THE MANAWATU STANDARD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 18S4 The 1 Anglo-Australian' In the Europpan Mail j»t.-»tes that emigration business is quieting down, naturally, at this par* ticular season at the offices of the AspntGeneral for New Zealand. During the present month, however, three steamers go out as a kind of clearing off of emigration work on hand, and something like 700 well well-chosen emigrants will be Railway Changes. SECONDEDITION LATEST CABLE NEWS. Standard Office, "Wednesday 4 p.m. [Feilding Star.] Special to the Standard.. The following are the changes to be [Under this /leading will he found tJie made m the railway staff during thi.s SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. latest items of netvs by cable re- month. Difr McKenna, at present ceived through Reuter's agency, stationed at Greatford, will take charge PORT OF WANGANUI. and forwarded only to the of Halcombe, and Mr Bowes, from sent off. STANDARD, by special arrange- Halconvbe, will proceed to Manutahi, Aponizing Neuralgic Pains. Baxters ABRIVALB; ment.'] is appointed as Relieving Officer, m ■Anti-M'leuraleic Pills have been named by April29—Stormbird, from Wellington. place of Mr Robinson, who is appoint- the public " Magic PilU '' on account of OLKAHED. (by elkfiteio telegraph—copyrioht.) ed to Foxton as Assistant Station their marvellous action m curing Neural" April29—Stormbird, for Onehunw. Master. Mr Bass, from the South gic, Toothache, Scwtica, Lumbago, and (reuter's telegrams.) April 29— Wallabi, for Wostportand Island, will take charge at Palmers ton. other Neuralgic pain?. To be hart of all 1 London, April 29. Greymouth, Jones, from Paloa to Greatford. chemists and storekeepers,or post free on Mr ' . sturepg. J. Kennedy, PBOJZCTBD DBPABTUBBS. the from Foxtou to "Wang- receipt of 19 or 44 postage Royal Prince Mr Highnesses Their street, Christ* Chemist, Baxter, VictoriaFor Wellington. and Princess of Wales, and family, left anni,as clerk m the DistrictManager's church. London yesterday for Darin3tadt, Ger- office. Hula,to-morrow. many, where Her Majesty the Queen is For Westport. MEMORANDA. now residing. on Saturday. Manawatu, How He Changed. " : ' Belgrvde,April 28. For West Coast. Satubday, 3rd May. Tho Archduke ftudolph, Prince ImOreti,afcan early date. (American Paper). Mr G. M. Snelson's stock sale afc the peiial of Austria, arrived here to-day " yards. Sale at 12 PORT OF WELLINGTON. en route to Vienna. from Poor-clad woman— Mr Lawyer, my Fitzherbert-street noon. burglarly. was reof I Imperial Highness cordially goal, son is m accused His RXPEOTBD A.BHIVXL3. want you ceived by the King of Milan, and known Ibat lieis innocent. I .him. Inm poor, but—." MAIL NOTICE. Direct steamer British Kin* left numerous/efea have been organised m to defend " Plymouth 15th March for Auc'ttand;Vic- his honour. Lawyer Iread an account of the ' tory,leftPlymouth, March 19, for WelEnglish mails "per Tongiuiro will papers. Tbe case ciime m the daily poei'ns lington andPort ChHlmers ; Aorangi, left lam cloaehere at p.m. clear. to-nicht 7Ab your — son Pijmoutb, March '27jfor Port Chalmers.,. LATEST INTELLIGENCE. against GEORGE INNES. can attenJ very busy don't sefe how I left Postmaster. Lady Mabel, (via Auckland) Better, him to advise to the. matter. ,/Sew York J7th November; Claribel, Egyptian The and himself on the throw plead guilty, Question. 2, for Wellington left New York January woman and Auckland ;Parnell left New York, (jiy blrctric teleobarh: copybi&ht.) mercy of thecourt." Poorly-clad saying, lam poor, but "as I was January 24, for Wellington and Lyttel* GOOD AND CHEAP. (rkuter's telegrams) : a roll of Iills that his friends ton J Lurline, sailed February 28 ;Auckhere's ' " London, April 29. land, sailed February 6 ;Phceuix, sailed made up, ami—. 1 Lawyer— Ah ! The date has not yet been fixed for Now fromDeal, February 6. that Ithink of it, there the meeting of the projected conference were, some defects m the proof. REAI>\ MOJEY STORE. CHALMERS. AND PORT FO» LTTXBI.TOK of European Powers regarding Egypought to be 'defended. " Perhaps he Friday, noon. ; tian affairs. Negotiations are still pro.. ''Kotorun, Monday, might- disagree." Poorly-clad jury The 3 p.m. '" Manapouri, ceeding with iIW view of deciding what ARRIVAL uncle says be will pay' questions shall be brought under the woman— His Fob MBLBotrRN* via South, you. given ~ as Thave again Shipment of N/ew and you as much , — "Madame,I Manapouri,Monday, noon. consideration of the plenipotentiaries, Lawyer think he ought Seasonable Goods, comprising Wair«r«pß, May 32tb, noon. but difficulties are now being raised by lo have a fair trial. Iwill immediately FobPioton and Nelson. theFrench Government which demand apply for a writ of liabeas corpus nunc HOUSEHOLD DRAPERY. Wanaka, Thursday,noon. tht>ttheEgyptian'question m itsentirety pro 1 your believe and certiorari tune Rotorua, Monday, noon. shall be open to discussion. orphan son is innocent. No jury will MILLINERY ! HOSIERY Foe Napiib, Gisbobne xnd- Auckland. send him to pii.son on the slight proof Southern CroBS, Tuesday, 3 p.m. I prosecution. by the Fatal Accident. to be offered Botomabana,Friday, 6 p.m. SUPERIOR CLOTHING. will give you a receipt for the money, v Fob Tabanaki and Manukau. feelings press of the and .to the' better (united association;.) :, appesil ; Wanaka, Thursday, noon. v Fancy Goods. Napier,.This Day. jury. Sond his uncle to me at once. '"■ Hawea, Thdreday, May 8tb t 6 v . "Wallace, Mrs was last 73^ Foe Lktuka and Suva (Fur) Kaiapoi, Roslyn, and English Penguin, (from Auckland/ 6a Monday .Friday standing over the kitchen fire at her residence, Petane, when her Action for Slander. Mayfe. Flannels and Blankets. dress caught fire. She ran outside enFob Sydney. velopedm flames. Her screamsbrought ' Rotomahana, fund is being understand that a We Friday,5 p.m. but nob before her clothes raiso'l by public subscription, the ap- One Penny m the Shilling Discount. Wakatipu, Thursday, May Btb, 3 p.m. assistance were burnt off. She diedto-day. peal beiug very liberally responded to, FOBWESTPmT AND GftEYMOUTH. to defray the expense of an action for p.m. Mahinapua, Friday, 3 slander m the:SupremeCourt*; -to. be READY MONEY STORE. Takapuna The Inquiry. -' by' CoiiStable G-illespie,m selfbrought . ',\. : (UNITED PRESS. ASSOCIATION.) vindicatipn, against the person who so Bluff, April 29. Extraordinary Evidence. — falsely maligned" him to his superior Immediately, grazing Arrived— Rotomahaua» from Mcl' j ■» for 500 lamb?. Apply office officer. We hear"that the initiatory (united press association.) bourne. Dunedin, Aprjil 29* . proceedings have already been taken, OfSTA>D*RD. (by electric telegraph.— copyright.) the person refeiietl to beingcalled upon : The Takapima inquiry was continued immediately to withdraw andapologise telegrams.) : Melbourne, April 29, . all to <lay. The evidence of the second for the fahe and malicious report that Sailed, this afternoon Union steam- mate was that the.steamer strupk twice was latelysent toheadquarters. Some of BUY YOUR BLANKETS off Cape Egmont light, on the 23rd the incidents that may be elicited m ship Tarawera, for Bluff. AT November, but slightly. Captain Jones evidence will give the public sometold and say nothing it, him to about thing to talk about fof a long time COMMERCIAL NEWS. to deny it to everybody. He thought after. they were too close to land at the '* The l?ew ZealandLoan andMercantile time. — — . . — — ; 1 — ■ FIRST - ■ ■ ■ ! WANTED — <.-.*— 'i^encyCompany, Limited,.reportas foliowi of the Sydney Markets. Wool----Small sales at late rates, with Police Changes. feature* of interest to chronicle. rti ' no " Sheepskina.--Market fairly active at' Constable Gillespie last' night veup to 6Jd por lb, for best. ccived orders to remove to Feilding demand, with less Tallow. A fair trade competition on the part of shippers. We to-morrow,his place heve being filled quote :— Beit mutton. £33 10* per ton ; by Constable Manning,of Bulls. This be»t beef, £31 15s per ton. is very short notice, and whatmakes Butter.— Prime new butter has had a the hardship of his sudden n-moval all atour Friday's the ifobA deal of attention,andfollowing greater i< the fact that Mrs Gillessatisthe auction we obtained state of health is *uch that she pi<vs spirited competition : factory rates, after Prime wild New Zealand, m Austra- does, not know one moment from New another when locomotion will for lian kegs, is 7£d per lb » aud m lb ;fresh her.impossible, there being 'also seven Zealand kegs, Is2d to Is5d per per lb; othei children to look after, besides roll m pickle, Is s£d to la 6|;inferior, Common salt, lOd to Is per lb ' packing up, &c On the whole, the 8d to9d per lb. trouble, annoyance, and inconbushel, to T>er mated 69 np Oats.-— With venience that have bfen caused oats heavy surprising that hardly it is the instrumentality of one should have taken a spurt m the ritfht through direction. Business has been done m evil disposed individual m the combright potato sorts at from 3s Idup to 3s munity are enough to cause a display the marketbe- of.popular indignation. Much sympathy 4d for very prime samples,for inferior and is felt with Mrs Gillespie, for whom ing only lightly stocked J -" little " off«co lor 'sorts there has beenbut temporarily demand, m fact there is difficulty m quarters will have to be as removal is out of provided, for her description, even at realising the latter the question for sometime -to come. the low'figures quoted m our last. "Wheat. A shade firmer, sales .having ■■■ hem made of primeNew South Wales up Oroua County Council. *o4s 4d. , Bran and pollard again easier under the influence of increased local stfppltea. ' (Special to- the Standards) .Quotation:Ujritto 12d. Potatoes. Victorians arem good sup- ; . Feilding, This Day. ply, and are tellingat about £3 per ton; meeting the of the Council to-day, At Cheese (duty, 2d.) We have made the councillors were present with exconsiderable sales of New.Zealand, for all ceptioD of Or Bailey. which there is now a fair demand. We An took place be* qtrota "— Primest New- Zealand,,8d toB£i ':tweenanimateddiscussion Cr Engels and the chairmanre pas* lb quality, 7d per per lb(d.p.); second sing ofvouchersforpaymentof Kavanngh'B (4p) contract at Fitzherbert. motion to New Zealand Tow.— No sales to re- have the payment held overAwill be made port. the lunch adjournmentby CrEngela Jjops (duty 3d.)— W« hear of a few after with.amendment to paw the vouchers by aales «t 13i to 14d per lb(d.p.) Or Macarthur. No veryspecial business -■"r.- riEunguJ.r— No improvement to report. up, ; We, yesterday, submitted has yet come Timber. 190,000 feet of 240,000 feet of Kauri and Redwood,, when the following prices Education Board. were realised'—Dressed kauri (seconds) 16s to 17s 6d ;rough, do10s 6d to 17s according to size. Sales, about 100,000' The usual monthly meeting of the 'feet. Redwood— lto 6 inch dear, unplaned,17a 6d. Sales, about 85,000 feet. Education Board wan held m the .175 sugar pine doors, 2 feet 6 inches x 6 Board's offices yesterday. There were present Messrs Watt (m the chair). zIJmche°, at 11s 3d. - ' — . " — . .. ■ — — — — — Sanson, Sir W. Fox, Ross, Bridge, Government Life Insurance. Snolson, Carson, Taplin, and Bate. The Wellington correspondentof"the South Australian Register says :— It has been discovered that the New Zealand Groyernment Life lusurance has been on the whole.a gigantic mistake. The Depaitment has been so much;more expensively worked thanis the case with the general run of life insurance companies thai, as lives now is come to fall m,, the Department 1 found to be a losing concern. Inthe^ next sessiou a proposal will probably be made to hand over,, the* business to The "ome well-approved Company. Government will,as a matteroi course, hold itself i-espoosible for the risks ; ifhich have been accepted andare still .:iQa.tQring It is contended that the Government has no more right to take jup A life insurance business than it has : to.go m .for covering- marine risks or fop starling woollen factories or flourjn\\\l.. As evuleucing:how expensively the Department has been worked, the returns asked for show that the Commis}k>ner, whose work is andwhose responsibility is next 10 nil, receives £800 a year; that the Aptuary, who works upon tables already provided for him,receives £600 ayear ;and that the Inspector of Agencies last year received over £2000 m commissions. Public feeling reaches to strong indignation against the Department, and demands large modifications or total abolish- - 1 — Appointed Committee.— fThe following business was transacted m committee : Bulls : The appointment of Miss Lash and Miss Campion was confirmed, and the request of ;the committee as regards Mi«s Begg "was agreed to. Makino Road :Miss Bartholomew was recommended to the' committeo to replace Miss Lash. Moutoa : Mr G ~W. Robinson, of Auck land,app-ied for a country school under the Resolved, That Mr Robinson can offer himself for examination, and the present teacher can be continued for one month. The Board will expect the Committee to provi 'c board and residence for the teacher, seeing thesalary is so small, Feilding : The appointment of Miss Prendergast was agreed ta Palmerston : Marion Sclioffield eppliod for any vacancy ait Palmerston. Resolved to place her name on the list..Makino Valley_: Mr Prideanx's resignation was accepted, and the vacaucy left to the Inspector to fill. Retrenchment Resolved "That, with the exception of tender already accepted by the Board, no more mopey be voted for — . — The BonMarclie .„..,*....,... — of out Writes the Bulls correspondent * v o lees than Feildiug contemporary: . aixxuaes of paralysis liave occurred m our inklst within thel*st ,few weeks, jand iii The People\s Cash Warehouse. two of the cases the sufferers are quite helpless. Such a numberof cases' of this awful disease call for an investigationby j our medicalmen.' If was an open secret m Pulmerstun on Monday night, (s.tys the Sttfr) that tar and IN feathers would probably be the portion of Mantles, Costumes, Ulsters, busy-body who is accredited with 'the pulling the wires' to obtain the removal and Dress Stuffi), of Constable Gillespie, We hope tbii pnnishtuent will not be attempted, how* AT evei well deserved. We are sure that to Gillespie wouldbe the first Constable stop such a piece of brutality. Much better to burn him meffigy or ride him on i a rail. According to the Peilding paper, the Inspect Our Shoiv Room. proposed removal of Constable Price is not to be effected withoutan effort from the settlers m the Borough and surrounding districts to prevent it. Two petitions FOR. against the removal are now being circulated, to which upwards of 300 signatures have already been obtained. It ia very seldom that one hears a really good genuine Irish bull. Much raerritnent was, however, caus d at the Wel» TRY lintjton Jtt. M. Court lecently by the statement, m cross-examination,of a witness named Murphy, wlio said that he oould not renumber when a certain thing happened, because he did not, know what ! day o! the week Good Friday whs on. ' fruit-canning NOTICE, ■'■ " business m America The inception from is said to have derivedits a visit to Pompeiiby a party of Cincinna* is laid on Town Sections tiaus, who were there many years a«o 190, 192, 194, 19G, 198, Nos. when the excavations were just begun. In 241, 242, 243, 244, and on the Hokothe pantry of a houae werenumerousglass jars of preserved figs. One was. opened, whitu Native Reserve. and foand to be fresh and good. Thehint .BICHTEK, NANNESTAD, & Co. was taken, and the next year canning was introducedinto the United States. rnooTHACHE CCJRF, 1/6; RemThis ia Mr Dwan'a defiuition of the JL ing'ton's, Ransitikoi-street. difference' between a reporter and an editor ; The reporters,gentlemen,' siiid i -ij. ■ he, 'are all right. Their work will be doneall right. These papers must have a Btaff of reporters. They are men of ability. But an editor he is only a man of Boap, gentlemen.' The Education Board sat from 10 o'clock yesterday morning until 10 last night, and then adjourned till 10 ibis morning, We are requested to state that theRev. SEASONABLE NOTICE. J. C. Dodwell will preach at the ThanksChurch to» giving service at All SainL'a SUMMER BEVERAGES. morrow, service commencing at 8 o'clock. The offertory will be devoted to the funds W. H. of the Terrace End Sunday echopl, A respectable well-behaved lad is to draw the attention of the wanted at the Standabd office, j public of Wtmganui « and stir"In- reply to a letter from the.Borough rounding districts to the followinglarge Council the lessee of the Foresters'. Hall, variety of has promised that thenuisance lately alluded to m the Standard shall be uERAAED WATER?, CORDIALS, &c, abated, which he is now produotng at the Sf. £n advertiser wants grazing for 500 Hill-Street Cordial Manupactoky. ■■ . :">.,.' lambs. OORDIA.LS. Additions are made to the catalogue of Ale ' Ginger Wine . Lime Juice Mr Snelson's Fitzherbert stock sale next Ginger GiiigerBeer Ginger Brandy Sarsaparilla Saturday. Lemonade Rsp'y ViaegarUasp'y Balm holding The Oroua County Councilis SarsapaTil!a Pine Apple BITTERS. its meeting at feildiug to-day. Tonic Water Peppermint Orange Stoiighton Although there i? a cry for practical Raspberry ade Cloves Wine Stomach there is Seltzer Water Quinine education, it wouldappear that ' ' Lemon Syrup Golden very little of the practical m the de- Cider Potass Water Rsp'y Syvup jSt. Domingo mand. A Wellington firmadveitised recently for an office boy, and, within a day of the announcement appearing, over a Specia-l attention is drawn to the new score of boys applied for the situation. It Phosphated Sparkling" and Non-Alcowould seem, after all, that tbe real want holic Drinks introduced for the Season, is a Brace where a living can be earned ANALEPTIC. ANALEPTIO. . withoutdoffing the coat*" SQIU, The EuropeHnMrtil states:ln continua- Try FOSTER'S tion of his task of walking; tjfty miles a steam power. produced by day for one hundred consecutive days, Sunday excepted, Weston walked on We X L The Bon Marche. COLONIAL CLOTHING Bpu Marche - The POISON — j. — — - oTio'STER BEGS ■ - : , .. t ,.,,, . PQ^KL.i new buildings, additions to buildings, fences, or clearing school grounds, till Marsh 8 from Brighton to London, thus GINGER ALE m pints, balf-pint% the Government have informed the voluntarily adding thren milea to his and quarts. Board as to the building grant for the ordinary day's journey. He: bns now year." completed 4900 miles'. Weston is a total Orders attended to with promptitude. abstain"!*, and, wh»t is stranger, he never It was further resolved— That m the makes a, wager on his performances. case ot the works authorised but not WANGANDI STEAM yERATED At Meß.*rs Stevens and Gorton's stock carried, they be a first charge on the FACTORY sale at Feilditig yesterday afternoon ther« HILLfSTfIKET, ST. WASGANm* building fund should there be one. bidding was a moderate attandence. The It was decided that printed circulars (says the Star) was iwv slow, and a goud LIVK ■ fl^l>, be sent to every committee, enclosing number of lots both of cattle and she* p \ Ml JUuHodouble, m. Those sold were at pHSsed boxee, ; were J\. 1/1/9 ;Remcopies of the resolution passed hy the prices somewhat below the average. ington's, Rangitikei-street. IndigettioD andLiver Complaintfl. For these complaint* Baxter* Compound act* Quinine' Pillshave proved a specific, ingpowerfully on theliver and mildly on the, atomßob, Sold everywhere, of post free from J. Baxter, Chrietchurob, for 19 Board. pr 4£ »t»mpfl. Grass Seeds Grass Seeds!! Grass Seeds !! . "' 1 FITZHERBERT-STREET SALE l YARDS. SATURDAY, 3rd ARRIVED G. " kblVo M.-S~ MAYj, OATS, CHAFF, COOPERM BUEEP DIP, Also, Few Boxes Tea, @ 16/6. — CHEAP ' ADVERTISING. Main street, on is WANTED COLUMN m tho erected a good 'four-roomed Cottsige with double fire-pbioe. Also. Section Standard is intended chiefly for 1042, 4^ acres, Park Road. Apply to, the benefit of those seeking or offering Wanganui. Ij A -It GR S T <^edi»trict, I THE situations, though othe^advertisements will be insprted iv it at the uniform rate of SIXTEEN WOJtt)S for ONE SHILLING pei- insertion prc-paid, eighteenpeuce if booked. Ordinary advertisements at thesame rate of charges wfll- be inserted m any part of the third page, when specially arranged for. The Wanted Coiumn- of the Manawato Standard: is admitted to be the best means of obtaining a wide and E. BRIGHTWELL, & g /^^V/^ prominent publicity forjannouncements that can be had recourse to m the " ,' ■:>[£, District. To en*sure insertion, orders from tho country should be,;'accompanied with their value m stamps. *** ; SATURDAY FOR SALE. SUPPLEMENT. to — TVTANTED To soil 50 or GO Vy- Roimiey Marsbewcs m lamb. at this Oifice, or P.O. Box 35. mat- ter with next M. SNELSON, Auctioneer. of the one tp know that JM, the : Special quotations for large quantities. out a nice assortruenL of - Excellent fi j^L A-^Portable ii^J Steam En- 8.-LKIGH, Manager. >*w. Mph~vlvian7~ p h tt itia n first-class order. Apply to G. M. SNELSON, Auctioneer. AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION AGENT, Palmeus-toi* Nohth. Squarb, The WANTED. Prompt rendering of account sales a speciality. — Front of Foresters Hall TO Apply Lease, with purchasing clause, 1 G. M. SNRLRON, Auctioneer. OROfTA COUNTY COUNCIL. ChafT. Cliaft; Chaff*. is hereby given, m accordance with sections 49 and 50 of Sandon Chaff always m "■ The Roads and Bridges Construction stock and on sale at nay rooms, Act, 1882,°' that the Orona County Council propose to construct the road the Square. G. M. SNEI|SON. known as the Bunnythorpe-K^hanga Road, and th>t the estimated cost of the parts;for which a special rate over T I.SLT n'OF T) tt UP E P.TIES NOTICE HARRIS'S [ properties m the Tnotiui Riding is now required is £1820 7s lOd. The yearly payment required to be FOR SALE made thereon is £45 10s 2d, and the BY JfHE UNDERSIGNED. amount of s ecial rate required to meet such payment is one-third of a penny | 130 Acres of ii?gh,:-dry land, E.aim the £ annually on the rateable value ranga Block. of the following sections m the Taonui Acres improved land, :Filzher175 " '■ riding, viz.: Sections 431 to438, &I' ■■'■ bert.- "■' to 519j 533, 534, 541,t0..548,586, 587, 1 ; 365 ket*B land, Fitzherbert, 100 598, 599. 1555 to 1561, 1563, 1566, ~~acres m ' ! 6' 1567, 1569, 1570, 1575, 1576J 1,581,-. 1582, 1585, 15864 1589, 1590J 1598, 1599, 1600,1601 to 1607. : Theplans,specification?,art'd detailed estimates of the cost of such proposed 70 Acres ot highly improved land with dwelling-house, on the Borough boundary. 10 Acres fencd m Borough Price, £325. . work may be seen at the County Couri- I cil Office, Feilding, during ordinary business hours. The poll for «he above special rate will be taken on the 16th May, 1884, of which future notice will be given, D. H. MA GARTHCJR, Chairman. ■ ".,. 3 I^-Acre Beotions, Palmerston Borough. A ne^r 5 roomed dwelling and acre ot good garden land, ' i. Sporting News. Next to. public Hal ! ' The Vampire How We Tried 'to Whip the Teacher. Told at " the " ANTED— On the OHAU ConSettlers' meeting "O Bonnie Lassie" i " ...- tract, NAVVIES, BUStfFELLERS "Missed" . Novelist. SPLITTERS, and SAWYERS; dayThe interesting tale " Alice," episodes m the life of aniil- work or piece-work. "' Apply at the lionaii-e,by Donald-Cameroti, concluded. Camp, Ohau.^-C. R. Seymour, ConThe Sketuher. " * >;"■' Two Women. A story confided tractor. to his spiritual advisor by a dying Italian. for fencing, Red Rover. Exciting story of : will be iip to Saturreceived' an Austialian Steeplechase. day next, May 3rd. Apply R. K. Reed, Stoney Creek, j, ; Farmers' Column. Heavy Fleece 3 The Marks on a Cow's Horn To sell, a bargain, a Naturalist. buggy, nearly new ; price, Dogs that see Spirits. Reasons £20. Apply at ReadyMoney Store. why they howl when a master is dying.. the public to come and purchase theijp, Chri tmas and The Round Table. .An Arizona Mirage. A,perfectly New Yenr's Cakes, Mine? Pies, (Bistruthful narrative,conceived cuits), Milk Loaves; &c. Ali articles guaranteed pure and*' of th;; best .m the interest of science. y ; An Australian at C. Whitbhead's, Baker. quality 'Pilgrimage... -Con-. ' New Premises, the Square. tinned. By- Lee L*Acton. Ladies' .Column Knitted Patterns itNOWNr-There is a vacancy for another apprenticem The Fireside. the'office of the Manajvatu Standard. The Bottom Drawer . The Old Woman Tho ;Kiblic Lo Know 'Miscellaneous. that they Terrible.Ballon Collision. Nine- every description can hive printing of ty-Seven and -a.-Half Lives shortest noticVy'and-'"executed on the kt moderate rates, Sacrificed. Statement ofthe at the Standaed Office, Palmerston ' Killed. Taken d'Owrtvin North. "-■<■<;. ThoughConomic Dissyllables by our Special Pyonoqraphic ANTED KNOWN— Room m - -Enthusiast. j " '■' j- :<>;. the Standard,,paddocks for An Eagle.with aHistory ■'^^■■l quift horses,- ■.A,btrndanc« of feod and '.:'";■ Humour. water. Apply Standaed Office. The Story of the Book AgihV :~^ii -■'"' '- - t'nr-P Fun. i Vl7 ANTED— Th« seitlers of MauaMirthful Tit-bits. VV walu and Rangitikoi to come and inspect vcy newly opened: up stock of N.B. -.No extracopiesof Saturday's 'Saddlery. Saddles from £2 10s lo £10 issue are printed. 10d. Bridles, whip?, spurs,B(>ring-seat saddles,&c, (feo.^wiih all latest Ameri* . XX^ 1 . ■ a small farm handy to town. to WANT.E.p^-Tenders,' WANTED— WANTED ; WANTED WANTED— 1 . — pleasantly situated. 74 Acres on Boundary Road East, sto k and dwelling bouse ;a Wfll improved section. 9 Buildingsites m Vinioria,Main NOTICE, and Broad-streets. 3 BuiMing sites 40 feet frontage' COTTLE will be at Pal.-uerto Maiu-stieet. ston on FRIDAY, May 2, paddock within the town. 2^-Acte from . 10 a.m. till 5 p.m., and on Price, £120. SATURDAY, May 3, from 10 a.m. till 1 p.m., and can be consulted at FOR LEASE. Mr Leary's, Chemist. 2 Business Bites, each 33 feet frontng next to Town Hall. 10 Building plots Kangitikei- MR SECOND GRAND DRAWING IS NOW OPEN. T7IIR-ST Drawing for £2000 on the Hamburg principle filled up be- fore the advertised time. The, money will be returned lor the large of applications that came too late tor the first drawing, or programmes will opened Mii- " and STEVENS & GORTON, _IJ Section A mQUARTER-ACRE which Prime Hay! Prime Hay! sweet. ket this season. — Wantcd_ WellApply Supplementary reading Apply HAYsavedof andG.Prime Quality. Fvery THEStandard Saturday's issue George. WANTED— D. comprise has.ju>*t will — following . :Winter — linery Dress StutfsV ' Address Poetry. N.B. The Clovers are of the best quality obtainable m the London mar- $gPOffice FOR SALE CHEAP. — Ex s.s. AorangiandDoris from London, Cow Grass, White Clover, Will sell as abo\e Alayke " 20 2^-year-old steers Hed do, Trefoil, and Fescues, 14 springing heifers 16 yearlings (mixed.sexes) Also, 6 cows English Rye Grass (machine 100 fat wethers dressed) from old pastures, 80 limbs Italian Rye,Timothy, Cocks150 ewes foot, Field Turnips,Rape, &c. 80 fat sheep 6 headof beef Wires, Nevsr Zealand Barb 1 well-bred t nil Nos. 6, 7, and 8 Fencing Wires. Sale afc 12 noon. — ; G. M. SNELSON STEVENS & GORTON. JUST - 0 -Btret*t. can improvements. Thos. Victoria \venn°,,?vyanganni. Potto, WANTED just tNOWN Dudson, ■— H^nry Taupo Qnay, Wanganui, has received a consignment of foar dozen Ladies', Gent's, and lioys' Riding Saddles, best makor.s. Inspection invited. Useful st ckmen's saddles, from £2 15s. Long-necked spurs, bridles, wbipp, gig, catt,and buggy harness, &c, at 10 per cent, under ordinary price for cash. Country vsitors are requested to come and see for themselves. be forwarded for Second-Drawing. For terms and particulars, The Second Drawing is now open, KNOWN, mat I have for thegrand and equal distribution of Apply to always onhand and for sale, MoneyPrizes, amounting to £3000, to G. M. S ELSON, large stock of double amj single-seated be drawnthe same as m Hamburg and Anctioi.eer. Buggies, Ladies' Phaetons, Waggon* other Continental Cities,: ettes, Business Spring Traps of all . ThisSecond Drawing will take place "-'CRITERION HOTEL. descriptions, City Expresses, Spring not later than the end of April, or Just Received Tip Drays, Common Tip Drays ;also, earlier if filled, and the Third Drawing ? INIXON-STBKET, WaNQANUI. Melbourne,. Direct from first-class Brougham and 1tirst-class will open Ist May. \i rA PACKAGES Very Superior Landau Carriage. Eve?y article built (Opposite Kailway St.tioti ) : TJipse Grnnd, Drawings will take ' TEAS, m. £ cheats, £ chests,. of the best material, and the workman, , ,i> place every two months. Proprietor. O«7 Br MORROW and boxes. ship is not to be surpiissed. Apply to Over. 3000 applications for pro- j HE travelling public will find evrry the Wellington Coacb Factory, Manners grammes are now registered for i. comfort and conveuitnee at the Agent for the sale of the street and Taranaki place. M. Bohan, Second Drawing. above hotel. The Company were induced to ma,ke Calcutta Tea Association's Proprietor, who has 32^ears' Colonial experience £300Q, Drawing this Second for m conPureIndian Teas. BATH ROOM. sequence of the first drawing having ~~~ filled so rapidly, also to enableithem to, Also, NbTIOEi" GOOD STABLING. give largerprizes ! Tea Blending Company's Australian This Second Grand Drawing will soldmy business m EoxSupeiior Accommodatioa. . TEA. Money Prizes, consist of 240 amounttoh to "VV",' Gavan* 1have to reing to £3000, subscribed by 6000 (jiiest an immediate settlement of ail Terras Moderate. The Packets are marked m plain membersat 10/- each. overdue accounts for papers up to date. figures, and sold here at Melbourne Accounts remaining mnpaid after The vaiions Money—Prizes will be Note Address Prices. distributed as follows: ■'Saturday tlic: 26tfi iusfc. will be suedfor CRITERION HOTEL, 1 £300 Prize.; 1 £150 Pp.izh ; 1 without any further notice. Nixon-street, Cheapest House for , . . BENJAMIS PEPPER. £100 Prize; 2 £60 Prizss ;10 £30 Prizes; i £25 Prizes; 20 £20 Tentst Horse. .Covers, Stack Asrent Manawatu Standard. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Prizes; 20 £15 Prizes; 65 £10 ; Covers, Sfc. Prizes; 116 £5 Prize*. FARM FOR SALE,— OR LEASE j/WALKLEY Amount, £3000. 240 Monet Total WITH PURCHASING CLAUSE. Phizes. determined to give the public The grand principle of these Ham ' easy terms, afcout 55 acres, well the beuefit of the Act by BEEHIVE STORE, burg Drawings is that a purchaser of SELLING AT*WHOLESALE PRIOEB. fenced, and grassed, with coui25 Programmes is guaranteed a Prize, cottage, and permanent water Jnrtuble Square, aa under : The Palmerston North. as it is so drawn that a prize must I . 'supply. An v excbllerit investment. 1 or more 2Ss per gal gallon Brandy come out to every 25 numbers, and the 1 gallon Apply on the premises to W. Squire, Scotch Whisky or more 25s per gal , chances are m favour of the investor 1gallon Ked Star Rum ormore223 (id per gal IVORM POWDERS, 1/-; Rem- Stoney Creek. drawing a largeprize, as there are 124 1gallon IrUh Whisky or more 25s per gal VV wgton's, Rangitikei-streefc. 6s 6d largeprizesagainst 116 small ones. Io Bottle of Geneva full contents ' Old Tom full contents 5a any investor of £2 the chances are only "i Bottle of Port Bottle of Wine very superior 6s 6d Q to Iagainst him drawing a prise, Bottle of Port Wine medium 5s and the Head Prize or any other may ' Bottle of Pine Dry , Sherry 5s 6d of 10/. Bottle of Hennessey"'one star 6s 6d be drawn by any investor of Hennessey two star 8s FEOUR-I v FiOTTEU The largebulk of " the Money m this Bottle Bottle of . three star 9i Henneßsey Grand Drawing is not given away m Bottle ,pf Gautier,Frtre* 7 years old war» one big prize, as it is m theHorse Conranted very superior 7s SALE op OEOWN LAND, WELLINGsultations, but you will observe, m this TON;. ASK FOR Assorted cases as;per arrangement Hamburg Drawing that the £3000 is wade up and delivered to any part of fairly proportioned inio 240 Phizes, the Borougb. , Under the Provisions op "Thb giving every shareholder kn" equal Special Powers and Contracts Theabove are all warranted ito be cr-auce of getting a good prize. what, they me lepipsented GOOD Act, 1883." >"' FLOUR. This Hamburg Drawing is on the OLD MATURED SPIRITS. most novel, and will be conducted on CrpSyn Lands Office, the fairest principle possible, t-o as to Wellington, 26th March, 1884. Admitted to be the Best m the AUSTRALIAN WINES. give entire public satisfaction. "VTOTIOE is hereby given that on Manawatu. jji Tuesday, the^6th day of May 'Jhis Second Drawing for £3000 will Const'ruuia, Verdeilho, Muscat, Rich takeplace under the supervision of a Muscadine, and other varieties all at .next, at hpon, Seclio i No. 443, Palcommittee of eigl.t-gen.Uernen, and the 4* 6d pel bottle. /CHAMBERLAIN'S is the only merston North, "conttiiuing iOS acres , \v ill be paid over, as ea.ily as \J: Mill that is fitted, with appi*- H rbods 6iperch"(gs,S\g;tl bo offered for possible after t]ie drawing. BRITISH INSURANCE ances for thoroughly mixing the s»le by public auctio i, at Palmerston, Notice Country Cheques, marked wheats essential to making Good i;t the upset price of; £3 10s per acre, COMPANY. correct by Bank, only payable to a Flour. <o which is addedth3 >urn of £490, the number and 1/- added for exchange. Capital £2,000,000. value of iinprovem^tis. P.O. Orders preferred, made payable Orders punctually attended to. Terms of Payment : One-fourth of only to B >AZ. Bank Notes accepted. Unlimited Liability of a large body of ■he puivhase-money'tbi- the landmust Two 2d stamps for reply and i esult. Shar holder*. W. E, CHAMBERLAIN, Ic pa-d at the sal and the balance Registered letters and telegrams not Fcildiug Steam Flour Will. within one month ;'he£49o (value of leceived. classes, tnken at lowest' Risks of all improvements]) to h paid to the present ' Name and address of applicant' occupant of the^sec ibfr, as provide! by current rates. Tobe (§?" obtained at Milverton & should be plainly written. section 155 of v Tln-tiind Act, 1877." — Main-street, Soil's, Palmerston. All lrtlers .must be »d<liessed Agents for Palnierston North, m the event of h j. not acquiring the " BOAZ," i care Mi Mosely, Wholesale land,at auction. BEMTLEY BROS., and Retail Tobbacconist, Box 64, for Neuralgia, 2/6 ;RsmJOS.O-. H iLDSWORiH, ; ington's, Rangitikei-etreet, Poot Office. Dunedia, MARLBOROUGH HOUSE. ! Commissions* of Crown i-anda. . " WANTED Beehive Store. HAYINGr — ■ .. . HAS J. H. Topping, ON — .. Ws^ . Chamberlain's — — — 1 SOUTH ... % ", CiURE