ARTICLE IN PRESS Building and Environment 44 (2009) 509– 514 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Building and Environment journal homepage: Estimation of lighting energy savings from daylighting Pyonchan Ihm a, Abderrezek Nemri b, Moncef Krarti c, a b c Faculty of Architectural Design and Engineering, Dong-A University, Busan, South Korea Ecole Polytechnique de Tunisie, La Marsa, Tunisia Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0428, USA a r t i c l e in fo abstract Article history: Received 14 February 2008 Received in revised form 21 April 2008 Accepted 21 April 2008 This paper refines and validates the predictions of a simplified analysis method for evaluating the potential of daylighting to save energy use associated with electrical lighting. Specifically, impacts on daylighting performance are investigated for several combinations of building geometry, window size, and glazing type for several US and international locations. The impact of both dimming and stepped daylighting controls and their settings are also investigated. Predictions from the simplified method are validated using measurements obtained from field-testing of a daylighting control system utilized to operate lighting fixture illuminating an office space. & 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Daylighting Energy savings Field-testing Simplified method 1. Introduction Electrical lighting is estimated to account for 25–40% of the total electrical energy consumption for a typical US commercial building [1]. Several studies indicated that daylighting can offer a cost-effective alternative to electrical lighting for commercial and institutional buildings. Through sensors and controllers, daylighting can reduce and even eliminate the use of electrical lighting required to provide sufficient illuminance levels inside office spaces. Simulation analyses as well as field-monitoring studies have reported that daylighting controls can result in significant lighting energy savings ranging from 30% to 77% [2–5]. Moreover, natural lighting provides both a more pleasant and attractive indoor environment that can foster higher productivity and performance [6]. However, surveys have shown that daylighting control strategies are not commonly incorporated in buildings [7]. The cost-effectiveness of daylighting controls depends on several factors, including the building architectural features (shape, window area, glazing type) as well as the building location. In the preliminary design phase, it is important to determine, without the need to use a detailed modeling analysis, whether or not it is cost-effective to install daylighting control systems. The lack of simplified evaluation tools, capable of providing information on the suitability and the cost-effectiveness of daylighting, is considered as one of the major reasons for the Corresponding author. E-mail address: (M. Krarti). 0360-1323/$ - see front matter & 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2008.04.016 reluctance of building professionals in incorporating daylighting features in their design. Recently, a simplified calculation method has been developed by Krarti et al. [8] to estimate the reduction in total lighting energy use due to daylighting with dimming controls for office buildings. The method has been shown to apply for office buildings in the US as well as in Egypt [9]. This paper validates and extends the simplified analysis method proposed by Krarti et al. [8] to other international locations and daylighting controls. The simplified calculation method is easy to use and can be used as a pre-design tool to assess the potential of daylighting in saving electricity use associated with artificial lighting for office buildings. In this paper, an experimental analysis is presented to validate the predictions from the simplified calculation method proposed by Krarti et al. [8] to estimate the annual lighting energy use savings associated with daylighting controls. In addition, this paper extends the application of the method to several US and international locations as well as to various control strategies and setting values. First, the simplified analysis method for estimating annual energy savings from daylighting is presented in the case of specific, considered reference, settings for dimming controls. Coefficients for the simplified method are provided for several US and international sites when reference dimming control settings are utilized. Then, the impact on the potential energy savings from daylighting of various control strategies and settings is discussed. In particular, required adjustments to the values of the coefficients used in the simplified analysis method are provided for a wide range of illumination set points and settings for both stepped and ARTICLE IN PRESS 510 P. Ihm et al. / Building and Environment 44 (2009) 509–514 dimming control strategies. Finally, the simplified method predictions are validated against measured data obtained for a small office space equipped with dimming control. 2. Simplified analysis method To determine the percent savings, fd, in annual use of artificial lighting due to daylighting implementation using daylighting controls in office buildings, Krarti et al. [8] found that the following equation can be used: f d ¼ b½1 expðatw Aw =Ap Þ Ap Af (1) where tw is the visible transmittance of the window glazing and Aw/Ap the window to perimeter floor area. This parameter provides a good indicator of the window size relative to the day-lit floor area. Ap/Af is the perimeter to total floor area. This parameter indicates the extent of the day-lit area relative to the total building floor area. Thus, when Ap/Af ¼ 1, the whole building can benefit from daylighting; a and b are coefficients that depend only on building location and control strategy. The coefficient b represents the percent of time in a year that daylighting illuminance level can provide the required design illuminance set point, Eset. In other terms, the coefficient b measures the daylighting availability during building operating hours in a given geographical location. The product of the two coefficients a and b can be estimated from readily available data, including the annual average outdoor illuminance level on vertical surfaces, Ev,out, the illuminance set point, Eset, and a daylighting control parameter, k [8]: ab ¼ k Ev;out Eset (2) To estimate the coefficients a and b, a whole-building simulation program has been utilized [10]. The simulation tool, DOE-2.1, considered in the analysis presented in this paper is capable of modeling whole-building energy performance, including envelope components as well as heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems. In particular, the simulation tool can model the energy performance of several daylighting control systems. Similar to the work carried out by Krarti et al. [8], several officebuilding configurations were considered in the simulation analysis with various shapes. Typical building construction materials, HVAC systems, as well as densities and schedules for occupancy, lighting, and equipment are used to model office buildings in various climates. In particular, typical office lighting schedule is assumed for all locations (correspondent to 8:00 am–6:00 pm during week days). Lighting density was set at 1.3 W/ft2 (14.0 W/m2) in accordance with the ASHRAE/IES standard office value [10]. In the analysis presented in this paper, only the results associated with lighting energy use are considered even though daylighting controls can also affect significantly the energy required by the HVAC systems [9]. For this analysis, interior movable shades are modeled in conjunction with a maximum glare value of 22 and a maximum solar heat gain of 30 Btu/ft2 h (95 W/m2) [10]. If either of these thresholds is exceeded, shading is deployed. Unlike the work performed by Krarti et al. [8], which analyzed the effectiveness of daylighting controls within small perimeter office rooms, the current analysis focuses on the impact of daylighting for typical office buildings with open perimeter areas. Table 1 provides the coefficients a and b for several locations throughout the world when a continuous dimming daylighting control is utilized to maintain 50 fc (foot-candle, 500 lx) on the working plane along the perimeter areas. For each location, the coefficients a and b were determined based on an extensive Table 1 Coefficients a and b of Eq. (1) for various locations throughout the world Location a b Location A b Atlanta Chicago Denver/Boulder Phoenix New York city Washington, DC Boston Miami San Francisco Seattle Los Angels Madison Houston Fort Worth Bangor Dodge city Nashville Oklahoma city Columbus Bismarck Minneapolis Omaha 19.63 18.39 19.36 22.31 18.73 18.69 18.69 25.13 20.58 16.60 21.96 18.79 21.64 19.70 17.86 18.77 20.02 20.20 18.60 17.91 18.16 18.94 74.34 71.66 72.86 74.75 66.96 70.75 67.14 74.82 73.95 69.23 74.15 70.03 74.68 72.91 70.73 72.62 70.35 74.43 72.28 71.50 71.98 72.30 Casper Portland Montreal Quebec Vancouver Regina Toronto Winnipeg Shanghai K-Lumpur Singapore Cairo Alexandria Tunis Sao Paulo Mexico91 Melbourne Roma Frankfurt Kuwait Riyadh 19.24 17.79 18.79 19.07 16.93 20.00 19.30 19.56 19.40 20.15 23.27 26.98 36.88 25.17 29.36 28.62 19.96 16.03 15.22 21.98 21.17 72.66 70.93 69.83 70.61 68.69 70.54 70.48 70.85 67.29 72.37 73.68 74.23 74.74 74.08 71.19 73.63 67.72 72.44 69.69 65.31 72.69 simulation analysis using the same methodology described in Krarti et al. [8]. 3. Sensitivity analysis As indicated earlier, the coefficients listed in Table 1 are obtained for continuous dimming controls with a desired illuminance level of 50 fc (500 lx) on a desk plane (with a height of 0.762 m or 2.5 ft). For other daylighting control settings and illuminance set points, the coefficients a and b listed in Table 1 need to be adjusted. A series of parametric analyses have been carried out to determine the effect of various daylighting control settings and strategies on the coefficients a and b. The results of the parametric analyses are summarized below. 3.1. Effect of illuminance level set point The indoor illuminance level required by building standards and codes on the working plane vary widely among countries and depend on the activity levels [1]. The effect of the desired illuminance level on the performance of daylight control has been determined for various locations. Fig. 1 illustrates the impact of illuminance level on the annual energy use savings in electrical lighting due to daylighting for Atlanta and Boulder/Denver area. As expected, the higher the required illuminance level, the lower are the potential energy savings from daylighting. However, for large daylighting aperture, the same energy savings are achieved regardless of the illuminance set point. That is, the coefficient b in Eq. (1) is not affected by the illuminance set point, Eset: b ¼ bref for 40 fcð400 lxÞpEset p70 fcð700 lxÞ (3) A general correlation between the coefficient a and the illuminance set point, Eset, has been established. For all locations, it was found that the coefficient a can be obtained from the value a, aref, listed in Table 1 from the illuminance set point, Eset, using the following correlation (R2 ¼ 0.97): a ¼ aref ð1:91 0:0175Eset Þ for 40 fcpEset p70 fc; a ¼ aref ð1:91 0:0175Eset Þ for 400 lxpEset p700 lx (4) ARTICLE IN PRESS Cont.40fc.Actual Cont.60fc.Actual Cont.50fc.Actual Cont.70fc.Actual 1 80 % Energy reduction/(Ap/Af) 511 Light Output P. Ihm et al. / Building and Environment 44 (2009) 509–514 70 60 Cont.40fc.Predicted, R2= 0.9984 50 2/3 Cont.50fc.Predicted, R2= 0.9980 40 Cont.60fc.Predicted, R2= 0.9972 30 Cont.70fc.Predicted, R2= 0.9963 1/3 20 10 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 * Transmittance Aw/Ap Cont.40fc.Actual Cont.60fc.Actual 0.5 0.6 1/31 2/3 Input Power Fig. 2. Operation of stepped control strategy (number of steps, Nsteps ¼ 3). Cont.50fc.Actual Cont.70fc.Actual Cont.50fc.Actual Step4.50fc.Actual 70 60 40 30 Cont.50fc.Predicted, R 2= 0.9914 Cont.60fc.Predicted, R 2= 0.9880 Cont.70fc.Predicted, R2= 0.9843 20 10 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Transmittance*Aw/Ap Fig. 1. Effect of illuminance set point on the potential annual energy use savings from daylighting. (a) Atlanta and (b) Denver/Boulder. 3.2. Effect of number of steps in a stepped controls (5) The coefficient b was found to be slightly dependent on the number of steps and can be obtained from the following correlation (R2 ¼ 0.91): b ¼ bref ð1:15 006Nsteps Þ for 2pN steps p5 80 70 60 Stepped 5. Predicted 50 Stepped 4. Predicted 40 Stepped 3. Predicted 30 Cont. Predicted 20 10 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Transmittance*Aw/Ap Fig. 3. Effect of stepped controls on the electrical lighting energy savings for Chicago. The analysis performed to establish the coefficients a and b listed in Table 1 assumes that the daylighting system uses continuous dimming control. However, stepped control can provide a less-expensive alternative but may create some visual discomfort problems [8]. As illustrated in Fig. 2, a stepped control varies the light output and the power input of the electrical lighting fixtures in discrete and equally spaced steps, Nsteps. The impact of the number of steps, Nsteps, associated with a stepped daylighting control is investigated for several locations. Fig. 3 indicates that the stepped controls provide lower energy savings for low daylighting apertures but achieve higher savings for high daylighting apertures compared to the continuous dimming controls when the building is located in Chicago. Moreover, it was found that for all locations the coefficient a can be obtained from the value aref listed in Table 1 as a function of the number of steps, Nsteps, using the following correlation (R2 ¼ 0.95): a ¼ aref ð0:43 þ 0:052Nsteps Þ for 2pN steps p5 Step3.50fc.Actual Step5.50fc.Actual 90 Cont.40fc.Predicted, R2= 0.9942 50 % Energy reduction/(Ap/Af) % Energy reduction/(Ap/Af) 80 (6) 3.3. Effect of minimum settings for dimming controls Fig. 4 illustrates the ideal operation of the continuous dimming controls. The power input of the lighting fixtures is approximated by a linear function of the light output. Specifically, the lightoutput fraction is reduced from 1.0 at full power input to a minimum value FL,min when the power input fraction is at FP,min. Testing analyses have shown that the light-output to power-input response and the values of FL,min and FP,min depend on the type of dimming ballasts. The overall light-output to power-input response is generally linear [11] but can be non-linear for some ballasts [2]. The impact of the dimming control settings, FL,min and FP,min, is illustrated in Fig. 5 for both Atlanta and Chicago. As expected, the lower the values of the minimum settings, the higher are the annual electrical lighting energy use savings due to daylighting. For all locations, it was found that the coefficient a can be obtained from the value aref listed in Table 1 using the following correlation (R2 ¼ 0.98) when both the power-input and light-output minimum fractions are set equal (i.e., Fmin ¼ FL,min ¼ FP,min): a ¼ aref ð0:815 þ 1:85F min Þ for 0:1pF min p0:4 (7) ARTICLE IN PRESS P. Ihm et al. / Building and Environment 44 (2009) 509–514 Light Output 512 For the reference case for which the coefficients (aref and bref) are listed in Table 1, the power-input and light-output minimum fractions are equal to 0.1 (i.e., Fmin ¼ FL,min ¼ 0.1). 1 FL,Min 4. Validation analysis 1 Input Power FP,Min Fig. 4. Operation of continuous dimming control strategy. (0.1,0.1) Actual (0.2,0.2) Actual (0.3,0.3) Actual (0.4,0.4) Actual % Energy reduction/(Ap/Af) 80 (0.1,0.1) Predicted 70 (0.2,0.2) Predicted 60 (0.3,0.3) Predicted 50 (0.4,0.4) Predicted 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Transmittance*Aw/Ap (0.1,0.1) Actual (0.2,0.2) Actual (0.3,0.3) Actual (0.4,0.4) Actual 0.5 0.6 % Energy reduction/(Ap/Af) 80 70 (0.1,0.1) Predicted (0.2,0.2) Predicted 60 (0.3,0.3) Predicted 50 (0.4,0.4) Predicted 40 To validate the simulation results based on the calculation method expressed by Eq. (1), a series of measurements of illuminance is carried out within an office room located in Boulder, Colorado (US). These measurements were carried out for over 4-month period during the year of 2004. The office room has a rectangular shape layout with a width of 2.9 m (9.5 ft) and a length of 5.5 m (18.0 ft) with a floor to ceiling height of 2.4 m (8.0 ft). Two windows with double-pane low-e glazing were placed in the west fac- ade of the office. Fig. 6 provides a perspective view of the test room. Table 2 summarizes the geometrical and optical properties of the building envelope components of the room used in the simulation model. Continuous indoor measurements were performed over a period of 4 months. For each day, hourly measurements were monitored from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm for all the locations shown in Fig. 7. All the measurements are performed at desk height (i.e., working plane) of 0.762 m (2.5 ft). To assess the daylighting availability inside the office space, the door was shut and the electrical lighting was turned off to ensure that measured illuminance levels within the office space are only caused by natural light transmitted from the windows. It is found during sunny days, that the interior illuminance levels in the office room at the desk level can reach over 50 fc if natural light is utilized. The illuminance level of 50 fc (about 500 lx) is recommended by ASHRAE/IES standard for office buildings [12]. As expected, measurements show that the illuminance level is higher close to the windows than at the back of the room. Figs. 8(a) and (b) show the lines for equal illuminance level (at desk height) on March 9 (sunny day) at 10:00 am and 4:00 pm, respectively. As depicted in Fig. 8, the 50 fc (500 lx) illuminance level is achieved only near the two windows. Away from the windows, electrical lighting is required to complement daylighting to accomplish the required 50 fc-illuminance level at the work plane. A dimming control is installed to operate the three fluorescent fixtures that illuminate the space. The dimming control system has power-input and light-output minimum fractions both set equal to 0.1 (i.e., Fmin ¼ FL,min ¼ 0.1). In this study, the control systems were connected to a photosensor placed simply on the desk (location 3 in Fig. 7) since the office was unoccupied during the entire testing period (4 months). Typically, the photosensor is mounted on the ceiling and is oriented toward the target workplane. The daylighting control is operated to maintain 30 20 10 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 * Transmittance Aw/Ap 0.5 0.6 Fig. 5. Effect of minimum settings for dimming daylighting controls on the electrical lighting energy savings for (a) Atlanta and (b) Chicago. The coefficient b is regressed as a function of Fmin and bref (R2 ¼ 0.99) as follows: b ¼ bref ð1:11 1:10F min Þ for 0:1pF min p0:4 (8) Fig. 6. Perspective view of the office room used in the testing analysis. ARTICLE IN PRESS P. Ihm et al. / Building and Environment 44 (2009) 509–514 Table 2 Geometrical and optical properties of the test room envelope Envelope element Total area Reflectance Transmittance Ceiling Opaque walls Windows Floor 15.95 m2 14.11 m2 2.32 m2 15.95 m2 0.7 0.5 – 0.3 – – 0.72 – (172 ft2) (152 ft2) (25 ft2) (172 ft2) 513 an illuminance level of 50 fc (500 lx) on the surface of the desk during the occupancy period of 8:00 am through 5:00 pm. The electrical energy used by the lighting system is then monitored over the 4-month period. In order to validate the simplified method depicted by Eq. (1) with the correlation coefficients given by Table 1 for Boulder, CO, two steps are used: 1. monthly electrical energy savings obtained from the simulation models of the space are validated using measured savings compiled for the dimming daylighting control; 2. the simulation model is used to obtain annual energy use savings, which is then utilized to validate the simplified calculation method predictions. Fig. 7. Locations within the office room where illuminance levels are measured. In the simulation model of the tested office room, the existing characteristics of the lighting system are considered (three luminaries with two 32-W fluorescent lamps per fixture) as well as actual glazing type window size, room geometry, and surface reflectance have been considered. The simulation model is then used to determine the electrical lighting energy savings due to dimming daylighting control with Fmin ¼ FL,min ¼ 0.1 with a set point Eset ¼ 50 fc (500 lx). Table 3 summarizes the electrical lighting energy use percent savings due to daylighting controls obtained from simulation predictions and from measurements during the monitoring period of 4 months (February–May). The lighting energy savings were estimated assuming that the lighting fixtures are operated Fig. 8. (a) Iso-illuminance distribution in the tested office room at 10:00 am of March 9 (sunny day). (b) Iso-illuminance distribution in the tested office room at 4:00 pm of March 9 (sunny day). ARTICLE IN PRESS 514 P. Ihm et al. / Building and Environment 44 (2009) 509–514 Table 3 Comparison between measurements and simulation predictions of monthly lighting energy use savings Month Measurements (%) Simulation predictions (%) Percent error (%) February March April May 59.9 63.3 63.7 63.8 60.2 61.3 61.5 62.5 0.5 3.1 3.6 2.1 Table 4 Calculation of percent lighting annual energy use savings using the simplified method of Eq. (1) and detailed simulation analysis for the office space in Boulder, CO Parameter Value Comments Perimeter to total floor ratio, Ap/Af Daylighting aperture, twAw/Ap 1.0 0.105 Simplified method prediction for fd (%) 63 Simulation model prediction for fd (%) 64 Ap ¼ Af ¼ 15.95 m2 (172 ft2) tw ¼ 0.72 Aw ¼ 2.32 m2 (25 ft2) Ap ¼ 15.95 m2 (172 ft2) Eq. (1) with a ¼ 72.86 and b ¼ 19.36 Using the detailed simulation tool lighting energy use for office buildings. The simplified method accounts for the building geometry, the window size, and the type of glazing. The method requires only two coefficients that depend mainly on the building location. A series of parametric analyses indicates that the simplified method can be applied for commonly used daylighting control settings and strategies by adjustment of the method’s coefficients. Correlations are provided to carry out these adjustments. The prediction of the simplified method has been validated using measured data obtained for a dimming daylighting system installed in a small office space in Boulder, CO. The measurements as well as detailed simulation analysis indicate that significant savings can be incurred when a daylighting control is utilized, especially for a perimeter space fully exposed to natural light. For the office space considered in the validation analysis, an annual energy use savings of up to 60% associated with lighting can be achieved using dimming control strategy. The proposed method can be utilized by building professionals in the early phases of the design process to quickly assess the potential impact of daylighting in reducing annual electrical lighting energy use, without the need for detailed computer simulations, regardless of the control strategies and settings. References continuously at full capacity from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (i.e., during occupancy period). As shown in Table 3, the simulation predictions are in good agreement with the measured data. The relative errors in electrical lighting energy use savings between measurements and simulation predictions are less than 4% for the 4 months. The simulation model for the office space is then utilized to predict the energy savings over 1 year associated with dimming daylighting control using weather data for Boulder, CO. Table 4 summarizes the predictions from both the simulation model and the simplified calculation method of Eq. (1) using the coefficients a and b provided by Table 1 for Boulder, CO. The various parameters used in the simplified calculation method are also provided in Table 3. As indicated in Table 4, the simplified calculation method provides a good estimate of the percent annual energy use savings associated with electrical lighting when a daylighting dimming control system is utilized in the office space of Fig. 6 located in Boulder, CO. 5. 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