November 26, 1053 PAGE FIVE SANDY CHUEEK NEWS, 9ANDY CREEK, N E W YORK Jeanette'" Metchik of Ontario Bay and Mrs. George Greene and son, of Richland were -Sunday' dinner ' end with her parents, Mr. and David of Pulaski, Dr. and Mrs. guests of . Mr, and Mrs. 'Robert H were in Syracuse Monday., Mrs. Philip Coble. , The John Haggerty, Leon Zim- Byron Parsons of the Montario Wyman and also called on IBIr "* , Mr. and ,Mrs. Claude Archer ' merman and Anthony Molin fam- Point road and "Mr. and Mrs. Go- and Mrs. Eugene Wyman.i and family, Warren Archer, Leon, Mr. and Mrs. Ray LeRoque of( , ilies of Rochester were a t their mer Davis, Wilson Davis and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William Diana and the "back, knocking him to ^the Carolyn and Diane, Mrs. Blanche the Scenic left Tuesday for Mip!u> camps on Carter's Creek last W. J. Davis of Adams Center. Mr. a n d Mrs. Donald Johnson and floor and inflicting a bad bruise: Stevenson and brother, Leon Week-end. son, Michael • of JP,ulaski spent Sun- He was taken to Memorial hos- Sharrer will be entertained on Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reardon gan where they will visit relatives SANDY POND — The Bayview day with Mr. and Mrs. W-iliiam p i t a l for X-rays which showed no. Thanksgiving Day in t h e home of Miss Faith Sawyer of Syracuse of Mannsville are Thanksgiving while enroute to Florida where fractures, and returned home Mr. - and Mrs. Lewis Koenig of is improving t h e appearance of and Mr. and Mrs. Latham Pen- dinner guests of their parents, they plan to spe;nd the winter* Oakes and family of Syracuse. the hotel with a new permastone nock and two daughters of Pu- Mr. and Mrs. Harley Dana of the Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allard.and Wednesday afternoon, Eighth Birthday ' * Fulton, R. D. front. sons of Watertown were Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cornwell laski will be Thanksgiving dinner Scenic.« James Robinson of Rochester Phyllis Maxwell was honored Fishing Still Good evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. of Brookfield Center, Conn, are Business Institute is spending t h e guests at the ' Robert Sawyer with a party Friday night at her Returns From Hospital arr•riving Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving holidays with his Some good catches of ,pike and home on the Scenic. Andrew Porter. 7 Ira Henderson returned- Friday home in honor of her eighth i Thanksgiving with Mr. Cornwall's parents, Mr. and "Mrs. Floyd Rob- perch were being taken last weekPostoffice Observes Holiday On Visit £t Rush to his home on the Old Lake road birthday. Among those enjoying end, with a l a r g e number of fishinson. •Sandy Creek Postoffloe will be niece, Mrs. Alice Bancroft. from the Oswego County Sanator- the happy occasion with her were Robert Alexander and Malcolm 1 ermen, along the shore looking for Thanksgiving guests in t h e closed on the Thanksgiving holiMr. and Mrs. Glenn J. Brownium at Orwell and is much im- J a n e t , ' J o a n n e and Mary Meister, Alexander left Wednesday for day except between the hours of Harold Tifft home will be Mr. ell and family will be week-end boats to rent in order to go out Rush where they* will be, guests proved in health. Diane, Sharon, Clara and Edward 8 and 10 a. m., it is announced and Mrs. Virgil Tifft, Mr. and guests of Mrs. Brownell's parents, and try their luck. Woods, Betsy Lawrence, Sheila of Rev. and Mrs. Luther RidgeMr. and Mrs. Ernest Burton of Mrs. Milford Tifft and baby, Mr. Mrs. Zan Laidlaw of the Scenic by Postmaster Louise Allen. Mr. and Mrs. M. Prince of RochesTyfair, Gladys Strablo, Marilyn »way and family for Thanksgiving, Ilion and Sparks Point were Sun- Moffat a n d Linda Maxwell. Sheila left Wednesday for Cranberry Mr. and Mrs., Fred Norton of and Mrs. Norman Tifft and two ter. returning Monday to , their Onday callers on Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tyfair remained for a week-end West Oneonta and family, Lyle children of Greene and Miss ShirThanksgiving guests in the Lake where She will join her hus- tario Bay home. Carter of the Scenic. visit. Norton of Cornell University, ley Tifft of Syracuse. home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick band, remaining until t h e close of Mrs. William Tousant of the Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Parker Miss, Patricia McCadam of Buf- Tanner will be their parents, Mr. the hunting season on December Clyde Norton of Morrisville AgMr. and Mrs. Elwood Meister Scenic spent last Friday with of Ontario Bay are entertaining on ricultural and Teehnical^Institute, falo Institute of Applied Arts and and Mrs. T. H . Tanner and Pvt. 4. of Deer River were Tuesday eveMrs. J o h n Weed of Mexico. Thanksgiving their parents, Mr. Science arrived home Tuesday Theodore Henderson of SyraAnita, Dale, Bruce and Gay-of Robert Wright of F o r t i MonHome F r o m Hospital and Mrs. H. W . Parker and son,- ning dinner guests a t .the Ernest cuse was a week-end guest of his West Oneonta were called here night for the Thanksgiving holi- mouth, N. J. Meister home on t h e Upper Lake Jack Parker. . mother,Mrs. John Bush of the Mrs. William Craig returned Saturday by the death of Mr. day. Mrs. W. R. s Tilton returned road. . Old Lake road. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hinds are Monday to her home on the LowNorton's father, I. H. Norton. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Toung of SyraWednesday to the home of her Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hilton of the er Lake road from General hospi- cuse, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ellery Norton fend family returned Mon- having as their guests on Thanks- daughter, Mrs. William Presley, day, Mrs. Norton remaining .for giving Mrs'. Hinds' mother, Mrs. following a week's visit with, Mrs, Scenic were recent Sunday guests tal, Saranac Lake, where she has of Rochester and Radcliff Wilder of Henry Hilton and daughter of been receiving treatment for of^ Sandy Creek were among the a few' days with her mother-in- Kathryn Gotham of Watertown', Clara Shafty. Mr. and Mrs. William I I . Hinds law. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hiscock Central Square and with them at- pneumonia. She is continuing to Sunday callers at the Robert Sawand baby of Syracuse and Miss returned Monday from a visit tended t h e Baptist church service. improve but is still confined to Eighth Birthday yers. ., Catherine Hinds of Skidmore Col- with Mrs. Hiscock's parents, Mr. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. the bed. ,' Leaves For Florida E a r l Ledden, son of Mr. and lege. Richard Kenney arid family of and Mrs. Lester Pratt in WashMr. and Mrs. Melvin BarringMrs. Howlard I. Ledden, observed Mrs. Alvin Meade of Renshaw Syracuse. Mr. and Mrs. 'John TV Crichton ington, D. C. ton and family of Brewerton were Bay left la?t week Monday in the his eighth'birthday Sunday. SevWU1 Be Served by the will be Thanksgiving holiday Will Hawley of Fulton spent Miss Eleanor {Presley returns Sunday night supper guests of Meade's new Dodge for St. Peters eral., of his friends helped him celebrate the occasion, the group guests of her parents, Mr, ,and Thursday from a vacation trip to the latter part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Potish of the Jhurg,- Fla. Jgthere-she--wil'U-spendjJ^-Sandy-Creek-Rre-Oept r New Y orK Uity. ~~' ~~ -Mr. aud~MTS7~Lawrehce Ouderkirk Lower Lake road. enjoying a theater party. Those Mw^T^-Jv^yan-of-eaiiisteoT the winter. Mr. Meade who is in Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gerzoff Arnold Hiscock of A t l a n t i c of the Upper Lake road. attending were Teddy Corteville, Rochester for the present, will Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bettinger. will have as their Thanksgiving Union College, L a n c a s t e r , M a s s . Mr, and Mrs. Robert. Brownell Douglas Robinson, Eric Walburgh guests Mr. a n d ' Mrs. Merton Mc• and Miss Beulah Jewell were join her there later. and children of Mannsville were _ ..«5 arrived home Wednesday to spend of Pulaski, Kay. .and Ronnie Deal- Fadden, Sr. of Rodman and Mr. Miss Mary Henderson, student Sunday callers in the home ofSunday afternoon visitors of Mr. At Sandy Creek Masonic Temple ing, Peter Morris, Freddie Wil- and Mrs. Frank Johnson of the Thanksgiving week-end w i t h nurse at the Crouse-Irving hospiMr. Bettinger's sister, Mrs. Claude from 5:30 P. M. until all are his parents; Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Mrs. Victor Potish of t h e Taplin of the Scenic. Mr. Bettin- tal, arrived home- Wednesday for liamson and : Jay Ledden. served. Rochester. Lower Lake rpad. ' •"" Hiscock. Mr. land - M?B- S. W. Hagan, the Thanksgiving week-end. MT. and, Mrs. Roy Abbott a n d ger is driving a new.. Chevrolet. At States,Health Meeting Adults:-$1.25 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Claflin will and Mrs.' and Mrs. F. K. Hagan Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Monson of Mrs. Harvey Day of the Scenic children of Mannsville and Mr. Children:—75c Dr. Warren L. Hollis, director entertain on Thanksgiving d'ay and family of .Mahnsville will be Fulton were Saturday night supwas a guest Tuesday of Mrs. and Mrs. Royce Hilton Were Sun, entertained on Thanksgiving Day of the Oswego'County Sanatorium Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hilton and BeneBt of S.C. F.D. Tanker per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elam day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ceylon Percy Tifft! Equipment fund. in t h e home of' Mr. and Mrs. Al- at Orwell, was in Albany Monday daughter, Mrs. William Tousant, James Veley of Syracuse was a Parsons. Hilton of the Scenic, and Tuesday to attend a meeting Mr. and Mrs. Noel Claflin and son, fred E . Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Spicer Miss Phyllis least who is em- week-end guest -of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Glenn H 1 Perrigp returned of the directors of the sanator- Donald, Mrs, Olive Sturteviant, a n d Elwin K a s t and returned Wednesployed at Carrier Corpi in SyraMr. and Mrs. Malcolm . Claflin of 4Sunday "from a visit of several i'ums'of New York State with-the day for the remainder of the cuse will spend Thanksgiving and week. days in the homes of her sons, New York . State Health Depart- Brewerton. • Fay Welch, of Erieville who. has the week-end 'with her - parents, spending some time with Mr. and ment. . Patricia and John Munson of Mrs. Marie Kline and son, Don- recently returned from, a trip t o Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kast of the the Renshaw Bay road are spendMrs. JacK" Perrigo and two. daughOld Lake road, ters of Honeoye Falls and at "Pitts- ald Kline will be Thanksgiving New York City spent part of l a s t their Mrs. Fanny, Cronk of Woodville ing Thanksgiving w i t h dinner guests of Mr,s. Kline's week with his mother, Mrs. J m a e s ford with Mr. and Mrs. Gle; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie is spending t h e week with -Mrs. H. Perrigo, Jr. -and new oab; daughter, Miss Virginia Kline and Welch. His cousin, Edward BlodMunson of Fulton. Mrs. Robert Lott of Rochester. gett, returned with h i m . t o E r i e - Percy Tifft of the. Scenic. Glenn H> Perrigo 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller of Mr. and Mrs. Griffith W. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Leon McNitt and' They will .be joined there by Mr. ville for the week-end. Rochester were week-end guests and sons of the .Lower Lake road Mrs. Harvey Lounsbury ^ and son, Elmer McNitt returned Satur- •and Mrs. Mander J . .McMullen and were in Carthage Sunday, t h e of Dr. and Mrs. Byron Parsons of day-from a. .ten. day trip to Fort baby son. Miss Virginia Kline will Mrs. Arthur Learned attended t h e guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. the Montario Point road. Wayne, Indiana, where they were' accompany her mother home for funeral .of an aunt, Mrs. S a r a h Tom Jones and of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Carter, Ted ^Try amazing Du Pont Ducoa week-end visit. •> Lounsbury, 84 ,.at Tioga. Centerthe guests of relatives. nrf Carter and Mona of the .^Scenic Robert Jones and Mrs. Jones. -and see now easy painting Saturday. Mrs. Lounsbury was t h e Mrs. Curtis Dennie is entertainMr., and Mri.^iTames Ridgeway are Thanksgiving guests of Mr." Ill With Pneumonia can be. You'll love the and M r s , William' Shirley a r e Be- ing ait Thanksgiving din- widow of the l a t e Allen D. 'Lounsand Mrs. Al Lohrman of Rochessmooth, easy way it glides Edward Bardy of t h e " Upper ter. ing entertained on Thanksgiving ner for eleven, her guests^ being bury and they formerly spent "I from your brush.., the way Day i n the home of Mr. and Mrs. her daughter and family of Min- their summers for many years at Lake, road has been ill at his Mrs. Robert Sawyer and daughit covers walls and woodSandy Pond. They at , one & t i m e home with pneumonia this week. -etto. , Allen Ridgeway. ter, Linda, and Mrs. Kenneth made their home in Rochester. work, tables and chairs usuMrs. Hugh Killam was in SyraMr. and Mrs, H. C.Mason of Sampson were i n • Watertown Bridesmaid a t "Wedding ally in one coat. cuse Wednesday to meet her son, Mrs. Lounsbury and Mrs. Learned Syracuse arrived Tuesday night Monday. Miss. Catherine Hinds will be a Gharles- Killam of Drexel Insti- returned" Sunday. to spend the remainder of the^ J Eonrth. B i r t h d a y — frTifleijiiiald at the—wedding — of tute of Technology, who calme by, T JVbr. and MxsTTaul J . Fuller, week at their TCiblin Shore Mr. a n d Mrs. L. A. Hilton enMiss "Virginia Murray and Harry plane from Philadelphia- for the Cynthia, Sally ,and Sue will ' b e cottage. tertained Sunday at dinner in Vanlderstitte at t h e Hope Pres- Thanksgiving holiday. Accom,- Thanksgiving guests of Mr. • a n d Mr. and Mrs. Fred-Lepinske of honor- of the fourth birthday of byterian church in Watertown panying them home was Mrs. Mrs. Dana H. Paye, J r . Renshaw Bay a r e returning F r i - their granddaughter, Loretta MilSaturday^ On F r i d a y Miss Hinds Killam's mother, Mrs. Elsie BeShirley Lum and Jeanette Giiy- day to their camp at Hoffmeisler. Their guests were Mr. and In kitchen or bath . . . on jwill b e hostess a t a luncheon at mis of Syracuse. Joining them for efte were week-end guests of Miss ter for a few days, Mrs; Hqward Miller- ami daugh1 woodwork, or furniture . . . her home for the wedding party;. Thanksgiving dinner will be Mr. Peggy Ann Lum* of Syracuse. Mrs. A. J. Andrews of t h e on almost any surface, Visitor,. Eroni Virginia and Mrs. Bob ,M. Killam and H o n o r e d a t Surprise Party " Scenic and Mrs. Byron Parsons and Mrs. Ernest Claflin. DuPont Ducp dries hard Mrs.' Richard Knoeller w h o is daughter, Linda and Mr, and Mrs. A surprise party was held Sat- of the Montario-Point road were Thanksgiving j u e s t s in.. -the and smooth. It's' as washnow living in Virginia, where her John Killam and daughters, Jan- urday night a t the home of Mil- in Watertown Tuesday.home of t Mr. and Mrs. Elam Parable as thefinishon'your reClifford Blood of Renshaw Bay husband is. stationed at Fort eth and Rae of Lock. ford Tifft in honor of his b i r t h sons of Renshaw Bay are Dr. and frigerator, 'White stays white Warren Archer of Rochester day. The.guests included Mr. a n d left Monday to spend the week Mrs. Lawrence. Crowell and' Mr.' Eustis, Va. arrived the latter • part . . . colors stay bright! _ / , of last week for a visit with her Business Institute 'arrived home Mrs. Virgil Tifft, Mr. and Mrs, in Buffalo. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wednesday for the Thanksgiving Harold Tiffe, A / 2 c Richard AckEntertains Family Group holiday week-end. Hollis. ley and Mrs. Ackley, Mr. a n d Mrs. Milton Sianford of t h e Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bro'wnell Mrs. S. W. Bagan, Mr. and M r s . Scenic is entertainirfg for ThanksLeaves. Fort Army Service .and daughter, Carroll of Fulton, Glenn Chamberlain, P a u l W h i t e , giving Mr. and Mrs* F r a n k 'Jeanes Mr. and Mrk Harvey L. Odell of Syracuse were week-end guests will be entertained on Thanks- Miss Flora White, Mr. and Mrs. of . Orwell,' Mr. and Mrs.- 'Frank of t h e i r parents, Engineer and giving* day in the home of their Ernest Claflin, Mrs. William tVol- Snyder, daughter, -Mary Ellen and anek and Eric Lang. '' son, Allen and Mrs. Dan Snyder Mrs. F . DeWitt Odell, prior to son, Glenn J. Brownell. J -™*1 Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M&rsaw of Home From New England QDrip of Lacona, Mr. and ^Mrs. J o h n Harvey's iridtiction into the army Sylvan Beach and Mrs. Anna GibMiss Fannie Wilder returned Otis and son, Mike of Adams, Mr. Novemher 23. son of Hammond Will be enter- Tuesday from a visit i n Rhode and Mrs. Ellis Otis ,and Mrs. Betty Rev. ana .Mrs. David Rees of tained on Thanksgiving Day in Island and Massachusetts, having Munson of the Renshaw Bay road Elmira ar6' Thanksgiving guests the,home of the Marsaw'd daugh- accompanied Mrs. Gordon Lee to and Byron Case. this' week-, of their son,' Rev. ArSQUEAK-PROOF ter, Mrs. Floyd Robinson. _ her home in Pawtucket, OR. L Mr. and Mrs. George Sparks land B . Rees antf family. Mr. and .Mrs. Fay Mills a n d where she spent a'week. With Mr,, returned Sunday to their home at Mrs. J, H. Lee returned home LUBRICATION family were entertained ' at a and Mrs. Lee s h e visited points of Blind Creek Cove after spending last week from t h e Cheney Nurs : Thanksgiving dinner Wednesday interest in Pa"wtucket, Providence", a few days in New York City. ing home where she has. been a night at the home of Mrs. Mills' Boston and Plynfouth and attendSgt. and Mrs. Edward .A. Kappatient for .some time. (mother,, Mrs. Albert Baker of ed the dedication of t h e Baptist pesser and little son will be Phone 2271 Sandy Creelc, N . Y . Mrs.. Laura Bowimaniof SyraW a t e r t o w n . Their daughter, home for elderly^ people in New- Thanksgiving guests of her parcuse i s a TKariksgiving guest; of Diane. Mills remained for a week- port. She also spent t e n days with ents, Mr. and Mrs. B u r t . Ashby Atlantic Service Station Mrs, Frank T.uro and Mr. and Mrs. end visit in the city. •Her cousin, Miss Mildred Wilder of Euclid avenue, Syracuse. Paul TUro. Joining' t h e group for : Sandy Creek Phone 4341 Mliss Patricia Tanner of the and friend, Mrs. Harold B l a n PAINTS for E V I R Y PURPOSE Mrs. Robert Parker and Mrs. Thanksgiving dinner will be Mrs. chard at Lynn, Mass. With t h e m Hamburg' school faculty arrived' •Paul Turo's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1 home Wednesday for the Thanks- and others she enjoyed a drive George Kerns.along the north shore, visiting giving holiday. ,. Mrs. Ora Hollis of Adaans is Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Malott Salem, the House of Seven Gales, spending the winter months in Manblehead Neijk, Gloucester and Waterboro, S. d. where s h e is and daughter, Margaret Ann, and Rockport. George Eely will be Thanksgiving located near Mrs. Grace Waterbury Evans) formerly of Adams. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Howard! Ledden Mrs. Evans will be remembered Tracy 'Killam and Mrs. M. D. were dinner guests Monday n i g h t Herriman. as a' teacher of the seventh grade of Bishop and Mrs. W. Earle LedJiere d-uring-the-^period-.-of- ^World- _. SissL ..Betty .Gardner... a_senjor den of ^Syracuse", the occasion De^ student in the physical" therapy ing Mrs. Howard Ledden's b i r t h War. 1. course of Ithaca college, arrived Bishop-and Mrs. W, Barle Led- last Friday from New York City day. den a r e Thanksgiving guests in to spend the Thanksgiving holi- . Mrs. Charles Norton of Pulaski the home of their son, Attorney day with her parents, Mr. and was an over-night guest Sunday Howard 1 Ledden. Mrs. Oarlton Gardner. She re- of Mrs. F. Dudley Corse and atMr. and Mi's. W. J. Hinds were turns next-Monday to New York tended the funeral Monday of I . guests Tuesday night of Mr. and where she is* working in clinics H. Norton.' "• < . • Mrs. L. W Quick Of Watertown and hospitals throughout the city Thanksgiving holiday guests in at a dinner '.honoring "Mr. Hinds' in the practical application of the the home of Mr, and Mrs.' Ted, sister, Mi's. W. H. Morse of Co- physical therapy course. Presteott are Miss Joan Phelps of lumbus, Ohio. „ _ _ _ _ _ —MrT-and-MFS^&esver-Miles-and ^tf-iawrenee-^ffniversityr^airtoTi^ H5m§ nm Nco1mBir-^vVTQTFigr~ ' niece, Thyra Miles left Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Bradley .Phelps a n a bins, Gilbert Johnson and Robert for a Thanksgiving holiday 9 trip son,"Jiohn/of Elmira and Herbert* Phelps of Dayton, Ohio. - Chamberlain, students at Canton to New York City. Agricultural -And Technical InstiMrs., Nina Allen a i d Mr.' aija Mrs. Richard Mills will be a tute arrived home Wednesday for Thanksgiving guest of Mr. and- Mrs. Milford Allen and family, of the' Thanksgiving holiday. »Mrs. Will Parker of Gouverneur. Syracuse \rtll spend Thanksgiving r William Mishde, a law student Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Tanner7 Day with Mr. a n d Mrs. Le6 Reniat Syracuse University, was a dinihgton and Mrs. Leonia Remingner guest Saturday night of Mr. were in Syracuse Wednesday to ton'in Manlius. < • . call upon Paul Hosier of South and Mrs. F," De-Witt Odell. 1 Bend, Ind. Who was stricken with Mr, and Mrs. Stephen Bednarz. and d'aughtersy Anne Louise and a heart attack* while on a business Shirley of, Cheshire, -Mass. and trip* in Pennsylvania. Mr. Hosier ? t <<*Sloane Barker of New York City •is now a patient ait Syracuse Memorial hospital, are -Thanksgiving holiday guests of their parents, Mr. and' Mrs. • Miss Doris Miller, student nurse NOTICE: Our store will be open Friday and Saturday evenings from of Ogdensburg State hospital, arP. N. Barker, now until Christmas^ from Injured at Syracuse Foundry rived ' home Wednesday COIOSSE"'CttiESE, Watertown where she is affiliatT. Richard Blount was pain- ing at the House of the Good and BEVERAGES fully injured Monday night at Samaritan. -She will return to her Open 0 A. M. to 0 P. M. SunOberdorfer's Foundry, Syracuse^ duties there on Monday. • day through Thurgdny, except where he has been working for ' ' M i s s Marjorie Coble of Morriscloned nil day ,Mondayj,Friday and Saturday 0 A. M. to lO the past few weeks. A large sheet ville .Agricultural and Technical P. M. of metal'fell unexpectedly from Institute arrived home Wednesday PHONE SMS SANDY CREEK about 20 feet above him and to spend the Thanksgivirig weekstruck him a glancing blow- on New JPermastone Front Is Added At Bay view Hotel It Is Reported That 1 The Feed of the Year! Roast Beef Dinner THURSDAY, DEC. 3 stays beautiful for years! $2.65 Qt Sancona Builders' Supply, Inc. KILLAM'S SllJIItlfl Our Toyland with all the newest toys is ready for your inspection. We'll be^laiio have you look around and use.our lay-away'service. '" < GROCETERIA SANDY CR&B&