UNIQUENESS THEOREMS FOR CONVOLUTIONTYPE EQUATIONS D. J. NEWMAN Of frequent appearance in the literature are those integral equations which take the form (1), below. These are commonly called convolution-type equations. (1) XF(x)- f F(t)K(x -t)dl = Gix) for x G S. J s In particular, when 5 is the whole real line we obtain the standard convolution equation. Again when 5 is the half line (0, <*>),we obtain the Wiener-Hopf equation. S= [0, l] is still another of the classical equations, known to aerodynamicists as the "lifting line equation." We will be concerned with the uniqueness question for the equation (1), but in the following special sense: We wish to determine conditions on X and the kernel function K, together with class conditions on K and P, which will insure the uniqueness of the solution of (1) for all (measurable) sets 5. For each fixed S, uniqueness is equivalent to the statement: (2) If XF(x)= f F(t)K(x - t) dt for all x G 5 then F(x) = 0. •'s Thus, if we redefine F to be 0 in the complement (3) XF = F*K iorxES, And the logical conjunction of S, (2) becomes F = 0 for x <$5 =» F = 0. of the statements (3) for all (measura- ble) sets 5 is simply: (4) If, for each x, either F(x) = 0 or XF(x) = (F*X)(x), then F(x) s 0. It is thus our task to find conditions under which (4) holds. We choose as our setting an arbitrary locally compact abelian group G with Haar measure dt. The class conditions will be Kit) EL^G), F(0GPM(G). Now let P(£) be the Fourier transform of Kit). As £ varies through the elements of G, P(£) traces out a point set in the complex plane. Received by the editors October 8, 1962 and, in revised form, October 26, 1963. 629 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see http://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 630 D. J. NEWMAN [August We call this point set Ck, and the closed convex hull of Ck we call HK. Theorem. Let K(t) have compact support. //XG#x then (4) holds. Of course, by the previous discussion, this theorem can be restated directly in terms of the original uniqueness question. This restatement can be given as follows: Theorem. Let K(t) have compact support and let \EHkFor any (measurable) set S and any function G(x), the integral equation (l) has at most one solution. We apologize for the onerous restriction to K of compact support. It is undoubtedly an unnecessary one. For G the real line, it can be relaxed to the condition that K falls off exponentially. It may even be that no growth condition whatever on K is needed! The author is simply unable to decide this question. The condition expressed in this theorem is by no means best possible, but there is a kind of converse in the case of a Hermitian kernel (i.e., one where K( —t) =K(t)*).1 This converse reads: If (4) holds, X?¿0, and G is connected, then X$Hj. For proof, note that K(i;) is continuous and real valued so that Ck is a connected real set, and that Hk=Ck or Hk=Ck^0. In either case, since Xf^O, }iEHK=^XECK=^K = foX(t)K(t) acter X(t). If this were so, the choice F(t)=X( dt for some char—t) would contra- dict (4). In other cases the actual necessary and sufficient conditions to insure (4) seem very difficult to obtain. Almost the simplest example, that of the group of the integers, already gives (interesting) trouble. If K consists of a single mass point, then our condition is necessary and sufficient. Suppose, however, that we define our kernel, K(n), as follows: K(\)= -2, K(2)= -1, K(n)=0 for all other ra, and restrict our attention to positive X. Accordingly, the condition, XEHk, becomes the condition X>3/2. It can be shown, however, that the actual necessary and sufficient condition for (4) is the condition X> y/2 ! From now on we normalize by setting X = 1 and before turning to our proof we would like to present the heuristic argument on which it is based. This heuristic argument is actually rigorous in the case of a compact G but is whimsical otherwise since we make use of the "Fourier transform" of F(t). We use z* to denote the complex conjugate of z. License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see http://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use « 1965] THEOREMS FOR CONVOLUTION-TYPEEQUATIONS We are given that F(x)[F(x) —(F*K)(x)] = 0 identically. JaF(x) [F(x) —(F*K) (x) ] dx = 0. Applying Parseval's 631 Thus theorem we ob- tain, then, JgHO*[H6 -P(Ç)£(£)] d£ = ° (where F(£) is the Fourier transform of F(t)). Hence, we conclude that unless F(%) vanishes a.e. (i.e., F(t)^0), f |*(ö \»Ê(Q di J G - = 1, (A Hol2dt J G and this shows that 1 EHrWe now turn to the somewhat intricate "truncation" process which supplies the rigor to these heuristic arguments. Proof of Theorem. We assume that the hypotheses hold, viz., that 1<$.HK,that |F| £1, and that | F\ 2= F(F*K) identically. We can express the first of these conditions number a such that (5) Re[a(l - £({))] ^ 1 by the existence of a complex for all { G G. Now let XoEG be an arbitrary point and let F be a symmetric compact set containing 0, a neighborhood of x0, and the support of K. We denote by V", as usual, the set of all Xi+x2-\- ■ ■ • + x„ with x,G V. We now define, for some «>2, a function,/, by (6) / = F in V*, / = 0 outside V». Now Vn is compact since -f- is a continuous function pact space VX VX V ■ • ■ . Hence/has compact support on the comand so, since FEL», we have (7) fELir\ Next consider the function side Vn. We claim that L1. |/| 2—f(f*K). it also vanishes Clearly this vanishes out- inside Vn~x. For let xG Vn~x, now unless K(x —t) —0 it follows that x —tE V and we conclude that tEVn, so that f(t) = F(t). Thus fGf(t)K{x-t)dt = f0F(t)K(x-t)dt for all xE F"-. Hence, for these x, \f\ 2-f(f*K) = \ F\*-F(F*K)=0 by hypothesis. If we write A= Vn— Vn~x, then, we can sum up these remarks (8) Estimating I/|2 -f(f*K) = 0 outside A. |/| 2—f(f*K) inside A is our next task. Clearly License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see http://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use in 632 D. J. NEWMAN [August f i/i»-/(ml J A I (9) F(x)¡I F(x- 0 II P(0 I dxdl. eA,¡6F,x-ÍSF» Note, however, that the conditions xG Fn_1 and ¿G F insure that x —¿GF"-2. Combining this with x —¿GF" insures that x —¿GFn - F"-2. Calling A'= F"- Vn~2, then, we may conclude that Fix)Fix - t)K(t) | dxdt i€i,¿ev,x-í6V" (10) Fix)Fix - t)K(f) | dxdt. •J >J T.CA>. xeA',x-teA' For each fixed t, however, Schwarz' f f (ID inequality | Fix)Fix-t)\dx£ »> J xeA'.l-iSA *(=A' .z—t.(=A' tells us that f I Fix)|2dx J A' and so (10) yields (i2) r r i f(x)f(x- ojt(oi dxdt^ r i k i • r i f \ .tev.z-tev» J JzeA.tev.x-teV" Jq Ja' Combining (12) with (9) now yields (13) LiV-'til'K) By virtue of (8), however, (14) II Jfa \f\2-'fif*K) Parseval's (15) <(1+/.lXl)/j'1'(13) can be written ÚM \ \F\2, where M=l+f|x|. theorem is now justified by (7), and its application I\Jgij/Kl-P) ÚM JfA' \F\2. Applying (5) to (15) allows the conclusion, (i6) and another r i/i2 g if i «i JrA' if|2, J G application of Parseval's theorem yields License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see http://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use gives 1965] THEOREMSFOR CONVOLUTION-TYPE EQUATIONS (17) f |/|2 = J fyn \F\^M\a\ 633 f |F|2. J Q J &r Finally (17) may be rewritten (18) I J yn-2 Repeated (19) |F|2^ (1 -8) I I F |2, where 5 = —¡—fJyn application M \a \ of (18) now gives f I F |2 g (1 - ô)"-1 f J yi I F |2 ^ (1 - S)n-1w(F2") J y2n (where m denotes Haar measure). We now require the following: Lemma. Let V be any compact subset of G. There exist constants c and d such that m(Vn) ^cnd, for all n. Proof. Let U be an open set containing V, such that its closure, U, is compact. Since U2 is compact and since it is covered by the totality of translates x+U, it follows that i/2CUf=0 (xi+U), for some finite collection of x¿. Hence c72CUf=0 (x,+ i7) and, by induction, UnCUj (yj-r U), where the y¡ run through all the possible choices of Xjj+Xij-r- • • • +x,n_,. Since the number of such choices is /n + d - 1\ V d )' however, we conclude that in + d - 1\ m(Vn) g m(Un) g ( Jm(U). This last expression is ^cnd for an appropriate choice of c, however, and the proof is complete. If we now combine the result of this lemma with (19) above we conclude that (20) f |F|2^(l-5)**-1cO)<i, J yi and letting n—>«>tells us that fy*\ F| 2= 0, or (21) F = 0 a.e., in V2. But, for xEV, F*K=fvtF(t)K(x-t)dt and so, by (21), F*K = 0 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see http://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 634 AZARIA PAZ [August throughout V. By hypothesis, however, | F\2 = F(F*K), and so F = 0 identically throughout V. In particular, then, F vanishes identically in a neighborhood of x0. Since x0 was arbitrary F vanishes identically and the proof is com- plete. Yeshiva University DEFINITE AND QUASIDEFINITE SETS OF STOCHASTIC MATRICES' AZARIA PAZ 1. Introduction. This note is concerned with asymptotic behaviour of long products of stochastic matrices of a given form. Its objects are: (a) To prove that a theorem stated (but not proved) by the author in a previously-published paper [2] is equivalent to one proved by Wolfowitz in [l]. (b) To formulate a decision procedure for the above preferable to that given by Wolfowitz in [l]. (c) To solve a related problem. Familiarity with the above two papers is desirable. problem, 2. Definitions. (We adopt here some of the definitions used by Wolfowitz.) A finite square matrix P = ||^,,|| is called stochastic if pa^O for all i, j and 53 jpu=l A stochastic matrix for all i. P is called indecomposable and aperiodic (S.I.A.) if Q = lim P" n—»00 exists and all rows of Q are the same. |P| and 8(P) are defined as I PI = max I PaI , d(P) = max max | phi — piti \ . i hh With every stochastic matrix P we associate a finite graph having ra states (vertices)—ra being the order of P—such that transition is Received by the editors April 26, 1964. 1 The note is based on part of the author's D.Sc thesis submitted the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, December 1963. 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