Proceedings Iof he 29th Amual Hawaii International ADDT: Automatic Conference on System Sciences - 1996 Data Distribution Tool for Porting Programs to PVM * H. Sivaraman and C.S. Raghavendra School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Washington State University Pullman, WA 99164 - 2752 ( hsivaram, raghu ) Science Ph: (509) 335 - 8246, Fax: (509) 335 - 3818 1 Abstract Introduction PVM on a network of workstations is a promising means of achieving high performance computing for scientific applications. Unfortunately a program developed for PVM needs to deal with separate address spaces. Accesses to non-local data require the programmer to explicitly acquire the data using pm-send and pm-receive. To solve this problem the data parallel language HPF was created. While it is considerably easier to write a program in HPF than to develop an application using PVM the user is still required to specify the layout of the data using the HPF data distribution constructs [25]l. The manner in which the data is distributed across the different memories significantly affects the performance of the program. Therefore it is important to choose a distribution that is good on the particular architecture on which the program is to run. A good data distribution depends on the number of processors, the communication latency of the environment, and the underlying compilation system. Hence it is difficult for a user to obtain a good data distribution for a given program. The objective of this paper is to present that part of a source to source compiler that performs an automatic data distribution. Our algorithms have been implemented in an automatic data distribution tool called ADDT. ADDT reads as input a parallel program written for a shared memory machine and generates as output a HPF program. ADDT generates an alignment-distribution for multidimensional arrays. It performs detailed inter-procedural analysis [14] and it supports procedure cloning [14]. ADDT works by partitioning the input program An important issue faciing users who develop applications on PVM is that of partitioning the data over the different processors and generating communication statements for non-local dlata accesses. The burden of generating communicatio:n statements is alleviated by data parallel languages like HPF. But HPF requires the user to specify the distribution of the data in the application. This distribution is specified over the processors on which the application is to execute. A good data distribution depends on the number of processors, the communication latency and the underlying compilation system. In this paper we present a method for automatically generating a dynamic data distribution and alignments for a distributed memory environment. This method has been implemented in an automatic data distribution tool called ADDT. ADDT reads in a shared memory parallel program in Fortran and generates as output a HPF program. Our method works by breaking up the input program into sub parts called distribution blocks (DB). (A somewhat similar idea has been suggested by other researchers). It then obtains a set of data distribution for the arrays in each DB using the data layouts from preceding DB’s. The algorithms used to obtain a set of data distribution (called candidate distributions) for a DB are discussed in this paper. The final data layout for the program has to be selected from these candidate distributions. This selection is formulatted as a linear optimization problem which minimizes the communication while minimising loss of parallelism. We present experimental results obtained by running ADDT on some example programs. ‘may 557 1060-3425/96 $5.00 0 1996 IEEE Proceedings of the 1996 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-29) 1060-3425/96 $10.00 © 1996 IEEE be obtained at cs.ricc.cdu/public/HPFF Proceedings of the 29th Annual Hawaii International may be obtained 1996 PVM environment. Since the communication costs on PVM are an order of magnitude higher than that on most distributed memory machines the data distribution is significantly different on PVM. The difference is not just a matter of changing the block size of the data distribution to obtain a more coarse grain distribution. For example, on PVM it might be good to replicate some arrays that are only read in a loop section so as to eliminate communication within the loop. Though this replication might increase the number of bytes transferred it would decrease the number of independent messages thereby reducing the overall execution time. This paper is organized in 6 sections. In section 2 we discuss the internal representation in ADDT of the data layout of an array. In section 3 we present the algorithms used by ADDT to obtain an alignmentdistribution for a DB. We illustrate the algorithms in section 3 with a simple example in section 4. In section 5 we review related work. We present experimental results in section 6. In this paper we only discuss the methods used by ADDT to obtain data distributions for a given DB. We do not discuss the method used by ADDT to do redistribution, nor do we discuss the inteT-procedural anaEysis methods used by ADDT. into sub parts called distribution blocks (DB). (A somewhat similar idea has been suggested by other researchers [19] [1612). It then obtains an alignmentdistribution for the arrays in a given block. To find a distribution for a given DB, ADDT first constructs a list of array references in the DB. Then for each pair of array references it represents the difference in their subscript expressions using a data access pattern descriptor. ADDT then does a table lookup using these data access pattern descriptors to obtain the data distribution for the given DB. For each block ADDT tries to find a data distribution that is totally communication free. If it can’t find such a distribution it then chooses a distribution that minimizes the number of messages generated. For each distribution that is chosen it determines the number of messages generated. Hence for each distribution block ADDT generates a set of possible data distributions, and their corresponding communication costs. These possible data distributions are called candidate distributions. These candidate distributions, and the costs associated with them are used to obtain a data layout for the program. The problem of obtaining an alignment-distribution for the entire program is solved in two phases. In the first phase we identify distribution blocks and find candidate distributions for each distribution block. In the second phase we solve a linear optimization problem to select one candidate distribution for each distribution block so as to minimize communication costs with minimal loss of parallelism. We are currently working on an implementation of the second phase. There has been significant effort by researchers to generate a data distribution for a program written for a shared address space. A detailed survey of the research by earlier workers has been made in section 5. A significant fraction of the research has concentrated on finding a static distribution [12,10,20, 271 for a program or program fragments. The exccalibur project [6,28] and the automatic layout system that is part of the FortranD project [16,18,2] find dynamic distributions for a program but they do not perform inter-procedural analysis. Besides both methods use heuristic approaches in their sub-algorithms. Another project which addresses this problem is the SUIF project [l] at Stanford. Their algorithms and approach are targeted for scalable parallel machines. Our work attempts to find an efficient distribution for a PVM based environment. We believe that our work is the first effort to obtain a data distribution for a 2these technical reports“kremer Conference on System Sciences - 2 Internal tribution representation of data dis- Data parallel languages like HPF provide constructs [25] to express the data layout of the arrays in an application. These constructs require the specification of the distribution of each dimension of the array using one of the three primitives, BLOCK, CYCLIC, and *. The constructs used by ADDT to represent internally the data distribution of an array differ considerably from those used by HPF. In the final phase of data distribution ADDT converts its internal representation to HPF format so as to comply with the standard. We chose to use this different representation for two reasons. First, in some programs arrays that are passed to subroutines are declared with different dimensions in the subroutine. In effect, the number of dimensions of the array in the callee is different from the number of dimensions in the caller. In such cases specifying the distribution of an array by dimension is meaningless. Our system, on the other hand is independent of the number of dimensions. Hence it works fine in such cases. Second, we believe that it is easier to work with this representation. The internal representation is characterized by two parameters: at 558 Proceedings of the 1996 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-29) 1060-3425/96 $10.00 © 1996 IEEE Proceedings ofthe 29th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 1:0 2:l 3:2 4:3 5:4 a.) Block size. b.) Repetition 2.1 Block vector. size 6~0 7:l 8:2 9:3 10: 4 11: 12:l 13: 14: 15: 0 2 3 4 16: 0 17: 1 18: 2 19:3 20:4 1996 21: 0 22:l 23: 2 24:3 25: 4 26: 0 27:l 28: 2 29:3 30:4 31: 32 : 33 : 34 : 35 : When an array is distributed each processor holds one or more contiguous elements of the original array. The number of contiguou.s elements owned by each processor is the block size. The smallest size of a block is one (such a distribution is often called a CYCLIC distribution by some researchers) and its largest size is the size of the array itself. Our compiler tries to obtain a block size betweefn these two extreme values for the arrays in the program. Example 2.1 doall i = 1, nx a(i) = b(i) enddo Table I: Data distribution with a block size of 1 and a repetition vector of (5, 100). Processor id’s start from 0. In this case the compiler will assign a block size so as to keep all processors active. So it assigns to array ‘a’ and to array ‘b’ a block size of [?I, where p is the number of processors. In memory, an array is always a single dimensional construct even if it is declared as a multidimensional structure. Hence the parameter block size is a natural way to capture the data layout of an array. It is important to note that though the internal representation treats an array as a unidimensional construct ADDT does not strip off or ignore the dimension iinformation available in the source program. that each processor needs to execute its share of this loop are available locally. But if p > 5 this data distribution makes it necessary for processors to exchange elements of array ‘b’. ADDT eliminates the need to communicate by modifying the data distribution suggested above. This modification consists of the repetition vector. Distance vector Given an array, Definition: b(ll:q, 12~2, . . ., I,:%) and two references to array b, b(al, a2, . . . a,), and b(i%, A, . . ., A). The distance vector for these two refernces is V = 2.2 Repetition (I m-P1 The second parameter, the repetition plained using example 2.2. vector is ex- Example 2.2 integer a(5, 10, lo), b(5, 10, 10) doall i = 1, n doall j = 1, m doall k = 1, m-l a(i, j, k) = I5(i, j, k) + b(i, j+l, enddo enddo enddo l,la2 -P2 I>. . *,I% -A I) e.g. The distance vector for the array b in example 2.2 is (0, 1, 2) Definition: Repetition vector The repetition vector for an array b(ll:ul, 12342, . . ., 1,:~~) with two references, b(cq, ~2, . . . CY,), and b(/&, flz, . . .) pn) (ui is RV = (VI, V2, . . ., V,) where vi = { J&t Zi) }I ai-& I. Ob viously, any zeros in the repetition vector may be dropped. In the example 2.2 let ‘p’the number of processors be 10. Then the distance vector is (0, 1, 2). Hence the repetition vector is set to (5, 100). ADDT uses these two parameters to specify the data distribution of an array in a program. Every array that is distributed3 has a block size attribute but only some arrays need a repetition vector to describe their distribution. vector k-t,??) In the example 2.2, the: compiler picks a block size of 1 for array ‘a’if ‘p’is a divisor of 5. Hence a processor pl (processors are assigned numbers starting from 0) owns elements a(pt+l, j, k), b(pl+l, j, k) and b(pl+l, j-+-l, k) V j, k. This ensures that all the data items 3the user can specify at compile time the minimum si=e of an array that may be distributed. The default minimum size is one. This prevents ADDT from distributing small arrays. 559 Proceedings of the 1996 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-29) 1060-3425/96 $10.00 © 1996 IEEE 0 1 2 3 4 Proceedings of the 29th Annual Hawaii International Algorithm Conference on System Sciences - 1996 Tablelookup Definition: ‘L’ is the list of array references in the DB. 93’ is the list of pairs of elements from the list ‘L’. ‘DD’ is a list of data distributions for the arrays in the given distribution block. Input: Lists ‘S’, ‘D’ Output: List of data distributions, DD Algorithm Dist-block Foreach element in 93’ which is of the form (A?, AT) Input: A distribution block use element d; from the list ‘D’ to do a table lookup Output: The lists ‘D’, ‘S’, ‘L’ if the table lookup is successful the result will be a construct a list of the array references in the DB. data distribution for the array Ak scale this distribution to fit the start and end elements oflet L = (Ai, A:, . . ., At) where At is a reference to array A’. Construct a list S = (A:, Aj”), V A!, AT E L the array Ak and insert in the list DD The set S can contain at most n * (n - 1) elements endfor where n = IL] From S delete those elements (A$, A?) if (Af, AT) E S. Figure 1: Algorithm for table lookup Foreach pair (A:, AT) E S where A: = Ak(il, iz, . . . . i,), Ajm = Am(ii, 3 Data block distribution A distribution l l l l block(DB) for a distribution is defined as one of: dt = ‘0’ else if (it - d:) = 0 and il are NOT affine expressions of a loop index then A sequence of statements with no loops or call statements or function calls or DO or DOALL loops. Such a sequence is henceforth called a straight sequence of statements. de = ‘0’ else if it - ;I is an integer and it, ii are affine expressions of a loop index then dt = ‘C’ A straight sequence of statements between a DO or DOALL loop and the DO or DOALL loop that is nested one level lower. /* if A’, A” are different arrays then this difference represents an offset alignment */ else if it - ;: is an integer and it, ;: are NOT affine expressions of a loop index then A straight sequence of statements between the most deeply nested DO or DOALL loop and its corresponding ENDDO or CONTINUE statement. A call statement or a statement containing tion call. ii, . . . . a&) repeat define Dij(dl, da, . . ., dl), I = max(x, y) where dt. V t such that 1 < t _< 1 is: if (it - ii) = 0 and it, ;I are affine expressions of a loop index then dt = ‘c’ else dt = ‘E’ if (Dij has fewer ‘E’ elements than the previous descriptor generated for the pair, (A:, AT)) put Dij into the list D permute the subscripts of the reference A? until (the number of ‘E’ elements in the descriptor is less than half the length of the descriptor or there are no more alignments) endfor a func- For each DB ADDT first constructs a list ‘L’ of array references in the DB. It then constructs another list 5’ which consists of pairs of elements from the list ‘L’. The list 9 can contain at most n * (n - 1) elements, where n = I ‘L’ (. In most cases the list 5 will have fewer elements. (see the algorithm in figure 2 for details). Each element in the list ‘S’ is a pair of array references. For each element in ‘S’ ADDT represents the difference in the subscripts using a data access pattern descriptor. ‘D’ is a list of data access pattern descriptors. The algorithm in figure 2 lists the data access pattern descriptors that are used by us. ‘DD’ is a list of data distributions for the arrays in a given distribution block. Figure 2: Algorithm a DB. 560 Proceedings of the 1996 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-29) 1060-3425/96 $10.00 © 1996 IEEE to obtain a data distribution for Proceedings of the 29th Annual Hawaii International Algorithm 1996 To obtain a distribution for a given distribution block ADDT uses the algorithm in figure 3. For each DB ADDT tries to obtain a data distribution that is totally communication free. If this is not possible ADDT finds distributions that require communication by removing an array reference from the list ‘S’ and doing the table lookup once again. The elements of the array reference that was removed from the lists are obtained through communication. (the communication statements are generated by the HPF compiler[25]) The data access descriptors capture the data access patterns. The data access patterns can be represented using a weighted graph like an alignment distribution Graph [20], [12] which graph [51,c om P onent Afinity can then be analyzed to obtain alignment and distribution for the arrays in the region of analysis. Alternately the analysis can be done off-line and then stored in a table indexed by data access pattern descriptors. The table-based approach is a fast efficient way to obtain a set of candidate distributions for a DB. The final data layout for the program has to be selected from these candidate distributions. This selection is formulated as a linear optimization problem which minimizes the communication while minimizing loss of parallelism. Data-dist Output: List of data distributions, ‘DD’ Input: Null list, ‘DD’ Foreach DB Invoke Algorithm Dist-block Line a : Invoke Algorithlm table lookup on the lists ‘D’ and ‘S’ with each of the data distributions in list ‘DD’ If ‘DD’ is null1 do Algorithm table lookup on lists ‘D’ and ‘5’ only if Algorithm table: lookup fails Invoke Algorithm table lookup on the lists ‘D’ and ‘S’ only if Algorithm lookup fails once again Generate a list ‘P’ of arrays that generate messages. sort the arrays in the list ‘P’ in increasing order of the number of messages generated 4 Examples In this section we use a simple example to show how ADDT uses the algorithms presented in the previous section. In practice ADDT handles much harder programs. Let the number of processors be p = 10. ‘S’ = ‘S’ _ cp9 Add elements from list ‘P’ into list ‘S’ and do a table lookup for each addition Whenever the table lookup is successful put the obtained distributions into ‘DD’ The commlunication cost for that distribution is the communication requirements of the elements remaining in ‘P’ Example 4.1 integer a(5, IO, IO), b(5, IO, 10) doall i = I, n doall j = 1, m doall k = 1, m-l a($ j, k) = b[i, j, k) + b(i, j+l, enddo enddo enddo endfor Figure 3: Algorithm Conference on System Sciences - to obtain a data distribution k+2) For example 4.1 ADDT constructs the list ‘L’; ‘L’ = (b(i, j, k), b(i, j+l, k+2), a(i, j, k)). For the rest of the discussion of this example we’ll represent ‘L’ as ‘L’ = (A:, A& Ai)4 where At is b(i, j, k), Ai is b(i, j+l, k+2) and At is a(i, j, k). The basis for this naming is that array b is represented in the rest of this section as A2 and array a is represented as Al. ‘The list ‘S’ = ( C-6 A% V:, A?>, C-42,, A:) CA:, A;}, @;, -4% ‘I‘L’, ‘S’, ‘D’ are lists not sets and the order of the elements in the lists is important and an element can be repeated. 561 Proceedings of the 1996 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-29) 1060-3425/96 $10.00 © 1996 IEEE Proceedings of the 29th Annual Hawaii Zntemational Conference on System Sciences The list ‘D’ is (&(OCC), &2(OCC), Or1(000), and stride alignments for Fortran 77 programs to obtain static distributions for the program. Ramanujam and Sadayappan [27] h ave used linear algebra methods to obtain a static distribution for a restricted class of programs. Garcia et al. [lo] use a communication parallelism gmph in which each node represents a dimension of an array while the weight of an edge reflects the cost of the alignment of the nodes it connects. They use hyper-edges to represent the parallelism in the program. The communication parallelism graph for a program captures the communication and parallelism constraints for the program. These constraints are formulated as a O-l integer programming problem to obtain the alignment distribution for the arrays. They obtain static distributions for a program. They support distribution on only one dimension of the array but have outlined an extension of their method to support multi-dimensional distribution. Chatterjee et al. [5,6,28] obtain an alignment-distribution for a program as a two phase procedure. They do alignment first and then obtain a distribution. They represent a program using an alignment distribution graph. Each node in the graph corresponds to an array operation. An edge connects the definition of an array object to its use. The cost of doing an operation under a distribution and the cost of communication are represented using two sparse matrices [28]. They use graph contraction [28] to reduce the size of the original alignmentdistribution graph. In a subsequent paper [6] they present an approach to solve the distribution problem. They use a heuristic based method to locate optimally static subsets (subsets of the alignment distribution graph over which the distribution is static) and then obtain a distribution to minimize program completion time. Kremer [18] proved that dynamic distribution is NP-complete. Kremer et al. [16,2] obtain a dynamic distribution for a program. They divide the program into distribution phases and use a heuristic to build candidate spaces for each distribution phase. They then formulate the alignmentdistribution problem for the program as a O-l integer programming problem and solve it using CPLEX. Drr(OOO), D21(OCC99. The access pattern descriptors are OCC, 000, 000, OCC, OCC5. The algorithm table lookup takes the first descriptor OCC, and the corresponding elements of the lists ‘S’, ‘L’, and ‘D’. This descriptor has three elements. It looks up in a table for each element of this descriptor.After looking up the first element of the first descriptor algorithm table lookup assigns to array A2 a block size 2 l(this means that array A2 can have any value of block size _> 1). It then picks up the next element of the descriptor OCC, looks up the table and sets the block-size of array A2 to 50 which is the size of the first two dimensions. It then picks up the last element of the descriptor OCC, looks up the table but now the only matching entry has a block size of 500 which is the size of the first three dimensions. This block size is unacceptable because it will keep only one processor busy and there are 10 processors. At this stage the algorithm table lookup goes back to the second element of the descriptor, OCC and runs it through the table. This time the matching entry has a block size of 1 and a repetition vector of (5). The algorithm table lookup then picks up the last element of the descriptor, OCC, looks up the table and finds a match with a block size of 1 and an extension of the repetition vector obtained earlier. The repetition vector is now (5, 100). ADDT repeats this process for the other elements in the list ‘D’ and finally obtains the data distribution for array ‘a’ and ‘b’. This distribution has a block size of 1 and a repetition vector of (5, 1009. Th algorithms are in the worst case exponential in the number of dimensions of an array. But since programs rarely have arrays with more than 6 or 7 dimensions our approach selects candidate distributions quickly. 5 Related Work Li and Chen defined a component afinity g~aph[20] to represent alignment information. The nodes of the component affinity graph represent dimensions of array references while edges represent desired alignments and the weights on the edges represent the importance of the matching. Li and Chen devised a heuristic solution for axis alignment using weighted bipartite graph matching. Gupta and Banerjee [12,13,11] modified the edge weights in the component afinity graph to reflect communication cost penalties if the alignment preference is not met. Gupta’s algorithm handles axis 5Look at the algorithm tom are generated. in figure 1996 6 Experimental Results The data distributions obtained by running ADDT on some example programs is shown in table 6. All of these programs are sequential FORTRAN programs. The sequential programs were first parallelized using Parafrase-2. The output from Parafrase-2 is a parallel program for shared memory machines. This parallel program was input to ADDT. The results of the analysis performed by ADDT are shown in Table 6. Since ADDT does not yet perform the second phase of the 2 to see how these descrip- 562 Proceedings of the 1996 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-29) 1060-3425/96 $10.00 © 1996 IEEE Proceedings of the 29th Annual Hawaii International Speedup Values on F’V M a References P Jennifer M Anderson, Saman P. Amarasinghe, and Monica Lam. Data and computation transformations for multiprocessors. In ACM SZGPLAN Symposium on Principlea and Practice of Parallel Progrtamming, July 1995. Santa Barbara, CA. ~~: 256X256 512X512 Jacobi’ Erlebacher Hoagland’s’ Program ’ These programs are from ] 2 1 2.5 M 2 1.0 1 4.8 I 6.7 x3 1.2 R Bixby, K. Kennedy, and U. Kremer. Automatic data layout using O-l integer programming. Technical Report CRPC-TR93-349-S, Centre for Research on Parallel Computation, Rice Univ., November 1993. ) 6.2 I M 10 ~8 1.1 the set of examples Z. Bozkus, A. Choudhary, G. Fox, T. Haupt, and S. Ranka. 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