ROYAL AUSTRALIAN PICTORIAL Registered by Australia Post Publication No. VBHB876 VOLUME 37 No.4 Navy News, 2 Macleay SI. Potts Point , 2025, or Locked bag 12, Pyrmont 2009. Phone : (02) 359 2308 Fax: (02) 359 2199 Distributed throughout all RAN ships and establishments and to serving personnel wherever they m;:!v be. March 11 , 1994 INSIDE A familiar happy f amily occasion - dockside reun iolls oJ fored OlltS afrer a lengthy overseas depluy mem. ADF supports ·Year of the Family· The Australia n Defence Force's (ADF) partiei· pation in the International Yea r of th e Family has been launched in Townsville by the Minister for Defence Science a nd Personnel , Senator John Faulkner. fta9t4 Senator Fa ulkner said that during 1994 Defen ce would seize the opportunity 10 honour and support its fa milies by joining in the Australian theme for the International Year of the Family - "Lets Look After Families" . "Defe nce initiat ives for IYF include: improving communication between fa milies and ADF command; providing emergency hou sekeeper support during crises; providing more work-based child care : improvi ng the c urrent family support services to more effec:tively meet families ' needs: and giving financial support for fa mily activities." he added. "The Government recognises and appreciates the suport gi ven by serv ing members' famili es to the overall Defence commitment. and I will ensure that Defence continues its support during the illIern:lIional Year of The Fami ly". Seilator Faulkner sa id that Defence had already taken a leading role in pro vidi ng employe r-sponsored child care. and had allocated over $3m to the establi shment and oper.:Hion of 11 ch ild care centres th roughout Australia. The :mnouncement of Defence's involvement in IYF coincided with the offic ial opening by Senator Faul kner of the new $750.000 Coral Sea Earl y Chi ldhood Cen tre. a long day ca re ce ntre es tabli shed for the c hi ldre n of Defence personnel in Town sville. Minister for Famil y Services, the Honourable Senator Rosema ry Crowley appointed the Nalional Council. fo r Intemalional Year of Ihe Family in July 1993. 1lle Council is th e principal ad viso ry body to the Go ve rnme nt on International Year of the Famil y. The Council was formed as part of Australia·s c:ommitment 10 the Unit ed Na lions International Yea r o f the Family. Council regards IYF as an important opportunity to celebratethe diversilY of familie s (according to composition. c: ultural background and li fe stage) and the central contributions which fnmilies make 10 Au stralian society . • All persollnel are urged to take home this edition of "Navy Ne ws?>. Extra copies ha ve beell printed for the occasion. 4QWia, ;/9. ftage 14. Oefence Persollf,eI Minister, Senator John Fau lkner, alHlouncing ADF participation in In lemational r ear of the Famil), with Director of Naval Personnel Services, Commander Helell Marks and Director Gen eral of Recruiting, Commudore Graham Sloper. IYF CALENDAR - pages 2 & 15. ADF initiatives - page 16. A MARCH FEBRUARY SAT I SUN D., New Year's MON TUES 2 WEDS I .3 2 7 9 ~~ ' ~-, IS 16 9 8 4 ~:::~ 10 IS SUN 5 12 ~=~ 7 ':""'~!\ g~'~~ 13 """"' ....." 17 18 19 20 14 ~~~ - 18Ih M8r 1 22 22 24 23 i 25 ';."';,.";% 28 ~ w: TAS I~i~\"'!'"' ~ 11~:""T'~D'~' ::-"""'.. 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MonII~ - fri24 Jun NSW Mon l ' ''v - fri H"", Mon 18 Apr _ Fri I Jo.j T"" I ~Joo - rn26Auz "'" TAS SA .((t: "- 5. "~, D. ~ Mon 2 Moy -Fri8jU WA Mon2 M1t - fn8Jo.j "'Qm Moll 11 .Av - F~ 17 Jun Mon I I Apr - Fn 17 ..... w~ ~ 1lsS::\. 6-)7 ~ : ,?:':.-I- ~ ~::::J , ..,...-- Landers, Spencer + Adams Logistic Support Consultants Landers, Spencer and Adams supply independent Logistics Support Services to Government, Commercial and Industrial organisations. The Company is presently seeking resumes of personnel who have either an Engineering, Trades or Stores background to fulfil forth coming project requirements. [f you are considering retirement or are retired and are interested in entering the challenging world of contracting, please forward your resume to : 28 Ainslie Street, Kingsford NSW 2032 VADM MacDougall says fa rp-we II Vice Admiral I an Mac ch;eror NavaJ starr, Dougall, issued the fo llowing message to Navy News on the C\-'C of his re tirement . I' after a 40·year career: is with mixed feelings that I pcn this farewell message 10 the Navy. I feel proud that I have had the privilege of leading you, the men and women of the Royal Australian Navy (Permanent, Reserve and civilians). through a pc'riod of great cha nge and man y opportunities. The enthusiasm and pro· fessionalism you have shown in rising 10 every occasion has served (0 strengthen my belief thai the people who make up ou r Navy are among~t t h e finest in the nat ion. Yel it is wi th some sad ness that I bid farewell 10 an o rganisation which has been an important pan of my life for the past 40 years. Throughout those years I have made many friends and experience d that spec ial sense of be longing to a firs t class team. II will be difficult to leave the na val life behind but I feel secure in the knowledge that I wi ll remain pan of the wider naval famil y. The past three years have been challenging for Navy. Re striction s in funding have meant that personne l reduction s have had to be made and fi ve of 17 shore bases ha ve been c losed or wi ll be sh ut by mid- I994. That said. much good has come from the savings made through these measures and other management initiatives s uc h as Naval Quality Management. The Navy has been able to better use its allocated fu nds in the nation's drive for selfreliance. The Fleet and its operational ca pabilities are expanding with the construction of new frigate s, su bmarines and aircmft. Facilities ha ve been upgraded and two-ocean basing has progressed. A number of new init iali ves ha\e also commenced. Two significant ones have been the integration of the Re serve forces in to the Perm anent Navy and the development of an envi ronment awareness program. SAVINGS Most importantly, the savin gs have been use d to improve the we ll being of Navy's people. A productivi ty wage ri se has been granted, accommodation standards have risen. departmental civilian trai ning has been enhanced and. thro ug h Nav al Quality Management. our people are now able to contribute to the o rga ni sa tion to a greater extent than ever before. Further. the issue of sexual harassment has been confro nted and educational programs have been put in place to assist in the creation of a Parti ng gift a Didgeridoo Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admi r al Ian MacDougall, and Mrs MacDougall visited HM AS COONAWARRA to bid fa r e well to the men and women who serve in the Top End. As pan of the visit. VA OM MacDougall visited the COONA WARRA Fleet Base and attached patrol boats and FIMA. Dancers from Elcho Island pcrfonned and. on completion CNS was presented wi th a token I and fortune. fo r all Defence personnel! - Marantz - Denon - Pioneer - Richter - Mirage - Axis - Micrex - Musical Fidelity and Mordaunt-Short (Speakers, CD players, Amplifiers, Cassette Decks, DCC, Surround Sound ", J 10 % off r.r.p. Thi s offer applies to all bona fine defence force and c ivi lian personnel on presentation of identification. It is not to be applied in addition to any other discounts offered. The Music Room CAN BERRA CENTRE, BUNDA STREET. OP!' CITY MARKETS 2488390 VADM MacDougaU ... after 40 years ' service ... "my watch is over ". harmonious workplace free of di sc rimin at ion o n any grounds. /NIT/A Tl VES All of Ihe se initiative s augur well for Navy's future. Ce rtainl y. in the ope rational sense. the Navy has proved itself time and agai n in the last three years. Whether it be contributing to United Nations efforts in t he Gulf. So ma lia o r Cambodia. participating in regional exercises or si mply patrolling Austral ian waters, the RAN ha s demonstrated that professiona lly it is the eq ual of any na vy in the world. The maritime defence of Australia is in secure hands and the Au stralian peop le will co ntinu e to enjoy the benefit of the Navy's success in preserving sove reignt y and peace. Finally, I would like to than k everyone wh o ha s been part of the Navy team over the past three years. It has been yo ur hard work, dedication and support that has made my time in office so memorable. Now t hat my watch is ove r, I know that you will extend that s uppOrt to my s uc cessor . Vice Admiral Taylor. Good luck and goodbye. " Overseas Rolida~1 r-----------~--~~~ PO Chaplin1s passing VADM MacDougall presellied wilh a gelluine Didgeridoo by olle of tile Elcho IsulIId dall cers. HI-FI DISCOUNTS Petty Orficer Ri c k Chapl in passed away in Hobart on January 29 following a long illness. Rick had joi ned the navy on November 16. 1977. originally as a Communication's recruit but due to a sligh t hearing problem finished out as a Stores Naval. Rick was one of those individuals who got the job done. perhaps not always by the letter of the book. but at leas t it was done and in many cases where all others failed. Hi s diplomatic nature o f dealing with people put him at ease whe n associati ng NHBS HAS TRAVEL INSURANCE wi t h s uperiors. peers and juniors. notabl y holding a long conversation with the Prince of Wale s who was visiting the Whittle Ward of the Rl!patri:Hion Hospital in Hobart during hi s rece nt tour. Rick was blessed wit h greal organi!>ational s kill s and was well respected for the man y Hash Hou se Harrier runs. both nationally and internationally. he arranged which earned him the title of "Grand Master". and for his time as Mess Leading Hand of 3 Mess (Supply) on HMAS STALWART. A CHILD CARE FACILITY is s ituated at Endeavour House Complex, Randwick, Sydney, It offers quality child care for Defence personnel, uniformed and civilian, It is fully licenced and users can qualify for government fee relief/subsidy, CONTACT THE DIRECTOR: (02) 314 1221 NHBS can prO/ide you and your family with comprehensive TRAVEL@>JNAJ.. For brochures and INSURANCE' with very informal ion call NHBS competitive rates ~ Toll Free (008) 333 156 and benefits. or (03) 510 3422 Fax (03) 510 8292 .=.~~ • Underwritten by CU Travel and General Insurance LTD . NAVY NEWS, March 11 , 1994 (43) 3 PHONE: 008644247 OPERATION LIFEGUARD IS A CONFIDENTIAL TOLL·FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE THAT PROVIDES AN INFORMATION AND REFERRAL SERVICE TO ANY NAVAL PERSONNEL WHO CONSIDER THEY HAVE BEEN SUBJECTED TO, ACCUSED OF, OR WITNESS TO ANY FORM OF DISCRIMINATION OR HARASSMENT. CALLERS WILL BE GIVEN IN FORMATIDN ABOUT THEIR RIGHTS AND AVENUES AVAILABLE FOR FURTHER ACTION IF DES IRED. UP TO 10 YEAR GUARANTEED RENTAL INCOME 2 BrTownhousc. swimming pool $82,.500 2 Br Executive Villa, pool. tennis coun $89,950 3 Br brand new,luxury townhouse $99,500 Superb chalet, tennis coun. swimming pool. golf course, 5 minutes to Dn:amworld and Movieworld. 10 yr rental guarantee FREE FLIGHTS (02) 904 1800 Personnel Liaison Team has expanded The new and expanded Personnel Liaison Team's motto is "anywhere, anytime" . The PLT's job is to provide a two way communicalions link on conditions of service and other personnel related issues between Navy senior management and serving members and their ramilies. "We do this by visiting all ships and establishments at least once a year 10 talk and lislen to Navy people. and by publishing the informati ve magazine. S£ATALK.~ reports our correspondent. So how can you be sure that your concerns are fed back to the people aI the lOp? "Firstly, we work directly for the Assistant Chief of Naval Staff - Personnel (AC PERS·N ), RADM Oxenbould: we debrief him on OUf return to Canberra from all of our visits. "We also circulate a full written report to functional commanders and relevant Navy Office Directorates detailing what people have told us. "In addition. we give a presentation twice a year to the Chief of Naval Staff and his Advisory Commi ttee. and 10 the Chief of the Defence Force on issues raised by you. "As you can see, the feedback loop is quite com prehensive." PL T visits usually start with a forma l presentation aimed at giving you the most up to date information available on pay and service conditions. and other important personnel topics of interest to you or your family . Presentations are followed by an informal discussion period where learn members are available 10 discuss any concerns or issues you may have. Apart from standard arrangements the members of the PLT are available al any time throughout their visit to discuss any personnel matters that may be of concern to you. The PLT ptoduces SEA TALK every quarter. Through SEA TALK they al1empl 10 bring you up to s· • - - Meellhe Personnel Liaison Team (I-r): WOW TR Leigh Doak, LSWTR Andrea Brown, LCDR Steve Mullin s and SBLT Frances Waddillgham. date on changes that are happening with your conditions of service. Ple ase co ntact them if there are any questions you would like answered or issues that you would like more details on. The address and phon e number are on (he bac k of every copy: Russell Offices 0-4-26. phone (06) 2651298 .. Coming soon 10 a mess or ,he:lIreue near you. the PL T is your direct line to the top. and they want your input. The 1994 visil program below is provided as a guide only and is subject to change. PLT VISIT 1994 PROGRAM MTU power. - the driving force in Australia's defence! fSTA8l1SH~IEl\TS WHENvlSm~G AlBATROSS ADFA CABARl.AH . CAIRNS CERBERUS COONAWARRAlDNB CRESWELL ENCOUNTER AMASYDNEY HARMAN H.E. HOLT HUON Kl/TIABUL MHQ MHQANSIHYDRO JUNE MARCH APRil APRil NOVEMBER APRil JUNE MORETON NAVY OFACElCDSC NIRIMBA NSC NSCZHLAND N1A ocroJlER MARCH SEPTEMBER NIA OCTOBER OCTOBER AUGUST APRIL MARCH N1A AUGUST AUGUST BER NS~tPSA PEl\GUIN PLATYPUS MTU diesels. Th e RAN's choice for TECHNICAL transport and heavy duty industrial Head Office: 11-13 Garling Road Kings Park, NSW application including power generation, in a range of 35 to 7,400 kW (45 - 10,000 hpj. Phone (02)6713555 Fax(02)8311902 Queensland: art (echnology in diesel engines and gas turbines call or fax your nearest Fax (09) 430 6389 DEUTSCHE AEROSPACE an enterprise in the DAIMLER BENZ GROUP. For the fu ll story on MTU's state of the MTU office toda y. 4 (44) NAVY NEWS, March 11, 1994 + NAVAL SUPPORT COMMAND Leopard tanks. Chosen for th eir high diesel engi nes - deS ig ned for alm ost every marin e, military, mining, rail Western Australia: Phone (09) 430 6388 SHIPS WHI'" \'JSIT1NG ADElAIDE JULY BRISBANE MARCH CANBERRA MARCH DARWIN AUGUST DERWENT N1A FLINDERS APRIL HOBART OCTOBER JERVIS BAY AUGUST MELBOURNE JUNE MORESBY AUGUST NEWCASTLE JULY PROTEC1"OR SEPTEMBER PERTH MARCH SliCCESS OCTOBER SWAN AUGUST SYDNEY OCTOBER TOBRUK JULY TORRENS JULY WESTRAUA JULY YOUNG ENDEAVOUR OCTO· its Fremantle Class patrol boats, new Anzac friga tes a nd latest dive boats and the motive powe r in the Army's longer life, backed by MTU Australia's unique Integrated Logist!.£s Support package. MTU. The world's mos t advanced Phone (07) 3?1 9766 Fax (07) 870 3751 SEPTB1BER JULY OCTOBER Applications are invited from suitably qualified men and women for the following vacancy with the Logistics Branch located at North Sydney. power to weight ratiOS, unmatched fuel economy, lower maintenance a nd MTU Australia Pty Ltd JULY JULY AUGUST STlRUXG WATERHEN WATSON I,.lu Deutsche Aerospace OFFICER LEVEL 3 $31,592-$35,843 Duty No. 262953: The successful applicant will be required under limited direction to be responsible for the technical management of integrated avionic systems. Draft or amend publications, serviCing instructions, specifications, drawings and modification leaflets. Investigate the cause of defects in equipment. Develop modifications and servicing instructions and provide technical advice on the procurement of spares and the selection of alternative spares. Experience in the maintenance of modem Analogue and Digital Systems is highly desirable. NOTE: Contact officer for further enquiries is Mr M. Alexandet on (02) 925 4458. Selection for the poSition will be based on the approved selection criteria which may be obtained by phoning the contact officer. Previous Applicants Need Not Re-apply. To ensure favorable consideration applicants MUST address each point of the Selection Criteria Individually. To be eligible for appointment to this position applicants must be Australian Citizens. Applications providing a daytime contact telephone number and quoting the relevant Duty number must be forwarded to this following address within two weeks: Personnel Officer Navy Supply Centre, Department of Defence Private Bag No. 3, Waterloo NSW 2017 The Department of Defence is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. ~.' ~ I ~ (By Colin Blair) South Australian Liberal Senator Baden Teague, a members of the Senate Committee inquiring into sexual harassment in the Navy, has spoken in glowing terms in Parliament of his 24-hour sea trip onboard HMAS TORRENS. Sena!Or Teague mi ssed o ut on an earlier Sea Day for members of the Senate Standing Com mittee on Foreign Affairs. Defence and Trade and was determined to s hare their experiences o nboard a Navy fightin g ship similar to the vessel central to the inquiry, HMASSWAN. Hi s chance came during a hectic. actionpacked 24 hours spanning February 26-27 during th e Fleet Concentration Peri od o ff Nowra. A final salute as the White Ensign is lowered/or the last time at l/MAS NIRIMBA . PELICANIS LAST FLIGHT (By Brian Alsop, Nav), Public Affairs - Sydlley) An era came to a close on February 25 when HMAS NIRIMBA, the Navy's App rentice Training Establishment at Quakers Hill decommissioned, ending nearl)' 41 years as a Royal Australian Navy establishment. First com mi ss ioned as a Nava l Ai r Station on April I. 1953, N lR IMBA changed role on Janu ary 5. 1956 to that of appre nti ce training establish ment. The first apprentic es arrived for training in Ju ly 1956. starting a tntdition that lasted until the final passi ng o ut pa radc of t rainees on November 26, 1993. During it s life HMA S N IRIMBA trained 6 ,596 apprent ices and 6,120 adult technical sai lors. With the high standards of training ach ieved at the es tabli s hment. N IRIMBA has had a significant impact no t o nl y o n the Royal Au stral ian Navy and other regional navies where graduales have served. but also in (he wider community and industry. lbe decommission ing ceremony too k the form of a s imple church se rvice followed by the lowering of the Australian National Flag and Australian White Ensign for the last time. The service was a mov ing one allended by man y fo rmer s tude nt s and slaff in addition to family and friends. Appropriately, one of the two Naval chaplains offi ciating, Cha plain Andrew Constance. is a fonner NIRIMBA apprentice who began hi s Naval career th ere in 1965. serving eight years in th c RAN before leavi ng 10 undertak e theological studies. Gue s t-of- Honour at the decommissioning was Rear Admiral Ton y Hunt. Fl ag Officer Command ing Naval Support Command. [n hi s sp ee ch. RADM Hum paid tribute to the contribut ion made by the civilian s taff and instruc(Qrs to the life of HMAS NIRI MBA ove r the last 40 years. in addition to that made by uniform ed staff. He stated that he could not think of a finer example than NIRIMBA where un iformed and c ivilian staff had integrated so well. Fol lowing the ceremony . the last Au slTalian National Flag n own in HMAS NIRIMBA was presenled 10 the Mayor of 8I ad;:town. Alderman li m Anderson. When the decommissioning crew were dismis sed fro m parade, they quickly fo rmed a line stretchi ng from the mainmast into the distance as the 760 foot long decommissioning pennant was lowered. with all hands assisting. it wa s pa ss ed to ward s the mainmast and folded carefully into a box before being passed into the custody of Li e ute nant Commander Graham Thurstans. Curator Naval Historical Collection. Senator Teag ue 's hi gh ly co mplimen tary descripti on of hi s time 0 11 board TORRENS filled 2 1/2 pages of the Senate Hansard when he spoke during the Adjoummenl debate on February 28. During his speech Senator Teague: • named all extensive list of navy personnel led by the s hip ' s CO, CMD R Warwick Gately. whom he thanked for an "exhi larating experience " • explai ned how he greatly admired the "professionali sm" of the TORRENS crew and was "impressed by the enormous wealt h of experience and knowledge " renee ted in his lengthy di scuss ions with CMDR Gately. • described in some details his impressions of variou s exercise activitie s he watched including Man Overboard , Replcnishmenl at Sea and low leve l simulated air allacks by RAAF F/ A 18 and FIll aircrafl and A4 Skyhawks from the RNZAF. • related hi s exci tement at watchin g "20 very well -trained naval offi cers workin g as teams, coordinated by an officer, translating radar information to the gunnery command". • spo ke of hi s fasci nation in watchin g a LEGACY STILL NEEDS YOUR HELP s ubm a rin e defence exe rc ise involvi ng Mulloka sonar. • shared the unique experience of donning fire protection gear and observi ng the firing of TORRENS' main armamen t while inside the gun turret. • explained how he had come to terms with the cramped crew quarters. "an area I don't think would be exper ienced by anyone in Australia in terms of close confinement". He believed the ablutions areas on the ship were "well thought OUI and. I believe, very ade quate for men and womcn serving together on a (Navy) ship". • exp rt: sse d hi s deligh t in watching a woma n crew member "displaying s uch selfconfidence and authority when acti ng as o ffi cer of the watch". Summing up his 24·hours on TORRENS , Senator Teague said: "I have observed a very professional Navy" . As Deputy Chairman of the Inquiry into sex ual harassment, he believed the Inquiry "needs to ens ure that we havc solutions to ove rcome sexual harassme nt in th e three defence services. "I have now had the privilege of seeing the navy fully exe rci sing at sea and observing 250 personnel coordi nating as a team and bringing to bear the professional knowledge and skills that are required of each member of that team. " Senator Teague said. The Se nator assured the crew o f TORRENS that after the visit he had wom "with a great sense of honour" the ship's T-shirt and Navy cap. The Committee's nex t scheduled publi c hearing was March 10 in Canberra, To help the Widows and Children of Servicemen killed in action or who have since died. Please )j'e"d donatiolls to ),our nearest Legacy Office. Ansett Australia recognises the im- You 00 • a ter ustra la sett so 00 s AnsettAustralia. a ter you. portam contribution made by Australia's servicemen and servicewomen. Not just in Australia, but all round the world. As the official carrier for all Aust- ralian Defence Force personnel, we go out of our way to help you. For private travel as well as official travel. We can organise your trip, provide holiday advice and offer the best poss- ible prices. And not just for you, but also for your family. To book official travel, call 131231. Or for personal holi day travel, call 131316. You know we're on your side. One of the world's great airlines. AN180NAVY NAVY NEWS, March 11, 1994 (45) 5 System up and running r---------- ~ -----------, Vic Jeffery, Navy Public Affairs Officer (WA ) Most entries relating to the wartime loss or the Naval Auxiliary Patrol launch GLADMOR Simply refer to her as being "destroyed by fire at Fremantle, October 17, 1943", A recent telephone call from Mr "M ich" CrawcoW" claiming his father's vesse l GLADMOR had been lost to fire at Garden Island during World War II while' on naval service, certainly aroused my interest. Naval historical records in Canbcrr.J. have revea led shc wa.~ indeed destroyed by fire at Garden Island, on the morning of Sunday, October 17, 1943. Other references to the loss location as "Fremantlc" were rather vague. keeping in mind that the waters of Cockburn on the eas tern side of Garden Island are classified as in Fremantle's outer harbour. Requisitioned Requi si tioned on Jul y 10. 1942. GLADMOR became a member of the Volunteer Patro l with hull number VP-l i before the formatio n of the Naval Auxiliary Patrol when she became His Majesty's Motor Boal GLADMOR with the hull number 7 13, GLADMOR was based at the Royal Freshwatcr Bay Yacht Club on the Swan River which was the headquarters of the Naval Auxiliary Patrol after the club had been taken over by the Navy and commissioned as HMAS LEEUWIN II. Truly a resplcndent vessel, GLADMOR had been bui lt by a boat builder named Carnaby on the Nedlands foreshore for a Perth lawyer, Mr Morris Crawcour. in 1935. GLADM OR boasted 14- metre long single 32mm thick planks in her jarrah hull and was double-ribbed with 50mm karri . Her keel and ste m were both one piece timber and she looked seemingly indestructible. The motor launch's upper work s were of light tim ber and the inlerior was of selected polished and varn ished sheoak . Fitted with two Gray Marine twin 94-horsepower 6-cylinder petrol engines, GLADMOR was good for 13 knots and no doubt wou ld have been afloat today if it had not been for the war. . After being requi sitioned for naval se rvice. GLADMOR was fitted with long-range fuel tanks and had her upper works and interior modified. GLADMOR emerged boasting a machi ne gun mounted on the aft cabin :md two depth charges on her stem. On that fa te ful Sunday of October 17, 1943, HM AMB GLADMOR deve loped fuel problem s soon after leaving Fremantle Harbour. Her sk ipper, W.H. Paddon, headed GLADMOR for the sheltered waters of the northern area of Garden Island to clear the fuel line where she was secured to a buoy for two hours before the operation commenced. At 0830 a seaman was instructed to transfer petrol from the small port lank to the main port tank to alleviate ' the risk of petrol in the bilges a~ the smaller tank was leaking. The sailor positioned himse lf behind the pon engine with a large oi l tin to petrol from the tan k before passi ng it to an assisting NAP cadet. While this wa.. happen ing a crackling sound like an e lectrical short circuit was heard shortly before a dull "whoof' as the engineroom r.tpidly became engulfed in n ames. Paddon. and IWO NAP cadets. scrambled through a skylight in the forward cabin while the seaman had dambered out through a small engineroom escape hatch on to the aft deck. Once on the upper deck Paddon kicked in the port wheelhouse window to reach a fire extinguisher just inside when the billowing names forced him to stagger back, falling overboard with a burnt hand. Managi ng 10 scramble back onboard he noticed a fifth crew member, thc mate. who had been cleaning the mach inegun on the after cabin when the tire broke out. reach an extinguisher and play it on the flame s. Coupled with waler thrown from a has tily formed brigade it wa.. to no avail as the fi re took hold. Paddon ordered the mate and the seaman to drop the small MK VII depth charges to avoid thei r detonation in the heat and raging fi re. They were later recovered. As the petrol tanks were located in the whee lhouse the engines, the imminent danger of them exploding the order 10 "abandon ship". The crew members swam for the shore some 400 away. with the mate a ..sisting the seaman who cou ld not swim. Burns, shock Once ashore the crew members were treated for bums shock by Army personnel who were stationed on the i.. The o nce sturdy GLADMOR burnt fo r hours until burnt-out hulk fin ally slipped below the waves. A Naval Board of Investigation held at HMAS LEEUWIN at East Fremantle on October 30. 1943. attributed the loss to a spark which occurred during the transfer of petrol, igniting fumes from the leak ing tank. A bay on the north eastern side of Garden Island has been id enlifi ed where it is be lieved th e remains of HMAMB GLADMOR remain . It is anticipated a su rvey of the area wi ll be carried out C learance Di ving Team Four at an opportune time to idenliry ~ the resti ng place of this litt le known naval war loss. The Naval Support Commander. RADM A.L. Hunt, has "commissioned " the Naval Police Coxswains new compule.- system. As far back as 1984 computerisation of the old Naval Pol ice reco rd s section was deemed necessary because of the cons iderable data input and retrieva l resulting from the increased number and complexity of investigations undenaken by Naval Police. In 1986 a stand alone HP Vectra PC was provided for the purpose. although thi s proved inca pabl e of analysing a modus operandi . A new proposal was submitted and in 1988 the acquisition of a wide area network to be known as NAVPOLREC 2 was approved. Trak Technology Pty Ltd, which have written databases for Au s tra li an Bureau of Criminal Intelligence (ABC I), New South Wales Crim e Commi ss ion (NS WCC) and the Criminal Justice Commission of Quee nsland, wa s contracted in March 1993 to complete the task. Com bi ned wi th regular down loads of NPEMS read only data and input of all data on criminal and disciplinary activi ty within th e RAN . the system wi ll prov ide a analytical and re search tool, Meanwhile, a paying off' pennant has been presented to CPONPC Tony Clarke . Tony pays off after 21 years in the RAN and wi ll settle in Victoria but is intending to remain in contact with the RAN via the Ready Reserve. HOW DO DEFENCE FORCE FAMILIES FIND THE INFORMATION THEY NEED? The quickest, easiest way is to call FIND-Family Infonnation Network for Defence. This free, Australia-wide telephone infonnation service is readily available to all service personnel and their families. FI Dcan answer your questions regarding relocation, housing, retirement benefits, allowances, policy-any personnel infonnation at all, from the specific to the trivial and if we can't supply an answer we will put you on to someone who can. Dial 008 020 031 free of charge from anywhere in Australia or 257 2444 in Canberra. We'lI put ),ou in the knolV in no time. 6 (46) NAVY NEWS, March 11, 1994 OTWAY: end of an era By Mike James, Navy Public Affairs With the decommissioning of HMAS OTWAY on February 17, a chapter of the Royal Navy's involvement with the Australian S u bmarine Squadron came to an end. OTW A Y\ last comm;md· ing offker. LCDR lain Arthur, RN. an cxch:Jngc officer with the RAN. W;JS the laM in a long line of RN officers to com mand RAN submarines. For almO:.1 ]5 ye:l r s RN exchange uniter.. have COIll· manded at least one of the RAN ', OBERON fl eel. bringing with them hard-won experience gained in the icy waters of the Atlant ic and Arc tic ocean:., But t'hange ... in circ um - , lance." and equipment have brought \0 a clo"e this chapter in the cJo:-.e felatium-hip between the two navie .. , The RN decommi ... sioncd their laM OBERON. HM S OPOSSUM. in 1993 follow ing 32 year:- of ,en' iee. mak ing LCDR Anhur the la:-t Royal Navy command..:r of an OBERON cJa:-.' ~ubm:lrine. With the redu~·tions in the RN brought about by the end of the Cold War and the resu ltant decision to dispose of the new UPHOLD E R c lass of conventional submarines. the RN wi ll . in future. have an a ll· nu clear submari ne force. With the int roduction of the RA N's new CO LLI NS LeDR Arthur, RN. class submarines into service the two navies will no longer use the ~ame equipment and experience and an Au~tr.tlian conventional submarine will be of significantly reduced benefi t to a future British nuclear .~ubmarine commander. LCDR Arthur :-crved in a number of RN ves:-eb betbre his two year posting to the RAN. LCDR An hur. accompanied by his wi fe Sue and two daughters. Gemma and Amy Ja ne. will return to the UK this mo nth . brin gi ng to an e nd hi s two year exchange Their departure wilt draw to a cl ose three decades o f RN command of RAN s ubmarines. '"V~ ) II • The CommLlIIding Officer of HAlAS ALBATROSS, CDRE Geoff Mortotl , congratulates CPO Unwin after presenting him with the Commodore Partington Perpetual Shield. Reward for excellence CP O Dua ne Unwin of 8 16 Squa dron has been pr es e n te d with the C ommod o r e Partin gton Pe rpetual Shi eld for excellence in the suppor t of na va l aviation a l HMAS ALBATROSS. Comma nding O fficer of HM AS A L BATR OSS. CO RE Geoff Morton. made the presentatio n during the rev iewing of Di visions at the Air Stalion. In a speec h to those present C DR E Monon sa id : "C PO Unwin has excelled in the rank of CPO si nce assuming the role of the ATWL trade ch ief:lt 81 6 Squadron. "He h:ls a profess io na l :lpproach 10 eve ry as pec i of hi s duties. He has a very high level of lechnical proficiency and is one of Ihe most experienced and know ledgeable he lico pter maimainers in the RAN. "CPO Unwi n's exe mplary work ethic and e nthusiasm makes him an intcgr.:al part of the 8 16 Squadron ma inte nance org:lnisation. ~ B y involving himself in out of tr.Kie aClivities in addition to his nonnal responsibilities. he has prov ided the sq uadron with enormous beneli t during a period of signific:lnt hardshi p. "As a d ivisiona l C PO he is rece pli ve to the needs of his sailors and acts promptly and correctly in eve ry circumstance. "In summary. CPO Unwin is an o utstanding CPO and a dedicated member of thc RAN. H is co ntribution to S I6 Squadron and to Fleet Air Arm activilies during 1993 has been except ional." CORE Morton said. While S e aman Wate r s , Ensign White a nd Lieute n a nt Rive rs, on a cou p l e of days l eave, ran the white water '" their personal possessions and uniforms "ran off", Don'l run lhe risk while you're run ning lhe rapids. Wilh Smart Cover, you can relax in lhe know ledge lhal your personal effeclsare insured - in your car, In transit, in storage, anywhere in Aus tralia. Think 01 it as being as advanced to Defence force Pelsonnel insurance as the smart bomb is 10 military IKhnology - it anticipales. Smart Cover recognises if you're military - you 're mobile . And a lor of th e time yo u have to ca rry or mo ve yo ur p e r so n a l belongings arou nd with YO ll. Oil the base, of! lize base, or all Ilze move... Smart Cover has got you covered. Smart Cover is strategically planned personal effects insura nce that matches you r mobility. A single policy that covers the continge ncies of your lifestyle. It isJul1y tralliferable and travels with you wherever you are posted. Plus YO ll get the added sm a n benefits o f - Pe rso nal accident cover, Emergency legal, medical and travel assis tance, Postings insurance cover and worldwide Icgalliability. A nd , having SOlan Cover entitles yo u to apply for Smart Cover Car Insurance that gives you some ve ry smart benefits YOll won't find in ordinary motor ve hicle insu rance policies - payable by allotment , a utomatic cover wh ile ve h icle is being transported , a utomatic storage cover while you're away, 'Australia wide'cover. regardless of State of registration . Sma rt Cover is the smartest insurance move tha t yo u ca n ma ke. And yo u can eve n pay the smart way - by allotment. Fo r the cost of a co u p le of d rinks a PAYABLE BY ALLOTMENT wee k, you 're completely covered. If it comes out of you r pay, you wo n't even m iss it. Blit you 'll sure m iss Sm a rt Cover if yo u d on't have it a nd one day you need it. Pick up a broch ure at your pay office or even easier, call 0060200 10 toll ill:!.; today to get covered right away. Get Smart. Take Cover. SM RT CO ER STRATEGICALLY PLANNED PERSONAL EFFECTS INSURANCE COVER THAT MATCHES YOUR MOBILITY &LIFESTYLE OIVUOf'II) wmt IHE SEMel COIClIIJOt6 UA/IIL"II Of IN( Ol' AI!MlIff Of 0lIDIC1' ~ "" INSURANC E NAVY NEWS, Marc h 11, 1994 (47) 7 WHERE1S WHVALLA? USN interest in sub research Well , during the months of December 1993 and January 1994 HMAS WHYALLA undertook two patrols (one north and one south of Cairns). Durin g a vis it by US Nav y RADM " Bill" H o ul ey, Direct o r T es t , Evaluation and Technology Requirem e nts, Dr Wally Mazurek' s r ese arc h into s ubmarine atmospheres caught his altenlion. The first pmrol was a three-week fisheries/c ustoms bamer patrol in areus AlSrr with seveml interesting high lights. At 0900 on Saturduy, December 4. while conduct ing a twoday operu tiona l visit to Gove. W H YALLA ( LCD R W . E. Evcrsham) was asked by the locul mining company. Nabulco, to ussiM in a medivuc operation becuuse its rescue helo was down. The mission wus to rendezvous with the Danish livestock carrier CO DAN north of Gove und medivac a crew member suffering from ucutc uppcndiciti.~. Ju .~t 38 minutes after the initial reques t for ussistunce WHYALLA, with local paramedic Julie Severin emburked. cu:-.t olT the last line and headed to sea. The RJV took place approximately 15nm north of Gove al 1040 and the ~ick crew member, Mr Torben Sigvard:-.en. was transferred onboard using WHYALLA 's R IB. By 1145 WHYALLA was buck alongside in Gove and the putient was transferred to u wuiting umbulunce with the minimum of fuss. T he "Green Slime" is a Iy p e o f carbon dioxide absorbing organism tha i has the potential to extend the operational duration of .~ ub­ merged submarines by removing the dangerous gas from the fe-cycled air. R ADM Ho u ley was m:companicd by CAPT Mark Proctor. the Director of Navy Minor Cap ilal and Oper- A of HERE'S A LOAN THAT'S HARD TO BEAT servic for patrol boat Thurs da y, March 10. 1994, was a s pecial day for HMAS DUBSO - it was the 10th annivers ary of th e ship's fir-st commissioning. The s hip's company ce lebrated the occasion by ho ld ing a birthday party o nboard wh ile a longside in the ir ho me port o f Darwin a nd is pl an· ning other events later in the year to celebrate. D UBBO is the 12th o f 15 Frcman tle class patrol boats and was built in Ca irns by the North Q ueens land Engineer :md Agents Pty Ltd (NQEA). She wa:-. launched on January 21. 19S4, by Mr~ Jenny Rourke, the wife of Rear Admiral W.J. Rourke. who was Chief of Naval On Unsecured personal loans up to $5000 available only to members of the Australian Public Service Benevolent Society EXAMPLE Repayment Rate for $5000 over 3 years would be ONLY $77,00 per fortnight Phone our office or post this coupon r Fill IN THIS COUPON FOR: ~'C;J APPLICATION FORM TO BECOME A MEMBER for more information 0 1 APPLICATION FORM FOR A LOAN UP TO S5000 0 1 1 INFORMATION ABOUT OUR OTHER SERVICES 0 1 NAME 1ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ 1 POS! AND/OR AND/or? 16/20 HOWARD STREET, NORTH MELBOURNE 3051 POSTAL ADDRESS : P.O. BOX 326 NORTH MELBOURNE 3051 8 ( 48) NAVY NEWS, March 11 , 1994 CODE STATE II YOU WISH TO TAlK TO OUR STAFF L-____ I PHONE' ' . (OJ) The investigation went smooth ly (particularly when it was discovered thm the master could speak Engli sh) and the crew wus qui te co-operative. T he next morn ing WH YA LLA rendezvoused with DUBBO and h:mded over the escort role to her. Thc second pmroJ was a southerly seven-week fisherie~ putml of un:as BICIDIE/FIG during the months of Januury und February. The weathcr enroute to Sydney varied between calm and very, very rough wilh Australia's largest city turning on the waterworks for the ship's arrival. WHYALLA then continued south viu the o uter AFZ to Burnic. W H YA LLA arrived in Burnie on January 25 for participation in local Australia Day celebmtions. HMAS DUBBO cOllducls boardillg op erations in norlh A ustralian waters. at ional Policy (DNMOP). I The nex t day WHYALLA departed Gove for an AFZ putrol and within 24 hours had "surp rised " a Foreign Fishing Vessel ( FFV) inside the AFZ to the north-west of Cape Wessels, NT. The Boardi ng party of six personnel led by the XO. LEUT David Byrne. was dispatched 10 investigate the Taiwanescowned, Indonesiun-opemted HOZINDOMAS 2 at 0700. 3284759 "''''"'' ''' 008 33 3042 INllRSIAlf --I On completion of sea trials DUBBO was accepted in to service and was comm issioned at Cairns on Ma rch 10. 1984. under the command of LCD R M ik e S ko p a l (now serving as the Co mmand ing Office r of HM AS CA IRNS). From the time o f co mm issio nin g unti l J a nuary 1986 D U BBO was b a se d at CA IR NS carry ing o ut surveillance o perations in no rthe rn A ustm lian and South Pac ific waters. She was then relocated to HMAS WATER HEN. join ing the Sy d ney Patro l Boat Squadron. where s h e was tasked wi th patrol ling southern areas. including the Bass Strait oi l rigs. In October 1995 the Ship was again relocated to her present home base at Darwin and has since been active in preventing incursions of errant foreign fishing vessels and illegal immigrants into the Austmlian Fisheries Zone und main land no rt h we ., t Australiu. DU BBO is c urre ntly under the com mand of LCDR Allan Run kin a nd has the p rimary role o f cond uc t ing sur ve il· lance duties and f isheries patro ls across the top end of Austmlia. The ship is :llso tasked with assisti ng other agencies such as DSTO and NO R FORCE and regularly participates in nmjor navul exercises. As part of the 10th anniver~ary cckbf!Jtions the ship's company will conduct a Freedom of Entry march in the City of Dubbo. NSW. on March 19. T he first ship to bea r the name DUB BO was a Bathurst class corvette which served in the RAN du ring World War II. T he o rigi n al sh ip d id no t havc a fo rmal .~ hip 's crest but in 1979 the College o f Arms in London g ran ted a coa'! of arms to the Ci ty of Du bbo. including u budge wh ich .has since been udopted as t he ship's crest. Thc red western sun of the budge suggests D ubbo as the "Hub of thc West" which is the city's motto. The cog whee l represents the city's modern engineering and allied industries. rece ntl y int e rrupted he r pre pa n ltions ror the Fleet Co nce ntrat ion Peri od to commemorate a significant milestone in her short bOI :u:th'!' carvt'r. While at Flect Ba~c Ea~t. the crew lOok time out from thclr bu~y ~cheduJc to celebrate the ~hip·:-. :-.ecomj binhda y. in the company of Ihe Launchlllg Lady . Mr.' Hazel Hawke. wife of the former Primc Minister. With the weather turning on a fine ,unny day for The oeca,ion. Commander Max Haneod. MELBOURNE'., CO. welcomed Mrs Hawke In a shon ~peec h Mrs Hawke congr.llulated HMAS MELBOU RNE on her o,ccond anniversary <lnd wbhed her many more happy birthday,. Mr.. Hawke wa~ Juined by the you ngcst member of lhe ,hip's crew. 17 ye<lr old SMNCSO Mathe w Burnen. \0 cu t the binhday ca ke before joining. the Cfew fo r morning tea. Following the F.C.P .. MELBOURNE will briefly relurn 10 Sydney before .,ailing "up lOp" on a South Ea., t A~ian deployment NAVY GIFTS WITH A DIFFERENCE DESK SETS FROM $42.50 - $139.15 PLAQU ES lrom $27.20 COASTERS $8 .88 each FIGURINES ON JARAH BLOCK $54.45 JARAH BLOCK BOOKENDS $ 139.15 1Gf~ ~ WHYA IJ...A 's RIB heads towards MV CODAN ISlItn IIOml of Gave, N T. ial Clubs - Messes TANKARDS FROM $49.95 HIP FLASKS $67.75 SALES TAX INCL Inaugural ship·s ball HMAS BUN BURY (LCDR D,M, Gribble) has certainly enjoyed a ship's ball to remember. The ina ugural ball was held at the Rockingham soccer cl ub und mo re than 160 guests attended. Some o f the g uests were ex- HM AS BUN BURY personnel and their fa m ilies. TS BUNBURY was also invited und the CO of the Cadet unit. LCDR Jim CunniffI', presented a cheque of $1.000 - a contribution IOwurds the night's fes ti vities. Meanwhi le, BUN BU R Y has part icipated in the la unc h of H M Bark Endeuvour replica. Observed by tens of thousands o f people und hundreds of spccI!Jtor cmft. the Endeuvou r was launched six minutes early at Fisherman's Harbour. The foun tain symbo lises the Macquarie River which passes through Dubbo and the mural crown in the centre of the badge re presents the city itself. )HMAS PENGUIN TRIATHLON Friday 25th March 1994. Proudly Sponsored By The sh ip has been granted the motto "Fig h t to the Fin ish" whic h reflects the de terminulion of the ship's com p any to succeed and achieve their objectives. T he ship's compa n y of D UBBO has adop\ed a beawr us ils emblem. Although not an Australian native thi s hard working. busy littl e aquatic animal symbolises the diligence and eagerness with which the ship wishes to be characterised. aboard where ~he wa~ greeted by the ship's company mu,tered on the night deck. . Th e Sa nd S Department of HMA S B UNB URY enjoys a quiet m Oille'" during the ship 's hall. From left: LEUTTim WatSOIl, PO Dal'e Devlin, A H Boh McCanse. Mr McCa"se al/d A B M cCabe (frolll). WARRNAMBOO~ comes in from the cold Th e ca ne toad may be on the way south but wa tch ou t Q ueenslan d. WARRNAMBOOL is o n the move north! After more than live years of Rules and Anturctic winters. HMAS WARRNAMBOOL (LEUT Duvid Cunningham) has returned to thc bulmy sub-tropical par:ldi.~e of Sydney for homeporting at I·IMAS WATERHEN. The new homeport will give greuter nexibility to !leet support activities as well us provide maintenance resource savings: without reduci ng surveillam."e commitment to the southern region of Australia. Since thc forlllal decision in December to relocate. WAR RNAMBOOL has completed Workup/ORE. a customs patrol over the Christmas period and steamed nearly 27,000 !lautic:!1 miles for 1993. Small wonder the ship's company enjoycd a well deserved leave period. The pench:lIIt for h::lrd work is stil] evident. however. with ABBM Andy Vierick and ABETC Duve ROllinger both tying the knot during the SWLP. ENTRIES CLOSE MONDAY 21st MARCH. Late entries taken on the Contact: po PTI Tony Cocks PO PTI Max Walker Ph : (02) 9600314 Fax: (02) 9698624 ' NAVY NEWS, March 11 , 1994 (49) 9 fA'·"'fi'rmliig""'fri"i'o"dshlj'" between The Commanding Officer of HMAS NEWCASTLE, Commande r Rowan Moffitt has attended the Maritime Tactical course at HMS DRYAD. The Trip enabled a visit to HMS NEWCASTLE. a Type 42 rJeslroycr. where an exchange of gifts took place between the two respective COs o n behalf of their crews. , The CO of HMS NEWCASTLE. Commander A.M. Massey, prc.~ented a framed photograph of his ship and a trophy comprising a coal miner's lantern and two fine specimens of coal from Ncwcastlc-upon-Tyne. In return Commander Moffitt presented a framed photo- gr.lph on the launching of HMAS NEWCASTLE. The trophy presented by Commander Ma.~sey had been presented 10 HM S NEWCASTLE on commissioning by the Backworth Mal e Voice Choir and Eccle~ Colliery Backworth in July 1978. ) The Royal Navy Trophy Association approved the preto HMAS NEWCASTLE. ~entation The close association c~tablished between the two is expected to be maintained in the future. ship~ The situation where two of HM ship.~ of have the same name is thought to be unique. class ~irnilar _ ~ ~... ~~\ CMDR Marsden, Mr Phil Hannan, Mr Roland £ 1'0115 alld OIC RANTES, CPOETS C. Vella. Commendations for RANTES instructors Mr Roland Evans and Mr Phil Hannan, MULLO· KA Course ins tructors at the RAN Training Establishment, Salisbury, South Australia, have been awarded F lag Officer Naval Support Command commendations for their outstanding contributions to MULLOKA Sonar System t r aining over ma ny years. In presenting the commendation s of behalf of the CO HMS NEWCA STLE, Commander Massey, RN (left>, presellts the trophy 10 CO HMAS NEWCASTLE, Commander Moff itt, RAN. .dllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIW::: Nav:II Support Commander. CM DR David Marsden. OIC Technical Training Centre (WE) at HMAS CER· BERUS. prai~ed the efforl~ of both men who between them have morc than 3 3 years of MULLOKA experience. CMDR Marsden noted that nOl only have Mr Evans and Mr Hannan excelled in training bUI also. through sys tem development and enhancement. have sign ifi- cantly improved the operational effectiveness of MULLOKA in neet units. Meanwhile. it ha<; been a rewarding start to the New Year fo r former Leading Seaman Steve Leech at the A rmy School of Transport (A ST). Steve has been promoted to petty officer. PO Leech is posted as a Mot o r Transport Dri ve r Instructor with the RAN Dri ve r Training Troop a t AST. RESIDENTIAL INVESTMENTS AUSTRALIA LAST OF THE DHA PROPERTY OPPORTUNITIES FOR 1994 We have arranged hundreds of quality investment properties for ADF members. Now is your last opportunity to purchase a securely leased Defence Housing Authority home investment. Call now for more details and an obligation free personal investment report. Ask for either Sean Hoare or Murray Witkin. Be quick! .. •• I I I •• I • : ! • I II I 10 (50) NAVY NEWS, March 11, 1994 I • t • I ftl . B ~ • t I I UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIII 1111111111111111 1111111 1111111111111 11 11111111 111 111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 1111 11 11 11 1111111111111111 111111111111111111111 11 1111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111.: I Command change in I I I Test and Evaluation '. CMDR DJ. Fabey has ta ke n over from CMDR I.J . C u rl as Command e r Tes t and Ev alu a ti on (CT E), head of th e RA N Test and Ev aluation Group (RANTEG) at MHQ Annex No rth Sydney. - C M D R C ur l be ga n hi s s e r vice at No rth Sy d ne y in February 199 1 as OIC Trials Unit. RANTAU. In 1992 RA NTAU was aboli she d and O IC Tria ls Unit became CfE. unde r the Mari time Co mmand. The na me RA NTEG was adopte d to bener ide ntify the o rganisation . RANTEG has approximately ) 0 Na vy personne l organised into four trials sections. These are Underwater Warfare. Surface Warfare. Submarine and Av iation. They are supple mented by a Trials Sup pon seclion. CMDR Curl, right, congratulates CMDR Fah ey on h is appointment as head of RANTEG_ Staff co mpri se warfare o rfi ce rs. W EEOs . tec hnic ian s . o perators a nd even a helicopter pilot. RANT EG's test and eval uati o n respo ns ibilit ies include fit-o ut inspections of new ships and equipment. acceptance tria ls. ship qua lification tri als . pre and post-re fit tria ls and II. othe r routine technical testing. A majo r role is Operational Test and Evaluation (OT& E). panic ularl y o f ne w ships and eq uipment prio r to e nte ri ng service. Pan o f OT& E is Ope ratio nal Eva lua tion (O PEVA L). which differs considerably from o ther testing as it takes a hig her- level look at whether a ship/system can perform its combat mission . after the tec hnical testing is completed. Naval pilots graduate MOVING TO CANBERRA? Then please contact one of the most helpful real estate offices in Ca nbe rra! The first naval aviators to complete Air Vice-Marsha l F.D. Cox prese nted the t he "all th rough" P C9 course have graduates with the ir "wings". graduated. S BlT York was presenled with two prizes Prior to the g rad uat io n RAAF a nd RAN pilot tra ining was split be twee n No l Flying Tra in ing Sc hoo l. fl yi ng the CT4 a nd No 2 Flying Tra ining Sc hool. fl yi ng the Macchi and mo re recenl ly the PC9. Pilo t tra ini ng is no w conducted sole ly a t No 2 Flyi ng Training School. RAAF Pe arce. WA. LE UT s Pa lme r a nd Sma ll ho rn . S BLTs Chapman and Yo rk were me mbers of number 163 pilot's course which commenced on June I r m , . " .", I", ""-.. As our main role in life is selling SERVICE , we wou ld be only too pleased to offer assistance with your real estate needs, w hether buyi ng, sell ing o r renting . - the RDFWA pri ze for navi gation and the Airforce Associa tion tro phy fo r the most improved. aw;·rj~';2,._ The four pi lo ts are now undergoing operational conversion at HMAS ALBATROSS . LEUT Smallho rn a nd SBLT Yo rk ha ve be en pos te d to HS 8 16 squad ro n to fl y Seahawks. LEUT Palme r a nd S BLT Chapman bo th ha ve been posted to HC723 squadron to Oy the HS748 and Squirre l aircraft respecti vely. ~ ~ ... ,/ (06) 292 4966 CHISHOLM SHOPPING CENTRE , CHISHOLM ACT 2905 NPC milestone "Get all those bloody The Cormer Provost Marshal. Navy, CMDR P../• Mangan, has been posted to the West AustraJian a r ea as t be Execu tive Officer and Ole BASC HMAS STIRLING. He will be the first otncer of !be NPC category to take up the position oC executive officer of a RA N establishmenL In a 32-year career, 22 of which were spent in the NPC ... wor ld. CMDR Mangan has spent t he last five years as Provost Marshal-Navy, perfonniog that duty in Canberra and Sydney. The graduates /rom No 163 pilots' course, RAAF Pearce, with CDRE R.N. Partillgtoll (CO A LBATROSS) and LCDR M. T. Jerrell. nUlIiUlIIIIIIIlIlUlUlIIIIHUlUIUlIIlI'::~':~:~:':"IIUlUI! REMOVALS Household Inventory Prog .. m (HHINVI V3.4 Ovefseas and Domestic Formats Context Sensitive Help Very easy to use Plofessional PfooUCI OK with PSO and DAS to o r f rom Canberra? Have your pets cared for whilst you move to or from Canberra. Please send Initials. Surname Service Numbef & disk size We pick up from and deliver to the Canberra ai rport. IBM version $60 (inc!. postage) (demo disk 5.25· or 3.S· $7, SS refu nd if program purchased) Rates for boarding on application. MARSHALL SOFTWARE 16 Adamson Crescent, Wanniassa ACT 2903 Ph. & Fax. (06) 231 6671 Tony and Chris's Boarding Kennels (06) 236 9207 20% DISCOUNT TO ALL NAVAL PERSONNEL M r A ll e n (Ta s sie ) Ann ing has retired from the De partmen t of Defence a fter 43 years of loya l s ervice , m os t of whi c h w as s p e n t a t T h is book a lso cove r s the his tory of H MAS Ba ll a r a t, Bathurst, Ben di go, Burn ie, Cairns, Cessno c k , G aw ler, Ger a lto n, Go ulburn , Ipswi c h , La unceston , Lismo re, Toowoomba, Wollongon g. Sailors from these ships which served with the RN sha r ed the sa me war. HMAS ALBATROSS. Ta ssie jo ined the RAN in 1950 and leav ing i n 197 1 he applied for a position as an auto-e lec trician at ALBAT ROSS . He th e n worked at the transpon co mpound fo r the remainde r of his 22 years before fi nally putti ng o n the ove ra ll s fo r th e la s t ti me in Dece mber la s t year. Congratulations on your promotion A.D. WO.\ ITP I,R. WOC, S.L WOPH LP. WOWTR D.A. WQEWL PJ. WORS N.c, WOCK S.M. WOMTP A.C. WOB Vt'J. WOB OJ. WO~ITP I3JAN94 CERBERUS tJJAN94· DEfENCE I3JAN94 NAVY OrneE IJJAN94 tJJAN94 DEfENCE COONA WARRA tJJAN94 STlRUNG I3JAN94 t3JM '94 MHO CERBERUS t3JAN~ NSC J3JAN94 CERBERUS Z1lM '94 CERBERUS TO CHIEF Pml OFACER • By prior arrangement I will clean or detail your vehicl e before you return from deployment. • I will come to you on Garden Island or at home. • Many Services available. 7 DAYS A WEEK O ne of (he bestselle rs ever w ritte n about the RAN . A graphi c e ye- witn e ss acco unt of t he d i s a s te r s of S ingapore a nd J ava Sea . A lso M e d ite rra nea n. S ici ly. Persia n Gu lf. India. East Africa. A tla ntic and Pac ific in World War II. "Mary boro ugh ". a 650 ton co rve tte logged a n a mazi ng 150.000 m ile s ac ross every ocean. is (rue researc hed hi sto ry but it is the d its about sai lors a fl oat and asho re that have won the reviewers . " wa rmth and huma ni ty - compe ll ing re adi ng. D o n't miss this book . " .' 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1 1111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111lIIIIIU I II II I IIII IIllllllllllllllllllllr DAVIS DENT OOAK GALWEY GRAHAM KIRK lOGAN O'SHEA RICHARDS HAMILTON PHONE' STEVE - 015 384858 the con voy. (Marc h 6th (942 ) F0 nd fa rewe II toT ass i e AlliN ROCIOIIGIIAII W.A. Commander Cant as the Japanese bomber circled over He was fare-welled in Sydney recently by more than 100 past and present members of the category. and was last seen being com 'eyed from the "'enue vja a mode of trans~ port usuaUy RSened Cor his Conner customers. TO WAflRAkT OFflCEfl NOW AVAIl .... E.N mto the stoke ho ld" signalled coml. HUGHES HYNl'> JENKIr.:S !£WIS O'ROURKE PA C1'OA Sl1RUNG N.D. CPOMTl' 0./1.. CPOPT STIRUNG CERBERUS ~, CERBERUS MORETON OJ K.S. RED~IAN G. VOS SENOEN A.R. WIL\!ANN Y.P TO PETTY OFflctR MORRlSSEr C1'OE11' CPOEV,'T CPORS CPO€TC Cf'OfT C1'O£TS A.c. POBM JIlAN94 JIJAN94 JIJAN94 roRD JEWEll UGRI1\IC Vl..~[HUSacrn D.A. D.F. C.R. S.B. lH. P.l. M. PIPOfT PII'Ol'r plJ'Ofr plJ'Ofr PJPO" P!POM P/POM SATliERLEY D.G. LSATA y,ETlIWl'OON P.G. tSATA JUAN94 TO PROV1Sl0RAlLWING SE.UW 31JAN94 JIJAN94 DRYDEN CERBERUS TOBRUK CERBERUS 31JAI\'94 JJJAI\'94 3JJ AN94 GRAVEllE HOSGOOO HUDSON HYDE CERBERUS JIlAN94 JENNINGS KELlY sucrus TO PROYISlOIW. PErrY OffiCER OURMAN DYBi l l EVANS WAl KER wJ. PIl'OI'r TO LfADlltG SWWI ANDREWS C.H. LS' ''' CAMPBELl P.A. LSDEN eLlRKE A.A. tSATA COWIAN KL tS.\ITO EASIllAM MJ. LSEwr rowus SJ. LSWTI! HII\'TERHOI.ll R.L LSWTI! KAZ U . LSDEN LA R)NTAlNE K.L LSIl£N LEIITO A.L. LSATA MINNUCCI O. LSIN NAYOA OJ. tSROSM CERBERUS JlJM '94 HSC JlJAN94 STtRLING JIJAN9J WATERHEN 3JJAN94 COONAWARRA31JAN9J 3UAN94 PENGUIN PENGUIN 3IJAN94 uv,'RANCE MAIOOEN NICHOlAS RABY RONAlDS SADLER SEl£RAIG WOODMAN AJ. PIU~ITSM PA PIUMTSM M.I. M.NT S.P. PIlSm ~, PIUMTSM R.K. PI1..SMT G.A. PIU~m~1 P.E PILS" 1.0. PILS" G.' PI!.'" O.A. PI1..SMT A.E. PILS."1T G.H. PILS" F. PILS" U. PIUMT PENGUm JIlAN94 NAVYOI-llCE 3IlAN94 COONA WARRA3!JAN94 AL8ATROSS JIJAN9-I AU ATROSS }IlAN9J ALBATROSS 3I1AN9J HARMAN 3I1A1\'9-I CERBERUS 3IJAN~ STIRLING JIl A,\'~ AlBA1l!.OSS 31JAI\'9J HS816 JIJAN9J MaSOURl\E 31JAN~ PlATYPUS 3JlAN9J HSil6 311AN9J HC72J JUAN~ PlATYPUS OTVo'AY WATERHEN CESSNOCK STIRLING TOBRUK PlATYPUS HOBART KUITABUL PERTH CAIRNS KUITABUL ADELAIDE MHO MHQ 240 Pages of text and photos. Full colour gloss cover. Nonnal Price $20.00. Discount for Navy News 25% . Send only $15.00 plus $3 postage. TOTAL $18.00. JIlAN~ JJJAN9J JJJAN9J 3IlAl\'9-I JlJA.'i9-l JlJAI'i9-l JIJAN9J 31lAN~ JIJAN94 311,\1\'9-1 3IJAN9.I JlJAN9J 3IJAN9-l 3IlAN94 3IJAN9J PLEASE COMPLETE IN BLOC K LETTER S I ~-- - - --- ~ I I Mr/MrS/MS/Miss - - - - - - - - -- - - Address - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- 1 I I State _ _ P/Code _ _ I I Telephone ( 0 Cheque or money order payable to Brian Ogle 0 Bankcard 0 MasterCard 0 Visa 1 I Card Nol l l l l l l l l 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 .J Expiry date ___Signature ___ _ __ _ __ 1 L Return to : B r ian Ogle 88 Boundary Road , Wah roonga NSW 2076 -------Phone: (02) 489 4058 NAVY NEWS, March 11 , 1994 (51 ) 11 It1 ...,...HE-UNION . _....-", .. JII's_ n,.. ... _ APRIL 19M CERBERUS JUNMIR RECRUIT INTAKE 1114"'IIo & CSIIERUS PI _ _ _ ___ IIurpII lis S.U..... 07 Z011804 (H) _ 0D9 33714n (H) 0621112&84 (WI 11» V_ PlllrfnIMIltl _ o.,.", .. _ _ _ "._ MELBOURNE BASED $$$$ HIGHLY NEG, LOGISTICS LT, PWRc.rM:l - "--;;;AI.- Al-'lIALLR iiiiii DECOMMISSIONING PARTY DRESS: NEAT CASUAL SMORGASBORD DINNER & DRINKS COsr. $20 ph UVEMUSIC VENUE: HMASHUON DATE: r SATIJRDAY, MARCH 26 TIME: 1900,0100 TICKETS AVAIlABLE, CPOSN MILLAR HMAS HUON 002 212336 EDUCATION, TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT SECTION The following courses are available through £r&D, Defence Centre ' Brisbane, phone ONA TS B75 4507 or (07) 233 4507: External Courses (attendance cost shown in brackets may be borne by the Department): Apr The Exceptional Assistant ($99). May The Effective Leadership Series (3 Wori<shops) (5945). Management Skills for Executive Secretaries & Administrative Assistance (3 Workshops) ($395 or 5695). Managing Warehouse & Distribution Centres (S895). How to Handle Difficult People (590). Apr Management Training Programs: BRISBANE: Management Tech niques 2 Selection Committee Process. TOWNSVILLE: Management Techniques 1, Supervision 2. AMBERLEY: Supervision in a Integrated Environment (OFFR). Administration and Personal Development Training Programs: Induction Training on Request. BRISBANE: Warehouse logistics Certificate Course (TAFE), Written Communication. AMBERLEY: Stress Management, Written Communication. Keyboard and Computer literacy Programs: BRIS· BANE: Introduction to WordPerfect, Advanced WordPerfect, Introduction to PCs, DOS Concepts, Database Concepts, Spreadsheet Concepts, Windows 3.1, WordPerfect for Windows, Word for Windows, Excel , Ami-Pro for Windows. TOWNSVillE: Computer Training from 11 Apr to 22 Apr 94. Finance Training Programs: Australian Government Credit Card, legal and Adm inistrative Framework, Certifying Officers, Basic Personal Claims, You're Responsible You're Accou ntable. May Management Training Programs: BRISBANE: Management Techniq ues 1, Supervision in an Integrated Environment (Officer) and (NCO ), Supervision 1. TOWNSVillE: Management Techniques 2, Negotiations Skills. Administration and Personal Development Training Programs: BR ISBANE: Conflict Resol ution, Warehouse Logistic Certificate Course (TAFE), Induction Training (On Deman d). AMBERlEY: Assertion Workshop. OAKEY: Job Application Process. Keyboard and Computer literacy Programs: BRIS· BANE: Courses as per Apr, Support Users Group (EXCel). OAKEY: Various Computer Training from 9 May 94 to 13 May 94. Finance Training Programs: BRISBANE: Australian Government Credit Card , legal and Administrative Framework, Certifying Officers, Traders Claims , Financial Administration , You're Responsible You're Accountable. Jun Management Training Programs: BRISBANE: Industrial Relations Workshop, Management Techniques 2, Negotiations Skills, Su pervision Part 2, Supervision in an Integrated Environment (Civilian). TOWNSVILLE: Industrial Relation Workshop, Selection Committee Process. Administration and Pe rsonal Development Train ing Programs: BRISBANE: Conflict Resolution , Stress Management, Induction Training (On Demand). TOWNSVILLE: Job Application Process. Keyboard and Computer literacy Programs: BRISBANE: Courses as per Apr except Spreadsheets Concept. TOWNSVILLE: Courses conducted from 30 May 94 to to Jun 94. Finance Tra ining Programs: BRISBANE: Australian Government Credit Card , Legal and Administrative Framework, Certifying OHicers, Advance Personal Claims, Financial Administration, You're Responsible You're Accountable. A range of purchasing courses is available through Acqu isition and Logistics Defence, and also th rough Purchasing Development Centre of Dept of Admin Svcs. For f.urther information contact ET&D. Phone DNATS 875 4498 or (07) 233 4498. 12 (52) NAVY NEWS, March 11, 1994 RECRUITMENT SENIOR BUSINESS ANALYST 1o*Mlog: ' . . ' 0311979712 (WI ""-1'0', 1tI1llCf'&~, ~~~==-==="'~ At lhe presentation ofthe jina[ HMAS N IRlAIBA Non-Public Funds cheque fo r $143,252.18 to RAN Central Canteens Board, Navy OffICe were (l·r): RADAI C. O:renbould (Chairman RANCCB), Air J. Burgess, Director Personnel (Financial Support - Na vy ); CAPT W. Hack, DL5(N); CAlDR L Roberts, Secretary (RAN Central Cantuns Board) and LEUT D. Hughes, Deputy Supply OffICer HAlAS N IRIAIBA . ·s closure nets canteens $143,000 (By LCDR 1. Wiuwer and.SBLT D. Pt!nny) The Co mpan y is h ig hly s uc c essful , Internationally compet itive, pro active and dynamic. Rapid expansion in the husiness base has crea ted thi s challenging role for a career mind ed profeSS io nal with a strong interes t in System s Deve lopment. Th e rol e re quir e s a sp e c ialisation in Logi s ti cs co mbin ed with s o und Project Management and I.T. background . Major Respo nsibilities will in clude: • The devel opment and imple mentatio n of processes, procedures and ins tructions. • Manage m ent of ac t iv ities assoc iated with t he e nh a n ce m e nt a nd s u p po rt o f a ll Sys tem s. • Lia iso n wit h use rs an d o t he r BAs t o de ve lo p Syste m s req uir e ment specificat ions. The disposal of a myriad of Welfare Fund and Canteen assets from HMAS NIRJMBA has finally been completed, with a wide distribution across ADF units and Na val ships. • Ev a lu a ti o n a nd im p l e m e ntation of packaged software. A large number of assets were distributed free to shi ps and es tab l is hm e nt s wit h sales of misce llaneous items r.Jising over $20.000. First club to di sband was the Hor se C lub in early The ro l e d e m an d s we ll d eve lo p e d in t erpe rsonal salary, st ro ng l eade rshi p q ualiti es and a customer foc used approach . 1993. After advert is ing in Ihe local papers and Navy News fou r ho rs es were sol d 10 ·Ioca l fa m i li es in the Blue ·Mountains. During 1993 nearl y 1400 asse t s we re d is posed of thro ugh wide ad ve rtis ing in th e Nava l co mmunit y and th e loc al a rea . The mo re popu lar club ite ms were distributed as fo llows: Fode n S tea m Truck: HMAS CER· BERUS; Marshall Stationary Steam Engine: Uni versity of Weste rn Sydney. Hawk esbu ry; In vic ta Locomotive : Bunda berg Steam Tramway Preservation Society; motorcycles (incl uding the David Bass Memori al bike): RAAF Wagg a ; go·ka rt s: HMAS A LBATRO SS a nd d ivin g equ ipment : HMAS CAIRNS and HMAS CRESWELL. S po rts and ex ped equipme nt (about 780 items) went to: HM A Shi ps BENDIGO, BR IS BAN E. CAN BER RA. DARWI N, GEE LONG. G ERALDTON. HOBART. JERVI S BAY. M EL BOURNE, MORESBY. NEWCASTLE, PERTH , SWAN. TOBR UK , W A RR NA M BOOl , WE STR A LI A and WOllONGONG. Lawn bowls to Harold E. Holt and Riverslone Bowling Club. The Amenities Fund subs idi sed the final cl os ure activities and the "End of An Era Ball to the tun e o f h $17,()()(). The Ball was anended by over I<XX) people and was a great success. N IRIMB A ti es. s peci al commemorative medallions, JX)n and a book entitled "The Flight of the Pelican" were sold during the functions. - The Fli g ht o f th e Pelican - is a hi story of the Sc hofields Ae rodro me a nd HMAS N IRIMBA. written by Lieutenant Commander Ron Robb. Copies of the book are now avai lable through the Naval Aviation Museum al Nowra. On closure. the Wardroom transferred over $15.000 10 the RANCCB 10 provide engraved sil verware gifts for new built s hip s and sub· mari nes, starting off with the Coll ins class. Th e clos ure of N IR · IMB A's We lfa re and No nPubli c Funds . including the Juni o r Sa il o rs' Bar and Traders' Cantee n has realised a re turn to th e Ce ntral . Canteens Fund of S I43.252 . Th is money has been earm a rked by th e C e nlral C antee ns Board for use in t he Bun ga low Pa rk N a vy Holid ay Ce ntre redevelopment project. In recog ni t io n. N I RIMB A's na me wi ll fe ature . as well as the names of the Apprentice Di visions. Ca reer be nefits incl ude, highly competitive s al a r y, o n goi n g ca ree r pros p ec t s a n d recogni t ion of comm itm ent and talent. For further inform a tion please contact MARY LUCAS on (03) 375 4100, facsimile (03) 3753684 or forward your Crv, to p,O, BOX 101, MOONEE PONDS 3039, PAYING OFF Keep up wtth the News, A lubocriplton to "Navy News" II J"'" $24 • year, A "subs" fonn oppeeno In every .c:tltlon 01 YOUR paper. Holden 's stylish CaJibra. G e n e ral Motors has brought to Australia a new, medium.priced, European sports coupe - the Holden Calibra_ Calibra is fully imported from GM's Opel company in Germ:.ITly. The coupe's strength is in the charismatic styling which emerges from modern two· duor design. combined with high performance e ngi nes. German qu,lIi ty. a nd the p r icing m ade possible by volume manufacture. Features include power windows. high security central lock ing. e lectric sunroof. airconditioning. independent rear s u~pcn s ion and anti lock brake sy:-.tcm. The C:llibm ;~ a successor to oper~ previOUSly popular Manta and MonZO! coupes. Holden are able to import Ca libra. a limited vo lume. with export c redits gained through sates of its Family]] engines. manufac tured in Victoria. and shipped pri" A German gem from Holdens automatic tran smi ssio n. ma rily to Europe for Opel Omegas, Vectras, Vauxhall Cavaliers and Carltons. The new Holden Calibra comes in one model with a choice of two. four-cylinder engine and transmission configuration s: • A 2.0 litre. 16 valve engine with double overhead camshafts and fi ve·speed manual transmiss ion . • A 2.0 litre. eight valve engine with sing le overhead camshaft a nd four -s peed Elect ronic multipOi nt fuel injection and compu terised engine management s}'l>tems allow both e ngines to reach full performance potential. and ae rOdynamics allow the cars to move quickly and quietly through the air enve10JX=. Ca libra 's DO HC engi ne puts t lOkW through a close ratio manual transm ission for maximum acceleration. Peak power cornel> at 6000 rpm, with maximum torque of 196Nm ut4.800 rpm. Some 90% of the torque is avai lable between 3 [00 and 6000 rpm fo r re s po ns ive pick-up perfonnance. 466 Chopel Rood, Bonkstown 11" 790 1234 Fax 790 0033 ··'WHA'r"MAKEsIIIIIUII.,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUlIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIUlIlfIlIll.1lf1ll1l1l1lIIII1U~ YOUNG ENDEAVOUR RESCUE us BETTERMAKES YOU =HEAL THIER ... ~ :: navy Indoor Sports (N. I.S.C.) situated just inside the main gate :: at Garden Is land in i Sydney. It boasts some of - the best fitness and recreational equipment and facilities the Navy has § Centre S involvement in the Kodak Sydney to Hobart Yacht race was exciting, challeng· ing and importantly well publicised. Her employment as the By Phillip Day minton/volleyball/indoor soccer and cricket with all the equipment for these activities provided. ever se(!n. radio relay ship brought her closer to a large yachting The N.I.S.C. is available to all se r ving naval personnel and their immedi· ole which fam ili es includes, spouses, de factos, parents and children over the age of 10 (supervised). Garden Island Access Card Applications and CommonweaJth Indemnity forms are available for people wishing to use the facility. This means you do not have to wait till your serving me mb ers gets home. You can come anyt ime, accompanied or independently. ; The facility 's hours of operation arc as follows: :: Monday-Thursday 0630- 2100 , Friday 0630·1900 and Sa turday -Sunday 1000-1600. The N.l.S.C. is sure to have something for everyone whether it is for fitness or for fun. You will not be disappointed. commun it y and enabled a RA N sa il training ship to perform in the arena of one of Australia's premier sport ~ iog events at a time when perceived dangers dre w attention nation wide. The event was not without its controversy and most will remember the 1993 race for the number of retirements. sinking. dismasting, hull damage and a miraculous escape from death by a manover-board. YOUNG ENDEAVOUR's involvement will be remem- = bered for the relentlessness and the assurance she provided a dishevelled fleet. Already plans are underway for the 1994 event. the 50th anniversary of the race when more than 250 entrants are expected. The CYCA is keen to see YOUNG ... The motto is true to ~ form for th e staff at the 5 ENDEAVOUR It has the latest elec· _ tronic fitness equipment including steppers, cycles, a computer row and treadmill. A versa climber, universal multi gym, hydra gym circuit training area, weight training stations and unlimited free weights provides a full range of activities. Navy intends to enter sailing teams in the invitation team racing championships and th e NSW eliminations. Both events will be conducted on Sy dn ey Harbour. The NSW eliminations will be_ held over the period April § 16·1 7 with the NITRC fol · lowing two weeks later on § May 7-8. Personnel wish- § ing to nominate for these events can contact POPT § Lang on (02 ) 362 4312 . § Nominations close on March 31. For furlher § information contact RAN- § STC on (02) 362 4312. i_ There are also Aerobics and Step Reebok classes conduc ted daily during the following times , Monday-Friday 12051250, Tuesday and Thursday 1630-1715. For those that are not too sure of the equipment or want to begin a fitness program, we also cater for you with a full fitness assessment and exercise program. Remember, it is never too late to begin a health or fitness program. For more information or a guided tour of this magnificent facility feel free to come down to the N.I.S.C. or give us a call on 359 2404 or 2405. We will be only too happy to assist you. After all, our motto is true to form, "What Makes Us Better - Makes You Healthier". = = = *** ~''''''''''''''''''''''IIJIIJIIJ''''''''''i 5 YEAR § = RENT GUARANTEE WHY NOT OWN SEVERAL BRISBANE INVESTMENT PROPERTIES YOU CAN UTILISE YOUR VALUABLE TAX DOLlARS AND SECURE NAVAL POSITION, EXAMINE AMODERN LOAN FACILITY AND WATCH YOUR FUTURE WEAlTH GROW MUCH FASTER THAN OFRDB{MSBS *** It 's intended to send a six-boat team to contest the NSW Tasar titles during the Easter long weekend on April 1-4 at Point Wol-stonc roft , Lake Macquarie. Nominations should be forwa rd ed to POPT Lang ( RANSTC) on (02) 362 4312 by COB today. Travel expenses and incidentals are the responsibility of parent ships/establishment. = There are four squash _ / racquetball courts available , a multi purpose court for netball/bad- 5 = *** 5.,,1111,•• 11....111......0 ...1111111....... , .........111111,1,..111111,1111111111:. L SAIL IN G FRIDAY TWILIGHT RACES RANSA - SYDNEY SQUADRON, Rushcutters Bay Each Friday Twilight Race - 22nd October, 93 . 18th March, 94 Race starts 1800 (outside daylight saving 1700). B.B.Q. tea on completion Yachts and Tasars welcome For berths on·board phone Janet 363 9939 or place names on crew board in the Clubhouse. ARE YOU MOVING INTERSTATE? Golfers off line off tee HMAS B U NBURY has held its inaugural golf day at the K winana golf links. The competition was strong, as could be expected. with more than two thirds of the crew participating. Tee-off was an event in itself with many players hitting their balls in every direction except down the fairway. ACROSS AUSTRALIA ONE-WAY TRAILER RENTALS • PERTH (09) 271 2177 • ADELAIDE (08) 264 3545 • MEL80URNE (03) 793 4733 • CANBERRA (06) 282 4686 • SYDNEY (02) 798 3444' BRISBANE (07) 277 7168 • ALBURY·WODONGA (060) 24 2219 CANBERRA IAN McNAMEE & PARTNERS PTY LTO are centrally located with offices in both Canberra and Queanbeyan to cater for all your REAL ESTATE needs . RENTING , BUYING , SELLING , we specialise in quality family homes. Please contact our experienced staff. Organising your move into or out of CANB ERRA will be our pleasure. RING SUE NANO NOW ON (06) 282 4922 (BH) IAN McNAMEE &PARTNERS PTY LTD Lic. Agenls 67 TOWNSHEND ST. PH (06) 282 4922 PHILLIP ACT But as the afternoon wore on performances improved and the nine holes were completed in just over two hours. Special thanks go to PONPC Dave Devlin for organising the day; unfonunately he was not one of the recipients of a trophy at the official presentations. Winners were: The Don Bradman Award (most s trokes) - LSRO Scott Lockhart (94). The Best Team Award (two players) - CPOMTP Arty Boyd (44), ABSN Tony McCabe (52). The Best Individual Player CPOMTP Arty Boyd (44). The Best Individual Player ( runn er-up) - LSMTP Shaun Smith (52) (won on a countback). ABOVE: The HMAS BUNBURY inaugural golf day trophy winners: LSRO Scott Lockhart, ABSN McCabe, CPOMTR Arty Boyd and SLMTP Shaun Smith. _ _ __ __ _ _' -_ _- ' Take advantage of YOUR facilities at excellent Beach Resorts - Up to 40% discount Preference will be given to first time users 01 the Holiday Centles Fit! In ap· plication form below lor the Centre of your chOice and enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope Bookings are normally ~ccepted up to nine months ~head excep1 for school hOlidays which are three months ahead (In willing only) . • Rellred RAN personnel (20 years or penSionable service time) are eligible lor full Service discounls at ali Hohaay Centres Write to Stall Officer (Suppon and Facilltlesl . Naval Suppon Command HeadQuaners. POBox 706. Oar· Irnghursl. NSW 2010 to ob1arn your discount card Phone 1021 266·21)26 BURRILL LAKE (26 COHages, Caravan & Tent Sites) Consists of 21 acres fronting Ihe lake _ Excellent faCilities for swimming. fishing. boating and beach walking Caravan & Tent Sites {from October 1. 92) Shoulder Season: (see below) Caravan Site 8. 2 persons $13.50 per day ~ S87 week. Unpowered Tent Site 8. 2 pers. $10,50 per day - $66 week Powered Tent Site & 2 pers. 512.50 per day - $79 week EXIra pers: Adult 54 , Child 53. Extra car $3 per day. $4.00 per day surcharge applies between December 21 and January 31 and Easter holidays . Permanent Van sites: Annual charge plus 2 persons SI .675: Children 5B5: Extra car/day $3: Boat storage $3 per week. Mini Gall adults 55. child S3 Tennis, tenants $3 (non tenants 56) . Caravan and Tent sites: CiVilian tarift less 40% Private Vans Permanent on site: CIVilian tariff less 20% . Cottages - Service (family rate) from December 01. 92 First 2 days (535 per day) thence 525 per day Weekly [peak) 5220 - Shoulder 5170 - Economy S150 Extra pers Service 52. Civilian S5 . Nil extra child Surcharge 57 per day for major school and public holidays Cottages - Civilian (family rate) Peak Season: Weekly 5525. Dally $75 Shoulder Season: Weekly $340. Daily mid week 548 . Daily weekend $56 . Economy Season: Weekly $255, Dally mid week 535 Daily. weekend 556 Peak Season is Dec 25 - Jan 31 (Easter and Oct LJwkend rncl) Shoulder Seasons are Feb 01 - End Autumn School HOIS (excl Easter LJwkend) and Stan Spring School Hols • Dec 24 (excl Oct Uwkend) Economy Season - days other than Peak or Shoulder Seasons HOLIDAY IN NEW ZEALAND Reciprocal arrangements are available for RAN servmg members and their dependants to use the RNZN holiday centres at Paihia and Mounl MaungarlUi. Details and applicaltOn forms are available from Personal Services Offices AMBLIN CARAVAN P AR K Consists olIO New Conages. 8 Park Home Vans . 4 On· Site Caravans and 130 Camprng sites situated In 9 acres 01 beautiful shaded parkland Fronts directly onlo the safe beach and clear wat ers of GeographiC Bay _Central to South West tourist spots and all sponing faCIlities SERVICE PERSONNEl SmonaIDoIiI,Ro1I! WedJy,s!lsDnoll Rat! !IfF OM !IFF ON MD~e rnCotliges 2~~e Pm Home YaM .l.nne1 2P!op1t 6bertllfrarltlin IllS Vans 1- Ann!1 2P~I! 1- CIVIUMS WeekJ,hrill OFF ON '519" 516 5m SlSIl 5115 S300 51l 5102 $132 $1;] 51. 514 5" SI5 51~ S125 51 75 Additional persons 52 dally In all on-Site accommodation On-season dates - 01 October 93 - 02 May 94 Off-season dates - 02 May 93 - 29 September 94 Tanf1 on application Write to: Alan & Audry Jorgenson (Ex CPOpn Bungalow Park.. BURRILL LAKE. NSW 2539 TELEPHONE : (044) 551621 WRITE TO: Frank & Judy Frimston (Ex WOMTP) Amblin Caravan Park, P.O. Box 232, Busselton, WA 6280 TELEPHONE : (097) 55 4079 FORSTER GARDENS At1ordable. goOd holidays In the bea~trtut Foster T~ncurry are~ rn lhe north 01 NSW Plenty 01 faCilitieS avaltable Weekly tonnrQhtly bookrngs etc take on a Saturday to SaMday basrs Shan term boo*mgs may be available at shon nO/Ice Weekly Tarifls All NSW School Hohdars ~ 2ie~~~a(~epr _Aprrl! Service Persoonel Civilians '''' 5215 '''' '''' S265 5155 . Otl·Peak Sl!ason (May·Aug ) 5270 5t55 Short Term Tariffs Overnrghr Each addltronat Otghl PubliC Holidays ILong Weekends (3 n:ghIS! Bed linen Hrrl! _ 55 per person per week ,.,'" '''' For boo/dfl9s1anqui'ia~ cont.ct Jan & Shaila Mclaughlin (Ex CPOWTR) - Forster G.rdeoI PO BOll 20. ForSle<, HSW 2428 ,/0 '" $250 APPLICATI O N FORM The Manager Please book me a Period Ir Second choice Ir Name No Adults 0 Conage 0 On,slte Van 0 Van site to . to Rnk/TiUe . No. Children Address H • TELEPHONE: (065) 54 6027 Phone . NAVY NEWS, March 11, 1994 (53) 13 SUBSCRIPTION FORM HOME-POSTING Cheq ues. etc .. 10 be made payable (0: Editorial Comminee Navy News, Locked Bag 12, Pyrmo", 2009. Australia Ltd ........- Enclosed please find $24 (Australian currency) to cover 12 months subscription and posting for -Navy News" within Australia (Air Mail and overseas postage rates are extra). Red Anchor Tailoring Co. FOR ALL UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS HecxJ OffICe: USE BLOCK LETTERS place cross in applicable square D Renewal BlO'lCh Off"",· Shq:> 7. Potts Perll Plazo 91 ·93 fv1ocIeoy SI. Potts PorI!. NSW 2011 """" 102) 358 1518", 102) 358 4197 fa>< 102) 357 4638 Shcp 7, &rvCI-( Village Kenl Sheet, RCd(lrg"lo'n WA 6168 """", ICI1) 527 7522 Far (09) 5Q2 2Cb5 HMAS CERBERUS. Wesfem Port Vic. 3920. TeJeP1<;ne: ((59) 83 7184 &. fv1oy's Corner Store - Cairns Phone (070) 53 1369 USED -'T ANY OF OUR OUTLETS · NA VY NEWS is published fO( lhe infoonation and entefUJinment of members of the Navy and /heir families. The malerial published is selecled for lIS Interesl and Ihe views expressed therein are flQl necessa rily those of the Depl of Defence (NA VY). Financial support is provided by the RA N Cenlral Canteen Fund, paid advertisemenlS and subscnpt/Otls. Editorial staff and office accommodation are provided by the Department. Aussies~~~~~~·,~~~J!~J+·~~·~ retain cricket trophy Address change Byrne-Sears cr icket trophy after an exciting dra w again s t New Zea land Co mbin ed Serv ices in Melbourne. D New subSCription NAME _______________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________ (New addressees s hould include the old address). Chapman, Connolly Fun Run winners T he 1994 Sy dney Area Nal'y Fun Run in Centen nia l Park has been won by LCDR Bob Chapman a nd LS Rita Connolly. With the restructuring of the mce from the Cross Country C hampio nships to the Navy Fun Run the event has become more appealing to novice runner/walke rs and attracted a larger turnout than in previous years. The course. a lt hough diffe re nt from its initial ro ute. provided partic ipants with a c ho ice of activi ties with me n competing a 8.6km run. women a 5km run and fo r the acti ve power walker 3.6 km stroll/walk in the park . With litt le breeze and the merc ury cl imbing to th e h ig h twe nties t he 6 3 c ompe t itors e njoyed the ir run/walk around pict uresque Cente nn ial Park. LCDR Chapman led from stan 10 fi nish for a convinci ng win from A D I runne rs Ga ry Lynn and Angel Luis in a fie ld of 38. The c rew from HMAS RUS HCUTTER ran as a team at the pace of the slowest runne r to fin ish over the line togethe r. We ll done boys. A us tra li an C o mbin ed Se r vices has reta in ed the The Kiwi la ilc ndcrs held o ut spirited Aussic bowling in the fi na l fo ur overs. As ho lders, A us lra li a retained the tro phy. The wicket was slow and inconsis te nt a!'! A u .~ lr alia strugg led to be a ll o ut for 138 o n the ope ning day Navy\ ou tstandi ng opene r R9<1 Thie l again c hief contributor wi th 39. T he Kiwis too k a f irs t inn ings lead, replying with 175. Navy's J o hn Wasse ll (3138) a nd li ve ly S han e Hattersley (unlucky 10 ha ve j ust the one w icket) worked tirclcs!'!ly. The Na vy o pe ne rs T hie l ;m d N ick Kn ig ht the n se t ;Iboul wiping o ul the de fi c it and sett ing a target for their bow lers. N ic k. a Sy dn ey t h ird g rade r w ith S t Geo rge. at last recognised his potentia l at the Se rvices level. He scored a mo!'!t impress i ve 88 in th e condit io ns and !'! teered A ustra lia to a total of 199. The Kiwis were never a threat aga inst the Army pair of Sam Dunsto nc (6130) and Trevor Be nn etts ( three wi cke ts) - aided by o ft e n brill iant fi e lding - a nd were 9-96 ;I t stumps. The [995 na ti o nal interS er vice ca rn i va l will be he ld a l HM AS A LB ATROSS from Fe brua ry 6[0. Th e fo ll ow in g wee k a n Au s tra [ian Co m b i ned Ser" ice!'! side will unde rtake a week-long tour of matche!'! again:-.t th e NSWCA at the Sydney Cricket Ground. the Primary X I a t Wyong, the NSW Aborigines X I at Banbtown. the Mike Whitney X I at Bradman 0,,;11 Bowral and an ACT X I at M anu]...a. D In the women'). event LSETC Connolly too !'!trong at the finish to hold off chal· lenge!'! from LEUT Narbutas and LEUT Roman-Jone:. in a field of 12. wa.~ PO f-YT Wal ker was in a class of his own in the power walk :.ett ing a blisteri ng pace 10 fi nish over six minutes ahead of his nearest rival. The b;lrbccue and re freshments were much appreci ated nt the fin ish by nil competitors and it to pped off a successful dny. Fi na l pl ati ngs - men's 8.6km run : LCDR Chapman (NSC) 28.55 min I , Ga ry Lyn n (AD!) 29.1 6 min 2. Angle Lu is (A DI ), 30.15 min 3. Wome n's 5 k m run: LS ETC Connolly (M HQ) 2 1.44 mi n I. LEUT Narbutas (M HQ ) 22.0 1 mi n 2. LEUT Roman-Jones (KUTTA BUL) 22.18 min 3. Men's power walk : POPT Wal ke r ( PENGUIN) 21.46 min I. Wome n':. power wa lk: AB DE N Arnolli (ALBATROSS) 28.40 min I . The HMAS A LBA l'HOSS No l leam - inaugural winners of Ihe Sydn ey Area Beach Volleyball competition. INAUGURAL WINNERS The HMAS ALBATROSS No l team has beaten 29 other teams to win the inaugural Sydney Area Beach Volleyball competition on Bondi Beach_ So me [50 parti c ipan ts fro m the S ydn ey area and the So uth Coast e mphasised the po pularit y of the new acti vity. In brill ia nt sunshine, the co mp e tit ion beg an wi th so me s k ilfu l vo ll eyball being pl ayed. As the day wore on the standard improved. In between games p la yer~ cooled off in the :-.urf with a :-.wim and some even managed to catch a wave on their surfboard:-.. Six teen gamcs were conte!<lted in round one to determine those ..... ith the talent to il-lAT HAIR, f<ESroRER'S A DUD \ GRAMMe 14 (54) NAVY NEWS, March 11 , 1994 reach the major a nd mino r fin:!!. Four courts were needed to ge t t hro ug h th e e arly g'Ulh.'!S .\IId when the quarter fin a ls c omm e nce d t hose teams elimin:!tcd during the ro un ds e nte re d int o c ha llenge ma tches against each other. HMAS AL BATROSS (I) were a lwa ys go ing to be hard 10 beat with easy wins in the quarler and semi finah. ALBATROSS showed their cla:-.:. in the final of the cup ;11 the expense of HMAS PLATYPUS. win- ning 2-0. In the conso lat io n fin a l A LB ATR OSS ( II ) wa s de feated by the determ ined KUTTA BUL (N PC) team. Althoug h the firs t match wa s e venl y c onte s te d . KUTTAB UL mn away wi nne rs in th e second win 2-0. A g reat day was had a ll who alle nded Ihe "" 0.1"'- ; tition. T he s un . s urf and. se t the scene fo r an venue at which some Navy's most e,n:~;,,~~n~~~ ~ a nd agg ressive was played. YAIR 1't WELL I St1LL£D S;OME CN MY COMB YESTERDAY ",,~i!? - ~aftlf""'m;F _ ;:;;: DARWIN starts leg three o/th e/amous Whitbread Yacht Race. Whitbread underway with DARWIN bang HMAS DA RWIN entered the WA community with a "bang" in J an ua ry as t he pla tfo rm for the start of leg th ree of the Whitbread Round The Wor ld Yacht Race. Having only been homeported in WA the month prior. DA RW IN was chosen to start the prestigio us event in conjunc t io n with the Frcmantle Yacht Club. The Premier of W A. Mr Ric hard Court, started Ihe mce by nag. accompani ed by the firing of a salu ting gun on 02 deck. DARW IN p rovided the perfect backdrop for the scene wh ich was enjoyed by h und reds of people ashore and in various suppon craft as well as the 150 VIPs and guests who were embarked o nboard the ship fo r the ceremo ny. T he eve nt no t o nl y a llowed DA RW IN to s how he r nag to the peo ple of W A but a lso e nabl ed the ship's company and its fami lies to become part of the community to which il now belongs. JU MON WEDS TUES - LI THURS FRI .... n._ PrKtoc.e '" Post· Sd>ooI Opt.oo>m lor NSW "'--PocifM; ,-~ )'OIJr"C 1\e4e&", of '!'""", CIOM Suwortod 0t1 F"" iies - A St.l1I<tiuI Sene\ cNbiI""" WI\h S)'Ih't(NSW) <i<aboI1ty. D'iP £:mpIorment" ASS 4 S 6 "7 '''''''<N'Wl MON 0-._ 8 9 Iotro6Jction of . . C.... W~ lorptOf)le people '-"'Ih. EOJuticn ond SUN 11«;:- s.mIord I'1omcnII Le<1<n ""'CI eo..~~ 'F.........,s Towards 2000'. The --.. ~ ofCw.1th "-' ~ SAT I ThIs rnontl'l: AUGUST I 2 3 TUES -(~ 2 I WEDS 4 14 IS 18 19 Abori" 8 9 10 II 16 17 IS 16 12 = .;~ 17 18 13 14 26 220-;., Show 23 24 22 2J 29 31 29 30 D., -"'" 28 27 II - , • - r ;v.,J I{ 12- 17th~ 30 19 20 ,- 1 3 ("'" D. , 26 - 2S 24 6 12 13 .eo"" ~""""" ' 8 ~:;;:;-,;:: 9 7 10 .J I ::;;.-,e:; IS ;.~';;;';::: 16 14 " OW) II -- 17 18 = 15th -~ Rod"D: , ....~', "'~ .oo.m'/ I <N'Wl 27 28 Worid5..m-r.ilon TdeYIsion aM <l>iknn. ......,.".., 19 20 21 22 ,-' 23 21 2S 5.-~ " r:p ,-------N-O -V-E-M -B-E-R~ l~~ ,~~ ~ OCTOBER WEDS FRI THUR5 ~ mon\II: N:J:N. NlbOnII C""em" SAT I '...... ............ SUN Intemlt.Oonal D~f brtMEldttty MON TUES 2 I n. ...... WEDS THURS M~ 2 FRI 3 4 10 I, SAT SU N MON WEDS TUES S 6 12 13 5 6 27 19 20 FRI THURS I 0., SUN SAT 2 ~:>eollnd repon. on SlIl~ 01 COI"rY\"OJI'I<\!e', 8n\b (QLD) I ;:~~ In - 8thOc\Ro"..a I'enh Sh:>w rNA) 3(NSW~~ 4 5 6 7 8 9 ~1h - 8th l.lo.n:enonShow ~"') II 10 5 21 \ TUE5 MON 2 SU N SAT oIS)'dney(NSW) ~ . <~ : FRI F....... s..fetyW~ I6thJoAyNSWfltl'llyThenpy~1iM ~e.Uni ~fr : THURS """""', 17·n M<~ Citllt'''I W''':' (QLD) l ist - llrd Oarwio'\ 25 WEDS I & lsl&nder Day 0r.I1~ Committee) 21 20 TUES w~ 10 ltIh NMnII~ WomttA'I """"""'" ~'" S. (VIC) NAlDOC W~ (Ni.~ MON 7 6 S SU N ""'-".""," :="Vya:,~-.z::~~ (NSW) 13 SAT ~ Ewnomiu Awl oi NSW. ---0 ::;,7'f ~~ ~~ FwniIy. Theft is No O\tIerWI(. ~ 11~~ 12 FRI T HURS 3 SEPTEMBER 12 13 NouanoI C~ ·~ Ones Iftd tho 7 ~"" 8 9 - w ... _ 14 IS 16 21 22 29 14 15 2J 21 22 30 28 29 0., 16 Do, - -~ - 7 8 9 10 II -cc7 17 F....,._ ,t.M~. ~(\'IC} 17 ~~"'" Diy lor the 18 """'- 19 I....k · nl>d HobMt SIlo", (TAS) O(Po-~1 20 Hobl<'I Show 0., '-'" lA, 25 26~ 27 .. "-''''''''-' 11\h - )1...,0c\ 4lll NilOO'I.Il f"""'tllw C""~t. t- Courd of~"" (SA) 28 A swmla!I ~ Carorc" f..-.s: ~fQrpenct\S"""o"'oIdo!< ... N lledtsabilil,,"' A8S :-~~~~~~~~~ To facilitate the services and civilian involvement in the International Year of the Family, the following project officers have been appointed: AA_ ~~_ I (SA) 16I:h0c\~of'foo;l.-""F...-.IoeI - hvdIOdcl·. SERVICE PROJECT OFFICERS It-Col John Tracey CMDR Helen Marks MaJ Rob Sullivan 30 'I'~~~u\\JI"II'.NI\lQI\II ~ OI\ Int~~,.t.,unSoc fOl' ~ '4> .. Il\h Oc\ RelNw of 'Foo.4 01\ F¥riIoes _ A Uld . 2"" Oc\ ~ CJooIInn's WfIfIt. Sll ttfticll SeriH. ~ a Hou\Ir>c' A.BS Il1!I - 2lnd Oct s.rior'l WfIfIt. (SI\j 141ll _ lOth Ott ~I ww. rNA) HQ ADF Navy Army """':':, 16th - 23rd NatJOntJ MenuI HNlth Week 16th - 2)rd NlIIoNI c-n' Week 24 2S Telephone (06) 266 8680 (06) 265 3244 (06) 265 3903 Fax (06) 266 9079 (06) 265 1341 (06) 265 1144 ~~~ ~~~ School «II T ..... D __ ACT Mon IOOct _ Fn 16 De<: WA NSW MonIOOct - FriI6Dec NT MonIOOct VIC SA Man) Oct - Fri n Oe<. Man 17 Oct - Fn 2l Dec OLD Moo 1 Oct - Wed 14 0..: For~on: ~ and lM l'hInnIceuticii Mon 17Oct - Wedll De<: Benefits xheme: PBSIMedi<.~ Information ~ne (008) 02061 3. For information about DSS ~ymtntI iI"Id ~~ yJ 500:111 SeoJrity T~~ OIl 132468. Fn1 6De<: For inrotm.ltion on I~ Olhe<" th.n EngIM <all Multilioguil TeIept.ooe InformatlOO OIl 131 102 Soc'''__ ~ ci ls Cin be from an~ in AurtraI~ for ~ tort of I Iocll <aiL :tt ttht -t:>~)~~~~<!-~ ~ ~ 10 NltioNI Co-otdiNlI"II Commonei!: Oftio::~ of lYF Phone: (06) 289 3151 fax: (06) 189 1369 COfTrnOI"I"WeIIIh ~ of Hurrv.n SeMc~ ¥od Heillh 1'0 BoK 666 Woden ACf 2606 In launching the ADF's participation in th e International Year of the Family, the i\'linister for Defence Science and Personnel, Senator John Fau lkn er, announced some of the ADF 's initiatives for the IYF. How IYF happened The Project Officer IYf. LTCOL Jo hn Tracey. e xplains fo r "Navy News" the background to some of the inil iatives. The Defence Fo rce Personnel Policy Commiuee dec ided in July 1993 on Defe nce's in volveme nl in lYF. It decided o n Ihe appo intme nt of a project o ffi cer in HQADF to coordina te the act ivity and projec t office rs within each Service Office. The DFPPC wished that the ADF initiati ves should produce tangible res ults in achie ving improved suppOrt to fam ilies. Internati ona l Year of th e Famil v was officiallv launched in the pJenar~' session ' of the United Na tions Genera l Assembly on December 7, 1993, In a statement made during the launch, Pedro Catarino. Po rtuguese Ambassador 10 United Nations, said a ba sic aim of the year would be " to promote the widest possi ble protec tion a nd ass ista nce to famil ies in all it s diverse fomls. as the unit of society". An Australian IYF presentatio n kit was made available to all United Nations delegat ions. and included a state ment on Austra lia 's s uppOrt of the Interna ti o na l Year of the Family. The statement emphasised Federal Government support for the Year and the International Year of the Family. Family Skills Training Lik e th e re st o f th e Au s trali an c ommunit y. ma ny Service fam ilies ha ve diffic ulty with their relationships and in managing their li ves. and this is often exacerbated by the additional pressures of Service life. Thi s will worsen whe n the Fami ly Allowance a nd Additional Family Allowance are adj usted in 1994. A range of famil y ski lls training would assist fami lies 10 cope bette r. It should include marriage preparation. communicati ng. budgeting and financial management. use of alcohol, conm c t resolution. domestic viole nce. parenting and coping with change, Although some of these subjects are al ready tackled in variou s a reas of Ser vice famil y concentration s. the re wou ld be benefit in de\,e lo PllJent of a coordinated train ing package. '\ . The project wi ll be imp lemented through ADFILS ' Community Development Officers. The project has been given high priority with the aim of ha ving the training pac kages de\'eloped and distributed. with training commenced by the end of 1994. * * * * * IYFEMBLEM The IYF emblem consists of a heart sheltered b)' a roof, lin ked by another heart. h symboli ses life and love in a home where one finds wartlllh. caring. sec urit y. toge thern ess. tolerance a nd acceptance. The open de sig n indicates continuit y with a hint of uncertainty, T he brushstrokes, wi th the open roof line. completes an abstract sy mbol representing the complexi ty of the fa mily, viewed as the building block of society , * * * * * Special Proj ects To pro\'ide interest a mong fam il y groups in in itiating local projects and provide concrete benefits at the local len~L it is proposed tha t a significam sum of mo ney be made available for IYF projects proposed by famil y groups for implementation in the last half of 1994. These projectS will not duplicate the Famil y S upport Funding Program and separ.ue g uide lines and procedures will be develo ped. It is en\·isaged that Community Deve lopme nt Officers wou ld be im'o h'ed in assisting famil y g roup!> in developing proposals. Emergency Housekeeper Na,\'y has e stabli s hed a very success ful e merge ncy housekeeper scheme. Army is impleme nting a s imi lar sche me and the Air Foro! is co!lsidering introducing a similar suppon scheme. which would provide unifo nnity across the three Services. Relationship Between Wo rk Place and Family Although many units a lready conduct open days. it is felt closer relatio nships could exist between the work place and fami lies. As an IYF initiative. all units are e ncouraged to open the unit to their fa milies fo r o ne open day in 199~ . In additio n to beinll! briefed o n the unit's role and the members' jobs , the ,:;milies sho uld be offered a li ght lunch/barbecue. Communications The KCGSF ad\'ises that fami lies belie\'e important inform:niou is ll()( reachiO!! them. A way to improw co~munications with families is to assist editON. of SeT"\'ice newspapers to include a rticlesJsegn~nL<Jcolumn s OIl matters of interest to families. It is intended to educate members to take their Serv ice news paper home for their families to read. Work-Based Ch ild Care ADF will haw estab li~ 10 wo n.:pl:k."'"'I! child care centre,.", lOr -U)() c hildren bv 199-1 which wi ll Iar!!.e lv meet the demand at t~ areas of large Defe~ ~ncentrJ.­ tio ns. Demand will ;:ontin ~ to be mo nitored and addittonal places and day ca re centre s es tabli s hed to mee t the demand. This initiative is a good example that the ADF is a ·caring employer" as it le3ds mo st public and pri"ate sector emrlo~crs in pN)\'idin£ wo rt -based c hild care. National Education Curriculum Tbe ADF supports the introductio n of a nationa.l educa.· tion c urric ulum and school commenceme nt age. Di$Cussions between the fl!deral and state ~o\'('mmentS ha"e st311ed on disagreements o,'e r subjt!\:"t profiles. The IYF umbrella theme of Families and the Future s ho ulJ be us ed to give mo me ntum to 3c hi e\ ing a f3\OUrabl e decision . ADFLS staff are assisting State and Te rritory bodies in pursuing this ai m. Family Medical Pass books llle health of bmilie.s is some times jeopardised wht'n posted because medical reoonJs are left behind with civili:m prn..."'1itioners. Ad"ising famili es of the mcthoJ of transferri ng medical dot'Umo:OlS could be m3de routine. Ho\\·e \·er. this proj«t aims to funher assist famili es to c:ln)' a recoN of tht'ir medkal histo ry . 16 (56) NAVY NEWS, March 11 , 1994 Minister for Defence Sciellce and Personnel, Senator John Faulkn er, talks to the kids at the opening of the Coral Sea Early Childhood Celllre ill Townsville. Th e openillg also officially munched lhe Australian Defelice Force illl'Olvemellf ill ,he If/lemaljollal Year of lhe Family. SERVICE PROJECT OFFICERS To facilitate the Services and civilian involvement in the International Year of the Family, the rOllowing project officers have been a ppointed ; HQ ADF LTCOL John Trace)' Telephone 06 266 8680 Fax 06 266 9079 Navy CMDR Helen Marks 06 265 3244 06 2651341 Army MAJ Rob Su llivan 06 265 3903 06265 1144 Airforce Mr Eryl Evans 06 265 2355 062652792 Setting the IYF national agenda The National Council for IYF has identified the following issues for discussion, consultation and action in 1994: • To recognise the di versity of familie s in Auslr.llia in te rms of their compos ition. cullUre and race and to ce le brate their central contribution to Australia's social and economic welfare and c uituml heri tage : • To ac knowledge the value of cari ng and nurturing provided by fami lies as part of the co ntributi o n made by th o se in vol ved in unpaid work in households and communities: • To strengthe n the pa rtnerships between fami lies. governmen ts. educa tio n and community sen' ices . bus iness. unio ns. religiou s o rganisations. and community groups: • To address the c ircumstances and needs of di sadvantaged famili es including famili es with unemployed breadwinners. low paid s ing le income fami lies. sole pare nt famil ies. Aborigin31 and Torres Strait Is lander fami lies. fami lies where a n-..:mber has a disability or c hro ni c illne ss. fa mil ie s o f no n- En 2: li s h spc!aking background. fami lies in rural and re mo te regions and those in depressed econo mic regio ns: • To promote polic ies which recognise and support the c hoices whic h fa milies are making in CQffibining paid work and famil y care: • To promote gende r equality issues and e:.;plore ways n-..:n and women can share more equall y in the " arious respons ibilit ies a nd ple:bures of famil " life : • To rero£!nise tho:! ri~hts of fami lies and a ll famil y men~~rs. ind~ding c hildren. young peopk and the aged: • To address the nctds o f fam ilies personal c rises. including grief and loss. troubled rela tio nShips, a lco hol a nd drug abuse and natural di sasters: and • To address the significant problems of famil y violence and abuse. including legislati ve imiatives. education and mediation. and s upport for all affected by famil y violence. Whi le a ll States and Te rritories have been encouraged to celebrate the year in the way they wish. full advantage of this globa l focus o n fami ly issues will o nl y be achieved if there is a coordinated approach. Com mittees have bee n sct up to e nsure that gove rnme nts. non -pro fit no n-gove rnmen t bodi es. comme rcia l orga nisat ion s and th e general com munity all partic ipate in identi fying issues for discussion and become acti vcly in volved in Internatio nal Year of the Family, An IYF unit w ith in the Departmen t o f Health. Housing and Commun ity Services has been established 10 plan. de vclop and implement IYF acti \' ities across Austr.ll ia. Its c urrent foc us is on planning. researc hing and consulting as widc ly as poss ibl e to make IYF a success. nati o na l co mmill ee of key A Commonwea lth departme nts has a lso bee n established. By focu sing o n the range o f polic ies and programs provided by governme nt for fami lies. this committee will endeavour 10 make famil y services more effecti ve and will ensure that information o n how people can use these sen 'ices is available. Senator Crowley IYF THEMES Themes: In declaring 1994 as th e International Year of the Fami ly the United Nations adopted the theme "Family: resources and responsibilities in a changing world ". The Federal Gove rnmen t's theme. an nounced by the Mini ster for Famil y Serv ices. Senator Crowley, is "Let's look after familie s" . The Nati on al Council for the International Year of the Fami ly is the princi pa l advisory body to the Governme nt on IYF. It has adopted the the me "Supporting the many faces of familie s". * * * * * The Prime Minister, Mr Keating has pledged his support to Aust ralian families as the key to our future. At the orricial Australian la unc h of the Internatio nal Year of the Family on December 6 last year. Mr Keating described the famil y as a "national reso urce vi tlll \0 the futu re of Ihis country". Assisting 00 keep Defence Force families informed PO Box 833, Queen Victoria Terrace, ACT 2600 Ph 257 2444 Ph 008 020031 (Canberra only) (Australia wide) Fax (06) 2669079 Typesetting & Anwork by POints & Picas Pty. Ltd , A.C. N. 002 437 925 - Dundas, NSW 2117. Phone: (02) 898 ag09. Printed on the premises of Media Press, 7 Garners Avenue , Marrickville, NSW 2204. Phone: (02) 560 3900.