annual report.qxd - Second Harvest Heartland

2002 Annual Report
From the Executive Director
A heartfelt "thank you" goes out to all of the partners who contributed
to the success of Second Harvest Heartland during our first fiscal year,
2002. From the individuals, corporations and foundations who provided
financial support and volunteer help, to the companies, civic organizations and families that donated grocery products; from our more than 700
member agencies that directly serve those in need, to the board members
and staff who have effectively dealt with the daily realities of a newly
merged organization, thank you all for helping us fight hunger in the
Heartland. It has been an incredible year of challenges, change and
accomplishment for this organization, and it is through all your efforts
that we were able to implement a merger and still distribute over 29 million pounds of grocery products to
the agencies and individuals we serve during the 2002 fiscal year.
During the year, our overriding priority has been to keep all of our services going in all of the programs; in
other words, we needed to keep the food moving into and out of our warehouses. Meanwhile, meeting the
mandates of the merger meant unifying the organization which brought about the challenges of consolidating staffs and boards, inventories, policies, facilities and cultures. It has been a year of assessing needs, identifying functions, analyzing/developing processes, seeking efficiencies/economies, updating systems, achieving
compliance, rightsizing staffing, conducting feasibility studies, implementing controls, training and more.
The results of an in-depth feasibility study brought about a significant decision last summer, when the board
and staff determined that it would be possible to consolidate all inventory into the larger of the two existing
warehouses. By modifying the Maplewood warehouse for maximum space efficiency, numerous benefits
would be realized; most significantly, all of our agencies would have access to the entire inventory.
We have also received grants to computerize our financial, warehousing and ordering systems. These systems
will increase ordering accuracy for our agencies and reporting accuracy of our warehouse inventory. When
fully converted, we will be prepared to install an on-line agency ordering system that should become available
through America's Second Harvest by late 2003.
All of these internal improvements are being implemented with the goal of making Second Harvest Heartland
a more efficient and more effective hunger-relief organization. The current slumping economy is driving an
ever-increasing demand for our services, and donations are not keeping pace with that demand. We must continually strive as an organization to be frugal, innovative and dedicated to improving the means and methods
by which we fight hunger. We count on, and greatly appreciate your continued support of Second Harvest
With Gratitude,
R. Jane Brown
Executive Director
Second Harvest Heartland
From the Chairman of the Board
Dear Friends of Second Harvest Heartland,
Celebrate accomplishments, but we can always do better!
In December 2000 the boards of Second Harvest Heartland's predecessor
organizations voted unanimously to "move toward merger." That historic
vote signaled important leadership for strengthening hunger relief in our
communities and doing the hard work necessary to accomplish great
Celebrate accomplishments, and we are doing better!
As Second Harvest Heartland reached its first birthday on October 1, 2002 and there was much to celebrate!
Over 29 million pounds of food have been distributed in the past year through the incredible work of donors,
volunteers and a dedicated staff.
Celebrate accomplishments, but we must do even better!
There are still too many hungry people for any of us to rest on our accomplishments. The faltering economy
means that our donations are down when demand for services is up! Second Harvest Heartland will need the
expanded support of all of our partners in hunger relief if we are to meet the growing demand in our communities. With your help we will be well positioned so that the historic vote two years ago will make historic
progress in helping hungry people today, and in the years to come.
Michael P. Griffin
Chair, Board of Directors
2002 Board of Directors
Michael Griffin (Chair)
St. Thomas the Apostle
Grant Wacker (Vice Chair)
Wells Fargo Bank - Trust Dept.
Mary Pat Raimondi (Secretary)
The Milestone Group
Margaret Murphy (Treasurer)
United Healthcare
Dale Anderson
Community Volunteer
Mike Banks
Ramsey County Human Services
Bonnie Bassett
Land O'Lakes
Maureen Hooley Bausch
Mall of America
Jeff Bradley
General Mills
Marian Briggs
Padilla, Speer, Beardsley
Cathy Cruz Gooch
Catalina Specialty Foods, Inc.
Jerry Guevara
Hispanos en Minnesota
Pat Kerrigan
Youth Farm and Market Project
Taslima Khaled
Metropolitan State University
Bill Miller
Community Volunteer
Tom Schurig
General Mills
Doug Stansbury
Meridian Marketing Group
Debbie VonFelden
SuperValu, Inc.
John Williams
Community Volunteer
LiCho Xenexai
Saint Paul Pioneer Press
Second Harvest Heartland
About Second Harvest Heartland
Second Harvest Heartland’s mission is to fight
hunger through community partnerships.
Second Harvest Heartland is the Upper Midwest’s
largest non-profit hunger-relief organization. We
collect food and personal care products and distribute them through a variety of innovative programs. Reaching beyond the trucks, warehouses
and food safety systems, Second Harvest
Heartland serves the community by helping our
neighbors in times of trouble. Our programs support needy children, expectant mothers and seniors. They rescue nutritious food from being
dumped into landfills. And our programs create
new opportunities for people who have none.
The people we serve include the working family,
single parent households, the elderly and disabled.
According to "Hunger in America 2001", a nationwide survey by America's Second Harvest, 78% of
the households we serve are either working, retired
or have someone with a disability in the household.
Second Harvest Heartland supports more than
700 human service agencies throughout 61 counties in central and southwestern Minnesota and
western Wisconsin. Our agencies include food
shelves, homeless shelters, on-site meal programs,
childcare centers, group homes, after-school programs, battered women's shelters and senior programs. By soliciting, warehousing and distributing
donations of all sizes from corporations, distributors and individuals, Second Harvest Heartland
can provide a variety of nutritious and culturally
specific food to fight hunger.
Second Harvest Heartland unveils our new look!
Staff and board members have been diligently working with
a team from the Yamomoto Moss design firm, and are now
proud to present the new logo for Second Harvest
Heartland. The creation of our new identity is a product of
a thorough process that incorporates the organization's mission, strengths and goals into a simple, elegant and descriptive graphic. Along with the logo, new marketing materials will also be designed as part of the Community Building
Program grant that provides our organization up to
$100,000 in pro bono services from Yamamoto Moss. The
new logo will soon be incorporated into all the venues
which currently display the Second Harvest Heartland
Second Harvest Heartland
Financial Statements
Second Harvest Heartland
Financial Statements
Statement of Financial Position
As of September 30, 2002
Current Assets:
Cash and cash equivalent
Accounts Receivable
Inventory in Kind
Other Current Assets
Total Current Assets
Land, building, and
equipment, net of
accumulated depreciation
Other Assets
Total Assets
Current Liabilities:
Accounts payable
Current maturities of
long-term debt
Fiscal agent payable
Accrued expenses
Total Current Liabilities
Long Term Debt,
net of current portion
Total Liabilities
Net assets:
Food Bank
Temporarily restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities & Net Assets
Statement of Activities and Change in Net Assets
For the Period 10/1/01-9
$ 1,292,224
$ 6,898,136
$ 108,527
$ 6,898,136
Financial Information for the Fiscal Year
10/1/01-9/30/02. Complete audited
financial reports are available upon request.
Donation dollars work hard at Second
Harvest Hearltland! Over 95% of our
budget is applied directly to program
expense, with just 3.3% allocated to general and administrative expense, and only
1.1% going toward fundraising.
continually strive to be the most effective
stewards of our donor’s contributions.
Unrestricted Support & Revenue:
Food Donations - In Kind
Unrestricted Support & Revenue
Total Revenue & Support
Food Distribution - In Kind
Operating Expenses
Total Expenses (Support - $2,078,006
Program - $44,571,955)
Change in Net Assets:
Increase (decrease) from:
Operational activity
Food bank inventory adjustment
Total change in net assets
$ 39,761,913
$ 46,649,961
Major Program Activity (October 1, 2001-September 30, 2002)
Food Bank
Twelve Baskets
Product Recovery Center
Kitchen of Opportunity
Child Hunger
Distributed (lbs)
Second Harvest Heartland meets the standards of the
Charities Review Council. Meeting standards does not
imply any endorsement or approval by the Council.
Program Expense, 95.6%
General & Administrative Expense, 3.3%
Fundraising Expense, 1.1%
Second Harvest Heartland
The Food Bank and Our Programs
Second Harvest Heartland fights hunger in many
ways. The Food Bank forms the foundation of our
food distribution system and supports the additional
programs we operate.
In order to facilitate nutritionally balanced diets, the
Food Bank also places a special emphasis on receiving and distributing fresh produce. Fruits and vegetables are received from wholesalers, distributors and
farmers. This highly nutritious food is provided to
member agencies or distributed directly to lowincome recipients through neighborhood community
partners. In 2002, nearly 4 million pounds of fresh
fruits and vegetables were distributed.
The Food Bank
Approximately 80% of the more than 29 million
pounds of grocery products distributed by Second
Harvest Heartland in the fiscal year 2002 were distributed through the Food Bank. This core program of
Second Harvest Heartland is a clearinghouse for dry,
refrigerated and frozen foods, personal care items and Purchase Program
other non-food products. Food Bank staff solicit Second Harvest Heartland buys grocery products at
large volume donations from the food industry, in reduced prices through the purchase program, and
addition to receiving food drive products from organ- offers these products to member agencies at low cost.
izations and the general public. The Food Bank is The grocery products we purchase are highly desired
also allocated various and USDA commodities. The by our agencies, but are not donated in the quantity
Food Bank warehouses
both donated and purneeded
fulfill the
In 2002 Second Harvest Heartland
chased product for timely
distributed more than 29 million
distribution to our over
pounds of food to 162 food shelves
700 member agencies.
Second Harvest Heartland
and 550 other agencies.
provides delivery service
Currently, Second
to our member agencies throughout a 61-county Harvest Heartland supplies food to more than 125
service area. Agencies can also pick up their orders at agencies that feed children. Based on a partnership
our St. Paul warehouse and Minneapolis Service between America's Second Harvest and ConAgra,
Second Harvest sponsors a program known as Kids
Product Recovery
Volunteers in this program sort miscellaneous donations received from food drives and food distributors,
and process grocery products that are categorized as
unsuitable for retail distribution. They inspect each
item, ensure it is fit for use by our agencies, and sort
them into various categories. Finished products are
then added to the Food Bank inventory. Volunteers
processed approximately 1.3 million pounds of grocery products in 2002.
The Repack program handles donated food that is
not ready for distribution. Often cereal, rice or pasta
products are donated in bulk containers, and canned
products are donated without labels. Second Harvest
Heartland volunteers label and repackage bulk product into sizes suited for individual use.
Second Harvest Heartland
Cafe at six agencies in the Twin Cities. At these
sites, children prepare and eat family-style meals in a
safe, nurturing environment that also provides nutrition education, academic assistance and recreational
CACFP After School Snack Program
The CACFP snack program is a federally funded
after-school child nutrition program. Second Harvest
Heartland provides USDA-approved snacks to agencies to serve to children after the end of the school
day. The agencies then receive federal reimbursement
from the MN Department of Children, Families and
Learning for the snacks they serve. The agencies must
also provide organized, structured and supervised
enrichment or educational programming to be eligible for the CACFP.
The Mothers and Children and Nutrition Assistance
Program for Seniors (MAC/NAPS) provides monthly supplemental food boxes containing approximately
40 pounds of USDA commodities to income-eligible
pregnant women and children up to their sixth birthday, and seniors 60 years and older. Each month volunteers assemble 11,400 food packages, deliver food
packages to homebound individuals and assist clients
who are picking up their packages.
Twelve Baskets Food Rescue Program
This program distributes prepared and perishable
food donated primarily by the hospitality and grocery
industries. USDA approved prepared foods are
donated by hotels, restaurants and other food vendors and then distributed to social service agencies
with on-site meal programs. Twelve Baskets operates
five refrigerated trucks, receives product from more
than 200 donors and delivers the product to more
than 40 member agencies. In 2002, this program distributed over 1.2 million pounds of food.
The Kitchen of Opportunities
This program is both an innovative culinary training
program and production kitchen. The Kitchen provides basic culinary skills training to low-income individuals seeking work in the hospitality industry.
Coursework includes soft skills, financial skills (such
as personal budgeting), food safety, cooking skills and
culminates in a two-week apprenticeship. The students and staff prepare and package nutritionally balanced meals. Our member agencies can then serve
these hot meals without the expense of their own
commercial kitchen.
Second Harvest Heartland Volunteer Program
The Volunteer Services Office’s mission is to support
all of Second Harvest Heartland’s programs and
activities with volunteers. There are a variety of voluneer needs throughout the organization, including
packing MAC/NAPS boxes, sorting salvaged food
items, providing professional services and supporting
off-site fundraising and special events. The SHH
Volunteer Program supplies most of the programs
listed above with approximately 5000 hours of
service per month and is growing rapidly.
Join in the Fight Against Hunger!
Contribute Money
Monetary donations are Second Harvest Heartland's
largest source of revenue, and we depend on your financial
support to help us serve our neighbors in need. Our efficiencies and buying power enable us to distribute nine dollars worth of grocery products for each dollar donated to
Second Harvest Heartland. There are many ways to contribute money to our organization. You can become a
member of the Harvesters, our monthly giving club, or
contact your employer to set up a Matching Gift.
Corporate and organizational fund drives are a great way to
contribute. We also accept stock or planned gifts. It is safe
and easy to donate online at or for more
information contact our Director of Development, Newell
Searle, at 651-484-5117.
Donate Food and Grocery Items
The agencies we serve need nutritional, non-perishable
food items and many types of grocery products such as
shampoo, diapers and toilet paper. Corporations, church
groups, schools and other organizations conduct food
drives throughout the year to help stock our shelves. Our
warehouses accept donations in sizes ranging from grocery
sacks to semi-truckloads. Donations are accepted at both
of our warehouses in Maplewood and northeast
Minneapolis. We can also arrange for our trucks to pick up
large donations in our 61 county region. For more information on donating grocery products, see our website or
call 651-484-5117.
Give Your Time
Volunteers are essential to the Second Harvest Heartland
organization. Donations of time reduce administrative
overhead and ensure that resources go to those in need.
Each year, over 4,000 volunteers contribute nearly 30,000
hours of work. To learn more about current volunteer
opportunities, call our Director of Volunteer Services,
Tim Panchot, at 651-484-5117 or sign-up at
Raise Awareness
Learn more about hunger in our community and share the
information with your family, friends and coworkers.
Educate yourself about public policies and initiatives on
the local, state and national levels. Our website offers information on special events, local hunger facts, related websites and opportunities to fight hunger in the Heartland.
Write an editorial letter to your local newspaper in support
of a cause that combats hunger. Get involved in the fight
against hunger. You CAN make a difference.
Second Harvest Heartland
Member Agencies
Anoka County Brotherhood Council
Albany Food Shelf
Annandale Area Community Food Shelf
Becker Food Shelf
Big Lake Community Food Shelf
Big Stone Emergency Food Shelf
Braham Area Food Shelf
Brooten Belgrade Elrosa Food Shelf
Browerville Area Food Shelf
Buffalo Food Shelf
Calvary Lutheran Food Shelf
Center for Asian and Pacific Islanders
Care and Share Food Shelf
Centennial Community Food Shelf
Center of Hope Food Shelf
Christian Cupboard
Christian Food Cupboard of Hudson
Church of Christ Food Shelf
Community Action Council
Community Aid Elk River (CAER)
Community Emergency Assistance Programs,
Inc. (CEAP):
Hennepin & Anoka County Food
Community Emergency Service (CES)
Community Food Pantry
Concordia University St. Paul Food Pantry
Cottonwood County Sharing Center
CROSS Center of Benton County
Cross Food Shelf
Delano Helping Hands
Department of Indian Work
Division of Indian Work
Eden Prairie P.R.O.P
Eden Valley Food Shelf
Elim Scandia-Marine Food Shelf
Emergency Community Help Organization
Family Pathways:
Wyoming and North Branch Food
Francis Basket Food Shelf
Frederic Food Shelf
Friends for Life Food Shelf
Friends In Need Food Shelf
Groveland Food Shelf
Hallie Q. Brown
Hanover Area Emergency Food Shelf
Harvest of Friends
Hastings Family Service
Indianhead Community Action Agency
Clark County Food Pantry
Rusk County Food Pantry
Sawyer County Food Pantry
Taylor County Food Pantry
Washburn County Food Pantry
Incarnation Food Shelf
Intercongregational Community
Interfaith Outreach
Jackson County F.A.S.T.
Joyce Food Shelf
Kimball Food Shelf
LeSeuer County Food Shelf
Lifeline Food Pantry
Linwood Community Food Shelf
Little Earth Food Shelf
Long Prairie Emergency Food Pantry
Madison Community Food Shelf
Manna House
Maple Plain Community Food Shelf
McLeod Emergency Food Shelf
Meeker County Emergency Food Shelf
Melrose Area Food Shelf
Minnesota Teamsters Food Shelf
Mission Food Pantry
Montgomery Food Shelf
Monticello Emergency Food Shelf
Morrison County Food Shelf
Motley Area Food Shelf
Murray County Emergency Food Shelf
NEAR Food Shelf
Neighbor To Neighbor Food Shelves
Neighbors, Inc.
Neighbors United Resource Center
New Pathways
New Ulm Area Food Emergency
North Anoka County Emergency Food
North Pine Area Food Shelf
North St. Paul Emergency Food Shelf
Northwest Community Service Agency
Hurley Food Shelf
Open Cupboard
Pastor Paul's Mission
Paynesville Community Service Center
Peace Center, Inc.
People Responding in Social Ministry
Pierce County Department of Human
Pierz Area Food Shelf
Pilot City Emergency Food Shelf
Pine Community Food Shelf
Pipestone County Area Food Shelf
Prescott Area Food Shelf
Ralph Reeder Food Shelf
Redwood Area Family Services Food
Renville County Food Shelf
Rice Area Food Shelf
Rock County Emergency Food Shelf
Sabathani Center Food Shelf
Scott-Carver-Dakota CAP Agency, Inc.
Senior Foodshelf (Eastside Neighborhood
Sharing Korner
Sheaf, Inc.
Sibley County Foodshare Inc.
Simpson United Methodist Church Food
Somali Community of Minnesota
St. Benedict's of Avon Food Shelf
St. Croix Emergency Fund
St. Croix Falls Food Shelf
St. Louis Park Emergency Program
St. Peter Area Food Shelf
Staples Area Food Shelf
The Helping Hand Thrift Store
Tracy Area Ecumenical Food Shelf
Unity Area Food Pantry
Volunteers Enlisted to Assist People
WAFER Food Shelf
Walnut Grove Area Food Shelf
Watonwan County Food Shelf, Inc.
We Care Project
West CAP - Glenwood City Food Pantry
Western Stearns County Food Shelf
Westonka/Mound Food Shelf
White Bear Lake Emergency Food Shelf
Willmar Area Food Shelf
Wright County Community Action
Second Harvest Heartland
Emergency Meal Providers/Shelters
Ain Dah Yung Center
Anishinabe Wakaigun
Arlington House
Ascension Place
Bridge For Runaway Youth
Casa De Esperanza
Central Lutheran Church
Christ English Lutheran Church
Committee Against Domestic Abuse
Congregation Bais Menachem
Dakota Woodlands
Dwelling Place
Grace Ministries
Hennepin Ave. United Methodist Church
House of Charity
Housing Coalition of St. Cloud
Jordan New Life Community Church
Living Word Compassion Center
People Serving People
Place of Hope Ministries
Prince Of Peace Lutheran Church
Project Foundation
Project Home Family Shelter Program
Sacred Heart Church
Shiloh Baptist Church
Simpson Housing Services
Sojourner Project, Inc
St. Anne's Place
St. Bonaventure Church
St. Joan Of Arc Food Group
St. Stephen's Shelter
Time-Out Family Abuse Shelter, Inc.
Trinity Episcopal Church
True Vine Missionary Baptist Church
Tubman Family Alliance
Hill Home & Ann Pierce Home
Turning Point for Victims of Domestic and
Sexual Violence, Inc.
United Methodist Church of Anoka
Unity Temple Outreach Ministries
Wesley United Methodist Church
Women's Advocates
Wooddale Lutheran Church
Children & Family Centers
Academia Cesar Chavez
ACE Institute of Learning
Achievement Plus
Acts of St. Paul
African American Mentor Program, Inc.
After School at Peace Program
All Nations Child Church & All Nations Child
Development Center
Arts Us
Baker Community Center
Basic Needs
Bethany Lutheran Church
Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota:
East Side Club
KIDSTOP Programs
South Side Club
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Twin Cities:
East Side Unit
Jerry Gamble Kid's Cafe
Mt. Airy Unit
Southside Kid's Cafe
Voyageur Environmental Center
West Side Unit
Breaking Free
Camp Fire USA Minnesota Council
Camp Good News
Cecil Newman Resource Center
Center for Hmong Arts & Talent
Center School, Inc. Special School
District #1
Central Baptist After School Program
Century College Upward Bound
Chetek Baptist Assembly Camp
Chisago County 4H
Christian Community Outreach Center
Common Bond Advantage Centers:
Cathedral Hill Homes
Skyline Towers
Torre De San Miguel
Westminster Place
Community Partners with Youth
Como Community Child Care
Cookie Cart
Cross Sections After School Program
District Five After School Program
Faith Baptist Church
Family Means
Farm in the City
Forever Young Child Care Center
Frogtown Free and Smart
Girl Scout Council of Greater Minneapolis
Golden Eagles/Ginew
Grace Community United Church of Christ
Grace Trinity Community Church
Grindstone Lake Bible Camp
Hallie Q. Brown Kids Cafe
Hmong American Mutual Assistance
Hmong American Partnership Kids
Hmong Cultural Center
Hmong Minnesota Pacific Association, Inc.
Hmong National Organization
Homecroft Area Learning Center
Hospitality House Inc.
Indianhead Scouting
KEEY (Crown Jewel Foundation)
Kenwood Elementary School
Kids Central
Kids Dominion Preschool
Kids-N-Kare Day Care Center
Kids-R-It, Inc.
Kilowatt Community Center Kids Camp
Kinder Kare, Inc.
Lab School Kids Cafe
Lao Family Community of MN
Lao Family English School
Lauj Youth Society
Leap Forward for Children
Learning Fun House
Liberty Plaza
Lutheran Church of the Master
Maple Pond Homes After School Program
McDonough Recreation Center
Messiah's Child Care Center
Milan Community Child Care Center
Model Cities Early Childhood Development
New Directions Youth Ministry
Northside Child Development Center
Oakdale Crossing
Pathways to Progress Jackson Elementary
Peace African Community Center
Perspectives Kid's Cafe
Plymouth Christian Youth Center
Prairie Land Child Care / Headstart
Prairie Playhouse Child Care
Project for Pride in Living
Project LEAD
Project Off Streets
Project Spirit
Prosperity Recreation Center
Rainbow Child Development Center/St.
Andrew's Church
Redeemer Lutheran Church Kids Cafe
Rice Community Recreation Center
RIGHT After School Program
Rivertown Commons
Rondo Community Education
S.O.C.K./Scheffer Recreation Center
Solid Rock Bible Camp
Sounds of Hope
Southeast Asian Community Council, Inc.
Southside Family School
St. James Church/Patchwork Quilt
Sugar Plum Childcare Center
Sunnyside Elementary After School
Supervised Study & Tutor Project
Sylvan Recreation Center
Teens for Christ
The City, Inc
Thomas-Dale Block Club
Tiny Tots & Little Tykes
Trusting Neighbors
Twin Cities Housing Development Corp.
Calibur Ridge & Liberty Plaza
Two Wheel View/Trips for Kids Twin Cities
Unity Center
Upward Bound University of Wisconsin
River Falls
Urban Arts Academy
Urban Ventures Children's Programs
Washburn Child Guidance Centers
Wayman A.M.E. Church
We Care Day Care
We Win Institute
Wee Care Center
West 7th Community Center
Whispering Pines United Methodist
Church Camp
Wonder World Preschool, Inc.
Wood Lake Bible Camp
YMCA Montreal Courts & Moundsview
Community Center After School
Youth Express
Youth Farm & Market
Youth Service Community Institute (YSCI)
Loaves and Fishes
Arlington Hills Lutheran Church
Assumption Church
Bethel Lutheran Church
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Calvary Lutheran Church
Church of Maternity of BVM
Church of the Assumption
Church of the Epiphany, Episcopal
Cross of Glory Lutheran Church
Edina Covenant Church
Grace Church
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Incarnation Church
Loaves & Fishes Too
Our Lady Of Grace Catholic Church
Our Lady Of Peace
Peace Lutheran Church - Lauderdale
Pilgrim Lutheran Church
Peace Lutheran Church
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Saviour's Housing
St. Casimir Church
St. Edward's Church
St. Frances Cabrini
St. George's Episcopal Church
St. James Lutheran Church
St. John The Baptist
St. Josephs Parish
St. Lawerence Church
St. Margaret Mary
St. Paul's Episcopal
St. Richard's Church
St. Stephens Episcopal
St. Thomas the Apostle Church
United Church of Christ
University Baptist Church
Residential Care Facilities
Accessible Space: Flintwood, Magnolia &
Snelling Homes
Admiral Place
Aftercare Services
Agape House for Mothers, Inc.
Alpha Human Services
Bar-None/Voa of MN
Beachwood Home
Birchview Group Home
Bloomington House
Brown County Evaluation Center
Cabrini House
Central Minnesota Mental Health Housing
Chain of Lakes Behavioral Health Services
Christ Recovery Center I
Christ Recovery Center II
Christian Brothers Youth Home
Columbia Heights Board & Lodge
Damascus Way Re-Entry Center, Inc
Danewood Center
Eastwood Home
Eden Programs
Emma Norton Residence
Green House Recovery Center
Harding Place
Harmony House of Pierz
Hearthstone of Minnesota:
Eagan Home
Minnetonka Home
Russell Home
Somerset Home
Zenith Ave. Home
Heartland Girls' Ranch
Hiawatha Manor, Inc.
Home Once More
Homeward Bound Group Homes
Hope Haven, Inc.
House of Hope Inc.
Juel Fairbanks
Kateri Residence
Lakewood Home
Leo A Hoffmann Center:
Comfrey & St. Peter
Lyon County Group Home
McLeod Treatment Programs
Christensen House
Franklin House
Prism House
Sheppard House
Treatment Shelter
Meeker County Community Homes, Inc.
Midwest Challenge, Inc.
Minnesota Teen Challenge
Missions, Inc.
Mount Olivet Rolling Acres
Bloomington & Richfield Homes
New Hope Center
New Life Treatment Center
Nicollet Place
Northport View
Omegon, Inc.
One Hundred Eighty Degrees, Inc.
Orono Woodlands, Inc.
Parkview Center
People Inc. Anchor Home & Maghakian
Pinnacle Programs, Inc.
Pleasant Crossings
Prentice Houses, Inc.
Presbyterian Family Foundation
Willmar & Atwater Homes
Prodigal House, Inc.
Progress Valley
Rakhma, Inc.
Rebuild Academy
Restart Inc.
RS Eden
Sheriff's Youth Program:
Isanti, St. Cloud & Waverly Group
Southwest Mental Health Center Unity
St. Josephs Community Homes
St. Josephs Home For The Children
Steps of Success Homes
Swift County Homes, Inc.
Teens in Transition
The City Group
The NuWay House, Inc.
The Retreat (Community of Recovering
The Wayside House
Turning Point Golden Valley
V.K. Arrigoni, Inc.
Vineland Center
Vinland Center/Living Works
Volunteers of America of Minnesota
Wingspan Life Resources Homes
Woodland Centers St. Francis Halfway
Additional Support
Adventure Club
Alliance Apartments
Alliance of the Streets
Almost Home Shelter
Animal Ark
Animal Humane Society
Animal Relief Fund
Ascension School
Augustana Senior Dining:
Hector & Litchfield Kitchen
Believers in Christ
Bill's Pantry
Breaking Free
Canby Development Achievement Center
Caring for Cats, Inc.
Cause for Paws, Inc.
Chisago Hope Animal Rescue
Christian Brothers Retreat Center
Chrysalis, A Center for Women
Cottonwood County Developmental
Achievement Center
Deafblind Services Minnesota
East Side Neighborhood Development
Elim Baptist Church
Elim Home
Elizabeth House
Elmendorf Community
Enterprise North, Inc.
Family Service, Inc.
Feline Rescue, Inc.
Food For Life
Four Directions Family Center
Franciscan Brothers of Peace
Healthcare for the Homeless
Helping Hands
Home for Life - Animal Sanctuary of St.
Croix Valley
Hope Development Achievement Center
Hospice of Murray County
House of Faith Nursery School
Humane Society for Companion Animals
Humane Society of Burnett County, Inc.
Humane Society of Lyon County
Indianhead Community Action Agency
Fresh Start
K-9 Rescue
Kandi Works Development Achievement
Last Hope Inc.
Love Em or Leave Em Cat Shelter
Lyon County Development Achievement
Marie Sandvik Center
Meeker County Humane Society
Mental Health Resources
Minnehaha Methodist Church
Morning Star Church
Murray County Development Achievement
New Creation Bible Church
Northwoods Humane Society
NW Community Support Program
Oak Ridge Manor
Office of Indian Ministry
Open Arms of Minnesota
Park House
Pine County Guardian Angel Shelter
Pride Program
Progress, Inc.
Project Foundation
Purr-Fect Sanctuary Feline Rescue
RAP for Washington Co.
Resource Center for Fathers & Families
Ronald McDonald House
Roseville Good Samaritan Center
Rusk County Animal Shelter
San Miguel Middle School of Minneapolis
Senior Chemical Dependency Counseling
& Assistance Association
Senior Resources Southwest
Service Enterprises, Inc.
Sibley County Developmental
Achievement Center
Sisters of the Society St. Pius X, Inc.
Starland Church Community
Street Light Ministries
Swift County Developmental Acheivement
The Family Place
The Glenwood
The Jabbok Foundation
Tri-County Humane Society
Trumpeter's Mission
Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity
United Cambodian Association of
Vadnais Heights Lion's Club
West Central Industries, Inc.
Wilds of Sand Prairie
Youth With A Mission:
Minneapolis & Weyerhauser
Multi-Service Agencies
Aliveness Project
Alexandra House
Second Harvest Heartland
BEST (Basic Education Skills Training)
Catholic Charities
Branch I, II, III
Caritas Emergency Services
Dorothy Day Center
Family Service Center
Harbor Light
St. Anthony Residence
St. Cloud Children's Home
St. Elizabeth's Home
St. Michael's Home
Central Towers Limited Partnership
Centro, Inc.
Food Shelf
Siembra Program
Dream Center of St. Cloud
Jesus in the City/Christ Church
Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly
Little Sisters of the Poor
Lubavitch Yeshiva of Minnesota
Lutheran Social Services
Group Homes
Safe House
Senior Dining at Eagle Bend & Pierz
Youth Resiliency Program
Masjid An-Nur
Merriam Park Community Services
Food Shelf
Youth & Family Service
Merrick Community Services
Brown Bag Programs
Food Shelves
Kids Cafe
Mountain Lake:
After School Program
Food Shelf
Neighborhood House
Child Care Program
Food Shelf
Youth Action Program
Neighborhood Involvement Program
Phyllis Wheatley Center
Pillsbury United Communities:
Brian Coyle Community Center
E.F. Waite House
Oak Park Neighborhood Services
Pillsbury House
Plymouth Youth Center Lyndale School
Prairie Five Community Action:
Canby Food Shelf
Chippewa County Food Shelf
Senior Dining
Swift County Food Shelf
Reuben Lindh Family Services
St. Vincent De Paul
Union Gospel Mission Association of
St. Paul
Western Community Action:
Marshall Food Shelf
Senior Dining
Wilder Foundation:
Bush Memorial Children's Center
Community Assistance Program
Social Adjustment Program for
Southeast Asians
St. Croix Camps
Transitional Housing
Youth Services
Transitional Housing Program
The following are the names of a few of the people and organizations whose generosity has helped us achieve our mission. Due to space constraints
we are unable to list everyone who has brought hope to so many. With their contributions, food donations and special events, hundreds of companies,
individuals and foundations have provided the means for thousands of meals to reach our neighbors in need. Please accept our gratitude.
Individual Donors
George Aandahl
Benjamin T. Adamowski
Ann Adams
Eileen Adams
Helen Adams
Jeffrey Adams & Verna Corgan
Tim Admonius
James Afdahl
Matthew Clysdale
John Albers
Marilyn Alkire
Barbara L. Allan
Donna Allan
Paul Allbright
Jodie Amble
Gregory Amer
Paul Amidon
Richard Amos
Susan Anacker
Edwin Andera
Jay S. Anders
Daniel L. Anderson
David R. Anderson
Greg W. Anderson
H. Charles Anderson
Joel Anderson
Karen Anderson
Kate Anderson
Lisa Anderson
Richard A. Anderson
Scott & Amy Anderson
Brenda Andrewson
Robert Anholt & Ann Waltner
Jean Antonello
John Apitz & Mary Magnuson
Raymond Appel
Leona Arend & Debbie Blood
Mary Ellen Arnesen
James Arneson
Ted Arneson
Donna Arnett
Randall Arnold
Mary Sue Ash
Louis Asher & Lisa M Wersal
Rick Atterbury
Peter Aubart
Donald K. Ausemus & Nancy Lee Nielsen
Davi Axelson & Bridget C. Axelson
D. John Babcock
Thomas Badow & Cynthia Unowsky
David Bahls
Lisa Baily
James Bain
Sandra Baines
Edward L. Baker
Lauren B. Baker
Jeffrey Bakken
John E. Baranick
Beverly Barrett
Ervin F. Barrett
Roland G. Barrett
Rosalind Barsch
M. L. Barton
Nicholas P. Basil
John & Judith Baudler
George L. Bauer
James & Diane Baumer
Kenneth Bearman & Karla J. Larsen
Leonore Beasley
Constance L. Beck
Leon E. Beck
John D. Becker
Stacy Becker
Eugene Beckman
Ann Wann Bedford & Robert J. Martin
Jane Beim
Kirby Bennett
Steven Bennett
Peter Benson
Margo Berg
Roger C. Bergerson
Theresa Berglund
H E. Bergren
Steven H. Berndt
Yvonne Beseler
Timothy Bianchi
Jonathan Biebl & Laura Bernstein-Biebl
Conee Biggs
Sue Bignall
Barbara Billmeier
Jennifer L. Bishop & Jonathan S. Bucki
Lois B. Bishop
Elizabeth K. Bixby
Janet Blake
Mitchell Blatt
Martin Blumenfeld
Second Harvest Heartland
Charles L. Bochert
Muriel Bochnak
Jay Boekhoff
Nate Boen
Christopher Bohen
Michael J. Bona
Marvin Bookin
Fred Borstad
Bruce Bovy
Daniel Bowen
James Bowlus
Jim Bowyer
Shirley R. Boyd & John R. Estall
Jeff R. Bradley
Edward G. Brandt
Joseph Brannan
Luanne Brault
Bradley Breeggemann
James Brekken
Isabel M. Breslin
Eric L. Bressler
Patricia E. Brett Kolbo
Rita Brewer
Violet R. Brewer
Toby B. Brill
Robert Bringer
Doris Brooks
Baron Broschat
Mary L. Brouillard
James W. Brown
William J. Bruneau
Janet M. Bruning
Terry J. Brunmeier
Francis Brunner
Daniel L. Bryngelson
David A. Buerkle
David Bultman
Robert Bunn
Thomas Buratti
John M. Burke & Kathleen A. Joyce
Thomas & Barb Burke
Edward D. Burkhalter
Gregory E. Burnes
Timothy A. Burns
Ben D. Butler
Marilyn Butler
Susan Kripke Byers
Philip Byrne
Kenneth C. Caldwell
Michael Campbell
William C. Campion
Michael Cardinal
A.S. Cargill
James Cargill
James B. Carlen
Alan Carlson
Ronald H. Carlson
Glenn R. Carney
Wendy Carr
James Carroll
Joseph Carroll
Timothy Casey & Martha Sanford
Janice M. Catton
James Chalin
Anthony R. Chaplin
Douglas Chapman
Joan Chapman
Paul A. Chapman
Lynn L. Charlson
James W. Chastek
Margaret Chayka
Ronald F. Christenson
Paul J. Christian
Jeffrey P. Christina
Patricia A. Church & Glenn L. Church
David M. Ciminski
William Cimperman
Nancy Cincotta
Betty Clark
H Brent Clark
John R. Clayton
William J. Clemen
Kevin Clohesey
Ryan E. Cogswell
Patricia Ann Colburn
Nancy Collins
V. Ross Collins & Laurel Krause
Pamela A. Conlin & Kelly J. Conlin
Janet M. Conn
John S. Connolly
Robert C. Cooley
James A. Cooper
Glen Copeland
Kathleen H. Coppo
Robert Cornelius
John Couchman
Leigh Countryman
Mary Courteau & Bob Buck
Andrea J. Cowell
John Cowles
Charles D. Cowman
Jeffrey Crawford & Alice J. Lloyd
Jeffrey Crawford
Matt Crellin Joan Cochran
Loren K. Crofton
Mary Anne Cummings
William J. Curran
Robert H. Dahl
Mary Dahley
Dwight Dahlman
Lewis S. Damer
Gregory T. Dames
Marianne C. D'Angelo
Mary L. Danielson & Edrie A. Zweber
Barbara J. D'Aquila
Lou Davenport
Gerald Davidov
Mimi K. Davidson
William L. Davidson & Claire Olson
Ida & John Davies
Ardell B. Davis
Kenneth Dawkins
Lynne A. Day
Edward Dayton
David P. De Jong
Thomas J. De Lisle
Janna De Lue
James Debenedet
Frank Demma
Carol A. Deutsch
Keith Devore
William Dickey & Karen Steiner
Rick Diehl
Joseph J. Docter
Dan Dodds
Olivia I. Dodge
Kirsten Doerfert
Charles A. Dolinar
Larry Douglas
Vincent Douglass
Chris Dovolis
Greg Doyle
Diane Drake
Leah Drake
Ms. Ellen Drasin
Bruce Drew
Steven R. Dropkin
Ronald E. Drude
Paul R. Dukart
Timothy R. Dulac
Beverly Jane Dumas & James B.
Robert Dunbar
Daniel E. Dwyer
Thomas Dzik
Janet M. Eberhart
David Eckmann
Gerald M. Eckstrom
Jeanne Eddy
J. Roger Edson & Jean C. Gorman
John Eggert
Sally M. Ehlers
Gilbert Eian
Dave & Sheryllyn Ekberg
Christopher A. Elliott & Lynne E. Stanley
David Endrizzi
Ronald L. Engelhart
John R. Engen
Jason Engfer
Barb & Greg Ensberg
Glenda Eoyang
Allen C. Erickson
Kirk Erickson
Thomas Erickson
Daniel J. Esch
James H. Esselman
Robert Estes
Titas Evans
Kelly & Paula Ewald
Richard L. Falconer
Robert Falk
Martha J. Fanning
George Farr & Katherine Stevenson
Leonard Farr
David E. Feinberg
John H. Feldman
Dean L. Fenner
Albert W., Lois M. & Clark W. E. Fenske
Eleanor S. Fenton
Beatrice M. Ferron
Susan Fickle
Kevin Filter & Rosemary Kessler
Robert Findorf
James K. Fink
Norman E. Finkelson
Bruce A. Finzen
Robert D. Fischer
Barbara Fischley
Patrick Fitzgerald
Chris Flaherty
Richard G. Flaherty
Linda E. Fleming & Roger M. Hunsberger
James Flink & Diane Uecker-Flink
Phil Flodin
David R. Ford
Kenneth Fosberg
Frederick Foster
Freier Founda
Maureen K. Franz
Everett Franzen
Thomas Fraser & Mary E. Strand
L. M. Frattallone
Daniel Freeman
Iris Freeman
William French
Carol Frerichs & Timothy Kurth
Barbara Frey
Paul & Lynda Friedman
Thomas E. Frost
Linda Feltes
Stephen J. Fulmek
Kathleen Gallagher
John H. Galland
Joan Gallery
Spencer Gamber & Elizabeth Wollan
Jane Gamble
William J. Gangl
Jacqui Gardner
Michael Garris
Gary Garrison
Barry J. Gartner
Ronald R. Gascon
Gregory J. Gehrig
Richard Gehring
James Gelbmann
Burle Gengenbach
Michael Georgieff
Sidney Gershcow
Philip Gersmehl
James Gesell
John Gherty
E. Gibbs
Mark Gilberstadt
Chris Gilchrist
Kris Gillespie
David J. Girk
Gary R. Glaeser
Lyle Glass
Thomas J. Gmeinder
Richard F. Goebel
Michael Goertz
Mark A. Gogins
George Golden
Joan Goldsmith
Karyn Goldstein & Aka Gruenberg
Nancy Golio
Naomi R. Golv
David Good
Fred Gordon
James D. Gorski & M. L. Rice
Charles Goshgarian
Bill L. & Sherry L. Goucher
Stephen P. Gouze
Timothy Gove
Kenneth E. Gowdy
Randall S. Graham
Lewis J. Gramer
Michele Granse
Gregory A. Grau
Richard J. Greenwood
Stewart Gregg
Michael Griffin
Michael P. Griffin & Bonnie K. Faber
Tom Griffin
Donald A. Grindstaff
Joseph F. Grinnell
Marlene B. Gross
Richard S. Gross
Karen Gruetzmacher
Ieva M. Grundmanis
Joseph Grundtner
Larry E. Gulden
Earl Gustafson
Gary D. Gustafson
J. Guthrie
Margaret Guthrie
Nancy S. Guthrie
Jonathan Guyton
George Haakenson
Philip Haan
Gordon J. Haberkorn
James J. Hadlich
Christopher H. Hall
James & Marion Hall
Todd & Mary Hall
Maggie Hallaway
Mark & Mary Jo Hallberg
Paul R., Jeffrey, Wendy, & Zachary Haller
Madeline Hamermesh
Michael D. Hammers
Walter Hammond
Richard F. Hanek
Daniel R. Hanger
Craig & Karen Hansen
Eric Hansen
Mary E. Hansen
Dean Hanson
Mark Hanson
Michael Hanson
Douglas F. Harbrecht
Richard C. Hardes
Jody K. Hargrove
Donald V. Harper
E. James Harrell & Louise A. Mattson
Jeff & Lynn Harrington
Nancy Ottis Harris
Alice Hart
Robert Hart
Dan Hartnett
Robert E. Haselow
Karen K. Hasse
Gary Haugen
Helen M. Haugen
Steven Haugland
Paul Havel
David J. Hawkins
Eugene A. Hawkinson
James C. Hawley
Dana Headley
Daniel J. Healy
Robert P. Hebbel & Charlotte Pancake
Judith Hedberg
Margaret A. Hedren
Mary Hedstrom
Jeff Heegaard
Robert Heili
Morris C. Heilig
Timothy P. Henderson
Wayne Henriksen
Robert M. Henry
Steven J. Henseler
Duane Herberg
John Herman
Marc Hertz
Donald A. Hilger
Louis Hill
Carl Hiller
Randall A. Hillson
Lisa D. Hinckle
L. Hines
Michael Hirsch
John Hjelmeland
Corey L. Hoagland
John Hoch
Walter W. Hodgson
Paul W. Hoff
Jane L. Hogan & Paul R. Johnson
Jan Hoistad
Jerry P. Holcomb
Joel S. Holger
Edwin Hollenbeck
Gregory Hollenkamp
Randall Holmberg
David R. Hols
Cheryl Holt
Victor Holysh
Esther Hope
David Hoplin
Gary Horn
Deb Hornfeldt & Heidi Sundet
Charles A. Horowitz
Ellyn Hosch
Carol D. Houliston
Donald Howard
Kenneth Howe
Neil B. Howes
Amy Huber
Duane L. Huberty
Nancy Hughes
James Hunter
Terry L. Hutchinson
Helen Hutton
Robert Imholte
Douglas Ingraham
David Inman
Rod Ives
John M. Jack
Christopher A. Jackson
Mary Jackson
Suzanne Jackson
Eric R. & Sonia M. M. Jacobsen
Mark A. Jacobson & Jill L. Conda
Paul Jacobson
Thomas Jacques
Kathleen James
Kevin Janni
Myron Janni
Theodore A. Janossy
Louis Janus
Mark A. Jarboe
Michael J. Jarzyna
Second Harvest Heartland
Stanley P. Johannes
Andriene Johnson
Ellen Johnson
Kurt M. Johnson
Marie A. Johnson
Robert Johnson
Steven D. Johnson
Wayne Johnson
Trent C. Jonas
John Jones
Raymond Jorgenson
Ronald Jorgenson
Patricia S. Juaire
W Clinton Jurgens
Kenneth Kaiser
Howard Kaminsky
Morton C. Kane
Steve & Linda Kantner
Michael R. Kaplan
Roger Karlson
Robert Kasten
Karen Kautzman
Yvonne Kazeminy
Kent Kehrberg
Mary Keithahn
Marcia Kelash
Kent Kelley & Mary Louise Beardsley
Joan Kelly
Mindy Kelly
William Kelly
James M. Kenna
Judith R. Kenow
Thomas A. Kestner
Joseph B. Keyes
Susan Kiefer
Rex & Diane Kiekhoefer
Lisa Kiescht
Don Kincaid
Harry Kirby
John Kirchner
Matthew Kisch
Robert E. Kitzerow
Mark Kjolhaug
Katherine Kladstrup
Vicki A. Klima
Frank Kline
Judith Klingsick
David Klump
John Knapp
Carol Knoll
Arvid C. Knudtson
John Korson
Gary Kosel
Michael Kothbauer
James S. Kowalski
Jim J. Kramer
Donald Krebs
Philip Krinkie
Phillip Kronlage
Karl Krueger
S.V. Krupa
Sara Ellen Kuether
Keith A. Kuffel
Joe Kugler
Edith Kuross
Robert Lach
Marielle Lachambre
Tom Laforce
Virginia A. Lafrance
Bruce Landwehr
Theodora H. Lang
Ronald Langseth
Barry Langton
John F. Lannon
Cecill C. Larson
Daniel Larson
Herbert Lasch
Donald J. Lasecke
Bradley A. Lasher
Shirley Mae Lathrop & Richard J. Rivet
James Leach
Thomas Leahy
David A. Lee
Gary G. Lee
Jeannine L. Lee & C. Roger Finney
Richard A. Lee
Paul Lefebure & Carolyn Silflow
LoRene R. Leikind
Nancy M. Leitz
Allen Lenzmeier
Brenda L. Leonard
Patricia A. Leschke
Stephen H. Levine
Mark Levinger
David Levitt
Seymour Levy
James Lichtenberg
Margaret Lienemann
Vera Likins
Peter Lilienthal
James Lillehei
Stephen S. Lillyblad
Barbara Lindell
David Lindenberg
Valerie Lindstrom
Serge Litkewitsch
Paul Livgard
Robert Lockwood
Mark & Sharyn Long
John Lothrop
Sandra L. Lovell
Thomas Lowe
William Lowell
David Lubben
Christine Ludtke
William Ludwick
Ronald L. Lueck
Dianne Lukas
Michael A. Luker
Robert Lukes
Sherry F. Lund
Jonathan Lundberg
Timothy N. Lynch
Christopher S. Lyons
Janis L. Lysen
Rose L. Maas & Stephanie Peterson
Robert W. Macdonald
Charles E. Machacek
Kirk Mackenzie
Mia Maclennan
William & Janis MacPherson
Albert Madison
James Madison
Hugh & Marilyn Madson
Paul Magee
Peggy Mahle
James Maloney
Mark Manderfeld
Marc & Kathy Manderscheid
Edward Maranda
Ray Marble
James E. Marcell
Thomas Mardaus
Thomas P. Margl
Edward H. Martin
Monty L. Martin & Debra Joanne Drew
Wallace A. Martin
A. Thomas Mason
Arthur Matas
Steven Mattaini
Jeffrey G. Maxwell
Margaret V. Maxwell
Second Harvest Heartland
Lawrence C. May
Robert Mayrand
Carolyn M. McCann & Douglas H. Fifield
Dennis McCarthy
William McCarthy
Donald McClure
Kent McCoy
Laura McDermott
Dan McDonald
William & Viginia McDonald
William J. McDonough
Shaun McElhatton & Catherine Spaeth
John D. McGowan
Michael D. McGuire
Michael J. McGuire
Lou McKenna
Jerry McKoskey
Mary McLeod
Clarence McMaster
Trina McNeely
David M. McQuoid
James E. McVeety & Deborah S. Green
Roger E. McVeety
Donald Mead
Sarah Meek
John Meisner
Robert Meisterling
Charles Melcher
Stephen A. Melcher
Marilyn Aschoff Mellor
Eric Mellum
Thomas & Danalee Merrill
Antoinette M. Merth
Jack Merwin
Marcus A. Merz
Matthew P. Mesnik
L. Cecil Metz
John P. Meyer
Thomas Meyer
Catherine L. Mielke
Deborah K. Mielke
John Mielke
Jeanne Milbrath
Carol Millar
Dorothy B. Miller
Jacqueline Miller
John H. Miller
Robert P. Miller
James Million
Simon Milstein
David & Arlene Mitchell
Matthew Mitchell
William C. Mitchell
Keichi Mizuno
Stephen Mlynarczyk
Warren Moe
Sherman L. Moen
Lynn A. Moline
Carol Moller
Judith Monson
David & Linda Monyak
Daniel A. Moone
Doug Mooney
Bob Moore
Charles E. Moore
Gregory G. Morford
Mary Morris
Lois E. Morrison
Ann H. Morrissey
Tamara Morrissey
Mark Morrow
Michael Morrow
Alan Morton
Lisa Motz
James Moxness
James Muckerheide
Gregory Mulcahy
Paul F. Mulcahy
Amy S. Mulvahill
Timothy Murphy
Anne Murray
William Myers
Molly Nagle
James S. Nancekivell
Jo Jean Nardi
Robert Nardi
Charles Nauen & P. J. Pofahl
Varda Nauen
Gregory J. Neeser
David Neiman
Linda J. Nellis
Bernard Nelson
Cindy Nelson
David A. Nelson
Delano R. Nelson
Eugene M. Nelson
Heidi Nelson
Jim Nelson
Mary Nelson
Mike Nelson
Tammy S. Nelson
Donald W. Nerge
Bruce J. Nerland
Marlys Nesler
Michael E. Ness
Win & Christie Neuger
Esther Newman
Mark S. Niblick
Thomas Nicklawske
Jeffrey L. Nielsen
Ardis Nier
Robert W. Nightingale
Gene Noland
Ruth Nordin
E. Ferd Nordrum
Vernon Norell
Charles J. Norgard
Lance Novak
D. Nugent
Elmer Nygaard
Mark & Kim Nyquist
David A. O'Brien
Myron Ochocki
Michael Oebser
James Ogilvie
Linda M. Ojala
Richardson B. Okie
Thomas Okonek
Peter M. Okronglis
Daniel B. O'Leary
Karl I. Olmstead
Helen Olson
Kevin Olson
M. Olson
Michael Oneil
Colin Oneill
James C. O'Neill
Paul & Mary Kay Orman
John E. Osborn
Eileen Oshaugnessy
David Osten
Joan M. O'Sullivan
James Otis
Frederick Owens
Arthur Page
Chris J. Paidosh
Susan L. Patton
William Payne
Joseph Pennington
Jerry Pertzsch
Dale Petersen
Steven R. Petersen
Bob Peterson
Earl Peterson
Jeffrey Peterson
Karin Peterson
Scott Peterson
Marie D. Pettingill
Gregory M. Phelan
James Philip
Brian Phillips
Richard G. Piehl
Nancy Pinder
Chester Piotrowski
Clinton E. Pires
Robert Plouff
Duane R. Pogue
Rebecca Pohlad
Thomas A. Pohlman
James Poljack
Wendell F. Pollock
Bertrand Poritsky
Leila Poullada
Nancy Preckshot
Frank A. Preese & Barbara L. Shiels
Gregory P. Preslicka
Susan M. Priem
Fred & Renee Pritzker
David Purdue
Lynn Rabinovitch
Judie L. Randall
Dionne M. Rantala
Thomas Ratelle
Edward Ratner
Paul Ratwik
Richard F. Rausch
David Reamer
Frank Rechtzigel
Margaret Redmond
Edward W. Reed
Maureen Reed
Colleen Reinert
Frederick L. Rengel
Tanya Repka
Clinton Retterath
Barbara Rheaume
Thomas Rice
Charles Rich
James M. Richards
Jerome J. Richgels
Lynne L. Richmond & Marsha K. Linden
Richard Riemer
James Riesterer
David Riggs
Mary Riley
Todd & Anne Ringgenberg
Daniel Rischall & Karen Blumberg
Bruce Robb
V. Kathleen Robins
Edward Robinson
Karen M. Roche & Douglas W. Voegeli
Kevin Roche
Kenneth J. Roeh
Leonard Roering
Deborah Roesler
Donald Rog
William Rohde
Phillip B. Rolfe & Laura L. Kranstover
Brian G. Rooney
Michael Root
Barbara Rose
Gerald Rosen
LeRoy & Sandy Rossing
Peter A. Rother
Mitchell Rothman
Stephen Rowley
Susan Rudrud
Alvin Rueter
Brian Ruggles
Marjorie Rusch
Mary M. Russell
Alan Rusterholz
Mr. & Mrs. George Ruth
Edwin Ryan
Karen Ryan
Michael Ryan
Gregory W. Sachs
Margaret M. Samec
James T. Sarazin
Robert A. Sater
William J. Saul & Martha Saul
Jean M. Savelkoul
Walter Sawicki
Jon C. Sawyer & Susan E. Viergever
George Sayer
John J. Scanlon
Sharon Schany
Denise C. Scharlemann &
Robert W. Cochrane
Elmer J. Schefers
Charles T. Schiller
Mark H. Schindler
Dennis P. Schissel
Loren J. A. Schmalz
Thomas P. Schmelz
Charles Schneider
John L. Schneider
Daniel J. Scholl
Matthew T. Scholz
Jason J. Schreiber
William R. Schroeder
John Schue
Mary Frances Schurb
Thomas M. Schurig
Kevin Schwarzbauer
Stanley Schweitzer
Charles Selcer
Victoria Selep
Janet Serie
John J. Servatius
Donald Severson
F. E. Sewell
William M. Sexton
David Shea
Mary Anne Sheldon
R.G. Sherman & R.M. Greeman
David S. Shields
Gerald T. Shimek
Gilbert Shipshock
Phil & Barbara Shively
Gary Showalter
Thomas H. Shuck
Kenneth Siess
Mike Sime
Robert & Rita Simmer
Loren L. Sinning & Margaret A. Roessler
Ronald T. Sirany
Lorie Skibness
Gary Skie
George Skinner & Anne E. Hanley
Lisa A. Skrede
David Sladek
Jean Slattery
Aivars Slucis
Benjamin J. Smith
Kathryn L. Smith
Kristine Smith
Raymond C. Smith
Robert B. Smith
Susan Smith
Thomas R. Smith
Sarah Snapp
James Snyder
Frank Solomon
James W. Sommerfeld
Cynthia Anne Sorenson
Rebecca L. Sorlien & Ronald A. Lafond
John Spielman & Marie Koehler
Joseph Stanley & Lori Zook-Stanley
John A. Stebner
Thomas K. Stedman
Norman V. Steere
Jerome Stenberg
Gerhild G. Stiewe
J. Stoltenberg & P. Walker
Brian Stone
James R. Stone
Gene Storms
James Strachan
Robert Strand
John Streed
Tim Streitz
Rupert Strobel
Vernon D. Strom
Ralph L. Strommer
Jan Stroup
Dorothy Strub
William L. Stryker
Ellen R. Stubbs
John Stutsman
Gregory Stuttgen
M. Style
Donald Sullivan
James Sullivan
James H. Sullivan
John Sullivan
Patrick L. Sullivan
Joyce Sundrum
Roger & Mary Swanson
Greey Sweet
Wilfred O. Sweney
Regina C. Szabady
David J. Szaflarski
Peter Tachney
James D. Talley
Jonathan E. Tarshish
Ruth A. Taylor
Saul Taylor
Roger Teachworth
Mildred Templin
Dorothy Tenney
Joyce Tessman
Donald R. Theissen
Charles G. Thiel
Daniel Thomas
Hugh Thompson
David O. Thronsedt
John Thurmes
Michael Tierney
Julia Timm
Mary Tingerthal & Conrad Soderholm
David Tinsley
William Tippe
Barry Todd
Richard Tongen
Elaine Tonolli
Natalie E. Pat Torrey
Lois Torvik
Susan Toth
Kathleen M. Tracy
Edward Trahan
John & Beth Trend
Glenn Trygstad
Thomas Turba
Donald Twombly
Margarette Unklesbay
Virginia M. Uttley
Debra L. Vadnais
Barbara S. Valle
Dianne J. Van Tasell &
Steven C. Eggimann
Mary Vanreken
George Vavoulis
John Vavoulis
Kirk Velett
Catherine Verfaillie
Jamey Viger
Victor Villella
Andrew J. Vitale & Kristin J. Hott
Debra A. Von Felden
Paul Von Kuster
James L. Wabner
Martin Waibel
Jack K. Walker
Frederick L. Wall
Robert J. Walser
C. Walsh
Brian D. Walter
Kathy L. Walters
Jorgiann Waltner
Steven C. Ward
Robert Warde
David Wark
Rita Mary Warner
Laure J. Waschbusch
Barbara Watschke
Lee Weber
Thomas Weber
Richard Weigel
Sanford Weisberg
Christopher J. Welsh
David Welshons
John Welshons
Steve Wentworth
William Werb
Catherine Reed Weschcke
Mary Wesley
Jean V. West
James Westbrook
Arlene M. Westeren
Nicholas Westman
Deborah L. Wexler & Michael L. Mann
John P. Whaley
Warde F. Wheaton
Keith White
Helen P. Whitmill
Duane Whitney
Thomas A. Wiberg
Harvey B. Wibeto
Paul E. Wicklund
Curtis L. Wiehle & Rita J. Teresi
Gerald C. Wienke
Nancy Wiens
John Williams
Freddie Williamson
Reynold Willie
Raymond E. Willis
Mike Wilm
Douglas I. Wilson & Debra J. Stockhill
Marilyn Wilson
Thomas Wilt
JoAnn Winter
Andrew J. Winton & Judi A. Lamble
Brian J. Wold & Suzanne B. Harris
Steven P. Wold
Patrica Wolesky
Lenore T. Wolfe & Barbara L. Wolfe
Albert Wollan Fan
Teddy & Laura Wong
Kenneth F. Wood
Barbara Woodruff
Roger Woodruff
Medora Woods
Dean F. Wurgler
Peter T. Wyckoff
Joe D. Wyssmann
Second Harvest Heartland
Elaine B. Yost
Michael Zauha
Daniel Zawack
Mary Ziebol
Jane M. Zimmerman
Nancy Zingale
Philip Zink
Philip A. Zoubek
Kent Zoya
Pat Zweber
Corporate & Foundation
3M Foundation/Community Affairs
3M Gives Foundation
AEI Fund Management, Inc.
AFSCME Local 920
AMBE Ltd. Roofing & Waterproofing
Adair Plastics Corporation
Advance Shoring Company
Agronomy Graduate Club
America' s Second Harvest
American Engineering Testing, Inc.
American Express Foundation
American Glass and Mirror, Inc
American Legion Post 168
America's Charities
Art and Martha Kaemer Fund
Association For Facilities Engineering
Atonement Lutheran Church
Audio Video Planners, Inc.
Augustine Medical
Believe & Succeed, Inc.
Bethany Lutheran Church
Bethel Lutheran Church
Betty Schlick Andrews Fund
Big Wu
Birmingham-Dorsey Charitable Trust
Blooming Prairie Natural Foods
Blue Chip Club
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Born Again Farms
Broders' Cucina Italiana
Brookfield Properties
Buuck Family Foundation
Café Latte
Calhoun Insurance Agency
Campiello, Inc.
Cargill Citizenship Committee
Carmichael Lynch
Carpenters Union Local 87
CDF Foundation
Centennial United Methodist Church
Century Business Services, Inc.
CFC Twin Cities Area
Chefs Reveal
Christ the King Lutheran Church
Christopherson Family Fund
Church of Saint Alphonsus
Church of St Luke
Church Of St Thomas
Church World Service
City County Credit
City of St. Paul Pub
CLG Enterprises, Ltd.
CNA Surety
Cochrane Law Office, P.A.
Colon & Rectal Surgery Associates, Ltd.
Combined Federal Campaign
Computer Network Technology
Conseco Finance Corp
Corcoran Pet Care Center, LLC
Corporate Resource
Cretin-Durham Hall Service Committee
Crown Holdings, Inc.
Cuisine Concepts, LLC
Culver's Apple Valley
DBM Farms, Inc.
Deluxe Corporation
East Side Beverage
Ecolab Foundation
Eddie Bauer
Edina Realty
EFS National Board Program
EMC Corporation
Ed's Sporting Goods
Edwards Memorial Trust
Efunds Corporation
Ehlers Associates
Emmaus Lutheran Church
Episcopal Church of St. John in the
Food Perspectives, Inc.
Fredrikson & Byron
General Mills Foundation
Gisslen Family Charitable Fund
James Glatzmaier Charitable Gift Fund
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches
Greater Twin Cities United Way
Grist Mill Co.
Gross-Given Manufacturing Co.
Halagan Law Firm Ltd.
Hansen Family Foundation
Health Partners
HealthEast Care System
John L. & Catherine J. Hill Charitable
Gift Fund
Himle Horner Incorporated
Honeybelles, Inc.
Hunger Solutions Minnesota
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Imperial Order Of Fire and Brimstone
Inclusion Systems Inc.
ING Foundation
Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.
Johnstech Fund of The Minneapolis
Just Give
Just Truffles, Inc.
Margaret H. and James E. Kelley
Foundation, Inc.
Knutson Construction Services, Inc.
Land O'Lakes Foundation
Landgrebe Software Solutions, Inc.
John and Lyn Lawyer Fund
Liberty Enterprises
R. C. Lilly Foundation
Little Prairie Methodist Church
Lowry Hill
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer
Maguire Life, Health and Benefits, Inc.
Mall of America
Mansfield, Tanick & Cohen
Marbrook Foundation
Marriott Hotel
Martin Communications
Mathematica Policy
Memorial Lutheran Church
Mennonite Foundation
Meridian Marketing
Metris Companies, Inc.
Midway Container, Inc
Millstone Coffee, Inc.
Minnesota Dept of Health
Second Harvest Heartland
Minnesota Diatetic Association
Minnesota Foundation
Minnesota State Fair
Minnesota Vikings
MN Chapter of Telephone Operators
MN State Department of Administration
Montague-Clouse Charitable Giving Fund
Mt. Carmel Evangelical Lutheran Church
Netropy, Inc.
NFL Alumni
North Star Bank
Northstar Crossing
Casey Albert T. O'Neil Foundation
Open Philanthropy Foundation
Dwight D. Opperman Foundation
Ott Family Gift Fund
Otterness Repair
Our Redeemer Lutrheran Church
Padilla Speer Beardsley
Paper Allied
Patch Foundation
Patrick Henry High School
Patten Family Fund
Peregrine Capital Management
Personnel Decisions International
Marvin J. Pertzik Foundation
Philip Morris USA
Pioneers of America
PipeVine, Inc
Carl & Elouise Pohlad Family Foundation
Popular Front Interactive Communications
Presbyterian Church of the Apostles
Presbyterian Church of the Way
Prime Therapeutics, Inc.
R.R. Specialty Food
Rainbow Foods
RAO Manufacturing Co
Reden & Anders, Ltd.
Reell Precision Manufacturing
Remmele Engineering, Inc.
Residential Property Management, Inc.
Revord Family Fund
Margaret Rivers Fund
Roseville Lutheran Church
Rustad Associates
S.R. Calvin Academy & Clinic
Saint Timothy Lutheran Church
Schechter Dokken Kantner
Securian Retirement Services
Share Our Strength
Sherburne, Wadleigh, Ltd
Shirley Kaye's Inc.
Short-Elliott-Hendrickson, Inc.
James & Jean Slattery Family Foundation
Emil J. & Emily D. Slowinski Fund
Smikis Foundation
Sodekho Chefs Associates
Soulflower, Inc.
Spirit of Joy Christian Church
Sprint PCS
St Andrews Lutheran Church
St Paul Companies, Inc. Foundation
St. John The Evangelist Church
St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church
St. Michael's Lutheran Church
St. Patrick's Association, Inc.
St. Paul Men & Women's Bowling
St. Philips Lutheran Church
State of Minnesota
Stull Family Foundation
Summit Healthcare Corp.
Superior Freight Services
Superior Interiors, Inc.
SuperValu Foundation
SuperValu, Inc.
James M. Svobodny Charitable Gift Fund
Swanson Charity Fund
Sweitzer Foundation
Sylvia Soucheray
Sysco Minnesota
Systec, Inc.
Tapemark Company
Target Stores
Taste of the NFL
TENNANT Foundation
The Bieber Foundation
The Community Foundation of Middle
The Emil J and Emily D Slowinski Fund
The First Unitarian Society Minneapolis
The Goldner Family Foundation
The McNeely Foundation
The McKnight Foundation
The Myers Foundation
The Pampered Chef
The Pillsbury Company
The Prudential Insurance Company
The Resco Company
The Saint Paul Foundation
The Sayer Charitable Foundation
The Simmet Foundation
The St. Paul Companies, Inc. Foundation
Thomson West
Totino Grace High School
Transfiguration Church
Twin Cities Area Combined Federal
Twin Cities Marathon, Inc.
U of M Agronomy/ Horticulture Graduate Club
U of M MMC 295
U S Trust Company Foundation
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
United Way of St. Paul
US Bancorp Piper Jaffray
US Bank
US Bank Private Client & Trust Services
US Bank St. Paul
Veteran Fire Fighters Association
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Joan and Ron Villella Fund
Washburn McReavy Fund
West Group
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Westwood Professional Services, Inc.
White Castle
G. L. Winters-Bruce Trust
Woodlake Medical Management, Inc.
Words Into Action, Inc.
World Reach, Inc.
Xcel Energy Foundation
Product Donors &
Special Event Hosts
A. Zerega's Sons, Inc.
ABF Freight Systems, Inc.
Afton Apple Orchard
Afton South Oak Orchard
Alberto Culver, USA
American Airlines
American Cereal Corp.
American School Food Service
American Specialty Confections
Apple Jack Orchard
Appleside Orchard
Apple Valley High School
Armour Swift Ekrich
Asian Foods
At Last! Gourmet Foods
Auto Products International
Bakery Chef
Barilla America
Bergin Fruit
Beth Jacob Congregation
Bix Pro Company
Bob's Produce Ranch
Brings Produce
Buddy's Kitchen
Buffets Incorporated
Bumble Bee Seafoods
Bush Brothers
Campbell Soup Co.
Captain Ken's Foods
Cardinal Health
Cargill, Inc.
Carolina Logistics Services
Cavendish Farms
CH Robinson and Co
Cheerful Givers
Chippewa Springs
Chiquita Foods
Church & Dwight Company, Inc
Churny Company, Inc.
Clorox Company
Coca-Cola Company
ConAgra Foods
Co-Op Partners
Cott Beverages
Crystal Farms
Cub Foods
Custom Cuts
D & S Sales
Dakota Growers
Dan's Prize
Dawn Food Products, Inc.
Dean Foods North Central, Inc.
Del Monte Corporation
Diffley Farm
Diversified Snack
Dole Food Co.
Duro Bag
Eagan High School
Eastview High School
Eden Prarie Schools
Edling Farms, Inc.
Edy's Ice Cream, Inc.
European Roasters
Fairmont Foods
Fairview Hospital
Falls Creek Gardens
Fleming Company
Florida Natural Growers
Foster Farms
Fox Packaging
Fresh and Natural Foods
Frito Lay, Inc.
Gage Marketing
Gedney Pickle
General Mills
Gold'N Plump Poultry
Golden Valley Microwave Foods
Gopher Produce
Gourmet Award Foods
Great River Farms
H B Fuller Company
Hazeltine National Golf Course
Head Start
HealthEast Care Center
Helios Nutrition
Henry Farm
Hershey Chocolate
Hillside Apple Orchard
Hirschbach Motor Lines
Honey Baked Ham
Hormel Foods Corporation
Hudson Company
Information Resources
Intergrated Marketing
International Multifoods
J & J Distributing
J & J Snack Food Corp.
Jennie-O Turkey Store
Jimmy Jingle Inc.
John Drummond & Associates
Keebler Company
Kellogg Company
Kemps Marigold
Kowalski's Grocery
Kraft, Inc.
Kunkel Company
Lakeside Foods
Lamb-Weston, Inc.
Lampson Tew
Land O' Lakes
Leeann Chin
Lloyd's Food Products
M.G. Waldbaum Company
Malat Produce Co.
Martin Transport
McCain Food
McKormick & Company, Inc.
Metro Produce Distributors
Midwest Food Service
Minnesota State Lottery
Minnesota Trucking Association
Minnesota Turkey Growers Assoc.
Mir Shanidullah
Mississippi Market
Morning Star
Multifoods Corp.
Nabisco, Inc.
Nash Finch Co
Nestle USA, Inc.
North Country Produce
Northwest Food Strategies, Inc.
Northwestern Fruit Co
Northwoods Organic Produce
Novartis Consumer Health
Office Depot
Old Dutch Foods
Old Home Foods
Organic Foods
The Organic Guy
Overlook Farms
Pagoda Restaurant
Palm Brothers
Paradise Enterprises, Inc.
Pearson Candy Company
Pepin Heights Orchard
Pepperidge Farms
Pfizer Healthcare
Pillsbury Company
Pine Tree Apple Orchard
Pizza Hut
Planters Lifesavers Company
Prarie Home Foods
Premium Water
Procter & Gamble
Prom Catering
Quaker Oats
R.M. Palmer Company
Rainbow Foods
Reinhart Food Service, Inc.
Rite Aid
Rivertown Trading Co
Roberts Wholesale
Ross Laboratories
Royal American Foods
Ry Crisp
Rygmyr Foods, Inc
Ryt-Way Packaging Corp
Sam's Club, #18-6309
Sam's Club, #18-6312
Sara Lee
SC Johnson & Son, Inc.
Schwan's Sales Enterprises, Inc.
Seeds of Change
Seneca Foods Corp.
Signature Fruit
Sijeza Inc.
Simek Meats
Simplot, J.R.
Sky Chef
Society of St. Andrews
Sparta Foods, Inc
St. John’s Hospital
St. Joseph’s Hospital
St. Paul Public Schools
Sunny Fresh Foods, Inc.
SuperValu, Inc.
Sysco Minnesota
T. Marzetti
Target Direct
Target Stores
Tastefully Simple
Thorson's Fresh Farm Chickens
Tootsie Roll Industries
Twin City Produce
Universal Deals
US FoodService
Valley Middle School
Valley Natural Foods
Vansingel Farms
Vendmark Inc.
Very Fine Products
Viking Produce
Walbon & Company, Inc.
WEL Company
West Group
Westlund Produce
Wholesale Produce Supply Co.
Wooden Needle
Second Harvest Heartland
Second Harvest Heartland
1140 Gervais Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55109
Phone: 651.484.5117 Fax: 651.484.1064
Second Harvest Heartland Service Center
3100 California Street NE
Minneapolis, MN 55418
Phone: 612.789.0122 Fax: 612.789.0125
Second Harvest Heartland
For more information
call us at 651.484.5117
or log on to
Second Harvest Heartland
1140 Gervais Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55109-2
US Postage Paid
Second Harvest