World Wide Web: A Graph-Theoretic Perspective

World Wide Web:
A Graph-Theoretic Perspective
Narsingh Deo
Pankaj Gupta
School of Computer Science
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL 32816
University of Central Florida
Computer Science Technical report
March 2001
The World Wide Web can be modeled as a directed graph in which a node represents a
Web page and an edge represents a hyperlink. Currently, the number of nodes in this gigantic Web graph is estimated to be over four billion, and is growing at more than seven
million nodes a day  without any centralized control. Recent studies suggest that despite its chaotic appearance, the Web is a highly structured digraph, in a statistical sense.
The study of this graph can provide insight into Web algorithms for crawling, searching,
and ranking Web resources. Knowledge of the graph-theoretic structure of the Web
graph can be exploited for attaining efficiency and comprehensiveness in Web navigation
as well as enhancing Web tools, e.g., better search engines and intelligent agents. In this
proposal, we discuss various problems to be explored for understanding the structure of
the WWW. Many research directions are identified such as Web caching, prevention of
security threats, user-flow analysis, etc.
MODELING THE WWW...................................................................................................3
RANDOM-GRAPH MODELS ............................................................................................7
POWER-LAW DISTRIBUTION ...........................................................................................34
DIAMETER OF THE WEB GRAPH .....................................................................................35
CONNECTED COMPONENTS ............................................................................................35
SIZE AND GROWTH CHARACTERISTICS ..........................................................................36
CHANGING CONTENTS OF A WEB PAGE .........................................................................37
SEARCH ENGINES ...........................................................................................................38
THE BOWTIE EMPIRICAL STUDY ....................................................................................27
SAMPLING THE WEB THROUGH RANDOM WALK...........................................................30
PROPERTIES OF THE WEB GRAPH ...........................................................................33
ERDÖS-RÉNYI MODEL ......................................................................................................7
SMALL-WORLD MODELS..................................................................................................9
THE PREFERENTIAL-ATTACHMENT MODEL ...................................................................15
THE WEB-SITE GROWTH MODEL ...................................................................................18
AN EVOLVING WEB-GRAPH MODEL..............................................................................21
THE ALPHA-BETA MODEL .............................................................................................26
EMPIRICAL STUDIES .....................................................................................................26
WWW IS NOT THE INTERNET ...........................................................................................3
WWW AS A DIGRAPH ......................................................................................................5
ARCHITECTURE OF A SEARCH ENGINE ...........................................................................39
ISSUES IN THE DESIGN OF EFFECTIVE SEARCH-ENGINES ...............................................41
GRAPH-THEORETIC WEB ALGORITHMS................................................................42
7.1 THE WWW COMMUNITIES ............................................................................................42
7.2 HITS ALGORITHM ..........................................................................................................44
7.3 MINING KNOWLEDGE-BASES .........................................................................................47
7.4 WEB-PAGE EVALUATION ...............................................................................................49
PageRank Algorithm...............................................................................................49
Page Reputation ......................................................................................................51
Markov-Chain-Based Rank Method .......................................................................53
7.5 SMALL-WORLD ALGORITHMICS.....................................................................................56
7.6 RELATED-URL AND TOPIC DISTILLATION ALGORITHMS ..............................................57
REFERENCES ...........................................................................................................................63
LIST OF SYMBOLS................................................................................................................... 71
The World Wide Web (WWW or Web) has revolutionized the way we access information. By April 2001, the Web is estimated to have over 4 billion pages, more than 28 billion hyperlinks, and is growing rapidly at the rate of 7.3 million pages a day (Moore and
Murray [49], Kleinberg et al. [39]). This gigantic structure of the Web often makes it difficult for even the most technical users to find the best information available on a given
topic. The WWW can be viewed in two very divergent ways. From an internal standpoint, it is a TCP-compliant application, HTTP with related software, e.g., support for
Java and a set of associated programming, and data communications problems and solutions. We are interested in the other equally important way of viewing the WWW, which
is external and extensional. From this standpoint, the Web is a vast and continuously
growing repository of information: textual as well as audio and video. The size, number
of pages, and presence of hyperlinks distinguish the Web from a distributed database.
The sheer volume of material and the apparently chaotic nature of the Web can make locating, acquiring, and organizing information for a specific purpose both time consuming
and difficult. This runs exactly opposite to the promise of the Web, namely that all information can be made readily available to the world’s population all of the time. The
first challenge to overcome in attaining this laudable goal would be to find methods for
efficiently and comprehensively navigating the WWW. Efficiency has to be defined in
WWW-intrinsic terms. That is, one wants to minimize the number of links that must be
followed to reach a desired piece of information from a designated starting point. Com-
prehensiveness means that most relevant information is actually obtained during the navigation. At present, neither efficiency nor comprehensiveness can be reliably achieved.
Much of the effort in devising search methods for navigating the WWW would be
based on knowledge engineering. This is a promising approach provided one knows how
deep (how many links overall) the search should continue and how comprehensively relevant sections of the WWW have been identified. Knowledge engineering is most appropriate when the field of search has been significantly narrowed to the point where with
some certainty most of the relevant information resides in visited pages. At this point,
knowledge-engineering techniques can be used to amplify relevance and filter less relevant material away so that the user can then apply interface techniques, e.g., visualization
to examine the results. There is need of a set of methods that can exploit structural properties of the WWW to accelerate the search process, so that it actually reaches the threshold where knowledge engineering can be profitably applied. A summary of the WWW
data collection and characterizations of aspects of the WWW appears in Pitkow [56].
However, a Web model does not ‘emerge’ from these data, as the elements of any model
must be formulated mathematically.
Despite its chaotic appearance, the Web is highly structured, but in a statistical sense.
Models have been proposed which reproduce certain experimentally determined features
of the WWW and these features could be exploited to attain efficiency and comprehensiveness in the WWW navigation. Graph theory aids in understanding the structure of the
Web at macroscopic as well as microscopic level. An overview of applications of graph
theory to the WWW appears in Hayes [33, 34]. In this paper, we survey the present re-
search on Web modeling, search algorithms, and properties of the Web from a graphtheoretic perspective. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses some preliminary considerations about the WWW that play a crucial role in assessing its models.
Section 3 is a survey of the random-graph models that explain the Web structure. Section
4 covers various empirical studies of the WWW. Section 5 discusses properties of the
Web that have been discovered until now. Section 6 points out features of the present
search engines and analyzes factors for improving them. Section 7 describes algorithms
applied for search and identification of Web communities. Section 8 discusses the proposed work. Section 9 presents the concluding remarks. Appendix I provides the definitions of the important graph-theoretic terms as well as abbreviations used. The description of the graph-theoretic terms used in this paper can be found in a standard graphtheory book such as [24].
An accurate model of the Web is helpful for testing the correctness and scalability of a
Web algorithm. In addition, modeling the Web structure will enable us to predict its future properties likely to emerge from its current pattern of evolution.
2.1 WWW is not the Internet
Any discussion of the WWW in the extensional sense must begin by disengaging it from
the Internet. The Internet is a constellation of data communications technologies, which
are not relevant for the Web structure. There is no correspondence between the distance
(minimum number of hyperlinks) from one Web page to another and the minimum number of IP router hops required to realize the traversal. It may be a three-hyperlink jump
for navigating from one Web page to another, but nine routers might have to be involved
in the best of circumstances on the Internet. Internet topology and traffic are defined by
data communications lines and resource allocation issues in entities like routers or operating systems. Claffy [21] and Crovella et al. [22] presented valuable studies of the Internet and the impact certain kinds of WWW activities have on it as a resource issue. However, the WWW and the Internet are two very distinct entities.
The smallest useful component of the WWW is a Web page. A page can be resolved
into smaller elements such as cross-linked subdocuments (HTML files) and multimedia
objects, e.g., digital images. This level of detail is not necessary for an analysis of the
Web structure. The design of an individual Web page and its outgoing and incoming hyperlinks are not influenced by data communications or systems considerations. Since, the
WWW is the sum total of the authoring decisions made by individual designers of a page,
the hyperlinks on a Web page reflect semantically motivated, intentional acts by human
beings. Recent studies about the WWW structure show that it resembles collective behavior reminiscent of complex physical systems and thermodynamics. Thus, despite the
impossibility of direct modeling at the microscopic level, the WWW structure can be
modeled. Such model will be used to improve existing search methods and invent new
scalable approaches that can match the growth of the Web.
The Web resembles a distributed database superficially. However, it has many features that distinguish it from a distributed database. The uncontrolled, decentralized, and
rapid growth of the Web is absent in a distributed database. Web pages are constantly
being created, maintained, and modified by hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of
users all over the world. The Web is unique in the sense that there is no uniform structure, integrity constraints, transactions, standard query language, or a data model [29].
Moreover, the key features of a database such as reliability, recovery, etc., are not present
in the Web.
2.2 WWW as a Digraph
The WWW can be modeled as a directed graph where each node represents a page and
each edge, a hyperlink. We refer the directed graph formed by the WWW as the Web
graph. A small section of the Web graph is shown in Figure 1.
To draw one more distinction between the Internet and the WWW, the word ‘site’ has
various meanings when applied to the WWW. From the Internet standpoint, a site is a
principal IP address. It can be identified as a single, reachable target on the Internet.
From the WWW standpoint, a Web site is defined as a registered domain-name on the
Internet. As an interesting exercise in both WWW search and the framing of the definition, here are some URLs, that have conflicting definitions of the term Web site
(FOLDOC [62], Netlingo [63], Webopedia [64]). Whatever appropriate definition eventuates, it does not coincide with IP site.
IBM Almaden
National Weather Service
Ithaca Weather
Xerox PARC
Oracle in News
Brown Univ.
Web Agents Group
American Redcross
Artificial Life
AAA tours
Library of
Newspapers in India
ICARP Tajikistan
Figure 1. A Small Section of the Web Graph
This section surveys various models of random graphs that have been proposed for the
WWW. We also point out drawbacks of these models. Some of these models capture the
growth characteristics of the Web, while others are only static.
3.1 Erdös-Rényi Model
Erdös and Rényi [28] proposed the earliest model of a random graph. The model starts
with a null graph having n nodes. Each of the
n ⋅ ( n − 1)
pairs of nodes is connected
with an edge at random with a specified uniform probability p. At a threshold value pc of
the probability p, many interesting properties appear in the graph.
When p < pc ,
(pc ~ 1/n), the graph has many disconnected components. At p = pc, a large connected
component is formed, which in the asymptotic limit contains all the nodes in the graph.
The number of nodes in this model is fixed. Therefore, this model cannot capture the
growth characteristics of the Web. In addition, a uniform probability p of edge formation
between all pairs of nodes does not truly reflect the real-life WWW.
An example of the Erdös-Rényi model is shown in Figure 2(a) and 2(b). Initially, we
have a null graph with n = 10 nodes as in Figure 2(a). With a probability p = 0.2, an edge
is added between any two nodes, e.g., nodes c and j. This process is repeated until a total
of m =
p ⋅ n ⋅ ( n − 1)
= 9 edges are added, as shown in Figure 2(b). This leads to the
formation of a random graph, which has a small diameter.
Figure 2(a). A Null Graph (n = 10)
Figure 2(b). Erdös-Rényi Random Graph With 10 Nodes
and 9 Edges
3.2 Small-World Models
The small-world model of random networks has inspired much of the research into the
WWW structure. Milgram [48] appears to be the first to articulate the basic properties of
small-world networks. It is a well-founded folklore that each individual is indirectly
linked through a short chain of acquaintances to practically anyone else in the world.
Sparseness, small diameter, and cliquishness1 are the three properties that characterize
small-world networks. Erdös-Rényi type random graphs have small diameter, but they
lack the cliquishness present in small-world networks. The small-world effect has been
identified in disparate contexts including neural network of the worm C. elegans, epidemiology [59], power-grid network, collaboration graph of film actors (e.g., Kevin Bacon
graph [65]), and the WWW.
Edge-Reassigning Small-World Network
Watts and Strogatz [60] suggested a probabilistic graph-evolution as the process underlying small-world networks. Evolution starts with a ring lattice with each node connected
to its d nearest neighbors. Then each of
n ⋅d
edges is randomly reassigned to distant
nodes with a probability p in a round robin fashion. This network has two properties:
characteristic-path length L that measures the separation between two nodes (global property), and clustering coefficient C that measures the cliquishness of neighborhood of a
node (local property). Clustering is a measure of the extent to which neighbors of a node
form a complete graph, and it provides the basis for redefining a Web page in purely
WWW structural terms. The rewired-edges connect nodes that are actually apart from
each other by a distance more than Lrandom, where Lrandom is the number of edges in the
shortest path, averaged over all pairs of nodes in the network for p = 1 (Erdös-Rényi random graph). The chief feature of this model, which can be viewed as yielding random
chordal rings if we start with a ring lattice, is that a region of values for p produces evolution unlike the Erdös-Rényi type random-graph evolution. On entering this region from
below, the characteristic path-length L of the small-world network decreases dramatically,
while the expected clustering is only slowly varying throughout the region. As new edges
are reconnected, shortcuts are added between nodes far apart.
An example of the edge-reassigning (Watts-Strogatz) small-world network is shown in
Figure 3. The ring lattice has n = 10 nodes each with degree d = 4, as in Figure 3(a).
Each of the 20 edges is reassigned with a probability p = 0.3. A small-world network
emerges out of the original ring lattice after the six edges are reassigned (Figure 3(b)).
Tendency to form a clique. (See Appendix I)
Figure 3(a). A Ring Lattice (n = 10, d = 4)
Figure 3(b). Six Edges of Fig. 3(a) Reassigned
Figure 3(c). All Edges of Fig. 3(a) Reassigned
When p = 0, the original regular-graph remains unchanged. The ring lattice is a highly
clustered, large world where the characteristic path-length L grows linearly with n. As p
increases from 0 to 1, the characteristic path-length L decreases rapidly. However, reassigning an edge from a clustered neighborhood has at most a linear effect on the clustering coefficient C. The result is a poorly clustered, small-world random network. When
p = 1, we get an Erdös-Rényi type random graph as shown in Figure 3(c).
Edge-Addition Small-World Network
Analysis of the small-world model has gone well beyond the description provided by
Watts and Strogatz. Important examples of both results and analytical tools appear in
Moore and Newman [50, 51] and Newman et al. [53, 54]. The Edge-Addition SmallWorld model extends the Watts-Strogatz small-world model and is based on undirected
In the edge-addition small-world model, additional edges are added randomly giving
an expected number
p ⋅d ⋅n
of new edges. Here p, d, and n denote the probability of
addition of a new edge, degree of each node in the original ring-lattice, and the number of
nodes in the ring lattice, respectively. The model exhibits the cliquishness and short
paths among nodes, found in social networks. An example of edge-addition small-world
network is shown in Figure 4. Four edges are added between randomly chosen nodes (p
= 0.2) in the ring lattice in Figure 3(a).
Moore and Newman [50] consider the following situation in a small-world network.
Some fraction f of nodes is populated by individuals who will contract a disease if exposed to it. The probability P(j) that a randomly chosen node i belongs to a connected
cluster of j nodes is determined. A cluster has an epidemiological significance. If any
node i contains an infected individual, P(j) is the probability that j people will be conse-
Figure 4. Four Edges Added to Fig. 3(a)
quently infected because there are very short paths from the original infected-individual
to all others in the cluster.
The mathematical model presented by Newman et al. [53] establishes a connection
between the discrete small-world network and its continuous version. It is a mean-field
model, meaning that the variables are all taken to be expected values. For a given distance l (expressed in terms of number of edges traversed) and a random node v, the expected number of nodes within distance l of v is determined. These nodes break up into
clusters and the number of clusters is a random variable. Using the continuous model,
good estimates for these variables are obtained, and corresponding estimates for the discrete model can be obtained (with a suitable confidence measure) that reflect granularity.
They derive the distribution of path length and an expression for average path length.
The study shows that these parameters are scale-free, i.e., independent of the number of
nodes in the network. However, this is only true for ‘large’ networks. The notion of a
‘large’ network can be made precise in terms of the correspondence between their continuous and discrete models.
The method presented by Moore and Newman [51] permits the calculation of a
threshold value of the fraction f at which the expected size j of infectious outbreak diverges. This represents an epidemic. They also derive an asymptotic expression for P(j)
in the neighborhood of this threshold value of f.
The spread of epidemics in a population bears an interesting analogy to the spread of
viruses on the WWW. The small-world characteristic of the Web aids in spread of a virus epidemic. A file meant for general distribution on a popular site, if infected by a vi-
rus, can become the source of a major outbreak. The Web pages, particularly primary
pages, of a popular Web site are vulnerable as these pages are part of a cluster. Once infected, they propagate the virus through their immediate neighbors and cause a global
epidemic thereby causing enormous loss of time and money. The outbreak of virus is going to be significantly less severe and can be controlled, if the infected node does not belong to a near clique. The study of small-world network is useful in predicting the nature
of a virus outbreak and its effect on the Web.
3.3 The Preferential-Attachment Model
The small-world models cannot be applied directly to the Web because number of nodes
(pages) in the Web is variable. These models do not accommodate a birth/death process
in which new pages are created. They also do not explain how new links are formed
(possibly through editing old pages), and how both links and pages can be deleted. Two
new models have been proposed recently to explain some of the empirical findings concerning the overall Web structure, taking on board the reality of the birth/death process.
They are the preferential-attachment model proposed by Albert et al. [4, 5, 6] and the
Web-site growth model proposed by Huberman and Adamic [35].
The preferential-attachment model starts with a small, null graph having a finite number of nodes (n0).
1. At each successive time step, a new node with a random, but bounded number of
outgoing edges (m0) is added to the network.
2. The probability that an edge is added between a new node and an existing node i is
d i , where, di is the degree of node i, and the denominator sum runs over all exist∑d j
ing nodes. Thus, a newly introduced node is more likely to be adjacent to a node with
high degree. This is the preferential-attachment rule. The preferential attachment of
newly introduced nodes implies that the nodes that are added at early stages of development are more likely to have high degree.
Figure 5 shows an example of the preferential-attachment model. It starts with a null
graph with four (n0) nodes (Figure 5(a)). In the first step, a new node e with degree three
is added (Figure 5(b)). Node f with three new edges is added, according to the preferential-attachment rule, in the second step (Figure 5(c)). The next two Figures 5(d) and 5(e)
show the third and fourth steps, respectively.
The preferential-attachment model reproduces one of the most significant empirical
findings about the WWW, namely, the probability that a page or a node i has degree di is
(d i)
, where A is proportional to the square of average degree of the network and c is a
constant. The exponent c was empirically found to be about 2.9, and it is independent of
the number of edges being added at each time step. Albert et al. analytically derived the
exponent c of the power law and found it to be 3.
This model does not allow reconnection of existing edges. Also, addition of new
edges takes place only when new nodes are added in the system. However, in real life,
the new links are added continuously between old nodes as well.
Figure 5(a). Initial Null Graph
Figure 5(b). Node e Added With Degree 3
Figure 5(c). Node f Added
Figure 5(d). Node g Added
Figure 5(e). Node h Added
Figure 5. The Preferential-Attachment Albert et al. Model
Albert et al. [6] investigated two other models analytically neither of which yield a
scale-free power law for node degrees. In one model, the number of nodes increases at
each time step, but the preferential-attachment behavior of edge formation between a
newly introduced node and an existing node is absent. In the other model, the number of
nodes remains fixed; a new edge is added between a randomly selected node and another
node with higher degree.
3.4 The Web-Site Growth Model
Huberman and Adamic [1, 35] have proposed another model that exhibits an inverse,
scale-free power law for the probability that a Web site s has Ns pages. The scale-free
nature means that the power law holds true for any portion of the Web, i.e., it is independent of the number of nodes in the Web subgraph under consideration. The term Web
site in their study is defined as a registered domain-name on the Internet. Individual Web
pages are arranged in a hierarchical, tree-like manner in each Web site. The basis of the
Huberman-Adamic Web-site growth model is an equation governing the number of pages
(a random variable) at a site s as a function of time. The number of pages added to site s
at any given time is considered proportional to those already existing on the site. The
equation has the form
Ns(t + 1) = Ns(t) + g(t + 1)⋅Ns(t),
where, Ns(t) = the number of pages at Web site s at time step t, and
g(t) = the universal growth rate, which is independent of a Web site.
Due to the unpredictable nature of growth of a site, g(t) fluctuates about a positive
mean g0, and it can be expressed as
g(t) = g0 + ξ(t),
where, g0 = the basic, constant growth rate, and
ξ(t) = a Brownian motion variable.
The expected value of Ns(t) is
N s (t ) = N s (0) ⋅ e
( g 0 ⋅t + υ )
t ,
where, υt is a Wiener process such that υt 2 = e (var ( g )⋅t ) and var(g) is variance of growth
rate g(t) of the Web site.
The probability of Ns(t) pages at site s is given by a weighted integral, which eliminates dependence on time t and yields a scale-free inverse power-law
( N s)γ
, where c is
a constant and exponent γ is in the range [1, ∞]. The probability P(Ns) that a given site
with an unknown growth rate has Ns pages is given by the sum over all growth rates g, of
the probability that the site has so many pages given g, times the probability that a site’s
growth rate is g.
P( N s ) = ∑ P( N s / gi ) ⋅ P( gi ).
Since each particular growth rate gives rise to a power-law distribution with a specific
value of the exponent, the above sum is of the form
P( N s ) =
(Ns )
(Ns )
+ ⋅⋅⋅ +
( N s )γn
Thus, the probability P(Ns) follows an inverse power-law with an exponent given by
the smallest power present in the series.
Huberman and Adamic studied the Web crawls of Alexa and Infoseek search engines,
covering 259,794 and 525,882 sites respectively. The value of exponent γ was found to
be in the range [1.647, 1.853] as the 95% confidence interval for the Alexa crawl. For the
Infoseek crawl, γ was estimated to lie in the range [1.775, 1.909] as the 95% confidence
interval. Using the value of γ in the power-law equation, the expected number of pages
at any site can be estimated. The probability distribution of the number of pages per site
for the two Web crawls is shown in Figure 6.
10 0
Alexa crawl
(259,794 sites)
10 -1
10 -3
10 -4
10 -5
10 -6
10 -7
(525,882 sites)
10 -8
10 -9
10 -10
10 1
10 2
10 3
10 4
Number of Pages / Site
Figure 6. Distribution of Pages per Site
(Courtesy Huberman and Adamic [35])
In a short note, Adamic and Huberman [2] criticized the preferential-attachment model
based on its prediction that older pages have larger in-degree than newer pages. Empirical data appears to show no correlation between the age of a page in the WWW and its indegree. They argue that the growth rate of degree of a page depends on the current degree
of a page and not on its age. However, the two models make different assumptions about
the creation of new links and the appearance of new pages.
3.5 An Evolving Web-Graph Model
Kumar et al. [42, 43] have proposed an evolving random-graph model using two different
growth methods. The model evolves over a discrete time step t = 1, 2, ⋅⋅⋅ . The Web
graph is expressed as Gt = (Vt, Et) at time t, and the number of nodes at time t, Nt = |Vt|.
At each time step, new nodes are added given by function fv(Vt, t) and new edges given by
fe (fv, Gt, t).
Vt + 1 = Vt ∪ fv(Vt, t),
Et + 1 = Et ∪ fe(fv, Gt, t).
Two models have been proposed based on the time when a new edge can be connected
to a newly formed node.
In the linear-growth model, a new node is added at each time step and new edges can
be connected to the new node immediately. Therefore, at time step t, a new node u is
added and it may be connected to any of the (t – 1) nodes created in earlier steps. Therefore,
fv(Vt, t) = 1,
Nt + 1 = Nt + 1.
There is a copy factor ρ ∈ (0, 1) and a constant out-degree d + ≥ 1 associated with
every node. At each time step, a node u is added with d + outgoing edges. A prototype
node v ∈ Vt is chosen randomly from existing nodes. For creating the ith outgoing edge
from the newly added node u, the destination node is chosen uniformly at random from
the existing set of nodes Vt with a probability ρ. With a probability (1 - ρ), node u has an
outgoing edge that is copied from the prototype node v. The edge-copying process means
that if there is an edge directed from a node v to a node w, then a new edge from the
newly added node u to node w is created. The edge-copying Bernoulli process reflects the
creation of hyperlinks in a new Web page. Some of the hyperlinks from a new Web page,
on a specific topic, connect the existing Web pages on that topic and remaining hyperlinks may connect to Web pages that are not yet recognized for the topic.
An example of the linear-growth model is shown in Figure 7. Initially there is a null
graph (Figure 7(a)) with three nodes. The probability ρ is 0.66. Each new node has outdegree of 3. Node d is added in Figure 7(b). Node e is added with two edges connected
to nodes a and b (Figure 7(c)). The prototype node is selected to be node d. As node d
has an edge directed to node c, the third edge from node e connects node c. Figure 7(d)
illustrates the addition of node f with two edges connected to randomly-selected nodes d
and e. The prototype node is node e. As node e has an edge connected to node b, the third
edge from node f has end-node as node b.
Figure 7 (a). Initial Null Graph
Figure 5(b). Node d Added
Figure 7(c). Node e Added
Figure 7(d). Node f Added
Figure 7. Evolving Web-Graph Model
The exponential-growth model takes into account the fact that newly added Web pages
are noticed only after some period. Hence, any node created at time t will not have any
incoming edge until a certain number of time steps have elapsed. The number of new
nodes created at time step (t + 1) is a constant fraction of the number of nodes at time t.
This model has a constant growth factor g > 0, self-loop factor χ > 1, tail-copy factor
χ΄ ∈ (0, 1), and out-degree factor κ > 0. The number of nodes added at time step (t + 1) is
expressed as a binomial distribution fv(Vt, t) ∼ B(Vt, g). The model assumes N1 = 1 and
Nt = (1 + g)t. The number of nodes added at time step (t + 1) is g ⋅ Nt.
fv(Vt, t) = g ⋅ Nt ,
Nt + 1 = Nt + g ⋅ Nt .
The new edges at time (t + 1) are created as follows. Each new node is created with χ
self-loop edges. For each edge directed to node u ∈ Vt at time t, a new edge is created
with probability
κ ⋅g
directed to node u. Assuming that the expected number of
(κ + χ )
edges at step t is ( κ + χ) ⋅ Nt, the number of edges added at step (t + 1) by this process
will be (κ ⋅ g ⋅ N t ). The tails of the (κ ⋅ g ⋅ N t ) new edges are chosen according to two different probabilities. The tails of some of the new edges are chosen uniformly at random
from among the g ⋅ Nt new nodes created during the time step (t + 1), with probability
(1 - χ΄). The tails of the remaining new edges are chosen at random from among the
nodes created in previous steps, with probability χ΄; the tail nodes are chosen with probabilities proportional to their current out-degree. Therefore, at time step (t + 1), the number of edges existing is ( κ + χ) ⋅ Nt + 1 , which is ( κ + χ) ⋅ g ⋅ Nt.
3.6 The Alpha-Beta Model
Aielo et al. [3] have proposed a model for random graphs that follows a scale-free power
law for degree. This power-law random-graph model P(α, β) has n nodes each with degree d. The degree distribution depends on α and β where α is the logarithm of number
of nodes with degree one and β is the log-log rate of decrease for number of nodes with a
given degree. Here, n and d satisfy the relationship log n = α - β log d . The model is
closer to the conventional random-graph theory and is based on a distribution over all
graphs satisfying certain parametric constraints.
Empirical study is a useful technique for understanding the structure of the Web. Pirolli
et al. [57] performed the earliest study of link structure of the Web. They studied three
kinds of graphs to represent the strength of association among Web pages: (1) Hypertextlink topology, (2) Inter-page text similarity, and (3) Usage paths or flows of users through
a locality. By incorporating the usage statistics and page meta-information in these
graphs, they studied the Xerox PARC Web server and Xerox’s URL to
develop techniques for identifying aggregates (clusters) and determining relevancy of hypertext content. Claffy [21] monitored the Internet traffic through network-link infrastructure at a variety of protocol layers. He used a tracking tool called skitter to analyze
the topology of Internet connection of more than 30,000 sites. Kumar et al. [40] studied
results of a 1997 crawl from Alexa, Inc. covering about 40 million pages. The original
data was text-only HTML source and represented the content of over 200 million Web
pages. They pruned the original data by including only the links pointing to Web pages
of other sites (i.e., the Web sites different from the link under consideration). In addition,
links pointing to pages having identical content were discarded. They found that despite
the chaotic nature of content creation on the Web, there exist well-defined communities.
These communities can provide reliable and comprehensive information to an interested
user. In addition, Web portals can reach their targeted audience effectively by exploiting
these Web communities. Albert et al. [5] analyzed the induced graph of 325,729-node and extrapolated the expected distance between any two nodes in the Web graph
to be about 19. They also found the inverse power-law characteristic of the degree distribution of a Web page. Huberman and Adamic [35] studied the crawler data comprising
259,794 sites from Alexa, and 525,882 sites from Infoseek search engine. They found
that the probability that a Web site has certain number of Web pages follows inversepower law. Kleinberg et al. [39] report the distribution of bipartite cores on the Web
from the result of Alexa crawl (using same data as Kumar et al. [40]).
4.1 The Bowtie Empirical Study
In one of the most extensive studies, Broder et al. [14] analyzed the link structure of a
Web subgraph with 203 million pages and 1.5 billion links. Three different sets of experiments were conducted using two AltaVista Web crawls.
The first experiment verified the power-law distribution of in-degree (incoming links)
of a Web page as reported by Barabási et al. [8] and Kumar et al. [40]. The exponent of
the power law for in-degree was found to be 2.1: the same value as reported by Barabási
et al. [8] and Kumar et al. [40]. The out-degree (outgoing links) distribution was also
found to exhibit the power law, except in the initial segment.
The second set of experiments explored the connected components of the undirected
Web subgraph obtained by ignoring the edge directions. It was found that about 91% of
the nodes are connected together and form a weakly connected component (WCC). In
addition, the nodes with high in-degree do not affect connectivity of the Web subgraph.
These high in-degree nodes are embedded in the graph, which is well connected without
44 Million nodes
44 Million nodes
56 Million nodes
44 Million nodes
Disconnected components
Figure 8. Bowtie map of Web-Page Topology
(Courtesy Broder et al. [14])
them. These experiments also analyzed the strongly connected component (SCC) in the
directed Web subgraph. There exists a single, large SCC consisting of only 28% (56 million) of total number of Web pages in the experiment.
The third experiment performed Breadth-First Search (BFS) from each of 570 randomly-chosen starting nodes twice: in forward and backward directions. These searches
reveal that for some starting nodes, either the forward or the backward BFS traversal covered 100 million nodes and for some starting nodes, both forward and backward traversals covered 100 million nodes. The starting nodes in the latter case lie in the SCC. The
nodes in connected component found in the undirected sense (91% of entire sample) form
four distinct regions. The first region is the giant SCC. There are directed paths from
each node in the SCC component to all other nodes in the SCC. There is a set of newlyformed nodes called IN having only outgoing links and another set of introvert nodes
called OUT having only incoming links (e.g., some of the corporate and e-commerce
sites). There are directed paths from each node in IN to (all nodes in) SCC and directed
paths from (all nodes in) SCC to each node in OUT. There is another set of nodes called
TENDRILS, which neither has any directed path going to the SCC nor has any directed
path coming from the SCC. There exists a directed path from nodes in IN to TENDRILS
and from TENDRILS to nodes in OUT. Each of IN, OUT, and TENDRILS region occupy about 21% of total number of nodes. Finally, some nodes in TENDRILS from the
IN region have edges going to nodes in TENDRILS in the OUT region forming a TUBE.
A small group of remaining nodes are part of disconnected components, which make up
about 8% of the Web. Figure 8 shows the regions of the Web graph that form a bowtielike structure.
The diameter of the graph studied was found to be greater than 500, and the diameter
of the SCC region was estimated to be at least 28. The study shows that only 24% of the
time there exists a directed path between any two randomly chosen nodes, and if it exists,
the average distance between them is about 16. In addition, ignoring the edge directions
(undirected graph), the average distance between any two randomly chosen nodes was
found to be 6.83.
4.2 Sampling the Web Through Random Walk
A random walk on a regular, connected, and undirected graph generates a close to uniformly distributed sample of nodes. Therefore, a random walk on the Web can produce
an almost uniformly distributed sample of the Web pages. An accurate sampling of the
Web helps us to determine the domain-name distribution of Web pages, coverage of
search engines, and many important properties of the Web such as average number of
links per page and average size of each Web page. Bar-Yossef et al. [7] studied random
walks on the Web for uniform sampling using the 1996 crawler data of Alexa. Their
method simultaneously walks the Web and dynamically generates a regular, undirected
graph. They conducted walks on the union of SCC and OUT regions (which is connected) described in Section 4.1. However, the graph G formed by the union of SCC and
OUT regions is neither regular nor undirected. The edges of this graph G are made bidirectional so that both forward and backward traversal is possible. In addition, number
of self-loops are added to each node, so that every node has same degree as that of the
node with maximum degree. These modifications make the graph G regular and undirected. The random walk on the connected, regular, and undirected graph, G, can be ab30
stracted as a Markov chain. The mixing time t (number of steps in the walk needed to
reach a close to uniform distribution) for an ideal walk is bounded by O( log 2 n) steps,
where, n = total number of nodes in graph G,
δ = eigenvalue gap |λ1| - |λ2|,
λ1 = largest eigenvalue of the transition matrix of the Markov chain, and
λ2 = second largest eigenvalue of the transition matrix of the Markov chain.
A large eigenvalue gap (δ) indicates that there are a few isolated parts in the graph.
Bar-Yossef et al. estimated the value of δ to be 10-5 for the undirected, regular graph extracted from the 1996 crawler data of Alexa. This implies that the mixing time needed for
sampling a Web graph with one billion nodes is about three million steps. In the crawler
data, only 1 in 30,000 steps of the random walk was not a self-loop and hence, required a
hyperlink traversal. Therefore, only 100 Web access is needed for sampling a Web graph
with one billion nodes. In the implementation of random walk called WebWalker,
Figure 9(a). A Random Graph
Figure 9(b). Graph Made Regular by Adding Self Loops
Figure 9(c). An Example of Random Walk
d-regular, undirected graph was built using the resources such as HTML text analysis,
search engines, and the random walk itself. In order to determine the domain-name distributions, 21 runs of WebWalker with 146,133 hyperlink traversals were performed. It
was found that 49.15% of the Web pages were in the .com domain, 8.28% were in the
.edu domain, 6.55% were in the .org domain. This domain-name distribution matches a
similar study conducted by Inktomi [68] in February, 2000. The WebWalker study also
found that average size of a static HTML page is 11,655 bytes and each page has an average of 9.56 hyperlinks.
Figure 9 shows an example of a random walk performed on a graph. The undirected
graph in Figure 9(a) is made regular by addition of self-loops so that each node has degree equal to the degree of node g (Figure 9(b)). A random walk starting from node a is
illustrated in Figure 9(c).
Recent empirical and analytical studies of the Web graph have revealed many of its interesting properties. Some of the properties have been established empirically, though there
is no theoretical basis discovered until now. We present some important features of the
Web graph in this section.
5.1 Power-Law Distribution
Albert et al. [4], Broder et al. [14], and Kumar et al. [40] studied the degree distribution
of nodes in the Web graph. They performed empirical studies using graphs of sizes ranging from 325,729 nodes (University of Notre Dame) [4] to 203 million nodes (AltaVista
crawler data) [14]. It was found that both the in-degree and out-degree of nodes on the
Web follow power-law distribution. The number of Web pages having a degree i is proportional to 1/(i ϕ) where ϕ >1. This implies that the probability of finding a node with a
large degree is small yet significant. Both [4] and [14] estimated the exponent of indegree distribution to be 2.1. According to [4], the out-degree distribution has an exponent of 2.45. The empirical study in [14] shows that the exponent for out-degree distribution is 2.72, though the initial segment of the distribution deviates significantly from
Degree (d )
Figure 10. Power-law Distribution of Degree
power law. The average degree of a node in the Web has been found to be seven [39].
5.2 Diameter of the Web Graph
Diameter of the Web graph is important, as it provides an upper bound on the number of
clicks needed to reach from one Web page to another. Albert et al. [4] calculated the diameter of subgraph induced by the University of Notre Dame site (325,729 nodes and
1,469,680 edges). They consider the diameter as the average distance between any two
pair of nodes. It was found that the average diameter of their graph can be expressed as
0.35 + 2.06 log10 n, where n is number of nodes in the graph. If we were to extend the
Notre Dame study to the entire Web graph of two billion nodes, average diameter of the
Web would be about 19. Thus the Web, despite its huge size, is a highly connected graph
with an average diameter of only 19. The more recent and comprehensive study in [14],
discussed in Section 4.1, for a Web subgraph of 203 million nodes and 1.5 billion edges
found that the diameter of the SCC portion of the directed Web subgraph was at least 28.
The average connected-distance for the directed subgraph was about 16, while the average connected-distance for the same undirected subgraph was found to be 6.83.
5.3 Connected Components
Broder et al. [14] studied the size of connected component in the Web through a Web
subgraph with 203 million nodes and 1.5 billion edges. They found that 91% of the
nodes in the undirected Web subgraph form a weakly connected component (WCC) and
their sizes follow a power-law distribution with an exponent of approximately 2.5. The
study of the directed Web subgraph discovered that only 28% of the nodes form a
strongly connected component (SCC). The sizes of SCCs also follow the power-law
distribution. In their analytical study, Aiello et al. [3] investigated the emergence of
connected component in random-graph models with power-law distribution.
5.4 Size and Growth Characteristics
Monitoring the continuous growth of the Web reveals many interesting facts. The study
in [49] shows that 7.3 million Web pages are being added each day. This study analyzed
Size of the Web (in Millions)cl
the live growth and acceleration rates of the Web as compared to use of static data by
Dec. 99 Aug. 99 Mar. 00 Jun. 00 Oct. 00 Jan. 01 Apr. 01
Figure 11. Growth of the Web
(Courtesy Moore and Murray [49])
other studies. The average size of a Web page was found to be 10,060 bytes. On an average, each Web page has 14.38 images on it. As shown in Figure 11, it was predicted
that the Web is going to double its size to four billion nodes by February 2001. The expected diameter of the Web increases logarithmically in terms of the size of the Web. If
the Web grows from its size of 2.1 billion nodes to 20 billion nodes, the diameter will
increase only by 2 from 19.5 to 21.5, respectively. Thus, the diameter grows very slowly
with the size of the Web.
5.5 Changing Contents of a Web Page
In a search engine, the index is updated periodically through its crawler. If the crawler
knows how often the Web pages change, it may revisit only those page having high probability of change, instead of refreshing the entire search-engine index. A mathematical
model for changes to a Web page can aid comparison of different crawling policies.
Hence, understanding the lifespan of a Web page can improve the present search-engine
technology. Cho and Garcia-Molina [19] studied the change pattern of 720,000 Web
pages from 270 Web sites selected from various domains (com, edu, gov, net, org) every
day for four months. They found that the average change-interval of a Web page is about
four months (approximately). In their study, more than 70% of the Web pages remained
unchanged for about one month. It took about 50 days for 50% of the Web pages to
change or be replaced by a new page. Changes to a Web page are random events that can
be modeled as a Poisson process and this was verified for the Web pages in their sample
In another study, to understand how and when the pages change, Brewington and Cybenko [12] studied the contents of over two million Web pages at the rate of 100,000
pages per day for about seven months. In their study, the lifetime of a Web page has been
defined as the time between changes made to the page. They modeled the time between
modifications of a typical Web page as an exponential distribution characterized by the
rate of changes in the page content. This understanding of changes to a Web page is helpful in optimizing the indexing of a search engine. In a (X, Y)-current search engine having a set of Web pages in its index, a randomly chosen page in the index is current for Y
time with a probability of at least X. The study shows that a (0.95, 1-week)-current
search engine must re-index its database at the rate of at least 45 million pages daily.
The enormous size and rapid growth of the Web makes it difficult for an individual to
locate information and navigate by just employing Web addresses. A search engine is
useful for locating information in the vast space of the Web.
According to beau-, currently there are more than 2,500 search engines (16,240 according to, but searching on the Web is still far from perfect.
Bharat and Broder [9] performed one of the earliest studies about the coverage and
overlap of search engines. In November 1997, the most comprehensive search engine
AltaVista covered only 48% of the Web. However, as of March 2000, the coverage of
Altavista has dropped (Table 1, Section 6.2). Another comparative study of search engines appears in Chu and Rosenthal [20]. The authors compared three major search en-
gines AltaVista, Excite, and Lycos based on their Boolean logic, truncation, field search,
word/phrase search, precision, and response time. They found that AltaVista offered the
best precision results.
In July 1999, Lawrence and Giles [45, 46] found that no search engine indexed more
than 16% of the 800-million node Web. Metasearch engines provide a scalable technique
to search the ever-growing Web. The metasearch engines send search query to multiple
search-engines and show all the results simultaneously. Inquirus [44, 47] and SavvySearch [27] are metasearch engines that aim at overcoming the drawbacks of search engines such as low coverage of the Web, inconsistent and inefficient user interfaces, and
poor relevance ranking and precision. Inquirus downloads the individual Web pages and
analyzes them in real time. It is reported to outperform AltaVista, Excite, Hotbot, and
many other search engines.
6.1 Architecture of a Search Engine
Search engines consist of three major components: spider, index, and search engine program. The spider or crawler starts with an initial set of URLs called seed URLs, retrieves
the Web pages of the seed URLs, and follows the links to other sites from those pages
[18, 19]. Keywords found on a Web page are added to the index or catalog of the search
engine. The coverage of index, update frequency, and contents of indexed field are important aspects of any search-engine index. The search-engine program finds the relevant
pages, from the millions of pages recorded in its index, which match a query and returns
them to the user after ranking them in order of relevance.
A search engine (e.g., has distributed crawlers that fetch the Web pages
of the URLs sent to it by a URL server [13]. The fetched pages are sent to a store server
that compresses and stores the Web page into a repository. A tag is assigned to every
Web page in the repository. The indexer of search engine retrieves the compressed Web
pages from the repository, uncompresses the Web pages, and parses them. Each page is
converted into a set of word occurrences called hits that record the word, position in the
Web page, font size, and capitalization. The indexer also parses the links in every Web
page and stores information in an anchor file. This anchor file contains information about
the end nodes of each link, and the text of the link. A URL resolver converts the relative
URLs in anchor file into absolute URLs and generates a database of links. A PageRank is
determined for all Web pages in the links database and this PageRank is used to evaluate
the relevance of a result (for PageRank algorithm, see Section 7.4.1).
Search engines can increase their speed of indexing Web pages and coverage by optimizing crawler. Chakrabarti et al. [17] introduced a goal-directed crawler called focused
crawler to achieve this. A focused crawler is designed to find the links that are most
relevant for the crawl, and avoid the irrelevant regions of the Web, thereby saving hardware, and network resources. The focused crawler selectively finds pages that are relevant to a pre-defined set of topics. This crawler has two components: a classifier which
evaluates the relevance of a Web page with respect to the focus topics, and a distiller
which identifies nodes that can be good access points to many relevant nodes within few
6.2 Issues in the Design of Effective Search-Engines
Ranking the pages returned by a search engine according to relevance is extremely important, especially for queries returning large number of pages. This is done by rankingfunction heuristics, which are based on the frequency of occurrence of keywords, and
sometimes on the position of keywords in the page. However, such strategies may not
deliver correct information. For example, some Web pages may have a keyword repeated
many times to attract Web traffic or gain favorable ranking.
One of the factors in the effectiveness of a text-based search engine is the number of
Web pages indexed in its database. As shown in Table 1 [66, 67], the search engine with
the largest index (Google) covers fewer than 35 % of the present Web pages and this
disparity is going to increase in future.
Search Engines
Database Size in
Million Pages
Northern Light
Table 1. Index Size of Major Search Engines (as of March 2001)
The keyword searches performed by the current search engines typically turn up large
volumes of irrelevant responses. Vast inconsistency in number of hits for two similar
queries on a search engine is another serious problem. For example, a query for “Oscar
award” on AltaVista search engine resulted in 1,480 hits while “award Oscar” yielded
1,208,710 hits. More examples of inefficient search-engine result can be found in Deo et
al. [26] and Greenlaw et al. [32].
A higher level of abstraction above a Web page is helpful in understanding the Web topology. In this section, we explore how this abstraction can be used as a tool to identify
order and hierarchy in the Web. This understanding is crucial for developing novel
search algorithms and enhancing the present search-engine technology. In 1991, Botafogo and Shneiderman [11] were one of the first to apply graph-theoretic techniques for
identifying aggregate component among hypertext documents. Their method was based
on locating the articulation points in the undirected Web graph and removing them to create a set of subgraphs.
7.1 The WWW Communities
Above the level of a page in the WWW, there are many choices for aggregation of pages.
A WWW site has conventionally meant not an IP address, but rather a collection of pages
defined by design. Usually this amounts to a topical significance; e.g., pages pointed by
some anchor page, often referred to as a home page. In some cases, a site is coherent with
respect to some semantical interpretation, i.e., the pages are all about different aspects of
one ‘thing’ but more often the home page is just the hub of the collection.
A WWW site can be also defined through link counting. Here, we consider some notion of locality, e.g., some subnet IP address range and then measure the ratio of the links
among all pages inside the range to all the links going outside the range. The threshold of
this ratio for assigning pages to a single collection is arbitrary. A more precise formulation can be obtained by computing SCCs. However, in some situations pages related to a
main topic might not point outside of themselves, so that the SCC condition could be too
stringent to capture many collections of pages that should be identified as sites. Gibson et
al. [30, 31] have identified two kinds of pages that together make possible a computational concept of a WWW community of pages. This notion is similar to that of a cluster
in the Newman-Moore-Watts small-world model. One kind of pages represent authorities
Figure 12. Hubs and Authorities
focusing on a topic while the other kind represent hubs, which point to many authorities.
The abstract community of hubs and authorities arise due to abundance of Web pages
that can be returned for any broad-based query. The goal of a search method is to return a
small set of “authoritative” pages for the query and this can be achieved by examining the
link structure of the Web graph. There is a considerable element of human judgment involved during creation of any hyperlink. These hyperlinks can be exploited for understanding the inherent Web communities. A link from a page u to page v can be viewed as
conferral of authority on page v. However, there are many links created which have no
meaning with respect to conferral of authority. Counting the incoming links to any Web
page is not the complete solution to the problem of identifying authority. This is because
there can be pages like or with very large in-degree, but these
Web pages do not form an authority. They are more popular, and hence there can be a
popular, but irrelevant Web page.
7.2 HITS Algorithm
Kleinberg [36] proposed an iterative algorithm, called HITS (Hyperlink Induced Topic
Search), for identifying authorities and hubs using the adjacency matrix of a subgraph of
the WWW. For a broad-topic search, the algorithm starts with a root set S of pages returned by a text-based search engine. The set S induces a small subgraph focused on the
query topic. This induced subgraph is then expanded to include all nodes that are successors of each node in set S. In addition, a fixed number of predecessors of each node in the
set S are also included. Let G be the graph induced by the nodes in this expanded node
Figure 13(a). Initial Graph S
Figure 13(b). Set S Expanded to Form set R
set. It should be noted that the links that are used purely for navigation within a Web site
are not included in this graph G. Figures 13(a) and 13(b) illustrate the creation of induced
graph S and its expansion into graph G, respectively.
For each node, x, in the graph G a non-negative authority weight a(x) and a nonnegative hub weight h(x) are computed. The authority and hub weights of all the nodes in
graph G may be expressed as vectors a() and h(), respectively. The elements of vectors
a() and h() are initialized to one. In each iteration, a(x) is replaced by the sum of h(xi)’s
of all the nodes i predecessors to node x, and h(x) is replaced by the sum of the a(xj)’s of
all the nodes j successors of node x. The iterations may be expressed as
a( x) = ∑ h(v) , and
v →x
h( x) = ∑ a( w) ,
x →w
(see Figure 14).
The authority and hub scores are normalized in each iteration so that ∑ (a( x)) 2 = 1 ,
Node x
a(x) = h(v1) + h(v2) + h(v3) + h(v4), (vi ∈ pred(x))
h(x) = a(w1) + a(w2) + a(w3), (wi ∈ succ(x))
Figure 14. HITS Algorithm
and ∑ (h( x)) 2 = 1 . This iterative process converges to yield the authority and hub vector
for the initial query. If M is the adjacency matrix of the graph G, then the iterative steps
can be viewed as
a = MT⋅h ,
h = M⋅a.
This step can be written as
a = MT⋅h = MT⋅M⋅a = (MT⋅M)⋅a,
h = M⋅a = M⋅MT⋅a = (M⋅MT)⋅a.
Therefore, the iterations of vector a are equivalent to that of multiplying the initial
vector a with powers of MTM. These iterations of vector a when normalized, converge to
the principal eigenvector of MTM. Similarly, the multiple iterations of normalized vector
h converge to the principal eigenvector of MMT. Thus, HITS applies a link-based computation for identifying the hubs and authorities on a query topic.
7.3 Mining Knowledge-Bases
Communities on the Web can be viewed as forming a bipartite core. A bipartite core Ci, j
in a graph consists of two (not necessarily disjoint) sets of nodes Nx and Ny such that
every node in set Nx has an edge connected to every node in set Ny, where set Nx has i
nodes and set Ny has j nodes (e.g., Figure 15). Such bipartite cores form knowledge bases
that can be better start points for search and navigation. Kumar et al. [41] proposed an
elimination/generation algorithm for identifying the core Ci,j. The algorithm starts with
an initial Web subgraph derived from the crawl of a search engine. In the elimination
step, nodes whose in-degree or out-degree is a less than a threshold value are pruned from
Figure 15. Bipartite Core
initial graph and a residual subgraph is obtained, e.g., for C4,4 nodes with in-degree or
out-degree smaller than four are eliminated. In the generation step, nodes that barely
qualify for inclusion are identified and added to the residual subgraph, e.g., if a node u
has in-degree exactly four, then it is included in the C4,4 core, if and only if the four nodes
that point to u have a neighborhood of size at least four. The iterative phases of elimination and generation result in a core Ci,j. Each core is further expanded to form a community by including all the successors of nodes in set Ny and all the nodes that point to at
least two nodes in set Nx. The HITS algorithm (Section 7.2) is applied to identify the authorities and hubs for the community. The communities are then indexed according to
the most frequent terms used to describe its authority and hub pages. Thus, a knowledge
base is built using the graph structure.
7.4 Web-Page Evaluation
A common problem with search engines, that evaluate Web page relevance based on
frequency of keywords, is that they can be biased by deliberate inflation of keywords in
the Web pages.
Another problem, that reduces the likelihood of finding relevant
information, is that many Web pages do not contain the keywords that best describe what
the Web page is known for or the services it provides. For example, a query for “search
engine” at Altavista produces none of the major search engines like Yahoo, Lycos, Excite,
or Northern Light in the top 20 results [36]. Examining Yahoo will show that there is
nothing on its Web page describing itself as a search engine.
Evaluating the importance of a Web page, using the graph structure of the Web, can
solve both these problems. We now present three algorithms for measuring the importance of a Web page.
7.4.1 PageRank Algorithm
Conventional search-engines have relied on matching keywords and strings in the Web
pages to index and search the Web for information. Google, developed at Stanford University, uses the graph structure of the Web to produce better search results. It uses an
algorithm called PageRank [13, 55] that attempts to give a ranking to a Web page, regardless of its content, based solely on its location in the Web graph.
= a node (Web page) in the Web graph,
= out-degree of node i,
w1, w2, …, wk = nodes pointing to node u,
= normalization constant (η < 1), and
PR(u) = PageRank of a Web page u.
The PageRank of a page u is given as
PR(u ) = (1 − η ) + η ⋅ (
PR( w1 )
d1 +
PR( w2 )
d2 +
+ ⋅⋅⋅ +
PR( wk )
dk +
The PageRank algorithm starts with assigning equal rank of one to all pages and recursively computes the PageRank value for each page. The rank of a page is divided equally
among its outgoing links. Thus, the PageRank of a page propagates through the link
structure of the Web. A page has high PageRank if pages having high PageRank point to
it. The PageRank vector PR() corresponds to the principal eigenvector of normalized
link-matrix of the Web graph. PR(u) is the probability that a random surfer visits a page
u. Normalization constant ,η , is the probability that the random surfer does not follow an
Figure 16. PageRank Computation
outgoing link on page u and selects another page randomly. The quantity η also solves
the rank-sink problem caused by the cut nodes in the Web graph. Consider a page u having an outgoing link to a page v, and pages v and w have links pointing to each other. If
pages v and w have no outgoing link, then v and w accumulate rank during the PageRank
iteration, without distributing any rank, and a rank sink is created.
An example of the PageRank Computation is shown in Figure 16. The PageRank of
page A is divided equally amongst its successors B and C. Since C is also a successor of
B, C has effective PageRank of 0.6. Page D has PageRank 0.6 as it is a successor of node
7.4.2 Page Reputation
Computing reputation ranks relies on the model of a random “Web surfer”, who is browsing the Web looking for pages relating to a certain topic τ. At each step, the surfer either
jumps to a random page that contains the term τ, or follows a random outgoing link from
the current page. As this process continues, a reputation value is computed, equal to the
number of visits that the random surfer makes to a particular page.
One-Level Reputation Rank Algorithm
This algorithm converges to produce reputation ranks for each page w and term τ. Rafiei
and Mendelzon [58] provide more detail as well as an algorithm for computing two-level
reputation ranks (hub and authority reputation). This algorithm provides a probabilistic
formulation for finding the topics that a given Web page is an authority on.
The reputation of a page w on topic τ is defined as the probability that a random surfer
looking for τ visits page w. The notations used in the Rafiei and Mendelzon algorithm
Nτ = total number of pages on the Web containing the term τ,
d x+ = number of outgoing hyperlinks from page x,
= probability that a random surfer selects a page uniformly at random from a set of
pages containing the term τ,
(1 – p) = probability that a random surfer follows an outgoing link from the current
page, and
= a matrix where a row corresponds to a Web page and a column corresponds to
each term that appear in the Web page. Each element of the matrix, R(w, τ), is the reputation value of the Web page w with respect to term τ.
The probability that the random surfer visits a page w at each step in a random jump is
p/Nτ, if page w contains term τ and is zero otherwise. If a page x is a predecessor of page
w, then the probability that the surfer visits page w at k steps after visiting page x is
(1 − p)
d +x
) R ( k −1) ( x,τ ) where, R ( k −1) ( x,τ ) is the probability that the surfer visits page x at
step (k - 1). The algorithm calculates the probabilities iteratively.
For every page w and term τ
If τ appears in page w
R(w, τ) = 1/Nτ
Else R(w, τ) = 0
while R has not converged
set R’(w, τ) = 0 for every page w and term τ
For each link x→w
R’(w, τ) = R’(w, τ) + R(x, τ)/ d x+
For every page w and term τ
R(w, τ) = (1 - p) * R’(x, τ)
If term τ appears in page w
R(w, τ) = R(w, τ) + p/Nτ
7.4.3 Markov-Chain-Based Rank Method
Zhang and Dong [61] have proposed another ranking algorithm based on the Markovchain model. The rank function of a Web page (referred as Web resource) is defined as
rank: NV x Q, where NV represents a set of Web pages and Q represents a set of user
queries. NV can be viewed as a set of Web pages returned by a search engine. The set of
Web pages NV and the hyperlinks among its Web pages form a Web subgraph G = (V, E).
This algorithm takes into account four parameters: relevance, authority, integrativity, and
novelty. The similarity between the contents of a Web page and the user’s query q is
measured by relevance (ω). The authority of a Web page (µ) is a measure of references
made to the Web page. Integrativity (θ) is a measure of references made in the Web page.
This parameter is similar to the hub weight of a page. The novelty metric (ε) measures
how a Web page is different from other pages.
While surfing, a user jumps from one page to another and this process can be modeled
as a Markov chain. For a query q, NV = {nv1, nv2, ⋅⋅⋅, nvn} denotes the set of related Web
pages found by the search engine. NV can be viewed as the state space, where a Web
page corresponds to a state. For a user surfing the Web at a time t, pi(t) is the probability
that the user is browsing page nvi and pij is the probability that the user jumps to another
Web page nvj by following an out-going link from page nvi. Thus, surfing of the Web can
be abstracted as a homogeneous Markov chain.
Consider a random surfer viewing a Web page nvi at time t. Then at time (t + 1), the
random surfer has four choices: continue viewing Web page nvi, click on a link on Web
page nvi and reach another page, use the “Back” option of browser to return to the previous page, or select another Web page from the results (NV) of the search engine. The
tendency matrix takes into account all these four choices available to the user by using
relevance (ω), authority (µ), integrativity (θ), and novelty (ε). The tendency matrix W,
derived from the graph G, is represented as
if i = j
ω ⋅ sim(nvi , q ),
if (vi , v j ) ∈ E
Wij = 
if (v j , vi ) ∈ E
Here, sim(nvi, q) is the relevance of result nvi to the query q, 0 < ω, µ, θ, ε < 1, and
ω + µ + θ + ε = 1.
Normalizing the tendency matrix W results in transition probability matrix T for the set
of Web pages NV.
W ij
∑ W
j =1
T = (Tij ) n × n .
A homogeneous Markov chain’s behavior can be determined by its initial distribution
vector T(0) and its transition probability matrix T, T(t) = T(0) T . A holomorphic and
homogeneous Markov chain, {xt, t ≥ 0}, with NV = {nv1, nv2, ⋅⋅⋅, nvn} as its state space, T
as its transition probability matrix, and T(0) as its initial distribution vector, converges to
a unique distribution, i.e.,
lim T (t ) = D .
t →∞
The ultimate distribution vector D = {π1, π2, ⋅⋅⋅, πn} is the unique solution of the
equation DT = D that satisfies πi > 0, ∑ π i = 1 . This ultimate distribution vector D is the
i =1
rank of the Web pages. This method calculates the rank of a Web page without any
7.5 Small-World Algorithmics
Kleinberg [37, 38] proposed an algorithm for finding the shortest or near-shortest path
from one node to another in a graph with small expected-diameter. He considered a
model of two-dimensional grid with directed edges. Each node in the grid has a directed
edge to every other node within a fixed distance l, called its local contacts. In addition,
each node u has a directed edge to Θ other nodes called long-range contacts of node u; the
ith directed edge from node u has end-node v with a probability proportional to [L(u, v)] – r
u = (2,4)
v = (4,2)
Figure 17. Near-Shortest Path in 2-Dimensional Grid
, (r ≥ 0), where L(u, v) is the distance between nodes u and v. Thus, the long-range contacts of a node are clustered in its vicinity by increasing r, where r is the structural parameter that defines the degree distribution. An example of the two-dimensional grid
with l = 1 and Θ = 2 is shown in Figure 17. The nodes in the model can be viewed as
individuals that have local neighbors as well as a few long-distant acquaintances distrib56
uted geographically.
Using an extension of the Watts-Strogatz small-world model,
Kleinberg devised a decentralized algorithm that finds a near-shortest path in expected
time, polylogarithmic in terms of the size of the graph. The algorithm considers the problem of passing a message from a node u to another node v using only local information.
It assumes that every node knows the location of the target node in the network. In addition, every node knows the locations and long-range contacts of all nodes that have met
the message. In each step, an intermediate node i passes the message to its adjacent node
that is as close to the target node v as possible. Kleinberg proved that at r = 2 , the decentralized algorithm takes advantage of the geographic structure of grid and generates paths
having length proportional to log n, where n is the number of nodes in the grid. As r increases, the long-range contacts of a node become less useful in moving the message.
The model can be extended to k-dimensional grid, and this decentralized algorithm generates the best polylogarithmic-length path for r = k.
7.6 Related-URL and Topic Distillation Algorithms
The graph topology of the Web can be exploited to discover novel search-techniques.
Smart Web-agents, that can comprehend the link structure, can be employed to complement the use of search engines. Currently, most search-engine databases are relatively
static; as a result, finding most recent information is difficult. Link-based approaches are
less susceptible to the keyword-inflating technique applied to influence the search-engine
ranking algorithm.
Dean and Henzinger [23] developed a new search paradigm based on hyperlink structure of the Web. They proposed an algorithm for finding Web pages related to a URL. A
related Web page is one that addresses the same topic as the original page, but is semantically different. The steps in the Dean-Henzinger algorithm are:
1. Build a vicinity graph for a given URL, i.e., node U.
The vicinity graph is an induced, edge-weighted digraph that includes the URL
node U, up to B randomly selected predecessor nodes of U, and for each predecessor node up to BF successor nodes different from U. In addition, the graph includes F successor nodes of U, and for each successor node up to FB of its predecessor nodes different from U. There is an edge in the vicinity graph if a hyperlink exists from a node v to node w, provided nodes v and w do not belong the
BF = 2
FB = 2
Figure 18(a). Vicinity Graph Formation in Related-URL Algorithm
same Web site. Figure 18(a) illustrates the creation of vicinity graph for B = 3, BF
= 2, F = 3, and FB = 3.
2. Eliminate duplicate and near-duplicate nodes.
Duplicate nodes are same Web pages on mirror sites or different aliases for same
Web page. Two nodes are defined as near-duplicate nodes if they have more than
95% of links in common and each have more than 10 links. The near-duplicate
nodes are replaced by a node with links that are union of links of all the nearduplicate nodes.
3. Compute edge weights based on connections between Web sites.
An edge between nodes on same Web site is assigned a weight 0. If there are m1
edges directed from a set of nodes on a one Web site to a single node on another
Web site, then each edge is given an authority weight 1/ m 1 . If there are m2 edges
directed from a single node on a one Web site to a set of nodes on another Web
site, each edge is assigned a hub weight 1/ m 2 . This prevents the influence of a
single Web site on the computation. Figure 18 (b) and 18 (c) illustrate the assigning of edge authority-weight and edge hub-weight to multiple edges from one host
to another host.
4. Compute a hub and an authority score for each node in the graph.
The ten top-ranked authority nodes are returned as the pages that are most related
to the start page U (modified version of HITS algorithm, Section 7.2).
Host 1
Host 2
Figure 18(b). Edge-Weight Added for a
set of m1 Edges From Host 1 to Host 2
Host 1
Host 2
Figure 18(c). Edge-Weight Added for a
set of m1 Edges From Host 1 to Host 2
Bharat and Henzinger [10] proposed a search-engine enhancement algorithm, based on
the Web topology, called Topic distillation. Topic distillation is defined as the process of
finding quality Web pages (more relevant) related to a query topic. The topic distillation
algorithm solves three problems associated with the HITS algorithm (Section 7.2). The
first problem is mutually-reinforced relationship between Web sites (false authority
conferral by a set of nodes to another node) where hub and authority score of nodes on
each Web site increase. The other two problems are automatically generated links (links
carrying no human judgment) and presence of non-relevant nodes. If there are m1 edges
directed from a set of nodes on one Web site to a single node on another Web site, then
rected from a set of nodes on one Web site to a single node on another Web site, then
each edge is assigned an authority weight (edge_auth_wt) of 1/ m 1 . Similarly, if there are
m2 edges directed from a single node on one Web site to a set of nodes on another Web
site, then each edge is assigned a hub weight (edge_hub_wt) of 1/ m 2 . In addition, isolated nodes are eliminated from the graph. The hub weight and authority weight of each
node is calculated iteratively as:
∀u ∈ V ,
a (u ) =
∑ h(v) × edge_auth_wt (v, u ) ,
(v,u )∈E
h(u ) =
∑ a (v) × edge_hub_wt (u , v) .
(u ,v )∈E
This modification to the HITS algorithm eliminates the mutually-reinforcing relationship problem. The similarity between the query and the node returned by a search engine
is defined as the relevance weight of the node. The relevance weight of each node is
computed and nodes whose relevance weights fall below a threshold level are eliminated.
The elimination step addresses the other two problems.
The topology of the World Wide Web exhibits the characteristics of a new type of random graph, which at present, is only dimly understood. In this proposal, we have considered several models that help describe the growth of the Web, and we have pointed out
some of the features of the Web graph. Recent studies have uncovered only a few fundamental properties of the Web graph. We believe there are still more subtle, but important graph-theoretic properties yet to be discovered about the Web.
Structural analysis of Web connectivity can help its understand the complex regions.
This understanding coupled with the information about user traffic traversing the hyperlinks can be applied for Web proxy-caching and design of adaptive Web sites. This can
also help us design router protocols for prevention of security threats such as denial of
The rapid growth of the Web poses a challenge to the present search-engine technology. The solution for improving search quality involves more than just scaling the size of
the search-engine index database. Graph-theoretic algorithms, that take into account the
link structure of the Web graph, will lead to development of better search engines and
smart agents for providing relevant information to the end user, with efficiency and comprehensiveness.
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[68] htttp://
Graph G = (V, E): A graph G = (V, E) consists of a set of objects V = {v1, v2, ⋅⋅⋅} called
nodes, and another set E = {e1, e2, ⋅⋅⋅} called edges, such that each edge ek is identified
with an unordered pair (vi, vj) of nodes.
Directed Graph: A directed graph (or digraph) G = (V, E) consists of a set of nodes
V = {v1, v2, ⋅⋅⋅}, a set of edges E = {e1, e2, ⋅⋅⋅}, and a mapping ψ that maps every edge
onto some ordered pair of nodes (vi, vj).
Null Graph: A graph G = (V, E) having an empty set of edges E is called null graph. All
nodes in a null graph have no incident edge and are isolated.
Subgraph: A graph g is said to be a subgraph of a graph G if all the nodes and all the
edges of g are in G, and each edge of g has the same end nodes in g as in G.
Induced Subgraph: A subgraph G′ = (V′, E′) of G = (V, E) said to be induced by the
node set V′ ⊆ V if E′ consists of all edges of E whose both end nodes are in V′.
Connected Graph: A graph in which there is at least one path between every pair of
nodes is called a connected graph.
Incident: If a node v is an end node of an edge e, v and e are said to be incident on each
Degree of a node: The number of edges incident on a node v is called degree, d(v), of
node v.
In-Degree: The number of edges incident into a node v is called in-degree d − (v) of v.
Out-Degree: The number of edges incident out of a node v is called out-degree d+ (v) of
Clique: A graph in which there exists an edge between every pair of nodes is called a
complete graph or a clique.
Diameter: The diameter of a connected graph is the largest distance between any two
nodes in the graph, where distance between the two nodes is defined as the number of
edges in the shortest path between the two nodes.
Strongly Connected Component: A directed graph is said to be strongly connected if
there is at least one directed path from every node to every other node.
Weakly Connected Component: A directed graph is said to be weakly connected if its
corresponding undirected graph is connected, but the directed graph is not strongly connected.
Web Site: A registered domain-name on the Internet is called a Web site (or a host), e.g., Individual Web pages are arranged in a hierarchical, tree-like manner in
each Web site.
Breadth First Search
Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis
Free Online Dictionary of Computing
Hyperlink Induced Topic Search
Hypertext Markup Language
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Internet Protocol
Strongly Connected Component
Transmission Control Protocol
Uniform Resource Locator
Weakly Connected Component
World Wide Web
List of Symbols
: Logarithm of number of nodes with degree one
: Log-log rate of decrease of number of nodes of a given degree
: Copy factor ∈ (0, 1)
χ΄ : Tail-copy factor ∈ (0, 1) in exponential-growth model
: Self-loop factor in exponential-growth model (χ > 1)
: Eigenvalue gap
: Number of edges added to each node in each iteration
: Out-degree factor (κ > 0)
λ1, λ2: Largest and second largest eigenvalues of a matrix respectively
: Exponent of power-law distribution
ξ(t) : Brownian motion variable
: Exponent of scale-free inverse power-law and its range is [1, ∞]
: Normalization constant
: Topic of a Web page
: Relevance
: Authority
: Integrativity
: Novelty
: Number of long-range contacts (nodes) of a node
Weiner process
a(x) : Authority weight for a page x
: Coefficient proportional to the square of average degree of the network
: Set of nodes predecessors to a URL node U
BF : Set of nodes successors to each node in set B
: Constant
: Clustering coefficient
Ci,j : Bipartite core in a graph
: Degree of a node
d i− : In-degree of a node i
d i+ : Out-degree of a node i
: Ultimate distribution vector D = {π1, π2, ⋅⋅⋅, πn }
edge_auth_wt(u, v): Edge authority-weight of edge (u, v)
edge_hub_wt(u, v): Edge hub-weight of edge (u, v)
: Set of edges in graph Gt = (Vt, Et)
: Fraction of nodes populated by individuals who will contract a disease
: Set of nodes successors to URL node U
FB : Set of nodes predecessors to each node in set F
g(t) : Universal growth rate, which is independent of a site
: Basic, constant growth rate of a Web site
: Constant growth factor
h(x) : Hub weight of a Web page x
: Graph Gt = (Vt, Et) at time t
: Randomly chosen node
: Number of nodes in a cluster
: Positive integer
L(u, v) : Distance between nodes u and v
Lrandom : Length of shortest path averaged over all pair of nodes
: Characteristic-path length that measures the separation between two nodes
: Distance between any two nodes in a graph
: Number of edges in the Web graph
: Number of edges added in each step of the preferential-attachment model
m 1 , m 2 : Number of edges from one Web site to another
: Adjacency matrix of a graph
MT : Transpose of matrix M
: Number of nodes in the Web graph
: Number of nodes in a null graph
Ns(t) : Number of Web pages at site s at time step t
Nx, Ny : Sets of nodes
: Total number of pages on the Web containing the term τ
: Set of Web pages returned by a search engine
: Uniform probability of edge formation between a pair of nodes
: Critical probability (Erdos-Renyi random graph)
(1 - p) : Probability that a random surfer follows an outgoing link from the current page
pi(t) : Probability that the user is browsing page wi at time t
: Probability that a user jumps from a Web page wi to another Web page wj
pred(x): Set of nodes that are predecessors of node x
P(j) : Probability that a randomly chosen node i belongs to a connected cluster of j nodes
P(Ns) : Probability that a given site with an unknown growth rate has Ns pages
PR(u) : PageRank of a node u
: Set of user queries
: Structural parameter that defines the degree distribution
: Matrix such that R(w, τ) is the reputation value of page w with respect to term τ
: Web site (registered domain name on the Internet)
succ(x): Set of nodes that are successors of node x
: Root set of Web pages
sim(Ni, q) : Relevance of result Ni to the query q
: Time step
: Transition probability matrix
u, v, w : Nodes in graph
: URL (Web address)
x, w : Web page
var(g) : variance of growth rate g of a Web site
: Set of nodes in graph Gt = (Vt, Et)
: Tendency matrix
(X, Y)-current Search Engine : Search engine in which a randomly chosen page in its
index is current for Y time with a probability of at least X
IN, OUT, TENDRILS, TUBES : Regions of the Web graph