Previous Menu ‘-- ““- VISTA SERIES ,-. 4140XMP lNSTALLATlON INSTRUCTIONS ,-. N~-lVl 1/92 CONGRATUMTIONS on yow pmchase of the WSTA 4140~! w The purpose of these @tiation Instructions is to give you a brief overview of the ~STA 4140~ system, and provide instructions for installing a basic system. As always, ADEMCO is there for YOU! Our S~ES and TECHNICfi SWPORT stiff are eager to assist you in any way they can, so don’t hesitate to d, for any reason! East Coast Technical Suppoti: 1-800-645-7492(8 a.m,-6p.m. E.S.T.) West Coast Technical Suppoti: 1-800-458-9469(8 a.m. -5p.m. P. S.T.) PME, Before you call Technical Support, be sure you ● Check all wiring connections. Dekrmine that the power supply antior backup battery are supplying proper voltages. ● Ve@ ● your programming information where applicable. c Note the proper model number of this product, and the version level (if known) along with any documentation that came with the product. Note your Ademco customer number andor company name. Having this information handy will make it easier for us to serve you quic~y and effectively. ● Again, CONGRA~TIONS, -2- and ~WOME ~OARD! “ —. GENERAL INFORMATION .... ... ... .. ... ... . The VI“ISTA tintml ...... .................... ..............~ E-y P~ramming .......... ............. ............ .. ..s 4140XMP Enhancemef nets.............................. 5 Note to 4140XKM users ................................... 5 Il. ZONE CONFIGURATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...6 Z~ETYPE DEFIN~s ....... ..................... .. .. 6 SASfC9 HARD-WRED ZONES .. ........................ 6 Zone l ........................................................ 6 Zone 9 ........................................................ 6 tin2-8 ..... ............. .. ....... ......... .. ......... .. .. 6 2-WIRE POLLING L~P (MuMplex ha) ............. 7 Wire Run Lenmk ................ ..... ........... .. ..... .. 7 Advisories .. ..................................... ... ........ 7 WIRELESS EXPANSION .................................. 8 4280t428Ga RF Rernkem ............... .. ............ a Programming Notes tir Wirele~ Devbs ....... .. . a SupewisiOn ......... .... ..... ............................... a House .ldentitication ...................................... a Transmmer fdantfmtion ..... ... ...... ..... ............ 8 Sniffer We to Wtemine Housa ID .... ............. a Snfler Mde to CheA Trtismittem ................. a GOINO Go Test Mode ...................... ................ a Im@nant Sattery Notim ................................ 9 Wireless Zone Types ..................................... 9 Advi=ties ...... .. ... ........ ............................. ..g ,.=. . Ill. -.. Iv. ___ TABLE OF “ “- CONTENTS v. SYSTEM 1. PERIPHERAL DEVICES . . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . ....1 O REWTE ~NSOLES ...... ................ ... ............10 4127 fixti Wod Console ..............................l0 4137 Deluxe Fixti wrd Console ....................l 0 5137 Alpha Custom LCD Conmle...- ...............l O tinsole Wring ............................................lO ~RNALSOUND~ .............. ........ .. .. ... .....lO Relw O~ti ......... ..... ........... .... ... ..............lO Non-UL Insalldbns ....... ... ..........................lo UL installations ...........................................lo SMOKE DETECTORS ......................................1 1 Zone 1... ... . ................................................ ~ne 24 ....... ..... ......... .. .. ................. ..... ...j! timpatible Smoke Detetiom .........................l 1 Polling Lwp Smoke Dettim ......... ........ .. ....ll Advi%ties ................. .. .. .................. .. ..... ...ll PASSIVE INFRARED DETECTORS ........ ...... ......11 Polflng kop PIR (4275) ................... .. ... .. ......1 1 Polli~ L*P PIR (4186/427a) .........................l 1 Wirele= PIR (5776) .. .. ........... ................ ... ...1 1 GLAsS SREAK Detectors ............................1 1 PHONE LINE CONNECnONS ....... ......... ... .. ... ...l2 coNNEcmw7RffiER ouTpLr73 ... ... ... .. .....l2 General information .. .............. ................ .....l2 Ground Stan Nule ..... .. ... ..........................l2 Remote Keyswfich (4148) ....... ...... ... .. ....... ....13 MOUNTING & POWERING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...14 wmNG ...... .. .. ......... .. ... ................. ....... ...l4 Wuming the4140XMP PC Sod .. ... .. .. ... .......14 Mounting the 4140XMP Ld ....... .. ... ..... .. ... ...l4 hunting the 4127 C Sudaa MountiW the 4137E137 tinsoles .......l 5 Flush Mountiw with Trim Ring Kt (5137TRw .. ...1s Adiusting the Alpha tinsola Mewing Angia .......l 5 PowERING THEsYsTEM .............. .. ...............l6 Prima~POwer ..................... .. ............. ..... Sa*-Up POwer.. ....... .................. ...... .. ........l6 Satte~ Standby Table ..................................l6 Eanh Ground tinnembns ... ... ...... ... .. ...........l6 Power-Up Pmmdure . .... ... .. .............. .. .. .. ......l6 PolliW LMP Cunent Draw Worksheet .... .. ........16 Auxifiaw Device Cumenl Draw Woksheet .........l 6 OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 SECURfTY AwESSCODES ... .. ............ ...........l7 Maser Code ... ......... ........ ... .. .... ..... ............17 Dures Ne ..................... .. .... ... ............. ...l7 Tem~ra~ bales ........................................l7 S*ysMer tide (User 22) ............................. 17 K5YPwwNCmS, ... .. ... .. ..... .. .. ..... ............l8 General information .....................................l8 VieMWhnhdd h~ages Using the Users Gutie .......................18 Dispbying Descriptors ........ ....... Pank Keys ....... .. ..... .. ................................l8 TROUSLE COND~lONS ..................................l9 .Check. Message ........................................l9 Pwer Fdlure ...... ............. ..... .. .. .............. ...lg Other TmuNe~nditions ....... ............... .. ......l9 ~CALLING ALARM& TROUBLE MESSAGES ..... 19 S~lNG THE REAL-nME CLOCK . .. .. ...............19 V1. SYSTEM COMMUNICATIONS . . . . .. .. . .. . ..2O Split/Dual ReWtiing .....................................2o Adew LOw SW .. ............................. ......20 SESCOAtRadionics .....................................2O &2 ReWfling .............................................2O *2 ~press ....... ... .... .. ..... .. .... ... .. ..............20 Ademm High SWed Reponing .......................2o tintaa ID Re@iW .. .............. .. .. ... .. ..........2o Table of tintaa ID Event @ales, ...................2l 4140xMP timmunbtbn P~ramming Gutie. .21 V1l. PROGRAMMING THE SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . ...22 GENERAL PRffiRAMMING PROCEDURES ........22 Defauk Prqrammim . ... ..... .. .. .. ............ ........22 Data Pmg~amming .......................................2 Pmgmmming Steps, ....................................22 COMMUNICA~N DEFAULT PR~WMING ....23 Easyto-PrWrm timmuntitb” Fietis ..........23 LOW Speed .................................................23 Ademrn fipress ......... ..... .. .................. ... ...23 Mm= Hgh S~ . .................. .. ... .. ..........23 tint= lD . ............ .. ................ ............. .....~ P-~Miffi ZONE DESCRIPTORS .............24 Entering Zone De=btom ............. ..... ..........24 Adding Custom Words ..................................24 Creating a Custom Message ..........................25 V_la~ of Words In MemoV. . ........ ...... ....25 Vlll. 00WNLOAOING PRIMER* . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...26 lx. TESTING THE SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...27 Using Tes Me .. ............................. ..........27 Am4 System Test . ..... ... .................... ........27 Turning the SyMem @er to the User ...............27 Note TO The lnstallar ....................................27 x. TROUBLESHOOTING’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...28 ~NSOES ......... ... ............... .. .. ....... ............28 HARD-WIRED ZONES 14 .......................... ......26 RPMs .................... .. ... ........................ .........2a WIRELESS .... .. ........... ................ .. .. ..............29 ~MMUNICAn~S ...... .. ... .... .. ... .............. .....3O xl. X11. -— -— SPECIFICATIONS 4190WH DIP SWITCH PROGRAMMING * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...31 OPERATION SETTING & WIRING .... ......31 TAsLES .... .......33 FORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...36 This i=ua has a revised format a“d incl.des thenewsedions indicated byastetisks. Mamin fines indicate other principal chanqes. -3- LIST OF FIGURES 1. 4140XMP SYSTEM LOOP DEVICES 2. POLLING 3. 4280/4280-8 ....... .............. .. ...... .. .. ... .. .... . . . ...... .. ........... .......... .. ........ .... ................. ..5 ........ ............ .. ........ ........ ... . .. .... ................... .. .......... .. ............. ..7 RF RECEIVER ... .... ............................ ....... ....... ........... .... ...............................8 4. CONNECTOR 5. GROUND 6. REMOTE KEYSWCH ?. MOUNTING THE PC BOARD ................................. .. ....... ....... ............................................l 4 8. MOUNTING THE CABINET 9. SURFACE 10. FLUSH MOUNTING J7 ... ......... ..................... ................. ......... ......... ........................ ......... .........l 2 START MODULE MOUNTING 11. ADJUSTING 12. 4180WH 13. SUMMARY . .............................. .. ..................................................... ........ I 2 WRING .. .. .. ...... .......... .... .. ..... .... .. .. .. .... .. ......... ........ .... .......... .. .. ... ..l 3 LOCK ............ ............................................. .............................14 THE CONSOLES THE CONSOLES . .................. .... .. .................. . .. ....... .......... ...........1 5 .... ............ ...... .. ........................... ......... .......... .. .. .....l 5 THE VIEW ANGLHINSERTING OPERAnON THE NAMEPUTE & WIRING DIAGM OF CONNECTIONS stvtN DIAGRAM fltps ..........................................l 5 .............. .. .. .... .................................. ...............3l .........................................................................32 TO t~sy mLLATION The following steps are reauired to Drooerlv install a VISTA XMP system: !.. STEP 1 Become fami~ir wkh the system by readng the GENERAL determina the hardware reauired for the installation. STEP 2 Determine the aysfem’a zone cotigurefion and wiring requirements by reviewing section 11:ZONE CONFIGURATIONS and sedbn Ill: PERIPHERAL DEVICES. ff the inetallatnn is UL rated, che~ the special UL requirements included in aati escfion. STEP 3 Orwe tha wiring is mmpleted, mount the Control the inetmctiirra provided in seamn IV MOUNTING STEP 4 Learn how the ayatem operatea, Conditions and how to set the OPERATION. STEP 5 V the ayatem is to be euwrvised by a central monitoring efa~wn, read section Vl: SYSTEM COMMUNICATIONS and aecfiin Vll: PROGRAMMING THE SYST~, COMMUNICATION DEFAULT PROGRAMMING for descriptions of reporting tormate and a list of @M~ntition programming defauft valuea. STEP 6 Program the system via the keypad or by downloading from a remote bcafwn, following the instructions in section Vil: PROGRAMMING THE SYSTEM and ae~ion VIII: DOWNLOADING PRIMER (K sppl~le). STEP 7 Teat fhe system and teach the procedures in sedlon IX: TESTING ff problems ADVISORIES MODEL -4- . NUMBERS ar, including real-time INFORMATION aecrion and and make power connections Iollowing & POWERING THE SYSTEM. security codes, keypad tutilons, trouble clock, by reading se~ion V: SYSTEM user how to perform WE SYSTEM. all commanda, following the refer to section X: TROUBLESHOOTING. Throughoti this manual, information that requires special attention is highlighted in the ADVISORIES paragraphs. This informatwn includes system timitatwns, caveats and other information vital to the proper operation of the system. Be sure to read these paragraphs carefully. Unless othewise products. noted, product mdel numhrs listed in this manual refer to Ademco . ,, 1. GENERAL z. THE VISTA CONTROL The vISTA 4140XMP bntrol is a microprocessor basti pm$rammable system and Iaatures EEROM memo~ Iectlnology (power loss d~s not msuft in the loss of information). ~ @nml su~ns up to 9 wired zones of prottiion, ex~titib to W zones (wired and/or wireless) using 2-wire polling loop devices, and/or wireless tranmfiem (5700 series). EASY PROGRAMMING programming can ti pdormed al the office prior to inStallatWn, or on the~b sita dtrtily from the ~n~Ie, Or an b downbadd fmm a remote ~Wn or m the @b she (using a PC -p wkh 41oOSM Serial Modub) by mi~ the Ademco 4130PC Downloading SoWare. For installer rnnl!enbm, the tinml ispe.pmgrammed wfih aset Of stindard values fhti b des~nd to meat the neds of many insta!llalbns. These values. however, ~ntichangdtosufi ther!eds ofanypntikr imtdktiin. Theamml~nabo ba pre~qmmmd @ the instdkr wfih one of four Sandwd Wmmunbtion default p~ramming values, eliminating the need for efienske p~ramming time and effofi. NOTE TO 4140XM USERS: The following are some dfierenrns bween tk 4140XMP & 4140XM @nels that will affti your inslalbtiin Drai~$ . Retis4, O*Y to folbw taminal bti kyoti. . AC power suppfiti by No. 1361 tmnslormer (unpolartid) rated at 16.5VAC,,, AnuA . One value (2k Q) k ufor dl EOLR su~wisd zonas. I . ~ne 1 o~rates ~ an EOLR supwkd ‘mne onfy. . Revisal rating md wiriW method to tb mxifiaw triggers. ‘I fom to a~mmdate new f~tiures. . Revised p~rammi~ I Use PC ~wnbad *WO tht woooti lb 4140xMP. I . Real-time clti must k set (usin~”5137 wnsole) bafore -“ .,-- . . -. NFORMATION 4140XMP ENHANCEMENTS . Buih-in Polhng Lwp inted-, wkh WUW bop taminab htW on tha Fna?s terminal b~. . Suppofls btching ~ 2-wire glass break dd~m on zone 8. . Su@Rs up to 16 smtie det-om on zow 1 . Up to 70 usr s~~ des mn & p~mmm~. .- ~tie~ of mmal (Uigit) or hgh s~~ [6Mtgit) _rhy . All zonas -n b assgnd a~ha descriptions. . Up to 20 cmtm wds =n MW k addad to the buih4n buw. The Wer .s. or”’s. m now ~ ddd to de=riptom. . Eu%r p~ramming for rnmmunbbn fink. Sim~ emer the desirad tie for eti zone, . timunbtbn defauk ~ramming -n & badad anflime, and does mt Mti nonammun~mn p~ram fieUs. . All 64 ZOMS a r-d to a -mral stmion using aW repofiing formti. . tillti ddeM o@in for do~bad i~. . ‘Real-Tma CM includd for time rel~d futiiow. . NOTE: 5137 rnnde rquiti to Wt the real-time ti. . Ratiom AC Losz rapning optti ~tis re~d ~mty fmm 1~ min~es *W AC b, to hefp PWti rnotral stations fmm r-tii~ an overbd of mm due to area bla~outs. . WellQant ta~ r~tirng option mans test re~ns All mt ba aant Hmy othw mpofl wzw sam tin the ~mmad ‘es’r’~are:x . Revised mathod for w~rmming the dialer r~ns. . PrWmm mode ml b ememd wh!k Wstems am~. . Tem~ra~ user des cannot be assignd whle ~tem is amti the T&mmw etiad. . PC -tider abilty to indtidual~ -mm nh~ triggem to pulse on for 2 s-rids. ... Three technologies to suit eve~ installation: HARt)WIRE, SUPERVISED WIRELESS, 2.WIRE MULTIPLEX VfSYA XMP COWROL . 7 2.wlRE MULTIPLEX L~P 2.WE mu 2wlRE SM~E DETECTOR OW :;, 8.% EXPkNDER ~ ,,RE#~ J ,UPT02 CANBEU5EDI I # Ii> t o 42** 4275 Y 4192SD 4,92SDT or4192CP :~o~ 41% 2W TOADDITIONAL 2WIRE lNTEL1!GENT OEVICES EXPANOER -sFigure 1. 4t40XMP SYaTEM Il. ZONE CONFIGURATIONS .20NE TYPE TheVISTA 4140XMP DEFINITIONS System allws up 10 S4 zones of hard-wire, pii~ .bp and/er wireless pm~ion. Each zone must be assigned m a zone type, which defines the way in which the system ,es~nds m fauns i“ that ZO”e. In add~b”, there are three keypad adivated zones “(PANIC keys), a Wlfing Imp supwisbn zone, and tw RF suWwiso~ zones, one far each 428o or 42W8 RF fl~tier inswlled. TYPE 1: ENTRY/EXIT #1 TYPE 7: 24 HOUR AUDIBLE Used for the prima~ enhylexit retie (ax front &or, main This type also assigned to a zone mntaini”g a Panic button, entrance). but whkh will inhiate an audible alarm i“ addMon to an aIarm re~ti to the ~ntral Station (RX bdside panti). TYPE 2: ENTRY/EXIT #2 Used for a semnda~ ent~/exit route (ex: Garage door, TYPE 8: 24 HOUR AUXILIARY b%ing dodr dmr, bz~mem tir), wbre more time mght b This ty~ assigned ti a zone mntaining a button for “se in needed to get to and tmm the mnsle. personal eme~encies or to a zone containing monitoring deviws such as water sensors, temperature sensors, etc. TYPE 3: PERIMETER BURGLARY Desgned to intirate an alarm repn to the Central Station ati Used for etierior doors a“dlor windows which require an on~ provides tinsole slam zounds and slam displays, instant dam when vblatd. WPE 9: SUPERVISED FIRE TYPE 4: INTERIoR BURGLARY (FOLLOWER) Used for zones mntaining smoke deteztors, heat detetiors, Used for areas where an ent~ delay k required only if an pull stattins, etc. An own in this zone will initiate a trouble entV/exit delay zone is tauK# timt. signal. A shon in tMs zone will initiate a fire alarm (pulsed etiernal sounder and rewti to central station). TYPE 5: DAY/NIGHT BURGLARY Used for zones which mntain a toil~roteded door or window TYPE 10: INTERIOR BURGLARY (DELAY) (such as in a store), or to a zone revering a senstive area ~s type is simifzr to type 4, exmpt that entw delay hgins such as a stock coom, drug supply rwm, etc., 01 othel whenever sensors in this zone are vtilatad, regardless of mntrolled access area where immediate notifi~tion of an whether or not 8n entV/exit delay zone w= faufted fimt. ent~ k desired. TYPE 6: 24 HOUR SILENT ALARM This zone typ is genemlly assgned to a zone rnntaining a Hold-up or Panic button that k designed to intiate an alarm rewti to the &ntral Statb”. bti which ptiu~s no visuaf dkplaW or alarm ~unds (ex: banks, jewel~ munterz). BASI C 9 HARD-WIRED ZONES ZONE 1 TNS zone has a 350 milfise~nd response and ca” be assigned to any zone type and is set up for EOLR su~wision on~. Ths zme k the Mly zone that =n supwfl 2-wire smoke detetiors. See SMOKE DETECTORS sedion for a Iia of mmpatible detmom. @nnad all cbsedmircuit sen=rs in ~ries wkh one another between terminals 10 & 11 (see SUMMARY OF CONNECTIONS Diagram), The 2,000 ohm EOLR s~uld alm be in series wkh the bop at the last devia. 1{the sensors used are open-circuit devbes, such as smoke detetiors, each one must be in parallel to the next. The EOLR must then be placed across the last wired detec!or, M8simum zone resistan-, excluding EOLR, k 1.00 Ohms, UL NOE. The 4100 EOL resistor, rated 2.Ok ohms, must be used on hardwire tire bow. ZONE 9 This zone is unsupewised and an be assigned to my zone type except fire. Only closed-circuit devbes can b used, Conneti these devices in series with one another Wtween lerminals 22 & 23 [sac sUMMARY OF CONNECTIONS Oiagram). This zone can be programmed for either normal resWnse (350mS, the defauft res~nse) or for fast res~nse (lOmS), This zone is sutable for monitoring fat ading glass break sensors or vibration sensors when programmed for fast response. Avoid using mechanical magnetic or relay tYPe contacts in this zone when programmed for fast rss~nss, Note that the maximum resistance tor this zone is 300 ohms. -6- ZONES 2 THROUGH 8 These zones have a 350 millisernnd res~nse and can be ass~ned to any zone typ. They ~n b EOLR supewised or closed circuh unsu~ wised, as required (program field .41 determines whether or not these zones will use the 2,oOO ohm EO~. Enter [1] in field .41 to d!sable the use of EOLRS on zones 2 through 8). If programmed for use with EOLRS, both closed-circuti and open-circuit devices can be used with the 2,000 ohm EOLR resistor in series with tha loop at the last devke. ft the use of EOLRS is disabled ~41 =1 ), only Cbsd-irmit devices an b used, - Zone 8 has the addd apati~fiy of sup~tiing 2 wire, latching type glass break detedors. See GLASS BREAK OETECTORS se~ion for a fist of @mpatible detectors. These detedors may be reset at the ansole in the same manner as two wire smoke detetiors. (i.e. samnd entV or .OFP sequence). fine 8 shouti & mnfigured as an EOLR type zone when gla= break detetiors are used. UL NOTE: The rnnnestion to glass break detetiors apphcaMe for UL Listed applications. is not The maximum resistance per zone, excluding EOLR, is 300 ohms 101zones 2-7, ati 100 ohms for zone 8. I 2-WIRE POLLING LOOP (Zones 10-64) The4140XMP pmvkbs a 2. wire ~lhng tip inteti~ IMPoRTANT: Whti albws the n“m~r ~ ~o”es ~ h expanded f,Om th~. basic 9 zones to up to 64 zones usiW varbus RPMs, ad the 4280 RF R=eiver. See Mlow tar a tist of mmoatibla sensors. -. The p)liing bop protides pcwer to sensors md sewes as a mmmtJni~tbn path hWeen the panel and sensom. Each sensor mwt bc ~ignd a unique address ID number (from 10+4) bfore being conneded to the plting Imp. Most Senwrs have DIP switches for this pu~se. See the DIP SW~CH S~lNG TABLE FOR POLLING LOOP DEVICES for inf<>rmation on how to assign ID numbc~ using DIP switches. Care must & tcken to cscign unique ID numbsrs to a~!l senwr in order to allow the pcnel to supcwise and pmvidll unique rnnsola status indications for individual sensors. @nne@ these sensors m Ieminab 24 & 25. Sensors ~n bc rnnn~d to a single run, or groups of sensors may bc connect~ to sepaate wire rum wfiho~ aff~rng the pcne~s abitity to suWwise individual senw~. Follow the wiri~ inStrUtiOns provided with indtitiual senmrs (4190WH wiring diagram is provided at the e“d of this manual). Be sura to okewe ~mor ~ladty when wiring, The m~imum dbwcble wire ru[l length bcwean the panel and the last sensor on a gk9n wire run is as Ioibw: Tha muimum mmbind ~ihng bop mn i5 400@. h using shielded wire, the m~imum is 200W. If Ionoer wire runs are neded. a4197 Lmp mender Mdule mui be u4. INTERCOM INTERFERENCE If an intermm system u bci”g used, the ~lti”g Imp wires must bs as IW fmm the intemm wiring as ~ssible (minimum ~). If this spacing =nnot be achieved, shielded wire must be usd. H this is not done, intetierence on the interrnm system might -r. Al= ntie that the m-imum total wire length suppcfisd h ti in hati when shie~sd wire k usd. ADVISORIES The m~imum dbw~e wrmnt draw on the ~lhng I@p is 84mA. Refer to the POLLING LOOP CURRENT DRAW WORKSHEET (found in the POWERING THE SYSTEM setion) for current draws of various Plhng Imp devices. If more than 64mA is being drawn, use of the 4197 provides anaher @ wdh UmA avtilatie. Make ~tiain to include the total current drawn on the @lling m in !he AUXILfARY CURRENT DRAW WORKSHEET (SW POWERING THE SYSTEM se~ion) when tiguting the total auxila~ I@ on the pme~s pwer supp~. m“’’” POLLING .-. LOOP OEVICES see l~ERIPHERAL DEVICES compatible polllng loop smoke passive infrared motion detectors. section deta~tor~ for gnd 4208 Eight Zone Polfing Loop Expsnsion Module . Used to supemise up to 8 hcd.wired devkes via the Plfiw hop. KIOTE: Does not suppn 2-tire smoke detmom. . Set DIP switches to identify 8 zones. . . The first two zones can = -a ~=be etiher normal or fast response (DIP switch m,== selectabla), .=..— . All zones are EOLR supervised (first six zones S. 4,7k ohms, laa two zorles = 30k ohms), provided with the 4206. B ,.<- 4190WH Two Zone Remote Point Module . Used to supewi~ 2 hard-wired devims via the Wlfing tip . DIP switch programmable. . The left zone can be EOLR supervised, if necessary, and can accept either open or closed circuit sensors. e The right zone is unsupewised and can accept closed circuit sensors only. Refer to H 4190WH the OPERATION setiion at the end of this manual for more informatbn. 4f 94 Surface Mounted . Wide gap sudace mounted reed rnntact with built-in RPM, which is DIP swkch ~rammable. Reed Contact (Wide Gap) w 4197 Polllng Loop Extender Module Can be used if the 2-wire ~llng Iwp mud be greater than the remmmanded length (4000- max). By insalting a 4t 97 at the end of the first loop, the polling loop can be rnntinued. Mmore than 64mA needs toba drawn from the Wlting loop to Wwer RPMs, use of the 4t 97 provides aother loop wfih 64mA available. tinnects to the p)fing loop and is powered from auxiha~ ~wer or q by a separate 729 m— power supply with bafte~ batiup. —-— - —~~:~c==a -.—-.--~=.~~--* =---..—-, n figure 2. Polling Loop Davi=es -7- WIRELESS EXPANSION {Zones ..– .-—--- 1-63) , 4280/4280.8 RF RECEIVER 31 It, wkhin a pr~rammed inlawal of time, the 4280 dms not The VISTA XMP system suppotis up to 63 wireless hear from my of tis transmhtars, an ALARM or TROUBLE Iransmhtws (5700 series), DIUSa 5727 wireless kevoad. To will h displayed de~nd!ng on the res~nse programmed expand lhe “system using’ wirelass, ona or two 4280 RF for zones 88& 90 (fieMs 1.08 & 1.09). Receivem (or 4280-8 ti only 8 wireless zones are used) musi ba rnnneded to the polfing loop. Tha 4280 ra=ives status HOUSE IDENTIFICATION and alarm signals from wireless transmitters (@345 MHz The 428o reswnds on~ to transmhters with the same house USA 315MHz Canada) within a nominal range of 200 feet, ID (DIP switch pr~rammable from 01-31). Ttis prevents system inletierence from transmitters in other neatiy and relays this hformation to the =ntml via the ~lfing Imp. Two 4280s can be used to provide either a greater area of syctems. To make sure wu do not chmse a House 10 that is mverage, or provide redundant prmedbn. in use neatiy, pm the system in the SnMar Male, which is describsd Iaterinthbsedbn. IMPORTANT: Note that if using tw RF R~eivers, one of them must be powered from auxifia~ power. For mora information regarding the 4280 installation, refar to the installation instrutiions provided with the 428o. NOTE Unless stated othewise, references to Ihe 4280 Receiver represent the 4280 andbr 4280-8 Recebem. ..-— -,-.... ‘“-- II 11 ~ RgUW 3. 4280t4SS0.8 RF RECEWR PROGRAMMING NOTES FOR WIRELESS DEVICES All RF zonss mud ba designated as such in their raspatifie program fields (t.1 S-1 .25). Any zone from 1-83 ca bs des@nated as an RF zone. To enable a zone as wireless, simply enter a “1. in the lo~tion for that zone. B* careful when designating RF zones. if you want a zone 10 ba either hard-wired or on tha ~lling Imp, but ~identally en~le k as RF, the system will ignore that zone. RF enable overrides hard-wire! h using a 4280.8, a“ly “p to 8 ZOMS mn be enabled as RF zones. lf more than 8 zones are enabled, the massage “SET-UP ERROR. (51 37) or .E8. (41 37/4127) will be displayed. SUPERVISION Each transmitter (except 570! and 5727) is su~wisad by a check-in signal that is sent to the receiver at 70-90 mintie intewals. If at least one Cheti-in is not ramivsd from a transmitter within a programmed intewal (field 1.31), the con=le will display the transmitter numbsr and ‘CHECW will be displayed, Each transmitter fincluding 5701 and 5727) is also supewised for low batte~ mnddions, and will transmit a low battery signal to the 4280 when the batte~ has approximately 30 days of lie remaining. NOTE: After replacing a low or dead batte~, activate the transmfiter and enter the security ade + OFF to clear its memo~ of the .bw Batte~. signal. The 428o itself is also supewised three ways 1. If the cover of tha 4280 is removed, an ALARM or TROUBLE will be displayed depending upon the reswnse programmed for zones 89& 91 (field t .09). 2. If the connection is broken between the 428o and the control panel, or the 428VS rover is removsd, an ALARM or TROUBLE will be displayed depending on the response programmed ior zones 89 & 91 (field 1“09), This response is usually that of a DAY?NIGHT or 24 hour type. -a- ~ - TRANSMITTER IDENTIFICATION E=hlransmftter has fis own unique ~num@r(~ne #), wtichis DIPswitch programmable in each unit. Whenevara transmi=ion takes plaa, either for an alarm, fauft, check-in ‘or low batfe~, thk ID numbr is sent along wth the mess~e to the 42a0 which, in turn, relays this information to the mntroi panel, which disdaysthemndtion and zone number on the console. See the OIP SWITCH TASLES FOR WIRELESS DEVICES af the eti ~ this mmwl, for itii~ual transmhter settings. SNIFFER MODE TO OETERMINE HOUSE ID (Code+ [#] + 2) To ch~ Ior house IDs baing used in neatiy systems, set the DIP swtches in the 4280 fora House lDof .O~ (all switches up), thenenter your.lnataller tide. +[#]+[2]. The 4280 will now .sn~ OM any House IOS m the area ad display them. Keeping the 42a0 in this mode for *M 2 houm will ghe a gd ind-n of the hauw 10s Wmg usad. To exit the SnMer Mode, simply key your installer mde + OFF, then set your house 10 to one not ds~ayad in lhe .Sniffer We.. sNIFFER MODE TO CHECK TRANSMITTERS (Coda + [#] + 3) To check that all transmhtem have baen aet for the pmpr house 10, set the 4280 to the pmxr houso ID and entsr the ln~aller de + [#] + [3]. All trmsmitfer ID numtirs thct have the house ID set for the 4280 will ba dnphyed wtin each transmitter number che~ in (up to 2 hours). A f~er way 10 do this is to fault each transmitter, which causes a transmission to ba sent to the 4280. Chink that tha ID numtir is displaysd when the transmftfer k f auft~. GO/NO GO TEST MODE (Patented) Ttis mode helps determine the best Iocatio” for each transmitter and is adivated by p~ing the rnntrol pael in the TEST mode and removing the 4280’s cover. The receiver’s senstiivity is reduced by half. Once transmitters ara placed in their desired Io=tions and the approximate length of wire to be run 10 sensors is mnneded to the :ransmhter’s wrew terminals, own circuit each transmitter, & not mnduti this test wdh your hmd wrappsd around the transmitter. If a single 42sO is used, the mnsola will baep three times to indicate signal reception. H tw 4280s are used, the mnsole will beep ome i tha first 4280 recetied the signal, mke t the second 4280 received the signal and three times ti both re-ivers heard the signal (which is desirable for redundant configurations). ff the consoie does not beep, reorient or move the transmtiter to another location. To exit this mode, replace the 428VS aver, then enter the installer code and press OFF. Note that the Receiver’s sensitivity is fully re$tord when the cover is replaced. \ IMPORTANT BA~ERY NOTICE The VISTA wireless transmhters am desgned to pmv’de bng batioty Itie under normal ~pe,ating renditions. Longevity Of balloties may ba as much as 4-7 yaars depanding on fha environment, usaga, and tha Spacifc wireless device being used. Eflernal faders such as humidity, high or low tem~wtaturas, as well as Iafge swings in temperature may all reduce the aaual batte~ life in a given installation. The VISTA wimlesa system can identify a true low batta~ stuatian, thus alfowing the dealer or user of the system time to arrange a change of bafte~ and maintain pmtastion for that given pint wkhin the system. -.., WIRELESS ZONE TYPES Each RF zone m h programmed to ras~nd ~ any zone tYP@such as ENTRYEXIT, lNTERfOR, PERIMETER, @tc. (see the section under ZONE TYPES for a mmplete explanation of each zone typa). Desired alarm ras~nses =n ts broken down az folbws: ZONE TVPE Entw/Exil Burg Perimeteraug lntatir Wq Fim 24 W, P& Jsifant or atiible) Day/Night Ourg~ 24 HourAuxiliaV TRANSMITTER ID # 1@m”qh 47. 1 timugh 47. 1 fiwgh 47. 32 thw h 47. (5775) 4Stiwgh 63. 46 timugh 55.. (57N) 46 thwgh 67 62 WW-. (57O1) 1 tim”gh 67. 1 hmugh 47. O. Using W Rarnivers does not increase the numbar of transmitters the system san suppofl (63 transmitted, plus a wireless keypad). 6. Refer ~ the mcsimum polling hp wira runs de=ribad in the POLLING LOOP sa3fion whan rnnneding 4280s to the polliW hop. lMPORTA~ The muimum mmbined polling kmp run is ~. K using shbM6d tire, tha mzsimum k 200V. NoES: -LESS OEVICES See the PERIPHERAL compatible wireless paasille Infrared motion OEVICES section smoke detectors detectors. 57o1 Panic Transmitter . Pmgrmmable for either silent or audibb 24 kur _ (DIP switi prwrmmd br Zme$ S2 w 63). 5711 Sllmllne Ooor/Window Transmitter . Can k used with any closed circuit mnsor. NOTE: Can b usw Q“ ay z1.63 but, it Pqmmmed for zones 3247, them will k a 3 minute fock-out bameen Uansfnissions. 5711 WM Ooor/Window Transmlfter w/Reed Switch . Sfimtire dmrmindw aansmi”w with built. in rrnd Srnmh (magne ncludad). Cm & used with any closed circuit sensor. NOTE: Can be usad on my zone 143 bm, if pmg~med for zones 32-47, tiem wiM be a 3 minute lock-out beween uansntissions. .- 5716 ~oor/Window Transmitter . Cm be usad witi my opsn or dosd cirmit sensox (DIP switch selectable), and features a built4n reed switti. NOTE: Can be used 0. any Zcne 1-63 but, if pmramtiti for zoms 3247, tiere will k ~ 3 minuie Iokaut Mwen transmissions. ADVISORIES 1. Do not Dla@ transm~em on or near matal obiads. This will dec;aa6a range and/or blti lransmissbns; area for Wst 2. Place the 42a0 in a high, mntrally l-ad r~ptbn. M not placa r6miver on or near metal o~aas. 3. The 4280 receiver must M at least 10 feet from the Controf panel or any ramote consoles to avoid intedarenm from their micmprocessor. 4. When connetiing a door~indow contact to a 57t i, 5711 WM, or 5715 tmnsmhmr, avoti a wire fangth of 20.24 inches. Thk paflicular length decreaws range. A shmter or bnger Ia@h haz no effacf. For UL Household 9urglaV Installations, wimtf loops mnnaed to these devicas =nnot axcaad 3 fact. 5. If dual 4280s or 4280-8s are u=d: A. Both must ba al Ia=t 10 f6at from e=h other, as well as fmm the @mml panel and remme mnabs. B. One of the 4280s or 4280-8s must ba Wwered from Aux. power so u nd b ax-ad Sd mA Plfiw IMP current rating. C. The kusa IDs must ba the same. for and o B 9 571 5WH Universal Transmitter . DIP switch sebctabk for fast response, -n as dosad dwit sensor usage, md has a hmwr profected cover, use in aPPficatiOns where open circuit heat detectors are needed or where fast msmse deri-s am naa~. NOTE!Can b usti w my ZOM l= hi, Hpmgmmmad for zonac 32d7, hem will be a 3 minute lock-out beween ~nsmissions, 5727 Wlrelees Keypad . WImless keypti that =n h US4 to Wm the burglaw protection on and off, and faawms the same built<n pank tinctions as wirad consoles for either silent w audble 24 Mur dam. & LEO indiation hghtseach time a kw is Pres- to verify transmission (LED Iocatad in the ~] READYkey). . W keypd is idntifids Z.W.~ wh it Imnsmits low httew messages. The kYPad Panicsam identified as .W for ~) + [s], WF for [#l+ [3], md %~ for ~] + [1] if ~mmm~. B u H .L, .,, ,., . . . . -9- Ill. PERIPHERAL REMOTE CONSOLES The 4140XMP suppies up 10750 mA 01 auxilia~ pwer for remote consoles, polling bop devices andlor other auxiha~ devices such as motion detectors or 4-wire smoke deteaors.. The 4140XMP suppotis, independent of auxilia~ power rnnsiderations, up to six 4127, 4137 or 5137 remote mnsoles. All mnsolas may ba pwerad from the auxiiia~ ~er outpul prov~ad that the total current drawn fmm this otipti doss not excaed 75o mA. You must keap this in mind when adding remola anwles so you don? overdraw mrrent from the panel. This WOUMresuh in a batta~ which does not charge proparly or possibly a trippd auxiiia~ solid state circuit breakar, ff the auxila~ load is dalarminad to M greater than 750 mA, than addtional mnsoles (total of 6) can ba powered from a suppiementa~ ragulated t 2vDC power supply (e.g. 487-12 suppiias 12V, 250mA; 486.12 supp~es t 2V, 500mA). Connect the consoie,s rad and black Iaads to the suppbmenta~ supply-s positive (+) and nagative (-) terminals, Also mako a co””etiion between this suppiyIs nagativa (-) larminal and tha 4140xMPs Auxihay power (-) terminal 7 so that kth hava a common ground referame. NOT : Co”sobs mnneati m s“pflewn~ power supplies wh~h do not have a ba~up batie~ will no! o~raw w~n AC PWM is lost. [n tirs w% make sure m Wwer a! least one mnsde IWM tk paners auxilia~ power output. The pa”ers ba~up bane~ will ~ . 4-wire smoka dataaors 3ppflcati0ns. 4127 FIXED-WORD LCD Compact dssig”, ~ip~ wilh a fiquid c~swl display (LCD} us!ng 2digi~ n“metis ~~~:=~~::f::~~~: language prompts, such as ‘-OY, ‘NoT READY, ~. for sysmm $titus. A built-i” alarm sounder is also indudd, winch elimim~s tk n-d {or a separate intior swtiw. ~mA cumenttiaw. =TtRNAL cannot be used in UL Listad CONSOLE ‘——–—— 4137 DELUXE FIXED-WORD EquipMd witi a liquid c~sml display (LCD) using 2.digit numerics for zone ide”tificatio”, and a set of pre:desig”ated English la”g”age prmpt%, such a% .READV, .NOT READY, em. for system smtus. Keys m backlit. A built-in alarm t sounder is also iwlu~, whi& elimi”a~s the n-d for a separate i“&or sounder, 6W amnt *w. 5137 ALPHA CUSTOM LCD Equipped with programmable 2-Dne, 32? *aracler (16chamaem ~r tine), ALPHA-NUMERIC LcO for ccmplete zone idemificalion in Englisti language fif descriptors am programmed). Keys are also backlit, An alarm sounder is built in, eliminating the n-d for a separate in&Or soun*r. 90mA wnent drew. w CONSOLE CONSOLE h! WIRING Consoles consoles maimum homerun -I _ LcD 1 may ba wiradto a single wire run or individual may be sonnetied to seDarale wira runs. The wire run length from the p’nel to a sonsola whiti is bask to the panel must not exceed: –—=.. -.mmm . . .. FJmm -,.“. .gmm mmm ‘- E SOUNDERS RELAY OUTPUT The 4140XMP providas a wet bell ralay output which is used to ~wer external alarm soundem. Conna&ions ara mada to terminals 4 (positive output) and 5 (negative return). See SUMMARY OF CONNECTDNS Diagrm. UL INSTALLATIONS For UL installations, the total current drawn from this output and the auxiliary Wwer output, combinad, cannot axceed 750 mA, In addition, the sounting device must be a UL Listed audible signal Wpliance ratad to operata in a 10.2-13,8 VDC voltage range, and must be mounted indoors. Example: Whaalock Signals Inc. siran model24T-12 (provides 85dB[A] for NFPA 74 a Standard 965). IMPORTANT: Going beyond these bmits will overload the power supply or may possibly trip the bell output thermal circuit breaker. NON-UL INSTALLATIONS The total current drawn from this output cannot exceed 2.6 amps. A batiery must be installed since this current is suppliad by the batlery. Up to two 702 sirens can be used, wirad ill series. Up to two 719 sirans can be used, wired in parallel. -1o- DEVICES =:::: 250 feet m= runs combined must not 62s feat ma 900 ,eet ~= unsh)eldad quad cOnductOr cable is used (45o fact if If more than one rnnsole is wired to a run, than the above m~imum lengths must be dwided by the number of mn301es on the run (i.e. the maximum length would b 125 feet i WO --. –.,.. .. ---mnwles are wlrea on a *U gauge run) Compatible SOUNDERS 702 Outdoor Siren . %Il+ontilned siren (&iWr built-in) and Weathrpmof br outioor “se. Ca” k wirti for eitier a stea~ or yelp sound and is ,ated a! 120 dB @ 10 feel. This siren =n also be mmwr promcwd, or ~“ be mounted in a metal cabinet (?16), which can be mmpe, prmected. 719 Outdoor Siren (Compact) . Compaa, SIlantiwd siren (tilver built-in), and weatie~mf for outioor “se. Can b wired tor a Slea@ or yelp souti, md ramd at 90 d6 @ 10 feet, A ~wr vomcld 7088E &Wt is avaikbk. 740 tigh Inlensity Sound-r . Compact high intensity soutier ramd at 123 dB @ 10 fwt, This so.”der emtls an ear pie%ing-, tigh kequency sound, and ~“ be mounted i“dw~ (bracket in.l”&d) or O“ttiors (in 703BE ~bi”et), AES1031 Motor Eel{ & Sox . AMSECOmotor &ll & bx, rated at 81 dB @ 10 I*I. PA400S (beige) lPA400R (red) Indoor Piezo Sounder . BRK indwr piezo sounder(rti or hige), ra=d at W dB @ 10 Iwt. “ SMOKE 20NE3 DETECTORS When progmmmed = an EOLR sumwised FIRE mne (tym 09 in program field .02), up 10 sixteen 2-wire smoke dtietiors can be used. When programmed for fire, the smd ~DE + OFF sequenm momemwi~ intemupts power to reset the smoke dmetiors. ~MATfU ~KE DETECTORS DETECTOR TVPE BRK MODEL Photoeletirk, dired wire BRK24D0 Photoeledric wheat sensor, direti wire 8RK2400TH Photoeletiric wA401 B base BRK2451 Photoeledfic wlheat sensor and B401 B base BRW451 TH Ionization, direti wire BRK1400 Ionization w/B401 B base BRK1451 Photoeletitic duti detaaar wmH2851Dc bsm BRK2651 DH Ionization duti detnaor wfOHl 851 DC ~se BRK1651DH ADVISORIES It the EOLR is not at tha end of the Iwp, the zone is not ful~ supewised. The system will not respond to an open cimuh within the zone. The alarm cument provided by this zone k su~lcient to suppofl operation of on~ one detador in the alarmed state. Refer to the maimum pclhng Imp wire runs hsted in the POLLING LOOP setibn when using ~lKng bcp ‘“*’ ‘ete”ors’ q,, ., . @ @@ ~ 4192sD ~lR MOTION Amid beating the unfl !n dtrea sunllght or d!,eti~ above . Amid beating the unt on unst~le sutiaces. F. Avoid running alarm witing close b hea~ dufy elmri~l POLLING LOOP PIR (4275) Tho 4275 is a dual element p=sbe infralti delemor, wth a built-in RPM, that is connected directly to the 2-wire Wlliw bcp. ,.--- I be used i“ UL ~~t~d f~-1 ~! H ~ ZOne 6 -n suppofl 2-wire, latching type glass break detectors when configured as an EOLR supewised zone. The sarnnd COOE + OFF sequence momentarily interwpts rower to this zone IO reset devbes wired 10 i. Use datedom whkh are rnmpatible with the ratings bebw Standby Voftage: 5VDC - 13.6WC Standby Resistance: Greater than 20k ohms (equivalent resistance of all deteaors in paralial) Alarm Resistance: Less than 1.Ik ohms (see nma klow) Alam Cuwant 2 mA -10 h Reset Tree: Less than 6 sands UL NO=: tinnedion of glass break detedors to zone a is not ~rmittti for UL Listed a~lications, POLLING LOOP PIR (4196/42T8) The 41 96/4278 are quad element passive infrared deta~om with a buiH-in RPM that is mnnected dire~ly to the Z-wire polhng loop. The ~.’ detatiors feature an auxitia~ sensor loop that permits m Wnnetiion of another neaby Q alarm sensor (reed contaa, etc.). WIRELESS PIR (5775) The 5775 is a batte~ opratd, wireless, dual element p=stie infrared motion dete~or that can & monitorti by a 426o (4280-6) wireless receiver. The 4260 is wnnectd to the 2-wire pclti~ hop. I I POLLING LOOP SMOKE OETECTORS (4192SD, 4192SDT, 4192CP) Can be addd to the 2-wire PolliW Lmp o“ ZO”eS 10 thm~h 64 (as programmed in fields .03, .04, “05, 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 1“04 and 1.05). These detwom have a RPM whch is DIP swtch p~rammable. They are wird in parallel to the plting loop, and do not need auxiha~ power or a separate reset switch. The ~lting loop provides power and reset signals to the detemors, as well as alarm and trouble sgnals fmm the detetiors. Dt i kCTOHS NOTES ON P(R MOUNTING LOCATIONS . AvOid locating the unti whe,e cem,al heating ,adiatOrs, flames or heating outlet duas are wittin the prmetitie GLASS BRtAK U“not 5T0a Selwt a mountino ske wkh the followina notes in mid. Sea wverage will b-obtained if the mou~ting site is seled~ such that the tikely diretion of intruder motktn u across the patfam of pmtedion. ,-. . 4-wire smoke detedors appli=tions. WIRELESS SMOKE DETECTOR (5706) One piece photoeledtic smoke dete~or with built-in transmitter (DIP switch pmgrammabb for zones 48-55), Built-in 85 dB piezoebmrb alarm sounder and autible bw ktte~ warning, -a ‘J 20NES 2 THROUGH 8 These zones can sup~ti as many 4.wire smoke detedom” as -n be pcwered, wha” p~ramed ~ a FIRE zone, t~ 09, in program fieti .02. There are on~ two requirements:(1) The zones must be mnfgur~ for EOLR su~wisbn, ati (2) a normailyalosed, momenta~ swhch must M instdld in seties wth the power to the det-om in o~er to allow reset of-the smoke deteaors after an alarm. The detmors must b wired in parallel, with the EOLR at the last detmor for full su~wtion. To su~wiw power, a BRK No. A7771 601 EOL Relay Mule k rammended. i! / ‘+ ~~; 1 u Tha IEI 735L saries detaaors have been tested ati tound to be compatible with thesa ratings. Up to 50 IEI 735L detetiors, connatied in parallel, may be used (the alarm currant provided by this zone is sufficient to suppofi Omratbn of onb one datetior in alarmed state), Follow the manufamurer,s’ recommendations on proper detactor installatbn. NOTES: Detetiors which exceed 1.1 k ohms in alarm, but maintain a vokage drop in alarm of less than 3.6 volts ~n ako & usti. Use of NO. or N.C. mntatis on the same zona may pravant proper glass break detaaor opration. -11- PHONE LINE CONNECTIONS Inrnming phone tine and handsel wiring is wnntied to the main terminal bloti = follows (reier 10 SUMMARY OF ~NNEC~S Di~rm): TB1-26: -1 Hand%t UIP) TB1-27 L-1 Hand=l (RING) Inmming Phni U* ‘~) tii-26: Inwmiw Phone Line (RING) TB1-29: Hit k desird m mnnthe Wnel m phow In= Iha rwfuire ground stati =pebili, then a 675 Ground Stan Mtiule. mu6t k u*. This mdub is triggerad by one of the mdpfi on the mnnmr l~ld J7 (s8 ~NNECTOR J7 TRfGGER OUTPUTS). “The 675 Ground Sta CONNtCTOR IMPORTANT Hthe aommuntior k rnnnetid to a tebphone hne insMe a PABX, k sure Ihe PABX has a bati.up pwer supply that =n su~ti the PABXior24 houm. Many PABXs are not power ba~~ up and rnnnedbn to such a PABX will resuh in a mmmuni=tion failure t war k Ioet. Module k mt UL LMad. J7 TRIGGtR OU~UTS GENERAL INFORMATION hnne~or J7, Imtad on the @h! hand stie of the man PCB pwides 4 tr@ger oows for owratiw the 675 Ground San Module! the 4146 Keyswficti, and for !riggeting auxitia~ am sgnalting ~uipment (LORMS, SWS, em.) The pin a~~nments of thk rnnn~or are shown balow. Use only the 4142TR 9-wire c~le (available = a option) for mting mnnatiions to this mnnetior. Each o~ti b ratd m follow: When Adtited 10. 13.6 VDC through SK Ohms Whan DM~watad: 1K Ohms to Ground OWW 1 o~rates, ~ defauh, as a trqgerfor the 675 gmu@ stafl mtiule, ~~ ompw may optionally * p~rammd to oWrata m an o~nlclose trigger. Onfy one of thesa options mW k ~ed at any time. Outputs 2 & 4 oparate, by defautt, m Fire and Silent Panic/Oumss triggem raspetilvely. These ttiggam may optionally h programmed to ad as Arm and Ready status indi=tors when it k desirad to usa tha 4146 keywkch . The Mtial WARNING: To prevent the risk of shock, disconneti ptine hn~ at Ie& ja~ @tore seticing the ~nel. 4146 Kayswtich S nm UL used. (Ground Stan GROUND START Not Intandad for Module, KeySwltCh, MODULE u8a In UL Llated etc.) appllaatlona. An optional 675 Ground Stati module can be used for installti(om haviW tekphona lines which require ground stafl imtead of tip Safi opeti!on to obtain dial tone from the talrn cemml offi~. ff usad, p~mm fiald 1.46 mus & set to “0- (iadoW dtiautt) and the 675 Ground Stan Modub must k oonntid to the ~ne~s J7 mnn~r trigger ompti 1, to uxiibw Pwar, and to tha %ING. skfe of the telaptine ~nes sbm in tha diagmm k~. Use the folbing p~dure Iakphme hm is the .RING ti determina whch side & tha stiw a. ~nnti tha “+. lead of a OC vokmatar w ~tih and tb “-. bti m om stie of tha teb~na fine. b. The tira wheh reads +WVDC k tk ground, %ING. stie. When Ik panel h= a m~~ge to tfansmti to the mntral station, it will seke the tine, go off hmk, and then tr~ger the 675 mtiule to wnnaa tha .RINW side of tha telephone tine to eaflh omund. W oanal will ~usa the mdule to bm~ the Mnnatiin kmaen ‘.RING” and eamh ground when a dbl tone is obtaind. .,@xM, ,7 C“NNCCTOU CABLE OUT,: GRO”NOS,-1 OROPE.,CLOSC 0“, 2 ,,RE m KE”S*!,CH ARMEDLE. 0“1 3. BURGUR”,A”D,BLEWN(C,.”XIL ,6,” OUT4: S,tiN1 PANICm”RESSOR tiE”SW8TC”~E&D” LE. Figun -12- 4. CONNE=OR J7 ngum 5. GROUND START MODUU w REMOTE KEYSWITCH NOTE: 4146 Keyswltch 18 not If the keyswitch option is seieaed trigger oufpti are disabled. -. UL aDDrOVSd. (fiald “15), the alarm An optional Remote Keyswitch an be used for remote arming and disaning of the system. If used, program iield .15 must h set to “1. to enable the keyswitch option, and the 4146 keyswtc~s normalfy open momentay switch and EDs must & wnnetied b tine 7 and to the J7 wnnemr ttigger omputs respetiiveiy. A 2k EOL resistor must b wnneaed across the sivkch r~ardless d whether or not zones 2-8 are seleaed to use EOL resktors. See diagram bbw. An optional cbsed~ircuk tam~r switch (model 112) an b wired in series wtih zone 7, w that, if the swi!chpla!e is removed from the wall, the tamper will open, disabting keyswkch o~ration unttl the syqem is nefl tisarmed from the rnnsole. NO= Onfy one kayswtch wfih LEDs -n the syslem’s power suDP&. I be suppned by follows: f ,,, A momenta~ shon across lhm zone will arm the system in the .AWAV mode. If the shOfl is heid for ~are than 3 seconds, the system will arm in the .STAW mode, ~.e. all zones designated as zone tyWs 4 or 10 will be a~omatiml~ bypassed). After the system has bean armed, the ne~ lime zone 7 is shon~, the system will tiswm. -”, I ., BROKENUNES REPRESE~ INSTWMR WIRINGCONNECTIONS \&KMED) ,----------- ,Rmv, ---- .-. --- I It ---- I ---- --------- —--__-, ------e,--ThMwn WITCH (N.C., ,, KEYsWITCMIS uSED, ,, OUT, Cm S,,U BE“SEOTO P.W,DE GROUNDWM. OPEWCLOSE,s~ F,U 2) ~ 2,3,4 NOLOWER PNOWDE-M ST-US lNDlul,ONs. Om 2 &, WWE REYSWITCHEm. Om 3 IS NOTUS~, ~LV %XEY~CH cm BE“SEO. 31Z~E 7 IS NO LNOER UW= @ A PmTEcT,w ZONE. 10 ERM. 20 , . al. Lx. SWITCH(N.O., TOZWE 7 10 XRM. ,, — ----------? p’ L--- 1 :“y~ / $ Eow 4,.. KEVSWIW [.01 UL LET=> figure 6. REMOTE KEYSWITCH WIRING -13- .— IV. MOUNTING AND POWERING THE SYSTEM MOUNTING MoUNTING THE 4140XM? ‘PC BOAUO Before mounting the circuit bead ‘be cenain that the ~mpriate me~l kntiuw have been removed. DO NOT A=MPT TO REMOVE THE KNOCKOUTS A~R ~E CIRCU~ SOARO HAs BEEN tNST~. 1. Hang the three mounting d~ on tkc miscd ~net tcbc. Obcewe pm-r ctip orient~hn 10 avoid damage b the chp when mouming ccrews are tghtencd and 10 avoid pmbbms tih imetibn ad rmvd d the PC Wti. 2. Insen the top of the circuk bard into the sbts al the top Of the ~inet. M* cenain that the ~ati rastc in the sbts ind~td in ccep 2 de~il. 3. Swing the b~e of the bard itio the mounting c~is and secure the bard to the cdinet whh the a~mpanying ecmwc (as illutmtd in step 3 detail). ADVISORY Make -tiain that the mounting ~rew are reason~ly tght ~ insure that there is a gd ground rnnne~ion tieen the PC bwd md the mnet. Ah, dress fmti wiring awW fmm the micropmesso, (tinter) section of the PC tiad. The =binet provides 2 Imps on its hft and right sidewalls for anchoting field wiring using tie wrapt. These stew are imptiam to minimtilng the rik d pnel RF intetierem with televisbn rmption. MOUNTING THE 4140XMP LOCK 1. Remove the Iti kno~om on the mntml tiinet rover. Inseti the kcy imo the Iti. Postion the I* in the hole recking Mnain that the latch till m~e mmaa wtih the Ietch bm~et when the dwr is doccd. .T- 2. While holding the 1A cteady, insen the retainer ctip into the retainer slots. Position dip as illustrated in the diagram m the nefi page to f~ltate e~ remwal. - MOUNTING THE 4127 CONSOLE 1. Sepamte the rnnsoie from hs ba~plate by removing the two swew fmm the mp and bttom edges. 2. Usa the ba~piate to mark the ~shiins on tk wall @r the screw mounting holes and the cti~ut for the intetiam wiring. Use wall ancbm for the screwc md m~e the Mout in the wall no larger than indimted on the template. me backplate k designed to be direaiy moumed to ether a single or double gang eldfical bx. 3. Pull the intetiace wiring in the wall through the c~-ut. -14- 4. Pass the intedawiring through the opening in the b~late, then mount the ba~plate to the wall sutiace wtih screws. 5. Splice the intetiace wiring to the wnsole wires. Insulated solderle= w;re splims (eg, Ademm311 ) may be used for splicing. 6. Attach the main kdy of the mnsole to the wall-mounted ba~plate. The rnnsole is properly attached when it is screwed to the ba~plate by the top and bottom screws previously removed. .--., SURFACE MoUNTING THE 4137/5137 CONSOLES 1. Use the template provided (On a separate sheet) to mak the ~sfibns on the wall for the screw mounting hola$ and the ti~ut for the witing. \ 2, Pull the intetiam witing in the wall through the ~~ut. 3, Remove the mn~le,s back rover. me securing screw at the front of the wnsole must be removti to release the bab rnver 4. Pass the intetiace wiring throWh the opening in the ba~ rover, then mount the b~ wver to the wall suda~ with screws. ~i,eS (or to the 5. Spfi~ the inteda~ wiring to the ~“SOIe wires on the intati~ mnne~or supplid with 4137s), Insulated solderless wire spfims (eg. 311) maybe USW for spticing. 4- 6. Mm the main my of the wn~le to the wall-mountad back ~ver. The m“sole is properly attachad when i snaps into place. Use the sacuring screw (previously ramoved) to %cura the ~nsola to the ba~ rover -0. WHFACEMOUmNOCO— — FLUSH MOUNTING WITH TRIM RING KIT {5137TRK) 1. Cut oti a 4sf4. Mgh by 8- wide opening in’ the wall ‘ 3. Install the ttim ring into the opening in the wall with the hinge clasps to the right. MWing sure the tdm ring is bmween studs, no le~ than 1-1~- fmm eithar stud. Use straight, tighten each clip screw, making sure that the the templae provided to mark the ctiati, attached cli s(ties down inb its guide trati, 2. Ir\sefl the four 1-1/2. long #6 screws through the 4. Install the Gnsole * follows: Engage the hinge clasps mounting holes in the Trim Rng and than attach tha four on the ttim ring with the notties Imated in the b~ (rightmetal securing clips, as shown in tho diagram. Use on~ hand side) of the Gnsola’s front panel. Swing the left two or threa t“fns of eati smaw, allowing Iha metal cfi~ side of the panel toward the ttim ting (the panel will PNO1 to hang free~. Tha clips must not protrude beyond tha sides of tha Ttim R“g or yo” will not be able to install the on the hinge clasps), and press firmly until the panel .snms. ciosad. Trk RIW imo the wt+ti in the nsfi SeD. 5. Use the panel sewring screw (supplied with the tin~le) to s-ure the Iefi side of tha panel, D B Figure 10. FLUSH MOUNnNG TNE REMOTS K~PADS ADJUSTING THE ALPHA CONSOLE LCO VIEWING ANGLE Insen the end of the small, kefishaped tool (supplied) into the small hole to the left of the rnnsole display window (the adjustment screw is recessed in this hole). Turn the a~ustment screw to the left or tight until optimum viewing is achieved, Be sure to take the height of the users into atiunt when making this adjustment. ~ (5137 ONLY) =—— ---- 0 .-. . .. . @ “’”’-Iv \ I -15- “-w Figure ~1. ~JU~NG WE V!W ANGLMNSE~lNG THE NAMEPUTE —— POWERING THE SYSTEM PRIMARY POWER Pwer to the 4140XMP somml panel is supplied by mtial No, 1361. Plug-in Transformer which k mted at 16.5VAC, 40vA. Catilon must be taken when wiring this t,a”sfOrmer to the panel to guard against blwing the fuse inside the transformer. “ NO=. U5e 1S61 ON Trmdormer in Cmatim b not u= the 1361 CN in UL Lsted ~~itbns. instilstbns. BACK-UP POWER In the event of an AC power IOS, the 4140XMP ~mmI pa”eI is supponed by a b~k-up, r~hargeable gel cell batte~. YUASANP&l2(12V, 4AH) andNP7-12(12V, 7AH) bstterias are recommended. Do not uGatae batterlas (sealed Iced-acid type). The standby baftey is auto”mathlly tested eve~ 24 houm, baginning24 hours after exiting programming mode. In addition, ent~intothetast mde will =useabatte~ teat to be initiated. BA~ERY BTANDBY TABLE 4140XMP AUX. STANDBY CURRENT DRAW ,AMP-HRs. 1200mA I 400mA I 600mA I 750mA 4.0. I 6hrs. [ 4 hrs. I 3 hrs. [ 2.5 hm. 7.0 Illhm. I 7 hrs, I 5.S hrs. 14 hrs. NOTE: The~vefigures areapproximata, ati mayvay de~nding upon the age, qua~iy, and cqictiy of the battefy at the lima & the AC loss. . Uss 4AH b~aW for UL installations. EARTH GROUND CONNECmONS In ordar for tha tightning transient protetiiva davices in this product to be aflatiiva, the designated eanh ground terminal, must bs tarminatad in a god aadh ground. The following ara examples of gmd aafih grounds availabla at most installations: Metal Qld Water Pipe: Use a non~rrosive metal strap ti~ly sasured to tha pips to which tha ground laad iS alastri~lly rnnnadad and seargd. AC Powar Outlat Ground: Availabla from 3-prong, 120VAC, pwar owlats only. To test the intagiiy of tha ground tarminal, usa a threa-wire circuit taster whh neon lamp inti=tom, such as the UL-List~ Meal Modal 61-035, or equivalent, avaibble at most eladrtii supply storas, POWER-UP PROCEDURE 1. Fill OM tha PolUng Lmp Currem Draw ad Auxifia~ Deviw Currem Draw Workshaats shown bebw. Maka sura that tha currants drawn from these otiptis do not exceed their respa~ive ratings. CAUTION: Failura to obsewa tha ~iiing loop currant rating will cause polling loop malfuntiion. Failure to obseme the auxifla~ outpffl cumanl rating will result in a battery which doss not charge proparly or posaibiy a trippd circuti breakar. 2. ~re the 1361 transformer (1361 CN in Canada) tO the panal (bafora mnnecting tha batte~) as shown in the SUMMARY OF CONNECnONS diqrm. b nd plug in at this time. 2. Connsot all polfing loop and auxilia~ devias, such as rnnsolas, PIRs, etc. 3. Plug the 13St into an 24 hour, unitiemupted AC otilet. In a faw semnds, tha graan POWER LED on the rnnsoie(s) ahouw I@ht and tha mnsola(s) ahouM display .READY. (4127. 4137) or “DISARMED READY TO ARM” (513~, 4. bnnist the batte~ as shown in the SUMMARY OF ~NECTIONS disgrm. POLLING LOOP RPM DEVICE CURRENT DRAW WORKSHEET CURRENT # UNITS [ TOTAL I CUR RENT 4194 Conkd lti 4192S0 Phob SmWe 0.4 MA 4192SOT && WHeat 0,4 d 4192GP 10” SmO@ 0.4 d 4275 O“al PIR lti 4278 Quad PIR lti 41S02-Z- RPM 1MA (LOW) 2 MA (HIGH) 4208 S-20M RPM 1s d 42S0~ 20”e RF 4oti 4zw S 20W RF 4oti J TOTAL . . I .. If ti M*I cuwnt &w ex~ds 64 mA, a 4197 ~ Exm*r mtiule must be usd, .. If utiw MO 42WS or 42-s, you -n -r m of M km a.xil~ pinswad of .al”g a4187 mp e~~m &b. -16- ~ AUXILIARY OEVICE 14127@S~ 14137GS* DEVICE CURRENT DRAW WORKSHEET I CURRENT j # UNITS I TOTAL a, ,”----*“””en, I Imti Iso@ -- I I , I ! I TOTAL (7~ti max) I . II using bti-w,re dev,~s such as PIRs, retw to ti spcifi~tions ~r Bat pticuhr univs w-t draw. t Only qd~s if wati * tiws autil~ pwer. i \/ V. --, SECURITY ACCESS SYSTEM OPERATION CODES The VISTA 4140XMP System allows up to 70 s=urity a~ess males to be assigned, each identiied by a user ID numhr. The system al= offem either standard (4dgt) or hgh sm~ (6dtgti - user # + 4digts) smurfiy &es (fieti 1.S4), If H~h Securfiy mode is seleaed, the 2dgif user # followed by the 4-digif code must be entered for all operations (lnstaller_Ol, Master code -02, etc.). For example, if user 14, whose rnde is 5676, wishes to d!sarm the syqem, the s~uem WOUMk 1A5+&7+8 + OFF. The installer pr~rams an Installer-s tie initialy as Wn of the programming pmcedura, and this mde is the on~ de that permits re-ent~ into the programming mde (unless .98 h= bean previous~ used to exR the programming mode, see bbw). The Installers ~demnalmba usdto @dorm normal system funti!ons, but cannot assign tempora~ mdas. Note that the installers code annot disarm the system unless k was used to arm the system, and that if -nnOt be used to disarm the system if the system was amti with the QUICK ARM key [#], h shipped from the fado~, an initial Installerns mde and master @de k pre-programmed, and =n b changed by the in9tallar to anv, rnde desired. The Dre-OrOarammed rndes are as fofbw:” Installac 4-14-0 tias~ec ~-2.3<. The installer b rnnsierd u<er t. The pemon to whom the M=wr tie is a$sign~ is mnsidered user 2. The Master tide k the ade intended for u= by the pflma~ user of the system when petiorming system funofions, and is a Wrmanent rode. The Itioy default master rnda is 1-2.34. For additional secur~, the Mater tide can k used to -sign up to 68 tempra~ males, which mn h used by sernnda~ usem of the system who do not have a ned to know the Master hde (supewisom, employees, cleaning personnel, tenants, etc.). Each user (ID number 03-70) ~n be assigned a tempora~ code which an be individually elimin~d or changed at any time. -.. Note that the Master Code (assigned to user 2) and all tempora~ codes can be used interchangeably when ptiorming system funtiions (a system armed with a user,s tempora~ mde mn be disarmed with the Master ~de or another user’s tempora~ rnde), with the exception of the Babysitter Code demri~d later in this seotion. Temmraw user 3 has the ability to assign and eliminate tempora~ males 04-69. User 3 cannot assiqn a mde to uwr ?0, TEMPORARY CODES User 2 (master wale) can *sign and dalete all tempora~ ales, 03-70. User 3 an ~sign and delete tempra~ u~r males 04-69, User 3 cannot assign or delete user 70’s rnde. To add or deleta temporary codes: Us- 2: tister C* + CODE by + Umr # (0>70) + 44gi! User w User 3s CODE + CODE key + User # (04+9) + 4dgi! To delete temporary codes: MAer Ue + ~DE kay + Lf-r # + Minter He UWr numbem must be entered as 2dgit atiries. SiWle digit usar numbers must, therefore, always b preceded by a .0” (example, 03, 04, 05, etc.). Make sure the end user understands !his requirement. Tha system will emti a single beep when each temwrav coda has been successfully entered. H the 6digit ~de feature is in effed (field 1.54), temwraw users must also use 6digfi males (2digit User # + 4d!git wale). ,.-. I ~2i~r~&mf~$d that obvious codes, such as 1111 or The syslem also provides an Instafler tide lock-out feature, which prevents the use of the Inslaller’s Code from reaccessing the Programming mode afler the initial programming. This feature is amivated by pressing .98 to exit Programming mode. The only way to access Programming mode once this feature is activated, is by pwering down the s~tem and ~wefing up again, and then pr~sing bmh the “ and # keys at the same time wthin 30 semnds of pwer up. If re.access to Programming mode using the Installer’s tide k desired after initial programming, then exit Programming mode by pressing .99. For additional S=urity, the installer de an be used to disarm the system onfY ~ k w= used to arm the system, The Installer alSO p~rams the mater securtiy rode, which is the code intended for use by the pfima~ user of the system. The master rnde ~n then be used to assign up to 68 tem~ra~ codes (03-70), which can be used by s-ndaw users of the system who do not have a need to know the master code. In addition, the Quick Arm feat”m can also b programmd, which enables the [#] key to be pressed in lieu of entering the se~rty rnde when arming the system. The duress ade “is a means of sending a silent alarm to a central mon”mring 6fatbn i the user is being forced to disarm (or arm) the system under threat. This feature is only useful if the system is annetied to a central station. When the system’s AuxiiiaW Voltage Triggers are conneaed to another communiation’s mad[a (Derived Channei/Long Range Radio), note that duress is signalled on the same trigger that signals silent panic (whereas duress has its own Unque re~n when digtil~ mmmunkated). The duress @de is simply the usual security code, but with the fouflh digh increased by 1. For example, i the security de k .t 234., tha duress de is ‘1 235-. When used, the sy$!em will dtsarm (or arm), bti will also send a silent slam to the Centrti Sation. There will be no indication at tha rnnsola that an alarm w= sant. Nate that duress males am nOt available for s~urity wdas ending in the digit .9-. IMPORTANT!: Users of temwrary codes should be instrudad to antar thair codas carefully, to avoid the ~ssibility of addantally entering the duress rode. Note: When a tempra~ rnde is inadvenently repeated for diffarent users, or one USEVSmdo is anotharns duress ~da, the lower user “number will take priority. Do not assign sequential males 1 digit apafl from a=h other (ex. 4096, 4097, 4098) as this will cause a Duress to be sent each time (one u$sts rnde k mtiher users duress code), IMPORTANT!: Unless Ademco Contact ID rapotiing is usad, only user cties #1 - #15 can uniquely repoti to the central statbn using the mmmunicalion formats providad. Users #16 - #7o will rewfi as User #15, if enabled for opnldosa re~ning, for the other re~fling formats. BABYSITTER CODE (User #22) If program field 1.50 is enabled, the code assigned to User 22 cannot ba used to dismm the system unless ths system was armed with that rode. This code is usually assigned to persons who may have the need to arm and disarm the system at specific times only (ax. a babysitter needs to control the system only when babysitting). It is remmmandd that tem~raw usars, such as babysitters, not be shown the byp=s procedure. -17- KEYPAD FUNCTIONS The keypad allo~lhe user ti~anddisarm the system, ati pedorm other system fundions, such as bypassing zones, view messages from the central station and display zone descriptors. Zone and system renditions (alarm, trouble, byp=s) are dispfayed in the Dis@ay Wtn~w, The sy~em protides four m~es O! burgla~ proteabn: STAY, AWAY, INSTANT, and MAXIMUM. In tidflbn, it any zones are fauhcd ptir to amiW (NOT R~DY mndtbn), the mn~le ccn display them one at a time, ati SPCMC zones un be sele~ively bypamed. When an alarm recurs, mnsole sounting and e~ernal sounding will uur, md the zone(s) in dwm will h di~lsycd on the mnmle. Pressing sny key will $ilen@ the wnaoie sounder for 10 semnds. Dsarming the system will silen~ bth mnmle and external soutiers. When the sysiem is disamed, any zones that were in an alarm wnditrnn during the armed perbd will be displayed (memo~ of alarm]. To clear this d!~lay, simply repeat the disarm sequence (enter the secu~ tie md pre~ the OFF key). The mn~les also feaure time annundatbn, and 3 ~ic key pairs (for silent, audible, fire or auxiiia~ alarms) whbh m notify the mniral stalmn of an slam mtiiion, if that sewice is mnnetied. Note that if QUICK ARM is ena~acf (field .29), the [#] key an be pre~ed inztaad of entering the s~urfiy rnde, for any of the arming pr~dures (Away, Shy, InSant, Mtiimum, etc.), For ddtional itiomation, refer b the Users Mmual. VIEWiNG oowNLoADEo MEssAGEs 5137 rnnsoies onfy. Usars may o~sbnally receive messages on the mnsle dsplay fmm their installation mmpany. When INS ~“~, the mnmle will display .Message. Press O for 5 se=... Instrud the user to pre= and hold the O key m dkplay the antral station,s message. Nde that the system must b in the READY state @ view these mess~es, USING THE BUILT.IN USERS GUIDE (5137 Onty) An abbreviated User,s Manual is stored in the system’s memo~, and an k paticular~ useful to the end user i tha printed UsaPs Manual is not ~“veniently a~ssible when the user needs to ~fiorm a seldom “sad and u“famifiar sysam pmmdure. The Suih+n Usets GuWe k dkplayad by simply pressing any of the funabn keys (e.g., OFF, AWAY, STAY, MAXIMUM, BYPASS, INSTANT, CODE, TEST, READY, #, and CHIME) for cppmximately 5 aemnds and then releasing it. Abbreviated instmaions ralativa ~ the key that has ken pressed will then k displayad (2 lines of tem are dsplayed at a time). This funaion is available when ths sysem k in the amsd or the dls=md ztate. PANIC KEYS There are three paim of keys ~ + 1], [# + 3], ~ + #]) that, if programmed, mn be used to manual~ intiate alarms and send a repn to the -ntral statbn. E~h pair of keys -n b individually pr~rammed for 24 Hour S!lent, Audible or Auxifia~ respnses. Tha panic funabn is mivated when the appmpride pair of keys are pres~ d the same time. The panti funabns P~a .+1 #+3 .+# are identified by the system ~ follows ~. 05 96 99 mnsoles, these panic wkh an alpha de-r. keys can also be IMPORTANT For the Panic fundions to b of pradiel value, the s~tam must ~ mnnxed to a -ntral Sation, . PRS AT WE TIME - - DISPLAYING DESCRIPTORS (51 37 only) The Afpha tinsoles =n display all pmgrmmed descriptors, which is useful to the installer whan chtirng entties, and =n be helpful to the user when thers is a ned to Menlw Zonas. To display descriptors, prass and hoti the READY key until the built-in instruaions for that key appear, then reie~e the key. me zone de=ripom will cppcar one at a time, for abut 2-3 samnds each. For faster viewing, press the READY key. to display the neti de~riptor in numeiil order and za on. When all deswiptom have been displayed, the Control will exk display mods. To exit tisplay mda before all descriptor have been displayed, enter the aecu~ wde and pess the OFF key. For 5137 pqrammd -ls _ TROUBLE -. CONDITIONS The wrd ‘CHECK” on the Console’s display, a-mpanied by a rapid %aeping. at the @nsole, indi~es tit there@ a trouble mndtiion in ihe system. The audible warning sound =n b silen-d by pressing any key. Instrua users to call for sewiw immediately upon saeing any of the following massages, “’CHEC~ MESSAGES A display of “CHECK” ~ompanied by a display of o“e or mom zone desmiptor(s) (513~ or numefc zone IO(S) (4137, 4127) indimtes th~ a problem exi~s with those zone(s). Fist, detemine ti the zone(s) displayad are intad and m~e them so if they are not. If ;he probtem has ken mmetid, key an OFF aequen- (Nn PIUSOFF) to dear the d6play. A display ti the wrd .CHECW ~mpanbd by a numeti dwplay of .9T indimtes that a shod axists on the Polling LMP and m~ efiminata some & the pmtedion. Fauti W7cw b assigned analpha descriptor when using the 5137 console. A display of the wrd ‘CHECK ~mpanied by a numati display of .88., “89”, .90., or .9t. indides a 4280 Receiver problem. Fauhs .8&! ’89 ’90”& V1. m k -igned ok desmiptom when ustng the 5t37 mnmb. POWER FAILURE Mthe POWER indicator is off, md the messqa .AC LOSS” (5137) or .NO AC. (4t37, 412~ in di~Wed, the tinmle is operating on batte~ Wwer on~. Che& b aae that your system’s plu$in trandormer has ml&n ~datil~ pulled oti. Instrudthe usertomll asetimrepresentaltie immediately f AC Wwer ~nmt W restord. RECALLING ~. ALARM & TROUBLE A dkplay of .LO BAr (5137) or .BAr (4137, 4127) and a zone descriptor, ammpaniad by a onw ~r minute &ep at the Gnwle indiates that a low batte~ mndhion exists in the wireless transmbter displayad. The audible warning sound may be silenced by pressing any key. A d!splay of .sYSTEM LO BAT (5137) or ‘BAr wfih “o zone 10 (4137, 4127) indi~tas that a bw batte~ rnndfwn exists with the system’s ba~up batte~. A display of ‘428o SETUP ERROR- (5137) or “Ew (4137, 4127) at the mnsole indties that a 4280-8 re-iver is being usadina syaemwhh more than SRFzone$pmgrammed, If thw is net rnrraded, none of the zones in the systam will be p~edti. If more lhan 8 RFmnes are desired, a 42S0 R-tier mmt b used. A dii@ay of .MOOEM COW (5137) or “CC. [4137, 4127) indmtes that the rnntml is on-tine with the remote mmp”ter ati the mntrol is nol oper~ing. A dbplay of Iwo numbers and .NO AN (all keypads) ind~tes the rnntrol is in the programming mode and is noi operating. MESSAGES The system’s alarm memoy retains all events for a parti of 10 days, staning a the time of the first event. Upon expiration of the 10day period, all fdsov is amomatially eras~ and the slam memoy will reset. The neti 10day qde will begin whan the neti event am. Re-11 by sewim personnel will diapfay all events that have occurred fmm the stafl of the 10day wcle to the time of r-n. Note that R~ll will and any 10day ~b in p~rass, Tha LCD display on the 4127/4137 rnnsob will indi~te the numbr of the zone in whbh the event tiumed (e.g., 01, 02, etc.), a-mpanied bY tha word CHECK (tmubb), ALARM and, If apphable, FIRE, to dasctib the ty~ of event that wuned in the tiapfayed zona. . ING iHt RkAL~t ?hereal-time CIOA must b sat before OTHER TROUBLE CONDITIONS A dspl~ of ‘cOMM. FAILURE- (513~ or T@ (4137, 4t 2~ at the Console indidas that a failura mrrd in the telephone =mmun&tion pmtion of your system. (Memory of Alarm) ff a 5137 is used, n alpha descriptor of the zone will h displayd in addition to ffs zone number. ff more than one event had muned, the events will be dis@ayti in numerical saqueme. Each dkpiay will ap~ar for t-2 aemnds, than the neti event will be display ad. When all events have bean dbplayti. the dkplays are ra~atd. To display 10day histo~, enter the securty mde and pre= tha O key. Note that ra=ll will end any t Oday wde in pmgre-. To exit Mmll mods, anter the security -de and press Iha OFF kay. All axisting history is erased and the alarm mamoy k raaat. The 10day qcie will San again only when the nefi went ~rs. CLOCK tea reW~ w & sent. Be sure to set the FIRST EST REPORT TIME in program fiald “U, and the test re~ti intawal in fieti .27. To set the cfock, a 5137 consob must be conneaed to the panel. TO -t the day, use the [3] or [1] key to change from ? ON to MON to TUE. dC. To sat the time, press [6] until the .?. appears in the ... - ,-, hours position, than --11.e ~hn f~l n, .e~ ~k-. rll , ., kow ..-, tn .- .-. . . h“,,, ..””. . Prss [6] again and use the [3] or [1] kay to set the minuta, 10 enter real-time clock mods, press CODE + #63. The use the [~ kay tO sat AM Or pM. display will show TIMErOATE ? ON To set the data, press tha [6] key until the .?. appaars in the month wshion, then uaa the [3] or [1] key to sat the olmtso 12:01 AM month. Press the [6] key again and use tha [3] or [1] key to Tha’? lntiates the current mode. The [6] key changas the set the date. Press the [6] key again and use the [3] or [1] mode from OAY to HOUR to MINUTE to MONTH to OAR to key to set to set tha year. YEAR. The 14] key changes the retie in raverse order. TO exit clock mods, press aither the [81 key or the ~] The [3] & [1] keys are used to set the TIMErOATE values. kay. =iting with the [8] key will save all changes. Exiting The [3] key moves the TIM~ATE ahead, the [1] kay moves w~h the k] key will exit without changing any of the values the TIMWOA~ bac~ard. (used whan viawing the time settings, bti no changes are desired). -19- V1. SYSTEM COMMUNICATION SPLIT/DUAL REPORTING Dual repofiing ~51 ) sends all repons to Mh ptima~ and semnday phone numbm. Splti repofling allmya repns to k dividd ktween the phone numbrs -rding to the fields (1.34) seleaions. SpfiUDual reptiing can be seletied by entikng dual re~fling and entiling one of the spit repmting options in fm~ 1.34. K O@iOn [1] k salemti, all akrms, slam reaores and a=l remm will go ~ kth phone numkrs, while all other re~ms will go to the sandav phone numkr. H [2] b selaad, Opnblose and test messagw will go m @th phone numbwa, while all other rewfis will go to the primphone numhr. ADEMCO LOW SPEED ADEMCO LOW SPEED @ a Dubd fomai Mnh resmnds to a 1400 W handshake and ti~-ff, end tmnsmtis data wtih 1900Hz puke @nes @ 10 Pub- pr samnd (ws). A fypb61 message mnsists of two rounds which mud be ver~ed by the receiver, A mmplete standad repfi mnsis@ of ether a 3 or 4d]gti a-unt num~r Iolbwed by a 1digh al-m rode. Even though 2 rounds are sam, only the valid rewn is dnplayed on tha reaiver. In expanded repfling, w messages are sam, two rounds per message, the first being the a~um numbw and atim rode, tha sewnd king the zone ID rnde b which the alarm was ~signad. A mmpbte expatied ra~fl mnsiss of a 3 or 4dgfi munf numbr followad by a 1digt slam de, then the slam mda is repeated, folbwed by tha channel numbr. =.Stibti CCCC E CCCC. _whr E~ ~ EE EE. ewnt d EEEE ~ Z-~lDa SESCOAIRADIONICS Standard and expanded raporting in the SESCOAfRADIONICS format is vinually the same ~ ADEM~ bw Sped exept for tha following: 1. ma handshake and ki~~ff frequen~ k 23OO k. 2. The d~a n transmitted wkh 1800 Hz pulm tonas. 3. The rate of transmisbn k 20 pw. 4+2 REPORTING A 42re~ti mnsists of a 4dgif amount number and a 2. dlgif alarm code, or event ~da. 42 repons can be acmmpfishad either in ADEMCO Low SPd (1 O pps), or SESCOWIONICS (20 ppS) f0n6t. In 42 re~ning a unique 2digit code for each zone is re~tied. A 4dgk a~uti numkr fofzowed by a 2d\gft de is sent, where tha first digfi is the actual event, such as in ALARM, RESTORE, or TROUSLE, etc., and the sarnnd dgif of the rndo represents the zone- where the event oarred. (b~ not necessarily tha aaual zone numbr). Each mda in tiseti is uniqua to a s~cific zone. A typbl mpon fol~ 1 234 59 ~5 Y might ~ a uniw ~~ ~=W,Zw 25). 4+2 EXPRESS ADEMCOS new Exprass format provides the same information as the 62 format, bti with three dflerenrnx 1. Data is transmitted in OTMF (Dual Tone Muti-Freauenw, known as VouchTone., at the rate of 10 charaabrs per s-rid). TtiIs greatly decreases the time h t~es a repn to reach the central st~ion. An average 42 Low SWed repfi might take as long as 20 semnds to complete its repn, bti &2 Express t~es under 3 sernnds. 2. Two message rounds are eliminated by the use of a tiecksum digit. Instead of the rnmmuni=tor sending 2 rounds per re~n, it sends onk 1 round wkh a che~sum digit at the and. Doing this aba helps in decreasing the time it takes for a repon to be sent. (CHECKSUM is expkainad fufiher at the end of this Sedion). is 1400 Hz followed by 23oO 3. The handshake frequenv Hz. and the kissoff fiaauati is 1400 Hz. ,, -20’- ADEMcO HIGH SPEED REPORTING ~EM~s Hgh Sped format transmtis data in OTMF at a rae of 10 tiaratiers pw semnd. The handshake frequan~ is 1400 * folbwd by 2300 Hz, and the kisoff frequen~ k 1400 Hz. The message mntains 13 digits as folbw A 4digh a~unt numbar + e~ht channels of zone information (l-8- or duress plus 9-15) + one status channel, which idemifies the w of events king rapnti in tha eight zone I-tions. A typi=i High Sped rewti will h kissed off in under 5 s-rids. W - l.mwm 2. OPENING ,. 3.W m’ 4. CL=ING (S~ms CWnMl ~~S - 4~ 5. NWMNTOREWT 6= P~OUSLY REPoRTED. NOTH RESTOREO1 “ NO-: Channal 1 will rnntain the user ID ;-9, A-F if OWn/Cbse rewning is enabled. The swtus channal might hava the following rnndtiions: 1- DURESS(%r DuressPlus CWmls S15 Gly) 2. WENING 3- BW~ (% Ctimls 14 ~k) 4- CGING 5= TRWBLE (FM Cbmls 14 my) 6= ~M STA~S .ACL-n*Al . LOW BA_RY in ** 2 . PROGRAMTAMPERm C-9 .~Of4RES27in C4 7- ~WWW STAWS (Fw ~~ 1+ tity) 9.T5sT~ repfi may Iwk as folfow A fypbl hgh s-d 1234511555557 (M#1234 w~h alamson timnek 2 & 3) .,. ADEMCO HIGH SPEED LIMITATIONS 1. When using Ademm hgh s-, remambr tham ara on~ 15 channels available, plus a duress channel. If more than 15 zones are tiIW used, they mu~ share channels. 2. Wfih high s~ed mpoting, channala 9-15 @nnot repon tmublas or byp~ses. Use thase channels for zones that wilf not have to repn these renditions. _ CONTACT 10 REPORTfNG ~S k the only format that -n identtiy all M pmte~ion zo”as by their unque mne (~maa) ID numkr$, and pmvties a 1digit evem qualtiier and 3digit, s~cifically defined evant mde.whkh qud~ identifies the ra~ned rendition. Comad ID rep~ in DTMF mud Tone Muiti-Fmquenq @ 10 chartiem ~r s~nd) and respnds to a 1400 Hz foflowad by 2300 Hz handshaka, and a 1400 Hz kissoff. Tfds format also uses chetisum instead of tw message vwificatbn. A mmpleto repoti ties under 3 ~nds. Coma whara: a QEEE= G& z= l~wQfi~~~ following fomz CuSomer (sub=ribr) numkr. bent quarfiar, where: E-new evem (1) am Rreatore (3) Ewnt de (3 hexad~mal digRs), dafind in the t~le on the next Baae. Atiays 00. hnelrnntti ID numhr raw fling the slam (001 099), or user number (001-070) for openlclose repns. System st~us messages [AC Loss, Walk Test, etc.) mntain zeroes in the ~ Imation. .._, TABLE ,.. Codcl 110 121 122 123 131 132 133 134 135 142 143 150 301 302 305 306 309 332 Defl”ltlo” I Fire Alam Duress Silent Panb Audible Pa”i= Perimeter B“~law Intetior B“mlaw 24 Hour Buwlaw Ent~Exit B“rgIav Dav/Night Buqlav POlfinq Lwp Shofl Ala~ RF R-tier Failur~Aiam 24 Hour Auxiliaw AC Loss LOWSystem Batte~ SVstem Reset Pmgmm Tamper Battew Test Fail Poll Lmp Shofi-Trouble OF CONTAC :T ID EVENT ~Codal 333 373 38o 381 382 401 403 ..4- 409 411 570 601 602 CODES Daflnltl Ilon f Rmn ber Failur*Tmuble RF R f ire bop Tmubla — Trouble (global) bss of Supen I-RF 1 wision jc IF 3r nsmtier bw BaneV User m (Download) n H 7 Olc c -.. .-. -”-.. d e.. ; Manually Triggered Test Periodic Test ADVISORY Ademco,s new Contaa lDre~tiing ismpableof uniquely reponing ali Wzonesof infomation, aswellas openings and closings !or all 70 users, tocentmlstatbns equipped with the Ademrn 685 remtier using software level 4.4 or higher. 685 s0har9 levels below 4.4~nnotsup~fl Contad ID repding. Forinfomatbn regarding u@atingtha 68s ,aceiver, ~“tati Ademm,s Techni~l SupPn group a 1-EM-645.7492. 4140XMP Field “46, .48 # .52, .53 <.. .79, .8o .49 .81, ’82 .64, .61, . 69, . 76 . 55, . 62, . 70, . 77 .58, . 73, “56, .59, “64, .66, “71 , .74, COMMUNICATION LOW Speed Chwse transmissb” sped and frwuenW Send = efiher 42 or expandd Enables slam restores Add checksum digi Define -es a“d sel~s 41 or *2 Defines alarm event rnde Contact No effeti PROGRAMMING ID High No effti Speed No effed No elted EnXles slam rasto,es No effed 181digit enables raWn f k is non-zero EnMes re~ns Enables slam restores Add checksum diqt IS digk enables re~fi ti if is non.zerO ~gns reWfli”g tinl for all rewns fmm this mne. EnMes aIa~ rewtiing No eff~ Enables alarm restores No effed ~“d Define des seltis 41 or 42 Defines alarm evant rnde Defines rnde and selws 41 or 42 No effed .63, .66, .78 EnAles re~d and s ele~s rnde. Note: N0 restores f event not sent. Entiles s escotiRadionics; s eleds freed digti time instead of fhed interdigit. NOtO: Low SW4 will n ot send 3+2 m esages. Zone ID digit is suppressed. No effea N0 elted Note: h ~ntati ID is d-ird, it mus & used on &h ptimay & semndaV phone #s. n High Speed is used fo r sewndaV, h must b u~d for prima~. ff used on prima~, any 01her format Wn be used on semnda~. NOTES Express No effea No effeti .57, .6o .65, .67, .72, .75, .5 0 GUIDE repti EnXles re~n N~e Alam tia””eI must h prqrammed. (01 -15) Defines mde and Sel*s 41 or&2 En*les re~n and seleti Ist digit of. the 2~gk event rode. NOTE: No restores H event not sent, N0 effaa -21- V1l. GENERAL PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES The system is shippd with a set of pre-p~rmmed values that are designed to meet the needs of many installations. These an b changed by the installer to suti a~ctic ne~s In addition, Iour sefa of preprogrammed if desired. rnmmuni=tfon dafauff values ~n al= ti Ioadad by the installer. aach sat deaionad for a sDwific mmmuni~tk format. These too =n ‘be changed ‘to suit the needs of a ~tiicular installation. Changas to thase pre-programmed valuas can ba programmd dirati~ from the ansole or fmm a mmpmer terminal using tha 4130PC Domloading =tiara (be sura that the software vemion uaad includes a 4140XMP menu aeledion), an IBM rnmpatible mmptier ad a HAKS 1200 SMARTMODEM. The Iollowing pwagraphs deamibs how to load the various default programming sets. For datailed in~rutilons on making changes to panbular programming fields, refer to the programming sheet at the end of this manuaf. For alpha consolas, English zonas and a wstom insallar tha systam is ready IO arm) buill-in voctiulay of words DESCRIPTfONS p~ag~hs THE SYSTEM Language descriptions of the messWe (which ~~am when -n be programmed using the (see PROGRAMMING ZONE Iatar in ttis sedion). DEFAULT PROGRAMMING There are five sats of pre-programmW defauffs available (one standard, plus four dtierent mmmuni=tion defaults). Any one of thasa an be Iotied into the system’s memo~. Refar to the COMMUNICATION DEFAULT PR~RAMMING satiion for instrutiions. DATA PRoGRAMMING The programming fields ara grouped into lwo sets of addrasses. Tha first set is ameswd ~ s~n ~ pmgrammi”g mode is antarad. To a~ess the second set of addrasses flndi~ted On the Prog~mming fom by a .1” in front of the 2dqfi field addrass), press .94 wtrila in programming mode, then press ~] plus the fimt fiald numhr desirad. Note that the alpha mnmlas dkplW the wrds ALT PROGRAM MODE, and the 4137/4127 mnsoias tisplay the Wd CHECK to indimte thesmnd sat of addressas. To ratum tothafimt set of addrasas, prass “99, then press ~] plus the fiald numbar dasired. To program apeclfic data flelda, prass~] plus the2dgfifield address, thenmakatha required ent~. Themnsofe will Wep whan a fiati h= Men wmplete~ programmed and will awomatimlly d~play the nexfiald in numerical order. If the number of digits lhat you anter in the data field is less than the maximum permitted (for axample, phona number), thew”sele displays the last enty and waits. To proceed, the next data field address to be programmed must be entered manud~ (for axampla, press .05). 10 viaw the contents of a data field, press [#] plus the2dg~field address. Tbfiati senttie swill bdisplayed, bw no changes to these entries -n k mada. In case of errors: If an addreas is improperly entered, tha mnsola will dsplay FC. f a pr~ram entW is impmperiy emerti (for axample, a lamer number than that which is Wmittd), thewnsole display will go blank. Inatharcasa, simp~ ra+nter the MWX numb;. To exit programming mods, press ahher .98 or “99. Use .98 to prevant ra-=-ss to programming mods by inataflermde method. .99 allows inmallar mde a~ass to p~rammi~ mode. PROGRAMMING STEPS 1. Enter Programming ProgmmmiW retie an k mode anter- in ma of W w~. 1) Prass both the ~] and [#] keys a! the same time within 30 semndsafter Wwerisappfiad totb~ntrol. OR 2) Kay the insallar rode, folbwed by de~assion of CODE [8] + 0 + O keys. The famo~ installer mde -n k timgad OM in the prWram mode. Immadiataly following ent~ into the program mode, the follwing will ba displayad on a 5137: -gmm Mtie ~e4127/4137mn~las display 00) ‘Rll#Viw .00 Foiloting the above display, tha system is ready 10 be programmed forthernmmuni~tion format parameters, or amept data entrias. To begin data antties, prs~ ~] PIUSthe fimt field numbr desired. 2. Sat Standard Defaults Once the Programming mods is antered, clear the system’s memoyby pressing .97. This ensures all Wogramfialds are sattotheir faato~ set, pre.pmgrammed valuas. if desirad, load one of the mmmunicatbn dafauh p~ramming sats by antering one of the folbwing de squen~s -22- Rder b tha PROGRAMMING COMMUNICATION DEFAULTS setiion for futihar instrutiions if ona of the four Wmmunimtrnn defauh programming sets is used. 3. Program the data fields Program the appropriate phone numbers and account numb=, as well as any othar pr~ramming fields raquired to customize tha system to the needs of the installation. Refer to tha PRoGMMMING FORM at t~ end of this manual, 4. Enter Zone Descriptions (5137 only) Refer to the PR~RAMMING ZONE DESCRIPTIONS sedion to anter zone desmiptom and a Wstom installar’s message. 5. Exit Programming Mode When all fialds have been entered and checked, and zone descriptors have bean assigned, exit programming mode by pr~sing efiher .98 or “99. A s-rid entV of .99 is r~uired if theaxit is beinodonefmm fields 1.00 anddove. Toprevem ra.awessto Programming mode using the Installer’s code, use “98. Tha on~ way to re-a-ss Programming mode is by depressing both Ihe ~] and [#] keys at tha same time wkhin 30sernnds ofpower up. fitingby using .99 always allows reant~ into Programming mode using the Installar,s code, Efiher way of exiting w;II allow amss via downloading. COMMUNICATION ,-< DEFAULT PROGRAMMING To ~ exwdte the in~llatiin, Ade~ h= inmpmd 4 different mmm”ni~tion defauhs in the VISTA XMp ~tml (Low S~ed, Ademrn Express, Adamm High Speed & Ademm’s new ~nt~ ID). These defauks atiomati~lly program indust~standard coda assignments for zones, keypad panim. non-tiarm and supswiw~ mndtions, and can bs loaded at any time wtihouf affetirng nonmmmuntitbn p~ram fielh. Using these defaub saves p~ramming timel After loading Ono of the mmmu”htio” detauhs, PU only “ed ti wire the devices to their appropriate zones, and program the followi~: . Gntral swbn . Sub~ribrs . ~ne @ phone numbr(s), ~unt re~nses, . Dakys, fimeow, fieMs .33 & .34 numbsr(s), fields .32 & “90 fbtis .02-.05 & 1.01-1.05 and miwellanmus mntml optbns me s~tem is then ~fationai. fie p~ram fields that are affmted by bading one of the ammuni~tion de fauks are fields .45 -.82. Defauh values for e~h communi~tion dafauk ~e tisted on the Pges foibwing the Pmgrmming Fom at the end of Wi mmua. For dataibd information tiout re~ning SYSTEM ~MMUNICA~ON Mun. <.. formx, sea the EASY-TO-PROGRAM COMMUNICATION FIELDS The VISTA XMP p~rmming =Wme eliminates the nb pr~mm zones to channels, and then channels to mtfes. ff programming wmmunitiion fields manually, simply enter whatever wde (-l, 41, 42 or Ademrn ~press) is to h sent for eati zone flncluding panbs, non-alarm des and su~wiso~ d~). NO~. Etier .1 w to tra”smfi a“ ‘A., wh~h -am x .0. at the r~tier. All zones am separated into groups of 8, with mmmon re~re, trouble and by~ss males for eve~ 2 groups (16 zones). There are 2 doubled~t etiries for e=h rode. For 3+1, 41, 42 and Ademrn ~press, the fi~ ent~ is the alarm de for a standad re~ti The ssmnd eMW b the ID digit for an axpandti %1 or 61 repn, or for a &Z Or Ademm &pmss re~n. ff the S-rid dgt b O, only %1 or 41 (or 41 express) nonaxpandti messages will be sent. H only three digfis are entered in the -unt numhr fieti, the ID or smnd dgh are ignorti, if enter~. For Ademm Hiih Spssd format, the first digit entv is the channel assignment for that zone, and the sand tigff k ignod, i entersd. For Cent@ ID re~tiing, the fimt dgh ent~ (any non zero ent~) en~les re~fling for that zone, and the semti dgh is ignorsd. LOW SPEED ~94*80) Lmdi~ this def mk does the following: . Sel@s bw sped, standard format wkh no ch~um, kth ~ne numbm. . ~sgns tha folbwing repfl males: ~ for zones 247 01 for zones 1 & 4S-55 (fire zones) 02 for zones 62,63 (panic transmitted), & 95,96,99 Keypad WniG) @ for dl ahm re~ores . Eneblos all zone typ retior=. for ADEMCO SXPRESS (.94.81) bading this def~k does the following:. . Selms Ademm express repding fomat, wtih ch-um, for bth phone numbm. . RePn males for zones 1-U, 4280s and keypad pani~ are seti s their resptiive zona ID numkrs (01-64, 86. 91, 95-99), Duress is sent= .DD.. Alarm rasmre & .E. + sand digk. . En@les all zone fyw redor~. ADEMCO HIGH SPEEO ~94*62) Lo~lng thb defwff does the following . Sel~ Ademm Kah Sped fomaL wih m ch~um, for Mh ~one numbm. . Repning k -ignsd to the folbwing chsnnels ~annel 1 for mms 1 & mn- 4SS (Fire mn~) Wannel 2 for zones 2-6 ~annel 3 for zones %16 ~annel 4 for zones 17-31 tiannel 5 for ZOMS s247 (RF intetir zones) timnel 6 for mne 56%1 &84 tiannel 9 for ~nes62863 (pmb transmtier) tim~l 7 fm ~ti 4280 (86 & 89) & PI ~ sham (9~ Mannel S for fi~ 426o (90 &91) tianneb 10, 11 &12 for ke~” panis 95,96 & 99 ra=etiivab . . . . . . .. . . .. . Ensbles all zone fy~ remor-. . Ensbbs Dura= to k wti. CONTACT ID ~94*83) bading this def~k does the following . %1GID fomat for kth phone numbrs. . ReptiW is entiled for all zonm. . Enbbs all zone ~ retioras. . Refer@ the SYSEM -MUNICAnON s-ion for event de definitions. NO~: Restoral repfls for an event wIII not k sent if the eveti kseff is not enabled, even if a restora code is p~rammed for that evam. ,,... -23- PROGRAMMING ZONE DESCRIPTIONS ffU$ing 85137WnS016, a user friendly Eng~sh languWe de~r~infi~tio” of alI pmtm~” zones, key~d psnb, pollng bp shod and 4280 Suxwision fauhs can be programmed into the system. Each de~iption can k mm~sed of a rnmbination of wrds (up to a maximum of 3) that are seietid fmm a m~ula~ of ~mximately 22o words stored in Wrds ~“ k addd to those memo~, and MY mrd an have an “s. or. ,s. Wd to it. In addibn, w ~ 20 installer~afi”ed already in memo~. Thus, when an slam or troubb murs in a zone, an ~mpri~e desc~on for the ktion of that zone will b displayed at the mnsob. An instillers mes~ge mn ako b p~rammed whkh will h displayed when the system is ‘Ready. (ax. WE PETERSONS). NOE Afpha d~r@or ant~ an b aam~ihd hl~ at the 5137 rnnwle or remotely udm a4130PC Dmnbder. ENTERING ZONE t. Enter pr~ramming 2. Key .93. The fol~ing OESCRIPTIONS m~e = dtiri~ wfll b d~l~~:. prevbusly. ZN ?? In ttis rode, the rn”wh keys have these fu”~ion= [3] Scrolls Mh alphsbet and aaual wrds in a~nding dphabtkal order. [1] Scrolls kth alphsbet and aaual wrds in des-nding Aphakthl order. [2] Atis or remwes a .s” or. IS. m avtiuk~ wd. [6] Toggles beWeen alphaht and aaual wd fist, and used to ampt desird etiries, [8] Saves the zone description in the sysem-s memmy. [#] # plus zone number will display the de~ription for that zone. the fimt btter of the desird de~tiptbn (n&e that 4. Se.A. is already display~). Use key [3] to adnn~ Ihmugh the alphabet and key [1] to go batiwati. For example, assume the desirad description for zone 1 b BACK D~R. Press key [3] re~ated~ (or hoM down the key) until .W ap~ars, then press key [6]. to display the fimt available wrd ~nni~ with S. Re~sfd~ Pass key [3] to advanm through the avaibble words until ths word BACK is displayed. Press key [1] to move b~kward through the wti ust To add an .s. or . ‘s ., press the [2] key. The first depression adds en .s., the sernti deprassbn adds an . ‘a ., lhe third dapressron displays no charmer (tO *rasa the ctiader), fhe foutih depression adds an .s-, em. To ~pt the chosen word, press the [6] key, whbh tW91es ba to the afpha~t 1s!. For sele~ion of the neti word (DOOR), repsat step 4, bti press key [3] until the desir~ fimt letter of the na~ wod appears (in this example, .D.). Then press key [6] to display the fiml avail~le wrd winning with .D.. Press key [3] re~atedly until the desired word (DOOR) a~ars. TO empt the wrd. press the [6] key, which Waln t~glm b~ to the alph~t fi~. NOTE: When programming descriptors for zones 95-99 (panics and poll shon), the following numbrs must be entered in lace of the ~mes ndin zone numbsr. -5 3. Key .01 to begin enteting She description for zone 1, (key .02 for zone 2, “03 for zone 3 etc.). The folbwing will bs ti~layed:. ZN 01 A Note that the fimt bffer of the alph~t spWam after the zone numbr, and that the zone number is atimati~l~ imluded wtih the pmpsti desa~mn. 8. When all desired wotis have hen enterd, press key [8] to Sore the description in memmy. 7. To review the zone de=riptions, key [#] plus zone numkr (e.g., #01 ). To edti zone de=ripfions, numbr (9.0., .Ot ) .-. 9. To exk the zone d~fion AOOING CUSTOM WORDS Up to 20 installardefined wotis an b addti ~ the bui~-in v~abula~. Each of the 20 “words. -n adually rnnsist of several words, bm kar in mind that a m~imum of 10 charadem -n be US* for each word string. To meate the cu=om word or wti string, pmead ~ follow 1. Enter the pmgrmming 5. 4, Key the number of the custom word or woti sting to h created (01 -20). For example, if you are creating the first word (or word string), enter 01; when creating the second word, enter 02, and so on. A cursor will now apWar at the &ginning of the ~rnnd line. -24- (C.ntl.wd 0. P.O. 251 key “99. Use the 131 k ey to advanca through the alphabet (numbers, symbols and special charatiars are included). Use the [1] key to mova ba~ through the abh~et. 6. When you have reached the desired charaaar, press fhe [6] key to seled if. The cursor will then move to the r~ht, in @sitbn for tha neti tiarader. 7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to create the desired wrd (or words). Note that the [4] key ~n be used to move the wmor to the left if nassaw, and that key [fl Mn bs used to enter a blank (or to erase m exkting charaaer), Each wrd or wod string mnnot ax-cd tO charaders. 8. Press the [8] key m save the custom word(s) and return to the . ED ?? display. The custom wrd (or string of added to the built-in words) will be automatically In this mode, the keys petiorm the following funtib”s: [3] Advanms through alphabt in asmnding order. [1] Advanms through alphatit in deswndlng order. [6] Sele&s the desired letter, and moves the tumor to the right one spree. [4] Moves the cursor one spaw to the left. [7] Insefls a spaat tha cursor Imation, erasing any tiamtier at that titbn. [8] Saves the new wod in the systems memo~. [.1 Relurns .to dewriptbn ent~ mode, rode, - key ~] plus zone IMPORTANT: Custom words must begin with an atph~tk charamer. H numbrs or SymkIS we “~ad ~ the fimt charaer, the word will not be sati. rode. 2. Key .93. The followiW will b displayd: “ ZN ?? 3. Now key 00 to get into the mode which will allow the custom words to ba created. The following will be dkplayed:. ED ?? -’ v=tiula~ at the with the same 9. end of the group of words kginning letter. ReWat steps 4 through 8 to create up to 19 addtbnal custom words (or wod sttings). 10. Press ths ~] key to return to the .ZN ?? display, and follow the zone dosctiption entv promdure new words to a zone descriptbn. 11. Key “99 to exit the zone descripthn to assign the programmi~ retie. .,_,,. 1.50 BABYS~R 1.W HGH SFCIIR~ ASSIGN ~DE m= ❑ n — I-[M*. . . . .. . . I,[h . SS) 1.45 _e” ❑ ENABLE CONSOLE 1-: A XT DELAY RE! ,. h-” RF~W~R 6A~RY LOW wti] h., -..., ❑ I-: REPoRT ENABLE tith RF RECEIVER SUPERVISION CHECK-IN INTERVAL 02.1s ti~s m--m[,] RF TRANsM~R [Mu.] .!. h UL ❑ 2k k.w(,*~*uL n SOUNDER OPTIONS .13 WM SOUNDER DURA~ 01-T5-2 M[M]. W4m~ 4- .16 ~FIRMA~ l-w [M*] .21 DISABLE FRE nMEOUT MULnPLS ALARMS 1.47 ENASLECHIMEANNUN. ON ~RNAL AC LOSS W ❑ ❑ ❑ AC POWR LOSS WNDING .18 AC POWR LOSS ALARM .19 ACRAN~M~ .28 POWER UP IN PREVDUS STATS .30 1-TtiT~ 1“33 .= .34 .42 .43 .4 .46 .47 .4s .49 “50 1.52 .3 .36 .37 .44 ❑ 1~e & COMMUNICATOR TOUCH.TONE m [~1 [~ti ti-] ROTARY DM OP~ONS .83 [1-tI_[_] MISCELLANEOUS .14 OPTIONS LINE 1-x TIMER “27 SOUNDER .17 PHONE ❑ OF ARMING DING .23 TEST .26 ~ tiUL. ❑ ❑ I*,-, .3’ I**I .41 lW m.; [m] ❑ [lxh~ .I.tiu 1“46 SYSTEM .31 ‘NH””BwMs~Az~E 0141: [m #til mw AUXIL~Y [-M tit CODE I*W-IVMW m m k ~ (exmf Fimz-j EOLR DISMLE mnss [lACXJ MmR~ PABX AUESS ~,&F(11.,5) ❑ ZONEg FAST~LOWRESp. ❑ ❑ 2-8) whvww WTPUT ENASLE lqdm mm OPTIONS ❑ OPnONS mmmml 2-. md~ .,.-. ALARM REPORT CODE & ID DIGITS [AN rndes defauh b 00] .S4 ~DE .55 ID .% ~E .57 ID .-— — —— FOR ZONES .58 .~~16111\lj AURM ,.,, --.–. REPORT . , CODE .. & ID DIGITS FOR ZONES 1-33 & SUPERVISORY .59 ~DE “60 ID & RESTORE .61 CODE 24111111 32~~ 3344 & SUPERVISOR & COOES .62 ID ❑ FSTfiUC .63 Pmn=e I NOTES 97. I sbmls, 89 & 91- RCVRml ms~dng, M mn. b ~. -----L ZONE TYPE RESTORE 1=en~le; [O-disable] .79 ZONETVPES 14 ENASLES .3gpppgPPPP Oppppqnp .6o OPEN/CLOSE REPORT ENABLES 1-etilq &disable [User 1 entiled] .40pgoggnDn ‘mEmE’g’lo PQ l.ooggpqg~fi” 22 n70 . PROGRAMMING COMMANOS . Toenter program mode, enter installer wde+[8]+[O]+ [O] . 10 set standard defaults, press .97 . To -I communlatlon defaults, press .94+ oneofthe folbwing: -80-bwsWed; High Spee@ .83.Ademm,s ~ntm ID . To change to next set of program fields, press ’94 . To return 10 previous set of fields, press .99 . To erase account & phone number field entries, press ~]+ field number+ . To assign zone de~riptors, press .93 + zone numkr . Toaddcustom words, press .93+ OO+word number (l-20) Massage, press .93 + 00+ 00 . To enter Installer’s mode, press .99 0R.98:-99albws re-a=ess ioprogramming . Toexkprogram access to pmqramming mode by installer code, .81-Adema Express; .82_ Ademm ~] mtiebyinstaller rnde. .98preventsre- 1 I CREATING A CUSTOM MESSAGE DISPLAY (INSTALLERS MESSAGE) Normally, when the system is in the disarmed st~e, the to replace READY TO ARM with the 5. For example, folbwing display is present on the tinmle. me~age SERVICE:42441 77, pr~d as Iolbw . . ..DISARMP RWYTOARM Press the [6] key to move the cursor to the tight, and Pan or all of the akve mes=ga @n b modfmd to create a rnntinue until the cursor is ~sitioned over the first custom installer message. For example, .-. DISARMED . . . . I-tbn on tk sand line. on the first tine or READY TO ARM on the s-rid line MUH Press the [3] key to advana through the aiphabt to the be raplac~ by the instalbtion mmpany name or phone fimt desird charader on this use, .S.). Use the [1] key numbr for sewke. Note tha there are only 16 charaoter to go backward, when n~essa~. When the desired spaces on eah of the NO tines. To create a custom display pre~ [6]. The curmr will then move shar~er k reach~, massage, p-d u fOllOw to the nefi Pstiion, ready for entW of the neti charaaer 1. Enter the pmgrmming rode. fin th~ eXa,mPb, ‘E.). When the curer re~hes a pit~n 2. KW “93. me folbwiW will h dwIwd: . ZN ?? over an exwing Oharatier, presing the [3] or [1] key will advanor ba~ up from thm charatier in the alphakt. 3. Key 00. me felting wiii -z. ED ?? Pin ttis manner until all charatiers in the message 4. KW 00 agtin. The {oiMng till WPan have ken enterti. . ..”DISARMEW 6. To store this new tisplay message in memo~, press lhe ~YTO ARM [8] key. A cuwr will k pre~nt at the efireme bff of the fimt line (over the first star.). The [6] key k used to move the cursor to tha right and the [4] key to move the tumor to the left. Key ~ may b usd to to inseti spa-s or er~e existing charaders. Vocl AIR UM ALCOVE ALEY AMBUSH AREA WARTMENT ;Eo AUXILIARY BABY BACK H~MENT BATNR~M BED BEDRwM BELL BLOWR BOILER BO~OM BOX BREAK BUILDING BURN~ CABINET CALL CAMERA CASE CASH ~N CEILING CEUR CENTRAL CIRCUT CLIP CLOSED WIN “Note: JLARY OF )RDS STOH MAGN~c MAIDs MAIN MASTER MAT MEDIWL MEDICINE MIcROWAVE WNEY mroR ~m~ MO~N MOTOR m Fuw tiLMRY GAmGE GAs GATE GLASS GUEST GUN DESK D~~ DINING DECRIMINATOF DISPLAY HALL HEAT HffiH HOLDUP HOUSE m mwR mMWSTAIRS DRAWER DRIVEWAY MUG Dm EAST ELECTRC EMERGENCY ENTRY EWIPMENT EXECU~VE EXIT =RIOR FACT~Y FAILURE FWILY FATHERS FENCE FILE FIRE FLOOR mow This fatio~-pmvided NORTH NURSERY OFFCE OIL OPEN OPENING WTSIDE OVERFLOW OVERHEAD INWD INSIDE l~RioR INTRUSON JEWELRY PAINTING PANIC PASSIVE PATD PERIMETER PHONE PHOTO POINT POLICE POOL POWER K~CHEN UUNDRY ~~L UBRARY LffiHT LINE LIQLfm LIVING LOADING LOCK L~P LOW LO~R WCHINE vocabula~ 8. Key “W to exti the dasotipIor@rWramming ) IN MEMO FOIL mYER FREm DAUGHTERS DELAYED 7, Press the ~] key to return to the . ZN ?? display. To rnnfirm that the new message has been stored in memo~, press 00 and then press 00 again. The new ma=age shouti & displayed. QUAD I MO REAR RECREA~N REFRG ‘= (5137 Coh REFRIGERA~ N ~%EEN SENSOR SERVICE SHED :s :E SIDE SKVLffiHT SLIDING SMOKE SONIC Sms Sm SPRINKLER STAMP STA~N STEREO ST~E STmAGE STORY STRESS STRIKE Suw SUPERVISED SUPERVISION SWIMMING SW~CH TAMPER TAPE mL~PHONE TELLER EMPERATURE rode. ILE ONLY) rnEMSTAT T~L wSM~R ULTRA UP UPPER UPSTAIRS UTILn VALVE VAULT VIBRATION VOLTAGE WAU WAREHOUSE WASH WST WINDOW WNE WING WIRELESS WORK XM~R YARD Z~E o 1ST % 4TH 6TH 6TH 9m of Woda is subject to change. (C..tlnwd bom ma. 24) -25 Vlll. DOWNLOADING WHAT IS DOWNLOADING? DowbadiW alb~ tk intialbr or rnmml Sfmion o~r~m b remotely amess, pqram, and rnntml the swurw system over normal telephone lines. An flhing that =n & done diredly from the keypad can be done remotely, using DOWNLOADING. To ti~bd. the hlbwi~ k rauirad 1. An ISM PC, or m~dible mmpmer fih MS” DOS 3.1 or higher, to run the DOWNLOADING program. MS DOS stands foc Mim%fi Pmk Opsmting SySem. 3. A HAYES 1200 SMAB7MODEM (etiernak level 1.2 or highen internah bvel 1.1 or higher). H them Ievek ~nnot be found Iomlly, an eflernal mdem @n & purchased fmm ADEMCO, or rnotad HAYES for a tree update. Otier bmnds are not rnm~tible, even ti dw’msd ti be 100% mmpat@/e. 4, 4130PC V-LINK@ DOWNLOADING software, fmm ADEMcO. This software is available in both 3-1~ (4130P3-3) and 5.1/4” dskeftas, and itides a rnmpbte Users Manual. HOW DOES DOWNLOADING WORK? At the proteded premises. the Cotirol panel must be rnnnetied to the exkti”g telephone kna (refer to the PHONE LINE CONNECTUNS smb”). No p~rmming of the ~nel is r~uired b~ore d~bad!ng to an inhial installation. To download, do the folbwing: 1. Enter the installer mde + [#]+ [5]. The pmel mm~rari~ enables a flng rnunt of 5 and seb the Dmnbad CallbW option to.1 - (mIlba& @t requird). 2. Call the pnel using the downloader software sd to .FIRST ~MMUNICA~N. ~e. 3. The downbader will emabfish a se~ion tih no allba~. The panel itiomtiin a then & dwbaded. In order to remotely a~ss, mntrol, or p~ram the alarm panel, a .Iink” must & estsbtishd batw-n the mmpwer ad the rnntrol panel, as folb~ 1. The mmputer =11s up the tintml ~nel. The phone numbr for each customer s enhrd h the mstomer’s -Unt fib on the rnmptier). 2. The Gntrol panel “answers. at the pre-p~rammed ring @Unt ati execties a hatishake wfih the mmpmer. sends a request for ~lkk~ to the titiml, 3. The rnmpmer unles ~11-bmk k nti required. 4. Tha panel ~knowledges the request and hangs up. Outing the neti few sernnds, the tintml will promss tho request making sure cetiain enc~pted information, rernived from the rnmptier, matches ns own mamo~. 5. Upn a su~esful match, the tintml panel will sebe the ohone tine and all the mmoutar b~ unks ~U.baA k hot required. 6. The mmputer answers, usual~ by the second ring, and executes a hatish~e whh the panel. to the 7. The panel then sends other defaun information computer. itiormation, K this information matches the computer’s a su-essful hnk is established. This is known as &!ng .ON-LINE”. ADVISORIES: 1. Alarm and trouble responses and reWtis are disabled during on-line time. Should an event o~ur during this time, the response will take place and the repn will go through as soon as the remote access sequence is rnmpleted. Alarm and trouble mntiiions are not ignored, they are simply delayed. 2. The keypads are inactive during downloading mmmuni=tion, and rasume normal fun~ions after hang uP. All keypad entries are ignord during on-line tima. -26- PRIMER WHAT CAN BE 00NE ONCE PANEL IS “ON-LINE”? . Am ths System in the Awy Mda Dswm the SWbm . SW=S a tine . mm h S~em to tip a New Pqmm Wnbad . Shut Down Communi=lion (dialer) Fun&ions (nonrnvment d montiorim fees in m owned swlem) . $hot Down all ~ti~ System Futimns immpaymem ior a Ieassd system) . Inhibii h~l Kevoad Prwrammino forevents takeover of your aaunts) ‘” -“ . kave a me=age for m~mer (5137 oNLY . timmand the System to Upload a tipy of tis Restimrt Pwram m the oW= . Read: Arming Status, AC Power Status, List of Faukad hnes, List of Bypsed ~nes, 10-Day Alam Histov Log, 10-Dw Trouble Hbtov Lw, List of ~nas Currently in Alarm, List of Zones Currently in Trouble, List of RF sen-m wkh bw btie~ rnndifions w’ - HOW SECURE IS DOWNLOADING? Amsssing the Control fmm a remote b-fion is protetied against mmpromi~ by the use of 4 levels O(protadbm 1. SecuFiy Cde Handshake: The subscriber’s acmunt numbar * well as an 8digk ID numtir (bown onk to the offiia) must be matched beween the tintrol and compmer. 2. Han9Up and Call-Sa& The tintrol panel will .han~up. and call the mmputar back at the pre-programmed numbr only i the s-~ des mamh. 3. Data Enc~ption: All data that is exchanged bemeen the mmpmer and @ntml & en~ted to reduce the Wssibifiiy of an~ne @ping- the fine and rnrmpting data. 4. Operator A=ess Laveb: Up to 15 operators @n have ~= to tk DOWNLOADER, ezh having their own@on rode. However, eab owra~r an b assigned one of thres levels of a-ss in bth FILE and COMMAND tundions, as follow: FILE ACCESS: Raad Only able onh to Imk at the database cannot change any infomdion, and mnnot see the customers a-s males. Pan RaadAVrita: able to look at and change all informatbn. exmpt the customer’s sass males. Full ReadWdte: tile to kk at and change any and all information in the dati=e. CONTROUCOMM ACCESS: Red On&: *IE onw to Upbad and am the system. Not *le to DISARM, BYPASS, or chmge any information. Pan ReadfWtite: able to ARM, SYPASS, UPLOAD, DOWNLOAD bti =nmt shmdown the system. Full ReadrWitie: tile to ~tiorm all mntrrd and status mmmands, = well = shtidown all or pan of the system. NoTES: 1. Each time the Control panel is accessed (whether successful or unsumessful), a PROGRAM TAMPER rewti ~40) is sent to mntral station, if programmed. 2. When downloading, Ihe mnsole will display .MODEM ~W (5t3~ or “C@ (4137, 4127) 3. Whenever a download or a save is done, an automatic time stamp k *na, inti-liw the dae and time of the last download (or save) ad the owrator ID numbar. 4 The average time for a complate download, including intital MI1-up, hangup and =Il+ati is utier 4 minwes, can be 5 A mmplete hard mpy of each indivtiual atiunt obtained by mnnading a printer to the rnmpmer. Refer to your mmptier Wrier’s manual or mntad YOUKdealer for printer rernmmendalbns. e IX. -.. USING TEST MODE After Ihe installation is oampleted, shouti be thorough~ testi ~ folbw. TESTING THE SYSTEM ARMED SYSTSM TEST lMPOBTANTf A messqe will ~ sent to the -ntrai station dufing the folbwing ta~s. Not’~ the mntral station that a test 1. Wfih the System in the disarmed state, ch~ that all w’11be in progress. zones are intad. ff DISARMED - Pre~ ~] to show fwb NO=. A disphy of .COMM. FAILUR~ (A~ha rnnsoles) or (513~ or NOT READY (4127/413~ k dhplayti, press the .FC. (Fixed-Word consolas) indicates a failure to ~] key to display the de~riptors of the Ia.kd zone(s). mmmun~te (no M=off by the r-iver at the central station Restore faulted zone(s) if necessary, so Ihal after the m=imum numbr of transmissbn attempts is tried). ..”’DISARMED”.” READY TO ARM (5137) or READY If this O=urs, vem th~ the phona line is wn”etied, the (4127/413~ k di$playd. mrrm rewti fomat is p~rammed, etc. 1. Am the sytiem ati fak one or more zones. Silence almm 2. Enter the security mde and press the TSST key. me etiernal ~under fii used) shou~ sound for 3 semnds and sounder(s) ea~ time by entering the de and pressing OFF. Chack that Entv/Exit delay zones provide the then turn off (the system is operating on the ba~-up *signed dalay times. batte~ only at this time). the Securhy System NOTE 1. The system will not enter the Test mode i the batte~ vohage is tm bw, if the batte~ is no; mnneotd, or if any rnmmuniation mesages are waiting to h transmirfti. NOW 2. k a reminder that the system is in the Test mode, the @nsole will sound a single beep at l~semnd intewals i no pmtestbn zones are Molatd. -. Z. Ud the keypadiniiated alarms, if p~rammed in fia~ .05, by pressing the Panio keys ~ and #, 1 and., andior 3 and #). If the system h= baen p~rammed for audible emergency, the console will emit a loud, staady alarm sound. The word AURM and a descriptor “9T will be displayd for. ati #, (i 1 d‘ ara Wess@, a .95- will & displayed; H3 and # ara pressed, a “96. will W dkplayed). Sibnca the alarm by entering the sacurity code and pressing OFF. If the aystam has ben programmed for silent pank, there will h no audible slams or displays. A repefi will W sent @ the central st~bn, however. NOTE 3. In the Test mode, no slam repotis will b sent @ the central station. Abe, the etiernal sounder of US4) will not M activated, Doors and Windows Open and dom e~h pm!ast~ door md wintiw in turn. Each 3. Notify the central sttiion that all tasts are finished and action should produ~ three beeps fmm the bnsole. The vedfy resuks tih them. desuiptor for each pmtmrnn ~ne will WWaC on the tintie display. TURNING THE SYS~ OVER TO THE USER 1. Fully explain the operation of the system to the user by Motion Detectors going over each of hs funotions as well as the User’s Wdk in front of any interior motbn detaom. Lbte” for three Manual sup~iad. beeps when the detester senses movement. While it is 2. In panicular, axplain the oparation of each zone aotivated, is de~riptor will remain displayed on the tinsoie. (ant~lexit, Ptimetar, interior, fire, etc.). Se sure the usar Note that wireless PIRs will have a 3 minute Ititi btween undamtands how to operate any emargency feature(s) transmissbns to mnsewe bmeW ~tia (remove wver for walk p~mmmad into tha s~em. te~ to ovemido the 3.minute ti~ut). IMPORTANT!: In the spaces providd in the User}s Smoke Dateators Mnual, remrd the Enw and =h Oalay times, and those Follow the test procedure provided by the manuf~urer of funtiions that have ken programmed into tha availabla each smoke detector to ensure that all dateaors are ~irs of PANIC kays ~ & #, 1 &”, 3 & #). o~mtbnal and are funotbning pmpr~. 3. M*e sura the user undersbnds the impofiance of testing NOTE A 2-wire smoke deteaor display will not dear until the Test retie k extied. the system at least weekly, following tha procedure Turntng Off TEST mode Enter the secuity rnde and pre~ the OFF key. TO THE INSTALLER Regular mintenanw wtstinuous aatisfatio~ ati inapedion (at Ieaat annually) operation of any slam system. by the installer ati frequent tesing by the user are vffal to The in3taller should assume the responsibifiiy of developing snd offering a regular maintenawe pmgmm to the user as well as acquainting the user wtih the proper operation and fimffations of the alamr symem ati ts wmponent patis. Rewmmendafions must be included for a specific program of frequent testing (at least weekly) JO insure the system’s proper operation st all trees. -27- X. TROUBLESHOOTING CONSOLES htsmlo Is Inopormblo; RPMs ●rratlc dlspby . Power down mmpletoly (AC + batteW), di~nnti bsftary. ad Pwer up agdn (AC onfy). the . Che& that auxiliary vokage is between 12.5VDC14.OVDC. M not, d~nncct all auxi~iry dtis, and tske armther reading. ff Mhin the hve range. there is tw much curreti being drasm by the auxihary datims. (see the Polfing tip & Amifiiry Device Worksheets for the currem draw of e=h devics). ff still wt wfitin the abve range, check incoming ~wer from the No. 1361 transformer. Voffcge should h 16.5VAC. H bsbw 15VAC, -reful& ch~ the AC su~~ for a minimum& t 10 VAC. . Wtih all mxiti~ devims amf bsttery still disrnnnmfcd, check the voltage on the red & bla~ battery leads. It shouti be 13.WVDC (a~mx.). H mt, repl~ the tintml. .K k b @ 13.65VDC, the batte~ may rmf bc at fufl cha~e (allow the bsttery to charge 12-24 hours before remnnscfing the awifia~ dev~s) or the bstte~ msy M bsd, and rnt cbb to bfd a chwge. Console displays “Not Resdy” but no zone fs dlsplsyed when the ~] racdy key 16 dopressod . Chd to m~e sure there is a mne typ res~n~ entersd in pmgrsm tied .05 for WT (~lting kp short). ff no zone respnse is entered and a b~ shofl o~um, the dbpby Wll on~ reed .NOT READY, whbw m ezphcfbn. . Check to determine H a right kmph= been ensb~ for sn RPM in a zone expanded sy~em and no zone resp”~ k =signd to that sensor &p. . A mne programmed x a 24 hour silant (typ 06) & fauftcd. HARD-WIRED ZONES, 1-9 ~CHECK~ . ff programmed for fire or burglary using opsn-cirmit sen~rs, a 2,000 ohm EOLR mu~ be ussd atioss the zone, at the Isst device, as de~ribed in the SYSTEM ~NFIGURAnON: ZONES sekm. Zone 1 In trouble Zorsaa 2-8 not dstsctlng faults when thalr EOLRS are shorted (READY display SCSY8 on) . ff using EOLRS, che~ that program field .41-q H “Ot wing EOLRS, “41 c1. Zone 9 is indl~tlng a fsuft ~RSADW WIII not appear) . This zone k for closed circufi, unsuWwisad use only. w rmt use own circufi devims or a EOLR on thk m“e. Zone 9 false alarms periodically . Zone has been programmed for a respnse time of 5-10 milliseconds ~ t 4), snd should be used with .Fast respnse. devices, such as vibration sensom or glass break sensors, only. If devices with a res~nse time of greater than 10 milfisemnds are used, the zone may false alarm due to contact .~un-., i used in areas where vibrations may ~ur. llght Zones +-9 net dete=tlng faufcs (R~OY stays on) . Cheti p~ram fietis 1”1 S and 1.19@ mcke sure the wird mne(s) in questbn have not -n enabled as RF zones, Zones . Chti e . ff on~ bff Imp am &tng usd, m~e sure p~rsm fslds .0S, .07,.06, 1.10, 1“11, 1’12, ati 1.13 are p~rammsd SCm-. . ff both left and right lw~ are being used, make sure p~ram fiel~ “06, “07, .08, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, and 1.13 arc p~rammed with .0.s for the kff bps and.1 .s for the right kmps. NOTE: On a 4190WH you mnnot use a right fmp unb~ the fsff bop is usti abo. . Cheti plfing bp vohcge at the rnntml as well as at each RPM. There skuld&fluuwting8-11 VDC on the ~. . ChA ti pmgrsmmsd for timpcr detmbn in pmgmm fiefd .24. ff .24 _ O, the RPM will mme up in tmubb when its rover is rmsd (4190WH onfy). . Hs 4208 is bsing umd for zones 10-17, p~ram fie~ .66 must ~ set for .1., and the DIP switches shouti k set ~ follows: 1,2,3,4,-ON, 5-OFF. If sny other 4206 mnfiguration k being used, fie~ .66 must _ .~ and the DIP switches set according to the instructions ampmying the 4206. Zones lndl~tino fault conditions (“READY” not displayed) . ff using a 4190WH, m~e sure thsf the iumpsm sre set up in mmrdsn= Mh the EOLR bcina used on the left ho me r~ht Imp never uses srf EOLR~ . ff using a 4208, make surs the zones are set up with lhe mrracf EOLRS. See the SYSTEM CONFIGURATION: ZONES s~on for 4208 uscge. . ff using a 4196 right Imp, make sure only cbscd-ciffiuif devims are used, and ch~k the program fields .06 through .08, and 1.10 through 1“13 to make sure the mnes in questkm ~e e~bd x riiht bps ~1 “). “97” mppaars in console display with rspld beeping . This indiates that a short. has bsen deteaed on the @rig bmp. . Chthct polfing Imp Pkrw wII ss at eti RPM. b rnrrd at the rnmml as . Dbmnned the plhng bop and ch~ for mntinuify from the msifiie (+) side of the boo ~ omuti. Them shou~ k m ~ntinuity ~o ground. ff lhere Is a ground, the sourw mus k found and ehmin~d. “READY dbpley not going out wh.n zones faulted . Ched pr~ram fwlds 1.19 through 1“25 to make sure that the zones in questiin are na enti~ = RF zones. . M*s sure e=h zow in qu~ti h- tien prqrammed s resWnm in fiefds “02..05 and 1.01-1.06. for Console displays “NOT RSADY” but no zone IS dlsplsyad when ~] READY key b depressed . CheA program fields .06 through .06, snd 1.10 through 1.13 to mako sure that right IWPS are en~led for the mrrm zones. ff M right Imp are bsing u~d, thess fields shouti - V. . Cb& pqram Iwti .05 to make sure there is a zone t~ response entared for ’97. If a piling Imp shoti offium and no response is entered for VT, the display would iti=te “NOT READY wkh m eqlanatmn, . A pint -28- Indicathrg “CHECK” condltlorss that the DIP swifches am set rnrmct~. programmed for 24 hour silent (tyw 06) is fauked, ‘+ WIRELESS “88” or “90” -.. sppcars In con-la display ~nd rapid baeplng occurs . The reaiver is not mating any signals from aW of the timsmitters in the system. An “88- is for Ihe 2nd r~’wec a .90. is for the 1st r~iver. These dkplays am enabled by =signing a zone ms~nse ty~ in pr~mm IieUs 1.08, md 1.09. The r~mmended rasWnse is ekher zone tyw ~ or 07. “97” appaars In tha mnsole display and rapid beaplng occurs . Thk indtites that the ~lfing bp has etiher a direa shot, or a sbfl to ground on the (+) sale. M!ght ako indbte that the 4280 RF Ra-iver is -usina the shoti ldisrnnneti 426010 vei~). . Check that the antenna is inatalld properly and is not shoned to any metal object, refer to WIRELESS EXPANSION sedbn for details. . Check wntinufty from (+) side of the loop to ground (di~nnm tk Plfiw Iwp from the bntml firstl) - an own should b read (no rnntinuhy). ff a shofl to ground exks, fid and efiminaa the shon. . CheA voftage =mss tha Wiling &p at tha tintrol panel as Weil as at each 4280, if used . there should be fluaudion &meen 8-11 VDC. . Che& that the transmhters are ~wered vok batteries. up with fresh 9 . Cheti that the house IDs match between transmhtem and the rweiver. . Detemine if anfihing is blocking transmission receiver (8x. metal c~}ntis or shelves, etc.) to the . If 428o is used, remove is cover. Pti the system in the test mode, then see if lhe transmitters che&4n. If not, move the receker to another -tion and @st Wain. “8W’ or “’91”’ appears In co”~la display and rapid beeping occurs . The rti&er is nti res~nding to the hntml pmel. An .89refem to the semnd receiver and a .91. refam to the fimt recaiver. . h 428o is USW, cheti th~ the 428vs rover is on and the magnet k in close pmximhy to the red swfich. . ChW that the rnntml is wired pm~rly . ff 428o Is wed, pelting loop is exceed 64mA, Wwer the 4280 ..-. to tha reiver. detemine th~ the total mrrent dmw on the not more than 64mA. If the draw does install a 4197 loop etiender module, or frm amihary ~wer, as da=ri~. . Che& that the wire run length is in agreemeti r-mmetid wire gauge. wfih the Zones, not programmed in the system, are Indicating ‘“CHECK” conditions . Chwk prqram fiekb .02 through .05, and 1.01 through 1.05 to make sure all unused zones ara 00s. . CheM pwram fields 1“18 through 1”% to m~e sum that dl inn-RF zones are 0s. Zones indicating “NOT READW wndltion, but transmitter contact loop Is Intact . P@ the system in tha SNIFFER MODE for at le~t 2 houm, to sea if another system in the area is using tha same buse 10. ff so, change this system-s housa ID numbr. . Make sure zones in questbn ara seleded as RF in fietis 1.16-1.25. One or more transmitters are Indlcatlng “CHECK” conditions after a while; console baaplng rapidly: Check that the transmitters have the rnrreti house ID pmgrammti. Che& that the transmhtem have the mneti assigned. Check that the transminem transmhter ID have fresh batieries. . Chd pnel, that ~lling Imp Plarhy m well as at eati 4280. is mrr~ at the Qntrol ‘“READY” display not going out when RF zones faulted Che& that the house IDs maid &ween tha transmittal and the receber. . CheM thd the recatier k en~led for the fiti . Ch% ~ram remtier in pr~ram fields 1“26 and 1.27 for the ~rnnd remtier. that the zones in question are enablad for RF in fiaMs 1.18 through 1.25. . Che* that a zone reswnsa is pmgmmmd for the zonas ~.$:,astion, in fields .02 through .05, and 1“01 through CM that the r~kafs afienna b pmper~ installed. . Remove any sensors from tha transmhters and shon -ss the transm~er temhals. Then fauh the transm’hter m see i tha “READY ~iht goes om. If t does not go OM, tie~ the programming for th~ panicular transmhten if it doss go oti, ched the sensors on that zone. . tiva tha remher ti another Io=tbn for ~tter re~otbn. Console dlspiaya “NOT R~DY” but no zona IS diaplayod whan ~] READY kay 18 dapres=d . Chd p~ram fiefd .05 to m~e sure ~r h= a zone tyW mspnsa enterad. ff a loop shoti oars and no resWnse & entered for ’97, the console would display only “NOT R~r. wfih M explanation. . A Sileti Pank mndt”mn may & present. Kay tha security de+ OFF to see f the rnnditbn cleam. While in the “TEST mode, =me or all of the transmitters are not responding, or are raapondlng irregularly . The Test mde cws the r=eive~s senskiw by 507.. This means that a long a a transmittal respnds, its Ioetbn is satisfatio~. . hve the affatiti transmtiers to another bation and ratest. There may M something bl=king its transmission pah. . ff all transmitters are affemad, mova tha raceiver to another Io=tion. Thera may ba something blocking tis r-ption. . ff n? recaiver location can b found that can reliably mcelva all tra,nsm~tters, add a se~”d receker in a differant Iocatmn in the premises to axte”d the RF mvemge of the system. ,.,-29- — COMMUNICATIONS “Fe or “COMM FAILURE,’, IS dlsplay,d .FC” (4137, 412~ or .COMM FAILUR~’ (513~ indmes that the rnmmunioctor has attempted 8 times to sand a mpon to the rnncral station bti &d not get kscoff. Check with the central station to make sure the p~rammed format k a~table to the central statbn’s receive r. . Cheek program field .49 to see if single message wtih che-um h= been enabld. The mntral statbn recetier m@hf mt h able to handle chetisum. . Check program field 1“34 to see if spli repo~ing encbled. ti only a pfima~ antml -tkm phone numhr king used, fiakf 1.34 mutt_ 01 is h CheM p~ram fieti .31, PABX ACCESS CODE. Etier up to 4dQhc an~ K an omstie fine must k a-sad bfo,e the numbw ic dialed or if .~ll wciting. k to b suppressed. The latter feature musl be obtained Imm the local telephone rnmpany. To mcke sure this fieti k empty, key .31” to eme this ~thn. -30- . Cheti nmram fiald .30 for eiher TouchTone or mtaw cfiatng.”in” %~st ases,-~ tita~ is seleded diating will ~ su~essful, buf H TouchTone is seledad, then the tine must b a TouchTone tine. h k Wssibfe that a line th@ had Pmiffed TouchTone sewice previously was new being b~ed from that use by the telephone mmpany &cause the user was not paying for that sewi~. At installation lime, if k impnant to check with the user to detemine if they am paying for TouchTone setice. . If SESCO~ADIONICS format is being used, check program fwld “50. If hexadecimal codes are &!ng senl, enter a .0.. If only O-9 is king sent, either a .1. or a .0. is acceptable. Check with the central shtion to verify ameptance of B-F codas. . H%1/41 LOW SPEED k being used, ch~ the ID potiion of the repfi mde fialds. There shouti k .O- in all of thase fields. Some @ntral station receivers cannot handle s-rid digfi reponhg. . Che& the telephone numhrs .34. the otigoing . Listan to . Ch~ tha wiring pmgmmmad ~11 affem~s on the Telm using mnnetir. in fialds .33 & a handset. ~’ - Xl. 4140XMP Physical: -. SPECIFICATIONS CONTROL 12-lnwx Electrical: Voltage lnp~ 1412%x 3m Fmm Ademm No. 1361 PI~I” Tmnsfomer (we 1WICN in Cmda) tied 16.5VAC, 40 VA. Alam Sounder Otpti: 10W13.8VDC, 2.8 mps m~. (nonUL imtall~bns), 750mA I-S ~ux. Wrrent dmw (UL installations). Aux,Power Otipti: 9.6VDG13.8~C, 750mA m=. FM UL installation, the a~smff~ @nn@ed to tha o~ti must b UL hlad, and r~ad to o~rata i“ tha &va votiaga ,a”ga. Back-up Saftey ~~uit 4127 REMOTE Physical: Interface battaw inpti to Drotm aoai”st ravarsa batta~ rnnndo”ns and on akm sounder otipa to pmt~ wainst wiring fauks (Shotis). REMOTE. CONSOLES 8.4W X 4.79H X 1.l-D Intarface VOkWa Inpw 12VDC Wrrent Dmin: W mA (413~ 90 mA (5137 wtih ba~fighting) RED: 12VDC in~ (+) - auxih~ @war BLUE: mt used GREEN: Data In YELLoW Daa Oti SLACK Ground ad (-) mnnmbn from supplementary pwer suppy. Wiring: A SOIHstite cirwit bra~ar is used on auxifiary @war ompm to proiw ~ainst wiring fauk (shons). s . . . 4190WH O~ATION & WIHING The 4190WH is a 2-mna (known as Iaff and right loop-, ,s \ RPM. Tha loft IOOD ca” ba used fo, .-. .I”,.d.. ------ . i,., ... . ,it.. davices, with or without EOLR supewision, ,, -1,. .-. ~-. ,Ur open-circuit davices, with EOLR supewisbn, ,. The lefi with fast-response (1 O loop can also be used milli,sacond) davice:, cutting tha correti resistor when f “Wassa~, jumpars FOliOW the Chafl and choosing tha DIAGRAM ~D ~~ for 3LUE use The jumpers do not affed the right bop in any way. Do not usa a rasistor on this hop, Nota that the right Imp can only ba used if tha Iaft loop is also used, and that tha right loop numerically follows the Iaft Ioopns zorra number, which is set with tha unit,s DIP switchas (ax. f left loop iS zone 12, right 1000 is zone 131. mcme ““’’’r=no I Cut ,,” U= --- ,. AU= for fast-response --- (LEFI ~h,,“, ----- LONE b,. low Cumenl mods (reed .,.mm -A- msisbr, pmvidad. Must b fire. panic, aux), and will re~ti as alarms if assigned I . . WI if BLUEjumpar is + drms 1 mA bm tie plkng tip in his mod. I Cut fOr U.. with m 601 n l.1”.e&ti, only). Doing this Mn mhm~$i~lOr in ~eria~ wlh me zom, so tie white um , must also be CN. Htgh Wmnt me-: Use the 4,700 ohm msIstor, prov!dad, Mb ~tinid MMOS urm~t m? figuranon. #n either m Opwawlt m clowd. 4190WH &ws 2 mA I,om tie pdI,”o * CXPLOW.WEw ~“”-” IMPORTANT: The tamperlsupewision responsa of tha ,4190WH is dalermined by the zona res~nse type asslgnad to tha Iaft loop (aven if the right loop is assignad a different resvnsa type). Wtile the system is disarmed, tamper/supewisory faults will a Iways re~rt as trouble messages. WMle tha system is amed, tamper/supewisory faults will reWfl as troublas if the res~nse typa (i.e. left loop is assigned a non-burglary burglay 1 h , , (1 O millisem Gut for ~ using the left lo~. righl loop is for closad-circuit, unsupewised only, and has a ras~nse time of 400 milfisarnnds. l,,,, t corrati Tha X411 /16W X 7M.D VOffaga input 12VDC Current Drain: 20 mA RED: 12VDC inpti (+) - auxi~ary PWSI GREEN: Data In WLLOW Daa Oof BLAcK Ground Wiring: 4 houm min. wth 7S0 mA am. bad using 7 AH battery. 2.5 hours with 75o 51 37/4137 Physical: mA WX. bad usiW 4AH. Electrlcai: Tharmal ci~uk bra~ers ara uad on Prote~o=: CONSOLE 5-~W Electrical: 12VDC, 4M or 7AH gal =11. YUASA NPe12 (12V, 4AH) or NP7-12 (lzv, 7AH) rammmedad. Use 4AH b~ary for UL installalbns. Standby DIGITAL COMMUNICATOR FORWTS suP~mD ADEM~ HBH SPEED ADEM~ 42 EXPRESS AOEM~ LOW SPEED WMCO HAOT ID S=~A RADIONICS LOW SPEED LINE SERE: kubb Pola RINGER EOUIVMENCE 0.7B FCC REGISTRA~ NO.: AC398U%8192-AL-E a resWnse type. -31- w -Ill -32- -33- DIP SWITCH TABLES FOR POLLING LOOP D~lCES 4196 PIR 4275 PIR SHOWN Sm FOR ID ,0 ~ 4278 PIR S,O VIE1 UF SHOWN d“ G{ M“STBE UP FOR ID,0 WO:J UP PO’S,I: S- 1 )s6 UP(AI. E. IB)=INST. MODE d“ ,A,, “P (B, = PULSE CO”, 2S? )S.7 uP,A,. on,B,, WALK TES, .“ ,A,. UP 18) = W~ DISBL$ 1s.8: w 4194 Red Contact (Sutiace Mount) 1 UP. NORMALMOOE St) VII cd d“ . INSTANT MODE up=wn O]~sLc d“ .WALK TEST a ,0 .“ :: “, . . . . UP “,..” d“””, ”~” a. “P up “p “, . . . . .. . UP . . .“,.. a. . . 13 14 :: ,7 “, ,“, UP d..”, ”,,” “p O“ “p “, “p ,“ “p ,8 “, ,“ .“ “,.” . . . . .“. u,,. ”, ;: UP “, “p .“ 27 22 “, “, ,. “, “,.. d. “, .“ “p :: : ?,::;:::: 25 “, u UP u, “, “, w .“,.. “p ,. .”,.. d. “P” u, u, “,.. .“ F 28 a u “, UP .“ “, UP “P “ “P d. U,”” 31” THIS TA8= FOR DIPS WITH WORD .ON- A -C, ,0 B WS,,W 0,,,-. 12346 .“ “P..n “. :: 13 “, . . UP a. “,,.. . ..”. ..”,0. .“ ”p ,4 15 “, UP . ...” ,. 10 1, “, UPd. ,. . . :; .“ ,. ;; .“ 2, ,2 ,. a. .:2 25 26 E : ,. . . “, ..” .“ u, “,”,”, UP u, “? d. “, “,... “, “, d“ d. “P dnu,”p “, .. ,”... u, . . ,“ “, UP %H:TPTPYP . . . . “F”. . . . . . . UP dn “P d. d. “, d. d. .“ . . *. “PUP .“ . . d. u, d“ a. . . d. .“ “, 8,: a“ ““ “n ““ ““ =VALUE 16 8 4 2 1 -34- ,, AL.E 32168427 “i,”,, ,2 ,, , , , , I .-., -... ,-35- 4140XMP PROGRAMMING FORM MFAULT VALUES ARE SHOWN IN SRACKETS [ 1;OTHERMSE DEFAULT .0 SECURITY ACCESS OPTIONS HIT/ENTRY DELAY OPTIONS ‘~ INSTALLER CODE .Og E~Y DELAY#l ~ m ,m(@,5ti,,5-s) Em4 @m, W [41~] “1O =~DELAY#l .01 MASTER SEWR~ -E 1-~ m [ml,wlstis!s-,, Em 4 dm, w [lml %1=& wgk ~ .11 EN7RYDEUYW m [W,,ml$msl,xs, I[~j “15 KEYSWTTCH ENME .12 ~~ D~Y #2 m ,@,(wtsti*,s-,, .29 WICK ARM [l-he “87 ENTRY WARN~ [1~)m~ 1.50 BABYS~R ~DE l-,~. I~1 ]. (bw 1 “45 EN~LE CONSOLE ,~,.. ~. .___,. . ,. . ANNUN. DURIW FYm Day 1.S4 HEH SECUR~ MODE ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ASSIGN RESPONSE TYPE ❑ ❑ FOR Z h-” k-, . .... 1.09 ..--, - lnnn .86 ZONE ~ANDER DEVICE ~ ,+ ~ d= SELECTION OF WIRELESS FOR 70NSC ,.=, -.. -----,.” 3 E.!.,.1 - w en~e a zone ~ wireless; o.”onwireb~ lnnml nnnn ❑ 9 ❑ 17 ❑ 2s ❑ 1“19 z-s: 1.20 Zms: 1.21 -s: 1.22 2-s: 1.23 ZKS: 1 “24 Zws: 1.25 ZMS -3s w ❑ 41 ❑ ❑ ti,~ ,——.. --, . . ...-., MISCELLANEOUS - WIRELESS OPTIONS 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 000 RF~sM~R BA~RY 1.30 LOW SUPERVISm CHECK-IN INTERVAL 02.15 k 1- Ntie] ~ .!. b UL RF RECEIWR RFTRANsM~R CHECK-IN l~RVAL W~M*SWM 1.44 ❑ REPORT ENABLE tit M--w[s] 1“31 49 57 W.*-, ,,—--,m 2h ❑ k.w(t2hotiuL ❑ 02.!5 tim 2 w [12]MT(12h)b WIRELESS KEYPAD TAMPER DETECT ENABLE I- 1“48 WIRELESS KEYPAD DISABLE 1.49 DISABLE TROUSLE SOUNDER FOR RF SUPERVEDN [ldtii UL ❑ [~] ❑ ld~ [~] ❑ wtkv ~. b M. .33 ~tMARY .s4 SE~Dm .42 ~.. .43 .4s .46 .47 .4s .49 .50 1.52 PHONE NUMBER W~E NUMBER •nnnnnn~nnmrl,....tidwm ❑ nnnnnDDnmmrl EnWMti*d.t w I ZONE TYPE REST-. .1-enable: [o-disable] .79 Z~E ~ES 14 “’=--=s Oqpppqpp lnnnnnn .80 -3s ‘mEwEs’&’O - pg ._. ‘. Toentor program . To set standard ,—. PROGRAMMING mode, enter installer mde+[8]+[O]+ defaults, press .97 COMMANDS [O] . To *t COmmunl_tlOn defaults, press .94+ one of the following: .80= bw spaed: .81-Ademm Hgh Speed .83.Adem~,s ~nt~ ID . To change to next set of progrem fields, press .94 . To return to previous set of fields, press .99 . To erase account & phone number field entries, press~] + field number+ ~] . To assign zone de~rlptors, press .93 + zone “umber . Ta add custom word=, pres. .93+ OO+word ”umbsr (1-20) . To enter Installers Message, press .93 + 00 + 00 . Toexlt program mode, press .990 R.98:.99 access toprogrammlng mode bylnstaller code. allows re.accessto programmf”g Express; .82= Ademco mode byinstallermdo. ag8Prevent~re. -39- .45 .46 .47 .46 .49 .50 m ~ U REPORT nr .KK In CODE & ID DIGITS . . . ~~DE .5, [D .—--FOR ZONES .SR 1-32 & SUPERVISORY *COPnnc .e” ,m FOR ZONES fin ‘“L 33+4 & .Ea P/ nu h ID DIGITS .R7 In ~F & RESTORE .=. . J -“w ITS FOR RF RCVRS ~ ,W L ZONE -40- TYPE RESTORE ENABLES T:;: ~ ~ CODES -. .45 .46 .4? .4s .49 .50 _ U REPORT CODE & ID DIGITS . . . .._ FOR ZONES 1.32 & SUPERVISOR ,59 ~DE h ❑ ssTnm. 17m “60 ID ‘.. .61 ~DE ~ Zslm mj 18~ ~[ ml 19~ ml 26~ —— enm.= .62 ID :- Qw ESTORE COO.~: IE .79 In 019 I ZONE .79 I 0191(*. #1 TYPE RESTORE ENABLES Z~E WPES 14 All ~ pppqgqpp .60 ,. .—. zmEmEs9 & $0 pg All embw -41- COMMUNICATION .45 PRlwY .46 LOWSPEEDFWT(Prim~) .47 SEmDARY .49 .49 DEFAULTS ~T for ADEMCO •~Hi,hx .,, ❑ ❑ A-Hi,h❑ F-T Low spEED ‘mMAT(s=) CHECwUM VERIFICAnON w~ ,g .52 w .53 &w ;l~ D FOR ZONES ..Ka l-3?=O&p:::E~=qi~~ORY & RESTORE COOES . . . --m--- .--- 1 . I u IITS FOR zONEs 33.64 & _. ! , ZONE .79 TYPE RESTORE ‘pflflffT~ ENASLES v FI . -!- 1 COMMUNICATION 7.. DEFAULTS pRIMARY FORMAT .46 LOW SPEED F~MAT(Ptimay) .47 SEaDARY F-T .4s .49 for ADEMCOIS ❑ A- mm,, ❑ ❑ Atihwo ❑ ❑ s.tiv ❑ wtie ECT .6 :C:u:;=::) ID FORMAT ~94*83) ❑ .51 DUMREPORmNG .52 STmDARDEXPANDED “53 •mDmn~s...,d * bl, Wws Tm WI, Lw b, STANDARDHPANDED REPORT FOR SE~NDARY m REPORT FOR PRIMARY m h~ .50 ! 6 ---- iD DIGITS 2D~lD ’76 CODE lgl~ ——— OIGITS .77 ID ~ TYPESg&10 33-64 RF RCVRS .7s ~ Al~ R,!. Tti z -~ •=e~mnc ~~ nmm-- & SUP: --u SYSTE .81 KPe n:-;+ r NDITES:97= Pdl bap Sh~ ~ h W,= RCVR mt m~ting &asmiuar --, Qe,,m --. ..--.-., .V, ” ,WX rwswnmng, Dm w“”. to pml. AN embld 1-32 & suPERVISORV FOR RO, ., sign,*I, --------- ZONE •~~~~~smnh,d k k“ ~~ FOR ZONES “58 iTS FOR ZONES .68 .80 CONTACT I power ~ .82 c----- I n.. ~ Qp - ,. —.. -43- “FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS This equipment has been tested to FCC requirements the following statement for your COMMISSION (FCC) and has been fOUM a~eptable STATEMENT” for “se. The FCC requires information: equipment genersfee ati ueee radio freque~ energy and if not irsefal(edati uwd ~pe~, that is, in atricf acmrdanm wkh the manufacfurets insfmcfiirra, may ause imertere~e to radio and television rece~~rr. It has men type tested and found to comp~ with the fimtia ior a Class B co~titng device in a~tiancs wth the 5Wficatrnn5 in Su@afl J of Part 15ofFCCRulee,which are designed to pmvtie reasonable prot%ton against will not -r in a such interference in a residential installsfkm. However, there is rm guaramee that imedere~ particular insfallatkrn. If ttis equipment does cause imerference to radio or televiabn rsca~mn, whch can be determined by turning the aquipmem off and on, the user ia enmuraged to try to mrrecf the inferfererme by one or more of the following measures: . ft uaiW an i-r amenna, have a quafify outdoor amenne irssfellsd. . Rsoriem the receW\ng antenna utiIl irrtefierencs is reduced or eliminated. . Move the receMer away from the mrmrovmrnrrrunbtor. . Move the antenna leads sway fmm any wire rursato the mmroUmmmunicetor. . Plug the WmroUcommunicefor imo a dMerem outlet so that it and the recetier are on differem branch circuis, If necessary, the ueer should Consutithe dealer or an espenenced radioflelevision technician for addtional auggesfions. The ueer or installer may find the foltowing ~klet prepared by the Federal Comrnutiatons CommiSion he~ul ‘lnferfereMe Handbook. This ~klet is available from the U.S. @vem~rd PriWtng Offiie, Washington, DC 20402. Stock No. 004-000-00450-7. The uxr shall mt make any mangea or Wtifiirrs to the equipment unless aufhotisd by the Installation Inefmtilons or Ueeta Manual. Unauf~tisd chaWes or tificefiorts coutd void the uaefs aufhorffy to operate the equipment, Thie IN THE EVENT OF TELEPHONE OPERATIONAL PROBLEMS In the event of telephone operational problems, dscorsnecf the mntrol panel by rernovi~ the plug from the RJ31X (CA38A in Canada) wall jack. We recommend that you demonstrate diammnecfing the phonee on ~ not disconnect the phone mrrnecfion inside the Control Panel. Doing so will rssutf irrsfallefffn of the aysem. in the Ioas of your phone tirrea. If the regular phone works mrrectly after the Control Panel hae been disconnected from the phone tines, The Comrol Panel has a probbm and should be returned for repair. If upon disconnection of the Comml Panel, there ia afill a problem on the tine, notify the telephone company fhat they have a problem and request prompt repair eervice. The user may not under any circumefencea (in or out of wa~nfy) attempt any sewice or repairs 10the eystem. It must be returned to the factory or an auftsotisd aewics for all repairs. aw~ -44- w - -’ CANADIAN -. DtP Hf~NT OF (:OC) STATEM~~Tm[CATIONS NOTICE The Canadian Depatiment of Communications label identfiea cetitied equipment. This cerfilcation means that the equipment meets cetiain telemmmunications nefwo~ protective, operational and safety requirements. The Depaflment does not guarantee the equipment will o~rale to the usefs safiatacfmn. Betore instalhng this equipment, usem should eneure that if ia Wnnissible to be wnnecfsd to the faci~fies of the local telecommunications company. The equipment must also be installed using an acceptable method of Wnnecfion. In some cases, the wmpany’s inside wiring associated with a single line individual service may be extended by means of cetitied wnnscfor assembly (telephone extension wrd). me customer ehouti be aware that compliance with fhe above mndffiona may not prevent degradation of aewice in some stiuafbns. Repairs to cstified equipment shouM be made by an aufhodzed Canadian maintenance facifiiy designated by the suppfler. Any repairs or alteratbns made by the user to this equipment, or equipment mabuncfiona, may gtie the telecommunications wmpany csuae to request the user to disconnect the equipment. Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground connections of fhe power ufitify,~elep~ne lines and internal metal~c water pips system, if present, are connected together. TMa precaution may be parfimlarfy i~rfant in rural areas. Caution: User should not anernpf to make euch connetilons fhernselvea, buf should wnfacr the appropflate elednc inspection authoriiy, or electrician, as appropriate. ~~~ (LN) assigned to each terminal device denotes the percentage of fhe total load lo be wnnected to a telephone Imp which is used by fhe device, to prevent overloading. The Ieminafion on a foop may consist of any comb!nafion of devices su~ecf onfy to fhe requirement fhat the fetal of the Load Numbm of all fhe devices does not exceed 100. -- Ldfiquefte du ministr&re dea Communications du Canada ~entifie ie mat6riel homologud Cene &fiquene cetifie que Ie Matdriel est wrtforme ~ cerfainea nomes de projection, dexploitation et de s6curit6 des r4seaux de tblbcommunications. La ministbre n’aasure toutefoia paa qua Ie matbriel foncfionnera ~ la satisfaction de ~ufifisateur. Avant dinstalier ce mat6riel, ~ufifisataur doit s’assurer qu’il eat permis de Ie racmrder aux installations de ~entreprise locale de fblbcommunlcation, Le matbriel tiif bgalemenf 6tre inatallb en auivanf une mbthod accept~e de ramordement. Dana cerfains cas, Ies fils inf~rieum de ~enfreprise ufilia&s pour un sewice individual a Kgne unique paUVent &tre prolong6s au moyen dun dspositif homologu~ de raccordement (wrdon prolongateur t616phonique inteme). Vebonne ne doit pas oublier qu’il est Nssible que la conformit6 aux condifiona 6nonc4es I ci-dessus n’empbchent pas la d~gradation du aewice par certaines aituafiona. Actuellement, Ies entefprisea de t616communiafion ne permattent pas que ~on racmrde Ieur matbriel aux jacka dabonnes, aauf clans Ies cas precis pr6ws par Ies tatia partiwfiem de ces entreprises. Les reparations de mst6nel homologud doivent ~fre effecfu~es pas un cenfre d’enfretian canadien autfrorisd dbsign~ par Ie foumiaseur. La mmpagnie de fb16mmwnicafions peut demander h ~ufilisateur de d~brancher un sppareil ~ la suite de r6parafions ou de modificafiona effectu~es par ~ufitiaateur ou h cauae de mauvais fonctionnernent. Pour sa propre protetiton, ~utihsateur dotf a’asaurer que tous Ies fila de miae ~ la ferre de la source denergie 61ecfrique, des hgnes f614phoniques et des canalisations deau m4talHques, s’il y en a, sonf raccord4s ensemble. Cette pr~caufion eat paticulierement importancedana Ies r6giona furales. Averfiasement: Lutihsateur ne doit pas fenter de faire ‘ces raccordements Iui-mbme; il doif avoir recours b un sewice dinspecfion des insfallafiona 61ecfriques,ou ~ un ~lectrician, selon Ie cas. ,. ~(lC) assign6 A chaque dispositif terminal pour ~viter toute eurchage indique Ie Percentage de la charge totale qui peut etre racmrdee * un circufi t61*phonique tiuc16 utifise par ce disposifif. La teminaison du circuit huclb peut dtre constitute de n’imporfe quelle combinaison de dispositifs, POUWUque la somme des indices de charge de ~ensemble des dis~sidfs ne depasse pas 100. -45- _._. — THE LIMITATIONS WARNING OF THIS ALARM SYSTEM Ihlle this system is an advanced deeign security system, if ties not otter guaremeed protection against Wrglary, fire or other emergency. An alarm system, whather commercial or reektenfial, is subject to compromise or failure to warn for a number of reasons. For ese~le: Intruders may gain acceas through unprotected o~nings or have the technical aophisticetion to bypass an alarm censor or d-nnm an abrm wami~ device. Intrusion detectors (e.g. paesive infrared detecfom), smoke detectors, and many other eensing devices wilt not work wtihout power. Battery operated devices will not work without batteries, wth dead batteries, or t the batteries are not M in propew. Devices powered solely by AC till not work if their AC power supply is cut off for u - any reason, howaver briefly. Signals sent by wireless tranemiftere mey be blomed or raflecfed by metal before they reach the alarm receiver. Evan if the signal path has been recently checked during a weekly lest, blockage can occur K a metal object is roved into the path. A ueer may not be able to reach a panic or emergency button quic~y enough. While smoke detacfofe have played a key role in reducing residanfial fire deaths in the United States, they may inasmanyaa 350/0 of all fires, acmrdi~ to data not acfiiate or provtie early warning for a variety of reasons published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Some of the raasone smoka detectors used in conjunction with this System may not work are as folbws. Smoke detectors may have been impmperly installed and posfioned. Srrwke detectors may not Sense fires that start where smoke Mnnot reach the detectors, such se in chimneye, in walls, or roofs, or on fhe other side of closed doors. Smoke deteaors also may not sense a fire on another level of a resideme or build!ng. A aemnd floor detector, for exampla, may Mt sense a first floor or baaement fire. Moreover, smoke detectors have sensing timtiwlons. No emcke detector can sense every kind of fire every time. In general, detectors may not shays warn abOuf fires caused by Carelesenese and safety hemrds tike smoking in bed, violant explosions, escaping gas, improper storage or flammable materials, overbaded electrical circuits, children playing with matches, or arson. Depending on the nature of the fire and/or the focafion of the smoke detectors, the detector, evan if if operatea as anticipated, may not provide sufficient warning to allow all occupants to escape in time to prevent inju~ or death. Passive Infrared Mofiin Detedore can only detect infnssbn wfihin the deaigtsad ranges ae diagramed in their installation manual. Passive Infrared Detectors do nof provide volumetric area protection. They do create mffiple baams of protection, and infusion can only be detected in unobstnmted areas covered by the beams. They cannot detect motion or infNsion that takes place behind walls, ceifings, floors, cloeed doors, glass patitions, glass doors, or windows. Mechanial tampering, masking, pairn!ng or spraying of any rfmterial on the mirrors, windows or any part of the optical system cn reduce their detection tifiiy. Passive Infrared Detectors sense changea in temperature; however, as the ambient temperature of the protacted area approached the temperature range of 90° to 150°F, the detecfiin performance can decreaee. Afarm warning devices such as sirens, hlla or horns may not alert people or wake up sleepers who are focated on the other side of a closed or partly open doors. If warning device eoursf on a dtierent level of the residence fmm the bedmonw, then they are less likely to waken or alen people inside the bedrooms. Even persons who are awake may not hear the warning if the alarm ie muffle by noise from a stereo, air wndifioner or other appfiancea, or by passing traffic. Finally, alarm warning devtis, however loud, may not warn heann~impaired ~ople or waken deep sleepers. Telephone tines needed to transmi alarm signals from a premises to a central morrionng station maybe out of service or tem~rarily out of service. Telephone fines are also subject to mmpmmiee by Wphisficeted infNdare. Even if the system responds to the emergency ae intended, however, owpenfs may have insufficient time to protect themselves fmm the emergency situation. In the case of a monitored alarm system, authorities may not resfmnd appropriately, Thie equipment, lie other electrical devtis, is su@ect to component failure. Even though this equipmant is designed to Iaat as bng as 10 years, the electronic mmponems muld fail at any time. he most common cause of an alarm system not functioning when an intNsion or fire occurs is inadequate aintenawe. This alarm system should be teetad weekly to make sure all sensors are wotilng properly. stalling an alarm system may make ona ehgible for lower insurance rates, but an alarm system is not a subsfiiute r insurance. Homeownem, property owners and renters should continue to act pmdently in protecting ,emsewes and continue 10 insure their fives and pmperfy. re mntinue to develop new and improvad pmtecfion devices. Users of alarm eysfeme owe it to themseMes and eir loved ones to learn about these developmems. -46- u ADEMCO .. . . UMITED WARRANTY Alarm Device Ma””iaduring Com~ny, a Division of Pfiway Gpfation, a“d tis divisions. subsitiaties and affiliates ~Seller), 165 Eileen Way, Symset, New Yo* 11791, warrank k pti.ds to k in m“formance wth i= own plans and spcifi=trnns md to k free from defeas in maiatials md wtimanship “ndar nomal use and sewbe for 18 months from the date Stamp Wntrol on the prdua or, for pduas no! having an Adem~ dats stamp, for 12 months from dale of original purchase unless the installation instrudons or catalog sats fofih a shofler petiod, in which case the .shotia, period shall wply, SellerSs ob~g~ion shall & timkw to repairing or replacing, at Ks option, free of charge for materials or Iakr, any produti which is proved not in mmplian~ with Seiler,s spacifiations or proves def~tie in matetials or Workmanship under normal use and sewi~. Seller shall have no oblgatbo under this Limited Warranty or othewise if the produd is tiered or improperly repairad or sewiced by anyone othel lhan Ademm taao~ sewice. For warramy sewice, retu,n prtiud transptiatbn prepaid, m Ademm Fauoy Setim, 165 Eileen Way. Syos$et, New Yoti 11791. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTABILITY. OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICUMR PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, WHICH EXTEND BEYONO THE DESCRIPTION ON THE FACE HEREOF. IN NO CASE SHAU SELLER BE LfABLE TO ANYONE FOR ANY CONSEOUE~WL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF ~lS OR ANY OTHER WARRA~, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OR UPON ANY OTHER BASIS OF LIASIL~ WHATSOEVER, EVEN fF THE LOSS OR DAMS CAUSED BY THE SEURS OWN Negligence OR FAULT, Salier does not represent th~ tha prodtis i sells may nol b rnmpmmisd or circumvanlti; that the prduas will prevent any personal inju~ or proww loss by bu~laW, rob~~, fire or othewise or that the prdu~s will in all cases provtie adquale warning or pm!tilon. Customer undersads that a ppr~ installd and maintained slam may only reduce the risk of a burgla~, robk~, fire or other evens ~wiW withom PWIW an alarm, b@ k is not insurance or a guarantee ttit such will not ~ur or th~ there will & no ~mond injuy or pr~fiy bss = a result. CONSEQUENTLY, SELLER SHALL HAVE NO LIABILIV FOR ANY PERSONAL IWURY, PROPERTY DAMAGE OR OTHER LOSS BASED ON A CUIM THE PRODUCT FAILED TO GIVE WARNING, HOWEVER, IF SELLER IS HELD LIABLE, WHETHER DIRECTLY OR lNDIRECnY, FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE ARISfNG UNDER ~lS LIM~D WARRANTY OR OTHERWISE REGARDLESS OF CAUSE OR ORGIN, SELLERS MAXIMUM L~lLl~ SHALL NOT IN ANY CASE EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT. WHICH SHALL BE THE @MPLETE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AGAINST SELLER. WIS wamamy replams any prevbus warranties and is the on~ warranty made by Seller on this pmdu~. No inme~a or alteration, wrhten or ve~al, of the obhgations d this Limkd Wananty is atihorized, ,,—. -47- ._.-— -’ [ADEMCOJ NW8-IV1 1B2 ALARM DEVICE MANUFACTURING CO. .,(,. ‘ “!VIS!:INOL .,- 7.;.” .“..”.’ 165 Eileen Way, Syosset, New York 11791 Copyrtght 1991 Pl~AY CORPORATION