULQVHGFRQWDLQHUVWRDQ\RQHHVSHFLDOO\ FKLOGUHQ'LVSRVHRIWKHPSURPSWO\ 7KHVWDQGDUGRSHUDWLRQSURFHGXUHVIRUWULSOHULQVLQJSUHVVXUHULQVLQJ DQGFKHPKDQGOHUULQVLQJDUHRXWOLQHGRQWKHIROORZLQJSDJHV &KDSWHU±+RZWR'LVSRVHRI3HVWLFLGHVDQG3HVWLFLGH&RQWDLQHUV6DIHO\ Triple Rinsing: Standard Operating Procedure for Rinsing Pesticide Containers Chapter 15 – How to Dispose of Pesticides and Pesticide Containers Safely 159 160 Chapter 15 – How to Dispose of Pesticides and Pesticide Containers Safely Pressure Rinsing: Standard Operating Procedure for Rinsing Pesticide Containers Chem-handler: Standard Operating Procedure for Rinsing Pesticide Containers Chapter 15 – How to Dispose of Pesticides and Pesticide Containers Safely 161 Step 2: Remove After rinsing, remove the cap and the paper label. Discard the paper booklet in your paper recycling if it is uncontaminated. If it is contaminated, discard with your regular waste. The cap must be removed because it is made of a different type of plastic. Step 3: Return Return the clean, rinsed plastic pesticide containers to a Pesticide Container Depot for recycling. To locate the Pesticide Container Recycling Depot closest to you, visit It is often more convenient to store empty, rinsed containers until you have collected enough to make a trip to the recycling Pesticide Container Depot or the waste disposal site. If you store containers, keep them in a dry safe place, such as the storage area, until you can dispose of them properly. Most plastic jugs are packaged in cardboard boxes for more secure handling during transport. Recycle these cardboard boxes if they have not been contaminated with pesticide. If they have been contaminated with pesticide, take them to a landfill site. Empty Pesticide and Seed Bag Collection Empty pesticide and seed bag collection may be available in your area. CleanFARMS is piloting the collection of empty pesticide and seed bags (paper, plastic and polywoven seed bags) in some areas of Ontario. See the CleanFARMS website for collection site locations, preparation steps and a description of the types of bags that will be accepted. Regulation Regulation 63/09 under the Ontario Pesticides Act regulates how pesticide containers are to be disposed of. Metal, Plastic, or Glass Containers (Reg. 63/09, s.105) Dispose of an empty metal, plastic, or glass container that has been used to hold a Class 1, 2, 3, or 4 pesticide by: triple rinsing or pressure rinsing using clean water or another appropriate solvent and 162 taking it for recycling to a Pesticide Container Depot or taking it to a licensed waste disposal site. Chapter 15 – How to Dispose of Pesticides and Pesticide Containers Safely Paper and Cardboard Containers (Reg. 63/09, s.105) Dispose of a paper or cardboard container that has been used to hold a Class 1, 2, 3 or 4 pesticide by: triple rinsing or pressure rinsing (if possible) using clean water and taking it to a licensed waste disposal site or burning if allowed by municipal by-laws. When burning, keep persons and animals out of any smoke and burn only when smoke is blowing away from buildings, highways, roads, or outdoor areas frequented by the public as the smoke may contain toxic fumes. Surplus Spray Mix Avoid having any pesticide spray mix left over after you have finished by calculating carefully how much spray mix you need. Surplus spray mix is a waste of money as well as a disposal problem. Avoid Surplus Spray Mix Check all the information on the label before the spray operation: Make sure you have identified the pest problem properly and selected the right pesticide. This will prevent having to get rid of a tank-load of the wrong pesticide. Calculate the amount of spray mix carefully. Read Chapter 20 - Applying the Right Amount of Pesticide. Make sure that the pesticide you mix can be applied in the time available. Read the product label and watch the weather. Disposal of Surplus Spray Mix The best way to dispose of surplus spray mix is to find other fields that require an application of this pesticide. If you can’t find another field to spray, then dilute the remaining spray mix by adding 10 parts of water for each 1 part of spray mix. This diluted solution can be safely applied to the treated area as long as you do not exceed the pesticide rate recommended on the label. Be sure to check the label for any restrictions about crop rotation, days to harvest, or surplus spray mix disposal. NEVER re-spray the treated field with undiluted spray mix. Spraying an area twice will double the recommended pesticide rate. This may cause illegal pesticide residues in the harvested crop or harmful residues in the soil that can cause crop damage. Chapter 15 – How to Dispose of Pesticides and Pesticide Containers Safely 163 Surplus Pesticides in Storage Avoid Surplus Pesticides Disposal of Surplus Pesticide 164 Check the storage area for surplus pesticides. These are pesticides that you don’t need or can’t use. Try to store as few pesticides as possible. This will reduce the chance of an accident occurring. Buy only what you need for each season. Make sure you buy the right pesticide to control the pest problem. Keep an accurate inventory of all pesticides in storage. Use old inventory before purchasing more pesticides. Mark the purchase date on each pesticide container. Most pesticides retain their effectiveness for two or more years if stored properly - meaning cool temperatures (not freezing), and dry storage conditions. If you have pesticides that you don’t need or can’t use, be sure to dispose of them safely: Contact the supplier. It is sometimes possible to return unused pesticide if it is still in its original container. If you cannot find any way to use the product as shown on the label, then the waste must be disposed of by waste haulers licensed under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act to carry hazardous wastes. Check for “Liquid Waste Removal” companies in your area. Watch for Obsolete Pesticide Collection days. The government and pesticide industry coordinate free agricultural pesticide collection and disposal programs in Ontario every three years. The next collection will be in the fall of 2016. Check or call 1-877-622-4460 for dates and locations. Contact your municipality. The service for hazardous waste disposal is different in each municipality. Ask how agricultural pesticides may be properly disposed of in your municipality. Chapter 15 – How to Dispose of Pesticides and Pesticide Containers Safely +RXVHKROG +D]DUGRXV :DVWH 2UDQJH'URS 7KH2UDQJH'URS3URJUDPSURYLGHV2QWDULRUHVLGHQWVZLWKDIUHHVDIH DQGHDV\ZD\WRGLVSRVHRIKRXVHKROGSURGXFWVWKDWUHTXLUHVSHFLDO KDQGOLQJVXFKDVGRPHVWLFSHVWLFLGHVIHUWLOL]HUVSDLQWVVROYHQWVVLQJOH XVHEDWWHULHVDQWLIUHH]HHPSW\RLOFRQWDLQHUVDQGRLOILOWHUV)LQGRXW ZKHUH\RXFDQ³PDNHWKHGURS´LQ\RXUORFDODUHDE\FKHFNLQJWKH 2UDQJH'URSZHEVLWHDWZZZPDNHWKHGURSFD &KDSWHU±+RZWR'LVSRVHRI3HVWLFLGHVDQG3HVWLFLGH&RQWDLQHUV6DIHO\ Practice Your Understanding 1. An empty pesticide container still holds approximately 1% of the original amount of pesticide. TRUE FALSE 2. What are the three steps of empty container recycling? 1. 2. 3. 3. It is safe to re-use empty pesticide containers once they have been triple rinsed. TRUE FALSE 4. To dispose of surplus tank mix, dilute the spray mix 10 parts water to 1 part mix and re-spray the treated field. TRUE FALSE 5. List three (3) ways that you could properly dispose of the old pesticides you have in your storage. 1. 2. 3. 166 Chapter 15 – How to Dispose of Pesticides and Pesticide Containers Safely